Glossary and Vocabulary for Old History of the Five Dynasties 舊五代史, 卷二十七 唐書3: 莊宗本紀一 Volume 27 Book of Later Tang 3: Zhuangzong Annals 1

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 79 zhī to go 武皇帝之長子也
2 79 zhī to arrive; to go 武皇帝之長子也
3 79 zhī is 武皇帝之長子也
4 79 zhī to use 武皇帝之長子也
5 79 zhī Zhi 武皇帝之長子也
6 79 zhī winding 武皇帝之長子也
7 60 emperor; supreme ruler 生帝於晉陽宮
8 60 the ruler of Heaven 生帝於晉陽宮
9 60 a god 生帝於晉陽宮
10 60 imperialism 生帝於晉陽宮
11 45 to use; to grasp 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
12 45 to rely on 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
13 45 to regard 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
14 45 to be able to 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
15 45 to order; to command 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
16 45 used after a verb 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
17 45 a reason; a cause 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
18 45 Israel 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
19 45 Yi 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
20 44 to go; to 生帝於晉陽宮
21 44 to rely on; to depend on 生帝於晉陽宮
22 44 Yu 生帝於晉陽宮
23 44 a crow 生帝於晉陽宮
24 41 liáng a bridge 梁將氏叔琮
25 41 liáng Liang Dynasty 梁將氏叔琮
26 41 liáng City of Liang 梁將氏叔琮
27 41 liáng State of Liang 梁將氏叔琮
28 41 liáng Liang 梁將氏叔琮
29 41 liáng a beam; rafters 梁將氏叔琮
30 41 liáng a fishing sluice 梁將氏叔琮
31 41 liáng to lose footing 梁將氏叔琮
32 41 liáng State of Liang 梁將氏叔琮
33 41 liáng a ridge 梁將氏叔琮
34 41 liáng later Liang 梁將氏叔琮
35 38 jūn army; military 且請製置軍府
36 38 jūn soldiers; troops 且請製置軍府
37 38 jūn an organized collective 且請製置軍府
38 38 jūn to garrison; to stay an an encampment 且請製置軍府
39 38 jūn a garrison 且請製置軍府
40 38 jūn a front 且請製置軍府
41 38 jūn penal miltary service 且請製置軍府
42 38 jūn to organize troops 且請製置軍府
43 34 Qi 因撫其背曰
44 33 jiàng a general; a high ranking officer 梁將氏叔琮
45 33 jiāng to progress; to transmit; to convey; to send 梁將氏叔琮
46 33 jiàng to command; to lead 梁將氏叔琮
47 33 qiāng to request 梁將氏叔琮
48 33 jiāng to bring; to take; to use; to hold 梁將氏叔琮
49 33 jiāng to support; to wait upon; to take care of 梁將氏叔琮
50 33 jiāng to checkmate 梁將氏叔琮
51 33 jiāng to goad; to incite; to provoke 梁將氏叔琮
52 33 jiāng to do; to handle 梁將氏叔琮
53 33 jiàng backbone 梁將氏叔琮
54 33 jiàng king 梁將氏叔琮
55 33 jiāng to rest 梁將氏叔琮
56 33 jiàng a senior member of an organization 梁將氏叔琮
57 33 jiāng large; great 梁將氏叔琮
58 33 wéi to act as; to serve 及為嬰兒
59 33 wéi to change into; to become 及為嬰兒
60 33 wéi to be; is 及為嬰兒
61 33 wéi to do 及為嬰兒
62 33 wèi to support; to help 及為嬰兒
63 33 wéi to govern 及為嬰兒
64 26 rén person; people; a human being 時人號曰
65 26 rén Kangxi radical 9 時人號曰
66 26 rén a kind of person 時人號曰
67 26 rén everybody 時人號曰
68 26 rén adult 時人號曰
69 26 rén somebody; others 時人號曰
70 26 rén an upright person 時人號曰
71 26 wáng Wang 比之嗣王
72 26 wáng a king 比之嗣王
73 26 wáng Kangxi radical 96 比之嗣王
74 26 wàng to be king; to rule 比之嗣王
75 26 wáng a prince; a duke 比之嗣王
76 26 wáng grand; great 比之嗣王
77 26 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 比之嗣王
78 26 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 比之嗣王
79 26 wáng the head of a group or gang 比之嗣王
80 26 wáng the biggest or best of a group 比之嗣王
81 23 ér Kangxi radical 126 因奉觴作樂而罷
82 23 ér as if; to seem like 因奉觴作樂而罷
83 23 néng can; able 因奉觴作樂而罷
84 23 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 因奉觴作樂而罷
85 23 ér to arrive; up to 因奉觴作樂而罷
86 22 bīng soldier; troops 部下皆北邊勁兵
87 22 bīng weapons 部下皆北邊勁兵
88 22 bīng military; warfare 部下皆北邊勁兵
89 21 yuē to speak; to say 母曰貞簡皇后曹氏
90 21 yuē Kangxi radical 73 母曰貞簡皇后曹氏
91 21 yuē to be called 母曰貞簡皇后曹氏
92 21 周德威 zhōu déwēi Zhou Dewei 周德威宿兵於亂柳
93 19 martial; military 武皇帝之長子也
94 19 a battle; (military) force 武皇帝之長子也
95 19 martial arts 武皇帝之長子也
96 19 a footstep; a footprint; half a step 武皇帝之長子也
97 19 a fighter; a warrior; a soldier 武皇帝之長子也
98 19 half a step 武皇帝之長子也
99 19 Wu; Sacrificial odes of Zhou 武皇帝之長子也
100 19 Wu 武皇帝之長子也
101 19 warlike; fierce; valiant; violent 武皇帝之長子也
102 19 to continue; to succeed 武皇帝之長子也
103 19 shī teacher 擊彼驕惰之師
104 19 shī multitude 擊彼驕惰之師
105 19 shī a host; a leader 擊彼驕惰之師
106 19 shī an expert 擊彼驕惰之師
107 19 shī an example; a model 擊彼驕惰之師
108 19 shī master 擊彼驕惰之師
109 19 shī a capital city; a well protected place 擊彼驕惰之師
110 19 shī Shi 擊彼驕惰之師
111 19 shī to imitate 擊彼驕惰之師
112 19 shī troops 擊彼驕惰之師
113 19 shī shi 擊彼驕惰之師
114 19 shī an army division 擊彼驕惰之師
115 19 shī the 7th hexagram 擊彼驕惰之師
116 19 shī a lion 擊彼驕惰之師
117 19 zhèn town 蜀三鎮復大舉攻長安
118 19 zhèn to press down; to pressure; to suppress 蜀三鎮復大舉攻長安
119 19 zhèn to pacify; to quell 蜀三鎮復大舉攻長安
120 19 zhèn market place 蜀三鎮復大舉攻長安
121 19 zhèn to cool down 蜀三鎮復大舉攻長安
122 19 zhèn to defend 蜀三鎮復大舉攻長安
123 19 zhèn most important 蜀三鎮復大舉攻長安
124 19 zhèn Saturn 蜀三鎮復大舉攻長安
125 19 zhèn to ward off evil 蜀三鎮復大舉攻長安
126 19 zhì Kangxi radical 133 監軍使張承業排闥至廬所
127 19 zhì to arrive 監軍使張承業排闥至廬所
128 18 zhōu a state; a province 隰州刺史
129 18 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 隰州刺史
130 18 zhōu a prefecture 隰州刺史
131 18 zhōu a country 隰州刺史
132 18 zhōu an island 隰州刺史
133 18 zhōu Zhou 隰州刺史
134 18 zhōu autonomous prefecture 隰州刺史
135 18 zhōu a country 隰州刺史
136 18 Li 會李存顥以陰計幹克寧曰
137 18 plum 會李存顥以陰計幹克寧曰
138 18 envoy; judge 會李存顥以陰計幹克寧曰
139 17 huáng royal; imperial 武皇特所鍾愛
140 17 huáng a ruler; a monarch 武皇特所鍾愛
141 17 huáng majestic; glorious 武皇特所鍾愛
142 17 huáng a horse with mixed colors 武皇特所鍾愛
143 17 huáng grand; superior 武皇特所鍾愛
144 17 huáng nervous 武皇特所鍾愛
145 17 huáng beautiful 武皇特所鍾愛
146 17 huáng heaven 武皇特所鍾愛
147 17 huáng Huang 武皇特所鍾愛
148 17 huáng to rectify 武皇特所鍾愛
149 17 nǎi to be 太祖乃征兵於燕
150 16 shí time; a point or period of time 妊時
151 16 shí a season; a quarter of a year 妊時
152 16 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 妊時
153 16 shí fashionable 妊時
154 16 shí fate; destiny; luck 妊時
155 16 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 妊時
156 16 shí tense 妊時
157 16 shí particular; special 妊時
158 16 shí to plant; to cultivate 妊時
159 16 shí an era; a dynasty 妊時
160 16 shí time [abstract] 妊時
161 16 shí seasonal 妊時
162 16 shí to wait upon 妊時
163 16 shí hour 妊時
164 16 shí appropriate; proper; timely 妊時
165 16 shí Shi 妊時
166 16 shí a present; currentlt 妊時
167 16 qiǎn to send; to dispatch 帝遣張承業率師赴之
168 16 qiǎn to banish; to exile 帝遣張承業率師赴之
169 16 qiǎn to release 帝遣張承業率師赴之
170 16 qiǎn to divorce 帝遣張承業率師赴之
171 16 qiǎn to eliminate 帝遣張承業率師赴之
172 16 qiǎn to cause 帝遣張承業率師赴之
173 16 qiǎn to use; to apply 帝遣張承業率師赴之
174 16 qiàn to bring to a grave 帝遣張承業率師赴之
175 15 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 初令入覲獻捷
176 15 lìng to issue a command 初令入覲獻捷
177 15 lìng rules of behavior; customs 初令入覲獻捷
178 15 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 初令入覲獻捷
179 15 lìng a season 初令入覲獻捷
180 15 lìng respected; good reputation 初令入覲獻捷
181 15 lìng good 初令入覲獻捷
182 15 lìng pretentious 初令入覲獻捷
183 15 lìng a transcending state of existence 初令入覲獻捷
184 15 lìng a commander 初令入覲獻捷
185 15 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 初令入覲獻捷
186 15 lìng lyrics 初令入覲獻捷
187 15 lìng Ling 初令入覲獻捷
188 15 cún to exist; to survive 諱存勖
189 15 cún to store; to keep 諱存勖
190 15 cún to collect; to accumulate 諱存勖
191 15 cún to deposit; to save 諱存勖
192 15 cún to retain 諱存勖
193 15 cún on the balance; in stock 諱存勖
194 15 cún to cherish 諱存勖
195 15 cún to raise 諱存勖
196 15 gōng to attack; to assault 今朱氏攻逼乘輿
197 15 gōng to discredit; to impugn; to criticize 今朱氏攻逼乘輿
198 15 gōng to remedy; to cure 今朱氏攻逼乘輿
199 15 gōng to work at; to handle 今朱氏攻逼乘輿
200 15 gōng workmanship; expertise 今朱氏攻逼乘輿
201 15 gōng exaction by the state 今朱氏攻逼乘輿
202 15 gōng sturdy; strong 今朱氏攻逼乘輿
203 15 gōng to govern; to administer 今朱氏攻逼乘輿
204 15 gōng Gong 今朱氏攻逼乘輿
205 15 sān three 應三州為屬郡
206 15 sān third 應三州為屬郡
207 15 sān more than two 應三州為屬郡
208 15 sān very few 應三州為屬郡
209 15 sān San 應三州為屬郡
210 14 chéng a city; a town 既而丁會果以城來降
211 14 chéng a city wall 既而丁會果以城來降
212 14 chéng to fortify 既而丁會果以城來降
213 14 chéng a fort; a citadel 既而丁會果以城來降
214 14 ancestor; forefather 梁祖使人鴆之也
215 14 paternal grandparent 梁祖使人鴆之也
216 14 patriarch; founder 梁祖使人鴆之也
217 14 to found; to initiate 梁祖使人鴆之也
218 14 to follow the example of 梁祖使人鴆之也
219 14 to sacrifice before going on a journey 梁祖使人鴆之也
220 14 ancestral temple 梁祖使人鴆之也
221 14 to give a farewell dinner 梁祖使人鴆之也
222 14 be familiar with 梁祖使人鴆之也
223 14 Zu 梁祖使人鴆之也
224 14 to reach 及為嬰兒
225 14 to attain 及為嬰兒
226 14 to understand 及為嬰兒
227 14 able to be compared to; to catch up with 及為嬰兒
228 14 to be involved with; to associate with 及為嬰兒
229 14 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 及為嬰兒
230 14 infix potential marker 沈厚不群
231 14 Germany 季父勳德俱高
232 14 virtue; morality; ethics; character 季父勳德俱高
233 14 kindness; favor 季父勳德俱高
234 14 conduct; behavior 季父勳德俱高
235 14 to be grateful 季父勳德俱高
236 14 heart; intention 季父勳德俱高
237 14 De 季父勳德俱高
238 14 potency; natural power 季父勳德俱高
239 14 wholesome; good 季父勳德俱高
240 13 zhāng Zhang 召監軍張承業
241 13 zhāng to open; to draw [a bow] 召監軍張承業
242 13 zhāng idea; thought 召監軍張承業
243 13 zhāng to fix strings 召監軍張承業
244 13 zhāng to unfold; to unroll; to stretch 召監軍張承業
245 13 zhāng to boast; to exaggerate 召監軍張承業
246 13 zhāng to expand; to magnify 召監軍張承業
247 13 zhāng to display; to exhibit; to publish 召監軍張承業
248 13 zhāng to catch animals with a net 召監軍張承業
249 13 zhāng to spy on; to look 召監軍張承業
250 13 zhāng large 召監軍張承業
251 13 zhàng swollen 召監軍張承業
252 13 zhāng Zhang [constellation] 召監軍張承業
253 13 zhāng to open a new business 召監軍張承業
254 13 zhāng to fear 召監軍張承業
255 13 wēi prestige; majesty 梁將李思安屢為德威所敗
256 13 wēi to threaten; to compell 梁將李思安屢為德威所敗
257 13 wēi a climbing vine; clematis 梁將李思安屢為德威所敗
258 13 wēi to inspire awe 梁將李思安屢為德威所敗
259 13 wēi power; might 梁將李思安屢為德威所敗
260 13 wēi Wei 梁將李思安屢為德威所敗
261 13 suǒ a few; various; some 武皇特所鍾愛
262 13 suǒ a place; a location 武皇特所鍾愛
263 13 suǒ indicates a passive voice 武皇特所鍾愛
264 13 suǒ an ordinal number 武皇特所鍾愛
265 13 suǒ meaning 武皇特所鍾愛
266 13 suǒ garrison 武皇特所鍾愛
267 13 rate; frequency; proportion; ratio 帝率親軍伏三垂崗下
268 13 shuài to lead; command 帝率親軍伏三垂崗下
269 13 shuài hasty; rash; careless 帝率親軍伏三垂崗下
270 13 a rule; a standard; a limit 帝率親軍伏三垂崗下
271 13 shuài candid; straightforward; frank 帝率親軍伏三垂崗下
272 13 shuài to obey; to follow 帝率親軍伏三垂崗下
273 13 shuài a model; an example 帝率親軍伏三垂崗下
274 13 shuài a bird catching net 帝率親軍伏三垂崗下
275 13 shuài a leader; an army commander 帝率親軍伏三垂崗下
276 13 to calculate 帝率親軍伏三垂崗下
277 13 shuài Shuai 帝率親軍伏三垂崗下
278 12 yīn cause; reason 因撫其背曰
279 12 yīn to accord with 因撫其背曰
280 12 yīn to follow 因撫其背曰
281 12 yīn to rely on 因撫其背曰
282 12 yīn via; through 因撫其背曰
283 12 yīn to continue 因撫其背曰
284 12 yīn to receive 因撫其背曰
285 12 yīn to continue the same pattern; to imitate an existing model; to adapt 因撫其背曰
286 12 yīn to seize an opportunity 因撫其背曰
287 12 yīn to be like 因撫其背曰
288 12 yīn a standrd; a criterion 因撫其背曰
289 12 wèi Wei Dynasty
290 12 wèi State of Wei
291 12 wèi Cao Wei
292 12 wéi tall and big
293 12 wèi Wei [surname]
294 12 wèi a watchtower
295 12 wèi a palace
296 12 wéi to stand solitary and unmoving
297 12 nián year 帝時年十一
298 12 nián New Year festival 帝時年十一
299 12 nián age 帝時年十一
300 12 nián life span; life expectancy 帝時年十一
301 12 nián an era; a period 帝時年十一
302 12 nián a date 帝時年十一
303 12 nián time; years 帝時年十一
304 12 nián harvest 帝時年十一
305 12 nián annual; every year 帝時年十一
306 12 Kangxi radical 132 手自繕寫
307 12 Zi 手自繕寫
308 12 a nose 手自繕寫
309 12 the beginning; the start 手自繕寫
310 12 origin 手自繕寫
311 12 to employ; to use 手自繕寫
312 12 to be 手自繕寫
313 11 róng to fuse; to melt; to smelt 鎮州王鎔遣使來求援
314 11 róng a mold 鎮州王鎔遣使來求援
315 11 ān calm; still; quiet; peaceful 保家安親
316 11 ān to calm; to pacify 保家安親
317 11 ān safe; secure 保家安親
318 11 ān comfortable; happy 保家安親
319 11 ān to find a place for 保家安親
320 11 ān to install; to fix; to fit 保家安親
321 11 ān to be content 保家安親
322 11 ān to cherish 保家安親
323 11 ān to bestow; to confer 保家安親
324 11 ān amphetamine 保家安親
325 11 ān ampere 保家安親
326 11 ān to add; to submit 保家安親
327 11 ān to reside; to live at 保家安親
328 11 ān to be used to; to be familiar with 保家安親
329 11 ān an 保家安親
330 11 níng Nanjing 時振武節度使克寧
331 11 níng peaceful 時振武節度使克寧
332 11 níng repose; serenity; peace 時振武節度使克寧
333 11 níng to pacify 時振武節度使克寧
334 11 níng to return home 時振武節度使克寧
335 11 nìng Ning 時振武節度使克寧
336 11 níng to visit 時振武節度使克寧
337 11 níng to mourn for parents 時振武節度使克寧
338 11 níng Ningxia 時振武節度使克寧
339 11 zhù space between main doorwary and a screen 時振武節度使克寧
340 11 tiān day 天祐五年春正月
341 11 tiān heaven 天祐五年春正月
342 11 tiān nature 天祐五年春正月
343 11 tiān sky 天祐五年春正月
344 11 tiān weather 天祐五年春正月
345 11 tiān father; husband 天祐五年春正月
346 11 tiān a necessity 天祐五年春正月
347 11 tiān season 天祐五年春正月
348 11 tiān destiny 天祐五年春正月
349 11 tiān very high; sky high [prices] 天祐五年春正月
350 11 desire 欲謀為亂
351 11 to desire; to wish 欲謀為亂
352 11 to desire; to intend 欲謀為亂
353 11 lust 欲謀為亂
354 11 suì to comply with; to follow along 遂靖其難
355 11 suì to advance 遂靖其難
356 11 suì to follow through; to achieve 遂靖其難
357 11 suì to follow smoothly 遂靖其難
358 11 suì an area the capital 遂靖其難
359 11 suì a dish underneath a chime; a ditch 遂靖其難
360 11 suì a flint 遂靖其難
361 11 suì to satisfy 遂靖其難
362 11 suì to propose; to nominate 遂靖其難
363 11 suì to grow 遂靖其難
364 11 suì to use up; to stop 遂靖其難
365 11 suì sleeve used in archery 遂靖其難
366 10 to ride an animal or bicycle 便射騎
367 10 to straddle 便射騎
368 10 a mounted soldier 便射騎
369 10 a mount; a horse with a saddle 便射騎
370 10 柏鄉 bǎixiāng Baixiang 景仁營於柏鄉
371 10 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 物不極則不反
372 10 a grade; a level 物不極則不反
373 10 an example; a model 物不極則不反
374 10 a weighing device 物不極則不反
375 10 to grade; to rank 物不極則不反
376 10 to copy; to imitate; to follow 物不極則不反
377 10 to do 物不極則不反
378 10 使 shǐ to make; to cause 監軍使張承業排闥至廬所
379 10 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 監軍使張承業排闥至廬所
380 10 使 shǐ to indulge 監軍使張承業排闥至廬所
381 10 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 監軍使張承業排闥至廬所
382 10 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 監軍使張承業排闥至廬所
383 10 使 shǐ to dispatch 監軍使張承業排闥至廬所
384 10 使 shǐ to use 監軍使張承業排闥至廬所
385 10 使 shǐ to be able to 監軍使張承業排闥至廬所
386 10 lái to come 既而丁會果以城來降
387 10 lái please 既而丁會果以城來降
388 10 lái used to substitute for another verb 既而丁會果以城來降
389 10 lái used between two word groups to express purpose and effect 既而丁會果以城來降
390 10 lái wheat 既而丁會果以城來降
391 10 lái next; future 既而丁會果以城來降
392 10 lái a simple complement of direction 既而丁會果以城來降
393 10 lái to occur; to arise 既而丁會果以城來降
394 10 lái to earn 既而丁會果以城來降
395 10 承業 chéng yè to receive an inheritance 召監軍張承業
396 10 to prevail; to defeat 時振武節度使克寧
397 10 to subdue; to restrain; to limit 時振武節度使克寧
398 10 to cut down; to harm 時振武節度使克寧
399 10 to exploit; embezzle 時振武節度使克寧
400 10 severe; harsh 時振武節度使克寧
401 10 to set a date; to set a time limit 時振武節度使克寧
402 10 to digest 時振武節度使克寧
403 9 liù six 朱氏今有六七
404 9 liù sixth 朱氏今有六七
405 9 liù a note on the Gongche scale 朱氏今有六七
406 9 liú Liu 及滄州劉守文為梁朝所攻
407 9 liú an axe; a hatchet 及滄州劉守文為梁朝所攻
408 9 liú to massacre; to slaughter 及滄州劉守文為梁朝所攻
409 9 liú sparse; scattered 及滄州劉守文為梁朝所攻
410 9 biàn Bian River 汴人方寇潞州
411 9 biàn Henan 汴人方寇潞州
412 9 biàn Bian 汴人方寇潞州
413 9 rén a kernel; a pit 其父仁恭遣使乞師
414 9 rén benevolent; humane 其父仁恭遣使乞師
415 9 rén benevolence; humanity 其父仁恭遣使乞師
416 9 rén a benevolent person 其父仁恭遣使乞師
417 9 rén kindness 其父仁恭遣使乞師
418 9 rén polite form of address 其父仁恭遣使乞師
419 9 rén to pity 其父仁恭遣使乞師
420 9 rén a person 其父仁恭遣使乞師
421 9 rén Ren 其父仁恭遣使乞師
422 9 節度使 jiédùshǐ military commissioner; jiedushi 時振武節度使克寧
423 9 huì can; be able to 既而丁會果以城來降
424 9 huì able to 既而丁會果以城來降
425 9 huì a meeting; a conference; an assembly 既而丁會果以城來降
426 9 kuài to balance an account 既而丁會果以城來降
427 9 huì to assemble 既而丁會果以城來降
428 9 huì to meet 既而丁會果以城來降
429 9 huì a temple fair 既而丁會果以城來降
430 9 huì a religious assembly 既而丁會果以城來降
431 9 huì an association; a society 既而丁會果以城來降
432 9 huì a national or provincial capital 既而丁會果以城來降
433 9 huì an opportunity 既而丁會果以城來降
434 9 huì to understand 既而丁會果以城來降
435 9 huì to be familiar with; to know 既而丁會果以城來降
436 9 huì to be possible; to be likely 既而丁會果以城來降
437 9 huì to be good at 既而丁會果以城來降
438 9 huì a moment 既而丁會果以城來降
439 9 huì to happen to 既而丁會果以城來降
440 9 huì to pay 既而丁會果以城來降
441 9 huì a meeting place 既而丁會果以城來降
442 9 kuài the seam of a cap 既而丁會果以城來降
443 9 huì in accordance with 既而丁會果以城來降
444 9 huì imperial civil service examination 既而丁會果以城來降
445 9 huì to have sexual intercourse 既而丁會果以城來降
446 9 huì Hui 既而丁會果以城來降
447 8 qǐng to ask; to inquire 請依顧命
448 8 qíng circumstances; state of affairs; situation 請依顧命
449 8 qǐng to beg; to entreat 請依顧命
450 8 qǐng please 請依顧命
451 8 qǐng to request 請依顧命
452 8 qǐng to hire; to employ; to engage 請依顧命
453 8 qǐng to make an appointment 請依顧命
454 8 qǐng to greet 請依顧命
455 8 qǐng to invite 請依顧命
456 8 qiān one thousand 丁延徽督魏軍三千人入於深
457 8 qiān many; numerous; countless 丁延徽督魏軍三千人入於深
458 8 qiān a cheat; swindler 丁延徽督魏軍三千人入於深
459 8 qiān Qian 丁延徽督魏軍三千人入於深
460 8 zéi thief 賊平
461 8 zéi to injure; to harm 賊平
462 8 zéi a traitor; an evildoer; an enemy 賊平
463 8 zéi evil 賊平
464 8 wén to hear 帝聞之
465 8 wén Wen 帝聞之
466 8 wén sniff at; to smell 帝聞之
467 8 wén to be widely known 帝聞之
468 8 wén to confirm; to accept 帝聞之
469 8 wén information 帝聞之
470 8 wèn famous; well known 帝聞之
471 8 wén knowledge; learning 帝聞之
472 8 wèn popularity; prestige; reputation 帝聞之
473 8 wén to question 帝聞之
474 8 zhī to know 然知其陰禍有日矣
475 8 zhī to comprehend 然知其陰禍有日矣
476 8 zhī to inform; to tell 然知其陰禍有日矣
477 8 zhī to administer 然知其陰禍有日矣
478 8 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 然知其陰禍有日矣
479 8 zhī to be close friends 然知其陰禍有日矣
480 8 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 然知其陰禍有日矣
481 8 zhī to receive; to entertain 然知其陰禍有日矣
482 8 zhī knowledge 然知其陰禍有日矣
483 8 zhī consciousness; perception 然知其陰禍有日矣
484 8 zhī a close friend 然知其陰禍有日矣
485 8 zhì wisdom 然知其陰禍有日矣
486 8 zhì Zhi 然知其陰禍有日矣
487 8 zhī to appreciate 然知其陰禍有日矣
488 8 zhī to make known 然知其陰禍有日矣
489 8 zhī to have control over 然知其陰禍有日矣
490 8 zhī to expect; to foresee 然知其陰禍有日矣
491 8 to give 惟我與仁恭爾
492 8 to accompany 惟我與仁恭爾
493 8 to particate in 惟我與仁恭爾
494 8 of the same kind 惟我與仁恭爾
495 8 to help 惟我與仁恭爾
496 8 for 惟我與仁恭爾
497 8 seven 朱氏今有六七
498 8 a genre of poetry 朱氏今有六七
499 8 seventh day memorial ceremony 朱氏今有六七
500 8 to think; consider; to ponder 梁將李思安屢為德威所敗

Frequencies of all Words

Top 937

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 79 zhī him; her; them; that 武皇帝之長子也
2 79 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 武皇帝之長子也
3 79 zhī to go 武皇帝之長子也
4 79 zhī this; that 武皇帝之長子也
5 79 zhī genetive marker 武皇帝之長子也
6 79 zhī it 武皇帝之長子也
7 79 zhī in; in regards to 武皇帝之長子也
8 79 zhī all 武皇帝之長子也
9 79 zhī and 武皇帝之長子也
10 79 zhī however 武皇帝之長子也
11 79 zhī if 武皇帝之長子也
12 79 zhī then 武皇帝之長子也
13 79 zhī to arrive; to go 武皇帝之長子也
14 79 zhī is 武皇帝之長子也
15 79 zhī to use 武皇帝之長子也
16 79 zhī Zhi 武皇帝之長子也
17 79 zhī winding 武皇帝之長子也
18 60 emperor; supreme ruler 生帝於晉陽宮
19 60 the ruler of Heaven 生帝於晉陽宮
20 60 a god 生帝於晉陽宮
21 60 imperialism 生帝於晉陽宮
22 45 so as to; in order to 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
23 45 to use; to regard as 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
24 45 to use; to grasp 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
25 45 according to 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
26 45 because of 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
27 45 on a certain date 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
28 45 and; as well as 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
29 45 to rely on 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
30 45 to regard 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
31 45 to be able to 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
32 45 to order; to command 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
33 45 further; moreover 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
34 45 used after a verb 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
35 45 very 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
36 45 already 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
37 45 increasingly 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
38 45 a reason; a cause 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
39 45 Israel 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
40 45 Yi 以唐光啟元年歲在乙巳
41 44 in; at 生帝於晉陽宮
42 44 in; at 生帝於晉陽宮
43 44 in; at; to; from 生帝於晉陽宮
44 44 to go; to 生帝於晉陽宮
45 44 to rely on; to depend on 生帝於晉陽宮
46 44 to go to; to arrive at 生帝於晉陽宮
47 44 from 生帝於晉陽宮
48 44 give 生帝於晉陽宮
49 44 oppposing 生帝於晉陽宮
50 44 and 生帝於晉陽宮
51 44 compared to 生帝於晉陽宮
52 44 by 生帝於晉陽宮
53 44 and; as well as 生帝於晉陽宮
54 44 for 生帝於晉陽宮
55 44 Yu 生帝於晉陽宮
56 44 a crow 生帝於晉陽宮
57 44 whew; wow 生帝於晉陽宮
58 41 liáng a bridge 梁將氏叔琮
59 41 liáng Liang Dynasty 梁將氏叔琮
60 41 liáng City of Liang 梁將氏叔琮
61 41 liáng State of Liang 梁將氏叔琮
62 41 liáng Liang 梁將氏叔琮
63 41 liáng a beam; rafters 梁將氏叔琮
64 41 liáng a fishing sluice 梁將氏叔琮
65 41 liáng to lose footing 梁將氏叔琮
66 41 liáng State of Liang 梁將氏叔琮
67 41 liáng a ridge 梁將氏叔琮
68 41 liáng later Liang 梁將氏叔琮
69 38 jūn army; military 且請製置軍府
70 38 jūn soldiers; troops 且請製置軍府
71 38 jūn an organized collective 且請製置軍府
72 38 jūn to garrison; to stay an an encampment 且請製置軍府
73 38 jūn a garrison 且請製置軍府
74 38 jūn a front 且請製置軍府
75 38 jūn penal miltary service 且請製置軍府
76 38 jūn to organize troops 且請製置軍府
77 34 his; hers; its; theirs 因撫其背曰
78 34 to add emphasis 因撫其背曰
79 34 used when asking a question in reply to a question 因撫其背曰
80 34 used when making a request or giving an order 因撫其背曰
81 34 he; her; it; them 因撫其背曰
82 34 probably; likely 因撫其背曰
83 34 will 因撫其背曰
84 34 may 因撫其背曰
85 34 if 因撫其背曰
86 34 or 因撫其背曰
87 34 Qi 因撫其背曰
88 33 jiāng will; shall (future tense) 梁將氏叔琮
89 33 jiāng to get; to use; marker for direct-object 梁將氏叔琮
90 33 jiàng a general; a high ranking officer 梁將氏叔琮
91 33 jiāng to progress; to transmit; to convey; to send 梁將氏叔琮
92 33 jiāng and; or 梁將氏叔琮
93 33 jiàng to command; to lead 梁將氏叔琮
94 33 qiāng to request 梁將氏叔琮
95 33 jiāng approximately 梁將氏叔琮
96 33 jiāng to bring; to take; to use; to hold 梁將氏叔琮
97 33 jiāng to support; to wait upon; to take care of 梁將氏叔琮
98 33 jiāng to checkmate 梁將氏叔琮
99 33 jiāng to goad; to incite; to provoke 梁將氏叔琮
100 33 jiāng to do; to handle 梁將氏叔琮
101 33 jiāng placed between a verb and a complement of direction 梁將氏叔琮
102 33 jiāng furthermore; moreover 梁將氏叔琮
103 33 jiàng backbone 梁將氏叔琮
104 33 jiàng king 梁將氏叔琮
105 33 jiāng might; possibly 梁將氏叔琮
106 33 jiāng just; a short time ago 梁將氏叔琮
107 33 jiāng to rest 梁將氏叔琮
108 33 jiāng to the side 梁將氏叔琮
109 33 jiàng a senior member of an organization 梁將氏叔琮
110 33 jiāng large; great 梁將氏叔琮
111 33 wèi for; to 及為嬰兒
112 33 wèi because of 及為嬰兒
113 33 wéi to act as; to serve 及為嬰兒
114 33 wéi to change into; to become 及為嬰兒
115 33 wéi to be; is 及為嬰兒
116 33 wéi to do 及為嬰兒
117 33 wèi for 及為嬰兒
118 33 wèi because of; for; to 及為嬰兒
119 33 wèi to 及為嬰兒
120 33 wéi in a passive construction 及為嬰兒
121 33 wéi forming a rehetorical question 及為嬰兒
122 33 wéi forming an adverb 及為嬰兒
123 33 wéi to add emphasis 及為嬰兒
124 33 wèi to support; to help 及為嬰兒
125 33 wéi to govern 及為嬰兒
126 26 rén person; people; a human being 時人號曰
127 26 rén Kangxi radical 9 時人號曰
128 26 rén a kind of person 時人號曰
129 26 rén everybody 時人號曰
130 26 rén adult 時人號曰
131 26 rén somebody; others 時人號曰
132 26 rén an upright person 時人號曰
133 26 wáng Wang 比之嗣王
134 26 wáng a king 比之嗣王
135 26 wáng Kangxi radical 96 比之嗣王
136 26 wàng to be king; to rule 比之嗣王
137 26 wáng a prince; a duke 比之嗣王
138 26 wáng grand; great 比之嗣王
139 26 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 比之嗣王
140 26 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 比之嗣王
141 26 wáng the head of a group or gang 比之嗣王
142 26 wáng the biggest or best of a group 比之嗣王
143 23 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 因奉觴作樂而罷
144 23 ér Kangxi radical 126 因奉觴作樂而罷
145 23 ér you 因奉觴作樂而罷
146 23 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 因奉觴作樂而罷
147 23 ér right away; then 因奉觴作樂而罷
148 23 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 因奉觴作樂而罷
149 23 ér if; in case; in the event that 因奉觴作樂而罷
150 23 ér therefore; as a result; thus 因奉觴作樂而罷
151 23 ér how can it be that? 因奉觴作樂而罷
152 23 ér so as to 因奉觴作樂而罷
153 23 ér only then 因奉觴作樂而罷
154 23 ér as if; to seem like 因奉觴作樂而罷
155 23 néng can; able 因奉觴作樂而罷
156 23 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 因奉觴作樂而罷
157 23 ér me 因奉觴作樂而罷
158 23 ér to arrive; up to 因奉觴作樂而罷
159 23 ér possessive 因奉觴作樂而罷
160 22 bīng soldier; troops 部下皆北邊勁兵
161 22 bīng weapons 部下皆北邊勁兵
162 22 bīng military; warfare 部下皆北邊勁兵
163 21 yuē to speak; to say 母曰貞簡皇后曹氏
164 21 yuē Kangxi radical 73 母曰貞簡皇后曹氏
165 21 yuē to be called 母曰貞簡皇后曹氏
166 21 yuē particle without meaning 母曰貞簡皇后曹氏
167 21 周德威 zhōu déwēi Zhou Dewei 周德威宿兵於亂柳
168 19 martial; military 武皇帝之長子也
169 19 a battle; (military) force 武皇帝之長子也
170 19 martial arts 武皇帝之長子也
171 19 a footstep; a footprint; half a step 武皇帝之長子也
172 19 a fighter; a warrior; a soldier 武皇帝之長子也
173 19 half a step 武皇帝之長子也
174 19 Wu; Sacrificial odes of Zhou 武皇帝之長子也
175 19 Wu 武皇帝之長子也
176 19 warlike; fierce; valiant; violent 武皇帝之長子也
177 19 to continue; to succeed 武皇帝之長子也
178 19 shī teacher 擊彼驕惰之師
179 19 shī multitude 擊彼驕惰之師
180 19 shī a host; a leader 擊彼驕惰之師
181 19 shī an expert 擊彼驕惰之師
182 19 shī an example; a model 擊彼驕惰之師
183 19 shī master 擊彼驕惰之師
184 19 shī a capital city; a well protected place 擊彼驕惰之師
185 19 shī Shi 擊彼驕惰之師
186 19 shī to imitate 擊彼驕惰之師
187 19 shī troops 擊彼驕惰之師
188 19 shī shi 擊彼驕惰之師
189 19 shī an army division 擊彼驕惰之師
190 19 shī the 7th hexagram 擊彼驕惰之師
191 19 shī a lion 擊彼驕惰之師
192 19 zhèn town 蜀三鎮復大舉攻長安
193 19 zhèn to press down; to pressure; to suppress 蜀三鎮復大舉攻長安
194 19 zhèn to pacify; to quell 蜀三鎮復大舉攻長安
195 19 zhèn market place 蜀三鎮復大舉攻長安
196 19 zhèn to cool down 蜀三鎮復大舉攻長安
197 19 zhèn completely; fully 蜀三鎮復大舉攻長安
198 19 zhèn to defend 蜀三鎮復大舉攻長安
199 19 zhèn most important 蜀三鎮復大舉攻長安
200 19 zhèn Saturn 蜀三鎮復大舉攻長安
201 19 zhèn regularly 蜀三鎮復大舉攻長安
202 19 zhèn to ward off evil 蜀三鎮復大舉攻長安
203 19 zhì to; until 監軍使張承業排闥至廬所
204 19 zhì Kangxi radical 133 監軍使張承業排闥至廬所
205 19 zhì extremely; very; most 監軍使張承業排闥至廬所
206 19 zhì to arrive 監軍使張承業排闥至廬所
207 18 zhōu a state; a province 隰州刺史
208 18 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 隰州刺史
209 18 zhōu a prefecture 隰州刺史
210 18 zhōu a country 隰州刺史
211 18 zhōu an island 隰州刺史
212 18 zhōu Zhou 隰州刺史
213 18 zhōu autonomous prefecture 隰州刺史
214 18 zhōu a country 隰州刺史
215 18 Li 會李存顥以陰計幹克寧曰
216 18 plum 會李存顥以陰計幹克寧曰
217 18 envoy; judge 會李存顥以陰計幹克寧曰
218 17 huáng royal; imperial 武皇特所鍾愛
219 17 huáng a ruler; a monarch 武皇特所鍾愛
220 17 huáng majestic; glorious 武皇特所鍾愛
221 17 huáng a horse with mixed colors 武皇特所鍾愛
222 17 huáng grand; superior 武皇特所鍾愛
223 17 huáng nervous 武皇特所鍾愛
224 17 huáng beautiful 武皇特所鍾愛
225 17 huáng heaven 武皇特所鍾愛
226 17 huáng Huang 武皇特所鍾愛
227 17 huáng to rectify 武皇特所鍾愛
228 17 nǎi thus; so; therefore; then; only; thereupon 太祖乃征兵於燕
229 17 nǎi to be 太祖乃征兵於燕
230 17 nǎi you; yours 太祖乃征兵於燕
231 17 nǎi also; moreover 太祖乃征兵於燕
232 17 nǎi however; but 太祖乃征兵於燕
233 17 nǎi if 太祖乃征兵於燕
234 16 shí time; a point or period of time 妊時
235 16 shí a season; a quarter of a year 妊時
236 16 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 妊時
237 16 shí at that time 妊時
238 16 shí fashionable 妊時
239 16 shí fate; destiny; luck 妊時
240 16 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 妊時
241 16 shí tense 妊時
242 16 shí particular; special 妊時
243 16 shí to plant; to cultivate 妊時
244 16 shí hour (measure word) 妊時
245 16 shí an era; a dynasty 妊時
246 16 shí time [abstract] 妊時
247 16 shí seasonal 妊時
248 16 shí frequently; often 妊時
249 16 shí occasionally; sometimes 妊時
250 16 shí on time 妊時
251 16 shí this; that 妊時
252 16 shí to wait upon 妊時
253 16 shí hour 妊時
254 16 shí appropriate; proper; timely 妊時
255 16 shí Shi 妊時
256 16 shí a present; currentlt 妊時
257 16 qiǎn to send; to dispatch 帝遣張承業率師赴之
258 16 qiǎn to banish; to exile 帝遣張承業率師赴之
259 16 qiǎn to release 帝遣張承業率師赴之
260 16 qiǎn to divorce 帝遣張承業率師赴之
261 16 qiǎn to eliminate 帝遣張承業率師赴之
262 16 qiǎn to cause 帝遣張承業率師赴之
263 16 qiǎn to use; to apply 帝遣張承業率師赴之
264 16 qiàn to bring to a grave 帝遣張承業率師赴之
265 16 yǒu is; are; to exist 此兒有奇表
266 16 yǒu to have; to possess 此兒有奇表
267 16 yǒu indicates an estimate 此兒有奇表
268 16 yǒu indicates a large quantity 此兒有奇表
269 16 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 此兒有奇表
270 16 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 此兒有奇表
271 16 yǒu used to compare two things 此兒有奇表
272 16 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 此兒有奇表
273 16 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 此兒有奇表
274 16 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 此兒有奇表
275 16 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 此兒有奇表
276 16 yǒu abundant 此兒有奇表
277 16 yǒu purposeful 此兒有奇表
278 16 yǒu You 此兒有奇表
279 16 also; too 武皇帝之長子也
280 16 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 武皇帝之長子也
281 16 either 武皇帝之長子也
282 16 even 武皇帝之長子也
283 16 used to soften the tone 武皇帝之長子也
284 16 used for emphasis 武皇帝之長子也
285 16 used to mark contrast 武皇帝之長子也
286 16 used to mark compromise 武皇帝之長子也
287 15 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 初令入覲獻捷
288 15 lìng to issue a command 初令入覲獻捷
289 15 lìng rules of behavior; customs 初令入覲獻捷
290 15 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 初令入覲獻捷
291 15 lìng a season 初令入覲獻捷
292 15 lìng respected; good reputation 初令入覲獻捷
293 15 lìng good 初令入覲獻捷
294 15 lìng pretentious 初令入覲獻捷
295 15 lìng a transcending state of existence 初令入覲獻捷
296 15 lìng a commander 初令入覲獻捷
297 15 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 初令入覲獻捷
298 15 lìng lyrics 初令入覲獻捷
299 15 lìng Ling 初令入覲獻捷
300 15 cún to exist; to survive 諱存勖
301 15 cún to store; to keep 諱存勖
302 15 cún to collect; to accumulate 諱存勖
303 15 cún to deposit; to save 諱存勖
304 15 cún to retain 諱存勖
305 15 cún on the balance; in stock 諱存勖
306 15 cún to cherish 諱存勖
307 15 cún to raise 諱存勖
308 15 gōng to attack; to assault 今朱氏攻逼乘輿
309 15 gōng to discredit; to impugn; to criticize 今朱氏攻逼乘輿
310 15 gōng to remedy; to cure 今朱氏攻逼乘輿
311 15 gōng to work at; to handle 今朱氏攻逼乘輿
312 15 gōng workmanship; expertise 今朱氏攻逼乘輿
313 15 gōng exaction by the state 今朱氏攻逼乘輿
314 15 gōng sturdy; strong 今朱氏攻逼乘輿
315 15 gōng to govern; to administer 今朱氏攻逼乘輿
316 15 gōng Gong 今朱氏攻逼乘輿
317 15 sān three 應三州為屬郡
318 15 sān third 應三州為屬郡
319 15 sān more than two 應三州為屬郡
320 15 sān very few 應三州為屬郡
321 15 sān repeatedly 應三州為屬郡
322 15 sān San 應三州為屬郡
323 14 chéng a city; a town 既而丁會果以城來降
324 14 chéng a city wall 既而丁會果以城來降
325 14 chéng to fortify 既而丁會果以城來降
326 14 chéng a fort; a citadel 既而丁會果以城來降
327 14 ancestor; forefather 梁祖使人鴆之也
328 14 paternal grandparent 梁祖使人鴆之也
329 14 patriarch; founder 梁祖使人鴆之也
330 14 to found; to initiate 梁祖使人鴆之也
331 14 to follow the example of 梁祖使人鴆之也
332 14 to sacrifice before going on a journey 梁祖使人鴆之也
333 14 ancestral temple 梁祖使人鴆之也
334 14 to give a farewell dinner 梁祖使人鴆之也
335 14 be familiar with 梁祖使人鴆之也
336 14 Zu 梁祖使人鴆之也
337 14 to reach 及為嬰兒
338 14 and 及為嬰兒
339 14 coming to; when 及為嬰兒
340 14 to attain 及為嬰兒
341 14 to understand 及為嬰兒
342 14 able to be compared to; to catch up with 及為嬰兒
343 14 to be involved with; to associate with 及為嬰兒
344 14 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 及為嬰兒
345 14 not; no 沈厚不群
346 14 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 沈厚不群
347 14 as a correlative 沈厚不群
348 14 no (answering a question) 沈厚不群
349 14 forms a negative adjective from a noun 沈厚不群
350 14 at the end of a sentence to form a question 沈厚不群
351 14 to form a yes or no question 沈厚不群
352 14 infix potential marker 沈厚不群
353 14 Germany 季父勳德俱高
354 14 virtue; morality; ethics; character 季父勳德俱高
355 14 kindness; favor 季父勳德俱高
356 14 conduct; behavior 季父勳德俱高
357 14 to be grateful 季父勳德俱高
358 14 heart; intention 季父勳德俱高
359 14 De 季父勳德俱高
360 14 potency; natural power 季父勳德俱高
361 14 wholesome; good 季父勳德俱高
362 13 zhāng a sheet; a leaf 召監軍張承業
363 13 zhāng Zhang 召監軍張承業
364 13 zhāng to open; to draw [a bow] 召監軍張承業
365 13 zhāng idea; thought 召監軍張承業
366 13 zhāng to fix strings 召監軍張承業
367 13 zhāng to unfold; to unroll; to stretch 召監軍張承業
368 13 zhāng to boast; to exaggerate 召監軍張承業
369 13 zhāng to expand; to magnify 召監軍張承業
370 13 zhāng to display; to exhibit; to publish 召監軍張承業
371 13 zhāng to catch animals with a net 召監軍張承業
372 13 zhāng to spy on; to look 召監軍張承業
373 13 zhāng large 召監軍張承業
374 13 zhàng swollen 召監軍張承業
375 13 zhāng Zhang [constellation] 召監軍張承業
376 13 zhāng to open a new business 召監軍張承業
377 13 zhāng to fear 召監軍張承業
378 13 wēi prestige; majesty 梁將李思安屢為德威所敗
379 13 wēi to threaten; to compell 梁將李思安屢為德威所敗
380 13 wēi a climbing vine; clematis 梁將李思安屢為德威所敗
381 13 wēi to inspire awe 梁將李思安屢為德威所敗
382 13 wēi power; might 梁將李思安屢為德威所敗
383 13 wēi Wei 梁將李思安屢為德威所敗
384 13 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 武皇特所鍾愛
385 13 suǒ an office; an institute 武皇特所鍾愛
386 13 suǒ introduces a relative clause 武皇特所鍾愛
387 13 suǒ it 武皇特所鍾愛
388 13 suǒ if; supposing 武皇特所鍾愛
389 13 suǒ a few; various; some 武皇特所鍾愛
390 13 suǒ a place; a location 武皇特所鍾愛
391 13 suǒ indicates a passive voice 武皇特所鍾愛
392 13 suǒ that which 武皇特所鍾愛
393 13 suǒ an ordinal number 武皇特所鍾愛
394 13 suǒ meaning 武皇特所鍾愛
395 13 suǒ garrison 武皇特所鍾愛
396 13 rate; frequency; proportion; ratio 帝率親軍伏三垂崗下
397 13 shuài to lead; command 帝率親軍伏三垂崗下
398 13 shuài hasty; rash; careless 帝率親軍伏三垂崗下
399 13 a rule; a standard; a limit 帝率親軍伏三垂崗下
400 13 shuài candid; straightforward; frank 帝率親軍伏三垂崗下
401 13 shuài usually; normally; generally 帝率親軍伏三垂崗下
402 13 shuài to obey; to follow 帝率親軍伏三垂崗下
403 13 shuài a model; an example 帝率親軍伏三垂崗下
404 13 shuài a bird catching net 帝率親軍伏三垂崗下
405 13 shuài a leader; an army commander 帝率親軍伏三垂崗下
406 13 shuài with no exceptions 帝率親軍伏三垂崗下
407 13 to calculate 帝率親軍伏三垂崗下
408 13 shuài Shuai 帝率親軍伏三垂崗下
409 12 yīn because 因撫其背曰
410 12 yīn cause; reason 因撫其背曰
411 12 yīn to accord with 因撫其背曰
412 12 yīn to follow 因撫其背曰
413 12 yīn to rely on 因撫其背曰
414 12 yīn via; through 因撫其背曰
415 12 yīn to continue 因撫其背曰
416 12 yīn to receive 因撫其背曰
417 12 yīn to continue the same pattern; to imitate an existing model; to adapt 因撫其背曰
418 12 yīn to seize an opportunity 因撫其背曰
419 12 yīn to be like 因撫其背曰
420 12 yīn from; because of 因撫其背曰
421 12 yīn thereupon; as a result; consequently; thus; hence 因撫其背曰
422 12 yīn a standrd; a criterion 因撫其背曰
423 12 wèi Wei Dynasty
424 12 wèi State of Wei
425 12 wèi Cao Wei
426 12 wéi tall and big
427 12 wèi Wei [surname]
428 12 wèi a watchtower
429 12 wèi a palace
430 12 wéi to stand solitary and unmoving
431 12 nián year 帝時年十一
432 12 nián New Year festival 帝時年十一
433 12 nián age 帝時年十一
434 12 nián life span; life expectancy 帝時年十一
435 12 nián an era; a period 帝時年十一
436 12 nián a date 帝時年十一
437 12 nián time; years 帝時年十一
438 12 nián harvest 帝時年十一
439 12 nián annual; every year 帝時年十一
440 12 shì is; are; am; to be 是月
441 12 shì is exactly 是月
442 12 shì is suitable; is in contrast 是月
443 12 shì this; that; those 是月
444 12 shì really; certainly 是月
445 12 shì correct; yes; affirmative 是月
446 12 shì true 是月
447 12 shì is; has; exists 是月
448 12 shì used between repetitions of a word 是月
449 12 shì a matter; an affair 是月
450 12 shì Shi 是月
451 12 naturally; of course; certainly 手自繕寫
452 12 from; since 手自繕寫
453 12 self; oneself; itself 手自繕寫
454 12 Kangxi radical 132 手自繕寫
455 12 Zi 手自繕寫
456 12 a nose 手自繕寫
457 12 the beginning; the start 手自繕寫
458 12 origin 手自繕寫
459 12 originally 手自繕寫
460 12 still; to remain 手自繕寫
461 12 in person; personally 手自繕寫
462 12 in addition; besides 手自繕寫
463 12 if; even if 手自繕寫
464 12 but 手自繕寫
465 12 because 手自繕寫
466 12 to employ; to use 手自繕寫
467 12 to be 手自繕寫
468 11 róng to fuse; to melt; to smelt 鎮州王鎔遣使來求援
469 11 róng a mold 鎮州王鎔遣使來求援
470 11 ān calm; still; quiet; peaceful 保家安親
471 11 ān to calm; to pacify 保家安親
472 11 ān where 保家安親
473 11 ān safe; secure 保家安親
474 11 ān comfortable; happy 保家安親
475 11 ān to find a place for 保家安親
476 11 ān to install; to fix; to fit 保家安親
477 11 ān to be content 保家安親
478 11 ān to cherish 保家安親
479 11 ān to bestow; to confer 保家安親
480 11 ān amphetamine 保家安親
481 11 ān ampere 保家安親
482 11 ān to add; to submit 保家安親
483 11 ān to reside; to live at 保家安親
484 11 ān to be used to; to be familiar with 保家安親
485 11 ān how; why 保家安親
486 11 ān thus; so; therefore 保家安親
487 11 ān deliberately 保家安親
488 11 ān naturally 保家安親
489 11 ān an 保家安親
490 11 níng Nanjing 時振武節度使克寧
491 11 nìng rather 時振武節度使克寧
492 11 níng peaceful 時振武節度使克寧
493 11 níng repose; serenity; peace 時振武節度使克寧
494 11 níng to pacify 時振武節度使克寧
495 11 níng to return home 時振武節度使克寧
496 11 nìng Ning 時振武節度使克寧
497 11 níng to visit 時振武節度使克寧
498 11 níng to mourn for parents 時振武節度使克寧
499 11 nìng in this way 時振武節度使克寧
500 11 nìng don't tell me ... 時振武節度使克寧

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
安塞 196 Ansai
柏乡 柏鄉 98 Baixiang
八月 98 August; the Eighth Month
北梦琐言 北夢瑣言 98 Bei Meng Suo Yan
  1. Bian River
  2. Henan
  3. Bian
98 Bin
邠州 98 Binzhou
沧州 滄州 67 Cangzhou
册府元龟 冊府元龜 99 Prime tortoise of the record bureau
长安 長安 99
  1. Chang'an
  2. Chang'an
  3. Chang'an reign
  4. Chang'an
春秋 99
  1. Spring and Autumn Period
  2. a person's age
  3. Chunqiu; Annals of Spring and Autumn
  4. spring and autumn
刺史 99 Regional Inspector
砀山 碭山 100 Dangshan
  1. Di peoples
  2. Di
定州 100 Dingzhou
二月 195 February; the Second Month
102 Fen
凤翔 鳳翔 102 Fengxiang
复大 復大 102 Fudan University
高邑 103 Gaoyi
光启 光啟 103 Guangqi
光武 103 Guangwu
观音 觀音 103 Guanyin [Bodhisattva]
  1. Korea; South Korea
  2. State of Han
  3. fence; low wall
  4. Han
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
河东 河東 104
  1. Hedong
  2. Hedong
河西 104 Hexi
104 Huan river
或门 或門 104 OR gate
  1. Hebei
  2. to hope
  3. Jizhou
节度使 節度使 106 military commissioner; jiedushi
己亥 106 Jihai year; thirty sixth year
  1. shanxi
  2. jin [dynasty]
  3. to move forward; to promote; to advance
  4. to raise
  5. Jin [state]
  6. Jin
晋阳 晉陽 106 Jinyang
晋州 晉州 106
  1. Jinzhou
  2. Jin Prefecture
九月 106 September; the Ninth Month
开城 開城 107 Kaesong city; Gaeseong city
  1. wolf
  2. Lang peoples
  3. Sirius
  4. Lang
  1. black
  2. Li
  3. Lebanon
  4. Li People
  5. numerous; many
  6. at the time of
  7. State of Li
李嗣源 108 Li Siyuan
李嗣昭 108 Li Sizhao
  1. a bridge
  2. Liang Dynasty
  3. City of Liang
  4. State of Liang
  5. Liang
  6. a beam; rafters
  7. a fishing sluice
  8. to lose footing
  9. State of Liang
  10. a ridge
  11. later Liang
梁朝 108 Liang Dynasty
临清 臨清 108 Linqing
刘守光 劉守光 108 Liu Shouguang
六月 108 June; the Sixth Month
108 Gansu
龙纪 龍紀 108 Longji
卢龙 盧龍 108 Lulong
  1. Luo
  2. Luo River
  3. Luoyang
潞州 108 Luzhou
109 Ming River
宁国 寧國 110 Ningguo
平阳 平陽 112 Pingyang; Linfen
  1. type of rush; a vine
  2. Pu
  3. Pu
113 Qi [River]
七月 113 July; the Seventh Month
人大 114
  1. National Peoples Congress (in China); Great Hall of the People
  2. Renmin University of China
上党 上黨 115 Shangdang
少帝 83 Emperor Shao
神道 115 Shinto
深州 115 Shenzhou
十二月 115 December; the Twelfth Month
十一月 115 November; the Eleventh Month
十月 115 October; the Tenth Month
  1. Sichuan
  2. Shu Kingdom
四川 115 Sichuan
司空 115
  1. Minster of Land and Water
  2. Sikong
四月 115 April; the Fourth Month
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
太后 116
  1. Empress Dowager
  2. Consort Dowager
太原 116 Taiyuan
天复 天復 116 Tianfu
王行瑜 119 Wang Xingyu
王建 119 Wang Jian
  1. Wu
  2. Jiangsu
  3. Wu
  4. Wu dialect
  5. Eastern Wu
  6. to speak loudly
五月 119 May; the Fifth Month
相州 120 Xiangzhou
萧何 蕭何 120 Xiao He
下营 下營 120 Hsiaying
  1. Xing
  2. Xing
邢州 88 Xingzhou
  1. xu
  2. slowly; gently
  3. Xu
  4. Xuzhou
羿 121 Yi
以太 121 Ether-
幽州 121 Youzhou; Fanyang
泽州 澤州 122 Zezhou
  1. Zhao
  2. Zhao Dynasty
  3. State of Zhao
  4. to rush
  5. to visit
  6. Zhao
  7. to dig
招讨使 招討使 122 Military commissioner
赵州 趙州 122 Zhouzhou
正月 122 first month of the lunar calendar
中山 122
  1. Dr Sun Yat-sen; Zhongshan, prefecture-level city in Guangdong, close to Sun Yat-sen's birthplace; Nakayama (Japanese surname)
  2. Zhongshan
  3. Nakayama
周德威 122 Zhou Dewei
庄宗 莊宗 90 Emperor Zhuangzong of Later Tang


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English