Glossary and Vocabulary for Book of Zhou 周書, 卷5 帝紀第5 武帝上 Volume 5 Annals 5: Emperor Wu 1

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 164 gōng public; common; state-owned 封輔城郡公
2 164 gōng official 封輔城郡公
3 164 gōng male 封輔城郡公
4 164 gōng duke; lord 封輔城郡公
5 164 gōng fair; equitable 封輔城郡公
6 164 gōng Mr.; mister 封輔城郡公
7 164 gōng father-in-law 封輔城郡公
8 164 gōng form of address; your honor 封輔城郡公
9 164 gōng accepted; mutual 封輔城郡公
10 164 gōng metric 封輔城郡公
11 164 gōng to release to the public 封輔城郡公
12 164 gōng the common good 封輔城郡公
13 164 gōng to divide equally 封輔城郡公
14 164 gōng Gong 封輔城郡公
15 137 wéi to act as; to serve 入為大司空
16 137 wéi to change into; to become 入為大司空
17 137 wéi to be; is 入為大司空
18 137 wéi to do 入為大司空
19 137 wèi to support; to help 入為大司空
20 137 wéi to govern 入為大司空
21 133 guó a country; a nation 遷柱國
22 133 guó the capital of a state 遷柱國
23 133 guó a feud; a vassal state 遷柱國
24 133 guó a state; a kingdom 遷柱國
25 133 guó a place; a land 遷柱國
26 133 guó domestic; Chinese 遷柱國
27 133 guó national 遷柱國
28 133 guó top in the nation 遷柱國
29 133 guó Guo 遷柱國
30 95 to use; to grasp 以大冢宰
31 95 to rely on 以大冢宰
32 95 to regard 以大冢宰
33 95 to be able to 以大冢宰
34 95 to order; to command 以大冢宰
35 95 used after a verb 以大冢宰
36 95 a reason; a cause 以大冢宰
37 95 Israel 以大冢宰
38 95 Yi 以大冢宰
39 88 zhī to go 太祖異之
40 88 zhī to arrive; to go 太祖異之
41 88 zhī is 太祖異之
42 88 zhī to use 太祖異之
43 88 zhī Zhi 太祖異之
44 88 zhī winding 太祖異之
45 71 zhù a pillar; a post 遷柱國
46 71 zhù to support 遷柱國
47 71 zhù to lean on 遷柱國
48 64 to go; to 生於同州
49 64 to rely on; to depend on 生於同州
50 64 Yu 生於同州
51 64 a crow 生於同州
52 55 zhōu a state; a province 於洮陽置洮州
53 55 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 於洮陽置洮州
54 55 zhōu a prefecture 於洮陽置洮州
55 55 zhōu a country 於洮陽置洮州
56 55 zhōu an island 於洮陽置洮州
57 55 zhōu Zhou 於洮陽置洮州
58 55 zhōu autonomous prefecture 於洮陽置洮州
59 55 zhōu a country 於洮陽置洮州
60 46 zhào an imperial decree 詔曰
61 46 zhào to decree; to proclaim; to tell 詔曰
62 38 big; huge; large 大統九年
63 38 Kangxi radical 37 大統九年
64 38 great; major; important 大統九年
65 38 size 大統九年
66 38 old 大統九年
67 38 oldest; earliest 大統九年
68 38 adult 大統九年
69 38 dài an important person 大統九年
70 38 senior 大統九年
71 36 大將軍 dàjiāngjūn General-in-Chief 拜大將軍
72 36 大將軍 dàjiāngjūn generalissimo 拜大將軍
73 31 chén Chen 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
74 31 chén Chen of the Southern dynasties 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
75 31 chén to arrange 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
76 31 chén to display; to exhibit 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
77 31 chén to narrate; to state; to explain 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
78 31 chén stale 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
79 31 chén Chen princedom of the Zhou dynasty 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
80 31 chén aged [wine]; matured 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
81 31 chén a path to a residence 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
82 31 zhèn a battle; a battle array 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
83 31 遣使 qiǎnshǐ envoy 突厥遣使獻其方物
84 31 遣使 qiǎn shǐ sent a messenger 突厥遣使獻其方物
85 29 zǒng general; total; overall; chief 令五府總於天官
86 29 zǒng to sum up 令五府總於天官
87 29 zǒng in general 令五府總於天官
88 29 zǒng invariably 令五府總於天官
89 29 zǒng to assemble together 令五府總於天官
90 29 zōng to sew together; to suture 令五府總於天官
91 29 zǒng to manage 令五府總於天官
92 29 xiàn to offer; to present 突厥遣使獻其方物
93 29 xiàn to show; to display 突厥遣使獻其方物
94 29 xiàn to celebrate 突厥遣使獻其方物
95 29 xiàn a worthy person 突厥遣使獻其方物
96 29 xiàn a document 突厥遣使獻其方物
97 29 xiàn to perform 突厥遣使獻其方物
98 29 suō a technique for filtering wine 突厥遣使獻其方物
99 29 suō a container for sacrificial wine 突厥遣使獻其方物
100 28 even; equal; uniform 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
101 28 Kangxi radical 210 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
102 28 Qi Dynasty 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
103 28 State of Qi 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
104 28 to arrange 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
105 28 agile; nimble 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
106 28 navel 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
107 28 to rise; to ascend 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
108 28 chopped meat or vegetables 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
109 28 to blend ingredients 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
110 28 to delimit; to distinguish 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
111 28 the lower part of a garment 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
112 28 broomcorn millet 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
113 28 zhāi to fast 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
114 28 to level with 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
115 28 all present; all ready 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
116 28 Qi 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
117 28 alike; similar; identical; same 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
118 28 an alloy 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
119 28 nián year 大統九年
120 28 nián New Year festival 大統九年
121 28 nián age 大統九年
122 28 nián life span; life expectancy 大統九年
123 28 nián an era; a period 大統九年
124 28 nián a date 大統九年
125 28 nián time; years 大統九年
126 28 nián harvest 大統九年
127 28 nián annual; every year 大統九年
128 27 emperor; supreme ruler 孝閔帝踐阼
129 27 the ruler of Heaven 孝閔帝踐阼
130 27 a god 孝閔帝踐阼
131 27 imperialism 孝閔帝踐阼
132 27 guǎn to manage; to control; to be in charge of 蔡國公廣為秦州總管
133 27 guǎn a pipe; a tube; a duct 蔡國公廣為秦州總管
134 27 guǎn a woodwind musical instrument 蔡國公廣為秦州總管
135 27 guǎn o serve as; to hold a post 蔡國公廣為秦州總管
136 27 guǎn to restrict; to instruct 蔡國公廣為秦州總管
137 27 guǎn a bamboo flute 蔡國公廣為秦州總管
138 27 guǎn a writing brush 蔡國公廣為秦州總管
139 27 guǎn a key 蔡國公廣為秦州總管
140 27 guǎn Guan 蔡國公廣為秦州總管
141 27 guǎn to pay attention to 蔡國公廣為秦州總管
142 27 guǎn to involve; to interfere 蔡國公廣為秦州總管
143 26 bìng to combine; to amalgamate 高昌並遣使獻方物
144 26 bìng to combine 高昌並遣使獻方物
145 26 bìng to resemble; to be like 高昌並遣使獻方物
146 26 bìng to stand side-by-side 高昌並遣使獻方物
147 26 bīng Taiyuan 高昌並遣使獻方物
148 26 bìng equally; both; together 高昌並遣使獻方物
149 25 Kangxi radical 132 自茲厥後
150 25 Zi 自茲厥後
151 25 a nose 自茲厥後
152 25 the beginning; the start 自茲厥後
153 25 origin 自茲厥後
154 25 to employ; to use 自茲厥後
155 25 to be 自茲厥後
156 24 zhì Kangxi radical 133 以晉公子崇業公至為後
157 24 zhì to arrive 以晉公子崇業公至為後
158 24 gōng a palace 爰及宮內調度
159 24 gōng Gong 爰及宮內調度
160 24 gōng a dwelling 爰及宮內調度
161 24 gōng a temple 爰及宮內調度
162 24 gōng the first note in the pentatonic scale 爰及宮內調度
163 24 day of the month; a certain day 日有食之
164 24 Kangxi radical 72 日有食之
165 24 a day 日有食之
166 24 Japan 日有食之
167 24 sun 日有食之
168 24 daytime 日有食之
169 24 sunlight 日有食之
170 24 everyday 日有食之
171 24 season 日有食之
172 24 available time 日有食之
173 24 in the past 日有食之
174 24 mi 日有食之
175 23 shàng top; a high position 武帝上
176 23 shang top; the position on or above something 武帝上
177 23 shàng to go up; to go forward 武帝上
178 23 shàng shang 武帝上
179 23 shàng previous; last 武帝上
180 23 shàng high; higher 武帝上
181 23 shàng advanced 武帝上
182 23 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 武帝上
183 23 shàng time 武帝上
184 23 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 武帝上
185 23 shàng far 武帝上
186 23 shàng big; as big as 武帝上
187 23 shàng abundant; plentiful 武帝上
188 23 shàng to report 武帝上
189 23 shàng to offer 武帝上
190 23 shàng to go on stage 武帝上
191 23 shàng to take office; to assume a post 武帝上
192 23 shàng to install; to erect 武帝上
193 23 shàng to suffer; to sustain 武帝上
194 23 shàng to burn 武帝上
195 23 shàng to remember 武帝上
196 23 shàng to add 武帝上
197 23 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 武帝上
198 23 shàng to meet 武帝上
199 23 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 武帝上
200 23 shang used after a verb indicating a result 武帝上
201 23 shàng a musical note 武帝上
202 23 fàn to commit a crime; to violate 犯積尸
203 23 fàn to attack; to invade 犯積尸
204 23 fàn to transgress 犯積尸
205 23 fàn conjunction of a star 犯積尸
206 23 fàn to conquer 犯積尸
207 23 fàn to occur 犯積尸
208 23 fàn to face danger 犯積尸
209 23 fàn to fall 犯積尸
210 23 fàn a criminal 犯積尸
211 22 ér Kangxi radical 126 幼而孝敬
212 22 ér as if; to seem like 幼而孝敬
213 22 néng can; able 幼而孝敬
214 22 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 幼而孝敬
215 22 ér to arrive; up to 幼而孝敬
216 21 wáng Wang 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
217 21 wáng a king 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
218 21 wáng Kangxi radical 96 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
219 21 wàng to be king; to rule 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
220 21 wáng a prince; a duke 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
221 21 wáng grand; great 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
222 21 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
223 21 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
224 21 wáng the head of a group or gang 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
225 21 wáng the biggest or best of a group 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
226 20 yuē to speak; to say 母曰叱奴太后
227 20 yuē Kangxi radical 73 母曰叱奴太后
228 20 yuē to be called 母曰叱奴太后
229 20 děng et cetera; and so on 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
230 20 děng to wait 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
231 20 děng to be equal 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
232 20 děng degree; level 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
233 20 děng to compare 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
234 20 to enter 入為大司空
235 20 Kangxi radical 11 入為大司空
236 20 radical 入為大司空
237 20 income 入為大司空
238 20 to conform with 入為大司空
239 20 to descend 入為大司空
240 20 the entering tone 入為大司空
241 20 to pay 入為大司空
242 20 to join 入為大司空
243 19 guān an office 班太祖所述六官焉
244 19 guān an official; a government official 班太祖所述六官焉
245 19 guān official; state-run 班太祖所述六官焉
246 19 guān an official body; a state organization; bureau 班太祖所述六官焉
247 19 guān an official rank; an official title 班太祖所述六官焉
248 19 guān governance 班太祖所述六官焉
249 19 guān a sense organ 班太祖所述六官焉
250 19 guān office 班太祖所述六官焉
251 19 guān public 班太祖所述六官焉
252 19 guān an organ 班太祖所述六官焉
253 19 guān a polite form of address 班太祖所述六官焉
254 19 guān Guan 班太祖所述六官焉
255 19 guān to appoint 班太祖所述六官焉
256 19 guān to hold a post 班太祖所述六官焉
257 18 infix potential marker 終不輒言
258 18 fēng to seal; to close off 封輔城郡公
259 18 fēng Feng 封輔城郡公
260 18 fēng to confer; to grant 封輔城郡公
261 18 fēng an envelope 封輔城郡公
262 18 fēng a border; a boundary 封輔城郡公
263 18 fēng to prohibit 封輔城郡公
264 18 fēng to limit 封輔城郡公
265 18 fēng to make an earth mound 封輔城郡公
266 18 fēng to increase 封輔城郡公
267 18 to reach 奄及徂歲
268 18 to attain 奄及徂歲
269 18 to understand 奄及徂歲
270 18 able to be compared to; to catch up with 奄及徂歲
271 18 to be involved with; to associate with 奄及徂歲
272 18 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 奄及徂歲
273 18 Qi 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
274 18 rate; frequency; proportion; ratio 率歲一月役
275 18 shuài to lead; command 率歲一月役
276 18 shuài hasty; rash; careless 率歲一月役
277 18 a rule; a standard; a limit 率歲一月役
278 18 shuài candid; straightforward; frank 率歲一月役
279 18 shuài to obey; to follow 率歲一月役
280 18 shuài a model; an example 率歲一月役
281 18 shuài a bird catching net 率歲一月役
282 18 shuài a leader; an army commander 率歲一月役
283 18 to calculate 率歲一月役
284 18 shuài Shuai 率歲一月役
285 18 martial; military 高祖武皇帝諱邕
286 18 a battle; (military) force 高祖武皇帝諱邕
287 18 martial arts 高祖武皇帝諱邕
288 18 a footstep; a footprint; half a step 高祖武皇帝諱邕
289 18 a fighter; a warrior; a soldier 高祖武皇帝諱邕
290 18 half a step 高祖武皇帝諱邕
291 18 Wu; Sacrificial odes of Zhou 高祖武皇帝諱邕
292 18 Wu 高祖武皇帝諱邕
293 18 warlike; fierce; valiant; violent 高祖武皇帝諱邕
294 18 to continue; to succeed 高祖武皇帝諱邕
295 18 to gather; to collect 厥用允集
296 18 collected works; collection 厥用允集
297 18 to stablize; to settle 厥用允集
298 18 used in place names 厥用允集
299 18 to mix; to blend 厥用允集
300 18 to hit the mark 厥用允集
301 18 to compile 厥用允集
302 18 to finish; to accomplish 厥用允集
303 18 to rest; to perch 厥用允集
304 18 a market 厥用允集
305 18 shuò first day of the lunar month 夏四月丙子朔
306 18 shuò the north 夏四月丙子朔
307 18 shuò beginning 夏四月丙子朔
308 18 hōng to die 齊孝昭帝薨
309 18 hōng swarming 齊孝昭帝薨
310 17 dōng winter 冬十二月
311 17 qiǎn to send; to dispatch 遣大使巡察天下
312 17 qiǎn to banish; to exile 遣大使巡察天下
313 17 qiǎn to release 遣大使巡察天下
314 17 qiǎn to divorce 遣大使巡察天下
315 17 qiǎn to eliminate 遣大使巡察天下
316 17 qiǎn to cause 遣大使巡察天下
317 17 qiǎn to use; to apply 遣大使巡察天下
318 17 qiàn to bring to a grave 遣大使巡察天下
319 16 xià summer 武成二年夏四月
320 16 xià Xia 武成二年夏四月
321 16 xià Xia Dynasty 武成二年夏四月
322 16 jiǎ a historic form of punishment with a whip 武成二年夏四月
323 16 xià great; grand; big 武成二年夏四月
324 16 xià China 武成二年夏四月
325 16 xià the five colors 武成二年夏四月
326 16 xià a tall building 武成二年夏四月
327 16 行幸 xíng xìng an imperial tour 行幸原州
328 16 行幸 xíng xìng to stay at the imperial palace consorts' apartments 行幸原州
329 16 an official institution; a state bureau 令五府總於天官
330 16 a prefecture; a prefect 令五府總於天官
331 16 a respectful reference to a residence 令五府總於天官
332 16 a repository 令五府總於天官
333 16 a meeting place 令五府總於天官
334 16 the residence of a high-ranking official; a prefect 令五府總於天官
335 16 Fu 令五府總於天官
336 16 lái to come 陳遣使來聘
337 16 lái please 陳遣使來聘
338 16 lái used to substitute for another verb 陳遣使來聘
339 16 lái used between two word groups to express purpose and effect 陳遣使來聘
340 16 lái wheat 陳遣使來聘
341 16 lái next; future 陳遣使來聘
342 16 lái a simple complement of direction 陳遣使來聘
343 16 lái to occur; to arise 陳遣使來聘
344 16 lái to earn 陳遣使來聘
345 16 太白 tài bái Taebaek 太白入昴
346 16 太白 tài bái Venus 太白入昴
347 16 太白 tài bái Tai Bai 太白入昴
348 16 太白 tài bái Tai Bai 太白入昴
349 16 太白 tài bái Mount Taibai 太白入昴
350 16 太白 tài bái Taibai (flag) 太白入昴
351 15 四月 sìyuè April; the Fourth Month 武成二年夏四月
352 15 pìn to engage; to hire 陳遣使來聘
353 15 pìn to betroth 陳遣使來聘
354 15 pìn to communicate 陳遣使來聘
355 15 pìng to get married 陳遣使來聘
356 15 使 shǐ to make; to cause 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
357 15 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
358 15 使 shǐ to indulge 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
359 15 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
360 15 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
361 15 使 shǐ to dispatch 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
362 15 使 shǐ to use 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
363 15 使 shǐ to be able to 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
364 15 gǎi to change; to alter 改作露門
365 15 gǎi Gai 改作露門
366 15 gǎi to improve; to correct 改作露門
367 15 chūn spring 保定元年春正月戊申
368 15 chūn spring 保定元年春正月戊申
369 15 chūn vitality 保定元年春正月戊申
370 15 chūn romance 保定元年春正月戊申
371 15 chūn spring colors; joyful colors 保定元年春正月戊申
372 15 chūn the east 保定元年春正月戊申
373 15 chūn a kind of alcoholic beverage 保定元年春正月戊申
374 15 chūn of springtime 保定元年春正月戊申
375 15 shí to nibble away 日有蝕之
376 15 shí eclipse 日有蝕之
377 15 shí to erode 日有蝕之
378 15 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 令五府總於天官
379 15 lìng to issue a command 令五府總於天官
380 15 lìng rules of behavior; customs 令五府總於天官
381 15 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 令五府總於天官
382 15 lìng a season 令五府總於天官
383 15 lìng respected; good reputation 令五府總於天官
384 15 lìng good 令五府總於天官
385 15 lìng pretentious 令五府總於天官
386 15 lìng a transcending state of existence 令五府總於天官
387 15 lìng a commander 令五府總於天官
388 15 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 令五府總於天官
389 15 lìng lyrics 令五府總於天官
390 15 lìng Ling 令五府總於天官
391 15 yán to speak; to say; said 終不輒言
392 15 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 終不輒言
393 15 yán Kangxi radical 149 終不輒言
394 15 yán phrase; sentence 終不輒言
395 15 yán a word; a syllable 終不輒言
396 15 yán a theory; a doctrine 終不輒言
397 15 yán to regard as 終不輒言
398 15 yán to act as 終不輒言
399 15 sān three 可改武成三年為保定元年
400 15 sān third 可改武成三年為保定元年
401 15 sān more than two 可改武成三年為保定元年
402 15 sān very few 可改武成三年為保定元年
403 15 sān San 可改武成三年為保定元年
404 14 十一月 shíyīyuè November; the Eleventh Month 十一月乙巳
405 14 an ancestral hall; a temple 祠圓丘
406 14 Spring sacrifice 祠圓丘
407 14 to sacrifice; to give an offering in a religious ceremony 祠圓丘
408 14 to enshrine 祠圓丘
409 14 七月 qīyuè July; the Seventh Month 秋七月戊申
410 14 九月 jiǔyuè September; the Ninth Month 九月甲辰
411 14 qiū fall; autumn 秋七月戊申
412 14 qiū year 秋七月戊申
413 14 qiū a time 秋七月戊申
414 14 qiū Qiu 秋七月戊申
415 14 qiū old and feeble 秋七月戊申
416 14 二月 èryuè February; the Second Month 二月己卯
417 14 熒惑 yínghuò to bewilder; to dazzle and confuse; the planet Mars 熒惑入輿鬼
418 13 三月 sānyuè March; the Third Month 三月丙寅
419 13 三月 sān yuè three months 三月丙寅
420 13 正月 zhēngyuè first month of the lunar calendar 保定元年春正月戊申
421 13 yuè month 是月
422 13 yuè moon 是月
423 13 yuè Kangxi radical 74 是月
424 13 yuè moonlight 是月
425 13 yuè monthly 是月
426 13 yuè shaped like the moon; crescent shaped 是月
427 13 yuè Tokharians 是月
428 13 yuè China rose 是月
429 13 yuè Yue 是月
430 13 zhèn an omen; a sign 朕祗承寶圖
431 13 zhèn subtle 朕祗承寶圖
432 13 zhì to place; to lay out 於洮陽置洮州
433 13 zhì to establish; to set up; to install 於洮陽置洮州
434 13 zhì to buy 於洮陽置洮州
435 13 zhì a relay station 於洮陽置洮州
436 13 zhì to release; to set free; to pardon 於洮陽置洮州
437 13 zhì to discard; to abandon 於洮陽置洮州
438 13 zhì to set aside 於洮陽置洮州
439 13 十月 shíyuè October; the Tenth Month 冬十月甲戌
440 13 yáng Yang 以柱國隨國公楊忠為大司空
441 13 yáng willow 以柱國隨國公楊忠為大司空
442 13 yáng poplar 以柱國隨國公楊忠為大司空
443 13 yáng aspen 以柱國隨國公楊忠為大司空
444 13 shī teacher 詔柱國楊忠率師與突厥東伐
445 13 shī multitude 詔柱國楊忠率師與突厥東伐
446 13 shī a host; a leader 詔柱國楊忠率師與突厥東伐
447 13 shī an expert 詔柱國楊忠率師與突厥東伐
448 13 shī an example; a model 詔柱國楊忠率師與突厥東伐
449 13 shī master 詔柱國楊忠率師與突厥東伐
450 13 shī a capital city; a well protected place 詔柱國楊忠率師與突厥東伐
451 13 shī Shi 詔柱國楊忠率師與突厥東伐
452 13 shī to imitate 詔柱國楊忠率師與突厥東伐
453 13 shī troops 詔柱國楊忠率師與突厥東伐
454 13 shī shi 詔柱國楊忠率師與突厥東伐
455 13 shī an army division 詔柱國楊忠率師與突厥東伐
456 13 shī the 7th hexagram 詔柱國楊忠率師與突厥東伐
457 13 shī a lion 詔柱國楊忠率師與突厥東伐
458 13 mín the people; citizen; subjects 及民七十已上
459 13 mín Min 及民七十已上
460 13 六月 liùyuè June; the Sixth Month 六月乙酉
461 13 五月 wǔyuè May; the Fifth Month 五月丙午
462 13 諸軍 zhū jūn all armies 授蒲州諸軍事
463 13 liù six 班太祖所述六官焉
464 13 liù sixth 班太祖所述六官焉
465 13 liù a note on the Gongche scale 班太祖所述六官焉
466 12 zài in; at 其所在見囚
467 12 zài to exist; to be living 其所在見囚
468 12 zài to consist of 其所在見囚
469 12 zài to be at a post 其所在見囚
470 12 rén person; people; a human being 詔左右武伯各置中大夫一人
471 12 rén Kangxi radical 9 詔左右武伯各置中大夫一人
472 12 rén a kind of person 詔左右武伯各置中大夫一人
473 12 rén everybody 詔左右武伯各置中大夫一人
474 12 rén adult 詔左右武伯各置中大夫一人
475 12 rén somebody; others 詔左右武伯各置中大夫一人
476 12 rén an upright person 詔左右武伯各置中大夫一人
477 12 十二月 shíèryuè December; the Twelfth Month 冬十二月
478 12 司空 sīkōng Minster of Land and Water 入為大司空
479 12 司空 sīkōng Sikong 入為大司空
480 12 chéng a city; a town 封輔城郡公
481 12 chéng a city wall 封輔城郡公
482 12 chéng to fortify 封輔城郡公
483 12 chéng a fort; a citadel 封輔城郡公
484 12 hòu after; later 自茲厥後
485 12 hòu empress; queen 自茲厥後
486 12 hòu sovereign 自茲厥後
487 12 hòu the god of the earth 自茲厥後
488 12 hòu late; later 自茲厥後
489 12 hòu offspring; descendents 自茲厥後
490 12 hòu to fall behind; to lag 自茲厥後
491 12 hòu behind; back 自茲厥後
492 12 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 自茲厥後
493 12 hòu Hou 自茲厥後
494 12 hòu after; behind 自茲厥後
495 12 hòu following 自茲厥後
496 12 hòu to be delayed 自茲厥後
497 12 hòu to abandon; to discard 自茲厥後
498 12 hòu feudal lords 自茲厥後
499 12 hòu Hou 自茲厥後
500 12 huán to go back; to turn around; to return 至晉陽而還

Frequencies of all Words

Top 796

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 164 gōng public; common; state-owned 封輔城郡公
2 164 gōng official 封輔城郡公
3 164 gōng male 封輔城郡公
4 164 gōng duke; lord 封輔城郡公
5 164 gōng fair; equitable 封輔城郡公
6 164 gōng Mr.; mister 封輔城郡公
7 164 gōng father-in-law 封輔城郡公
8 164 gōng form of address; your honor 封輔城郡公
9 164 gōng accepted; mutual 封輔城郡公
10 164 gōng metric 封輔城郡公
11 164 gōng to release to the public 封輔城郡公
12 164 gōng the common good 封輔城郡公
13 164 gōng to divide equally 封輔城郡公
14 164 gōng Gong 封輔城郡公
15 164 gōng publicly; openly 封輔城郡公
16 164 gōng publicly operated; state run 封輔城郡公
17 137 wèi for; to 入為大司空
18 137 wèi because of 入為大司空
19 137 wéi to act as; to serve 入為大司空
20 137 wéi to change into; to become 入為大司空
21 137 wéi to be; is 入為大司空
22 137 wéi to do 入為大司空
23 137 wèi for 入為大司空
24 137 wèi because of; for; to 入為大司空
25 137 wèi to 入為大司空
26 137 wéi in a passive construction 入為大司空
27 137 wéi forming a rehetorical question 入為大司空
28 137 wéi forming an adverb 入為大司空
29 137 wéi to add emphasis 入為大司空
30 137 wèi to support; to help 入為大司空
31 137 wéi to govern 入為大司空
32 133 guó a country; a nation 遷柱國
33 133 guó the capital of a state 遷柱國
34 133 guó a feud; a vassal state 遷柱國
35 133 guó a state; a kingdom 遷柱國
36 133 guó a place; a land 遷柱國
37 133 guó domestic; Chinese 遷柱國
38 133 guó national 遷柱國
39 133 guó top in the nation 遷柱國
40 133 guó Guo 遷柱國
41 95 so as to; in order to 以大冢宰
42 95 to use; to regard as 以大冢宰
43 95 to use; to grasp 以大冢宰
44 95 according to 以大冢宰
45 95 because of 以大冢宰
46 95 on a certain date 以大冢宰
47 95 and; as well as 以大冢宰
48 95 to rely on 以大冢宰
49 95 to regard 以大冢宰
50 95 to be able to 以大冢宰
51 95 to order; to command 以大冢宰
52 95 further; moreover 以大冢宰
53 95 used after a verb 以大冢宰
54 95 very 以大冢宰
55 95 already 以大冢宰
56 95 increasingly 以大冢宰
57 95 a reason; a cause 以大冢宰
58 95 Israel 以大冢宰
59 95 Yi 以大冢宰
60 88 zhī him; her; them; that 太祖異之
61 88 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 太祖異之
62 88 zhī to go 太祖異之
63 88 zhī this; that 太祖異之
64 88 zhī genetive marker 太祖異之
65 88 zhī it 太祖異之
66 88 zhī in; in regards to 太祖異之
67 88 zhī all 太祖異之
68 88 zhī and 太祖異之
69 88 zhī however 太祖異之
70 88 zhī if 太祖異之
71 88 zhī then 太祖異之
72 88 zhī to arrive; to go 太祖異之
73 88 zhī is 太祖異之
74 88 zhī to use 太祖異之
75 88 zhī Zhi 太祖異之
76 88 zhī winding 太祖異之
77 71 zhù a pillar; a post 遷柱國
78 71 zhù to support 遷柱國
79 71 zhù to lean on 遷柱國
80 64 in; at 生於同州
81 64 in; at 生於同州
82 64 in; at; to; from 生於同州
83 64 to go; to 生於同州
84 64 to rely on; to depend on 生於同州
85 64 to go to; to arrive at 生於同州
86 64 from 生於同州
87 64 give 生於同州
88 64 oppposing 生於同州
89 64 and 生於同州
90 64 compared to 生於同州
91 64 by 生於同州
92 64 and; as well as 生於同州
93 64 for 生於同州
94 64 Yu 生於同州
95 64 a crow 生於同州
96 64 whew; wow 生於同州
97 55 zhōu a state; a province 於洮陽置洮州
98 55 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 於洮陽置洮州
99 55 zhōu a prefecture 於洮陽置洮州
100 55 zhōu a country 於洮陽置洮州
101 55 zhōu an island 於洮陽置洮州
102 55 zhōu Zhou 於洮陽置洮州
103 55 zhōu autonomous prefecture 於洮陽置洮州
104 55 zhōu a country 於洮陽置洮州
105 53 yǒu is; are; to exist 聰敏有器質
106 53 yǒu to have; to possess 聰敏有器質
107 53 yǒu indicates an estimate 聰敏有器質
108 53 yǒu indicates a large quantity 聰敏有器質
109 53 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 聰敏有器質
110 53 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 聰敏有器質
111 53 yǒu used to compare two things 聰敏有器質
112 53 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 聰敏有器質
113 53 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 聰敏有器質
114 53 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 聰敏有器質
115 53 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 聰敏有器質
116 53 yǒu abundant 聰敏有器質
117 53 yǒu purposeful 聰敏有器質
118 53 yǒu You 聰敏有器質
119 46 zhào an imperial decree 詔曰
120 46 zhào to decree; to proclaim; to tell 詔曰
121 38 big; huge; large 大統九年
122 38 Kangxi radical 37 大統九年
123 38 great; major; important 大統九年
124 38 size 大統九年
125 38 old 大統九年
126 38 greatly; very 大統九年
127 38 oldest; earliest 大統九年
128 38 adult 大統九年
129 38 tài greatest; grand 大統九年
130 38 dài an important person 大統九年
131 38 senior 大統九年
132 38 approximately 大統九年
133 38 tài greatest; grand 大統九年
134 36 大將軍 dàjiāngjūn General-in-Chief 拜大將軍
135 36 大將軍 dàjiāngjūn generalissimo 拜大將軍
136 31 chén Chen 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
137 31 chén Chen of the Southern dynasties 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
138 31 chén to arrange 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
139 31 chén to display; to exhibit 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
140 31 chén to narrate; to state; to explain 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
141 31 chén stale 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
142 31 chén Chen princedom of the Zhou dynasty 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
143 31 chén aged [wine]; matured 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
144 31 chén a path to a residence 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
145 31 zhèn a battle; a battle array 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
146 31 遣使 qiǎnshǐ envoy 突厥遣使獻其方物
147 31 遣使 qiǎn shǐ sent a messenger 突厥遣使獻其方物
148 29 zǒng general; total; overall; chief 令五府總於天官
149 29 zǒng to sum up 令五府總於天官
150 29 zǒng in general 令五府總於天官
151 29 zǒng invariably 令五府總於天官
152 29 zǒng after all 令五府總於天官
153 29 zǒng to assemble together 令五府總於天官
154 29 zǒng although 令五府總於天官
155 29 zōng to sew together; to suture 令五府總於天官
156 29 zǒng to manage 令五府總於天官
157 29 xiàn to offer; to present 突厥遣使獻其方物
158 29 xiàn to show; to display 突厥遣使獻其方物
159 29 xiàn to celebrate 突厥遣使獻其方物
160 29 xiàn a worthy person 突厥遣使獻其方物
161 29 xiàn a document 突厥遣使獻其方物
162 29 xiàn to perform 突厥遣使獻其方物
163 29 suō a technique for filtering wine 突厥遣使獻其方物
164 29 suō a container for sacrificial wine 突厥遣使獻其方物
165 28 even; equal; uniform 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
166 28 Kangxi radical 210 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
167 28 Qi Dynasty 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
168 28 State of Qi 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
169 28 to arrange 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
170 28 altogether; simultaneously 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
171 28 agile; nimble 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
172 28 navel 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
173 28 to rise; to ascend 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
174 28 chopped meat or vegetables 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
175 28 to blend ingredients 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
176 28 to delimit; to distinguish 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
177 28 the lower part of a garment 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
178 28 broomcorn millet 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
179 28 zhāi to fast 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
180 28 to level with 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
181 28 all present; all ready 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
182 28 Qi 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
183 28 alike; similar; identical; same 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
184 28 an alloy 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
185 28 nián year 大統九年
186 28 nián New Year festival 大統九年
187 28 nián age 大統九年
188 28 nián life span; life expectancy 大統九年
189 28 nián an era; a period 大統九年
190 28 nián a date 大統九年
191 28 nián time; years 大統九年
192 28 nián harvest 大統九年
193 28 nián annual; every year 大統九年
194 27 emperor; supreme ruler 孝閔帝踐阼
195 27 the ruler of Heaven 孝閔帝踐阼
196 27 a god 孝閔帝踐阼
197 27 imperialism 孝閔帝踐阼
198 27 guǎn to manage; to control; to be in charge of 蔡國公廣為秦州總管
199 27 guǎn a pipe; a tube; a duct 蔡國公廣為秦州總管
200 27 guǎn a woodwind musical instrument 蔡國公廣為秦州總管
201 27 guǎn o serve as; to hold a post 蔡國公廣為秦州總管
202 27 guǎn to restrict; to instruct 蔡國公廣為秦州總管
203 27 guǎn guaranteed 蔡國公廣為秦州總管
204 27 guǎn to be called 蔡國公廣為秦州總管
205 27 guǎn a bamboo flute 蔡國公廣為秦州總管
206 27 guǎn a writing brush 蔡國公廣為秦州總管
207 27 guǎn a key 蔡國公廣為秦州總管
208 27 guǎn Guan 蔡國公廣為秦州總管
209 27 guǎn to pay attention to 蔡國公廣為秦州總管
210 27 guǎn to involve; to interfere 蔡國公廣為秦州總管
211 26 bìng and; furthermore; also 高昌並遣使獻方物
212 26 bìng completely; entirely 高昌並遣使獻方物
213 26 bìng to combine; to amalgamate 高昌並遣使獻方物
214 26 bìng to combine 高昌並遣使獻方物
215 26 bìng to resemble; to be like 高昌並遣使獻方物
216 26 bìng both; equally 高昌並遣使獻方物
217 26 bìng both; side-by-side; equally 高昌並遣使獻方物
218 26 bìng completely; entirely 高昌並遣使獻方物
219 26 bìng to stand side-by-side 高昌並遣使獻方物
220 26 bìng definitely; absolutely; actually 高昌並遣使獻方物
221 26 bīng Taiyuan 高昌並遣使獻方物
222 26 bìng equally; both; together 高昌並遣使獻方物
223 25 naturally; of course; certainly 自茲厥後
224 25 from; since 自茲厥後
225 25 self; oneself; itself 自茲厥後
226 25 Kangxi radical 132 自茲厥後
227 25 Zi 自茲厥後
228 25 a nose 自茲厥後
229 25 the beginning; the start 自茲厥後
230 25 origin 自茲厥後
231 25 originally 自茲厥後
232 25 still; to remain 自茲厥後
233 25 in person; personally 自茲厥後
234 25 in addition; besides 自茲厥後
235 25 if; even if 自茲厥後
236 25 but 自茲厥後
237 25 because 自茲厥後
238 25 to employ; to use 自茲厥後
239 25 to be 自茲厥後
240 24 zhì to; until 以晉公子崇業公至為後
241 24 zhì Kangxi radical 133 以晉公子崇業公至為後
242 24 zhì extremely; very; most 以晉公子崇業公至為後
243 24 zhì to arrive 以晉公子崇業公至為後
244 24 gōng a palace 爰及宮內調度
245 24 gōng Gong 爰及宮內調度
246 24 gōng a dwelling 爰及宮內調度
247 24 gōng a temple 爰及宮內調度
248 24 gōng the first note in the pentatonic scale 爰及宮內調度
249 24 day of the month; a certain day 日有食之
250 24 Kangxi radical 72 日有食之
251 24 a day 日有食之
252 24 Japan 日有食之
253 24 sun 日有食之
254 24 daytime 日有食之
255 24 sunlight 日有食之
256 24 everyday 日有食之
257 24 season 日有食之
258 24 available time 日有食之
259 24 a day 日有食之
260 24 in the past 日有食之
261 24 mi 日有食之
262 24 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 成吾志者
263 24 zhě that 成吾志者
264 24 zhě nominalizing function word 成吾志者
265 24 zhě used to mark a definition 成吾志者
266 24 zhě used to mark a pause 成吾志者
267 24 zhě topic marker; that; it 成吾志者
268 24 zhuó according to 成吾志者
269 23 shàng top; a high position 武帝上
270 23 shang top; the position on or above something 武帝上
271 23 shàng to go up; to go forward 武帝上
272 23 shàng shang 武帝上
273 23 shàng previous; last 武帝上
274 23 shàng high; higher 武帝上
275 23 shàng advanced 武帝上
276 23 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 武帝上
277 23 shàng time 武帝上
278 23 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 武帝上
279 23 shàng far 武帝上
280 23 shàng big; as big as 武帝上
281 23 shàng abundant; plentiful 武帝上
282 23 shàng to report 武帝上
283 23 shàng to offer 武帝上
284 23 shàng to go on stage 武帝上
285 23 shàng to take office; to assume a post 武帝上
286 23 shàng to install; to erect 武帝上
287 23 shàng to suffer; to sustain 武帝上
288 23 shàng to burn 武帝上
289 23 shàng to remember 武帝上
290 23 shang on; in 武帝上
291 23 shàng upward 武帝上
292 23 shàng to add 武帝上
293 23 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 武帝上
294 23 shàng to meet 武帝上
295 23 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 武帝上
296 23 shang used after a verb indicating a result 武帝上
297 23 shàng a musical note 武帝上
298 23 fàn to commit a crime; to violate 犯積尸
299 23 fàn to attack; to invade 犯積尸
300 23 fàn to transgress 犯積尸
301 23 fàn conjunction of a star 犯積尸
302 23 fàn to conquer 犯積尸
303 23 fàn to occur 犯積尸
304 23 fàn to face danger 犯積尸
305 23 fàn to fall 犯積尸
306 23 fàn to be worth; to deserve 犯積尸
307 23 fàn a criminal 犯積尸
308 22 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 幼而孝敬
309 22 ér Kangxi radical 126 幼而孝敬
310 22 ér you 幼而孝敬
311 22 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 幼而孝敬
312 22 ér right away; then 幼而孝敬
313 22 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 幼而孝敬
314 22 ér if; in case; in the event that 幼而孝敬
315 22 ér therefore; as a result; thus 幼而孝敬
316 22 ér how can it be that? 幼而孝敬
317 22 ér so as to 幼而孝敬
318 22 ér only then 幼而孝敬
319 22 ér as if; to seem like 幼而孝敬
320 22 néng can; able 幼而孝敬
321 22 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 幼而孝敬
322 22 ér me 幼而孝敬
323 22 ér to arrive; up to 幼而孝敬
324 22 ér possessive 幼而孝敬
325 21 wáng Wang 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
326 21 wáng a king 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
327 21 wáng Kangxi radical 96 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
328 21 wàng to be king; to rule 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
329 21 wáng a prince; a duke 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
330 21 wáng grand; great 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
331 21 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
332 21 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
333 21 wáng the head of a group or gang 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
334 21 wáng the biggest or best of a group 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
335 20 yuē to speak; to say 母曰叱奴太后
336 20 yuē Kangxi radical 73 母曰叱奴太后
337 20 yuē to be called 母曰叱奴太后
338 20 yuē particle without meaning 母曰叱奴太后
339 20 děng et cetera; and so on 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
340 20 děng to wait 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
341 20 děng degree; kind 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
342 20 děng plural 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
343 20 děng to be equal 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
344 20 děng degree; level 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
345 20 děng to compare 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
346 20 to enter 入為大司空
347 20 Kangxi radical 11 入為大司空
348 20 radical 入為大司空
349 20 income 入為大司空
350 20 to conform with 入為大司空
351 20 to descend 入為大司空
352 20 the entering tone 入為大司空
353 20 to pay 入為大司空
354 20 to join 入為大司空
355 19 guān an office 班太祖所述六官焉
356 19 guān an official; a government official 班太祖所述六官焉
357 19 guān official; state-run 班太祖所述六官焉
358 19 guān an official body; a state organization; bureau 班太祖所述六官焉
359 19 guān an official rank; an official title 班太祖所述六官焉
360 19 guān governance 班太祖所述六官焉
361 19 guān a sense organ 班太祖所述六官焉
362 19 guān office 班太祖所述六官焉
363 19 guān public 班太祖所述六官焉
364 19 guān an organ 班太祖所述六官焉
365 19 guān a polite form of address 班太祖所述六官焉
366 19 guān Guan 班太祖所述六官焉
367 19 guān to appoint 班太祖所述六官焉
368 19 guān to hold a post 班太祖所述六官焉
369 18 not; no 終不輒言
370 18 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 終不輒言
371 18 as a correlative 終不輒言
372 18 no (answering a question) 終不輒言
373 18 forms a negative adjective from a noun 終不輒言
374 18 at the end of a sentence to form a question 終不輒言
375 18 to form a yes or no question 終不輒言
376 18 infix potential marker 終不輒言
377 18 fēng to seal; to close off 封輔城郡公
378 18 fēng a measure word for sealed objects 封輔城郡公
379 18 fēng Feng 封輔城郡公
380 18 fēng to confer; to grant 封輔城郡公
381 18 fēng an envelope 封輔城郡公
382 18 fēng a border; a boundary 封輔城郡公
383 18 fēng to prohibit 封輔城郡公
384 18 fēng to limit 封輔城郡公
385 18 fēng to make an earth mound 封輔城郡公
386 18 fēng to increase 封輔城郡公
387 18 to reach 奄及徂歲
388 18 and 奄及徂歲
389 18 coming to; when 奄及徂歲
390 18 to attain 奄及徂歲
391 18 to understand 奄及徂歲
392 18 able to be compared to; to catch up with 奄及徂歲
393 18 to be involved with; to associate with 奄及徂歲
394 18 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 奄及徂歲
395 18 his; hers; its; theirs 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
396 18 to add emphasis 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
397 18 used when asking a question in reply to a question 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
398 18 used when making a request or giving an order 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
399 18 he; her; it; them 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
400 18 probably; likely 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
401 18 will 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
402 18 may 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
403 18 if 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
404 18 or 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
405 18 Qi 齊常山王高演廢其主殷而自立
406 18 rate; frequency; proportion; ratio 率歲一月役
407 18 shuài to lead; command 率歲一月役
408 18 shuài hasty; rash; careless 率歲一月役
409 18 a rule; a standard; a limit 率歲一月役
410 18 shuài candid; straightforward; frank 率歲一月役
411 18 shuài usually; normally; generally 率歲一月役
412 18 shuài to obey; to follow 率歲一月役
413 18 shuài a model; an example 率歲一月役
414 18 shuài a bird catching net 率歲一月役
415 18 shuài a leader; an army commander 率歲一月役
416 18 shuài with no exceptions 率歲一月役
417 18 to calculate 率歲一月役
418 18 shuài Shuai 率歲一月役
419 18 martial; military 高祖武皇帝諱邕
420 18 a battle; (military) force 高祖武皇帝諱邕
421 18 martial arts 高祖武皇帝諱邕
422 18 a footstep; a footprint; half a step 高祖武皇帝諱邕
423 18 a fighter; a warrior; a soldier 高祖武皇帝諱邕
424 18 half a step 高祖武皇帝諱邕
425 18 Wu; Sacrificial odes of Zhou 高祖武皇帝諱邕
426 18 Wu 高祖武皇帝諱邕
427 18 warlike; fierce; valiant; violent 高祖武皇帝諱邕
428 18 to continue; to succeed 高祖武皇帝諱邕
429 18 to gather; to collect 厥用允集
430 18 collected works; collection 厥用允集
431 18 volume; part 厥用允集
432 18 to stablize; to settle 厥用允集
433 18 used in place names 厥用允集
434 18 to mix; to blend 厥用允集
435 18 to hit the mark 厥用允集
436 18 to compile 厥用允集
437 18 to finish; to accomplish 厥用允集
438 18 to rest; to perch 厥用允集
439 18 a market 厥用允集
440 18 shuò first day of the lunar month 夏四月丙子朔
441 18 shuò the north 夏四月丙子朔
442 18 shuò beginning 夏四月丙子朔
443 18 hōng to die 齊孝昭帝薨
444 18 hōng swarming 齊孝昭帝薨
445 17 dōng winter 冬十二月
446 17 qiǎn to send; to dispatch 遣大使巡察天下
447 17 qiǎn to banish; to exile 遣大使巡察天下
448 17 qiǎn to release 遣大使巡察天下
449 17 qiǎn to divorce 遣大使巡察天下
450 17 qiǎn to eliminate 遣大使巡察天下
451 17 qiǎn to cause 遣大使巡察天下
452 17 qiǎn to use; to apply 遣大使巡察天下
453 17 qiàn to bring to a grave 遣大使巡察天下
454 17 each 各增四級
455 17 all; every 各增四級
456 16 xià summer 武成二年夏四月
457 16 xià Xia 武成二年夏四月
458 16 xià Xia Dynasty 武成二年夏四月
459 16 jiǎ a historic form of punishment with a whip 武成二年夏四月
460 16 xià great; grand; big 武成二年夏四月
461 16 xià China 武成二年夏四月
462 16 xià the five colors 武成二年夏四月
463 16 xià a tall building 武成二年夏四月
464 16 行幸 xíng xìng an imperial tour 行幸原州
465 16 行幸 xíng xìng to stay at the imperial palace consorts' apartments 行幸原州
466 16 an official institution; a state bureau 令五府總於天官
467 16 a prefecture; a prefect 令五府總於天官
468 16 a respectful reference to a residence 令五府總於天官
469 16 a repository 令五府總於天官
470 16 a meeting place 令五府總於天官
471 16 the residence of a high-ranking official; a prefect 令五府總於天官
472 16 Fu 令五府總於天官
473 16 lái to come 陳遣使來聘
474 16 lái indicates an approximate quantity 陳遣使來聘
475 16 lái please 陳遣使來聘
476 16 lái used to substitute for another verb 陳遣使來聘
477 16 lái used between two word groups to express purpose and effect 陳遣使來聘
478 16 lái ever since 陳遣使來聘
479 16 lái wheat 陳遣使來聘
480 16 lái next; future 陳遣使來聘
481 16 lái a simple complement of direction 陳遣使來聘
482 16 lái to occur; to arise 陳遣使來聘
483 16 lái to earn 陳遣使來聘
484 16 太白 tài bái Taebaek 太白入昴
485 16 太白 tài bái Venus 太白入昴
486 16 太白 tài bái Tai Bai 太白入昴
487 16 太白 tài bái Tai Bai 太白入昴
488 16 太白 tài bái Mount Taibai 太白入昴
489 16 太白 tài bái Taibai (flag) 太白入昴
490 15 四月 sìyuè April; the Fourth Month 武成二年夏四月
491 15 pìn to engage; to hire 陳遣使來聘
492 15 pìn to betroth 陳遣使來聘
493 15 pìn to communicate 陳遣使來聘
494 15 pìng to get married 陳遣使來聘
495 15 使 shǐ to make; to cause 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
496 15 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
497 15 使 shǐ to indulge 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
498 15 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
499 15 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳
500 15 使 shǐ to dispatch 遣治御正殷不害等使於陳

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
安义 安義 196 Anyi
白兰 白蘭 98 Bailan
保定 66
  1. Baoding
  2. Baoding
八月 98 August; the Eighth Month
北平 98 Beiping
98 Bin county
兵部 98 Ministry of War
98 Bohai Sea
曹国 曹國 67 State of Cao
长城 長城 99 Great Wall
长广 長廣 99 Changguang
常山 99 Changshan
陈文 陳文 99 Chen Wen
成王 99 King Cheng of Zhou
赤烏 赤乌 99 Chiwu reign
刺史 99 Regional Inspector
从化 從化 99 Conghua
100 Mount Tai
代国 代國 100 State of Dai
宕昌 100 Dangchang
道教 100 Taosim
大司马 大司馬 100 Minister of War
大武 100 Dawu; Tawu
100 Deng
  1. Yunnan
  2. Lake Dian
  3. [State of] Dian
  4. Dian [surname]
东城 東城 100 Dongcheng
东宫 東宮 100 East Palace
二月 195 February; the Second Month
102 Fen
102 Feng
封开 封開 102 Fengkai
汾州 102 Fenzhou
扶风 扶風 102 Fufeng
高昌 103 Gaochang; Qara-hoja
高祖 103
  1. Han Gao Zu; Liu Bang
  2. great great grandfather
  3. Gaozu
庚申 103 Gengshen year; fifty seventh year G9 of the 60 year cycle
广平 廣平 103 Guangping
关内 關內 103 Guannei Circuit
  1. a cuckoo
  2. Xi [people]
  3. Xi
龟兹 龜茲 103 Kucha; Kuqa
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
  1. Korea; South Korea
  2. State of Han
  3. fence; low wall
  4. Han
函谷关 函谷關 104 Hangu Pass
韩国 韓國 104 South Korea
贺兰 賀蘭 104 Helan
弘农 弘農 104 Hongnong prefecture
104 Huai River
皇太子 104 Crown Prince
惠公 104 Lord Hui
  1. quickly; suddenly
  2. cholera
  3. Huo [mountain]
  4. Huo [state]
  5. Huo
湖州 104 Huzhou
  1. Hebei
  2. to hope
  3. Jizhou
嘉禾 106
  1. an excellent crop
  2. Jiahe [reign]
  3. Jiahe [county]
践阼 踐阼 106 Jian Zuo Ceremony
建德 106 Jiande
江陵 106
  1. Jiangling
  2. Gangneung
江南 106
  1. Jiangnan
  2. Jiangnan
  3. Jiangnan
甲午 106 thirty-first year A7 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1954 or 2014
甲戌 106 eleventh year A11 of the 60 year cycle
己亥 106 Jihai year; thirty sixth year
  1. shanxi
  2. jin [dynasty]
  3. to move forward; to promote; to advance
  4. to raise
  5. Jin [state]
  6. Jin
晋国 晉國 106 state of Jin
京兆 106
  1. Jingzhao; Xi'an
  2. capital municipal area
  3. Capital Region Governor
荆州 荊州 106
  1. Jingzhou; Ching-chou
  2. Jingzhou; Ching-chou
晋阳 晉陽 106 Jinyang
九月 106 September; the Ninth Month
莒国 莒國 106 the state of Ju
107 Kui
礼记 禮記 108 The Book of Rites; Classic of Rites
  1. a bridge
  2. Liang Dynasty
  3. City of Liang
  4. State of Liang
  5. Liang
  6. a beam; rafters
  7. a fishing sluice
  8. to lose footing
  9. State of Liang
  10. a ridge
  11. later Liang
梁州 108 Liangzhou
凉州 涼州 108 Liangzhou
礼部 禮部 108 Ministry of (Confucian) Rites
临汾 臨汾 108 Linfen
临海 臨海 108 Linhai
六月 108 June; the Sixth Month
108 Gansu
龙门 龍門 108
  1. Longmen
  2. Dragon Gate
  3. a sagely person
龙首渠 龍首渠 108 Longshou Canal
鲁国 魯國 108 Luguo
  1. Luo
  2. Luo River
  3. Luoyang
洛阳 洛陽 108 Luoyang
洛州 108 Luozhou
略阳 略陽 108 Lüeyang
邙山 109 Mount Mang
109 the Pleiades
109 Mei
明教 109
  1. Manicheanism; Manicheism
  2. a branch of Manicheanism combining influences from Taoism and Buddhism
  3. outstanding advice
南安 110 Nan'an
南宁 南寧 110 Nanning
南阳 南陽 110 Nanyang
纳言 納言 110 Neiyan; Palace Attendant
平阳 平陽 112 Pingyang; Linfen
  1. common; general; popular; everywhere; universal; extensive
  2. Prussia
  3. Pu
蒲州 80 Puzhou; Yongji
七略 113 Seven Categories
齐武成 齊武成 113 Emperor Wucheng of Qi
齐孝 齊孝 113 Xiao of Qi
犍为 犍為 113
  1. Qianwei [commandery]
  2. Qianwei
  3. Qianwei
秦州 113 Qinzhou
七月 113 July; the Seventh Month
仁寿 仁壽 114 Renshou
儒教 114
  1. Confucianism
  2. Confucianism
三公 115 Three Ducal Ministers; Three Excellencies
三台 115 Santai
上士 115 Sergeant
山南 115 Lhokha
  1. Shao
  2. Shao
摄提 攝提 115 Shiti
十二月 115 December; the Twelfth Month
十一月 115 November; the Eleventh Month
十月 115 October; the Tenth Month
世宗 115
  1. King Sejong the Great; Sejong Daewang
  2. Sejong
  3. Shizong
  1. Sichuan
  2. Shu Kingdom
蜀国 蜀國 115 Shu Han Kingdom
司空 115
  1. Minster of Land and Water
  2. Sikong
司马 司馬 115
  1. Minister of War
  2. Sima [star]
  3. Sima [surname]
  4. Aide to Commander; Leader of Cavalry
四月 115 April; the Fourth Month
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
绥德 綏德 115 Suide
岁星 歲星 115 Jupiter
睢州 83 Suizhou; Shangqiu
太白 116
  1. Taebaek
  2. Venus
  3. Tai Bai
  4. Tai Bai
  5. Mount Taibai
  6. Taibai (flag)
太后 116
  1. Empress Dowager
  2. Consort Dowager
太学 太學 116 Taixue; Imperial Academy; Grand Academy
太安 116 Tai'an reign
太保 116 Grand Protector
太傅 116 Grand Tutor; Grand Mentor
太师 太師 116 Grand Preceptor; Grand Master; Imperial Tutor
太微 116 Taiwei; Grand Subtlety
太原 116 Taiyuan
唐尧 唐堯 116 Tang Yao; Emperor Yao
唐国 唐國 116 Tangguo
  1. Teng
  2. Teng
天津 116 Tianjin
天子 116 the rightful Emperor; the Son of Heaven
潼关 潼關 116 Tongguan
同州 116 Tongzhou; Weinan
突厥 116 Turk; Tujie; Göktürks; proto-Turkic ethnic group
吐谷浑 吐谷渾 116 Tuyuhun people
119 Wei River
魏国 魏國 119
  1. Wei State
  2. Wei State; Cao Wei
文昌 119 Wenchang
  1. Wu
  2. Jiangsu
  3. Wu
  4. Wu dialect
  5. Eastern Wu
  6. to speak loudly
武帝 119
  1. Emperor Wu of Han
  2. Emperor Wu of Southern Qi
  3. Emperor Wu of Song
武安 119 Wu'an
武成 119 Successful Completion of the War
武都 119 Wudu
吴国 吳國 119
  1. Wu state
  2. Wu state
武邑 119 Wuyi
五月 119 May; the Fifth Month
  1. what?; where?; why?
  2. a slave; a servant
  3. Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi
  4. Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi
  5. Xi
  1. Hunan
  2. Xiang dialect
咸阳 咸陽 120
  1. Xianyang
  2. Xianyang
孝昭 120 Xiaozhao
夏州 120 Xiazhou
辛亥 120 Xin Hai year
新城 120 Xincheng; Hsincheng
荥阳 滎陽 88 Xingyang
西宁 西寧 120 Xining
信州 120 Xinzhou
  1. xu
  2. slowly; gently
  3. Xu
  4. Xuzhou
轩辕 軒轅 120 Xuanyuan
  1. Xue
  2. Xue
燕国公 燕國公 121 Yan Guogong
焉耆 121 Karasahr; Yanqi
掖庭 121 Lateral Courts
121 Ying
银州 銀州 121 Yinzhou
宜阳 宜陽 121 Yiyang
益州 121 Yizhou
121 Yong; Nanning
永昌 121
  1. Yongchang
  2. Yongchang
雍州 121 Yongzhou
原州 121 Wonju
尉迟 尉遲 121 Yuchi
越国 越國 121 Yue state; generic term for states in south China or southeast Asia at different historical periods
121 Yun
云阳 雲陽 121 Yunyang
于阗 于闐 121 Yutian
宇文 121
  1. Yuwen
  2. Yuwen
豫州 121 Yuzhou
章武 122 Zhangwu
张掖 張掖 122 Zhangye
  1. Zhao
  2. Zhao Dynasty
  3. State of Zhao
  4. to rush
  5. to visit
  6. Zhao
  7. to dig
赵国 趙國 122 State of Zhao
郑国 鄭國 122 Zhengguo
正月 122 first month of the lunar calendar
镇星 鎮星 122 Saturn
中大夫 122 Grand Master of the Palace
中华书局 中華書局 122 Zhonghua Book Company
中山 122
  1. Dr Sun Yat-sen; Zhongshan, prefecture-level city in Guangdong, close to Sun Yat-sen's birthplace; Nakayama (Japanese surname)
  2. Zhongshan
  3. Nakayama
  1. daytime
  2. Zhou
  3. Zhou
周书 周書 122
  1. Books of Zhou
  2. History of Zhou of the Northern Dynasties
周文 122 Zhou Script; Great Seal Script
颛顼 顓頊 122 Zhuan Xu
庄公 莊公 122 Lord Zhuang
诸城 諸城 122 Zhucheng
驺虞 騶虞 122 zouyu


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English