Glossary and Vocabulary for Book of Han 漢書, 卷三十九 蕭何曹參傳 Volume 39: Xiao He and Cao Shen

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 75 zhī to go 常佑之
2 75 zhī to arrive; to go 常佑之
3 75 zhī is 常佑之
4 75 zhī to use 常佑之
5 75 zhī Zhi 常佑之
6 75 zhī winding 常佑之
7 66 wéi to act as; to serve 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
8 66 wéi to change into; to become 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
9 66 wéi to be; is 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
10 66 wéi to do 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
11 66 wèi to support; to help 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
12 66 wéi to govern 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
13 49 yuē to speak; to say 與范增謀曰
14 49 yuē Kangxi radical 73 與范增謀曰
15 49 yuē to be called 與范增謀曰
16 47 to carry on the shoulder 何獨以五
17 47 what 何獨以五
18 47 He 何獨以五
19 44 cān to take part in; to participate 參以中涓從
20 44 shēn ginseng 參以中涓從
21 44 sān three 參以中涓從
22 44 shēn to intervene 參以中涓從
23 44 cān to mix; to blend 參以中涓從
24 44 cān to call on a superior; to visit 參以中涓從
25 44 cān to accuse of misconduct 參以中涓從
26 44 cān to investigate 參以中涓從
27 44 cēn uneven; jagged; crisscrossed 參以中涓從
28 44 shēn Shen 參以中涓從
29 44 cān to assist with 參以中涓從
30 44 cān to arrange 參以中涓從
31 44 cān to even up 參以中涓從
32 44 cān to extend to an equal level 參以中涓從
33 44 cān to consult 參以中涓從
34 42 to use; to grasp 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
35 42 to rely on 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
36 42 to regard 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
37 42 to be able to 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
38 42 to order; to command 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
39 42 used after a verb 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
40 42 a reason; a cause 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
41 42 Israel 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
42 42 Yi 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
43 35 shàng top; a high position 上可許以從事
44 35 shang top; the position on or above something 上可許以從事
45 35 shàng to go up; to go forward 上可許以從事
46 35 shàng shang 上可許以從事
47 35 shàng previous; last 上可許以從事
48 35 shàng high; higher 上可許以從事
49 35 shàng advanced 上可許以從事
50 35 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上可許以從事
51 35 shàng time 上可許以從事
52 35 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上可許以從事
53 35 shàng far 上可許以從事
54 35 shàng big; as big as 上可許以從事
55 35 shàng abundant; plentiful 上可許以從事
56 35 shàng to report 上可許以從事
57 35 shàng to offer 上可許以從事
58 35 shàng to go on stage 上可許以從事
59 35 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上可許以從事
60 35 shàng to install; to erect 上可許以從事
61 35 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上可許以從事
62 35 shàng to burn 上可許以從事
63 35 shàng to remember 上可許以從事
64 35 shàng to add 上可許以從事
65 35 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上可許以從事
66 35 shàng to meet 上可許以從事
67 35 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上可許以從事
68 35 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上可許以從事
69 35 shàng a musical note 上可許以從事
70 29 to strike; to hit; to beat 漢王與諸侯擊楚
71 29 to attack; to fight 漢王與諸侯擊楚
72 29 to bump; to touch; to encounter 漢王與諸侯擊楚
73 29 to confront 漢王與諸侯擊楚
74 28 相國 xiāngguó Chancellor of State 使使拜丞相為相國
75 26 qín Shaanxi 秦御史監郡者
76 26 qín Qin Dynasty 秦御史監郡者
77 26 aín State of Qin 秦御史監郡者
78 26 qín Qin 秦御史監郡者
79 26 zhì Kangxi radical 133 沛公至咸陽
80 26 zhì to arrive 沛公至咸陽
81 26 to give 與從事辨之
82 26 to accompany 與從事辨之
83 26 to particate in 與從事辨之
84 26 of the same kind 與從事辨之
85 26 to help 與從事辨之
86 26 for 與從事辨之
87 26 jūn army; military 計戶轉漕給軍
88 26 jūn soldiers; troops 計戶轉漕給軍
89 26 jūn an organized collective 計戶轉漕給軍
90 26 jūn to garrison; to stay an an encampment 計戶轉漕給軍
91 26 jūn a garrison 計戶轉漕給軍
92 26 jūn a front 計戶轉漕給軍
93 26 jūn penal miltary service 計戶轉漕給軍
94 26 jūn to organize troops 計戶轉漕給軍
95 26 to break; to split; to smash 先入關破秦者王其地
96 26 worn-out; broken 先入關破秦者王其地
97 26 to destroy; to ruin 先入關破秦者王其地
98 26 to break a rule; to allow an exception 先入關破秦者王其地
99 26 to defeat 先入關破秦者王其地
100 26 low quality; in poor condition 先入關破秦者王其地
101 26 to strike; to hit 先入關破秦者王其地
102 26 to spend [money]; to squander 先入關破秦者王其地
103 26 to disprove [an argument] 先入關破秦者王其地
104 26 finale 先入關破秦者王其地
105 26 to use up; to exhaust 先入關破秦者王其地
106 26 to penetrate 先入關破秦者王其地
107 26 jūn sovereign; monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler 數勞苦君者
108 26 jūn a mistress 數勞苦君者
109 26 jūn date-plum 數勞苦君者
110 26 jūn the son of heaven 數勞苦君者
111 26 jūn to rule 數勞苦君者
112 24 nǎi to be 何乃給泗水卒史事
113 22 to go; to 不猶愈於死乎
114 22 to rely on; to depend on 不猶愈於死乎
115 22 Yu 不猶愈於死乎
116 22 a crow 不猶愈於死乎
117 21 ér Kangxi radical 126 而三分關中地
118 21 ér as if; to seem like 而三分關中地
119 21 néng can; able 而三分關中地
120 21 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 而三分關中地
121 21 ér to arrive; up to 而三分關中地
122 21 rén person; people; a human being 沛人也
123 21 rén Kangxi radical 9 沛人也
124 21 rén a kind of person 沛人也
125 21 rén everybody 沛人也
126 21 rén adult 沛人也
127 21 rén somebody; others 沛人也
128 21 rén an upright person 沛人也
129 20 hóu marquis; lord 先封為酇侯
130 20 hóu a target in archery 先封為酇侯
131 18 fēng to seal; to close off 論功行封
132 18 fēng Feng 論功行封
133 18 fēng to confer; to grant 論功行封
134 18 fēng an envelope 論功行封
135 18 fēng a border; a boundary 論功行封
136 18 fēng to prohibit 論功行封
137 18 fēng to limit 論功行封
138 18 fēng to make an earth mound 論功行封
139 18 fēng to increase 論功行封
140 18 蕭何 xiāohé Xiao He 蕭何
141 18 cóng to follow 於是何從其計
142 18 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 於是何從其計
143 18 cóng to participate in something 於是何從其計
144 18 cóng to use a certain method or principle 於是何從其計
145 18 cóng something secondary 於是何從其計
146 18 cóng remote relatives 於是何從其計
147 18 cóng secondary 於是何從其計
148 18 cóng to go on; to advance 於是何從其計
149 18 cōng at ease; informal 於是何從其計
150 18 zòng a follower; a supporter 於是何從其計
151 18 zòng to release 於是何從其計
152 18 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 於是何從其計
153 17 dōng east 說漢王令引兵東定三秦
154 17 dōng master; host 說漢王令引兵東定三秦
155 17 dōng Dong 說漢王令引兵東定三秦
156 17 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 得毋行
157 17 děi to want to; to need to 得毋行
158 17 děi must; ought to 得毋行
159 17 de 得毋行
160 17 de infix potential marker 得毋行
161 17 to result in 得毋行
162 17 to be proper; to fit; to suit 得毋行
163 17 to be satisfied 得毋行
164 17 to be finished 得毋行
165 17 děi satisfying 得毋行
166 17 to contract 得毋行
167 17 to hear 得毋行
168 17 to have; there is 得毋行
169 17 marks time passed 得毋行
170 16 wáng Wang 先入關破秦者王其地
171 16 wáng a king 先入關破秦者王其地
172 16 wáng Kangxi radical 96 先入關破秦者王其地
173 16 wàng to be king; to rule 先入關破秦者王其地
174 16 wáng a prince; a duke 先入關破秦者王其地
175 16 wáng grand; great 先入關破秦者王其地
176 16 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 先入關破秦者王其地
177 16 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 先入關破秦者王其地
178 16 wáng the head of a group or gang 先入關破秦者王其地
179 16 wáng the biggest or best of a group 先入關破秦者王其地
180 16 gōng to attack; to assault 欲攻沛公
181 16 gōng to discredit; to impugn; to criticize 欲攻沛公
182 16 gōng to remedy; to cure 欲攻沛公
183 16 gōng to work at; to handle 欲攻沛公
184 16 gōng workmanship; expertise 欲攻沛公
185 16 gōng exaction by the state 欲攻沛公
186 16 gōng sturdy; strong 欲攻沛公
187 16 gōng to govern; to administer 欲攻沛公
188 16 gōng Gong 欲攻沛公
189 16 mín the people; citizen; subjects 民所疾苦者
190 16 mín Min 民所疾苦者
191 16 漢王 hàn wáng Han Wang 故立沛公為漢王
192 16 Qi 先入關破秦者王其地
193 15 xiàng to observe; to assess 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
194 15 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
195 15 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
196 15 xiàng to aid; to help 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
197 15 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
198 15 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
199 15 xiāng alternately; in turn 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
200 15 xiāng Xiang 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
201 15 xiāng form substance 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
202 15 xiāng to express 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
203 15 xiàng to choose 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
204 15 xiāng Xiang 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
205 15 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
206 15 xiāng the seventh lunar month 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
207 15 xiāng to compare 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
208 15 xiàng to divine 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
209 15 xiàng to administer 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
210 15 xiàng helper for a blind person 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
211 15 xiāng rhythm [music] 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
212 15 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
213 15 xiāng coralwood 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
214 15 xiàng ministry 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
215 15 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
216 15 shǔ to count 數以吏事護高祖
217 15 shù a number; an amount 數以吏事護高祖
218 15 shù mathenatics 數以吏事護高祖
219 15 shù an ancient calculating method 數以吏事護高祖
220 15 shù several; a few 數以吏事護高祖
221 15 shǔ to allow; to permit 數以吏事護高祖
222 15 shǔ to be equal; to compare to 數以吏事護高祖
223 15 shù numerology; divination by numbers 數以吏事護高祖
224 15 shù a skill; an art 數以吏事護高祖
225 15 shù luck; fate 數以吏事護高祖
226 15 shù a rule 數以吏事護高祖
227 15 shù legal system 數以吏事護高祖
228 15 shǔ to criticize; to enumerate shortcomings 數以吏事護高祖
229 15 fine; detailed; dense 數以吏事護高祖
230 15 prayer beads 數以吏事護高祖
231 14 èr two 漢二年
232 14 èr Kangxi radical 7 漢二年
233 14 èr second 漢二年
234 14 èr twice; double; di- 漢二年
235 14 èr more than one kind 漢二年
236 14 to take; to get; to fetch 天予不取
237 14 to obtain 天予不取
238 14 to choose; to select 天予不取
239 14 to catch; to seize; to capture 天予不取
240 14 to accept; to receive 天予不取
241 14 to seek 天予不取
242 14 to take a bride 天予不取
243 14 Qu 天予不取
244 14 jiàng a general; a high ranking officer 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
245 14 jiāng to progress; to transmit; to convey; to send 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
246 14 jiàng to command; to lead 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
247 14 qiāng to request 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
248 14 jiāng to bring; to take; to use; to hold 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
249 14 jiāng to support; to wait upon; to take care of 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
250 14 jiāng to checkmate 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
251 14 jiāng to goad; to incite; to provoke 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
252 14 jiāng to do; to handle 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
253 14 jiàng backbone 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
254 14 jiàng king 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
255 14 jiāng to rest 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
256 14 jiàng a senior member of an organization 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
257 14 jiāng large; great 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
258 14 big; huge; large 漢王大說
259 14 Kangxi radical 37 漢王大說
260 14 great; major; important 漢王大說
261 14 size 漢王大說
262 14 old 漢王大說
263 14 oldest; earliest 漢王大說
264 14 adult 漢王大說
265 14 dài an important person 漢王大說
266 14 senior 漢王大說
267 14 shí time; a point or period of time 高祖為布衣時
268 14 shí a season; a quarter of a year 高祖為布衣時
269 14 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 高祖為布衣時
270 14 shí fashionable 高祖為布衣時
271 14 shí fate; destiny; luck 高祖為布衣時
272 14 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 高祖為布衣時
273 14 shí tense 高祖為布衣時
274 14 shí particular; special 高祖為布衣時
275 14 shí to plant; to cultivate 高祖為布衣時
276 14 shí an era; a dynasty 高祖為布衣時
277 14 shí time [abstract] 高祖為布衣時
278 14 shí seasonal 高祖為布衣時
279 14 shí to wait upon 高祖為布衣時
280 14 shí hour 高祖為布衣時
281 14 shí appropriate; proper; timely 高祖為布衣時
282 14 shí Shi 高祖為布衣時
283 14 shí a present; currentlt 高祖為布衣時
284 14 suǒ a few; various; some 民所疾苦者
285 14 suǒ a place; a location 民所疾苦者
286 14 suǒ indicates a passive voice 民所疾苦者
287 14 suǒ an ordinal number 民所疾苦者
288 14 suǒ meaning 民所疾苦者
289 14 suǒ garrison 民所疾苦者
290 13 fǎn reverse; opposite; wrong side out or up 反受其咎
291 13 fǎn to rebel; to oppose 反受其咎
292 13 fǎn to go back; to return 反受其咎
293 13 fǎn to combat; to rebel 反受其咎
294 13 fǎn the fanqie phonetic system 反受其咎
295 13 fǎn a counter-revolutionary 反受其咎
296 13 fǎn to flip; to turn over 反受其咎
297 13 fǎn to take back; to give back 反受其咎
298 13 fǎn to reason by analogy 反受其咎
299 13 fǎn to introspect 反受其咎
300 13 fān to reverse a verdict 反受其咎
301 13 關中 guānzhōng Guanzhong 蜀漢亦關中地也
302 13 a government official; a magistrate 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
303 13 Li 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
304 12 gōng merit 上以何功最盛
305 12 gōng service; work; effort 上以何功最盛
306 12 gōng skill 上以何功最盛
307 12 gōng an achievement; an accomplishment 上以何功最盛
308 12 gōng deserving praise 上以何功最盛
309 12 gōng level of morning ritual 上以何功最盛
310 12 gōng an effect; a result 上以何功最盛
311 12 gōng a kind of funeral dress 上以何功最盛
312 12 gōng work (physics) 上以何功最盛
313 12 陛下 bì xià your majesty 陛下雖數亡山東
314 12 child; son 子祿嗣
315 12 egg; newborn 子祿嗣
316 12 first earthly branch 子祿嗣
317 12 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 子祿嗣
318 12 Kangxi radical 39 子祿嗣
319 12 pellet; something small and hard 子祿嗣
320 12 master 子祿嗣
321 12 viscount 子祿嗣
322 12 zi you; your honor 子祿嗣
323 12 masters 子祿嗣
324 12 person 子祿嗣
325 12 young 子祿嗣
326 12 seed 子祿嗣
327 12 subordinate; subsidiary 子祿嗣
328 12 a copper coin 子祿嗣
329 12 female dragonfly 子祿嗣
330 12 constituent 子祿嗣
331 12 offspring; descendants 子祿嗣
332 12 dear 子祿嗣
333 12 little one 子祿嗣
334 12 yán to speak; to say; said 秦御史欲入言徵何
335 12 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 秦御史欲入言徵何
336 12 yán Kangxi radical 149 秦御史欲入言徵何
337 12 yán phrase; sentence 秦御史欲入言徵何
338 12 yán a word; a syllable 秦御史欲入言徵何
339 12 yán a theory; a doctrine 秦御史欲入言徵何
340 12 yán to regard as 秦御史欲入言徵何
341 12 yán to act as 秦御史欲入言徵何
342 11 even; equal; uniform 東擊齊
343 11 Kangxi radical 210 東擊齊
344 11 Qi Dynasty 東擊齊
345 11 State of Qi 東擊齊
346 11 to arrange 東擊齊
347 11 agile; nimble 東擊齊
348 11 navel 東擊齊
349 11 to rise; to ascend 東擊齊
350 11 chopped meat or vegetables 東擊齊
351 11 to blend ingredients 東擊齊
352 11 to delimit; to distinguish 東擊齊
353 11 the lower part of a garment 東擊齊
354 11 broomcorn millet 東擊齊
355 11 zhāi to fast 東擊齊
356 11 to level with 東擊齊
357 11 all present; all ready 東擊齊
358 11 Qi 東擊齊
359 11 alike; similar; identical; same 東擊齊
360 11 an alloy 東擊齊
361 11 沛公 pèigōng Duke of Pei 及高祖起為沛公
362 11 Wu 吾聞進賢受上賞
363 11 jīn today; present; now 今眾弗如
364 11 jīn Jin 今眾弗如
365 11 jīn modern 今眾弗如
366 11 dìng to decide 沛公既先定秦
367 11 dìng certainly; definitely 沛公既先定秦
368 11 dìng to determine 沛公既先定秦
369 11 dìng to calm down 沛公既先定秦
370 11 dìng to set; to fix 沛公既先定秦
371 11 dìng to book; to subscribe to; to order 沛公既先定秦
372 11 dìng still 沛公既先定秦
373 11 shì matter; thing; item 數以吏事護高祖
374 11 shì to serve 數以吏事護高祖
375 11 shì a government post 數以吏事護高祖
376 11 shì duty; post; work 數以吏事護高祖
377 11 shì occupation 數以吏事護高祖
378 11 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 數以吏事護高祖
379 11 shì an accident 數以吏事護高祖
380 11 shì to attend 數以吏事護高祖
381 11 shì an allusion 數以吏事護高祖
382 11 shì a condition; a state; a situation 數以吏事護高祖
383 11 shì to engage in 數以吏事護高祖
384 11 shì to enslave 數以吏事護高祖
385 11 shì to pursue 數以吏事護高祖
386 11 shì to administer 數以吏事護高祖
387 11 shì to appoint 數以吏事護高祖
388 10 Kangxi radical 63 計戶轉漕給軍
389 10 a household; a family 計戶轉漕給軍
390 10 a door 計戶轉漕給軍
391 10 a company; a unit 計戶轉漕給軍
392 10 family status 計戶轉漕給軍
393 10 Hu 計戶轉漕給軍
394 10 高祖 gāozǔ Han Gao Zu; Liu Bang 高祖為布衣時
395 10 高祖 gāozǔ great great grandfather 高祖為布衣時
396 10 高祖 gāozǔ Gaozu 高祖為布衣時
397 10 Kangxi radical 132 上自將
398 10 Zi 上自將
399 10 a nose 上自將
400 10 the beginning; the start 上自將
401 10 origin 上自將
402 10 to employ; to use 上自將
403 10 to be 上自將
404 10 to go back; to return 至位次未有以復難之
405 10 to resume; to restart 至位次未有以復難之
406 10 to do in detail 至位次未有以復難之
407 10 to restore 至位次未有以復難之
408 10 to respond; to reply to 至位次未有以復難之
409 10 Fu; Return 至位次未有以復難之
410 10 to retaliate; to reciprocate 至位次未有以復難之
411 10 to avoid forced labor or tax 至位次未有以復難之
412 10 Fu 至位次未有以復難之
413 10 doubled; to overlapping; folded 至位次未有以復難之
414 10 a lined garment with doubled thickness 至位次未有以復難之
415 10 韓信 hánxìn Han Xin 何進韓信
416 10 emperor; supreme ruler 何事惠帝
417 10 the ruler of Heaven 何事惠帝
418 10 a god 何事惠帝
419 10 imperialism 何事惠帝
420 10 hōng to die 何薨
421 10 hōng swarming 何薨
422 9 infix potential marker 不猶愈於死乎
423 9 desire 秦御史欲入言徵何
424 9 to desire; to wish 秦御史欲入言徵何
425 9 to desire; to intend 秦御史欲入言徵何
426 9 lust 秦御史欲入言徵何
427 9 nián year 漢二年
428 9 nián New Year festival 漢二年
429 9 nián age 漢二年
430 9 nián life span; life expectancy 漢二年
431 9 nián an era; a period 漢二年
432 9 nián a date 漢二年
433 9 nián time; years 漢二年
434 9 nián harvest 漢二年
435 9 nián annual; every year 漢二年
436 9 Sixth Month 且諸君獨以身從我
437 9 dignified 且諸君獨以身從我
438 9 wén to hear 上來以聞
439 9 wén Wen 上來以聞
440 9 wén sniff at; to smell 上來以聞
441 9 wén to be widely known 上來以聞
442 9 wén to confirm; to accept 上來以聞
443 9 wén information 上來以聞
444 9 wèn famous; well known 上來以聞
445 9 wén knowledge; learning 上來以聞
446 9 wèn popularity; prestige; reputation 上來以聞
447 9 wén to question 上來以聞
448 9 qǐng to ask; to inquire 何固請
449 9 qíng circumstances; state of affairs; situation 何固請
450 9 qǐng to beg; to entreat 何固請
451 9 qǐng please 何固請
452 9 qǐng to request 何固請
453 9 qǐng to hire; to employ; to engage 何固請
454 9 qǐng to make an appointment 何固請
455 9 qǐng to greet 何固請
456 9 qǐng to invite 何固請
457 9 hòu after; later 項羽後至
458 9 hòu empress; queen 項羽後至
459 9 hòu sovereign 項羽後至
460 9 hòu the god of the earth 項羽後至
461 9 hòu late; later 項羽後至
462 9 hòu offspring; descendents 項羽後至
463 9 hòu to fall behind; to lag 項羽後至
464 9 hòu behind; back 項羽後至
465 9 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 項羽後至
466 9 hòu Hou 項羽後至
467 9 hòu after; behind 項羽後至
468 9 hòu following 項羽後至
469 9 hòu to be delayed 項羽後至
470 9 hòu to abandon; to discard 項羽後至
471 9 hòu feudal lords 項羽後至
472 9 hòu Hou 項羽後至
473 9 曹參 Cáocān Cao Can 平陽侯曹參身被七十創
474 9 sān three 吏皆送奉錢三
475 9 sān third 吏皆送奉錢三
476 9 sān more than two 吏皆送奉錢三
477 9 sān very few 吏皆送奉錢三
478 9 sān San 吏皆送奉錢三
479 9 丞相 chéngxiāng a senior minister; a prime minister; chancellor 何獨先入收秦丞相御史律令圖書臧之
480 9 Kangxi radical 71 軍無見糧
481 9 to not have; without 軍無見糧
482 9 mo 軍無見糧
483 9 to not have 軍無見糧
484 9 Wu 軍無見糧
485 9 a man; a male adult 夫能詘於一人之下
486 9 husband 夫能詘於一人之下
487 9 a person 夫能詘於一人之下
488 9 someone who does manual work 夫能詘於一人之下
489 9 a hired worker 夫能詘於一人之下
490 9 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 說漢王令引兵東定三秦
491 9 lìng to issue a command 說漢王令引兵東定三秦
492 9 lìng rules of behavior; customs 說漢王令引兵東定三秦
493 9 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 說漢王令引兵東定三秦
494 9 lìng a season 說漢王令引兵東定三秦
495 9 lìng respected; good reputation 說漢王令引兵東定三秦
496 9 lìng good 說漢王令引兵東定三秦
497 9 lìng pretentious 說漢王令引兵東定三秦
498 9 lìng a transcending state of existence 說漢王令引兵東定三秦
499 9 lìng a commander 說漢王令引兵東定三秦
500 9 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 說漢王令引兵東定三秦

Frequencies of all Words

Top 929

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 75 zhī him; her; them; that 常佑之
2 75 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 常佑之
3 75 zhī to go 常佑之
4 75 zhī this; that 常佑之
5 75 zhī genetive marker 常佑之
6 75 zhī it 常佑之
7 75 zhī in; in regards to 常佑之
8 75 zhī all 常佑之
9 75 zhī and 常佑之
10 75 zhī however 常佑之
11 75 zhī if 常佑之
12 75 zhī then 常佑之
13 75 zhī to arrive; to go 常佑之
14 75 zhī is 常佑之
15 75 zhī to use 常佑之
16 75 zhī Zhi 常佑之
17 75 zhī winding 常佑之
18 66 wèi for; to 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
19 66 wèi because of 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
20 66 wéi to act as; to serve 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
21 66 wéi to change into; to become 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
22 66 wéi to be; is 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
23 66 wéi to do 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
24 66 wèi for 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
25 66 wèi because of; for; to 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
26 66 wèi to 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
27 66 wéi in a passive construction 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
28 66 wéi forming a rehetorical question 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
29 66 wéi forming an adverb 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
30 66 wéi to add emphasis 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
31 66 wèi to support; to help 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
32 66 wéi to govern 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
33 49 yuē to speak; to say 與范增謀曰
34 49 yuē Kangxi radical 73 與范增謀曰
35 49 yuē to be called 與范增謀曰
36 49 yuē particle without meaning 與范增謀曰
37 47 what; where; which 何獨以五
38 47 to carry on the shoulder 何獨以五
39 47 who 何獨以五
40 47 what 何獨以五
41 47 why 何獨以五
42 47 how 何獨以五
43 47 how much 何獨以五
44 47 He 何獨以五
45 44 cān to take part in; to participate 參以中涓從
46 44 shēn ginseng 參以中涓從
47 44 sān three 參以中涓從
48 44 shēn to intervene 參以中涓從
49 44 cān to mix; to blend 參以中涓從
50 44 cān to call on a superior; to visit 參以中涓從
51 44 cān to accuse of misconduct 參以中涓從
52 44 cān to investigate 參以中涓從
53 44 cēn uneven; jagged; crisscrossed 參以中涓從
54 44 shēn Shen 參以中涓從
55 44 cān to assist with 參以中涓從
56 44 cān to arrange 參以中涓從
57 44 cān to even up 參以中涓從
58 44 cān to extend to an equal level 參以中涓從
59 44 cān to consult 參以中涓從
60 42 so as to; in order to 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
61 42 to use; to regard as 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
62 42 to use; to grasp 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
63 42 according to 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
64 42 because of 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
65 42 on a certain date 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
66 42 and; as well as 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
67 42 to rely on 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
68 42 to regard 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
69 42 to be able to 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
70 42 to order; to command 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
71 42 further; moreover 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
72 42 used after a verb 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
73 42 very 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
74 42 already 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
75 42 increasingly 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
76 42 a reason; a cause 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
77 42 Israel 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
78 42 Yi 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
79 35 shàng top; a high position 上可許以從事
80 35 shang top; the position on or above something 上可許以從事
81 35 shàng to go up; to go forward 上可許以從事
82 35 shàng shang 上可許以從事
83 35 shàng previous; last 上可許以從事
84 35 shàng high; higher 上可許以從事
85 35 shàng advanced 上可許以從事
86 35 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上可許以從事
87 35 shàng time 上可許以從事
88 35 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上可許以從事
89 35 shàng far 上可許以從事
90 35 shàng big; as big as 上可許以從事
91 35 shàng abundant; plentiful 上可許以從事
92 35 shàng to report 上可許以從事
93 35 shàng to offer 上可許以從事
94 35 shàng to go on stage 上可許以從事
95 35 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上可許以從事
96 35 shàng to install; to erect 上可許以從事
97 35 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上可許以從事
98 35 shàng to burn 上可許以從事
99 35 shàng to remember 上可許以從事
100 35 shang on; in 上可許以從事
101 35 shàng upward 上可許以從事
102 35 shàng to add 上可許以從事
103 35 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上可許以從事
104 35 shàng to meet 上可許以從事
105 35 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上可許以從事
106 35 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上可許以從事
107 35 shàng a musical note 上可許以從事
108 34 also; too 沛人也
109 34 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 沛人也
110 34 either 沛人也
111 34 even 沛人也
112 34 used to soften the tone 沛人也
113 34 used for emphasis 沛人也
114 34 used to mark contrast 沛人也
115 34 used to mark compromise 沛人也
116 29 to strike; to hit; to beat 漢王與諸侯擊楚
117 29 to attack; to fight 漢王與諸侯擊楚
118 29 to bump; to touch; to encounter 漢王與諸侯擊楚
119 29 to confront 漢王與諸侯擊楚
120 28 相國 xiāngguó Chancellor of State 使使拜丞相為相國
121 26 qín Shaanxi 秦御史監郡者
122 26 qín Qin Dynasty 秦御史監郡者
123 26 aín State of Qin 秦御史監郡者
124 26 qín Qin 秦御史監郡者
125 26 zhì to; until 沛公至咸陽
126 26 zhì Kangxi radical 133 沛公至咸陽
127 26 zhì extremely; very; most 沛公至咸陽
128 26 zhì to arrive 沛公至咸陽
129 26 and 與從事辨之
130 26 to give 與從事辨之
131 26 together with 與從事辨之
132 26 interrogative particle 與從事辨之
133 26 to accompany 與從事辨之
134 26 to particate in 與從事辨之
135 26 of the same kind 與從事辨之
136 26 to help 與從事辨之
137 26 for 與從事辨之
138 26 jūn army; military 計戶轉漕給軍
139 26 jūn soldiers; troops 計戶轉漕給軍
140 26 jūn an organized collective 計戶轉漕給軍
141 26 jūn to garrison; to stay an an encampment 計戶轉漕給軍
142 26 jūn a garrison 計戶轉漕給軍
143 26 jūn a front 計戶轉漕給軍
144 26 jūn penal miltary service 計戶轉漕給軍
145 26 jūn to organize troops 計戶轉漕給軍
146 26 to break; to split; to smash 先入關破秦者王其地
147 26 worn-out; broken 先入關破秦者王其地
148 26 to destroy; to ruin 先入關破秦者王其地
149 26 to break a rule; to allow an exception 先入關破秦者王其地
150 26 to defeat 先入關破秦者王其地
151 26 low quality; in poor condition 先入關破秦者王其地
152 26 to strike; to hit 先入關破秦者王其地
153 26 to spend [money]; to squander 先入關破秦者王其地
154 26 to disprove [an argument] 先入關破秦者王其地
155 26 finale 先入關破秦者王其地
156 26 to use up; to exhaust 先入關破秦者王其地
157 26 to penetrate 先入關破秦者王其地
158 26 jūn sovereign; monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler 數勞苦君者
159 26 jūn you 數勞苦君者
160 26 jūn a mistress 數勞苦君者
161 26 jūn date-plum 數勞苦君者
162 26 jūn the son of heaven 數勞苦君者
163 26 jūn to rule 數勞苦君者
164 24 nǎi thus; so; therefore; then; only; thereupon 何乃給泗水卒史事
165 24 nǎi to be 何乃給泗水卒史事
166 24 nǎi you; yours 何乃給泗水卒史事
167 24 nǎi also; moreover 何乃給泗水卒史事
168 24 nǎi however; but 何乃給泗水卒史事
169 24 nǎi if 何乃給泗水卒史事
170 22 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 秦御史監郡者
171 22 zhě that 秦御史監郡者
172 22 zhě nominalizing function word 秦御史監郡者
173 22 zhě used to mark a definition 秦御史監郡者
174 22 zhě used to mark a pause 秦御史監郡者
175 22 zhě topic marker; that; it 秦御史監郡者
176 22 zhuó according to 秦御史監郡者
177 22 in; at 不猶愈於死乎
178 22 in; at 不猶愈於死乎
179 22 in; at; to; from 不猶愈於死乎
180 22 to go; to 不猶愈於死乎
181 22 to rely on; to depend on 不猶愈於死乎
182 22 to go to; to arrive at 不猶愈於死乎
183 22 from 不猶愈於死乎
184 22 give 不猶愈於死乎
185 22 oppposing 不猶愈於死乎
186 22 and 不猶愈於死乎
187 22 compared to 不猶愈於死乎
188 22 by 不猶愈於死乎
189 22 and; as well as 不猶愈於死乎
190 22 for 不猶愈於死乎
191 22 Yu 不猶愈於死乎
192 22 a crow 不猶愈於死乎
193 22 whew; wow 不猶愈於死乎
194 21 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 而三分關中地
195 21 ér Kangxi radical 126 而三分關中地
196 21 ér you 而三分關中地
197 21 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 而三分關中地
198 21 ér right away; then 而三分關中地
199 21 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 而三分關中地
200 21 ér if; in case; in the event that 而三分關中地
201 21 ér therefore; as a result; thus 而三分關中地
202 21 ér how can it be that? 而三分關中地
203 21 ér so as to 而三分關中地
204 21 ér only then 而三分關中地
205 21 ér as if; to seem like 而三分關中地
206 21 néng can; able 而三分關中地
207 21 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 而三分關中地
208 21 ér me 而三分關中地
209 21 ér to arrive; up to 而三分關中地
210 21 ér possessive 而三分關中地
211 21 rén person; people; a human being 沛人也
212 21 rén Kangxi radical 9 沛人也
213 21 rén a kind of person 沛人也
214 21 rén everybody 沛人也
215 21 rén adult 沛人也
216 21 rén somebody; others 沛人也
217 21 rén an upright person 沛人也
218 20 hóu marquis; lord 先封為酇侯
219 20 hóu a target in archery 先封為酇侯
220 18 fēng to seal; to close off 論功行封
221 18 fēng a measure word for sealed objects 論功行封
222 18 fēng Feng 論功行封
223 18 fēng to confer; to grant 論功行封
224 18 fēng an envelope 論功行封
225 18 fēng a border; a boundary 論功行封
226 18 fēng to prohibit 論功行封
227 18 fēng to limit 論功行封
228 18 fēng to make an earth mound 論功行封
229 18 fēng to increase 論功行封
230 18 蕭何 xiāohé Xiao He 蕭何
231 18 cóng from 於是何從其計
232 18 cóng to follow 於是何從其計
233 18 cóng past; through 於是何從其計
234 18 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 於是何從其計
235 18 cóng to participate in something 於是何從其計
236 18 cóng to use a certain method or principle 於是何從其計
237 18 cóng usually 於是何從其計
238 18 cóng something secondary 於是何從其計
239 18 cóng remote relatives 於是何從其計
240 18 cóng secondary 於是何從其計
241 18 cóng to go on; to advance 於是何從其計
242 18 cōng at ease; informal 於是何從其計
243 18 zòng a follower; a supporter 於是何從其計
244 18 zòng to release 於是何從其計
245 18 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 於是何從其計
246 17 dōng east 說漢王令引兵東定三秦
247 17 dōng master; host 說漢王令引兵東定三秦
248 17 dōng Dong 說漢王令引兵東定三秦
249 17 de potential marker 得毋行
250 17 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 得毋行
251 17 děi must; ought to 得毋行
252 17 děi to want to; to need to 得毋行
253 17 děi must; ought to 得毋行
254 17 de 得毋行
255 17 de infix potential marker 得毋行
256 17 to result in 得毋行
257 17 to be proper; to fit; to suit 得毋行
258 17 to be satisfied 得毋行
259 17 to be finished 得毋行
260 17 de result of degree 得毋行
261 17 de marks completion of an action 得毋行
262 17 děi satisfying 得毋行
263 17 to contract 得毋行
264 17 marks permission or possibility 得毋行
265 17 expressing frustration 得毋行
266 17 to hear 得毋行
267 17 to have; there is 得毋行
268 17 marks time passed 得毋行
269 16 wáng Wang 先入關破秦者王其地
270 16 wáng a king 先入關破秦者王其地
271 16 wáng Kangxi radical 96 先入關破秦者王其地
272 16 wàng to be king; to rule 先入關破秦者王其地
273 16 wáng a prince; a duke 先入關破秦者王其地
274 16 wáng grand; great 先入關破秦者王其地
275 16 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 先入關破秦者王其地
276 16 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 先入關破秦者王其地
277 16 wáng the head of a group or gang 先入關破秦者王其地
278 16 wáng the biggest or best of a group 先入關破秦者王其地
279 16 gōng to attack; to assault 欲攻沛公
280 16 gōng to discredit; to impugn; to criticize 欲攻沛公
281 16 gōng to remedy; to cure 欲攻沛公
282 16 gōng to work at; to handle 欲攻沛公
283 16 gōng workmanship; expertise 欲攻沛公
284 16 gōng exaction by the state 欲攻沛公
285 16 gōng sturdy; strong 欲攻沛公
286 16 gōng to govern; to administer 欲攻沛公
287 16 gōng Gong 欲攻沛公
288 16 mín the people; citizen; subjects 民所疾苦者
289 16 mín Min 民所疾苦者
290 16 漢王 hàn wáng Han Wang 故立沛公為漢王
291 16 his; hers; its; theirs 先入關破秦者王其地
292 16 to add emphasis 先入關破秦者王其地
293 16 used when asking a question in reply to a question 先入關破秦者王其地
294 16 used when making a request or giving an order 先入關破秦者王其地
295 16 he; her; it; them 先入關破秦者王其地
296 16 probably; likely 先入關破秦者王其地
297 16 will 先入關破秦者王其地
298 16 may 先入關破秦者王其地
299 16 if 先入關破秦者王其地
300 16 or 先入關破秦者王其地
301 16 Qi 先入關破秦者王其地
302 15 jiē all; each and every; in all cases 吏皆送奉錢三
303 15 jiē same; equally 吏皆送奉錢三
304 15 xiāng each other; one another; mutually 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
305 15 xiàng to observe; to assess 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
306 15 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
307 15 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
308 15 xiàng to aid; to help 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
309 15 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
310 15 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
311 15 xiāng alternately; in turn 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
312 15 xiāng Xiang 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
313 15 xiāng form substance 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
314 15 xiāng to express 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
315 15 xiàng to choose 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
316 15 xiāng Xiang 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
317 15 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
318 15 xiāng the seventh lunar month 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
319 15 xiāng to compare 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
320 15 xiàng to divine 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
321 15 xiàng to administer 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
322 15 xiàng helper for a blind person 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
323 15 xiāng rhythm [music] 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
324 15 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
325 15 xiāng coralwood 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
326 15 xiàng ministry 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
327 15 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 吾聞李斯相秦皇帝
328 15 shǔ to count 數以吏事護高祖
329 15 shù a number; an amount 數以吏事護高祖
330 15 shuò frequently; repeatedly 數以吏事護高祖
331 15 shù mathenatics 數以吏事護高祖
332 15 shù an ancient calculating method 數以吏事護高祖
333 15 shù several; a few 數以吏事護高祖
334 15 shǔ to allow; to permit 數以吏事護高祖
335 15 shǔ to be equal; to compare to 數以吏事護高祖
336 15 shù numerology; divination by numbers 數以吏事護高祖
337 15 shù a skill; an art 數以吏事護高祖
338 15 shù luck; fate 數以吏事護高祖
339 15 shù a rule 數以吏事護高祖
340 15 shù legal system 數以吏事護高祖
341 15 shǔ to criticize; to enumerate shortcomings 數以吏事護高祖
342 15 shǔ outstanding 數以吏事護高祖
343 15 fine; detailed; dense 數以吏事護高祖
344 15 prayer beads 數以吏事護高祖
345 14 èr two 漢二年
346 14 èr Kangxi radical 7 漢二年
347 14 èr second 漢二年
348 14 èr twice; double; di- 漢二年
349 14 èr another; the other 漢二年
350 14 èr more than one kind 漢二年
351 14 to take; to get; to fetch 天予不取
352 14 to obtain 天予不取
353 14 to choose; to select 天予不取
354 14 to catch; to seize; to capture 天予不取
355 14 to accept; to receive 天予不取
356 14 to seek 天予不取
357 14 to take a bride 天予不取
358 14 placed after a verb to mark an action 天予不取
359 14 Qu 天予不取
360 14 jiāng will; shall (future tense) 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
361 14 jiāng to get; to use; marker for direct-object 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
362 14 jiàng a general; a high ranking officer 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
363 14 jiāng to progress; to transmit; to convey; to send 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
364 14 jiāng and; or 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
365 14 jiàng to command; to lead 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
366 14 qiāng to request 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
367 14 jiāng approximately 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
368 14 jiāng to bring; to take; to use; to hold 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
369 14 jiāng to support; to wait upon; to take care of 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
370 14 jiāng to checkmate 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
371 14 jiāng to goad; to incite; to provoke 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
372 14 jiāng to do; to handle 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
373 14 jiāng placed between a verb and a complement of direction 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
374 14 jiāng furthermore; moreover 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
375 14 jiàng backbone 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
376 14 jiàng king 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
377 14 jiāng might; possibly 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
378 14 jiāng just; a short time ago 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
379 14 jiāng to rest 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
380 14 jiāng to the side 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
381 14 jiàng a senior member of an organization 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
382 14 jiāng large; great 諸將皆爭走金帛財物之府分之
383 14 big; huge; large 漢王大說
384 14 Kangxi radical 37 漢王大說
385 14 great; major; important 漢王大說
386 14 size 漢王大說
387 14 old 漢王大說
388 14 greatly; very 漢王大說
389 14 oldest; earliest 漢王大說
390 14 adult 漢王大說
391 14 tài greatest; grand 漢王大說
392 14 dài an important person 漢王大說
393 14 senior 漢王大說
394 14 approximately 漢王大說
395 14 tài greatest; grand 漢王大說
396 14 shí time; a point or period of time 高祖為布衣時
397 14 shí a season; a quarter of a year 高祖為布衣時
398 14 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 高祖為布衣時
399 14 shí at that time 高祖為布衣時
400 14 shí fashionable 高祖為布衣時
401 14 shí fate; destiny; luck 高祖為布衣時
402 14 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 高祖為布衣時
403 14 shí tense 高祖為布衣時
404 14 shí particular; special 高祖為布衣時
405 14 shí to plant; to cultivate 高祖為布衣時
406 14 shí hour (measure word) 高祖為布衣時
407 14 shí an era; a dynasty 高祖為布衣時
408 14 shí time [abstract] 高祖為布衣時
409 14 shí seasonal 高祖為布衣時
410 14 shí frequently; often 高祖為布衣時
411 14 shí occasionally; sometimes 高祖為布衣時
412 14 shí on time 高祖為布衣時
413 14 shí this; that 高祖為布衣時
414 14 shí to wait upon 高祖為布衣時
415 14 shí hour 高祖為布衣時
416 14 shí appropriate; proper; timely 高祖為布衣時
417 14 shí Shi 高祖為布衣時
418 14 shí a present; currentlt 高祖為布衣時
419 14 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 民所疾苦者
420 14 suǒ an office; an institute 民所疾苦者
421 14 suǒ introduces a relative clause 民所疾苦者
422 14 suǒ it 民所疾苦者
423 14 suǒ if; supposing 民所疾苦者
424 14 suǒ a few; various; some 民所疾苦者
425 14 suǒ a place; a location 民所疾苦者
426 14 suǒ indicates a passive voice 民所疾苦者
427 14 suǒ that which 民所疾苦者
428 14 suǒ an ordinal number 民所疾苦者
429 14 suǒ meaning 民所疾苦者
430 14 suǒ garrison 民所疾苦者
431 13 fǎn reverse; opposite; wrong side out or up 反受其咎
432 13 fǎn instead; anti- 反受其咎
433 13 fǎn to rebel; to oppose 反受其咎
434 13 fǎn to go back; to return 反受其咎
435 13 fǎn to combat; to rebel 反受其咎
436 13 fǎn the fanqie phonetic system 反受其咎
437 13 fǎn on the contrary 反受其咎
438 13 fǎn a counter-revolutionary 反受其咎
439 13 fǎn to flip; to turn over 反受其咎
440 13 fǎn to take back; to give back 反受其咎
441 13 fǎn to reason by analogy 反受其咎
442 13 fǎn to introspect 反受其咎
443 13 fān to reverse a verdict 反受其咎
444 13 關中 guānzhōng Guanzhong 蜀漢亦關中地也
445 13 a government official; a magistrate 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
446 13 Li 以文毋害為沛主吏掾
447 13 yǒu is; are; to exist 有疑君心
448 13 yǒu to have; to possess 有疑君心
449 13 yǒu indicates an estimate 有疑君心
450 13 yǒu indicates a large quantity 有疑君心
451 13 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 有疑君心
452 13 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 有疑君心
453 13 yǒu used to compare two things 有疑君心
454 13 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 有疑君心
455 13 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 有疑君心
456 13 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 有疑君心
457 13 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 有疑君心
458 13 yǒu abundant 有疑君心
459 13 yǒu purposeful 有疑君心
460 13 yǒu You 有疑君心
461 12 gōng merit 上以何功最盛
462 12 gōng service; work; effort 上以何功最盛
463 12 gōng skill 上以何功最盛
464 12 gōng an achievement; an accomplishment 上以何功最盛
465 12 gōng deserving praise 上以何功最盛
466 12 gōng level of morning ritual 上以何功最盛
467 12 gōng an effect; a result 上以何功最盛
468 12 gōng a kind of funeral dress 上以何功最盛
469 12 gōng work (physics) 上以何功最盛
470 12 陛下 bì xià your majesty 陛下雖數亡山東
471 12 child; son 子祿嗣
472 12 egg; newborn 子祿嗣
473 12 first earthly branch 子祿嗣
474 12 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 子祿嗣
475 12 Kangxi radical 39 子祿嗣
476 12 zi indicates that the the word is used as a noun 子祿嗣
477 12 pellet; something small and hard 子祿嗣
478 12 master 子祿嗣
479 12 viscount 子祿嗣
480 12 zi you; your honor 子祿嗣
481 12 masters 子祿嗣
482 12 person 子祿嗣
483 12 young 子祿嗣
484 12 seed 子祿嗣
485 12 subordinate; subsidiary 子祿嗣
486 12 a copper coin 子祿嗣
487 12 bundle 子祿嗣
488 12 female dragonfly 子祿嗣
489 12 constituent 子祿嗣
490 12 offspring; descendants 子祿嗣
491 12 dear 子祿嗣
492 12 little one 子祿嗣
493 12 yán to speak; to say; said 秦御史欲入言徵何
494 12 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 秦御史欲入言徵何
495 12 yán Kangxi radical 149 秦御史欲入言徵何
496 12 yán a particle with no meaning 秦御史欲入言徵何
497 12 yán phrase; sentence 秦御史欲入言徵何
498 12 yán a word; a syllable 秦御史欲入言徵何
499 12 yán a theory; a doctrine 秦御史欲入言徵何
500 12 yán to regard as 秦御史欲入言徵何

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
安平 196 Anping
安⻏ 安邑 196 Anyi
巴蜀 98
  1. Bashu
  2. Bashu
北军 北軍 98 Northern Army
曹参 曹參 67 Cao Can
长安 長安 99
  1. Chang'an
  2. Chang'an
  3. Chang'an reign
  4. Chang'an
常山 99 Changshan
成安 99 Chang'an
成武 99 Chengwu
楚王 99 Prince of Chu
楚怀王 楚懷王 99 King Huai of Chu
垂拱 99 Chuigong
春秋 99
  1. Spring and Autumn Period
  2. a person's age
  3. Chunqiu; Annals of Spring and Autumn
  4. spring and autumn
定南 100 Dingnan
定陶 100 Dingtao
东阿 東阿 100 Dong'e
东陵 東陵 100
  1. Eastern tombs
  2. Dongling
都尉 100 Commander-in-Chief
高皇帝 103 Emperor Gao of Han
高帝 103
  1. Gao Di
  2. Emperor Gao [of Southern Qi]
高后 高後 103 Empress Gao
高祖 103
  1. Han Gao Zu; Liu Bang
  2. great great grandfather
  3. Gaozu
71 Gou
关内 關內 103 Guannei Circuit
关西 關西 103
  1. Guanxi; Kuanhsi
  2. Kansai
关中 關中 103 Guanzhong
104 Han
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
汉王 漢王 104 Han Wang
邯郸 邯鄲 104 Handan
韩信 韓信 104 Han Xin
汉中 漢中 104 Hongzhong
河津 104 Hejin
河内 河內 104
  1. Hanoi
  2. Henei
淮阴 淮陰 104 Huai'an; Huaiyin
黄老 黃老 104 Huanglao; Daoism; Taoism; Taoist philosophy
惠王 104
  1. King Hui of Zhou
  2. King Hui of Zhou
户口 戶口 104 Hukou; registered residence
建武 106 Jianwu reign
济北郡 濟北郡 106 Jibei commandery
  1. shanxi
  2. jin [dynasty]
  3. to move forward; to promote; to advance
  4. to raise
  5. Jin [state]
  6. Jin
景帝 106 Emperor Jing of Han
井陉 井陘 106 Jingxing
进贤 進賢 106 Jinxian
君陈 君陳 106 Jun Zhen
郡守 106 Commandery Governor
开封 開封 107 Kaifeng
昆阳 昆陽 107 Kunyang
蓝田 藍田 108 Lantian
李斯 108 Li Si
  1. a bridge
  2. Liang Dynasty
  3. City of Liang
  4. State of Liang
  5. Liang
  6. a beam; rafters
  7. a fishing sluice
  8. to lose footing
  9. State of Liang
  10. a ridge
  11. later Liang
临淄 臨淄 108 Linzi
历下 歷下 108 Lixia
吕后 呂后 108 Empress Lu
律令 108 Ritsuryō
民和 109 Minhe
南阳 南陽 110 Nanyang
内史 內史 110 Censor; Administrator
沛公 112 Duke of Pei
彭城 112 Pengcheng; City of Peng
平阳 平陽 112 Pingyang; Linfen
濮阳 濮陽 80 Puyang
齐王 齊王 113 Qi Wang; Cao Fang
  1. Shaanxi
  2. Qin Dynasty
  3. State of Qin
  4. Qin
曲阳 曲陽 113 Quyang
山东 山東 115 Shandong
上林 115 Shanglin
圣武 聖武 115
  1. Shengwu
  2. Shōmu
  1. Sichuan
  2. Shu Kingdom
蜀汉 蜀漢 115 Shu Han Kingdom
司马 司馬 115
  1. Minister of War
  2. Sima [star]
  3. Sima [surname]
  4. Aide to Commander; Leader of Cavalry
泗水 115 Si River
84 Ta river
太常 116 Minister of Ceremonies; Rector of the Imperial Academy
天汉 天漢 116 the Milky Way
廷尉 84 Tingwei; Commandant of Justice
王莽 119 Wang Mang
文帝 119
  1. Emperor Wen of Han
  2. Emperor Wen of Liu Song
  1. Wu
  2. Wu
武帝 119
  1. Emperor Wu of Han
  2. Emperor Wu of Southern Qi
  3. Emperor Wu of Song
项羽 項羽 120 Xiang Yu; Xiangyu the Conqueror
相国 相國 120 Chancellor of State
项籍 項籍 120 Xiang Ji
咸阳 咸陽 120
  1. Xianyang
  2. Xianyang
萧何 蕭何 120 Xiao He
孝惠 120 Xiao Hui
孝文 120 Emperor Xiaowen of Wei
新城 120 Xincheng; Hsincheng
荥阳 滎陽 88 Xingyang
  1. Xue
  2. Xue
阳城 陽城 121 Yangcheng
谒者 謁者 121
  1. an envoy
  2. Master of Ceremonies; Receptionist
  3. Yezhe
元狩 121 Yuanshou
御史 121
  1. Royal Scribe
  2. Censor
御史大夫 121 Imperial Secretary
宰相 122 chancellor; prime minister
  1. Zhao
  2. Zhao Dynasty
  3. State of Zhao
  4. to rush
  5. to visit
  6. Zhao
  7. to dig
中大夫 122 Grand Master of the Palace
周勃 122 Zhou Bo
周书 周書 122
  1. Books of Zhou
  2. History of Zhou of the Northern Dynasties


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English