Glossary and Vocabulary for Book of Later Han 後漢書, 第六 禮儀下 大喪諸侯王列侯始封貴人公主薨 Volume 96: Etiquette Part Three

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 123 one
2 123 Kangxi radical 1
3 123 pure; concentrated
4 123 first
5 123 the same
6 123 sole; single
7 123 a very small amount
8 123 Yi
9 123 other
10 123 to unify
11 123 accidentally; coincidentally
12 123 abruptly; suddenly
13 89 zhī to go 連縫之
14 89 zhī to arrive; to go 連縫之
15 89 zhī is 連縫之
16 89 zhī to use 連縫之
17 89 zhī Zhi 連縫之
18 89 zhī winding 連縫之
19 76 yuē to speak; to say 漢舊儀曰
20 76 yuē Kangxi radical 73 漢舊儀曰
21 76 yuē to be called 漢舊儀曰
22 71 to use; to grasp 唅以珠
23 71 to rely on 唅以珠
24 71 to regard 唅以珠
25 71 to be able to 唅以珠
26 71 to order; to command 唅以珠
27 71 used after a verb 唅以珠
28 71 a reason; a cause 唅以珠
29 71 Israel 唅以珠
30 71 Yi 唅以珠
31 63 four
32 63 note a musical scale
33 63 fourth
34 63 Si
35 62 sān three
36 62 sān third
37 62 sān more than two
38 62 sān very few
39 62 sān San
40 57 wéi to act as; to serve 以玉為襦
41 57 wéi to change into; to become 以玉為襦
42 57 wéi to be; is 以玉為襦
43 57 wéi to do 以玉為襦
44 57 wèi to support; to help 以玉為襦
45 57 wéi to govern 以玉為襦
46 47 zhù to inject; to pour into
47 47 zhù note; annotation
48 47 zhù to concentrate; to pay attention to
49 47 zhù stakes
50 47 zhù measure word for transactions
51 47 zhù to note; to annotate; to explain
52 47 zhù to record; to register
53 38 zài in; at 珪在左
54 38 zài to exist; to be living 珪在左
55 38 zài to consist of 珪在左
56 38 zài to be at a post 珪在左
57 38 zhōng middle 實冰於盤中
58 38 zhōng medium; medium sized 實冰於盤中
59 38 zhōng China 實冰於盤中
60 38 zhòng to hit the mark 實冰於盤中
61 38 zhōng midday 實冰於盤中
62 38 zhōng inside 實冰於盤中
63 38 zhōng during 實冰於盤中
64 38 zhōng Zhong 實冰於盤中
65 38 zhōng intermediary 實冰於盤中
66 38 zhōng half 實冰於盤中
67 38 zhòng to reach; to attain 實冰於盤中
68 38 zhòng to suffer; to infect 實冰於盤中
69 38 zhòng to obtain 實冰於盤中
70 38 zhòng to pass an exam 實冰於盤中
71 34 xíng to walk 太常行遣奠皆如禮
72 34 xíng capable; competent 太常行遣奠皆如禮
73 34 háng profession 太常行遣奠皆如禮
74 34 xíng Kangxi radical 144 太常行遣奠皆如禮
75 34 xíng to travel 太常行遣奠皆如禮
76 34 xìng actions; conduct 太常行遣奠皆如禮
77 34 xíng to do; to act; to practice 太常行遣奠皆如禮
78 34 xíng all right; OK; okay 太常行遣奠皆如禮
79 34 háng horizontal line 太常行遣奠皆如禮
80 34 héng virtuous deeds 太常行遣奠皆如禮
81 34 hàng a line of trees 太常行遣奠皆如禮
82 34 hàng bold; steadfast 太常行遣奠皆如禮
83 34 xíng to move 太常行遣奠皆如禮
84 34 xíng to put into effect; to implement 太常行遣奠皆如禮
85 34 xíng travel 太常行遣奠皆如禮
86 34 xíng to circulate 太常行遣奠皆如禮
87 34 xíng running script; running script 太常行遣奠皆如禮
88 34 xíng temporary 太常行遣奠皆如禮
89 34 háng rank; order 太常行遣奠皆如禮
90 34 háng a business; a shop 太常行遣奠皆如禮
91 34 xíng to depart; to leave 太常行遣奠皆如禮
92 34 xíng to experience 太常行遣奠皆如禮
93 34 xíng path; way 太常行遣奠皆如禮
94 34 xíng xing; ballad 太常行遣奠皆如禮
95 34 xíng Xing 太常行遣奠皆如禮
96 33 five 告五獄
97 33 fifth musical note 告五獄
98 33 Wu 告五獄
99 33 the five elements 告五獄
100 32 殿 diàn a hall; a palace; a temple 殿中當臨者
101 32 殿 diàn a palace compound 殿中當臨者
102 32 殿 diàn rear; last 殿中當臨者
103 32 殿 diàn rearguard 殿中當臨者
104 32 殿 diàn to guard; to protect 殿中當臨者
105 32 殿 diàn to assess as unsatisfactory; to censure 殿中當臨者
106 32 殿 diàn to stop 殿中當臨者
107 32 page; sheet 三一四二頁一
108 32 Kangxi radical 181 三一四二頁一
109 32 xié head 三一四二頁一
110 30 líng mound; hill; mountain 漢舊儀略載前漢諸帝壽陵曰
111 30 líng tomb 漢舊儀略載前漢諸帝壽陵曰
112 30 líng to climb; to ascend 漢舊儀略載前漢諸帝壽陵曰
113 30 líng to graze; to skim 漢舊儀略載前漢諸帝壽陵曰
114 30 líng to traverse 漢舊儀略載前漢諸帝壽陵曰
115 30 líng encroach on 漢舊儀略載前漢諸帝壽陵曰
116 30 líng to bully; to insult 漢舊儀略載前漢諸帝壽陵曰
117 30 líng severe; strict 漢舊儀略載前漢諸帝壽陵曰
118 30 líng to decline 漢舊儀略載前漢諸帝壽陵曰
119 30 líng to sharpen 漢舊儀略載前漢諸帝壽陵曰
120 30 líng Ling 漢舊儀略載前漢諸帝壽陵曰
121 29 èr two 二寸半
122 29 èr Kangxi radical 7 二寸半
123 29 èr second 二寸半
124 29 èr twice; double; di- 二寸半
125 29 èr more than one kind 二寸半
126 29 ér Kangxi radical 126 凡三十六日而釋
127 29 ér as if; to seem like 凡三十六日而釋
128 29 néng can; able 凡三十六日而釋
129 29 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 凡三十六日而釋
130 29 ér to arrive; up to 凡三十六日而釋
131 26 propriety; social custom; manners; courtesy; etiquette 公卿復如禮
132 26 a ritual; a ceremony; a rite 公卿復如禮
133 26 a present; a gift 公卿復如禮
134 26 a bow 公卿復如禮
135 26 Li; Zhou Li; Yi Li; Li Ji 公卿復如禮
136 26 Li 公卿復如禮
137 26 to give an offering in a religious ceremony 公卿復如禮
138 26 to respect; to revere 公卿復如禮
139 26 zhàng to measure 長一丈二尺
140 26 zhàng gentleman; man; husband 長一丈二尺
141 25 chē a vehicle 無布車及兵器
142 25 chē Kangxi radical 159 無布車及兵器
143 25 chē a cart; a carriage 無布車及兵器
144 25 chē a tool with a wheel 無布車及兵器
145 25 chē a machine 無布車及兵器
146 25 chē metal turning; lathe work 無布車及兵器
147 25 chē to lift hydraulically 無布車及兵器
148 25 chē to transport something in a cart 無布車及兵器
149 25 chē to sew with a sewing machine 無布車及兵器
150 25 chē to turn 無布車及兵器
151 25 chē Che 無布車及兵器
152 25 a chariot 無布車及兵器
153 25 chē jaw 無布車及兵器
154 25 chē ivory bedframe 無布車及兵器
155 25 chē to transport 無布車及兵器
156 25 mother-of-pearl 無布車及兵器
157 25 chē a waterwheel; equipment for lifting water 無布車及兵器
158 24 Kangxi radical 71 公卿朝臣問起居無閒
159 24 to not have; without 公卿朝臣問起居無閒
160 24 mo 公卿朝臣問起居無閒
161 24 to not have 公卿朝臣問起居無閒
162 24 Wu 公卿朝臣問起居無閒
163 24 Qi 其令天下吏民
164 24 infix potential marker 不豫
165 23 to cry; to weep 禁無得擅哭臨
166 23 to lament 禁無得擅哭臨
167 23 to offer condolences 禁無得擅哭臨
168 23 Lu 外有捷盧也
169 23 a cooking utensil 外有捷盧也
170 23 black 外有捷盧也
171 23 a vine-like plant 外有捷盧也
172 23 horse 容大車六馬
173 23 Kangxi radical 187 容大車六馬
174 23 Ma 容大車六馬
175 23 historic tool for tallying numbers 容大車六馬
176 23 fāng square; quadrilateral; one side 蓋取象方明神之也
177 23 fāng Fang 蓋取象方明神之也
178 23 fāng Kangxi radical 70 蓋取象方明神之也
179 23 fāng square shaped 蓋取象方明神之也
180 23 fāng prescription 蓋取象方明神之也
181 23 fāng power; involution; abbreviation for a square meter or cubic meter 蓋取象方明神之也
182 23 fāng local 蓋取象方明神之也
183 23 fāng a way; a method 蓋取象方明神之也
184 23 fāng a direction; a side; a position 蓋取象方明神之也
185 23 fāng an area; a region 蓋取象方明神之也
186 23 fāng a party; a side 蓋取象方明神之也
187 23 fāng a principle; a formula 蓋取象方明神之也
188 23 fāng honest; upright; proper 蓋取象方明神之也
189 23 fāng magic 蓋取象方明神之也
190 23 fāng earth 蓋取象方明神之也
191 23 fāng earthly; mundane 蓋取象方明神之也
192 23 fāng a scope; an aspect 蓋取象方明神之也
193 23 fāng side-by-side; parallel 蓋取象方明神之也
194 23 fāng agreeable; equable 蓋取象方明神之也
195 23 fāng equal; equivalent 蓋取象方明神之也
196 23 fāng to compare 蓋取象方明神之也
197 23 fāng a wooden tablet for writing 蓋取象方明神之也
198 23 fāng a convention; a common practice 蓋取象方明神之也
199 23 fāng a law; a standard 蓋取象方明神之也
200 23 fāng to own; to possess 蓋取象方明神之也
201 23 fāng to disobey; to violate 蓋取象方明神之也
202 23 fāng to slander; to defame 蓋取象方明神之也
203 23 páng beside 蓋取象方明神之也
204 22 chǐ a ruler; a tape-measure 長一尺
205 22 chǐ small 長一尺
206 22 chǐ a drawing tool 長一尺
207 22 to occupy 二寸半據盧校補
208 22 to grasp; to seize 二寸半據盧校補
209 22 to rely on; to depend on 二寸半據盧校補
210 22 proof; evidence 二寸半據盧校補
211 22 Ju 二寸半據盧校補
212 22 tangible 二寸半據盧校補
213 22 to be next to; to be beside 二寸半據盧校補
214 22 to quote; to cite 二寸半據盧校補
215 21 雒陽 luòyáng Luoyang 東南去雒陽十五里
216 21 clothes; clothing 諸衣衿斂之
217 21 Kangxi radical 145 諸衣衿斂之
218 21 to wear (clothes); to put on 諸衣衿斂之
219 21 a cover; a coating 諸衣衿斂之
220 21 uppergarment; robe 諸衣衿斂之
221 21 to cover 諸衣衿斂之
222 21 lichen; moss 諸衣衿斂之
223 21 peel; skin 諸衣衿斂之
224 21 Yi 諸衣衿斂之
225 21 to depend on 諸衣衿斂之
226 21 liù six
227 21 liù sixth
228 21 liù a note on the Gongche scale
229 21 big; huge; large 大盤廣八尺
230 21 Kangxi radical 37 大盤廣八尺
231 21 great; major; important 大盤廣八尺
232 21 size 大盤廣八尺
233 21 old 大盤廣八尺
234 21 oldest; earliest 大盤廣八尺
235 21 adult 大盤廣八尺
236 21 dài an important person 大盤廣八尺
237 21 senior 大盤廣八尺
238 21 zàng to bury the dead 先葬二日
239 20 to go 令汁得流去也
240 20 to remove; to wipe off; to eliminate 令汁得流去也
241 20 to be distant 令汁得流去也
242 20 to leave 令汁得流去也
243 20 to play a part 令汁得流去也
244 20 to abandon; to give up 令汁得流去也
245 20 to die 令汁得流去也
246 20 previous; past 令汁得流去也
247 20 to send out; to issue; to drive away 令汁得流去也
248 20 falling tone 令汁得流去也
249 20 to lose 令汁得流去也
250 20 Qu 令汁得流去也
251 20 yuán garden; orchard 餘地為西園後陵
252 20 yuán a park; an enclosure 餘地為西園後陵
253 20 yuán a villa 餘地為西園後陵
254 20 yuán a burial ground 餘地為西園後陵
255 20 apparatus 漢舊儀曰
256 20 a rite; a ceremony 漢舊儀曰
257 20 appearance; demeanor 漢舊儀曰
258 20 a gift 漢舊儀曰
259 20 a norm; a standard 漢舊儀曰
260 20 to admire 漢舊儀曰
261 20 embellishment 漢舊儀曰
262 20 formal dress 漢舊儀曰
263 20 an analogue; a match 漢舊儀曰
264 20 to be inclined; to trend 漢舊儀曰
265 20 to watch 漢舊儀曰
266 20 to come 漢舊儀曰
267 20 Yi 漢舊儀曰
268 19 eight 大盤廣八尺
269 19 Kangxi radical 12 大盤廣八尺
270 19 eighth 大盤廣八尺
271 19 all around; all sides 大盤廣八尺
272 19 dōng east 東園武士載大行
273 19 dōng master; host 東園武士載大行
274 19 dōng Dong 東園武士載大行
275 19 rén person; people; a human being 太醫令丞將醫人
276 19 rén Kangxi radical 9 太醫令丞將醫人
277 19 rén a kind of person 太醫令丞將醫人
278 19 rén everybody 太醫令丞將醫人
279 19 rén adult 太醫令丞將醫人
280 19 rén somebody; others 太醫令丞將醫人
281 19 rén an upright person 太醫令丞將醫人
282 19 shì a generation 帝王世記曰
283 19 shì a period of thirty years 帝王世記曰
284 19 shì the world 帝王世記曰
285 19 shì years; age 帝王世記曰
286 19 shì a dynasty 帝王世記曰
287 19 shì secular; worldly 帝王世記曰
288 19 shì over generations 帝王世記曰
289 19 shì world 帝王世記曰
290 19 shì an era 帝王世記曰
291 19 shì from generation to generation; across generations 帝王世記曰
292 19 shì to keep good family relations 帝王世記曰
293 19 shì Shi 帝王世記曰
294 19 shì a geologic epoch 帝王世記曰
295 19 shì hereditary 帝王世記曰
296 19 shì later generations 帝王世記曰
297 19 shì a successor; an heir 帝王世記曰
298 19 shì the current times 帝王世記曰
299 19 xià bottom 禮儀下
300 19 xià to fall; to drop; to go down; to descend 禮儀下
301 19 xià to announce 禮儀下
302 19 xià to do 禮儀下
303 19 xià to withdraw; to leave; to exit 禮儀下
304 19 xià the lower class; a member of the lower class 禮儀下
305 19 xià inside 禮儀下
306 19 xià an aspect 禮儀下
307 19 xià a certain time 禮儀下
308 19 xià to capture; to take 禮儀下
309 19 xià to put in 禮儀下
310 19 xià to enter 禮儀下
311 19 xià to eliminate; to remove; to get off 禮儀下
312 19 xià to finish work or school 禮儀下
313 19 xià to go 禮儀下
314 19 xià to scorn; to look down on 禮儀下
315 19 xià to modestly decline 禮儀下
316 19 xià to produce 禮儀下
317 19 xià to stay at; to lodge at 禮儀下
318 19 xià to decide 禮儀下
319 19 xià to be less than 禮儀下
320 19 xià humble; lowly 禮儀下
321 18 zhǔ owner 立主如禮
322 18 zhǔ principal; main; primary 立主如禮
323 18 zhǔ master 立主如禮
324 18 zhǔ host 立主如禮
325 18 zhǔ to manage; to lead 立主如禮
326 18 zhǔ to decide; to advocate 立主如禮
327 18 zhǔ to have an opinion; to hold a particular view 立主如禮
328 18 zhǔ to signify; to indicate 立主如禮
329 18 zhǔ oneself 立主如禮
330 18 zhǔ a person; a party 立主如禮
331 18 zhǔ God; the Lord 立主如禮
332 18 zhǔ lord; ruler; chief 立主如禮
333 18 zhǔ an ancestral tablet 立主如禮
334 18 zhǔ princess 立主如禮
335 18 zhǔ chairperson 立主如禮
336 18 zhǔ fundamental 立主如禮
337 18 zhǔ Zhu 立主如禮
338 18 zhù to pour 立主如禮
339 18 fèng to offer; to present 宗室長吏及因郵奉奏
340 18 fèng to receive; to receive with respect 宗室長吏及因郵奉奏
341 18 fèng to believe in 宗室長吏及因郵奉奏
342 18 fèng a display of respect 宗室長吏及因郵奉奏
343 18 fèng to revere 宗室長吏及因郵奉奏
344 18 fèng salary 宗室長吏及因郵奉奏
345 18 fèng to serve 宗室長吏及因郵奉奏
346 18 fèng Feng 宗室長吏及因郵奉奏
347 18 fèng to politely request 宗室長吏及因郵奉奏
348 18 fèng to offer with both hands 宗室長吏及因郵奉奏
349 18 fèng a term of respect 宗室長吏及因郵奉奏
350 18 fèng to help 宗室長吏及因郵奉奏
351 18 qǐng to ask; to inquire 太尉告請南郊
352 18 qíng circumstances; state of affairs; situation 太尉告請南郊
353 18 qǐng to beg; to entreat 太尉告請南郊
354 18 qǐng please 太尉告請南郊
355 18 qǐng to request 太尉告請南郊
356 18 qǐng to hire; to employ; to engage 太尉告請南郊
357 18 qǐng to make an appointment 太尉告請南郊
358 18 qǐng to greet 太尉告請南郊
359 18 qǐng to invite 太尉告請南郊
360 18 zuò to do 中謁者副將作
361 18 zuò to act as; to serve as 中謁者副將作
362 18 zuò to start 中謁者副將作
363 18 zuò a writing; a work 中謁者副將作
364 18 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 中謁者副將作
365 18 zuō to create; to make 中謁者副將作
366 18 zuō a workshop 中謁者副將作
367 18 zuō to write; to compose 中謁者副將作
368 18 zuò to rise 中謁者副將作
369 18 zuò to be aroused 中謁者副將作
370 18 zuò activity; action; undertaking 中謁者副將作
371 18 zuò to regard as 中謁者副將作
372 18 mén door; gate; doorway; gateway 小黃門皆先嘗藥
373 18 mén phylum; division 小黃門皆先嘗藥
374 18 mén sect; school 小黃門皆先嘗藥
375 18 mén Kangxi radical 169 小黃門皆先嘗藥
376 18 mén a door-like object 小黃門皆先嘗藥
377 18 mén an opening 小黃門皆先嘗藥
378 18 mén an access point; a border entrance 小黃門皆先嘗藥
379 18 mén a household; a clan 小黃門皆先嘗藥
380 18 mén a kind; a category 小黃門皆先嘗藥
381 18 mén to guard a gate 小黃門皆先嘗藥
382 18 mén Men 小黃門皆先嘗藥
383 18 mén a turning point 小黃門皆先嘗藥
384 18 mén a method 小黃門皆先嘗藥
385 18 mén a sense organ 小黃門皆先嘗藥
386 18 àn to press; to push
387 18 àn according to
388 18 àn An
389 18 àn to inspect; to examine
390 18 àn to control; to repress; to stop
391 18 àn to lean on
392 18 àn to patrol
393 18 àn to play
394 18 róng to hold; to contain 廣容八歷
395 18 róng appearance; look; countenance 廣容八歷
396 18 róng capacity 廣容八歷
397 18 róng to offer shelter; to have somebody in one's care 廣容八歷
398 18 róng to excuse; to forgive; to pardon 廣容八歷
399 18 róng to decorate; to adorn 廣容八歷
400 18 róng to permit 廣容八歷
401 18 róng Rong 廣容八歷
402 18 róng without effort 廣容八歷
403 18 xiào school 二寸半據盧校補
404 18 jiào to compare; to collate; to proofread 二寸半據盧校補
405 18 jiào fetters 二寸半據盧校補
406 18 jiào to consider 二寸半據盧校補
407 18 jiào railing; an enclosure for animals 二寸半據盧校補
408 18 jiào a proof 二寸半據盧校補
409 18 jiào a horsekeeper 二寸半據盧校補
410 18 jiào a barrack; a military camp 二寸半據盧校補
411 18 jiào to check; to inspect 二寸半據盧校補
412 18 jiào to compete with; to haggle; to quibble 二寸半據盧校補
413 18 jiào to oppose; to criticize 二寸半據盧校補
414 18 jiào to decorate 二寸半據盧校補
415 18 jiào to count; to calculate; to compute 二寸半據盧校補
416 18 xiào lieutenant; mid-ranking officer 二寸半據盧校補
417 18 xiào Xiao 二寸半據盧校補
418 18 xiào a military unit of 500 men 二寸半據盧校補
419 18 xiào to recover; to heal 二寸半據盧校補
420 18 xiào palace construction officer 二寸半據盧校補
421 17 to remember; to memorize; to bear in mind 喪大記曰
422 17 to record; to note 喪大記曰
423 17 notes; a record 喪大記曰
424 17 a sign; a mark 喪大記曰
425 17 a birthmark 喪大記曰
426 17 a memorandum 喪大記曰
427 17 an account of a topic, person, or incident 喪大記曰
428 17 太常 tàicháng Minister of Ceremonies; Rector of the Imperial Academy 太常如禮
429 17 clothes; dress; garment 釋服
430 17 funary clothes 釋服
431 17 to serve; to obey; to comply; to defer 釋服
432 17 to take medicine; to eat 釋服
433 17 to be suitable for; to be used to 釋服
434 17 to take on; to undertake; to be responsible for 釋服
435 17 to harness 釋服
436 17 two of a four horse team 釋服
437 17 to wear [clothes]; to dress 釋服
438 17 morning; funeral arrangements 釋服
439 17 Fu 釋服
440 17 to cause to yield 釋服
441 17 day of the month; a certain day 百官五日一會臨
442 17 Kangxi radical 72 百官五日一會臨
443 17 a day 百官五日一會臨
444 17 Japan 百官五日一會臨
445 17 sun 百官五日一會臨
446 17 daytime 百官五日一會臨
447 17 sunlight 百官五日一會臨
448 17 everyday 百官五日一會臨
449 17 season 百官五日一會臨
450 17 available time 百官五日一會臨
451 17 in the past 百官五日一會臨
452 17 mi 百官五日一會臨
453 17 jiǔ nine 高九尺
454 17 jiǔ many 高九尺
455 17 emperor; supreme ruler 帝崩
456 17 the ruler of Heaven 帝崩
457 17 a god 帝崩
458 17 imperialism 帝崩
459 16 liǎn to collect 諸衣衿斂之
460 16 liǎn to draw back; to fold back 諸衣衿斂之
461 16 liǎn tax collection 諸衣衿斂之
462 16 liǎn to decrease 諸衣衿斂之
463 16 liǎn to shrink back; to retreat 諸衣衿斂之
464 16 liǎn beautification of the body for a funeral 諸衣衿斂之
465 16 liǎn Lian 諸衣衿斂之
466 16 seven
467 16 a genre of poetry
468 16 seventh day memorial ceremony
469 16 inside; interior 東南去雒陽十五里
470 16 Kangxi radical 166 東南去雒陽十五里
471 16 a small village; ri 東南去雒陽十五里
472 16 a residence 東南去雒陽十五里
473 16 a neighborhood; an alley 東南去雒陽十五里
474 16 a local administrative district 東南去雒陽十五里
475 16 yǐn to lead; to guide 治禮引太尉入就位
476 16 yǐn to draw a bow 治禮引太尉入就位
477 16 yǐn to prolong; to extend; to lengthen 治禮引太尉入就位
478 16 yǐn to stretch 治禮引太尉入就位
479 16 yǐn to involve 治禮引太尉入就位
480 16 yǐn to quote; to cite 治禮引太尉入就位
481 16 yǐn to propose; to nominate; to recommend 治禮引太尉入就位
482 16 yǐn to recruit 治禮引太尉入就位
483 16 yǐn to hold 治禮引太尉入就位
484 16 yǐn to withdraw; to leave 治禮引太尉入就位
485 16 yǐn a strap for pulling a cart 治禮引太尉入就位
486 16 yǐn a preface ; a forward 治禮引太尉入就位
487 16 yǐn a license 治禮引太尉入就位
488 16 yǐn long 治禮引太尉入就位
489 16 yǐn to cause 治禮引太尉入就位
490 16 yǐn to pull; to draw 治禮引太尉入就位
491 16 yǐn a refrain; a tune 治禮引太尉入就位
492 16 yǐn to grow 治禮引太尉入就位
493 16 yǐn to command 治禮引太尉入就位
494 16 yǐn to accuse 治禮引太尉入就位
495 16 yǐn to commit suicide 治禮引太尉入就位
496 16 yǐn a genre 治禮引太尉入就位
497 16 yǐn yin; a unit of paper money 治禮引太尉入就位
498 16 gāo high; tall 高九尺
499 16 gāo Kangxi radical 189 高九尺
500 16 gāo height 高九尺

Frequencies of all Words

Top 974

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 123 one
2 123 Kangxi radical 1
3 123 as soon as; all at once
4 123 pure; concentrated
5 123 whole; all
6 123 first
7 123 the same
8 123 each
9 123 certain
10 123 throughout
11 123 used in between a reduplicated verb
12 123 sole; single
13 123 a very small amount
14 123 Yi
15 123 other
16 123 to unify
17 123 accidentally; coincidentally
18 123 abruptly; suddenly
19 123 or
20 89 zhī him; her; them; that 連縫之
21 89 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 連縫之
22 89 zhī to go 連縫之
23 89 zhī this; that 連縫之
24 89 zhī genetive marker 連縫之
25 89 zhī it 連縫之
26 89 zhī in; in regards to 連縫之
27 89 zhī all 連縫之
28 89 zhī and 連縫之
29 89 zhī however 連縫之
30 89 zhī if 連縫之
31 89 zhī then 連縫之
32 89 zhī to arrive; to go 連縫之
33 89 zhī is 連縫之
34 89 zhī to use 連縫之
35 89 zhī Zhi 連縫之
36 89 zhī winding 連縫之
37 76 yuē to speak; to say 漢舊儀曰
38 76 yuē Kangxi radical 73 漢舊儀曰
39 76 yuē to be called 漢舊儀曰
40 76 yuē particle without meaning 漢舊儀曰
41 71 so as to; in order to 唅以珠
42 71 to use; to regard as 唅以珠
43 71 to use; to grasp 唅以珠
44 71 according to 唅以珠
45 71 because of 唅以珠
46 71 on a certain date 唅以珠
47 71 and; as well as 唅以珠
48 71 to rely on 唅以珠
49 71 to regard 唅以珠
50 71 to be able to 唅以珠
51 71 to order; to command 唅以珠
52 71 further; moreover 唅以珠
53 71 used after a verb 唅以珠
54 71 very 唅以珠
55 71 already 唅以珠
56 71 increasingly 唅以珠
57 71 a reason; a cause 唅以珠
58 71 Israel 唅以珠
59 71 Yi 唅以珠
60 65 also; too 夷之言屍也
61 65 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 夷之言屍也
62 65 either 夷之言屍也
63 65 even 夷之言屍也
64 65 used to soften the tone 夷之言屍也
65 65 used for emphasis 夷之言屍也
66 65 used to mark contrast 夷之言屍也
67 65 used to mark compromise 夷之言屍也
68 63 four
69 63 note a musical scale
70 63 fourth
71 63 Si
72 62 sān three
73 62 sān third
74 62 sān more than two
75 62 sān very few
76 62 sān repeatedly
77 62 sān San
78 57 wèi for; to 以玉為襦
79 57 wèi because of 以玉為襦
80 57 wéi to act as; to serve 以玉為襦
81 57 wéi to change into; to become 以玉為襦
82 57 wéi to be; is 以玉為襦
83 57 wéi to do 以玉為襦
84 57 wèi for 以玉為襦
85 57 wèi because of; for; to 以玉為襦
86 57 wèi to 以玉為襦
87 57 wéi in a passive construction 以玉為襦
88 57 wéi forming a rehetorical question 以玉為襦
89 57 wéi forming an adverb 以玉為襦
90 57 wéi to add emphasis 以玉為襦
91 57 wèi to support; to help 以玉為襦
92 57 wéi to govern 以玉為襦
93 47 zhù to inject; to pour into
94 47 zhù note; annotation
95 47 zhù to concentrate; to pay attention to
96 47 zhù stakes
97 47 zhù measure word for transactions
98 47 zhù to note; to annotate; to explain
99 47 zhù to record; to register
100 46 jiē all; each and every; in all cases 小黃門皆先嘗藥
101 46 jiē same; equally 小黃門皆先嘗藥
102 38 zài in; at 珪在左
103 38 zài at 珪在左
104 38 zài when; indicates that someone or something is in the process of doing something 珪在左
105 38 zài to exist; to be living 珪在左
106 38 zài to consist of 珪在左
107 38 zài to be at a post 珪在左
108 38 zhōng middle 實冰於盤中
109 38 zhōng medium; medium sized 實冰於盤中
110 38 zhōng China 實冰於盤中
111 38 zhòng to hit the mark 實冰於盤中
112 38 zhōng in; amongst 實冰於盤中
113 38 zhōng midday 實冰於盤中
114 38 zhōng inside 實冰於盤中
115 38 zhōng during 實冰於盤中
116 38 zhōng Zhong 實冰於盤中
117 38 zhōng intermediary 實冰於盤中
118 38 zhōng half 實冰於盤中
119 38 zhōng just right; suitably 實冰於盤中
120 38 zhōng while 實冰於盤中
121 38 zhòng to reach; to attain 實冰於盤中
122 38 zhòng to suffer; to infect 實冰於盤中
123 38 zhòng to obtain 實冰於盤中
124 38 zhòng to pass an exam 實冰於盤中
125 36 such as; for example; for instance 公卿復如禮
126 36 if 公卿復如禮
127 36 in accordance with 公卿復如禮
128 36 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 公卿復如禮
129 36 this 公卿復如禮
130 36 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 公卿復如禮
131 36 to go to 公卿復如禮
132 36 to meet 公卿復如禮
133 36 to appear; to seem; to be like 公卿復如禮
134 36 at least as good as 公卿復如禮
135 36 and 公卿復如禮
136 36 or 公卿復如禮
137 36 but 公卿復如禮
138 36 then 公卿復如禮
139 36 naturally 公卿復如禮
140 36 expresses a question or doubt 公卿復如禮
141 36 you 公卿復如禮
142 36 the second lunar month 公卿復如禮
143 36 in; at 公卿復如禮
144 36 Ru 公卿復如禮
145 34 xíng to walk 太常行遣奠皆如禮
146 34 xíng capable; competent 太常行遣奠皆如禮
147 34 háng profession 太常行遣奠皆如禮
148 34 háng line; row 太常行遣奠皆如禮
149 34 xíng Kangxi radical 144 太常行遣奠皆如禮
150 34 xíng to travel 太常行遣奠皆如禮
151 34 xìng actions; conduct 太常行遣奠皆如禮
152 34 xíng to do; to act; to practice 太常行遣奠皆如禮
153 34 xíng all right; OK; okay 太常行遣奠皆如禮
154 34 háng horizontal line 太常行遣奠皆如禮
155 34 héng virtuous deeds 太常行遣奠皆如禮
156 34 hàng a line of trees 太常行遣奠皆如禮
157 34 hàng bold; steadfast 太常行遣奠皆如禮
158 34 xíng to move 太常行遣奠皆如禮
159 34 xíng to put into effect; to implement 太常行遣奠皆如禮
160 34 xíng travel 太常行遣奠皆如禮
161 34 xíng to circulate 太常行遣奠皆如禮
162 34 xíng running script; running script 太常行遣奠皆如禮
163 34 xíng temporary 太常行遣奠皆如禮
164 34 xíng soon 太常行遣奠皆如禮
165 34 háng rank; order 太常行遣奠皆如禮
166 34 háng a business; a shop 太常行遣奠皆如禮
167 34 xíng to depart; to leave 太常行遣奠皆如禮
168 34 xíng to experience 太常行遣奠皆如禮
169 34 xíng path; way 太常行遣奠皆如禮
170 34 xíng xing; ballad 太常行遣奠皆如禮
171 34 xíng a round [of drinks] 太常行遣奠皆如禮
172 34 xíng Xing 太常行遣奠皆如禮
173 34 xíng moreover; also 太常行遣奠皆如禮
174 33 five 告五獄
175 33 fifth musical note 告五獄
176 33 Wu 告五獄
177 33 the five elements 告五獄
178 32 殿 diàn a hall; a palace; a temple 殿中當臨者
179 32 殿 diàn a palace compound 殿中當臨者
180 32 殿 diàn rear; last 殿中當臨者
181 32 殿 diàn rearguard 殿中當臨者
182 32 殿 diàn to guard; to protect 殿中當臨者
183 32 殿 diàn to assess as unsatisfactory; to censure 殿中當臨者
184 32 殿 diàn to stop 殿中當臨者
185 32 page; sheet 三一四二頁一
186 32 page; sheet 三一四二頁一
187 32 Kangxi radical 181 三一四二頁一
188 32 xié head 三一四二頁一
189 30 líng mound; hill; mountain 漢舊儀略載前漢諸帝壽陵曰
190 30 líng tomb 漢舊儀略載前漢諸帝壽陵曰
191 30 líng to climb; to ascend 漢舊儀略載前漢諸帝壽陵曰
192 30 líng to graze; to skim 漢舊儀略載前漢諸帝壽陵曰
193 30 líng to traverse 漢舊儀略載前漢諸帝壽陵曰
194 30 líng encroach on 漢舊儀略載前漢諸帝壽陵曰
195 30 líng to bully; to insult 漢舊儀略載前漢諸帝壽陵曰
196 30 líng severe; strict 漢舊儀略載前漢諸帝壽陵曰
197 30 líng to decline 漢舊儀略載前漢諸帝壽陵曰
198 30 líng to sharpen 漢舊儀略載前漢諸帝壽陵曰
199 30 líng Ling 漢舊儀略載前漢諸帝壽陵曰
200 29 èr two 二寸半
201 29 èr Kangxi radical 7 二寸半
202 29 èr second 二寸半
203 29 èr twice; double; di- 二寸半
204 29 èr another; the other 二寸半
205 29 èr more than one kind 二寸半
206 29 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 凡三十六日而釋
207 29 ér Kangxi radical 126 凡三十六日而釋
208 29 ér you 凡三十六日而釋
209 29 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 凡三十六日而釋
210 29 ér right away; then 凡三十六日而釋
211 29 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 凡三十六日而釋
212 29 ér if; in case; in the event that 凡三十六日而釋
213 29 ér therefore; as a result; thus 凡三十六日而釋
214 29 ér how can it be that? 凡三十六日而釋
215 29 ér so as to 凡三十六日而釋
216 29 ér only then 凡三十六日而釋
217 29 ér as if; to seem like 凡三十六日而釋
218 29 néng can; able 凡三十六日而釋
219 29 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 凡三十六日而釋
220 29 ér me 凡三十六日而釋
221 29 ér to arrive; up to 凡三十六日而釋
222 29 ér possessive 凡三十六日而釋
223 26 propriety; social custom; manners; courtesy; etiquette 公卿復如禮
224 26 a ritual; a ceremony; a rite 公卿復如禮
225 26 a present; a gift 公卿復如禮
226 26 a bow 公卿復如禮
227 26 Li; Zhou Li; Yi Li; Li Ji 公卿復如禮
228 26 Li 公卿復如禮
229 26 to give an offering in a religious ceremony 公卿復如禮
230 26 to respect; to revere 公卿復如禮
231 26 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 以斂屍者
232 26 zhě that 以斂屍者
233 26 zhě nominalizing function word 以斂屍者
234 26 zhě used to mark a definition 以斂屍者
235 26 zhě used to mark a pause 以斂屍者
236 26 zhě topic marker; that; it 以斂屍者
237 26 zhuó according to 以斂屍者
238 26 zhàng zhang 長一丈二尺
239 26 zhàng to measure 長一丈二尺
240 26 zhàng gentleman; man; husband 長一丈二尺
241 25 chē a vehicle 無布車及兵器
242 25 chē Kangxi radical 159 無布車及兵器
243 25 chē a cart; a carriage 無布車及兵器
244 25 chē a tool with a wheel 無布車及兵器
245 25 chē a machine 無布車及兵器
246 25 chē metal turning; lathe work 無布車及兵器
247 25 chē to lift hydraulically 無布車及兵器
248 25 chē to transport something in a cart 無布車及兵器
249 25 chē to sew with a sewing machine 無布車及兵器
250 25 chē to turn 無布車及兵器
251 25 chē Che 無布車及兵器
252 25 a chariot 無布車及兵器
253 25 chē jaw 無布車及兵器
254 25 chē ivory bedframe 無布車及兵器
255 25 chē a cart load; a truck load 無布車及兵器
256 25 chē to transport 無布車及兵器
257 25 mother-of-pearl 無布車及兵器
258 25 chē a waterwheel; equipment for lifting water 無布車及兵器
259 24 no 公卿朝臣問起居無閒
260 24 Kangxi radical 71 公卿朝臣問起居無閒
261 24 to not have; without 公卿朝臣問起居無閒
262 24 has not yet 公卿朝臣問起居無閒
263 24 mo 公卿朝臣問起居無閒
264 24 do not 公卿朝臣問起居無閒
265 24 not; -less; un- 公卿朝臣問起居無閒
266 24 regardless of 公卿朝臣問起居無閒
267 24 to not have 公卿朝臣問起居無閒
268 24 um 公卿朝臣問起居無閒
269 24 Wu 公卿朝臣問起居無閒
270 24 his; hers; its; theirs 其令天下吏民
271 24 to add emphasis 其令天下吏民
272 24 used when asking a question in reply to a question 其令天下吏民
273 24 used when making a request or giving an order 其令天下吏民
274 24 he; her; it; them 其令天下吏民
275 24 probably; likely 其令天下吏民
276 24 will 其令天下吏民
277 24 may 其令天下吏民
278 24 if 其令天下吏民
279 24 or 其令天下吏民
280 24 Qi 其令天下吏民
281 24 not; no 不豫
282 24 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 不豫
283 24 as a correlative 不豫
284 24 no (answering a question) 不豫
285 24 forms a negative adjective from a noun 不豫
286 24 at the end of a sentence to form a question 不豫
287 24 to form a yes or no question 不豫
288 24 infix potential marker 不豫
289 23 to cry; to weep 禁無得擅哭臨
290 23 to lament 禁無得擅哭臨
291 23 to offer condolences 禁無得擅哭臨
292 23 Lu 外有捷盧也
293 23 a cooking utensil 外有捷盧也
294 23 black 外有捷盧也
295 23 a vine-like plant 外有捷盧也
296 23 horse 容大車六馬
297 23 Kangxi radical 187 容大車六馬
298 23 Ma 容大車六馬
299 23 historic tool for tallying numbers 容大車六馬
300 23 fāng square; quadrilateral; one side 蓋取象方明神之也
301 23 fāng Fang 蓋取象方明神之也
302 23 fāng Kangxi radical 70 蓋取象方明神之也
303 23 fāng measure word for square things 蓋取象方明神之也
304 23 fāng square shaped 蓋取象方明神之也
305 23 fāng prescription 蓋取象方明神之也
306 23 fāng power; involution; abbreviation for a square meter or cubic meter 蓋取象方明神之也
307 23 fāng local 蓋取象方明神之也
308 23 fāng a way; a method 蓋取象方明神之也
309 23 fāng at the time when; just when 蓋取象方明神之也
310 23 fāng only; just 蓋取象方明神之也
311 23 fāng a direction; a side; a position 蓋取象方明神之也
312 23 fāng an area; a region 蓋取象方明神之也
313 23 fāng a party; a side 蓋取象方明神之也
314 23 fāng a principle; a formula 蓋取象方明神之也
315 23 fāng honest; upright; proper 蓋取象方明神之也
316 23 fāng magic 蓋取象方明神之也
317 23 fāng earth 蓋取象方明神之也
318 23 fāng earthly; mundane 蓋取象方明神之也
319 23 fāng a scope; an aspect 蓋取象方明神之也
320 23 fāng side-by-side; parallel 蓋取象方明神之也
321 23 fāng agreeable; equable 蓋取象方明神之也
322 23 fāng about to 蓋取象方明神之也
323 23 fāng equal; equivalent 蓋取象方明神之也
324 23 fāng to compare 蓋取象方明神之也
325 23 fāng a wooden tablet for writing 蓋取象方明神之也
326 23 fāng a convention; a common practice 蓋取象方明神之也
327 23 fāng a law; a standard 蓋取象方明神之也
328 23 fāng to own; to possess 蓋取象方明神之也
329 23 fāng to disobey; to violate 蓋取象方明神之也
330 23 fāng to slander; to defame 蓋取象方明神之也
331 23 páng beside 蓋取象方明神之也
332 22 chǐ chi; a Chinese foot; a foot 長一尺
333 22 chǐ a ruler; a tape-measure 長一尺
334 22 chǐ small 長一尺
335 22 chǐ a drawing tool 長一尺
336 22 according to 二寸半據盧校補
337 22 to occupy 二寸半據盧校補
338 22 to grasp; to seize 二寸半據盧校補
339 22 to rely on; to depend on 二寸半據盧校補
340 22 proof; evidence 二寸半據盧校補
341 22 Ju 二寸半據盧校補
342 22 tangible 二寸半據盧校補
343 22 to be next to; to be beside 二寸半據盧校補
344 22 to quote; to cite 二寸半據盧校補
345 21 雒陽 luòyáng Luoyang 東南去雒陽十五里
346 21 clothes; clothing 諸衣衿斂之
347 21 Kangxi radical 145 諸衣衿斂之
348 21 to wear (clothes); to put on 諸衣衿斂之
349 21 a cover; a coating 諸衣衿斂之
350 21 uppergarment; robe 諸衣衿斂之
351 21 to cover 諸衣衿斂之
352 21 lichen; moss 諸衣衿斂之
353 21 peel; skin 諸衣衿斂之
354 21 Yi 諸衣衿斂之
355 21 to depend on 諸衣衿斂之
356 21 liù six
357 21 liù sixth
358 21 liù a note on the Gongche scale
359 21 big; huge; large 大盤廣八尺
360 21 Kangxi radical 37 大盤廣八尺
361 21 great; major; important 大盤廣八尺
362 21 size 大盤廣八尺
363 21 old 大盤廣八尺
364 21 greatly; very 大盤廣八尺
365 21 oldest; earliest 大盤廣八尺
366 21 adult 大盤廣八尺
367 21 tài greatest; grand 大盤廣八尺
368 21 dài an important person 大盤廣八尺
369 21 senior 大盤廣八尺
370 21 approximately 大盤廣八尺
371 21 tài greatest; grand 大盤廣八尺
372 21 zàng to bury the dead 先葬二日
373 20 to go 令汁得流去也
374 20 to remove; to wipe off; to eliminate 令汁得流去也
375 20 to be distant 令汁得流去也
376 20 to leave 令汁得流去也
377 20 to play a part 令汁得流去也
378 20 to abandon; to give up 令汁得流去也
379 20 to die 令汁得流去也
380 20 previous; past 令汁得流去也
381 20 to send out; to issue; to drive away 令汁得流去也
382 20 expresses a tendency 令汁得流去也
383 20 falling tone 令汁得流去也
384 20 to lose 令汁得流去也
385 20 Qu 令汁得流去也
386 20 yuán garden; orchard 餘地為西園後陵
387 20 yuán a park; an enclosure 餘地為西園後陵
388 20 yuán a villa 餘地為西園後陵
389 20 yuán a burial ground 餘地為西園後陵
390 20 apparatus 漢舊儀曰
391 20 a rite; a ceremony 漢舊儀曰
392 20 appearance; demeanor 漢舊儀曰
393 20 a gift 漢舊儀曰
394 20 a norm; a standard 漢舊儀曰
395 20 to admire 漢舊儀曰
396 20 embellishment 漢舊儀曰
397 20 formal dress 漢舊儀曰
398 20 an analogue; a match 漢舊儀曰
399 20 to be inclined; to trend 漢舊儀曰
400 20 to watch 漢舊儀曰
401 20 to come 漢舊儀曰
402 20 Yi 漢舊儀曰
403 19 eight 大盤廣八尺
404 19 Kangxi radical 12 大盤廣八尺
405 19 eighth 大盤廣八尺
406 19 all around; all sides 大盤廣八尺
407 19 dōng east 東園武士載大行
408 19 dōng master; host 東園武士載大行
409 19 dōng Dong 東園武士載大行
410 19 rén person; people; a human being 太醫令丞將醫人
411 19 rén Kangxi radical 9 太醫令丞將醫人
412 19 rén a kind of person 太醫令丞將醫人
413 19 rén everybody 太醫令丞將醫人
414 19 rén adult 太醫令丞將醫人
415 19 rén somebody; others 太醫令丞將醫人
416 19 rén an upright person 太醫令丞將醫人
417 19 shì a generation 帝王世記曰
418 19 shì a period of thirty years 帝王世記曰
419 19 shì the world 帝王世記曰
420 19 shì years; age 帝王世記曰
421 19 shì a dynasty 帝王世記曰
422 19 shì secular; worldly 帝王世記曰
423 19 shì over generations 帝王世記曰
424 19 shì always 帝王世記曰
425 19 shì world 帝王世記曰
426 19 shì a life; a lifetime 帝王世記曰
427 19 shì an era 帝王世記曰
428 19 shì from generation to generation; across generations 帝王世記曰
429 19 shì to keep good family relations 帝王世記曰
430 19 shì Shi 帝王世記曰
431 19 shì a geologic epoch 帝王世記曰
432 19 shì hereditary 帝王世記曰
433 19 shì later generations 帝王世記曰
434 19 shì a successor; an heir 帝王世記曰
435 19 shì the current times 帝王世記曰
436 19 xià next 禮儀下
437 19 xià bottom 禮儀下
438 19 xià to fall; to drop; to go down; to descend 禮儀下
439 19 xià measure word for time 禮儀下
440 19 xià expresses completion of an action 禮儀下
441 19 xià to announce 禮儀下
442 19 xià to do 禮儀下
443 19 xià to withdraw; to leave; to exit 禮儀下
444 19 xià under; below 禮儀下
445 19 xià the lower class; a member of the lower class 禮儀下
446 19 xià inside 禮儀下
447 19 xià an aspect 禮儀下
448 19 xià a certain time 禮儀下
449 19 xià a time; an instance 禮儀下
450 19 xià to capture; to take 禮儀下
451 19 xià to put in 禮儀下
452 19 xià to enter 禮儀下
453 19 xià to eliminate; to remove; to get off 禮儀下
454 19 xià to finish work or school 禮儀下
455 19 xià to go 禮儀下
456 19 xià to scorn; to look down on 禮儀下
457 19 xià to modestly decline 禮儀下
458 19 xià to produce 禮儀下
459 19 xià to stay at; to lodge at 禮儀下
460 19 xià to decide 禮儀下
461 19 xià to be less than 禮儀下
462 19 xià humble; lowly 禮儀下
463 18 zhǔ owner 立主如禮
464 18 zhǔ principal; main; primary 立主如禮
465 18 zhǔ master 立主如禮
466 18 zhǔ host 立主如禮
467 18 zhǔ to manage; to lead 立主如禮
468 18 zhǔ to decide; to advocate 立主如禮
469 18 zhǔ to have an opinion; to hold a particular view 立主如禮
470 18 zhǔ to signify; to indicate 立主如禮
471 18 zhǔ oneself 立主如禮
472 18 zhǔ a person; a party 立主如禮
473 18 zhǔ God; the Lord 立主如禮
474 18 zhǔ lord; ruler; chief 立主如禮
475 18 zhǔ an ancestral tablet 立主如禮
476 18 zhǔ princess 立主如禮
477 18 zhǔ chairperson 立主如禮
478 18 zhǔ fundamental 立主如禮
479 18 zhǔ Zhu 立主如禮
480 18 zhù to pour 立主如禮
481 18 fèng to offer; to present 宗室長吏及因郵奉奏
482 18 fèng to receive; to receive with respect 宗室長吏及因郵奉奏
483 18 fèng to believe in 宗室長吏及因郵奉奏
484 18 fèng a display of respect 宗室長吏及因郵奉奏
485 18 fèng to revere 宗室長吏及因郵奉奏
486 18 fèng salary 宗室長吏及因郵奉奏
487 18 fèng to serve 宗室長吏及因郵奉奏
488 18 fèng Feng 宗室長吏及因郵奉奏
489 18 fèng to politely request 宗室長吏及因郵奉奏
490 18 fèng to offer with both hands 宗室長吏及因郵奉奏
491 18 fèng a term of respect 宗室長吏及因郵奉奏
492 18 fèng to help 宗室長吏及因郵奉奏
493 18 qǐng to ask; to inquire 太尉告請南郊
494 18 qíng circumstances; state of affairs; situation 太尉告請南郊
495 18 qǐng to beg; to entreat 太尉告請南郊
496 18 qǐng please 太尉告請南郊
497 18 qǐng to request 太尉告請南郊
498 18 qǐng to hire; to employ; to engage 太尉告請南郊
499 18 qǐng to make an appointment 太尉告請南郊
500 18 qǐng to greet 太尉告請南郊

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
八步 98 Babu
  1. cypress; cedar
  2. Berlin
  3. Bai
霸陵 霸陵 98 Baling [county]
长安 長安 99
  1. Chang'an
  2. Chang'an
  3. Chang'an reign
  4. Chang'an
长乐 長樂 99 Changle
传国玉玺 傳國玉璽 67 Imperial Seal of China
刺史 99 Regional Inspector
大鸿胪 大鴻臚 100 Chamberlain for Dependencies; Grand Herald
大司农 大司農 100 Office of Agricultural Supervision
大祥 100 Daxiang
100 Deng
帝王世纪 帝王世紀 100 Diwang Shiji
董卓 100 Dong Zhuo
尔雅 爾雅 196 Erya; Er Ya; Ready Guide
甘泉 103 Ganquan
高皇帝 103 Emperor Gao of Han
高车 高車 103 Gaoche
高帝 103
  1. Gao Di
  2. Emperor Gao [of Southern Qi]
高陵 103 Gaoling
光禄勋 光祿勳 103 Supervisor of Attendants
光武 103 Guangwu
关内 關內 103 Guannei Circuit
  1. Guangxi
  2. cassia; cinnamon
  3. Gui
郭璞 71 Guo Pu
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
  1. Korea; South Korea
  2. State of Han
  3. fence; low wall
  4. Han
汉书 漢書 104 Book of Han; History of the Former Han Dynasty; Han Shu
汉文帝 漢文帝 104 Emperor Wen of Han
汉家 漢家 104
  1. Han dynasty
  2. a Chinese dynasty
和帝 和帝 104 Emperor He of Southern Qi
河内 河內 104
  1. Hanoi
  2. Henei
后汉书 後漢書 104 Book of the Later Han; History of the Later Han; Hou Han Shu
皇太子 104 Crown Prince
黄门 黃門 104 Huangmen
黄山 黃山 104
  1. Huangshan
  2. Huangshan
虎符 104 Hufu
  1. quickly; suddenly
  2. cholera
  3. Huo [mountain]
  4. Huo [state]
  5. Huo
贾山 賈山 106 Jiashan
  1. shanxi
  2. jin [dynasty]
  3. to move forward; to promote; to advance
  4. to raise
  5. Jin [state]
  6. Jin
金宝 金寶 106
  1. Campbell
  2. Kampar
开城 開城 107 Kaesong city; Gaeseong city
孔子 107 Confucius
会稽 會稽 75 Kuaiji Mountain
礼记 禮記 108 The Book of Rites; Classic of Rites
灵帝 靈帝 108 Emperor Ling [of Han]
雒阳 雒陽 108 Luoyang
吕览 呂覽 108 Mr Lü's Annals
吕氏春秋 呂氏春秋 76 Mr Lu's Annals of the Spring and Autumn Period
吕布 呂布 108 Lü Bu
明帝 109
  1. Emperor Ming of Han
  2. Emperor Ming of Southern Qi
  3. Emperor Ming of Liu Song
莫邪 109
  1. Moye [sword]
  2. Moye [person]
木下 109 Kinoshita (Japanese surname)
内史 內史 110 Censor; Administrator
平阴 平陰 112 Pingyin
仆射 僕射 80 Supervisor; Chief Administrator
钱大昕 錢大昕 113 Qian Daxin
前汉 前漢 113 Former Han dynasty
起居注 113 qijuzhu; court journals
三公 115 Three Ducal Ministers; Three Excellencies
上林 115 Shanglin
山阳 山陽 115 Shanyang
少府 83 Minor Treasurer
绍兴 紹興 115 Shaoxing
侍中 115 Shizhong; Palace Attendant
115 Emperor Shun
司空 115
  1. Minster of Land and Water
  2. Sikong
司马 司馬 115
  1. Minister of War
  2. Sima [star]
  3. Sima [surname]
  4. Aide to Commander; Leader of Cavalry
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
太后 116
  1. Empress Dowager
  2. Consort Dowager
太保 116 Grand Protector
太常 116 Minister of Ceremonies; Rector of the Imperial Academy
太仆 太僕 116 Grand Servant
太史 116
  1. Grand Scribe
  2. Grand Astrologer
台中 臺中 116 Taizhong; Taichung
天子 116 the rightful Emperor; the Son of Heaven
通典 84 Tongdian
外传 外傳 119 waizhuan; unofficial biography
万载 萬載 119 Wanzai
魏文帝 119 Emperor Wen of Wei
文帝 119
  1. Emperor Wen of Han
  2. Emperor Wen of Liu Song
武帝 119
  1. Emperor Wu of Han
  2. Emperor Wu of Southern Qi
  3. Emperor Wu of Song
下房 120 servants' quarters
续汉书 續漢書 120 Continued Book of Han; Xu Hanshu
玄武 120
  1. Black Tortoise
  2. God of the north sky
121 Yao
谒者 謁者 121
  1. an envoy
  2. Master of Ceremonies; Receptionist
  3. Yezhe
应劭 應劭 121 Ying Shao
永平 89
  1. Yong Ping reign
  2. Yong Ping reign
  1. Emperor Yu
  2. Yu
  3. a legendary worm
羽林 121
  1. Yu Lin; Palace Guards
  2. Yu Lin [star]
张华 張華 122 Zhang Hua
长吏 長吏 122 Senior Functionary; Chief Official
  1. Zhao
  2. Zhao Dynasty
  3. State of Zhao
  4. to rush
  5. to visit
  6. Zhao
  7. to dig
郑玄 鄭玄 122 Zheng Xuan
中山 122
  1. Dr Sun Yat-sen; Zhongshan, prefecture-level city in Guangdong, close to Sun Yat-sen's birthplace; Nakayama (Japanese surname)
  2. Zhongshan
  3. Nakayama
  1. daytime
  2. Zhou
  3. Zhou
周礼 周禮 122 Zhou Li; Rites of Zhou
周二 週二 122 Tuesday
庄公 莊公 122 Lord Zhuang
阼阶 阼階 122 Eastern Stairs


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English