Glossary and Vocabulary for History of Song 宋史, 卷二百五十 列傳第九 石守信 王審琦 高懷德 韓重贇 張令鐸 羅彥瓌 王彥昇 Volume 250 Biographies 9: Shi Shouxin, Wang Shenqi, Goa Huaide, Han Zhongyun, Zhang Lingduo, Luo Yanggui, Wang Yanshen

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 94 使 shǐ to make; to cause 控鶴四廂都指揮使
2 94 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 控鶴四廂都指揮使
3 94 使 shǐ to indulge 控鶴四廂都指揮使
4 94 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 控鶴四廂都指揮使
5 94 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 控鶴四廂都指揮使
6 94 使 shǐ to dispatch 控鶴四廂都指揮使
7 94 使 shǐ to use 控鶴四廂都指揮使
8 94 使 shǐ to be able to 控鶴四廂都指揮使
9 89 wéi to act as; to serve 為先鋒
10 89 wéi to change into; to become 為先鋒
11 89 wéi to be; is 為先鋒
12 89 wéi to do 為先鋒
13 89 wèi to support; to help 為先鋒
14 89 wéi to govern 為先鋒
15 89 zhī to go 皆殺之
16 89 zhī to arrive; to go 皆殺之
17 89 zhī is 皆殺之
18 89 zhī to use 皆殺之
19 89 zhī Zhi 皆殺之
20 89 zhī winding 皆殺之
21 86 to use; to grasp 以功遷殿前都虞候
22 86 to rely on 以功遷殿前都虞候
23 86 to regard 以功遷殿前都虞候
24 86 to be able to 以功遷殿前都虞候
25 86 to order; to command 以功遷殿前都虞候
26 86 used after a verb 以功遷殿前都虞候
27 86 a reason; a cause 以功遷殿前都虞候
28 86 Israel 以功遷殿前都虞候
29 86 Yi 以功遷殿前都虞候
30 85 nián year 建隆二年
31 85 nián New Year festival 建隆二年
32 85 nián age 建隆二年
33 85 nián life span; life expectancy 建隆二年
34 85 nián an era; a period 建隆二年
35 85 nián a date 建隆二年
36 85 nián time; years 建隆二年
37 85 nián harvest 建隆二年
38 85 nián annual; every year 建隆二年
39 84 zhōu a state; a province 遂領嘉州防禦使
40 84 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 遂領嘉州防禦使
41 84 zhōu a prefecture 遂領嘉州防禦使
42 84 zhōu a country 遂領嘉州防禦使
43 84 zhōu an island 遂領嘉州防禦使
44 84 zhōu Zhou 遂領嘉州防禦使
45 84 zhōu autonomous prefecture 遂領嘉州防禦使
46 84 zhōu a country 遂領嘉州防禦使
47 81 capital city 累遷親衛都虞候
48 81 a city; a metropolis 累遷親衛都虞候
49 81 dōu all 累遷親衛都虞候
50 81 elegant; refined 累遷親衛都虞候
51 81 Du 累遷親衛都虞候
52 81 to establish a capital city 累遷親衛都虞候
53 81 to reside 累遷親衛都虞候
54 81 to total; to tally 累遷親衛都虞候
55 73 jūn army; military 遷親衛左第一軍都校
56 73 jūn soldiers; troops 遷親衛左第一軍都校
57 73 jūn an organized collective 遷親衛左第一軍都校
58 73 jūn to garrison; to stay an an encampment 遷親衛左第一軍都校
59 73 jūn a garrison 遷親衛左第一軍都校
60 73 jūn a front 遷親衛左第一軍都校
61 73 jūn penal miltary service 遷親衛左第一軍都校
62 73 jūn to organize troops 遷親衛左第一軍都校
63 51 Qi 又敗其眾三萬於澤州
64 46 lǐng neck 遂領嘉州防禦使
65 46 lǐng collar 遂領嘉州防禦使
66 46 lǐng to lead; to command 遂領嘉州防禦使
67 46 lǐng main aspects; essential points 遂領嘉州防禦使
68 46 lǐng to accept; to receive 遂領嘉州防禦使
69 46 lǐng to understand; to realize 遂領嘉州防禦使
70 46 lǐng to guide 遂領嘉州防禦使
71 46 lǐng having jurisdiction over 遂領嘉州防禦使
72 46 lǐng mountains 遂領嘉州防禦使
73 43 rén person; people; a human being 開封浚儀人
74 43 rén Kangxi radical 9 開封浚儀人
75 43 rén a kind of person 開封浚儀人
76 43 rén everybody 開封浚儀人
77 43 rén adult 開封浚儀人
78 43 rén somebody; others 開封浚儀人
79 43 rén an upright person 開封浚儀人
80 39 chū rudimentary; elementary 廣順初
81 39 chū original 廣順初
82 38 zhì Kangxi radical 133 至烏
83 38 zhì to arrive 至烏
84 37 zhōng middle 加兼中書令
85 37 zhōng medium; medium sized 加兼中書令
86 37 zhōng China 加兼中書令
87 37 zhòng to hit the mark 加兼中書令
88 37 zhōng midday 加兼中書令
89 37 zhōng inside 加兼中書令
90 37 zhōng during 加兼中書令
91 37 zhōng Zhong 加兼中書令
92 37 zhōng intermediary 加兼中書令
93 37 zhōng half 加兼中書令
94 37 zhòng to reach; to attain 加兼中書令
95 37 zhòng to suffer; to infect 加兼中書令
96 37 zhòng to obtain 加兼中書令
97 37 zhòng to pass an exam 加兼中書令
98 37 cóng to follow 從世宗征晉
99 37 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 從世宗征晉
100 37 cóng to participate in something 從世宗征晉
101 37 cóng to use a certain method or principle 從世宗征晉
102 37 cóng something secondary 從世宗征晉
103 37 cóng remote relatives 從世宗征晉
104 37 cóng secondary 從世宗征晉
105 37 cóng to go on; to advance 從世宗征晉
106 37 cōng at ease; informal 從世宗征晉
107 37 zòng a follower; a supporter 從世宗征晉
108 37 zòng to release 從世宗征晉
109 37 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 從世宗征晉
110 36 qiān to move; to shift 累遷親衛都虞候
111 36 qiān to transfer 累遷親衛都虞候
112 36 qiān to transfer job posting; to be promoted 累遷親衛都虞候
113 36 qiān to displace; to remove; to banish; to demote 累遷親衛都虞候
114 36 qiān to change; to transform 累遷親衛都虞候
115 35 zhī to know 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
116 35 zhī to comprehend 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
117 35 zhī to inform; to tell 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
118 35 zhī to administer 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
119 35 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
120 35 zhī to be close friends 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
121 35 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
122 35 zhī to receive; to entertain 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
123 35 zhī knowledge 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
124 35 zhī consciousness; perception 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
125 35 zhī a close friend 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
126 35 zhì wisdom 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
127 35 zhì Zhi 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
128 35 zhī to appreciate 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
129 35 zhī to make known 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
130 35 zhī to have control over 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
131 35 zhī to expect; to foresee 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
132 34 Germany 改領歸德軍節度
133 34 virtue; morality; ethics; character 改領歸德軍節度
134 34 kindness; favor 改領歸德軍節度
135 34 conduct; behavior 改領歸德軍節度
136 34 to be grateful 改領歸德軍節度
137 34 heart; intention 改領歸德軍節度
138 34 De 改領歸德軍節度
139 34 potency; natural power 改領歸德軍節度
140 34 wholesome; good 改領歸德軍節度
141 34 chéng to bear; to carry; to hold 子承衍
142 34 chéng to succeed; to continue 子承衍
143 34 chéng to accept; to receive; to inherit 子承衍
144 34 chéng to flatter; to honor 子承衍
145 34 chéng to undertake; to assume 子承衍
146 34 chéng to act on orders; to perform; to carry out 子承衍
147 34 chéng to confess 子承衍
148 34 chéng to attend; to assist; to aid 子承衍
149 34 chéng to acknowledge; to assent to; to acquiesce 子承衍
150 34 chéng to obstruct 子承衍
151 34 chéng to hear it said that 子承衍
152 34 chéng bearer 子承衍
153 34 chéng to be indebted to 子承衍
154 32 gǎi to change; to alter 改領歸德軍節度
155 32 gǎi Gai 改領歸德軍節度
156 32 gǎi to improve; to correct 改領歸德軍節度
157 32 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 加兼中書令
158 32 lìng to issue a command 加兼中書令
159 32 lìng rules of behavior; customs 加兼中書令
160 32 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 加兼中書令
161 32 lìng a season 加兼中書令
162 32 lìng respected; good reputation 加兼中書令
163 32 lìng good 加兼中書令
164 32 lìng pretentious 加兼中書令
165 32 lìng a transcending state of existence 加兼中書令
166 32 lìng a commander 加兼中書令
167 32 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 加兼中書令
168 32 lìng lyrics 加兼中書令
169 32 lìng Ling 加兼中書令
170 31 to die
171 31 a soldier
172 31 a servant; forced labor
173 31 to end
174 31 a deployment of five soldiers
175 31 指揮 zhǐhuī to command; to direct 控鶴四廂都指揮使
176 31 指揮 zhǐhuī a commander; a conductor 控鶴四廂都指揮使
177 31 太祖 tàizǔ Taizu; Great Ancestor 太祖即位
178 31 太祖 tàizǔ progenitor 太祖即位
179 30 yuē to speak; to say 帝曰
180 30 yuē Kangxi radical 73 帝曰
181 30 yuē to be called 帝曰
182 30 bǎo to defend; to protect 子保興
183 30 bǎo insurance 子保興
184 30 bǎo to insure or guarantee; to maintain 子保興
185 30 yàn elegant; handsome 太祖欲使符彥卿管軍
186 30 yàn learned 太祖欲使符彥卿管軍
187 30 節度 jiédù a solar term 加領義成軍節度
188 30 節度 jiédù a law 加領義成軍節度
189 30 節度 jiédù Military Commissioner 加領義成軍節度
190 30 節度 jiédù economy; revenue 加領義成軍節度
191 29 child; son 子保興
192 29 egg; newborn 子保興
193 29 first earthly branch 子保興
194 29 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 子保興
195 29 Kangxi radical 39 子保興
196 29 pellet; something small and hard 子保興
197 29 master 子保興
198 29 viscount 子保興
199 29 zi you; your honor 子保興
200 29 masters 子保興
201 29 person 子保興
202 29 young 子保興
203 29 seed 子保興
204 29 subordinate; subsidiary 子保興
205 29 a copper coin 子保興
206 29 female dragonfly 子保興
207 29 constituent 子保興
208 29 offspring; descendants 子保興
209 29 dear 子保興
210 29 little one 子保興
211 29 zhèn town 移鎮鄆州
212 29 zhèn to press down; to pressure; to suppress 移鎮鄆州
213 29 zhèn to pacify; to quell 移鎮鄆州
214 29 zhèn market place 移鎮鄆州
215 29 zhèn to cool down 移鎮鄆州
216 29 zhèn to defend 移鎮鄆州
217 29 zhèn most important 移鎮鄆州
218 29 zhèn Saturn 移鎮鄆州
219 29 zhèn to ward off evil 移鎮鄆州
220 28 chóng high; dignified; lofty 在西京建崇德寺
221 28 chóng to honor 在西京建崇德寺
222 28 chóng prosperous; flourishing 在西京建崇德寺
223 28 chóng to fill 在西京建崇德寺
224 28 chóng to end 在西京建崇德寺
225 28 chóng to pray 在西京建崇德寺
226 28 chóng Chong 在西京建崇德寺
227 27 to give; to bestow favors 詔賜本州宅一區
228 27 grace; favor; a gift 詔賜本州宅一區
229 27 to award; to appoint 詔賜本州宅一區
230 27 to do in full 詔賜本州宅一區
231 27 to bestow an honorific title 詔賜本州宅一區
232 27 èr two 建隆二年
233 27 èr Kangxi radical 7 建隆二年
234 27 èr second 建隆二年
235 27 èr twice; double; di- 建隆二年
236 27 èr more than one kind 建隆二年
237 24 emperor; supreme ruler 恭帝即位
238 24 the ruler of Heaven 恭帝即位
239 24 a god 恭帝即位
240 24 imperialism 恭帝即位
241 24 xíng to walk 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
242 24 xíng capable; competent 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
243 24 háng profession 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
244 24 xíng Kangxi radical 144 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
245 24 xíng to travel 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
246 24 xìng actions; conduct 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
247 24 xíng to do; to act; to practice 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
248 24 xíng all right; OK; okay 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
249 24 háng horizontal line 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
250 24 héng virtuous deeds 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
251 24 hàng a line of trees 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
252 24 hàng bold; steadfast 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
253 24 xíng to move 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
254 24 xíng to put into effect; to implement 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
255 24 xíng travel 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
256 24 xíng to circulate 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
257 24 xíng running script; running script 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
258 24 xíng temporary 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
259 24 háng rank; order 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
260 24 háng a business; a shop 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
261 24 xíng to depart; to leave 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
262 24 xíng to experience 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
263 24 xíng path; way 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
264 24 xíng xing; ballad 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
265 24 xíng Xing 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
266 24 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又敗其眾三萬於澤州
267 24 shì matter; thing; item 事周祖
268 24 shì to serve 事周祖
269 24 shì a government post 事周祖
270 24 shì duty; post; work 事周祖
271 24 shì occupation 事周祖
272 24 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 事周祖
273 24 shì an accident 事周祖
274 24 shì to attend 事周祖
275 24 shì an allusion 事周祖
276 24 shì a condition; a state; a situation 事周祖
277 24 shì to engage in 事周祖
278 24 shì to enslave 事周祖
279 24 shì to pursue 事周祖
280 24 shì to administer 事周祖
281 24 shì to appoint 事周祖
282 24 ér Kangxi radical 126 吾終夕未嘗安枕而臥
283 24 ér as if; to seem like 吾終夕未嘗安枕而臥
284 24 néng can; able 吾終夕未嘗安枕而臥
285 24 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 吾終夕未嘗安枕而臥
286 24 ér to arrive; up to 吾終夕未嘗安枕而臥
287 23 infix potential marker 人孰不欲富貴
288 23 deputy; assistant; vice- 為陸路副都部署
289 23 incidentally; additionally 為陸路副都部署
290 23 a deputy; an assistant 為陸路副都部署
291 23 secondary; auxiliary 為陸路副都部署
292 23 to agree with; to match with; to correspond to 為陸路副都部署
293 23 a copy; a transcript 為陸路副都部署
294 23 a wig 為陸路副都部署
295 23 to deliver; to hand over 為陸路副都部署
296 23 to break open; to tear 為陸路副都部署
297 23 huái bosom; breast 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
298 23 huái to carry in bosom 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
299 23 huái to miss; to think of 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
300 23 huái to cherish 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
301 23 huái to be pregnant 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
302 23 huái to keep in mind; to be concerned for 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
303 23 huái inner heart; mind; feelings 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
304 23 huái to embrace 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
305 23 huái to encircle; to surround 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
306 23 huái to comfort 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
307 23 huái to incline to; to be attracted to 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
308 23 huái to think of a plan 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
309 23 huái Huai 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
310 23 huái to be patient with; to tolerate 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
311 23 huái aspiration; intention 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
312 23 刺史 cìshǐ Regional Inspector 領順州刺史
313 22 zhōu Zhou Dynasty 事周祖
314 22 zhōu careful; thorough; thoughtful 事周祖
315 22 zhōu to aid 事周祖
316 22 zhōu a cycle 事周祖
317 22 zhōu Zhou 事周祖
318 22 zhōu all; universal 事周祖
319 22 zhōu dense; near 事周祖
320 22 zhōu circumference; surroundings 事周祖
321 22 zhōu to circle 事周祖
322 22 zhōu to adapt to 事周祖
323 22 zhōu to wear around the waist 事周祖
324 22 zhōu to bend 事周祖
325 22 zhōu an entire year 事周祖
326 22 zhòng heavy 李重進反揚州
327 22 chóng to repeat 李重進反揚州
328 22 zhòng significant; serious; important 李重進反揚州
329 22 chóng layered; folded; tiered 李重進反揚州
330 22 zhòng to attach importance to; to honor; to respect 李重進反揚州
331 22 zhòng sad 李重進反揚州
332 22 zhòng a weight 李重進反揚州
333 22 zhòng large in amount; valuable 李重進反揚州
334 22 zhòng thick; dense; strong 李重進反揚州
335 22 zhòng to prefer 李重進反揚州
336 22 zhòng to add 李重進反揚州
337 22 to prevail; to defeat 克揚州
338 22 to subdue; to restrain; to limit 克揚州
339 22 to cut down; to harm 克揚州
340 22 to exploit; embezzle 克揚州
341 22 severe; harsh 克揚州
342 22 to set a date; to set a time limit 克揚州
343 22 to digest 克揚州
344 21 mìng life 今天命已定
345 21 mìng to order 今天命已定
346 21 mìng destiny; fate; luck 今天命已定
347 21 mìng an order; a command 今天命已定
348 21 mìng to name; to assign 今天命已定
349 21 mìng livelihood 今天命已定
350 21 mìng advice 今天命已定
351 21 mìng to confer a title 今天命已定
352 21 mìng lifespan 今天命已定
353 21 mìng to think 今天命已定
354 21 to move one's abode; to shift; to migrate 徙鎮陳州
355 21 Xi 徙鎮陳州
356 21 to change behavior 徙鎮陳州
357 21 to go through a period of time 徙鎮陳州
358 21 to transfer post 徙鎮陳州
359 21 to banish [to the frontier] 徙鎮陳州
360 21 to escape 徙鎮陳州
361 21 to give 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
362 21 to accompany 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
363 21 to particate in 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
364 21 of the same kind 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
365 21 to help 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
366 21 for 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
367 20 守信 shǒuxìn to keep promises 石守信
368 20 chén minister; statesman; official 臣愚不及此
369 20 chén Kangxi radical 131 臣愚不及此
370 20 chén a slave 臣愚不及此
371 20 chén Chen 臣愚不及此
372 20 chén to obey; to comply 臣愚不及此
373 20 chén to command; to direct 臣愚不及此
374 20 chén a subject 臣愚不及此
375 20 wáng Wang 追封威武郡王
376 20 wáng a king 追封威武郡王
377 20 wáng Kangxi radical 96 追封威武郡王
378 20 wàng to be king; to rule 追封威武郡王
379 20 wáng a prince; a duke 追封威武郡王
380 20 wáng grand; great 追封威武郡王
381 20 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 追封威武郡王
382 20 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 追封威武郡王
383 20 wáng the head of a group or gang 追封威武郡王
384 20 wáng the biggest or best of a group 追封威武郡王
385 20 jiā to add 加領義成軍節度
386 20 jiā to increase 加領義成軍節度
387 20 jiā to inflict [punishment] 加領義成軍節度
388 20 jiā to append 加領義成軍節度
389 20 jiā Jia 加領義成軍節度
390 20 jiā to wear 加領義成軍節度
391 20 jiā to be appointed [to a position]; to grant 加領義成軍節度
392 20 jiā to pass 加領義成軍節度
393 20 jiā to place above 加領義成軍節度
394 20 jiā to implement; to apply 加領義成軍節度
395 20 jiā to line up the disk and base of a divining board 加領義成軍節度
396 20 jiā to say falsely 加領義成軍節度
397 20 jiā addition 加領義成軍節度
398 20 jiā Canada 加領義成軍節度
399 19 a gem; a precious stone; jade 王審琦
400 19 a curio 王審琦
401 19 excellent; admirable 王審琦
402 19 rare; unusual 王審琦
403 19 gōng merit 以功遷殿前都虞候
404 19 gōng service; work; effort 以功遷殿前都虞候
405 19 gōng skill 以功遷殿前都虞候
406 19 gōng an achievement; an accomplishment 以功遷殿前都虞候
407 19 gōng deserving praise 以功遷殿前都虞候
408 19 gōng level of morning ritual 以功遷殿前都虞候
409 19 gōng an effect; a result 以功遷殿前都虞候
410 19 gōng a kind of funeral dress 以功遷殿前都虞候
411 19 gōng work (physics) 以功遷殿前都虞候
412 19 shěn to examine; to investigate; to analyze to judge 王審琦
413 19 shěn to understand 王審琦
414 19 shěn to try in a court of law 王審琦
415 19 shěn to be cautious; to be prudent 王審琦
416 19 shěn Shen 王審琦
417 18 to reach 陛下念及此
418 18 to attain 陛下念及此
419 18 to understand 陛下念及此
420 18 able to be compared to; to catch up with 陛下念及此
421 18 to be involved with; to associate with 陛下念及此
422 18 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 陛下念及此
423 18 部署 bùshǔ to dispose; to deploy 為陸路副都部署
424 18 部署 bùshǔ a host; a coach 為陸路副都部署
425 18 部署 bùshǔ Bushu 為陸路副都部署
426 18 huán to go back; to turn around; to return 師還
427 18 huán to pay back; to give back 師還
428 18 huán to do in return 師還
429 18 huán Huan 師還
430 18 huán to revert 師還
431 18 huán to turn one's head; to look back 師還
432 18 huán to encircle 師還
433 18 xuán to rotate 師還
434 18 huán since 師還
435 18 zhēng to prove; to confirm 從世宗征晉
436 18 zhēng to march; to travel on a long journey 從世宗征晉
437 18 zhēng to draft; to call up; to recruit; to summon 從世宗征晉
438 18 zhēng to request [documents]; to solicit [contributions] 從世宗征晉
439 18 zhēng to go on a punitive expedition; to go on a military campaign; to conquer 從世宗征晉
440 18 zhēng to levy [taxes] 從世宗征晉
441 18 zhēng call to arms 從世宗征晉
442 18 zhēng evidence 從世宗征晉
443 18 zhēng an omen 從世宗征晉
444 18 zhēng to inquire; to seek after 從世宗征晉
445 18 zhēng Zheng 從世宗征晉
446 18 zhēng to take 從世宗征晉
447 18 zhēng tax 從世宗征晉
448 18 zhǐ note in Chinese musical scale 從世宗征晉
449 18 zhēng to examine; to interrogate 從世宗征晉
450 18 zhēng to approve 從世宗征晉
451 18 hòu to wait 累遷親衛都虞候
452 18 hòu to watch; to observe 累遷親衛都虞候
453 18 hòu to visit 累遷親衛都虞候
454 18 hòu time; season 累遷親衛都虞候
455 18 hòu state; condition 累遷親衛都虞候
456 18 hòu to investigate 累遷親衛都虞候
457 18 hòu to attend to; to care for; to serve 累遷親衛都虞候
458 18 hòu to divine 累遷親衛都虞候
459 18 hòu to pay 累遷親衛都虞候
460 18 to go back; to return 誰復敢有異心
461 18 to resume; to restart 誰復敢有異心
462 18 to do in detail 誰復敢有異心
463 18 to restore 誰復敢有異心
464 18 to respond; to reply to 誰復敢有異心
465 18 Fu; Return 誰復敢有異心
466 18 to retaliate; to reciprocate 誰復敢有異心
467 18 to avoid forced labor or tax 誰復敢有異心
468 18 Fu 誰復敢有異心
469 18 doubled; to overlapping; folded 誰復敢有異心
470 18 a lined garment with doubled thickness 誰復敢有異心
471 18 世宗 shìzōng King Sejong the Great; Sejong Daewang 從世宗征晉
472 18 世宗 shìzōng Sejong 從世宗征晉
473 18 世宗 shìzōng Shizong 從世宗征晉
474 17 sān three 斬首三千級
475 17 sān third 斬首三千級
476 17 sān more than two 斬首三千級
477 17 sān very few 斬首三千級
478 17 sān San 斬首三千級
479 17 bīng soldier; troops 城中兵果鑿南門而潰
480 17 bīng weapons 城中兵果鑿南門而潰
481 17 bīng military; warfare 城中兵果鑿南門而潰
482 17 píng flat; level; smooth 潞平
483 17 píng calm; peaceful 潞平
484 17 píng Ping 潞平
485 17 píng equal 潞平
486 17 píng to conquer 潞平
487 17 píng to regulate; to control 潞平
488 17 píng to tie; to draw 潞平
489 17 píng to pacify 潞平
490 17 píng to make level 潞平
491 17 píng to be at the same level 潞平
492 17 píng fair; impartial 潞平
493 17 píng to restrain anger 潞平
494 17 píng ordinary; common 潞平
495 17 píng a level tone 潞平
496 17 píng a unit of weight 潞平
497 17 nèi inside; interior 內徙襄州
498 17 nèi private 內徙襄州
499 17 nèi family; domestic 內徙襄州
500 17 nèi wife; consort 內徙襄州

Frequencies of all Words

Top 958

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 94 使 shǐ to make; to cause 控鶴四廂都指揮使
2 94 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 控鶴四廂都指揮使
3 94 使 shǐ to indulge 控鶴四廂都指揮使
4 94 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 控鶴四廂都指揮使
5 94 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 控鶴四廂都指揮使
6 94 使 shǐ to dispatch 控鶴四廂都指揮使
7 94 使 shǐ if 控鶴四廂都指揮使
8 94 使 shǐ to use 控鶴四廂都指揮使
9 94 使 shǐ to be able to 控鶴四廂都指揮使
10 89 wèi for; to 為先鋒
11 89 wèi because of 為先鋒
12 89 wéi to act as; to serve 為先鋒
13 89 wéi to change into; to become 為先鋒
14 89 wéi to be; is 為先鋒
15 89 wéi to do 為先鋒
16 89 wèi for 為先鋒
17 89 wèi because of; for; to 為先鋒
18 89 wèi to 為先鋒
19 89 wéi in a passive construction 為先鋒
20 89 wéi forming a rehetorical question 為先鋒
21 89 wéi forming an adverb 為先鋒
22 89 wéi to add emphasis 為先鋒
23 89 wèi to support; to help 為先鋒
24 89 wéi to govern 為先鋒
25 89 zhī him; her; them; that 皆殺之
26 89 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 皆殺之
27 89 zhī to go 皆殺之
28 89 zhī this; that 皆殺之
29 89 zhī genetive marker 皆殺之
30 89 zhī it 皆殺之
31 89 zhī in; in regards to 皆殺之
32 89 zhī all 皆殺之
33 89 zhī and 皆殺之
34 89 zhī however 皆殺之
35 89 zhī if 皆殺之
36 89 zhī then 皆殺之
37 89 zhī to arrive; to go 皆殺之
38 89 zhī is 皆殺之
39 89 zhī to use 皆殺之
40 89 zhī Zhi 皆殺之
41 89 zhī winding 皆殺之
42 86 so as to; in order to 以功遷殿前都虞候
43 86 to use; to regard as 以功遷殿前都虞候
44 86 to use; to grasp 以功遷殿前都虞候
45 86 according to 以功遷殿前都虞候
46 86 because of 以功遷殿前都虞候
47 86 on a certain date 以功遷殿前都虞候
48 86 and; as well as 以功遷殿前都虞候
49 86 to rely on 以功遷殿前都虞候
50 86 to regard 以功遷殿前都虞候
51 86 to be able to 以功遷殿前都虞候
52 86 to order; to command 以功遷殿前都虞候
53 86 further; moreover 以功遷殿前都虞候
54 86 used after a verb 以功遷殿前都虞候
55 86 very 以功遷殿前都虞候
56 86 already 以功遷殿前都虞候
57 86 increasingly 以功遷殿前都虞候
58 86 a reason; a cause 以功遷殿前都虞候
59 86 Israel 以功遷殿前都虞候
60 86 Yi 以功遷殿前都虞候
61 85 nián year 建隆二年
62 85 nián New Year festival 建隆二年
63 85 nián age 建隆二年
64 85 nián life span; life expectancy 建隆二年
65 85 nián an era; a period 建隆二年
66 85 nián a date 建隆二年
67 85 nián time; years 建隆二年
68 85 nián harvest 建隆二年
69 85 nián annual; every year 建隆二年
70 84 zhōu a state; a province 遂領嘉州防禦使
71 84 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 遂領嘉州防禦使
72 84 zhōu a prefecture 遂領嘉州防禦使
73 84 zhōu a country 遂領嘉州防禦使
74 84 zhōu an island 遂領嘉州防禦使
75 84 zhōu Zhou 遂領嘉州防禦使
76 84 zhōu autonomous prefecture 遂領嘉州防禦使
77 84 zhōu a country 遂領嘉州防禦使
78 81 dōu all 累遷親衛都虞候
79 81 capital city 累遷親衛都虞候
80 81 a city; a metropolis 累遷親衛都虞候
81 81 dōu all 累遷親衛都虞候
82 81 elegant; refined 累遷親衛都虞候
83 81 Du 累遷親衛都虞候
84 81 dōu already 累遷親衛都虞候
85 81 to establish a capital city 累遷親衛都虞候
86 81 to reside 累遷親衛都虞候
87 81 to total; to tally 累遷親衛都虞候
88 73 jūn army; military 遷親衛左第一軍都校
89 73 jūn soldiers; troops 遷親衛左第一軍都校
90 73 jūn an organized collective 遷親衛左第一軍都校
91 73 jūn to garrison; to stay an an encampment 遷親衛左第一軍都校
92 73 jūn a garrison 遷親衛左第一軍都校
93 73 jūn a front 遷親衛左第一軍都校
94 73 jūn penal miltary service 遷親衛左第一軍都校
95 73 jūn to organize troops 遷親衛左第一軍都校
96 51 his; hers; its; theirs 又敗其眾三萬於澤州
97 51 to add emphasis 又敗其眾三萬於澤州
98 51 used when asking a question in reply to a question 又敗其眾三萬於澤州
99 51 used when making a request or giving an order 又敗其眾三萬於澤州
100 51 he; her; it; them 又敗其眾三萬於澤州
101 51 probably; likely 又敗其眾三萬於澤州
102 51 will 又敗其眾三萬於澤州
103 51 may 又敗其眾三萬於澤州
104 51 if 又敗其眾三萬於澤州
105 51 or 又敗其眾三萬於澤州
106 51 Qi 又敗其眾三萬於澤州
107 46 lǐng neck 遂領嘉州防禦使
108 46 lǐng collar 遂領嘉州防禦使
109 46 lǐng to lead; to command 遂領嘉州防禦使
110 46 lǐng main aspects; essential points 遂領嘉州防禦使
111 46 lǐng measure word for jackets 遂領嘉州防禦使
112 46 lǐng to accept; to receive 遂領嘉州防禦使
113 46 lǐng to understand; to realize 遂領嘉州防禦使
114 46 lǐng to guide 遂領嘉州防禦使
115 46 lǐng having jurisdiction over 遂領嘉州防禦使
116 46 lǐng nominally [appoint] 遂領嘉州防禦使
117 46 lǐng mountains 遂領嘉州防禦使
118 43 rén person; people; a human being 開封浚儀人
119 43 rén Kangxi radical 9 開封浚儀人
120 43 rén a kind of person 開封浚儀人
121 43 rén everybody 開封浚儀人
122 43 rén adult 開封浚儀人
123 43 rén somebody; others 開封浚儀人
124 43 rén an upright person 開封浚儀人
125 39 chū at first; at the beginning; initially 廣順初
126 39 chū used to prefix numbers 廣順初
127 39 chū used as a prefix incidating the first time or part of something 廣順初
128 39 chū just now 廣順初
129 39 chū thereupon 廣順初
130 39 chū an intensifying adverb 廣順初
131 39 chū rudimentary; elementary 廣順初
132 39 chū original 廣順初
133 38 zhì to; until 至烏
134 38 zhì Kangxi radical 133 至烏
135 38 zhì extremely; very; most 至烏
136 38 zhì to arrive 至烏
137 37 zhōng middle 加兼中書令
138 37 zhōng medium; medium sized 加兼中書令
139 37 zhōng China 加兼中書令
140 37 zhòng to hit the mark 加兼中書令
141 37 zhōng in; amongst 加兼中書令
142 37 zhōng midday 加兼中書令
143 37 zhōng inside 加兼中書令
144 37 zhōng during 加兼中書令
145 37 zhōng Zhong 加兼中書令
146 37 zhōng intermediary 加兼中書令
147 37 zhōng half 加兼中書令
148 37 zhōng just right; suitably 加兼中書令
149 37 zhōng while 加兼中書令
150 37 zhòng to reach; to attain 加兼中書令
151 37 zhòng to suffer; to infect 加兼中書令
152 37 zhòng to obtain 加兼中書令
153 37 zhòng to pass an exam 加兼中書令
154 37 cóng from 從世宗征晉
155 37 cóng to follow 從世宗征晉
156 37 cóng past; through 從世宗征晉
157 37 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 從世宗征晉
158 37 cóng to participate in something 從世宗征晉
159 37 cóng to use a certain method or principle 從世宗征晉
160 37 cóng usually 從世宗征晉
161 37 cóng something secondary 從世宗征晉
162 37 cóng remote relatives 從世宗征晉
163 37 cóng secondary 從世宗征晉
164 37 cóng to go on; to advance 從世宗征晉
165 37 cōng at ease; informal 從世宗征晉
166 37 zòng a follower; a supporter 從世宗征晉
167 37 zòng to release 從世宗征晉
168 37 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 從世宗征晉
169 36 qiān to move; to shift 累遷親衛都虞候
170 36 qiān to transfer 累遷親衛都虞候
171 36 qiān to transfer job posting; to be promoted 累遷親衛都虞候
172 36 qiān to displace; to remove; to banish; to demote 累遷親衛都虞候
173 36 qiān to change; to transform 累遷親衛都虞候
174 35 zhī to know 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
175 35 zhī to comprehend 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
176 35 zhī to inform; to tell 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
177 35 zhī to administer 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
178 35 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
179 35 zhī to be close friends 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
180 35 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
181 35 zhī to receive; to entertain 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
182 35 zhī knowledge 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
183 35 zhī consciousness; perception 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
184 35 zhī a close friend 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
185 35 zhì wisdom 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
186 35 zhì Zhi 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
187 35 zhī to appreciate 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
188 35 zhī to make known 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
189 35 zhī to have control over 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
190 35 zhī to expect; to foresee 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
191 34 Germany 改領歸德軍節度
192 34 virtue; morality; ethics; character 改領歸德軍節度
193 34 kindness; favor 改領歸德軍節度
194 34 conduct; behavior 改領歸德軍節度
195 34 to be grateful 改領歸德軍節度
196 34 heart; intention 改領歸德軍節度
197 34 De 改領歸德軍節度
198 34 potency; natural power 改領歸德軍節度
199 34 wholesome; good 改領歸德軍節度
200 34 chéng to bear; to carry; to hold 子承衍
201 34 chéng to succeed; to continue 子承衍
202 34 chéng to accept; to receive; to inherit 子承衍
203 34 chéng to flatter; to honor 子承衍
204 34 chéng to undertake; to assume 子承衍
205 34 chéng to act on orders; to perform; to carry out 子承衍
206 34 chéng to confess 子承衍
207 34 chéng to attend; to assist; to aid 子承衍
208 34 chéng to acknowledge; to assent to; to acquiesce 子承衍
209 34 chéng to obstruct 子承衍
210 34 chéng to hear it said that 子承衍
211 34 chéng previously 子承衍
212 34 chéng bearer 子承衍
213 34 chéng to be indebted to 子承衍
214 32 gǎi to change; to alter 改領歸德軍節度
215 32 gǎi Gai 改領歸德軍節度
216 32 gǎi to improve; to correct 改領歸德軍節度
217 32 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 加兼中書令
218 32 lìng to issue a command 加兼中書令
219 32 lìng rules of behavior; customs 加兼中書令
220 32 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 加兼中書令
221 32 lìng a season 加兼中書令
222 32 lìng respected; good reputation 加兼中書令
223 32 lìng good 加兼中書令
224 32 lìng pretentious 加兼中書令
225 32 lìng a transcending state of existence 加兼中書令
226 32 lìng a commander 加兼中書令
227 32 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 加兼中書令
228 32 lìng lyrics 加兼中書令
229 32 lìng Ling 加兼中書令
230 31 to die
231 31 a soldier
232 31 abruptly; hurriedly
233 31 a servant; forced labor
234 31 to end
235 31 at last; finally
236 31 a deployment of five soldiers
237 31 指揮 zhǐhuī to command; to direct 控鶴四廂都指揮使
238 31 指揮 zhǐhuī a commander; a conductor 控鶴四廂都指揮使
239 31 太祖 tàizǔ Taizu; Great Ancestor 太祖即位
240 31 太祖 tàizǔ progenitor 太祖即位
241 30 yuē to speak; to say 帝曰
242 30 yuē Kangxi radical 73 帝曰
243 30 yuē to be called 帝曰
244 30 yuē particle without meaning 帝曰
245 30 bǎo to defend; to protect 子保興
246 30 bǎo insurance 子保興
247 30 bǎo to insure or guarantee; to maintain 子保興
248 30 yàn elegant; handsome 太祖欲使符彥卿管軍
249 30 yàn learned 太祖欲使符彥卿管軍
250 30 節度 jiédù a solar term 加領義成軍節度
251 30 節度 jiédù a law 加領義成軍節度
252 30 節度 jiédù Military Commissioner 加領義成軍節度
253 30 節度 jiédù economy; revenue 加領義成軍節度
254 29 child; son 子保興
255 29 egg; newborn 子保興
256 29 first earthly branch 子保興
257 29 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 子保興
258 29 Kangxi radical 39 子保興
259 29 zi indicates that the the word is used as a noun 子保興
260 29 pellet; something small and hard 子保興
261 29 master 子保興
262 29 viscount 子保興
263 29 zi you; your honor 子保興
264 29 masters 子保興
265 29 person 子保興
266 29 young 子保興
267 29 seed 子保興
268 29 subordinate; subsidiary 子保興
269 29 a copper coin 子保興
270 29 bundle 子保興
271 29 female dragonfly 子保興
272 29 constituent 子保興
273 29 offspring; descendants 子保興
274 29 dear 子保興
275 29 little one 子保興
276 29 zhèn town 移鎮鄆州
277 29 zhèn to press down; to pressure; to suppress 移鎮鄆州
278 29 zhèn to pacify; to quell 移鎮鄆州
279 29 zhèn market place 移鎮鄆州
280 29 zhèn to cool down 移鎮鄆州
281 29 zhèn completely; fully 移鎮鄆州
282 29 zhèn to defend 移鎮鄆州
283 29 zhèn most important 移鎮鄆州
284 29 zhèn Saturn 移鎮鄆州
285 29 zhèn regularly 移鎮鄆州
286 29 zhèn to ward off evil 移鎮鄆州
287 28 chóng high; dignified; lofty 在西京建崇德寺
288 28 chóng to honor 在西京建崇德寺
289 28 chóng prosperous; flourishing 在西京建崇德寺
290 28 chóng to fill 在西京建崇德寺
291 28 chóng to end 在西京建崇德寺
292 28 chóng to pray 在西京建崇德寺
293 28 chóng Chong 在西京建崇德寺
294 27 to give; to bestow favors 詔賜本州宅一區
295 27 grace; favor; a gift 詔賜本州宅一區
296 27 to award; to appoint 詔賜本州宅一區
297 27 to do in full 詔賜本州宅一區
298 27 to bestow an honorific title 詔賜本州宅一區
299 27 èr two 建隆二年
300 27 èr Kangxi radical 7 建隆二年
301 27 èr second 建隆二年
302 27 èr twice; double; di- 建隆二年
303 27 èr another; the other 建隆二年
304 27 èr more than one kind 建隆二年
305 24 emperor; supreme ruler 恭帝即位
306 24 the ruler of Heaven 恭帝即位
307 24 a god 恭帝即位
308 24 imperialism 恭帝即位
309 24 xíng to walk 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
310 24 xíng capable; competent 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
311 24 háng profession 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
312 24 háng line; row 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
313 24 xíng Kangxi radical 144 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
314 24 xíng to travel 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
315 24 xìng actions; conduct 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
316 24 xíng to do; to act; to practice 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
317 24 xíng all right; OK; okay 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
318 24 háng horizontal line 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
319 24 héng virtuous deeds 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
320 24 hàng a line of trees 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
321 24 hàng bold; steadfast 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
322 24 xíng to move 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
323 24 xíng to put into effect; to implement 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
324 24 xíng travel 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
325 24 xíng to circulate 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
326 24 xíng running script; running script 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
327 24 xíng temporary 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
328 24 xíng soon 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
329 24 háng rank; order 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
330 24 háng a business; a shop 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
331 24 xíng to depart; to leave 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
332 24 xíng to experience 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
333 24 xíng path; way 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
334 24 xíng xing; ballad 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
335 24 xíng a round [of drinks] 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
336 24 xíng Xing 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
337 24 xíng moreover; also 以守信為行營都部署兼知揚州行府事
338 24 yòu again; also 又敗其眾三萬於澤州
339 24 yòu expresses the existence of simultaneous conditions 又敗其眾三萬於澤州
340 24 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又敗其眾三萬於澤州
341 24 yòu and 又敗其眾三萬於澤州
342 24 yòu furthermore 又敗其眾三萬於澤州
343 24 yòu in addition 又敗其眾三萬於澤州
344 24 yòu but 又敗其眾三萬於澤州
345 24 shì matter; thing; item 事周祖
346 24 shì to serve 事周祖
347 24 shì a government post 事周祖
348 24 shì duty; post; work 事周祖
349 24 shì occupation 事周祖
350 24 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 事周祖
351 24 shì an accident 事周祖
352 24 shì to attend 事周祖
353 24 shì an allusion 事周祖
354 24 shì a condition; a state; a situation 事周祖
355 24 shì to engage in 事周祖
356 24 shì to enslave 事周祖
357 24 shì to pursue 事周祖
358 24 shì to administer 事周祖
359 24 shì to appoint 事周祖
360 24 shì a piece 事周祖
361 24 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 吾終夕未嘗安枕而臥
362 24 ér Kangxi radical 126 吾終夕未嘗安枕而臥
363 24 ér you 吾終夕未嘗安枕而臥
364 24 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 吾終夕未嘗安枕而臥
365 24 ér right away; then 吾終夕未嘗安枕而臥
366 24 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 吾終夕未嘗安枕而臥
367 24 ér if; in case; in the event that 吾終夕未嘗安枕而臥
368 24 ér therefore; as a result; thus 吾終夕未嘗安枕而臥
369 24 ér how can it be that? 吾終夕未嘗安枕而臥
370 24 ér so as to 吾終夕未嘗安枕而臥
371 24 ér only then 吾終夕未嘗安枕而臥
372 24 ér as if; to seem like 吾終夕未嘗安枕而臥
373 24 néng can; able 吾終夕未嘗安枕而臥
374 24 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 吾終夕未嘗安枕而臥
375 24 ér me 吾終夕未嘗安枕而臥
376 24 ér to arrive; up to 吾終夕未嘗安枕而臥
377 24 ér possessive 吾終夕未嘗安枕而臥
378 23 not; no 人孰不欲富貴
379 23 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 人孰不欲富貴
380 23 as a correlative 人孰不欲富貴
381 23 no (answering a question) 人孰不欲富貴
382 23 forms a negative adjective from a noun 人孰不欲富貴
383 23 at the end of a sentence to form a question 人孰不欲富貴
384 23 to form a yes or no question 人孰不欲富貴
385 23 infix potential marker 人孰不欲富貴
386 23 deputy; assistant; vice- 為陸路副都部署
387 23 a measure word for sets of things and facial expressions 為陸路副都部署
388 23 incidentally; additionally 為陸路副都部署
389 23 a deputy; an assistant 為陸路副都部署
390 23 secondary; auxiliary 為陸路副都部署
391 23 to agree with; to match with; to correspond to 為陸路副都部署
392 23 a copy; a transcript 為陸路副都部署
393 23 a wig 為陸路副都部署
394 23 to deliver; to hand over 為陸路副都部署
395 23 to break open; to tear 為陸路副都部署
396 23 huái bosom; breast 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
397 23 huái to carry in bosom 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
398 23 huái to miss; to think of 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
399 23 huái to cherish 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
400 23 huái to be pregnant 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
401 23 huái to keep in mind; to be concerned for 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
402 23 huái inner heart; mind; feelings 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
403 23 huái to embrace 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
404 23 huái to encircle; to surround 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
405 23 huái to comfort 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
406 23 huái to incline to; to be attracted to 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
407 23 huái to think of a plan 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
408 23 huái Huai 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
409 23 huái to be patient with; to tolerate 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
410 23 huái aspiration; intention 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
411 23 刺史 cìshǐ Regional Inspector 領順州刺史
412 22 zhōu Zhou Dynasty 事周祖
413 22 zhōu careful; thorough; thoughtful 事周祖
414 22 zhōu to aid 事周祖
415 22 zhōu a cycle 事周祖
416 22 zhōu Zhou 事周祖
417 22 zhōu all; universal 事周祖
418 22 zhōu dense; near 事周祖
419 22 zhōu circumference; surroundings 事周祖
420 22 zhōu to circle 事周祖
421 22 zhōu to adapt to 事周祖
422 22 zhōu to wear around the waist 事周祖
423 22 zhōu to bend 事周祖
424 22 zhōu an entire year 事周祖
425 22 zhòng heavy 李重進反揚州
426 22 chóng to repeat 李重進反揚州
427 22 chóng repetition; iteration; layer 李重進反揚州
428 22 chóng again 李重進反揚州
429 22 zhòng significant; serious; important 李重進反揚州
430 22 chóng layered; folded; tiered 李重進反揚州
431 22 zhòng to attach importance to; to honor; to respect 李重進反揚州
432 22 zhòng sad 李重進反揚州
433 22 zhòng a weight 李重進反揚州
434 22 zhòng large in amount; valuable 李重進反揚州
435 22 zhòng thick; dense; strong 李重進反揚州
436 22 zhòng to prefer 李重進反揚州
437 22 zhòng to add 李重進反揚州
438 22 zhòng cautiously; prudently 李重進反揚州
439 22 to prevail; to defeat 克揚州
440 22 to subdue; to restrain; to limit 克揚州
441 22 to cut down; to harm 克揚州
442 22 to exploit; embezzle 克揚州
443 22 severe; harsh 克揚州
444 22 to set a date; to set a time limit 克揚州
445 22 to digest 克揚州
446 22 gram 克揚州
447 22 able 克揚州
448 22 yǒu is; are; to exist 誰復敢有異心
449 22 yǒu to have; to possess 誰復敢有異心
450 22 yǒu indicates an estimate 誰復敢有異心
451 22 yǒu indicates a large quantity 誰復敢有異心
452 22 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 誰復敢有異心
453 22 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 誰復敢有異心
454 22 yǒu used to compare two things 誰復敢有異心
455 22 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 誰復敢有異心
456 22 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 誰復敢有異心
457 22 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 誰復敢有異心
458 22 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 誰復敢有異心
459 22 yǒu abundant 誰復敢有異心
460 22 yǒu purposeful 誰復敢有異心
461 22 yǒu You 誰復敢有異心
462 21 mìng life 今天命已定
463 21 mìng to order 今天命已定
464 21 mìng destiny; fate; luck 今天命已定
465 21 mìng an order; a command 今天命已定
466 21 mìng to name; to assign 今天命已定
467 21 mìng livelihood 今天命已定
468 21 mìng advice 今天命已定
469 21 mìng to confer a title 今天命已定
470 21 mìng lifespan 今天命已定
471 21 mìng to think 今天命已定
472 21 to move one's abode; to shift; to migrate 徙鎮陳州
473 21 Xi 徙鎮陳州
474 21 to change behavior 徙鎮陳州
475 21 to go through a period of time 徙鎮陳州
476 21 to transfer post 徙鎮陳州
477 21 to banish [to the frontier] 徙鎮陳州
478 21 to escape 徙鎮陳州
479 21 and 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
480 21 to give 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
481 21 together with 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
482 21 interrogative particle 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
483 21 to accompany 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
484 21 to particate in 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
485 21 of the same kind 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
486 21 to help 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
487 21 for 守信與高懷德率前軍進討
488 20 守信 shǒuxìn to keep promises 石守信
489 20 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 臣託以處分之語有侏㒧者
490 20 zhě that 臣託以處分之語有侏㒧者
491 20 zhě nominalizing function word 臣託以處分之語有侏㒧者
492 20 zhě used to mark a definition 臣託以處分之語有侏㒧者
493 20 zhě used to mark a pause 臣託以處分之語有侏㒧者
494 20 zhě topic marker; that; it 臣託以處分之語有侏㒧者
495 20 zhuó according to 臣託以處分之語有侏㒧者
496 20 chén minister; statesman; official 臣愚不及此
497 20 chén Kangxi radical 131 臣愚不及此
498 20 chén a slave 臣愚不及此
499 20 chén you 臣愚不及此
500 20 chén Chen 臣愚不及此

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
爱州 愛州 195 Iowa
安抚使 安撫使 196 Commissioner for Pacification
安国 安國 196 Anguo
安阳 安陽 196
  1. Anyang
  2. Anyang
霸州 98 Bazhou
北门 北門 98 North Gate
本州 98 Honshū
  1. Bian River
  2. Henan
  3. Bian
98 Bin
98 Bo
渤海 98 Bohai Sea
沧州 滄州 67 Cangzhou
常山 99 Changshan
常州 99 Changzhou
99 person's name
承德 99 Chengde
春秋 99
  1. Spring and Autumn Period
  2. a person's age
  3. Chunqiu; Annals of Spring and Autumn
  4. spring and autumn
楚州 99 Chuzhou
刺史 99 Regional Inspector
大中 100 Da Zhong reign
代州 100 Daizhou; Dai prefecture
大理 100
  1. Dali [kingdom]
  2. Superintendent of Law Enforcement
  3. a major principle; a general truth
  4. Dali [county]
大名府 100 Da Ming Prefecture
邓州 鄧州 100 Dengzhou
殿直 100 Duty Attendant
定州 100 Dingzhou
  1. Dong
  2. to supervise; to direct
东京 東京 100
  1. Tokyo
  2. Luoyang
  3. Dongjing Circuit
东平 東平 100 Dongping
端拱 100 Duangong
二月 195 February; the Second Month
防御使 防禦使 102 Defense Commissioner
范阳 范陽 102 Fanyang
凤翔 鳳翔 102 Fengxiang
102 Fu
驸马都尉 駙馬都尉 102 Commandant Escort
高阳 高陽 103 Gaoyang
高州 103 Gaozhou
观察使 觀察使 103 Surveillence Commissioner
广陵 廣陵 103 Guangling
光武 103 Guangwu
  1. Guo
  2. Guo
国军 國軍 103 National Revolutionary Army
  1. Korea; South Korea
  2. State of Han
  3. fence; low wall
  4. Han
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
河东 河東 104
  1. Hedong
  2. Hedong
黑水 104 Heishui
贺兰山 賀蘭山 104 Helan Mountains
河西 104 Hexi
河中 104 Hezhong
洪州 104 Hongzhou
后唐 後唐 104 Later Tang
华州 華州 104 Washington state
104 Huai River
淮南 104 Huainan
黄州 黃州 104 Huangzhou
户部 戶部 104 Ministry of Revenue
护国军 護國軍 104 National Protection Army
  1. Hebei
  2. to hope
  3. Jizhou
江宁 江寧 106 Jiangning
谏官 諫官 106
  1. Remonstrance Official
  2. Remonstrance Official
节度使 節度使 106 military commissioner; jiedushi
  1. shanxi
  2. jin [dynasty]
  3. to move forward; to promote; to advance
  4. to raise
  5. Jin [state]
  6. Jin
景德 106 Jing De reign
京东 京東 106 Jingdong
景祐 106 Jingyu
金牛 106 Jinniu
晋州 晉州 106
  1. Jinzhou
  2. Jin Prefecture
锦州 錦州 106 Jinzhou
集贤 集賢 106 Jixian
吉州 106
  1. Jizhou
  2. Kilju
开宝 開寶 107 Kaibao Reign of Emperor Taizu of Song
开封 開封 107 Kaifeng
康定 107 Kangding
辽西 遼西 108 west of Liaoning
留后 留後 108 Provisional Governor
108 Gansu
108 Lu River
  1. Luo
  2. Luo River
  3. Luoyang
洛阳 洛陽 108 Luoyang
美禄 美祿 109 Nestlé Milo
  1. Fujian
  2. Min dialect
  3. Min River
  4. Min tribe
慕容 109 Murong
南门 南門 110 South Gate
南唐 110 Tang of the Five Southern Dynasties
  1. common; general; popular; everywhere; universal; extensive
  2. Prussia
  3. Pu
齐王 齊王 113 Qi Wang; Cao Fang
迁西 遷西 113 Qianxi
契丹 113 Khitan
  1. Shaanxi
  2. Qin Dynasty
  3. State of Qin
  4. Qin
清远 清遠 113 Qingyuan
秦州 113 Qinzhou
七月 113 July; the Seventh Month
蕲州 蘄州 113 Qizhou
全州 113
  1. Quanzhou
  2. Jeonju
仁宗 114 Emperor Renzong of Yuan
  1. you; thou
  2. Ru River
  3. Ru
汝州 114 Ruzhou
上元节 上元節 115 Lantern Festival
上党 上黨 115 Shangdang
尚书省 尚書省 115 Imperial Secretariat
山南 115 Lhokha
少帝 83 Emperor Shao
韶州 115 Shaozhou
盛唐 115 High Tang
神宗 115 [Emperor] Shenzong
士大夫 115 Scholar-official; Scholar-gentlemen; Scholar-bureaucrats; Scholar-gentry
十月 115 October; the Tenth Month
侍中 115 Shizhong; Palace Attendant
世宗 115
  1. King Sejong the Great; Sejong Daewang
  2. Sejong
  3. Shizong
寿春 壽春 115 Shoucun
  1. Sichuan
  2. Shu Kingdom
枢密使 樞密使 115 Commissioner of Military Affairs
朔州 115 Shuozhou
司马 司馬 115
  1. Minister of War
  2. Sima [star]
  3. Sima [surname]
  4. Aide to Commander; Leader of Cavalry
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
宋州 115 Song Prefecture; Songzhou
睢阳 睢陽 115 Suiyang
太后 116
  1. Empress Dowager
  2. Consort Dowager
太保 116 Grand Protector
太傅 116 Grand Tutor; Grand Mentor
泰宁 泰寧 116 Taining
太平兴国 太平興國 116 Taiping Xing Guo
太师 太師 116 Grand Preceptor; Grand Master; Imperial Tutor
太原 116 Taiyuan
太中大夫 116 Taizhong Daifu; Superior Grand Master of the Palace
泰州 116 Taizhou
太宗 116
  1. Emperor Taizong
  2. Tai Zong; Minister of Rites
唐河 116 Tanghe
天水 116 Tianshui
天子 116 the rightful Emperor; the Son of Heaven
土门 土門 116 Tumen or Bumin Khan
王溥 119 Wang Pu
魏志 119 Records of Wei
维基百科 維基百科 119 Wikipedia
维基百科 維基百科 119 Wikipedia
汶上 119 Wenshang
  1. eddy; whirlpool
  2. Guo
  3. Guo River
  1. Wu
  2. Jiangsu
  3. Wu
  4. Wu dialect
  5. Eastern Wu
  6. to speak loudly
五代 119 Five Dynasties
武安 119 Wu'an
武成 119 Successful Completion of the War
武宁 武寧 119 Wuning
武胜 武勝 119 Wusheng
西京 120
  1. Western Capital
  2. Kyoto
显德 顯德 120 Xiande
咸平 鹹平 120 Xianping
夏州 120 Xiazhou
  1. Xing
  2. Xing
兴元 興元 120 Xingyuan
邢州 88 Xingzhou
信州 120 Xinzhou
  1. xu
  2. slowly; gently
  3. Xu
  4. Xuzhou
徐州 88
  1. Xuzhou
  2. Xuzhou
121 Ya
燕国 燕國 121 Yan
扬州 揚州 121 Yangzhou
延庆 延慶 121 Yanqing
英宗 121 Yingzong
121 Yong; Nanning
永安 121 Yong'an reign
永德 121 Yongde
永清 121 Yongqing
永兴 121
  1. Yongxing reign
  2. Yongxing reign
  3. Yongxing
永州 121 Yongzhou
幽蓟 幽薊 121 Youji
原州 121 Wonju
岳州 121 Yuezhou
121 Yun
允恭 121 Yungong
云阳 雲陽 121 Yunyang
郓州 鄆州 121 Yunzhou; Yun prefecture
御史 121
  1. Royal Scribe
  2. Censor
宰相 122 chancellor; prime minister
泽州 澤州 122 Zezhou
长平 長平 122 Changping, place name in Gaoping County 高平縣|高平县, southern Shanxi, the scene of the great battle of 262-260 BC between Qin and Zhao
  1. Zhao
  2. Zhao Dynasty
  3. State of Zhao
  4. to rush
  5. to visit
  6. Zhao
  7. to dig
真宗 122 Zhao Heng; Emperor Zhenzong of Song
镇安 鎮安 122 Zhen'an
真定 122 Zhending; Zhengding
至大 122 Zhida reign
至元 122 Zhiyuan
周世宗 122 Emperor Shizong
转运使 轉運使 90 Shipping Administrator
紫金山 122 Purple Mountain


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English