Glossary and Vocabulary for New Book of Tang 新唐書, 卷一百零九   列傳第三十四    崔楊竇宗祝王 Volume 109 Biographies 34: Cui, Yang, Dou, Zong, Hu, Wang

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 77 zhī to go 義玄見群鼠度河的天人合一之論
2 77 zhī to arrive; to go 義玄見群鼠度河的天人合一之論
3 77 zhī is 義玄見群鼠度河的天人合一之論
4 77 zhī to use 義玄見群鼠度河的天人合一之論
5 77 zhī Zhi 義玄見群鼠度河的天人合一之論
6 77 zhī winding 義玄見群鼠度河的天人合一之論
7 73 wéi to act as; to serve 河內賊黃君漢為密守柏崖
8 73 wéi to change into; to become 河內賊黃君漢為密守柏崖
9 73 wéi to be; is 河內賊黃君漢為密守柏崖
10 73 wéi to do 河內賊黃君漢為密守柏崖
11 73 wèi to support; to help 河內賊黃君漢為密守柏崖
12 73 wéi to govern 河內賊黃君漢為密守柏崖
13 57 to use; to grasp 因說君漢以城歸
14 57 to rely on 因說君漢以城歸
15 57 to regard 因說君漢以城歸
16 57 to be able to 因說君漢以城歸
17 57 to order; to command 因說君漢以城歸
18 57 used after a verb 因說君漢以城歸
19 57 a reason; a cause 因說君漢以城歸
20 57 Israel 因說君漢以城歸
21 57 Yi 因說君漢以城歸
22 51 hòu after; later 後持政
23 51 hòu empress; queen 後持政
24 51 hòu sovereign 後持政
25 51 hòu the god of the earth 後持政
26 51 hòu late; later 後持政
27 51 hòu offspring; descendents 後持政
28 51 hòu to fall behind; to lag 後持政
29 51 hòu behind; back 後持政
30 51 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 後持政
31 51 hòu Hou 後持政
32 51 hòu after; behind 後持政
33 51 hòu following 後持政
34 51 hòu to be delayed 後持政
35 51 hòu to abandon; to discard 後持政
36 51 hòu feudal lords 後持政
37 51 hòu Hou 後持政
38 44 yuē to speak; to say
39 44 yuē Kangxi radical 73
40 44 yuē to be called
41 36 zhōng middle 永徽中
42 36 zhōng medium; medium sized 永徽中
43 36 zhōng China 永徽中
44 36 zhòng to hit the mark 永徽中
45 36 zhōng midday 永徽中
46 36 zhōng inside 永徽中
47 36 zhōng during 永徽中
48 36 zhōng Zhong 永徽中
49 36 zhōng intermediary 永徽中
50 36 zhōng half 永徽中
51 36 zhòng to reach; to attain 永徽中
52 36 zhòng to suffer; to infect 永徽中
53 36 zhòng to obtain 永徽中
54 36 zhòng to pass an exam 永徽中
55 36 Qi 數用其謀
56 32 zōng school; sect 崔楊竇宗祝王
57 32 zōng ancestor 崔楊竇宗祝王
58 32 zōng to take as one's model as 崔楊竇宗祝王
59 32 zōng purpose 崔楊竇宗祝王
60 32 zōng an ancestral temple 崔楊竇宗祝王
61 32 zōng to respect; to revere; to admire; to honor 崔楊竇宗祝王
62 32 zōng clan; family 崔楊竇宗祝王
63 32 zōng a model 崔楊竇宗祝王
64 32 zōng a county 崔楊竇宗祝王
65 32 zōng religion 崔楊竇宗祝王
66 32 zōng essential; necessary 崔楊竇宗祝王
67 32 zōng summation 崔楊竇宗祝王
68 32 zōng a visit by feudal lords 崔楊竇宗祝王
69 32 zōng Zong 崔楊竇宗祝王
70 30 ér Kangxi radical 126 而俱以介直任
71 30 ér as if; to seem like 而俱以介直任
72 30 néng can; able 而俱以介直任
73 30 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 而俱以介直任
74 30 ér to arrive; up to 而俱以介直任
75 28 emperor; supreme ruler 義玄贊帝決
76 28 the ruler of Heaven 義玄贊帝決
77 28 a god 義玄贊帝決
78 28 imperialism 義玄贊帝決
79 27 to give 與王友孟神慶誌趣不同
80 27 to accompany 與王友孟神慶誌趣不同
81 27 to particate in 與王友孟神慶誌趣不同
82 27 of the same kind 與王友孟神慶誌趣不同
83 27 to help 與王友孟神慶誌趣不同
84 27 for 與王友孟神慶誌趣不同
85 27 suǒ a few; various; some 君漢以所掠子女金帛分之
86 27 suǒ a place; a location 君漢以所掠子女金帛分之
87 27 suǒ indicates a passive voice 君漢以所掠子女金帛分之
88 27 suǒ an ordinal number 君漢以所掠子女金帛分之
89 27 suǒ meaning 君漢以所掠子女金帛分之
90 27 suǒ garrison 君漢以所掠子女金帛分之
91 26 shén divine; mysterious; magical; supernatural 神基
92 26 shén a deity; a god; a spiritual being 神基
93 26 shén spirit; will; attention 神基
94 26 shén soul; spirit; divine essence 神基
95 26 shén expression 神基
96 26 shén a portrait 神基
97 26 shén a person with supernatural powers 神基
98 26 shén Shen 神基
99 26 míng bright; luminous; brilliant 祝欽明
100 26 míng Ming 祝欽明
101 26 míng Ming Dynasty 祝欽明
102 26 míng obvious; explicit; clear 祝欽明
103 26 míng intelligent; clever; perceptive 祝欽明
104 26 míng to illuminate; to shine 祝欽明
105 26 míng consecrated 祝欽明
106 26 míng to understand; to comprehend 祝欽明
107 26 míng to explain; to clarify 祝欽明
108 26 míng Souther Ming; Later Ming 祝欽明
109 26 míng the world; the human world; the world of the living 祝欽明
110 26 míng eyesight; vision 祝欽明
111 26 míng a god; a spirit 祝欽明
112 26 míng fame; renown 祝欽明
113 26 míng open; public 祝欽明
114 26 míng clear 祝欽明
115 26 míng to become proficient 祝欽明
116 26 míng to be proficient 祝欽明
117 26 míng virtuous 祝欽明
118 26 míng open and honest 祝欽明
119 26 míng clean; neat 祝欽明
120 26 míng remarkable; outstanding; notable 祝欽明
121 26 míng next; afterwards 祝欽明
122 26 míng positive 祝欽明
123 25 wáng Wang 崔楊竇宗祝王
124 25 wáng a king 崔楊竇宗祝王
125 25 wáng Kangxi radical 96 崔楊竇宗祝王
126 25 wàng to be king; to rule 崔楊竇宗祝王
127 25 wáng a prince; a duke 崔楊竇宗祝王
128 25 wáng grand; great 崔楊竇宗祝王
129 25 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 崔楊竇宗祝王
130 25 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 崔楊竇宗祝王
131 25 wáng the head of a group or gang 崔楊竇宗祝王
132 25 wáng the biggest or best of a group 崔楊竇宗祝王
133 24 to think; consider; to ponder 楊再思
134 24 thinking; consideration 楊再思
135 24 to miss; to long for 楊再思
136 24 emotions 楊再思
137 24 to mourn; to grieve 楊再思
138 24 Si 楊再思
139 24 sāi hairy [beard] 楊再思
140 22 yán to speak; to say; said 碩真自言仙去
141 22 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 碩真自言仙去
142 22 yán Kangxi radical 149 碩真自言仙去
143 22 yán phrase; sentence 碩真自言仙去
144 22 yán a word; a syllable 碩真自言仙去
145 22 yán a theory; a doctrine 碩真自言仙去
146 22 yán to regard as 碩真自言仙去
147 22 yán to act as 碩真自言仙去
148 22 to sacrifice to; to worship 殊其首祭三思等柩
149 22 to hold a funeral service 殊其首祭三思等柩
150 22 to chant a ritual text 殊其首祭三思等柩
151 22 a ceremony; a ritual 殊其首祭三思等柩
152 22 zhài Zhai 殊其首祭三思等柩
153 21 infix potential marker 勢不持久
154 21 shì matter; thing; item 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
155 21 shì to serve 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
156 21 shì a government post 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
157 21 shì duty; post; work 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
158 21 shì occupation 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
159 21 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
160 21 shì an accident 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
161 21 shì to attend 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
162 21 shì an allusion 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
163 21 shì a condition; a state; a situation 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
164 21 shì to engage in 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
165 21 shì to enslave 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
166 21 shì to pursue 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
167 21 shì to administer 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
168 21 shì to appoint 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
169 20 zhōu a state; a province 貝州武城人
170 20 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 貝州武城人
171 20 zhōu a prefecture 貝州武城人
172 20 zhōu a country 貝州武城人
173 20 zhōu an island 貝州武城人
174 20 zhōu Zhou 貝州武城人
175 20 zhōu autonomous prefecture 貝州武城人
176 20 zhōu a country 貝州武城人
177 20 rén person; people; a human being 貝州武城人
178 20 rén Kangxi radical 9 貝州武城人
179 20 rén a kind of person 貝州武城人
180 20 rén everybody 貝州武城人
181 20 rén adult 貝州武城人
182 20 rén somebody; others 貝州武城人
183 20 rén an upright person 貝州武城人
184 20 tóng like; same; similar 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
185 20 tóng to be the same 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
186 20 tòng an alley; a lane 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
187 20 tóng to do something for somebody 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
188 20 tóng Tong 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
189 20 tóng to meet; to gather together; to join with 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
190 20 tóng to be unified 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
191 20 tóng to approve; to endorse 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
192 20 tóng peace; harmony 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
193 20 tóng an agreement 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
194 19 qīn to respect; to admire 祝欽明
195 19 qīn imperial 祝欽明
196 19 qīn Qin 祝欽明
197 18 qīng minister; high officer 為司賓卿
198 18 qīng Qing 為司賓卿
199 18 child; son
200 18 egg; newborn
201 18 first earthly branch
202 18 11 p.m.-1 a.m.
203 18 Kangxi radical 39
204 18 pellet; something small and hard
205 18 master
206 18 viscount
207 18 zi you; your honor
208 18 masters
209 18 person
210 18 young
211 18 seed
212 18 subordinate; subsidiary
213 18 a copper coin
214 18 female dragonfly
215 18 constituent
216 18 offspring; descendants
217 18 dear
218 18 little one
219 17 Kangxi radical 71 中外宗屬無緦麻喪
220 17 to not have; without 中外宗屬無緦麻喪
221 17 mo 中外宗屬無緦麻喪
222 17 to not have 中外宗屬無緦麻喪
223 17 Wu 中外宗屬無緦麻喪
224 17 guest; visitor 宗楚客
225 17 a customer 宗楚客
226 17 a worker 宗楚客
227 17 a servant 宗楚客
228 17 a guide 宗楚客
229 17 a person 宗楚客
230 17 Ke 宗楚客
231 17 to stay; to lodge 宗楚客
232 17 to host a guest 宗楚客
233 17 secondary 宗楚客
234 17 not known to exist 宗楚客
235 16 to go; to 且其父於己有功
236 16 to rely on; to depend on 且其父於己有功
237 16 Yu 且其父於己有功
238 16 a crow 且其父於己有功
239 16 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又以後旨按長孫無忌等誅之
240 16 nǎi to be 乃拜君漢懷州刺史
241 16 xuán profound; mysterious; subtle 崔義玄
242 16 xuán black 崔義玄
243 16 xuán Kangxi radical 95 崔義玄
244 16 xuán incredible; unreliable 崔義玄
245 16 xuán occult; mystical 崔義玄
246 16 xuán meditative and silent 崔義玄
247 16 xuán pretending 崔義玄
248 16 xuán Xuan 崔義玄
249 16 děng et cetera; and so on 又以後旨按長孫無忌等誅之
250 16 děng to wait 又以後旨按長孫無忌等誅之
251 16 děng to be equal 又以後旨按長孫無忌等誅之
252 16 děng degree; level 又以後旨按長孫無忌等誅之
253 16 děng to compare 又以後旨按長孫無忌等誅之
254 16 chǔ state of Chu 宗楚客
255 16 chǔ Chu 宗楚客
256 16 chǔ distinct; clear; orderly 宗楚客
257 16 chǔ painful 宗楚客
258 16 chǔ dazzling; sparkling 宗楚客
259 16 chǔ a cane 宗楚客
260 16 chǔ Hubei and Hunan 宗楚客
261 16 chǔ horsewhip 宗楚客
262 16 chǔ to beat a prisoner; to torture 宗楚客
263 15 sān three 三戟崔家
264 15 sān third 三戟崔家
265 15 sān more than two 三戟崔家
266 15 sān very few 三戟崔家
267 15 sān San 三戟崔家
268 15 soil; ground; land 括地志
269 15 floor 括地志
270 15 the earth 括地志
271 15 fields 括地志
272 15 a place 括地志
273 15 a situation; a position 括地志
274 15 background 括地志
275 15 terrain 括地志
276 15 a territory; a region 括地志
277 15 used after a distance measure 括地志
278 15 coming from the same clan 括地志
279 15 太子 tàizǐ a crown prince 轉太子右庶子
280 15 huái bosom; breast 竇懷貞
281 15 huái to carry in bosom 竇懷貞
282 15 huái to miss; to think of 竇懷貞
283 15 huái to cherish 竇懷貞
284 15 huái to be pregnant 竇懷貞
285 15 huái to keep in mind; to be concerned for 竇懷貞
286 15 huái inner heart; mind; feelings 竇懷貞
287 15 huái to embrace 竇懷貞
288 15 huái to encircle; to surround 竇懷貞
289 15 huái to comfort 竇懷貞
290 15 huái to incline to; to be attracted to 竇懷貞
291 15 huái to think of a plan 竇懷貞
292 15 huái Huai 竇懷貞
293 15 huái to be patient with; to tolerate 竇懷貞
294 15 huái aspiration; intention 竇懷貞
295 14 shū book 與高仲舒同為中書舍人
296 14 shū document; manuscript 與高仲舒同為中書舍人
297 14 shū letter 與高仲舒同為中書舍人
298 14 shū the Cannon of Documents 與高仲舒同為中書舍人
299 14 shū to write 與高仲舒同為中書舍人
300 14 shū writing 與高仲舒同為中書舍人
301 14 shū calligraphy; writing style 與高仲舒同為中書舍人
302 14 shū Shu 與高仲舒同為中書舍人
303 14 shū to record 與高仲舒同為中書舍人
304 14 zuǒ left 歷左司郎中
305 14 zuǒ unorthodox; improper 歷左司郎中
306 14 zuǒ east 歷左司郎中
307 14 zuǒ to bring 歷左司郎中
308 14 zuǒ to violate; to be contrary to 歷左司郎中
309 14 zuǒ Zuo 歷左司郎中
310 14 zuǒ extreme 歷左司郎中
311 14 Kangxi radical 132 碩真自言仙去
312 14 Zi 碩真自言仙去
313 14 a nose 碩真自言仙去
314 14 the beginning; the start 碩真自言仙去
315 14 origin 碩真自言仙去
316 14 to employ; to use 碩真自言仙去
317 14 to be 碩真自言仙去
318 14 to take charge of; to manage; to administer 歷左司郎中
319 14 a department under a ministry 歷左司郎中
320 14 to bear 歷左司郎中
321 14 to observe; to inspect 歷左司郎中
322 14 a government official; an official 歷左司郎中
323 14 si 歷左司郎中
324 14 meaning; sense 崔義玄
325 14 justice; right action; righteousness 崔義玄
326 14 artificial; man-made; fake 崔義玄
327 14 chivalry; generosity 崔義玄
328 14 just; righteous 崔義玄
329 14 adopted 崔義玄
330 14 a relationship 崔義玄
331 14 volunteer 崔義玄
332 14 something suitable 崔義玄
333 14 a martyr 崔義玄
334 14 a law 崔義玄
335 14 Yi 崔義玄
336 14 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 則天立陛下為皇太子
337 14 a grade; a level 則天立陛下為皇太子
338 14 an example; a model 則天立陛下為皇太子
339 14 a weighing device 則天立陛下為皇太子
340 14 to grade; to rank 則天立陛下為皇太子
341 14 to copy; to imitate; to follow 則天立陛下為皇太子
342 14 to do 則天立陛下為皇太子
343 14 big; huge; large 以族大
344 14 Kangxi radical 37 以族大
345 14 great; major; important 以族大
346 14 size 以族大
347 14 old 以族大
348 14 oldest; earliest 以族大
349 14 adult 以族大
350 14 dài an important person 以族大
351 14 senior 以族大
352 14 zhù to help; to assist 然則後當助天子祀天神
353 14 zhù taxation 然則後當助天子祀天神
354 14 qìng to celebrate; to congratulate 神慶
355 14 qìng an occasion for celebration 神慶
356 14 qìng Qing 神慶
357 14 qìng good fortune 神慶
358 14 qìng merit; virtue 神慶
359 13 martial; military 武氏為皇后
360 13 a battle; (military) force 武氏為皇后
361 13 martial arts 武氏為皇后
362 13 a footstep; a footprint; half a step 武氏為皇后
363 13 a fighter; a warrior; a soldier 武氏為皇后
364 13 half a step 武氏為皇后
365 13 Wu; Sacrificial odes of Zhou 武氏為皇后
366 13 Wu 武氏為皇后
367 13 warlike; fierce; valiant; violent 武氏為皇后
368 13 to continue; to succeed 武氏為皇后
369 13 zhēn virtuous; chaste; pure 竇懷貞
370 13 zhēn loyal 竇懷貞
371 13 zhēn divination 竇懷貞
372 13 zhēn chastity 竇懷貞
373 13 zhēn to divine 竇懷貞
374 13 zhēn auspicious 竇懷貞
375 13 zhēn upright 竇懷貞
376 13 zhēn lower part of the trigrams in the Yijing 竇懷貞
377 13 zhēn four 竇懷貞
378 13 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 左補闕戴令言賦
379 13 lìng to issue a command 左補闕戴令言賦
380 13 lìng rules of behavior; customs 左補闕戴令言賦
381 13 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 左補闕戴令言賦
382 13 lìng a season 左補闕戴令言賦
383 13 lìng respected; good reputation 左補闕戴令言賦
384 13 lìng good 左補闕戴令言賦
385 13 lìng pretentious 左補闕戴令言賦
386 13 lìng a transcending state of existence 左補闕戴令言賦
387 13 lìng a commander 左補闕戴令言賦
388 13 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 左補闕戴令言賦
389 13 lìng lyrics 左補闕戴令言賦
390 13 lìng Ling 左補闕戴令言賦
391 12 \N 王玙
392 12 propriety; social custom; manners; courtesy; etiquette 侍中宋璟親禮之
393 12 a ritual; a ceremony; a rite 侍中宋璟親禮之
394 12 a present; a gift 侍中宋璟親禮之
395 12 a bow 侍中宋璟親禮之
396 12 Li; Zhou Li; Yi Li; Li Ji 侍中宋璟親禮之
397 12 Li 侍中宋璟親禮之
398 12 to give an offering in a religious ceremony 侍中宋璟親禮之
399 12 to respect; to revere 侍中宋璟親禮之
400 12 chū rudimentary; elementary 貞觀初
401 12 chū original 貞觀初
402 12 qǐng to ask; to inquire 請降墨敕玉契
403 12 qíng circumstances; state of affairs; situation 請降墨敕玉契
404 12 qǐng to beg; to entreat 請降墨敕玉契
405 12 qǐng please 請降墨敕玉契
406 12 qǐng to request 請降墨敕玉契
407 12 qǐng to hire; to employ; to engage 請降墨敕玉契
408 12 qǐng to make an appointment 請降墨敕玉契
409 12 qǐng to greet 請降墨敕玉契
410 12 qǐng to invite 請降墨敕玉契
411 12 shí time; a point or period of time 時睦州女子陳碩真舉兵反
412 12 shí a season; a quarter of a year 時睦州女子陳碩真舉兵反
413 12 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 時睦州女子陳碩真舉兵反
414 12 shí fashionable 時睦州女子陳碩真舉兵反
415 12 shí fate; destiny; luck 時睦州女子陳碩真舉兵反
416 12 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 時睦州女子陳碩真舉兵反
417 12 shí tense 時睦州女子陳碩真舉兵反
418 12 shí particular; special 時睦州女子陳碩真舉兵反
419 12 shí to plant; to cultivate 時睦州女子陳碩真舉兵反
420 12 shí an era; a dynasty 時睦州女子陳碩真舉兵反
421 12 shí time [abstract] 時睦州女子陳碩真舉兵反
422 12 shí seasonal 時睦州女子陳碩真舉兵反
423 12 shí to wait upon 時睦州女子陳碩真舉兵反
424 12 shí hour 時睦州女子陳碩真舉兵反
425 12 shí appropriate; proper; timely 時睦州女子陳碩真舉兵反
426 12 shí Shi 時睦州女子陳碩真舉兵反
427 12 shí a present; currentlt 時睦州女子陳碩真舉兵反
428 12 jiā house; home; residence 於是姻家章叔胤妄言碩真自天還
429 12 jiā family 於是姻家章叔胤妄言碩真自天還
430 12 jiā a specialist 於是姻家章叔胤妄言碩真自天還
431 12 jiā a group of people devoted to the same ideal; school of thought 於是姻家章叔胤妄言碩真自天還
432 12 jiā a family or person engaged in a particular trade 於是姻家章叔胤妄言碩真自天還
433 12 jiā a person with particular characteristics 於是姻家章叔胤妄言碩真自天還
434 12 jiā someone related to oneself in a particular way 於是姻家章叔胤妄言碩真自天還
435 12 jiā domestic 於是姻家章叔胤妄言碩真自天還
436 12 jiā ethnic group; nationality 於是姻家章叔胤妄言碩真自天還
437 12 jiā side; party 於是姻家章叔胤妄言碩真自天還
438 12 jiā dynastic line 於是姻家章叔胤妄言碩真自天還
439 12 jiā a respectful form of address 於是姻家章叔胤妄言碩真自天還
440 12 jiā a familiar form of address 於是姻家章叔胤妄言碩真自天還
441 12 jiā I; my; our 於是姻家章叔胤妄言碩真自天還
442 12 jiā district 於是姻家章叔胤妄言碩真自天還
443 12 jiā private propery 於是姻家章叔胤妄言碩真自天還
444 12 jiā Jia 於是姻家章叔胤妄言碩真自天還
445 12 jiā to reside; to dwell 於是姻家章叔胤妄言碩真自天還
446 12 lady 於是姻家章叔胤妄言碩真自天還
447 12 to give an offering in a religious ceremony 天神曰祀
448 12 a place for sacrificial ceremony 天神曰祀
449 12 year 天神曰祀
450 12 an epoch 天神曰祀
451 12 qiān to move; to shift 累遷婺州刺史
452 12 qiān to transfer 累遷婺州刺史
453 12 qiān to transfer job posting; to be promoted 累遷婺州刺史
454 12 qiān to displace; to remove; to banish; to demote 累遷婺州刺史
455 12 qiān to change; to transform 累遷婺州刺史
456 12 祭天 jìtiān ritual for offering to heaven 不言助祭天地
457 12 zhào an imperial decree 詔釋不問
458 12 zhào to decree; to proclaim; to tell 詔釋不問
459 11 yòng to use; to apply 數用其謀
460 11 yòng Kangxi radical 101 數用其謀
461 11 yòng to eat 數用其謀
462 11 yòng to spend 數用其謀
463 11 yòng expense 數用其謀
464 11 yòng a use; usage 數用其謀
465 11 yòng to need; must 數用其謀
466 11 yòng useful; practical 數用其謀
467 11 yòng to use up; to use all of something 數用其謀
468 11 yòng to work (an animal) 數用其謀
469 11 yòng to appoint 數用其謀
470 11 yòng to administer; to manager 數用其謀
471 11 yòng to control 數用其謀
472 11 yòng to access 數用其謀
473 11 yòng Yong 數用其謀
474 11 祭祀 jìsì sacrificial worship 以待祭祀
475 11 zhì Kangxi radical 133 至下淮戍
476 11 zhì to arrive 至下淮戍
477 11 mén door; gate; doorway; gateway 閉坊門以禳
478 11 mén phylum; division 閉坊門以禳
479 11 mén sect; school 閉坊門以禳
480 11 mén Kangxi radical 169 閉坊門以禳
481 11 mén a door-like object 閉坊門以禳
482 11 mén an opening 閉坊門以禳
483 11 mén an access point; a border entrance 閉坊門以禳
484 11 mén a household; a clan 閉坊門以禳
485 11 mén a kind; a category 閉坊門以禳
486 11 mén to guard a gate 閉坊門以禳
487 11 mén Men 閉坊門以禳
488 11 mén a turning point 閉坊門以禳
489 11 mén a method 閉坊門以禳
490 11 mén a sense organ 閉坊門以禳
491 11 to enter 突厥使者入見
492 11 Kangxi radical 11 突厥使者入見
493 11 radical 突厥使者入見
494 11 income 突厥使者入見
495 11 to conform with 突厥使者入見
496 11 to descend 突厥使者入見
497 11 the entering tone 突厥使者入見
498 11 to pay 突厥使者入見
499 11 to join 突厥使者入見
500 11 jiàn to see 往見李密

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1009

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 77 zhī him; her; them; that 義玄見群鼠度河的天人合一之論
2 77 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 義玄見群鼠度河的天人合一之論
3 77 zhī to go 義玄見群鼠度河的天人合一之論
4 77 zhī this; that 義玄見群鼠度河的天人合一之論
5 77 zhī genetive marker 義玄見群鼠度河的天人合一之論
6 77 zhī it 義玄見群鼠度河的天人合一之論
7 77 zhī in; in regards to 義玄見群鼠度河的天人合一之論
8 77 zhī all 義玄見群鼠度河的天人合一之論
9 77 zhī and 義玄見群鼠度河的天人合一之論
10 77 zhī however 義玄見群鼠度河的天人合一之論
11 77 zhī if 義玄見群鼠度河的天人合一之論
12 77 zhī then 義玄見群鼠度河的天人合一之論
13 77 zhī to arrive; to go 義玄見群鼠度河的天人合一之論
14 77 zhī is 義玄見群鼠度河的天人合一之論
15 77 zhī to use 義玄見群鼠度河的天人合一之論
16 77 zhī Zhi 義玄見群鼠度河的天人合一之論
17 77 zhī winding 義玄見群鼠度河的天人合一之論
18 73 wèi for; to 河內賊黃君漢為密守柏崖
19 73 wèi because of 河內賊黃君漢為密守柏崖
20 73 wéi to act as; to serve 河內賊黃君漢為密守柏崖
21 73 wéi to change into; to become 河內賊黃君漢為密守柏崖
22 73 wéi to be; is 河內賊黃君漢為密守柏崖
23 73 wéi to do 河內賊黃君漢為密守柏崖
24 73 wèi for 河內賊黃君漢為密守柏崖
25 73 wèi because of; for; to 河內賊黃君漢為密守柏崖
26 73 wèi to 河內賊黃君漢為密守柏崖
27 73 wéi in a passive construction 河內賊黃君漢為密守柏崖
28 73 wéi forming a rehetorical question 河內賊黃君漢為密守柏崖
29 73 wéi forming an adverb 河內賊黃君漢為密守柏崖
30 73 wéi to add emphasis 河內賊黃君漢為密守柏崖
31 73 wèi to support; to help 河內賊黃君漢為密守柏崖
32 73 wéi to govern 河內賊黃君漢為密守柏崖
33 57 so as to; in order to 因說君漢以城歸
34 57 to use; to regard as 因說君漢以城歸
35 57 to use; to grasp 因說君漢以城歸
36 57 according to 因說君漢以城歸
37 57 because of 因說君漢以城歸
38 57 on a certain date 因說君漢以城歸
39 57 and; as well as 因說君漢以城歸
40 57 to rely on 因說君漢以城歸
41 57 to regard 因說君漢以城歸
42 57 to be able to 因說君漢以城歸
43 57 to order; to command 因說君漢以城歸
44 57 further; moreover 因說君漢以城歸
45 57 used after a verb 因說君漢以城歸
46 57 very 因說君漢以城歸
47 57 already 因說君漢以城歸
48 57 increasingly 因說君漢以城歸
49 57 a reason; a cause 因說君漢以城歸
50 57 Israel 因說君漢以城歸
51 57 Yi 因說君漢以城歸
52 51 hòu after; later 後持政
53 51 hòu empress; queen 後持政
54 51 hòu sovereign 後持政
55 51 hòu behind 後持政
56 51 hòu the god of the earth 後持政
57 51 hòu late; later 後持政
58 51 hòu arriving late 後持政
59 51 hòu offspring; descendents 後持政
60 51 hòu to fall behind; to lag 後持政
61 51 hòu behind; back 後持政
62 51 hòu then 後持政
63 51 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 後持政
64 51 hòu Hou 後持政
65 51 hòu after; behind 後持政
66 51 hòu following 後持政
67 51 hòu to be delayed 後持政
68 51 hòu to abandon; to discard 後持政
69 51 hòu feudal lords 後持政
70 51 hòu Hou 後持政
71 44 yuē to speak; to say
72 44 yuē Kangxi radical 73
73 44 yuē to be called
74 44 yuē particle without meaning
75 36 zhōng middle 永徽中
76 36 zhōng medium; medium sized 永徽中
77 36 zhōng China 永徽中
78 36 zhòng to hit the mark 永徽中
79 36 zhōng in; amongst 永徽中
80 36 zhōng midday 永徽中
81 36 zhōng inside 永徽中
82 36 zhōng during 永徽中
83 36 zhōng Zhong 永徽中
84 36 zhōng intermediary 永徽中
85 36 zhōng half 永徽中
86 36 zhōng just right; suitably 永徽中
87 36 zhōng while 永徽中
88 36 zhòng to reach; to attain 永徽中
89 36 zhòng to suffer; to infect 永徽中
90 36 zhòng to obtain 永徽中
91 36 zhòng to pass an exam 永徽中
92 36 his; hers; its; theirs 數用其謀
93 36 to add emphasis 數用其謀
94 36 used when asking a question in reply to a question 數用其謀
95 36 used when making a request or giving an order 數用其謀
96 36 he; her; it; them 數用其謀
97 36 probably; likely 數用其謀
98 36 will 數用其謀
99 36 may 數用其謀
100 36 if 數用其謀
101 36 or 數用其謀
102 36 Qi 數用其謀
103 35 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 左右有以盾鄣者
104 35 zhě that 左右有以盾鄣者
105 35 zhě nominalizing function word 左右有以盾鄣者
106 35 zhě used to mark a definition 左右有以盾鄣者
107 35 zhě used to mark a pause 左右有以盾鄣者
108 35 zhě topic marker; that; it 左右有以盾鄣者
109 35 zhuó according to 左右有以盾鄣者
110 32 zōng school; sect 崔楊竇宗祝王
111 32 zōng ancestor 崔楊竇宗祝王
112 32 zōng a measure word for transaction or business related things 崔楊竇宗祝王
113 32 zōng to take as one's model as 崔楊竇宗祝王
114 32 zōng purpose 崔楊竇宗祝王
115 32 zōng an ancestral temple 崔楊竇宗祝王
116 32 zōng to respect; to revere; to admire; to honor 崔楊竇宗祝王
117 32 zōng clan; family 崔楊竇宗祝王
118 32 zōng a model 崔楊竇宗祝王
119 32 zōng a county 崔楊竇宗祝王
120 32 zōng religion 崔楊竇宗祝王
121 32 zōng essential; necessary 崔楊竇宗祝王
122 32 zōng summation 崔楊竇宗祝王
123 32 zōng a visit by feudal lords 崔楊竇宗祝王
124 32 zōng Zong 崔楊竇宗祝王
125 30 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 而俱以介直任
126 30 ér Kangxi radical 126 而俱以介直任
127 30 ér you 而俱以介直任
128 30 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 而俱以介直任
129 30 ér right away; then 而俱以介直任
130 30 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 而俱以介直任
131 30 ér if; in case; in the event that 而俱以介直任
132 30 ér therefore; as a result; thus 而俱以介直任
133 30 ér how can it be that? 而俱以介直任
134 30 ér so as to 而俱以介直任
135 30 ér only then 而俱以介直任
136 30 ér as if; to seem like 而俱以介直任
137 30 néng can; able 而俱以介直任
138 30 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 而俱以介直任
139 30 ér me 而俱以介直任
140 30 ér to arrive; up to 而俱以介直任
141 30 ér possessive 而俱以介直任
142 30 yǒu is; are; to exist 槊刃有華文
143 30 yǒu to have; to possess 槊刃有華文
144 30 yǒu indicates an estimate 槊刃有華文
145 30 yǒu indicates a large quantity 槊刃有華文
146 30 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 槊刃有華文
147 30 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 槊刃有華文
148 30 yǒu used to compare two things 槊刃有華文
149 30 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 槊刃有華文
150 30 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 槊刃有華文
151 30 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 槊刃有華文
152 30 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 槊刃有華文
153 30 yǒu abundant 槊刃有華文
154 30 yǒu purposeful 槊刃有華文
155 30 yǒu You 槊刃有華文
156 28 emperor; supreme ruler 義玄贊帝決
157 28 the ruler of Heaven 義玄贊帝決
158 28 a god 義玄贊帝決
159 28 imperialism 義玄贊帝決
160 27 and 與王友孟神慶誌趣不同
161 27 to give 與王友孟神慶誌趣不同
162 27 together with 與王友孟神慶誌趣不同
163 27 interrogative particle 與王友孟神慶誌趣不同
164 27 to accompany 與王友孟神慶誌趣不同
165 27 to particate in 與王友孟神慶誌趣不同
166 27 of the same kind 與王友孟神慶誌趣不同
167 27 to help 與王友孟神慶誌趣不同
168 27 for 與王友孟神慶誌趣不同
169 27 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 君漢以所掠子女金帛分之
170 27 suǒ an office; an institute 君漢以所掠子女金帛分之
171 27 suǒ introduces a relative clause 君漢以所掠子女金帛分之
172 27 suǒ it 君漢以所掠子女金帛分之
173 27 suǒ if; supposing 君漢以所掠子女金帛分之
174 27 suǒ a few; various; some 君漢以所掠子女金帛分之
175 27 suǒ a place; a location 君漢以所掠子女金帛分之
176 27 suǒ indicates a passive voice 君漢以所掠子女金帛分之
177 27 suǒ that which 君漢以所掠子女金帛分之
178 27 suǒ an ordinal number 君漢以所掠子女金帛分之
179 27 suǒ meaning 君漢以所掠子女金帛分之
180 27 suǒ garrison 君漢以所掠子女金帛分之
181 26 shén divine; mysterious; magical; supernatural 神基
182 26 shén a deity; a god; a spiritual being 神基
183 26 shén spirit; will; attention 神基
184 26 shén soul; spirit; divine essence 神基
185 26 shén expression 神基
186 26 shén a portrait 神基
187 26 shén a person with supernatural powers 神基
188 26 shén Shen 神基
189 26 míng bright; luminous; brilliant 祝欽明
190 26 míng Ming 祝欽明
191 26 míng Ming Dynasty 祝欽明
192 26 míng obvious; explicit; clear 祝欽明
193 26 míng intelligent; clever; perceptive 祝欽明
194 26 míng to illuminate; to shine 祝欽明
195 26 míng consecrated 祝欽明
196 26 míng to understand; to comprehend 祝欽明
197 26 míng to explain; to clarify 祝欽明
198 26 míng Souther Ming; Later Ming 祝欽明
199 26 míng the world; the human world; the world of the living 祝欽明
200 26 míng eyesight; vision 祝欽明
201 26 míng a god; a spirit 祝欽明
202 26 míng fame; renown 祝欽明
203 26 míng open; public 祝欽明
204 26 míng clear 祝欽明
205 26 míng to become proficient 祝欽明
206 26 míng to be proficient 祝欽明
207 26 míng virtuous 祝欽明
208 26 míng open and honest 祝欽明
209 26 míng clean; neat 祝欽明
210 26 míng remarkable; outstanding; notable 祝欽明
211 26 míng next; afterwards 祝欽明
212 26 míng positive 祝欽明
213 25 wáng Wang 崔楊竇宗祝王
214 25 wáng a king 崔楊竇宗祝王
215 25 wáng Kangxi radical 96 崔楊竇宗祝王
216 25 wàng to be king; to rule 崔楊竇宗祝王
217 25 wáng a prince; a duke 崔楊竇宗祝王
218 25 wáng grand; great 崔楊竇宗祝王
219 25 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 崔楊竇宗祝王
220 25 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 崔楊竇宗祝王
221 25 wáng the head of a group or gang 崔楊竇宗祝王
222 25 wáng the biggest or best of a group 崔楊竇宗祝王
223 24 also; too 此王敦亡兆也
224 24 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 此王敦亡兆也
225 24 either 此王敦亡兆也
226 24 even 此王敦亡兆也
227 24 used to soften the tone 此王敦亡兆也
228 24 used for emphasis 此王敦亡兆也
229 24 used to mark contrast 此王敦亡兆也
230 24 used to mark compromise 此王敦亡兆也
231 24 to think; consider; to ponder 楊再思
232 24 particle 楊再思
233 24 thinking; consideration 楊再思
234 24 to miss; to long for 楊再思
235 24 emotions 楊再思
236 24 to mourn; to grieve 楊再思
237 24 Si 楊再思
238 24 sāi hairy [beard] 楊再思
239 22 yán to speak; to say; said 碩真自言仙去
240 22 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 碩真自言仙去
241 22 yán Kangxi radical 149 碩真自言仙去
242 22 yán a particle with no meaning 碩真自言仙去
243 22 yán phrase; sentence 碩真自言仙去
244 22 yán a word; a syllable 碩真自言仙去
245 22 yán a theory; a doctrine 碩真自言仙去
246 22 yán to regard as 碩真自言仙去
247 22 yán to act as 碩真自言仙去
248 22 to sacrifice to; to worship 殊其首祭三思等柩
249 22 to hold a funeral service 殊其首祭三思等柩
250 22 to chant a ritual text 殊其首祭三思等柩
251 22 a ceremony; a ritual 殊其首祭三思等柩
252 22 zhài Zhai 殊其首祭三思等柩
253 21 not; no 勢不持久
254 21 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 勢不持久
255 21 as a correlative 勢不持久
256 21 no (answering a question) 勢不持久
257 21 forms a negative adjective from a noun 勢不持久
258 21 at the end of a sentence to form a question 勢不持久
259 21 to form a yes or no question 勢不持久
260 21 infix potential marker 勢不持久
261 21 shì matter; thing; item 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
262 21 shì to serve 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
263 21 shì a government post 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
264 21 shì duty; post; work 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
265 21 shì occupation 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
266 21 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
267 21 shì an accident 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
268 21 shì to attend 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
269 21 shì an allusion 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
270 21 shì a condition; a state; a situation 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
271 21 shì to engage in 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
272 21 shì to enslave 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
273 21 shì to pursue 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
274 21 shì to administer 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
275 21 shì to appoint 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
276 21 shì a piece 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
277 20 zhōu a state; a province 貝州武城人
278 20 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 貝州武城人
279 20 zhōu a prefecture 貝州武城人
280 20 zhōu a country 貝州武城人
281 20 zhōu an island 貝州武城人
282 20 zhōu Zhou 貝州武城人
283 20 zhōu autonomous prefecture 貝州武城人
284 20 zhōu a country 貝州武城人
285 20 rén person; people; a human being 貝州武城人
286 20 rén Kangxi radical 9 貝州武城人
287 20 rén a kind of person 貝州武城人
288 20 rén everybody 貝州武城人
289 20 rén adult 貝州武城人
290 20 rén somebody; others 貝州武城人
291 20 rén an upright person 貝州武城人
292 20 tóng like; same; similar 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
293 20 tóng simultaneously; coincide 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
294 20 tóng together 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
295 20 tóng together 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
296 20 tóng to be the same 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
297 20 tòng an alley; a lane 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
298 20 tóng same- 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
299 20 tóng to do something for somebody 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
300 20 tóng Tong 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
301 20 tóng to meet; to gather together; to join with 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
302 20 tóng to be unified 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
303 20 tóng to approve; to endorse 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
304 20 tóng peace; harmony 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
305 20 tóng an agreement 同鳳閣鸞臺平章事
306 19 qīn to respect; to admire 祝欽明
307 19 qīn imperial 祝欽明
308 19 qīn Qin 祝欽明
309 18 qīng minister; high officer 為司賓卿
310 18 qīng term of endearment between spouses 為司賓卿
311 18 qīng you 為司賓卿
312 18 qīng noble; your lordship 為司賓卿
313 18 qīng Qing 為司賓卿
314 18 child; son
315 18 egg; newborn
316 18 first earthly branch
317 18 11 p.m.-1 a.m.
318 18 Kangxi radical 39
319 18 zi indicates that the the word is used as a noun
320 18 pellet; something small and hard
321 18 master
322 18 viscount
323 18 zi you; your honor
324 18 masters
325 18 person
326 18 young
327 18 seed
328 18 subordinate; subsidiary
329 18 a copper coin
330 18 bundle
331 18 female dragonfly
332 18 constituent
333 18 offspring; descendants
334 18 dear
335 18 little one
336 17 no 中外宗屬無緦麻喪
337 17 Kangxi radical 71 中外宗屬無緦麻喪
338 17 to not have; without 中外宗屬無緦麻喪
339 17 has not yet 中外宗屬無緦麻喪
340 17 mo 中外宗屬無緦麻喪
341 17 do not 中外宗屬無緦麻喪
342 17 not; -less; un- 中外宗屬無緦麻喪
343 17 regardless of 中外宗屬無緦麻喪
344 17 to not have 中外宗屬無緦麻喪
345 17 um 中外宗屬無緦麻喪
346 17 Wu 中外宗屬無緦麻喪
347 17 guest; visitor 宗楚客
348 17 portion 宗楚客
349 17 a customer 宗楚客
350 17 a worker 宗楚客
351 17 a servant 宗楚客
352 17 a guide 宗楚客
353 17 a person 宗楚客
354 17 Ke 宗楚客
355 17 to stay; to lodge 宗楚客
356 17 to host a guest 宗楚客
357 17 secondary 宗楚客
358 17 not known to exist 宗楚客
359 16 in; at 且其父於己有功
360 16 in; at 且其父於己有功
361 16 in; at; to; from 且其父於己有功
362 16 to go; to 且其父於己有功
363 16 to rely on; to depend on 且其父於己有功
364 16 to go to; to arrive at 且其父於己有功
365 16 from 且其父於己有功
366 16 give 且其父於己有功
367 16 oppposing 且其父於己有功
368 16 and 且其父於己有功
369 16 compared to 且其父於己有功
370 16 by 且其父於己有功
371 16 and; as well as 且其父於己有功
372 16 for 且其父於己有功
373 16 Yu 且其父於己有功
374 16 a crow 且其父於己有功
375 16 whew; wow 且其父於己有功
376 16 yòu again; also 又以後旨按長孫無忌等誅之
377 16 yòu expresses the existence of simultaneous conditions 又以後旨按長孫無忌等誅之
378 16 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又以後旨按長孫無忌等誅之
379 16 yòu and 又以後旨按長孫無忌等誅之
380 16 yòu furthermore 又以後旨按長孫無忌等誅之
381 16 yòu in addition 又以後旨按長孫無忌等誅之
382 16 yòu but 又以後旨按長孫無忌等誅之
383 16 nǎi thus; so; therefore; then; only; thereupon 乃拜君漢懷州刺史
384 16 nǎi to be 乃拜君漢懷州刺史
385 16 nǎi you; yours 乃拜君漢懷州刺史
386 16 nǎi also; moreover 乃拜君漢懷州刺史
387 16 nǎi however; but 乃拜君漢懷州刺史
388 16 nǎi if 乃拜君漢懷州刺史
389 16 xuán profound; mysterious; subtle 崔義玄
390 16 xuán black 崔義玄
391 16 xuán Kangxi radical 95 崔義玄
392 16 xuán incredible; unreliable 崔義玄
393 16 xuán occult; mystical 崔義玄
394 16 xuán meditative and silent 崔義玄
395 16 xuán pretending 崔義玄
396 16 xuán Xuan 崔義玄
397 16 děng et cetera; and so on 又以後旨按長孫無忌等誅之
398 16 děng to wait 又以後旨按長孫無忌等誅之
399 16 děng degree; kind 又以後旨按長孫無忌等誅之
400 16 děng plural 又以後旨按長孫無忌等誅之
401 16 děng to be equal 又以後旨按長孫無忌等誅之
402 16 děng degree; level 又以後旨按長孫無忌等誅之
403 16 děng to compare 又以後旨按長孫無忌等誅之
404 16 zài again; once more; re-; repeatedly 楊再思
405 16 zài twice 楊再思
406 16 zài even though 楊再思
407 16 zài in addition; even more 楊再思
408 16 zài expressing that if a condition continues then something will occur 楊再思
409 16 chǔ state of Chu 宗楚客
410 16 chǔ Chu 宗楚客
411 16 chǔ distinct; clear; orderly 宗楚客
412 16 chǔ painful 宗楚客
413 16 chǔ dazzling; sparkling 宗楚客
414 16 chǔ a cane 宗楚客
415 16 chǔ Hubei and Hunan 宗楚客
416 16 chǔ horsewhip 宗楚客
417 16 chǔ to beat a prisoner; to torture 宗楚客
418 15 shì is; are; am; to be 用是能幻眾
419 15 shì is exactly 用是能幻眾
420 15 shì is suitable; is in contrast 用是能幻眾
421 15 shì this; that; those 用是能幻眾
422 15 shì really; certainly 用是能幻眾
423 15 shì correct; yes; affirmative 用是能幻眾
424 15 shì true 用是能幻眾
425 15 shì is; has; exists 用是能幻眾
426 15 shì used between repetitions of a word 用是能幻眾
427 15 shì a matter; an affair 用是能幻眾
428 15 shì Shi 用是能幻眾
429 15 sān three 三戟崔家
430 15 sān third 三戟崔家
431 15 sān more than two 三戟崔家
432 15 sān very few 三戟崔家
433 15 sān repeatedly 三戟崔家
434 15 sān San 三戟崔家
435 15 soil; ground; land 括地志
436 15 de subordinate particle 括地志
437 15 floor 括地志
438 15 the earth 括地志
439 15 fields 括地志
440 15 a place 括地志
441 15 a situation; a position 括地志
442 15 background 括地志
443 15 terrain 括地志
444 15 a territory; a region 括地志
445 15 used after a distance measure 括地志
446 15 coming from the same clan 括地志
447 15 太子 tàizǐ a crown prince 轉太子右庶子
448 15 huái bosom; breast 竇懷貞
449 15 huái to carry in bosom 竇懷貞
450 15 huái to miss; to think of 竇懷貞
451 15 huái to cherish 竇懷貞
452 15 huái to be pregnant 竇懷貞
453 15 huái to keep in mind; to be concerned for 竇懷貞
454 15 huái inner heart; mind; feelings 竇懷貞
455 15 huái to embrace 竇懷貞
456 15 huái to encircle; to surround 竇懷貞
457 15 huái to comfort 竇懷貞
458 15 huái to incline to; to be attracted to 竇懷貞
459 15 huái to think of a plan 竇懷貞
460 15 huái Huai 竇懷貞
461 15 huái to be patient with; to tolerate 竇懷貞
462 15 huái aspiration; intention 竇懷貞
463 14 shū book 與高仲舒同為中書舍人
464 14 shū document; manuscript 與高仲舒同為中書舍人
465 14 shū letter 與高仲舒同為中書舍人
466 14 shū the Cannon of Documents 與高仲舒同為中書舍人
467 14 shū to write 與高仲舒同為中書舍人
468 14 shū writing 與高仲舒同為中書舍人
469 14 shū calligraphy; writing style 與高仲舒同為中書舍人
470 14 shū Shu 與高仲舒同為中書舍人
471 14 shū to record 與高仲舒同為中書舍人
472 14 zuǒ left 歷左司郎中
473 14 zuǒ unorthodox; improper 歷左司郎中
474 14 zuǒ east 歷左司郎中
475 14 zuǒ to bring 歷左司郎中
476 14 zuǒ to violate; to be contrary to 歷左司郎中
477 14 zuǒ Zuo 歷左司郎中
478 14 zuǒ extreme 歷左司郎中
479 14 naturally; of course; certainly 碩真自言仙去
480 14 from; since 碩真自言仙去
481 14 self; oneself; itself 碩真自言仙去
482 14 Kangxi radical 132 碩真自言仙去
483 14 Zi 碩真自言仙去
484 14 a nose 碩真自言仙去
485 14 the beginning; the start 碩真自言仙去
486 14 origin 碩真自言仙去
487 14 originally 碩真自言仙去
488 14 still; to remain 碩真自言仙去
489 14 in person; personally 碩真自言仙去
490 14 in addition; besides 碩真自言仙去
491 14 if; even if 碩真自言仙去
492 14 but 碩真自言仙去
493 14 because 碩真自言仙去
494 14 to employ; to use 碩真自言仙去
495 14 to be 碩真自言仙去
496 14 to take charge of; to manage; to administer 歷左司郎中
497 14 a department under a ministry 歷左司郎中
498 14 to bear 歷左司郎中
499 14 to observe; to inspect 歷左司郎中
500 14 a government official; an official 歷左司郎中

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
哀公 哀公 196 Ai
安国 安國 196 Anguo
安乐 安樂 196
  1. peaceful and happy; content
  2. Anle
  3. Anle district
  1. cypress; cedar
  2. Berlin
  3. Bai
长安 長安 99
  1. Chang'an
  2. Chang'an
  3. Chang'an reign
  4. Chang'an
垂拱 99 Chuigong
春秋 99
  1. Spring and Autumn Period
  2. a person's age
  3. Chunqiu; Annals of Spring and Autumn
  4. spring and autumn
刺史 99 Regional Inspector
大理 100
  1. Dali [kingdom]
  2. Superintendent of Law Enforcement
  3. a major principle; a general truth
  4. Dali [county]
大明 100
  1. the sun
  2. the moon
  3. Da Ming
  4. Da Ming reign
  5. Ming dynasty
  1. Di peoples
  2. Di
东都 東都 100 Luoyang
东宫 東宮 100 East Palace
二月 195 February; the Second Month
102 Fen
伏羲 102 Fu Xi
驸马都尉 駙馬都尉 102 Commandant Escort
高丽 高麗 103 Korean Goryeo Dynasty
高宗 103
  1. Emperor Gaozong of Song
  2. Emperor Gaozong of Tang
  3. Gaozong
广德 廣德 103 Guangde
103 Gui
国子祭酒 國子祭酒 103 Chancellor of the National University
  1. Korea; South Korea
  2. State of Han
  3. fence; low wall
  4. Han
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
河东 河東 104
  1. Hedong
  2. Hedong
河内 河內 104
  1. Hanoi
  2. Henei
弘农郡 弘農郡 104 Hongnong prefecture
弘农 弘農 104 Hongnong prefecture
洪州 104 Hongzhou
后梁 後梁 104 Later Liang
104 Hu
华文 華文 104 Chinese language; Chinese script
104 Huai River
淮南 104 Huainan
皇太子 104 Crown Prince
黄州 黃州 104 Huangzhou
户部 戶部 104 Ministry of Revenue
户部尚书 戶部尚書 104 Minister of Revenue (from the Han dynasty onwards)
监察御史 監察御史 106 Investigating Censor
监修国史 監修國史 106 Director of National History
谏议大夫 諫議大夫 106 Remonstrance Official
节度使 節度使 106 military commissioner; jiedushi
  1. shanxi
  2. jin [dynasty]
  3. to move forward; to promote; to advance
  4. to raise
  5. Jin [state]
  6. Jin
景龙 景龍 106 Jinglong reign
景云 景雲 106 Jingyun reign
京兆 106
  1. Jingzhao; Xi'an
  2. capital municipal area
  3. Capital Region Governor
金瓯 金甌 106 Ca Mau
莒国 莒國 106 the state of Ju
巨鹿 鉅鹿 106 Julu
开元 開元 107 Kai Yuan
孔子 107 Confucius
莱州 萊州 76 Laizhou
  1. a bridge
  2. Liang Dynasty
  3. City of Liang
  4. State of Liang
  5. Liang
  6. a beam; rafters
  7. a fishing sluice
  8. to lose footing
  9. State of Liang
  10. a ridge
  11. later Liang
礼部 禮部 108 Ministry of (Confucian) Rites
礼部尚书 禮部尚書 108 Director of Board of Rites
李密 108 Li Mi
岭南 嶺南 108 Lingnan
六月 108 June; the Sixth Month
龙安 龍安 108 Longan
鲁国 魯國 108 Luguo
洛水 108 Luo River
明体 明體 109 Mincho; Ming font
秘书监 秘書監 109 Director of the Palace Library
南阳 南陽 110 Nanyang
内史 內史 110 Censor; Administrator
女娲 女媧 78 Nu Wa
  1. water in which rice has been rinsed
  2. Pan River
  3. Pan
  1. Peng
  2. Peng
  1. type of rush; a vine
  2. Pu
  3. Pu
仆射 僕射 80 Supervisor; Chief Administrator
蒲州 80 Puzhou; Yongji
113 Qi
乾元 113 Qianyuan
  1. Shaanxi
  2. Qin Dynasty
  3. State of Qin
  4. Qin
清河 113 Qinghe
钦州 欽州 113 Qinzhou
秦州 113 Qinzhou
丘县 丘縣 113 Qiu county
  1. you; thou
  2. Ru River
  3. Ru
睿宗 睿宗 114 Ruizong Zongyao
上帝 115
  1. God
  2. Lord on High
  1. Shao
  2. Shao
少府 83 Minor Treasurer
沙州 115 Shazhou; Dunhuang
83 She County
神龙 神龍 115 Shenlong
摄提 攝提 115 Shiti
侍中 115 Shizhong; Palace Attendant
司马 司馬 115
  1. Minister of War
  2. Sima [star]
  3. Sima [surname]
  4. Aide to Commander; Leader of Cavalry
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
肃宗 肅宗 115
  1. Emperor Suzong of Tang
  2. Suzong
115 Sui Dynasty
太守 116 Governor
太一 116
  1. Great Unity
  2. Taiyi
  3. Taiyi
  4. Taiyi
太常 116 Minister of Ceremonies; Rector of the Imperial Academy
太平公主 116 Princess Taiping
太仆 太僕 116 Grand Servant
太史 116
  1. Grand Scribe
  2. Grand Astrologer
太微 116 Taiwei; Grand Subtlety
太宗 116
  1. Emperor Taizong
  2. Tai Zong; Minister of Rites
天宝 天寶 116 Tianbao
天皇 116 Japanese Emperor
天门 天門 116 Tianmen
天子 116 the rightful Emperor; the Son of Heaven
突厥 116 Turk; Tujie; Göktürks; proto-Turkic ethnic group
外传 外傳 119 waizhuan; unofficial biography
王世充 119 Wang Shichong
王敦 119 Wang Dun
魏国 魏國 119
  1. Wei State
  2. Wei State; Cao Wei
魏县 魏縣 119 Wei county
文王 119 King Wen of Zhou
文昌 119 Wenchang
五帝 119 Five Emperors
五经 五經 119 Five Classics
五岳 五嶽 119 Five Sacred Mountains
武城 119 Wucheng
婺州 87 Wuzhou
夏官 120 Office of Summer
夏州 120 Xiazhou
刑部 120 Ministry of Justice
兴宁 興寧 120 Xingning
玄武 120
  1. Black Tortoise
  2. God of the north sky
玄宗 120 Emperor Xuanzong of Tang
  1. Xue
  2. Xue
扬州 揚州 121 Yangzhou
121 Ying
益州 121 Yizhou
永昌 121
  1. Yongchang
  2. Yongchang
永淳 121 Yongchun
永徽 121 Yonghui
雍州 121 Yongzhou
幽州 121 Youzhou; Fanyang
原州 121 Wonju
越州 121 Yuezhou
羽林 121
  1. Yu Lin; Palace Guards
  2. Yu Lin [star]
御史 121
  1. Royal Scribe
  2. Censor
御史大夫 121 Imperial Secretary
豫州 121 Yuzhou
载初 載初 122 Zaichu
宰相 122 chancellor; prime minister
长孙无忌 長孫無忌 122 Zhangsun Wuji
詹事 122 Supply Official
  1. Zhao
  2. Zhao Dynasty
  3. State of Zhao
  4. to rush
  5. to visit
  6. Zhao
  7. to dig
浙东 浙東 122 Eastern Zhejiang
贞观 貞觀 122 Zhen Guan Reign; Emperor Taizong of Tang
郑玄 鄭玄 122 Zheng Xuan
郑国 鄭國 122 Zhengguo
征召 徵召 122 to enlist; to draft; to conscript; to appoint to an official position
郑州 鄭州 122 Zhengzhou
中古 122
  1. medieval; Middle Ages; Chinese middle antiquity
  2. used; second-hand
中山 122
  1. Dr Sun Yat-sen; Zhongshan, prefecture-level city in Guangdong, close to Sun Yat-sen's birthplace; Nakayama (Japanese surname)
  2. Zhongshan
  3. Nakayama
中书侍郎 中書侍郎 122 Attendant to the Palace Secretary; Attendant Gentleman of the Secretariat
中岳 中嶽 122 Mt Song
周官 122
  1. Zhou Li; Zhou Guan; Rites of Zhou
  2. Zhou Guan; Officers of Zhou
庄周 莊周 90 Zhuang Zi; Zhuang Zhou
子思 122 Zi Si


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English