Glossary and Vocabulary for History of Liao 遼史, 卷七十七 列傳第七: 耶律屋質 耶律吼 耶律安摶 耶律洼 耶律頹昱 耶律撻烈 Volume 77 Biographies 7: Yelu Wuzhi, Yelu Hou, Yelu Antuan, Yelu Wa, Yelu Tuiyu, Yelu Talie

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 55 zhī to go 處之從容
2 55 zhī to arrive; to go 處之從容
3 55 zhī is 處之從容
4 55 zhī to use 處之從容
5 55 zhī Zhi 處之從容
6 55 zhī winding 處之從容
7 42 to use; to grasp 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
8 42 to rely on 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
9 42 to regard 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
10 42 to be able to 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
11 42 to order; to command 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
12 42 used after a verb 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
13 42 a reason; a cause 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
14 42 Israel 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
15 42 Yi 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
16 41 yuē to speak; to say 謂守者曰
17 41 yuē Kangxi radical 73 謂守者曰
18 41 yuē to be called 謂守者曰
19 36 a room 耶律屋質耶律吼
20 36 a house; a building 耶律屋質耶律吼
21 36 carraige canopy 耶律屋質耶律吼
22 36 a tent 耶律屋質耶律吼
23 35 zhì matter; material; substance 耶律屋質耶律吼
24 35 zhì a hostage; a guarantee; a pledged item 耶律屋質耶律吼
25 35 zhì nature; character; essence 耶律屋質耶律吼
26 35 zhì plain; simple 耶律屋質耶律吼
27 35 zhì to question 耶律屋質耶律吼
28 35 zhì to pledge; to pawn 耶律屋質耶律吼
29 35 zhì quality 耶律屋質耶律吼
30 33 wéi to act as; to serve 為惕隱
31 33 wéi to change into; to become 為惕隱
32 33 wéi to be; is 為惕隱
33 33 wéi to do 為惕隱
34 33 wèi to support; to help 為惕隱
35 33 wéi to govern 為惕隱
36 32 太后 tài hòu Empress Dowager 太后聞之
37 32 太后 tài hòu Consort Dowager 太后聞之
38 23 to stand 諸大臣立世宗
39 23 Kangxi radical 117 諸大臣立世宗
40 23 erect; upright; vertical 諸大臣立世宗
41 23 to establish; to set up; to found 諸大臣立世宗
42 23 to conclude; to draw up 諸大臣立世宗
43 23 to ascend the throne 諸大臣立世宗
44 23 to designate; to appoint 諸大臣立世宗
45 23 to live; to exist 諸大臣立世宗
46 23 to erect; to stand something up 諸大臣立世宗
47 23 to take a stand 諸大臣立世宗
48 23 to cease; to stop 諸大臣立世宗
49 23 a two week period at the onset o feach season 諸大臣立世宗
50 23 wáng Wang 永康王皆太祖子孫
51 23 wáng a king 永康王皆太祖子孫
52 23 wáng Kangxi radical 96 永康王皆太祖子孫
53 23 wàng to be king; to rule 永康王皆太祖子孫
54 23 wáng a prince; a duke 永康王皆太祖子孫
55 23 wáng grand; great 永康王皆太祖子孫
56 23 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 永康王皆太祖子孫
57 23 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 永康王皆太祖子孫
58 23 wáng the head of a group or gang 永康王皆太祖子孫
59 23 wáng the biggest or best of a group 永康王皆太祖子孫
60 20 耶律 yélǜ Yelu 耶律屋質耶律吼
61 20 emperor; supreme ruler 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
62 20 the ruler of Heaven 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
63 20 a god 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
64 20 imperialism 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
65 19 ān calm; still; quiet; peaceful 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
66 19 ān to calm; to pacify 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
67 19 ān safe; secure 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
68 19 ān comfortable; happy 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
69 19 ān to find a place for 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
70 19 ān to install; to fix; to fit 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
71 19 ān to be content 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
72 19 ān to cherish 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
73 19 ān to bestow; to confer 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
74 19 ān amphetamine 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
75 19 ān ampere 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
76 19 ān to add; to submit 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
77 19 ān to reside; to live at 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
78 19 ān to be used to; to be familiar with 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
79 19 ān an 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
80 18 大王 dàwáng king 太后與大王若能釋怨
81 18 大王 dàwáng magnate; person having expert skill in something 太后與大王若能釋怨
82 17 nián year 天祿二年
83 17 nián New Year festival 天祿二年
84 17 nián age 天祿二年
85 17 nián life span; life expectancy 天祿二年
86 17 nián an era; a period 天祿二年
87 17 nián a date 天祿二年
88 17 nián time; years 天祿二年
89 17 nián harvest 天祿二年
90 17 nián annual; every year 天祿二年
91 17 to go; to 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
92 17 to rely on; to depend on 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
93 17 Yu 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
94 17 a crow 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
95 16 tuán to roll up into a ball with one's hands 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
96 16 tuán round 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
97 16 tuán a clump 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
98 16 tuán a wheel; a spiral 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
99 16 tuán to rely on 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
100 16 zhuān specialized 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
101 16 tuán to combine 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
102 15 世宗 shìzōng King Sejong the Great; Sejong Daewang 諸大臣立世宗
103 15 世宗 shìzōng Sejong 諸大臣立世宗
104 15 世宗 shìzōng Shizong 諸大臣立世宗
105 15 ér Kangxi radical 126 若何而和
106 15 ér as if; to seem like 若何而和
107 15 néng can; able 若何而和
108 15 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 若何而和
109 15 ér to arrive; up to 若何而和
110 15 chén minister; statesman; official 故臣願竭死力
111 15 chén Kangxi radical 131 故臣願竭死力
112 15 chén a slave 故臣願竭死力
113 15 chén Chen 故臣願竭死力
114 15 chén to obey; to comply 故臣願竭死力
115 15 chén to command; to direct 故臣願竭死力
116 15 chén a subject 故臣願竭死力
117 15 infix potential marker 何魯不
118 14 shì matter; thing; item 遇事造次
119 14 shì to serve 遇事造次
120 14 shì a government post 遇事造次
121 14 shì duty; post; work 遇事造次
122 14 shì occupation 遇事造次
123 14 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 遇事造次
124 14 shì an accident 遇事造次
125 14 shì to attend 遇事造次
126 14 shì an allusion 遇事造次
127 14 shì a condition; a state; a situation 遇事造次
128 14 shì to engage in 遇事造次
129 14 shì to enslave 遇事造次
130 14 shì to pursue 遇事造次
131 14 shì to administer 遇事造次
132 14 shì to appoint 遇事造次
133 14 jiàng a general; a high ranking officer 群臣將誰事
134 14 jiāng to progress; to transmit; to convey; to send 群臣將誰事
135 14 jiàng to command; to lead 群臣將誰事
136 14 qiāng to request 群臣將誰事
137 14 jiāng to bring; to take; to use; to hold 群臣將誰事
138 14 jiāng to support; to wait upon; to take care of 群臣將誰事
139 14 jiāng to checkmate 群臣將誰事
140 14 jiāng to goad; to incite; to provoke 群臣將誰事
141 14 jiāng to do; to handle 群臣將誰事
142 14 jiàng backbone 群臣將誰事
143 14 jiàng king 群臣將誰事
144 14 jiāng to rest 群臣將誰事
145 14 jiàng a senior member of an organization 群臣將誰事
146 14 jiāng large; great 群臣將誰事
147 13 hǒu to roar; to howl 耶律屋質耶律吼
148 13 hǒu to shout 耶律屋質耶律吼
149 13 hǒu to emit a loud sound 耶律屋質耶律吼
150 13 Li 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
151 13 plum 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
152 13 envoy; judge 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
153 13 Hu 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
154 13 non-Han people 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
155 13 foreign 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
156 13 huqin 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
157 13 big; great 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
158 13 hutong 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
159 13 dewlap 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
160 13 smaller curved blade on underside of a glaive 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
161 13 neck 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
162 13 longevity 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
163 13 Hu 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
164 13 beard; mustache 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
165 13 rén person; people; a human being 人莫能測
166 13 rén Kangxi radical 9 人莫能測
167 13 rén a kind of person 人莫能測
168 13 rén everybody 人莫能測
169 13 rén adult 人莫能測
170 13 rén somebody; others 人莫能測
171 13 rén an upright person 人莫能測
172 12 to carry on the shoulder 何魯不
173 12 what 何魯不
174 12 He 何魯不
175 12 to give 與永康王和議
176 12 to accompany 與永康王和議
177 12 to particate in 與永康王和議
178 12 of the same kind 與永康王和議
179 12 to help 與永康王和議
180 12 for 與永康王和議
181 12 to reach 悔將何及
182 12 to attain 悔將何及
183 12 to understand 悔將何及
184 12 able to be compared to; to catch up with 悔將何及
185 12 to be involved with; to associate with 悔將何及
186 12 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 悔將何及
187 12 永康 yǒngkāng Yongkang 永康王皆太祖子孫
188 11 jūn army; military 軍次潢河橫渡
189 11 jūn soldiers; troops 軍次潢河橫渡
190 11 jūn an organized collective 軍次潢河橫渡
191 11 jūn to garrison; to stay an an encampment 軍次潢河橫渡
192 11 jūn a garrison 軍次潢河橫渡
193 11 jūn a front 軍次潢河橫渡
194 11 jūn penal miltary service 軍次潢河橫渡
195 11 jūn to organize troops 軍次潢河橫渡
196 11 to hit; to beat 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
197 11 liè intense; fierce 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
198 11 liè grand 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
199 11 liè ablaze 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
200 11 liè to set on fire 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
201 11 liè principled; upright 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
202 11 liè violent 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
203 11 liè devoted 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
204 11 liè glorious 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
205 11 liè famous 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
206 10 nǎi to be 乃設事奉書
207 10 shí time; a point or period of time 時屋質從太后
208 10 shí a season; a quarter of a year 時屋質從太后
209 10 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 時屋質從太后
210 10 shí fashionable 時屋質從太后
211 10 shí fate; destiny; luck 時屋質從太后
212 10 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 時屋質從太后
213 10 shí tense 時屋質從太后
214 10 shí particular; special 時屋質從太后
215 10 shí to plant; to cultivate 時屋質從太后
216 10 shí an era; a dynasty 時屋質從太后
217 10 shí time [abstract] 時屋質從太后
218 10 shí seasonal 時屋質從太后
219 10 shí to wait upon 時屋質從太后
220 10 shí hour 時屋質從太后
221 10 shí appropriate; proper; timely 時屋質從太后
222 10 shí Shi 時屋質從太后
223 10 shí a present; currentlt 時屋質從太后
224 9 yuàn a school 為北院大王
225 9 yuàn a courtyard; a yard; a court 為北院大王
226 9 yuàn a public institution 為北院大王
227 9 yuàn a government department 為北院大王
228 9 shàng top; a high position 上喜其忠
229 9 shang top; the position on or above something 上喜其忠
230 9 shàng to go up; to go forward 上喜其忠
231 9 shàng shang 上喜其忠
232 9 shàng previous; last 上喜其忠
233 9 shàng high; higher 上喜其忠
234 9 shàng advanced 上喜其忠
235 9 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上喜其忠
236 9 shàng time 上喜其忠
237 9 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上喜其忠
238 9 shàng far 上喜其忠
239 9 shàng big; as big as 上喜其忠
240 9 shàng abundant; plentiful 上喜其忠
241 9 shàng to report 上喜其忠
242 9 shàng to offer 上喜其忠
243 9 shàng to go on stage 上喜其忠
244 9 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上喜其忠
245 9 shàng to install; to erect 上喜其忠
246 9 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上喜其忠
247 9 shàng to burn 上喜其忠
248 9 shàng to remember 上喜其忠
249 9 shàng to add 上喜其忠
250 9 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上喜其忠
251 9 shàng to meet 上喜其忠
252 9 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上喜其忠
253 9 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上喜其忠
254 9 shàng a musical note 上喜其忠
255 9 to criticize 與永康王和議
256 9 to discuss 與永康王和議
257 9 to select; to choose 與永康王和議
258 9 an idea; an opinion; a suggestion; an objection 與永康王和議
259 9 to evaluate 與永康王和議
260 9 views; remarks; arguments 與永康王和議
261 9 argument 與永康王和議
262 9 běi north 為北院大王
263 9 běi fleeing troops 為北院大王
264 9 běi to go north 為北院大王
265 9 běi to be defeated; to be routed 為北院大王
266 9 běi to violate; to betray 為北院大王
267 8 bīng soldier; troops 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
268 8 bīng weapons 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
269 8 bīng military; warfare 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
270 8 to join together; together with; to accompany 與永康王和議
271 8 peace; harmony 與永康王和議
272 8 He 與永康王和議
273 8 harmonious [sound] 與永康王和議
274 8 gentle; amiable; acquiescent 與永康王和議
275 8 warm 與永康王和議
276 8 to harmonize; to make peace 與永康王和議
277 8 a transaction 與永康王和議
278 8 a bell on a chariot 與永康王和議
279 8 a musical instrument 與永康王和議
280 8 a military gate 與永康王和議
281 8 a coffin headboard 與永康王和議
282 8 a skilled worker 與永康王和議
283 8 compatible 與永康王和議
284 8 calm; peaceful 與永康王和議
285 8 to sing in accompaniment 與永康王和議
286 8 to write a matching poem 與永康王和議
287 8 to go back; to return 帝遣宣徽使耶律海思復書
288 8 to resume; to restart 帝遣宣徽使耶律海思復書
289 8 to do in detail 帝遣宣徽使耶律海思復書
290 8 to restore 帝遣宣徽使耶律海思復書
291 8 to respond; to reply to 帝遣宣徽使耶律海思復書
292 8 Fu; Return 帝遣宣徽使耶律海思復書
293 8 to retaliate; to reciprocate 帝遣宣徽使耶律海思復書
294 8 to avoid forced labor or tax 帝遣宣徽使耶律海思復書
295 8 Fu 帝遣宣徽使耶律海思復書
296 8 doubled; to overlapping; folded 帝遣宣徽使耶律海思復書
297 8 a lined garment with doubled thickness 帝遣宣徽使耶律海思復書
298 8 a winding ditch 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
299 8 a depression; a swamp 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
300 8 liú Liu 劉哥等於泰德泉
301 8 liú an axe; a hatchet 劉哥等於泰德泉
302 8 liú to massacre; to slaughter 劉哥等於泰德泉
303 8 liú sparse; scattered 劉哥等於泰德泉
304 8 qiǎn to send; to dispatch 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
305 8 qiǎn to banish; to exile 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
306 8 qiǎn to release 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
307 8 qiǎn to divorce 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
308 8 qiǎn to eliminate 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
309 8 qiǎn to cause 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
310 8 qiǎn to use; to apply 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
311 8 qiàn to bring to a grave 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
312 8 Shandong 何魯不
313 8 Lu 何魯不
314 8 foolish; stupid; rash; vulgar 何魯不
315 8 the State of Lu 何魯不
316 8 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 辭多不遜
317 8 duó many; much 辭多不遜
318 8 duō more 辭多不遜
319 8 duō excessive 辭多不遜
320 8 duō abundant 辭多不遜
321 8 duō to multiply; to acrue 辭多不遜
322 8 duō Duo 辭多不遜
323 8 wén to hear 太后聞之
324 8 wén Wen 太后聞之
325 8 wén sniff at; to smell 太后聞之
326 8 wén to be widely known 太后聞之
327 8 wén to confirm; to accept 太后聞之
328 8 wén information 太后聞之
329 8 wèn famous; well known 太后聞之
330 8 wén knowledge; learning 太后聞之
331 8 wèn popularity; prestige; reputation 太后聞之
332 8 wén to question 太后聞之
333 8 desire 欲行間
334 8 to desire; to wish 欲行間
335 8 to desire; to intend 欲行間
336 8 lust 欲行間
337 8 yán to speak; to say; said 言曰
338 8 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 言曰
339 8 yán Kangxi radical 149 言曰
340 8 yán phrase; sentence 言曰
341 8 yán a word; a syllable 言曰
342 8 yán a theory; a doctrine 言曰
343 8 yán to regard as 言曰
344 8 yán to act as 言曰
345 8 太宗 tàizōng Emperor Taizong 太宗崩
346 8 太宗 tàizōng Tai Zong; Minister of Rites 太宗崩
347 8 太祖 tàizǔ Taizu; Great Ancestor 太后佐太祖定天下
348 8 太祖 tàizǔ progenitor 太后佐太祖定天下
349 7 即位 jíwèi to succeed to the throne 穆宗即位
350 7 即位 jíwèi to begin a post 穆宗即位
351 7 Ru River 安肯以書示汝
352 7 Ru 安肯以書示汝
353 7 tiān day 耶律天德
354 7 tiān heaven 耶律天德
355 7 tiān nature 耶律天德
356 7 tiān sky 耶律天德
357 7 tiān weather 耶律天德
358 7 tiān father; husband 耶律天德
359 7 tiān a necessity 耶律天德
360 7 tiān season 耶律天德
361 7 tiān destiny 耶律天德
362 7 tiān very high; sky high [prices] 耶律天德
363 7 zhì Kangxi radical 133 臣以社稷至重
364 7 zhì to arrive 臣以社稷至重
365 7 chá to examine; to inquire; to inspect 惟太后裁察
366 7 chá to observe; to notice 惟太后裁察
367 7 chá to understand 惟太后裁察
368 7 chá to evaluate and promote 惟太后裁察
369 7 chá Cha 惟太后裁察
370 7 chá clean 惟太后裁察
371 7 wèi to call 謂守者曰
372 7 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 謂守者曰
373 7 wèi to speak to; to address 謂守者曰
374 7 wèi to treat as; to regard as 謂守者曰
375 7 wèi introducing a condition situation 謂守者曰
376 7 wèi to speak to; to address 謂守者曰
377 7 wèi to think 謂守者曰
378 7 wèi for; is to be 謂守者曰
379 7 wèi to make; to cause 謂守者曰
380 7 wèi principle; reason 謂守者曰
381 7 wèi Wei 謂守者曰
382 7 elder brother 劉哥等於泰德泉
383 7 gōng merit 以功加於越
384 7 gōng service; work; effort 以功加於越
385 7 gōng skill 以功加於越
386 7 gōng an achievement; an accomplishment 以功加於越
387 7 gōng deserving praise 以功加於越
388 7 gōng level of morning ritual 以功加於越
389 7 gōng an effect; a result 以功加於越
390 7 gōng a kind of funeral dress 以功加於越
391 7 gōng work (physics) 以功加於越
392 7 rán to approve; to endorse 重然諾
393 7 rán to burn 重然諾
394 7 rán to pledge; to promise 重然諾
395 7 rán Ran 重然諾
396 7 father 系出孟父房
397 7 Kangxi radical 88 系出孟父房
398 7 a male of an older generation 系出孟父房
399 7 a polite form of address for an older male 系出孟父房
400 7 worker 系出孟父房
401 6 不可 bù kě cannot; should not; must not; forbidden; prohibited 不可奪也
402 6 不可 bù kě improbable 不可奪也
403 6 bēng to rupture; to split apart 太宗崩
404 6 bēng to collapse 太宗崩
405 6 bēng to be hit by something; to have a sudden onset; to go to ruin 太宗崩
406 6 bēng metrorrhagia; intermenstrual bleeding 太宗崩
407 6 bēng to die [of an emperor] 太宗崩
408 6 bēng to destroy 太宗崩
409 6 sān three 三年
410 6 sān third 三年
411 6 sān more than two 三年
412 6 sān very few 三年
413 6 sān San 三年
414 6 Qi 上喜其忠
415 6 letter; symbol; character 字敵輦
416 6 Zi 字敵輦
417 6 to love 字敵輦
418 6 to teach; to educate 字敵輦
419 6 to be allowed to marry 字敵輦
420 6 courtesy name; style name; scholarly or literary name 字敵輦
421 6 diction; wording 字敵輦
422 6 handwriting 字敵輦
423 6 calligraphy; a work of calligraphy 字敵輦
424 6 a written pledge; a letter; a contract 字敵輦
425 6 a font; a calligraphic style 字敵輦
426 6 the phonetic value of a character; the pronunciation of a character 字敵輦
427 6 must 事必有成
428 6 Bi 事必有成
429 6 zài in; at 昔人皇王在
430 6 zài to exist; to be living 昔人皇王在
431 6 zài to consist of 昔人皇王在
432 6 zài to be at a post 昔人皇王在
433 6 shū book 乃設事奉書
434 6 shū document; manuscript 乃設事奉書
435 6 shū letter 乃設事奉書
436 6 shū the Cannon of Documents 乃設事奉書
437 6 shū to write 乃設事奉書
438 6 shū writing 乃設事奉書
439 6 shū calligraphy; writing style 乃設事奉書
440 6 shū Shu 乃設事奉書
441 6 shū to record 乃設事奉書
442 6 Germany 劉哥等於泰德泉
443 6 virtue; morality; ethics; character 劉哥等於泰德泉
444 6 kindness; favor 劉哥等於泰德泉
445 6 conduct; behavior 劉哥等於泰德泉
446 6 to be grateful 劉哥等於泰德泉
447 6 heart; intention 劉哥等於泰德泉
448 6 De 劉哥等於泰德泉
449 6 potency; natural power 劉哥等於泰德泉
450 6 wholesome; good 劉哥等於泰德泉
451 6 zhī to know 知天文
452 6 zhī to comprehend 知天文
453 6 zhī to inform; to tell 知天文
454 6 zhī to administer 知天文
455 6 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 知天文
456 6 zhī to be close friends 知天文
457 6 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 知天文
458 6 zhī to receive; to entertain 知天文
459 6 zhī knowledge 知天文
460 6 zhī consciousness; perception 知天文
461 6 zhī a close friend 知天文
462 6 zhì wisdom 知天文
463 6 zhì Zhi 知天文
464 6 zhī to appreciate 知天文
465 6 zhī to make known 知天文
466 6 zhī to have control over 知天文
467 6 zhī to expect; to foresee 知天文
468 6 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 則臣以為莫若和好
469 6 a grade; a level 則臣以為莫若和好
470 6 an example; a model 則臣以為莫若和好
471 6 a weighing device 則臣以為莫若和好
472 6 to grade; to rank 則臣以為莫若和好
473 6 to copy; to imitate; to follow 則臣以為莫若和好
474 6 to do 則臣以為莫若和好
475 6 to give; to bestow favors 以逆黨財產盡賜之
476 6 grace; favor; a gift 以逆黨財產盡賜之
477 6 to award; to appoint 以逆黨財產盡賜之
478 6 to do in full 以逆黨財產盡賜之
479 6 to bestow an honorific title 以逆黨財產盡賜之
480 6 to cut; to sever 表列泰寧王察割陰謀事
481 6 to divide; to partition 表列泰寧王察割陰謀事
482 6 to abandon; to give up; to cede 表列泰寧王察割陰謀事
483 6 misfortune 表列泰寧王察割陰謀事
484 6 luàn chaotic; disorderly 向太祖遭諸弟亂
485 6 luàn confused 向太祖遭諸弟亂
486 6 luàn to disturb; to upset; to throw into chaos 向太祖遭諸弟亂
487 6 luàn to be promiscuous 向太祖遭諸弟亂
488 6 luàn finale 向太祖遭諸弟亂
489 6 luàn to destroy 向太祖遭諸弟亂
490 6 luàn to confuse 向太祖遭諸弟亂
491 6 luàn agitated 向太祖遭諸弟亂
492 6 luàn very 向太祖遭諸弟亂
493 6 luàn unstable 向太祖遭諸弟亂
494 6 luàn revolt; rebelion; riot 向太祖遭諸弟亂
495 6 fēi Kangxi radical 175 神器非移他族
496 6 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 神器非移他族
497 6 fēi different 神器非移他族
498 6 fēi to not be; to not have 神器非移他族
499 6 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 神器非移他族
500 6 fēi Africa 神器非移他族

Frequencies of all Words

Top 888

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 55 zhī him; her; them; that 處之從容
2 55 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 處之從容
3 55 zhī to go 處之從容
4 55 zhī this; that 處之從容
5 55 zhī genetive marker 處之從容
6 55 zhī it 處之從容
7 55 zhī in; in regards to 處之從容
8 55 zhī all 處之從容
9 55 zhī and 處之從容
10 55 zhī however 處之從容
11 55 zhī if 處之從容
12 55 zhī then 處之從容
13 55 zhī to arrive; to go 處之從容
14 55 zhī is 處之從容
15 55 zhī to use 處之從容
16 55 zhī Zhi 處之從容
17 55 zhī winding 處之從容
18 42 so as to; in order to 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
19 42 to use; to regard as 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
20 42 to use; to grasp 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
21 42 according to 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
22 42 because of 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
23 42 on a certain date 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
24 42 and; as well as 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
25 42 to rely on 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
26 42 to regard 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
27 42 to be able to 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
28 42 to order; to command 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
29 42 further; moreover 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
30 42 used after a verb 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
31 42 very 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
32 42 already 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
33 42 increasingly 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
34 42 a reason; a cause 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
35 42 Israel 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
36 42 Yi 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
37 41 yuē to speak; to say 謂守者曰
38 41 yuē Kangxi radical 73 謂守者曰
39 41 yuē to be called 謂守者曰
40 41 yuē particle without meaning 謂守者曰
41 36 a room 耶律屋質耶律吼
42 36 a house; a building 耶律屋質耶律吼
43 36 carraige canopy 耶律屋質耶律吼
44 36 a tent 耶律屋質耶律吼
45 35 zhì matter; material; substance 耶律屋質耶律吼
46 35 zhì a hostage; a guarantee; a pledged item 耶律屋質耶律吼
47 35 zhì nature; character; essence 耶律屋質耶律吼
48 35 zhì plain; simple 耶律屋質耶律吼
49 35 zhì to question 耶律屋質耶律吼
50 35 zhì to pledge; to pawn 耶律屋質耶律吼
51 35 zhì quality 耶律屋質耶律吼
52 33 wèi for; to 為惕隱
53 33 wèi because of 為惕隱
54 33 wéi to act as; to serve 為惕隱
55 33 wéi to change into; to become 為惕隱
56 33 wéi to be; is 為惕隱
57 33 wéi to do 為惕隱
58 33 wèi for 為惕隱
59 33 wèi because of; for; to 為惕隱
60 33 wèi to 為惕隱
61 33 wéi in a passive construction 為惕隱
62 33 wéi forming a rehetorical question 為惕隱
63 33 wéi forming an adverb 為惕隱
64 33 wéi to add emphasis 為惕隱
65 33 wèi to support; to help 為惕隱
66 33 wéi to govern 為惕隱
67 32 太后 tài hòu Empress Dowager 太后聞之
68 32 太后 tài hòu Consort Dowager 太后聞之
69 23 to stand 諸大臣立世宗
70 23 Kangxi radical 117 諸大臣立世宗
71 23 erect; upright; vertical 諸大臣立世宗
72 23 to establish; to set up; to found 諸大臣立世宗
73 23 to conclude; to draw up 諸大臣立世宗
74 23 to ascend the throne 諸大臣立世宗
75 23 to designate; to appoint 諸大臣立世宗
76 23 to live; to exist 諸大臣立世宗
77 23 instantaneously; immediatley 諸大臣立世宗
78 23 to erect; to stand something up 諸大臣立世宗
79 23 to take a stand 諸大臣立世宗
80 23 to cease; to stop 諸大臣立世宗
81 23 a two week period at the onset o feach season 諸大臣立世宗
82 23 wáng Wang 永康王皆太祖子孫
83 23 wáng a king 永康王皆太祖子孫
84 23 wáng Kangxi radical 96 永康王皆太祖子孫
85 23 wàng to be king; to rule 永康王皆太祖子孫
86 23 wáng a prince; a duke 永康王皆太祖子孫
87 23 wáng grand; great 永康王皆太祖子孫
88 23 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 永康王皆太祖子孫
89 23 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 永康王皆太祖子孫
90 23 wáng the head of a group or gang 永康王皆太祖子孫
91 23 wáng the biggest or best of a group 永康王皆太祖子孫
92 20 耶律 yélǜ Yelu 耶律屋質耶律吼
93 20 emperor; supreme ruler 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
94 20 the ruler of Heaven 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
95 20 a god 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
96 20 imperialism 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
97 19 ān calm; still; quiet; peaceful 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
98 19 ān to calm; to pacify 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
99 19 ān where 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
100 19 ān safe; secure 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
101 19 ān comfortable; happy 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
102 19 ān to find a place for 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
103 19 ān to install; to fix; to fit 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
104 19 ān to be content 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
105 19 ān to cherish 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
106 19 ān to bestow; to confer 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
107 19 ān amphetamine 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
108 19 ān ampere 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
109 19 ān to add; to submit 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
110 19 ān to reside; to live at 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
111 19 ān to be used to; to be familiar with 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
112 19 ān how; why 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
113 19 ān thus; so; therefore 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
114 19 ān deliberately 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
115 19 ān naturally 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
116 19 ān an 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
117 18 大王 dàwáng king 太后與大王若能釋怨
118 18 大王 dàwáng magnate; person having expert skill in something 太后與大王若能釋怨
119 17 nián year 天祿二年
120 17 nián New Year festival 天祿二年
121 17 nián age 天祿二年
122 17 nián life span; life expectancy 天祿二年
123 17 nián an era; a period 天祿二年
124 17 nián a date 天祿二年
125 17 nián time; years 天祿二年
126 17 nián harvest 天祿二年
127 17 nián annual; every year 天祿二年
128 17 in; at 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
129 17 in; at 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
130 17 in; at; to; from 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
131 17 to go; to 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
132 17 to rely on; to depend on 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
133 17 to go to; to arrive at 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
134 17 from 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
135 17 give 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
136 17 oppposing 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
137 17 and 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
138 17 compared to 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
139 17 by 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
140 17 and; as well as 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
141 17 for 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
142 17 Yu 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
143 17 a crow 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
144 17 whew; wow 太后乃遣屋質授書於帝
145 16 tuán to roll up into a ball with one's hands 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
146 16 tuán round 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
147 16 tuán a clump 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
148 16 tuán a wheel; a spiral 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
149 16 tuán to rely on 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
150 16 zhuān specialized 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
151 16 tuán to combine 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
152 15 世宗 shìzōng King Sejong the Great; Sejong Daewang 諸大臣立世宗
153 15 世宗 shìzōng Sejong 諸大臣立世宗
154 15 世宗 shìzōng Shizong 諸大臣立世宗
155 15 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 若何而和
156 15 ér Kangxi radical 126 若何而和
157 15 ér you 若何而和
158 15 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 若何而和
159 15 ér right away; then 若何而和
160 15 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 若何而和
161 15 ér if; in case; in the event that 若何而和
162 15 ér therefore; as a result; thus 若何而和
163 15 ér how can it be that? 若何而和
164 15 ér so as to 若何而和
165 15 ér only then 若何而和
166 15 ér as if; to seem like 若何而和
167 15 néng can; able 若何而和
168 15 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 若何而和
169 15 ér me 若何而和
170 15 ér to arrive; up to 若何而和
171 15 ér possessive 若何而和
172 15 chén minister; statesman; official 故臣願竭死力
173 15 chén Kangxi radical 131 故臣願竭死力
174 15 chén a slave 故臣願竭死力
175 15 chén you 故臣願竭死力
176 15 chén Chen 故臣願竭死力
177 15 chén to obey; to comply 故臣願竭死力
178 15 chén to command; to direct 故臣願竭死力
179 15 chén a subject 故臣願竭死力
180 15 not; no 何魯不
181 15 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 何魯不
182 15 as a correlative 何魯不
183 15 no (answering a question) 何魯不
184 15 forms a negative adjective from a noun 何魯不
185 15 at the end of a sentence to form a question 何魯不
186 15 to form a yes or no question 何魯不
187 15 infix potential marker 何魯不
188 14 shì matter; thing; item 遇事造次
189 14 shì to serve 遇事造次
190 14 shì a government post 遇事造次
191 14 shì duty; post; work 遇事造次
192 14 shì occupation 遇事造次
193 14 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 遇事造次
194 14 shì an accident 遇事造次
195 14 shì to attend 遇事造次
196 14 shì an allusion 遇事造次
197 14 shì a condition; a state; a situation 遇事造次
198 14 shì to engage in 遇事造次
199 14 shì to enslave 遇事造次
200 14 shì to pursue 遇事造次
201 14 shì to administer 遇事造次
202 14 shì to appoint 遇事造次
203 14 shì a piece 遇事造次
204 14 jiāng will; shall (future tense) 群臣將誰事
205 14 jiāng to get; to use; marker for direct-object 群臣將誰事
206 14 jiàng a general; a high ranking officer 群臣將誰事
207 14 jiāng to progress; to transmit; to convey; to send 群臣將誰事
208 14 jiāng and; or 群臣將誰事
209 14 jiàng to command; to lead 群臣將誰事
210 14 qiāng to request 群臣將誰事
211 14 jiāng approximately 群臣將誰事
212 14 jiāng to bring; to take; to use; to hold 群臣將誰事
213 14 jiāng to support; to wait upon; to take care of 群臣將誰事
214 14 jiāng to checkmate 群臣將誰事
215 14 jiāng to goad; to incite; to provoke 群臣將誰事
216 14 jiāng to do; to handle 群臣將誰事
217 14 jiāng placed between a verb and a complement of direction 群臣將誰事
218 14 jiāng furthermore; moreover 群臣將誰事
219 14 jiàng backbone 群臣將誰事
220 14 jiàng king 群臣將誰事
221 14 jiāng might; possibly 群臣將誰事
222 14 jiāng just; a short time ago 群臣將誰事
223 14 jiāng to rest 群臣將誰事
224 14 jiāng to the side 群臣將誰事
225 14 jiàng a senior member of an organization 群臣將誰事
226 14 jiāng large; great 群臣將誰事
227 13 hǒu to roar; to howl 耶律屋質耶律吼
228 13 hǒu to shout 耶律屋質耶律吼
229 13 hǒu to emit a loud sound 耶律屋質耶律吼
230 13 yǒu is; are; to exist 有器識
231 13 yǒu to have; to possess 有器識
232 13 yǒu indicates an estimate 有器識
233 13 yǒu indicates a large quantity 有器識
234 13 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 有器識
235 13 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 有器識
236 13 yǒu used to compare two things 有器識
237 13 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 有器識
238 13 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 有器識
239 13 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 有器識
240 13 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 有器識
241 13 yǒu abundant 有器識
242 13 yǒu purposeful 有器識
243 13 yǒu You 有器識
244 13 Li 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
245 13 plum 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
246 13 envoy; judge 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
247 13 Hu 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
248 13 what?, why?, how? 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
249 13 non-Han people 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
250 13 recklessly 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
251 13 foreign 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
252 13 huqin 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
253 13 big; great 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
254 13 hutong 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
255 13 dewlap 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
256 13 smaller curved blade on underside of a glaive 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
257 13 neck 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
258 13 longevity 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
259 13 Hu 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
260 13 beard; mustache 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
261 13 rén person; people; a human being 人莫能測
262 13 rén Kangxi radical 9 人莫能測
263 13 rén a kind of person 人莫能測
264 13 rén everybody 人莫能測
265 13 rén adult 人莫能測
266 13 rén somebody; others 人莫能測
267 13 rén an upright person 人莫能測
268 12 what; where; which 何魯不
269 12 to carry on the shoulder 何魯不
270 12 who 何魯不
271 12 what 何魯不
272 12 why 何魯不
273 12 how 何魯不
274 12 how much 何魯不
275 12 He 何魯不
276 12 and 與永康王和議
277 12 to give 與永康王和議
278 12 together with 與永康王和議
279 12 interrogative particle 與永康王和議
280 12 to accompany 與永康王和議
281 12 to particate in 與永康王和議
282 12 of the same kind 與永康王和議
283 12 to help 與永康王和議
284 12 for 與永康王和議
285 12 zhū all; many; various 諸大臣立世宗
286 12 zhū Zhu 諸大臣立世宗
287 12 zhū all; members of the class 諸大臣立世宗
288 12 zhū interrogative particle 諸大臣立世宗
289 12 zhū him; her; them; it 諸大臣立世宗
290 12 zhū of; in 諸大臣立世宗
291 12 to reach 悔將何及
292 12 and 悔將何及
293 12 coming to; when 悔將何及
294 12 to attain 悔將何及
295 12 to understand 悔將何及
296 12 able to be compared to; to catch up with 悔將何及
297 12 to be involved with; to associate with 悔將何及
298 12 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 悔將何及
299 12 永康 yǒngkāng Yongkang 永康王皆太祖子孫
300 11 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若果戰
301 11 ruò seemingly 若果戰
302 11 ruò if 若果戰
303 11 ruò you 若果戰
304 11 ruò this; that 若果戰
305 11 ruò and; or 若果戰
306 11 ruò as for; pertaining to 若果戰
307 11 pomegranite 若果戰
308 11 ruò to choose 若果戰
309 11 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若果戰
310 11 ruò thus 若果戰
311 11 ruò pollia 若果戰
312 11 ruò Ruo 若果戰
313 11 ruò only then 若果戰
314 11 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 謂守者曰
315 11 zhě that 謂守者曰
316 11 zhě nominalizing function word 謂守者曰
317 11 zhě used to mark a definition 謂守者曰
318 11 zhě used to mark a pause 謂守者曰
319 11 zhě topic marker; that; it 謂守者曰
320 11 zhuó according to 謂守者曰
321 11 jūn army; military 軍次潢河橫渡
322 11 jūn soldiers; troops 軍次潢河橫渡
323 11 jūn an organized collective 軍次潢河橫渡
324 11 jūn to garrison; to stay an an encampment 軍次潢河橫渡
325 11 jūn a garrison 軍次潢河橫渡
326 11 jūn a front 軍次潢河橫渡
327 11 jūn penal miltary service 軍次潢河橫渡
328 11 jūn to organize troops 軍次潢河橫渡
329 11 to hit; to beat 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
330 11 liè intense; fierce 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
331 11 liè grand 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
332 11 liè ablaze 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
333 11 liè to set on fire 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
334 11 liè principled; upright 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
335 11 liè violent 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
336 11 liè devoted 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
337 11 liè glorious 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
338 11 liè famous 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
339 10 nǎi thus; so; therefore; then; only; thereupon 乃設事奉書
340 10 nǎi to be 乃設事奉書
341 10 nǎi you; yours 乃設事奉書
342 10 nǎi also; moreover 乃設事奉書
343 10 nǎi however; but 乃設事奉書
344 10 nǎi if 乃設事奉書
345 10 shí time; a point or period of time 時屋質從太后
346 10 shí a season; a quarter of a year 時屋質從太后
347 10 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 時屋質從太后
348 10 shí at that time 時屋質從太后
349 10 shí fashionable 時屋質從太后
350 10 shí fate; destiny; luck 時屋質從太后
351 10 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 時屋質從太后
352 10 shí tense 時屋質從太后
353 10 shí particular; special 時屋質從太后
354 10 shí to plant; to cultivate 時屋質從太后
355 10 shí hour (measure word) 時屋質從太后
356 10 shí an era; a dynasty 時屋質從太后
357 10 shí time [abstract] 時屋質從太后
358 10 shí seasonal 時屋質從太后
359 10 shí frequently; often 時屋質從太后
360 10 shí occasionally; sometimes 時屋質從太后
361 10 shí on time 時屋質從太后
362 10 shí this; that 時屋質從太后
363 10 shí to wait upon 時屋質從太后
364 10 shí hour 時屋質從太后
365 10 shí appropriate; proper; timely 時屋質從太后
366 10 shí Shi 時屋質從太后
367 10 shí a present; currentlt 時屋質從太后
368 9 yuàn a school 為北院大王
369 9 yuàn a courtyard; a yard; a court 為北院大王
370 9 yuàn a public institution 為北院大王
371 9 yuàn a government department 為北院大王
372 9 shàng top; a high position 上喜其忠
373 9 shang top; the position on or above something 上喜其忠
374 9 shàng to go up; to go forward 上喜其忠
375 9 shàng shang 上喜其忠
376 9 shàng previous; last 上喜其忠
377 9 shàng high; higher 上喜其忠
378 9 shàng advanced 上喜其忠
379 9 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上喜其忠
380 9 shàng time 上喜其忠
381 9 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上喜其忠
382 9 shàng far 上喜其忠
383 9 shàng big; as big as 上喜其忠
384 9 shàng abundant; plentiful 上喜其忠
385 9 shàng to report 上喜其忠
386 9 shàng to offer 上喜其忠
387 9 shàng to go on stage 上喜其忠
388 9 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上喜其忠
389 9 shàng to install; to erect 上喜其忠
390 9 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上喜其忠
391 9 shàng to burn 上喜其忠
392 9 shàng to remember 上喜其忠
393 9 shang on; in 上喜其忠
394 9 shàng upward 上喜其忠
395 9 shàng to add 上喜其忠
396 9 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上喜其忠
397 9 shàng to meet 上喜其忠
398 9 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上喜其忠
399 9 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上喜其忠
400 9 shàng a musical note 上喜其忠
401 9 to criticize 與永康王和議
402 9 to discuss 與永康王和議
403 9 to select; to choose 與永康王和議
404 9 an idea; an opinion; a suggestion; an objection 與永康王和議
405 9 to evaluate 與永康王和議
406 9 views; remarks; arguments 與永康王和議
407 9 argument 與永康王和議
408 9 běi north 為北院大王
409 9 běi fleeing troops 為北院大王
410 9 běi to go north 為北院大王
411 9 běi to be defeated; to be routed 為北院大王
412 9 běi to violate; to betray 為北院大王
413 8 bīng soldier; troops 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
414 8 bīng weapons 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
415 8 bīng military; warfare 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
416 8 and 與永康王和議
417 8 to join together; together with; to accompany 與永康王和議
418 8 peace; harmony 與永康王和議
419 8 He 與永康王和議
420 8 harmonious [sound] 與永康王和議
421 8 gentle; amiable; acquiescent 與永康王和議
422 8 warm 與永康王和議
423 8 to harmonize; to make peace 與永康王和議
424 8 a transaction 與永康王和議
425 8 a bell on a chariot 與永康王和議
426 8 a musical instrument 與永康王和議
427 8 a military gate 與永康王和議
428 8 a coffin headboard 與永康王和議
429 8 a skilled worker 與永康王和議
430 8 compatible 與永康王和議
431 8 calm; peaceful 與永康王和議
432 8 to sing in accompaniment 與永康王和議
433 8 to write a matching poem 與永康王和議
434 8 again; more; repeatedly 帝遣宣徽使耶律海思復書
435 8 to go back; to return 帝遣宣徽使耶律海思復書
436 8 to resume; to restart 帝遣宣徽使耶律海思復書
437 8 to do in detail 帝遣宣徽使耶律海思復書
438 8 to restore 帝遣宣徽使耶律海思復書
439 8 to respond; to reply to 帝遣宣徽使耶律海思復書
440 8 after all; and then 帝遣宣徽使耶律海思復書
441 8 even if; although 帝遣宣徽使耶律海思復書
442 8 Fu; Return 帝遣宣徽使耶律海思復書
443 8 to retaliate; to reciprocate 帝遣宣徽使耶律海思復書
444 8 to avoid forced labor or tax 帝遣宣徽使耶律海思復書
445 8 particle without meaing 帝遣宣徽使耶律海思復書
446 8 Fu 帝遣宣徽使耶律海思復書
447 8 repeated; again 帝遣宣徽使耶律海思復書
448 8 doubled; to overlapping; folded 帝遣宣徽使耶律海思復書
449 8 a lined garment with doubled thickness 帝遣宣徽使耶律海思復書
450 8 a winding ditch 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
451 8 a depression; a swamp 耶律安摶耶律窪耶律頹昱耶律撻烈
452 8 liú Liu 劉哥等於泰德泉
453 8 liú an axe; a hatchet 劉哥等於泰德泉
454 8 liú to massacre; to slaughter 劉哥等於泰德泉
455 8 liú sparse; scattered 劉哥等於泰德泉
456 8 qiǎn to send; to dispatch 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
457 8 qiǎn to banish; to exile 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
458 8 qiǎn to release 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
459 8 qiǎn to divorce 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
460 8 qiǎn to eliminate 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
461 8 qiǎn to cause 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
462 8 qiǎn to use; to apply 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
463 8 qiàn to bring to a grave 遣皇子李胡以兵逆擊
464 8 chū to go out; to leave 系出孟父房
465 8 chū measure word for dramas, plays, operas, etc 系出孟父房
466 8 chū to produce; to put forth; to issue; to grow up 系出孟父房
467 8 chū to extend; to spread 系出孟父房
468 8 chū to appear 系出孟父房
469 8 chū to exceed 系出孟父房
470 8 chū to publish; to post 系出孟父房
471 8 chū to take up an official post 系出孟父房
472 8 chū to give birth 系出孟父房
473 8 chū a verb complement 系出孟父房
474 8 chū to occur; to happen 系出孟父房
475 8 chū to divorce 系出孟父房
476 8 chū to chase away 系出孟父房
477 8 chū to escape; to leave 系出孟父房
478 8 chū to give 系出孟父房
479 8 chū to emit 系出孟父房
480 8 chū quoted from 系出孟父房
481 8 Shandong 何魯不
482 8 Lu 何魯不
483 8 foolish; stupid; rash; vulgar 何魯不
484 8 the State of Lu 何魯不
485 8 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 辭多不遜
486 8 duó many; much 辭多不遜
487 8 duō more 辭多不遜
488 8 duō an unspecified extent 辭多不遜
489 8 duō used in exclamations 辭多不遜
490 8 duō excessive 辭多不遜
491 8 duō to what extent 辭多不遜
492 8 duō abundant 辭多不遜
493 8 duō to multiply; to acrue 辭多不遜
494 8 duō mostly 辭多不遜
495 8 duō simply; merely 辭多不遜
496 8 duō frequently 辭多不遜
497 8 duō very 辭多不遜
498 8 duō Duo 辭多不遜
499 8 wén to hear 太后聞之
500 8 wén Wen 太后聞之

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
安王 196 King An of Zhou
  1. Bian River
  2. Henan
  3. Bian
渤海 98 Bohai Sea
春秋 99
  1. Spring and Autumn Period
  2. a person's age
  3. Chunqiu; Annals of Spring and Autumn
  4. spring and autumn
党项 黨項 100
  1. Dang Xiang; Tangut People
  2. Tangut
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
汉人 漢人 104 Han Chinese person or people
河东 河東 104
  1. Hedong
  2. Hedong
户口 戶口 104 Hukou; registered residence
  1. a large river
  2. Yangtze River
  3. Jiang
  4. Jiangsu
  5. Jiang
节度使 節度使 106 military commissioner; jiedushi
  1. shanxi
  2. jin [dynasty]
  3. to move forward; to promote; to advance
  4. to raise
  5. Jin [state]
  6. Jin
  1. a bridge
  2. Liang Dynasty
  3. City of Liang
  4. State of Liang
  5. Liang
  6. a beam; rafters
  7. a fishing sluice
  8. to lose footing
  9. State of Liang
  10. a ridge
  11. later Liang
  1. Shandong
  2. Lu
  3. foolish; stupid; rash; vulgar
  4. the State of Lu
栾城 欒城 108 Luancheng
穆宗 109 Muzong
南院 110 Nanyuan
  1. type of rush; a vine
  2. Pu
  3. Pu
齐王 齊王 113 Qi Wang; Cao Fang
  1. you; thou
  2. Ru River
  3. Ru
上京 115 Shangjing
世宗 115
  1. King Sejong the Great; Sejong Daewang
  2. Sejong
  3. Shizong
枢密使 樞密使 115 Commissioner of Military Affairs
嗣圣 嗣聖 115 Sisheng
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
115 Sui Dynasty
太后 116
  1. Empress Dowager
  2. Consort Dowager
泰宁 泰寧 116 Taining
太原 116 Taiyuan
太宗 116
  1. Emperor Taizong
  2. Tai Zong; Minister of Rites
五月 119 May; the Fifth Month
宣徽使 120 Commissioner of Court Palace Attendants; Palace Provisions Commisioner
雁门 雁門 121 Yanmen
耶律 121 Yelu
谒者 謁者 121
  1. an envoy
  2. Master of Ceremonies; Receptionist
  3. Yezhe
永康 121 Yongkang


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English