Glossary and Vocabulary for Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《管晏列傳》 Biographies of Guan and Yan

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 32 zhī to go 鮑叔終善遇之
2 32 zhī to arrive; to go 鮑叔終善遇之
3 32 zhī is 鮑叔終善遇之
4 32 zhī to use 鮑叔終善遇之
5 32 zhī Zhi 鮑叔終善遇之
6 32 zhī winding 鮑叔終善遇之
7 20 Qi 鮑叔知其賢
8 18 ér Kangxi radical 126 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
9 18 ér as if; to seem like 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
10 18 néng can; able 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
11 18 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
12 18 ér to arrive; up to 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
13 18 管仲 guǎn zhòng Guanzi; Guan Zhong 管仲夷吾者
14 16 wéi to act as; to serve 不以為言
15 16 wéi to change into; to become 不以為言
16 16 wéi to be; is 不以為言
17 16 wéi to do 不以為言
18 16 wèi to support; to help 不以為言
19 16 wéi to govern 不以為言
20 15 bào abalone 鮑叔知其賢
21 15 bào dried fish 鮑叔知其賢
22 15 bào Bao 鮑叔知其賢
23 14 shū father's younger brother 鮑叔知其賢
24 14 shū Shu 鮑叔知其賢
25 14 shū third eldest 鮑叔知其賢
26 14 shū declining; waning 鮑叔知其賢
27 13 self 鮑叔不以我為貪
28 13 [my] dear 鮑叔不以我為貪
29 13 Wo 鮑叔不以我為貪
30 12 to go; to 任政於齊
31 12 to rely on; to depend on 任政於齊
32 12 Yu 任政於齊
33 12 a crow 任政於齊
34 10 晏子 yàn zǐ Yan Zi 後百餘年而有晏子焉
35 10 even; equal; uniform 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
36 10 Kangxi radical 210 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
37 10 Qi Dynasty 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
38 10 State of Qi 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
39 10 to arrange 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
40 10 agile; nimble 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
41 10 navel 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
42 10 to rise; to ascend 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
43 10 chopped meat or vegetables 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
44 10 to blend ingredients 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
45 10 to delimit; to distinguish 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
46 10 the lower part of a garment 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
47 10 broomcorn millet 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
48 10 zhāi to fast 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
49 10 to level with 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
50 10 all present; all ready 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
51 10 Qi 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
52 10 alike; similar; identical; same 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
53 10 an alloy 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
54 10 zhī to know 鮑叔知其賢
55 10 zhī to comprehend 鮑叔知其賢
56 10 zhī to inform; to tell 鮑叔知其賢
57 10 zhī to administer 鮑叔知其賢
58 10 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 鮑叔知其賢
59 10 zhī to be close friends 鮑叔知其賢
60 10 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 鮑叔知其賢
61 10 zhī to receive; to entertain 鮑叔知其賢
62 10 zhī knowledge 鮑叔知其賢
63 10 zhī consciousness; perception 鮑叔知其賢
64 10 zhī a close friend 鮑叔知其賢
65 10 zhì wisdom 鮑叔知其賢
66 10 zhì Zhi 鮑叔知其賢
67 10 zhī to appreciate 鮑叔知其賢
68 10 zhī to make known 鮑叔知其賢
69 10 zhī to have control over 鮑叔知其賢
70 10 zhī to expect; to foresee 鮑叔知其賢
71 9 Wu 管仲夷吾者
72 8 infix potential marker 知我不遭時也
73 8 yuē to speak; to say 管仲曰
74 8 yuē Kangxi radical 73 管仲曰
75 8 yuē to be called 管仲曰
76 7 不以 bùyǐ not because of 不以為言
77 7 不以 bùyǐ not use 不以為言
78 7 不以 bùyǐ not care about 不以為言
79 6 to use; to grasp 齊桓公以霸
80 6 to rely on 齊桓公以霸
81 6 to regard 齊桓公以霸
82 6 to be able to 齊桓公以霸
83 6 to order; to command 齊桓公以霸
84 6 used after a verb 齊桓公以霸
85 6 a reason; a cause 齊桓公以霸
86 6 Israel 齊桓公以霸
87 6 Yi 齊桓公以霸
88 6 sān three 吾嘗三仕三見逐於君
89 6 sān third 吾嘗三仕三見逐於君
90 6 sān more than two 吾嘗三仕三見逐於君
91 6 sān very few 吾嘗三仕三見逐於君
92 6 sān San 吾嘗三仕三見逐於君
93 6 to complete; to finish 管仲既用
94 6 Ji 管仲既用
95 5 xiàng to observe; to assess 管仲既任政相齊
96 5 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 管仲既任政相齊
97 5 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 管仲既任政相齊
98 5 xiàng to aid; to help 管仲既任政相齊
99 5 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 管仲既任政相齊
100 5 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 管仲既任政相齊
101 5 xiāng alternately; in turn 管仲既任政相齊
102 5 xiāng Xiang 管仲既任政相齊
103 5 xiāng form substance 管仲既任政相齊
104 5 xiāng to express 管仲既任政相齊
105 5 xiàng to choose 管仲既任政相齊
106 5 xiāng Xiang 管仲既任政相齊
107 5 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 管仲既任政相齊
108 5 xiāng the seventh lunar month 管仲既任政相齊
109 5 xiāng to compare 管仲既任政相齊
110 5 xiàng to divine 管仲既任政相齊
111 5 xiàng to administer 管仲既任政相齊
112 5 xiàng helper for a blind person 管仲既任政相齊
113 5 xiāng rhythm [music] 管仲既任政相齊
114 5 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 管仲既任政相齊
115 5 xiāng coralwood 管仲既任政相齊
116 5 xiàng ministry 管仲既任政相齊
117 5 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 管仲既任政相齊
118 5 to give 少時常與鮑叔牙游
119 5 to accompany 少時常與鮑叔牙游
120 5 to particate in 少時常與鮑叔牙游
121 5 of the same kind 少時常與鮑叔牙游
122 5 to help 少時常與鮑叔牙游
123 5 for 少時常與鮑叔牙游
124 5 桓公 huángōng Lord Huan 及小白立為桓公
125 5 zài in; at 以區區之齊在海濱
126 5 zài to exist; to be living 以區區之齊在海濱
127 5 zài to consist of 以區區之齊在海濱
128 5 zài to be at a post 以區區之齊在海濱
129 5 zhèng government; administration 任政於齊
130 5 zhèng politics 任政於齊
131 5 zhèng organizational affairs 任政於齊
132 5 zhèng to rule 任政於齊
133 5 zhèng administrative affairs 任政於齊
134 5 zhèng laws 任政於齊
135 5 zhèng policy 任政於齊
136 5 zhèng to correctons [a document] 任政於齊
137 5 諸侯 zhū hóu the feudal lords 九合諸侯
138 5 因而 yīnér willful; careless 因而予之
139 4 guī to go back; to return 諸侯由是歸齊
140 4 guī to belong to; to be classified as 諸侯由是歸齊
141 4 guī to take refuge in; to rely on; to depend on 諸侯由是歸齊
142 4 guī used between a repeated verb to indicate contrast 諸侯由是歸齊
143 4 guī to revert to; to give back to 諸侯由是歸齊
144 4 guī (of a woman) to get married 諸侯由是歸齊
145 4 guī to assemble; to meet together; to converge 諸侯由是歸齊
146 4 guī to appreciate; to admire 諸侯由是歸齊
147 4 guī to divide with a single digit divisor 諸侯由是歸齊
148 4 guī to pledge allegiance to 諸侯由是歸齊
149 4 guī to withdraw 諸侯由是歸齊
150 4 guī to settle down 諸侯由是歸齊
151 4 guī Gui 諸侯由是歸齊
152 4 kuì to give; to sacrifice food 諸侯由是歸齊
153 4 kuì ashamed 諸侯由是歸齊
154 4 to be near by; to be close to 即危言
155 4 at that time 即危言
156 4 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 即危言
157 4 supposed; so-called 即危言
158 4 to arrive at; to ascend 即危言
159 4 cháng to taste 嘗與鮑叔賈
160 4 cháng to attempt 嘗與鮑叔賈
161 4 cháng to experience 嘗與鮑叔賈
162 4 cháng a ritual offering in the fall 嘗與鮑叔賈
163 4 cháng Chang 嘗與鮑叔賈
164 4 a man; a male adult 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
165 4 husband 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
166 4 a person 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
167 4 someone who does manual work 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
168 4 a hired worker 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
169 4 to defend; to resist 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
170 4 imperial 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
171 4 to drive a chariot 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
172 4 charioteer 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
173 4 to govern; to administer 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
174 4 to attend 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
175 4 to offer 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
176 4 to prevent; to block 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
177 4 an attendant; a servant 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
178 4 Yu 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
179 4 to welcome; to greet 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
180 4 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 分財利多自與
181 4 duó many; much 分財利多自與
182 4 duō more 分財利多自與
183 4 duō excessive 分財利多自與
184 4 duō abundant 分財利多自與
185 4 duō to multiply; to acrue 分財利多自與
186 4 duō Duo 分財利多自與
187 4 shí real; true 倉廩實而知禮節
188 4 shí nut; seed; fruit 倉廩實而知禮節
189 4 shí substance; content; material 倉廩實而知禮節
190 4 shí honest; sincere 倉廩實而知禮節
191 4 shí vast; extensive 倉廩實而知禮節
192 4 shí solid 倉廩實而知禮節
193 4 shí abundant; prosperous 倉廩實而知禮節
194 4 shí reality; a fact; an event 倉廩實而知禮節
195 4 shí wealth; property 倉廩實而知禮節
196 4 shí effect; result 倉廩實而知禮節
197 4 shí an honest person 倉廩實而知禮節
198 4 shí to fill 倉廩實而知禮節
199 4 shí complete 倉廩實而知禮節
200 4 shí to strengthen 倉廩實而知禮節
201 4 shí to practice 倉廩實而知禮節
202 4 shí namely 倉廩實而知禮節
203 4 shí to verify; to check; to confirm 倉廩實而知禮節
204 4 shí full; at capacity 倉廩實而知禮節
205 4 shí supplies; goods 倉廩實而知禮節
206 4 shí Shichen 倉廩實而知禮節
207 4 公子 gōngzǐ son of an official; son of nobility; prince 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
208 4 公子 gōngzǐ your son (honorific) 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
209 4 to go 因而去之
210 4 to remove; to wipe off; to eliminate 因而去之
211 4 to be distant 因而去之
212 4 to leave 因而去之
213 4 to play a part 因而去之
214 4 to abandon; to give up 因而去之
215 4 to die 因而去之
216 4 previous; past 因而去之
217 4 to send out; to issue; to drive away 因而去之
218 4 falling tone 因而去之
219 4 to lose 因而去之
220 4 Qu 因而去之
221 4 xián virtuous; worthy 鮑叔知其賢
222 4 xián able; capable 鮑叔知其賢
223 4 xián admirable 鮑叔知其賢
224 4 xián a talented person 鮑叔知其賢
225 4 xián India 鮑叔知其賢
226 4 xián to respect 鮑叔知其賢
227 4 xián to excel; to surpass 鮑叔知其賢
228 4 child; son 知我者鮑子也
229 4 egg; newborn 知我者鮑子也
230 4 first earthly branch 知我者鮑子也
231 4 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 知我者鮑子也
232 4 Kangxi radical 39 知我者鮑子也
233 4 pellet; something small and hard 知我者鮑子也
234 4 master 知我者鮑子也
235 4 viscount 知我者鮑子也
236 4 zi you; your honor 知我者鮑子也
237 4 masters 知我者鮑子也
238 4 person 知我者鮑子也
239 4 young 知我者鮑子也
240 4 seed 知我者鮑子也
241 4 subordinate; subsidiary 知我者鮑子也
242 4 a copper coin 知我者鮑子也
243 4 female dragonfly 知我者鮑子也
244 4 constituent 知我者鮑子也
245 4 offspring; descendants 知我者鮑子也
246 4 dear 知我者鮑子也
247 4 little one 知我者鮑子也
248 4 shì a generation 有封邑者十餘世
249 4 shì a period of thirty years 有封邑者十餘世
250 4 shì the world 有封邑者十餘世
251 4 shì years; age 有封邑者十餘世
252 4 shì a dynasty 有封邑者十餘世
253 4 shì secular; worldly 有封邑者十餘世
254 4 shì over generations 有封邑者十餘世
255 4 shì world 有封邑者十餘世
256 4 shì an era 有封邑者十餘世
257 4 shì from generation to generation; across generations 有封邑者十餘世
258 4 shì to keep good family relations 有封邑者十餘世
259 4 shì Shi 有封邑者十餘世
260 4 shì a geologic epoch 有封邑者十餘世
261 4 shì hereditary 有封邑者十餘世
262 4 shì later generations 有封邑者十餘世
263 4 shì a successor; an heir 有封邑者十餘世
264 4 shì the current times 有封邑者十餘世
265 3 shí a rock; a stone 越石父賢
266 3 shí Shi 越石父賢
267 3 shí Shijiazhuang 越石父賢
268 3 shí Kangxi radical 112 越石父賢
269 3 shí a stone needle 越石父賢
270 3 shí mineral 越石父賢
271 3 shí a stone tablet 越石父賢
272 3 jiū to investigate; to inspect; to entangle 管仲事公子糾
273 3 jiū to bind 管仲事公子糾
274 3 jiū to gather together 管仲事公子糾
275 3 jiū to correct 管仲事公子糾
276 3 jiū to reprehend 管仲事公子糾
277 3 jiū rope 管仲事公子糾
278 3 jiū to supervise 管仲事公子糾
279 3 jìn to enter 鮑叔遂進管仲
280 3 jìn to advance 鮑叔遂進管仲
281 3 shì matter; thing; item 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
282 3 shì to serve 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
283 3 shì a government post 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
284 3 shì duty; post; work 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
285 3 shì occupation 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
286 3 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
287 3 shì an accident 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
288 3 shì to attend 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
289 3 shì an allusion 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
290 3 shì a condition; a state; a situation 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
291 3 shì to engage in 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
292 3 shì to enslave 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
293 3 shì to pursue 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
294 3 shì to administer 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
295 3 shì to appoint 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
296 3 qiè consort; concubine 妾不衣帛
297 3 qiè handmaid; female servant 妾不衣帛
298 3 cháng Chang 常欺鮑叔
299 3 cháng common; general; ordinary 常欺鮑叔
300 3 cháng a principle; a rule 常欺鮑叔
301 3 xiǎn to show; to manifest; to display 知我不羞小睗而恥功名不顯于天下也
302 3 xiǎn Xian 知我不羞小睗而恥功名不顯于天下也
303 3 xiǎn evident; clear 知我不羞小睗而恥功名不顯于天下也
304 3 xiǎn distinguished 知我不羞小睗而恥功名不顯于天下也
305 3 xiǎn honored 知我不羞小睗而恥功名不顯于天下也
306 3 所謂 suǒwèi so-called 管仲世所謂賢臣
307 3 dialect; language; speech 君語及之
308 3 to speak; to tell 君語及之
309 3 verse; writing 君語及之
310 3 to speak; to tell 君語及之
311 3 proverbs; common sayings; old expressions 君語及之
312 3 a signal 君語及之
313 3 to chirp; to tweet 君語及之
314 3 to reach 及小白立為桓公
315 3 to attain 及小白立為桓公
316 3 to understand 及小白立為桓公
317 3 able to be compared to; to catch up with 及小白立為桓公
318 3 to be involved with; to associate with 及小白立為桓公
319 3 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 及小白立為桓公
320 3 shí time; a point or period of time 吾始困時
321 3 shí a season; a quarter of a year 吾始困時
322 3 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 吾始困時
323 3 shí fashionable 吾始困時
324 3 shí fate; destiny; luck 吾始困時
325 3 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 吾始困時
326 3 shí tense 吾始困時
327 3 shí particular; special 吾始困時
328 3 shí to plant; to cultivate 吾始困時
329 3 shí an era; a dynasty 吾始困時
330 3 shí time [abstract] 吾始困時
331 3 shí seasonal 吾始困時
332 3 shí to wait upon 吾始困時
333 3 shí hour 吾始困時
334 3 shí appropriate; proper; timely 吾始困時
335 3 shí Shi 吾始困時
336 3 shí a present; currentlt 吾始困時
337 3 天下 tiānxià the territory ruled by the emperor; China 一匡天下
338 3 天下 tiānxià authority over China 一匡天下
339 3 天下 tiānxià the world 一匡天下
340 3 kǎi music for a triumphant return of troops 豈以為周道衰微
341 3 kǎi harmonious; happy 豈以為周道衰微
342 3 léi a chain for binding criminals 在縲紲中
343 3 popular; common 與俗同好惡
344 3 social customs 與俗同好惡
345 3 vulgar; unrefined 與俗同好惡
346 3 secular 與俗同好惡
347 3 míng fame; renown; reputation 常為名大夫
348 3 míng a name; personal name; designation 常為名大夫
349 3 míng rank; position 常為名大夫
350 3 míng an excuse 常為名大夫
351 3 míng life 常為名大夫
352 3 míng to name; to call 常為名大夫
353 3 míng to express; to describe 常為名大夫
354 3 míng to be called; to have the name 常為名大夫
355 3 míng to own; to possess 常為名大夫
356 3 míng famous; renowned 常為名大夫
357 3 míng moral 常為名大夫
358 3 知己 zhījǐ a close friend 吾聞君子詘於不知己而信於知己者
359 3 知己 zhījǐ to know oneself 吾聞君子詘於不知己而信於知己者
360 3 jūn sovereign; monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler 吾嘗三仕三見逐於君
361 3 jūn a mistress 吾嘗三仕三見逐於君
362 3 jūn date-plum 吾嘗三仕三見逐於君
363 3 jūn the son of heaven 吾嘗三仕三見逐於君
364 3 jūn to rule 吾嘗三仕三見逐於君
365 3 nǎi to be 國乃滅亡
366 3 suǒ a few; various; some 俗之所欲
367 3 suǒ a place; a location 俗之所欲
368 3 suǒ indicates a passive voice 俗之所欲
369 3 suǒ an ordinal number 俗之所欲
370 3 suǒ meaning 俗之所欲
371 3 suǒ garrison 俗之所欲
372 3 wife 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
373 3 to marry off 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
374 3 to take for a wife 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
375 3 rán to approve; to endorse 晏子懼然
376 3 rán to burn 晏子懼然
377 3 rán to pledge; to promise 晏子懼然
378 3 rán Ran 晏子懼然
379 3 zāi to start 詳哉其言之也
380 3 xiè a bridle 在縲紲中
381 3 xiè a halter 在縲紲中
382 3 father 越石父賢
383 3 Kangxi radical 88 越石父賢
384 3 a male of an older generation 越石父賢
385 3 a polite form of address for an older male 越石父賢
386 3 worker 越石父賢
387 3 yán to speak; to say; said 不以為言
388 3 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 不以為言
389 3 yán Kangxi radical 149 不以為言
390 3 yán phrase; sentence 不以為言
391 3 yán a word; a syllable 不以為言
392 3 yán a theory; a doctrine 不以為言
393 3 yán to regard as 不以為言
394 3 yán to act as 不以為言
395 3 以為 yǐwéi to believe; to think; to consider; to assume 然子之意自以為足
396 3 以為 yǐwéi to act as 然子之意自以為足
397 3 以為 yǐwèi to think 然子之意自以為足
398 3 以為 yǐwéi to use as 然子之意自以為足
399 3 jiàn to see 吾嘗三仕三見逐於君
400 3 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 吾嘗三仕三見逐於君
401 3 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 吾嘗三仕三見逐於君
402 3 jiàn refer to; for details see 吾嘗三仕三見逐於君
403 3 jiàn to listen to 吾嘗三仕三見逐於君
404 3 jiàn to meet 吾嘗三仕三見逐於君
405 3 jiàn to receive (a guest) 吾嘗三仕三見逐於君
406 3 jiàn let me; kindly 吾嘗三仕三見逐於君
407 3 jiàn Jian 吾嘗三仕三見逐於君
408 3 xiàn to appear 吾嘗三仕三見逐於君
409 3 xiàn to introduce 吾嘗三仕三見逐於君
410 3 desire 俗之所欲
411 3 to desire; to wish 俗之所欲
412 3 to desire; to intend 俗之所欲
413 3 lust 俗之所欲
414 2 莊公 zhuānggōng Lord Zhuang 莊公
415 2 qiáng strong; powerful 富國彊兵
416 2 jiàng stubborn; uncompromising 富國彊兵
417 2 qiǎng to strive; to be energetic 富國彊兵
418 2 shēn human body; torso 以身下之
419 2 shēn Kangxi radical 158 以身下之
420 2 shēn self 以身下之
421 2 shēn life 以身下之
422 2 shēn an object 以身下之
423 2 shēn a lifetime 以身下之
424 2 shēn moral character 以身下之
425 2 shēn status; identity; position 以身下之
426 2 shēn pregnancy 以身下之
427 2 juān India 以身下之
428 2 néng can; able 天下不多管仲之賢而多鮑叔能知人也
429 2 néng ability; capacity 天下不多管仲之賢而多鮑叔能知人也
430 2 néng a mythical bear-like beast 天下不多管仲之賢而多鮑叔能知人也
431 2 néng energy 天下不多管仲之賢而多鮑叔能知人也
432 2 néng function; use 天下不多管仲之賢而多鮑叔能知人也
433 2 néng talent 天下不多管仲之賢而多鮑叔能知人也
434 2 néng expert at 天下不多管仲之賢而多鮑叔能知人也
435 2 néng to be in harmony 天下不多管仲之賢而多鮑叔能知人也
436 2 néng to tend to; to care for 天下不多管仲之賢而多鮑叔能知人也
437 2 néng to reach; to arrive at 天下不多管仲之賢而多鮑叔能知人也
438 2 bài to defeat; to vanquish 公子糾敗
439 2 bài to decline 公子糾敗
440 2 bài to fail 公子糾敗
441 2 bài to rot; to spoil; to tarnish 公子糾敗
442 2 bài to lose; to be defeated 公子糾敗
443 2 bài to ruin; to damage 公子糾敗
444 2 bài worn 公子糾敗
445 2 bài a defeat 公子糾敗
446 2 bài failure 公子糾敗
447 2 bài to destroy; to wreck 公子糾敗
448 2 bài to dispel; to eliminate; to remove 公子糾敗
449 2 bài withered 公子糾敗
450 2 zāo to come across; to meet with; to encounter 知我不遭時也
451 2 zāo to receive 知我不遭時也
452 2 zāo luck; fate 知我不遭時也
453 2 zāo surroundings 知我不遭時也
454 2 rèn to bear; to undertake 任政於齊
455 2 rèn to trust to; to rely on 任政於齊
456 2 rèn duty; responsibility 任政於齊
457 2 rèn to allow; to permit 任政於齊
458 2 rèn to appoint 任政於齊
459 2 rén Ren 任政於齊
460 2 rèn to take office 任政於齊
461 2 rén Ren county 任政於齊
462 2 rèn an office; a post 任政於齊
463 2 rèn to be pregnant 任政於齊
464 2 rén crafty and fawning 任政於齊
465 2 jiǔ nine 九合諸侯
466 2 jiǔ many 九合諸侯
467 2 wèn to ask 夫問其故
468 2 wèn to inquire after 夫問其故
469 2 wèn to interrogate 夫問其故
470 2 wèn to hold responsible 夫問其故
471 2 wèn to request something 夫問其故
472 2 wèn to rebuke 夫問其故
473 2 wèn to send an official mission bearing gifts 夫問其故
474 2 wèn news 夫問其故
475 2 wèn to propose marriage 夫問其故
476 2 wén to inform 夫問其故
477 2 wèn to research 夫問其故
478 2 wèn Wen 夫問其故
479 2 wèn a question 夫問其故
480 2 to think; consider; to ponder 進思盡忠
481 2 thinking; consideration 進思盡忠
482 2 to miss; to long for 進思盡忠
483 2 emotions 進思盡忠
484 2 to mourn; to grieve 進思盡忠
485 2 Si 進思盡忠
486 2 sāi hairy [beard] 進思盡忠
487 2 ancient barbarian tribes 管仲夷吾者
488 2 Yi [people] 管仲夷吾者
489 2 foreign peoples 管仲夷吾者
490 2 smooth; level 管仲夷吾者
491 2 to demolish; to raze 管仲夷吾者
492 2 to exterminate 管仲夷吾者
493 2 safety 管仲夷吾者
494 2 calm; joyful 管仲夷吾者
495 2 uncouth 管仲夷吾者
496 2 flatland 管仲夷吾者
497 2 worn away; deteriorated 管仲夷吾者
498 2 a hoe 管仲夷吾者
499 2 a wound 管仲夷吾者
500 2 faint; invisible 管仲夷吾者

Frequencies of all Words

Top 927

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 32 zhī him; her; them; that 鮑叔終善遇之
2 32 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 鮑叔終善遇之
3 32 zhī to go 鮑叔終善遇之
4 32 zhī this; that 鮑叔終善遇之
5 32 zhī genetive marker 鮑叔終善遇之
6 32 zhī it 鮑叔終善遇之
7 32 zhī in; in regards to 鮑叔終善遇之
8 32 zhī all 鮑叔終善遇之
9 32 zhī and 鮑叔終善遇之
10 32 zhī however 鮑叔終善遇之
11 32 zhī if 鮑叔終善遇之
12 32 zhī then 鮑叔終善遇之
13 32 zhī to arrive; to go 鮑叔終善遇之
14 32 zhī is 鮑叔終善遇之
15 32 zhī to use 鮑叔終善遇之
16 32 zhī Zhi 鮑叔終善遇之
17 32 zhī winding 鮑叔終善遇之
18 20 his; hers; its; theirs 鮑叔知其賢
19 20 to add emphasis 鮑叔知其賢
20 20 used when asking a question in reply to a question 鮑叔知其賢
21 20 used when making a request or giving an order 鮑叔知其賢
22 20 he; her; it; them 鮑叔知其賢
23 20 probably; likely 鮑叔知其賢
24 20 will 鮑叔知其賢
25 20 may 鮑叔知其賢
26 20 if 鮑叔知其賢
27 20 or 鮑叔知其賢
28 20 Qi 鮑叔知其賢
29 18 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
30 18 ér Kangxi radical 126 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
31 18 ér you 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
32 18 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
33 18 ér right away; then 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
34 18 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
35 18 ér if; in case; in the event that 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
36 18 ér therefore; as a result; thus 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
37 18 ér how can it be that? 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
38 18 ér so as to 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
39 18 ér only then 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
40 18 ér as if; to seem like 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
41 18 néng can; able 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
42 18 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
43 18 ér me 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
44 18 ér to arrive; up to 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
45 18 ér possessive 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
46 18 管仲 guǎn zhòng Guanzi; Guan Zhong 管仲夷吾者
47 18 also; too 潁上人也
48 18 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 潁上人也
49 18 either 潁上人也
50 18 even 潁上人也
51 18 used to soften the tone 潁上人也
52 18 used for emphasis 潁上人也
53 18 used to mark contrast 潁上人也
54 18 used to mark compromise 潁上人也
55 16 wèi for; to 不以為言
56 16 wèi because of 不以為言
57 16 wéi to act as; to serve 不以為言
58 16 wéi to change into; to become 不以為言
59 16 wéi to be; is 不以為言
60 16 wéi to do 不以為言
61 16 wèi for 不以為言
62 16 wèi because of; for; to 不以為言
63 16 wèi to 不以為言
64 16 wéi in a passive construction 不以為言
65 16 wéi forming a rehetorical question 不以為言
66 16 wéi forming an adverb 不以為言
67 16 wéi to add emphasis 不以為言
68 16 wèi to support; to help 不以為言
69 16 wéi to govern 不以為言
70 15 bào abalone 鮑叔知其賢
71 15 bào dried fish 鮑叔知其賢
72 15 bào Bao 鮑叔知其賢
73 14 shū father's younger brother 鮑叔知其賢
74 14 shū Shu 鮑叔知其賢
75 14 shū third eldest 鮑叔知其賢
76 14 shū declining; waning 鮑叔知其賢
77 13 I; me; my 鮑叔不以我為貪
78 13 self 鮑叔不以我為貪
79 13 we; our 鮑叔不以我為貪
80 13 [my] dear 鮑叔不以我為貪
81 13 Wo 鮑叔不以我為貪
82 12 in; at 任政於齊
83 12 in; at 任政於齊
84 12 in; at; to; from 任政於齊
85 12 to go; to 任政於齊
86 12 to rely on; to depend on 任政於齊
87 12 to go to; to arrive at 任政於齊
88 12 from 任政於齊
89 12 give 任政於齊
90 12 oppposing 任政於齊
91 12 and 任政於齊
92 12 compared to 任政於齊
93 12 by 任政於齊
94 12 and; as well as 任政於齊
95 12 for 任政於齊
96 12 Yu 任政於齊
97 12 a crow 任政於齊
98 12 whew; wow 任政於齊
99 10 晏子 yàn zǐ Yan Zi 後百餘年而有晏子焉
100 10 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 管仲夷吾者
101 10 zhě that 管仲夷吾者
102 10 zhě nominalizing function word 管仲夷吾者
103 10 zhě used to mark a definition 管仲夷吾者
104 10 zhě used to mark a pause 管仲夷吾者
105 10 zhě topic marker; that; it 管仲夷吾者
106 10 zhuó according to 管仲夷吾者
107 10 even; equal; uniform 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
108 10 Kangxi radical 210 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
109 10 Qi Dynasty 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
110 10 State of Qi 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
111 10 to arrange 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
112 10 altogether; simultaneously 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
113 10 agile; nimble 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
114 10 navel 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
115 10 to rise; to ascend 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
116 10 chopped meat or vegetables 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
117 10 to blend ingredients 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
118 10 to delimit; to distinguish 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
119 10 the lower part of a garment 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
120 10 broomcorn millet 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
121 10 zhāi to fast 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
122 10 to level with 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
123 10 all present; all ready 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
124 10 Qi 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
125 10 alike; similar; identical; same 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
126 10 an alloy 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
127 10 zhī to know 鮑叔知其賢
128 10 zhī to comprehend 鮑叔知其賢
129 10 zhī to inform; to tell 鮑叔知其賢
130 10 zhī to administer 鮑叔知其賢
131 10 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 鮑叔知其賢
132 10 zhī to be close friends 鮑叔知其賢
133 10 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 鮑叔知其賢
134 10 zhī to receive; to entertain 鮑叔知其賢
135 10 zhī knowledge 鮑叔知其賢
136 10 zhī consciousness; perception 鮑叔知其賢
137 10 zhī a close friend 鮑叔知其賢
138 10 zhì wisdom 鮑叔知其賢
139 10 zhì Zhi 鮑叔知其賢
140 10 zhī to appreciate 鮑叔知其賢
141 10 zhī to make known 鮑叔知其賢
142 10 zhī to have control over 鮑叔知其賢
143 10 zhī to expect; to foresee 鮑叔知其賢
144 9 I 管仲夷吾者
145 9 my 管仲夷吾者
146 9 Wu 管仲夷吾者
147 8 not; no 知我不遭時也
148 8 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 知我不遭時也
149 8 as a correlative 知我不遭時也
150 8 no (answering a question) 知我不遭時也
151 8 forms a negative adjective from a noun 知我不遭時也
152 8 at the end of a sentence to form a question 知我不遭時也
153 8 to form a yes or no question 知我不遭時也
154 8 infix potential marker 知我不遭時也
155 8 yuē to speak; to say 管仲曰
156 8 yuē Kangxi radical 73 管仲曰
157 8 yuē to be called 管仲曰
158 8 yuē particle without meaning 管仲曰
159 7 不以 bùyǐ not because of 不以為言
160 7 不以 bùyǐ not use 不以為言
161 7 不以 bùyǐ not care about 不以為言
162 6 so as to; in order to 齊桓公以霸
163 6 to use; to regard as 齊桓公以霸
164 6 to use; to grasp 齊桓公以霸
165 6 according to 齊桓公以霸
166 6 because of 齊桓公以霸
167 6 on a certain date 齊桓公以霸
168 6 and; as well as 齊桓公以霸
169 6 to rely on 齊桓公以霸
170 6 to regard 齊桓公以霸
171 6 to be able to 齊桓公以霸
172 6 to order; to command 齊桓公以霸
173 6 further; moreover 齊桓公以霸
174 6 used after a verb 齊桓公以霸
175 6 very 齊桓公以霸
176 6 already 齊桓公以霸
177 6 increasingly 齊桓公以霸
178 6 a reason; a cause 齊桓公以霸
179 6 Israel 齊桓公以霸
180 6 Yi 齊桓公以霸
181 6 sān three 吾嘗三仕三見逐於君
182 6 sān third 吾嘗三仕三見逐於君
183 6 sān more than two 吾嘗三仕三見逐於君
184 6 sān very few 吾嘗三仕三見逐於君
185 6 sān repeatedly 吾嘗三仕三見逐於君
186 6 sān San 吾嘗三仕三見逐於君
187 6 already; since 管仲既用
188 6 both ... and ... 管仲既用
189 6 to complete; to finish 管仲既用
190 6 preverbal particle marking completion 管仲既用
191 6 not long 管仲既用
192 6 Ji 管仲既用
193 6 purposely; intentionally; deliberately; knowingly 故其稱曰
194 6 old; ancient; former; past 故其稱曰
195 6 reason; cause; purpose 故其稱曰
196 6 to die 故其稱曰
197 6 so; therefore; hence 故其稱曰
198 6 original 故其稱曰
199 6 accident; happening; instance 故其稱曰
200 6 a friend; an acquaintance; friendship 故其稱曰
201 6 something in the past 故其稱曰
202 6 deceased; dead 故其稱曰
203 6 still; yet 故其稱曰
204 5 xiāng each other; one another; mutually 管仲既任政相齊
205 5 xiàng to observe; to assess 管仲既任政相齊
206 5 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 管仲既任政相齊
207 5 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 管仲既任政相齊
208 5 xiàng to aid; to help 管仲既任政相齊
209 5 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 管仲既任政相齊
210 5 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 管仲既任政相齊
211 5 xiāng alternately; in turn 管仲既任政相齊
212 5 xiāng Xiang 管仲既任政相齊
213 5 xiāng form substance 管仲既任政相齊
214 5 xiāng to express 管仲既任政相齊
215 5 xiàng to choose 管仲既任政相齊
216 5 xiāng Xiang 管仲既任政相齊
217 5 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 管仲既任政相齊
218 5 xiāng the seventh lunar month 管仲既任政相齊
219 5 xiāng to compare 管仲既任政相齊
220 5 xiàng to divine 管仲既任政相齊
221 5 xiàng to administer 管仲既任政相齊
222 5 xiàng helper for a blind person 管仲既任政相齊
223 5 xiāng rhythm [music] 管仲既任政相齊
224 5 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 管仲既任政相齊
225 5 xiāng coralwood 管仲既任政相齊
226 5 xiàng ministry 管仲既任政相齊
227 5 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 管仲既任政相齊
228 5 yǒu is; are; to exist 知我有老母也
229 5 yǒu to have; to possess 知我有老母也
230 5 yǒu indicates an estimate 知我有老母也
231 5 yǒu indicates a large quantity 知我有老母也
232 5 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 知我有老母也
233 5 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 知我有老母也
234 5 yǒu used to compare two things 知我有老母也
235 5 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 知我有老母也
236 5 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 知我有老母也
237 5 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 知我有老母也
238 5 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 知我有老母也
239 5 yǒu abundant 知我有老母也
240 5 yǒu purposeful 知我有老母也
241 5 yǒu You 知我有老母也
242 5 and 少時常與鮑叔牙游
243 5 to give 少時常與鮑叔牙游
244 5 together with 少時常與鮑叔牙游
245 5 interrogative particle 少時常與鮑叔牙游
246 5 to accompany 少時常與鮑叔牙游
247 5 to particate in 少時常與鮑叔牙游
248 5 of the same kind 少時常與鮑叔牙游
249 5 to help 少時常與鮑叔牙游
250 5 for 少時常與鮑叔牙游
251 5 桓公 huángōng Lord Huan 及小白立為桓公
252 5 zài in; at 以區區之齊在海濱
253 5 zài at 以區區之齊在海濱
254 5 zài when; indicates that someone or something is in the process of doing something 以區區之齊在海濱
255 5 zài to exist; to be living 以區區之齊在海濱
256 5 zài to consist of 以區區之齊在海濱
257 5 zài to be at a post 以區區之齊在海濱
258 5 zhèng government; administration 任政於齊
259 5 zhèng politics 任政於齊
260 5 zhèng organizational affairs 任政於齊
261 5 zhèng to rule 任政於齊
262 5 zhèng administrative affairs 任政於齊
263 5 zhèng laws 任政於齊
264 5 zhèng policy 任政於齊
265 5 zhèng to correctons [a document] 任政於齊
266 5 諸侯 zhū hóu the feudal lords 九合諸侯
267 5 因而 yīnér therefore; as a result; thus 因而予之
268 5 因而 yīnér willful; careless 因而予之
269 4 guī to go back; to return 諸侯由是歸齊
270 4 guī to belong to; to be classified as 諸侯由是歸齊
271 4 guī to take refuge in; to rely on; to depend on 諸侯由是歸齊
272 4 guī used between a repeated verb to indicate contrast 諸侯由是歸齊
273 4 guī to revert to; to give back to 諸侯由是歸齊
274 4 guī (of a woman) to get married 諸侯由是歸齊
275 4 guī to assemble; to meet together; to converge 諸侯由是歸齊
276 4 guī to appreciate; to admire 諸侯由是歸齊
277 4 guī to divide with a single digit divisor 諸侯由是歸齊
278 4 guī to pledge allegiance to 諸侯由是歸齊
279 4 guī to withdraw 諸侯由是歸齊
280 4 guī to settle down 諸侯由是歸齊
281 4 guī Gui 諸侯由是歸齊
282 4 kuì to give; to sacrifice food 諸侯由是歸齊
283 4 kuì ashamed 諸侯由是歸齊
284 4 promptly; right away; immediately 即危言
285 4 to be near by; to be close to 即危言
286 4 at that time 即危言
287 4 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 即危言
288 4 supposed; so-called 即危言
289 4 if; but 即危言
290 4 to arrive at; to ascend 即危言
291 4 then; following 即危言
292 4 cháng to taste 嘗與鮑叔賈
293 4 cháng to attempt 嘗與鮑叔賈
294 4 cháng to experience 嘗與鮑叔賈
295 4 cháng already; formerly; already; ever; once 嘗與鮑叔賈
296 4 cháng a ritual offering in the fall 嘗與鮑叔賈
297 4 cháng Chang 嘗與鮑叔賈
298 4 a man; a male adult 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
299 4 this; that; those 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
300 4 now; still 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
301 4 is it not?; final particle 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
302 4 husband 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
303 4 a person 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
304 4 someone who does manual work 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
305 4 a hired worker 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
306 4 he 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
307 4 to defend; to resist 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
308 4 imperial 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
309 4 to drive a chariot 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
310 4 charioteer 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
311 4 to govern; to administer 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
312 4 to attend 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
313 4 to offer 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
314 4 to prevent; to block 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
315 4 an attendant; a servant 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
316 4 Yu 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
317 4 to welcome; to greet 其御之妻從門閒而闚其夫
318 4 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 分財利多自與
319 4 duó many; much 分財利多自與
320 4 duō more 分財利多自與
321 4 duō an unspecified extent 分財利多自與
322 4 duō used in exclamations 分財利多自與
323 4 duō excessive 分財利多自與
324 4 duō to what extent 分財利多自與
325 4 duō abundant 分財利多自與
326 4 duō to multiply; to acrue 分財利多自與
327 4 duō mostly 分財利多自與
328 4 duō simply; merely 分財利多自與
329 4 duō frequently 分財利多自與
330 4 duō very 分財利多自與
331 4 duō Duo 分財利多自與
332 4 shí real; true 倉廩實而知禮節
333 4 shí nut; seed; fruit 倉廩實而知禮節
334 4 shí substance; content; material 倉廩實而知禮節
335 4 shí honest; sincere 倉廩實而知禮節
336 4 shí vast; extensive 倉廩實而知禮節
337 4 shí solid 倉廩實而知禮節
338 4 shí abundant; prosperous 倉廩實而知禮節
339 4 shí reality; a fact; an event 倉廩實而知禮節
340 4 shí wealth; property 倉廩實而知禮節
341 4 shí effect; result 倉廩實而知禮節
342 4 shí an honest person 倉廩實而知禮節
343 4 shí truly; in reality; in fact; actually 倉廩實而知禮節
344 4 shí to fill 倉廩實而知禮節
345 4 shí finally 倉廩實而知禮節
346 4 shí complete 倉廩實而知禮節
347 4 shí to strengthen 倉廩實而知禮節
348 4 shí to practice 倉廩實而知禮節
349 4 shí namely 倉廩實而知禮節
350 4 shí to verify; to check; to confirm 倉廩實而知禮節
351 4 shí this 倉廩實而知禮節
352 4 shí full; at capacity 倉廩實而知禮節
353 4 shí supplies; goods 倉廩實而知禮節
354 4 shí Shichen 倉廩實而知禮節
355 4 公子 gōngzǐ son of an official; son of nobility; prince 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
356 4 公子 gōngzǐ your son (honorific) 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
357 4 to go 因而去之
358 4 to remove; to wipe off; to eliminate 因而去之
359 4 to be distant 因而去之
360 4 to leave 因而去之
361 4 to play a part 因而去之
362 4 to abandon; to give up 因而去之
363 4 to die 因而去之
364 4 previous; past 因而去之
365 4 to send out; to issue; to drive away 因而去之
366 4 expresses a tendency 因而去之
367 4 falling tone 因而去之
368 4 to lose 因而去之
369 4 Qu 因而去之
370 4 xián virtuous; worthy 鮑叔知其賢
371 4 xián able; capable 鮑叔知其賢
372 4 xián admirable 鮑叔知其賢
373 4 xián sir 鮑叔知其賢
374 4 xián a talented person 鮑叔知其賢
375 4 xián India 鮑叔知其賢
376 4 xián to respect 鮑叔知其賢
377 4 xián to excel; to surpass 鮑叔知其賢
378 4 child; son 知我者鮑子也
379 4 egg; newborn 知我者鮑子也
380 4 first earthly branch 知我者鮑子也
381 4 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 知我者鮑子也
382 4 Kangxi radical 39 知我者鮑子也
383 4 zi indicates that the the word is used as a noun 知我者鮑子也
384 4 pellet; something small and hard 知我者鮑子也
385 4 master 知我者鮑子也
386 4 viscount 知我者鮑子也
387 4 zi you; your honor 知我者鮑子也
388 4 masters 知我者鮑子也
389 4 person 知我者鮑子也
390 4 young 知我者鮑子也
391 4 seed 知我者鮑子也
392 4 subordinate; subsidiary 知我者鮑子也
393 4 a copper coin 知我者鮑子也
394 4 bundle 知我者鮑子也
395 4 female dragonfly 知我者鮑子也
396 4 constituent 知我者鮑子也
397 4 offspring; descendants 知我者鮑子也
398 4 dear 知我者鮑子也
399 4 little one 知我者鮑子也
400 4 shì a generation 有封邑者十餘世
401 4 shì a period of thirty years 有封邑者十餘世
402 4 shì the world 有封邑者十餘世
403 4 shì years; age 有封邑者十餘世
404 4 shì a dynasty 有封邑者十餘世
405 4 shì secular; worldly 有封邑者十餘世
406 4 shì over generations 有封邑者十餘世
407 4 shì always 有封邑者十餘世
408 4 shì world 有封邑者十餘世
409 4 shì a life; a lifetime 有封邑者十餘世
410 4 shì an era 有封邑者十餘世
411 4 shì from generation to generation; across generations 有封邑者十餘世
412 4 shì to keep good family relations 有封邑者十餘世
413 4 shì Shi 有封邑者十餘世
414 4 shì a geologic epoch 有封邑者十餘世
415 4 shì hereditary 有封邑者十餘世
416 4 shì later generations 有封邑者十餘世
417 4 shì a successor; an heir 有封邑者十餘世
418 4 shì the current times 有封邑者十餘世
419 3 shí a rock; a stone 越石父賢
420 3 shí Shi 越石父賢
421 3 dàn dan; one hundred liters; ten pecks; dry measure for grain equal to ten dou 越石父賢
422 3 shí Shijiazhuang 越石父賢
423 3 shí Kangxi radical 112 越石父賢
424 3 shí a stone needle 越石父賢
425 3 shí mineral 越石父賢
426 3 shí a stone tablet 越石父賢
427 3 jiū to investigate; to inspect; to entangle 管仲事公子糾
428 3 jiū to bind 管仲事公子糾
429 3 jiū to gather together 管仲事公子糾
430 3 jiū to correct 管仲事公子糾
431 3 jiū to reprehend 管仲事公子糾
432 3 jiū rope 管仲事公子糾
433 3 jiū to supervise 管仲事公子糾
434 3 jìn to enter 鮑叔遂進管仲
435 3 jìn to advance 鮑叔遂進管仲
436 3 shì matter; thing; item 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
437 3 shì to serve 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
438 3 shì a government post 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
439 3 shì duty; post; work 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
440 3 shì occupation 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
441 3 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
442 3 shì an accident 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
443 3 shì to attend 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
444 3 shì an allusion 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
445 3 shì a condition; a state; a situation 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
446 3 shì to engage in 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
447 3 shì to enslave 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
448 3 shì to pursue 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
449 3 shì to administer 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
450 3 shì to appoint 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
451 3 shì a piece 已而鮑叔事齊公子小白
452 3 qiè consort; concubine 妾不衣帛
453 3 qiè handmaid; female servant 妾不衣帛
454 3 cháng always; ever; often; frequently; constantly 常欺鮑叔
455 3 cháng Chang 常欺鮑叔
456 3 cháng long-lasting 常欺鮑叔
457 3 cháng common; general; ordinary 常欺鮑叔
458 3 cháng a principle; a rule 常欺鮑叔
459 3 xiǎn to show; to manifest; to display 知我不羞小睗而恥功名不顯于天下也
460 3 xiǎn Xian 知我不羞小睗而恥功名不顯于天下也
461 3 xiǎn evident; clear 知我不羞小睗而恥功名不顯于天下也
462 3 xiǎn distinguished 知我不羞小睗而恥功名不顯于天下也
463 3 xiǎn honored 知我不羞小睗而恥功名不顯于天下也
464 3 所謂 suǒwèi so-called 管仲世所謂賢臣
465 3 dialect; language; speech 君語及之
466 3 to speak; to tell 君語及之
467 3 verse; writing 君語及之
468 3 to speak; to tell 君語及之
469 3 proverbs; common sayings; old expressions 君語及之
470 3 a signal 君語及之
471 3 to chirp; to tweet 君語及之
472 3 to reach 及小白立為桓公
473 3 and 及小白立為桓公
474 3 coming to; when 及小白立為桓公
475 3 to attain 及小白立為桓公
476 3 to understand 及小白立為桓公
477 3 able to be compared to; to catch up with 及小白立為桓公
478 3 to be involved with; to associate with 及小白立為桓公
479 3 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 及小白立為桓公
480 3 shí time; a point or period of time 吾始困時
481 3 shí a season; a quarter of a year 吾始困時
482 3 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 吾始困時
483 3 shí at that time 吾始困時
484 3 shí fashionable 吾始困時
485 3 shí fate; destiny; luck 吾始困時
486 3 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 吾始困時
487 3 shí tense 吾始困時
488 3 shí particular; special 吾始困時
489 3 shí to plant; to cultivate 吾始困時
490 3 shí hour (measure word) 吾始困時
491 3 shí an era; a dynasty 吾始困時
492 3 shí time [abstract] 吾始困時
493 3 shí seasonal 吾始困時
494 3 shí frequently; often 吾始困時
495 3 shí occasionally; sometimes 吾始困時
496 3 shí on time 吾始困時
497 3 shí this; that 吾始困時
498 3 shí to wait upon 吾始困時
499 3 shí hour 吾始困時
500 3 shí appropriate; proper; timely 吾始困時

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
鲍叔牙 鮑叔牙 98 Bao Shuya
管晏列传 管晏列傳 103 Guan Yan Liezhuan; Biographies of Guan and Yan
管仲 103 Guanzi; Guan Zhong
桓公 104 Lord Huan
孔子 107 Confucius
齐桓公 齊桓公 113 Duke Huan of Qi
召公 115 Duke Shao
太史公 116 Grand Scribe
晏子 121 Yan Zi
晏子春秋 121 Yanzi Chūnqiū
颍上 潁上 121 Yingshan
庄公 莊公 122 Lord Zhuang
子长 子長 122 Zichang


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English