Glossary and Vocabulary for History of Yuan 元史, 卷二十三 本紀第二十三: 武宗二 Volume 23 Annals 23: Wuzong 2

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 140 zhī to go 近侍及諸官之門
2 140 zhī to arrive; to go 近侍及諸官之門
3 140 zhī is 近侍及諸官之門
4 140 zhī to use 近侍及諸官之門
5 140 zhī Zhi 近侍及諸官之門
6 140 zhī winding 近侍及諸官之門
7 117 to use; to grasp 命歲以幣帛千匹
8 117 to rely on 命歲以幣帛千匹
9 117 to regard 命歲以幣帛千匹
10 117 to be able to 命歲以幣帛千匹
11 117 to order; to command 命歲以幣帛千匹
12 117 used after a verb 命歲以幣帛千匹
13 117 a reason; a cause 命歲以幣帛千匹
14 117 Israel 命歲以幣帛千匹
15 117 Yi 命歲以幣帛千匹
16 96 wéi to act as; to serve 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
17 96 wéi to change into; to become 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
18 96 wéi to be; is 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
19 96 wéi to do 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
20 96 wèi to support; to help 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
21 96 wéi to govern 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
22 77 yán to speak; to say; said 乞臺普濟言
23 77 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 乞臺普濟言
24 77 yán Kangxi radical 149 乞臺普濟言
25 77 yán phrase; sentence 乞臺普濟言
26 77 yán a word; a syllable 乞臺普濟言
27 77 yán a theory; a doctrine 乞臺普濟言
28 77 yán to regard as 乞臺普濟言
29 77 yán to act as 乞臺普濟言
30 65 děng et cetera; and so on 造作等事
31 65 děng to wait 造作等事
32 65 děng to be equal 造作等事
33 65 děng degree; level 造作等事
34 65 děng to compare 造作等事
35 62 chén minister; statesman; official 中書省臣請令重喜與高麗王辯對
36 62 chén Kangxi radical 131 中書省臣請令重喜與高麗王辯對
37 62 chén a slave 中書省臣請令重喜與高麗王辯對
38 62 chén Chen 中書省臣請令重喜與高麗王辯對
39 62 chén to obey; to comply 中書省臣請令重喜與高麗王辯對
40 62 chén to command; to direct 中書省臣請令重喜與高麗王辯對
41 62 chén a subject 中書省臣請令重喜與高麗王辯對
42 60 Qi 今核其數
43 57 wáng Wang 越王禿剌有罪賜死
44 57 wáng a king 越王禿剌有罪賜死
45 57 wáng Kangxi radical 96 越王禿剌有罪賜死
46 57 wàng to be king; to rule 越王禿剌有罪賜死
47 57 wáng a prince; a duke 越王禿剌有罪賜死
48 57 wáng grand; great 越王禿剌有罪賜死
49 57 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 越王禿剌有罪賜死
50 57 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 越王禿剌有罪賜死
51 57 wáng the head of a group or gang 越王禿剌有罪賜死
52 57 wáng the biggest or best of a group 越王禿剌有罪賜死
53 55 chāo paper money 鈔千錠與之
54 55 chāo chao; unit of currency 鈔千錠與之
55 55 chāo to transcribe; to copy 鈔千錠與之
56 55 chāo Chao 鈔千錠與之
57 55 chāo collected writings 鈔千錠與之
58 55 chāo to seize 鈔千錠與之
59 55 chāo the tip of a branch 鈔千錠與之
60 54 尚書省 shàngshū shěng Imperial Secretariat 又與保八議立尚書省
61 47 guān an office 近侍及諸官之門
62 47 guān an official; a government official 近侍及諸官之門
63 47 guān official; state-run 近侍及諸官之門
64 47 guān an official body; a state organization; bureau 近侍及諸官之門
65 47 guān an official rank; an official title 近侍及諸官之門
66 47 guān governance 近侍及諸官之門
67 47 guān a sense organ 近侍及諸官之門
68 47 guān office 近侍及諸官之門
69 47 guān public 近侍及諸官之門
70 47 guān an organ 近侍及諸官之門
71 47 guān a polite form of address 近侍及諸官之門
72 47 guān Guan 近侍及諸官之門
73 47 guān to appoint 近侍及諸官之門
74 47 guān to hold a post 近侍及諸官之門
75 45 shì matter; thing; item 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
76 45 shì to serve 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
77 45 shì a government post 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
78 45 shì duty; post; work 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
79 45 shì occupation 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
80 45 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
81 45 shì an accident 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
82 45 shì to attend 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
83 45 shì an allusion 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
84 45 shì a condition; a state; a situation 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
85 45 shì to engage in 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
86 45 shì to enslave 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
87 45 shì to pursue 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
88 45 shì to administer 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
89 45 shì to appoint 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
90 45 to take charge of; to manage; to administer 其宣慰司官吏
91 45 a department under a ministry 其宣慰司官吏
92 45 to bear 其宣慰司官吏
93 45 to observe; to inspect 其宣慰司官吏
94 45 a government official; an official 其宣慰司官吏
95 45 si 其宣慰司官吏
96 43 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 毋令見戶包納差稅
97 43 lìng to issue a command 毋令見戶包納差稅
98 43 lìng rules of behavior; customs 毋令見戶包納差稅
99 43 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 毋令見戶包納差稅
100 43 lìng a season 毋令見戶包納差稅
101 43 lìng respected; good reputation 毋令見戶包納差稅
102 43 lìng good 毋令見戶包納差稅
103 43 lìng pretentious 毋令見戶包納差稅
104 43 lìng a transcending state of existence 毋令見戶包納差稅
105 43 lìng a commander 毋令見戶包納差稅
106 43 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 毋令見戶包納差稅
107 43 lìng lyrics 毋令見戶包納差稅
108 43 lìng Ling 毋令見戶包納差稅
109 42 cóng to follow 從皇太子請
110 42 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 從皇太子請
111 42 cóng to participate in something 從皇太子請
112 42 cóng to use a certain method or principle 從皇太子請
113 42 cóng something secondary 從皇太子請
114 42 cóng remote relatives 從皇太子請
115 42 cóng secondary 從皇太子請
116 42 cóng to go on; to advance 從皇太子請
117 42 cōng at ease; informal 從皇太子請
118 42 zòng a follower; a supporter 從皇太子請
119 42 zòng to release 從皇太子請
120 42 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 從皇太子請
121 40 èr two 二年春正月己丑
122 40 èr Kangxi radical 7 二年春正月己丑
123 40 èr second 二年春正月己丑
124 40 èr twice; double; di- 二年春正月己丑
125 40 èr more than one kind 二年春正月己丑
126 39 ér son 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
127 39 ér Kangxi radical 10 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
128 39 ér a child 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
129 39 ér a youth 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
130 39 ér a male 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
131 39 rén person; people; a human being 有出身人考滿者
132 39 rén Kangxi radical 9 有出身人考滿者
133 39 rén a kind of person 有出身人考滿者
134 39 rén everybody 有出身人考滿者
135 39 rén adult 有出身人考滿者
136 39 rén somebody; others 有出身人考滿者
137 39 rén an upright person 有出身人考滿者
138 37 qiān one thousand 凡六千三百餘道
139 37 qiān many; numerous; countless 凡六千三百餘道
140 37 qiān a cheat; swindler 凡六千三百餘道
141 37 qiān Qian 凡六千三百餘道
142 36 to beg; to request 乞臺普濟言
143 36 to hope for; look forward to 乞臺普濟言
144 36 a beggar 乞臺普濟言
145 36 Qi 乞臺普濟言
146 36 to give 乞臺普濟言
147 36 destitute; needy 乞臺普濟言
148 36 to give; to bestow favors 鑄金印賜句容郡王床兀兒
149 36 grace; favor; a gift 鑄金印賜句容郡王床兀兒
150 36 to award; to appoint 鑄金印賜句容郡王床兀兒
151 36 to do in full 鑄金印賜句容郡王床兀兒
152 36 to bestow an honorific title 鑄金印賜句容郡王床兀兒
153 36 infix potential marker 塔思不花
154 36 to stand 立湖廣頭陀禪錄司
155 36 Kangxi radical 117 立湖廣頭陀禪錄司
156 36 erect; upright; vertical 立湖廣頭陀禪錄司
157 36 to establish; to set up; to found 立湖廣頭陀禪錄司
158 36 to conclude; to draw up 立湖廣頭陀禪錄司
159 36 to ascend the throne 立湖廣頭陀禪錄司
160 36 to designate; to appoint 立湖廣頭陀禪錄司
161 36 to live; to exist 立湖廣頭陀禪錄司
162 36 to erect; to stand something up 立湖廣頭陀禪錄司
163 36 to take a stand 立湖廣頭陀禪錄司
164 36 to cease; to stop 立湖廣頭陀禪錄司
165 36 a two week period at the onset o feach season 立湖廣頭陀禪錄司
166 35 capital city 立鎮守海口屯儲親軍都指揮使司
167 35 a city; a metropolis 立鎮守海口屯儲親軍都指揮使司
168 35 dōu all 立鎮守海口屯儲親軍都指揮使司
169 35 elegant; refined 立鎮守海口屯儲親軍都指揮使司
170 35 Du 立鎮守海口屯儲親軍都指揮使司
171 35 to establish a capital city 立鎮守海口屯儲親軍都指揮使司
172 35 to reside 立鎮守海口屯儲親軍都指揮使司
173 35 to total; to tally 立鎮守海口屯儲親軍都指揮使司
174 34 yuán personel; employee 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
175 34 yuán circle 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
176 34 yùn Yun 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
177 34 yuán surroundings 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
178 34 yuán a person; an object 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
179 34 yuán a member 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
180 34 yún to increase 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
181 33 dìng an ingot 鈔千錠與之
182 33 dìng a spindle 鈔千錠與之
183 33 one 內郡免差稅一年
184 33 Kangxi radical 1 內郡免差稅一年
185 33 pure; concentrated 內郡免差稅一年
186 33 first 內郡免差稅一年
187 33 the same 內郡免差稅一年
188 33 sole; single 內郡免差稅一年
189 33 a very small amount 內郡免差稅一年
190 33 Yi 內郡免差稅一年
191 33 other 內郡免差稅一年
192 33 to unify 內郡免差稅一年
193 33 accidentally; coincidentally 內郡免差稅一年
194 33 abruptly; suddenly 內郡免差稅一年
195 32 使 shǐ to make; to cause 使人過者千二百餘
196 32 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 使人過者千二百餘
197 32 使 shǐ to indulge 使人過者千二百餘
198 32 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 使人過者千二百餘
199 32 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 使人過者千二百餘
200 32 使 shǐ to dispatch 使人過者千二百餘
201 32 使 shǐ to use 使人過者千二百餘
202 32 使 shǐ to be able to 使人過者千二百餘
203 31 suǒ a few; various; some 自大德六年至至大元年所出
204 31 suǒ a place; a location 自大德六年至至大元年所出
205 31 suǒ indicates a passive voice 自大德六年至至大元年所出
206 31 suǒ an ordinal number 自大德六年至至大元年所出
207 31 suǒ meaning 自大德六年至至大元年所出
208 31 suǒ garrison 自大德六年至至大元年所出
209 31 qǐng to ask; to inquire 從皇太子請
210 31 qíng circumstances; state of affairs; situation 從皇太子請
211 31 qǐng to beg; to entreat 從皇太子請
212 31 qǐng please 從皇太子請
213 31 qǐng to request 從皇太子請
214 31 qǐng to hire; to employ; to engage 從皇太子請
215 31 qǐng to make an appointment 從皇太子請
216 31 qǐng to greet 從皇太子請
217 31 qǐng to invite 從皇太子請
218 31 xíng to walk 罷行泉府院
219 31 xíng capable; competent 罷行泉府院
220 31 háng profession 罷行泉府院
221 31 xíng Kangxi radical 144 罷行泉府院
222 31 xíng to travel 罷行泉府院
223 31 xìng actions; conduct 罷行泉府院
224 31 xíng to do; to act; to practice 罷行泉府院
225 31 xíng all right; OK; okay 罷行泉府院
226 31 háng horizontal line 罷行泉府院
227 31 héng virtuous deeds 罷行泉府院
228 31 hàng a line of trees 罷行泉府院
229 31 hàng bold; steadfast 罷行泉府院
230 31 xíng to move 罷行泉府院
231 31 xíng to put into effect; to implement 罷行泉府院
232 31 xíng travel 罷行泉府院
233 31 xíng to circulate 罷行泉府院
234 31 xíng running script; running script 罷行泉府院
235 31 xíng temporary 罷行泉府院
236 31 háng rank; order 罷行泉府院
237 31 háng a business; a shop 罷行泉府院
238 31 xíng to depart; to leave 罷行泉府院
239 31 xíng to experience 罷行泉府院
240 31 xíng path; way 罷行泉府院
241 31 xíng xing; ballad 罷行泉府院
242 31 xíng Xing 罷行泉府院
243 31 bìng to combine; to amalgamate 並從之
244 31 bìng to combine 並從之
245 31 bìng to resemble; to be like 並從之
246 31 bìng to stand side-by-side 並從之
247 31 bīng Taiyuan 並從之
248 31 bìng equally; both; together 並從之
249 30 shěng province 省臣去留
250 30 shěng to save; to be frugal; to economize 省臣去留
251 30 xǐng to introspect; to soul-search; to reflect 省臣去留
252 30 shěng to simplify; to reduce; to omit 省臣去留
253 30 xǐng to become aware; to realize; to understand 省臣去留
254 30 xǐng to become conscious 省臣去留
255 30 xǐng to visit 省臣去留
256 30 shěng provincial capital 省臣去留
257 30 xǐng to test; to take an examination 省臣去留
258 30 xǐng to remember 省臣去留
259 30 shěng a department; a government body 省臣去留
260 30 shěng must not; do not 省臣去留
261 28 zhōng middle 璽書不由中書
262 28 zhōng medium; medium sized 璽書不由中書
263 28 zhōng China 璽書不由中書
264 28 zhòng to hit the mark 璽書不由中書
265 28 zhōng midday 璽書不由中書
266 28 zhōng inside 璽書不由中書
267 28 zhōng during 璽書不由中書
268 28 zhōng Zhong 璽書不由中書
269 28 zhōng intermediary 璽書不由中書
270 28 zhōng half 璽書不由中書
271 28 zhòng to reach; to attain 璽書不由中書
272 28 zhòng to suffer; to infect 璽書不由中書
273 28 zhòng to obtain 璽書不由中書
274 28 zhòng to pass an exam 璽書不由中書
275 28 wàn ten thousand 賑真定路饑民糧萬石
276 28 wàn many; myriad; innumerable 賑真定路饑民糧萬石
277 28 wàn Wan 賑真定路饑民糧萬石
278 28 Mo 賑真定路饑民糧萬石
279 28 wàn scorpion dance 賑真定路饑民糧萬石
280 28 gěi to give 軍士給賞有差
281 28 to supply; to provide 軍士給賞有差
282 28 salary for government employees 軍士給賞有差
283 28 to confer; to award 軍士給賞有差
284 28 prosperous; abundant; plentiful; well supplied 軍士給賞有差
285 28 agile; nimble 軍士給賞有差
286 28 gěi an auxilliary verb adding emphasis 軍士給賞有差
287 28 to look after; to take care of 軍士給賞有差
288 28 articulate; well spoken 軍士給賞有差
289 27 yuàn a school 罷行泉府院
290 27 yuàn a courtyard; a yard; a court 罷行泉府院
291 27 yuàn a public institution 罷行泉府院
292 27 yuàn a government department 罷行泉府院
293 27 yín silver 銀七百五十兩
294 27 yín silver 銀七百五十兩
295 27 yín cash; money 銀七百五十兩
296 27 yín silver apricot; gingko 銀七百五十兩
297 27 yín edge; border 銀七百五十兩
298 27 yín Yin 銀七百五十兩
299 27 zhōu a state; a province 寧海一州屬宣慰司
300 27 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 寧海一州屬宣慰司
301 27 zhōu a prefecture 寧海一州屬宣慰司
302 27 zhōu a country 寧海一州屬宣慰司
303 27 zhōu an island 寧海一州屬宣慰司
304 27 zhōu Zhou 寧海一州屬宣慰司
305 27 zhōu autonomous prefecture 寧海一州屬宣慰司
306 27 zhōu a country 寧海一州屬宣慰司
307 27 xiàng to observe; to assess 僧俗相犯
308 27 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 僧俗相犯
309 27 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 僧俗相犯
310 27 xiàng to aid; to help 僧俗相犯
311 27 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 僧俗相犯
312 27 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 僧俗相犯
313 27 xiāng alternately; in turn 僧俗相犯
314 27 xiāng Xiang 僧俗相犯
315 27 xiāng form substance 僧俗相犯
316 27 xiāng to express 僧俗相犯
317 27 xiàng to choose 僧俗相犯
318 27 xiāng Xiang 僧俗相犯
319 27 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 僧俗相犯
320 27 xiāng the seventh lunar month 僧俗相犯
321 27 xiāng to compare 僧俗相犯
322 27 xiàng to divine 僧俗相犯
323 27 xiàng to administer 僧俗相犯
324 27 xiàng helper for a blind person 僧俗相犯
325 27 xiāng rhythm [music] 僧俗相犯
326 27 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 僧俗相犯
327 27 xiāng coralwood 僧俗相犯
328 27 xiàng ministry 僧俗相犯
329 27 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 僧俗相犯
330 27 shū book 璽書不由中書
331 27 shū document; manuscript 璽書不由中書
332 27 shū letter 璽書不由中書
333 27 shū the Cannon of Documents 璽書不由中書
334 27 shū to write 璽書不由中書
335 27 shū writing 璽書不由中書
336 27 shū calligraphy; writing style 璽書不由中書
337 27 shū Shu 璽書不由中書
338 27 shū to record 璽書不由中書
339 27 to give 乞勿與
340 27 to accompany 乞勿與
341 27 to particate in 乞勿與
342 27 of the same kind 乞勿與
343 27 to help 乞勿與
344 27 for 乞勿與
345 26 jīn today; present; now 今核其數
346 26 jīn Jin 今核其數
347 26 jīn modern 今核其數
348 26 to reach 近侍及諸官之門
349 26 to attain 近侍及諸官之門
350 26 to understand 近侍及諸官之門
351 26 able to be compared to; to catch up with 近侍及諸官之門
352 26 to be involved with; to associate with 近侍及諸官之門
353 26 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 近侍及諸官之門
354 26 to go; to 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
355 26 to rely on; to depend on 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
356 26 Yu 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
357 26 a crow 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
358 25 to slash 越王禿剌有罪賜死
359 25 perverse; disagreeable 越王禿剌有罪賜死
360 25 hot 越王禿剌有罪賜死
361 25 to slash 越王禿剌有罪賜死
362 25 perverse; disagreeable 越王禿剌有罪賜死
363 25 hot 越王禿剌有罪賜死
364 25 tuō to take off 脫虎脫集議以聞
365 25 tuō to shed; to fall off 脫虎脫集議以聞
366 25 tuō to depart; to leave; to evade 脫虎脫集議以聞
367 25 tuō to omit; to overlook 脫虎脫集議以聞
368 25 tuō to sell 脫虎脫集議以聞
369 25 tuō rapid 脫虎脫集議以聞
370 25 tuō unconstrained; free and easy 脫虎脫集議以聞
371 25 tuì to shed 脫虎脫集議以聞
372 25 tuì happy; carefree 脫虎脫集議以聞
373 24 inside; interior 叠裏貼木兒不花進鷹犬
374 24 fàn to commit a crime; to violate 太陰犯亢
375 24 fàn to attack; to invade 太陰犯亢
376 24 fàn to transgress 太陰犯亢
377 24 fàn conjunction of a star 太陰犯亢
378 24 fàn to conquer 太陰犯亢
379 24 fàn to occur 太陰犯亢
380 24 fàn to face danger 太陰犯亢
381 24 fàn to fall 太陰犯亢
382 24 fàn a criminal 太陰犯亢
383 24 can; may; permissible 制可
384 24 to approve; to permit 制可
385 24 to be worth 制可
386 24 to suit; to fit 制可
387 24 khan 制可
388 24 to recover 制可
389 24 to act as 制可
390 24 to be worth; to deserve 制可
391 24 used to add emphasis 制可
392 24 beautiful 制可
393 24 Ke 制可
394 23 zhèng upright; straight 今農事正殷
395 23 zhèng to straighten; to correct 今農事正殷
396 23 zhèng main; central; primary 今農事正殷
397 23 zhèng fundamental; original 今農事正殷
398 23 zhèng precise; exact; accurate 今農事正殷
399 23 zhèng at right angles 今農事正殷
400 23 zhèng unbiased; impartial 今農事正殷
401 23 zhèng true; correct; orthodox 今農事正殷
402 23 zhèng unmixed; pure 今農事正殷
403 23 zhèng positive (charge) 今農事正殷
404 23 zhèng positive (number) 今農事正殷
405 23 zhèng standard 今農事正殷
406 23 zhèng chief; principal; primary 今農事正殷
407 23 zhèng honest 今農事正殷
408 23 zhèng to execute; to carry out 今農事正殷
409 23 zhèng accepted; conventional 今農事正殷
410 23 zhèng to govern 今農事正殷
411 23 zhēng first month 今農事正殷
412 23 zhēng center of a target 今農事正殷
413 23 yòu Kangxi radical 29
414 23 liǎng two 賜金二百五十兩
415 23 liǎng a few 賜金二百五十兩
416 23 zhào an imperial decree 詔天下弛山澤之禁
417 23 zhào to decree; to proclaim; to tell 詔天下弛山澤之禁
418 23 Kangxi radical 63 毋令見戶包納差稅
419 23 a household; a family 毋令見戶包納差稅
420 23 a door 毋令見戶包納差稅
421 23 a company; a unit 毋令見戶包納差稅
422 23 family status 毋令見戶包納差稅
423 23 Hu 毋令見戶包納差稅
424 22 zhì in order; in sequence 秩正三品
425 22 zhì an official salary 秩正三品
426 22 zhì decade 秩正三品
427 22 zhì official rank or position 秩正三品
428 22 zhì duties; regimen 秩正三品
429 22 ér Kangxi radical 126 而去歲所支
430 22 ér as if; to seem like 而去歲所支
431 22 néng can; able 而去歲所支
432 22 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 而去歲所支
433 22 ér to arrive; up to 而去歲所支
434 22 an official institution; a state bureau 罷宮師府
435 22 a prefecture; a prefect 罷宮師府
436 22 a respectful reference to a residence 罷宮師府
437 22 a repository 罷宮師府
438 22 a meeting place 罷宮師府
439 22 the residence of a high-ranking official; a prefect 罷宮師府
440 22 Fu 罷宮師府
441 22 樞密院 shūmì yuàn Bureau of Military Affairs 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
442 22 zēng to increase; to add to; to augment 增余課程
443 22 zēng duplicated; repeated 增余課程
444 21 mín the people; citizen; subjects 害及於民
445 21 mín Min 害及於民
446 21 wood; lumber 叠裏貼木兒不花進鷹犬
447 21 Kangxi radical 75 叠裏貼木兒不花進鷹犬
448 21 a tree 叠裏貼木兒不花進鷹犬
449 21 wood phase; wood element 叠裏貼木兒不花進鷹犬
450 21 a category of musical instrument 叠裏貼木兒不花進鷹犬
451 21 stiff; rigid 叠裏貼木兒不花進鷹犬
452 21 laurel magnolia 叠裏貼木兒不花進鷹犬
453 21 a coffin 叠裏貼木兒不花進鷹犬
454 21 Jupiter 叠裏貼木兒不花進鷹犬
455 21 Mu 叠裏貼木兒不花進鷹犬
456 21 wooden 叠裏貼木兒不花進鷹犬
457 21 not having perception 叠裏貼木兒不花進鷹犬
458 21 dimwitted 叠裏貼木兒不花進鷹犬
459 21 to loose consciousness 叠裏貼木兒不花進鷹犬
460 21 a slave 三寶奴
461 21 a servant 三寶奴
462 21 enslave 三寶奴
463 21 assistant to a magician or scholar 三寶奴
464 21 humble self 三寶奴
465 21 lackey 三寶奴
466 21 Nu 三寶奴
467 20 中書省 zhōngshūs hěng Central Secretariat 中書省臣請令重喜與高麗王辯對
468 20 nián year 二年春正月己丑
469 20 nián New Year festival 二年春正月己丑
470 20 nián age 二年春正月己丑
471 20 nián life span; life expectancy 二年春正月己丑
472 20 nián an era; a period 二年春正月己丑
473 20 nián a date 二年春正月己丑
474 20 nián time; years 二年春正月己丑
475 20 nián harvest 二年春正月己丑
476 20 nián annual; every year 二年春正月己丑
477 20 左丞 zuǒchéng left chancellor 脫虎脫為左丞相
478 19 to think; consider; to ponder 塔思不花
479 19 thinking; consideration 塔思不花
480 19 to miss; to long for 塔思不花
481 19 emotions 塔思不花
482 19 to mourn; to grieve 塔思不花
483 19 Si 塔思不花
484 19 sāi hairy [beard] 塔思不花
485 19 chù a place; location; a spot; a point 高郵等處蝗
486 19 chǔ to reside; to live; to dwell 高郵等處蝗
487 19 chù an office; a department; a bureau 高郵等處蝗
488 19 chù a part; an aspect 高郵等處蝗
489 19 chǔ to be in; to be in a position of 高郵等處蝗
490 19 chǔ to get along with 高郵等處蝗
491 19 chǔ to deal with; to manage 高郵等處蝗
492 19 chǔ to punish; to sentence 高郵等處蝗
493 19 chǔ to stop; to pause 高郵等處蝗
494 19 chǔ to be associated with 高郵等處蝗
495 19 chǔ to situate; to fix a place for 高郵等處蝗
496 19 chǔ to occupy; to control 高郵等處蝗
497 19 chù circumstances; situation 高郵等處蝗
498 19 chù an occasion; a time 高郵等處蝗
499 19 big; huge; large 百官上尊號曰統天繼聖欽文英武大章孝皇帝
500 19 Kangxi radical 37 百官上尊號曰統天繼聖欽文英武大章孝皇帝

Frequencies of all Words

Top 912

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 140 zhī him; her; them; that 近侍及諸官之門
2 140 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 近侍及諸官之門
3 140 zhī to go 近侍及諸官之門
4 140 zhī this; that 近侍及諸官之門
5 140 zhī genetive marker 近侍及諸官之門
6 140 zhī it 近侍及諸官之門
7 140 zhī in; in regards to 近侍及諸官之門
8 140 zhī all 近侍及諸官之門
9 140 zhī and 近侍及諸官之門
10 140 zhī however 近侍及諸官之門
11 140 zhī if 近侍及諸官之門
12 140 zhī then 近侍及諸官之門
13 140 zhī to arrive; to go 近侍及諸官之門
14 140 zhī is 近侍及諸官之門
15 140 zhī to use 近侍及諸官之門
16 140 zhī Zhi 近侍及諸官之門
17 140 zhī winding 近侍及諸官之門
18 117 so as to; in order to 命歲以幣帛千匹
19 117 to use; to regard as 命歲以幣帛千匹
20 117 to use; to grasp 命歲以幣帛千匹
21 117 according to 命歲以幣帛千匹
22 117 because of 命歲以幣帛千匹
23 117 on a certain date 命歲以幣帛千匹
24 117 and; as well as 命歲以幣帛千匹
25 117 to rely on 命歲以幣帛千匹
26 117 to regard 命歲以幣帛千匹
27 117 to be able to 命歲以幣帛千匹
28 117 to order; to command 命歲以幣帛千匹
29 117 further; moreover 命歲以幣帛千匹
30 117 used after a verb 命歲以幣帛千匹
31 117 very 命歲以幣帛千匹
32 117 already 命歲以幣帛千匹
33 117 increasingly 命歲以幣帛千匹
34 117 a reason; a cause 命歲以幣帛千匹
35 117 Israel 命歲以幣帛千匹
36 117 Yi 命歲以幣帛千匹
37 96 wèi for; to 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
38 96 wèi because of 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
39 96 wéi to act as; to serve 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
40 96 wéi to change into; to become 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
41 96 wéi to be; is 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
42 96 wéi to do 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
43 96 wèi for 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
44 96 wèi because of; for; to 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
45 96 wèi to 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
46 96 wéi in a passive construction 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
47 96 wéi forming a rehetorical question 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
48 96 wéi forming an adverb 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
49 96 wéi to add emphasis 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
50 96 wèi to support; to help 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
51 96 wéi to govern 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
52 77 yán to speak; to say; said 乞臺普濟言
53 77 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 乞臺普濟言
54 77 yán Kangxi radical 149 乞臺普濟言
55 77 yán a particle with no meaning 乞臺普濟言
56 77 yán phrase; sentence 乞臺普濟言
57 77 yán a word; a syllable 乞臺普濟言
58 77 yán a theory; a doctrine 乞臺普濟言
59 77 yán to regard as 乞臺普濟言
60 77 yán to act as 乞臺普濟言
61 69 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 禁日者
62 69 zhě that 禁日者
63 69 zhě nominalizing function word 禁日者
64 69 zhě used to mark a definition 禁日者
65 69 zhě used to mark a pause 禁日者
66 69 zhě topic marker; that; it 禁日者
67 69 zhuó according to 禁日者
68 65 děng et cetera; and so on 造作等事
69 65 děng to wait 造作等事
70 65 děng degree; kind 造作等事
71 65 děng plural 造作等事
72 65 děng to be equal 造作等事
73 65 děng degree; level 造作等事
74 65 děng to compare 造作等事
75 62 chén minister; statesman; official 中書省臣請令重喜與高麗王辯對
76 62 chén Kangxi radical 131 中書省臣請令重喜與高麗王辯對
77 62 chén a slave 中書省臣請令重喜與高麗王辯對
78 62 chén you 中書省臣請令重喜與高麗王辯對
79 62 chén Chen 中書省臣請令重喜與高麗王辯對
80 62 chén to obey; to comply 中書省臣請令重喜與高麗王辯對
81 62 chén to command; to direct 中書省臣請令重喜與高麗王辯對
82 62 chén a subject 中書省臣請令重喜與高麗王辯對
83 60 his; hers; its; theirs 今核其數
84 60 to add emphasis 今核其數
85 60 used when asking a question in reply to a question 今核其數
86 60 used when making a request or giving an order 今核其數
87 60 he; her; it; them 今核其數
88 60 probably; likely 今核其數
89 60 will 今核其數
90 60 may 今核其數
91 60 if 今核其數
92 60 or 今核其數
93 60 Qi 今核其數
94 57 wáng Wang 越王禿剌有罪賜死
95 57 wáng a king 越王禿剌有罪賜死
96 57 wáng Kangxi radical 96 越王禿剌有罪賜死
97 57 wàng to be king; to rule 越王禿剌有罪賜死
98 57 wáng a prince; a duke 越王禿剌有罪賜死
99 57 wáng grand; great 越王禿剌有罪賜死
100 57 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 越王禿剌有罪賜死
101 57 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 越王禿剌有罪賜死
102 57 wáng the head of a group or gang 越王禿剌有罪賜死
103 57 wáng the biggest or best of a group 越王禿剌有罪賜死
104 55 chāo paper money 鈔千錠與之
105 55 chāo chao; unit of currency 鈔千錠與之
106 55 chāo to transcribe; to copy 鈔千錠與之
107 55 chāo Chao 鈔千錠與之
108 55 chāo collected writings 鈔千錠與之
109 55 chāo to seize 鈔千錠與之
110 55 chāo the tip of a branch 鈔千錠與之
111 54 尚書省 shàngshū shěng Imperial Secretariat 又與保八議立尚書省
112 53 yǒu is; are; to exist 有出身人考滿者
113 53 yǒu to have; to possess 有出身人考滿者
114 53 yǒu indicates an estimate 有出身人考滿者
115 53 yǒu indicates a large quantity 有出身人考滿者
116 53 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 有出身人考滿者
117 53 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 有出身人考滿者
118 53 yǒu used to compare two things 有出身人考滿者
119 53 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 有出身人考滿者
120 53 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 有出身人考滿者
121 53 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 有出身人考滿者
122 53 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 有出身人考滿者
123 53 yǒu abundant 有出身人考滿者
124 53 yǒu purposeful 有出身人考滿者
125 53 yǒu You 有出身人考滿者
126 47 guān an office 近侍及諸官之門
127 47 guān an official; a government official 近侍及諸官之門
128 47 guān official; state-run 近侍及諸官之門
129 47 guān an official body; a state organization; bureau 近侍及諸官之門
130 47 guān an official rank; an official title 近侍及諸官之門
131 47 guān governance 近侍及諸官之門
132 47 guān a sense organ 近侍及諸官之門
133 47 guān office 近侍及諸官之門
134 47 guān public 近侍及諸官之門
135 47 guān an organ 近侍及諸官之門
136 47 guān a polite form of address 近侍及諸官之門
137 47 guān Guan 近侍及諸官之門
138 47 guān to appoint 近侍及諸官之門
139 47 guān to hold a post 近侍及諸官之門
140 45 shì matter; thing; item 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
141 45 shì to serve 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
142 45 shì a government post 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
143 45 shì duty; post; work 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
144 45 shì occupation 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
145 45 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
146 45 shì an accident 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
147 45 shì to attend 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
148 45 shì an allusion 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
149 45 shì a condition; a state; a situation 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
150 45 shì to engage in 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
151 45 shì to enslave 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
152 45 shì to pursue 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
153 45 shì to administer 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
154 45 shì to appoint 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
155 45 shì a piece 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
156 45 to take charge of; to manage; to administer 其宣慰司官吏
157 45 a department under a ministry 其宣慰司官吏
158 45 to bear 其宣慰司官吏
159 45 to observe; to inspect 其宣慰司官吏
160 45 a government official; an official 其宣慰司官吏
161 45 si 其宣慰司官吏
162 45 zhū all; many; various 方士出入諸王
163 45 zhū Zhu 方士出入諸王
164 45 zhū all; members of the class 方士出入諸王
165 45 zhū interrogative particle 方士出入諸王
166 45 zhū him; her; them; it 方士出入諸王
167 45 zhū of; in 方士出入諸王
168 43 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 毋令見戶包納差稅
169 43 lìng to issue a command 毋令見戶包納差稅
170 43 lìng rules of behavior; customs 毋令見戶包納差稅
171 43 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 毋令見戶包納差稅
172 43 lìng a season 毋令見戶包納差稅
173 43 lìng respected; good reputation 毋令見戶包納差稅
174 43 lìng good 毋令見戶包納差稅
175 43 lìng pretentious 毋令見戶包納差稅
176 43 lìng a transcending state of existence 毋令見戶包納差稅
177 43 lìng a commander 毋令見戶包納差稅
178 43 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 毋令見戶包納差稅
179 43 lìng lyrics 毋令見戶包納差稅
180 43 lìng Ling 毋令見戶包納差稅
181 42 cóng from 從皇太子請
182 42 cóng to follow 從皇太子請
183 42 cóng past; through 從皇太子請
184 42 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 從皇太子請
185 42 cóng to participate in something 從皇太子請
186 42 cóng to use a certain method or principle 從皇太子請
187 42 cóng usually 從皇太子請
188 42 cóng something secondary 從皇太子請
189 42 cóng remote relatives 從皇太子請
190 42 cóng secondary 從皇太子請
191 42 cóng to go on; to advance 從皇太子請
192 42 cōng at ease; informal 從皇太子請
193 42 zòng a follower; a supporter 從皇太子請
194 42 zòng to release 從皇太子請
195 42 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 從皇太子請
196 40 èr two 二年春正月己丑
197 40 èr Kangxi radical 7 二年春正月己丑
198 40 èr second 二年春正月己丑
199 40 èr twice; double; di- 二年春正月己丑
200 40 èr another; the other 二年春正月己丑
201 40 èr more than one kind 二年春正月己丑
202 39 ér son 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
203 39 r a retroflex final 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
204 39 ér Kangxi radical 10 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
205 39 r non-syllabic diminutive suffix 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
206 39 ér a child 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
207 39 ér a youth 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
208 39 ér a male 封知樞密院事容國公床兀兒為句容郡王
209 39 rén person; people; a human being 有出身人考滿者
210 39 rén Kangxi radical 9 有出身人考滿者
211 39 rén a kind of person 有出身人考滿者
212 39 rén everybody 有出身人考滿者
213 39 rén adult 有出身人考滿者
214 39 rén somebody; others 有出身人考滿者
215 39 rén an upright person 有出身人考滿者
216 37 qiān one thousand 凡六千三百餘道
217 37 qiān many; numerous; countless 凡六千三百餘道
218 37 qiān very 凡六千三百餘道
219 37 qiān a cheat; swindler 凡六千三百餘道
220 37 qiān Qian 凡六千三百餘道
221 36 to beg; to request 乞臺普濟言
222 36 to hope for; look forward to 乞臺普濟言
223 36 a beggar 乞臺普濟言
224 36 Qi 乞臺普濟言
225 36 to give 乞臺普濟言
226 36 destitute; needy 乞臺普濟言
227 36 to give; to bestow favors 鑄金印賜句容郡王床兀兒
228 36 grace; favor; a gift 鑄金印賜句容郡王床兀兒
229 36 to award; to appoint 鑄金印賜句容郡王床兀兒
230 36 to do in full 鑄金印賜句容郡王床兀兒
231 36 to bestow an honorific title 鑄金印賜句容郡王床兀兒
232 36 not; no 塔思不花
233 36 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 塔思不花
234 36 as a correlative 塔思不花
235 36 no (answering a question) 塔思不花
236 36 forms a negative adjective from a noun 塔思不花
237 36 at the end of a sentence to form a question 塔思不花
238 36 to form a yes or no question 塔思不花
239 36 infix potential marker 塔思不花
240 36 to stand 立湖廣頭陀禪錄司
241 36 Kangxi radical 117 立湖廣頭陀禪錄司
242 36 erect; upright; vertical 立湖廣頭陀禪錄司
243 36 to establish; to set up; to found 立湖廣頭陀禪錄司
244 36 to conclude; to draw up 立湖廣頭陀禪錄司
245 36 to ascend the throne 立湖廣頭陀禪錄司
246 36 to designate; to appoint 立湖廣頭陀禪錄司
247 36 to live; to exist 立湖廣頭陀禪錄司
248 36 instantaneously; immediatley 立湖廣頭陀禪錄司
249 36 to erect; to stand something up 立湖廣頭陀禪錄司
250 36 to take a stand 立湖廣頭陀禪錄司
251 36 to cease; to stop 立湖廣頭陀禪錄司
252 36 a two week period at the onset o feach season 立湖廣頭陀禪錄司
253 35 dōu all 立鎮守海口屯儲親軍都指揮使司
254 35 capital city 立鎮守海口屯儲親軍都指揮使司
255 35 a city; a metropolis 立鎮守海口屯儲親軍都指揮使司
256 35 dōu all 立鎮守海口屯儲親軍都指揮使司
257 35 elegant; refined 立鎮守海口屯儲親軍都指揮使司
258 35 Du 立鎮守海口屯儲親軍都指揮使司
259 35 dōu already 立鎮守海口屯儲親軍都指揮使司
260 35 to establish a capital city 立鎮守海口屯儲親軍都指揮使司
261 35 to reside 立鎮守海口屯儲親軍都指揮使司
262 35 to total; to tally 立鎮守海口屯儲親軍都指揮使司
263 34 yuán personel; employee 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
264 34 yuán a suffix indicating a member or person with a specialized duty 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
265 34 yuán circle 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
266 34 yún said 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
267 34 yùn Yun 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
268 34 yuán surroundings 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
269 34 yuán a person; an object 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
270 34 yuán a member 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
271 34 yuán number of people 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
272 34 yún to increase 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
273 33 dìng an ingot 鈔千錠與之
274 33 dìng lump; bar; tablet 鈔千錠與之
275 33 dìng a spindle 鈔千錠與之
276 33 one 內郡免差稅一年
277 33 Kangxi radical 1 內郡免差稅一年
278 33 as soon as; all at once 內郡免差稅一年
279 33 pure; concentrated 內郡免差稅一年
280 33 whole; all 內郡免差稅一年
281 33 first 內郡免差稅一年
282 33 the same 內郡免差稅一年
283 33 each 內郡免差稅一年
284 33 certain 內郡免差稅一年
285 33 throughout 內郡免差稅一年
286 33 used in between a reduplicated verb 內郡免差稅一年
287 33 sole; single 內郡免差稅一年
288 33 a very small amount 內郡免差稅一年
289 33 Yi 內郡免差稅一年
290 33 other 內郡免差稅一年
291 33 to unify 內郡免差稅一年
292 33 accidentally; coincidentally 內郡免差稅一年
293 33 abruptly; suddenly 內郡免差稅一年
294 33 or 內郡免差稅一年
295 32 使 shǐ to make; to cause 使人過者千二百餘
296 32 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 使人過者千二百餘
297 32 使 shǐ to indulge 使人過者千二百餘
298 32 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 使人過者千二百餘
299 32 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 使人過者千二百餘
300 32 使 shǐ to dispatch 使人過者千二百餘
301 32 使 shǐ if 使人過者千二百餘
302 32 使 shǐ to use 使人過者千二百餘
303 32 使 shǐ to be able to 使人過者千二百餘
304 31 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 自大德六年至至大元年所出
305 31 suǒ an office; an institute 自大德六年至至大元年所出
306 31 suǒ introduces a relative clause 自大德六年至至大元年所出
307 31 suǒ it 自大德六年至至大元年所出
308 31 suǒ if; supposing 自大德六年至至大元年所出
309 31 suǒ a few; various; some 自大德六年至至大元年所出
310 31 suǒ a place; a location 自大德六年至至大元年所出
311 31 suǒ indicates a passive voice 自大德六年至至大元年所出
312 31 suǒ that which 自大德六年至至大元年所出
313 31 suǒ an ordinal number 自大德六年至至大元年所出
314 31 suǒ meaning 自大德六年至至大元年所出
315 31 suǒ garrison 自大德六年至至大元年所出
316 31 qǐng to ask; to inquire 從皇太子請
317 31 qíng circumstances; state of affairs; situation 從皇太子請
318 31 qǐng to beg; to entreat 從皇太子請
319 31 qǐng please 從皇太子請
320 31 qǐng to request 從皇太子請
321 31 qǐng to hire; to employ; to engage 從皇太子請
322 31 qǐng to make an appointment 從皇太子請
323 31 qǐng to greet 從皇太子請
324 31 qǐng to invite 從皇太子請
325 31 xíng to walk 罷行泉府院
326 31 xíng capable; competent 罷行泉府院
327 31 háng profession 罷行泉府院
328 31 háng line; row 罷行泉府院
329 31 xíng Kangxi radical 144 罷行泉府院
330 31 xíng to travel 罷行泉府院
331 31 xìng actions; conduct 罷行泉府院
332 31 xíng to do; to act; to practice 罷行泉府院
333 31 xíng all right; OK; okay 罷行泉府院
334 31 háng horizontal line 罷行泉府院
335 31 héng virtuous deeds 罷行泉府院
336 31 hàng a line of trees 罷行泉府院
337 31 hàng bold; steadfast 罷行泉府院
338 31 xíng to move 罷行泉府院
339 31 xíng to put into effect; to implement 罷行泉府院
340 31 xíng travel 罷行泉府院
341 31 xíng to circulate 罷行泉府院
342 31 xíng running script; running script 罷行泉府院
343 31 xíng temporary 罷行泉府院
344 31 xíng soon 罷行泉府院
345 31 háng rank; order 罷行泉府院
346 31 háng a business; a shop 罷行泉府院
347 31 xíng to depart; to leave 罷行泉府院
348 31 xíng to experience 罷行泉府院
349 31 xíng path; way 罷行泉府院
350 31 xíng xing; ballad 罷行泉府院
351 31 xíng a round [of drinks] 罷行泉府院
352 31 xíng Xing 罷行泉府院
353 31 xíng moreover; also 罷行泉府院
354 31 bìng and; furthermore; also 並從之
355 31 bìng completely; entirely 並從之
356 31 bìng to combine; to amalgamate 並從之
357 31 bìng to combine 並從之
358 31 bìng to resemble; to be like 並從之
359 31 bìng both; equally 並從之
360 31 bìng both; side-by-side; equally 並從之
361 31 bìng completely; entirely 並從之
362 31 bìng to stand side-by-side 並從之
363 31 bìng definitely; absolutely; actually 並從之
364 31 bīng Taiyuan 並從之
365 31 bìng equally; both; together 並從之
366 30 shěng province 省臣去留
367 30 shěng to save; to be frugal; to economize 省臣去留
368 30 xǐng to introspect; to soul-search; to reflect 省臣去留
369 30 shěng to simplify; to reduce; to omit 省臣去留
370 30 xǐng to become aware; to realize; to understand 省臣去留
371 30 xǐng to become conscious 省臣去留
372 30 xǐng to visit 省臣去留
373 30 shěng provincial capital 省臣去留
374 30 xǐng to test; to take an examination 省臣去留
375 30 xǐng to remember 省臣去留
376 30 shěng a department; a government body 省臣去留
377 30 shěng must not; do not 省臣去留
378 28 zhōng middle 璽書不由中書
379 28 zhōng medium; medium sized 璽書不由中書
380 28 zhōng China 璽書不由中書
381 28 zhòng to hit the mark 璽書不由中書
382 28 zhōng in; amongst 璽書不由中書
383 28 zhōng midday 璽書不由中書
384 28 zhōng inside 璽書不由中書
385 28 zhōng during 璽書不由中書
386 28 zhōng Zhong 璽書不由中書
387 28 zhōng intermediary 璽書不由中書
388 28 zhōng half 璽書不由中書
389 28 zhōng just right; suitably 璽書不由中書
390 28 zhōng while 璽書不由中書
391 28 zhòng to reach; to attain 璽書不由中書
392 28 zhòng to suffer; to infect 璽書不由中書
393 28 zhòng to obtain 璽書不由中書
394 28 zhòng to pass an exam 璽書不由中書
395 28 wàn ten thousand 賑真定路饑民糧萬石
396 28 wàn absolutely 賑真定路饑民糧萬石
397 28 wàn many; myriad; innumerable 賑真定路饑民糧萬石
398 28 wàn Wan 賑真定路饑民糧萬石
399 28 Mo 賑真定路饑民糧萬石
400 28 wàn scorpion dance 賑真定路饑民糧萬石
401 28 gěi to give 軍士給賞有差
402 28 gěi to; for; for the benefit of 軍士給賞有差
403 28 to supply; to provide 軍士給賞有差
404 28 salary for government employees 軍士給賞有差
405 28 to confer; to award 軍士給賞有差
406 28 prosperous; abundant; plentiful; well supplied 軍士給賞有差
407 28 agile; nimble 軍士給賞有差
408 28 gěi an auxilliary verb adding emphasis 軍士給賞有差
409 28 to look after; to take care of 軍士給賞有差
410 28 articulate; well spoken 軍士給賞有差
411 27 yuàn a school 罷行泉府院
412 27 yuàn a courtyard; a yard; a court 罷行泉府院
413 27 yuàn a public institution 罷行泉府院
414 27 yuàn a government department 罷行泉府院
415 27 yín silver 銀七百五十兩
416 27 yín silver 銀七百五十兩
417 27 yín cash; money 銀七百五十兩
418 27 yín silver apricot; gingko 銀七百五十兩
419 27 yín edge; border 銀七百五十兩
420 27 yín Yin 銀七百五十兩
421 27 zhōu a state; a province 寧海一州屬宣慰司
422 27 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 寧海一州屬宣慰司
423 27 zhōu a prefecture 寧海一州屬宣慰司
424 27 zhōu a country 寧海一州屬宣慰司
425 27 zhōu an island 寧海一州屬宣慰司
426 27 zhōu Zhou 寧海一州屬宣慰司
427 27 zhōu autonomous prefecture 寧海一州屬宣慰司
428 27 zhōu a country 寧海一州屬宣慰司
429 27 xiāng each other; one another; mutually 僧俗相犯
430 27 xiàng to observe; to assess 僧俗相犯
431 27 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 僧俗相犯
432 27 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 僧俗相犯
433 27 xiàng to aid; to help 僧俗相犯
434 27 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 僧俗相犯
435 27 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 僧俗相犯
436 27 xiāng alternately; in turn 僧俗相犯
437 27 xiāng Xiang 僧俗相犯
438 27 xiāng form substance 僧俗相犯
439 27 xiāng to express 僧俗相犯
440 27 xiàng to choose 僧俗相犯
441 27 xiāng Xiang 僧俗相犯
442 27 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 僧俗相犯
443 27 xiāng the seventh lunar month 僧俗相犯
444 27 xiāng to compare 僧俗相犯
445 27 xiàng to divine 僧俗相犯
446 27 xiàng to administer 僧俗相犯
447 27 xiàng helper for a blind person 僧俗相犯
448 27 xiāng rhythm [music] 僧俗相犯
449 27 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 僧俗相犯
450 27 xiāng coralwood 僧俗相犯
451 27 xiàng ministry 僧俗相犯
452 27 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 僧俗相犯
453 27 shū book 璽書不由中書
454 27 shū document; manuscript 璽書不由中書
455 27 shū letter 璽書不由中書
456 27 shū the Cannon of Documents 璽書不由中書
457 27 shū to write 璽書不由中書
458 27 shū writing 璽書不由中書
459 27 shū calligraphy; writing style 璽書不由中書
460 27 shū Shu 璽書不由中書
461 27 shū to record 璽書不由中書
462 27 and 乞勿與
463 27 to give 乞勿與
464 27 together with 乞勿與
465 27 interrogative particle 乞勿與
466 27 to accompany 乞勿與
467 27 to particate in 乞勿與
468 27 of the same kind 乞勿與
469 27 to help 乞勿與
470 27 for 乞勿與
471 26 jīn today; present; now 今核其數
472 26 jīn Jin 今核其數
473 26 jīn modern 今核其數
474 26 to reach 近侍及諸官之門
475 26 and 近侍及諸官之門
476 26 coming to; when 近侍及諸官之門
477 26 to attain 近侍及諸官之門
478 26 to understand 近侍及諸官之門
479 26 able to be compared to; to catch up with 近侍及諸官之門
480 26 to be involved with; to associate with 近侍及諸官之門
481 26 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 近侍及諸官之門
482 26 in; at 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
483 26 in; at 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
484 26 in; at; to; from 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
485 26 to go; to 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
486 26 to rely on; to depend on 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
487 26 to go to; to arrive at 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
488 26 from 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
489 26 give 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
490 26 oppposing 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
491 26 and 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
492 26 compared to 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
493 26 by 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
494 26 and; as well as 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
495 26 for 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
496 26 Yu 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
497 26 a crow 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
498 26 whew; wow 請用知錢谷者二三員於宣徽院佐而理之
499 25 to slash 越王禿剌有罪賜死
500 25 perverse; disagreeable 越王禿剌有罪賜死

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
安抚使 安撫使 196 Commissioner for Pacification
安吉 196 Anji
安童 196 Antong
安远 安遠 196 Anyuan
保定 66
  1. Baoding
  2. Baoding
保靖 98 Baojing
八月 98 August; the Eighth Month
霸州 98 Bazhou
北郊 98 Beijiao
汴梁 98 Bianliang
98 Bin county
伯牙 98 Boya
伯颜 伯顏 98 Bayan
参知政事 參知政事 99 Assistant Administrator
常州 99 Changzhou
成都 99 Chengdu
茌平 99 Chiping
99 Chu River
楚王 99 Prince of Chu
春秋 99
  1. Spring and Autumn Period
  2. a person's age
  3. Chunqiu; Annals of Spring and Autumn
  4. spring and autumn
达鲁花赤 達魯花赤 68 Da Lu Hua Chi
大理 100
  1. Dali [kingdom]
  2. Superintendent of Law Enforcement
  3. a major principle; a general truth
  4. Dali [county]
当阳 當陽 100
  1. Dangyang
  2. Dangyang
大司农司 大司農司 100 Dasinongsi
大同 100
  1. Datong
  2. datong; Grand Unity
大学士 大學士 100 an ancient title for college professor
定王 100 King Ding of Zhou
定陶 100 Dingtao
  1. Dong
  2. to supervise; to direct
东昌 東昌 100 Dongchang
东平 東平 100 Dongping
冬至 100
  1. Dongzhi
  2. Winter Solstice festival
二月 195 February; the Second Month
方士 70 a Taoist master; alchemist; necromancer
肥乡 肥鄉 102 Feixiang
封丘 102 Fengqiu
福建 102 Fujian
驸马都尉 駙馬都尉 102 Commandant Escort
甘肃 甘肅 103 Gansu
甘肃省 甘肅省 103 Gansu Province
赣州 贛州 103 Ganzhou
高丽 高麗 103 Korean Goryeo Dynasty
高唐 103 Gaotang
高邮 高郵 103 Gaoyou
庚申 103 Gengshen year; fifty seventh year G9 of the 60 year cycle
宫人 宮人 103
  1. imperial concubine; palace maid
  2. imperial secretary
公事 103 public affairs; official (matters, duties etc)
广平 廣平 103 Guangping
广西 廣西 103 Guangxi
官田 103 Kuantien
瓜州 103 Guazhou County
103 Gou
国史院 國史院 103 History Office
海牙 104 Hague
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
  1. Korea; South Korea
  2. State of Han
  3. fence; low wall
  4. Han
汉人 漢人 104 Han Chinese person or people
韩国 韓國 104 South Korea
杭州 104 Hangzhou
翰林 104 Hanlin
翰林院 104 Imperial Hanlin Academy
  1. Hao
  2. Hao
河东 河東 104
  1. Hedong
  2. Hedong
合肥 104 Hefei
河间 河間 104 Hejian
河南省 104 Henan province
河西 104 Hexi
河中 104 Hezhong
怀宁 懷寧 104 Huaining
皇太子 104 Crown Prince
户部 戶部 104 Ministry of Revenue
虎符 104 Hufu
湖广 湖廣 104 Hubei and Hunan provinces
湖广行省 湖廣行省 104 Huguang province
会通河 會通河 104 Huitong River
户口 戶口 104 Hukou; registered residence
  1. quickly; suddenly
  2. cholera
  3. Huo [mountain]
  4. Huo [state]
  5. Huo
  1. Hebei
  2. to hope
  3. Jizhou
  1. a large river
  2. Yangtze River
  3. Jiang
  4. Jiangsu
  5. Jiang
江南 106
  1. Jiangnan
  2. Jiangnan
  3. Jiangnan
江宁 江寧 106 Jiangning
江西 106 Jiangxi
江西省 106 Jiangxi Province
江浙 106 Jiangsu and Zhejiang
监修国史 監修國史 106 Director of National History
甲午 106 thirty-first year A7 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1954 or 2014
甲戌 106 eleventh year A11 of the 60 year cycle
己亥 106 Jihai year; thirty sixth year
  1. shanxi
  2. jin [dynasty]
  3. to move forward; to promote; to advance
  4. to raise
  5. Jin [state]
  6. Jin
济南 濟南 106 Jinan
荆门 荊門 106 Jingmen
济宁 濟寧 106 Jining
九月 106 September; the Ninth Month
集贤 集賢 106 Jixian
鸡泽 雞澤 106 Jize
句容 106 Jurong
溧水 76 Li River
  1. a bridge
  2. Liang Dynasty
  3. City of Liang
  4. State of Liang
  5. Liang
  6. a beam; rafters
  7. a fishing sluice
  8. to lose footing
  9. State of Liang
  10. a ridge
  11. later Liang
良乡 良鄉 108 Liangxiang; Liang township
108 Liao
辽阳 遼陽 108 Liaoyang
辽阳行省 遼陽行省 108 Liaoyang province
礼部 禮部 108 Ministry of (Confucian) Rites
丽江 麗江 108 Lijiang
临安 臨安 108
  1. Lin'an
  2. Lin'an
灵寿 靈壽 108 Lingshou
六安 108 Lu'an
六月 108 June; the Sixth Month
108 Gansu
龙南 龍南 108 Longnan
  1. Shandong
  2. Lu
  3. foolish; stupid; rash; vulgar
  4. the State of Lu
罗甸 羅甸 108 Luodian
马丁 馬丁 109 Martin
109 the Pleiades
蒙城 77 City of Meng
蒙古 109 Mongolia
109 Ming River
南阳 南陽 110 Nanyang
宁国 寧國 110 Ningguo
宁海 寧海 110 Ninghai
宁津 寧津 110 Ningjin
平江 112
  1. Pingjiang
  2. Pingjiang
平阴 平陰 112 Pingyin
  1. common; general; popular; everywhere; universal; extensive
  2. Prussia
  3. Pu
  1. Pu River
  2. Pu
普定 112 Puding
113 Qi [River]
清州 113 Cheongju
七月 113 July; the Seventh Month
  1. you; thou
  2. Ru River
  3. Ru
睿宗 睿宗 114 Ruizong Zongyao
汝州 114 Ruzhou
色目 115 Semu
山东 山東 115 Shandong
上帝 115
  1. God
  2. Lord on High
上都 115 Shangdu; Xanadu; Shangtu; Chandu; Xandu; Kemenfu; Kaipingfu
尚书省 尚書省 115 Imperial Secretariat
上思 115 Shangsi
上元 115
  1. Shangyuan
  2. Shangyuan
  3. Shangyuan festival; Lantern festival
绍兴 紹興 115 Shaoxing
圣诞节 聖誕節 115 Christmas Day
圣武 聖武 115
  1. Shengwu
  2. Shōmu
神木 115 Shenmu
世祖 115 Shi Zu
十二月 115 December; the Twelfth Month
十一月 115 November; the Eleventh Month
十月 115 October; the Tenth Month
舒城 115 Shucheng
枢密院 樞密院 115 Bureau of Military Affairs
四川 115 Sichuan
四川行省 115 Sichuan province
四月 115 April; the Fourth Month
宋玉 115 Song Yu
松潘 115 Songpan county
岁星 歲星 115 Jupiter
太白 116
  1. Taebaek
  2. Venus
  3. Tai Bai
  4. Tai Bai
  5. Mount Taibai
  6. Taibai (flag)
太后 116
  1. Empress Dowager
  2. Consort Dowager
泰安 116 Tai'an
太保 116 Grand Protector
太常 116 Minister of Ceremonies; Rector of the Imperial Academy
台大 臺大 116 National Taiwan University
太傅 116 Grand Tutor; Grand Mentor
太师 太師 116 Grand Preceptor; Grand Master; Imperial Tutor
脱脱 脫脫 84 Toktoghan; Tuoketuo; Toqto'a; Tuotuo
119 Wei River
魏国 魏國 119
  1. Wei State
  2. Wei State; Cao Wei
卫辉 衛輝 119 Weihui
威远 威遠 119 Weiyuan
汶川县 汶川縣 119 Wenchuan county
文庙 文廟 119 Temple of Literature
文宣王 119 Xiao Zi Liang; Wenxuan Wang
  1. Wu
  2. Jiangsu
  3. Wu
  4. Wu dialect
  5. Eastern Wu
  6. to speak loudly
武宗 119
  1. Emperor Zhengde; Wu Zong
  2. Emperor Wuzong of Tang
武昌 119
  1. Wuchang
  2. Wuchang
五台 五臺 119 Wutai city and
五台山 五臺山 119
  1. Mount Wutai
  2. Odaesan; Mount Odaesan; Mount Odae
五月 119 May; the Fifth Month
  1. what?; where?; why?
  2. a slave; a servant
  3. Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi
  4. Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi
  5. Xi
夏朝 120 Xia Dynasty
襄阳 襄陽 120
  1. Xiangyang
  2. Xangyang
夏至 120 Xiazhi
辛亥 120 Xin Hai year
行中书省 行中書省 120 Branch Secretariat
兴圣宫 興聖宮 120 Xingsheng Palace
  1. xu
  2. slowly; gently
  3. Xu
  4. Xuzhou
宣抚司 宣撫司 120 Conciliation Commission
宣徽院 120 Court of Palace Attendants
宣慰使 120 Commissioner for Pacification
  1. Xue
  2. Xue
延安 121 Yan'an
阳谷 陽谷 121 Yangu
阳曲县 陽曲縣 121 Yangqu county
扬州 揚州 121 Yangzhou
延庆 延慶 121 Yanqing
盐山 鹽山 121 Yanshan
兖州 兗州 89
  1. Yanzhou
  2. Yanzhou
也先 121 Esen Taishi
121 Yi
宜城 121 Yicheng
夷陵 121 Yiling
阴阳家 陰陽家 121 Yin-Yang School of Thought; Naturalists
以太 121 Ether-
宜兴 宜興 121 Yixing
永平 89
  1. Yong Ping reign
  2. Yong Ping reign
永顺 永順 121 Yongshun
远安 遠安 121 Yuan'an
禹城 121 Yucheng
云南 雲南 121 Yunnan
云南省 雲南省 121 Yunnan
云南行省 雲南行省 121 Yunnan province
御史 121
  1. Royal Scribe
  2. Censor
御史大夫 121 Imperial Secretary
于田 於田 121 Yutian
长吏 長吏 122 Senior Functionary; Chief Official
詹事 122 Supply Official
  1. Zhao
  2. Zhao Dynasty
  3. State of Zhao
  4. to rush
  5. to visit
  6. Zhao
  7. to dig
赵国 趙國 122 State of Zhao
浙东 浙東 122 Eastern Zhejiang
真定 122 Zhending; Zhengding
正月 122 first month of the lunar calendar
至大 122 Zhida reign
直沽 122 Zhigu
直隶 直隸 122 Zhili
治书 治書 122 Document Compiler
至元 122 Zhiyuan
至治 122 Zhizhi reign
中都 122 Zhongdu; Dadu; Khanbaliq; Beijing
中书省 中書省 122 Central Secretariat
中统 中統 122 Zhongtong
  1. daytime
  2. Zhou
  3. Zhou
朱清 122 Zhu Qing
涿州 122 Zhuozhou


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English