Glossary and Vocabulary for Old Book of Tang 舊唐書, 卷一百三十一 列傳第八十一: 李勉 李皋 子像古 道古 Volume 131 Biographies 81: Li Mian, Li Gao, Zi Xianggu, Dao Gu

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 78 zhī to go 時人榮之
2 78 zhī to arrive; to go 時人榮之
3 78 zhī is 時人榮之
4 78 zhī to use 時人榮之
5 78 zhī Zhi 時人榮之
6 78 zhī winding 時人榮之
7 53 to use; to grasp 所歷皆以嚴干聞
8 53 to rely on 所歷皆以嚴干聞
9 53 to regard 所歷皆以嚴干聞
10 53 to be able to 所歷皆以嚴干聞
11 53 to order; to command 所歷皆以嚴干聞
12 53 used after a verb 所歷皆以嚴干聞
13 53 a reason; a cause 所歷皆以嚴干聞
14 53 Israel 所歷皆以嚴干聞
15 53 Yi 所歷皆以嚴干聞
16 48 wéi to act as; to serve 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
17 48 wéi to change into; to become 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
18 48 wéi to be; is 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
19 48 wéi to do 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
20 48 wèi to support; to help 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
21 48 wéi to govern 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
22 39 gāo the high land along a river 李皋
23 38 miǎn to encourage 李勉
24 38 miǎn to exhort; to urge 李勉
25 38 miǎn industrious; striving 李勉
26 31 zhōu a state; a province 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
27 31 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
28 31 zhōu a prefecture 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
29 31 zhōu a country 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
30 31 zhōu an island 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
31 31 zhōu Zhou 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
32 31 zhōu autonomous prefecture 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
33 31 zhōu a country 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
34 28 zhì Kangxi radical 133 從至靈武
35 28 zhì to arrive 從至靈武
36 27 Qi 勉問其故
37 26 ér Kangxi radical 126 而引擇言同榻
38 26 ér as if; to seem like 而引擇言同榻
39 26 néng can; able 而引擇言同榻
40 26 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 而引擇言同榻
41 26 ér to arrive; up to 而引擇言同榻
42 25 dào way; road; path 番禺賊帥馮崇道
43 25 dào principle; a moral; morality 番禺賊帥馮崇道
44 25 dào Tao; the Way 番禺賊帥馮崇道
45 25 dào to say; to speak; to talk 番禺賊帥馮崇道
46 25 dào to think 番禺賊帥馮崇道
47 25 dào circuit; a province 番禺賊帥馮崇道
48 25 dào a course; a channel 番禺賊帥馮崇道
49 25 dào a method; a way of doing something 番禺賊帥馮崇道
50 25 dào a doctrine 番禺賊帥馮崇道
51 25 dào Taoism; Daoism 番禺賊帥馮崇道
52 25 dào a skill 番禺賊帥馮崇道
53 25 dào a sect 番禺賊帥馮崇道
54 25 dào a line 番禺賊帥馮崇道
55 25 yuē to speak; to say 歎曰
56 25 yuē Kangxi radical 73 歎曰
57 25 yuē to be called 歎曰
58 24 ancient; old; palaeo- 好古尚奇
59 24 ancient; old 好古尚奇
60 24 out of date 好古尚奇
61 24 former times 好古尚奇
62 24 events in former times 好古尚奇
63 24 sincere; unpretentious 好古尚奇
64 24 an ancient style of poetry 好古尚奇
65 24 Gu 好古尚奇
66 21 jiàng a general; a high ranking officer 肅宗將大用勉
67 21 jiāng to progress; to transmit; to convey; to send 肅宗將大用勉
68 21 jiàng to command; to lead 肅宗將大用勉
69 21 qiāng to request 肅宗將大用勉
70 21 jiāng to bring; to take; to use; to hold 肅宗將大用勉
71 21 jiāng to support; to wait upon; to take care of 肅宗將大用勉
72 21 jiāng to checkmate 肅宗將大用勉
73 21 jiāng to goad; to incite; to provoke 肅宗將大用勉
74 21 jiāng to do; to handle 肅宗將大用勉
75 21 jiàng backbone 肅宗將大用勉
76 21 jiàng king 肅宗將大用勉
77 21 jiāng to rest 肅宗將大用勉
78 21 jiàng a senior member of an organization 肅宗將大用勉
79 21 jiāng large; great 肅宗將大用勉
80 20 Li 李勉
81 20 plum 李勉
82 20 envoy; judge 李勉
83 20 to go; to 宗於虛玄
84 20 to rely on; to depend on 宗於虛玄
85 20 Yu 宗於虛玄
86 20 a crow 宗於虛玄
87 19 nián year 大歷二年
88 19 nián New Year festival 大歷二年
89 19 nián age 大歷二年
90 19 nián life span; life expectancy 大歷二年
91 19 nián an era; a period 大歷二年
92 19 nián a date 大歷二年
93 19 nián time; years 大歷二年
94 19 nián harvest 大歷二年
95 19 nián annual; every year 大歷二年
96 18 rén person; people; a human being 時人榮之
97 18 rén Kangxi radical 9 時人榮之
98 18 rén a kind of person 時人榮之
99 18 rén everybody 時人榮之
100 18 rén adult 時人榮之
101 18 rén somebody; others 時人榮之
102 18 rén an upright person 時人榮之
103 18 nǎi to be 勉乃哀之
104 17 suǒ a few; various; some 所歷皆以嚴干聞
105 17 suǒ a place; a location 所歷皆以嚴干聞
106 17 suǒ indicates a passive voice 所歷皆以嚴干聞
107 17 suǒ an ordinal number 所歷皆以嚴干聞
108 17 suǒ meaning 所歷皆以嚴干聞
109 17 suǒ garrison 所歷皆以嚴干聞
110 16 刺史 cìshǐ Regional Inspector 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
111 16 bīng soldier; troops 汴州將李靈曜阻兵
112 16 bīng weapons 汴州將李靈曜阻兵
113 16 bīng military; warfare 汴州將李靈曜阻兵
114 15 zhào an imperial decree 詔並處斬
115 15 zhào to decree; to proclaim; to tell 詔並處斬
116 15 to reach 及勉蒞職旬月
117 15 to attain 及勉蒞職旬月
118 15 to understand 及勉蒞職旬月
119 15 able to be compared to; to catch up with 及勉蒞職旬月
120 15 to be involved with; to associate with 及勉蒞職旬月
121 15 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 及勉蒞職旬月
122 15 使 shǐ to make; to cause 宦官魚朝恩為觀軍容使
123 15 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 宦官魚朝恩為觀軍容使
124 15 使 shǐ to indulge 宦官魚朝恩為觀軍容使
125 15 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 宦官魚朝恩為觀軍容使
126 15 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 宦官魚朝恩為觀軍容使
127 15 使 shǐ to dispatch 宦官魚朝恩為觀軍容使
128 15 使 shǐ to use 宦官魚朝恩為觀軍容使
129 15 使 shǐ to be able to 宦官魚朝恩為觀軍容使
130 14 wáng Wang 累為河東節度王思禮
131 14 wáng a king 累為河東節度王思禮
132 14 wáng Kangxi radical 96 累為河東節度王思禮
133 14 wàng to be king; to rule 累為河東節度王思禮
134 14 wáng a prince; a duke 累為河東節度王思禮
135 14 wáng grand; great 累為河東節度王思禮
136 14 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 累為河東節度王思禮
137 14 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 累為河東節度王思禮
138 14 wáng the head of a group or gang 累為河東節度王思禮
139 14 wáng the biggest or best of a group 累為河東節度王思禮
140 14 shì matter; thing; item 判都督事
141 14 shì to serve 判都督事
142 14 shì a government post 判都督事
143 14 shì duty; post; work 判都督事
144 14 shì occupation 判都督事
145 14 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 判都督事
146 14 shì an accident 判都督事
147 14 shì to attend 判都督事
148 14 shì an allusion 判都督事
149 14 shì a condition; a state; a situation 判都督事
150 14 shì to engage in 判都督事
151 14 shì to enslave 判都督事
152 14 shì to pursue 判都督事
153 14 shì to administer 判都督事
154 14 shì to appoint 判都督事
155 13 shí time; a point or period of time 時人榮之
156 13 shí a season; a quarter of a year 時人榮之
157 13 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 時人榮之
158 13 shí fashionable 時人榮之
159 13 shí fate; destiny; luck 時人榮之
160 13 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 時人榮之
161 13 shí tense 時人榮之
162 13 shí particular; special 時人榮之
163 13 shí to plant; to cultivate 時人榮之
164 13 shí an era; a dynasty 時人榮之
165 13 shí time [abstract] 時人榮之
166 13 shí seasonal 時人榮之
167 13 shí to wait upon 時人榮之
168 13 shí hour 時人榮之
169 13 shí appropriate; proper; timely 時人榮之
170 13 shí Shi 時人榮之
171 13 shí a present; currentlt 時人榮之
172 13 Kangxi radical 132 遺表舉勉自代
173 13 Zi 遺表舉勉自代
174 13 a nose 遺表舉勉自代
175 13 the beginning; the start 遺表舉勉自代
176 13 origin 遺表舉勉自代
177 13 to employ; to use 遺表舉勉自代
178 13 to be 遺表舉勉自代
179 13 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又除江西觀察使
180 12 to give 勉與聯尉盧成軌等
181 12 to accompany 勉與聯尉盧成軌等
182 12 to particate in 勉與聯尉盧成軌等
183 12 of the same kind 勉與聯尉盧成軌等
184 12 to help 勉與聯尉盧成軌等
185 12 for 勉與聯尉盧成軌等
186 12 jūn army; military 及滑亳永平軍節度令狐彰卒
187 12 jūn soldiers; troops 及滑亳永平軍節度令狐彰卒
188 12 jūn an organized collective 及滑亳永平軍節度令狐彰卒
189 12 jūn to garrison; to stay an an encampment 及滑亳永平軍節度令狐彰卒
190 12 jūn a garrison 及滑亳永平軍節度令狐彰卒
191 12 jūn a front 及滑亳永平軍節度令狐彰卒
192 12 jūn penal miltary service 及滑亳永平軍節度令狐彰卒
193 12 jūn to organize troops 及滑亳永平軍節度令狐彰卒
194 12 yán to speak; to say; said 父擇言
195 12 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 父擇言
196 12 yán Kangxi radical 149 父擇言
197 12 yán phrase; sentence 父擇言
198 12 yán a word; a syllable 父擇言
199 12 yán a theory; a doctrine 父擇言
200 12 yán to regard as 父擇言
201 12 yán to act as 父擇言
202 12 zéi thief 賊帥陳莊連陷江西州縣
203 12 zéi to injure; to harm 賊帥陳莊連陷江西州縣
204 12 zéi a traitor; an evildoer; an enemy 賊帥陳莊連陷江西州縣
205 12 zéi evil 賊帥陳莊連陷江西州縣
206 12 jiàng to descend; to fall; to drop 意欲勉降禮於己
207 12 jiàng to degrade 意欲勉降禮於己
208 12 jiàng Jiang [jupiter station] 意欲勉降禮於己
209 12 jiàng to confer; to bestow; to give 意欲勉降禮於己
210 12 jiàng to reduce; to decline 意欲勉降禮於己
211 12 jiàng to condescend 意欲勉降禮於己
212 12 jiàng to surrender 意欲勉降禮於己
213 12 jiàng Jiang 意欲勉降禮於己
214 12 xiáng to surrender 意欲勉降禮於己
215 12 xiáng to conquer; to subdue 意欲勉降禮於己
216 12 liáng good; virtuous; respectable 以良政聞
217 12 liáng moderate 以良政聞
218 12 liáng wise and capable 以良政聞
219 12 liáng natural; innate 以良政聞
220 12 liáng a virtuous person 以良政聞
221 12 liáng Liang 以良政聞
222 12 zhōng middle 兼御史中丞
223 12 zhōng medium; medium sized 兼御史中丞
224 12 zhōng China 兼御史中丞
225 12 zhòng to hit the mark 兼御史中丞
226 12 zhōng midday 兼御史中丞
227 12 zhōng inside 兼御史中丞
228 12 zhōng during 兼御史中丞
229 12 zhōng Zhong 兼御史中丞
230 12 zhōng intermediary 兼御史中丞
231 12 zhōng half 兼御史中丞
232 12 zhòng to reach; to attain 兼御史中丞
233 12 zhòng to suffer; to infect 兼御史中丞
234 12 zhòng to obtain 兼御史中丞
235 12 zhòng to pass an exam 兼御史中丞
236 11 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 肅宗遽令奔騎宥釋
237 11 lìng to issue a command 肅宗遽令奔騎宥釋
238 11 lìng rules of behavior; customs 肅宗遽令奔騎宥釋
239 11 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 肅宗遽令奔騎宥釋
240 11 lìng a season 肅宗遽令奔騎宥釋
241 11 lìng respected; good reputation 肅宗遽令奔騎宥釋
242 11 lìng good 肅宗遽令奔騎宥釋
243 11 lìng pretentious 肅宗遽令奔騎宥釋
244 11 lìng a transcending state of existence 肅宗遽令奔騎宥釋
245 11 lìng a commander 肅宗遽令奔騎宥釋
246 11 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 肅宗遽令奔騎宥釋
247 11 lìng lyrics 肅宗遽令奔騎宥釋
248 11 lìng Ling 肅宗遽令奔騎宥釋
249 11 shàng top; a high position 上言曰
250 11 shang top; the position on or above something 上言曰
251 11 shàng to go up; to go forward 上言曰
252 11 shàng shang 上言曰
253 11 shàng previous; last 上言曰
254 11 shàng high; higher 上言曰
255 11 shàng advanced 上言曰
256 11 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上言曰
257 11 shàng time 上言曰
258 11 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上言曰
259 11 shàng far 上言曰
260 11 shàng big; as big as 上言曰
261 11 shàng abundant; plentiful 上言曰
262 11 shàng to report 上言曰
263 11 shàng to offer 上言曰
264 11 shàng to go on stage 上言曰
265 11 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上言曰
266 11 shàng to install; to erect 上言曰
267 11 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上言曰
268 11 shàng to burn 上言曰
269 11 shàng to remember 上言曰
270 11 shàng to add 上言曰
271 11 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上言曰
272 11 shàng to meet 上言曰
273 11 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上言曰
274 11 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上言曰
275 11 shàng a musical note 上言曰
276 11 zài in; at 在漢州
277 11 zài to exist; to be living 在漢州
278 11 zài to consist of 在漢州
279 11 zài to be at a post 在漢州
280 11 shǎo few 四遷至河南少尹
281 11 shǎo to decrease; to lessen; to lose 四遷至河南少尹
282 11 shǎo to be inadequate; to be insufficient 四遷至河南少尹
283 11 shǎo to be less than 四遷至河南少尹
284 11 shǎo to despise; to scorn; to look down on 四遷至河南少尹
285 11 shào young 四遷至河南少尹
286 11 shào youth 四遷至河南少尹
287 11 shào a youth; a young person 四遷至河南少尹
288 11 shào Shao 四遷至河南少尹
289 11 guó a country; a nation 朔方河東都統李國貞行軍司馬
290 11 guó the capital of a state 朔方河東都統李國貞行軍司馬
291 11 guó a feud; a vassal state 朔方河東都統李國貞行軍司馬
292 11 guó a state; a kingdom 朔方河東都統李國貞行軍司馬
293 11 guó a place; a land 朔方河東都統李國貞行軍司馬
294 11 guó domestic; Chinese 朔方河東都統李國貞行軍司馬
295 11 guó national 朔方河東都統李國貞行軍司馬
296 11 guó top in the nation 朔方河東都統李國貞行軍司馬
297 11 guó Guo 朔方河東都統李國貞行軍司馬
298 10 將軍 jiāngjūn a general 觀將軍非敢大逆
299 10 將軍 jiāngjūn to capture the enemy; check 觀將軍非敢大逆
300 10 extra; surplus 陷沒十餘州
301 10 odd; surplus over a round number 陷沒十餘州
302 10 to remain 陷沒十餘州
303 10 other 陷沒十餘州
304 10 additional; complementary 陷沒十餘州
305 10 remaining 陷沒十餘州
306 10 incomplete 陷沒十餘州
307 10 Yu 陷沒十餘州
308 10 to go back; to return 克復西京
309 10 to resume; to restart 克復西京
310 10 to do in detail 克復西京
311 10 to restore 克復西京
312 10 to respond; to reply to 克復西京
313 10 Fu; Return 克復西京
314 10 to retaliate; to reciprocate 克復西京
315 10 to avoid forced labor or tax 克復西京
316 10 Fu 克復西京
317 10 doubled; to overlapping; folded 克復西京
318 10 a lined garment with doubled thickness 克復西京
319 10 liè intense; fierce 希烈兇逆殘酷
320 10 liè grand 希烈兇逆殘酷
321 10 liè ablaze 希烈兇逆殘酷
322 10 liè to set on fire 希烈兇逆殘酷
323 10 liè principled; upright 希烈兇逆殘酷
324 10 liè violent 希烈兇逆殘酷
325 10 liè devoted 希烈兇逆殘酷
326 10 liè glorious 希烈兇逆殘酷
327 10 liè famous 希烈兇逆殘酷
328 10 wén to hear 所歷皆以嚴干聞
329 10 wén Wen 所歷皆以嚴干聞
330 10 wén sniff at; to smell 所歷皆以嚴干聞
331 10 wén to be widely known 所歷皆以嚴干聞
332 10 wén to confirm; to accept 所歷皆以嚴干聞
333 10 wén information 所歷皆以嚴干聞
334 10 wèn famous; well known 所歷皆以嚴干聞
335 10 wén knowledge; learning 所歷皆以嚴干聞
336 10 wèn popularity; prestige; reputation 所歷皆以嚴干聞
337 10 wén to question 所歷皆以嚴干聞
338 10 big; huge; large 大歷二年
339 10 Kangxi radical 37 大歷二年
340 10 great; major; important 大歷二年
341 10 size 大歷二年
342 10 old 大歷二年
343 10 oldest; earliest 大歷二年
344 10 adult 大歷二年
345 10 dài an important person 大歷二年
346 10 senior 大歷二年
347 10 qīng clear; clean 長而沉雅清峻
348 10 qīng Qing Dynasty 長而沉雅清峻
349 10 qìng peaceful 長而沉雅清峻
350 10 qìng transparent 長而沉雅清峻
351 10 qìng upper six notes 長而沉雅清峻
352 10 qìng distinctive 長而沉雅清峻
353 10 qìng lofty and unsullied; honest 長而沉雅清峻
354 10 qìng elegant; graceful 長而沉雅清峻
355 10 qìng to eliminate; to clean 長而沉雅清峻
356 10 qìng to tidy up 長而沉雅清峻
357 10 qìng to pay the bill; to settle accounts 長而沉雅清峻
358 10 qìng to check a total; to recalculate 長而沉雅清峻
359 10 qìng blood serum 長而沉雅清峻
360 10 qìng Qing 長而沉雅清峻
361 10 infix potential marker 豈以譖言而殺不辜乎
362 9 qiǎn to send; to dispatch 遣將李觀與容州刺史王翃人並力招討
363 9 qiǎn to banish; to exile 遣將李觀與容州刺史王翃人並力招討
364 9 qiǎn to release 遣將李觀與容州刺史王翃人並力招討
365 9 qiǎn to divorce 遣將李觀與容州刺史王翃人並力招討
366 9 qiǎn to eliminate 遣將李觀與容州刺史王翃人並力招討
367 9 qiǎn to cause 遣將李觀與容州刺史王翃人並力招討
368 9 qiǎn to use; to apply 遣將李觀與容州刺史王翃人並力招討
369 9 qiàn to bring to a grave 遣將李觀與容州刺史王翃人並力招討
370 9 chū rudimentary; elementary 至德初
371 9 chū original 至德初
372 9 to enter 追入為大理少卿
373 9 Kangxi radical 11 追入為大理少卿
374 9 radical 追入為大理少卿
375 9 income 追入為大理少卿
376 9 to conform with 追入為大理少卿
377 9 to descend 追入為大理少卿
378 9 the entering tone 追入為大理少卿
379 9 to pay 追入為大理少卿
380 9 to join 追入為大理少卿
381 9 xíng to walk 大將管崇嗣於行在朝堂背闕而坐
382 9 xíng capable; competent 大將管崇嗣於行在朝堂背闕而坐
383 9 háng profession 大將管崇嗣於行在朝堂背闕而坐
384 9 xíng Kangxi radical 144 大將管崇嗣於行在朝堂背闕而坐
385 9 xíng to travel 大將管崇嗣於行在朝堂背闕而坐
386 9 xìng actions; conduct 大將管崇嗣於行在朝堂背闕而坐
387 9 xíng to do; to act; to practice 大將管崇嗣於行在朝堂背闕而坐
388 9 xíng all right; OK; okay 大將管崇嗣於行在朝堂背闕而坐
389 9 háng horizontal line 大將管崇嗣於行在朝堂背闕而坐
390 9 héng virtuous deeds 大將管崇嗣於行在朝堂背闕而坐
391 9 hàng a line of trees 大將管崇嗣於行在朝堂背闕而坐
392 9 hàng bold; steadfast 大將管崇嗣於行在朝堂背闕而坐
393 9 xíng to move 大將管崇嗣於行在朝堂背闕而坐
394 9 xíng to put into effect; to implement 大將管崇嗣於行在朝堂背闕而坐
395 9 xíng travel 大將管崇嗣於行在朝堂背闕而坐
396 9 xíng to circulate 大將管崇嗣於行在朝堂背闕而坐
397 9 xíng running script; running script 大將管崇嗣於行在朝堂背闕而坐
398 9 xíng temporary 大將管崇嗣於行在朝堂背闕而坐
399 9 háng rank; order 大將管崇嗣於行在朝堂背闕而坐
400 9 háng a business; a shop 大將管崇嗣於行在朝堂背闕而坐
401 9 xíng to depart; to leave 大將管崇嗣於行在朝堂背闕而坐
402 9 xíng to experience 大將管崇嗣於行在朝堂背闕而坐
403 9 xíng path; way 大將管崇嗣於行在朝堂背闕而坐
404 9 xíng xing; ballad 大將管崇嗣於行在朝堂背闕而坐
405 9 xíng Xing 大將管崇嗣於行在朝堂背闕而坐
406 9 èr two 大歷二年
407 9 èr Kangxi radical 7 大歷二年
408 9 èr second 大歷二年
409 9 èr twice; double; di- 大歷二年
410 9 èr more than one kind 大歷二年
411 9 four 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
412 9 note a musical scale 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
413 9 fourth 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
414 9 Si 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
415 9 shèn to be cautious; to be careful; to be attentive 有裨將伊慎
416 9 shèn to take seriously; to value 有裨將伊慎
417 9 shèn Shen 有裨將伊慎
418 9 fēi Kangxi radical 175 非逆者
419 9 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 非逆者
420 9 fēi different 非逆者
421 9 fēi to not be; to not have 非逆者
422 9 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 非逆者
423 9 fēi Africa 非逆者
424 9 fēi to slander 非逆者
425 9 fěi to avoid 非逆者
426 9 fēi must 非逆者
427 9 fēi an error 非逆者
428 9 fēi a problem; a question 非逆者
429 9 fēi evil 非逆者
430 8 shā to kill; to murder; to slaughter 若盡殺之
431 8 shā to hurt 若盡殺之
432 8 shā to pare off; to reduce; to clip 若盡殺之
433 8 děng et cetera; and so on 勉與聯尉盧成軌等
434 8 děng to wait 勉與聯尉盧成軌等
435 8 děng to be equal 勉與聯尉盧成軌等
436 8 děng degree; level 勉與聯尉盧成軌等
437 8 děng to compare 勉與聯尉盧成軌等
438 8 a government official; a magistrate 盡力吏也
439 8 Li 盡力吏也
440 8 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 多不知禮
441 8 duó many; much 多不知禮
442 8 duō more 多不知禮
443 8 duō excessive 多不知禮
444 8 duō abundant 多不知禮
445 8 duō to multiply; to acrue 多不知禮
446 8 duō Duo 多不知禮
447 8 lèi to be tired 累授開封尉
448 8 lěi to accumulate 累授開封尉
449 8 léi Lei 累授開封尉
450 8 léi to bind; to burden 累授開封尉
451 8 lěi repeatedly; continuously 累授開封尉
452 8 lèi to implicate; to involve 累授開封尉
453 8 lèi to be work hard; to toil 累授開封尉
454 8 lěi to add 累授開封尉
455 8 léi a rope 累授開封尉
456 8 léi to wind around 累授開封尉
457 8 léi piles of; heaps of 累授開封尉
458 8 chéng a city; a town 勉失守梁城
459 8 chéng a city wall 勉失守梁城
460 8 chéng to fortify 勉失守梁城
461 8 chéng a fort; a citadel 勉失守梁城
462 8 qiān to move; to shift 遷司膳員外郎
463 8 qiān to transfer 遷司膳員外郎
464 8 qiān to transfer job posting; to be promoted 遷司膳員外郎
465 8 qiān to displace; to remove; to banish; to demote 遷司膳員外郎
466 8 qiān to change; to transform 遷司膳員外郎
467 8 dài to represent; to substitute; to replace 勉亦尋受代
468 8 dài dynasty 勉亦尋受代
469 8 dài generation; age; period; era 勉亦尋受代
470 8 dài to exchange; to swap; to switch 勉亦尋受代
471 8 dài a successor 勉亦尋受代
472 8 dài Dai 勉亦尋受代
473 8 dài Dai 勉亦尋受代
474 8 dài to alternate 勉亦尋受代
475 8 dài to succeed 勉亦尋受代
476 8 xià bottom 遭點污者半天下
477 8 xià to fall; to drop; to go down; to descend 遭點污者半天下
478 8 xià to announce 遭點污者半天下
479 8 xià to do 遭點污者半天下
480 8 xià to withdraw; to leave; to exit 遭點污者半天下
481 8 xià the lower class; a member of the lower class 遭點污者半天下
482 8 xià inside 遭點污者半天下
483 8 xià an aspect 遭點污者半天下
484 8 xià a certain time 遭點污者半天下
485 8 xià to capture; to take 遭點污者半天下
486 8 xià to put in 遭點污者半天下
487 8 xià to enter 遭點污者半天下
488 8 xià to eliminate; to remove; to get off 遭點污者半天下
489 8 xià to finish work or school 遭點污者半天下
490 8 xià to go 遭點污者半天下
491 8 xià to scorn; to look down on 遭點污者半天下
492 8 xià to modestly decline 遭點污者半天下
493 8 xià to produce 遭點污者半天下
494 8 xià to stay at; to lodge at 遭點污者半天下
495 8 xià to decide 遭點污者半天下
496 8 xià to be less than 遭點污者半天下
497 8 xià humble; lowly 遭點污者半天下
498 8 guān an office 某被脅制守官
499 8 guān an official; a government official 某被脅制守官
500 8 guān official; state-run 某被脅制守官

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1054

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 78 zhī him; her; them; that 時人榮之
2 78 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 時人榮之
3 78 zhī to go 時人榮之
4 78 zhī this; that 時人榮之
5 78 zhī genetive marker 時人榮之
6 78 zhī it 時人榮之
7 78 zhī in; in regards to 時人榮之
8 78 zhī all 時人榮之
9 78 zhī and 時人榮之
10 78 zhī however 時人榮之
11 78 zhī if 時人榮之
12 78 zhī then 時人榮之
13 78 zhī to arrive; to go 時人榮之
14 78 zhī is 時人榮之
15 78 zhī to use 時人榮之
16 78 zhī Zhi 時人榮之
17 78 zhī winding 時人榮之
18 53 so as to; in order to 所歷皆以嚴干聞
19 53 to use; to regard as 所歷皆以嚴干聞
20 53 to use; to grasp 所歷皆以嚴干聞
21 53 according to 所歷皆以嚴干聞
22 53 because of 所歷皆以嚴干聞
23 53 on a certain date 所歷皆以嚴干聞
24 53 and; as well as 所歷皆以嚴干聞
25 53 to rely on 所歷皆以嚴干聞
26 53 to regard 所歷皆以嚴干聞
27 53 to be able to 所歷皆以嚴干聞
28 53 to order; to command 所歷皆以嚴干聞
29 53 further; moreover 所歷皆以嚴干聞
30 53 used after a verb 所歷皆以嚴干聞
31 53 very 所歷皆以嚴干聞
32 53 already 所歷皆以嚴干聞
33 53 increasingly 所歷皆以嚴干聞
34 53 a reason; a cause 所歷皆以嚴干聞
35 53 Israel 所歷皆以嚴干聞
36 53 Yi 所歷皆以嚴干聞
37 48 wèi for; to 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
38 48 wèi because of 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
39 48 wéi to act as; to serve 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
40 48 wéi to change into; to become 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
41 48 wéi to be; is 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
42 48 wéi to do 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
43 48 wèi for 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
44 48 wèi because of; for; to 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
45 48 wèi to 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
46 48 wéi in a passive construction 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
47 48 wéi forming a rehetorical question 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
48 48 wéi forming an adverb 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
49 48 wéi to add emphasis 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
50 48 wèi to support; to help 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
51 48 wéi to govern 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
52 39 gāo the high land along a river 李皋
53 38 miǎn to encourage 李勉
54 38 miǎn to exhort; to urge 李勉
55 38 miǎn industrious; striving 李勉
56 31 zhōu a state; a province 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
57 31 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
58 31 zhōu a prefecture 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
59 31 zhōu a country 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
60 31 zhōu an island 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
61 31 zhōu Zhou 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
62 31 zhōu autonomous prefecture 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
63 31 zhōu a country 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
64 28 zhì to; until 從至靈武
65 28 zhì Kangxi radical 133 從至靈武
66 28 zhì extremely; very; most 從至靈武
67 28 zhì to arrive 從至靈武
68 28 yǒu is; are; to exist 並有擒奸擿伏之名
69 28 yǒu to have; to possess 並有擒奸擿伏之名
70 28 yǒu indicates an estimate 並有擒奸擿伏之名
71 28 yǒu indicates a large quantity 並有擒奸擿伏之名
72 28 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 並有擒奸擿伏之名
73 28 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 並有擒奸擿伏之名
74 28 yǒu used to compare two things 並有擒奸擿伏之名
75 28 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 並有擒奸擿伏之名
76 28 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 並有擒奸擿伏之名
77 28 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 並有擒奸擿伏之名
78 28 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 並有擒奸擿伏之名
79 28 yǒu abundant 並有擒奸擿伏之名
80 28 yǒu purposeful 並有擒奸擿伏之名
81 28 yǒu You 並有擒奸擿伏之名
82 27 his; hers; its; theirs 勉問其故
83 27 to add emphasis 勉問其故
84 27 used when asking a question in reply to a question 勉問其故
85 27 used when making a request or giving an order 勉問其故
86 27 he; her; it; them 勉問其故
87 27 probably; likely 勉問其故
88 27 will 勉問其故
89 27 may 勉問其故
90 27 if 勉問其故
91 27 or 勉問其故
92 27 Qi 勉問其故
93 26 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 而引擇言同榻
94 26 ér Kangxi radical 126 而引擇言同榻
95 26 ér you 而引擇言同榻
96 26 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 而引擇言同榻
97 26 ér right away; then 而引擇言同榻
98 26 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 而引擇言同榻
99 26 ér if; in case; in the event that 而引擇言同榻
100 26 ér therefore; as a result; thus 而引擇言同榻
101 26 ér how can it be that? 而引擇言同榻
102 26 ér so as to 而引擇言同榻
103 26 ér only then 而引擇言同榻
104 26 ér as if; to seem like 而引擇言同榻
105 26 néng can; able 而引擇言同榻
106 26 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 而引擇言同榻
107 26 ér me 而引擇言同榻
108 26 ér to arrive; up to 而引擇言同榻
109 26 ér possessive 而引擇言同榻
110 25 dào way; road; path 番禺賊帥馮崇道
111 25 dào principle; a moral; morality 番禺賊帥馮崇道
112 25 dào Tao; the Way 番禺賊帥馮崇道
113 25 dào measure word for long things 番禺賊帥馮崇道
114 25 dào to say; to speak; to talk 番禺賊帥馮崇道
115 25 dào to think 番禺賊帥馮崇道
116 25 dào times 番禺賊帥馮崇道
117 25 dào circuit; a province 番禺賊帥馮崇道
118 25 dào a course; a channel 番禺賊帥馮崇道
119 25 dào a method; a way of doing something 番禺賊帥馮崇道
120 25 dào measure word for doors and walls 番禺賊帥馮崇道
121 25 dào measure word for courses of a meal 番禺賊帥馮崇道
122 25 dào a centimeter 番禺賊帥馮崇道
123 25 dào a doctrine 番禺賊帥馮崇道
124 25 dào Taoism; Daoism 番禺賊帥馮崇道
125 25 dào a skill 番禺賊帥馮崇道
126 25 dào a sect 番禺賊帥馮崇道
127 25 dào a line 番禺賊帥馮崇道
128 25 yuē to speak; to say 歎曰
129 25 yuē Kangxi radical 73 歎曰
130 25 yuē to be called 歎曰
131 25 yuē particle without meaning 歎曰
132 24 ancient; old; palaeo- 好古尚奇
133 24 ancient; old 好古尚奇
134 24 out of date 好古尚奇
135 24 former times 好古尚奇
136 24 events in former times 好古尚奇
137 24 sincere; unpretentious 好古尚奇
138 24 an ancient style of poetry 好古尚奇
139 24 Gu 好古尚奇
140 21 jiāng will; shall (future tense) 肅宗將大用勉
141 21 jiāng to get; to use; marker for direct-object 肅宗將大用勉
142 21 jiàng a general; a high ranking officer 肅宗將大用勉
143 21 jiāng to progress; to transmit; to convey; to send 肅宗將大用勉
144 21 jiāng and; or 肅宗將大用勉
145 21 jiàng to command; to lead 肅宗將大用勉
146 21 qiāng to request 肅宗將大用勉
147 21 jiāng approximately 肅宗將大用勉
148 21 jiāng to bring; to take; to use; to hold 肅宗將大用勉
149 21 jiāng to support; to wait upon; to take care of 肅宗將大用勉
150 21 jiāng to checkmate 肅宗將大用勉
151 21 jiāng to goad; to incite; to provoke 肅宗將大用勉
152 21 jiāng to do; to handle 肅宗將大用勉
153 21 jiāng placed between a verb and a complement of direction 肅宗將大用勉
154 21 jiāng furthermore; moreover 肅宗將大用勉
155 21 jiàng backbone 肅宗將大用勉
156 21 jiàng king 肅宗將大用勉
157 21 jiāng might; possibly 肅宗將大用勉
158 21 jiāng just; a short time ago 肅宗將大用勉
159 21 jiāng to rest 肅宗將大用勉
160 21 jiāng to the side 肅宗將大用勉
161 21 jiàng a senior member of an organization 肅宗將大用勉
162 21 jiāng large; great 肅宗將大用勉
163 20 Li 李勉
164 20 plum 李勉
165 20 envoy; judge 李勉
166 20 in; at 宗於虛玄
167 20 in; at 宗於虛玄
168 20 in; at; to; from 宗於虛玄
169 20 to go; to 宗於虛玄
170 20 to rely on; to depend on 宗於虛玄
171 20 to go to; to arrive at 宗於虛玄
172 20 from 宗於虛玄
173 20 give 宗於虛玄
174 20 oppposing 宗於虛玄
175 20 and 宗於虛玄
176 20 compared to 宗於虛玄
177 20 by 宗於虛玄
178 20 and; as well as 宗於虛玄
179 20 for 宗於虛玄
180 20 Yu 宗於虛玄
181 20 a crow 宗於虛玄
182 20 whew; wow 宗於虛玄
183 19 nián year 大歷二年
184 19 nián New Year festival 大歷二年
185 19 nián age 大歷二年
186 19 nián life span; life expectancy 大歷二年
187 19 nián an era; a period 大歷二年
188 19 nián a date 大歷二年
189 19 nián time; years 大歷二年
190 19 nián harvest 大歷二年
191 19 nián annual; every year 大歷二年
192 18 rén person; people; a human being 時人榮之
193 18 rén Kangxi radical 9 時人榮之
194 18 rén a kind of person 時人榮之
195 18 rén everybody 時人榮之
196 18 rén adult 時人榮之
197 18 rén somebody; others 時人榮之
198 18 rén an upright person 時人榮之
199 18 nǎi thus; so; therefore; then; only; thereupon 勉乃哀之
200 18 nǎi to be 勉乃哀之
201 18 nǎi you; yours 勉乃哀之
202 18 nǎi also; moreover 勉乃哀之
203 18 nǎi however; but 勉乃哀之
204 18 nǎi if 勉乃哀之
205 17 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 所歷皆以嚴干聞
206 17 suǒ an office; an institute 所歷皆以嚴干聞
207 17 suǒ introduces a relative clause 所歷皆以嚴干聞
208 17 suǒ it 所歷皆以嚴干聞
209 17 suǒ if; supposing 所歷皆以嚴干聞
210 17 suǒ a few; various; some 所歷皆以嚴干聞
211 17 suǒ a place; a location 所歷皆以嚴干聞
212 17 suǒ indicates a passive voice 所歷皆以嚴干聞
213 17 suǒ that which 所歷皆以嚴干聞
214 17 suǒ an ordinal number 所歷皆以嚴干聞
215 17 suǒ meaning 所歷皆以嚴干聞
216 17 suǒ garrison 所歷皆以嚴干聞
217 16 刺史 cìshǐ Regional Inspector 為漢褒相岐四州刺史
218 16 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 囚有仰天歎者
219 16 zhě that 囚有仰天歎者
220 16 zhě nominalizing function word 囚有仰天歎者
221 16 zhě used to mark a definition 囚有仰天歎者
222 16 zhě used to mark a pause 囚有仰天歎者
223 16 zhě topic marker; that; it 囚有仰天歎者
224 16 zhuó according to 囚有仰天歎者
225 16 bīng soldier; troops 汴州將李靈曜阻兵
226 16 bīng weapons 汴州將李靈曜阻兵
227 16 bīng military; warfare 汴州將李靈曜阻兵
228 15 zhào an imperial decree 詔並處斬
229 15 zhào to decree; to proclaim; to tell 詔並處斬
230 15 to reach 及勉蒞職旬月
231 15 and 及勉蒞職旬月
232 15 coming to; when 及勉蒞職旬月
233 15 to attain 及勉蒞職旬月
234 15 to understand 及勉蒞職旬月
235 15 able to be compared to; to catch up with 及勉蒞職旬月
236 15 to be involved with; to associate with 及勉蒞職旬月
237 15 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 及勉蒞職旬月
238 15 使 shǐ to make; to cause 宦官魚朝恩為觀軍容使
239 15 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 宦官魚朝恩為觀軍容使
240 15 使 shǐ to indulge 宦官魚朝恩為觀軍容使
241 15 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 宦官魚朝恩為觀軍容使
242 15 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 宦官魚朝恩為觀軍容使
243 15 使 shǐ to dispatch 宦官魚朝恩為觀軍容使
244 15 使 shǐ if 宦官魚朝恩為觀軍容使
245 15 使 shǐ to use 宦官魚朝恩為觀軍容使
246 15 使 shǐ to be able to 宦官魚朝恩為觀軍容使
247 14 wáng Wang 累為河東節度王思禮
248 14 wáng a king 累為河東節度王思禮
249 14 wáng Kangxi radical 96 累為河東節度王思禮
250 14 wàng to be king; to rule 累為河東節度王思禮
251 14 wáng a prince; a duke 累為河東節度王思禮
252 14 wáng grand; great 累為河東節度王思禮
253 14 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 累為河東節度王思禮
254 14 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 累為河東節度王思禮
255 14 wáng the head of a group or gang 累為河東節度王思禮
256 14 wáng the biggest or best of a group 累為河東節度王思禮
257 14 shì matter; thing; item 判都督事
258 14 shì to serve 判都督事
259 14 shì a government post 判都督事
260 14 shì duty; post; work 判都督事
261 14 shì occupation 判都督事
262 14 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 判都督事
263 14 shì an accident 判都督事
264 14 shì to attend 判都督事
265 14 shì an allusion 判都督事
266 14 shì a condition; a state; a situation 判都督事
267 14 shì to engage in 判都督事
268 14 shì to enslave 判都督事
269 14 shì to pursue 判都督事
270 14 shì to administer 判都督事
271 14 shì to appoint 判都督事
272 14 shì a piece 判都督事
273 14 also; too 鄭王元懿曾孫也
274 14 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 鄭王元懿曾孫也
275 14 either 鄭王元懿曾孫也
276 14 even 鄭王元懿曾孫也
277 14 used to soften the tone 鄭王元懿曾孫也
278 14 used for emphasis 鄭王元懿曾孫也
279 14 used to mark contrast 鄭王元懿曾孫也
280 14 used to mark compromise 鄭王元懿曾孫也
281 13 shí time; a point or period of time 時人榮之
282 13 shí a season; a quarter of a year 時人榮之
283 13 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 時人榮之
284 13 shí at that time 時人榮之
285 13 shí fashionable 時人榮之
286 13 shí fate; destiny; luck 時人榮之
287 13 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 時人榮之
288 13 shí tense 時人榮之
289 13 shí particular; special 時人榮之
290 13 shí to plant; to cultivate 時人榮之
291 13 shí hour (measure word) 時人榮之
292 13 shí an era; a dynasty 時人榮之
293 13 shí time [abstract] 時人榮之
294 13 shí seasonal 時人榮之
295 13 shí frequently; often 時人榮之
296 13 shí occasionally; sometimes 時人榮之
297 13 shí on time 時人榮之
298 13 shí this; that 時人榮之
299 13 shí to wait upon 時人榮之
300 13 shí hour 時人榮之
301 13 shí appropriate; proper; timely 時人榮之
302 13 shí Shi 時人榮之
303 13 shí a present; currentlt 時人榮之
304 13 naturally; of course; certainly 遺表舉勉自代
305 13 from; since 遺表舉勉自代
306 13 self; oneself; itself 遺表舉勉自代
307 13 Kangxi radical 132 遺表舉勉自代
308 13 Zi 遺表舉勉自代
309 13 a nose 遺表舉勉自代
310 13 the beginning; the start 遺表舉勉自代
311 13 origin 遺表舉勉自代
312 13 originally 遺表舉勉自代
313 13 still; to remain 遺表舉勉自代
314 13 in person; personally 遺表舉勉自代
315 13 in addition; besides 遺表舉勉自代
316 13 if; even if 遺表舉勉自代
317 13 but 遺表舉勉自代
318 13 because 遺表舉勉自代
319 13 to employ; to use 遺表舉勉自代
320 13 to be 遺表舉勉自代
321 13 yòu again; also 又除江西觀察使
322 13 yòu expresses the existence of simultaneous conditions 又除江西觀察使
323 13 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又除江西觀察使
324 13 yòu and 又除江西觀察使
325 13 yòu furthermore 又除江西觀察使
326 13 yòu in addition 又除江西觀察使
327 13 yòu but 又除江西觀察使
328 12 and 勉與聯尉盧成軌等
329 12 to give 勉與聯尉盧成軌等
330 12 together with 勉與聯尉盧成軌等
331 12 interrogative particle 勉與聯尉盧成軌等
332 12 to accompany 勉與聯尉盧成軌等
333 12 to particate in 勉與聯尉盧成軌等
334 12 of the same kind 勉與聯尉盧成軌等
335 12 to help 勉與聯尉盧成軌等
336 12 for 勉與聯尉盧成軌等
337 12 jūn army; military 及滑亳永平軍節度令狐彰卒
338 12 jūn soldiers; troops 及滑亳永平軍節度令狐彰卒
339 12 jūn an organized collective 及滑亳永平軍節度令狐彰卒
340 12 jūn to garrison; to stay an an encampment 及滑亳永平軍節度令狐彰卒
341 12 jūn a garrison 及滑亳永平軍節度令狐彰卒
342 12 jūn a front 及滑亳永平軍節度令狐彰卒
343 12 jūn penal miltary service 及滑亳永平軍節度令狐彰卒
344 12 jūn to organize troops 及滑亳永平軍節度令狐彰卒
345 12 yán to speak; to say; said 父擇言
346 12 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 父擇言
347 12 yán Kangxi radical 149 父擇言
348 12 yán a particle with no meaning 父擇言
349 12 yán phrase; sentence 父擇言
350 12 yán a word; a syllable 父擇言
351 12 yán a theory; a doctrine 父擇言
352 12 yán to regard as 父擇言
353 12 yán to act as 父擇言
354 12 zéi thief 賊帥陳莊連陷江西州縣
355 12 zéi to injure; to harm 賊帥陳莊連陷江西州縣
356 12 zéi a traitor; an evildoer; an enemy 賊帥陳莊連陷江西州縣
357 12 zéi evil 賊帥陳莊連陷江西州縣
358 12 zéi extremely 賊帥陳莊連陷江西州縣
359 12 jiàng to descend; to fall; to drop 意欲勉降禮於己
360 12 jiàng to degrade 意欲勉降禮於己
361 12 jiàng Jiang [jupiter station] 意欲勉降禮於己
362 12 jiàng to confer; to bestow; to give 意欲勉降禮於己
363 12 jiàng to reduce; to decline 意欲勉降禮於己
364 12 jiàng to condescend 意欲勉降禮於己
365 12 jiàng to surrender 意欲勉降禮於己
366 12 jiàng Jiang 意欲勉降禮於己
367 12 xiáng to surrender 意欲勉降禮於己
368 12 xiáng to conquer; to subdue 意欲勉降禮於己
369 12 liáng good; virtuous; respectable 以良政聞
370 12 liáng very 以良政聞
371 12 liáng moderate 以良政聞
372 12 liáng wise and capable 以良政聞
373 12 liáng natural; innate 以良政聞
374 12 liáng a virtuous person 以良政聞
375 12 liáng Liang 以良政聞
376 12 liáng really; surely 以良政聞
377 12 zhōng middle 兼御史中丞
378 12 zhōng medium; medium sized 兼御史中丞
379 12 zhōng China 兼御史中丞
380 12 zhòng to hit the mark 兼御史中丞
381 12 zhōng in; amongst 兼御史中丞
382 12 zhōng midday 兼御史中丞
383 12 zhōng inside 兼御史中丞
384 12 zhōng during 兼御史中丞
385 12 zhōng Zhong 兼御史中丞
386 12 zhōng intermediary 兼御史中丞
387 12 zhōng half 兼御史中丞
388 12 zhōng just right; suitably 兼御史中丞
389 12 zhōng while 兼御史中丞
390 12 zhòng to reach; to attain 兼御史中丞
391 12 zhòng to suffer; to infect 兼御史中丞
392 12 zhòng to obtain 兼御史中丞
393 12 zhòng to pass an exam 兼御史中丞
394 11 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 肅宗遽令奔騎宥釋
395 11 lìng to issue a command 肅宗遽令奔騎宥釋
396 11 lìng rules of behavior; customs 肅宗遽令奔騎宥釋
397 11 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 肅宗遽令奔騎宥釋
398 11 lìng a season 肅宗遽令奔騎宥釋
399 11 lìng respected; good reputation 肅宗遽令奔騎宥釋
400 11 lìng good 肅宗遽令奔騎宥釋
401 11 lìng pretentious 肅宗遽令奔騎宥釋
402 11 lìng a transcending state of existence 肅宗遽令奔騎宥釋
403 11 lìng a commander 肅宗遽令奔騎宥釋
404 11 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 肅宗遽令奔騎宥釋
405 11 lìng lyrics 肅宗遽令奔騎宥釋
406 11 lìng Ling 肅宗遽令奔騎宥釋
407 11 shàng top; a high position 上言曰
408 11 shang top; the position on or above something 上言曰
409 11 shàng to go up; to go forward 上言曰
410 11 shàng shang 上言曰
411 11 shàng previous; last 上言曰
412 11 shàng high; higher 上言曰
413 11 shàng advanced 上言曰
414 11 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上言曰
415 11 shàng time 上言曰
416 11 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上言曰
417 11 shàng far 上言曰
418 11 shàng big; as big as 上言曰
419 11 shàng abundant; plentiful 上言曰
420 11 shàng to report 上言曰
421 11 shàng to offer 上言曰
422 11 shàng to go on stage 上言曰
423 11 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上言曰
424 11 shàng to install; to erect 上言曰
425 11 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上言曰
426 11 shàng to burn 上言曰
427 11 shàng to remember 上言曰
428 11 shang on; in 上言曰
429 11 shàng upward 上言曰
430 11 shàng to add 上言曰
431 11 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上言曰
432 11 shàng to meet 上言曰
433 11 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上言曰
434 11 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上言曰
435 11 shàng a musical note 上言曰
436 11 zài in; at 在漢州
437 11 zài at 在漢州
438 11 zài when; indicates that someone or something is in the process of doing something 在漢州
439 11 zài to exist; to be living 在漢州
440 11 zài to consist of 在漢州
441 11 zài to be at a post 在漢州
442 11 shǎo few 四遷至河南少尹
443 11 shǎo to decrease; to lessen; to lose 四遷至河南少尹
444 11 shǎo slightly; somewhat 四遷至河南少尹
445 11 shǎo to be inadequate; to be insufficient 四遷至河南少尹
446 11 shǎo to be less than 四遷至河南少尹
447 11 shǎo to despise; to scorn; to look down on 四遷至河南少尹
448 11 shǎo short-term 四遷至河南少尹
449 11 shǎo infrequently 四遷至河南少尹
450 11 shǎo slightly; somewhat 四遷至河南少尹
451 11 shào young 四遷至河南少尹
452 11 shào youth 四遷至河南少尹
453 11 shào a youth; a young person 四遷至河南少尹
454 11 shào Shao 四遷至河南少尹
455 11 guó a country; a nation 朔方河東都統李國貞行軍司馬
456 11 guó the capital of a state 朔方河東都統李國貞行軍司馬
457 11 guó a feud; a vassal state 朔方河東都統李國貞行軍司馬
458 11 guó a state; a kingdom 朔方河東都統李國貞行軍司馬
459 11 guó a place; a land 朔方河東都統李國貞行軍司馬
460 11 guó domestic; Chinese 朔方河東都統李國貞行軍司馬
461 11 guó national 朔方河東都統李國貞行軍司馬
462 11 guó top in the nation 朔方河東都統李國貞行軍司馬
463 11 guó Guo 朔方河東都統李國貞行軍司馬
464 10 將軍 jiāngjūn a general 觀將軍非敢大逆
465 10 將軍 jiāngjūn to capture the enemy; check 觀將軍非敢大逆
466 10 extra; surplus 陷沒十餘州
467 10 odd; surplus over a round number 陷沒十餘州
468 10 I 陷沒十餘州
469 10 to remain 陷沒十餘州
470 10 relating to the time after an event 陷沒十餘州
471 10 other 陷沒十餘州
472 10 additional; complementary 陷沒十餘州
473 10 remaining 陷沒十餘州
474 10 incomplete 陷沒十餘州
475 10 Yu 陷沒十餘州
476 10 again; more; repeatedly 克復西京
477 10 to go back; to return 克復西京
478 10 to resume; to restart 克復西京
479 10 to do in detail 克復西京
480 10 to restore 克復西京
481 10 to respond; to reply to 克復西京
482 10 after all; and then 克復西京
483 10 even if; although 克復西京
484 10 Fu; Return 克復西京
485 10 to retaliate; to reciprocate 克復西京
486 10 to avoid forced labor or tax 克復西京
487 10 particle without meaing 克復西京
488 10 Fu 克復西京
489 10 repeated; again 克復西京
490 10 doubled; to overlapping; folded 克復西京
491 10 a lined garment with doubled thickness 克復西京
492 10 liè intense; fierce 希烈兇逆殘酷
493 10 liè grand 希烈兇逆殘酷
494 10 liè ablaze 希烈兇逆殘酷
495 10 liè to set on fire 希烈兇逆殘酷
496 10 liè principled; upright 希烈兇逆殘酷
497 10 liè violent 希烈兇逆殘酷
498 10 liè devoted 希烈兇逆殘酷
499 10 liè glorious 希烈兇逆殘酷
500 10 liè famous 希烈兇逆殘酷

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
安南 196
  1. Annam
  2. Annan
  1. Bian River
  2. Henan
  3. Bian
汴州 98 Bianzhou
98 Bo
曹参 曹參 67 Cao Can
曹国 曹國 67 State of Cao
常平 99 Changping
潮州 99
  1. Chaozhou
  2. Chaochou
崇义 崇義 99 Chongyi
刺史 99 Regional Inspector
代宗 100 Emperor Daizong of Tang
大理 100
  1. Dali [kingdom]
  2. Superintendent of Law Enforcement
  3. a major principle; a general truth
  4. Dali [county]
德宗 100 Emperor De Zong
100 Deng
德清 100 Deqing
东都 東都 100 Luoyang
东宫 東宮 100 East Palace
都畿 100 Duji
鄂州 195 Ezhou
方士 70 a Taoist master; alchemist; necromancer
奉天 102 Fengtian
汾州 102 Fenzhou
扶风 扶風 102 Fufeng
观察使 觀察使 103 Surveillence Commissioner
关东 關東 103
  1. Northeast China; Manchuria
  2. Kantō
光禄大夫 光祿大夫 103 Glorious grand master
广州 廣州 103 Guangzhou
  1. Guangxi
  2. cassia; cinnamon
  3. Gui
  1. Guo
  2. Guo
国子监 國子監 103 Imperial Academy
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
翰林 104 Hanlin
汉阳 漢陽 104 Hanyang
河东 河東 104
  1. Hedong
  2. Hedong
洪州 104 Hongzhou
104 Huai River
淮南 104 Huainan
皇甫镈 皇甫鎛 104 Huangfu Bo
黄州 黃州 104 Huangzhou
回鹘 回鶻 104 Huihu
湖南 104 Hunan
夹江 夾江 106 Jiajiang
监察御史 監察御史 106 Investigating Censor
  1. a large river
  2. Yangtze River
  3. Jiang
  4. Jiangsu
  5. Jiang
江汉 江漢 106 Jianghan
江陵 106
  1. Jiangling
  2. Gangneung
江南 106
  1. Jiangnan
  2. Jiangnan
  3. Jiangnan
江西 106 Jiangxi
建中 106 Jianzhong
节度使 節度使 106 military commissioner; jiedushi
京兆府 106 Jingzhao
京兆尹 106
  1. Jingzhao [capital]
  2. Capital Region Governor
金吾卫 金吾衛 106 Imperial Insignia Guard
开封 開封 107 Kaifeng
  1. wolf
  2. Lang peoples
  3. Sirius
  4. Lang
  1. black
  2. Li
  3. Lebanon
  4. Li People
  5. numerous; many
  6. at the time of
  7. State of Li
李朝 108
  1. Yi Dynasty [Korea]
  2. Li Dynasty [Shu Han]
  3. Former Lý dynasty [Vietnam]
  4. Lý dynasty; Later Lý dynasty [Vietnam]
李希烈 108 Li Xilie
  1. a bridge
  2. Liang Dynasty
  3. City of Liang
  4. State of Liang
  5. Liang
  6. a beam; rafters
  7. a fishing sluice
  8. to lose footing
  9. State of Liang
  10. a ridge
  11. later Liang
梁州 108 Liangzhou
令狐 108
  1. Linghu
  2. Linghu
岭南 嶺南 108 Lingnan
灵武 靈武 108 Lingwu
林园 林園 108 Linyuan
留后 留後 108 Provisional Governor
澧州 108 Lizhou
108 Gansu
龙门 龍門 108
  1. Longmen
  2. Dragon Gate
  3. a sagely person
卢杞 盧杞 76 Lu Qi
密县 密縣 109 Mi county
穆宗 109 Muzong
南奔 110 Lamphun
南郑 南鄭 110 Nanzheng
番禺 112 Panyu
仆射 僕射 80 Supervisor; Chief Administrator
黔中 113 Qianzhong
琼州 瓊州 113 Qiongzhou
蕲州 蘄州 113 Qizhou
  1. you; thou
  2. Ru River
  3. Ru
上元 115
  1. Shangyuan
  2. Shangyuan
  3. Shangyuan festival; Lantern festival
山南东道 山南東道 115 Shannandong Circuit
山南西道 115 Shannanxi Circuit
  1. Shao
  2. Shao
少府监 少府監 115 Directorate for Imperial Manufacturers
石门 石門 115 Shimen; Shihmen
司马 司馬 115
  1. Minister of War
  2. Sima [star]
  3. Sima [surname]
  4. Aide to Commander; Leader of Cavalry
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
宋州 115 Song Prefecture; Songzhou
肃宗 肅宗 115
  1. Emperor Suzong of Tang
  2. Suzong
随州 隨州 115 Suizhou
太学 太學 116 Taixue; Imperial Academy; Grand Academy
太一 116
  1. Great Unity
  2. Taiyi
  3. Taiyi
  4. Taiyi
太保 116 Grand Protector
太常 116 Minister of Ceremonies; Rector of the Imperial Academy
太傅 116 Grand Tutor; Grand Mentor
天宝 天寶 116 Tianbao
天方 116 Arabia; Arabian
天子 116 the rightful Emperor; the Son of Heaven
王明 119 Wang Ming
温州 溫州 87 Wenzhou
  1. Wu
  2. Jiangsu
  3. Wu
  4. Wu dialect
  5. Eastern Wu
  6. to speak loudly
五岭 五嶺 119 Wuling
武冈 武岡 119 Wugang
西京 120
  1. Western Capital
  2. Kyoto
西域 120 Western Regions
西塞山 120 Xisaishan
益州 121 Yizhou
121 Yong; Nanning
永安 121 Yong'an reign
永平 89
  1. Yong Ping reign
  2. Yong Ping reign
元和 121 Yuanhe
鱼朝恩 魚朝恩 121 Yu Chao'en
御史 121
  1. Royal Scribe
  2. Censor
御史大夫 121 Imperial Secretary
宰相 122 chancellor; prime minister
鄭王 郑王 122 King Taksin
贞元 貞元 122
  1. Zhenyuan
  2. Jōgen
至大 122 Zhida reign
至德 122 Zhide reign


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English