Glossary and Vocabulary for History of Liao 遼史, 卷五十 志第十九: 禮志二 Volume 50 Treatises 20: Rites 2

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 53 使 shǐ to make; to cause 使相
2 53 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 使相
3 53 使 shǐ to indulge 使相
4 53 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 使相
5 53 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 使相
6 53 使 shǐ to dispatch 使相
7 53 使 shǐ to use 使相
8 53 使 shǐ to be able to 使相
9 52 殿 diàn a hall; a palace; a temple 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
10 52 殿 diàn a palace compound 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
11 52 殿 diàn rear; last 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
12 52 殿 diàn rearguard 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
13 52 殿 diàn to guard; to protect 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
14 52 殿 diàn to assess as unsatisfactory; to censure 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
15 52 殿 diàn to stop 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
16 45 yǐn to lead; to guide 發引
17 45 yǐn to draw a bow 發引
18 45 yǐn to prolong; to extend; to lengthen 發引
19 45 yǐn to stretch 發引
20 45 yǐn to involve 發引
21 45 yǐn to quote; to cite 發引
22 45 yǐn to propose; to nominate; to recommend 發引
23 45 yǐn to recruit 發引
24 45 yǐn to hold 發引
25 45 yǐn to withdraw; to leave 發引
26 45 yǐn a strap for pulling a cart 發引
27 45 yǐn a preface ; a forward 發引
28 45 yǐn a license 發引
29 45 yǐn long 發引
30 45 yǐn to cause 發引
31 45 yǐn to pull; to draw 發引
32 45 yǐn a refrain; a tune 發引
33 45 yǐn to grow 發引
34 45 yǐn to command 發引
35 45 yǐn to accuse 發引
36 45 yǐn to commit suicide 發引
37 45 yǐn a genre 發引
38 45 yǐn yin; a unit of paper money 發引
39 31 再拜 zàibài to bow repeatedly 再拜天地訖
40 31 再拜 zàibài to bow a second time 再拜天地訖
41 31 to stand 響殿合班立定
42 31 Kangxi radical 117 響殿合班立定
43 31 erect; upright; vertical 響殿合班立定
44 31 to establish; to set up; to found 響殿合班立定
45 31 to conclude; to draw up 響殿合班立定
46 31 to ascend the throne 響殿合班立定
47 31 to designate; to appoint 響殿合班立定
48 31 to live; to exist 響殿合班立定
49 31 to erect; to stand something up 響殿合班立定
50 31 to take a stand 響殿合班立定
51 31 to cease; to stop 響殿合班立定
52 31 a two week period at the onset o feach season 響殿合班立定
53 28 shàng top; a high position 上哀冊
54 28 shang top; the position on or above something 上哀冊
55 28 shàng to go up; to go forward 上哀冊
56 28 shàng shang 上哀冊
57 28 shàng previous; last 上哀冊
58 28 shàng high; higher 上哀冊
59 28 shàng advanced 上哀冊
60 28 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上哀冊
61 28 shàng time 上哀冊
62 28 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上哀冊
63 28 shàng far 上哀冊
64 28 shàng big; as big as 上哀冊
65 28 shàng abundant; plentiful 上哀冊
66 28 shàng to report 上哀冊
67 28 shàng to offer 上哀冊
68 28 shàng to go on stage 上哀冊
69 28 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上哀冊
70 28 shàng to install; to erect 上哀冊
71 28 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上哀冊
72 28 shàng to burn 上哀冊
73 28 shàng to remember 上哀冊
74 28 shàng to add 上哀冊
75 28 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上哀冊
76 28 shàng to meet 上哀冊
77 28 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上哀冊
78 28 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上哀冊
79 28 shàng a musical note 上哀冊
80 27 to go; to 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
81 27 to rely on; to depend on 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
82 27 Yu 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
83 27 a crow 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
84 26 皇帝 huángdì Emperor 皇帝率群臣入
85 24 deputy; assistant; vice- 遣北院樞密副使
86 24 incidentally; additionally 遣北院樞密副使
87 24 a deputy; an assistant 遣北院樞密副使
88 24 secondary; auxiliary 遣北院樞密副使
89 24 to agree with; to match with; to correspond to 遣北院樞密副使
90 24 a copy; a transcript 遣北院樞密副使
91 24 a wig 遣北院樞密副使
92 24 to deliver; to hand over 遣北院樞密副使
93 24 to break open; to tear 遣北院樞密副使
94 23 to enter 皇帝率群臣入
95 23 Kangxi radical 11 皇帝率群臣入
96 23 radical 皇帝率群臣入
97 23 income 皇帝率群臣入
98 23 to conform with 皇帝率群臣入
99 23 to descend 皇帝率群臣入
100 23 the entering tone 皇帝率群臣入
101 23 to pay 皇帝率群臣入
102 23 to join 皇帝率群臣入
103 22 zhì Kangxi radical 133 至祭
104 22 zhì to arrive 至祭
105 20 zhī to go 大行之夕四鼓終
106 20 zhī to arrive; to go 大行之夕四鼓終
107 20 zhī is 大行之夕四鼓終
108 20 zhī to use 大行之夕四鼓終
109 20 zhī Zhi 大行之夕四鼓終
110 20 zhī winding 大行之夕四鼓終
111 19 bān class; a group; a grade 臣僚班齊
112 19 bān a squad 臣僚班齊
113 19 bān a job 臣僚班齊
114 19 bān to separate 臣僚班齊
115 19 bān to spread; to distribute; to give 臣僚班齊
116 19 bān to proclaim; to propagate 臣僚班齊
117 19 bān to smooth out 臣僚班齊
118 19 bān to classify 臣僚班齊
119 19 bān to manage 臣僚班齊
120 19 bān a classification; a rank 臣僚班齊
121 19 bān to return 臣僚班齊
122 19 bān mottled 臣僚班齊
123 19 bān a shift 臣僚班齊
124 19 bān starting time; flight time 臣僚班齊
125 19 bān to be equal 臣僚班齊
126 19 bān Ban 臣僚班齊
127 18 zòu to present; to offer 奏忌辰榜子
128 18 zòu to present a memorial to the emperor 奏忌辰榜子
129 18 zòu to play a musical instrument 奏忌辰榜子
130 18 zòu to happen; to occur 奏忌辰榜子
131 18 zòu a memorial to the throne 奏忌辰榜子
132 18 zòu to go; to walk 奏忌辰榜子
133 18 zòu modulation of rhythm 奏忌辰榜子
134 17 臣僚 chénliáo court official 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
135 17 西 The West 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
136 17 西 west 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
137 17 西 Kangxi radical 146 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
138 17 西 Spain 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
139 17 西 foreign 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
140 17 西 place of honor 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
141 17 西 Central Asia 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
142 17 西 Xi 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
143 16 to stop 再拜天地訖
144 16 up until; until now; arrive at 再拜天地訖
145 16 to settle [an account] 再拜天地訖
146 16 xià bottom 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
147 16 xià to fall; to drop; to go down; to descend 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
148 16 xià to announce 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
149 16 xià to do 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
150 16 xià to withdraw; to leave; to exit 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
151 16 xià the lower class; a member of the lower class 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
152 16 xià inside 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
153 16 xià an aspect 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
154 16 xià a certain time 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
155 16 xià to capture; to take 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
156 16 xià to put in 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
157 16 xià to enter 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
158 16 xià to eliminate; to remove; to get off 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
159 16 xià to finish work or school 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
160 16 xià to go 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
161 16 xià to scorn; to look down on 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
162 16 xià to modestly decline 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
163 16 xià to produce 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
164 16 xià to stay at; to lodge at 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
165 16 xià to decide 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
166 16 xià to be less than 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
167 16 xià humble; lowly 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
168 15 miàn side; surface 面火致奠
169 15 miàn flour 面火致奠
170 15 miàn Kangxi radical 176 面火致奠
171 15 miàn a rural district; a township 面火致奠
172 15 miàn face 面火致奠
173 15 miàn to face in a certain direction 面火致奠
174 15 miàn noodles 面火致奠
175 15 miàn powder 面火致奠
176 15 miàn soft and mushy 面火致奠
177 15 miàn an aspect 面火致奠
178 15 miàn a direction 面火致奠
179 15 miàn to meet 面火致奠
180 15 mén door; gate; doorway; gateway 奉柩出殿之西北門
181 15 mén phylum; division 奉柩出殿之西北門
182 15 mén sect; school 奉柩出殿之西北門
183 15 mén Kangxi radical 169 奉柩出殿之西北門
184 15 mén a door-like object 奉柩出殿之西北門
185 15 mén an opening 奉柩出殿之西北門
186 15 mén an access point; a border entrance 奉柩出殿之西北門
187 15 mén a household; a clan 奉柩出殿之西北門
188 15 mén a kind; a category 奉柩出殿之西北門
189 15 mén to guard a gate 奉柩出殿之西北門
190 15 mén Men 奉柩出殿之西北門
191 15 mén a turning point 奉柩出殿之西北門
192 15 mén a method 奉柩出殿之西北門
193 15 mén a sense organ 奉柩出殿之西北門
194 15 qián front 柩前三致奠
195 15 qián former; the past 柩前三致奠
196 15 qián to go forward 柩前三致奠
197 15 qián preceding 柩前三致奠
198 15 qián before; earlier; prior 柩前三致奠
199 15 qián to appear before 柩前三致奠
200 15 qián future 柩前三致奠
201 15 qián top; first 柩前三致奠
202 15 qián battlefront 柩前三致奠
203 14 wèi position; location; place 協律郎設舉麾位
204 14 wèi bit 協律郎設舉麾位
205 14 wèi a seat 協律郎設舉麾位
206 14 wèi a post 協律郎設舉麾位
207 14 wèi a rank; status 協律郎設舉麾位
208 14 wèi a throne 協律郎設舉麾位
209 14 wèi Wei 協律郎設舉麾位
210 14 wèi the standard form of an object 協律郎設舉麾位
211 14 wèi a polite form of address 協律郎設舉麾位
212 14 wèi at; located at 協律郎設舉麾位
213 14 wèi to arrange 協律郎設舉麾位
214 13 apparatus 凶儀
215 13 a rite; a ceremony 凶儀
216 13 appearance; demeanor 凶儀
217 13 a gift 凶儀
218 13 a norm; a standard 凶儀
219 13 to admire 凶儀
220 13 embellishment 凶儀
221 13 formal dress 凶儀
222 13 an analogue; a match 凶儀
223 13 to be inclined; to trend 凶儀
224 13 to watch 凶儀
225 13 to come 凶儀
226 13 Yi 凶儀
227 13 to read 讀訖
228 13 to investigate 讀訖
229 13 to pronounce; to read aloud 讀訖
230 13 dòu comma; phrase marked by pause 讀訖
231 13 second-rate 至食羖之次
232 13 second; secondary 至食羖之次
233 13 temporary stopover; temporary lodging 至食羖之次
234 13 a sequence; an order 至食羖之次
235 13 to arrive 至食羖之次
236 13 to be next in sequence 至食羖之次
237 13 positions of the 12 Jupiter stations 至食羖之次
238 13 positions of the sun and moon on the ecliptic 至食羖之次
239 13 stage of a journey 至食羖之次
240 13 ranks 至食羖之次
241 13 an official position 至食羖之次
242 13 inside 至食羖之次
243 13 to hesitate 至食羖之次
244 12 jiē stairs; steps 設於西階
245 12 jiē a rank; degree 設於西階
246 12 jiē to ascend 設於西階
247 12 jiē upper platform 設於西階
248 12 jiē origin; cause 設於西階
249 12 guì to kneel 跪奠三
250 12 guì foot 跪奠三
251 12 pavilion 閣使引皇帝至禦幄
252 12 cabinet; cupboard 閣使引皇帝至禦幄
253 12 chamber 閣使引皇帝至禦幄
254 12 plank bridge 閣使引皇帝至禦幄
255 12 balcony 閣使引皇帝至禦幄
256 12 gallery 閣使引皇帝至禦幄
257 12 sideboard 閣使引皇帝至禦幄
258 12 a pantry 閣使引皇帝至禦幄
259 12 to place 閣使引皇帝至禦幄
260 12 passageway 閣使引皇帝至禦幄
261 12 cabinet [of ministers] 閣使引皇帝至禦幄
262 12 Ge 閣使引皇帝至禦幄
263 12 curtain; screen 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
264 12 a tent 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
265 12 commander's office 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
266 12 canopy of state 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
267 12 an assistant to the commanding officer 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
268 12 to cover 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
269 12 desert 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
270 12 xiè to thank 謝面天顏
271 12 xiè Xie 謝面天顏
272 12 xiè to decline 謝面天顏
273 12 xiè to apologize 謝面天顏
274 12 xiè to wilt; to fade 謝面天顏
275 12 xiè to say goodbye; to bid farewell 謝面天顏
276 12 xiè to tell 謝面天顏
277 12 xiè to greet 謝面天顏
278 12 xiè to replace 謝面天顏
279 12 jìn to enter 進鞍馬
280 12 jìn to advance 進鞍馬
281 11 to finish; to complete; to exhaust 葬畢
282 11 a hand net 葬畢
283 11 to hunt with a hand net 葬畢
284 11 Bi 葬畢
285 11 Bi constellation 葬畢
286 11 bamboo slips 葬畢
287 11 shū book 中書二舍人跪捧祭文
288 11 shū document; manuscript 中書二舍人跪捧祭文
289 11 shū letter 中書二舍人跪捧祭文
290 11 shū the Cannon of Documents 中書二舍人跪捧祭文
291 11 shū to write 中書二舍人跪捧祭文
292 11 shū writing 中書二舍人跪捧祭文
293 11 shū calligraphy; writing style 中書二舍人跪捧祭文
294 11 shū Shu 中書二舍人跪捧祭文
295 11 shū to record 中書二舍人跪捧祭文
296 11 to give; to bestow favors 受遺賜
297 11 grace; favor; a gift 受遺賜
298 11 to award; to appoint 受遺賜
299 11 to do in full 受遺賜
300 11 to bestow an honorific title 受遺賜
301 10 nán south 皇帝於南間北面坐
302 10 nán nan 皇帝於南間北面坐
303 10 nán southern part 皇帝於南間北面坐
304 10 nán southward 皇帝於南間北面坐
305 10 使者 shǐzhě an emissary; an envoy 使者詣柩前上香
306 10 diàn to pay respect 柩前三致奠
307 10 diàn to make an offering to a deity or the dead 柩前三致奠
308 10 diàn to settle 柩前三致奠
309 10 diàn to offer 柩前三致奠
310 10 diàn to put 柩前三致奠
311 10 diàn an offering 柩前三致奠
312 10 wèn to ask 天祚皇帝問禮於總知翰林院事耶律固
313 10 wèn to inquire after 天祚皇帝問禮於總知翰林院事耶律固
314 10 wèn to interrogate 天祚皇帝問禮於總知翰林院事耶律固
315 10 wèn to hold responsible 天祚皇帝問禮於總知翰林院事耶律固
316 10 wèn to request something 天祚皇帝問禮於總知翰林院事耶律固
317 10 wèn to rebuke 天祚皇帝問禮於總知翰林院事耶律固
318 10 wèn to send an official mission bearing gifts 天祚皇帝問禮於總知翰林院事耶律固
319 10 wèn news 天祚皇帝問禮於總知翰林院事耶律固
320 10 wèn to propose marriage 天祚皇帝問禮於總知翰林院事耶律固
321 10 wén to inform 天祚皇帝問禮於總知翰林院事耶律固
322 10 wèn to research 天祚皇帝問禮於總知翰林院事耶律固
323 10 wèn Wen 天祚皇帝問禮於總知翰林院事耶律固
324 10 wèn a question 天祚皇帝問禮於總知翰林院事耶律固
325 9 zàn to meet with a superior 贊祗候
326 9 zàn to help 贊祗候
327 9 zàn a eulogy 贊祗候
328 9 zàn to recommend 贊祗候
329 9 zàn to introduce; to tell 贊祗候
330 9 zàn to lead 贊祗候
331 9 zàn summary verse; eulogy; ecomium 贊祗候
332 9 zàn to agree; to consent 贊祗候
333 9 zàn to praise 贊祗候
334 9 zàn to participate 贊祗候
335 9 鞠躬 jūgōng to bow 宣徽使揖皇帝鞠躬再拜
336 9 jiù to approach; to move towards; to come towards 就辒京車
337 9 jiù to assume 就辒京車
338 9 jiù to receive; to suffer 就辒京車
339 9 jiù to undergo; to undertake; to engage in 就辒京車
340 9 jiù to suit; to accommodate oneself to 就辒京車
341 9 jiù to accomplish 就辒京車
342 9 jiù to go with 就辒京車
343 9 jiù to die 就辒京車
344 9 bìng to combine; to amalgamate 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
345 9 bìng to combine 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
346 9 bìng to resemble; to be like 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
347 9 bìng to stand side-by-side 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
348 9 bīng Taiyuan 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
349 9 bìng equally; both; together 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
350 9 book; volume 上哀冊
351 9 a roll of bamboo slips 上哀冊
352 9 a plan; a scheme 上哀冊
353 9 to confer 上哀冊
354 9 chǎi a book with embroidered covers 上哀冊
355 9 patent of enfeoffment 上哀冊
356 9 běi north 北院樞密使
357 9 běi fleeing troops 北院樞密使
358 9 běi to go north 北院樞密使
359 9 běi to be defeated; to be routed 北院樞密使
360 9 běi to violate; to betray 北院樞密使
361 8 rén person; people; a human being 餘官及承應人皆白掞衣巾以入
362 8 rén Kangxi radical 9 餘官及承應人皆白掞衣巾以入
363 8 rén a kind of person 餘官及承應人皆白掞衣巾以入
364 8 rén everybody 餘官及承應人皆白掞衣巾以入
365 8 rén adult 餘官及承應人皆白掞衣巾以入
366 8 rén somebody; others 餘官及承應人皆白掞衣巾以入
367 8 rén an upright person 餘官及承應人皆白掞衣巾以入
368 8 bài to bow; to pay respect to 三拜
369 8 bài to send greetings; to congratulate 三拜
370 8 bài to visit 三拜
371 8 bài to appoint; to confer a title 三拜
372 8 bài to enter into a relationship 三拜
373 8 bài a polite form; please 三拜
374 8 bài Bai 三拜
375 8 bài to perform a ritual 三拜
376 8 bài to bend 三拜
377 8 bài byte 三拜
378 8 sòng Song dynasty 宋使祭奠吊慰儀
379 8 sòng Song 宋使祭奠吊慰儀
380 8 sòng Liu Song Dynasty 宋使祭奠吊慰儀
381 8 to use; to grasp 乃以衣
382 8 to rely on 乃以衣
383 8 to regard 乃以衣
384 8 to be able to 乃以衣
385 8 to order; to command 乃以衣
386 8 used after a verb 乃以衣
387 8 a reason; a cause 乃以衣
388 8 Israel 乃以衣
389 8 Yi 乃以衣
390 8 jiàn to see 四使同見大行皇帝靈
391 8 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 四使同見大行皇帝靈
392 8 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 四使同見大行皇帝靈
393 8 jiàn refer to; for details see 四使同見大行皇帝靈
394 8 jiàn to listen to 四使同見大行皇帝靈
395 8 jiàn to meet 四使同見大行皇帝靈
396 8 jiàn to receive (a guest) 四使同見大行皇帝靈
397 8 jiàn let me; kindly 四使同見大行皇帝靈
398 8 jiàn Jian 四使同見大行皇帝靈
399 8 xiàn to appear 四使同見大行皇帝靈
400 8 xiàn to introduce 四使同見大行皇帝靈
401 8 to cry; to weep 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
402 8 to lament 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
403 8 to offer condolences 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
404 8 退 tuì to retreat; to move back 冊案退
405 8 退 tuì to decline; to recede; to fade 冊案退
406 8 退 tuì to yield; to concede; to politely decline 冊案退
407 8 退 tuì to quit; to withdraw 冊案退
408 8 退 tuì to give back 冊案退
409 8 退 tuì for a planet to move with apparent retrograde motion 冊案退
410 8 退 tuì to recoil; to flinch 冊案退
411 8 退 tuì to dismiss [from a job] 冊案退
412 8 退 tuì obsolete 冊案退
413 8 退 tuì to retire; to resign 冊案退
414 8 退 tuì to shed; to cast off 冊案退
415 8 tōng to go through; to open 自通全銜臣讀謚冊
416 8 tōng open 自通全銜臣讀謚冊
417 8 tōng to connect 自通全銜臣讀謚冊
418 8 tōng to know well 自通全銜臣讀謚冊
419 8 tōng to report 自通全銜臣讀謚冊
420 8 tōng to commit adultery 自通全銜臣讀謚冊
421 8 tōng common; in general 自通全銜臣讀謚冊
422 8 tōng to transmit 自通全銜臣讀謚冊
423 8 tōng to attain a goal 自通全銜臣讀謚冊
424 8 tōng to communicate with 自通全銜臣讀謚冊
425 8 tōng to pardon; to forgive 自通全銜臣讀謚冊
426 8 tōng free-flowing; smooth 自通全銜臣讀謚冊
427 8 tōng smoothly; without a hitch 自通全銜臣讀謚冊
428 8 tōng erudite; learned 自通全銜臣讀謚冊
429 8 tōng an expert 自通全銜臣讀謚冊
430 8 clothes; dress; garment 始服斬衰
431 8 funary clothes 始服斬衰
432 8 to serve; to obey; to comply; to defer 始服斬衰
433 8 to take medicine; to eat 始服斬衰
434 8 to be suitable for; to be used to 始服斬衰
435 8 to take on; to undertake; to be responsible for 始服斬衰
436 8 to harness 始服斬衰
437 8 two of a four horse team 始服斬衰
438 8 to wear [clothes]; to dress 始服斬衰
439 8 morning; funeral arrangements 始服斬衰
440 8 Fu 始服斬衰
441 8 to cause to yield 始服斬衰
442 8 to defend; to resist 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
443 8 xuān to declare; to announce 宣賜素服
444 8 xuān Xuan 宣賜素服
445 8 xuān to issue an imperial command; to summon to the imperial court 宣賜素服
446 8 xuān fine writing paper; xuan paper 宣賜素服
447 8 xuān to teach; to instruct 宣賜素服
448 8 xuān an epithet for Confucius 宣賜素服
449 8 xuān an archaic unit of length 宣賜素服
450 8 xuān to disseminate; to propagate 宣賜素服
451 8 xuān to vent; to drain 宣賜素服
452 8 xuān Xuan 宣賜素服
453 8 xuān to show; to display 宣賜素服
454 8 xuān commonplace; widespread 宣賜素服
455 8 xuān greying [hair]; black and white [hair] 宣賜素服
456 8 xiān first 先一日
457 8 xiān early; prior; former 先一日
458 8 xiān to go forward; to advance 先一日
459 8 xiān to attach importance to; to value 先一日
460 8 xiān to start 先一日
461 8 xiān ancestors; forebears 先一日
462 8 xiān before; in front 先一日
463 8 xiān fundamental; basic 先一日
464 8 xiān Xian 先一日
465 8 xiān ancient; archaic 先一日
466 8 xiān super 先一日
467 8 xiān deceased 先一日
468 8 遺留 yíliú to leave over; to hand down 宋使進遺留禮物儀
469 8 起居 qǐjū everyday life 附奏起居訖
470 8 起居 qǐjū to greet a superior 附奏起居訖
471 8 起居 qǐjū rising and resting 附奏起居訖
472 8 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又東向
473 7 pěng to hold up in two hands 捧冊函者去蓋
474 7 pěng to support 捧冊函者去蓋
475 7 pěng to press 捧冊函者去蓋
476 7 pěng to flatter; to praise 捧冊函者去蓋
477 7 fèng to offer; to present 奉柩出殿之西北門
478 7 fèng to receive; to receive with respect 奉柩出殿之西北門
479 7 fèng to believe in 奉柩出殿之西北門
480 7 fèng a display of respect 奉柩出殿之西北門
481 7 fèng to revere 奉柩出殿之西北門
482 7 fèng salary 奉柩出殿之西北門
483 7 fèng to serve 奉柩出殿之西北門
484 7 fèng Feng 奉柩出殿之西北門
485 7 fèng to politely request 奉柩出殿之西北門
486 7 fèng to offer with both hands 奉柩出殿之西北門
487 7 fèng a term of respect 奉柩出殿之西北門
488 7 fèng to help 奉柩出殿之西北門
489 7 舍人 shèrén a palace attendant 直日舍人跪右
490 7 舍人 shèrén a hotel owner 直日舍人跪右
491 7 舍人 shèrén a rich and important person 直日舍人跪右
492 7 舍人 shèrén Sheren 直日舍人跪右
493 7 zhī to respect 通事舍人通使者名某祗候見
494 7 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 受遺賜
495 7 shòu to transfer; to confer 受遺賜
496 7 shòu to receive; to accept 受遺賜
497 7 shòu to tolerate 受遺賜
498 7 聖躬 shènggōng the Emperor's body; Holy body; the current reigning Emperor 聖躬萬福
499 7 yòu right; right-hand 直日舍人跪右
500 7 yòu to help; to assist 直日舍人跪右

Frequencies of all Words

Top 834

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 53 使 shǐ to make; to cause 使相
2 53 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 使相
3 53 使 shǐ to indulge 使相
4 53 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 使相
5 53 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 使相
6 53 使 shǐ to dispatch 使相
7 53 使 shǐ if 使相
8 53 使 shǐ to use 使相
9 53 使 shǐ to be able to 使相
10 52 殿 diàn a hall; a palace; a temple 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
11 52 殿 diàn a palace compound 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
12 52 殿 diàn rear; last 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
13 52 殿 diàn rearguard 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
14 52 殿 diàn to guard; to protect 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
15 52 殿 diàn to assess as unsatisfactory; to censure 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
16 52 殿 diàn to stop 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
17 45 yǐn to lead; to guide 發引
18 45 yǐn to draw a bow 發引
19 45 yǐn to prolong; to extend; to lengthen 發引
20 45 yǐn to stretch 發引
21 45 yǐn to involve 發引
22 45 yǐn to quote; to cite 發引
23 45 yǐn to propose; to nominate; to recommend 發引
24 45 yǐn to recruit 發引
25 45 yǐn to hold 發引
26 45 yǐn to withdraw; to leave 發引
27 45 yǐn a strap for pulling a cart 發引
28 45 yǐn a preface ; a forward 發引
29 45 yǐn a license 發引
30 45 yǐn long 發引
31 45 yǐn yin; a measure of distance about 1/30th of a km 發引
32 45 yǐn to cause 發引
33 45 yǐn yin; a measure of for salt certificates 發引
34 45 yǐn to pull; to draw 發引
35 45 yǐn a refrain; a tune 發引
36 45 yǐn to grow 發引
37 45 yǐn to command 發引
38 45 yǐn to accuse 發引
39 45 yǐn to commit suicide 發引
40 45 yǐn a genre 發引
41 45 yǐn yin; a weight measure 發引
42 45 yǐn yin; a unit of paper money 發引
43 31 再拜 zàibài to bow repeatedly 再拜天地訖
44 31 再拜 zàibài to bow a second time 再拜天地訖
45 31 to stand 響殿合班立定
46 31 Kangxi radical 117 響殿合班立定
47 31 erect; upright; vertical 響殿合班立定
48 31 to establish; to set up; to found 響殿合班立定
49 31 to conclude; to draw up 響殿合班立定
50 31 to ascend the throne 響殿合班立定
51 31 to designate; to appoint 響殿合班立定
52 31 to live; to exist 響殿合班立定
53 31 instantaneously; immediatley 響殿合班立定
54 31 to erect; to stand something up 響殿合班立定
55 31 to take a stand 響殿合班立定
56 31 to cease; to stop 響殿合班立定
57 31 a two week period at the onset o feach season 響殿合班立定
58 28 shàng top; a high position 上哀冊
59 28 shang top; the position on or above something 上哀冊
60 28 shàng to go up; to go forward 上哀冊
61 28 shàng shang 上哀冊
62 28 shàng previous; last 上哀冊
63 28 shàng high; higher 上哀冊
64 28 shàng advanced 上哀冊
65 28 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上哀冊
66 28 shàng time 上哀冊
67 28 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上哀冊
68 28 shàng far 上哀冊
69 28 shàng big; as big as 上哀冊
70 28 shàng abundant; plentiful 上哀冊
71 28 shàng to report 上哀冊
72 28 shàng to offer 上哀冊
73 28 shàng to go on stage 上哀冊
74 28 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上哀冊
75 28 shàng to install; to erect 上哀冊
76 28 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上哀冊
77 28 shàng to burn 上哀冊
78 28 shàng to remember 上哀冊
79 28 shang on; in 上哀冊
80 28 shàng upward 上哀冊
81 28 shàng to add 上哀冊
82 28 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上哀冊
83 28 shàng to meet 上哀冊
84 28 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上哀冊
85 28 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上哀冊
86 28 shàng a musical note 上哀冊
87 27 in; at 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
88 27 in; at 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
89 27 in; at; to; from 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
90 27 to go; to 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
91 27 to rely on; to depend on 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
92 27 to go to; to arrive at 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
93 27 from 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
94 27 give 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
95 27 oppposing 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
96 27 and 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
97 27 compared to 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
98 27 by 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
99 27 and; as well as 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
100 27 for 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
101 27 Yu 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
102 27 a crow 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
103 27 whew; wow 興宗哭臨於菆塗殿
104 26 皇帝 huángdì Emperor 皇帝率群臣入
105 24 deputy; assistant; vice- 遣北院樞密副使
106 24 a measure word for sets of things and facial expressions 遣北院樞密副使
107 24 incidentally; additionally 遣北院樞密副使
108 24 a deputy; an assistant 遣北院樞密副使
109 24 secondary; auxiliary 遣北院樞密副使
110 24 to agree with; to match with; to correspond to 遣北院樞密副使
111 24 a copy; a transcript 遣北院樞密副使
112 24 a wig 遣北院樞密副使
113 24 to deliver; to hand over 遣北院樞密副使
114 24 to break open; to tear 遣北院樞密副使
115 23 to enter 皇帝率群臣入
116 23 Kangxi radical 11 皇帝率群臣入
117 23 radical 皇帝率群臣入
118 23 income 皇帝率群臣入
119 23 to conform with 皇帝率群臣入
120 23 to descend 皇帝率群臣入
121 23 the entering tone 皇帝率群臣入
122 23 to pay 皇帝率群臣入
123 23 to join 皇帝率群臣入
124 22 zhì to; until 至祭
125 22 zhì Kangxi radical 133 至祭
126 22 zhì extremely; very; most 至祭
127 22 zhì to arrive 至祭
128 20 zhī him; her; them; that 大行之夕四鼓終
129 20 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 大行之夕四鼓終
130 20 zhī to go 大行之夕四鼓終
131 20 zhī this; that 大行之夕四鼓終
132 20 zhī genetive marker 大行之夕四鼓終
133 20 zhī it 大行之夕四鼓終
134 20 zhī in; in regards to 大行之夕四鼓終
135 20 zhī all 大行之夕四鼓終
136 20 zhī and 大行之夕四鼓終
137 20 zhī however 大行之夕四鼓終
138 20 zhī if 大行之夕四鼓終
139 20 zhī then 大行之夕四鼓終
140 20 zhī to arrive; to go 大行之夕四鼓終
141 20 zhī is 大行之夕四鼓終
142 20 zhī to use 大行之夕四鼓終
143 20 zhī Zhi 大行之夕四鼓終
144 20 zhī winding 大行之夕四鼓終
145 19 bān class; a group; a grade 臣僚班齊
146 19 bān a squad 臣僚班齊
147 19 bān a job 臣僚班齊
148 19 bān to separate 臣僚班齊
149 19 bān to spread; to distribute; to give 臣僚班齊
150 19 bān to proclaim; to propagate 臣僚班齊
151 19 bān to smooth out 臣僚班齊
152 19 bān to classify 臣僚班齊
153 19 bān to manage 臣僚班齊
154 19 bān a classification; a rank 臣僚班齊
155 19 bān to return 臣僚班齊
156 19 bān mottled 臣僚班齊
157 19 bān a shift 臣僚班齊
158 19 bān a group 臣僚班齊
159 19 bān starting time; flight time 臣僚班齊
160 19 bān to be equal 臣僚班齊
161 19 bān Ban 臣僚班齊
162 18 zòu to present; to offer 奏忌辰榜子
163 18 zòu to present a memorial to the emperor 奏忌辰榜子
164 18 zòu to play a musical instrument 奏忌辰榜子
165 18 zòu to happen; to occur 奏忌辰榜子
166 18 zòu a memorial to the throne 奏忌辰榜子
167 18 zòu to go; to walk 奏忌辰榜子
168 18 zòu modulation of rhythm 奏忌辰榜子
169 17 臣僚 chénliáo court official 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
170 17 西 The West 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
171 17 西 west 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
172 17 西 Kangxi radical 146 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
173 17 西 Spain 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
174 17 西 foreign 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
175 17 西 place of honor 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
176 17 西 Central Asia 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
177 17 西 Xi 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
178 16 to stop 再拜天地訖
179 16 up until; until now; arrive at 再拜天地訖
180 16 all 再拜天地訖
181 16 completed 再拜天地訖
182 16 to settle [an account] 再拜天地訖
183 16 xià next 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
184 16 xià bottom 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
185 16 xià to fall; to drop; to go down; to descend 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
186 16 xià measure word for time 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
187 16 xià expresses completion of an action 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
188 16 xià to announce 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
189 16 xià to do 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
190 16 xià to withdraw; to leave; to exit 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
191 16 xià under; below 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
192 16 xià the lower class; a member of the lower class 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
193 16 xià inside 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
194 16 xià an aspect 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
195 16 xià a certain time 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
196 16 xià a time; an instance 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
197 16 xià to capture; to take 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
198 16 xià to put in 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
199 16 xià to enter 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
200 16 xià to eliminate; to remove; to get off 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
201 16 xià to finish work or school 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
202 16 xià to go 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
203 16 xià to scorn; to look down on 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
204 16 xià to modestly decline 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
205 16 xià to produce 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
206 16 xià to stay at; to lodge at 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
207 16 xià to decide 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
208 16 xià to be less than 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
209 16 xià humble; lowly 率送葬者過神門之木乃下
210 15 miàn side; surface 面火致奠
211 15 miàn flour 面火致奠
212 15 miàn Kangxi radical 176 面火致奠
213 15 miàn unit 面火致奠
214 15 miàn a rural district; a township 面火致奠
215 15 miàn face 面火致奠
216 15 miàn face to face; in somebody's presence; facing 面火致奠
217 15 miàn to face in a certain direction 面火致奠
218 15 miàn side 面火致奠
219 15 miàn noodles 面火致奠
220 15 miàn powder 面火致奠
221 15 miàn soft and mushy 面火致奠
222 15 miàn an aspect 面火致奠
223 15 miàn a direction 面火致奠
224 15 miàn to meet 面火致奠
225 15 mén door; gate; doorway; gateway 奉柩出殿之西北門
226 15 mén phylum; division 奉柩出殿之西北門
227 15 mén sect; school 奉柩出殿之西北門
228 15 mén Kangxi radical 169 奉柩出殿之西北門
229 15 mén measure word for lessons, subjects, large guns, etc 奉柩出殿之西北門
230 15 mén a door-like object 奉柩出殿之西北門
231 15 mén an opening 奉柩出殿之西北門
232 15 mén an access point; a border entrance 奉柩出殿之西北門
233 15 mén a household; a clan 奉柩出殿之西北門
234 15 mén a kind; a category 奉柩出殿之西北門
235 15 mén to guard a gate 奉柩出殿之西北門
236 15 mén Men 奉柩出殿之西北門
237 15 mén a turning point 奉柩出殿之西北門
238 15 mén a method 奉柩出殿之西北門
239 15 mén a sense organ 奉柩出殿之西北門
240 15 qián front 柩前三致奠
241 15 qián former; the past 柩前三致奠
242 15 qián to go forward 柩前三致奠
243 15 qián preceding 柩前三致奠
244 15 qián before; earlier; prior 柩前三致奠
245 15 qián to appear before 柩前三致奠
246 15 qián future 柩前三致奠
247 15 qián top; first 柩前三致奠
248 15 qián battlefront 柩前三致奠
249 15 qián pre- 柩前三致奠
250 15 chū to go out; to leave 奉柩出殿之西北門
251 15 chū measure word for dramas, plays, operas, etc 奉柩出殿之西北門
252 15 chū to produce; to put forth; to issue; to grow up 奉柩出殿之西北門
253 15 chū to extend; to spread 奉柩出殿之西北門
254 15 chū to appear 奉柩出殿之西北門
255 15 chū to exceed 奉柩出殿之西北門
256 15 chū to publish; to post 奉柩出殿之西北門
257 15 chū to take up an official post 奉柩出殿之西北門
258 15 chū to give birth 奉柩出殿之西北門
259 15 chū a verb complement 奉柩出殿之西北門
260 15 chū to occur; to happen 奉柩出殿之西北門
261 15 chū to divorce 奉柩出殿之西北門
262 15 chū to chase away 奉柩出殿之西北門
263 15 chū to escape; to leave 奉柩出殿之西北門
264 15 chū to give 奉柩出殿之西北門
265 15 chū to emit 奉柩出殿之西北門
266 15 chū quoted from 奉柩出殿之西北門
267 14 wèi position; location; place 協律郎設舉麾位
268 14 wèi measure word for people 協律郎設舉麾位
269 14 wèi bit 協律郎設舉麾位
270 14 wèi a seat 協律郎設舉麾位
271 14 wèi a post 協律郎設舉麾位
272 14 wèi a rank; status 協律郎設舉麾位
273 14 wèi a throne 協律郎設舉麾位
274 14 wèi Wei 協律郎設舉麾位
275 14 wèi the standard form of an object 協律郎設舉麾位
276 14 wèi a polite form of address 協律郎設舉麾位
277 14 wèi at; located at 協律郎設舉麾位
278 14 wèi to arrange 協律郎設舉麾位
279 13 apparatus 凶儀
280 13 a rite; a ceremony 凶儀
281 13 appearance; demeanor 凶儀
282 13 a gift 凶儀
283 13 a norm; a standard 凶儀
284 13 to admire 凶儀
285 13 embellishment 凶儀
286 13 formal dress 凶儀
287 13 an analogue; a match 凶儀
288 13 to be inclined; to trend 凶儀
289 13 to watch 凶儀
290 13 to come 凶儀
291 13 Yi 凶儀
292 13 to read 讀訖
293 13 to investigate 讀訖
294 13 to pronounce; to read aloud 讀訖
295 13 dòu comma; phrase marked by pause 讀訖
296 13 jiē all; each and every; in all cases 儀衛等物皆燔之
297 13 jiē same; equally 儀衛等物皆燔之
298 13 a time 至食羖之次
299 13 second-rate 至食羖之次
300 13 second; secondary 至食羖之次
301 13 temporary stopover; temporary lodging 至食羖之次
302 13 a sequence; an order 至食羖之次
303 13 to arrive 至食羖之次
304 13 to be next in sequence 至食羖之次
305 13 positions of the 12 Jupiter stations 至食羖之次
306 13 positions of the sun and moon on the ecliptic 至食羖之次
307 13 stage of a journey 至食羖之次
308 13 ranks 至食羖之次
309 13 an official position 至食羖之次
310 13 inside 至食羖之次
311 13 to hesitate 至食羖之次
312 12 jiē stairs; steps 設於西階
313 12 jiē a rank; degree 設於西階
314 12 jiē to ascend 設於西階
315 12 jiē upper platform 設於西階
316 12 jiē origin; cause 設於西階
317 12 guì to kneel 跪奠三
318 12 guì foot 跪奠三
319 12 pavilion 閣使引皇帝至禦幄
320 12 cabinet; cupboard 閣使引皇帝至禦幄
321 12 chamber 閣使引皇帝至禦幄
322 12 plank bridge 閣使引皇帝至禦幄
323 12 balcony 閣使引皇帝至禦幄
324 12 gallery 閣使引皇帝至禦幄
325 12 sideboard 閣使引皇帝至禦幄
326 12 a pantry 閣使引皇帝至禦幄
327 12 to place 閣使引皇帝至禦幄
328 12 passageway 閣使引皇帝至禦幄
329 12 cabinet [of ministers] 閣使引皇帝至禦幄
330 12 Ge 閣使引皇帝至禦幄
331 12 curtain; screen 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
332 12 act 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
333 12 a tent 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
334 12 commander's office 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
335 12 canopy of state 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
336 12 an assistant to the commanding officer 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
337 12 to cover 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
338 12 desert 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
339 12 xiè to thank 謝面天顏
340 12 xiè Xie 謝面天顏
341 12 xiè to decline 謝面天顏
342 12 xiè to apologize 謝面天顏
343 12 xiè to wilt; to fade 謝面天顏
344 12 xiè to say goodbye; to bid farewell 謝面天顏
345 12 xiè to tell 謝面天顏
346 12 xiè to greet 謝面天顏
347 12 xiè to replace 謝面天顏
348 12 jìn to enter 進鞍馬
349 12 jìn to advance 進鞍馬
350 11 to finish; to complete; to exhaust 葬畢
351 11 wholly; entirely; completely; totally; altogether 葬畢
352 11 a hand net 葬畢
353 11 to hunt with a hand net 葬畢
354 11 Bi 葬畢
355 11 Bi constellation 葬畢
356 11 bamboo slips 葬畢
357 11 shū book 中書二舍人跪捧祭文
358 11 shū document; manuscript 中書二舍人跪捧祭文
359 11 shū letter 中書二舍人跪捧祭文
360 11 shū the Cannon of Documents 中書二舍人跪捧祭文
361 11 shū to write 中書二舍人跪捧祭文
362 11 shū writing 中書二舍人跪捧祭文
363 11 shū calligraphy; writing style 中書二舍人跪捧祭文
364 11 shū Shu 中書二舍人跪捧祭文
365 11 shū to record 中書二舍人跪捧祭文
366 11 to give; to bestow favors 受遺賜
367 11 grace; favor; a gift 受遺賜
368 11 to award; to appoint 受遺賜
369 11 to do in full 受遺賜
370 11 to bestow an honorific title 受遺賜
371 10 nán south 皇帝於南間北面坐
372 10 nán nan 皇帝於南間北面坐
373 10 nán southern part 皇帝於南間北面坐
374 10 nán southward 皇帝於南間北面坐
375 10 使者 shǐzhě an emissary; an envoy 使者詣柩前上香
376 10 diàn to pay respect 柩前三致奠
377 10 diàn to make an offering to a deity or the dead 柩前三致奠
378 10 diàn to settle 柩前三致奠
379 10 diàn to offer 柩前三致奠
380 10 diàn to put 柩前三致奠
381 10 diàn an offering 柩前三致奠
382 10 wèn to ask 天祚皇帝問禮於總知翰林院事耶律固
383 10 wèn to inquire after 天祚皇帝問禮於總知翰林院事耶律固
384 10 wèn to interrogate 天祚皇帝問禮於總知翰林院事耶律固
385 10 wèn to hold responsible 天祚皇帝問禮於總知翰林院事耶律固
386 10 wèn to request something 天祚皇帝問禮於總知翰林院事耶律固
387 10 wèn to rebuke 天祚皇帝問禮於總知翰林院事耶律固
388 10 wèn to send an official mission bearing gifts 天祚皇帝問禮於總知翰林院事耶律固
389 10 wèn news 天祚皇帝問禮於總知翰林院事耶律固
390 10 wèn to propose marriage 天祚皇帝問禮於總知翰林院事耶律固
391 10 wén to inform 天祚皇帝問禮於總知翰林院事耶律固
392 10 wèn to research 天祚皇帝問禮於總知翰林院事耶律固
393 10 wèn Wen 天祚皇帝問禮於總知翰林院事耶律固
394 10 wèn to 天祚皇帝問禮於總知翰林院事耶律固
395 10 wèn a question 天祚皇帝問禮於總知翰林院事耶律固
396 9 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 巫者袚除之
397 9 zhě that 巫者袚除之
398 9 zhě nominalizing function word 巫者袚除之
399 9 zhě used to mark a definition 巫者袚除之
400 9 zhě used to mark a pause 巫者袚除之
401 9 zhě topic marker; that; it 巫者袚除之
402 9 zhuó according to 巫者袚除之
403 9 zàn to meet with a superior 贊祗候
404 9 zàn to help 贊祗候
405 9 zàn a eulogy 贊祗候
406 9 zàn to recommend 贊祗候
407 9 zàn to introduce; to tell 贊祗候
408 9 zàn to lead 贊祗候
409 9 zàn summary verse; eulogy; ecomium 贊祗候
410 9 zàn to agree; to consent 贊祗候
411 9 zàn to praise 贊祗候
412 9 zàn to participate 贊祗候
413 9 鞠躬 jūgōng to bow 宣徽使揖皇帝鞠躬再拜
414 9 such as; for example; for instance 矮墩官及郎君服如之
415 9 if 矮墩官及郎君服如之
416 9 in accordance with 矮墩官及郎君服如之
417 9 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 矮墩官及郎君服如之
418 9 this 矮墩官及郎君服如之
419 9 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 矮墩官及郎君服如之
420 9 to go to 矮墩官及郎君服如之
421 9 to meet 矮墩官及郎君服如之
422 9 to appear; to seem; to be like 矮墩官及郎君服如之
423 9 at least as good as 矮墩官及郎君服如之
424 9 and 矮墩官及郎君服如之
425 9 or 矮墩官及郎君服如之
426 9 but 矮墩官及郎君服如之
427 9 then 矮墩官及郎君服如之
428 9 naturally 矮墩官及郎君服如之
429 9 expresses a question or doubt 矮墩官及郎君服如之
430 9 you 矮墩官及郎君服如之
431 9 the second lunar month 矮墩官及郎君服如之
432 9 in; at 矮墩官及郎君服如之
433 9 Ru 矮墩官及郎君服如之
434 9 jiù right away 就辒京車
435 9 jiù to approach; to move towards; to come towards 就辒京車
436 9 jiù with regard to; concerning; to follow 就辒京車
437 9 jiù to assume 就辒京車
438 9 jiù to receive; to suffer 就辒京車
439 9 jiù to undergo; to undertake; to engage in 就辒京車
440 9 jiù precisely; exactly 就辒京車
441 9 jiù namely 就辒京車
442 9 jiù to suit; to accommodate oneself to 就辒京車
443 9 jiù only; just 就辒京車
444 9 jiù to accomplish 就辒京車
445 9 jiù to go with 就辒京車
446 9 jiù already 就辒京車
447 9 jiù as much as 就辒京車
448 9 jiù to begin with; as expected 就辒京車
449 9 jiù even if 就辒京車
450 9 jiù to die 就辒京車
451 9 bìng and; furthermore; also 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
452 9 bìng completely; entirely 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
453 9 bìng to combine; to amalgamate 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
454 9 bìng to combine 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
455 9 bìng to resemble; to be like 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
456 9 bìng both; equally 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
457 9 bìng both; side-by-side; equally 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
458 9 bìng completely; entirely 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
459 9 bìng to stand side-by-side 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
460 9 bìng definitely; absolutely; actually 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
461 9 bīng Taiyuan 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
462 9 bìng equally; both; together 於菆塗殿西廊設禦幄並臣僚幕次
463 9 book; volume 上哀冊
464 9 measure word for book like things 上哀冊
465 9 a roll of bamboo slips 上哀冊
466 9 a plan; a scheme 上哀冊
467 9 to confer 上哀冊
468 9 chǎi a book with embroidered covers 上哀冊
469 9 patent of enfeoffment 上哀冊
470 9 běi north 北院樞密使
471 9 běi fleeing troops 北院樞密使
472 9 běi to go north 北院樞密使
473 9 běi to be defeated; to be routed 北院樞密使
474 9 běi to violate; to betray 北院樞密使
475 8 rén person; people; a human being 餘官及承應人皆白掞衣巾以入
476 8 rén Kangxi radical 9 餘官及承應人皆白掞衣巾以入
477 8 rén a kind of person 餘官及承應人皆白掞衣巾以入
478 8 rén everybody 餘官及承應人皆白掞衣巾以入
479 8 rén adult 餘官及承應人皆白掞衣巾以入
480 8 rén somebody; others 餘官及承應人皆白掞衣巾以入
481 8 rén an upright person 餘官及承應人皆白掞衣巾以入
482 8 bài to bow; to pay respect to 三拜
483 8 bài to send greetings; to congratulate 三拜
484 8 bài to visit 三拜
485 8 bài to appoint; to confer a title 三拜
486 8 bài to enter into a relationship 三拜
487 8 bài a polite form; please 三拜
488 8 bài Bai 三拜
489 8 bài to perform a ritual 三拜
490 8 bài to bend 三拜
491 8 bài byte 三拜
492 8 sòng Song dynasty 宋使祭奠吊慰儀
493 8 sòng Song 宋使祭奠吊慰儀
494 8 sòng Liu Song Dynasty 宋使祭奠吊慰儀
495 8 so as to; in order to 乃以衣
496 8 to use; to regard as 乃以衣
497 8 to use; to grasp 乃以衣
498 8 according to 乃以衣
499 8 because of 乃以衣
500 8 on a certain date 乃以衣

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
东阶 東階 100 Eastern Stairs
福冈 福岡 102 Fukuoka
高丽 高麗 103 Korean Goryeo Dynasty
汉人 漢人 104 Han Chinese person or people
翰林 104 Hanlin
翰林院 104 Imperial Hanlin Academy
节度使 節度使 106 military commissioner; jiedushi
开封 開封 107 Kaifeng
南朝 110 Sourthern Dynasties
南府宰相 110 Grand Councilor of Southern Administration
南院 110 Nanyuan
内门 內門 110 Neimen
契丹 113 Khitan
枢密院 樞密院 115 Bureau of Military Affairs
枢密使 樞密使 115 Commissioner of Military Affairs
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
太后 116
  1. Empress Dowager
  2. Consort Dowager
天祚皇帝 116 Emperor Tianzuo of Liao
  1. what?; where?; why?
  2. a slave; a servant
  3. Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi
  4. Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi
  5. Xi
宣徽使 120 Commissioner of Court Palace Attendants; Palace Provisions Commisioner
耶律 121 Yelu
宰相 122 chancellor; prime minister


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English