Glossary and Vocabulary for History of Yuan 元史, 卷一百五十三 列傳第四十: 劉敏 王檝 王守道 高宣 王玉汝 焦德裕 石天麟 李邦瑞 楊奐 賈居貞 Volume 153 Biographies 40: Liu Min, Wang Ji, Wang Shoudao, Gao Xuan, Wang Yuru, Jiao Deyu, Shi Tianlin, Li Bangrui, Yang Huan, Jia Juzhen

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 121 zhī to go 大將憐而收養之
2 121 zhī to arrive; to go 大將憐而收養之
3 121 zhī is 大將憐而收養之
4 121 zhī to use 大將憐而收養之
5 121 zhī Zhi 大將憐而收養之
6 121 zhī winding 大將憐而收養之
7 87 to use; to grasp 以敏從子二人
8 87 to rely on 以敏從子二人
9 87 to regard 以敏從子二人
10 87 to be able to 以敏從子二人
11 87 to order; to command 以敏從子二人
12 87 used after a verb 以敏從子二人
13 87 a reason; a cause 以敏從子二人
14 87 Israel 以敏從子二人
15 87 Yi 以敏從子二人
16 59 wéi to act as; to serve 初為奉御
17 59 wéi to change into; to become 初為奉御
18 59 wéi to be; is 初為奉御
19 59 wéi to do 初為奉御
20 59 wèi to support; to help 初為奉御
21 59 wéi to govern 初為奉御
22 59 Qi 帝見其貌偉
23 43 nián year 敏時年十二
24 43 nián New Year festival 敏時年十二
25 43 nián age 敏時年十二
26 43 nián life span; life expectancy 敏時年十二
27 43 nián an era; a period 敏時年十二
28 43 nián a date 敏時年十二
29 43 nián time; years 敏時年十二
30 43 nián harvest 敏時年十二
31 43 nián annual; every year 敏時年十二
32 38 yuē to speak; to say 詔曰
33 38 yuē Kangxi radical 73 詔曰
34 38 yuē to be called 詔曰
35 37 rén person; people; a human being 以敏從子二人
36 37 rén Kangxi radical 9 以敏從子二人
37 37 rén a kind of person 以敏從子二人
38 37 rén everybody 以敏從子二人
39 37 rén adult 以敏從子二人
40 37 rén somebody; others 以敏從子二人
41 37 rén an upright person 以敏從子二人
42 32 tiān day 為司天太史氏
43 32 tiān heaven 為司天太史氏
44 32 tiān nature 為司天太史氏
45 32 tiān sky 為司天太史氏
46 32 tiān weather 為司天太史氏
47 32 tiān father; husband 為司天太史氏
48 32 tiān a necessity 為司天太史氏
49 32 tiān season 為司天太史氏
50 32 tiān destiny 為司天太史氏
51 32 tiān very high; sky high [prices] 為司天太史氏
52 30 emperor; supreme ruler 帝宴諸將於行營
53 30 the ruler of Heaven 帝宴諸將於行營
54 30 a god 帝宴諸將於行營
55 30 imperialism 帝宴諸將於行營
56 28 xíng to walk 敏皆從行
57 28 xíng capable; competent 敏皆從行
58 28 háng profession 敏皆從行
59 28 xíng Kangxi radical 144 敏皆從行
60 28 xíng to travel 敏皆從行
61 28 xìng actions; conduct 敏皆從行
62 28 xíng to do; to act; to practice 敏皆從行
63 28 xíng all right; OK; okay 敏皆從行
64 28 háng horizontal line 敏皆從行
65 28 héng virtuous deeds 敏皆從行
66 28 hàng a line of trees 敏皆從行
67 28 hàng bold; steadfast 敏皆從行
68 28 xíng to move 敏皆從行
69 28 xíng to put into effect; to implement 敏皆從行
70 28 xíng travel 敏皆從行
71 28 xíng to circulate 敏皆從行
72 28 xíng running script; running script 敏皆從行
73 28 xíng temporary 敏皆從行
74 28 háng rank; order 敏皆從行
75 28 háng a business; a shop 敏皆從行
76 28 xíng to depart; to leave 敏皆從行
77 28 xíng to experience 敏皆從行
78 28 xíng path; way 敏皆從行
79 28 xíng xing; ballad 敏皆從行
80 28 xíng Xing 敏皆從行
81 26 Ru River 汝春秋高
82 26 Ru 汝春秋高
83 25 ér Kangxi radical 126 大將憐而收養之
84 25 ér as if; to seem like 大將憐而收養之
85 25 néng can; able 大將憐而收養之
86 25 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 大將憐而收養之
87 25 ér to arrive; up to 大將憐而收養之
88 25 jīn gold 佩金符
89 25 jīn money 佩金符
90 25 jīn Jin; Kim 佩金符
91 25 jīn Kangxi radical 167 佩金符
92 25 jīn Later Jin Dynasty; Jin Dynasty 佩金符
93 25 jīn metal 佩金符
94 25 jīn hard 佩金符
95 25 jīn a unit of money in China in historic times 佩金符
96 25 jīn golden; gold colored 佩金符
97 25 jīn a weapon 佩金符
98 25 jīn valuable 佩金符
99 25 jīn metal agent 佩金符
100 25 jīn cymbals 佩金符
101 25 jīn Venus 佩金符
102 25 residence; dwelling 仁宗居東宮
103 25 to be at a position 仁宗居東宮
104 25 to live; to dwell; to reside 仁宗居東宮
105 25 to stay put 仁宗居東宮
106 25 to claim; to assert 仁宗居東宮
107 25 to store up; to accumulate 仁宗居東宮
108 25 to sit down 仁宗居東宮
109 25 to possess 仁宗居東宮
110 25 to hold in storage; to retain; to harbor 仁宗居東宮
111 25 Ju 仁宗居東宮
112 24 shì matter; thing; item 司天等事
113 24 shì to serve 司天等事
114 24 shì a government post 司天等事
115 24 shì duty; post; work 司天等事
116 24 shì occupation 司天等事
117 24 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 司天等事
118 24 shì an accident 司天等事
119 24 shì to attend 司天等事
120 24 shì an allusion 司天等事
121 24 shì a condition; a state; a situation 司天等事
122 24 shì to engage in 司天等事
123 24 shì to enslave 司天等事
124 24 shì to pursue 司天等事
125 24 shì to administer 司天等事
126 24 shì to appoint 司天等事
127 24 使 shǐ to make; to cause 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
128 24 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
129 24 使 shǐ to indulge 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
130 24 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
131 24 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
132 24 使 shǐ to dispatch 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
133 24 使 shǐ to use 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
134 24 使 shǐ to be able to 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
135 23 zhōng middle 中書左丞相粘合重山
136 23 zhōng medium; medium sized 中書左丞相粘合重山
137 23 zhōng China 中書左丞相粘合重山
138 23 zhòng to hit the mark 中書左丞相粘合重山
139 23 zhōng midday 中書左丞相粘合重山
140 23 zhōng inside 中書左丞相粘合重山
141 23 zhōng during 中書左丞相粘合重山
142 23 zhōng Zhong 中書左丞相粘合重山
143 23 zhōng intermediary 中書左丞相粘合重山
144 23 zhōng half 中書左丞相粘合重山
145 23 zhòng to reach; to attain 中書左丞相粘合重山
146 23 zhòng to suffer; to infect 中書左丞相粘合重山
147 23 zhòng to obtain 中書左丞相粘合重山
148 23 zhòng to pass an exam 中書左丞相粘合重山
149 23 mín the people; citizen; subjects 其徒往往中夜挾弓矢掠民財
150 23 mín Min 其徒往往中夜挾弓矢掠民財
151 22 cóng to follow 敏皆從行
152 22 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 敏皆從行
153 22 cóng to participate in something 敏皆從行
154 22 cóng to use a certain method or principle 敏皆從行
155 22 cóng something secondary 敏皆從行
156 22 cóng remote relatives 敏皆從行
157 22 cóng secondary 敏皆從行
158 22 cóng to go on; to advance 敏皆從行
159 22 cōng at ease; informal 敏皆從行
160 22 zòng a follower; a supporter 敏皆從行
161 22 zòng to release 敏皆從行
162 22 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 敏皆從行
163 22 to die 夏四月卒
164 22 a soldier 夏四月卒
165 22 a servant; forced labor 夏四月卒
166 22 to end 夏四月卒
167 22 a deployment of five soldiers 夏四月卒
168 21 to enter 敏隨之入
169 21 Kangxi radical 11 敏隨之入
170 21 radical 敏隨之入
171 21 income 敏隨之入
172 21 to conform with 敏隨之入
173 21 to descend 敏隨之入
174 21 the entering tone 敏隨之入
175 21 to pay 敏隨之入
176 21 to join 敏隨之入
177 21 zhēn virtuous; chaste; pure 賈居貞
178 21 zhēn loyal 賈居貞
179 21 zhēn divination 賈居貞
180 21 zhēn chastity 賈居貞
181 21 zhēn to divine 賈居貞
182 21 zhēn auspicious 賈居貞
183 21 zhēn upright 賈居貞
184 21 zhēn lower part of the trigrams in the Yijing 賈居貞
185 21 zhēn four 賈居貞
186 20 suǒ a few; various; some 召問所自
187 20 suǒ a place; a location 召問所自
188 20 suǒ indicates a passive voice 召問所自
189 20 suǒ an ordinal number 召問所自
190 20 suǒ meaning 召問所自
191 20 suǒ garrison 召問所自
192 20 mǐn clever; smart 劉敏
193 20 mǐn industrious; diligent 劉敏
194 20 mǐn talent 劉敏
195 20 mǐn quick; swift; agile 劉敏
196 20 mǐn big toe 劉敏
197 20 to go back; to return 復下第
198 20 to resume; to restart 復下第
199 20 to do in detail 復下第
200 20 to restore 復下第
201 20 to respond; to reply to 復下第
202 20 Fu; Return 復下第
203 20 to retaliate; to reciprocate 復下第
204 20 to avoid forced labor or tax 復下第
205 20 Fu 復下第
206 20 doubled; to overlapping; folded 復下第
207 20 a lined garment with doubled thickness 復下第
208 20 infix potential marker 不召而來
209 20 mìng life 命敏緫其役
210 20 mìng to order 命敏緫其役
211 20 mìng destiny; fate; luck 命敏緫其役
212 20 mìng an order; a command 命敏緫其役
213 20 mìng to name; to assign 命敏緫其役
214 20 mìng livelihood 命敏緫其役
215 20 mìng advice 命敏緫其役
216 20 mìng to confer a title 命敏緫其役
217 20 mìng lifespan 命敏緫其役
218 20 mìng to think 命敏緫其役
219 20 shòu to teach 授安撫使
220 20 shòu to award; to give 授安撫使
221 20 shòu to appoint 授安撫使
222 19 to give; to bestow favors 賜名玉出干
223 19 grace; favor; a gift 賜名玉出干
224 19 to award; to appoint 賜名玉出干
225 19 to do in full 賜名玉出干
226 19 to bestow an honorific title 賜名玉出干
227 19 jiàng a general; a high ranking officer 帝宴諸將於行營
228 19 jiāng to progress; to transmit; to convey; to send 帝宴諸將於行營
229 19 jiàng to command; to lead 帝宴諸將於行營
230 19 qiāng to request 帝宴諸將於行營
231 19 jiāng to bring; to take; to use; to hold 帝宴諸將於行營
232 19 jiāng to support; to wait upon; to take care of 帝宴諸將於行營
233 19 jiāng to checkmate 帝宴諸將於行營
234 19 jiāng to goad; to incite; to provoke 帝宴諸將於行營
235 19 jiāng to do; to handle 帝宴諸將於行營
236 19 jiàng backbone 帝宴諸將於行營
237 19 jiàng king 帝宴諸將於行營
238 19 jiāng to rest 帝宴諸將於行營
239 19 jiàng a senior member of an organization 帝宴諸將於行營
240 19 jiāng large; great 帝宴諸將於行營
241 19 sòng Song dynasty 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
242 19 sòng Song 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
243 19 sòng Liu Song Dynasty 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
244 18 suì to comply with; to follow along 遂俾其屬忙哥兒誣敏以流言
245 18 suì to advance 遂俾其屬忙哥兒誣敏以流言
246 18 suì to follow through; to achieve 遂俾其屬忙哥兒誣敏以流言
247 18 suì to follow smoothly 遂俾其屬忙哥兒誣敏以流言
248 18 suì an area the capital 遂俾其屬忙哥兒誣敏以流言
249 18 suì a dish underneath a chime; a ditch 遂俾其屬忙哥兒誣敏以流言
250 18 suì a flint 遂俾其屬忙哥兒誣敏以流言
251 18 suì to satisfy 遂俾其屬忙哥兒誣敏以流言
252 18 suì to propose; to nominate 遂俾其屬忙哥兒誣敏以流言
253 18 suì to grow 遂俾其屬忙哥兒誣敏以流言
254 18 suì to use up; to stop 遂俾其屬忙哥兒誣敏以流言
255 18 suì sleeve used in archery 遂俾其屬忙哥兒誣敏以流言
256 18 to give 有司不得與聞
257 18 to accompany 有司不得與聞
258 18 to particate in 有司不得與聞
259 18 of the same kind 有司不得與聞
260 18 to help 有司不得與聞
261 18 for 有司不得與聞
262 18 precious 賜名玉出干
263 18 jade; a precious stone; a gem 賜名玉出干
264 18 Kangxi radical 96 賜名玉出干
265 18 fair; beautiful 賜名玉出干
266 18 your 賜名玉出干
267 18 pure white 賜名玉出干
268 18 to groom 賜名玉出干
269 18 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 奉御李簡詰問得實
270 18 děi to want to; to need to 奉御李簡詰問得實
271 18 děi must; ought to 奉御李簡詰問得實
272 18 de 奉御李簡詰問得實
273 18 de infix potential marker 奉御李簡詰問得實
274 18 to result in 奉御李簡詰問得實
275 18 to be proper; to fit; to suit 奉御李簡詰問得實
276 18 to be satisfied 奉御李簡詰問得實
277 18 to be finished 奉御李簡詰問得實
278 18 děi satisfying 奉御李簡詰問得實
279 18 to contract 奉御李簡詰問得實
280 18 to hear 奉御李簡詰問得實
281 18 to have; there is 奉御李簡詰問得實
282 18 marks time passed 奉御李簡詰問得實
283 17 Germany 進資德大夫
284 17 virtue; morality; ethics; character 進資德大夫
285 17 kindness; favor 進資德大夫
286 17 conduct; behavior 進資德大夫
287 17 to be grateful 進資德大夫
288 17 heart; intention 進資德大夫
289 17 De 進資德大夫
290 17 potency; natural power 進資德大夫
291 17 wholesome; good 進資德大夫
292 17 guān an office 官不能禁
293 17 guān an official; a government official 官不能禁
294 17 guān official; state-run 官不能禁
295 17 guān an official body; a state organization; bureau 官不能禁
296 17 guān an official rank; an official title 官不能禁
297 17 guān governance 官不能禁
298 17 guān a sense organ 官不能禁
299 17 guān office 官不能禁
300 17 guān public 官不能禁
301 17 guān an organ 官不能禁
302 17 guān a polite form of address 官不能禁
303 17 guān Guan 官不能禁
304 17 guān to appoint 官不能禁
305 17 guān to hold a post 官不能禁
306 17 an oar; a paddle 王楫
307 17 to row 王楫
308 17 a boat 王楫
309 17 a grove of trees 王楫
310 17 to edit; to compile 王楫
311 17 wáng Wang 王楫
312 17 wáng a king 王楫
313 17 wáng Kangxi radical 96 王楫
314 17 wàng to be king; to rule 王楫
315 17 wáng a prince; a duke 王楫
316 17 wáng grand; great 王楫
317 17 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 王楫
318 17 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 王楫
319 17 wáng the head of a group or gang 王楫
320 17 wáng the biggest or best of a group 王楫
321 16 bīng soldier; troops 兵至
322 16 bīng weapons 兵至
323 16 bīng military; warfare 兵至
324 16 lín female of Chinese unicorn 石天麟
325 16 lín a stag 石天麟
326 16 lín Lin 石天麟
327 16 abundant; rich; plentiful 裕宗初封燕王
328 16 jūn army; military 破其軍二十萬
329 16 jūn soldiers; troops 破其軍二十萬
330 16 jūn an organized collective 破其軍二十萬
331 16 jūn to garrison; to stay an an encampment 破其軍二十萬
332 16 jūn a garrison 破其軍二十萬
333 16 jūn a front 破其軍二十萬
334 16 jūn penal miltary service 破其軍二十萬
335 16 jūn to organize troops 破其軍二十萬
336 16 capital city 詔敏與奧都剌同行省事
337 16 a city; a metropolis 詔敏與奧都剌同行省事
338 16 dōu all 詔敏與奧都剌同行省事
339 16 elegant; refined 詔敏與奧都剌同行省事
340 16 Du 詔敏與奧都剌同行省事
341 16 to establish a capital city 詔敏與奧都剌同行省事
342 16 to reside 詔敏與奧都剌同行省事
343 16 to total; to tally 詔敏與奧都剌同行省事
344 15 shū book 中書左丞相粘合重山
345 15 shū document; manuscript 中書左丞相粘合重山
346 15 shū letter 中書左丞相粘合重山
347 15 shū the Cannon of Documents 中書左丞相粘合重山
348 15 shū to write 中書左丞相粘合重山
349 15 shū writing 中書左丞相粘合重山
350 15 shū calligraphy; writing style 中書左丞相粘合重山
351 15 shū Shu 中書左丞相粘合重山
352 15 shū to record 中書左丞相粘合重山
353 15 to go; to 病歸于燕
354 15 to rely on; to depend on 病歸于燕
355 15 Yu 病歸于燕
356 15 a crow 病歸于燕
357 15 wén to hear 有司不得與聞
358 15 wén Wen 有司不得與聞
359 15 wén sniff at; to smell 有司不得與聞
360 15 wén to be widely known 有司不得與聞
361 15 wén to confirm; to accept 有司不得與聞
362 15 wén information 有司不得與聞
363 15 wèn famous; well known 有司不得與聞
364 15 wén knowledge; learning 有司不得與聞
365 15 wèn popularity; prestige; reputation 有司不得與聞
366 15 wén to question 有司不得與聞
367 15 guó a country; a nation 帝征西遼諸國
368 15 guó the capital of a state 帝征西遼諸國
369 15 guó a feud; a vassal state 帝征西遼諸國
370 15 guó a state; a kingdom 帝征西遼諸國
371 15 guó a place; a land 帝征西遼諸國
372 15 guó domestic; Chinese 帝征西遼諸國
373 15 guó national 帝征西遼諸國
374 15 guó top in the nation 帝征西遼諸國
375 15 guó Guo 帝征西遼諸國
376 14 child; son 請以子世亨自代
377 14 egg; newborn 請以子世亨自代
378 14 first earthly branch 請以子世亨自代
379 14 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 請以子世亨自代
380 14 Kangxi radical 39 請以子世亨自代
381 14 pellet; something small and hard 請以子世亨自代
382 14 master 請以子世亨自代
383 14 viscount 請以子世亨自代
384 14 zi you; your honor 請以子世亨自代
385 14 masters 請以子世亨自代
386 14 person 請以子世亨自代
387 14 young 請以子世亨自代
388 14 seed 請以子世亨自代
389 14 subordinate; subsidiary 請以子世亨自代
390 14 a copper coin 請以子世亨自代
391 14 female dragonfly 請以子世亨自代
392 14 constituent 請以子世亨自代
393 14 offspring; descendants 請以子世亨自代
394 14 dear 請以子世亨自代
395 14 little one 請以子世亨自代
396 14 zhì Kangxi radical 133 兵至
397 14 zhì to arrive 兵至
398 14 chéng a city; a town 城和林
399 14 chéng a city wall 城和林
400 14 chéng to fortify 城和林
401 14 chéng a fort; a citadel 城和林
402 14 qiān to move; to shift 遷之近縣
403 14 qiān to transfer 遷之近縣
404 14 qiān to transfer job posting; to be promoted 遷之近縣
405 14 qiān to displace; to remove; to banish; to demote 遷之近縣
406 14 qiān to change; to transform 遷之近縣
407 14 huàn excellent; brilliant 已而奐生
408 14 huàn numerous 已而奐生
409 14 huàn plentiful; rich; lush 已而奐生
410 14 huàn comfortable; leisurely 已而奐生
411 14 huàn Huan 已而奐生
412 13 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 令諸市
413 13 lìng to issue a command 令諸市
414 13 lìng rules of behavior; customs 令諸市
415 13 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 令諸市
416 13 lìng a season 令諸市
417 13 lìng respected; good reputation 令諸市
418 13 lìng good 令諸市
419 13 lìng pretentious 令諸市
420 13 lìng a transcending state of existence 令諸市
421 13 lìng a commander 令諸市
422 13 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 令諸市
423 13 lìng lyrics 令諸市
424 13 lìng Ling 令諸市
425 13 zǒng general; total; overall; chief 置二緫管府
426 13 zhōng loyalty; devotion 諡忠惠
427 13 zhōng Zhong 諡忠惠
428 13 zhōng to act wholeheartedly 諡忠惠
429 13 xià bottom 復下第
430 13 xià to fall; to drop; to go down; to descend 復下第
431 13 xià to announce 復下第
432 13 xià to do 復下第
433 13 xià to withdraw; to leave; to exit 復下第
434 13 xià the lower class; a member of the lower class 復下第
435 13 xià inside 復下第
436 13 xià an aspect 復下第
437 13 xià a certain time 復下第
438 13 xià to capture; to take 復下第
439 13 xià to put in 復下第
440 13 xià to enter 復下第
441 13 xià to eliminate; to remove; to get off 復下第
442 13 xià to finish work or school 復下第
443 13 xià to go 復下第
444 13 xià to scorn; to look down on 復下第
445 13 xià to modestly decline 復下第
446 13 xià to produce 復下第
447 13 xià to stay at; to lodge at 復下第
448 13 xià to decide 復下第
449 13 xià to be less than 復下第
450 13 xià humble; lowly 復下第
451 13 zòu to present; to offer 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
452 13 zòu to present a memorial to the emperor 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
453 13 zòu to play a musical instrument 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
454 13 zòu to happen; to occur 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
455 13 zòu a memorial to the throne 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
456 13 zòu to go; to walk 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
457 13 zòu modulation of rhythm 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
458 13 shí time; a point or period of time 敏時年十二
459 13 shí a season; a quarter of a year 敏時年十二
460 13 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 敏時年十二
461 13 shí fashionable 敏時年十二
462 13 shí fate; destiny; luck 敏時年十二
463 13 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 敏時年十二
464 13 shí tense 敏時年十二
465 13 shí particular; special 敏時年十二
466 13 shí to plant; to cultivate 敏時年十二
467 13 shí an era; a dynasty 敏時年十二
468 13 shí time [abstract] 敏時年十二
469 13 shí seasonal 敏時年十二
470 13 shí to wait upon 敏時年十二
471 13 shí hour 敏時年十二
472 13 shí appropriate; proper; timely 敏時年十二
473 13 shí Shi 敏時年十二
474 13 shí a present; currentlt 敏時年十二
475 12 nǎi to be 乃已
476 12 yán to speak; to say; said 將有言乎
477 12 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 將有言乎
478 12 yán Kangxi radical 149 將有言乎
479 12 yán phrase; sentence 將有言乎
480 12 yán a word; a syllable 將有言乎
481 12 yán a theory; a doctrine 將有言乎
482 12 yán to regard as 將有言乎
483 12 yán to act as 將有言乎
484 12 chén minister; statesman; official 臣聞天子出巡
485 12 chén Kangxi radical 131 臣聞天子出巡
486 12 chén a slave 臣聞天子出巡
487 12 chén Chen 臣聞天子出巡
488 12 chén to obey; to comply 臣聞天子出巡
489 12 chén to command; to direct 臣聞天子出巡
490 12 chén a subject 臣聞天子出巡
491 12 gōng public; common; state-owned 及金恒山公武仙降
492 12 gōng official 及金恒山公武仙降
493 12 gōng male 及金恒山公武仙降
494 12 gōng duke; lord 及金恒山公武仙降
495 12 gōng fair; equitable 及金恒山公武仙降
496 12 gōng Mr.; mister 及金恒山公武仙降
497 12 gōng father-in-law 及金恒山公武仙降
498 12 gōng form of address; your honor 及金恒山公武仙降
499 12 gōng accepted; mutual 及金恒山公武仙降
500 12 gōng metric 及金恒山公武仙降

Frequencies of all Words

Top 951

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 121 zhī him; her; them; that 大將憐而收養之
2 121 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 大將憐而收養之
3 121 zhī to go 大將憐而收養之
4 121 zhī this; that 大將憐而收養之
5 121 zhī genetive marker 大將憐而收養之
6 121 zhī it 大將憐而收養之
7 121 zhī in; in regards to 大將憐而收養之
8 121 zhī all 大將憐而收養之
9 121 zhī and 大將憐而收養之
10 121 zhī however 大將憐而收養之
11 121 zhī if 大將憐而收養之
12 121 zhī then 大將憐而收養之
13 121 zhī to arrive; to go 大將憐而收養之
14 121 zhī is 大將憐而收養之
15 121 zhī to use 大將憐而收養之
16 121 zhī Zhi 大將憐而收養之
17 121 zhī winding 大將憐而收養之
18 87 so as to; in order to 以敏從子二人
19 87 to use; to regard as 以敏從子二人
20 87 to use; to grasp 以敏從子二人
21 87 according to 以敏從子二人
22 87 because of 以敏從子二人
23 87 on a certain date 以敏從子二人
24 87 and; as well as 以敏從子二人
25 87 to rely on 以敏從子二人
26 87 to regard 以敏從子二人
27 87 to be able to 以敏從子二人
28 87 to order; to command 以敏從子二人
29 87 further; moreover 以敏從子二人
30 87 used after a verb 以敏從子二人
31 87 very 以敏從子二人
32 87 already 以敏從子二人
33 87 increasingly 以敏從子二人
34 87 a reason; a cause 以敏從子二人
35 87 Israel 以敏從子二人
36 87 Yi 以敏從子二人
37 59 wèi for; to 初為奉御
38 59 wèi because of 初為奉御
39 59 wéi to act as; to serve 初為奉御
40 59 wéi to change into; to become 初為奉御
41 59 wéi to be; is 初為奉御
42 59 wéi to do 初為奉御
43 59 wèi for 初為奉御
44 59 wèi because of; for; to 初為奉御
45 59 wèi to 初為奉御
46 59 wéi in a passive construction 初為奉御
47 59 wéi forming a rehetorical question 初為奉御
48 59 wéi forming an adverb 初為奉御
49 59 wéi to add emphasis 初為奉御
50 59 wèi to support; to help 初為奉御
51 59 wéi to govern 初為奉御
52 59 his; hers; its; theirs 帝見其貌偉
53 59 to add emphasis 帝見其貌偉
54 59 used when asking a question in reply to a question 帝見其貌偉
55 59 used when making a request or giving an order 帝見其貌偉
56 59 he; her; it; them 帝見其貌偉
57 59 probably; likely 帝見其貌偉
58 59 will 帝見其貌偉
59 59 may 帝見其貌偉
60 59 if 帝見其貌偉
61 59 or 帝見其貌偉
62 59 Qi 帝見其貌偉
63 43 nián year 敏時年十二
64 43 nián New Year festival 敏時年十二
65 43 nián age 敏時年十二
66 43 nián life span; life expectancy 敏時年十二
67 43 nián an era; a period 敏時年十二
68 43 nián a date 敏時年十二
69 43 nián time; years 敏時年十二
70 43 nián harvest 敏時年十二
71 43 nián annual; every year 敏時年十二
72 38 yuē to speak; to say 詔曰
73 38 yuē Kangxi radical 73 詔曰
74 38 yuē to be called 詔曰
75 38 yuē particle without meaning 詔曰
76 37 rén person; people; a human being 以敏從子二人
77 37 rén Kangxi radical 9 以敏從子二人
78 37 rén a kind of person 以敏從子二人
79 37 rén everybody 以敏從子二人
80 37 rén adult 以敏從子二人
81 37 rén somebody; others 以敏從子二人
82 37 rén an upright person 以敏從子二人
83 32 tiān day 為司天太史氏
84 32 tiān day 為司天太史氏
85 32 tiān heaven 為司天太史氏
86 32 tiān nature 為司天太史氏
87 32 tiān sky 為司天太史氏
88 32 tiān weather 為司天太史氏
89 32 tiān father; husband 為司天太史氏
90 32 tiān a necessity 為司天太史氏
91 32 tiān season 為司天太史氏
92 32 tiān destiny 為司天太史氏
93 32 tiān very high; sky high [prices] 為司天太史氏
94 32 tiān very 為司天太史氏
95 30 emperor; supreme ruler 帝宴諸將於行營
96 30 the ruler of Heaven 帝宴諸將於行營
97 30 a god 帝宴諸將於行營
98 30 imperialism 帝宴諸將於行營
99 28 xíng to walk 敏皆從行
100 28 xíng capable; competent 敏皆從行
101 28 háng profession 敏皆從行
102 28 háng line; row 敏皆從行
103 28 xíng Kangxi radical 144 敏皆從行
104 28 xíng to travel 敏皆從行
105 28 xìng actions; conduct 敏皆從行
106 28 xíng to do; to act; to practice 敏皆從行
107 28 xíng all right; OK; okay 敏皆從行
108 28 háng horizontal line 敏皆從行
109 28 héng virtuous deeds 敏皆從行
110 28 hàng a line of trees 敏皆從行
111 28 hàng bold; steadfast 敏皆從行
112 28 xíng to move 敏皆從行
113 28 xíng to put into effect; to implement 敏皆從行
114 28 xíng travel 敏皆從行
115 28 xíng to circulate 敏皆從行
116 28 xíng running script; running script 敏皆從行
117 28 xíng temporary 敏皆從行
118 28 xíng soon 敏皆從行
119 28 háng rank; order 敏皆從行
120 28 háng a business; a shop 敏皆從行
121 28 xíng to depart; to leave 敏皆從行
122 28 xíng to experience 敏皆從行
123 28 xíng path; way 敏皆從行
124 28 xíng xing; ballad 敏皆從行
125 28 xíng a round [of drinks] 敏皆從行
126 28 xíng Xing 敏皆從行
127 28 xíng moreover; also 敏皆從行
128 26 you; thou 汝春秋高
129 26 Ru River 汝春秋高
130 26 Ru 汝春秋高
131 26 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 豪民冒籍良民為奴者衆
132 26 zhě that 豪民冒籍良民為奴者衆
133 26 zhě nominalizing function word 豪民冒籍良民為奴者衆
134 26 zhě used to mark a definition 豪民冒籍良民為奴者衆
135 26 zhě used to mark a pause 豪民冒籍良民為奴者衆
136 26 zhě topic marker; that; it 豪民冒籍良民為奴者衆
137 26 zhuó according to 豪民冒籍良民為奴者衆
138 26 yǒu is; are; to exist 劉敏字有功
139 26 yǒu to have; to possess 劉敏字有功
140 26 yǒu indicates an estimate 劉敏字有功
141 26 yǒu indicates a large quantity 劉敏字有功
142 26 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 劉敏字有功
143 26 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 劉敏字有功
144 26 yǒu used to compare two things 劉敏字有功
145 26 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 劉敏字有功
146 26 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 劉敏字有功
147 26 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 劉敏字有功
148 26 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 劉敏字有功
149 26 yǒu abundant 劉敏字有功
150 26 yǒu purposeful 劉敏字有功
151 26 yǒu You 劉敏字有功
152 25 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 大將憐而收養之
153 25 ér Kangxi radical 126 大將憐而收養之
154 25 ér you 大將憐而收養之
155 25 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 大將憐而收養之
156 25 ér right away; then 大將憐而收養之
157 25 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 大將憐而收養之
158 25 ér if; in case; in the event that 大將憐而收養之
159 25 ér therefore; as a result; thus 大將憐而收養之
160 25 ér how can it be that? 大將憐而收養之
161 25 ér so as to 大將憐而收養之
162 25 ér only then 大將憐而收養之
163 25 ér as if; to seem like 大將憐而收養之
164 25 néng can; able 大將憐而收養之
165 25 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 大將憐而收養之
166 25 ér me 大將憐而收養之
167 25 ér to arrive; up to 大將憐而收養之
168 25 ér possessive 大將憐而收養之
169 25 jīn gold 佩金符
170 25 jīn money 佩金符
171 25 jīn Jin; Kim 佩金符
172 25 jīn Kangxi radical 167 佩金符
173 25 jīn Later Jin Dynasty; Jin Dynasty 佩金符
174 25 jīn metal 佩金符
175 25 jīn hard 佩金符
176 25 jīn a unit of money in China in historic times 佩金符
177 25 jīn golden; gold colored 佩金符
178 25 jīn a weapon 佩金符
179 25 jīn valuable 佩金符
180 25 jīn metal agent 佩金符
181 25 jīn cymbals 佩金符
182 25 jīn Venus 佩金符
183 25 residence; dwelling 仁宗居東宮
184 25 to be at a position 仁宗居東宮
185 25 to live; to dwell; to reside 仁宗居東宮
186 25 to stay put 仁宗居東宮
187 25 to claim; to assert 仁宗居東宮
188 25 to store up; to accumulate 仁宗居東宮
189 25 unexpectedly 仁宗居東宮
190 25 to sit down 仁宗居東宮
191 25 to possess 仁宗居東宮
192 25 to hold in storage; to retain; to harbor 仁宗居東宮
193 25 Ju 仁宗居東宮
194 25 interrogative particle 仁宗居東宮
195 24 shì matter; thing; item 司天等事
196 24 shì to serve 司天等事
197 24 shì a government post 司天等事
198 24 shì duty; post; work 司天等事
199 24 shì occupation 司天等事
200 24 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 司天等事
201 24 shì an accident 司天等事
202 24 shì to attend 司天等事
203 24 shì an allusion 司天等事
204 24 shì a condition; a state; a situation 司天等事
205 24 shì to engage in 司天等事
206 24 shì to enslave 司天等事
207 24 shì to pursue 司天等事
208 24 shì to administer 司天等事
209 24 shì to appoint 司天等事
210 24 shì a piece 司天等事
211 24 使 shǐ to make; to cause 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
212 24 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
213 24 使 shǐ to indulge 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
214 24 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
215 24 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
216 24 使 shǐ to dispatch 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
217 24 使 shǐ if 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
218 24 使 shǐ to use 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
219 24 使 shǐ to be able to 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
220 23 zhōng middle 中書左丞相粘合重山
221 23 zhōng medium; medium sized 中書左丞相粘合重山
222 23 zhōng China 中書左丞相粘合重山
223 23 zhòng to hit the mark 中書左丞相粘合重山
224 23 zhōng in; amongst 中書左丞相粘合重山
225 23 zhōng midday 中書左丞相粘合重山
226 23 zhōng inside 中書左丞相粘合重山
227 23 zhōng during 中書左丞相粘合重山
228 23 zhōng Zhong 中書左丞相粘合重山
229 23 zhōng intermediary 中書左丞相粘合重山
230 23 zhōng half 中書左丞相粘合重山
231 23 zhōng just right; suitably 中書左丞相粘合重山
232 23 zhōng while 中書左丞相粘合重山
233 23 zhòng to reach; to attain 中書左丞相粘合重山
234 23 zhòng to suffer; to infect 中書左丞相粘合重山
235 23 zhòng to obtain 中書左丞相粘合重山
236 23 zhòng to pass an exam 中書左丞相粘合重山
237 23 mín the people; citizen; subjects 其徒往往中夜挾弓矢掠民財
238 23 mín Min 其徒往往中夜挾弓矢掠民財
239 22 cóng from 敏皆從行
240 22 cóng to follow 敏皆從行
241 22 cóng past; through 敏皆從行
242 22 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 敏皆從行
243 22 cóng to participate in something 敏皆從行
244 22 cóng to use a certain method or principle 敏皆從行
245 22 cóng usually 敏皆從行
246 22 cóng something secondary 敏皆從行
247 22 cóng remote relatives 敏皆從行
248 22 cóng secondary 敏皆從行
249 22 cóng to go on; to advance 敏皆從行
250 22 cōng at ease; informal 敏皆從行
251 22 zòng a follower; a supporter 敏皆從行
252 22 zòng to release 敏皆從行
253 22 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 敏皆從行
254 22 to die 夏四月卒
255 22 a soldier 夏四月卒
256 22 abruptly; hurriedly 夏四月卒
257 22 a servant; forced labor 夏四月卒
258 22 to end 夏四月卒
259 22 at last; finally 夏四月卒
260 22 a deployment of five soldiers 夏四月卒
261 21 to enter 敏隨之入
262 21 Kangxi radical 11 敏隨之入
263 21 radical 敏隨之入
264 21 income 敏隨之入
265 21 to conform with 敏隨之入
266 21 to descend 敏隨之入
267 21 the entering tone 敏隨之入
268 21 to pay 敏隨之入
269 21 to join 敏隨之入
270 21 zhēn virtuous; chaste; pure 賈居貞
271 21 zhēn loyal 賈居貞
272 21 zhēn divination 賈居貞
273 21 zhēn chastity 賈居貞
274 21 zhēn to divine 賈居貞
275 21 zhēn auspicious 賈居貞
276 21 zhēn upright 賈居貞
277 21 zhēn lower part of the trigrams in the Yijing 賈居貞
278 21 zhēn four 賈居貞
279 20 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 召問所自
280 20 suǒ an office; an institute 召問所自
281 20 suǒ introduces a relative clause 召問所自
282 20 suǒ it 召問所自
283 20 suǒ if; supposing 召問所自
284 20 suǒ a few; various; some 召問所自
285 20 suǒ a place; a location 召問所自
286 20 suǒ indicates a passive voice 召問所自
287 20 suǒ that which 召問所自
288 20 suǒ an ordinal number 召問所自
289 20 suǒ meaning 召問所自
290 20 suǒ garrison 召問所自
291 20 mǐn clever; smart 劉敏
292 20 mǐn industrious; diligent 劉敏
293 20 mǐn talent 劉敏
294 20 mǐn quick; swift; agile 劉敏
295 20 mǐn big toe 劉敏
296 20 again; more; repeatedly 復下第
297 20 to go back; to return 復下第
298 20 to resume; to restart 復下第
299 20 to do in detail 復下第
300 20 to restore 復下第
301 20 to respond; to reply to 復下第
302 20 after all; and then 復下第
303 20 even if; although 復下第
304 20 Fu; Return 復下第
305 20 to retaliate; to reciprocate 復下第
306 20 to avoid forced labor or tax 復下第
307 20 particle without meaing 復下第
308 20 Fu 復下第
309 20 repeated; again 復下第
310 20 doubled; to overlapping; folded 復下第
311 20 a lined garment with doubled thickness 復下第
312 20 not; no 不召而來
313 20 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 不召而來
314 20 as a correlative 不召而來
315 20 no (answering a question) 不召而來
316 20 forms a negative adjective from a noun 不召而來
317 20 at the end of a sentence to form a question 不召而來
318 20 to form a yes or no question 不召而來
319 20 infix potential marker 不召而來
320 20 mìng life 命敏緫其役
321 20 mìng to order 命敏緫其役
322 20 mìng destiny; fate; luck 命敏緫其役
323 20 mìng an order; a command 命敏緫其役
324 20 mìng to name; to assign 命敏緫其役
325 20 mìng livelihood 命敏緫其役
326 20 mìng advice 命敏緫其役
327 20 mìng to confer a title 命敏緫其役
328 20 mìng lifespan 命敏緫其役
329 20 mìng to think 命敏緫其役
330 20 shòu to teach 授安撫使
331 20 shòu to award; to give 授安撫使
332 20 shòu to appoint 授安撫使
333 19 to give; to bestow favors 賜名玉出干
334 19 grace; favor; a gift 賜名玉出干
335 19 to award; to appoint 賜名玉出干
336 19 to do in full 賜名玉出干
337 19 to bestow an honorific title 賜名玉出干
338 19 jiāng will; shall (future tense) 帝宴諸將於行營
339 19 jiāng to get; to use; marker for direct-object 帝宴諸將於行營
340 19 jiàng a general; a high ranking officer 帝宴諸將於行營
341 19 jiāng to progress; to transmit; to convey; to send 帝宴諸將於行營
342 19 jiāng and; or 帝宴諸將於行營
343 19 jiàng to command; to lead 帝宴諸將於行營
344 19 qiāng to request 帝宴諸將於行營
345 19 jiāng approximately 帝宴諸將於行營
346 19 jiāng to bring; to take; to use; to hold 帝宴諸將於行營
347 19 jiāng to support; to wait upon; to take care of 帝宴諸將於行營
348 19 jiāng to checkmate 帝宴諸將於行營
349 19 jiāng to goad; to incite; to provoke 帝宴諸將於行營
350 19 jiāng to do; to handle 帝宴諸將於行營
351 19 jiāng placed between a verb and a complement of direction 帝宴諸將於行營
352 19 jiāng furthermore; moreover 帝宴諸將於行營
353 19 jiàng backbone 帝宴諸將於行營
354 19 jiàng king 帝宴諸將於行營
355 19 jiāng might; possibly 帝宴諸將於行營
356 19 jiāng just; a short time ago 帝宴諸將於行營
357 19 jiāng to rest 帝宴諸將於行營
358 19 jiāng to the side 帝宴諸將於行營
359 19 jiàng a senior member of an organization 帝宴諸將於行營
360 19 jiāng large; great 帝宴諸將於行營
361 19 sòng Song dynasty 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
362 19 sòng Song 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
363 19 sòng Liu Song Dynasty 奏佐吏宋元為安撫副使
364 18 suì to comply with; to follow along 遂俾其屬忙哥兒誣敏以流言
365 18 suì thereupon 遂俾其屬忙哥兒誣敏以流言
366 18 suì to advance 遂俾其屬忙哥兒誣敏以流言
367 18 suì to follow through; to achieve 遂俾其屬忙哥兒誣敏以流言
368 18 suì to follow smoothly 遂俾其屬忙哥兒誣敏以流言
369 18 suì an area the capital 遂俾其屬忙哥兒誣敏以流言
370 18 suì a dish underneath a chime; a ditch 遂俾其屬忙哥兒誣敏以流言
371 18 suì a flint 遂俾其屬忙哥兒誣敏以流言
372 18 suì to satisfy 遂俾其屬忙哥兒誣敏以流言
373 18 suì to propose; to nominate 遂俾其屬忙哥兒誣敏以流言
374 18 suì to grow 遂俾其屬忙哥兒誣敏以流言
375 18 suì to use up; to stop 遂俾其屬忙哥兒誣敏以流言
376 18 suì sleeve used in archery 遂俾其屬忙哥兒誣敏以流言
377 18 and 有司不得與聞
378 18 to give 有司不得與聞
379 18 together with 有司不得與聞
380 18 interrogative particle 有司不得與聞
381 18 to accompany 有司不得與聞
382 18 to particate in 有司不得與聞
383 18 of the same kind 有司不得與聞
384 18 to help 有司不得與聞
385 18 for 有司不得與聞
386 18 precious 賜名玉出干
387 18 jade; a precious stone; a gem 賜名玉出干
388 18 Kangxi radical 96 賜名玉出干
389 18 fair; beautiful 賜名玉出干
390 18 your 賜名玉出干
391 18 pure white 賜名玉出干
392 18 to groom 賜名玉出干
393 18 de potential marker 奉御李簡詰問得實
394 18 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 奉御李簡詰問得實
395 18 děi must; ought to 奉御李簡詰問得實
396 18 děi to want to; to need to 奉御李簡詰問得實
397 18 děi must; ought to 奉御李簡詰問得實
398 18 de 奉御李簡詰問得實
399 18 de infix potential marker 奉御李簡詰問得實
400 18 to result in 奉御李簡詰問得實
401 18 to be proper; to fit; to suit 奉御李簡詰問得實
402 18 to be satisfied 奉御李簡詰問得實
403 18 to be finished 奉御李簡詰問得實
404 18 de result of degree 奉御李簡詰問得實
405 18 de marks completion of an action 奉御李簡詰問得實
406 18 děi satisfying 奉御李簡詰問得實
407 18 to contract 奉御李簡詰問得實
408 18 marks permission or possibility 奉御李簡詰問得實
409 18 expressing frustration 奉御李簡詰問得實
410 18 to hear 奉御李簡詰問得實
411 18 to have; there is 奉御李簡詰問得實
412 18 marks time passed 奉御李簡詰問得實
413 17 Germany 進資德大夫
414 17 virtue; morality; ethics; character 進資德大夫
415 17 kindness; favor 進資德大夫
416 17 conduct; behavior 進資德大夫
417 17 to be grateful 進資德大夫
418 17 heart; intention 進資德大夫
419 17 De 進資德大夫
420 17 potency; natural power 進資德大夫
421 17 wholesome; good 進資德大夫
422 17 guān an office 官不能禁
423 17 guān an official; a government official 官不能禁
424 17 guān official; state-run 官不能禁
425 17 guān an official body; a state organization; bureau 官不能禁
426 17 guān an official rank; an official title 官不能禁
427 17 guān governance 官不能禁
428 17 guān a sense organ 官不能禁
429 17 guān office 官不能禁
430 17 guān public 官不能禁
431 17 guān an organ 官不能禁
432 17 guān a polite form of address 官不能禁
433 17 guān Guan 官不能禁
434 17 guān to appoint 官不能禁
435 17 guān to hold a post 官不能禁
436 17 an oar; a paddle 王楫
437 17 to row 王楫
438 17 a boat 王楫
439 17 a grove of trees 王楫
440 17 to edit; to compile 王楫
441 17 zhū all; many; various 帝宴諸將於行營
442 17 zhū Zhu 帝宴諸將於行營
443 17 zhū all; members of the class 帝宴諸將於行營
444 17 zhū interrogative particle 帝宴諸將於行營
445 17 zhū him; her; them; it 帝宴諸將於行營
446 17 zhū of; in 帝宴諸將於行營
447 17 wáng Wang 王楫
448 17 wáng a king 王楫
449 17 wáng Kangxi radical 96 王楫
450 17 wàng to be king; to rule 王楫
451 17 wáng a prince; a duke 王楫
452 17 wáng grand; great 王楫
453 17 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 王楫
454 17 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 王楫
455 17 wáng the head of a group or gang 王楫
456 17 wáng the biggest or best of a group 王楫
457 16 bīng soldier; troops 兵至
458 16 bīng weapons 兵至
459 16 bīng military; warfare 兵至
460 16 lín female of Chinese unicorn 石天麟
461 16 lín a stag 石天麟
462 16 lín Lin 石天麟
463 16 abundant; rich; plentiful 裕宗初封燕王
464 16 jūn army; military 破其軍二十萬
465 16 jūn soldiers; troops 破其軍二十萬
466 16 jūn an organized collective 破其軍二十萬
467 16 jūn to garrison; to stay an an encampment 破其軍二十萬
468 16 jūn a garrison 破其軍二十萬
469 16 jūn a front 破其軍二十萬
470 16 jūn penal miltary service 破其軍二十萬
471 16 jūn to organize troops 破其軍二十萬
472 16 dōu all 詔敏與奧都剌同行省事
473 16 capital city 詔敏與奧都剌同行省事
474 16 a city; a metropolis 詔敏與奧都剌同行省事
475 16 dōu all 詔敏與奧都剌同行省事
476 16 elegant; refined 詔敏與奧都剌同行省事
477 16 Du 詔敏與奧都剌同行省事
478 16 dōu already 詔敏與奧都剌同行省事
479 16 to establish a capital city 詔敏與奧都剌同行省事
480 16 to reside 詔敏與奧都剌同行省事
481 16 to total; to tally 詔敏與奧都剌同行省事
482 15 shū book 中書左丞相粘合重山
483 15 shū document; manuscript 中書左丞相粘合重山
484 15 shū letter 中書左丞相粘合重山
485 15 shū the Cannon of Documents 中書左丞相粘合重山
486 15 shū to write 中書左丞相粘合重山
487 15 shū writing 中書左丞相粘合重山
488 15 shū calligraphy; writing style 中書左丞相粘合重山
489 15 shū Shu 中書左丞相粘合重山
490 15 shū to record 中書左丞相粘合重山
491 15 in; at 病歸于燕
492 15 in; at 病歸于燕
493 15 in; at; to; from 病歸于燕
494 15 to go; to 病歸于燕
495 15 to rely on; to depend on 病歸于燕
496 15 to go to; to arrive at 病歸于燕
497 15 from 病歸于燕
498 15 give 病歸于燕
499 15 oppposing 病歸于燕
500 15 and 病歸于燕

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿里 196 Ali
按察司 195
  1. Surveillance Commission
  2. Provincial Judge
安抚使 安撫使 196 Commissioner for Pacification
安庆 安慶 196 Anqing
安童 196 Antong
阿朮 97 Aju
拔都 66 Batu Khan
保德 98 Baode
保定 66
  1. Baoding
  2. Baoding
八月 98 August; the Eighth Month
北门 北門 98 North Gate
北安 98 Bei'an
汴京 98 Kaifeng; Bianjing
98 Bin county
兵部 98 Ministry of War
伯颜 伯顏 98 Bayan
沧州 滄州 67 Cangzhou
参知政事 參知政事 99 Assistant Administrator
漕司 67 Shipping Bureau; Shipping Administration
春秋 99
  1. Spring and Autumn Period
  2. a person's age
  3. Chunqiu; Annals of Spring and Autumn
  4. spring and autumn
达鲁花赤 達魯花赤 68 Da Lu Hua Chi
道家 100 Daoism; Taoism; Taoist philosophy
大司农 大司農 100 Office of Agricultural Supervision
德兴 德興 100 Dexing
  1. Dong
  2. to supervise; to direct
东宫 東宮 100 East Palace
东平 東平 100 Dongping
都昌 100 Duchang
房山 102 Fang Shan
奉天 102 Fengtian
凤翔 鳳翔 102 Fengxiang
福建 102 Fujian
给事 給事 103 official (imperial) position
公事 103 public affairs; official (matters, duties etc)
观察使 觀察使 103 Surveillence Commissioner
关中 關中 103 Guanzhong
  1. Guo
  2. Guo
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
汉人 漢人 104 Han Chinese person or people
河北西路 104 Hebei Xi Circuit
河东 河東 104
  1. Hedong
  2. Hedong
河间 河間 104 Hejian
104 Huai River
获鹿 獲鹿 104 Huolu
淮南路 104 Huainan Circuit
湖北 104 Hubei
户部 戶部 104 Ministry of Revenue
虎符 104 Hufu
  1. Hebei
  2. to hope
  3. Jizhou
  1. a thistle
  2. Ji
  3. Ji
济州 濟州 106
  1. Jeju Province
  2. Jizhou
监察御史 監察御史 106 Investigating Censor
江陵 106
  1. Jiangling
  2. Gangneung
江南 106
  1. Jiangnan
  2. Jiangnan
  3. Jiangnan
江南道 106 Jiangnan Circuit
江西行省 106 Jiangxi province
焦山 106 Jiaoshan
甲午 106 thirty-first year A7 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1954 or 2014
甲戌 106 eleventh year A11 of the 60 year cycle
节度使 節度使 106 military commissioner; jiedushi
荆湖北 荊湖北 106 Jinghubei Circuit
井陉 井陘 106 Jingxing
京兆 106
  1. Jingzhao; Xi'an
  2. capital municipal area
  3. Capital Region Governor
郡守 106 Commandery Governor
李全 108 Li Quan
辽阳 遼陽 108 Liaoyang
李密 108 Li Mi
临潼 臨潼 108 Lintong
麟游 麟遊 108 Linyou
刘秉忠 劉秉忠 108 Liu Bingzhong
六月 108 June; the Sixth Month
108 Lu River
108 Lu River
  1. Shandong
  2. Lu
  3. foolish; stupid; rash; vulgar
  4. the State of Lu
蒙古 109 Mongolia
  1. Fujian
  2. Min dialect
  3. Min River
  4. Min tribe
秘书监 秘書監 109
  1. Director of the Palace Library
  2. Records Supervisor; Secretary
木华黎 木華黎 109 Muqali
南门 南門 110 South Gate
南安 110 Nan'an
南京 110 Nanjing
平山 112 Pingshan
平阴 平陰 112 Pingyin
佥事 僉事 113 Secretary; Senior Assistant
契丹人 81 Khitan People
庆元 慶元 113 Qingyuan
秦州 113 Qinzhou
蕲州 蘄州 113 Qizhou
渠魁 113 rebel leader; ringleader; bandit chieftain
仁宗 114 Emperor Renzong of Yuan
日本 114 Japan
  1. you; thou
  2. Ru River
  3. Ru
睿宗 睿宗 114 Ruizong Zongyao
山东 山東 115 Shandong
上都 115 Shangdu; Xanadu; Shangtu; Chandu; Xandu; Kemenfu; Kaipingfu
尚书省 尚書省 115 Imperial Secretariat
陕西 陝西 83 Shaanxi
史天泽 史天澤 115 Shi Tianze
世祖 115 Shi Zu
石鼓 115 Dangu
枢密院 樞密院 115 Bureau of Military Affairs
司空 115
  1. Minster of Land and Water
  2. Sikong
司农司 司农司 115
  1. Dasinongsi
  2. Board of Agriculture
四月 115 April; the Fourth Month
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
孙吴 孫吳 115 Eastern Wu
太后 116
  1. Empress Dowager
  2. Consort Dowager
太保 116 Grand Protector
太傅 116 Grand Tutor; Grand Mentor
太史 116
  1. Grand Scribe
  2. Grand Astrologer
太师 太師 116 Grand Preceptor; Grand Master; Imperial Tutor
太原 116 Taiyuan
太宗 116
  1. Emperor Taizong
  2. Tai Zong; Minister of Rites
塔塔儿 塔塔兒 116 Tartar (person)
天安 116 Tian An reign
天等 116 Tiandeng
天子 116 the rightful Emperor; the Son of Heaven
同治 116 Tongzhi
万言 萬言 119 Wan Yan
文安 119 Wen'an
  1. Wu
  2. Jiangsu
  3. Wu
  4. Wu dialect
  5. Eastern Wu
  6. to speak loudly
武宗 119
  1. Emperor Zhengde; Wu Zong
  2. Emperor Wuzong of Tang
西京 120
  1. Western Capital
  2. Kyoto
西夏 120 Western Xia Dynasty
西域 120 Western Regions
夏津 120 Xiajin
县尉 縣尉 120 County Commandant
西辽 西遼 120 Western Liao
辛亥 120 Xin Hai year
新城 120 Xincheng; Hsincheng
行中书省 行中書省 120 Branch Secretariat
刑部 120 Ministry of Justice
信阳 信陽 120 Xinyang
信州 120 Xinzhou
凶焰 120 ferocity; aggressive arrogance
西山 120 Western Hills
宣德 120 Emperor Xuande
宣抚使 宣撫使 120 Commissioner for Pacification
宣抚司 宣撫司 120 Conciliation Commission
宣慰使 120 Commissioner for Pacification
杨奂 楊奐 121 Yang Huan
燕京 121 Yanjing
兖州 兗州 89
  1. Yanzhou
  2. Yanzhou
耶律楚材 121 Yelü Chucai
英宗 121 Yingzong
121 Yun
御史 121
  1. Royal Scribe
  2. Censor
御史大夫 121 Imperial Secretary
余姚 餘姚 121 Yuyao
  1. Zhao
  2. Zhao Dynasty
  3. State of Zhao
  4. to rush
  5. to visit
  6. Zhao
  7. to dig
真定 122 Zhending; Zhengding
正统书 正統書 122 Documents on Legitimate Succession
正月 122 first month of the lunar calendar
镇江 鎮江 122 Zhenjiang
至大 122 Zhida reign
直隶 直隸 122 Zhili
治书 治書 122 Document Compiler
至元 122 Zhiyuan
中大夫 122 Grand Master of the Palace
中原 122 the Central Plains of China
中都 122 Zhongdu; Dadu; Khanbaliq; Beijing
终南山 終南山 122 Zhongnan Mountains
中山 122
  1. Dr Sun Yat-sen; Zhongshan, prefecture-level city in Guangdong, close to Sun Yat-sen's birthplace; Nakayama (Japanese surname)
  2. Zhongshan
  3. Nakayama
中书省 中書省 122 Central Secretariat
中统 中統 122 Zhongtong
主簿 122 official Registrar; Master of Records
诸城 諸城 122 Zhucheng
涿鹿 122 Zhuolu
诸生 諸生 122 Imperial scholar from the Ming Dynasty onwards
资治通鑑 資治通鑑 122 Zizhi Tongjian; Comprehensive Mirror in Aid of Governance
左氏春秋 122 Zuo Shi Spring and Autumn Annals


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English