Glossary and Vocabulary for Guanzi 管子, 版法第七 Chapter 7: Ban Fa

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 12 to use; to grasp 喜無以賞
2 12 to rely on 喜無以賞
3 12 to regard 喜無以賞
4 12 to be able to 喜無以賞
5 12 to order; to command 喜無以賞
6 12 used after a verb 喜無以賞
7 12 a reason; a cause 喜無以賞
8 12 Israel 喜無以賞
9 12 Yi 喜無以賞
10 10 nǎi to be 君乃有國
11 9 zhī to go 外之有徒
12 9 zhī to arrive; to go 外之有徒
13 9 zhī is 外之有徒
14 9 zhī to use 外之有徒
15 9 zhī Zhi 外之有徒
16 9 zhī winding 外之有徒
17 6 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 令乃廢
18 6 lìng to issue a command 令乃廢
19 6 lìng rules of behavior; customs 令乃廢
20 6 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 令乃廢
21 6 lìng a season 令乃廢
22 6 lìng respected; good reputation 令乃廢
23 6 lìng good 令乃廢
24 6 lìng pretentious 令乃廢
25 6 lìng a transcending state of existence 令乃廢
26 6 lìng a commander 令乃廢
27 6 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 令乃廢
28 6 lìng lyrics 令乃廢
29 6 lìng Ling 令乃廢
30 5 shā to kill; to murder; to slaughter 怒無以殺
31 5 shā to hurt 怒無以殺
32 5 shā to pare off; to reduce; to clip 怒無以殺
33 5 mín the people; citizen; subjects 民不足
34 5 mín Min 民不足
35 4 must 必觀其所終
36 4 Bi 必觀其所終
37 4 Kangxi radical 71 風雨無違
38 4 to not have; without 風雨無違
39 4 mo 風雨無違
40 4 to not have 風雨無違
41 4 Wu 風雨無違
42 4 zài in; at 悅在施有
43 4 zài to exist; to be living 悅在施有
44 4 zài to consist of 悅在施有
45 4 zài to be at a post 悅在施有
46 4 huò a misfortune; a calamity; a disaster 禍乃始牙
47 4 huò a sin 禍乃始牙
48 4 huò to harm 禍乃始牙
49 4 huò to suffer harm 禍乃始牙
50 3 suǒ a few; various; some 眾之所忿
51 3 suǒ a place; a location 眾之所忿
52 3 suǒ indicates a passive voice 眾之所忿
53 3 suǒ an ordinal number 眾之所忿
54 3 suǒ meaning 眾之所忿
55 3 suǒ garrison 眾之所忿
56 3 shī to give; to grant 慎施報
57 3 shī to act; to do; to execute; to carry out 慎施報
58 3 shī to deploy; to set up 慎施報
59 3 shī to relate to 慎施報
60 3 shī to move slowly 慎施報
61 3 shī to exert 慎施報
62 3 shī to apply; to spread 慎施報
63 3 shī Shi 慎施報
64 3 fèi to abrogate; to terminate; to abandon; to discard 令乃廢
65 3 fèi to damage; to decay 令乃廢
66 3 fèi useless; worthless 令乃廢
67 3 fèi a useless thing 令乃廢
68 3 cái money; wealth; riches; valuables 審用財
69 3 cái financial worth 審用財
70 3 cái talent 審用財
71 3 cái to consider 審用財
72 3 yòng to use; to apply 審用財
73 3 yòng Kangxi radical 101 審用財
74 3 yòng to eat 審用財
75 3 yòng to spend 審用財
76 3 yòng expense 審用財
77 3 yòng a use; usage 審用財
78 3 yòng to need; must 審用財
79 3 yòng useful; practical 審用財
80 3 yòng to use up; to use all of something 審用財
81 3 yòng to work (an animal) 審用財
82 3 yòng to appoint 審用財
83 3 yòng to administer; to manager 審用財
84 3 yòng to control 審用財
85 3 yòng to access 審用財
86 3 yòng Yong 審用財
87 3 zhòng many; numerous 眾之所忿
88 3 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 眾之所忿
89 3 zhòng general; common; public 眾之所忿
90 3 bitterness; bitter flavor 用力不可以苦
91 3 hardship; suffering 用力不可以苦
92 3 to make things difficult for 用力不可以苦
93 3 to train; to practice 用力不可以苦
94 3 to suffer from a misfortune 用力不可以苦
95 3 bitter 用力不可以苦
96 3 grieved; facing hardship 用力不可以苦
97 3 in low spirits; depressed 用力不可以苦
98 3 painful 用力不可以苦
99 2 to rely on; to depend on 倚邪乃恐
100 2 to lean heavily 倚邪乃恐
101 2 bào newspaper 慎施報
102 2 bào to announce; to inform; to report 慎施報
103 2 bào to repay; to reply with a gift 慎施報
104 2 bào to respond; to reply 慎施報
105 2 bào to revenge 慎施報
106 2 bào a cable; a telegram 慎施報
107 2 bào a message; information 慎施報
108 2 humiliation 令乃辱
109 2 to dishonor; to disgrace; ; to insult; to abuse 令乃辱
110 2 damp; moist 令乃辱
111 2 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 用財嗇則費
112 2 a grade; a level 用財嗇則費
113 2 an example; a model 用財嗇則費
114 2 a weighing device 用財嗇則費
115 2 to grade; to rank 用財嗇則費
116 2 to copy; to imitate; to follow 用財嗇則費
117 2 to do 用財嗇則費
118 2 to go; to 參於日月
119 2 to rely on; to depend on 參於日月
120 2 Yu 參於日月
121 2 a crow 參於日月
122 2 to complete; to finish 三經既飭
123 2 Ji 三經既飭
124 2 不可以 bù kě yǐ may not 故用財不可以嗇
125 2 jūn sovereign; monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler 君乃有國
126 2 jūn a mistress 君乃有國
127 2 jūn date-plum 君乃有國
128 2 jūn the son of heaven 君乃有國
129 2 jūn to rule 君乃有國
130 2 infix potential marker 禍昌不寤
131 2 yuàn to blame; to complain 怨乃起
132 2 yuàn to hate; to resent 怨乃起
133 2 yùn to save; to accumulate 怨乃起
134 2 yuàn to be sad; to be sorrowful 怨乃起
135 2 yuàn to mock 怨乃起
136 2 yuàn an enemy; a grudge 怨乃起
137 2 yuàn to violate 怨乃起
138 2 yuàn to treat unjustly 怨乃起
139 2 to humiliate; to treat with contempt 殺僇必信
140 2 tiān day 正彼天植
141 2 tiān heaven 正彼天植
142 2 tiān nature 正彼天植
143 2 tiān sky 正彼天植
144 2 tiān weather 正彼天植
145 2 tiān father; husband 正彼天植
146 2 tiān a necessity 正彼天植
147 2 tiān season 正彼天植
148 2 tiān destiny 正彼天植
149 2 tiān very high; sky high [prices] 正彼天植
150 2 diagram; picture; drawing; chart 置不能圖
151 2 to plan; to scheme; to attempt 置不能圖
152 2 to draw 置不能圖
153 2 a map 置不能圖
154 2 to seek 置不能圖
155 2 intent 置不能圖
156 2 territory 置不能圖
157 2 a graph 置不能圖
158 2 stingy 故用財不可以嗇
159 2 to be fond of; to like 喜無以賞
160 2 happy; delightful; joyful 喜無以賞
161 2 suitable 喜無以賞
162 2 relating to marriage 喜無以賞
163 2 shining; splendid 喜無以賞
164 2 Xi 喜無以賞
165 2 easy 喜無以賞
166 2 to be pregnant 喜無以賞
167 2 joy; happiness; delight 喜無以賞
168 2 xié demonic; iniquitous; nefarious; evil 倚邪乃恐
169 2 xié unhealthy 倚邪乃恐
170 2 xié a disaster brought by an eviil spirit 倚邪乃恐
171 2 grandfather 倚邪乃恐
172 2 xié abnormal; irregular 倚邪乃恐
173 2 用力 yònglì to exert oneself physically 用力不可以苦
174 2 用力 yònglì to be diligent 用力不可以苦
175 2 anger; rage; fury 怒無以殺
176 2 to be angry 怒無以殺
177 2 to force; to impel 怒無以殺
178 2 intense 怒無以殺
179 2 to denounce; to criticize 怒無以殺
180 2 sturdy; strong 怒無以殺
181 2 huge and strong 怒無以殺
182 2 zhí a plant; trees 正彼天植
183 2 zhí to cultivate plants 正彼天植
184 2 zhí to place; to embed 正彼天植
185 2 zhí to establish; to organize 正彼天植
186 2 zhí to supervize fortifications 正彼天植
187 2 zhí a door slat 正彼天植
188 2 zhí to depend on 正彼天植
189 2 zhí to grow 正彼天植
190 2 wài outside 民心乃外
191 2 wài external; outer 民心乃外
192 2 wài foreign countries 民心乃外
193 2 wài exterior; outer surface 民心乃外
194 2 wài a remote place 民心乃外
195 2 wài husband 民心乃外
196 2 wài other 民心乃外
197 2 wài to be extra; to be additional 民心乃外
198 2 wài unofficial; informal; exoteric 民心乃外
199 2 wài role of an old man 民心乃外
200 2 wài to drift apart; to become estranged 民心乃外
201 2 wài to betray; to forsake 民心乃外
202 2 不行 bùxíng will not do; will not work 驟令不行
203 2 不行 bùxíng not good; not capable of 驟令不行
204 2 不行 bùxíng not acceptable; not permissible 驟令不行
205 2 不行 bùxíng failing; dying 驟令不行
206 2 不行 bùxíng to not go; to not move forward 驟令不行
207 2 不行 bùxíng impossible 驟令不行
208 2 在乎 zàihu to care about; to mind; to depend on; to be determined by 修長在乎任賢
209 2 shǐ beginning; start 禍乃始牙
210 2 method; way 法天合德
211 2 France 法天合德
212 2 the law; rules; regulations 法天合德
213 2 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 法天合德
214 2 a standard; a norm 法天合德
215 2 an institution 法天合德
216 2 to emulate 法天合德
217 2 magic; a magic trick 法天合德
218 2 punishment 法天合德
219 2 Fa 法天合德
220 2 a precedent 法天合德
221 2 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 法天合德
222 2 relating to a ceremony or rite 法天合德
223 2 zuì crime; offense; sin; vice 罪殺不赦
224 2 zuì fault; error 罪殺不赦
225 2 zuì hardship; suffering 罪殺不赦
226 2 zuì to blame; to accuse 罪殺不赦
227 2 zuì punishment 罪殺不赦
228 2 gain; advantage; benefit 旦暮利之
229 2 profit 旦暮利之
230 2 sharp 旦暮利之
231 2 to benefit; to serve 旦暮利之
232 2 Li 旦暮利之
233 2 to be useful 旦暮利之
234 2 smooth; without a hitch 旦暮利之
235 2 其所 qísuǒ its place; one's appointed place; the place for that 必觀其所終
236 2 chāng Chang 禍乃始昌
237 2 chāng to prosper; to flourish; to be prosperous 禍乃始昌
238 2 chāng bright; shining 禍乃始昌
239 2 chāng good; wonderful 禍乃始昌
240 2 chāng sunlight 禍乃始昌
241 2 chāng exact 禍乃始昌
242 2 chāng imprudence 禍乃始昌
243 2 shǎng to grant; to bestow 喜無以賞
244 2 shǎng a reward 喜無以賞
245 2 shǎng to appreciate; to esteem 喜無以賞
246 2 shǎng to enjoy 喜無以賞
247 2 shǎng to praise 喜無以賞
248 2 shǎng to respect; to revere 喜無以賞
249 2 shǎng Shang 喜無以賞
250 1 wèi to call 是謂君心
251 1 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 是謂君心
252 1 wèi to speak to; to address 是謂君心
253 1 wèi to treat as; to regard as 是謂君心
254 1 wèi introducing a condition situation 是謂君心
255 1 wèi to speak to; to address 是謂君心
256 1 wèi to think 是謂君心
257 1 wèi for; is to be 是謂君心
258 1 wèi to make; to cause 是謂君心
259 1 wèi principle; reason 是謂君心
260 1 wèi Wei 是謂君心
261 1 kǒng to fear; to be afraid 倚邪乃恐
262 1 kǒng to threaten 倚邪乃恐
263 1 to take; to get; to fetch 取人以己
264 1 to obtain 取人以己
265 1 to choose; to select 取人以己
266 1 to catch; to seize; to capture 取人以己
267 1 to accept; to receive 取人以己
268 1 to seek 取人以己
269 1 to take a bride 取人以己
270 1 Qu 取人以己
271 1 wǎng to go (in a direction) 令往民移
272 1 wǎng in the past 令往民移
273 1 wǎng to turn toward 令往民移
274 1 wǎng to be friends with; to have a social connection with 令往民移
275 1 wǎng to send a gift 令往民移
276 1 wǎng former times 令往民移
277 1 wǎng someone who has passed away 令往民移
278 1 yuǎn far; distant 召遠在修近
279 1 yuǎn far-reaching 召遠在修近
280 1 yuǎn separated from 召遠在修近
281 1 yuàn estranged from 召遠在修近
282 1 yuǎn milkwort 召遠在修近
283 1 yuǎn long ago 召遠在修近
284 1 yuǎn long-range 召遠在修近
285 1 yuǎn a remote area 召遠在修近
286 1 yuǎn Yuan 召遠在修近
287 1 yuàn to leave 召遠在修近
288 1 yuàn to violate; to be contrary to 召遠在修近
289 1 xián virtuous; worthy 修長在乎任賢
290 1 xián able; capable 修長在乎任賢
291 1 xián admirable 修長在乎任賢
292 1 xián a talented person 修長在乎任賢
293 1 xián India 修長在乎任賢
294 1 xián to respect 修長在乎任賢
295 1 xián to excel; to surpass 修長在乎任賢
296 1 to punish; to penalize 罰罪宥過以懲之
297 1 to fine 罰罪宥過以懲之
298 1 punishment 罰罪宥過以懲之
299 1 民心 mínxīn popular sentiment 民心乃外
300 1 chá to examine; to inquire; to inspect 察稱量
301 1 chá to observe; to notice 察稱量
302 1 chá to understand 察稱量
303 1 chá to evaluate and promote 察稱量
304 1 chá Cha 察稱量
305 1 chá clean 察稱量
306 1 capacity; degree; a standard; a measure 正法直度
307 1 duó to estimate; to calculate 正法直度
308 1 to pass; to transit; to cross; to ferry over; to go beyond 正法直度
309 1 to save; to rescue; to liberate; to overcome 正法直度
310 1 musical or poetic rhythm 正法直度
311 1 conduct; bearing 正法直度
312 1 to spend time; to pass time 正法直度
313 1 sān three 三經既飭
314 1 sān third 三經既飭
315 1 sān more than two 三經既飭
316 1 sān very few 三經既飭
317 1 sān San 三經既飭
318 1 jīng to go through; to experience 三經既飭
319 1 jīng a sutra; a scripture 三經既飭
320 1 jīng warp 三經既飭
321 1 jīng longitude 三經既飭
322 1 jīng to administer; to engage in business; to run; to operate; to manage 三經既飭
323 1 jīng a woman's period 三經既飭
324 1 jīng to bear; to endure 三經既飭
325 1 jīng to hang; to die by hanging 三經既飭
326 1 jīng classics 三經既飭
327 1 jīng to be frugal; to save 三經既飭
328 1 jīng a classic; a scripture; canon 三經既飭
329 1 jīng a standard; a norm 三經既飭
330 1 jīng a section of a Confucian work 三經既飭
331 1 jīng to measure 三經既飭
332 1 jīng human pulse 三經既飭
333 1 jīng menstruation; a woman's period 三經既飭
334 1 to stand 凡將立事
335 1 Kangxi radical 117 凡將立事
336 1 erect; upright; vertical 凡將立事
337 1 to establish; to set up; to found 凡將立事
338 1 to conclude; to draw up 凡將立事
339 1 to ascend the throne 凡將立事
340 1 to designate; to appoint 凡將立事
341 1 to live; to exist 凡將立事
342 1 to erect; to stand something up 凡將立事
343 1 to take a stand 凡將立事
344 1 to cease; to stop 凡將立事
345 1 a two week period at the onset o feach season 凡將立事
346 1 不再 bù zài no more; no longer 令不再行
347 1 zuǒ to assist; to aid 佐於四時
348 1 zuǒ an aide 佐於四時
349 1 zuǒ to accompany 佐於四時
350 1 zuǒ subordinate 佐於四時
351 1 yòu to forgive; to pardon; to indulge 罰罪宥過以懲之
352 1 yòu profound 罰罪宥過以懲之
353 1 dùn to bow; to kowtow 頓卒怠倦以辱之
354 1 dùn to stop; to pause 頓卒怠倦以辱之
355 1 dùn to arrange 頓卒怠倦以辱之
356 1 dùn to renovate; to restore; to repair 頓卒怠倦以辱之
357 1 dùn to station; to garrison 頓卒怠倦以辱之
358 1 dùn tired 頓卒怠倦以辱之
359 1 dùn blunt; not sharp 頓卒怠倦以辱之
360 1 dùn damaged 頓卒怠倦以辱之
361 1 dùn Dun 頓卒怠倦以辱之
362 1 zhōng end; finish; conclusion 必觀其所終
363 1 zhōng to complete; to finish 必觀其所終
364 1 zhōng all; entire; from start to finish 必觀其所終
365 1 zhōng to study in detail 必觀其所終
366 1 zhōng death 必觀其所終
367 1 zhōng Zhong 必觀其所終
368 1 zhōng to die 必觀其所終
369 1 qìng to celebrate; to congratulate 慶勉敦敬以顯之
370 1 qìng an occasion for celebration 慶勉敦敬以顯之
371 1 qìng Qing 慶勉敦敬以顯之
372 1 qìng good fortune 慶勉敦敬以顯之
373 1 qìng merit; virtue 慶勉敦敬以顯之
374 1 zhì matter; material; substance 成事以質
375 1 zhì a hostage; a guarantee; a pledged item 成事以質
376 1 zhì nature; character; essence 成事以質
377 1 zhì plain; simple 成事以質
378 1 zhì to question 成事以質
379 1 zhì to pledge; to pawn 成事以質
380 1 zhì quality 成事以質
381 1 xìn to believe; to trust 殺僇必信
382 1 xìn a letter 殺僇必信
383 1 xìn evidence 殺僇必信
384 1 xìn faith; confidence 殺僇必信
385 1 xìn honest; sincere; true 殺僇必信
386 1 xìn proof; a certificate; a receipt; a voucher 殺僇必信
387 1 xìn an official holding a document 殺僇必信
388 1 xìn a gift 殺僇必信
389 1 xìn credit 殺僇必信
390 1 xìn to lodge in one place two or more nights in a row 殺僇必信
391 1 xìn news; a message 殺僇必信
392 1 xìn arsenic 殺僇必信
393 1 rèn to bear; to undertake 修長在乎任賢
394 1 rèn to trust to; to rely on 修長在乎任賢
395 1 rèn duty; responsibility 修長在乎任賢
396 1 rèn to allow; to permit 修長在乎任賢
397 1 rèn to appoint 修長在乎任賢
398 1 rén Ren 修長在乎任賢
399 1 rèn to take office 修長在乎任賢
400 1 rén Ren county 修長在乎任賢
401 1 rèn an office; a post 修長在乎任賢
402 1 rèn to be pregnant 修長在乎任賢
403 1 rén crafty and fawning 修長在乎任賢
404 1 ér Kangxi radical 126 民畏而懼
405 1 ér as if; to seem like 民畏而懼
406 1 néng can; able 民畏而懼
407 1 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 民畏而懼
408 1 ér to arrive; up to 民畏而懼
409 1 zhèng upright; straight 正彼天植
410 1 zhèng to straighten; to correct 正彼天植
411 1 zhèng main; central; primary 正彼天植
412 1 zhèng fundamental; original 正彼天植
413 1 zhèng precise; exact; accurate 正彼天植
414 1 zhèng at right angles 正彼天植
415 1 zhèng unbiased; impartial 正彼天植
416 1 zhèng true; correct; orthodox 正彼天植
417 1 zhèng unmixed; pure 正彼天植
418 1 zhèng positive (charge) 正彼天植
419 1 zhèng positive (number) 正彼天植
420 1 zhèng standard 正彼天植
421 1 zhèng chief; principal; primary 正彼天植
422 1 zhèng honest 正彼天植
423 1 zhèng to execute; to carry out 正彼天植
424 1 zhèng accepted; conventional 正彼天植
425 1 zhèng to govern 正彼天植
426 1 zhēng first month 正彼天植
427 1 zhēng center of a target 正彼天植
428 1 huà to make into; to change into; to transform 倚革邪化
429 1 huà to convert; to persuade 倚革邪化
430 1 huà to manifest 倚革邪化
431 1 huà to collect alms 倚革邪化
432 1 huà [of Nature] to create 倚革邪化
433 1 huà to die 倚革邪化
434 1 huà to dissolve; to melt 倚革邪化
435 1 huà to revert to a previous custom 倚革邪化
436 1 huà chemistry 倚革邪化
437 1 huà to burn 倚革邪化
438 1 huā to spend 倚革邪化
439 1 guó a country; a nation 君乃有國
440 1 guó the capital of a state 君乃有國
441 1 guó a feud; a vassal state 君乃有國
442 1 guó a state; a kingdom 君乃有國
443 1 guó a place; a land 君乃有國
444 1 guó domestic; Chinese 君乃有國
445 1 guó national 君乃有國
446 1 guó top in the nation 君乃有國
447 1 guó Guo 君乃有國
448 1 è evil; vice 廢所惡
449 1 è evil; wicked; bad; foul; malevolent 廢所惡
450 1 ě queasy; nauseous 廢所惡
451 1 to hate; to detest 廢所惡
452 1 è fierce 廢所惡
453 1 è detestable; offensive; unpleasant 廢所惡
454 1 to denounce 廢所惡
455 1 jìng to respect /to honor 慶勉敦敬以顯之
456 1 jìng gratitude; congratulations 慶勉敦敬以顯之
457 1 jìng to offer out of politeness or ceremony 慶勉敦敬以顯之
458 1 jìng a gift given in honor 慶勉敦敬以顯之
459 1 jìng solemn /serious 慶勉敦敬以顯之
460 1 jìng to alert /to warn 慶勉敦敬以顯之
461 1 jìng protocol; courtesy 慶勉敦敬以顯之
462 1 jìng Jing 慶勉敦敬以顯之
463 1 sixth of 10 heavenly trunks 取人以己
464 1 Kangxi radical 49 取人以己
465 1 sixth 取人以己
466 1 zhòu procedure 驟令不行
467 1 zhòu to gallop 驟令不行
468 1 zhòu to run quickly 驟令不行
469 1 jué ancient bronze wine holder 爵貴有名以休之
470 1 jué a feudal title or rank 爵貴有名以休之
471 1 què a small bird 爵貴有名以休之
472 1 jué to bestow a title 爵貴有名以休之
473 1 guì expensive; costly; valuable 爵貴有名以休之
474 1 guì Guizhou 爵貴有名以休之
475 1 guì esteemed; honored 爵貴有名以休之
476 1 guì noble 爵貴有名以休之
477 1 guì high quality 爵貴有名以休之
478 1 guì to esteem; to honor 爵貴有名以休之
479 1 guì a place of honor 爵貴有名以休之
480 1 guì Gui 爵貴有名以休之
481 1 jìn nearby 召遠在修近
482 1 jìn to approach; to be near; to draw close to 召遠在修近
483 1 jìn simple; ordinary 召遠在修近
484 1 jìn to be intimate 召遠在修近
485 1 jìn Jin 召遠在修近
486 1 武威 wǔwēi Wuwei 武威既明
487 1 to move; to shift; to remove 令往民移
488 1 to change; to alter 令往民移
489 1 to circulate a document 令往民移
490 1 to transplant seedlings 令往民移
491 1 to shake 令往民移
492 1 to write 令往民移
493 1 to donate; to give 令往民移
494 1 Yi 令往民移
495 1 to lead to envy 令往民移
496 1 chǐ to lead to admiration 令往民移
497 1 qīn relatives 象法無親
498 1 qīn intimate 象法無親
499 1 qīn a bride 象法無親
500 1 qīn parents 象法無親

Frequencies of all Words

Top 797

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 12 so as to; in order to 喜無以賞
2 12 to use; to regard as 喜無以賞
3 12 to use; to grasp 喜無以賞
4 12 according to 喜無以賞
5 12 because of 喜無以賞
6 12 on a certain date 喜無以賞
7 12 and; as well as 喜無以賞
8 12 to rely on 喜無以賞
9 12 to regard 喜無以賞
10 12 to be able to 喜無以賞
11 12 to order; to command 喜無以賞
12 12 further; moreover 喜無以賞
13 12 used after a verb 喜無以賞
14 12 very 喜無以賞
15 12 already 喜無以賞
16 12 increasingly 喜無以賞
17 12 a reason; a cause 喜無以賞
18 12 Israel 喜無以賞
19 12 Yi 喜無以賞
20 10 nǎi thus; so; therefore; then; only; thereupon 君乃有國
21 10 nǎi to be 君乃有國
22 10 nǎi you; yours 君乃有國
23 10 nǎi also; moreover 君乃有國
24 10 nǎi however; but 君乃有國
25 10 nǎi if 君乃有國
26 9 zhī him; her; them; that 外之有徒
27 9 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 外之有徒
28 9 zhī to go 外之有徒
29 9 zhī this; that 外之有徒
30 9 zhī genetive marker 外之有徒
31 9 zhī it 外之有徒
32 9 zhī in; in regards to 外之有徒
33 9 zhī all 外之有徒
34 9 zhī and 外之有徒
35 9 zhī however 外之有徒
36 9 zhī if 外之有徒
37 9 zhī then 外之有徒
38 9 zhī to arrive; to go 外之有徒
39 9 zhī is 外之有徒
40 9 zhī to use 外之有徒
41 9 zhī Zhi 外之有徒
42 9 zhī winding 外之有徒
43 6 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 令乃廢
44 6 lìng to issue a command 令乃廢
45 6 lìng rules of behavior; customs 令乃廢
46 6 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 令乃廢
47 6 lìng a season 令乃廢
48 6 lìng respected; good reputation 令乃廢
49 6 lìng good 令乃廢
50 6 lìng pretentious 令乃廢
51 6 lìng a transcending state of existence 令乃廢
52 6 lìng a commander 令乃廢
53 6 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 令乃廢
54 6 lìng lyrics 令乃廢
55 6 lìng Ling 令乃廢
56 5 shā to kill; to murder; to slaughter 怒無以殺
57 5 shā to hurt 怒無以殺
58 5 shā to pare off; to reduce; to clip 怒無以殺
59 5 mín the people; citizen; subjects 民不足
60 5 mín Min 民不足
61 4 yǒu is; are; to exist 君乃有國
62 4 yǒu to have; to possess 君乃有國
63 4 yǒu indicates an estimate 君乃有國
64 4 yǒu indicates a large quantity 君乃有國
65 4 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 君乃有國
66 4 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 君乃有國
67 4 yǒu used to compare two things 君乃有國
68 4 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 君乃有國
69 4 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 君乃有國
70 4 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 君乃有國
71 4 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 君乃有國
72 4 yǒu abundant 君乃有國
73 4 yǒu purposeful 君乃有國
74 4 yǒu You 君乃有國
75 4 certainly; must; will; necessarily 必觀其所終
76 4 must 必觀其所終
77 4 if; suppose 必觀其所終
78 4 Bi 必觀其所終
79 4 no 風雨無違
80 4 Kangxi radical 71 風雨無違
81 4 to not have; without 風雨無違
82 4 has not yet 風雨無違
83 4 mo 風雨無違
84 4 do not 風雨無違
85 4 not; -less; un- 風雨無違
86 4 regardless of 風雨無違
87 4 to not have 風雨無違
88 4 um 風雨無違
89 4 Wu 風雨無違
90 4 zài in; at 悅在施有
91 4 zài at 悅在施有
92 4 zài when; indicates that someone or something is in the process of doing something 悅在施有
93 4 zài to exist; to be living 悅在施有
94 4 zài to consist of 悅在施有
95 4 zài to be at a post 悅在施有
96 4 huò a misfortune; a calamity; a disaster 禍乃始牙
97 4 huò a sin 禍乃始牙
98 4 huò to harm 禍乃始牙
99 4 huò to suffer harm 禍乃始牙
100 3 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 眾之所忿
101 3 suǒ an office; an institute 眾之所忿
102 3 suǒ introduces a relative clause 眾之所忿
103 3 suǒ it 眾之所忿
104 3 suǒ if; supposing 眾之所忿
105 3 suǒ a few; various; some 眾之所忿
106 3 suǒ a place; a location 眾之所忿
107 3 suǒ indicates a passive voice 眾之所忿
108 3 suǒ that which 眾之所忿
109 3 suǒ an ordinal number 眾之所忿
110 3 suǒ meaning 眾之所忿
111 3 suǒ garrison 眾之所忿
112 3 shī to give; to grant 慎施報
113 3 shī to act; to do; to execute; to carry out 慎施報
114 3 shī to deploy; to set up 慎施報
115 3 shī to relate to 慎施報
116 3 shī to move slowly 慎施報
117 3 shī to exert 慎施報
118 3 shī to apply; to spread 慎施報
119 3 shī Shi 慎施報
120 3 fèi to abrogate; to terminate; to abandon; to discard 令乃廢
121 3 fèi to damage; to decay 令乃廢
122 3 fèi useless; worthless 令乃廢
123 3 fèi a useless thing 令乃廢
124 3 cái money; wealth; riches; valuables 審用財
125 3 cái financial worth 審用財
126 3 cái talent 審用財
127 3 cái to consider 審用財
128 3 cái only 審用財
129 3 yòng to use; to apply 審用財
130 3 yòng Kangxi radical 101 審用財
131 3 yòng to eat 審用財
132 3 yòng to spend 審用財
133 3 yòng expense 審用財
134 3 yòng a use; usage 審用財
135 3 yòng to need; must 審用財
136 3 yòng useful; practical 審用財
137 3 yòng to use up; to use all of something 審用財
138 3 yòng by means of; with 審用財
139 3 yòng to work (an animal) 審用財
140 3 yòng to appoint 審用財
141 3 yòng to administer; to manager 審用財
142 3 yòng to control 審用財
143 3 yòng to access 審用財
144 3 yòng Yong 審用財
145 3 zhòng many; numerous 眾之所忿
146 3 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 眾之所忿
147 3 zhòng general; common; public 眾之所忿
148 3 bitterness; bitter flavor 用力不可以苦
149 3 hardship; suffering 用力不可以苦
150 3 to make things difficult for 用力不可以苦
151 3 to train; to practice 用力不可以苦
152 3 to suffer from a misfortune 用力不可以苦
153 3 bitter 用力不可以苦
154 3 grieved; facing hardship 用力不可以苦
155 3 in low spirits; depressed 用力不可以苦
156 3 assiduously; to do one's best; to strive as much as possible 用力不可以苦
157 3 painful 用力不可以苦
158 2 to rely on; to depend on 倚邪乃恐
159 2 to lean heavily 倚邪乃恐
160 2 bào newspaper 慎施報
161 2 bào to announce; to inform; to report 慎施報
162 2 bào to repay; to reply with a gift 慎施報
163 2 bào to respond; to reply 慎施報
164 2 bào to revenge 慎施報
165 2 bào a cable; a telegram 慎施報
166 2 bào a message; information 慎施報
167 2 humiliation 令乃辱
168 2 to dishonor; to disgrace; ; to insult; to abuse 令乃辱
169 2 to [humbly] receive; to be unworthy 令乃辱
170 2 damp; moist 令乃辱
171 2 otherwise; but; however 用財嗇則費
172 2 then 用財嗇則費
173 2 measure word for short sections of text 用財嗇則費
174 2 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 用財嗇則費
175 2 a grade; a level 用財嗇則費
176 2 an example; a model 用財嗇則費
177 2 a weighing device 用財嗇則費
178 2 to grade; to rank 用財嗇則費
179 2 to copy; to imitate; to follow 用財嗇則費
180 2 to do 用財嗇則費
181 2 only 用財嗇則費
182 2 immediately 用財嗇則費
183 2 in; at 參於日月
184 2 in; at 參於日月
185 2 in; at; to; from 參於日月
186 2 to go; to 參於日月
187 2 to rely on; to depend on 參於日月
188 2 to go to; to arrive at 參於日月
189 2 from 參於日月
190 2 give 參於日月
191 2 oppposing 參於日月
192 2 and 參於日月
193 2 compared to 參於日月
194 2 by 參於日月
195 2 and; as well as 參於日月
196 2 for 參於日月
197 2 Yu 參於日月
198 2 a crow 參於日月
199 2 whew; wow 參於日月
200 2 already; since 三經既飭
201 2 both ... and ... 三經既飭
202 2 to complete; to finish 三經既飭
203 2 preverbal particle marking completion 三經既飭
204 2 not long 三經既飭
205 2 Ji 三經既飭
206 2 不可以 bù kě yǐ may not 故用財不可以嗇
207 2 jūn sovereign; monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler 君乃有國
208 2 jūn you 君乃有國
209 2 jūn a mistress 君乃有國
210 2 jūn date-plum 君乃有國
211 2 jūn the son of heaven 君乃有國
212 2 jūn to rule 君乃有國
213 2 not; no 禍昌不寤
214 2 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 禍昌不寤
215 2 as a correlative 禍昌不寤
216 2 no (answering a question) 禍昌不寤
217 2 forms a negative adjective from a noun 禍昌不寤
218 2 at the end of a sentence to form a question 禍昌不寤
219 2 to form a yes or no question 禍昌不寤
220 2 infix potential marker 禍昌不寤
221 2 yuàn to blame; to complain 怨乃起
222 2 yuàn to hate; to resent 怨乃起
223 2 yùn to save; to accumulate 怨乃起
224 2 yuàn to be sad; to be sorrowful 怨乃起
225 2 yuàn to mock 怨乃起
226 2 yuàn an enemy; a grudge 怨乃起
227 2 yuàn to violate 怨乃起
228 2 yuàn to treat unjustly 怨乃起
229 2 to humiliate; to treat with contempt 殺僇必信
230 2 tiān day 正彼天植
231 2 tiān day 正彼天植
232 2 tiān heaven 正彼天植
233 2 tiān nature 正彼天植
234 2 tiān sky 正彼天植
235 2 tiān weather 正彼天植
236 2 tiān father; husband 正彼天植
237 2 tiān a necessity 正彼天植
238 2 tiān season 正彼天植
239 2 tiān destiny 正彼天植
240 2 tiān very high; sky high [prices] 正彼天植
241 2 tiān very 正彼天植
242 2 diagram; picture; drawing; chart 置不能圖
243 2 to plan; to scheme; to attempt 置不能圖
244 2 to draw 置不能圖
245 2 a map 置不能圖
246 2 to seek 置不能圖
247 2 intent 置不能圖
248 2 territory 置不能圖
249 2 a graph 置不能圖
250 2 stingy 故用財不可以嗇
251 2 to be fond of; to like 喜無以賞
252 2 happy; delightful; joyful 喜無以賞
253 2 suitable 喜無以賞
254 2 relating to marriage 喜無以賞
255 2 shining; splendid 喜無以賞
256 2 Xi 喜無以賞
257 2 easy 喜無以賞
258 2 to be pregnant 喜無以賞
259 2 joy; happiness; delight 喜無以賞
260 2 xié demonic; iniquitous; nefarious; evil 倚邪乃恐
261 2 interrogative particle 倚邪乃恐
262 2 xié unhealthy 倚邪乃恐
263 2 xié a disaster brought by an eviil spirit 倚邪乃恐
264 2 grandfather 倚邪乃恐
265 2 xié abnormal; irregular 倚邪乃恐
266 2 用力 yònglì to exert oneself physically 用力不可以苦
267 2 用力 yònglì to be diligent 用力不可以苦
268 2 anger; rage; fury 怒無以殺
269 2 to be angry 怒無以殺
270 2 vigorously 怒無以殺
271 2 to force; to impel 怒無以殺
272 2 intense 怒無以殺
273 2 to denounce; to criticize 怒無以殺
274 2 sturdy; strong 怒無以殺
275 2 huge and strong 怒無以殺
276 2 zhí a plant; trees 正彼天植
277 2 zhí to cultivate plants 正彼天植
278 2 zhí to place; to embed 正彼天植
279 2 zhí to establish; to organize 正彼天植
280 2 zhí to supervize fortifications 正彼天植
281 2 zhí a door slat 正彼天植
282 2 zhí to depend on 正彼天植
283 2 zhí to grow 正彼天植
284 2 wài outside 民心乃外
285 2 wài out; outer 民心乃外
286 2 wài external; outer 民心乃外
287 2 wài foreign countries 民心乃外
288 2 wài exterior; outer surface 民心乃外
289 2 wài a remote place 民心乃外
290 2 wài maternal side; wife's family members 民心乃外
291 2 wài husband 民心乃外
292 2 wài other 民心乃外
293 2 wài to be extra; to be additional 民心乃外
294 2 wài unofficial; informal; exoteric 民心乃外
295 2 wài role of an old man 民心乃外
296 2 wài to drift apart; to become estranged 民心乃外
297 2 wài to betray; to forsake 民心乃外
298 2 不行 bùxíng will not do; will not work 驟令不行
299 2 不行 bùxíng not good; not capable of 驟令不行
300 2 不行 bùxíng not acceptable; not permissible 驟令不行
301 2 不行 bùxíng failing; dying 驟令不行
302 2 不行 bùxíng extremely 驟令不行
303 2 不行 bùxíng to not go; to not move forward 驟令不行
304 2 不行 bùxíng impossible 驟令不行
305 2 在乎 zàihu to care about; to mind; to depend on; to be determined by 修長在乎任賢
306 2 shǐ beginning; start 禍乃始牙
307 2 shǐ just now; then; only then 禍乃始牙
308 2 shǐ first; for the first time 禍乃始牙
309 2 shǐ exactly; just 禍乃始牙
310 2 shǐ formerly 禍乃始牙
311 2 method; way 法天合德
312 2 France 法天合德
313 2 the law; rules; regulations 法天合德
314 2 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 法天合德
315 2 a standard; a norm 法天合德
316 2 an institution 法天合德
317 2 to emulate 法天合德
318 2 magic; a magic trick 法天合德
319 2 punishment 法天合德
320 2 Fa 法天合德
321 2 a precedent 法天合德
322 2 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 法天合德
323 2 relating to a ceremony or rite 法天合德
324 2 zuì crime; offense; sin; vice 罪殺不赦
325 2 zuì fault; error 罪殺不赦
326 2 zuì hardship; suffering 罪殺不赦
327 2 zuì to blame; to accuse 罪殺不赦
328 2 zuì punishment 罪殺不赦
329 2 gain; advantage; benefit 旦暮利之
330 2 profit 旦暮利之
331 2 sharp 旦暮利之
332 2 to benefit; to serve 旦暮利之
333 2 Li 旦暮利之
334 2 to be useful 旦暮利之
335 2 smooth; without a hitch 旦暮利之
336 2 其所 qísuǒ its place; one's appointed place; the place for that 必觀其所終
337 2 chāng Chang 禍乃始昌
338 2 chāng to prosper; to flourish; to be prosperous 禍乃始昌
339 2 chāng bright; shining 禍乃始昌
340 2 chāng good; wonderful 禍乃始昌
341 2 chāng sunlight 禍乃始昌
342 2 chāng exact 禍乃始昌
343 2 chāng imprudence 禍乃始昌
344 2 shǎng to grant; to bestow 喜無以賞
345 2 shǎng a reward 喜無以賞
346 2 shǎng to appreciate; to esteem 喜無以賞
347 2 shǎng to enjoy 喜無以賞
348 2 shǎng to praise 喜無以賞
349 2 shǎng to respect; to revere 喜無以賞
350 2 shǎng Shang 喜無以賞
351 1 wèi to call 是謂君心
352 1 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 是謂君心
353 1 wèi to speak to; to address 是謂君心
354 1 wèi to treat as; to regard as 是謂君心
355 1 wèi introducing a condition situation 是謂君心
356 1 wèi to speak to; to address 是謂君心
357 1 wèi to think 是謂君心
358 1 wèi for; is to be 是謂君心
359 1 wèi to make; to cause 是謂君心
360 1 wèi and 是謂君心
361 1 wèi principle; reason 是謂君心
362 1 wèi Wei 是謂君心
363 1 kǒng to fear; to be afraid 倚邪乃恐
364 1 kǒng maybe; perhaps 倚邪乃恐
365 1 kǒng to threaten 倚邪乃恐
366 1 shì is; are; am; to be 是謂君心
367 1 shì is exactly 是謂君心
368 1 shì is suitable; is in contrast 是謂君心
369 1 shì this; that; those 是謂君心
370 1 shì really; certainly 是謂君心
371 1 shì correct; yes; affirmative 是謂君心
372 1 shì true 是謂君心
373 1 shì is; has; exists 是謂君心
374 1 shì used between repetitions of a word 是謂君心
375 1 shì a matter; an affair 是謂君心
376 1 shì Shi 是謂君心
377 1 to take; to get; to fetch 取人以己
378 1 to obtain 取人以己
379 1 to choose; to select 取人以己
380 1 to catch; to seize; to capture 取人以己
381 1 to accept; to receive 取人以己
382 1 to seek 取人以己
383 1 to take a bride 取人以己
384 1 placed after a verb to mark an action 取人以己
385 1 Qu 取人以己
386 1 wǎng to go (in a direction) 令往民移
387 1 wǎng in the direction of 令往民移
388 1 wǎng in the past 令往民移
389 1 wǎng to turn toward 令往民移
390 1 wǎng to be friends with; to have a social connection with 令往民移
391 1 wǎng to send a gift 令往民移
392 1 wǎng former times 令往民移
393 1 wǎng someone who has passed away 令往民移
394 1 yuǎn far; distant 召遠在修近
395 1 yuǎn far-reaching 召遠在修近
396 1 yuǎn separated from 召遠在修近
397 1 yuàn estranged from 召遠在修近
398 1 yuǎn milkwort 召遠在修近
399 1 yuǎn long ago 召遠在修近
400 1 yuǎn long-range 召遠在修近
401 1 yuǎn a remote area 召遠在修近
402 1 yuǎn Yuan 召遠在修近
403 1 yuàn to leave 召遠在修近
404 1 yuàn to violate; to be contrary to 召遠在修近
405 1 xián virtuous; worthy 修長在乎任賢
406 1 xián able; capable 修長在乎任賢
407 1 xián admirable 修長在乎任賢
408 1 xián sir 修長在乎任賢
409 1 xián a talented person 修長在乎任賢
410 1 xián India 修長在乎任賢
411 1 xián to respect 修長在乎任賢
412 1 xián to excel; to surpass 修長在乎任賢
413 1 to punish; to penalize 罰罪宥過以懲之
414 1 to fine 罰罪宥過以懲之
415 1 punishment 罰罪宥過以懲之
416 1 民心 mínxīn popular sentiment 民心乃外
417 1 chá to examine; to inquire; to inspect 察稱量
418 1 chá to observe; to notice 察稱量
419 1 chá to understand 察稱量
420 1 chá to evaluate and promote 察稱量
421 1 chá Cha 察稱量
422 1 chá clean 察稱量
423 1 capacity; degree; a standard; a measure 正法直度
424 1 duó to estimate; to calculate 正法直度
425 1 to pass; to transit; to cross; to ferry over; to go beyond 正法直度
426 1 amount 正法直度
427 1 to save; to rescue; to liberate; to overcome 正法直度
428 1 musical or poetic rhythm 正法直度
429 1 conduct; bearing 正法直度
430 1 a time 正法直度
431 1 to spend time; to pass time 正法直度
432 1 kilowatt-hour 正法直度
433 1 degree 正法直度
434 1 sān three 三經既飭
435 1 sān third 三經既飭
436 1 sān more than two 三經既飭
437 1 sān very few 三經既飭
438 1 sān repeatedly 三經既飭
439 1 sān San 三經既飭
440 1 jīng to go through; to experience 三經既飭
441 1 jīng a sutra; a scripture 三經既飭
442 1 jīng warp 三經既飭
443 1 jīng longitude 三經既飭
444 1 jīng often; regularly; frequently 三經既飭
445 1 jīng to administer; to engage in business; to run; to operate; to manage 三經既飭
446 1 jīng a woman's period 三經既飭
447 1 jīng to bear; to endure 三經既飭
448 1 jīng to hang; to die by hanging 三經既飭
449 1 jīng classics 三經既飭
450 1 jīng to be frugal; to save 三經既飭
451 1 jīng a classic; a scripture; canon 三經既飭
452 1 jīng a standard; a norm 三經既飭
453 1 jīng a section of a Confucian work 三經既飭
454 1 jīng to measure 三經既飭
455 1 jīng human pulse 三經既飭
456 1 jīng menstruation; a woman's period 三經既飭
457 1 to stand 凡將立事
458 1 Kangxi radical 117 凡將立事
459 1 erect; upright; vertical 凡將立事
460 1 to establish; to set up; to found 凡將立事
461 1 to conclude; to draw up 凡將立事
462 1 to ascend the throne 凡將立事
463 1 to designate; to appoint 凡將立事
464 1 to live; to exist 凡將立事
465 1 instantaneously; immediatley 凡將立事
466 1 to erect; to stand something up 凡將立事
467 1 to take a stand 凡將立事
468 1 to cease; to stop 凡將立事
469 1 a two week period at the onset o feach season 凡將立事
470 1 不再 bù zài no more; no longer 令不再行
471 1 zuǒ to assist; to aid 佐於四時
472 1 zuǒ an aide 佐於四時
473 1 zuǒ to accompany 佐於四時
474 1 zuǒ subordinate 佐於四時
475 1 yòu to forgive; to pardon; to indulge 罰罪宥過以懲之
476 1 yòu profound 罰罪宥過以懲之
477 1 dùn a time; a meal 頓卒怠倦以辱之
478 1 dùn to bow; to kowtow 頓卒怠倦以辱之
479 1 dùn to stop; to pause 頓卒怠倦以辱之
480 1 dùn to arrange 頓卒怠倦以辱之
481 1 dùn to renovate; to restore; to repair 頓卒怠倦以辱之
482 1 dùn to station; to garrison 頓卒怠倦以辱之
483 1 dùn tired 頓卒怠倦以辱之
484 1 dùn blunt; not sharp 頓卒怠倦以辱之
485 1 dùn damaged 頓卒怠倦以辱之
486 1 dùn immediately 頓卒怠倦以辱之
487 1 dùn Dun 頓卒怠倦以辱之
488 1 zhōng end; finish; conclusion 必觀其所終
489 1 zhōng finally; in the end 必觀其所終
490 1 zhōng to complete; to finish 必觀其所終
491 1 zhōng all; entire; from start to finish 必觀其所終
492 1 zhōng to study in detail 必觀其所終
493 1 zhōng death 必觀其所終
494 1 zhōng first half of a symmetric phrase 必觀其所終
495 1 zhōng Zhong 必觀其所終
496 1 zhōng to die 必觀其所終
497 1 qìng to celebrate; to congratulate 慶勉敦敬以顯之
498 1 qìng an occasion for celebration 慶勉敦敬以顯之
499 1 qìng Qing 慶勉敦敬以顯之
500 1 qìng good fortune 慶勉敦敬以顯之

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
高安 103 Gao'an
武威 119 Wuwei


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English