Glossary and Vocabulary for Gongyang's Commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋公羊傳, 成公 Lord Cheng

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 97 zhī to go 加之寒之辭也
2 97 zhī to arrive; to go 加之寒之辭也
3 97 zhī is 加之寒之辭也
4 97 zhī to use 加之寒之辭也
5 97 zhī Zhi 加之寒之辭也
6 97 zhī winding 加之寒之辭也
7 68 jìn shanxi 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
8 68 jìn jin [dynasty] 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
9 68 jìn to move forward; to promote; to advance 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
10 68 jìn to raise 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
11 68 jìn Jin [state] 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
12 68 jìn Jin 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
13 61 hóu marquis; lord 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
14 61 hóu a target in archery 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
15 60 gōng public; common; state-owned 公即位
16 60 gōng official 公即位
17 60 gōng male 公即位
18 60 gōng duke; lord 公即位
19 60 gōng fair; equitable 公即位
20 60 gōng Mr.; mister 公即位
21 60 gōng father-in-law 公即位
22 60 gōng form of address; your honor 公即位
23 60 gōng accepted; mutual 公即位
24 60 gōng metric 公即位
25 60 gōng to release to the public 公即位
26 60 gōng the common good 公即位
27 60 gōng to divide equally 公即位
28 60 gōng Gong 公即位
29 46 father's elder brother; uncle 曹伯伐鄭
30 46 senior; respectful form of address 曹伯伐鄭
31 46 Count 曹伯伐鄭
32 46 older brother 曹伯伐鄭
33 46 a hegemon 曹伯伐鄭
34 46 Qi 其戰也
35 45 even; equal; uniform 同時而聘於齊
36 45 Kangxi radical 210 同時而聘於齊
37 45 Qi Dynasty 同時而聘於齊
38 45 State of Qi 同時而聘於齊
39 45 to arrange 同時而聘於齊
40 45 agile; nimble 同時而聘於齊
41 45 navel 同時而聘於齊
42 45 to rise; to ascend 同時而聘於齊
43 45 chopped meat or vegetables 同時而聘於齊
44 45 to blend ingredients 同時而聘於齊
45 45 to delimit; to distinguish 同時而聘於齊
46 45 the lower part of a garment 同時而聘於齊
47 45 broomcorn millet 同時而聘於齊
48 45 zhāi to fast 同時而聘於齊
49 45 to level with 同時而聘於齊
50 45 all present; all ready 同時而聘於齊
51 45 Qi 同時而聘於齊
52 45 alike; similar; identical; same 同時而聘於齊
53 45 an alloy 同時而聘於齊
54 43 zhèng [state of] Zheng 鄭師侵衛
55 43 zhèng Zheng 鄭師侵衛
56 39 infix potential marker 不言戰
57 38 rén person; people; a human being 非人人之所能為也
58 38 rén Kangxi radical 9 非人人之所能為也
59 38 rén a kind of person 非人人之所能為也
60 38 rén everybody 非人人之所能為也
61 38 rén adult 非人人之所能為也
62 38 rén somebody; others 非人人之所能為也
63 38 rén an upright person 非人人之所能為也
64 35 sòng Song dynasty 宋公鮑卒
65 35 sòng Song 宋公鮑卒
66 35 sòng Liu Song Dynasty 宋公鮑卒
67 35 wèi to guard; to protect; to defend 衛孫良夫跛
68 35 wèi a guard 衛孫良夫跛
69 35 wèi feathering in arrows 衛孫良夫跛
70 35 wèi a border area; a defended area 衛孫良夫跛
71 35 wèi donkey 衛孫良夫跛
72 35 wèi Wei 衛孫良夫跛
73 35 wèi Wei 衛孫良夫跛
74 35 yuē to speak; to say
75 35 yuē Kangxi radical 73
76 35 yuē to be called
77 34 nián year 成公二年
78 34 nián New Year festival 成公二年
79 34 nián age 成公二年
80 34 nián life span; life expectancy 成公二年
81 34 nián an era; a period 成公二年
82 34 nián a date 成公二年
83 34 nián time; years 成公二年
84 34 nián harvest 成公二年
85 34 nián annual; every year 成公二年
86 33 to go; to 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
87 33 to rely on; to depend on 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
88 33 Yu 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
89 33 a crow 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
90 32 shī teacher 王師敗績于貿戎
91 32 shī multitude 王師敗績于貿戎
92 32 shī a host; a leader 王師敗績于貿戎
93 32 shī an expert 王師敗績于貿戎
94 32 shī an example; a model 王師敗績于貿戎
95 32 shī master 王師敗績于貿戎
96 32 shī a capital city; a well protected place 王師敗績于貿戎
97 32 shī Shi 王師敗績于貿戎
98 32 shī to imitate 王師敗績于貿戎
99 32 shī troops 王師敗績于貿戎
100 32 shī shi 王師敗績于貿戎
101 32 shī an army division 王師敗績于貿戎
102 32 shī the 7th hexagram 王師敗績于貿戎
103 32 shī a lion 王師敗績于貿戎
104 30 to cut down 齊侯伐我北鄙
105 30 to attack 齊侯伐我北鄙
106 30 to boast 齊侯伐我北鄙
107 30 to cut out 齊侯伐我北鄙
108 30 a feat; a contribution; an achievement 齊侯伐我北鄙
109 30 a matchmaker 齊侯伐我北鄙
110 30 to use; to grasp 農工皆有職以事上
111 30 to rely on 農工皆有職以事上
112 30 to regard 農工皆有職以事上
113 30 to be able to 農工皆有職以事上
114 30 to order; to command 農工皆有職以事上
115 30 used after a verb 農工皆有職以事上
116 30 a reason; a cause 農工皆有職以事上
117 30 Israel 農工皆有職以事上
118 30 Yi 農工皆有職以事上
119 24 huì can; be able to 會晉郤克
120 24 huì able to 會晉郤克
121 24 huì a meeting; a conference; an assembly 會晉郤克
122 24 kuài to balance an account 會晉郤克
123 24 huì to assemble 會晉郤克
124 24 huì to meet 會晉郤克
125 24 huì a temple fair 會晉郤克
126 24 huì a religious assembly 會晉郤克
127 24 huì an association; a society 會晉郤克
128 24 huì a national or provincial capital 會晉郤克
129 24 huì an opportunity 會晉郤克
130 24 huì to understand 會晉郤克
131 24 huì to be familiar with; to know 會晉郤克
132 24 huì to be possible; to be likely 會晉郤克
133 24 huì to be good at 會晉郤克
134 24 huì a moment 會晉郤克
135 24 huì to happen to 會晉郤克
136 24 huì to pay 會晉郤克
137 24 huì a meeting place 會晉郤克
138 24 kuài the seam of a cap 會晉郤克
139 24 huì in accordance with 會晉郤克
140 24 huì imperial civil service examination 會晉郤克
141 24 huì to have sexual intercourse 會晉郤克
142 24 huì Hui 會晉郤克
143 24 lái to come 以紀侯之甗來
144 24 lái please 以紀侯之甗來
145 24 lái used to substitute for another verb 以紀侯之甗來
146 24 lái used between two word groups to express purpose and effect 以紀侯之甗來
147 24 lái wheat 以紀侯之甗來
148 24 lái next; future 以紀侯之甗來
149 24 lái a simple complement of direction 以紀侯之甗來
150 24 lái to occur; to arise 以紀侯之甗來
151 24 lái to earn 以紀侯之甗來
152 24 ér Kangxi radical 126 同時而聘於齊
153 24 ér as if; to seem like 同時而聘於齊
154 24 néng can; able 同時而聘於齊
155 24 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 同時而聘於齊
156 24 ér to arrive; up to 同時而聘於齊
157 23 sūn Sun 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
158 23 sūn grandchildren 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
159 23 sūn offspring [of plants] 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
160 23 sūn small 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
161 23 xùn humble 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
162 23 xùn to flee 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
163 22 Kangxi radical 132 公至自伐鄭
164 22 Zi 公至自伐鄭
165 22 a nose 公至自伐鄭
166 22 the beginning; the start 公至自伐鄭
167 22 origin 公至自伐鄭
168 22 to employ; to use 公至自伐鄭
169 22 to be 公至自伐鄭
170 22 child; son 曹公子手僂
171 22 egg; newborn 曹公子手僂
172 22 first earthly branch 曹公子手僂
173 22 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 曹公子手僂
174 22 Kangxi radical 39 曹公子手僂
175 22 pellet; something small and hard 曹公子手僂
176 22 master 曹公子手僂
177 22 viscount 曹公子手僂
178 22 zi you; your honor 曹公子手僂
179 22 masters 曹公子手僂
180 22 person 曹公子手僂
181 22 young 曹公子手僂
182 22 seed 曹公子手僂
183 22 subordinate; subsidiary 曹公子手僂
184 22 a copper coin 曹公子手僂
185 22 female dragonfly 曹公子手僂
186 22 constituent 曹公子手僂
187 22 offspring; descendants 曹公子手僂
188 22 dear 曹公子手僂
189 22 little one 曹公子手僂
190 20 chūn spring 元年春
191 20 chūn spring 元年春
192 20 chūn vitality 元年春
193 20 chūn romance 元年春
194 20 chūn spring colors; joyful colors 元年春
195 20 chūn the east 元年春
196 20 chūn a kind of alcoholic beverage 元年春
197 20 chūn of springtime 元年春
198 20 成公 chénggōng Lord Cheng 成公元年
199 20 xià summer
200 20 xià Xia
201 20 xià Xia Dynasty
202 20 jiǎ a historic form of punishment with a whip
203 20 xià great; grand; big
204 20 xià China
205 20 xià the five colors
206 20 xià a tall building
207 19 dōng winter
208 19 chǔ state of Chu 楚師
209 19 chǔ Chu 楚師
210 19 chǔ distinct; clear; orderly 楚師
211 19 chǔ painful 楚師
212 19 chǔ dazzling; sparkling 楚師
213 19 chǔ a cane 楚師
214 19 chǔ Hubei and Hunan 楚師
215 19 chǔ horsewhip 楚師
216 19 chǔ to beat a prisoner; to torture 楚師
217 19 使 shǐ to make; to cause 齊使禿者御禿者
218 19 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 齊使禿者御禿者
219 19 使 shǐ to indulge 齊使禿者御禿者
220 19 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 齊使禿者御禿者
221 19 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 齊使禿者御禿者
222 19 使 shǐ to dispatch 齊使禿者御禿者
223 19 使 shǐ to use 齊使禿者御禿者
224 19 使 shǐ to be able to 齊使禿者御禿者
225 19 zhì Kangxi radical 133 公至自伐鄭
226 19 zhì to arrive 公至自伐鄭
227 19 wéi to act as; to serve 為也
228 19 wéi to change into; to become 為也
229 19 wéi to be; is 為也
230 19 wéi to do 為也
231 19 wèi to support; to help 為也
232 19 wéi to govern 為也
233 19 to die 宋公鮑卒
234 19 a soldier 宋公鮑卒
235 19 a servant; forced labor 宋公鮑卒
236 19 to end 宋公鮑卒
237 19 a deployment of five soldiers 宋公鮑卒
238 19 méng an oath; a pledge 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
239 19 méng to swear 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
240 19 méng an alliance; a union 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
241 19 méng a league 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
242 19 qiū fall; autumn
243 19 qiū year
244 19 qiū a time
245 19 qiū Qiu
246 19 qiū old and feeble
247 18 yán to speak; to say; said 此未終時而言無冰
248 18 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 此未終時而言無冰
249 18 yán Kangxi radical 149 此未終時而言無冰
250 18 yán phrase; sentence 此未終時而言無冰
251 18 yán a word; a syllable 此未終時而言無冰
252 18 yán a theory; a doctrine 此未終時而言無冰
253 18 yán to regard as 此未終時而言無冰
254 18 yán to act as 此未終時而言無冰
255 18 shuài handsome; graceful; smart 衛孫良夫帥師
256 18 shuài commander in chief 衛孫良夫帥師
257 18 shuài to command; to lead 衛孫良夫帥師
258 18 shuài Shuai 衛孫良夫帥師
259 18 shuài to follow; to comply with 衛孫良夫帥師
260 18 shuài beautiful 衛孫良夫帥師
261 17 zàng to bury the dead 葬我君宣公
262 17 day of the month; a certain day 移日不解
263 17 Kangxi radical 72 移日不解
264 17 a day 移日不解
265 17 Japan 移日不解
266 17 sun 移日不解
267 17 daytime 移日不解
268 17 sunlight 移日不解
269 17 everyday 移日不解
270 17 season 移日不解
271 17 available time 移日不解
272 17 in the past 移日不解
273 17 mi 移日不解
274 17 cáo Cao 曹無大夫
275 17 cáo a companion 曹無大夫
276 17 cáo a government department; a government office 曹無大夫
277 17 cáo a a party to a law suit 曹無大夫
278 17 cáo Cao 曹無大夫
279 17 shí ten 十有一月
280 17 shí Kangxi radical 24 十有一月
281 17 shí tenth 十有一月
282 17 shí complete; perfect 十有一月
283 16 Kangxi radical 71 無冰
284 16 to not have; without 無冰
285 16 mo 無冰
286 16 to not have 無冰
287 16 Wu 無冰
288 16 to carry on the shoulder 何也
289 16 what 何也
290 16 He 何也
291 15 zhū Zhu 邾人
292 15 zhū Zhu 邾人
293 14 jūn sovereign; monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler 葬我君宣公
294 14 jūn a mistress 葬我君宣公
295 14 jūn date-plum 葬我君宣公
296 14 jūn the son of heaven 葬我君宣公
297 14 jūn to rule 葬我君宣公
298 12 an opening 晉郤克眇
299 12 Xi 晉郤克眇
300 12 fēi Kangxi radical 175 非正也
301 12 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 非正也
302 12 fēi different 非正也
303 12 fēi to not be; to not have 非正也
304 12 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 非正也
305 12 fēi Africa 非正也
306 12 fēi to slander 非正也
307 12 fěi to avoid 非正也
308 12 fēi must 非正也
309 12 fēi an error 非正也
310 12 fēi a problem; a question 非正也
311 12 fēi evil 非正也
312 12 father 季孫行父禿
313 12 Kangxi radical 88 季孫行父禿
314 12 a male of an older generation 季孫行父禿
315 12 a polite form of address for an older male 季孫行父禿
316 12 worker 季孫行父禿
317 12 大夫 dàifu doctor 曹無大夫
318 12 大夫 dàfū second level minister 曹無大夫
319 12 大夫 dàfū an expert 曹無大夫
320 12 大夫 dàfū Dafu 曹無大夫
321 12 guī to go back; to return 嫁曰歸
322 12 guī to belong to; to be classified as 嫁曰歸
323 12 guī to take refuge in; to rely on; to depend on 嫁曰歸
324 12 guī used between a repeated verb to indicate contrast 嫁曰歸
325 12 guī to revert to; to give back to 嫁曰歸
326 12 guī (of a woman) to get married 嫁曰歸
327 12 guī to assemble; to meet together; to converge 嫁曰歸
328 12 guī to appreciate; to admire 嫁曰歸
329 12 guī to divide with a single digit divisor 嫁曰歸
330 12 guī to pledge allegiance to 嫁曰歸
331 12 guī to withdraw 嫁曰歸
332 12 guī to settle down 嫁曰歸
333 12 guī Gui 嫁曰歸
334 12 kuì to give; to sacrifice food 嫁曰歸
335 12 kuì ashamed 嫁曰歸
336 12 公會 gōnghuì guild 公會楚公子嬰齊于蜀
337 12 a man; a male adult 夫甲
338 12 husband 夫甲
339 12 a person 夫甲
340 12 someone who does manual work 夫甲
341 12 a hired worker 夫甲
342 12 words; speech; expression; phrase; dialog 加之寒之辭也
343 12 to resign 加之寒之辭也
344 12 to dismiss; to fire 加之寒之辭也
345 12 rhetoric 加之寒之辭也
346 12 to say goodbye; to take leave 加之寒之辭也
347 12 ci genre poetry 加之寒之辭也
348 12 to avoid; to decline 加之寒之辭也
349 12 cause for gossip; reason for condemnation 加之寒之辭也
350 12 to tell; to inform 加之寒之辭也
351 12 to blame; to criticize 加之寒之辭也
352 12 qīn to invade; to encroach upon; to raid 侵車東至海
353 12 qīn to approach 侵車東至海
354 12 qīn to be intimate with; to be close to 侵車東至海
355 11 soil; ground; land 一戰綿地五百里
356 11 floor 一戰綿地五百里
357 11 the earth 一戰綿地五百里
358 11 fields 一戰綿地五百里
359 11 a place 一戰綿地五百里
360 11 a situation; a position 一戰綿地五百里
361 11 background 一戰綿地五百里
362 11 terrain 一戰綿地五百里
363 11 a territory; a region 一戰綿地五百里
364 11 used after a distance measure 一戰綿地五百里
365 11 coming from the same clan 一戰綿地五百里
366 11 qiáo a lodge 叔孫僑如
367 11 qiáo tall 叔孫僑如
368 11 qiáo an emigrant 叔孫僑如
369 11 qiáo to sojourn; to live abroad 叔孫僑如
370 11 to reach 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
371 11 to attain 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
372 11 to understand 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
373 11 able to be compared to; to catch up with 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
374 11 to be involved with; to associate with 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
375 11 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
376 11 公子 gōngzǐ son of an official; son of nobility; prince 其曰公子
377 11 公子 gōngzǐ your son (honorific) 其曰公子
378 10 to allow; to permit 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
379 10 a place 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
380 10 to promise 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
381 10 to betroth 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
382 10 an approximate quantity 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
383 10 to praise 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
384 10 Xu [state] 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
385 10 Xu 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
386 10 to give 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
387 10 to believe 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
388 10 oh 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
389 10 yīng baby; infant 公孫嬰齊帥師
390 10 yīng a necklace 公孫嬰齊帥師
391 10 yīng to surround; to encircle 公孫嬰齊帥師
392 10 yīng to suffer 公孫嬰齊帥師
393 10 yīng to wear 公孫嬰齊帥師
394 10 yīng to offend 公孫嬰齊帥師
395 10 guó a country; a nation 國之事也
396 10 guó the capital of a state 國之事也
397 10 guó a feud; a vassal state 國之事也
398 10 guó a state; a kingdom 國之事也
399 10 guó a place; a land 國之事也
400 10 guó domestic; Chinese 國之事也
401 10 guó national 國之事也
402 10 guó top in the nation 國之事也
403 10 guó Guo 國之事也
404 10 zūn to honor; to respect 尊尊親親之義也
405 10 zūn a zun; an ancient wine vessel 尊尊親親之義也
406 10 zūn a wine cup 尊尊親親之義也
407 10 zūn respected; honorable; noble; senior 尊尊親親之義也
408 10 zūn supreme; high 尊尊親親之義也
409 10 zūn grave; solemn; dignified 尊尊親親之義也
410 10 zhàn war; fighting; battle 不言戰
411 10 zhàn to fight 不言戰
412 10 zhàn to shiver; to shudder; to tremble 不言戰
413 10 zhàn Zhan 不言戰
414 10 zhàn to debate; to dispute 不言戰
415 10 sān three 請三
416 10 sān third 請三
417 10 sān more than two 請三
418 10 sān very few 請三
419 10 sān San 請三
420 9 叔孫 shūsūn Shusun 叔孫僑如
421 9 二月 èryuè February; the Second Month 二月辛酉
422 9 王正月 wáng zhēngyuè Royal First Month 王正月
423 9 zhèng upright; straight 非正也
424 9 zhèng to straighten; to correct 非正也
425 9 zhèng main; central; primary 非正也
426 9 zhèng fundamental; original 非正也
427 9 zhèng precise; exact; accurate 非正也
428 9 zhèng at right angles 非正也
429 9 zhèng unbiased; impartial 非正也
430 9 zhèng true; correct; orthodox 非正也
431 9 zhèng unmixed; pure 非正也
432 9 zhèng positive (charge) 非正也
433 9 zhèng positive (number) 非正也
434 9 zhèng standard 非正也
435 9 zhèng chief; principal; primary 非正也
436 9 zhèng honest 非正也
437 9 zhèng to execute; to carry out 非正也
438 9 zhèng accepted; conventional 非正也
439 9 zhèng to govern 非正也
440 9 zhēng first month 非正也
441 9 zhēng center of a target 非正也
442 9 jiāo suburbs; outskirts; area surrounding the city 鼷鼠食郊牛角
443 9 jiāo Jiao 鼷鼠食郊牛角
444 9 jiāo open space; wasteland 鼷鼠食郊牛角
445 9 jiāo pasture; meadows 鼷鼠食郊牛角
446 9 jiāo the five viscera 鼷鼠食郊牛角
447 9 jiāo ceremony for sacrifice to heaven and earth 鼷鼠食郊牛角
448 9 pìn to engage; to hire 同時而聘於齊
449 9 pìn to betroth 同時而聘於齊
450 9 pìn to communicate 同時而聘於齊
451 9 pìng to get married 同時而聘於齊
452 9 taro 莒子
453 9 herb 莒子
454 9 a consort; a concubine 杞叔姬來歸
455 9 wife 杞叔姬來歸
456 9 a woman; a beauty 杞叔姬來歸
457 9 a female entertainer 杞叔姬來歸
458 9 Ji 杞叔姬來歸
459 8 bēng to rupture; to split apart 梁山崩
460 8 bēng to collapse 梁山崩
461 8 bēng to be hit by something; to have a sudden onset; to go to ruin 梁山崩
462 8 bēng metrorrhagia; intermenstrual bleeding 梁山崩
463 8 bēng to die [of an emperor] 梁山崩
464 8 bēng to destroy 梁山崩
465 8 wolfberry tree 杞伯來朝
466 8 purple willow 杞伯來朝
467 8 Qi 杞伯來朝
468 8 Qi 杞伯來朝
469 8 to give 然後與子盟
470 8 to accompany 然後與子盟
471 8 to particate in 然後與子盟
472 8 of the same kind 然後與子盟
473 8 to help 然後與子盟
474 8 for 然後與子盟
475 8 self 葬我君宣公
476 8 [my] dear 葬我君宣公
477 8 Wo 葬我君宣公
478 8 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 終時無冰則志
479 8 a grade; a level 終時無冰則志
480 8 an example; a model 終時無冰則志
481 8 a weighing device 終時無冰則志
482 8 to grade; to rank 終時無冰則志
483 8 to copy; to imitate; to follow 終時無冰則志
484 8 to do 終時無冰則志
485 8 bài to defeat; to vanquish 敵不諱敗
486 8 bài to decline 敵不諱敗
487 8 bài to fail 敵不諱敗
488 8 bài to rot; to spoil; to tarnish 敵不諱敗
489 8 bài to lose; to be defeated 敵不諱敗
490 8 bài to ruin; to damage 敵不諱敗
491 8 bài worn 敵不諱敗
492 8 bài a defeat 敵不諱敗
493 8 bài failure 敵不諱敗
494 8 bài to destroy; to wreck 敵不諱敗
495 8 bài to dispel; to eliminate; to remove 敵不諱敗
496 8 bài withered 敵不諱敗
497 8 zhì to send; to devote; to deliver; to convey 季孫行父如宋致女
498 8 zhì delicate; fine; detailed [investigation] 季孫行父如宋致女
499 8 zhì to cause; to lead to 季孫行父如宋致女
500 8 zhì dense 季孫行父如宋致女

Frequencies of all Words

Top 838

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 144 also; too 何也
2 144 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 何也
3 144 either 何也
4 144 even 何也
5 144 used to soften the tone 何也
6 144 used for emphasis 何也
7 144 used to mark contrast 何也
8 144 used to mark compromise 何也
9 97 zhī him; her; them; that 加之寒之辭也
10 97 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 加之寒之辭也
11 97 zhī to go 加之寒之辭也
12 97 zhī this; that 加之寒之辭也
13 97 zhī genetive marker 加之寒之辭也
14 97 zhī it 加之寒之辭也
15 97 zhī in; in regards to 加之寒之辭也
16 97 zhī all 加之寒之辭也
17 97 zhī and 加之寒之辭也
18 97 zhī however 加之寒之辭也
19 97 zhī if 加之寒之辭也
20 97 zhī then 加之寒之辭也
21 97 zhī to arrive; to go 加之寒之辭也
22 97 zhī is 加之寒之辭也
23 97 zhī to use 加之寒之辭也
24 97 zhī Zhi 加之寒之辭也
25 97 zhī winding 加之寒之辭也
26 68 jìn shanxi 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
27 68 jìn jin [dynasty] 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
28 68 jìn to move forward; to promote; to advance 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
29 68 jìn to raise 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
30 68 jìn Jin [state] 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
31 68 jìn Jin 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
32 61 hóu marquis; lord 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
33 61 hóu a target in archery 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
34 60 gōng public; common; state-owned 公即位
35 60 gōng official 公即位
36 60 gōng male 公即位
37 60 gōng duke; lord 公即位
38 60 gōng fair; equitable 公即位
39 60 gōng Mr.; mister 公即位
40 60 gōng father-in-law 公即位
41 60 gōng form of address; your honor 公即位
42 60 gōng accepted; mutual 公即位
43 60 gōng metric 公即位
44 60 gōng to release to the public 公即位
45 60 gōng the common good 公即位
46 60 gōng to divide equally 公即位
47 60 gōng Gong 公即位
48 60 gōng publicly; openly 公即位
49 60 gōng publicly operated; state run 公即位
50 46 father's elder brother; uncle 曹伯伐鄭
51 46 senior; respectful form of address 曹伯伐鄭
52 46 Count 曹伯伐鄭
53 46 older brother 曹伯伐鄭
54 46 a hegemon 曹伯伐鄭
55 46 his; hers; its; theirs 其戰也
56 46 to add emphasis 其戰也
57 46 used when asking a question in reply to a question 其戰也
58 46 used when making a request or giving an order 其戰也
59 46 he; her; it; them 其戰也
60 46 probably; likely 其戰也
61 46 will 其戰也
62 46 may 其戰也
63 46 if 其戰也
64 46 or 其戰也
65 46 Qi 其戰也
66 45 even; equal; uniform 同時而聘於齊
67 45 Kangxi radical 210 同時而聘於齊
68 45 Qi Dynasty 同時而聘於齊
69 45 State of Qi 同時而聘於齊
70 45 to arrange 同時而聘於齊
71 45 altogether; simultaneously 同時而聘於齊
72 45 agile; nimble 同時而聘於齊
73 45 navel 同時而聘於齊
74 45 to rise; to ascend 同時而聘於齊
75 45 chopped meat or vegetables 同時而聘於齊
76 45 to blend ingredients 同時而聘於齊
77 45 to delimit; to distinguish 同時而聘於齊
78 45 the lower part of a garment 同時而聘於齊
79 45 broomcorn millet 同時而聘於齊
80 45 zhāi to fast 同時而聘於齊
81 45 to level with 同時而聘於齊
82 45 all present; all ready 同時而聘於齊
83 45 Qi 同時而聘於齊
84 45 alike; similar; identical; same 同時而聘於齊
85 45 an alloy 同時而聘於齊
86 43 zhèng [state of] Zheng 鄭師侵衛
87 43 zhèng Zheng 鄭師侵衛
88 43 zhèng frequently; repeatedly 鄭師侵衛
89 43 zhèng catiously; solemnly 鄭師侵衛
90 43 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 為親者諱
91 43 zhě that 為親者諱
92 43 zhě nominalizing function word 為親者諱
93 43 zhě used to mark a definition 為親者諱
94 43 zhě used to mark a pause 為親者諱
95 43 zhě topic marker; that; it 為親者諱
96 43 zhuó according to 為親者諱
97 39 not; no 不言戰
98 39 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 不言戰
99 39 as a correlative 不言戰
100 39 no (answering a question) 不言戰
101 39 forms a negative adjective from a noun 不言戰
102 39 at the end of a sentence to form a question 不言戰
103 39 to form a yes or no question 不言戰
104 39 infix potential marker 不言戰
105 38 rén person; people; a human being 非人人之所能為也
106 38 rén Kangxi radical 9 非人人之所能為也
107 38 rén a kind of person 非人人之所能為也
108 38 rén everybody 非人人之所能為也
109 38 rén adult 非人人之所能為也
110 38 rén somebody; others 非人人之所能為也
111 38 rén an upright person 非人人之所能為也
112 38 yǒu is; are; to exist 農工皆有職以事上
113 38 yǒu to have; to possess 農工皆有職以事上
114 38 yǒu indicates an estimate 農工皆有職以事上
115 38 yǒu indicates a large quantity 農工皆有職以事上
116 38 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 農工皆有職以事上
117 38 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 農工皆有職以事上
118 38 yǒu used to compare two things 農工皆有職以事上
119 38 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 農工皆有職以事上
120 38 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 農工皆有職以事上
121 38 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 農工皆有職以事上
122 38 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 農工皆有職以事上
123 38 yǒu abundant 農工皆有職以事上
124 38 yǒu purposeful 農工皆有職以事上
125 38 yǒu You 農工皆有職以事上
126 35 sòng Song dynasty 宋公鮑卒
127 35 sòng Song 宋公鮑卒
128 35 sòng Liu Song Dynasty 宋公鮑卒
129 35 wèi to guard; to protect; to defend 衛孫良夫跛
130 35 wèi a guard 衛孫良夫跛
131 35 wèi feathering in arrows 衛孫良夫跛
132 35 wèi a border area; a defended area 衛孫良夫跛
133 35 wèi donkey 衛孫良夫跛
134 35 wèi Wei 衛孫良夫跛
135 35 wèi Wei 衛孫良夫跛
136 35 yuē to speak; to say
137 35 yuē Kangxi radical 73
138 35 yuē to be called
139 35 yuē particle without meaning
140 34 nián year 成公二年
141 34 nián New Year festival 成公二年
142 34 nián age 成公二年
143 34 nián life span; life expectancy 成公二年
144 34 nián an era; a period 成公二年
145 34 nián a date 成公二年
146 34 nián time; years 成公二年
147 34 nián harvest 成公二年
148 34 nián annual; every year 成公二年
149 33 in; at 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
150 33 in; at 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
151 33 in; at; to; from 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
152 33 to go; to 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
153 33 to rely on; to depend on 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
154 33 to go to; to arrive at 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
155 33 from 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
156 33 give 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
157 33 oppposing 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
158 33 and 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
159 33 compared to 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
160 33 by 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
161 33 and; as well as 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
162 33 for 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
163 33 Yu 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
164 33 a crow 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
165 33 whew; wow 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
166 32 shī teacher 王師敗績于貿戎
167 32 shī multitude 王師敗績于貿戎
168 32 shī a host; a leader 王師敗績于貿戎
169 32 shī an expert 王師敗績于貿戎
170 32 shī an example; a model 王師敗績于貿戎
171 32 shī master 王師敗績于貿戎
172 32 shī a capital city; a well protected place 王師敗績于貿戎
173 32 shī Shi 王師敗績于貿戎
174 32 shī to imitate 王師敗績于貿戎
175 32 shī troops 王師敗績于貿戎
176 32 shī shi 王師敗績于貿戎
177 32 shī an army division 王師敗績于貿戎
178 32 shī the 7th hexagram 王師敗績于貿戎
179 32 shī a lion 王師敗績于貿戎
180 31 such as; for example; for instance 叔孫僑如
181 31 if 叔孫僑如
182 31 in accordance with 叔孫僑如
183 31 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 叔孫僑如
184 31 this 叔孫僑如
185 31 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 叔孫僑如
186 31 to go to 叔孫僑如
187 31 to meet 叔孫僑如
188 31 to appear; to seem; to be like 叔孫僑如
189 31 at least as good as 叔孫僑如
190 31 and 叔孫僑如
191 31 or 叔孫僑如
192 31 but 叔孫僑如
193 31 then 叔孫僑如
194 31 naturally 叔孫僑如
195 31 expresses a question or doubt 叔孫僑如
196 31 you 叔孫僑如
197 31 the second lunar month 叔孫僑如
198 31 in; at 叔孫僑如
199 31 Ru 叔孫僑如
200 30 to cut down 齊侯伐我北鄙
201 30 to attack 齊侯伐我北鄙
202 30 to boast 齊侯伐我北鄙
203 30 to cut out 齊侯伐我北鄙
204 30 a feat; a contribution; an achievement 齊侯伐我北鄙
205 30 a matchmaker 齊侯伐我北鄙
206 30 so as to; in order to 農工皆有職以事上
207 30 to use; to regard as 農工皆有職以事上
208 30 to use; to grasp 農工皆有職以事上
209 30 according to 農工皆有職以事上
210 30 because of 農工皆有職以事上
211 30 on a certain date 農工皆有職以事上
212 30 and; as well as 農工皆有職以事上
213 30 to rely on 農工皆有職以事上
214 30 to regard 農工皆有職以事上
215 30 to be able to 農工皆有職以事上
216 30 to order; to command 農工皆有職以事上
217 30 further; moreover 農工皆有職以事上
218 30 used after a verb 農工皆有職以事上
219 30 very 農工皆有職以事上
220 30 already 農工皆有職以事上
221 30 increasingly 農工皆有職以事上
222 30 a reason; a cause 農工皆有職以事上
223 30 Israel 農工皆有職以事上
224 30 Yi 農工皆有職以事上
225 24 huì can; be able to 會晉郤克
226 24 huì able to 會晉郤克
227 24 huì a meeting; a conference; an assembly 會晉郤克
228 24 kuài to balance an account 會晉郤克
229 24 huì to assemble 會晉郤克
230 24 huì to meet 會晉郤克
231 24 huì a temple fair 會晉郤克
232 24 huì a religious assembly 會晉郤克
233 24 huì an association; a society 會晉郤克
234 24 huì a national or provincial capital 會晉郤克
235 24 huì an opportunity 會晉郤克
236 24 huì to understand 會晉郤克
237 24 huì to be familiar with; to know 會晉郤克
238 24 huì to be possible; to be likely 會晉郤克
239 24 huì to be good at 會晉郤克
240 24 huì a moment 會晉郤克
241 24 huì to happen to 會晉郤克
242 24 huì to pay 會晉郤克
243 24 huì a meeting place 會晉郤克
244 24 kuài the seam of a cap 會晉郤克
245 24 huì in accordance with 會晉郤克
246 24 huì imperial civil service examination 會晉郤克
247 24 huì to have sexual intercourse 會晉郤克
248 24 huì Hui 會晉郤克
249 24 lái to come 以紀侯之甗來
250 24 lái indicates an approximate quantity 以紀侯之甗來
251 24 lái please 以紀侯之甗來
252 24 lái used to substitute for another verb 以紀侯之甗來
253 24 lái used between two word groups to express purpose and effect 以紀侯之甗來
254 24 lái ever since 以紀侯之甗來
255 24 lái wheat 以紀侯之甗來
256 24 lái next; future 以紀侯之甗來
257 24 lái a simple complement of direction 以紀侯之甗來
258 24 lái to occur; to arise 以紀侯之甗來
259 24 lái to earn 以紀侯之甗來
260 24 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 同時而聘於齊
261 24 ér Kangxi radical 126 同時而聘於齊
262 24 ér you 同時而聘於齊
263 24 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 同時而聘於齊
264 24 ér right away; then 同時而聘於齊
265 24 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 同時而聘於齊
266 24 ér if; in case; in the event that 同時而聘於齊
267 24 ér therefore; as a result; thus 同時而聘於齊
268 24 ér how can it be that? 同時而聘於齊
269 24 ér so as to 同時而聘於齊
270 24 ér only then 同時而聘於齊
271 24 ér as if; to seem like 同時而聘於齊
272 24 néng can; able 同時而聘於齊
273 24 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 同時而聘於齊
274 24 ér me 同時而聘於齊
275 24 ér to arrive; up to 同時而聘於齊
276 24 ér possessive 同時而聘於齊
277 23 sūn Sun 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
278 23 sūn grandchildren 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
279 23 sūn offspring [of plants] 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
280 23 sūn small 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
281 23 xùn humble 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
282 23 xùn to flee 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
283 22 naturally; of course; certainly 公至自伐鄭
284 22 from; since 公至自伐鄭
285 22 self; oneself; itself 公至自伐鄭
286 22 Kangxi radical 132 公至自伐鄭
287 22 Zi 公至自伐鄭
288 22 a nose 公至自伐鄭
289 22 the beginning; the start 公至自伐鄭
290 22 origin 公至自伐鄭
291 22 originally 公至自伐鄭
292 22 still; to remain 公至自伐鄭
293 22 in person; personally 公至自伐鄭
294 22 in addition; besides 公至自伐鄭
295 22 if; even if 公至自伐鄭
296 22 but 公至自伐鄭
297 22 because 公至自伐鄭
298 22 to employ; to use 公至自伐鄭
299 22 to be 公至自伐鄭
300 22 child; son 曹公子手僂
301 22 egg; newborn 曹公子手僂
302 22 first earthly branch 曹公子手僂
303 22 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 曹公子手僂
304 22 Kangxi radical 39 曹公子手僂
305 22 zi indicates that the the word is used as a noun 曹公子手僂
306 22 pellet; something small and hard 曹公子手僂
307 22 master 曹公子手僂
308 22 viscount 曹公子手僂
309 22 zi you; your honor 曹公子手僂
310 22 masters 曹公子手僂
311 22 person 曹公子手僂
312 22 young 曹公子手僂
313 22 seed 曹公子手僂
314 22 subordinate; subsidiary 曹公子手僂
315 22 a copper coin 曹公子手僂
316 22 bundle 曹公子手僂
317 22 female dragonfly 曹公子手僂
318 22 constituent 曹公子手僂
319 22 offspring; descendants 曹公子手僂
320 22 dear 曹公子手僂
321 22 little one 曹公子手僂
322 20 chūn spring 元年春
323 20 chūn spring 元年春
324 20 chūn vitality 元年春
325 20 chūn romance 元年春
326 20 chūn spring colors; joyful colors 元年春
327 20 chūn the east 元年春
328 20 chūn a kind of alcoholic beverage 元年春
329 20 chūn of springtime 元年春
330 20 成公 chénggōng Lord Cheng 成公元年
331 20 xià summer
332 20 xià Xia
333 20 xià Xia Dynasty
334 20 jiǎ a historic form of punishment with a whip
335 20 xià great; grand; big
336 20 xià China
337 20 xià the five colors
338 20 xià a tall building
339 19 dōng winter
340 19 chǔ state of Chu 楚師
341 19 chǔ Chu 楚師
342 19 chǔ distinct; clear; orderly 楚師
343 19 chǔ painful 楚師
344 19 chǔ dazzling; sparkling 楚師
345 19 chǔ a cane 楚師
346 19 chǔ Hubei and Hunan 楚師
347 19 chǔ horsewhip 楚師
348 19 chǔ to beat a prisoner; to torture 楚師
349 19 使 shǐ to make; to cause 齊使禿者御禿者
350 19 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 齊使禿者御禿者
351 19 使 shǐ to indulge 齊使禿者御禿者
352 19 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 齊使禿者御禿者
353 19 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 齊使禿者御禿者
354 19 使 shǐ to dispatch 齊使禿者御禿者
355 19 使 shǐ if 齊使禿者御禿者
356 19 使 shǐ to use 齊使禿者御禿者
357 19 使 shǐ to be able to 齊使禿者御禿者
358 19 zhì to; until 公至自伐鄭
359 19 zhì Kangxi radical 133 公至自伐鄭
360 19 zhì extremely; very; most 公至自伐鄭
361 19 zhì to arrive 公至自伐鄭
362 19 wèi for; to 為也
363 19 wèi because of 為也
364 19 wéi to act as; to serve 為也
365 19 wéi to change into; to become 為也
366 19 wéi to be; is 為也
367 19 wéi to do 為也
368 19 wèi for 為也
369 19 wèi because of; for; to 為也
370 19 wèi to 為也
371 19 wéi in a passive construction 為也
372 19 wéi forming a rehetorical question 為也
373 19 wéi forming an adverb 為也
374 19 wéi to add emphasis 為也
375 19 wèi to support; to help 為也
376 19 wéi to govern 為也
377 19 to die 宋公鮑卒
378 19 a soldier 宋公鮑卒
379 19 abruptly; hurriedly 宋公鮑卒
380 19 a servant; forced labor 宋公鮑卒
381 19 to end 宋公鮑卒
382 19 at last; finally 宋公鮑卒
383 19 a deployment of five soldiers 宋公鮑卒
384 19 méng an oath; a pledge 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
385 19 méng to swear 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
386 19 méng an alliance; a union 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
387 19 méng a league 臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘
388 19 qiū fall; autumn
389 19 qiū year
390 19 qiū a time
391 19 qiū Qiu
392 19 qiū old and feeble
393 18 yán to speak; to say; said 此未終時而言無冰
394 18 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 此未終時而言無冰
395 18 yán Kangxi radical 149 此未終時而言無冰
396 18 yán a particle with no meaning 此未終時而言無冰
397 18 yán phrase; sentence 此未終時而言無冰
398 18 yán a word; a syllable 此未終時而言無冰
399 18 yán a theory; a doctrine 此未終時而言無冰
400 18 yán to regard as 此未終時而言無冰
401 18 yán to act as 此未終時而言無冰
402 18 shuài handsome; graceful; smart 衛孫良夫帥師
403 18 shuài commander in chief 衛孫良夫帥師
404 18 shuài to command; to lead 衛孫良夫帥師
405 18 shuài Shuai 衛孫良夫帥師
406 18 shuài to follow; to comply with 衛孫良夫帥師
407 18 shuài beautiful 衛孫良夫帥師
408 17 zàng to bury the dead 葬我君宣公
409 17 day of the month; a certain day 移日不解
410 17 Kangxi radical 72 移日不解
411 17 a day 移日不解
412 17 Japan 移日不解
413 17 sun 移日不解
414 17 daytime 移日不解
415 17 sunlight 移日不解
416 17 everyday 移日不解
417 17 season 移日不解
418 17 available time 移日不解
419 17 a day 移日不解
420 17 in the past 移日不解
421 17 mi 移日不解
422 17 cáo Cao 曹無大夫
423 17 cáo a company; a class; a generation 曹無大夫
424 17 cáo a companion 曹無大夫
425 17 cáo a government department; a government office 曹無大夫
426 17 cáo a a party to a law suit 曹無大夫
427 17 cáo Cao 曹無大夫
428 17 cáo together; simultaneously 曹無大夫
429 17 shí ten 十有一月
430 17 shí Kangxi radical 24 十有一月
431 17 shí tenth 十有一月
432 17 shí complete; perfect 十有一月
433 16 no 無冰
434 16 Kangxi radical 71 無冰
435 16 to not have; without 無冰
436 16 has not yet 無冰
437 16 mo 無冰
438 16 do not 無冰
439 16 not; -less; un- 無冰
440 16 regardless of 無冰
441 16 to not have 無冰
442 16 um 無冰
443 16 Wu 無冰
444 16 what; where; which 何也
445 16 to carry on the shoulder 何也
446 16 who 何也
447 16 what 何也
448 16 why 何也
449 16 how 何也
450 16 how much 何也
451 16 He 何也
452 15 zhū Zhu 邾人
453 15 zhū Zhu 邾人
454 14 jūn sovereign; monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler 葬我君宣公
455 14 jūn you 葬我君宣公
456 14 jūn a mistress 葬我君宣公
457 14 jūn date-plum 葬我君宣公
458 14 jūn the son of heaven 葬我君宣公
459 14 jūn to rule 葬我君宣公
460 12 final particle to express a completed action 終無冰矣
461 12 particle to express certainty 終無冰矣
462 12 would; particle to indicate a future condition 終無冰矣
463 12 to form a question 終無冰矣
464 12 to indicate a command 終無冰矣
465 12 sigh 終無冰矣
466 12 an opening 晉郤克眇
467 12 Xi 晉郤克眇
468 12 fēi not; non-; un- 非正也
469 12 fēi Kangxi radical 175 非正也
470 12 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 非正也
471 12 fēi different 非正也
472 12 fēi to not be; to not have 非正也
473 12 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 非正也
474 12 fēi Africa 非正也
475 12 fēi to slander 非正也
476 12 fěi to avoid 非正也
477 12 fēi must 非正也
478 12 fēi an error 非正也
479 12 fēi a problem; a question 非正也
480 12 fēi evil 非正也
481 12 fēi besides; except; unless 非正也
482 12 father 季孫行父禿
483 12 Kangxi radical 88 季孫行父禿
484 12 a male of an older generation 季孫行父禿
485 12 a polite form of address for an older male 季孫行父禿
486 12 worker 季孫行父禿
487 12 大夫 dàifu doctor 曹無大夫
488 12 大夫 dàfū second level minister 曹無大夫
489 12 大夫 dàfū an expert 曹無大夫
490 12 大夫 dàfū Dafu 曹無大夫
491 12 guī to go back; to return 嫁曰歸
492 12 guī to belong to; to be classified as 嫁曰歸
493 12 guī to take refuge in; to rely on; to depend on 嫁曰歸
494 12 guī used between a repeated verb to indicate contrast 嫁曰歸
495 12 guī to revert to; to give back to 嫁曰歸
496 12 guī (of a woman) to get married 嫁曰歸
497 12 guī to assemble; to meet together; to converge 嫁曰歸
498 12 guī to appreciate; to admire 嫁曰歸
499 12 guī to divide with a single digit divisor 嫁曰歸
500 12 guī to pledge allegiance to 嫁曰歸

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
八月 98 August; the Eighth Month
曹公 99 Duke Cao; Cao Cao
成公 99 Lord Cheng
  1. Di peoples
  2. Di
定公 100 Lord Ding
东至 東至 100 Dongzhi
二月 195 February; the Second Month
103 7th heavenly stem
庚申 103 Gengshen year; fifty seventh year G9 of the 60 year cycle
公使 103 minister; diplomat performing ambassadorial role in Qing times, before regular diplomatic relations
公孙 公孫 103 Gongsun
  1. Korea; South Korea
  2. State of Han
  3. fence; low wall
  4. Han
甲午 106 thirty-first year A7 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1954 or 2014
  1. shanxi
  2. jin [dynasty]
  3. to move forward; to promote; to advance
  4. to raise
  5. Jin [state]
  6. Jin
九月 106 September; the Ninth Month
孔子 107 Confucius
梁山 108
  1. Yangsan
  2. Liangshan
六月 108 June; the Sixth Month
  1. Shandong
  2. Lu
  3. foolish; stupid; rash; vulgar
  4. the State of Lu
彭城 112 Pengcheng; City of Peng
  1. type of rush; a vine
  2. Pu
  3. Pu
  1. Shaanxi
  2. Qin Dynasty
  3. State of Qin
  4. Qin
七月 113 July; the Seventh Month
士燮 115 Shi Xie
十一月 115 November; the Eleventh Month
十月 115 October; the Tenth Month
  1. Sichuan
  2. Shu Kingdom
叔孙 叔孫 115 Shusun
四月 115 April; the Fourth Month
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
116 Tan
  1. Teng
  2. Teng
天子 116 the rightful Emperor; the Son of Heaven
王正月 119 Royal First Month
119 Wen River
文公 119 Lord Wen of Lu
  1. Wu
  2. Jiangsu
  3. Wu
  4. Wu dialect
  5. Eastern Wu
  6. to speak loudly
五月 119 May; the Fifth Month
襄公 120 Lord Xiang
辛亥 120 Xin Hai year
宣公 120 Xuangong; Lord Wen
  1. Xue
  2. Xue
  1. Xun
  2. Xun [state]
  3. a kind of plant
鄢陵 121 Yanling
雍门 雍門 121 Yong Men
121 Yun
  1. Zhao
  2. Zhao Dynasty
  3. State of Zhao
  4. to rush
  5. to visit
  6. Zhao
  7. to dig
赵括 趙括 122 Zhao Kuo
周公 122 Duke Zhou
  1. Zhu
  2. Zhu


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English