Glossary and Vocabulary for Tao Yuanming Collected Poems 陶淵明集, 卷之二 詩 Scroll 2: Lyric Poetry

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 24 Kangxi radical 71 奚覺無一人
2 24 to not have; without 奚覺無一人
3 24 mo 奚覺無一人
4 24 to not have 奚覺無一人
5 24 Wu 奚覺無一人
6 17 to go back; to return 獨復不如茲
7 17 to resume; to restart 獨復不如茲
8 17 to do in detail 獨復不如茲
9 17 to restore 獨復不如茲
10 17 to respond; to reply to 獨復不如茲
11 17 Fu; Return 獨復不如茲
12 17 to retaliate; to reciprocate 獨復不如茲
13 17 to avoid forced labor or tax 獨復不如茲
14 17 Fu 獨復不如茲
15 17 doubled; to overlapping; folded 獨復不如茲
16 17 a lined garment with doubled thickness 獨復不如茲
17 16 self 我無騰化術
18 16 [my] dear 我無騰化術
19 16 Wo 我無騰化術
20 14 infix potential marker 天地長不沒
21 14 yán to speak; to say; said 言神辨自然以釋之
22 14 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 言神辨自然以釋之
23 14 yán Kangxi radical 149 言神辨自然以釋之
24 14 yán phrase; sentence 言神辨自然以釋之
25 14 yán a word; a syllable 言神辨自然以釋之
26 14 yán a theory; a doctrine 言神辨自然以釋之
27 14 yán to regard as 言神辨自然以釋之
28 14 yán to act as 言神辨自然以釋之
29 14 zhōng middle 適見在世中
30 14 zhōng medium; medium sized 適見在世中
31 14 zhōng China 適見在世中
32 14 zhòng to hit the mark 適見在世中
33 14 zhōng midday 適見在世中
34 14 zhōng inside 適見在世中
35 14 zhōng during 適見在世中
36 14 zhōng Zhong 適見在世中
37 14 zhōng intermediary 適見在世中
38 14 zhōng half 適見在世中
39 14 zhòng to reach; to attain 適見在世中
40 14 zhòng to suffer; to infect 適見在世中
41 14 zhòng to obtain 適見在世中
42 14 zhòng to pass an exam 適見在世中
43 12 yóu to swim 誠願遊昆華
44 12 yóu to play; to frolic; to romp; to roam 誠願遊昆華
45 12 yóu to tour 誠願遊昆華
46 12 yóu to make friends with; to associate with 誠願遊昆華
47 12 yóu to walk 誠願遊昆華
48 12 yóu to seek knowledge; to study 誠願遊昆華
49 12 yóu to take an official post 誠願遊昆華
50 12 yóu to persuade; to convince; to manipulate 誠願遊昆華
51 12 yóu to drift 誠願遊昆華
52 12 yóu to roam 誠願遊昆華
53 12 lái to come 與子相遇來
54 12 lái please 與子相遇來
55 12 lái used to substitute for another verb 與子相遇來
56 12 lái used between two word groups to express purpose and effect 與子相遇來
57 12 lái wheat 與子相遇來
58 12 lái next; future 與子相遇來
59 12 lái a simple complement of direction 與子相遇來
60 12 lái to occur; to arise 與子相遇來
61 12 lái to earn 與子相遇來
62 11 Kangxi radical 49 桑麻日已長
63 11 to bring to an end; to stop 桑麻日已長
64 11 to complete 桑麻日已長
65 11 to demote; to dismiss 桑麻日已長
66 11 to recover from an illness 桑麻日已長
67 11 to go 正宜委運去
68 11 to remove; to wipe off; to eliminate 正宜委運去
69 11 to be distant 正宜委運去
70 11 to leave 正宜委運去
71 11 to play a part 正宜委運去
72 11 to abandon; to give up 正宜委運去
73 11 to die 正宜委運去
74 11 previous; past 正宜委運去
75 11 to send out; to issue; to drive away 正宜委運去
76 11 falling tone 正宜委運去
77 11 to lose 正宜委運去
78 11 Qu 正宜委運去
79 11 wéi to act as; to serve 誰當為汝譽
80 11 wéi to change into; to become 誰當為汝譽
81 11 wéi to be; is 誰當為汝譽
82 11 wéi to do 誰當為汝譽
83 11 wèi to support; to help 誰當為汝譽
84 11 wéi to govern 誰當為汝譽
85 10 rén person; people; a human being 謂人最靈智
86 10 rén Kangxi radical 9 謂人最靈智
87 10 rén a kind of person 謂人最靈智
88 10 rén everybody 謂人最靈智
89 10 rén adult 謂人最靈智
90 10 rén somebody; others 謂人最靈智
91 10 rén an upright person 謂人最靈智
92 10 to carry on the shoulder 道路邈何因
93 10 what 道路邈何因
94 10 He 道路邈何因
95 9 qíng feeling; emotion; mood 舉目情淒洏
96 9 qíng passion; affection 舉目情淒洏
97 9 qíng friendship; kindness 舉目情淒洏
98 9 qíng face; honor 舉目情淒洏
99 9 qíng condition; state; situation 舉目情淒洏
100 9 qíng relating to male-female relations 舉目情淒洏
101 9 rán to approve; to endorse 緬然睇曾丘
102 9 rán to burn 緬然睇曾丘
103 9 rán to pledge; to promise 緬然睇曾丘
104 9 rán Ran 緬然睇曾丘
105 9 zhī to go 故极陈形影之苦
106 9 zhī to arrive; to go 故极陈形影之苦
107 9 zhī is 故极陈形影之苦
108 9 zhī to use 故极陈形影之苦
109 9 zhī Zhi 故极陈形影之苦
110 9 zhī winding 故极陈形影之苦
111 9 fēi Kangxi radical 175 將非促齡具
112 9 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 將非促齡具
113 9 fēi different 將非促齡具
114 9 fēi to not be; to not have 將非促齡具
115 9 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 將非促齡具
116 9 fēi Africa 將非促齡具
117 9 fēi to slander 將非促齡具
118 9 fěi to avoid 將非促齡具
119 9 fēi must 將非促齡具
120 9 fēi an error 將非促齡具
121 9 fēi a problem; a question 將非促齡具
122 9 fēi evil 將非促齡具
123 9 zài in; at 今復在何處
124 9 zài to exist; to be living 今復在何處
125 9 zài to consist of 今復在何處
126 9 zài to be at a post 今復在何處
127 9 alone; independent; single; sole 獨復不如茲
128 9 an elderly person without children 獨復不如茲
129 9 intolerant 獨復不如茲
130 9 doucs; douc langurs 獨復不如茲
131 8 suǒ a few; various; some 立善常所欣
132 8 suǒ a place; a location 立善常所欣
133 8 suǒ indicates a passive voice 立善常所欣
134 8 suǒ an ordinal number 立善常所欣
135 8 suǒ meaning 立善常所欣
136 8 suǒ garrison 立善常所欣
137 8 liáng good; virtuous; respectable 余襟良已殫
138 8 liáng moderate 余襟良已殫
139 8 liáng wise and capable 余襟良已殫
140 8 liáng natural; innate 余襟良已殫
141 8 liáng a virtuous person 余襟良已殫
142 8 liáng Liang 余襟良已殫
143 8 xián a fence; a barrier 九日閑居
144 8 xián to defend 九日閑居
145 8 xián a stable 九日閑居
146 8 xián a standard; a regulation 九日閑居
147 8 xián to be well-versed in 九日閑居
148 8 Qi 舉俗愛其名
149 8 niàn to read aloud 念之五情熱
150 8 niàn to remember; to expect 念之五情熱
151 8 niàn to miss 念之五情熱
152 8 niàn to consider 念之五情熱
153 8 niàn to recite; to chant 念之五情熱
154 8 niàn to show affection for 念之五情熱
155 8 niàn a thought; an idea 念之五情熱
156 8 niàn twenty 念之五情熱
157 8 niàn memory 念之五情熱
158 8 niàn an instant 念之五情熱
159 8 niàn Nian 念之五情熱
160 8 jiǔ wine; liquor; spirits; alcoholic beverage 得酒莫茍辭
161 8 jiǔ banquet 得酒莫茍辭
162 8 bēi sadness; sorrow; grief 未嘗異悲悅
163 8 bēi grieved; to be sorrowful 未嘗異悲悅
164 8 bēi to think fondly of 未嘗異悲悅
165 8 bēi to pity; to mercy; to have compassion for 未嘗異悲悅
166 8 bēi to sigh 未嘗異悲悅
167 7 shí time; a point or period of time 黯爾俱時滅
168 7 shí a season; a quarter of a year 黯爾俱時滅
169 7 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 黯爾俱時滅
170 7 shí fashionable 黯爾俱時滅
171 7 shí fate; destiny; luck 黯爾俱時滅
172 7 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 黯爾俱時滅
173 7 shí tense 黯爾俱時滅
174 7 shí particular; special 黯爾俱時滅
175 7 shí to plant; to cultivate 黯爾俱時滅
176 7 shí an era; a dynasty 黯爾俱時滅
177 7 shí time [abstract] 黯爾俱時滅
178 7 shí seasonal 黯爾俱時滅
179 7 shí to wait upon 黯爾俱時滅
180 7 shí hour 黯爾俱時滅
181 7 shí appropriate; proper; timely 黯爾俱時滅
182 7 shí Shi 黯爾俱時滅
183 7 shí a present; currentlt 黯爾俱時滅
184 7 jiàng a general; a high ranking officer 將非促齡具
185 7 jiāng to progress; to transmit; to convey; to send 將非促齡具
186 7 jiàng to command; to lead 將非促齡具
187 7 qiāng to request 將非促齡具
188 7 jiāng to bring; to take; to use; to hold 將非促齡具
189 7 jiāng to support; to wait upon; to take care of 將非促齡具
190 7 jiāng to checkmate 將非促齡具
191 7 jiāng to goad; to incite; to provoke 將非促齡具
192 7 jiāng to do; to handle 將非促齡具
193 7 jiàng backbone 將非促齡具
194 7 jiàng king 將非促齡具
195 7 jiāng to rest 將非促齡具
196 7 jiàng a senior member of an organization 將非促齡具
197 7 jiāng large; great 將非促齡具
198 7 nán south 開荒南野際
199 7 nán nan 開荒南野際
200 7 nán southern part 開荒南野際
201 7 nán southward 開荒南野際
202 7 day of the month; a certain day 日醉或能忘
203 7 Kangxi radical 72 日醉或能忘
204 7 a day 日醉或能忘
205 7 Japan 日醉或能忘
206 7 sun 日醉或能忘
207 7 daytime 日醉或能忘
208 7 sunlight 日醉或能忘
209 7 everyday 日醉或能忘
210 7 season 日醉或能忘
211 7 available time 日醉或能忘
212 7 in the past 日醉或能忘
213 7 mi 日醉或能忘
214 7 zhì Kangxi radical 133 日月依辰至
215 7 zhì to arrive 日月依辰至
216 7 kǎi music for a triumphant return of troops 親識豈相思
217 7 kǎi harmonious; happy 親識豈相思
218 7 shēng to be born; to give birth 莫不營營以惜生
219 7 shēng to live 莫不營營以惜生
220 7 shēng raw 莫不營營以惜生
221 7 shēng a student 莫不營營以惜生
222 7 shēng life 莫不營營以惜生
223 7 shēng to produce; to give rise 莫不營營以惜生
224 7 shēng alive 莫不營營以惜生
225 7 shēng a lifetime 莫不營營以惜生
226 7 shēng to initiate; to become 莫不營營以惜生
227 7 shēng to grow 莫不營營以惜生
228 7 shēng unfamiliar 莫不營營以惜生
229 7 shēng not experienced 莫不營營以惜生
230 7 shēng hard; stiff; strong 莫不營營以惜生
231 7 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 莫不營營以惜生
232 7 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 莫不營營以惜生
233 7 shēng gender 莫不營營以惜生
234 7 shēng to develop; to grow 莫不營營以惜生
235 7 shēng to set up 莫不營營以惜生
236 7 shēng a prostitute 莫不營營以惜生
237 7 shēng a captive 莫不營營以惜生
238 7 shēng a gentleman 莫不營營以惜生
239 7 shēng Kangxi radical 100 莫不營營以惜生
240 7 shēng unripe 莫不營營以惜生
241 7 shēng nature 莫不營營以惜生
242 7 shēng to inherit; to succeed 莫不營營以惜生
243 7 shēng destiny 莫不營營以惜生
244 7 qīng clear; clean 山澗清且淺
245 7 qīng Qing Dynasty 山澗清且淺
246 7 qìng peaceful 山澗清且淺
247 7 qìng transparent 山澗清且淺
248 7 qìng upper six notes 山澗清且淺
249 7 qìng distinctive 山澗清且淺
250 7 qìng lofty and unsullied; honest 山澗清且淺
251 7 qìng elegant; graceful 山澗清且淺
252 7 qìng to eliminate; to clean 山澗清且淺
253 7 qìng to tidy up 山澗清且淺
254 7 qìng to pay the bill; to settle accounts 山澗清且淺
255 7 qìng to check a total; to recalculate 山澗清且淺
256 7 qìng blood serum 山澗清且淺
257 7 qìng Qing 山澗清且淺
258 7 guī to go back; to return 歸園田居
259 7 guī to belong to; to be classified as 歸園田居
260 7 guī to take refuge in; to rely on; to depend on 歸園田居
261 7 guī used between a repeated verb to indicate contrast 歸園田居
262 7 guī to revert to; to give back to 歸園田居
263 7 guī (of a woman) to get married 歸園田居
264 7 guī to assemble; to meet together; to converge 歸園田居
265 7 guī to appreciate; to admire 歸園田居
266 7 guī to divide with a single digit divisor 歸園田居
267 7 guī to pledge allegiance to 歸園田居
268 7 guī to withdraw 歸園田居
269 7 guī to settle down 歸園田居
270 7 guī Gui 歸園田居
271 7 kuì to give; to sacrifice food 歸園田居
272 7 kuì ashamed 歸園田居
273 7 nián year 一去三十年
274 7 nián New Year festival 一去三十年
275 7 nián age 一去三十年
276 7 nián life span; life expectancy 一去三十年
277 7 nián an era; a period 一去三十年
278 7 nián a date 一去三十年
279 7 nián time; years 一去三十年
280 7 nián harvest 一去三十年
281 7 nián annual; every year 一去三十年
282 7 huái bosom; breast 念之動中懷
283 7 huái to carry in bosom 念之動中懷
284 7 huái to miss; to think of 念之動中懷
285 7 huái to cherish 念之動中懷
286 7 huái to be pregnant 念之動中懷
287 7 huái to keep in mind; to be concerned for 念之動中懷
288 7 huái inner heart; mind; feelings 念之動中懷
289 7 huái to embrace 念之動中懷
290 7 huái to encircle; to surround 念之動中懷
291 7 huái to comfort 念之動中懷
292 7 huái to incline to; to be attracted to 念之動中懷
293 7 huái to think of a plan 念之動中懷
294 7 huái Huai 念之動中懷
295 7 huái to be patient with; to tolerate 念之動中懷
296 7 huái aspiration; intention 念之動中懷
297 7 to join together; together with; to accompany 氣和天惟澄
298 7 peace; harmony 氣和天惟澄
299 7 He 氣和天惟澄
300 7 harmonious [sound] 氣和天惟澄
301 7 gentle; amiable; acquiescent 氣和天惟澄
302 7 warm 氣和天惟澄
303 7 to harmonize; to make peace 氣和天惟澄
304 7 a transaction 氣和天惟澄
305 7 a bell on a chariot 氣和天惟澄
306 7 a musical instrument 氣和天惟澄
307 7 a military gate 氣和天惟澄
308 7 a coffin headboard 氣和天惟澄
309 7 a skilled worker 氣和天惟澄
310 7 compatible 氣和天惟澄
311 7 calm; peaceful 氣和天惟澄
312 7 to sing in accompaniment 氣和天惟澄
313 7 to write a matching poem 氣和天惟澄
314 7 one 奚覺無一人
315 7 Kangxi radical 1 奚覺無一人
316 7 pure; concentrated 奚覺無一人
317 7 first 奚覺無一人
318 7 the same 奚覺無一人
319 7 sole; single 奚覺無一人
320 7 a very small amount 奚覺無一人
321 7 Yi 奚覺無一人
322 7 other 奚覺無一人
323 7 to unify 奚覺無一人
324 7 accidentally; coincidentally 奚覺無一人
325 7 abruptly; suddenly 奚覺無一人
326 7 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 無復獨多慮
327 7 duó many; much 無復獨多慮
328 7 duō more 無復獨多慮
329 7 duō excessive 無復獨多慮
330 7 duō abundant 無復獨多慮
331 7 duō to multiply; to acrue 無復獨多慮
332 7 duō Duo 無復獨多慮
333 6 jiǔ nine 九日閑居
334 6 jiǔ many 九日閑居
335 6 ruò weak 弱湍馳文魴
336 6 ruò little; young 弱湍馳文魴
337 6 ruò to die 弱湍馳文魴
338 6 ruò to decrease 弱湍馳文魴
339 6 ruò almost 弱湍馳文魴
340 6 ruò Ruo [river] 弱湍馳文魴
341 6 ruò to fail 弱湍馳文魴
342 6 ruò fragile; delicate 弱湍馳文魴
343 6 shì matter; thing; item 未知明日事
344 6 shì to serve 未知明日事
345 6 shì a government post 未知明日事
346 6 shì duty; post; work 未知明日事
347 6 shì occupation 未知明日事
348 6 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 未知明日事
349 6 shì an accident 未知明日事
350 6 shì to attend 未知明日事
351 6 shì an allusion 未知明日事
352 6 shì a condition; a state; a situation 未知明日事
353 6 shì to engage in 未知明日事
354 6 shì to enslave 未知明日事
355 6 shì to pursue 未知明日事
356 6 shì to administer 未知明日事
357 6 shì to appoint 未知明日事
358 6 to give 與子相遇來
359 6 to accompany 與子相遇來
360 6 to particate in 與子相遇來
361 6 of the same kind 與子相遇來
362 6 to help 與子相遇來
363 6 for 與子相遇來
364 6 Kangxi radical 132 胡為不自竭
365 6 Zi 胡為不自竭
366 6 a nose 胡為不自竭
367 6 the beginning; the start 胡為不自竭
368 6 origin 胡為不自竭
369 6 to employ; to use 胡為不自竭
370 6 to be 胡為不自竭
371 6 evening; night 夕露沾我衣
372 6 dusk; sunset 夕露沾我衣
373 6 Kangxi radical 36 夕露沾我衣
374 6 the final days of the month or year 夕露沾我衣
375 6 to pay respects each evening 夕露沾我衣
376 6 to face towards the west 夕露沾我衣
377 6 towards the side 夕露沾我衣
378 6 tiān day 已復至天旭
379 6 tiān heaven 已復至天旭
380 6 tiān nature 已復至天旭
381 6 tiān sky 已復至天旭
382 6 tiān weather 已復至天旭
383 6 tiān father; husband 已復至天旭
384 6 tiān a necessity 已復至天旭
385 6 tiān season 已復至天旭
386 6 tiān destiny 已復至天旭
387 6 tiān very high; sky high [prices] 已復至天旭
388 6 residence; dwelling 九日閑居
389 6 to be at a position 九日閑居
390 6 to live; to dwell; to reside 九日閑居
391 6 to stay put 九日閑居
392 6 to claim; to assert 九日閑居
393 6 to store up; to accumulate 九日閑居
394 6 to sit down 九日閑居
395 6 to possess 九日閑居
396 6 to hold in storage; to retain; to harbor 九日閑居
397 6 Ju 九日閑居
398 6 jīn today; present; now 今復在何處
399 6 jīn Jin 今復在何處
400 6 jīn modern 今復在何處
401 6 yún cloud 雲鶴有奇翼
402 6 yún Yunnan 雲鶴有奇翼
403 6 yún Yun 雲鶴有奇翼
404 6 yún to say 雲鶴有奇翼
405 6 yún to have 雲鶴有奇翼
406 6 intensely cold; frigid 舉目情淒洏
407 6 sad; lamentable; mournful 舉目情淒洏
408 6 desolate 舉目情淒洏
409 6 intense; acute 舉目情淒洏
410 6 dismal [weather] 舉目情淒洏
411 6 jìn to the greatest extent; utmost 身沒名亦盡
412 6 jìn perfect; flawless 身沒名亦盡
413 6 jìn to give priority to; to do one's utmost 身沒名亦盡
414 6 jìn to vanish 身沒名亦盡
415 6 jìn to use up; to exhaust; to end; to finish; to the utmost; to be finished 身沒名亦盡
416 6 jìn to die 身沒名亦盡
417 6 wàng to forget 忘彼千載憂
418 6 wàng to ignore; neglect 忘彼千載憂
419 6 wàng to abandon 忘彼千載憂
420 6 time; year 獨復不如茲
421 6 a straw mat 獨復不如茲
422 6 Zi 獨復不如茲
423 6 to proliferate 獨復不如茲
424 6 to use; to grasp 莫不營營以惜生
425 6 to rely on 莫不營營以惜生
426 6 to regard 莫不營營以惜生
427 6 to be able to 莫不營營以惜生
428 6 to order; to command 莫不營營以惜生
429 6 used after a verb 莫不營營以惜生
430 6 a reason; a cause 莫不營營以惜生
431 6 Israel 莫不營營以惜生
432 6 Yi 莫不營營以惜生
433 5 cháng Chang 此同既難常
434 5 cháng common; general; ordinary 此同既難常
435 5 cháng a principle; a rule 此同既難常
436 5 shān a mountain; a hill; a peak 久去山澤遊
437 5 shān Shan 久去山澤遊
438 5 shān Kangxi radical 46 久去山澤遊
439 5 shān a mountain-like shape 久去山澤遊
440 5 shān a gable 久去山澤遊
441 5 yùn to move; to transport 正宜委運去
442 5 yùn fortune; luck; fate 正宜委運去
443 5 yùn to rotate; to turn 正宜委運去
444 5 yùn turning of the universe 正宜委運去
445 5 yùn to advance 正宜委運去
446 5 yùn to use; to apply 正宜委運去
447 5 yùn north-south distance 正宜委運去
448 5 yùn to wave; to brandish 正宜委運去
449 5 yùn games; competition 正宜委運去
450 5 yùn Yun 正宜委運去
451 5 huán to go back; to turn around; to return 悵恨獨策還
452 5 huán to pay back; to give back 悵恨獨策還
453 5 huán to do in return 悵恨獨策還
454 5 huán Huan 悵恨獨策還
455 5 huán to revert 悵恨獨策還
456 5 huán to turn one's head; to look back 悵恨獨策還
457 5 huán to encircle 悵恨獨策還
458 5 xuán to rotate 悵恨獨策還
459 5 huán since 悵恨獨策還
460 5 pond; pool; marsh; swamp 久去山澤遊
461 5 grace; favor 久去山澤遊
462 5 brilliant; glossy 久去山澤遊
463 5 to dampen; moisten 久去山澤遊
464 5 to be fertile; to enrich 久去山澤遊
465 5 to be embellish [of writing] 久去山澤遊
466 5 sweat; saliva 久去山澤遊
467 5 grassland; open land 久去山澤遊
468 5 traces; vestiages 久去山澤遊
469 5 undershirt 久去山澤遊
470 5 farmland contaminated with salt 久去山澤遊
471 5 Ze 久去山澤遊
472 5 to rub against 久去山澤遊
473 5 Yi 身沒名亦盡
474 5 jiǔ old 斯人樂久生
475 5 jiǔ age 斯人樂久生
476 5 jiǔ to remain 斯人樂久生
477 5 xià bottom 負屙頹檐下
478 5 xià to fall; to drop; to go down; to descend 負屙頹檐下
479 5 xià to announce 負屙頹檐下
480 5 xià to do 負屙頹檐下
481 5 xià to withdraw; to leave; to exit 負屙頹檐下
482 5 xià the lower class; a member of the lower class 負屙頹檐下
483 5 xià inside 負屙頹檐下
484 5 xià an aspect 負屙頹檐下
485 5 xià a certain time 負屙頹檐下
486 5 xià to capture; to take 負屙頹檐下
487 5 xià to put in 負屙頹檐下
488 5 xià to enter 負屙頹檐下
489 5 xià to eliminate; to remove; to get off 負屙頹檐下
490 5 xià to finish work or school 負屙頹檐下
491 5 xià to go 負屙頹檐下
492 5 xià to scorn; to look down on 負屙頹檐下
493 5 xià to modestly decline 負屙頹檐下
494 5 xià to produce 負屙頹檐下
495 5 xià to stay at; to lodge at 負屙頹檐下
496 5 xià to decide 負屙頹檐下
497 5 xià to be less than 負屙頹檐下
498 5 xià humble; lowly 負屙頹檐下
499 5 happy; glad; cheerful; joyful 斯人樂久生
500 5 to take joy in; to be happy; to be cheerful 斯人樂久生

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1141

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 24 no 奚覺無一人
2 24 Kangxi radical 71 奚覺無一人
3 24 to not have; without 奚覺無一人
4 24 has not yet 奚覺無一人
5 24 mo 奚覺無一人
6 24 do not 奚覺無一人
7 24 not; -less; un- 奚覺無一人
8 24 regardless of 奚覺無一人
9 24 to not have 奚覺無一人
10 24 um 奚覺無一人
11 24 Wu 奚覺無一人
12 17 again; more; repeatedly 獨復不如茲
13 17 to go back; to return 獨復不如茲
14 17 to resume; to restart 獨復不如茲
15 17 to do in detail 獨復不如茲
16 17 to restore 獨復不如茲
17 17 to respond; to reply to 獨復不如茲
18 17 after all; and then 獨復不如茲
19 17 even if; although 獨復不如茲
20 17 Fu; Return 獨復不如茲
21 17 to retaliate; to reciprocate 獨復不如茲
22 17 to avoid forced labor or tax 獨復不如茲
23 17 particle without meaing 獨復不如茲
24 17 Fu 獨復不如茲
25 17 repeated; again 獨復不如茲
26 17 doubled; to overlapping; folded 獨復不如茲
27 17 a lined garment with doubled thickness 獨復不如茲
28 16 I; me; my 我無騰化術
29 16 self 我無騰化術
30 16 we; our 我無騰化術
31 16 [my] dear 我無騰化術
32 16 Wo 我無騰化術
33 14 not; no 天地長不沒
34 14 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 天地長不沒
35 14 as a correlative 天地長不沒
36 14 no (answering a question) 天地長不沒
37 14 forms a negative adjective from a noun 天地長不沒
38 14 at the end of a sentence to form a question 天地長不沒
39 14 to form a yes or no question 天地長不沒
40 14 infix potential marker 天地長不沒
41 14 yán to speak; to say; said 言神辨自然以釋之
42 14 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 言神辨自然以釋之
43 14 yán Kangxi radical 149 言神辨自然以釋之
44 14 yán a particle with no meaning 言神辨自然以釋之
45 14 yán phrase; sentence 言神辨自然以釋之
46 14 yán a word; a syllable 言神辨自然以釋之
47 14 yán a theory; a doctrine 言神辨自然以釋之
48 14 yán to regard as 言神辨自然以釋之
49 14 yán to act as 言神辨自然以釋之
50 14 zhōng middle 適見在世中
51 14 zhōng medium; medium sized 適見在世中
52 14 zhōng China 適見在世中
53 14 zhòng to hit the mark 適見在世中
54 14 zhōng in; amongst 適見在世中
55 14 zhōng midday 適見在世中
56 14 zhōng inside 適見在世中
57 14 zhōng during 適見在世中
58 14 zhōng Zhong 適見在世中
59 14 zhōng intermediary 適見在世中
60 14 zhōng half 適見在世中
61 14 zhōng just right; suitably 適見在世中
62 14 zhōng while 適見在世中
63 14 zhòng to reach; to attain 適見在世中
64 14 zhòng to suffer; to infect 適見在世中
65 14 zhòng to obtain 適見在世中
66 14 zhòng to pass an exam 適見在世中
67 12 yóu to swim 誠願遊昆華
68 12 yóu to play; to frolic; to romp; to roam 誠願遊昆華
69 12 yóu to tour 誠願遊昆華
70 12 yóu to make friends with; to associate with 誠願遊昆華
71 12 yóu to walk 誠願遊昆華
72 12 yóu to seek knowledge; to study 誠願遊昆華
73 12 yóu to take an official post 誠願遊昆華
74 12 yóu to persuade; to convince; to manipulate 誠願遊昆華
75 12 yóu to drift 誠願遊昆華
76 12 yóu to roam 誠願遊昆華
77 12 yǒu is; are; to exist 立善有遺愛
78 12 yǒu to have; to possess 立善有遺愛
79 12 yǒu indicates an estimate 立善有遺愛
80 12 yǒu indicates a large quantity 立善有遺愛
81 12 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 立善有遺愛
82 12 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 立善有遺愛
83 12 yǒu used to compare two things 立善有遺愛
84 12 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 立善有遺愛
85 12 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 立善有遺愛
86 12 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 立善有遺愛
87 12 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 立善有遺愛
88 12 yǒu abundant 立善有遺愛
89 12 yǒu purposeful 立善有遺愛
90 12 yǒu You 立善有遺愛
91 12 lái to come 與子相遇來
92 12 lái indicates an approximate quantity 與子相遇來
93 12 lái please 與子相遇來
94 12 lái used to substitute for another verb 與子相遇來
95 12 lái used between two word groups to express purpose and effect 與子相遇來
96 12 lái ever since 與子相遇來
97 12 lái wheat 與子相遇來
98 12 lái next; future 與子相遇來
99 12 lái a simple complement of direction 與子相遇來
100 12 lái to occur; to arise 與子相遇來
101 12 lái to earn 與子相遇來
102 11 already 桑麻日已長
103 11 Kangxi radical 49 桑麻日已長
104 11 from 桑麻日已長
105 11 to bring to an end; to stop 桑麻日已長
106 11 final aspectual particle 桑麻日已長
107 11 afterwards; thereafter 桑麻日已長
108 11 too; very; excessively 桑麻日已長
109 11 to complete 桑麻日已長
110 11 to demote; to dismiss 桑麻日已長
111 11 to recover from an illness 桑麻日已長
112 11 certainly 桑麻日已長
113 11 an interjection of surprise 桑麻日已長
114 11 this 桑麻日已長
115 11 to go 正宜委運去
116 11 to remove; to wipe off; to eliminate 正宜委運去
117 11 to be distant 正宜委運去
118 11 to leave 正宜委運去
119 11 to play a part 正宜委運去
120 11 to abandon; to give up 正宜委運去
121 11 to die 正宜委運去
122 11 previous; past 正宜委運去
123 11 to send out; to issue; to drive away 正宜委運去
124 11 expresses a tendency 正宜委運去
125 11 falling tone 正宜委運去
126 11 to lose 正宜委運去
127 11 Qu 正宜委運去
128 11 wèi for; to 誰當為汝譽
129 11 wèi because of 誰當為汝譽
130 11 wéi to act as; to serve 誰當為汝譽
131 11 wéi to change into; to become 誰當為汝譽
132 11 wéi to be; is 誰當為汝譽
133 11 wéi to do 誰當為汝譽
134 11 wèi for 誰當為汝譽
135 11 wèi because of; for; to 誰當為汝譽
136 11 wèi to 誰當為汝譽
137 11 wéi in a passive construction 誰當為汝譽
138 11 wéi forming a rehetorical question 誰當為汝譽
139 11 wéi forming an adverb 誰當為汝譽
140 11 wéi to add emphasis 誰當為汝譽
141 11 wèi to support; to help 誰當為汝譽
142 11 wéi to govern 誰當為汝譽
143 10 this; these 此同既難常
144 10 in this way 此同既難常
145 10 otherwise; but; however; so 此同既難常
146 10 at this time; now; here 此同既難常
147 10 rén person; people; a human being 謂人最靈智
148 10 rén Kangxi radical 9 謂人最靈智
149 10 rén a kind of person 謂人最靈智
150 10 rén everybody 謂人最靈智
151 10 rén adult 謂人最靈智
152 10 rén somebody; others 謂人最靈智
153 10 rén an upright person 謂人最靈智
154 10 what; where; which 道路邈何因
155 10 to carry on the shoulder 道路邈何因
156 10 who 道路邈何因
157 10 what 道路邈何因
158 10 why 道路邈何因
159 10 how 道路邈何因
160 10 how much 道路邈何因
161 10 He 道路邈何因
162 9 qíng feeling; emotion; mood 舉目情淒洏
163 9 qíng passion; affection 舉目情淒洏
164 9 qíng friendship; kindness 舉目情淒洏
165 9 qíng face; honor 舉目情淒洏
166 9 qíng condition; state; situation 舉目情淒洏
167 9 qíng relating to male-female relations 舉目情淒洏
168 9 qíng obviously; clearly 舉目情淒洏
169 9 rán correct; right; certainly 緬然睇曾丘
170 9 rán so; thus 緬然睇曾丘
171 9 rán to approve; to endorse 緬然睇曾丘
172 9 rán to burn 緬然睇曾丘
173 9 rán to pledge; to promise 緬然睇曾丘
174 9 rán but 緬然睇曾丘
175 9 rán although; even though 緬然睇曾丘
176 9 rán after; after that; afterwards 緬然睇曾丘
177 9 rán used after a verb 緬然睇曾丘
178 9 rán used at the end of a sentence 緬然睇曾丘
179 9 rán expresses doubt 緬然睇曾丘
180 9 rán ok; alright 緬然睇曾丘
181 9 rán Ran 緬然睇曾丘
182 9 zhī him; her; them; that 故极陈形影之苦
183 9 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 故极陈形影之苦
184 9 zhī to go 故极陈形影之苦
185 9 zhī this; that 故极陈形影之苦
186 9 zhī genetive marker 故极陈形影之苦
187 9 zhī it 故极陈形影之苦
188 9 zhī in; in regards to 故极陈形影之苦
189 9 zhī all 故极陈形影之苦
190 9 zhī and 故极陈形影之苦
191 9 zhī however 故极陈形影之苦
192 9 zhī if 故极陈形影之苦
193 9 zhī then 故极陈形影之苦
194 9 zhī to arrive; to go 故极陈形影之苦
195 9 zhī is 故极陈形影之苦
196 9 zhī to use 故极陈形影之苦
197 9 zhī Zhi 故极陈形影之苦
198 9 zhī winding 故极陈形影之苦
199 9 fēi not; non-; un- 將非促齡具
200 9 fēi Kangxi radical 175 將非促齡具
201 9 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 將非促齡具
202 9 fēi different 將非促齡具
203 9 fēi to not be; to not have 將非促齡具
204 9 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 將非促齡具
205 9 fēi Africa 將非促齡具
206 9 fēi to slander 將非促齡具
207 9 fěi to avoid 將非促齡具
208 9 fēi must 將非促齡具
209 9 fēi an error 將非促齡具
210 9 fēi a problem; a question 將非促齡具
211 9 fēi evil 將非促齡具
212 9 fēi besides; except; unless 將非促齡具
213 9 zài in; at 今復在何處
214 9 zài at 今復在何處
215 9 zài when; indicates that someone or something is in the process of doing something 今復在何處
216 9 zài to exist; to be living 今復在何處
217 9 zài to consist of 今復在何處
218 9 zài to be at a post 今復在何處
219 9 alone; independent; single; sole 獨復不如茲
220 9 to be independent 獨復不如茲
221 9 an elderly person without children 獨復不如茲
222 9 only 獨復不如茲
223 9 uniquely 獨復不如茲
224 9 intolerant 獨復不如茲
225 9 lonely 獨復不如茲
226 9 yet; still 獨復不如茲
227 9 especially 獨復不如茲
228 9 particle suggesting disbelief 獨復不如茲
229 9 doucs; douc langurs 獨復不如茲
230 8 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 立善常所欣
231 8 suǒ an office; an institute 立善常所欣
232 8 suǒ introduces a relative clause 立善常所欣
233 8 suǒ it 立善常所欣
234 8 suǒ if; supposing 立善常所欣
235 8 suǒ a few; various; some 立善常所欣
236 8 suǒ a place; a location 立善常所欣
237 8 suǒ indicates a passive voice 立善常所欣
238 8 suǒ that which 立善常所欣
239 8 suǒ an ordinal number 立善常所欣
240 8 suǒ meaning 立善常所欣
241 8 suǒ garrison 立善常所欣
242 8 liáng good; virtuous; respectable 余襟良已殫
243 8 liáng very 余襟良已殫
244 8 liáng moderate 余襟良已殫
245 8 liáng wise and capable 余襟良已殫
246 8 liáng natural; innate 余襟良已殫
247 8 liáng a virtuous person 余襟良已殫
248 8 liáng Liang 余襟良已殫
249 8 liáng really; surely 余襟良已殫
250 8 xián idle 九日閑居
251 8 xián a fence; a barrier 九日閑居
252 8 xián to defend 九日閑居
253 8 xián a stable 九日閑居
254 8 xián a standard; a regulation 九日閑居
255 8 xián to be well-versed in 九日閑居
256 8 his; hers; its; theirs 舉俗愛其名
257 8 to add emphasis 舉俗愛其名
258 8 used when asking a question in reply to a question 舉俗愛其名
259 8 used when making a request or giving an order 舉俗愛其名
260 8 he; her; it; them 舉俗愛其名
261 8 probably; likely 舉俗愛其名
262 8 will 舉俗愛其名
263 8 may 舉俗愛其名
264 8 if 舉俗愛其名
265 8 or 舉俗愛其名
266 8 Qi 舉俗愛其名
267 8 niàn to read aloud 念之五情熱
268 8 niàn to remember; to expect 念之五情熱
269 8 niàn to miss 念之五情熱
270 8 niàn to consider 念之五情熱
271 8 niàn to recite; to chant 念之五情熱
272 8 niàn to show affection for 念之五情熱
273 8 niàn a thought; an idea 念之五情熱
274 8 niàn twenty 念之五情熱
275 8 niàn memory 念之五情熱
276 8 niàn an instant 念之五情熱
277 8 niàn Nian 念之五情熱
278 8 jiǔ wine; liquor; spirits; alcoholic beverage 得酒莫茍辭
279 8 jiǔ banquet 得酒莫茍辭
280 8 bēi sadness; sorrow; grief 未嘗異悲悅
281 8 bēi grieved; to be sorrowful 未嘗異悲悅
282 8 bēi to think fondly of 未嘗異悲悅
283 8 bēi to pity; to mercy; to have compassion for 未嘗異悲悅
284 8 bēi to sigh 未嘗異悲悅
285 7 shí time; a point or period of time 黯爾俱時滅
286 7 shí a season; a quarter of a year 黯爾俱時滅
287 7 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 黯爾俱時滅
288 7 shí at that time 黯爾俱時滅
289 7 shí fashionable 黯爾俱時滅
290 7 shí fate; destiny; luck 黯爾俱時滅
291 7 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 黯爾俱時滅
292 7 shí tense 黯爾俱時滅
293 7 shí particular; special 黯爾俱時滅
294 7 shí to plant; to cultivate 黯爾俱時滅
295 7 shí hour (measure word) 黯爾俱時滅
296 7 shí an era; a dynasty 黯爾俱時滅
297 7 shí time [abstract] 黯爾俱時滅
298 7 shí seasonal 黯爾俱時滅
299 7 shí frequently; often 黯爾俱時滅
300 7 shí occasionally; sometimes 黯爾俱時滅
301 7 shí on time 黯爾俱時滅
302 7 shí this; that 黯爾俱時滅
303 7 shí to wait upon 黯爾俱時滅
304 7 shí hour 黯爾俱時滅
305 7 shí appropriate; proper; timely 黯爾俱時滅
306 7 shí Shi 黯爾俱時滅
307 7 shí a present; currentlt 黯爾俱時滅
308 7 jiāng will; shall (future tense) 將非促齡具
309 7 jiāng to get; to use; marker for direct-object 將非促齡具
310 7 jiàng a general; a high ranking officer 將非促齡具
311 7 jiāng to progress; to transmit; to convey; to send 將非促齡具
312 7 jiāng and; or 將非促齡具
313 7 jiàng to command; to lead 將非促齡具
314 7 qiāng to request 將非促齡具
315 7 jiāng approximately 將非促齡具
316 7 jiāng to bring; to take; to use; to hold 將非促齡具
317 7 jiāng to support; to wait upon; to take care of 將非促齡具
318 7 jiāng to checkmate 將非促齡具
319 7 jiāng to goad; to incite; to provoke 將非促齡具
320 7 jiāng to do; to handle 將非促齡具
321 7 jiāng placed between a verb and a complement of direction 將非促齡具
322 7 jiāng furthermore; moreover 將非促齡具
323 7 jiàng backbone 將非促齡具
324 7 jiàng king 將非促齡具
325 7 jiāng might; possibly 將非促齡具
326 7 jiāng just; a short time ago 將非促齡具
327 7 jiāng to rest 將非促齡具
328 7 jiāng to the side 將非促齡具
329 7 jiàng a senior member of an organization 將非促齡具
330 7 jiāng large; great 將非促齡具
331 7 nán south 開荒南野際
332 7 nán nan 開荒南野際
333 7 nán southern part 開荒南野際
334 7 nán southward 開荒南野際
335 7 day of the month; a certain day 日醉或能忘
336 7 Kangxi radical 72 日醉或能忘
337 7 a day 日醉或能忘
338 7 Japan 日醉或能忘
339 7 sun 日醉或能忘
340 7 daytime 日醉或能忘
341 7 sunlight 日醉或能忘
342 7 everyday 日醉或能忘
343 7 season 日醉或能忘
344 7 available time 日醉或能忘
345 7 a day 日醉或能忘
346 7 in the past 日醉或能忘
347 7 mi 日醉或能忘
348 7 zhì to; until 日月依辰至
349 7 zhì Kangxi radical 133 日月依辰至
350 7 zhì extremely; very; most 日月依辰至
351 7 zhì to arrive 日月依辰至
352 7 how can it be that; not surprisingly 親識豈相思
353 7 kǎi music for a triumphant return of troops 親識豈相思
354 7 kǎi harmonious; happy 親識豈相思
355 7 shēng to be born; to give birth 莫不營營以惜生
356 7 shēng to live 莫不營營以惜生
357 7 shēng raw 莫不營營以惜生
358 7 shēng a student 莫不營營以惜生
359 7 shēng life 莫不營營以惜生
360 7 shēng to produce; to give rise 莫不營營以惜生
361 7 shēng alive 莫不營營以惜生
362 7 shēng a lifetime 莫不營營以惜生
363 7 shēng to initiate; to become 莫不營營以惜生
364 7 shēng to grow 莫不營營以惜生
365 7 shēng unfamiliar 莫不營營以惜生
366 7 shēng not experienced 莫不營營以惜生
367 7 shēng hard; stiff; strong 莫不營營以惜生
368 7 shēng very; extremely 莫不營營以惜生
369 7 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 莫不營營以惜生
370 7 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 莫不營營以惜生
371 7 shēng gender 莫不營營以惜生
372 7 shēng to develop; to grow 莫不營營以惜生
373 7 shēng to set up 莫不營營以惜生
374 7 shēng a prostitute 莫不營營以惜生
375 7 shēng a captive 莫不營營以惜生
376 7 shēng a gentleman 莫不營營以惜生
377 7 shēng Kangxi radical 100 莫不營營以惜生
378 7 shēng unripe 莫不營營以惜生
379 7 shēng nature 莫不營營以惜生
380 7 shēng to inherit; to succeed 莫不營營以惜生
381 7 shēng destiny 莫不營營以惜生
382 7 qīng clear; clean 山澗清且淺
383 7 qīng Qing Dynasty 山澗清且淺
384 7 qìng peaceful 山澗清且淺
385 7 qìng transparent 山澗清且淺
386 7 qìng upper six notes 山澗清且淺
387 7 qìng distinctive 山澗清且淺
388 7 qìng lofty and unsullied; honest 山澗清且淺
389 7 qìng elegant; graceful 山澗清且淺
390 7 qìng purely 山澗清且淺
391 7 qìng completely gone; with nothing remaining 山澗清且淺
392 7 qìng clearly; obviously 山澗清且淺
393 7 qìng to eliminate; to clean 山澗清且淺
394 7 qìng to tidy up 山澗清且淺
395 7 qìng to pay the bill; to settle accounts 山澗清且淺
396 7 qìng to check a total; to recalculate 山澗清且淺
397 7 qìng blood serum 山澗清且淺
398 7 qìng Qing 山澗清且淺
399 7 guī to go back; to return 歸園田居
400 7 guī to belong to; to be classified as 歸園田居
401 7 guī to take refuge in; to rely on; to depend on 歸園田居
402 7 guī used between a repeated verb to indicate contrast 歸園田居
403 7 guī to revert to; to give back to 歸園田居
404 7 guī (of a woman) to get married 歸園田居
405 7 guī to assemble; to meet together; to converge 歸園田居
406 7 guī to appreciate; to admire 歸園田居
407 7 guī to divide with a single digit divisor 歸園田居
408 7 guī to pledge allegiance to 歸園田居
409 7 guī to withdraw 歸園田居
410 7 guī to settle down 歸園田居
411 7 guī Gui 歸園田居
412 7 kuì to give; to sacrifice food 歸園田居
413 7 kuì ashamed 歸園田居
414 7 nián year 一去三十年
415 7 nián New Year festival 一去三十年
416 7 nián age 一去三十年
417 7 nián life span; life expectancy 一去三十年
418 7 nián an era; a period 一去三十年
419 7 nián a date 一去三十年
420 7 nián time; years 一去三十年
421 7 nián harvest 一去三十年
422 7 nián annual; every year 一去三十年
423 7 huái bosom; breast 念之動中懷
424 7 huái to carry in bosom 念之動中懷
425 7 huái to miss; to think of 念之動中懷
426 7 huái to cherish 念之動中懷
427 7 huái to be pregnant 念之動中懷
428 7 huái to keep in mind; to be concerned for 念之動中懷
429 7 huái inner heart; mind; feelings 念之動中懷
430 7 huái to embrace 念之動中懷
431 7 huái to encircle; to surround 念之動中懷
432 7 huái to comfort 念之動中懷
433 7 huái to incline to; to be attracted to 念之動中懷
434 7 huái to think of a plan 念之動中懷
435 7 huái Huai 念之動中懷
436 7 huái to be patient with; to tolerate 念之動中懷
437 7 huái aspiration; intention 念之動中懷
438 7 and 氣和天惟澄
439 7 to join together; together with; to accompany 氣和天惟澄
440 7 peace; harmony 氣和天惟澄
441 7 He 氣和天惟澄
442 7 harmonious [sound] 氣和天惟澄
443 7 gentle; amiable; acquiescent 氣和天惟澄
444 7 warm 氣和天惟澄
445 7 to harmonize; to make peace 氣和天惟澄
446 7 a transaction 氣和天惟澄
447 7 a bell on a chariot 氣和天惟澄
448 7 a musical instrument 氣和天惟澄
449 7 a military gate 氣和天惟澄
450 7 a coffin headboard 氣和天惟澄
451 7 a skilled worker 氣和天惟澄
452 7 compatible 氣和天惟澄
453 7 calm; peaceful 氣和天惟澄
454 7 to sing in accompaniment 氣和天惟澄
455 7 to write a matching poem 氣和天惟澄
456 7 one 奚覺無一人
457 7 Kangxi radical 1 奚覺無一人
458 7 as soon as; all at once 奚覺無一人
459 7 pure; concentrated 奚覺無一人
460 7 whole; all 奚覺無一人
461 7 first 奚覺無一人
462 7 the same 奚覺無一人
463 7 each 奚覺無一人
464 7 certain 奚覺無一人
465 7 throughout 奚覺無一人
466 7 used in between a reduplicated verb 奚覺無一人
467 7 sole; single 奚覺無一人
468 7 a very small amount 奚覺無一人
469 7 Yi 奚覺無一人
470 7 other 奚覺無一人
471 7 to unify 奚覺無一人
472 7 accidentally; coincidentally 奚覺無一人
473 7 abruptly; suddenly 奚覺無一人
474 7 or 奚覺無一人
475 7 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 無復獨多慮
476 7 duó many; much 無復獨多慮
477 7 duō more 無復獨多慮
478 7 duō an unspecified extent 無復獨多慮
479 7 duō used in exclamations 無復獨多慮
480 7 duō excessive 無復獨多慮
481 7 duō to what extent 無復獨多慮
482 7 duō abundant 無復獨多慮
483 7 duō to multiply; to acrue 無復獨多慮
484 7 duō mostly 無復獨多慮
485 7 duō simply; merely 無復獨多慮
486 7 duō frequently 無復獨多慮
487 7 duō very 無復獨多慮
488 7 duō Duo 無復獨多慮
489 6 jiǔ nine 九日閑居
490 6 jiǔ many 九日閑居
491 6 ruò weak 弱湍馳文魴
492 6 ruò little; young 弱湍馳文魴
493 6 ruò to die 弱湍馳文魴
494 6 ruò to decrease 弱湍馳文魴
495 6 ruò almost 弱湍馳文魴
496 6 ruò Ruo [river] 弱湍馳文魴
497 6 ruò to fail 弱湍馳文魴
498 6 ruò fragile; delicate 弱湍馳文魴
499 6 shì matter; thing; item 未知明日事
500 6 shì to serve 未知明日事

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
  1. cypress; cedar
  2. Berlin
  3. Bai
北林 98 Beilin
春秋 99
  1. Spring and Autumn Period
  2. a person's age
  3. Chunqiu; Annals of Spring and Autumn
  4. spring and autumn
当归 當歸 100 Angelica sinensis
100 Deng
抚军 撫軍 102 Captain; Commander
  1. Korea; South Korea
  2. State of Han
  3. fence; low wall
  4. Han
晋安 晉安 106 Jin'an
林园 林園 108 Linyuan
刘柴桑 劉柴桑 108 Liu Chaisang
  1. Shaanxi
  2. Qin Dynasty
  3. State of Qin
  4. Qin
清朝 113 Qing Dynasty
  1. you; thou
  2. Ru River
  3. Ru
山下 115 Yamashita (Japanese surname)
  1. She people
  2. a cultivated field
  3. She people
五月 119 May; the Fifth Month
  1. what?; where?; why?
  2. a slave; a servant
  3. Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi
  4. Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi
  5. Xi
形影神 120 Substance, Shadow, and Spirit
西山 120 Western Hills
中都 122 Zhongdu; Dadu; Khanbaliq; Beijing
中夏 122 China
周三 週三 122 Wednesday
主簿 122 official Registrar; Master of Records


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English