Glossary and Vocabulary for Book of Wei 魏書, 卷34 王洛兒 車路頭 盧魯元 陳建 萬安國 Volume 34: Wang Luo Er, Che Lutou, Lu Luyuan, Chen Jian, Wan Anguo

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 39 zhī to go 太宗解衣以賜之
2 39 zhī to arrive; to go 太宗解衣以賜之
3 39 zhī is 太宗解衣以賜之
4 39 zhī to use 太宗解衣以賜之
5 39 zhī Zhi 太宗解衣以賜之
6 39 zhī winding 太宗解衣以賜之
7 28 wéi to act as; to serve 士處家必以孝敬為本
8 28 wéi to change into; to become 士處家必以孝敬為本
9 28 wéi to be; is 士處家必以孝敬為本
10 28 wéi to do 士處家必以孝敬為本
11 28 wèi to support; to help 士處家必以孝敬為本
12 28 wéi to govern 士處家必以孝敬為本
13 28 to use; to grasp 太宗解衣以賜之
14 28 to rely on 太宗解衣以賜之
15 28 to regard 太宗解衣以賜之
16 28 to be able to 太宗解衣以賜之
17 28 to order; to command 太宗解衣以賜之
18 28 used after a verb 太宗解衣以賜之
19 28 a reason; a cause 太宗解衣以賜之
20 28 Israel 太宗解衣以賜之
21 28 Yi 太宗解衣以賜之
22 21 wáng Wang 王洛兒
23 21 wáng a king 王洛兒
24 21 wáng Kangxi radical 96 王洛兒
25 21 wàng to be king; to rule 王洛兒
26 21 wáng a prince; a duke 王洛兒
27 21 wáng grand; great 王洛兒
28 21 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 王洛兒
29 21 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 王洛兒
30 21 wáng the head of a group or gang 王洛兒
31 21 wáng the biggest or best of a group 王洛兒
32 19 jué ancient bronze wine holder 其賜洛兒爵新息公
33 19 jué a feudal title or rank 其賜洛兒爵新息公
34 19 què a small bird 其賜洛兒爵新息公
35 19 jué to bestow a title 其賜洛兒爵新息公
36 18 child; son 無子
37 18 egg; newborn 無子
38 18 first earthly branch 無子
39 18 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 無子
40 18 Kangxi radical 39 無子
41 18 pellet; something small and hard 無子
42 18 master 無子
43 18 viscount 無子
44 18 zi you; your honor 無子
45 18 masters 無子
46 18 person 無子
47 18 young 無子
48 18 seed 無子
49 18 subordinate; subsidiary 無子
50 18 a copper coin 無子
51 18 female dragonfly 無子
52 18 constituent 無子
53 18 offspring; descendants 無子
54 18 dear 無子
55 18 little one 無子
56 17 太宗 tàizōng Emperor Taizong 太宗在東宮
57 17 太宗 tàizōng Tai Zong; Minister of Rites 太宗在東宮
58 16 to go; to 恭勤發於至誠
59 16 to rely on; to depend on 恭勤發於至誠
60 16 Yu 恭勤發於至誠
61 16 a crow 恭勤發於至誠
62 16 ér son 王洛兒
63 16 ér Kangxi radical 10 王洛兒
64 16 ér a child 王洛兒
65 16 ér a youth 王洛兒
66 16 ér a male 王洛兒
67 16 luò Luo 王洛兒
68 16 luò Luo River 王洛兒
69 16 luò Luoyang 王洛兒
70 14 to attack by surprise 襲爵
71 14 to inherit 襲爵
72 14 clothes of the dead 襲爵
73 14 Xi 襲爵
74 14 to put on clothes for the dead 襲爵
75 14 to put on an extra coat 襲爵
76 14 to wear; to put on 襲爵
77 14 to repeat 襲爵
78 14 to continue as before 襲爵
79 14 to rush at 襲爵
80 14 yuán Yuan Dynasty 盧魯元
81 14 yuán first 盧魯元
82 14 yuán origin; head 盧魯元
83 14 yuán Yuan 盧魯元
84 14 yuán large 盧魯元
85 14 yuán good 盧魯元
86 14 yuán fundamental 盧魯元
87 13 to give 太宗左右唯洛兒與車路頭而已
88 13 to accompany 太宗左右唯洛兒與車路頭而已
89 13 to particate in 太宗左右唯洛兒與車路頭而已
90 13 of the same kind 太宗左右唯洛兒與車路頭而已
91 13 to help 太宗左右唯洛兒與車路頭而已
92 13 for 太宗左右唯洛兒與車路頭而已
93 13 ér Kangxi radical 126 乘冰而濟
94 13 ér as if; to seem like 乘冰而濟
95 13 néng can; able 乘冰而濟
96 13 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 乘冰而濟
97 13 ér to arrive; up to 乘冰而濟
98 13 gōng public; common; state-owned 其賜洛兒爵新息公
99 13 gōng official 其賜洛兒爵新息公
100 13 gōng male 其賜洛兒爵新息公
101 13 gōng duke; lord 其賜洛兒爵新息公
102 13 gōng fair; equitable 其賜洛兒爵新息公
103 13 gōng Mr.; mister 其賜洛兒爵新息公
104 13 gōng father-in-law 其賜洛兒爵新息公
105 13 gōng form of address; your honor 其賜洛兒爵新息公
106 13 gōng accepted; mutual 其賜洛兒爵新息公
107 13 gōng metric 其賜洛兒爵新息公
108 13 gōng to release to the public 其賜洛兒爵新息公
109 13 gōng the common good 其賜洛兒爵新息公
110 13 gōng to divide equally 其賜洛兒爵新息公
111 13 gōng Gong 其賜洛兒爵新息公
112 13 世祖 shì zǔ Shi Zu 世祖親愛之
113 12 將軍 jiāngjūn a general 加直意將軍
114 12 將軍 jiāngjūn to capture the enemy; check 加直意將軍
115 12 rén person; people; a human being 京兆人也
116 12 rén Kangxi radical 9 京兆人也
117 12 rén a kind of person 京兆人也
118 12 rén everybody 京兆人也
119 12 rén adult 京兆人也
120 12 rén somebody; others 京兆人也
121 12 rén an upright person 京兆人也
122 11 jiàn to build; to construct 陳建
123 11 jiàn to establish 陳建
124 11 jiàn to propose; to suggest 陳建
125 11 jiàn Jian River 陳建
126 11 jiàn Fujian 陳建
127 11 jiàn to appoint 陳建
128 11 jiàn to stand upright 陳建
129 11 jiàn to determine 陳建
130 11 jiàn area of the night sky that the Bigger Dipper points to 陳建
131 11 jiàn Jian 陳建
132 11 nián year 十有餘年
133 11 nián New Year festival 十有餘年
134 11 nián age 十有餘年
135 11 nián life span; life expectancy 十有餘年
136 11 nián an era; a period 十有餘年
137 11 nián a date 十有餘年
138 11 nián time; years 十有餘年
139 11 nián harvest 十有餘年
140 11 nián annual; every year 十有餘年
141 11 to die 永興五年卒
142 11 a soldier 永興五年卒
143 11 a servant; forced labor 永興五年卒
144 11 to end 永興五年卒
145 11 a deployment of five soldiers 永興五年卒
146 10 to give; to bestow favors 太宗解衣以賜之
147 10 grace; favor; a gift 太宗解衣以賜之
148 10 to award; to appoint 太宗解衣以賜之
149 10 to do in full 太宗解衣以賜之
150 10 to bestow an honorific title 太宗解衣以賜之
151 10 尚書 shàng shū Book of Documents; Book of History; Shangshu 仕慕容垂為尚書令
152 10 尚書 shàngshū a high official 仕慕容垂為尚書令
153 10 jiā to add 魏之許典無以加焉
154 10 jiā to increase 魏之許典無以加焉
155 10 jiā to inflict [punishment] 魏之許典無以加焉
156 10 jiā to append 魏之許典無以加焉
157 10 jiā Jia 魏之許典無以加焉
158 10 jiā to wear 魏之許典無以加焉
159 10 jiā to be appointed [to a position]; to grant 魏之許典無以加焉
160 10 jiā to pass 魏之許典無以加焉
161 10 jiā to place above 魏之許典無以加焉
162 10 jiā to implement; to apply 魏之許典無以加焉
163 10 jiā to line up the disk and base of a divining board 魏之許典無以加焉
164 10 jiā to say falsely 魏之許典無以加焉
165 10 jiā addition 魏之許典無以加焉
166 10 jiā Canada 魏之許典無以加焉
167 10 Shandong 盧魯元
168 10 Lu 盧魯元
169 10 foolish; stupid; rash; vulgar 盧魯元
170 10 the State of Lu 盧魯元
171 9 road; path; way 車路頭
172 9 journey 車路頭
173 9 grain patterns; veins 車路頭
174 9 a way; a method 車路頭
175 9 a type; a kind 車路頭
176 9 a circuit; an area; a region 車路頭
177 9 a route 車路頭
178 9 Lu 車路頭
179 9 impressive 車路頭
180 9 conveyance 車路頭
181 9 chén minister; statesman; official 何以奬勸將來為臣之節
182 9 chén Kangxi radical 131 何以奬勸將來為臣之節
183 9 chén a slave 何以奬勸將來為臣之節
184 9 chén Chen 何以奬勸將來為臣之節
185 9 chén to obey; to comply 何以奬勸將來為臣之節
186 9 chén to command; to direct 何以奬勸將來為臣之節
187 9 chén a subject 何以奬勸將來為臣之節
188 9 Qi 其賜洛兒爵新息公
189 8 infix potential marker 勤而不賞
190 8 qiān to move; to shift 遷監御長
191 8 qiān to transfer 遷監御長
192 8 qiān to transfer job posting; to be promoted 遷監御長
193 8 qiān to displace; to remove; to banish; to demote 遷監御長
194 8 qiān to change; to transform 遷監御長
195 8 散騎常侍 sànqí chángshì a kind of personal attendant 拜散騎常侍
196 8 yuē to speak; to say 詔曰
197 8 yuē Kangxi radical 73 詔曰
198 8 yuē to be called 詔曰
199 8 Ji 有嵇拔者
200 8 Ji 有嵇拔者
201 8 chū rudimentary; elementary 高祖初
202 8 chū original 高祖初
203 8 chǒng to favor 有寵於顯祖
204 8 chǒng favorite 有寵於顯祖
205 8 bài to bow; to pay respect to 拜散騎常侍
206 8 bài to send greetings; to congratulate 拜散騎常侍
207 8 bài to visit 拜散騎常侍
208 8 bài to appoint; to confer a title 拜散騎常侍
209 8 bài to enter into a relationship 拜散騎常侍
210 8 bài a polite form; please 拜散騎常侍
211 8 bài Bai 拜散騎常侍
212 8 bài to perform a ritual 拜散騎常侍
213 8 bài to bend 拜散騎常侍
214 8 bài byte 拜散騎常侍
215 7 shì to attend on 洛兒晨夜侍衞
216 7 shì to accompany 洛兒晨夜侍衞
217 7 shì a concubine 洛兒晨夜侍衞
218 7 shì Shi 洛兒晨夜侍衞
219 7 shì an attendant 洛兒晨夜侍衞
220 7 cóng to follow 使殿中衞士為之導從
221 7 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 使殿中衞士為之導從
222 7 cóng to participate in something 使殿中衞士為之導從
223 7 cóng to use a certain method or principle 使殿中衞士為之導從
224 7 cóng something secondary 使殿中衞士為之導從
225 7 cóng remote relatives 使殿中衞士為之導從
226 7 cóng secondary 使殿中衞士為之導從
227 7 cóng to go on; to advance 使殿中衞士為之導從
228 7 cōng at ease; informal 使殿中衞士為之導從
229 7 zòng a follower; a supporter 使殿中衞士為之導從
230 7 zòng to release 使殿中衞士為之導從
231 7 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 使殿中衞士為之導從
232 7 zhì Kangxi radical 133 久而彌至
233 7 zhì to arrive 久而彌至
234 7 zuò to do 典作長安
235 7 zuò to act as; to serve as 典作長安
236 7 zuò to start 典作長安
237 7 zuò a writing; a work 典作長安
238 7 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 典作長安
239 7 zuō to create; to make 典作長安
240 7 zuō a workshop 典作長安
241 7 zuō to write; to compose 典作長安
242 7 zuò to rise 典作長安
243 7 zuò to be aroused 典作長安
244 7 zuò activity; action; undertaking 典作長安
245 7 zuò to regard as 典作長安
246 7 zèng to give a present 贈太尉
247 7 zèng to bestow; to confer 贈太尉
248 7 tóu head 車路頭
249 7 tóu top 車路頭
250 7 tóu a piece; an aspect 車路頭
251 7 tóu a leader 車路頭
252 7 tóu first 車路頭
253 7 tóu hair 車路頭
254 7 tóu start; end 車路頭
255 7 tóu a commission 車路頭
256 7 tóu a person 車路頭
257 7 tóu direction; bearing 車路頭
258 7 tóu previous 車路頭
259 7 Kangxi radical 71 夙夜無怠
260 7 to not have; without 夙夜無怠
261 7 mo 夙夜無怠
262 7 to not have 夙夜無怠
263 7 Wu 夙夜無怠
264 7 èr two 東西二宮命太官日送奠
265 7 èr Kangxi radical 7 東西二宮命太官日送奠
266 7 èr second 東西二宮命太官日送奠
267 7 èr twice; double; di- 東西二宮命太官日送奠
268 7 èr more than one kind 東西二宮命太官日送奠
269 6 jìng to respect /to honor 太宗亦敬納之
270 6 jìng gratitude; congratulations 太宗亦敬納之
271 6 jìng to offer out of politeness or ceremony 太宗亦敬納之
272 6 jìng a gift given in honor 太宗亦敬納之
273 6 jìng solemn /serious 太宗亦敬納之
274 6 jìng to alert /to warn 太宗亦敬納之
275 6 jìng protocol; courtesy 太宗亦敬納之
276 6 jìng Jing 太宗亦敬納之
277 6 a slave; a servant 安國先與神部長奚買奴不平
278 6 Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi 安國先與神部長奚買奴不平
279 6 Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi 安國先與神部長奚買奴不平
280 6 Xi 安國先與神部長奚買奴不平
281 6 zhōng middle 使殿中衞士為之導從
282 6 zhōng medium; medium sized 使殿中衞士為之導從
283 6 zhōng China 使殿中衞士為之導從
284 6 zhòng to hit the mark 使殿中衞士為之導從
285 6 zhōng midday 使殿中衞士為之導從
286 6 zhōng inside 使殿中衞士為之導從
287 6 zhōng during 使殿中衞士為之導從
288 6 zhōng Zhong 使殿中衞士為之導從
289 6 zhōng intermediary 使殿中衞士為之導從
290 6 zhōng half 使殿中衞士為之導從
291 6 zhòng to reach; to attain 使殿中衞士為之導從
292 6 zhòng to suffer; to infect 使殿中衞士為之導從
293 6 zhòng to obtain 使殿中衞士為之導從
294 6 zhòng to pass an exam 使殿中衞士為之導從
295 6 chuán to transmit 傳驛相屬於路
296 6 zhuàn a biography 傳驛相屬於路
297 6 chuán to teach 傳驛相屬於路
298 6 chuán to summon 傳驛相屬於路
299 6 chuán to pass on to later generations 傳驛相屬於路
300 6 chuán to spread; to propagate 傳驛相屬於路
301 6 chuán to express 傳驛相屬於路
302 6 chuán to conduct 傳驛相屬於路
303 6 zhuàn a posthouse 傳驛相屬於路
304 6 zhuàn a commentary 傳驛相屬於路
305 6 to pull up; to pull out 有嵇拔者
306 6 to select; to promote 有嵇拔者
307 6 to draw out 有嵇拔者
308 6 to exceed; to excel; to surpass 有嵇拔者
309 6 to seize; to capture 有嵇拔者
310 6 to change 有嵇拔者
311 6 to eliminate 有嵇拔者
312 6 tail of an arrow 有嵇拔者
313 6 to associate with; be near 輿駕比葬三臨之
314 6 to compare; to contrast 輿駕比葬三臨之
315 6 Kangxi radical 81 輿駕比葬三臨之
316 6 to gesture (with hands) 輿駕比葬三臨之
317 6 to make an analogy 輿駕比葬三臨之
318 6 an analogy 輿駕比葬三臨之
319 6 an example 輿駕比葬三臨之
320 6 高祖 gāozǔ Han Gao Zu; Liu Bang 高祖初
321 6 高祖 gāozǔ great great grandfather 高祖初
322 6 高祖 gāozǔ Gaozu 高祖初
323 6 to reach 及在艱難
324 6 to attain 及在艱難
325 6 to understand 及在艱難
326 6 able to be compared to; to catch up with 及在艱難
327 6 to be involved with; to associate with 及在艱難
328 6 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 及在艱難
329 6 ministry; department 典選部
330 6 section; part 典選部
331 6 troops 典選部
332 6 a category; a kind 典選部
333 6 to command; to control 典選部
334 6 radical 典選部
335 6 headquarters 典選部
336 6 unit 典選部
337 6 to put in order; to arrange 典選部
338 6 sān three 真君三年冬
339 6 sān third 真君三年冬
340 6 sān more than two 真君三年冬
341 6 sān very few 真君三年冬
342 6 sān San 真君三年冬
343 6 chē a vehicle 車路頭
344 6 chē Kangxi radical 159 車路頭
345 6 chē a cart; a carriage 車路頭
346 6 chē a tool with a wheel 車路頭
347 6 chē a machine 車路頭
348 6 chē metal turning; lathe work 車路頭
349 6 chē to lift hydraulically 車路頭
350 6 chē to transport something in a cart 車路頭
351 6 chē to sew with a sewing machine 車路頭
352 6 chē to turn 車路頭
353 6 chē Che 車路頭
354 6 a chariot 車路頭
355 6 chē jaw 車路頭
356 6 chē ivory bedframe 車路頭
357 6 chē to transport 車路頭
358 6 mother-of-pearl 車路頭
359 6 chē a waterwheel; equipment for lifting water 車路頭
360 5 lín to face; to overlook 臨其喪
361 5 lín to watch; to look; to look down 臨其喪
362 5 lín to monitor; to oversee; to supervise 臨其喪
363 5 lín to meet 臨其喪
364 5 lín to arrive 臨其喪
365 5 lín a weapon used to shoot down at defenders 臨其喪
366 5 lín to copy 臨其喪
367 5 lín to govern; to administer; to control 臨其喪
368 5 lín to be about to; to be near; to approach 臨其喪
369 5 lìn to pay respects to the deceased 臨其喪
370 5 lín Overseeing 臨其喪
371 5 lín to shine on 臨其喪
372 5 lín to give; to add 臨其喪
373 5 lín Lin 臨其喪
374 5 gōng a palace 太宗還宮
375 5 gōng Gong 太宗還宮
376 5 gōng a dwelling 太宗還宮
377 5 gōng a temple 太宗還宮
378 5 gōng the first note in the pentatonic scale 太宗還宮
379 5 qín attendance 恭勤發於至誠
380 5 qín duty; work 恭勤發於至誠
381 5 qín Qin 恭勤發於至誠
382 5 qín to force to do physical labor 恭勤發於至誠
383 5 qín to help out recover from a disaster 恭勤發於至誠
384 5 qín labor 恭勤發於至誠
385 5 qín sincere 恭勤發於至誠
386 5 juǎn to coil; to roll 冊府卷四七二
387 5 juǎn a coil; a roll; a scroll 冊府卷四七二
388 5 juàn a fascicle; a volume; a chapter; a scroll 冊府卷四七二
389 5 juǎn to sweep up; to carry away 冊府卷四七二
390 5 juǎn to involve; to embroil 冊府卷四七二
391 5 juǎn a break roll 冊府卷四七二
392 5 juàn an examination paper 冊府卷四七二
393 5 juàn a file 冊府卷四七二
394 5 quán crinkled; curled 冊府卷四七二
395 5 juǎn to include 冊府卷四七二
396 5 juǎn to store away 冊府卷四七二
397 5 juǎn to sever; to break off 冊府卷四七二
398 5 juǎn Juan 冊府卷四七二
399 5 juàn tired 冊府卷四七二
400 5 quán beautiful 冊府卷四七二
401 5 東宮 dōnggōng East Palace 太宗在東宮
402 5 guò to cross; to go over; to pass 未嘗有過
403 5 guò to surpass; to exceed 未嘗有過
404 5 guò to experience; to pass time 未嘗有過
405 5 guò to go 未嘗有過
406 5 guò a mistake 未嘗有過
407 5 guō Guo 未嘗有過
408 5 guò to die 未嘗有過
409 5 guò to shift 未嘗有過
410 5 guò to endure 未嘗有過
411 5 guò to pay a visit; to call on 未嘗有過
412 5 xìng gender 性謹愿
413 5 xìng nature; disposition 性謹愿
414 5 xìng grammatical gender 性謹愿
415 5 xìng a property; a quality 性謹愿
416 5 xìng life; destiny 性謹愿
417 5 xìng sexual desire 性謹愿
418 5 xìng scope 性謹愿
419 5 zhēng to prove; to confirm 從征赫連昌
420 5 zhēng to march; to travel on a long journey 從征赫連昌
421 5 zhēng to draft; to call up; to recruit; to summon 從征赫連昌
422 5 zhēng to request [documents]; to solicit [contributions] 從征赫連昌
423 5 zhēng to go on a punitive expedition; to go on a military campaign; to conquer 從征赫連昌
424 5 zhēng to levy [taxes] 從征赫連昌
425 5 zhēng call to arms 從征赫連昌
426 5 zhēng evidence 從征赫連昌
427 5 zhēng an omen 從征赫連昌
428 5 zhēng to inquire; to seek after 從征赫連昌
429 5 zhēng Zheng 從征赫連昌
430 5 zhēng to take 從征赫連昌
431 5 zhēng tax 從征赫連昌
432 5 zhǐ note in Chinese musical scale 從征赫連昌
433 5 zhēng to examine; to interrogate 從征赫連昌
434 5 zhēng to approve 從征赫連昌
435 5 hòu after; later 後定州弟升為侍御中散
436 5 hòu empress; queen 後定州弟升為侍御中散
437 5 hòu sovereign 後定州弟升為侍御中散
438 5 hòu the god of the earth 後定州弟升為侍御中散
439 5 hòu late; later 後定州弟升為侍御中散
440 5 hòu offspring; descendents 後定州弟升為侍御中散
441 5 hòu to fall behind; to lag 後定州弟升為侍御中散
442 5 hòu behind; back 後定州弟升為侍御中散
443 5 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 後定州弟升為侍御中散
444 5 hòu Hou 後定州弟升為侍御中散
445 5 hòu after; behind 後定州弟升為侍御中散
446 5 hòu following 後定州弟升為侍御中散
447 5 hòu to be delayed 後定州弟升為侍御中散
448 5 hòu to abandon; to discard 後定州弟升為侍御中散
449 5 hòu feudal lords 後定州弟升為侍御中散
450 5 hòu Hou 後定州弟升為侍御中散
451 5 end; final stage; latter part 天賜末
452 5 to not have 天賜末
453 5 insignificant 天賜末
454 5 jiàng a general; a high ranking officer 殆將凍死
455 5 jiāng to progress; to transmit; to convey; to send 殆將凍死
456 5 jiàng to command; to lead 殆將凍死
457 5 qiāng to request 殆將凍死
458 5 jiāng to bring; to take; to use; to hold 殆將凍死
459 5 jiāng to support; to wait upon; to take care of 殆將凍死
460 5 jiāng to checkmate 殆將凍死
461 5 jiāng to goad; to incite; to provoke 殆將凍死
462 5 jiāng to do; to handle 殆將凍死
463 5 jiàng backbone 殆將凍死
464 5 jiàng king 殆將凍死
465 5 jiāng to rest 殆將凍死
466 5 jiàng a senior member of an organization 殆將凍死
467 5 jiāng large; great 殆將凍死
468 5 xiān first 在朝則以忠節為先
469 5 xiān early; prior; former 在朝則以忠節為先
470 5 xiān to go forward; to advance 在朝則以忠節為先
471 5 xiān to attach importance to; to value 在朝則以忠節為先
472 5 xiān to start 在朝則以忠節為先
473 5 xiān ancestors; forebears 在朝則以忠節為先
474 5 xiān before; in front 在朝則以忠節為先
475 5 xiān fundamental; basic 在朝則以忠節為先
476 5 xiān Xian 在朝則以忠節為先
477 5 xiān ancient; archaic 在朝則以忠節為先
478 5 xiān super 在朝則以忠節為先
479 5 xiān deceased 在朝則以忠節為先
480 5 大將軍 dàjiāngjūn General-in-Chief 左衞大將軍
481 5 大將軍 dàjiāngjūn generalissimo 左衞大將軍
482 5 賜爵 cìjué person who makes offerings in a ritual 賜爵始新子
483 5 賜爵 cìjué to bestow [a title] 賜爵始新子
484 5 gōng merit 洛兒有功焉
485 5 gōng service; work; effort 洛兒有功焉
486 5 gōng skill 洛兒有功焉
487 5 gōng an achievement; an accomplishment 洛兒有功焉
488 5 gōng deserving praise 洛兒有功焉
489 5 gōng level of morning ritual 洛兒有功焉
490 5 gōng an effect; a result 洛兒有功焉
491 5 gōng a kind of funeral dress 洛兒有功焉
492 5 gōng work (physics) 洛兒有功焉
493 5 jié festival; a special day 在朝則以忠節為先
494 5 jié to economize; to save; to moderate 在朝則以忠節為先
495 5 jié a node 在朝則以忠節為先
496 5 jié to regulate; to restrain 在朝則以忠節為先
497 5 jié section; segment; piece 在朝則以忠節為先
498 5 jié a knot; a joint 在朝則以忠節為先
499 5 jié courtesy 在朝則以忠節為先
500 5 jié rate; pitch 在朝則以忠節為先

Frequencies of all Words

Top 872

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 39 zhī him; her; them; that 太宗解衣以賜之
2 39 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 太宗解衣以賜之
3 39 zhī to go 太宗解衣以賜之
4 39 zhī this; that 太宗解衣以賜之
5 39 zhī genetive marker 太宗解衣以賜之
6 39 zhī it 太宗解衣以賜之
7 39 zhī in; in regards to 太宗解衣以賜之
8 39 zhī all 太宗解衣以賜之
9 39 zhī and 太宗解衣以賜之
10 39 zhī however 太宗解衣以賜之
11 39 zhī if 太宗解衣以賜之
12 39 zhī then 太宗解衣以賜之
13 39 zhī to arrive; to go 太宗解衣以賜之
14 39 zhī is 太宗解衣以賜之
15 39 zhī to use 太宗解衣以賜之
16 39 zhī Zhi 太宗解衣以賜之
17 39 zhī winding 太宗解衣以賜之
18 28 wèi for; to 士處家必以孝敬為本
19 28 wèi because of 士處家必以孝敬為本
20 28 wéi to act as; to serve 士處家必以孝敬為本
21 28 wéi to change into; to become 士處家必以孝敬為本
22 28 wéi to be; is 士處家必以孝敬為本
23 28 wéi to do 士處家必以孝敬為本
24 28 wèi for 士處家必以孝敬為本
25 28 wèi because of; for; to 士處家必以孝敬為本
26 28 wèi to 士處家必以孝敬為本
27 28 wéi in a passive construction 士處家必以孝敬為本
28 28 wéi forming a rehetorical question 士處家必以孝敬為本
29 28 wéi forming an adverb 士處家必以孝敬為本
30 28 wéi to add emphasis 士處家必以孝敬為本
31 28 wèi to support; to help 士處家必以孝敬為本
32 28 wéi to govern 士處家必以孝敬為本
33 28 so as to; in order to 太宗解衣以賜之
34 28 to use; to regard as 太宗解衣以賜之
35 28 to use; to grasp 太宗解衣以賜之
36 28 according to 太宗解衣以賜之
37 28 because of 太宗解衣以賜之
38 28 on a certain date 太宗解衣以賜之
39 28 and; as well as 太宗解衣以賜之
40 28 to rely on 太宗解衣以賜之
41 28 to regard 太宗解衣以賜之
42 28 to be able to 太宗解衣以賜之
43 28 to order; to command 太宗解衣以賜之
44 28 further; moreover 太宗解衣以賜之
45 28 used after a verb 太宗解衣以賜之
46 28 very 太宗解衣以賜之
47 28 already 太宗解衣以賜之
48 28 increasingly 太宗解衣以賜之
49 28 a reason; a cause 太宗解衣以賜之
50 28 Israel 太宗解衣以賜之
51 28 Yi 太宗解衣以賜之
52 21 wáng Wang 王洛兒
53 21 wáng a king 王洛兒
54 21 wáng Kangxi radical 96 王洛兒
55 21 wàng to be king; to rule 王洛兒
56 21 wáng a prince; a duke 王洛兒
57 21 wáng grand; great 王洛兒
58 21 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 王洛兒
59 21 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 王洛兒
60 21 wáng the head of a group or gang 王洛兒
61 21 wáng the biggest or best of a group 王洛兒
62 19 jué ancient bronze wine holder 其賜洛兒爵新息公
63 19 jué a feudal title or rank 其賜洛兒爵新息公
64 19 què a small bird 其賜洛兒爵新息公
65 19 jué to bestow a title 其賜洛兒爵新息公
66 18 yǒu is; are; to exist 未嘗有過
67 18 yǒu to have; to possess 未嘗有過
68 18 yǒu indicates an estimate 未嘗有過
69 18 yǒu indicates a large quantity 未嘗有過
70 18 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 未嘗有過
71 18 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 未嘗有過
72 18 yǒu used to compare two things 未嘗有過
73 18 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 未嘗有過
74 18 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 未嘗有過
75 18 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 未嘗有過
76 18 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 未嘗有過
77 18 yǒu abundant 未嘗有過
78 18 yǒu purposeful 未嘗有過
79 18 yǒu You 未嘗有過
80 18 child; son 無子
81 18 egg; newborn 無子
82 18 first earthly branch 無子
83 18 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 無子
84 18 Kangxi radical 39 無子
85 18 zi indicates that the the word is used as a noun 無子
86 18 pellet; something small and hard 無子
87 18 master 無子
88 18 viscount 無子
89 18 zi you; your honor 無子
90 18 masters 無子
91 18 person 無子
92 18 young 無子
93 18 seed 無子
94 18 subordinate; subsidiary 無子
95 18 a copper coin 無子
96 18 bundle 無子
97 18 female dragonfly 無子
98 18 constituent 無子
99 18 offspring; descendants 無子
100 18 dear 無子
101 18 little one 無子
102 17 太宗 tàizōng Emperor Taizong 太宗在東宮
103 17 太宗 tàizōng Tai Zong; Minister of Rites 太宗在東宮
104 16 in; at 恭勤發於至誠
105 16 in; at 恭勤發於至誠
106 16 in; at; to; from 恭勤發於至誠
107 16 to go; to 恭勤發於至誠
108 16 to rely on; to depend on 恭勤發於至誠
109 16 to go to; to arrive at 恭勤發於至誠
110 16 from 恭勤發於至誠
111 16 give 恭勤發於至誠
112 16 oppposing 恭勤發於至誠
113 16 and 恭勤發於至誠
114 16 compared to 恭勤發於至誠
115 16 by 恭勤發於至誠
116 16 and; as well as 恭勤發於至誠
117 16 for 恭勤發於至誠
118 16 Yu 恭勤發於至誠
119 16 a crow 恭勤發於至誠
120 16 whew; wow 恭勤發於至誠
121 16 ér son 王洛兒
122 16 r a retroflex final 王洛兒
123 16 ér Kangxi radical 10 王洛兒
124 16 r non-syllabic diminutive suffix 王洛兒
125 16 ér a child 王洛兒
126 16 ér a youth 王洛兒
127 16 ér a male 王洛兒
128 16 luò Luo 王洛兒
129 16 luò Luo River 王洛兒
130 16 luò Luoyang 王洛兒
131 14 to attack by surprise 襲爵
132 14 to inherit 襲爵
133 14 clothes of the dead 襲爵
134 14 a set of clothes or bedding 襲爵
135 14 Xi 襲爵
136 14 to put on clothes for the dead 襲爵
137 14 to put on an extra coat 襲爵
138 14 to wear; to put on 襲爵
139 14 to repeat 襲爵
140 14 to continue as before 襲爵
141 14 to rush at 襲爵
142 14 yuán monetary unit; dollar 盧魯元
143 14 yuán Yuan Dynasty 盧魯元
144 14 yuán first 盧魯元
145 14 yuán origin; head 盧魯元
146 14 yuán a variable representing an unknown quantity 盧魯元
147 14 yuán Yuan 盧魯元
148 14 yuán large 盧魯元
149 14 yuán good 盧魯元
150 14 yuán fundamental 盧魯元
151 13 and 太宗左右唯洛兒與車路頭而已
152 13 to give 太宗左右唯洛兒與車路頭而已
153 13 together with 太宗左右唯洛兒與車路頭而已
154 13 interrogative particle 太宗左右唯洛兒與車路頭而已
155 13 to accompany 太宗左右唯洛兒與車路頭而已
156 13 to particate in 太宗左右唯洛兒與車路頭而已
157 13 of the same kind 太宗左右唯洛兒與車路頭而已
158 13 to help 太宗左右唯洛兒與車路頭而已
159 13 for 太宗左右唯洛兒與車路頭而已
160 13 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 乘冰而濟
161 13 ér Kangxi radical 126 乘冰而濟
162 13 ér you 乘冰而濟
163 13 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 乘冰而濟
164 13 ér right away; then 乘冰而濟
165 13 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 乘冰而濟
166 13 ér if; in case; in the event that 乘冰而濟
167 13 ér therefore; as a result; thus 乘冰而濟
168 13 ér how can it be that? 乘冰而濟
169 13 ér so as to 乘冰而濟
170 13 ér only then 乘冰而濟
171 13 ér as if; to seem like 乘冰而濟
172 13 néng can; able 乘冰而濟
173 13 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 乘冰而濟
174 13 ér me 乘冰而濟
175 13 ér to arrive; up to 乘冰而濟
176 13 ér possessive 乘冰而濟
177 13 gōng public; common; state-owned 其賜洛兒爵新息公
178 13 gōng official 其賜洛兒爵新息公
179 13 gōng male 其賜洛兒爵新息公
180 13 gōng duke; lord 其賜洛兒爵新息公
181 13 gōng fair; equitable 其賜洛兒爵新息公
182 13 gōng Mr.; mister 其賜洛兒爵新息公
183 13 gōng father-in-law 其賜洛兒爵新息公
184 13 gōng form of address; your honor 其賜洛兒爵新息公
185 13 gōng accepted; mutual 其賜洛兒爵新息公
186 13 gōng metric 其賜洛兒爵新息公
187 13 gōng to release to the public 其賜洛兒爵新息公
188 13 gōng the common good 其賜洛兒爵新息公
189 13 gōng to divide equally 其賜洛兒爵新息公
190 13 gōng Gong 其賜洛兒爵新息公
191 13 gōng publicly; openly 其賜洛兒爵新息公
192 13 gōng publicly operated; state run 其賜洛兒爵新息公
193 13 世祖 shì zǔ Shi Zu 世祖親愛之
194 12 將軍 jiāngjūn a general 加直意將軍
195 12 將軍 jiāngjūn to capture the enemy; check 加直意將軍
196 12 rén person; people; a human being 京兆人也
197 12 rén Kangxi radical 9 京兆人也
198 12 rén a kind of person 京兆人也
199 12 rén everybody 京兆人也
200 12 rén adult 京兆人也
201 12 rén somebody; others 京兆人也
202 12 rén an upright person 京兆人也
203 11 jiàn to build; to construct 陳建
204 11 jiàn to establish 陳建
205 11 jiàn to propose; to suggest 陳建
206 11 jiàn Jian River 陳建
207 11 jiàn Fujian 陳建
208 11 jiàn to appoint 陳建
209 11 jiàn to stand upright 陳建
210 11 jiàn to determine 陳建
211 11 jiàn area of the night sky that the Bigger Dipper points to 陳建
212 11 jiàn Jian 陳建
213 11 nián year 十有餘年
214 11 nián New Year festival 十有餘年
215 11 nián age 十有餘年
216 11 nián life span; life expectancy 十有餘年
217 11 nián an era; a period 十有餘年
218 11 nián a date 十有餘年
219 11 nián time; years 十有餘年
220 11 nián harvest 十有餘年
221 11 nián annual; every year 十有餘年
222 11 to die 永興五年卒
223 11 a soldier 永興五年卒
224 11 abruptly; hurriedly 永興五年卒
225 11 a servant; forced labor 永興五年卒
226 11 to end 永興五年卒
227 11 at last; finally 永興五年卒
228 11 a deployment of five soldiers 永興五年卒
229 10 also; too 京兆人也
230 10 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 京兆人也
231 10 either 京兆人也
232 10 even 京兆人也
233 10 used to soften the tone 京兆人也
234 10 used for emphasis 京兆人也
235 10 used to mark contrast 京兆人也
236 10 used to mark compromise 京兆人也
237 10 to give; to bestow favors 太宗解衣以賜之
238 10 grace; favor; a gift 太宗解衣以賜之
239 10 to award; to appoint 太宗解衣以賜之
240 10 to do in full 太宗解衣以賜之
241 10 to bestow an honorific title 太宗解衣以賜之
242 10 尚書 shàng shū Book of Documents; Book of History; Shangshu 仕慕容垂為尚書令
243 10 尚書 shàngshū a high official 仕慕容垂為尚書令
244 10 jiā to add 魏之許典無以加焉
245 10 jiā to increase 魏之許典無以加焉
246 10 jiā to inflict [punishment] 魏之許典無以加焉
247 10 jiā to append 魏之許典無以加焉
248 10 jiā Jia 魏之許典無以加焉
249 10 jiā to wear 魏之許典無以加焉
250 10 jiā to be appointed [to a position]; to grant 魏之許典無以加焉
251 10 jiā to pass 魏之許典無以加焉
252 10 jiā to place above 魏之許典無以加焉
253 10 jiā to implement; to apply 魏之許典無以加焉
254 10 jiā to line up the disk and base of a divining board 魏之許典無以加焉
255 10 jiā to say falsely 魏之許典無以加焉
256 10 jiā addition 魏之許典無以加焉
257 10 jiā Canada 魏之許典無以加焉
258 10 Shandong 盧魯元
259 10 Lu 盧魯元
260 10 foolish; stupid; rash; vulgar 盧魯元
261 10 the State of Lu 盧魯元
262 9 road; path; way 車路頭
263 9 journey 車路頭
264 9 grain patterns; veins 車路頭
265 9 a way; a method 車路頭
266 9 a type; a kind 車路頭
267 9 a circuit; an area; a region 車路頭
268 9 a route 車路頭
269 9 Lu 車路頭
270 9 impressive 車路頭
271 9 conveyance 車路頭
272 9 chén minister; statesman; official 何以奬勸將來為臣之節
273 9 chén Kangxi radical 131 何以奬勸將來為臣之節
274 9 chén a slave 何以奬勸將來為臣之節
275 9 chén you 何以奬勸將來為臣之節
276 9 chén Chen 何以奬勸將來為臣之節
277 9 chén to obey; to comply 何以奬勸將來為臣之節
278 9 chén to command; to direct 何以奬勸將來為臣之節
279 9 chén a subject 何以奬勸將來為臣之節
280 9 his; hers; its; theirs 其賜洛兒爵新息公
281 9 to add emphasis 其賜洛兒爵新息公
282 9 used when asking a question in reply to a question 其賜洛兒爵新息公
283 9 used when making a request or giving an order 其賜洛兒爵新息公
284 9 he; her; it; them 其賜洛兒爵新息公
285 9 probably; likely 其賜洛兒爵新息公
286 9 will 其賜洛兒爵新息公
287 9 may 其賜洛兒爵新息公
288 9 if 其賜洛兒爵新息公
289 9 or 其賜洛兒爵新息公
290 9 Qi 其賜洛兒爵新息公
291 8 not; no 勤而不賞
292 8 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 勤而不賞
293 8 as a correlative 勤而不賞
294 8 no (answering a question) 勤而不賞
295 8 forms a negative adjective from a noun 勤而不賞
296 8 at the end of a sentence to form a question 勤而不賞
297 8 to form a yes or no question 勤而不賞
298 8 infix potential marker 勤而不賞
299 8 qiān to move; to shift 遷監御長
300 8 qiān to transfer 遷監御長
301 8 qiān to transfer job posting; to be promoted 遷監御長
302 8 qiān to displace; to remove; to banish; to demote 遷監御長
303 8 qiān to change; to transform 遷監御長
304 8 散騎常侍 sànqí chángshì a kind of personal attendant 拜散騎常侍
305 8 yuē to speak; to say 詔曰
306 8 yuē Kangxi radical 73 詔曰
307 8 yuē to be called 詔曰
308 8 yuē particle without meaning 詔曰
309 8 Ji 有嵇拔者
310 8 Ji 有嵇拔者
311 8 chū at first; at the beginning; initially 高祖初
312 8 chū used to prefix numbers 高祖初
313 8 chū used as a prefix incidating the first time or part of something 高祖初
314 8 chū just now 高祖初
315 8 chū thereupon 高祖初
316 8 chū an intensifying adverb 高祖初
317 8 chū rudimentary; elementary 高祖初
318 8 chū original 高祖初
319 8 chǒng to favor 有寵於顯祖
320 8 chǒng favorite 有寵於顯祖
321 8 bài to bow; to pay respect to 拜散騎常侍
322 8 bài to send greetings; to congratulate 拜散騎常侍
323 8 bài to visit 拜散騎常侍
324 8 bài to appoint; to confer a title 拜散騎常侍
325 8 bài to enter into a relationship 拜散騎常侍
326 8 bài a polite form; please 拜散騎常侍
327 8 bài Bai 拜散騎常侍
328 8 bài to perform a ritual 拜散騎常侍
329 8 bài to bend 拜散騎常侍
330 8 bài byte 拜散騎常侍
331 7 shì to attend on 洛兒晨夜侍衞
332 7 shì to accompany 洛兒晨夜侍衞
333 7 shì a concubine 洛兒晨夜侍衞
334 7 shì Shi 洛兒晨夜侍衞
335 7 shì an attendant 洛兒晨夜侍衞
336 7 cóng from 使殿中衞士為之導從
337 7 cóng to follow 使殿中衞士為之導從
338 7 cóng past; through 使殿中衞士為之導從
339 7 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 使殿中衞士為之導從
340 7 cóng to participate in something 使殿中衞士為之導從
341 7 cóng to use a certain method or principle 使殿中衞士為之導從
342 7 cóng usually 使殿中衞士為之導從
343 7 cóng something secondary 使殿中衞士為之導從
344 7 cóng remote relatives 使殿中衞士為之導從
345 7 cóng secondary 使殿中衞士為之導從
346 7 cóng to go on; to advance 使殿中衞士為之導從
347 7 cōng at ease; informal 使殿中衞士為之導從
348 7 zòng a follower; a supporter 使殿中衞士為之導從
349 7 zòng to release 使殿中衞士為之導從
350 7 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 使殿中衞士為之導從
351 7 zhì to; until 久而彌至
352 7 zhì Kangxi radical 133 久而彌至
353 7 zhì extremely; very; most 久而彌至
354 7 zhì to arrive 久而彌至
355 7 zuò to do 典作長安
356 7 zuò to act as; to serve as 典作長安
357 7 zuò to start 典作長安
358 7 zuò a writing; a work 典作長安
359 7 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 典作長安
360 7 zuō to create; to make 典作長安
361 7 zuō a workshop 典作長安
362 7 zuō to write; to compose 典作長安
363 7 zuò to rise 典作長安
364 7 zuò to be aroused 典作長安
365 7 zuò activity; action; undertaking 典作長安
366 7 zuò to regard as 典作長安
367 7 zèng to give a present 贈太尉
368 7 zèng to bestow; to confer 贈太尉
369 7 tóu head 車路頭
370 7 tóu measure word for heads of cattle, etc 車路頭
371 7 tóu top 車路頭
372 7 tóu a piece; an aspect 車路頭
373 7 tóu a leader 車路頭
374 7 tóu first 車路頭
375 7 tou head 車路頭
376 7 tóu top; side; head 車路頭
377 7 tóu hair 車路頭
378 7 tóu start; end 車路頭
379 7 tóu a commission 車路頭
380 7 tóu a person 車路頭
381 7 tóu direction; bearing 車路頭
382 7 tóu previous 車路頭
383 7 no 夙夜無怠
384 7 Kangxi radical 71 夙夜無怠
385 7 to not have; without 夙夜無怠
386 7 has not yet 夙夜無怠
387 7 mo 夙夜無怠
388 7 do not 夙夜無怠
389 7 not; -less; un- 夙夜無怠
390 7 regardless of 夙夜無怠
391 7 to not have 夙夜無怠
392 7 um 夙夜無怠
393 7 Wu 夙夜無怠
394 7 èr two 東西二宮命太官日送奠
395 7 èr Kangxi radical 7 東西二宮命太官日送奠
396 7 èr second 東西二宮命太官日送奠
397 7 èr twice; double; di- 東西二宮命太官日送奠
398 7 èr another; the other 東西二宮命太官日送奠
399 7 èr more than one kind 東西二宮命太官日送奠
400 6 jìng to respect /to honor 太宗亦敬納之
401 6 jìng gratitude; congratulations 太宗亦敬納之
402 6 jìng to offer out of politeness or ceremony 太宗亦敬納之
403 6 jìng a gift given in honor 太宗亦敬納之
404 6 jìng solemn /serious 太宗亦敬納之
405 6 jìng to alert /to warn 太宗亦敬納之
406 6 jìng protocol; courtesy 太宗亦敬納之
407 6 jìng Jing 太宗亦敬納之
408 6 what?; where?; why? 安國先與神部長奚買奴不平
409 6 a slave; a servant 安國先與神部長奚買奴不平
410 6 Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi 安國先與神部長奚買奴不平
411 6 Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi 安國先與神部長奚買奴不平
412 6 Xi 安國先與神部長奚買奴不平
413 6 zhōng middle 使殿中衞士為之導從
414 6 zhōng medium; medium sized 使殿中衞士為之導從
415 6 zhōng China 使殿中衞士為之導從
416 6 zhòng to hit the mark 使殿中衞士為之導從
417 6 zhōng in; amongst 使殿中衞士為之導從
418 6 zhōng midday 使殿中衞士為之導從
419 6 zhōng inside 使殿中衞士為之導從
420 6 zhōng during 使殿中衞士為之導從
421 6 zhōng Zhong 使殿中衞士為之導從
422 6 zhōng intermediary 使殿中衞士為之導從
423 6 zhōng half 使殿中衞士為之導從
424 6 zhōng just right; suitably 使殿中衞士為之導從
425 6 zhōng while 使殿中衞士為之導從
426 6 zhòng to reach; to attain 使殿中衞士為之導從
427 6 zhòng to suffer; to infect 使殿中衞士為之導從
428 6 zhòng to obtain 使殿中衞士為之導從
429 6 zhòng to pass an exam 使殿中衞士為之導從
430 6 chuán to transmit 傳驛相屬於路
431 6 zhuàn a biography 傳驛相屬於路
432 6 chuán to teach 傳驛相屬於路
433 6 chuán to summon 傳驛相屬於路
434 6 chuán to pass on to later generations 傳驛相屬於路
435 6 chuán to spread; to propagate 傳驛相屬於路
436 6 chuán to express 傳驛相屬於路
437 6 chuán to conduct 傳驛相屬於路
438 6 zhuàn a posthouse 傳驛相屬於路
439 6 zhuàn a commentary 傳驛相屬於路
440 6 to pull up; to pull out 有嵇拔者
441 6 to select; to promote 有嵇拔者
442 6 to draw out 有嵇拔者
443 6 to exceed; to excel; to surpass 有嵇拔者
444 6 to seize; to capture 有嵇拔者
445 6 to change 有嵇拔者
446 6 to eliminate 有嵇拔者
447 6 tail of an arrow 有嵇拔者
448 6 hurried 有嵇拔者
449 6 to associate with; be near 輿駕比葬三臨之
450 6 to compare; to contrast 輿駕比葬三臨之
451 6 used for comparison 輿駕比葬三臨之
452 6 Kangxi radical 81 輿駕比葬三臨之
453 6 by the time that; when 輿駕比葬三臨之
454 6 to gesture (with hands) 輿駕比葬三臨之
455 6 to make an analogy 輿駕比葬三臨之
456 6 an analogy 輿駕比葬三臨之
457 6 an example 輿駕比葬三臨之
458 6 高祖 gāozǔ Han Gao Zu; Liu Bang 高祖初
459 6 高祖 gāozǔ great great grandfather 高祖初
460 6 高祖 gāozǔ Gaozu 高祖初
461 6 yān where; how 洛兒有功焉
462 6 yān here; this 洛兒有功焉
463 6 yān used for emphasis 洛兒有功焉
464 6 yān only 洛兒有功焉
465 6 yān in it; there 洛兒有功焉
466 6 to reach 及在艱難
467 6 and 及在艱難
468 6 coming to; when 及在艱難
469 6 to attain 及在艱難
470 6 to understand 及在艱難
471 6 able to be compared to; to catch up with 及在艱難
472 6 to be involved with; to associate with 及在艱難
473 6 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 及在艱難
474 6 ministry; department 典選部
475 6 section; part; measure word for films and books 典選部
476 6 section; part 典選部
477 6 troops 典選部
478 6 a category; a kind 典選部
479 6 to command; to control 典選部
480 6 radical 典選部
481 6 headquarters 典選部
482 6 unit 典選部
483 6 to put in order; to arrange 典選部
484 6 sān three 真君三年冬
485 6 sān third 真君三年冬
486 6 sān more than two 真君三年冬
487 6 sān very few 真君三年冬
488 6 sān repeatedly 真君三年冬
489 6 sān San 真君三年冬
490 6 chē a vehicle 車路頭
491 6 chē Kangxi radical 159 車路頭
492 6 chē a cart; a carriage 車路頭
493 6 chē a tool with a wheel 車路頭
494 6 chē a machine 車路頭
495 6 chē metal turning; lathe work 車路頭
496 6 chē to lift hydraulically 車路頭
497 6 chē to transport something in a cart 車路頭
498 6 chē to sew with a sewing machine 車路頭
499 6 chē to turn 車路頭
500 6 chē Che 車路頭

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
安国 安國 196 Anguo
安远 安遠 196 Anyuan
北大 66 Peking University
北史 98 History of the Northern Dynasties
北镇 北鎮 98 Beizhen
曹参 曹參 67 Cao Can
长安 長安 99
  1. Chang'an
  2. Chang'an
  3. Chang'an reign
  4. Chang'an
长乐 長樂 99 Changle
昌黎 99 Changli
承明 99 Chengxing reign
刺史 99 Regional Inspector
岱宗 100 Mount Tai
道光 100 Dao Guang; Emperor Dao Guang
大司马 大司馬 100 Minister of War
定州 100 Dingzhou
东宫 東宮 100 East Palace
敦煌 燉煌 100 Dunhuang
阜城 102 Fucheng
驸马都尉 駙馬都尉 102 Commandant Escort
高阳 高陽 103 Gaoyang
高宗 103
  1. Emperor Gaozong of Song
  2. Emperor Gaozong of Tang
  3. Gaozong
高祖 103
  1. Han Gao Zu; Liu Bang
  2. great great grandfather
  3. Gaozu
给事 給事 103 official (imperial) position
恭宗 103 Gongzong
官氏志 103 Treatise on Official Ranks
103 Gou
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
淮海 104 Huaihai; Xuzhou
皇天 104 Emperor of Heaven
皇始 104 Huangshi reign
华阴 華陰 104 Huayin
  1. Ji
  2. Ji
建平 106 Jianping
建阳 建陽 106 Jianyang
甲午 106 thirty-first year A7 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1954 or 2014
景福 106 Jingfu
京兆 106
  1. Jingzhao; Xi'an
  2. capital municipal area
  3. Capital Region Governor
荆州 荊州 106
  1. Jingzhou; Ching-chou
  2. Jingzhou; Ching-chou
金陵 106
  1. Jinling; Nanjing
  2. Jinling; Nanjing
金乡 金鄉 106 Jinxiang
晋阳 晉陽 106 Jinyang
临幸 臨幸 108 to go in person (of emperor); to copulate with a concubine (of emperor)
临泽 臨澤 108 Linze
  1. Shandong
  2. Lu
  3. foolish; stupid; rash; vulgar
  4. the State of Lu
  1. Luo
  2. Luo River
  3. Luoyang
慕容 109 Murong
南安 110 Nan'an
平凉 平涼 112 Pingliang
仆射 僕射 80 Supervisor; Chief Administrator
  1. Shaanxi
  2. Qin Dynasty
  3. State of Qin
  4. Qin
任城 114 Rencheng
山胡 115 Jihu peoples
世祖 115 Shi Zu
十二月 115 December; the Twelfth Month
侍中 115 Shizhong; Palace Attendant
世宗 115
  1. King Sejong the Great; Sejong Daewang
  2. Sejong
  3. Shizong
蜀汉 蜀漢 115 Shu Han Kingdom
叔孙 叔孫 115 Shusun
司马 司馬 115
  1. Minister of War
  2. Sima [star]
  3. Sima [surname]
  4. Aide to Commander; Leader of Cavalry
太后 116
  1. Empress Dowager
  2. Consort Dowager
太保 116 Grand Protector
泰常 116 Taichang reign
太和 116
  1. Taihe reign
  2. Taihe reign
太师 太師 116 Grand Preceptor; Grand Master; Imperial Tutor
太宗 116
  1. Emperor Taizong
  2. Tai Zong; Minister of Rites
王臣 119 Wang Chen
  1. Wu
  2. Jiangsu
  3. Wu
  4. Wu dialect
  5. Eastern Wu
  6. to speak loudly
武定 119
  1. Wuding
  2. Wuding
  1. what?; where?; why?
  2. a slave; a servant
  3. Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi
  4. Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi
  5. Xi
襄城 120 Xiangcheng
献文 獻文 120 Emperor Xianwen of Northern Wei
兴安 興安 120
  1. Xing'an
  2. Hinggan league
  3. Xing'an
  4. Xing'an reign
兴仁 興仁 120 Xingren
  1. xu
  2. slowly; gently
  3. Xu
  4. Xuzhou
宣城 120 Xuancheng
依安 121 Yi'an
阴山 陰山 121 Yin mountains
永嘉 89
  1. Yongjia
  2. Yongjia
  3. Yongjia
永兴 121
  1. Yongxing reign
  2. Yongxing reign
  3. Yongxing
幽州 121 Youzhou; Fanyang
御史 121
  1. Royal Scribe
  2. Censor
  1. Zhao
  2. Zhao Dynasty
  3. State of Zhao
  4. to rush
  5. to visit
  6. Zhao
  7. to dig
昭成 122 Zhaocheng
正光 122 Zhengxing reign
正平 122 Zhengping reign
镇远 鎮遠 122 Zhenyuan
至大 122 Zhida reign
中山 122
  1. Dr Sun Yat-sen; Zhongshan, prefecture-level city in Guangdong, close to Sun Yat-sen's birthplace; Nakayama (Japanese surname)
  2. Zhongshan
  3. Nakayama
中书侍郎 中書侍郎 122 Attendant to the Palace Secretary; Attendant Gentleman of the Secretariat
  1. daytime
  2. Zhou
  3. Zhou
子长 子長 122 Zichang


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English