Glossary and Vocabulary for Xunzi 荀子, 正名篇第二十二 Chapter 22: Correcting Names

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 178 zhī to go 後王之成名
2 178 zhī to arrive; to go 後王之成名
3 178 zhī is 後王之成名
4 178 zhī to use 後王之成名
5 178 zhī Zhi 後王之成名
6 178 zhī winding 後王之成名
7 115 ér Kangxi radical 126 則因之而為通
8 115 ér as if; to seem like 則因之而為通
9 115 néng can; able 則因之而為通
10 115 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 則因之而為通
11 115 ér to arrive; up to 則因之而為通
12 55 to use; to grasp 以亂正名
13 55 to rely on 以亂正名
14 55 to regard 以亂正名
15 55 to be able to 以亂正名
16 55 to order; to command 以亂正名
17 55 used after a verb 以亂正名
18 55 a reason; a cause 以亂正名
19 55 Israel 以亂正名
20 55 Yi 以亂正名
21 43 desire 欲以心異
22 43 to desire; to wish 欲以心異
23 43 to desire; to intend 欲以心異
24 43 lust 欲以心異
25 41 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
26 41 a grade; a level 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
27 41 an example; a model 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
28 41 a weighing device 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
29 41 to grade; to rank 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
30 41 to copy; to imitate; to follow 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
31 41 to do 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
32 39 Qi 其罪猶為符節度量之罪也
33 38 Kangxi radical 71 事無困廢之禍
34 38 to not have; without 事無困廢之禍
35 38 mo 事無困廢之禍
36 38 to not have 事無困廢之禍
37 38 Wu 事無困廢之禍
38 36 míng fame; renown; reputation 爵名從周
39 36 míng a name; personal name; designation 爵名從周
40 36 míng rank; position 爵名從周
41 36 míng an excuse 爵名從周
42 36 míng life 爵名從周
43 36 míng to name; to call 爵名從周
44 36 míng to express; to describe 爵名從周
45 36 míng to be called; to have the name 爵名從周
46 36 míng to own; to possess 爵名從周
47 36 míng famous; renowned 爵名從周
48 36 míng moral 爵名從周
49 34 suǒ a few; various; some 與所緣以同異
50 34 suǒ a place; a location 與所緣以同異
51 34 suǒ indicates a passive voice 與所緣以同異
52 34 suǒ an ordinal number 與所緣以同異
53 34 suǒ meaning 與所緣以同異
54 34 suǒ garrison 與所緣以同異
55 27 wèi to call 生之所以然者謂之性
56 27 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 生之所以然者謂之性
57 27 wèi to speak to; to address 生之所以然者謂之性
58 27 wèi to treat as; to regard as 生之所以然者謂之性
59 27 wèi introducing a condition situation 生之所以然者謂之性
60 27 wèi to speak to; to address 生之所以然者謂之性
61 27 wèi to think 生之所以然者謂之性
62 27 wèi for; is to be 生之所以然者謂之性
63 27 wèi to make; to cause 生之所以然者謂之性
64 27 wèi principle; reason 生之所以然者謂之性
65 27 wèi Wei 生之所以然者謂之性
66 26 infix potential marker 同異不別
67 25 to go; to 散名之加於萬物者
68 25 to rely on; to depend on 散名之加於萬物者
69 25 Yu 散名之加於萬物者
70 25 a crow 散名之加於萬物者
71 23 wéi to act as; to serve 則因之而為通
72 23 wéi to change into; to become 則因之而為通
73 23 wéi to be; is 則因之而為通
74 23 wéi to do 則因之而為通
75 23 wèi to support; to help 則因之而為通
76 23 wéi to govern 則因之而為通
77 22 different; other 遠方異俗之鄉
78 22 to distinguish; to separate; to discriminate 遠方異俗之鄉
79 22 different; other; hetero-; unusual; strange; surprising 遠方異俗之鄉
80 22 unfamiliar; foreign 遠方異俗之鄉
81 22 unusual; strange; surprising 遠方異俗之鄉
82 22 to marvel; to wonder 遠方異俗之鄉
83 21 xīn heart [organ] 情然而心為之擇謂之慮
84 21 xīn Kangxi radical 61 情然而心為之擇謂之慮
85 21 xīn mind; consciousness 情然而心為之擇謂之慮
86 21 xīn the center; the core; the middle 情然而心為之擇謂之慮
87 21 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 情然而心為之擇謂之慮
88 21 xīn heart 情然而心為之擇謂之慮
89 21 xīn emotion 情然而心為之擇謂之慮
90 21 xīn intention; consideration 情然而心為之擇謂之慮
91 21 xīn disposition; temperament 情然而心為之擇謂之慮
92 21 dào way; road; path 道行而志通
93 21 dào principle; a moral; morality 道行而志通
94 21 dào Tao; the Way 道行而志通
95 21 dào to say; to speak; to talk 道行而志通
96 21 dào to think 道行而志通
97 21 dào circuit; a province 道行而志通
98 21 dào a course; a channel 道行而志通
99 21 dào a method; a way of doing something 道行而志通
100 21 dào a doctrine 道行而志通
101 21 dào Taoism; Daoism 道行而志通
102 21 dào a skill 道行而志通
103 21 dào a sect 道行而志通
104 21 dào a line 道行而志通
105 21 rén person; people; a human being 散名之在人者
106 21 rén Kangxi radical 9 散名之在人者
107 21 rén a kind of person 散名之在人者
108 21 rén everybody 散名之在人者
109 21 rén adult 散名之在人者
110 21 rén somebody; others 散名之在人者
111 21 rén an upright person 散名之在人者
112 18 can; may; permissible 則緣耳而知聲可也
113 18 to approve; to permit 則緣耳而知聲可也
114 18 to be worth 則緣耳而知聲可也
115 18 to suit; to fit 則緣耳而知聲可也
116 18 khan 則緣耳而知聲可也
117 18 to recover 則緣耳而知聲可也
118 18 to act as 則緣耳而知聲可也
119 18 to be worth; to deserve 則緣耳而知聲可也
120 18 used to add emphasis 則緣耳而知聲可也
121 18 beautiful 則緣耳而知聲可也
122 18 Ke 則緣耳而知聲可也
123 18 shí real; true 名定而實辨
124 18 shí nut; seed; fruit 名定而實辨
125 18 shí substance; content; material 名定而實辨
126 18 shí honest; sincere 名定而實辨
127 18 shí vast; extensive 名定而實辨
128 18 shí solid 名定而實辨
129 18 shí abundant; prosperous 名定而實辨
130 18 shí reality; a fact; an event 名定而實辨
131 18 shí wealth; property 名定而實辨
132 18 shí effect; result 名定而實辨
133 18 shí an honest person 名定而實辨
134 18 shí to fill 名定而實辨
135 18 shí complete 名定而實辨
136 18 shí to strengthen 名定而實辨
137 18 shí to practice 名定而實辨
138 18 shí namely 名定而實辨
139 18 shí to verify; to check; to confirm 名定而實辨
140 18 shí full; at capacity 名定而實辨
141 18 shí supplies; goods 名定而實辨
142 18 shí Shichen 名定而實辨
143 17 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks
144 17 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted
145 17 shuì to persuade
146 17 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain
147 17 shuō a doctrine; a theory
148 17 shuō to claim; to assert
149 17 shuō allocution
150 17 shuō to criticize; to scold
151 17 shuō to indicate; to refer to
152 17 biàn to distinguish; to recognize 名定而實辨
153 17 biàn to debate; to argue 名定而實辨
154 17 biàn argument 名定而實辨
155 17 biàn distinct 名定而實辨
156 15 easy; simple 愨則易使
157 15 to change 愨則易使
158 15 Yi 愨則易使
159 15 Book of Changes; Yijing; I Ching 愨則易使
160 15 to exchange; to swap 愨則易使
161 15 gentle; mild; moderate; nice; amiable 愨則易使
162 15 to despise; to scorn; to belittle to disrespect 愨則易使
163 15 to govern; to administer; to control 愨則易使
164 15 to clear away weeds and bushes 愨則易使
165 15 a border; a limit 愨則易使
166 15 to lighten; to facilitate 愨則易使
167 15 to be at ease 愨則易使
168 15 flat [terrain] 愨則易使
169 15 managed well; cultivated well 愨則易使
170 15 [of a field] to lie fallow 愨則易使
171 14 luàn chaotic; disorderly 以亂正名
172 14 luàn confused 以亂正名
173 14 luàn to disturb; to upset; to throw into chaos 以亂正名
174 14 luàn to be promiscuous 以亂正名
175 14 luàn finale 以亂正名
176 14 luàn to destroy 以亂正名
177 14 luàn to confuse 以亂正名
178 14 luàn agitated 以亂正名
179 14 luàn very 以亂正名
180 14 luàn unstable 以亂正名
181 14 luàn revolt; rebelion; riot 以亂正名
182 13 words; speech; expression; phrase; dialog 故析辭擅作名
183 13 to resign 故析辭擅作名
184 13 to dismiss; to fire 故析辭擅作名
185 13 rhetoric 故析辭擅作名
186 13 to say goodbye; to take leave 故析辭擅作名
187 13 ci genre poetry 故析辭擅作名
188 13 to avoid; to decline 故析辭擅作名
189 13 cause for gossip; reason for condemnation 故析辭擅作名
190 13 to tell; to inform 故析辭擅作名
191 13 to blame; to criticize 故析辭擅作名
192 13 zhī to know 所以知之在人者謂之知
193 13 zhī to comprehend 所以知之在人者謂之知
194 13 zhī to inform; to tell 所以知之在人者謂之知
195 13 zhī to administer 所以知之在人者謂之知
196 13 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 所以知之在人者謂之知
197 13 zhī to be close friends 所以知之在人者謂之知
198 13 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 所以知之在人者謂之知
199 13 zhī to receive; to entertain 所以知之在人者謂之知
200 13 zhī knowledge 所以知之在人者謂之知
201 13 zhī consciousness; perception 所以知之在人者謂之知
202 13 zhī a close friend 所以知之在人者謂之知
203 13 zhì wisdom 所以知之在人者謂之知
204 13 zhì Zhi 所以知之在人者謂之知
205 13 zhī to appreciate 所以知之在人者謂之知
206 13 zhī to make known 所以知之在人者謂之知
207 13 zhī to have control over 所以知之在人者謂之知
208 13 zhī to expect; to foresee 所以知之在人者謂之知
209 12 an analogy; a simile; a metaphor; an allegory 異形離心交喻
210 12 Yu 異形離心交喻
211 12 to explain 異形離心交喻
212 12 to understand 異形離心交喻
213 12 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 用麗俱得
214 12 děi to want to; to need to 用麗俱得
215 12 děi must; ought to 用麗俱得
216 12 de 用麗俱得
217 12 de infix potential marker 用麗俱得
218 12 to result in 用麗俱得
219 12 to be proper; to fit; to suit 用麗俱得
220 12 to be satisfied 用麗俱得
221 12 to be finished 用麗俱得
222 12 děi satisfying 用麗俱得
223 12 to contract 用麗俱得
224 12 to hear 用麗俱得
225 12 to have; there is 用麗俱得
226 12 marks time passed 用麗俱得
227 12 不可 bù kě cannot; should not; must not; forbidden; prohibited 不可亂也
228 12 不可 bù kě improbable 不可亂也
229 11 yǎng to raise; to bring up (children, animals); to give birth 故欲養其欲而縱其情
230 11 yǎng to raise; to bring up (children, animals); to keep; to support; to give birth 故欲養其欲而縱其情
231 11 qiú to request 而求者從所可
232 11 qiú to seek; to look for 而求者從所可
233 11 qiú to implore 而求者從所可
234 11 qiú to aspire to 而求者從所可
235 11 qiú to be avaricious; to be greedy; to covet 而求者從所可
236 11 qiú to attract 而求者從所可
237 11 qiú to bribe 而求者從所可
238 11 qiú Qiu 而求者從所可
239 11 qiú to demand 而求者從所可
240 11 qiú to end 而求者從所可
241 11 cóng to follow 刑名從商
242 11 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 刑名從商
243 11 cóng to participate in something 刑名從商
244 11 cóng to use a certain method or principle 刑名從商
245 11 cóng something secondary 刑名從商
246 11 cóng remote relatives 刑名從商
247 11 cóng secondary 刑名從商
248 11 cóng to go on; to advance 刑名從商
249 11 cōng at ease; informal 刑名從商
250 11 zòng a follower; a supporter 刑名從商
251 11 zòng to release 刑名從商
252 11 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 刑名從商
253 10 néng can; able 心慮而能為之動謂之偽
254 10 néng ability; capacity 心慮而能為之動謂之偽
255 10 néng a mythical bear-like beast 心慮而能為之動謂之偽
256 10 néng energy 心慮而能為之動謂之偽
257 10 néng function; use 心慮而能為之動謂之偽
258 10 néng talent 心慮而能為之動謂之偽
259 10 néng expert at 心慮而能為之動謂之偽
260 10 néng to be in harmony 心慮而能為之動謂之偽
261 10 néng to tend to; to care for 心慮而能為之動謂之偽
262 10 néng to reach; to arrive at 心慮而能為之動謂之偽
263 10 è evil; vice
264 10 è evil; wicked; bad; foul; malevolent
265 10 ě queasy; nauseous
266 10 to hate; to detest
267 10 è fierce
268 10 è detestable; offensive; unpleasant
269 10 to denounce
270 9 jìn to the greatest extent; utmost 辨則盡故
271 9 jìn perfect; flawless 辨則盡故
272 9 jìn to give priority to; to do one's utmost 辨則盡故
273 9 jìn to vanish 辨則盡故
274 9 jìn to use up; to exhaust; to end; to finish; to the utmost; to be finished 辨則盡故
275 9 jìn to die 辨則盡故
276 9 可以 kěyǐ can; may; possible; able to 不可以生而可以死也
277 9 可以 kěyǐ capable; adequate 不可以生而可以死也
278 9 可以 kěyǐ can; may; possible; able to 不可以生而可以死也
279 9 可以 kěyǐ good 不可以生而可以死也
280 9 gòng to share 是所以共其約名以相期也
281 9 gòng Communist 是所以共其約名以相期也
282 9 gòng to connect; to join; to combine 是所以共其約名以相期也
283 9 gòng to include 是所以共其約名以相期也
284 9 gòng same; in common 是所以共其約名以相期也
285 9 gǒng to cup one fist in the other hand 是所以共其約名以相期也
286 9 gǒng to surround; to circle 是所以共其約名以相期也
287 9 gōng to provide 是所以共其約名以相期也
288 9 gōng respectfully 是所以共其約名以相期也
289 9 gōng Gong 是所以共其約名以相期也
290 9 xìng gender 生之所以然者謂之性
291 9 xìng nature; disposition 生之所以然者謂之性
292 9 xìng grammatical gender 生之所以然者謂之性
293 9 xìng a property; a quality 生之所以然者謂之性
294 9 xìng life; destiny 生之所以然者謂之性
295 9 xìng sexual desire 生之所以然者謂之性
296 9 xìng scope 生之所以然者謂之性
297 9 xíng to walk 正義而為謂之行
298 9 xíng capable; competent 正義而為謂之行
299 9 háng profession 正義而為謂之行
300 9 xíng Kangxi radical 144 正義而為謂之行
301 9 xíng to travel 正義而為謂之行
302 9 xìng actions; conduct 正義而為謂之行
303 9 xíng to do; to act; to practice 正義而為謂之行
304 9 xíng all right; OK; okay 正義而為謂之行
305 9 háng horizontal line 正義而為謂之行
306 9 héng virtuous deeds 正義而為謂之行
307 9 hàng a line of trees 正義而為謂之行
308 9 hàng bold; steadfast 正義而為謂之行
309 9 xíng to move 正義而為謂之行
310 9 xíng to put into effect; to implement 正義而為謂之行
311 9 xíng travel 正義而為謂之行
312 9 xíng to circulate 正義而為謂之行
313 9 xíng running script; running script 正義而為謂之行
314 9 xíng temporary 正義而為謂之行
315 9 háng rank; order 正義而為謂之行
316 9 háng a business; a shop 正義而為謂之行
317 9 xíng to depart; to leave 正義而為謂之行
318 9 xíng to experience 正義而為謂之行
319 9 xíng path; way 正義而為謂之行
320 9 xíng xing; ballad 正義而為謂之行
321 9 xíng Xing 正義而為謂之行
322 9 one 則慎率民而一焉
323 9 Kangxi radical 1 則慎率民而一焉
324 9 pure; concentrated 則慎率民而一焉
325 9 first 則慎率民而一焉
326 9 the same 則慎率民而一焉
327 9 sole; single 則慎率民而一焉
328 9 a very small amount 則慎率民而一焉
329 9 Yi 則慎率民而一焉
330 9 other 則慎率民而一焉
331 9 to unify 則慎率民而一焉
332 9 accidentally; coincidentally 則慎率民而一焉
333 9 abruptly; suddenly 則慎率民而一焉
334 9 mìng life 節遇謂之命
335 9 mìng to order 節遇謂之命
336 9 mìng destiny; fate; luck 節遇謂之命
337 9 mìng an order; a command 節遇謂之命
338 9 mìng to name; to assign 節遇謂之命
339 9 mìng livelihood 節遇謂之命
340 9 mìng advice 節遇謂之命
341 9 mìng to confer a title 節遇謂之命
342 9 mìng lifespan 節遇謂之命
343 9 mìng to think 節遇謂之命
344 8 to leave; to depart; to go away; to part 凡邪說辟言之離正道而擅作者
345 8 a mythical bird 凡邪說辟言之離正道而擅作者
346 8 li; one of the eight divinatory trigrams 凡邪說辟言之離正道而擅作者
347 8 a band or kerchief worn when a woman left home to be married 凡邪說辟言之離正道而擅作者
348 8 chī a dragon with horns not yet grown 凡邪說辟言之離正道而擅作者
349 8 a mountain ash 凡邪說辟言之離正道而擅作者
350 8 vanilla; a vanilla-like herb 凡邪說辟言之離正道而擅作者
351 8 to be scattered; to be separated 凡邪說辟言之離正道而擅作者
352 8 to cut off 凡邪說辟言之離正道而擅作者
353 8 to violate; to be contrary to 凡邪說辟言之離正道而擅作者
354 8 to be distant from 凡邪說辟言之離正道而擅作者
355 8 two 凡邪說辟言之離正道而擅作者
356 8 to array; to align 凡邪說辟言之離正道而擅作者
357 8 to pass through; to experience 凡邪說辟言之離正道而擅作者
358 8 a period of time; phase; stage 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
359 8 to hope 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
360 8 a month 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
361 8 to know beforehand; to forecast 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
362 8 mourning dress 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
363 8 a date; a designated time 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
364 8 a time limit 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
365 8 to schedule 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
366 8 a limit 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
367 8 one year 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
368 8 qíng feeling; emotion; mood 樂謂之情
369 8 qíng passion; affection 樂謂之情
370 8 qíng friendship; kindness 樂謂之情
371 8 qíng face; honor 樂謂之情
372 8 qíng condition; state; situation 樂謂之情
373 8 qíng relating to male-female relations 樂謂之情
374 8 yòng to use; to apply 此惑於用名以亂名者也
375 8 yòng Kangxi radical 101 此惑於用名以亂名者也
376 8 yòng to eat 此惑於用名以亂名者也
377 8 yòng to spend 此惑於用名以亂名者也
378 8 yòng expense 此惑於用名以亂名者也
379 8 yòng a use; usage 此惑於用名以亂名者也
380 8 yòng to need; must 此惑於用名以亂名者也
381 8 yòng useful; practical 此惑於用名以亂名者也
382 8 yòng to use up; to use all of something 此惑於用名以亂名者也
383 8 yòng to work (an animal) 此惑於用名以亂名者也
384 8 yòng to appoint 此惑於用名以亂名者也
385 8 yòng to administer; to manager 此惑於用名以亂名者也
386 8 yòng to control 此惑於用名以亂名者也
387 8 yòng to access 此惑於用名以亂名者也
388 8 yòng Yong 此惑於用名以亂名者也
389 8 to give 與所緣以同異
390 8 to accompany 與所緣以同異
391 8 to particate in 與所緣以同異
392 8 of the same kind 與所緣以同異
393 8 to help 與所緣以同異
394 8 for 與所緣以同異
395 8 其所 qísuǒ its place; one's appointed place; the place for that 以其所受
396 8 lèi kind; type; class; category 然而徵知必將待天官之當簿其類
397 8 lèi similar; like 然而徵知必將待天官之當簿其類
398 8 lèi class in a programming language 然而徵知必將待天官之當簿其類
399 8 lèi reason; logic 然而徵知必將待天官之當簿其類
400 8 lèi example; model 然而徵知必將待天官之當簿其類
401 8 lèi Lei 然而徵知必將待天官之當簿其類
402 8 thing; matter 其天官之意物也同
403 8 physics 其天官之意物也同
404 8 living beings; the outside world; other people 其天官之意物也同
405 8 contents; properties; elements 其天官之意物也同
406 8 muticolor of an animal's coat 其天官之意物也同
407 8 mottling 其天官之意物也同
408 8 variety 其天官之意物也同
409 8 an institution 其天官之意物也同
410 8 to select; to choose 其天官之意物也同
411 8 to seek 其天官之意物也同
412 8 bié other 同異不別
413 8 bié special 同異不別
414 8 bié to leave 同異不別
415 8 bié to distinguish 同異不別
416 8 bié to pin 同異不別
417 8 bié to insert; to jam 同異不別
418 8 bié to turn 同異不別
419 8 bié Bie 同異不別
420 7 同異 tóngyì similarities and differences 與所緣以同異
421 7 使 shǐ to make; to cause 使民疑惑
422 7 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 使民疑惑
423 7 使 shǐ to indulge 使民疑惑
424 7 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 使民疑惑
425 7 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 使民疑惑
426 7 使 shǐ to dispatch 使民疑惑
427 7 使 shǐ to use 使民疑惑
428 7 使 shǐ to be able to 使民疑惑
429 7 fēi Kangxi radical 175 殺盜非殺人也
430 7 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 殺盜非殺人也
431 7 fēi different 殺盜非殺人也
432 7 fēi to not be; to not have 殺盜非殺人也
433 7 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 殺盜非殺人也
434 7 fēi Africa 殺盜非殺人也
435 7 fēi to slander 殺盜非殺人也
436 7 fěi to avoid 殺盜非殺人也
437 7 fēi must 殺盜非殺人也
438 7 fēi an error 殺盜非殺人也
439 7 fēi a problem; a question 殺盜非殺人也
440 7 fēi evil 殺盜非殺人也
441 7 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 人多辨訟
442 7 duó many; much 人多辨訟
443 7 duō more 人多辨訟
444 7 duō excessive 人多辨訟
445 7 duō abundant 人多辨訟
446 7 duō to multiply; to acrue 人多辨訟
447 7 duō Duo 人多辨訟
448 7 不知 bùzhī do not know 五官簿之而不知
449 7 mín the people; citizen; subjects 則慎率民而一焉
450 7 mín Min 則慎率民而一焉
451 7 zhì a sign; a mark; a flag; a banner 道行而志通
452 7 zhì to write down; to record 道行而志通
453 7 zhì Zhi 道行而志通
454 7 zhì a written record; a treatise 道行而志通
455 7 zhì to remember 道行而志通
456 7 zhì annals; a treatise; a gazetteer 道行而志通
457 7 zhì a birthmark; a mole 道行而志通
458 7 zhì determination; will 道行而志通
459 7 zhì a magazine 道行而志通
460 7 zhì to measure; to weigh 道行而志通
461 7 zhì aspiration 道行而志通
462 7 yuán fate; predestined affinity 與所緣以同異
463 7 yuán hem 與所緣以同異
464 7 yuán to revolve around 與所緣以同異
465 7 yuán to climb up 與所緣以同異
466 7 yuán cause; origin; reason 與所緣以同異
467 7 yuán along; to follow 與所緣以同異
468 7 yuán to depend on 與所緣以同異
469 7 yuán margin; edge; rim 與所緣以同異
470 7 tóng like; same; similar 其天官之意物也同
471 7 tóng to be the same 其天官之意物也同
472 7 tòng an alley; a lane 其天官之意物也同
473 7 tóng to do something for somebody 其天官之意物也同
474 7 tóng Tong 其天官之意物也同
475 7 tóng to meet; to gather together; to join with 其天官之意物也同
476 7 tóng to be unified 其天官之意物也同
477 7 tóng to approve; to endorse 其天官之意物也同
478 7 tóng peace; harmony 其天官之意物也同
479 7 tóng an agreement 其天官之意物也同
480 6 jié festival; a special day 節遇謂之命
481 6 jié to economize; to save; to moderate 節遇謂之命
482 6 jié a node 節遇謂之命
483 6 jié to regulate; to restrain 節遇謂之命
484 6 jié section; segment; piece 節遇謂之命
485 6 jié a knot; a joint 節遇謂之命
486 6 jié courtesy 節遇謂之命
487 6 jié rate; pitch 節遇謂之命
488 6 jié chastity; moral integrity; personal integrity 節遇謂之命
489 6 jié an item 節遇謂之命
490 6 jié credentials for an envoy 節遇謂之命
491 6 jié to abridge 節遇謂之命
492 6 jié Jie 節遇謂之命
493 6 jié knot; nautical miles per hour 節遇謂之命
494 6 jié season 節遇謂之命
495 6 jié jie 節遇謂之命
496 6 jié bamboo clappers 節遇謂之命
497 6 jié rhythm 節遇謂之命
498 6 jié towering 節遇謂之命
499 6 jié capital of a column 節遇謂之命
500 6 yuē approximately 是謹於守名約之功也

Frequencies of all Words

Top 976

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 178 zhī him; her; them; that 後王之成名
2 178 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 後王之成名
3 178 zhī to go 後王之成名
4 178 zhī this; that 後王之成名
5 178 zhī genetive marker 後王之成名
6 178 zhī it 後王之成名
7 178 zhī in; in regards to 後王之成名
8 178 zhī all 後王之成名
9 178 zhī and 後王之成名
10 178 zhī however 後王之成名
11 178 zhī if 後王之成名
12 178 zhī then 後王之成名
13 178 zhī to arrive; to go 後王之成名
14 178 zhī is 後王之成名
15 178 zhī to use 後王之成名
16 178 zhī Zhi 後王之成名
17 178 zhī winding 後王之成名
18 121 also; too 是散名之在人者也
19 121 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 是散名之在人者也
20 121 either 是散名之在人者也
21 121 even 是散名之在人者也
22 121 used to soften the tone 是散名之在人者也
23 121 used for emphasis 是散名之在人者也
24 121 used to mark contrast 是散名之在人者也
25 121 used to mark compromise 是散名之在人者也
26 115 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 則因之而為通
27 115 ér Kangxi radical 126 則因之而為通
28 115 ér you 則因之而為通
29 115 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 則因之而為通
30 115 ér right away; then 則因之而為通
31 115 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 則因之而為通
32 115 ér if; in case; in the event that 則因之而為通
33 115 ér therefore; as a result; thus 則因之而為通
34 115 ér how can it be that? 則因之而為通
35 115 ér so as to 則因之而為通
36 115 ér only then 則因之而為通
37 115 ér as if; to seem like 則因之而為通
38 115 néng can; able 則因之而為通
39 115 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 則因之而為通
40 115 ér me 則因之而為通
41 115 ér to arrive; up to 則因之而為通
42 115 ér possessive 則因之而為通
43 64 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 散名之加於萬物者
44 64 zhě that 散名之加於萬物者
45 64 zhě nominalizing function word 散名之加於萬物者
46 64 zhě used to mark a definition 散名之加於萬物者
47 64 zhě used to mark a pause 散名之加於萬物者
48 64 zhě topic marker; that; it 散名之加於萬物者
49 64 zhuó according to 散名之加於萬物者
50 55 so as to; in order to 以亂正名
51 55 to use; to regard as 以亂正名
52 55 to use; to grasp 以亂正名
53 55 according to 以亂正名
54 55 because of 以亂正名
55 55 on a certain date 以亂正名
56 55 and; as well as 以亂正名
57 55 to rely on 以亂正名
58 55 to regard 以亂正名
59 55 to be able to 以亂正名
60 55 to order; to command 以亂正名
61 55 further; moreover 以亂正名
62 55 used after a verb 以亂正名
63 55 very 以亂正名
64 55 already 以亂正名
65 55 increasingly 以亂正名
66 55 a reason; a cause 以亂正名
67 55 Israel 以亂正名
68 55 Yi 以亂正名
69 43 desire 欲以心異
70 43 to desire; to wish 欲以心異
71 43 almost; nearly; about to occur 欲以心異
72 43 to desire; to intend 欲以心異
73 43 lust 欲以心異
74 41 otherwise; but; however 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
75 41 then 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
76 41 measure word for short sections of text 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
77 41 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
78 41 a grade; a level 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
79 41 an example; a model 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
80 41 a weighing device 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
81 41 to grade; to rank 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
82 41 to copy; to imitate; to follow 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
83 41 to do 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
84 41 only 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
85 41 immediately 則從諸夏之成俗曲期
86 39 his; hers; its; theirs 其罪猶為符節度量之罪也
87 39 to add emphasis 其罪猶為符節度量之罪也
88 39 used when asking a question in reply to a question 其罪猶為符節度量之罪也
89 39 used when making a request or giving an order 其罪猶為符節度量之罪也
90 39 he; her; it; them 其罪猶為符節度量之罪也
91 39 probably; likely 其罪猶為符節度量之罪也
92 39 will 其罪猶為符節度量之罪也
93 39 may 其罪猶為符節度量之罪也
94 39 if 其罪猶為符節度量之罪也
95 39 or 其罪猶為符節度量之罪也
96 39 Qi 其罪猶為符節度量之罪也
97 38 no 事無困廢之禍
98 38 Kangxi radical 71 事無困廢之禍
99 38 to not have; without 事無困廢之禍
100 38 has not yet 事無困廢之禍
101 38 mo 事無困廢之禍
102 38 do not 事無困廢之禍
103 38 not; -less; un- 事無困廢之禍
104 38 regardless of 事無困廢之禍
105 38 to not have 事無困廢之禍
106 38 um 事無困廢之禍
107 38 Wu 事無困廢之禍
108 36 míng measure word for people 爵名從周
109 36 míng fame; renown; reputation 爵名從周
110 36 míng a name; personal name; designation 爵名從周
111 36 míng rank; position 爵名從周
112 36 míng an excuse 爵名從周
113 36 míng life 爵名從周
114 36 míng to name; to call 爵名從周
115 36 míng to express; to describe 爵名從周
116 36 míng to be called; to have the name 爵名從周
117 36 míng to own; to possess 爵名從周
118 36 míng famous; renowned 爵名從周
119 36 míng moral 爵名從周
120 34 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 與所緣以同異
121 34 suǒ an office; an institute 與所緣以同異
122 34 suǒ introduces a relative clause 與所緣以同異
123 34 suǒ it 與所緣以同異
124 34 suǒ if; supposing 與所緣以同異
125 34 suǒ a few; various; some 與所緣以同異
126 34 suǒ a place; a location 與所緣以同異
127 34 suǒ indicates a passive voice 與所緣以同異
128 34 suǒ that which 與所緣以同異
129 34 suǒ an ordinal number 與所緣以同異
130 34 suǒ meaning 與所緣以同異
131 34 suǒ garrison 與所緣以同異
132 30 purposely; intentionally; deliberately; knowingly 故王者之制名
133 30 old; ancient; former; past 故王者之制名
134 30 reason; cause; purpose 故王者之制名
135 30 to die 故王者之制名
136 30 so; therefore; hence 故王者之制名
137 30 original 故王者之制名
138 30 accident; happening; instance 故王者之制名
139 30 a friend; an acquaintance; friendship 故王者之制名
140 30 something in the past 故王者之制名
141 30 deceased; dead 故王者之制名
142 30 still; yet 故王者之制名
143 27 wèi to call 生之所以然者謂之性
144 27 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 生之所以然者謂之性
145 27 wèi to speak to; to address 生之所以然者謂之性
146 27 wèi to treat as; to regard as 生之所以然者謂之性
147 27 wèi introducing a condition situation 生之所以然者謂之性
148 27 wèi to speak to; to address 生之所以然者謂之性
149 27 wèi to think 生之所以然者謂之性
150 27 wèi for; is to be 生之所以然者謂之性
151 27 wèi to make; to cause 生之所以然者謂之性
152 27 wèi and 生之所以然者謂之性
153 27 wèi principle; reason 生之所以然者謂之性
154 27 wèi Wei 生之所以然者謂之性
155 26 not; no 同異不別
156 26 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 同異不別
157 26 as a correlative 同異不別
158 26 no (answering a question) 同異不別
159 26 forms a negative adjective from a noun 同異不別
160 26 at the end of a sentence to form a question 同異不別
161 26 to form a yes or no question 同異不別
162 26 infix potential marker 同異不別
163 26 yǒu is; are; to exist 若有王者起
164 26 yǒu to have; to possess 若有王者起
165 26 yǒu indicates an estimate 若有王者起
166 26 yǒu indicates a large quantity 若有王者起
167 26 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 若有王者起
168 26 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 若有王者起
169 26 yǒu used to compare two things 若有王者起
170 26 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 若有王者起
171 26 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 若有王者起
172 26 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 若有王者起
173 26 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 若有王者起
174 26 yǒu abundant 若有王者起
175 26 yǒu purposeful 若有王者起
176 26 yǒu You 若有王者起
177 25 in; at 散名之加於萬物者
178 25 in; at 散名之加於萬物者
179 25 in; at; to; from 散名之加於萬物者
180 25 to go; to 散名之加於萬物者
181 25 to rely on; to depend on 散名之加於萬物者
182 25 to go to; to arrive at 散名之加於萬物者
183 25 from 散名之加於萬物者
184 25 give 散名之加於萬物者
185 25 oppposing 散名之加於萬物者
186 25 and 散名之加於萬物者
187 25 compared to 散名之加於萬物者
188 25 by 散名之加於萬物者
189 25 and; as well as 散名之加於萬物者
190 25 for 散名之加於萬物者
191 25 Yu 散名之加於萬物者
192 25 a crow 散名之加於萬物者
193 25 whew; wow 散名之加於萬物者
194 23 wèi for; to 則因之而為通
195 23 wèi because of 則因之而為通
196 23 wéi to act as; to serve 則因之而為通
197 23 wéi to change into; to become 則因之而為通
198 23 wéi to be; is 則因之而為通
199 23 wéi to do 則因之而為通
200 23 wèi for 則因之而為通
201 23 wèi because of; for; to 則因之而為通
202 23 wèi to 則因之而為通
203 23 wéi in a passive construction 則因之而為通
204 23 wéi forming a rehetorical question 則因之而為通
205 23 wéi forming an adverb 則因之而為通
206 23 wéi to add emphasis 則因之而為通
207 23 wèi to support; to help 則因之而為通
208 23 wéi to govern 則因之而為通
209 22 different; other 遠方異俗之鄉
210 22 to distinguish; to separate; to discriminate 遠方異俗之鄉
211 22 different; other; hetero-; unusual; strange; surprising 遠方異俗之鄉
212 22 unfamiliar; foreign 遠方異俗之鄉
213 22 unusual; strange; surprising 遠方異俗之鄉
214 22 to marvel; to wonder 遠方異俗之鄉
215 22 another; other 遠方異俗之鄉
216 21 xīn heart [organ] 情然而心為之擇謂之慮
217 21 xīn Kangxi radical 61 情然而心為之擇謂之慮
218 21 xīn mind; consciousness 情然而心為之擇謂之慮
219 21 xīn the center; the core; the middle 情然而心為之擇謂之慮
220 21 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 情然而心為之擇謂之慮
221 21 xīn heart 情然而心為之擇謂之慮
222 21 xīn emotion 情然而心為之擇謂之慮
223 21 xīn intention; consideration 情然而心為之擇謂之慮
224 21 xīn disposition; temperament 情然而心為之擇謂之慮
225 21 dào way; road; path 道行而志通
226 21 dào principle; a moral; morality 道行而志通
227 21 dào Tao; the Way 道行而志通
228 21 dào measure word for long things 道行而志通
229 21 dào to say; to speak; to talk 道行而志通
230 21 dào to think 道行而志通
231 21 dào times 道行而志通
232 21 dào circuit; a province 道行而志通
233 21 dào a course; a channel 道行而志通
234 21 dào a method; a way of doing something 道行而志通
235 21 dào measure word for doors and walls 道行而志通
236 21 dào measure word for courses of a meal 道行而志通
237 21 dào a centimeter 道行而志通
238 21 dào a doctrine 道行而志通
239 21 dào Taoism; Daoism 道行而志通
240 21 dào a skill 道行而志通
241 21 dào a sect 道行而志通
242 21 dào a line 道行而志通
243 21 rén person; people; a human being 散名之在人者
244 21 rén Kangxi radical 9 散名之在人者
245 21 rén a kind of person 散名之在人者
246 21 rén everybody 散名之在人者
247 21 rén adult 散名之在人者
248 21 rén somebody; others 散名之在人者
249 21 rén an upright person 散名之在人者
250 19 final particle to express a completed action 而謹於循令矣
251 19 particle to express certainty 而謹於循令矣
252 19 would; particle to indicate a future condition 而謹於循令矣
253 19 to form a question 而謹於循令矣
254 19 to indicate a command 而謹於循令矣
255 19 sigh 而謹於循令矣
256 18 can; may; permissible 則緣耳而知聲可也
257 18 but 則緣耳而知聲可也
258 18 such; so 則緣耳而知聲可也
259 18 able to; possibly 則緣耳而知聲可也
260 18 to approve; to permit 則緣耳而知聲可也
261 18 to be worth 則緣耳而知聲可也
262 18 to suit; to fit 則緣耳而知聲可也
263 18 khan 則緣耳而知聲可也
264 18 to recover 則緣耳而知聲可也
265 18 to act as 則緣耳而知聲可也
266 18 to be worth; to deserve 則緣耳而知聲可也
267 18 approximately; probably 則緣耳而知聲可也
268 18 expresses doubt 則緣耳而知聲可也
269 18 really; truely 則緣耳而知聲可也
270 18 used to add emphasis 則緣耳而知聲可也
271 18 beautiful 則緣耳而知聲可也
272 18 Ke 則緣耳而知聲可也
273 18 used to ask a question 則緣耳而知聲可也
274 18 shí real; true 名定而實辨
275 18 shí nut; seed; fruit 名定而實辨
276 18 shí substance; content; material 名定而實辨
277 18 shí honest; sincere 名定而實辨
278 18 shí vast; extensive 名定而實辨
279 18 shí solid 名定而實辨
280 18 shí abundant; prosperous 名定而實辨
281 18 shí reality; a fact; an event 名定而實辨
282 18 shí wealth; property 名定而實辨
283 18 shí effect; result 名定而實辨
284 18 shí an honest person 名定而實辨
285 18 shí truly; in reality; in fact; actually 名定而實辨
286 18 shí to fill 名定而實辨
287 18 shí finally 名定而實辨
288 18 shí complete 名定而實辨
289 18 shí to strengthen 名定而實辨
290 18 shí to practice 名定而實辨
291 18 shí namely 名定而實辨
292 18 shí to verify; to check; to confirm 名定而實辨
293 18 shí this 名定而實辨
294 18 shí full; at capacity 名定而實辨
295 18 shí supplies; goods 名定而實辨
296 18 shí Shichen 名定而實辨
297 17 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks
298 17 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted
299 17 shuì to persuade
300 17 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain
301 17 shuō a doctrine; a theory
302 17 shuō to claim; to assert
303 17 shuō allocution
304 17 shuō to criticize; to scold
305 17 shuō to indicate; to refer to
306 17 biàn to distinguish; to recognize 名定而實辨
307 17 biàn to debate; to argue 名定而實辨
308 17 biàn argument 名定而實辨
309 17 biàn distinct 名定而實辨
310 15 suī although; even though 則雖守法之吏
311 15 suī only 則雖守法之吏
312 15 easy; simple 愨則易使
313 15 to change 愨則易使
314 15 Yi 愨則易使
315 15 Book of Changes; Yijing; I Ching 愨則易使
316 15 to exchange; to swap 愨則易使
317 15 gentle; mild; moderate; nice; amiable 愨則易使
318 15 to despise; to scorn; to belittle to disrespect 愨則易使
319 15 to govern; to administer; to control 愨則易使
320 15 to clear away weeds and bushes 愨則易使
321 15 a border; a limit 愨則易使
322 15 to lighten; to facilitate 愨則易使
323 15 to be at ease 愨則易使
324 15 flat [terrain] 愨則易使
325 15 managed well; cultivated well 愨則易使
326 15 [of a field] to lie fallow 愨則易使
327 14 luàn chaotic; disorderly 以亂正名
328 14 luàn confused 以亂正名
329 14 luàn to disturb; to upset; to throw into chaos 以亂正名
330 14 luàn to be promiscuous 以亂正名
331 14 luàn finale 以亂正名
332 14 luàn to destroy 以亂正名
333 14 luàn to confuse 以亂正名
334 14 luàn agitated 以亂正名
335 14 luàn very 以亂正名
336 14 luàn unstable 以亂正名
337 14 luàn arbitrarily; indescriminately 以亂正名
338 14 luàn revolt; rebelion; riot 以亂正名
339 13 words; speech; expression; phrase; dialog 故析辭擅作名
340 13 to resign 故析辭擅作名
341 13 to dismiss; to fire 故析辭擅作名
342 13 rhetoric 故析辭擅作名
343 13 to say goodbye; to take leave 故析辭擅作名
344 13 ci genre poetry 故析辭擅作名
345 13 to avoid; to decline 故析辭擅作名
346 13 cause for gossip; reason for condemnation 故析辭擅作名
347 13 to tell; to inform 故析辭擅作名
348 13 to blame; to criticize 故析辭擅作名
349 13 this; these 此所為有名也
350 13 in this way 此所為有名也
351 13 otherwise; but; however; so 此所為有名也
352 13 at this time; now; here 此所為有名也
353 13 zhī to know 所以知之在人者謂之知
354 13 zhī to comprehend 所以知之在人者謂之知
355 13 zhī to inform; to tell 所以知之在人者謂之知
356 13 zhī to administer 所以知之在人者謂之知
357 13 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 所以知之在人者謂之知
358 13 zhī to be close friends 所以知之在人者謂之知
359 13 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 所以知之在人者謂之知
360 13 zhī to receive; to entertain 所以知之在人者謂之知
361 13 zhī knowledge 所以知之在人者謂之知
362 13 zhī consciousness; perception 所以知之在人者謂之知
363 13 zhī a close friend 所以知之在人者謂之知
364 13 zhì wisdom 所以知之在人者謂之知
365 13 zhì Zhi 所以知之在人者謂之知
366 13 zhī to appreciate 所以知之在人者謂之知
367 13 zhī to make known 所以知之在人者謂之知
368 13 zhī to have control over 所以知之在人者謂之知
369 13 zhī to expect; to foresee 所以知之在人者謂之知
370 12 shì is; are; am; to be 是散名之在人者也
371 12 shì is exactly 是散名之在人者也
372 12 shì is suitable; is in contrast 是散名之在人者也
373 12 shì this; that; those 是散名之在人者也
374 12 shì really; certainly 是散名之在人者也
375 12 shì correct; yes; affirmative 是散名之在人者也
376 12 shì true 是散名之在人者也
377 12 shì is; has; exists 是散名之在人者也
378 12 shì used between repetitions of a word 是散名之在人者也
379 12 shì a matter; an affair 是散名之在人者也
380 12 shì Shi 是散名之在人者也
381 12 an analogy; a simile; a metaphor; an allegory 異形離心交喻
382 12 Yu 異形離心交喻
383 12 to explain 異形離心交喻
384 12 to understand 異形離心交喻
385 12 de potential marker 用麗俱得
386 12 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 用麗俱得
387 12 děi must; ought to 用麗俱得
388 12 děi to want to; to need to 用麗俱得
389 12 děi must; ought to 用麗俱得
390 12 de 用麗俱得
391 12 de infix potential marker 用麗俱得
392 12 to result in 用麗俱得
393 12 to be proper; to fit; to suit 用麗俱得
394 12 to be satisfied 用麗俱得
395 12 to be finished 用麗俱得
396 12 de result of degree 用麗俱得
397 12 de marks completion of an action 用麗俱得
398 12 děi satisfying 用麗俱得
399 12 to contract 用麗俱得
400 12 marks permission or possibility 用麗俱得
401 12 expressing frustration 用麗俱得
402 12 to hear 用麗俱得
403 12 to have; there is 用麗俱得
404 12 marks time passed 用麗俱得
405 12 不可 bù kě cannot; should not; must not; forbidden; prohibited 不可亂也
406 12 不可 bù kě improbable 不可亂也
407 11 yǎng to raise; to bring up (children, animals); to give birth 故欲養其欲而縱其情
408 11 yǎng to raise; to bring up (children, animals); to keep; to support; to give birth 故欲養其欲而縱其情
409 11 qiú to request 而求者從所可
410 11 qiú to seek; to look for 而求者從所可
411 11 qiú to implore 而求者從所可
412 11 qiú to aspire to 而求者從所可
413 11 qiú to be avaricious; to be greedy; to covet 而求者從所可
414 11 qiú to attract 而求者從所可
415 11 qiú to bribe 而求者從所可
416 11 qiú Qiu 而求者從所可
417 11 qiú to demand 而求者從所可
418 11 qiú to end 而求者從所可
419 11 cóng from 刑名從商
420 11 cóng to follow 刑名從商
421 11 cóng past; through 刑名從商
422 11 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 刑名從商
423 11 cóng to participate in something 刑名從商
424 11 cóng to use a certain method or principle 刑名從商
425 11 cóng usually 刑名從商
426 11 cóng something secondary 刑名從商
427 11 cóng remote relatives 刑名從商
428 11 cóng secondary 刑名從商
429 11 cóng to go on; to advance 刑名從商
430 11 cōng at ease; informal 刑名從商
431 11 zòng a follower; a supporter 刑名從商
432 11 zòng to release 刑名從商
433 11 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 刑名從商
434 10 néng can; able 心慮而能為之動謂之偽
435 10 néng ability; capacity 心慮而能為之動謂之偽
436 10 néng a mythical bear-like beast 心慮而能為之動謂之偽
437 10 néng energy 心慮而能為之動謂之偽
438 10 néng function; use 心慮而能為之動謂之偽
439 10 néng may; should; permitted to 心慮而能為之動謂之偽
440 10 néng talent 心慮而能為之動謂之偽
441 10 néng expert at 心慮而能為之動謂之偽
442 10 néng to be in harmony 心慮而能為之動謂之偽
443 10 néng to tend to; to care for 心慮而能為之動謂之偽
444 10 néng to reach; to arrive at 心慮而能為之動謂之偽
445 10 néng as long as; only 心慮而能為之動謂之偽
446 10 néng even if 心慮而能為之動謂之偽
447 10 néng but 心慮而能為之動謂之偽
448 10 néng in this way 心慮而能為之動謂之偽
449 10 è evil; vice
450 10 è evil; wicked; bad; foul; malevolent
451 10 ě queasy; nauseous
452 10 to hate; to detest
453 10 how?
454 10 è fierce
455 10 è detestable; offensive; unpleasant
456 10 to denounce
457 10 oh!
458 9 jìn to the greatest extent; utmost 辨則盡故
459 9 jìn all; every 辨則盡故
460 9 jìn perfect; flawless 辨則盡故
461 9 jìn to give priority to; to do one's utmost 辨則盡故
462 9 jìn furthest; extreme 辨則盡故
463 9 jìn to vanish 辨則盡故
464 9 jìn to use up; to exhaust; to end; to finish; to the utmost; to be finished 辨則盡故
465 9 jìn to be within the limit 辨則盡故
466 9 jìn all; every 辨則盡故
467 9 jìn to die 辨則盡故
468 9 可以 kěyǐ can; may; possible; able to 不可以生而可以死也
469 9 可以 kěyǐ capable; adequate 不可以生而可以死也
470 9 可以 kěyǐ can; may; possible; able to 不可以生而可以死也
471 9 可以 kěyǐ good 不可以生而可以死也
472 9 gòng together 是所以共其約名以相期也
473 9 gòng to share 是所以共其約名以相期也
474 9 gòng Communist 是所以共其約名以相期也
475 9 gòng to connect; to join; to combine 是所以共其約名以相期也
476 9 gòng to include 是所以共其約名以相期也
477 9 gòng all together; in total 是所以共其約名以相期也
478 9 gòng same; in common 是所以共其約名以相期也
479 9 gòng and 是所以共其約名以相期也
480 9 gǒng to cup one fist in the other hand 是所以共其約名以相期也
481 9 gǒng to surround; to circle 是所以共其約名以相期也
482 9 gōng to provide 是所以共其約名以相期也
483 9 gōng respectfully 是所以共其約名以相期也
484 9 gōng Gong 是所以共其約名以相期也
485 9 xìng gender 生之所以然者謂之性
486 9 xìng suffix corresponding to -ness 生之所以然者謂之性
487 9 xìng nature; disposition 生之所以然者謂之性
488 9 xìng a suffix corresponding to -ness 生之所以然者謂之性
489 9 xìng grammatical gender 生之所以然者謂之性
490 9 xìng a property; a quality 生之所以然者謂之性
491 9 xìng life; destiny 生之所以然者謂之性
492 9 xìng sexual desire 生之所以然者謂之性
493 9 xìng scope 生之所以然者謂之性
494 9 然而 ránér however; yet; but 情然而心為之擇謂之慮
495 9 xíng to walk 正義而為謂之行
496 9 xíng capable; competent 正義而為謂之行
497 9 háng profession 正義而為謂之行
498 9 háng line; row 正義而為謂之行
499 9 xíng Kangxi radical 144 正義而為謂之行
500 9 xíng to travel 正義而為謂之行

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
所多 115 Soto
天子 116 the rightful Emperor; the Son of Heaven
  1. what?; where?; why?
  2. a slave; a servant
  3. Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi
  4. Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi
  5. Xi


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English