Glossary and Vocabulary for History of Liao 遼史, 卷十二 本紀第十二: 聖宗三 Volume 12 Annals 12: Shengzong 3

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 32 to use; to grasp 以牡丹遍賜近臣
2 32 to rely on 以牡丹遍賜近臣
3 32 to regard 以牡丹遍賜近臣
4 32 to be able to 以牡丹遍賜近臣
5 32 to order; to command 以牡丹遍賜近臣
6 32 used after a verb 以牡丹遍賜近臣
7 32 a reason; a cause 以牡丹遍賜近臣
8 32 Israel 以牡丹遍賜近臣
9 32 Yi 以牡丹遍賜近臣
10 30 zhī to go 遂擊破之
11 30 zhī to arrive; to go 遂擊破之
12 30 zhī is 遂擊破之
13 30 zhī to use 遂擊破之
14 30 zhī Zhi 遂擊破之
15 30 zhī winding 遂擊破之
16 21 sòng Song dynasty 休哥奏宋事宜
17 21 sòng Song 休哥奏宋事宜
18 21 sòng Liu Song Dynasty 休哥奏宋事宜
19 19 zhào an imperial decree 詔有司條上勛舊
20 19 zhào to decree; to proclaim; to tell 詔有司條上勛舊
21 19 zhōu a state; a province 奉聖州言太祖所建金鈴閣壞
22 19 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 奉聖州言太祖所建金鈴閣壞
23 19 zhōu a prefecture 奉聖州言太祖所建金鈴閣壞
24 19 zhōu a country 奉聖州言太祖所建金鈴閣壞
25 19 zhōu an island 奉聖州言太祖所建金鈴閣壞
26 19 zhōu Zhou 奉聖州言太祖所建金鈴閣壞
27 19 zhōu autonomous prefecture 奉聖州言太祖所建金鈴閣壞
28 19 zhōu a country 奉聖州言太祖所建金鈴閣壞
29 18 jūn army; military 大同軍節度使
30 18 jūn soldiers; troops 大同軍節度使
31 18 jūn an organized collective 大同軍節度使
32 18 jūn to garrison; to stay an an encampment 大同軍節度使
33 18 jūn a garrison 大同軍節度使
34 18 jūn a front 大同軍節度使
35 18 jūn penal miltary service 大同軍節度使
36 18 jūn to organize troops 大同軍節度使
37 15 Germany 上率百僚冊上皇太后尊號曰睿德神略應運啟化承天皇太后
38 15 virtue; morality; ethics; character 上率百僚冊上皇太后尊號曰睿德神略應運啟化承天皇太后
39 15 kindness; favor 上率百僚冊上皇太后尊號曰睿德神略應運啟化承天皇太后
40 15 conduct; behavior 上率百僚冊上皇太后尊號曰睿德神略應運啟化承天皇太后
41 15 to be grateful 上率百僚冊上皇太后尊號曰睿德神略應運啟化承天皇太后
42 15 heart; intention 上率百僚冊上皇太后尊號曰睿德神略應運啟化承天皇太后
43 15 De 上率百僚冊上皇太后尊號曰睿德神略應運啟化承天皇太后
44 15 potency; natural power 上率百僚冊上皇太后尊號曰睿德神略應運啟化承天皇太后
45 15 wholesome; good 上率百僚冊上皇太后尊號曰睿德神略應運啟化承天皇太后
46 14 rén person; people; a human being 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
47 14 rén Kangxi radical 9 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
48 14 rén a kind of person 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
49 14 rén everybody 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
50 14 rén adult 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
51 14 rén somebody; others 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
52 14 rén an upright person 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
53 14 elder brother 休哥奏宋事宜
54 13 to go; to 烏隈於厥部以歲貢貂鼠
55 13 to rely on; to depend on 烏隈於厥部以歲貢貂鼠
56 13 Yu 烏隈於厥部以歲貢貂鼠
57 13 a crow 烏隈於厥部以歲貢貂鼠
58 13 shàng top; a high position 上還南京
59 13 shang top; the position on or above something 上還南京
60 13 shàng to go up; to go forward 上還南京
61 13 shàng shang 上還南京
62 13 shàng previous; last 上還南京
63 13 shàng high; higher 上還南京
64 13 shàng advanced 上還南京
65 13 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上還南京
66 13 shàng time 上還南京
67 13 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上還南京
68 13 shàng far 上還南京
69 13 shàng big; as big as 上還南京
70 13 shàng abundant; plentiful 上還南京
71 13 shàng to report 上還南京
72 13 shàng to offer 上還南京
73 13 shàng to go on stage 上還南京
74 13 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上還南京
75 13 shàng to install; to erect 上還南京
76 13 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上還南京
77 13 shàng to burn 上還南京
78 13 shàng to remember 上還南京
79 13 shàng to add 上還南京
80 13 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上還南京
81 13 shàng to meet 上還南京
82 13 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上還南京
83 13 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上還南京
84 13 shàng a musical note 上還南京
85 13 lái to come 李繼遷遣使來貢
86 13 lái please 李繼遷遣使來貢
87 13 lái used to substitute for another verb 李繼遷遣使來貢
88 13 lái used between two word groups to express purpose and effect 李繼遷遣使來貢
89 13 lái wheat 李繼遷遣使來貢
90 13 lái next; future 李繼遷遣使來貢
91 13 lái a simple complement of direction 李繼遷遣使來貢
92 13 lái to occur; to arise 李繼遷遣使來貢
93 13 lái to earn 李繼遷遣使來貢
94 12 bīng soldier; troops 縱兵大掠
95 12 bīng weapons 縱兵大掠
96 12 bīng military; warfare 縱兵大掠
97 12 inside; interior 以諦居部下拽剌解裏偵候有功
98 12 wéi to act as; to serve 以耶律蘇為遙郡刺史
99 12 wéi to change into; to become 以耶律蘇為遙郡刺史
100 12 wéi to be; is 以耶律蘇為遙郡刺史
101 12 wéi to do 以耶律蘇為遙郡刺史
102 12 wèi to support; to help 以耶律蘇為遙郡刺史
103 12 wéi to govern 以耶律蘇為遙郡刺史
104 12 jiàng to descend; to fall; to drop 遣人諭降
105 12 jiàng to degrade 遣人諭降
106 12 jiàng Jiang [jupiter station] 遣人諭降
107 12 jiàng to confer; to bestow; to give 遣人諭降
108 12 jiàng to reduce; to decline 遣人諭降
109 12 jiàng to condescend 遣人諭降
110 12 jiàng to surrender 遣人諭降
111 12 jiàng Jiang 遣人諭降
112 12 xiáng to surrender 遣人諭降
113 12 xiáng to conquer; to subdue 遣人諭降
114 12 shuò first day of the lunar month 二月甲午朔
115 12 shuò the north 二月甲午朔
116 12 shuò beginning 二月甲午朔
117 11 horse 胡裏室橫突韓德讓墮馬
118 11 Kangxi radical 187 胡裏室橫突韓德讓墮馬
119 11 Ma 胡裏室橫突韓德讓墮馬
120 11 historic tool for tallying numbers 胡裏室橫突韓德讓墮馬
121 11 chén minister; statesman; official 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
122 11 chén Kangxi radical 131 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
123 11 chén a slave 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
124 11 chén Chen 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
125 11 chén to obey; to comply 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
126 11 chén to command; to direct 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
127 11 chén a subject 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
128 11 gòng a tribute; a gift 李繼遷遣使來貢
129 11 gòng to offer a tribute 李繼遷遣使來貢
130 11 gòng to recommend [a scholar] to the imperial court 李繼遷遣使來貢
131 11 gòng to confer; to bestow 李繼遷遣使來貢
132 11 gòng Gong 李繼遷遣使來貢
133 11 to give; to bestow favors 以牡丹遍賜近臣
134 11 grace; favor; a gift 以牡丹遍賜近臣
135 11 to award; to appoint 以牡丹遍賜近臣
136 11 to do in full 以牡丹遍賜近臣
137 11 to bestow an honorific title 以牡丹遍賜近臣
138 11 xìng fortunate; lucky 幸長春宮
139 11 xìng good fortune; luck 幸長春宮
140 11 xìng to favor 幸長春宮
141 11 xìng to arrive 幸長春宮
142 11 xìng to trust; to hope 幸長春宮
143 11 xìng to be glad; to be happy 幸長春宮
144 11 xìng Xing 幸長春宮
145 11 xìng thankful 幸長春宮
146 10 easy; simple 將至易州
147 10 to change 將至易州
148 10 Yi 將至易州
149 10 Book of Changes; Yijing; I Ching 將至易州
150 10 to exchange; to swap 將至易州
151 10 gentle; mild; moderate; nice; amiable 將至易州
152 10 to despise; to scorn; to belittle to disrespect 將至易州
153 10 to govern; to administer; to control 將至易州
154 10 to clear away weeds and bushes 將至易州
155 10 a border; a limit 將至易州
156 10 to lighten; to facilitate 將至易州
157 10 to be at ease 將至易州
158 10 flat [terrain] 將至易州
159 10 managed well; cultivated well 將至易州
160 10 [of a field] to lie fallow 將至易州
161 10 qiǎn to send; to dispatch 遣南面招討使韓德威討河
162 10 qiǎn to banish; to exile 遣南面招討使韓德威討河
163 10 qiǎn to release 遣南面招討使韓德威討河
164 10 qiǎn to divorce 遣南面招討使韓德威討河
165 10 qiǎn to eliminate 遣南面招討使韓德威討河
166 10 qiǎn to cause 遣南面招討使韓德威討河
167 10 qiǎn to use; to apply 遣南面招討使韓德威討河
168 10 qiàn to bring to a grave 遣南面招討使韓德威討河
169 10 xiū to rest 休哥奏宋事宜
170 10 xiū to stop 休哥奏宋事宜
171 10 xiū to take leave 休哥奏宋事宜
172 10 xiū lucky; beneficial 休哥奏宋事宜
173 10 xiū to cast of one's wife 休哥奏宋事宜
174 10 xiū to retire 休哥奏宋事宜
175 10 xiū first-rate; best quality 休哥奏宋事宜
176 10 xiū shade from a tree 休哥奏宋事宜
177 10 Qi 盡殺其丁壯
178 9 huán to go back; to turn around; to return 上還南京
179 9 huán to pay back; to give back 上還南京
180 9 huán to do in return 上還南京
181 9 huán Huan 上還南京
182 9 huán to revert 上還南京
183 9 huán to turn one's head; to look back 上還南京
184 9 huán to encircle 上還南京
185 9 xuán to rotate 上還南京
186 9 huán since 上還南京
187 9 耶律 yélǜ Yelu 以耶律蘇為遙郡刺史
188 8 suǒ a few; various; some 所司議貴
189 8 suǒ a place; a location 所司議貴
190 8 suǒ indicates a passive voice 所司議貴
191 8 suǒ an ordinal number 所司議貴
192 8 suǒ meaning 所司議貴
193 8 suǒ garrison 所司議貴
194 8 děng et cetera; and so on 排亞等追擊
195 8 děng to wait 排亞等追擊
196 8 děng to be equal 排亞等追擊
197 8 děng degree; level 排亞等追擊
198 8 děng to compare 排亞等追擊
199 8 to instruct; to expound; to explain 遣人諭降
200 8 to explain by analogy 遣人諭降
201 8 to resemble 遣人諭降
202 8 to notify 遣人諭降
203 8 to understand 遣人諭降
204 8 cóng to follow 從之
205 8 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 從之
206 8 cóng to participate in something 從之
207 8 cóng to use a certain method or principle 從之
208 8 cóng something secondary 從之
209 8 cóng remote relatives 從之
210 8 cóng secondary 從之
211 8 cóng to go on; to advance 從之
212 8 cōng at ease; informal 從之
213 8 zòng a follower; a supporter 從之
214 8 zòng to release 從之
215 8 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 從之
216 8 fēn to separate; to divide into parts 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
217 8 fēn a part; a section; a division; a portion 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
218 8 fēn to distribute; to share; to assign; to allot 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
219 8 fēn to differentiate; to distinguish 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
220 8 fēn a fraction 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
221 8 fēn to express as a fraction 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
222 8 fēn one tenth 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
223 8 fèn a component; an ingredient 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
224 8 fèn the limit of an obligation 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
225 8 fèn affection; goodwill 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
226 8 fèn a role; a responsibility 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
227 8 fēn equinox 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
228 8 fèn a characteristic 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
229 8 fèn to assume; to deduce 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
230 8 fēn to share 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
231 8 fēn branch [office] 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
232 8 fēn clear; distinct 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
233 8 fēn a difference 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
234 8 fēn a score 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
235 8 fèn identity 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
236 8 fèn a part; a portion 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
237 7 詳穩 xiángwěn tribal dignitary 西北路管押詳穩速撒哥以伐折立
238 7 to give 休哥與排亞
239 7 to accompany 休哥與排亞
240 7 to particate in 休哥與排亞
241 7 of the same kind 休哥與排亞
242 7 to help 休哥與排亞
243 7 for 休哥與排亞
244 7 遣使 qiǎnshǐ envoy 李繼遷遣使來貢
245 7 遣使 qiǎn shǐ sent a messenger 李繼遷遣使來貢
246 7 南京 nánjīng Nanjing 上還南京
247 7 zòu to present; to offer 休哥奏宋事宜
248 7 zòu to present a memorial to the emperor 休哥奏宋事宜
249 7 zòu to play a musical instrument 休哥奏宋事宜
250 7 zòu to happen; to occur 休哥奏宋事宜
251 7 zòu a memorial to the throne 休哥奏宋事宜
252 7 zòu to go; to walk 休哥奏宋事宜
253 7 zòu modulation of rhythm 休哥奏宋事宜
254 7 gōng to attack; to assault 縱兵四面攻之
255 7 gōng to discredit; to impugn; to criticize 縱兵四面攻之
256 7 gōng to remedy; to cure 縱兵四面攻之
257 7 gōng to work at; to handle 縱兵四面攻之
258 7 gōng workmanship; expertise 縱兵四面攻之
259 7 gōng exaction by the state 縱兵四面攻之
260 7 gōng sturdy; strong 縱兵四面攻之
261 7 gōng to govern; to administer 縱兵四面攻之
262 7 gōng Gong 縱兵四面攻之
263 7 to break; to split; to smash 破束城縣
264 7 worn-out; broken 破束城縣
265 7 to destroy; to ruin 破束城縣
266 7 to break a rule; to allow an exception 破束城縣
267 7 to defeat 破束城縣
268 7 low quality; in poor condition 破束城縣
269 7 to strike; to hit 破束城縣
270 7 to spend [money]; to squander 破束城縣
271 7 to disprove [an argument] 破束城縣
272 7 finale 破束城縣
273 7 to use up; to exhaust 破束城縣
274 7 to penetrate 破束城縣
275 7 使 shǐ to make; to cause 殺其指揮使而還
276 7 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 殺其指揮使而還
277 7 使 shǐ to indulge 殺其指揮使而還
278 7 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 殺其指揮使而還
279 7 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 殺其指揮使而還
280 7 使 shǐ to dispatch 殺其指揮使而還
281 7 使 shǐ to use 殺其指揮使而還
282 7 使 shǐ to be able to 殺其指揮使而還
283 6 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
284 6 děi to want to; to need to 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
285 6 děi must; ought to 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
286 6 de 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
287 6 de infix potential marker 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
288 6 to result in 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
289 6 to be proper; to fit; to suit 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
290 6 to be satisfied 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
291 6 to be finished 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
292 6 děi satisfying 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
293 6 to contract 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
294 6 to hear 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
295 6 to have; there is 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
296 6 marks time passed 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
297 6 皇太后 huángtàihòu empress dowager 上率百僚冊上皇太后尊號曰睿德神略應運啟化承天皇太后
298 6 mìng life 命入禦盞郎君班祗候
299 6 mìng to order 命入禦盞郎君班祗候
300 6 mìng destiny; fate; luck 命入禦盞郎君班祗候
301 6 mìng an order; a command 命入禦盞郎君班祗候
302 6 mìng to name; to assign 命入禦盞郎君班祗候
303 6 mìng livelihood 命入禦盞郎君班祗候
304 6 mìng advice 命入禦盞郎君班祗候
305 6 mìng to confer a title 命入禦盞郎君班祗候
306 6 mìng lifespan 命入禦盞郎君班祗候
307 6 mìng to think 命入禦盞郎君班祗候
308 6 Asia 排亞部諸軍戰馬
309 6 second; next to 排亞部諸軍戰馬
310 6 lower than; to be mediocre 排亞部諸軍戰馬
311 6 same as; equal to 排亞部諸軍戰馬
312 6 to cover 排亞部諸軍戰馬
313 6 secondary; backup 排亞部諸軍戰馬
314 6 address term between sons-in-law 排亞部諸軍戰馬
315 6 fork; divergence 排亞部諸軍戰馬
316 6 qǐng to ask; to inquire 民請留
317 6 qíng circumstances; state of affairs; situation 民請留
318 6 qǐng to beg; to entreat 民請留
319 6 qǐng please 民請留
320 6 qǐng to request 民請留
321 6 qǐng to hire; to employ; to engage 民請留
322 6 qǐng to make an appointment 民請留
323 6 qǐng to greet 民請留
324 6 qǐng to invite 民請留
325 6 皇帝 huángdì Emperor 群臣上皇帝尊號曰至德廣孝昭聖天輔皇帝
326 6 Li 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
327 6 plum 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
328 6 envoy; judge 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
329 6 female; feminine 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
330 6 female 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
331 6 Kangxi radical 38 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
332 6 to marry off a daughter 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
333 6 daughter 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
334 6 soft; feminine 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
335 6 the Maiden lunar lodging 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
336 6 xiàn to offer; to present 皆於他處貿易以獻
337 6 xiàn to show; to display 皆於他處貿易以獻
338 6 xiàn to celebrate 皆於他處貿易以獻
339 6 xiàn a worthy person 皆於他處貿易以獻
340 6 xiàn a document 皆於他處貿易以獻
341 6 xiàn to perform 皆於他處貿易以獻
342 6 suō a technique for filtering wine 皆於他處貿易以獻
343 6 suō a container for sacrificial wine 皆於他處貿易以獻
344 6 zhàng a tent 皇太后幸韓德讓帳
345 6 zhàng a screen; a curtain; a mosquito net 皇太后幸韓德讓帳
346 6 zhàng accounts; books 皇太后幸韓德讓帳
347 6 zhàng debt; credit 皇太后幸韓德讓帳
348 6 zhàng a canopy [above a bed] 皇太后幸韓德讓帳
349 6 zhàng a scroll 皇太后幸韓德讓帳
350 6 zhàng to spread 皇太后幸韓德讓帳
351 6 pái row; rank; line 排亞部諸軍戰馬
352 6 pái to line up 排亞部諸軍戰馬
353 6 pái platoon 排亞部諸軍戰馬
354 6 pái to expel; to eliminate; to discharge 排亞部諸軍戰馬
355 6 pái to rehearse a play 排亞部諸軍戰馬
356 6 pái a raft made from bamboo 排亞部諸軍戰馬
357 6 pái to push away 排亞部諸軍戰馬
358 6 pái a pie 排亞部諸軍戰馬
359 6 pǎi to wear in a new pair of shoes 排亞部諸軍戰馬
360 6 pái ribs 排亞部諸軍戰馬
361 6 pái a volleyball team 排亞部諸軍戰馬
362 6 hán Korea; South Korea 胡裏室橫突韓德讓墮馬
363 6 hán State of Han 胡裏室橫突韓德讓墮馬
364 6 hán fence; low wall 胡裏室橫突韓德讓墮馬
365 6 hán Han 胡裏室橫突韓德讓墮馬
366 6 huò to reap; to harvest 休哥遣詳穩意德裏獻所獲宋諜者
367 6 huò to obtain; to get 休哥遣詳穩意德裏獻所獲宋諜者
368 6 huò to hunt; to capture 休哥遣詳穩意德裏獻所獲宋諜者
369 6 huò to suffer; to sustain; to be subject to 休哥遣詳穩意德裏獻所獲宋諜者
370 6 huò game (hunting) 休哥遣詳穩意德裏獻所獲宋諜者
371 6 huò a female servant 休哥遣詳穩意德裏獻所獲宋諜者
372 6 huái Huai 休哥遣詳穩意德裏獻所獲宋諜者
373 6 huò harvest 休哥遣詳穩意德裏獻所獲宋諜者
374 6 huò results 休哥遣詳穩意德裏獻所獲宋諜者
375 6 huò to obtain 休哥遣詳穩意德裏獻所獲宋諜者
376 6 to inherit; to follow after; to succeed 李繼遷遣使來貢
377 6 to connect; to extend 李繼遷遣使來貢
378 6 step- 李繼遷遣使來貢
379 6 to adopt 李繼遷遣使來貢
380 6 to continue 李繼遷遣使來貢
381 6 to augment; to increase 李繼遷遣使來貢
382 6 to give assistance to 李繼遷遣使來貢
383 6 shā to kill; to murder; to slaughter 盡殺其丁壯
384 6 shā to hurt 盡殺其丁壯
385 6 shā to pare off; to reduce; to clip 盡殺其丁壯
386 6 zhù to be stationed at; reside at 駐蹕於洛河
387 6 zhù to stop 駐蹕於洛河
388 6 to be attached to; be subordinate to; to be affilitated with 獲者分隸燕軍
389 6 a servant; a slave 獲者分隸燕軍
390 6 Kangxi radical 171 獲者分隸燕軍
391 6 clerical script; offiical script 獲者分隸燕軍
392 6 a yamen messenger; a low ranking subordinate 獲者分隸燕軍
393 6 a laborer 獲者分隸燕軍
394 6 to audit; to examine carefully 獲者分隸燕軍
395 6 to study; to learn; to practice 獲者分隸燕軍
396 6 Li 獲者分隸燕軍
397 6 ministry; department 涅剌部節度使撒葛裏有惠政
398 6 section; part 涅剌部節度使撒葛裏有惠政
399 6 troops 涅剌部節度使撒葛裏有惠政
400 6 a category; a kind 涅剌部節度使撒葛裏有惠政
401 6 to command; to control 涅剌部節度使撒葛裏有惠政
402 6 radical 涅剌部節度使撒葛裏有惠政
403 6 headquarters 涅剌部節度使撒葛裏有惠政
404 6 unit 涅剌部節度使撒葛裏有惠政
405 6 to put in order; to arrange 涅剌部節度使撒葛裏有惠政
406 6 to beg; to request 乞加修繕
407 6 to hope for; look forward to 乞加修繕
408 6 a beggar 乞加修繕
409 6 Qi 乞加修繕
410 6 to give 乞加修繕
411 6 destitute; needy 乞加修繕
412 6 節度使 jiédùshǐ military commissioner; jiedushi 涅剌部節度使撒葛裏有惠政
413 6 甲寅 jiǎyín 51st year A3 of the 60 year cycle 甲寅
414 5 刺史 cìshǐ Regional Inspector 以耶律蘇為遙郡刺史
415 5 南征 nánzhēng punitive expedition to the south 諭諸道兵馬備南征攻城器具
416 5 郎君 lángjūn my husband and master 命入禦盞郎君班祗候
417 5 郎君 lángjūn patron of brothels 命入禦盞郎君班祗候
418 5 infix potential marker 不聽
419 5 xiāo mournful; dejected 東路林牙蕭勤德及統軍石老以擊敗女直兵
420 5 xiāo Xiao 東路林牙蕭勤德及統軍石老以擊敗女直兵
421 5 xiāo common artemisia 東路林牙蕭勤德及統軍石老以擊敗女直兵
422 5 xiāo sighing of wind 東路林牙蕭勤德及統軍石老以擊敗女直兵
423 5 xiāo solemn; respectful 東路林牙蕭勤德及統軍石老以擊敗女直兵
424 5 戊戌 wùxū thirty-fifth year E11 of the 60 year cycle 戊戌
425 5 shǎng to grant; to bestow 賞花釣魚
426 5 shǎng a reward 賞花釣魚
427 5 shǎng to appreciate; to esteem 賞花釣魚
428 5 shǎng to enjoy 賞花釣魚
429 5 shǎng to praise 賞花釣魚
430 5 shǎng to respect; to revere 賞花釣魚
431 5 shǎng Shang 賞花釣魚
432 5 zhí straight 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
433 5 zhí upright; honest; upstanding 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
434 5 zhí vertical 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
435 5 zhí to straighten 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
436 5 zhí straightforward; frank 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
437 5 zhí stiff; inflexible 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
438 5 zhí to undertake; to act as 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
439 5 zhí to resist; to confront 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
440 5 zhí to be on duty 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
441 5 zhí reward; remuneration 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
442 5 zhí a vertical stroke 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
443 5 zhí to be worth 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
444 5 zhí to make happen; to cause 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
445 5 zhí Zhi 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
446 5 qiān to move; to shift 李繼遷遣使來貢
447 5 qiān to transfer 李繼遷遣使來貢
448 5 qiān to transfer job posting; to be promoted 李繼遷遣使來貢
449 5 qiān to displace; to remove; to banish; to demote 李繼遷遣使來貢
450 5 qiān to change; to transform 李繼遷遣使來貢
451 5 癸亥 guǐHài sixtieth year J12 of the 60 year cycle 三月癸亥朔
452 5 soil; ground; land 以青牛白馬祭天地
453 5 floor 以青牛白馬祭天地
454 5 the earth 以青牛白馬祭天地
455 5 fields 以青牛白馬祭天地
456 5 a place 以青牛白馬祭天地
457 5 a situation; a position 以青牛白馬祭天地
458 5 background 以青牛白馬祭天地
459 5 terrain 以青牛白馬祭天地
460 5 a territory; a region 以青牛白馬祭天地
461 5 used after a distance measure 以青牛白馬祭天地
462 5 coming from the same clan 以青牛白馬祭天地
463 5 chéng a city; a town 破束城縣
464 5 chéng a city wall 破束城縣
465 5 chéng to fortify 破束城縣
466 5 chéng a fort; a citadel 破束城縣
467 5 mín the people; citizen; subjects 民請留
468 5 mín Min 民請留
469 5 jīng Beijing 同平章政事劉京致仕
470 5 jīng Jing 同平章政事劉京致仕
471 5 jīng capital city 同平章政事劉京致仕
472 5 jīng to compare 同平章政事劉京致仕
473 5 jīng a tall mound 同平章政事劉京致仕
474 5 jīng a large square granary 同平章政事劉京致仕
475 5 jīng ten billion 同平章政事劉京致仕
476 5 jīng large 同平章政事劉京致仕
477 5 yuán cemetery 同平章政事劉京致仕
478 5 wáng Wang 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
479 5 wáng a king 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
480 5 wáng Kangxi radical 96 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
481 5 wàng to be king; to rule 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
482 5 wáng a prince; a duke 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
483 5 wáng grand; great 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
484 5 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
485 5 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
486 5 wáng the head of a group or gang 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
487 5 wáng the biggest or best of a group 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
488 5 shì room; bedroom 胡裏室橫突韓德讓墮馬
489 5 shì house; dwelling 胡裏室橫突韓德讓墮馬
490 5 shì organizational subdivision 胡裏室橫突韓德讓墮馬
491 5 shì number 13 of the 28 constellations 胡裏室橫突韓德讓墮馬
492 5 shì household 胡裏室橫突韓德讓墮馬
493 5 shì house of nobility 胡裏室橫突韓德讓墮馬
494 5 shì family assets 胡裏室橫突韓德讓墮馬
495 5 shì wife 胡裏室橫突韓德讓墮馬
496 5 shì tomb; burial chamber 胡裏室橫突韓德讓墮馬
497 5 shì knife sheath 胡裏室橫突韓德讓墮馬
498 5 shì Shi 胡裏室橫突韓德讓墮馬
499 5 殿 diàn a hall; a palace; a temple 禦元和殿
500 5 殿 diàn a palace compound 禦元和殿

Frequencies of all Words

Top 804

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 32 so as to; in order to 以牡丹遍賜近臣
2 32 to use; to regard as 以牡丹遍賜近臣
3 32 to use; to grasp 以牡丹遍賜近臣
4 32 according to 以牡丹遍賜近臣
5 32 because of 以牡丹遍賜近臣
6 32 on a certain date 以牡丹遍賜近臣
7 32 and; as well as 以牡丹遍賜近臣
8 32 to rely on 以牡丹遍賜近臣
9 32 to regard 以牡丹遍賜近臣
10 32 to be able to 以牡丹遍賜近臣
11 32 to order; to command 以牡丹遍賜近臣
12 32 further; moreover 以牡丹遍賜近臣
13 32 used after a verb 以牡丹遍賜近臣
14 32 very 以牡丹遍賜近臣
15 32 already 以牡丹遍賜近臣
16 32 increasingly 以牡丹遍賜近臣
17 32 a reason; a cause 以牡丹遍賜近臣
18 32 Israel 以牡丹遍賜近臣
19 32 Yi 以牡丹遍賜近臣
20 30 zhī him; her; them; that 遂擊破之
21 30 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 遂擊破之
22 30 zhī to go 遂擊破之
23 30 zhī this; that 遂擊破之
24 30 zhī genetive marker 遂擊破之
25 30 zhī it 遂擊破之
26 30 zhī in; in regards to 遂擊破之
27 30 zhī all 遂擊破之
28 30 zhī and 遂擊破之
29 30 zhī however 遂擊破之
30 30 zhī if 遂擊破之
31 30 zhī then 遂擊破之
32 30 zhī to arrive; to go 遂擊破之
33 30 zhī is 遂擊破之
34 30 zhī to use 遂擊破之
35 30 zhī Zhi 遂擊破之
36 30 zhī winding 遂擊破之
37 21 sòng Song dynasty 休哥奏宋事宜
38 21 sòng Song 休哥奏宋事宜
39 21 sòng Liu Song Dynasty 休哥奏宋事宜
40 19 zhào an imperial decree 詔有司條上勛舊
41 19 zhào to decree; to proclaim; to tell 詔有司條上勛舊
42 19 zhōu a state; a province 奉聖州言太祖所建金鈴閣壞
43 19 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 奉聖州言太祖所建金鈴閣壞
44 19 zhōu a prefecture 奉聖州言太祖所建金鈴閣壞
45 19 zhōu a country 奉聖州言太祖所建金鈴閣壞
46 19 zhōu an island 奉聖州言太祖所建金鈴閣壞
47 19 zhōu Zhou 奉聖州言太祖所建金鈴閣壞
48 19 zhōu autonomous prefecture 奉聖州言太祖所建金鈴閣壞
49 19 zhōu a country 奉聖州言太祖所建金鈴閣壞
50 18 jūn army; military 大同軍節度使
51 18 jūn soldiers; troops 大同軍節度使
52 18 jūn an organized collective 大同軍節度使
53 18 jūn to garrison; to stay an an encampment 大同軍節度使
54 18 jūn a garrison 大同軍節度使
55 18 jūn a front 大同軍節度使
56 18 jūn penal miltary service 大同軍節度使
57 18 jūn to organize troops 大同軍節度使
58 15 Germany 上率百僚冊上皇太后尊號曰睿德神略應運啟化承天皇太后
59 15 virtue; morality; ethics; character 上率百僚冊上皇太后尊號曰睿德神略應運啟化承天皇太后
60 15 kindness; favor 上率百僚冊上皇太后尊號曰睿德神略應運啟化承天皇太后
61 15 conduct; behavior 上率百僚冊上皇太后尊號曰睿德神略應運啟化承天皇太后
62 15 to be grateful 上率百僚冊上皇太后尊號曰睿德神略應運啟化承天皇太后
63 15 heart; intention 上率百僚冊上皇太后尊號曰睿德神略應運啟化承天皇太后
64 15 De 上率百僚冊上皇太后尊號曰睿德神略應運啟化承天皇太后
65 15 potency; natural power 上率百僚冊上皇太后尊號曰睿德神略應運啟化承天皇太后
66 15 wholesome; good 上率百僚冊上皇太后尊號曰睿德神略應運啟化承天皇太后
67 14 rén person; people; a human being 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
68 14 rén Kangxi radical 9 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
69 14 rén a kind of person 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
70 14 rén everybody 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
71 14 rén adult 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
72 14 rén somebody; others 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
73 14 rén an upright person 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
74 14 elder brother 休哥奏宋事宜
75 13 in; at 烏隈於厥部以歲貢貂鼠
76 13 in; at 烏隈於厥部以歲貢貂鼠
77 13 in; at; to; from 烏隈於厥部以歲貢貂鼠
78 13 to go; to 烏隈於厥部以歲貢貂鼠
79 13 to rely on; to depend on 烏隈於厥部以歲貢貂鼠
80 13 to go to; to arrive at 烏隈於厥部以歲貢貂鼠
81 13 from 烏隈於厥部以歲貢貂鼠
82 13 give 烏隈於厥部以歲貢貂鼠
83 13 oppposing 烏隈於厥部以歲貢貂鼠
84 13 and 烏隈於厥部以歲貢貂鼠
85 13 compared to 烏隈於厥部以歲貢貂鼠
86 13 by 烏隈於厥部以歲貢貂鼠
87 13 and; as well as 烏隈於厥部以歲貢貂鼠
88 13 for 烏隈於厥部以歲貢貂鼠
89 13 Yu 烏隈於厥部以歲貢貂鼠
90 13 a crow 烏隈於厥部以歲貢貂鼠
91 13 whew; wow 烏隈於厥部以歲貢貂鼠
92 13 shàng top; a high position 上還南京
93 13 shang top; the position on or above something 上還南京
94 13 shàng to go up; to go forward 上還南京
95 13 shàng shang 上還南京
96 13 shàng previous; last 上還南京
97 13 shàng high; higher 上還南京
98 13 shàng advanced 上還南京
99 13 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上還南京
100 13 shàng time 上還南京
101 13 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上還南京
102 13 shàng far 上還南京
103 13 shàng big; as big as 上還南京
104 13 shàng abundant; plentiful 上還南京
105 13 shàng to report 上還南京
106 13 shàng to offer 上還南京
107 13 shàng to go on stage 上還南京
108 13 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上還南京
109 13 shàng to install; to erect 上還南京
110 13 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上還南京
111 13 shàng to burn 上還南京
112 13 shàng to remember 上還南京
113 13 shang on; in 上還南京
114 13 shàng upward 上還南京
115 13 shàng to add 上還南京
116 13 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上還南京
117 13 shàng to meet 上還南京
118 13 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上還南京
119 13 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上還南京
120 13 shàng a musical note 上還南京
121 13 lái to come 李繼遷遣使來貢
122 13 lái indicates an approximate quantity 李繼遷遣使來貢
123 13 lái please 李繼遷遣使來貢
124 13 lái used to substitute for another verb 李繼遷遣使來貢
125 13 lái used between two word groups to express purpose and effect 李繼遷遣使來貢
126 13 lái ever since 李繼遷遣使來貢
127 13 lái wheat 李繼遷遣使來貢
128 13 lái next; future 李繼遷遣使來貢
129 13 lái a simple complement of direction 李繼遷遣使來貢
130 13 lái to occur; to arise 李繼遷遣使來貢
131 13 lái to earn 李繼遷遣使來貢
132 12 bīng soldier; troops 縱兵大掠
133 12 bīng weapons 縱兵大掠
134 12 bīng military; warfare 縱兵大掠
135 12 inside; interior 以諦居部下拽剌解裏偵候有功
136 12 wèi for; to 以耶律蘇為遙郡刺史
137 12 wèi because of 以耶律蘇為遙郡刺史
138 12 wéi to act as; to serve 以耶律蘇為遙郡刺史
139 12 wéi to change into; to become 以耶律蘇為遙郡刺史
140 12 wéi to be; is 以耶律蘇為遙郡刺史
141 12 wéi to do 以耶律蘇為遙郡刺史
142 12 wèi for 以耶律蘇為遙郡刺史
143 12 wèi because of; for; to 以耶律蘇為遙郡刺史
144 12 wèi to 以耶律蘇為遙郡刺史
145 12 wéi in a passive construction 以耶律蘇為遙郡刺史
146 12 wéi forming a rehetorical question 以耶律蘇為遙郡刺史
147 12 wéi forming an adverb 以耶律蘇為遙郡刺史
148 12 wéi to add emphasis 以耶律蘇為遙郡刺史
149 12 wèi to support; to help 以耶律蘇為遙郡刺史
150 12 wéi to govern 以耶律蘇為遙郡刺史
151 12 jiàng to descend; to fall; to drop 遣人諭降
152 12 jiàng to degrade 遣人諭降
153 12 jiàng Jiang [jupiter station] 遣人諭降
154 12 jiàng to confer; to bestow; to give 遣人諭降
155 12 jiàng to reduce; to decline 遣人諭降
156 12 jiàng to condescend 遣人諭降
157 12 jiàng to surrender 遣人諭降
158 12 jiàng Jiang 遣人諭降
159 12 xiáng to surrender 遣人諭降
160 12 xiáng to conquer; to subdue 遣人諭降
161 12 shuò first day of the lunar month 二月甲午朔
162 12 shuò the north 二月甲午朔
163 12 shuò beginning 二月甲午朔
164 11 horse 胡裏室橫突韓德讓墮馬
165 11 Kangxi radical 187 胡裏室橫突韓德讓墮馬
166 11 Ma 胡裏室橫突韓德讓墮馬
167 11 historic tool for tallying numbers 胡裏室橫突韓德讓墮馬
168 11 chén minister; statesman; official 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
169 11 chén Kangxi radical 131 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
170 11 chén a slave 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
171 11 chén you 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
172 11 chén Chen 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
173 11 chén to obey; to comply 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
174 11 chén to command; to direct 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
175 11 chén a subject 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
176 11 gòng a tribute; a gift 李繼遷遣使來貢
177 11 gòng to offer a tribute 李繼遷遣使來貢
178 11 gòng to recommend [a scholar] to the imperial court 李繼遷遣使來貢
179 11 gòng to confer; to bestow 李繼遷遣使來貢
180 11 gòng Gong 李繼遷遣使來貢
181 11 to give; to bestow favors 以牡丹遍賜近臣
182 11 grace; favor; a gift 以牡丹遍賜近臣
183 11 to award; to appoint 以牡丹遍賜近臣
184 11 to do in full 以牡丹遍賜近臣
185 11 to bestow an honorific title 以牡丹遍賜近臣
186 11 xìng fortunate; lucky 幸長春宮
187 11 xìng good fortune; luck 幸長春宮
188 11 xìng to favor 幸長春宮
189 11 xìng to arrive 幸長春宮
190 11 xìng to trust; to hope 幸長春宮
191 11 xìng just so 幸長春宮
192 11 xìng to bring good luck 幸長春宮
193 11 xìng to grace with imperial presence 幸長春宮
194 11 xìng yet /still 幸長春宮
195 11 xìng to be glad; to be happy 幸長春宮
196 11 xìng Xing 幸長春宮
197 11 xìng thankful 幸長春宮
198 10 easy; simple 將至易州
199 10 to change 將至易州
200 10 Yi 將至易州
201 10 Book of Changes; Yijing; I Ching 將至易州
202 10 to exchange; to swap 將至易州
203 10 gentle; mild; moderate; nice; amiable 將至易州
204 10 to despise; to scorn; to belittle to disrespect 將至易州
205 10 to govern; to administer; to control 將至易州
206 10 to clear away weeds and bushes 將至易州
207 10 a border; a limit 將至易州
208 10 to lighten; to facilitate 將至易州
209 10 to be at ease 將至易州
210 10 flat [terrain] 將至易州
211 10 managed well; cultivated well 將至易州
212 10 [of a field] to lie fallow 將至易州
213 10 yǒu is; are; to exist 以諦居部下拽剌解裏偵候有功
214 10 yǒu to have; to possess 以諦居部下拽剌解裏偵候有功
215 10 yǒu indicates an estimate 以諦居部下拽剌解裏偵候有功
216 10 yǒu indicates a large quantity 以諦居部下拽剌解裏偵候有功
217 10 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 以諦居部下拽剌解裏偵候有功
218 10 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 以諦居部下拽剌解裏偵候有功
219 10 yǒu used to compare two things 以諦居部下拽剌解裏偵候有功
220 10 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 以諦居部下拽剌解裏偵候有功
221 10 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 以諦居部下拽剌解裏偵候有功
222 10 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 以諦居部下拽剌解裏偵候有功
223 10 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 以諦居部下拽剌解裏偵候有功
224 10 yǒu abundant 以諦居部下拽剌解裏偵候有功
225 10 yǒu purposeful 以諦居部下拽剌解裏偵候有功
226 10 yǒu You 以諦居部下拽剌解裏偵候有功
227 10 qiǎn to send; to dispatch 遣南面招討使韓德威討河
228 10 qiǎn to banish; to exile 遣南面招討使韓德威討河
229 10 qiǎn to release 遣南面招討使韓德威討河
230 10 qiǎn to divorce 遣南面招討使韓德威討河
231 10 qiǎn to eliminate 遣南面招討使韓德威討河
232 10 qiǎn to cause 遣南面招討使韓德威討河
233 10 qiǎn to use; to apply 遣南面招討使韓德威討河
234 10 qiàn to bring to a grave 遣南面招討使韓德威討河
235 10 xiū to rest 休哥奏宋事宜
236 10 xiū to stop 休哥奏宋事宜
237 10 xiū to take leave 休哥奏宋事宜
238 10 xiū lucky; beneficial 休哥奏宋事宜
239 10 xiū to not 休哥奏宋事宜
240 10 xiū to cast of one's wife 休哥奏宋事宜
241 10 xiū to retire 休哥奏宋事宜
242 10 xiū first-rate; best quality 休哥奏宋事宜
243 10 xiū shade from a tree 休哥奏宋事宜
244 10 his; hers; its; theirs 盡殺其丁壯
245 10 to add emphasis 盡殺其丁壯
246 10 used when asking a question in reply to a question 盡殺其丁壯
247 10 used when making a request or giving an order 盡殺其丁壯
248 10 he; her; it; them 盡殺其丁壯
249 10 probably; likely 盡殺其丁壯
250 10 will 盡殺其丁壯
251 10 may 盡殺其丁壯
252 10 if 盡殺其丁壯
253 10 or 盡殺其丁壯
254 10 Qi 盡殺其丁壯
255 9 hái also; in addition; more 上還南京
256 9 huán to go back; to turn around; to return 上還南京
257 9 huán to pay back; to give back 上還南京
258 9 hái yet; still 上還南京
259 9 hái still more; even more 上還南京
260 9 hái fairly 上還南京
261 9 huán to do in return 上還南京
262 9 huán Huan 上還南京
263 9 huán to revert 上還南京
264 9 huán to turn one's head; to look back 上還南京
265 9 huán to encircle 上還南京
266 9 xuán to rotate 上還南京
267 9 huán since 上還南京
268 9 hái however 上還南京
269 9 hái already 上還南京
270 9 hái already 上還南京
271 9 hái or 上還南京
272 9 耶律 yélǜ Yelu 以耶律蘇為遙郡刺史
273 8 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 湟諸蕃違命者
274 8 zhě that 湟諸蕃違命者
275 8 zhě nominalizing function word 湟諸蕃違命者
276 8 zhě used to mark a definition 湟諸蕃違命者
277 8 zhě used to mark a pause 湟諸蕃違命者
278 8 zhě topic marker; that; it 湟諸蕃違命者
279 8 zhuó according to 湟諸蕃違命者
280 8 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 所司議貴
281 8 suǒ an office; an institute 所司議貴
282 8 suǒ introduces a relative clause 所司議貴
283 8 suǒ it 所司議貴
284 8 suǒ if; supposing 所司議貴
285 8 suǒ a few; various; some 所司議貴
286 8 suǒ a place; a location 所司議貴
287 8 suǒ indicates a passive voice 所司議貴
288 8 suǒ that which 所司議貴
289 8 suǒ an ordinal number 所司議貴
290 8 suǒ meaning 所司議貴
291 8 suǒ garrison 所司議貴
292 8 děng et cetera; and so on 排亞等追擊
293 8 děng to wait 排亞等追擊
294 8 děng degree; kind 排亞等追擊
295 8 děng plural 排亞等追擊
296 8 děng to be equal 排亞等追擊
297 8 děng degree; level 排亞等追擊
298 8 děng to compare 排亞等追擊
299 8 to instruct; to expound; to explain 遣人諭降
300 8 to explain by analogy 遣人諭降
301 8 to resemble 遣人諭降
302 8 to notify 遣人諭降
303 8 to understand 遣人諭降
304 8 cóng from 從之
305 8 cóng to follow 從之
306 8 cóng past; through 從之
307 8 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 從之
308 8 cóng to participate in something 從之
309 8 cóng to use a certain method or principle 從之
310 8 cóng usually 從之
311 8 cóng something secondary 從之
312 8 cóng remote relatives 從之
313 8 cóng secondary 從之
314 8 cóng to go on; to advance 從之
315 8 cōng at ease; informal 從之
316 8 zòng a follower; a supporter 從之
317 8 zòng to release 從之
318 8 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 從之
319 8 fēn to separate; to divide into parts 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
320 8 fēn a monetary unit equal to one hundredth of a yuan; a cent 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
321 8 fēn a part; a section; a division; a portion 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
322 8 fēn a minute; a 15 second unit of time 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
323 8 fēn a unit of length equivalent to 0.33 cm; a unit of area equal to six square zhang 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
324 8 fēn to distribute; to share; to assign; to allot 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
325 8 fēn to differentiate; to distinguish 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
326 8 fēn a fraction 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
327 8 fēn to express as a fraction 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
328 8 fēn one tenth 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
329 8 fēn a centimeter 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
330 8 fèn a component; an ingredient 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
331 8 fèn the limit of an obligation 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
332 8 fèn affection; goodwill 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
333 8 fèn a role; a responsibility 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
334 8 fēn equinox 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
335 8 fèn a characteristic 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
336 8 fèn to assume; to deduce 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
337 8 fēn to share 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
338 8 fēn branch [office] 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
339 8 fēn clear; distinct 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
340 8 fēn a difference 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
341 8 fēn a score 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
342 8 fèn identity 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
343 8 fèn a part; a portion 命從臣分朋雙陸以盡歡
344 7 詳穩 xiángwěn tribal dignitary 西北路管押詳穩速撒哥以伐折立
345 7 and 休哥與排亞
346 7 to give 休哥與排亞
347 7 together with 休哥與排亞
348 7 interrogative particle 休哥與排亞
349 7 to accompany 休哥與排亞
350 7 to particate in 休哥與排亞
351 7 of the same kind 休哥與排亞
352 7 to help 休哥與排亞
353 7 for 休哥與排亞
354 7 遣使 qiǎnshǐ envoy 李繼遷遣使來貢
355 7 遣使 qiǎn shǐ sent a messenger 李繼遷遣使來貢
356 7 南京 nánjīng Nanjing 上還南京
357 7 zòu to present; to offer 休哥奏宋事宜
358 7 zòu to present a memorial to the emperor 休哥奏宋事宜
359 7 zòu to play a musical instrument 休哥奏宋事宜
360 7 zòu to happen; to occur 休哥奏宋事宜
361 7 zòu a memorial to the throne 休哥奏宋事宜
362 7 zòu to go; to walk 休哥奏宋事宜
363 7 zòu modulation of rhythm 休哥奏宋事宜
364 7 gōng to attack; to assault 縱兵四面攻之
365 7 gōng to discredit; to impugn; to criticize 縱兵四面攻之
366 7 gōng to remedy; to cure 縱兵四面攻之
367 7 gōng to work at; to handle 縱兵四面攻之
368 7 gōng workmanship; expertise 縱兵四面攻之
369 7 gōng exaction by the state 縱兵四面攻之
370 7 gōng sturdy; strong 縱兵四面攻之
371 7 gōng to govern; to administer 縱兵四面攻之
372 7 gōng Gong 縱兵四面攻之
373 7 to break; to split; to smash 破束城縣
374 7 worn-out; broken 破束城縣
375 7 to destroy; to ruin 破束城縣
376 7 to break a rule; to allow an exception 破束城縣
377 7 to defeat 破束城縣
378 7 low quality; in poor condition 破束城縣
379 7 to strike; to hit 破束城縣
380 7 to spend [money]; to squander 破束城縣
381 7 to disprove [an argument] 破束城縣
382 7 finale 破束城縣
383 7 to use up; to exhaust 破束城縣
384 7 to penetrate 破束城縣
385 7 使 shǐ to make; to cause 殺其指揮使而還
386 7 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 殺其指揮使而還
387 7 使 shǐ to indulge 殺其指揮使而還
388 7 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 殺其指揮使而還
389 7 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 殺其指揮使而還
390 7 使 shǐ to dispatch 殺其指揮使而還
391 7 使 shǐ if 殺其指揮使而還
392 7 使 shǐ to use 殺其指揮使而還
393 7 使 shǐ to be able to 殺其指揮使而還
394 6 de potential marker 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
395 6 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
396 6 děi must; ought to 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
397 6 děi to want to; to need to 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
398 6 děi must; ought to 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
399 6 de 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
400 6 de infix potential marker 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
401 6 to result in 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
402 6 to be proper; to fit; to suit 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
403 6 to be satisfied 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
404 6 to be finished 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
405 6 de result of degree 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
406 6 de marks completion of an action 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
407 6 děi satisfying 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
408 6 to contract 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
409 6 marks permission or possibility 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
410 6 expressing frustration 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
411 6 to hear 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
412 6 to have; there is 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
413 6 marks time passed 宣政殿學士馬得臣言諭降宋軍
414 6 皇太后 huángtàihòu empress dowager 上率百僚冊上皇太后尊號曰睿德神略應運啟化承天皇太后
415 6 mìng life 命入禦盞郎君班祗候
416 6 mìng to order 命入禦盞郎君班祗候
417 6 mìng destiny; fate; luck 命入禦盞郎君班祗候
418 6 mìng an order; a command 命入禦盞郎君班祗候
419 6 mìng to name; to assign 命入禦盞郎君班祗候
420 6 mìng livelihood 命入禦盞郎君班祗候
421 6 mìng advice 命入禦盞郎君班祗候
422 6 mìng to confer a title 命入禦盞郎君班祗候
423 6 mìng lifespan 命入禦盞郎君班祗候
424 6 mìng to think 命入禦盞郎君班祗候
425 6 Asia 排亞部諸軍戰馬
426 6 second; next to 排亞部諸軍戰馬
427 6 used as a prefix to names 排亞部諸軍戰馬
428 6 lower than; to be mediocre 排亞部諸軍戰馬
429 6 same as; equal to 排亞部諸軍戰馬
430 6 to cover 排亞部諸軍戰馬
431 6 secondary; backup 排亞部諸軍戰馬
432 6 address term between sons-in-law 排亞部諸軍戰馬
433 6 fork; divergence 排亞部諸軍戰馬
434 6 qǐng to ask; to inquire 民請留
435 6 qíng circumstances; state of affairs; situation 民請留
436 6 qǐng to beg; to entreat 民請留
437 6 qǐng please 民請留
438 6 qǐng to request 民請留
439 6 qǐng to hire; to employ; to engage 民請留
440 6 qǐng to make an appointment 民請留
441 6 qǐng to greet 民請留
442 6 qǐng to invite 民請留
443 6 皇帝 huángdì Emperor 群臣上皇帝尊號曰至德廣孝昭聖天輔皇帝
444 6 Li 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
445 6 plum 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
446 6 envoy; judge 奚王籌寧殺無罪人李浩
447 6 female; feminine 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
448 6 female 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
449 6 Kangxi radical 38 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
450 6 to marry off a daughter 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
451 6 daughter 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
452 6 you; thou 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
453 6 soft; feminine 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
454 6 the Maiden lunar lodging 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
455 6 you 瀕海女直遣使速魯裏來朝
456 6 xiàn to offer; to present 皆於他處貿易以獻
457 6 xiàn to show; to display 皆於他處貿易以獻
458 6 xiàn to celebrate 皆於他處貿易以獻
459 6 xiàn a worthy person 皆於他處貿易以獻
460 6 xiàn a document 皆於他處貿易以獻
461 6 xiàn to perform 皆於他處貿易以獻
462 6 suō a technique for filtering wine 皆於他處貿易以獻
463 6 suō a container for sacrificial wine 皆於他處貿易以獻
464 6 zhàng a tent 皇太后幸韓德讓帳
465 6 zhàng a screen; a curtain; a mosquito net 皇太后幸韓德讓帳
466 6 zhàng accounts; books 皇太后幸韓德讓帳
467 6 zhàng debt; credit 皇太后幸韓德讓帳
468 6 zhàng a canopy [above a bed] 皇太后幸韓德讓帳
469 6 zhàng a scroll 皇太后幸韓德讓帳
470 6 zhàng to spread 皇太后幸韓德讓帳
471 6 pái row; rank; line 排亞部諸軍戰馬
472 6 pái to line up 排亞部諸軍戰馬
473 6 pái measure word for for things that can be arranged in rows 排亞部諸軍戰馬
474 6 pái platoon 排亞部諸軍戰馬
475 6 pái to expel; to eliminate; to discharge 排亞部諸軍戰馬
476 6 pái to rehearse a play 排亞部諸軍戰馬
477 6 pái a raft made from bamboo 排亞部諸軍戰馬
478 6 pái to push away 排亞部諸軍戰馬
479 6 pái a pie 排亞部諸軍戰馬
480 6 pǎi to wear in a new pair of shoes 排亞部諸軍戰馬
481 6 pái ribs 排亞部諸軍戰馬
482 6 pái a volleyball team 排亞部諸軍戰馬
483 6 hán Korea; South Korea 胡裏室橫突韓德讓墮馬
484 6 hán State of Han 胡裏室橫突韓德讓墮馬
485 6 hán fence; low wall 胡裏室橫突韓德讓墮馬
486 6 hán Han 胡裏室橫突韓德讓墮馬
487 6 huò to reap; to harvest 休哥遣詳穩意德裏獻所獲宋諜者
488 6 huò to obtain; to get 休哥遣詳穩意德裏獻所獲宋諜者
489 6 huò to hunt; to capture 休哥遣詳穩意德裏獻所獲宋諜者
490 6 huò to be capable of; can; is able 休哥遣詳穩意德裏獻所獲宋諜者
491 6 huò to suffer; to sustain; to be subject to 休哥遣詳穩意德裏獻所獲宋諜者
492 6 huò game (hunting) 休哥遣詳穩意德裏獻所獲宋諜者
493 6 huò a female servant 休哥遣詳穩意德裏獻所獲宋諜者
494 6 huái Huai 休哥遣詳穩意德裏獻所獲宋諜者
495 6 huò harvest 休哥遣詳穩意德裏獻所獲宋諜者
496 6 huò results 休哥遣詳穩意德裏獻所獲宋諜者
497 6 huò to obtain 休哥遣詳穩意德裏獻所獲宋諜者
498 6 to inherit; to follow after; to succeed 李繼遷遣使來貢
499 6 to connect; to extend 李繼遷遣使來貢
500 6 step- 李繼遷遣使來貢

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿鲁 阿魯 97 Aru
安平 196 Anping
八月 98 August; the Eighth Month
北门 北門 98 North Gate
长城 長城 99 Great Wall
长春 長春 99 Changchun
成公 99 Lord Cheng
城口 99 Chengkou
刺史 99 Regional Inspector
党项 黨項 100
  1. Dang Xiang; Tangut People
  2. Tangut
大同 100
  1. Datong
  2. datong; Grand Unity
定州 100 Dingzhou
东京 東京 100
  1. Tokyo
  2. Luoyang
  3. Dongjing Circuit
二月 195 February; the Second Month
风伯 風伯 102 Wind Master
驸马都尉 駙馬都尉 102 Commandant Escort
高州 103 Gaozhou
庚申 103 Gengshen year; fifty seventh year G9 of the 60 year cycle
国学 國學 103
  1. national studies; studies of Confucian classics
  2. the Imperial College
  3. Kokugaku
  1. Korea; South Korea
  2. State of Han
  3. fence; low wall
  4. Han
华林 華林 104 Hualinbu
回鹘 回鶻 104 Huihu
  1. a thistle
  2. Ji
  3. Ji
谏议大夫 諫議大夫 106 Remonstrance Official
甲午 106 thirty-first year A7 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1954 or 2014
甲戌 106 eleventh year A11 of the 60 year cycle
节度使 節度使 106 military commissioner; jiedushi
己亥 106 Jihai year; thirty sixth year
九月 106 September; the Ninth Month
涞水 淶水 108 Laishui
  1. wolf
  2. Lang peoples
  3. Sirius
  4. Lang
  1. black
  2. Li
  3. Lebanon
  4. Li People
  5. numerous; many
  6. at the time of
  7. State of Li
刘赞 劉贊 108 Liu Zan
六月 108 June; the Sixth Month
龙泉 龍泉 108
  1. Longquan
  2. Longquan
  1. Shandong
  2. Lu
  3. foolish; stupid; rash; vulgar
  4. the State of Lu
108 Luo River
洛河 108 Luo River
满城 滿城 109 Mancheng
密云 密雲 109 Miyun
南府宰相 110 Grand Councilor of Southern Administration
南京 110 Nanjing
宁远 寧遠 110 Ningyuan
  1. type of rush; a vine
  2. Pu
  3. Pu
七月 113 July; the Seventh Month
115 Sa
  1. Shao
  2. Shao
沙州 115 Shazhou; Dunhuang
十二月 115 December; the Twelfth Month
十一月 115 November; the Eleventh Month
十月 115 October; the Tenth Month
侍中 115 Shizhong; Palace Attendant
枢密使 樞密使 115 Commissioner of Military Affairs
四月 115 April; the Fourth Month
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
太后 116
  1. Empress Dowager
  2. Consort Dowager
太保 116 Grand Protector
太师 太師 116 Grand Preceptor; Grand Master; Imperial Tutor
泰州 116 Taizhou
太宗 116
  1. Emperor Taizong
  2. Tai Zong; Minister of Rites
天皇 116 Japanese Emperor
吐蕃 116 Tibetan Empire; Tubo
文安 119 Wen'an
五月 119 May; the Fifth Month
  1. what?; where?; why?
  2. a slave; a servant
  3. Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi
  4. Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi
  5. Xi
孝昭 120 Xiaozhao
辛亥 120 Xin Hai year
新乐 新樂 120 Xinle
宣徽院 120 Court of Palace Attendants
宣徽使 120 Commissioner of Court Palace Attendants; Palace Provisions Commisioner
燕京 121 Yanjing
耶鲁 耶魯 121 Yale
耶律 121 Yelu
以太 121 Ether-
元和 121 Yuanhe
御史大夫 121 Imperial Secretary
于阗 于闐 121 Yutian
宰相 122 chancellor; prime minister
  1. Zhao
  2. Zhao Dynasty
  3. State of Zhao
  4. to rush
  5. to visit
  6. Zhao
  7. to dig
招讨使 招討使 122 Military commissioner
正月 122 first month of the lunar calendar
至德 122 Zhide reign
主簿 122 official Registrar; Master of Records
涿州 122 Zhuozhou


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English