Glossary and Vocabulary for History of Yuan 元史, 卷三十七 本紀第三十七: 寧宗 Volume 37 Annals 37: Ningzong

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 24 zhī to go 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
2 24 zhī to arrive; to go 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
3 24 zhī is 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
4 24 zhī to use 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
5 24 zhī Zhi 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
6 24 zhī winding 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
7 19 wáng Wang 明宗封周王
8 19 wáng a king 明宗封周王
9 19 wáng Kangxi radical 96 明宗封周王
10 19 wàng to be king; to rule 明宗封周王
11 19 wáng a prince; a duke 明宗封周王
12 19 wáng grand; great 明宗封周王
13 19 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 明宗封周王
14 19 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 明宗封周王
15 19 wáng the head of a group or gang 明宗封周王
16 19 wáng the biggest or best of a group 明宗封周王
17 17 to use; to grasp 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
18 17 to rely on 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
19 17 to regard 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
20 17 to be able to 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
21 17 to order; to command 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
22 17 used after a verb 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
23 17 a reason; a cause 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
24 17 Israel 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
25 17 Yi 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
26 15 皇帝 huángdì Emperor 寧宗沖聖嗣孝皇帝
27 11 èr two 武宗有子二人
28 11 èr Kangxi radical 7 武宗有子二人
29 11 èr second 武宗有子二人
30 11 èr twice; double; di- 武宗有子二人
31 11 èr more than one kind 武宗有子二人
32 10 sān three 天歷三年二月乙巳
33 10 sān third 天歷三年二月乙巳
34 10 sān more than two 天歷三年二月乙巳
35 10 sān very few 天歷三年二月乙巳
36 10 sān San 天歷三年二月乙巳
37 10 inside; interior 句容郡王答鄰答裏
38 10 zōng school; sect 明宗第二子也
39 10 zōng ancestor 明宗第二子也
40 10 zōng to take as one's model as 明宗第二子也
41 10 zōng purpose 明宗第二子也
42 10 zōng an ancestral temple 明宗第二子也
43 10 zōng to respect; to revere; to admire; to honor 明宗第二子也
44 10 zōng clan; family 明宗第二子也
45 10 zōng a model 明宗第二子也
46 10 zōng a county 明宗第二子也
47 10 zōng religion 明宗第二子也
48 10 zōng essential; necessary 明宗第二子也
49 10 zōng summation 明宗第二子也
50 10 zōng a visit by feudal lords 明宗第二子也
51 10 zōng Zong 明宗第二子也
52 10 míng bright; luminous; brilliant 明宗第二子也
53 10 míng Ming 明宗第二子也
54 10 míng Ming Dynasty 明宗第二子也
55 10 míng obvious; explicit; clear 明宗第二子也
56 10 míng intelligent; clever; perceptive 明宗第二子也
57 10 míng to illuminate; to shine 明宗第二子也
58 10 míng consecrated 明宗第二子也
59 10 míng to understand; to comprehend 明宗第二子也
60 10 míng to explain; to clarify 明宗第二子也
61 10 míng Souther Ming; Later Ming 明宗第二子也
62 10 míng the world; the human world; the world of the living 明宗第二子也
63 10 míng eyesight; vision 明宗第二子也
64 10 míng a god; a spirit 明宗第二子也
65 10 míng fame; renown 明宗第二子也
66 10 míng open; public 明宗第二子也
67 10 míng clear 明宗第二子也
68 10 míng to become proficient 明宗第二子也
69 10 míng to be proficient 明宗第二子也
70 10 míng virtuous 明宗第二子也
71 10 míng open and honest 明宗第二子也
72 10 míng clean; neat 明宗第二子也
73 10 míng remarkable; outstanding; notable 明宗第二子也
74 10 míng next; afterwards 明宗第二子也
75 10 míng positive 明宗第二子也
76 9 big; huge; large 文宗入紹大統
77 9 Kangxi radical 37 文宗入紹大統
78 9 great; major; important 文宗入紹大統
79 9 size 文宗入紹大統
80 9 old 文宗入紹大統
81 9 oldest; earliest 文宗入紹大統
82 9 adult 文宗入紹大統
83 9 dài an important person 文宗入紹大統
84 9 senior 文宗入紹大統
85 9 wéi to act as; to serve 封帝為鄜王
86 9 wéi to change into; to become 封帝為鄜王
87 9 wéi to be; is 封帝為鄜王
88 9 wéi to do 封帝為鄜王
89 9 wèi to support; to help 封帝為鄜王
90 9 wéi to govern 封帝為鄜王
91 9 zhōng middle 延祐中
92 9 zhōng medium; medium sized 延祐中
93 9 zhōng China 延祐中
94 9 zhòng to hit the mark 延祐中
95 9 zhōng midday 延祐中
96 9 zhōng inside 延祐中
97 9 zhōng during 延祐中
98 9 zhōng Zhong 延祐中
99 9 zhōng intermediary 延祐中
100 9 zhōng half 延祐中
101 9 zhòng to reach; to attain 延祐中
102 9 zhòng to suffer; to infect 延祐中
103 9 zhòng to obtain 延祐中
104 9 zhòng to pass an exam 延祐中
105 9 serious; critical 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
106 9 sincere; true 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
107 9 to be persistent; to be stubborn 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
108 9 Du 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
109 8 rén person; people; a human being 武宗有子二人
110 8 rén Kangxi radical 9 武宗有子二人
111 8 rén a kind of person 武宗有子二人
112 8 rén everybody 武宗有子二人
113 8 rén adult 武宗有子二人
114 8 rén somebody; others 武宗有子二人
115 8 rén an upright person 武宗有子二人
116 8 to go; to 文宗崩於上都
117 8 to rely on; to depend on 文宗崩於上都
118 8 Yu 文宗崩於上都
119 8 a crow 文宗崩於上都
120 8 shì matter; thing; item 知樞密院事伯顏等
121 8 shì to serve 知樞密院事伯顏等
122 8 shì a government post 知樞密院事伯顏等
123 8 shì duty; post; work 知樞密院事伯顏等
124 8 shì occupation 知樞密院事伯顏等
125 8 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 知樞密院事伯顏等
126 8 shì an accident 知樞密院事伯顏等
127 8 shì to attend 知樞密院事伯顏等
128 8 shì an allusion 知樞密院事伯顏等
129 8 shì a condition; a state; a situation 知樞密院事伯顏等
130 8 shì to engage in 知樞密院事伯顏等
131 8 shì to enslave 知樞密院事伯顏等
132 8 shì to pursue 知樞密院事伯顏等
133 8 shì to administer 知樞密院事伯顏等
134 8 shì to appoint 知樞密院事伯顏等
135 8 zhèng government; administration 修舉庶政
136 8 zhèng politics 修舉庶政
137 8 zhèng organizational affairs 修舉庶政
138 8 zhèng to rule 修舉庶政
139 8 zhèng administrative affairs 修舉庶政
140 8 zhèng laws 修舉庶政
141 8 zhèng policy 修舉庶政
142 8 zhèng to correctons [a document] 修舉庶政
143 8 nián year 天歷三年二月乙巳
144 8 nián New Year festival 天歷三年二月乙巳
145 8 nián age 天歷三年二月乙巳
146 8 nián life span; life expectancy 天歷三年二月乙巳
147 8 nián an era; a period 天歷三年二月乙巳
148 8 nián a date 天歷三年二月乙巳
149 8 nián time; years 天歷三年二月乙巳
150 8 nián harvest 天歷三年二月乙巳
151 8 nián annual; every year 天歷三年二月乙巳
152 8 emperor; supreme ruler 次即帝也
153 8 the ruler of Heaven 次即帝也
154 8 a god 次即帝也
155 8 imperialism 次即帝也
156 8 capital city 諸王醜漢妃公主臺忽都魯
157 8 a city; a metropolis 諸王醜漢妃公主臺忽都魯
158 8 dōu all 諸王醜漢妃公主臺忽都魯
159 8 elegant; refined 諸王醜漢妃公主臺忽都魯
160 8 Du 諸王醜漢妃公主臺忽都魯
161 8 to establish a capital city 諸王醜漢妃公主臺忽都魯
162 8 to reside 諸王醜漢妃公主臺忽都魯
163 8 to total; to tally 諸王醜漢妃公主臺忽都魯
164 7 fèng to offer; to present 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
165 7 fèng to receive; to receive with respect 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
166 7 fèng to believe in 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
167 7 fèng a display of respect 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
168 7 fèng to revere 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
169 7 fèng salary 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
170 7 fèng to serve 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
171 7 fèng Feng 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
172 7 fèng to politely request 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
173 7 fèng to offer with both hands 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
174 7 fèng a term of respect 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
175 7 fèng to help 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
176 7 infix potential marker 母曰八不沙皇后
177 7 zhōu a state; a province 雲內二州隕霜殺禾
178 7 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 雲內二州隕霜殺禾
179 7 zhōu a prefecture 雲內二州隕霜殺禾
180 7 zhōu a country 雲內二州隕霜殺禾
181 7 zhōu an island 雲內二州隕霜殺禾
182 7 zhōu Zhou 雲內二州隕霜殺禾
183 7 zhōu autonomous prefecture 雲內二州隕霜殺禾
184 7 zhōu a country 雲內二州隕霜殺禾
185 6 chè to pervade; to penetrate 徹裏帖木兒等金
186 6 chè penetrating; clear 徹裏帖木兒等金
187 6 chè follow through with 徹裏帖木兒等金
188 6 chè to remove; to eliminate 徹裏帖木兒等金
189 6 chè to reclaim 徹裏帖木兒等金
190 6 chè wheel ruts 徹裏帖木兒等金
191 6 chè to damage; to devastate 徹裏帖木兒等金
192 6 chè to peel off 徹裏帖木兒等金
193 6 chè to plow; to till 徹裏帖木兒等金
194 6 chè land tax 徹裏帖木兒等金
195 6 chè Che 徹裏帖木兒等金
196 6 使 shǐ to make; to cause 宣政使闊裏吉思為中書左丞
197 6 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 宣政使闊裏吉思為中書左丞
198 6 使 shǐ to indulge 宣政使闊裏吉思為中書左丞
199 6 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 宣政使闊裏吉思為中書左丞
200 6 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 宣政使闊裏吉思為中書左丞
201 6 使 shǐ to dispatch 宣政使闊裏吉思為中書左丞
202 6 使 shǐ to use 宣政使闊裏吉思為中書左丞
203 6 使 shǐ to be able to 宣政使闊裏吉思為中書左丞
204 6 to give; to bestow favors 賜駙馬也不幹子歡忒哈赤
205 6 grace; favor; a gift 賜駙馬也不幹子歡忒哈赤
206 6 to award; to appoint 賜駙馬也不幹子歡忒哈赤
207 6 to do in full 賜駙馬也不幹子歡忒哈赤
208 6 to bestow an honorific title 賜駙馬也不幹子歡忒哈赤
209 6 road; path; way 冀寧路之陽曲
210 6 journey 冀寧路之陽曲
211 6 grain patterns; veins 冀寧路之陽曲
212 6 a way; a method 冀寧路之陽曲
213 6 a type; a kind 冀寧路之陽曲
214 6 a circuit; an area; a region 冀寧路之陽曲
215 6 a route 冀寧路之陽曲
216 6 Lu 冀寧路之陽曲
217 6 impressive 冀寧路之陽曲
218 6 conveyance 冀寧路之陽曲
219 6 xiàn county 河曲二縣及荊門州皆旱
220 6 xuán to suspend 河曲二縣及荊門州皆旱
221 6 xuán to evaluate; to weigh 河曲二縣及荊門州皆旱
222 6 xuán to express 河曲二縣及荊門州皆旱
223 6 chà to differ 鈔有差
224 6 chà wrong 鈔有差
225 6 chà substandard; inferior; poor 鈔有差
226 6 chā the difference [between two numbers] 鈔有差
227 6 chāi to send; to dispatch 鈔有差
228 6 cuō to stumble 鈔有差
229 6 rank 鈔有差
230 6 chā an error 鈔有差
231 6 chā dissimilarity; difference 鈔有差
232 6 chāi an errand 鈔有差
233 6 chāi a messenger; a runner 鈔有差
234 6 chā proportionate 鈔有差
235 6 chāi to select; to choose 鈔有差
236 6 chài to recover from a sickness 鈔有差
237 6 chà uncommon; remarkable 鈔有差
238 6 chā to make a mistake 鈔有差
239 6 uneven 鈔有差
240 6 to differ 鈔有差
241 6 cuō to rub between the hands 鈔有差
242 6 shū book 中書百司政務
243 6 shū document; manuscript 中書百司政務
244 6 shū letter 中書百司政務
245 6 shū the Cannon of Documents 中書百司政務
246 6 shū to write 中書百司政務
247 6 shū writing 中書百司政務
248 6 shū calligraphy; writing style 中書百司政務
249 6 shū Shu 中書百司政務
250 6 shū to record 中書百司政務
251 6 Qi 量其輕重黜罰
252 6 文宗 wénzōng Emperor Wenzong of Tang 次文宗
253 6 皇太后 huángtàihòu empress dowager 修皇太后儀仗
254 6 an official institution; a state bureau 高郵府之寶應
255 6 a prefecture; a prefect 高郵府之寶應
256 6 a respectful reference to a residence 高郵府之寶應
257 6 a repository 高郵府之寶應
258 6 a meeting place 高郵府之寶應
259 6 the residence of a high-ranking official; a prefect 高郵府之寶應
260 6 Fu 高郵府之寶應
261 6 to reply; to answer 句容郡王答鄰答裏
262 6 to reciprocate to 句容郡王答鄰答裏
263 6 to agree to; to assent to 句容郡王答鄰答裏
264 6 to acknowledge; to greet 句容郡王答鄰答裏
265 6 Da 句容郡王答鄰答裏
266 5 mín the people; citizen; subjects 視民如傷
267 5 mín Min 視民如傷
268 5 to be careless; to neglect 諸王醜漢妃公主臺忽都魯
269 5 to look down on 諸王醜漢妃公主臺忽都魯
270 5 fast; rapid 諸王醜漢妃公主臺忽都魯
271 5 fast; rapid 諸王醜漢妃公主臺忽都魯
272 5 to sacrifice to; to worship 以即位告祭南郊
273 5 to hold a funeral service 以即位告祭南郊
274 5 to chant a ritual text 以即位告祭南郊
275 5 a ceremony; a ritual 以即位告祭南郊
276 5 zhài Zhai 以即位告祭南郊
277 5 tái Taiwan 呵麻剌臺之子禿帖木兒
278 5 tái desk; platform; terrace 呵麻剌臺之子禿帖木兒
279 5 tái platform; stage; terrace; stand; support; desk 呵麻剌臺之子禿帖木兒
280 5 tái typhoon 呵麻剌臺之子禿帖木兒
281 5 tái desk; platform; terrace 呵麻剌臺之子禿帖木兒
282 5 tái station; broadcasting station 呵麻剌臺之子禿帖木兒
283 5 tái official post 呵麻剌臺之子禿帖木兒
284 5 eminent 呵麻剌臺之子禿帖木兒
285 5 tái elevated 呵麻剌臺之子禿帖木兒
286 5 tái tribunal 呵麻剌臺之子禿帖木兒
287 5 tái capitulum 呵麻剌臺之子禿帖木兒
288 5 to take charge of; to manage; to administer 中書百司政務
289 5 a department under a ministry 中書百司政務
290 5 to bear 中書百司政務
291 5 to observe; to inspect 中書百司政務
292 5 a government official; an official 中書百司政務
293 5 si 中書百司政務
294 5 gào to tell; to say; said; told 以即位告祭南郊
295 5 gào to request 以即位告祭南郊
296 5 gào to report; to inform 以即位告祭南郊
297 5 gào to announce; to disclose; to raise a lawsuit 以即位告祭南郊
298 5 gào to accuse; to sue 以即位告祭南郊
299 5 gào to reach 以即位告祭南郊
300 5 gào an announcement 以即位告祭南郊
301 5 gào a party 以即位告祭南郊
302 5 gào a vacation 以即位告祭南郊
303 5 gào Gao 以即位告祭南郊
304 5 xiū to decorate; to embellish 修皇太后儀仗
305 5 xiū to study; to cultivate 修皇太后儀仗
306 5 xiū to repair 修皇太后儀仗
307 5 xiū long; slender 修皇太后儀仗
308 5 xiū to write; to compile 修皇太后儀仗
309 5 xiū to build; to construct; to shape 修皇太后儀仗
310 5 xiū to practice 修皇太后儀仗
311 5 xiū to cut 修皇太后儀仗
312 5 xiū virtuous; wholesome 修皇太后儀仗
313 5 xiū a virtuous person 修皇太后儀仗
314 5 xiū Xiu 修皇太后儀仗
315 5 xiū to unknot 修皇太后儀仗
316 5 xiū to prepare; to put in order 修皇太后儀仗
317 5 xiū excellent 修皇太后儀仗
318 5 xiū to perform [a ceremony] 修皇太后儀仗
319 5 to reach 諸王卯澤妃公主完者臺及公主本答裏
320 5 to attain 諸王卯澤妃公主完者臺及公主本答裏
321 5 to understand 諸王卯澤妃公主完者臺及公主本答裏
322 5 able to be compared to; to catch up with 諸王卯澤妃公主完者臺及公主本答裏
323 5 to be involved with; to associate with 諸王卯澤妃公主完者臺及公主本答裏
324 5 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 諸王卯澤妃公主完者臺及公主本答裏
325 5 miǎn to excuse from; to exempt; to spare 差稅免三年
326 5 miǎn to evade; to avoid; to escape 差稅免三年
327 5 miǎn to not permit 差稅免三年
328 5 miǎn to omit; to remove 差稅免三年
329 5 miǎn to give birth 差稅免三年
330 5 wèn a funeral cap 差稅免三年
331 5 miǎn to dismiss from office 差稅免三年
332 5 miǎn Mian 差稅免三年
333 5 樞密院 shūmì yuàn Bureau of Military Affairs 知樞密院事伯顏等
334 5 to be near by; to be close to 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
335 5 at that time 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
336 5 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
337 5 supposed; so-called 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
338 5 to arrive at; to ascend 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
339 5 bìng to combine; to amalgamate 腹裏差發並其餘諸郡不納差發去處
340 5 bìng to combine 腹裏差發並其餘諸郡不納差發去處
341 5 bìng to resemble; to be like 腹裏差發並其餘諸郡不納差發去處
342 5 bìng to stand side-by-side 腹裏差發並其餘諸郡不納差發去處
343 5 bīng Taiyuan 腹裏差發並其餘諸郡不納差發去處
344 5 bìng equally; both; together 腹裏差發並其餘諸郡不納差發去處
345 5 fàn to commit a crime; to violate 填星犯太微垣左執法
346 5 fàn to attack; to invade 填星犯太微垣左執法
347 5 fàn to transgress 填星犯太微垣左執法
348 5 fàn conjunction of a star 填星犯太微垣左執法
349 5 fàn to conquer 填星犯太微垣左執法
350 5 fàn to occur 填星犯太微垣左執法
351 5 fàn to face danger 填星犯太微垣左執法
352 5 fàn to fall 填星犯太微垣左執法
353 5 fàn a criminal 填星犯太微垣左執法
354 5 precious 造皇太后玉冊
355 5 jade; a precious stone; a gem 造皇太后玉冊
356 5 Kangxi radical 96 造皇太后玉冊
357 5 fair; beautiful 造皇太后玉冊
358 5 your 造皇太后玉冊
359 5 pure white 造皇太后玉冊
360 5 to groom 造皇太后玉冊
361 4 suì age 歲舉才堪守令者一人
362 4 suì years 歲舉才堪守令者一人
363 4 suì time 歲舉才堪守令者一人
364 4 suì annual harvest 歲舉才堪守令者一人
365 4 即位 jíwèi to succeed to the throne 帝即位於大明殿
366 4 即位 jíwèi to begin a post 帝即位於大明殿
367 4 公主 gōngzhǔ princess 公主本答裏
368 4 zhī to know 知樞密院事伯顏等
369 4 zhī to comprehend 知樞密院事伯顏等
370 4 zhī to inform; to tell 知樞密院事伯顏等
371 4 zhī to administer 知樞密院事伯顏等
372 4 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 知樞密院事伯顏等
373 4 zhī to be close friends 知樞密院事伯顏等
374 4 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 知樞密院事伯顏等
375 4 zhī to receive; to entertain 知樞密院事伯顏等
376 4 zhī knowledge 知樞密院事伯顏等
377 4 zhī consciousness; perception 知樞密院事伯顏等
378 4 zhī a close friend 知樞密院事伯顏等
379 4 zhì wisdom 知樞密院事伯顏等
380 4 zhì Zhi 知樞密院事伯顏等
381 4 zhī to appreciate 知樞密院事伯顏等
382 4 zhī to make known 知樞密院事伯顏等
383 4 zhī to have control over 知樞密院事伯顏等
384 4 zhī to expect; to foresee 知樞密院事伯顏等
385 4 tiè a rubbing from incised inscription; copybook with handwriting models 長妥歡帖木耳
386 4 tiě an invitation card 長妥歡帖木耳
387 4 tiē appropriate; proper 長妥歡帖木耳
388 4 tiè a note; a card; a document 長妥歡帖木耳
389 4 tiě an age card 長妥歡帖木耳
390 4 tiē to obey; to be submissive 長妥歡帖木耳
391 4 tiè to touch lightly; to graze 長妥歡帖木耳
392 4 tiē stable; calm; reliable 長妥歡帖木耳
393 4 tiē to hang down 長妥歡帖木耳
394 4 tiē to paste; to stick 長妥歡帖木耳
395 4 tiè examination notice 長妥歡帖木耳
396 4 tiē Tie 長妥歡帖木耳
397 4 tiě an announcement notice 長妥歡帖木耳
398 4 mìng life 皇后導揚末命
399 4 mìng to order 皇后導揚末命
400 4 mìng destiny; fate; luck 皇后導揚末命
401 4 mìng an order; a command 皇后導揚末命
402 4 mìng to name; to assign 皇后導揚末命
403 4 mìng livelihood 皇后導揚末命
404 4 mìng advice 皇后導揚末命
405 4 mìng to confer a title 皇后導揚末命
406 4 mìng lifespan 皇后導揚末命
407 4 mìng to think 皇后導揚末命
408 4 guān an office 肅政廉訪司官並內外三品以上正官
409 4 guān an official; a government official 肅政廉訪司官並內外三品以上正官
410 4 guān official; state-run 肅政廉訪司官並內外三品以上正官
411 4 guān an official body; a state organization; bureau 肅政廉訪司官並內外三品以上正官
412 4 guān an official rank; an official title 肅政廉訪司官並內外三品以上正官
413 4 guān governance 肅政廉訪司官並內外三品以上正官
414 4 guān a sense organ 肅政廉訪司官並內外三品以上正官
415 4 guān office 肅政廉訪司官並內外三品以上正官
416 4 guān public 肅政廉訪司官並內外三品以上正官
417 4 guān an organ 肅政廉訪司官並內外三品以上正官
418 4 guān a polite form of address 肅政廉訪司官並內外三品以上正官
419 4 guān Guan 肅政廉訪司官並內外三品以上正官
420 4 guān to appoint 肅政廉訪司官並內外三品以上正官
421 4 guān to hold a post 肅政廉訪司官並內外三品以上正官
422 4 禿 bald 呵麻剌臺之子禿帖木兒
423 4 禿 with a ball point 呵麻剌臺之子禿帖木兒
424 4 禿 missing the start or finish 呵麻剌臺之子禿帖木兒
425 4 níng Nanjing 冀寧路之陽曲
426 4 níng peaceful 冀寧路之陽曲
427 4 níng repose; serenity; peace 冀寧路之陽曲
428 4 níng to pacify 冀寧路之陽曲
429 4 níng to return home 冀寧路之陽曲
430 4 nìng Ning 冀寧路之陽曲
431 4 níng to visit 冀寧路之陽曲
432 4 níng to mourn for parents 冀寧路之陽曲
433 4 níng Ningxia 冀寧路之陽曲
434 4 zhù space between main doorwary and a screen 冀寧路之陽曲
435 4 tooth; tusk 紥牙篤皇帝
436 4 Kangxi radical 92 紥牙篤皇帝
437 4 tooth shaped object 紥牙篤皇帝
438 4 a middleman; a broker 紥牙篤皇帝
439 4 to bite 紥牙篤皇帝
440 4 commander's office; local government headquarters 紥牙篤皇帝
441 4 a sprout 紥牙篤皇帝
442 4 ivory 紥牙篤皇帝
443 4 serrated [banner] 紥牙篤皇帝
444 4 to give 與宗王
445 4 to accompany 與宗王
446 4 to particate in 與宗王
447 4 of the same kind 與宗王
448 4 to help 與宗王
449 4 for 與宗王
450 4 殿 diàn a hall; a palace; a temple 帝即位於大明殿
451 4 殿 diàn a palace compound 帝即位於大明殿
452 4 殿 diàn rear; last 帝即位於大明殿
453 4 殿 diàn rearguard 帝即位於大明殿
454 4 殿 diàn to guard; to protect 帝即位於大明殿
455 4 殿 diàn to assess as unsatisfactory; to censure 帝即位於大明殿
456 4 殿 diàn to stop 帝即位於大明殿
457 4 huān happy; pleased; glad 長妥歡帖木耳
458 4 huān joy 長妥歡帖木耳
459 4 huān to be friendly with 長妥歡帖木耳
460 4 huān dear 長妥歡帖木耳
461 4 huān friendly 長妥歡帖木耳
462 4 十月 shíyuè October; the Tenth Month 十月庚子
463 4 day of the month; a certain day 賓天之日
464 4 Kangxi radical 72 賓天之日
465 4 a day 賓天之日
466 4 Japan 賓天之日
467 4 sun 賓天之日
468 4 daytime 賓天之日
469 4 sunlight 賓天之日
470 4 everyday 賓天之日
471 4 season 賓天之日
472 4 available time 賓天之日
473 4 in the past 賓天之日
474 4 mi 賓天之日
475 4 to think; consider; to ponder 思盡厥忠
476 4 thinking; consideration 思盡厥忠
477 4 to miss; to long for 思盡厥忠
478 4 emotions 思盡厥忠
479 4 to mourn; to grieve 思盡厥忠
480 4 Si 思盡厥忠
481 4 sāi hairy [beard] 思盡厥忠
482 4 zhòng heavy 以宗社之重
483 4 chóng to repeat 以宗社之重
484 4 zhòng significant; serious; important 以宗社之重
485 4 chóng layered; folded; tiered 以宗社之重
486 4 zhòng to attach importance to; to honor; to respect 以宗社之重
487 4 zhòng sad 以宗社之重
488 4 zhòng a weight 以宗社之重
489 4 zhòng large in amount; valuable 以宗社之重
490 4 zhòng thick; dense; strong 以宗社之重
491 4 zhòng to prefer 以宗社之重
492 4 zhòng to add 以宗社之重
493 4 遣使 qiǎnshǐ envoy 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
494 4 遣使 qiǎn shǐ sent a messenger 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
495 4 皇后 huánghòu empress 皇后導揚末命
496 4 皇后 huánghòu emperor 皇后導揚末命
497 4 currency; coins; legal tender 預備大朝會賞賜金銀幣帛等物
498 4 silk offering 預備大朝會賞賜金銀幣帛等物
499 4 a valuable gift 預備大朝會賞賜金銀幣帛等物
500 4 goods; property 預備大朝會賞賜金銀幣帛等物

Frequencies of all Words

Top 800

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 24 zhī him; her; them; that 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
2 24 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
3 24 zhī to go 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
4 24 zhī this; that 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
5 24 zhī genetive marker 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
6 24 zhī it 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
7 24 zhī in; in regards to 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
8 24 zhī all 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
9 24 zhī and 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
10 24 zhī however 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
11 24 zhī if 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
12 24 zhī then 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
13 24 zhī to arrive; to go 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
14 24 zhī is 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
15 24 zhī to use 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
16 24 zhī Zhi 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
17 24 zhī winding 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
18 19 wáng Wang 明宗封周王
19 19 wáng a king 明宗封周王
20 19 wáng Kangxi radical 96 明宗封周王
21 19 wàng to be king; to rule 明宗封周王
22 19 wáng a prince; a duke 明宗封周王
23 19 wáng grand; great 明宗封周王
24 19 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 明宗封周王
25 19 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 明宗封周王
26 19 wáng the head of a group or gang 明宗封周王
27 19 wáng the biggest or best of a group 明宗封周王
28 17 so as to; in order to 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
29 17 to use; to regard as 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
30 17 to use; to grasp 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
31 17 according to 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
32 17 because of 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
33 17 on a certain date 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
34 17 and; as well as 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
35 17 to rely on 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
36 17 to regard 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
37 17 to be able to 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
38 17 to order; to command 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
39 17 further; moreover 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
40 17 used after a verb 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
41 17 very 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
42 17 already 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
43 17 increasingly 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
44 17 a reason; a cause 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
45 17 Israel 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
46 17 Yi 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
47 15 皇帝 huángdì Emperor 寧宗沖聖嗣孝皇帝
48 15 zhū all; many; various 於是遣使征諸王會京師
49 15 zhū Zhu 於是遣使征諸王會京師
50 15 zhū all; members of the class 於是遣使征諸王會京師
51 15 zhū interrogative particle 於是遣使征諸王會京師
52 15 zhū him; her; them; it 於是遣使征諸王會京師
53 15 zhū of; in 於是遣使征諸王會京師
54 11 èr two 武宗有子二人
55 11 èr Kangxi radical 7 武宗有子二人
56 11 èr second 武宗有子二人
57 11 èr twice; double; di- 武宗有子二人
58 11 èr another; the other 武宗有子二人
59 11 èr more than one kind 武宗有子二人
60 10 sān three 天歷三年二月乙巳
61 10 sān third 天歷三年二月乙巳
62 10 sān more than two 天歷三年二月乙巳
63 10 sān very few 天歷三年二月乙巳
64 10 sān repeatedly 天歷三年二月乙巳
65 10 sān San 天歷三年二月乙巳
66 10 inside; interior 句容郡王答鄰答裏
67 10 zōng school; sect 明宗第二子也
68 10 zōng ancestor 明宗第二子也
69 10 zōng a measure word for transaction or business related things 明宗第二子也
70 10 zōng to take as one's model as 明宗第二子也
71 10 zōng purpose 明宗第二子也
72 10 zōng an ancestral temple 明宗第二子也
73 10 zōng to respect; to revere; to admire; to honor 明宗第二子也
74 10 zōng clan; family 明宗第二子也
75 10 zōng a model 明宗第二子也
76 10 zōng a county 明宗第二子也
77 10 zōng religion 明宗第二子也
78 10 zōng essential; necessary 明宗第二子也
79 10 zōng summation 明宗第二子也
80 10 zōng a visit by feudal lords 明宗第二子也
81 10 zōng Zong 明宗第二子也
82 10 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 諸王卯澤妃公主完者臺及公主本答裏
83 10 zhě that 諸王卯澤妃公主完者臺及公主本答裏
84 10 zhě nominalizing function word 諸王卯澤妃公主完者臺及公主本答裏
85 10 zhě used to mark a definition 諸王卯澤妃公主完者臺及公主本答裏
86 10 zhě used to mark a pause 諸王卯澤妃公主完者臺及公主本答裏
87 10 zhě topic marker; that; it 諸王卯澤妃公主完者臺及公主本答裏
88 10 zhuó according to 諸王卯澤妃公主完者臺及公主本答裏
89 10 míng bright; luminous; brilliant 明宗第二子也
90 10 míng Ming 明宗第二子也
91 10 míng Ming Dynasty 明宗第二子也
92 10 míng obvious; explicit; clear 明宗第二子也
93 10 míng intelligent; clever; perceptive 明宗第二子也
94 10 míng to illuminate; to shine 明宗第二子也
95 10 míng consecrated 明宗第二子也
96 10 míng to understand; to comprehend 明宗第二子也
97 10 míng to explain; to clarify 明宗第二子也
98 10 míng Souther Ming; Later Ming 明宗第二子也
99 10 míng the world; the human world; the world of the living 明宗第二子也
100 10 míng eyesight; vision 明宗第二子也
101 10 míng a god; a spirit 明宗第二子也
102 10 míng fame; renown 明宗第二子也
103 10 míng open; public 明宗第二子也
104 10 míng clear 明宗第二子也
105 10 míng to become proficient 明宗第二子也
106 10 míng to be proficient 明宗第二子也
107 10 míng virtuous 明宗第二子也
108 10 míng open and honest 明宗第二子也
109 10 míng clean; neat 明宗第二子也
110 10 míng remarkable; outstanding; notable 明宗第二子也
111 10 míng next; afterwards 明宗第二子也
112 10 míng positive 明宗第二子也
113 9 big; huge; large 文宗入紹大統
114 9 Kangxi radical 37 文宗入紹大統
115 9 great; major; important 文宗入紹大統
116 9 size 文宗入紹大統
117 9 old 文宗入紹大統
118 9 greatly; very 文宗入紹大統
119 9 oldest; earliest 文宗入紹大統
120 9 adult 文宗入紹大統
121 9 tài greatest; grand 文宗入紹大統
122 9 dài an important person 文宗入紹大統
123 9 senior 文宗入紹大統
124 9 approximately 文宗入紹大統
125 9 tài greatest; grand 文宗入紹大統
126 9 wèi for; to 封帝為鄜王
127 9 wèi because of 封帝為鄜王
128 9 wéi to act as; to serve 封帝為鄜王
129 9 wéi to change into; to become 封帝為鄜王
130 9 wéi to be; is 封帝為鄜王
131 9 wéi to do 封帝為鄜王
132 9 wèi for 封帝為鄜王
133 9 wèi because of; for; to 封帝為鄜王
134 9 wèi to 封帝為鄜王
135 9 wéi in a passive construction 封帝為鄜王
136 9 wéi forming a rehetorical question 封帝為鄜王
137 9 wéi forming an adverb 封帝為鄜王
138 9 wéi to add emphasis 封帝為鄜王
139 9 wèi to support; to help 封帝為鄜王
140 9 wéi to govern 封帝為鄜王
141 9 zhōng middle 延祐中
142 9 zhōng medium; medium sized 延祐中
143 9 zhōng China 延祐中
144 9 zhòng to hit the mark 延祐中
145 9 zhōng in; amongst 延祐中
146 9 zhōng midday 延祐中
147 9 zhōng inside 延祐中
148 9 zhōng during 延祐中
149 9 zhōng Zhong 延祐中
150 9 zhōng intermediary 延祐中
151 9 zhōng half 延祐中
152 9 zhōng just right; suitably 延祐中
153 9 zhōng while 延祐中
154 9 zhòng to reach; to attain 延祐中
155 9 zhòng to suffer; to infect 延祐中
156 9 zhòng to obtain 延祐中
157 9 zhòng to pass an exam 延祐中
158 9 serious; critical 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
159 9 sincere; true 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
160 9 to be single-minded 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
161 9 to be persistent; to be stubborn 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
162 9 Du 帝以文宗眷愛之篤
163 8 rén person; people; a human being 武宗有子二人
164 8 rén Kangxi radical 9 武宗有子二人
165 8 rén a kind of person 武宗有子二人
166 8 rén everybody 武宗有子二人
167 8 rén adult 武宗有子二人
168 8 rén somebody; others 武宗有子二人
169 8 rén an upright person 武宗有子二人
170 8 in; at 文宗崩於上都
171 8 in; at 文宗崩於上都
172 8 in; at; to; from 文宗崩於上都
173 8 to go; to 文宗崩於上都
174 8 to rely on; to depend on 文宗崩於上都
175 8 to go to; to arrive at 文宗崩於上都
176 8 from 文宗崩於上都
177 8 give 文宗崩於上都
178 8 oppposing 文宗崩於上都
179 8 and 文宗崩於上都
180 8 compared to 文宗崩於上都
181 8 by 文宗崩於上都
182 8 and; as well as 文宗崩於上都
183 8 for 文宗崩於上都
184 8 Yu 文宗崩於上都
185 8 a crow 文宗崩於上都
186 8 whew; wow 文宗崩於上都
187 8 shì matter; thing; item 知樞密院事伯顏等
188 8 shì to serve 知樞密院事伯顏等
189 8 shì a government post 知樞密院事伯顏等
190 8 shì duty; post; work 知樞密院事伯顏等
191 8 shì occupation 知樞密院事伯顏等
192 8 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 知樞密院事伯顏等
193 8 shì an accident 知樞密院事伯顏等
194 8 shì to attend 知樞密院事伯顏等
195 8 shì an allusion 知樞密院事伯顏等
196 8 shì a condition; a state; a situation 知樞密院事伯顏等
197 8 shì to engage in 知樞密院事伯顏等
198 8 shì to enslave 知樞密院事伯顏等
199 8 shì to pursue 知樞密院事伯顏等
200 8 shì to administer 知樞密院事伯顏等
201 8 shì to appoint 知樞密院事伯顏等
202 8 shì a piece 知樞密院事伯顏等
203 8 zhèng government; administration 修舉庶政
204 8 zhèng politics 修舉庶政
205 8 zhèng organizational affairs 修舉庶政
206 8 zhèng to rule 修舉庶政
207 8 zhèng administrative affairs 修舉庶政
208 8 zhèng laws 修舉庶政
209 8 zhèng policy 修舉庶政
210 8 zhèng to correctons [a document] 修舉庶政
211 8 nián year 天歷三年二月乙巳
212 8 nián New Year festival 天歷三年二月乙巳
213 8 nián age 天歷三年二月乙巳
214 8 nián life span; life expectancy 天歷三年二月乙巳
215 8 nián an era; a period 天歷三年二月乙巳
216 8 nián a date 天歷三年二月乙巳
217 8 nián time; years 天歷三年二月乙巳
218 8 nián harvest 天歷三年二月乙巳
219 8 nián annual; every year 天歷三年二月乙巳
220 8 emperor; supreme ruler 次即帝也
221 8 the ruler of Heaven 次即帝也
222 8 a god 次即帝也
223 8 imperialism 次即帝也
224 8 dōu all 諸王醜漢妃公主臺忽都魯
225 8 capital city 諸王醜漢妃公主臺忽都魯
226 8 a city; a metropolis 諸王醜漢妃公主臺忽都魯
227 8 dōu all 諸王醜漢妃公主臺忽都魯
228 8 elegant; refined 諸王醜漢妃公主臺忽都魯
229 8 Du 諸王醜漢妃公主臺忽都魯
230 8 dōu already 諸王醜漢妃公主臺忽都魯
231 8 to establish a capital city 諸王醜漢妃公主臺忽都魯
232 8 to reside 諸王醜漢妃公主臺忽都魯
233 8 to total; to tally 諸王醜漢妃公主臺忽都魯
234 7 fèng to offer; to present 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
235 7 fèng to receive; to receive with respect 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
236 7 fèng to believe in 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
237 7 fèng a display of respect 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
238 7 fèng to revere 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
239 7 fèng salary 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
240 7 fèng to serve 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
241 7 fèng Feng 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
242 7 fèng to politely request 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
243 7 fèng to offer with both hands 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
244 7 fèng a term of respect 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
245 7 fèng to help 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
246 7 not; no 母曰八不沙皇后
247 7 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 母曰八不沙皇后
248 7 as a correlative 母曰八不沙皇后
249 7 no (answering a question) 母曰八不沙皇后
250 7 forms a negative adjective from a noun 母曰八不沙皇后
251 7 at the end of a sentence to form a question 母曰八不沙皇后
252 7 to form a yes or no question 母曰八不沙皇后
253 7 infix potential marker 母曰八不沙皇后
254 7 zhōu a state; a province 雲內二州隕霜殺禾
255 7 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 雲內二州隕霜殺禾
256 7 zhōu a prefecture 雲內二州隕霜殺禾
257 7 zhōu a country 雲內二州隕霜殺禾
258 7 zhōu an island 雲內二州隕霜殺禾
259 7 zhōu Zhou 雲內二州隕霜殺禾
260 7 zhōu autonomous prefecture 雲內二州隕霜殺禾
261 7 zhōu a country 雲內二州隕霜殺禾
262 6 chè to pervade; to penetrate 徹裏帖木兒等金
263 6 chè penetrating; clear 徹裏帖木兒等金
264 6 chè completely 徹裏帖木兒等金
265 6 chè follow through with 徹裏帖木兒等金
266 6 chè to remove; to eliminate 徹裏帖木兒等金
267 6 chè to reclaim 徹裏帖木兒等金
268 6 chè wheel ruts 徹裏帖木兒等金
269 6 chè to damage; to devastate 徹裏帖木兒等金
270 6 chè to peel off 徹裏帖木兒等金
271 6 chè to plow; to till 徹裏帖木兒等金
272 6 chè land tax 徹裏帖木兒等金
273 6 chè Che 徹裏帖木兒等金
274 6 使 shǐ to make; to cause 宣政使闊裏吉思為中書左丞
275 6 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 宣政使闊裏吉思為中書左丞
276 6 使 shǐ to indulge 宣政使闊裏吉思為中書左丞
277 6 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 宣政使闊裏吉思為中書左丞
278 6 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 宣政使闊裏吉思為中書左丞
279 6 使 shǐ to dispatch 宣政使闊裏吉思為中書左丞
280 6 使 shǐ if 宣政使闊裏吉思為中書左丞
281 6 使 shǐ to use 宣政使闊裏吉思為中書左丞
282 6 使 shǐ to be able to 宣政使闊裏吉思為中書左丞
283 6 to give; to bestow favors 賜駙馬也不幹子歡忒哈赤
284 6 grace; favor; a gift 賜駙馬也不幹子歡忒哈赤
285 6 to award; to appoint 賜駙馬也不幹子歡忒哈赤
286 6 to do in full 賜駙馬也不幹子歡忒哈赤
287 6 to bestow an honorific title 賜駙馬也不幹子歡忒哈赤
288 6 road; path; way 冀寧路之陽曲
289 6 journey 冀寧路之陽曲
290 6 grain patterns; veins 冀寧路之陽曲
291 6 a way; a method 冀寧路之陽曲
292 6 a type; a kind 冀寧路之陽曲
293 6 a circuit; an area; a region 冀寧路之陽曲
294 6 a route 冀寧路之陽曲
295 6 Lu 冀寧路之陽曲
296 6 impressive 冀寧路之陽曲
297 6 conveyance 冀寧路之陽曲
298 6 xiàn county 河曲二縣及荊門州皆旱
299 6 xuán to suspend 河曲二縣及荊門州皆旱
300 6 xuán to evaluate; to weigh 河曲二縣及荊門州皆旱
301 6 xuán to express 河曲二縣及荊門州皆旱
302 6 xuán remote 河曲二縣及荊門州皆旱
303 6 chà to differ 鈔有差
304 6 chà less than; lacking; nearly; almost 鈔有差
305 6 chà wrong 鈔有差
306 6 chà substandard; inferior; poor 鈔有差
307 6 chā the difference [between two numbers] 鈔有差
308 6 chāi to send; to dispatch 鈔有差
309 6 cuō to stumble 鈔有差
310 6 rank 鈔有差
311 6 chā an error 鈔有差
312 6 chā dissimilarity; difference 鈔有差
313 6 chā barely 鈔有差
314 6 chāi an errand 鈔有差
315 6 chāi a messenger; a runner 鈔有差
316 6 chā proportionate 鈔有差
317 6 chāi to select; to choose 鈔有差
318 6 chài to recover from a sickness 鈔有差
319 6 chà uncommon; remarkable 鈔有差
320 6 chā to make a mistake 鈔有差
321 6 uneven 鈔有差
322 6 to differ 鈔有差
323 6 cuō to rub between the hands 鈔有差
324 6 shū book 中書百司政務
325 6 shū document; manuscript 中書百司政務
326 6 shū letter 中書百司政務
327 6 shū the Cannon of Documents 中書百司政務
328 6 shū to write 中書百司政務
329 6 shū writing 中書百司政務
330 6 shū calligraphy; writing style 中書百司政務
331 6 shū Shu 中書百司政務
332 6 shū to record 中書百司政務
333 6 his; hers; its; theirs 量其輕重黜罰
334 6 to add emphasis 量其輕重黜罰
335 6 used when asking a question in reply to a question 量其輕重黜罰
336 6 used when making a request or giving an order 量其輕重黜罰
337 6 he; her; it; them 量其輕重黜罰
338 6 probably; likely 量其輕重黜罰
339 6 will 量其輕重黜罰
340 6 may 量其輕重黜罰
341 6 if 量其輕重黜罰
342 6 or 量其輕重黜罰
343 6 Qi 量其輕重黜罰
344 6 文宗 wénzōng Emperor Wenzong of Tang 次文宗
345 6 皇太后 huángtàihòu empress dowager 修皇太后儀仗
346 6 an official institution; a state bureau 高郵府之寶應
347 6 a prefecture; a prefect 高郵府之寶應
348 6 a respectful reference to a residence 高郵府之寶應
349 6 a repository 高郵府之寶應
350 6 a meeting place 高郵府之寶應
351 6 the residence of a high-ranking official; a prefect 高郵府之寶應
352 6 Fu 高郵府之寶應
353 6 to reply; to answer 句容郡王答鄰答裏
354 6 to reciprocate to 句容郡王答鄰答裏
355 6 to agree to; to assent to 句容郡王答鄰答裏
356 6 to acknowledge; to greet 句容郡王答鄰答裏
357 6 Da 句容郡王答鄰答裏
358 5 mín the people; citizen; subjects 視民如傷
359 5 mín Min 視民如傷
360 5 suddenly; abruptly 諸王醜漢妃公主臺忽都魯
361 5 to be careless; to neglect 諸王醜漢妃公主臺忽都魯
362 5 to look down on 諸王醜漢妃公主臺忽都魯
363 5 fast; rapid 諸王醜漢妃公主臺忽都魯
364 5 fast; rapid 諸王醜漢妃公主臺忽都魯
365 5 to sacrifice to; to worship 以即位告祭南郊
366 5 to hold a funeral service 以即位告祭南郊
367 5 to chant a ritual text 以即位告祭南郊
368 5 a ceremony; a ritual 以即位告祭南郊
369 5 zhài Zhai 以即位告祭南郊
370 5 tái unit 呵麻剌臺之子禿帖木兒
371 5 tái Taiwan 呵麻剌臺之子禿帖木兒
372 5 tái desk; platform; terrace 呵麻剌臺之子禿帖木兒
373 5 tái platform; stage; terrace; stand; support; desk 呵麻剌臺之子禿帖木兒
374 5 tái typhoon 呵麻剌臺之子禿帖木兒
375 5 tái desk; platform; terrace 呵麻剌臺之子禿帖木兒
376 5 you 呵麻剌臺之子禿帖木兒
377 5 tái station; broadcasting station 呵麻剌臺之子禿帖木兒
378 5 tái official post 呵麻剌臺之子禿帖木兒
379 5 eminent 呵麻剌臺之子禿帖木兒
380 5 tái elevated 呵麻剌臺之子禿帖木兒
381 5 tái tribunal 呵麻剌臺之子禿帖木兒
382 5 tái capitulum 呵麻剌臺之子禿帖木兒
383 5 to take charge of; to manage; to administer 中書百司政務
384 5 a department under a ministry 中書百司政務
385 5 to bear 中書百司政務
386 5 to observe; to inspect 中書百司政務
387 5 a government official; an official 中書百司政務
388 5 si 中書百司政務
389 5 gào to tell; to say; said; told 以即位告祭南郊
390 5 gào to request 以即位告祭南郊
391 5 gào to report; to inform 以即位告祭南郊
392 5 gào to announce; to disclose; to raise a lawsuit 以即位告祭南郊
393 5 gào to accuse; to sue 以即位告祭南郊
394 5 gào to reach 以即位告祭南郊
395 5 gào an announcement 以即位告祭南郊
396 5 gào a party 以即位告祭南郊
397 5 gào a vacation 以即位告祭南郊
398 5 gào Gao 以即位告祭南郊
399 5 xiū to decorate; to embellish 修皇太后儀仗
400 5 xiū to study; to cultivate 修皇太后儀仗
401 5 xiū to repair 修皇太后儀仗
402 5 xiū long; slender 修皇太后儀仗
403 5 xiū to write; to compile 修皇太后儀仗
404 5 xiū to build; to construct; to shape 修皇太后儀仗
405 5 xiū to practice 修皇太后儀仗
406 5 xiū to cut 修皇太后儀仗
407 5 xiū virtuous; wholesome 修皇太后儀仗
408 5 xiū a virtuous person 修皇太后儀仗
409 5 xiū Xiu 修皇太后儀仗
410 5 xiū to unknot 修皇太后儀仗
411 5 xiū to prepare; to put in order 修皇太后儀仗
412 5 xiū excellent 修皇太后儀仗
413 5 xiū to perform [a ceremony] 修皇太后儀仗
414 5 to reach 諸王卯澤妃公主完者臺及公主本答裏
415 5 and 諸王卯澤妃公主完者臺及公主本答裏
416 5 coming to; when 諸王卯澤妃公主完者臺及公主本答裏
417 5 to attain 諸王卯澤妃公主完者臺及公主本答裏
418 5 to understand 諸王卯澤妃公主完者臺及公主本答裏
419 5 able to be compared to; to catch up with 諸王卯澤妃公主完者臺及公主本答裏
420 5 to be involved with; to associate with 諸王卯澤妃公主完者臺及公主本答裏
421 5 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 諸王卯澤妃公主完者臺及公主本答裏
422 5 miǎn to excuse from; to exempt; to spare 差稅免三年
423 5 miǎn to evade; to avoid; to escape 差稅免三年
424 5 miǎn to not permit 差稅免三年
425 5 miǎn to omit; to remove 差稅免三年
426 5 miǎn to give birth 差稅免三年
427 5 wèn a funeral cap 差稅免三年
428 5 miǎn to dismiss from office 差稅免三年
429 5 miǎn Mian 差稅免三年
430 5 樞密院 shūmì yuàn Bureau of Military Affairs 知樞密院事伯顏等
431 5 promptly; right away; immediately 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
432 5 to be near by; to be close to 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
433 5 at that time 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
434 5 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
435 5 supposed; so-called 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
436 5 if; but 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
437 5 to arrive at; to ascend 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
438 5 then; following 即遣使奉皇帝璽綬
439 5 bìng and; furthermore; also 腹裏差發並其餘諸郡不納差發去處
440 5 bìng completely; entirely 腹裏差發並其餘諸郡不納差發去處
441 5 bìng to combine; to amalgamate 腹裏差發並其餘諸郡不納差發去處
442 5 bìng to combine 腹裏差發並其餘諸郡不納差發去處
443 5 bìng to resemble; to be like 腹裏差發並其餘諸郡不納差發去處
444 5 bìng both; equally 腹裏差發並其餘諸郡不納差發去處
445 5 bìng both; side-by-side; equally 腹裏差發並其餘諸郡不納差發去處
446 5 bìng completely; entirely 腹裏差發並其餘諸郡不納差發去處
447 5 bìng to stand side-by-side 腹裏差發並其餘諸郡不納差發去處
448 5 bìng definitely; absolutely; actually 腹裏差發並其餘諸郡不納差發去處
449 5 bīng Taiyuan 腹裏差發並其餘諸郡不納差發去處
450 5 bìng equally; both; together 腹裏差發並其餘諸郡不納差發去處
451 5 yǒu is; are; to exist 鈔有差
452 5 yǒu to have; to possess 鈔有差
453 5 yǒu indicates an estimate 鈔有差
454 5 yǒu indicates a large quantity 鈔有差
455 5 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 鈔有差
456 5 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 鈔有差
457 5 yǒu used to compare two things 鈔有差
458 5 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 鈔有差
459 5 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 鈔有差
460 5 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 鈔有差
461 5 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 鈔有差
462 5 yǒu abundant 鈔有差
463 5 yǒu purposeful 鈔有差
464 5 yǒu You 鈔有差
465 5 fàn to commit a crime; to violate 填星犯太微垣左執法
466 5 fàn to attack; to invade 填星犯太微垣左執法
467 5 fàn to transgress 填星犯太微垣左執法
468 5 fàn conjunction of a star 填星犯太微垣左執法
469 5 fàn to conquer 填星犯太微垣左執法
470 5 fàn to occur 填星犯太微垣左執法
471 5 fàn to face danger 填星犯太微垣左執法
472 5 fàn to fall 填星犯太微垣左執法
473 5 fàn to be worth; to deserve 填星犯太微垣左執法
474 5 fàn a criminal 填星犯太微垣左執法
475 5 precious 造皇太后玉冊
476 5 jade; a precious stone; a gem 造皇太后玉冊
477 5 Kangxi radical 96 造皇太后玉冊
478 5 fair; beautiful 造皇太后玉冊
479 5 your 造皇太后玉冊
480 5 pure white 造皇太后玉冊
481 5 to groom 造皇太后玉冊
482 4 suì age 歲舉才堪守令者一人
483 4 suì years 歲舉才堪守令者一人
484 4 suì time 歲舉才堪守令者一人
485 4 suì annual harvest 歲舉才堪守令者一人
486 4 suì age 歲舉才堪守令者一人
487 4 即位 jíwèi to succeed to the throne 帝即位於大明殿
488 4 即位 jíwèi to begin a post 帝即位於大明殿
489 4 公主 gōngzhǔ princess 公主本答裏
490 4 zhī to know 知樞密院事伯顏等
491 4 zhī to comprehend 知樞密院事伯顏等
492 4 zhī to inform; to tell 知樞密院事伯顏等
493 4 zhī to administer 知樞密院事伯顏等
494 4 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 知樞密院事伯顏等
495 4 zhī to be close friends 知樞密院事伯顏等
496 4 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 知樞密院事伯顏等
497 4 zhī to receive; to entertain 知樞密院事伯顏等
498 4 zhī knowledge 知樞密院事伯顏等
499 4 zhī consciousness; perception 知樞密院事伯顏等
500 4 zhī a close friend 知樞密院事伯顏等

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
宝应 寶應 66
  1. Baoying
  2. Baoying
  3. Baoying
八月 98 August; the Eighth Month
伯颜 伯顏 98 Bayan
常州 99 Changzhou
大明 100
  1. the sun
  2. the moon
  3. Da Ming
  4. Da Ming reign
  5. Ming dynasty
德安 100 De'an
二月 195 February; the Second Month
丰县 豐縣 102 Feng county
102 Fu
赣榆 贛榆 103 Ganyu
高邮 高郵 103 Gaoyou
庚申 103 Gengshen year; fifty seventh year G9 of the 60 year cycle
国学 國學 103
  1. national studies; studies of Confucian classics
  2. the Imperial College
  3. Kokugaku
海宁 海寧 104 Haining
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
翰林 104 Hanlin
河南府 104 Hennan Provincial Capital
浑源 渾源 104 Hunyuan
  1. Hebei
  2. to hope
  3. Jizhou
监察御史 監察御史 106 Investigating Censor
  1. a large river
  2. Yangtze River
  3. Jiang
  4. Jiangsu
  5. Jiang
江阴 江陰 106 Jiangyin
江浙 106 Jiangsu and Zhejiang
江浙行省 106 Jiangzhe province
建义 建義 106 Jianyi reign
甲午 106 thirty-first year A7 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1954 or 2014
甲戌 106 eleventh year A11 of the 60 year cycle
荆门 荊門 106 Jingmen
济宁 濟寧 106 Jining
九月 106 September; the Ninth Month
集贤院 集賢院 106 Academy of Scholarly Worthies
句容 106 Jurong
科举 科舉 107 Imperial Examinations
辽阳 遼陽 108 Liaoyang
陵县 陵縣 108 Ling county
六月 108 June; the Sixth Month
  1. Shandong
  2. Lu
  3. foolish; stupid; rash; vulgar
  4. the State of Lu
洛阳 洛陽 108 Luoyang
蒙古 109 Mongolia
宁宗 寧宗 110 Ningzong
平江 112
  1. Pingjiang
  2. Pingjiang
  1. common; general; popular; everywhere; universal; extensive
  2. Prussia
  3. Pu
佥事 僉事 113 Secretary; Senior Assistant
丘县 丘縣 113 Qiu county
113 Qu
上都 115 Shangdu; Xanadu; Shangtu; Chandu; Xandu; Kemenfu; Kaipingfu
世祖 115 Shi Zu
十一月 115 November; the Eleventh Month
十月 115 October; the Tenth Month
枢密院 樞密院 115 Bureau of Military Affairs
沭阳 沭陽 83 Shuyang
四月 115 April; the Fourth Month
松江 115 Songjiang
太白 116
  1. Taebaek
  2. Venus
  3. Tai Bai
  4. Tai Bai
  5. Mount Taibai
  6. Taibai (flag)
泰安 116 Tai'an
太保 116 Grand Protector
太师 太師 116 Grand Preceptor; Grand Master; Imperial Tutor
太微 116 Taiwei; Grand Subtlety
116 Tan
帖木儿 帖木兒 84 Timur; Tamerlane
王会 王會 119 Wang Hui
文宗 119 Emperor Wenzong of Tang
武宗 119
  1. Emperor Zhengde; Wu Zong
  2. Emperor Wuzong of Tang
  1. what?; where?; why?
  2. a slave; a servant
  3. Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi
  4. Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi
  5. Xi
辛亥 120 Xin Hai year
兴和 興和 120 Xinghe
兴化 興化 120 Xinghua
  1. Xue
  2. Xue
阳曲 陽曲 121 Yangqu
燕铁木儿 燕鐵木兒 121 El Temür
燕帖木儿 燕帖木兒 121 El Temür
121 Yi
应城 應城 121 Yingcheng
有若 121 You Ruo
有子 121 Master You
云梦 雲夢 121 Yunmeng
云南 雲南 121 Yunnan
御史大夫 121 Imperial Secretary
镇江 鎮江 122 Zhenjiang
至顺 至順 122 Zhishun reign
至元 122 Zhiyuan
中书省 中書省 122 Central Secretariat


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English