Glossary and Vocabulary for Mencius 孟子, 滕文公下 Teng Wen Gong II

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 118 zhī to go 今一見之
2 118 zhī to arrive; to go 今一見之
3 118 zhī is 今一見之
4 118 zhī to use 今一見之
5 118 zhī Zhi 今一見之
6 118 zhī winding 今一見之
7 59 yuē to speak; to say 陳代曰
8 59 yuē Kangxi radical 73 陳代曰
9 59 yuē to be called 陳代曰
10 48 Qi 勇士不忘喪其元
11 47 ér Kangxi radical 126 枉尺而直尋
12 47 ér as if; to seem like 枉尺而直尋
13 47 néng can; able 枉尺而直尋
14 47 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 枉尺而直尋
15 47 ér to arrive; up to 枉尺而直尋
16 31 to use; to grasp 大則以王
17 31 to rely on 大則以王
18 31 to regard 大則以王
19 31 to be able to 大則以王
20 31 to order; to command 大則以王
21 31 used after a verb 大則以王
22 31 a reason; a cause 大則以王
23 31 Israel 大則以王
24 31 Yi 大則以王
25 30 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 大則以王
26 30 a grade; a level 大則以王
27 30 an example; a model 大則以王
28 30 a weighing device 大則以王
29 30 to grade; to rank 大則以王
30 30 to copy; to imitate; to follow 大則以王
31 30 to do 大則以王
32 29 wéi to act as; to serve 宜若可為也
33 29 wéi to change into; to become 宜若可為也
34 29 wéi to be; is 宜若可為也
35 29 wéi to do 宜若可為也
36 29 wèi to support; to help 宜若可為也
37 29 wéi to govern 宜若可為也
38 27 shí food; food and drink 以傳食於諸侯
39 27 shí Kangxi radical 184 以傳食於諸侯
40 27 shí to eat 以傳食於諸侯
41 27 to feed 以傳食於諸侯
42 27 shí meal; cooked cereals 以傳食於諸侯
43 27 to raise; to nourish 以傳食於諸侯
44 27 shí to receive; to accept 以傳食於諸侯
45 27 shí to receive an official salary 以傳食於諸侯
46 27 shí an eclipse 以傳食於諸侯
47 25 child; son 且子過矣
48 25 egg; newborn 且子過矣
49 25 first earthly branch 且子過矣
50 25 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 且子過矣
51 25 Kangxi radical 39 且子過矣
52 25 pellet; something small and hard 且子過矣
53 25 master 且子過矣
54 25 viscount 且子過矣
55 25 zi you; your honor 且子過矣
56 25 masters 且子過矣
57 25 person 且子過矣
58 25 young 且子過矣
59 25 seed 且子過矣
60 25 subordinate; subsidiary 且子過矣
61 25 a copper coin 且子過矣
62 25 female dragonfly 且子過矣
63 25 constituent 且子過矣
64 25 offspring; descendants 且子過矣
65 25 dear 且子過矣
66 25 little one 且子過矣
67 23 to go; to 以傳食於諸侯
68 23 to rely on; to depend on 以傳食於諸侯
69 23 Yu 以傳食於諸侯
70 23 a crow 以傳食於諸侯
71 21 infix potential marker 不至
72 19 Kangxi radical 71 無違夫子
73 19 to not have; without 無違夫子
74 19 mo 無違夫子
75 19 to not have 無違夫子
76 19 Wu 無違夫子
77 17 to give 亦可為與
78 17 to accompany 亦可為與
79 17 to particate in 亦可為與
80 17 of the same kind 亦可為與
81 17 to help 亦可為與
82 17 for 亦可為與
83 14 self 我使掌與女乘
84 14 [my] dear 我使掌與女乘
85 14 Wo 我使掌與女乘
86 14 天下 tiānxià the territory ruled by the emperor; China 天下之賤工也
87 14 天下 tiānxià authority over China 天下之賤工也
88 14 天下 tiānxià the world 天下之賤工也
89 14 rén person; people; a human being 招虞人以旌
90 14 rén Kangxi radical 9 招虞人以旌
91 14 rén a kind of person 招虞人以旌
92 14 rén everybody 招虞人以旌
93 14 rén adult 招虞人以旌
94 14 rén somebody; others 招虞人以旌
95 14 rén an upright person 招虞人以旌
96 14 dào way; road; path 如枉道而從彼
97 14 dào principle; a moral; morality 如枉道而從彼
98 14 dào Tao; the Way 如枉道而從彼
99 14 dào to say; to speak; to talk 如枉道而從彼
100 14 dào to think 如枉道而從彼
101 14 dào circuit; a province 如枉道而從彼
102 14 dào a course; a channel 如枉道而從彼
103 14 dào a method; a way of doing something 如枉道而從彼
104 14 dào a doctrine 如枉道而從彼
105 14 dào Taoism; Daoism 如枉道而從彼
106 14 dào a skill 如枉道而從彼
107 14 dào a sect 如枉道而從彼
108 14 dào a line 如枉道而從彼
109 13 residence; dwelling 居天下之廣居
110 13 to be at a position 居天下之廣居
111 13 to live; to dwell; to reside 居天下之廣居
112 13 to stay put 居天下之廣居
113 13 to claim; to assert 居天下之廣居
114 13 to store up; to accumulate 居天下之廣居
115 13 to sit down 居天下之廣居
116 13 to possess 居天下之廣居
117 13 to hold in storage; to retain; to harbor 居天下之廣居
118 13 Ju 居天下之廣居
119 12 zāi to start 何哉
120 12 使 shǐ to make; to cause 昔者趙簡子使王良與嬖奚乘
121 12 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 昔者趙簡子使王良與嬖奚乘
122 12 使 shǐ to indulge 昔者趙簡子使王良與嬖奚乘
123 12 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 昔者趙簡子使王良與嬖奚乘
124 12 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 昔者趙簡子使王良與嬖奚乘
125 12 使 shǐ to dispatch 昔者趙簡子使王良與嬖奚乘
126 12 使 shǐ to use 昔者趙簡子使王良與嬖奚乘
127 12 使 shǐ to be able to 昔者趙簡子使王良與嬖奚乘
128 12 suǒ a few; various; some 使之居於王所
129 12 suǒ a place; a location 使之居於王所
130 12 suǒ indicates a passive voice 使之居於王所
131 12 suǒ an ordinal number 使之居於王所
132 12 suǒ meaning 使之居於王所
133 12 suǒ garrison 使之居於王所
134 12 wáng Wang 大則以王
135 12 wáng a king 大則以王
136 12 wáng Kangxi radical 96 大則以王
137 12 wàng to be king; to rule 大則以王
138 12 wáng a prince; a duke 大則以王
139 12 wáng grand; great 大則以王
140 12 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 大則以王
141 12 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 大則以王
142 12 wáng the head of a group or gang 大則以王
143 12 wáng the biggest or best of a group 大則以王
144 11 mín the people; citizen; subjects 得志與民由之
145 11 mín Min 得志與民由之
146 11 to carry on the shoulder 何哉
147 11 what 何哉
148 11 He 何哉
149 10 孔子 kǒngzi Confucius 孔子奚取焉
150 10 jūn sovereign; monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler 孔子三月無君
151 10 jūn a mistress 孔子三月無君
152 10 jūn date-plum 孔子三月無君
153 10 jūn the son of heaven 孔子三月無君
154 10 jūn to rule 孔子三月無君
155 10 孟子 mèng zǐ Mencius; Mengzi 孟子曰
156 10 孟子 mèng zǐ Mencius; Mengzi 孟子曰
157 10 Yi 亦可為與
158 9 wǎng to go (in a direction) 取非其招不往也
159 9 wǎng in the past 取非其招不往也
160 9 wǎng to turn toward 取非其招不往也
161 9 wǎng to be friends with; to have a social connection with 取非其招不往也
162 9 wǎng to send a gift 取非其招不往也
163 9 wǎng former times 取非其招不往也
164 9 wǎng someone who has passed away 取非其招不往也
165 9 shì a gentleman; a knight 士之失位也
166 9 shì Kangxi radical 33 士之失位也
167 9 shì a soldier 士之失位也
168 9 shì a social stratum 士之失位也
169 9 shì an unmarried man; a man 士之失位也
170 9 shì somebody trained in a specialized field 士之失位也
171 9 shì a scholar 士之失位也
172 9 shì a respectful term for a person 士之失位也
173 9 shì corporal; sergeant 士之失位也
174 9 shì Shi 士之失位也
175 9 zhì a sign; a mark; a flag; a banner
176 9 zhì to write down; to record
177 9 zhì Zhi
178 9 zhì a written record; a treatise
179 9 zhì to remember
180 9 zhì annals; a treatise; a gazetteer
181 9 zhì a birthmark; a mole
182 9 zhì determination; will
183 9 zhì a magazine
184 9 zhì to measure; to weigh
185 9 zhì aspiration
186 8 zuò to do 暴君代作
187 8 zuò to act as; to serve as 暴君代作
188 8 zuò to start 暴君代作
189 8 zuò a writing; a work 暴君代作
190 8 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 暴君代作
191 8 zuō to create; to make 暴君代作
192 8 zuō a workshop 暴君代作
193 8 zuō to write; to compose 暴君代作
194 8 zuò to rise 暴君代作
195 8 zuò to be aroused 暴君代作
196 8 zuò activity; action; undertaking 暴君代作
197 8 zuò to regard as 暴君代作
198 8 one 終日而不獲一禽
199 8 Kangxi radical 1 終日而不獲一禽
200 8 pure; concentrated 終日而不獲一禽
201 8 first 終日而不獲一禽
202 8 the same 終日而不獲一禽
203 8 sole; single 終日而不獲一禽
204 8 a very small amount 終日而不獲一禽
205 8 Yi 終日而不獲一禽
206 8 other 終日而不獲一禽
207 8 to unify 終日而不獲一禽
208 8 accidentally; coincidentally 終日而不獲一禽
209 8 abruptly; suddenly 終日而不獲一禽
210 8 shì an official 古之君子仕乎
211 8 shì to serve in the government 古之君子仕乎
212 7 xiōng elder brother 兄戴
213 7 君子 jūnzi a ruler; a sovereign 古之君子仕乎
214 7 君子 jūnzi junzi; a nobleman; a person of noble character; a person of virtue 古之君子仕乎
215 7 fēi Kangxi radical 175 取非其招不往也
216 7 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 取非其招不往也
217 7 fēi different 取非其招不往也
218 7 fēi to not be; to not have 取非其招不往也
219 7 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 取非其招不往也
220 7 fēi Africa 取非其招不往也
221 7 fēi to slander 取非其招不往也
222 7 fěi to avoid 取非其招不往也
223 7 fēi must 取非其招不往也
224 7 fēi an error 取非其招不往也
225 7 fēi a problem; a question 取非其招不往也
226 7 fēi evil 取非其招不往也
227 7 zhòng middle brother 陳仲子豈不誠廉士哉
228 7 zhòng Zhong 陳仲子豈不誠廉士哉
229 7 zhòng a go between; a mediator 陳仲子豈不誠廉士哉
230 7 tāng soup 湯居亳
231 7 tāng Tang 湯居亳
232 7 tāng boiling punishment 湯居亳
233 7 tāng decoction 湯居亳
234 7 tāng hot water 湯居亳
235 7 tāng juice 湯居亳
236 7 tāng tepid water; warm water 湯居亳
237 7 tāng to heat food with hot water 湯居亳
238 7 tāng to touch; to contact 湯居亳
239 7 諸侯 zhū hóu the feudal lords 不見諸侯
240 6 to go; to 惟臣附于大邑周
241 6 to rely on; to depend on 惟臣附于大邑周
242 6 Yu 惟臣附于大邑周
243 6 a crow 惟臣附于大邑周
244 6 jiàng a general; a high ranking officer 將殺之
245 6 jiāng to progress; to transmit; to convey; to send 將殺之
246 6 jiàng to command; to lead 將殺之
247 6 qiāng to request 將殺之
248 6 jiāng to bring; to take; to use; to hold 將殺之
249 6 jiāng to support; to wait upon; to take care of 將殺之
250 6 jiāng to checkmate 將殺之
251 6 jiāng to goad; to incite; to provoke 將殺之
252 6 jiāng to do; to handle 將殺之
253 6 jiàng backbone 將殺之
254 6 jiàng king 將殺之
255 6 jiāng to rest 將殺之
256 6 jiàng a senior member of an organization 將殺之
257 6 jiāng large; great 將殺之
258 6 chǔ state of Chu 齊楚惡而伐之
259 6 chǔ Chu 齊楚惡而伐之
260 6 chǔ distinct; clear; orderly 齊楚惡而伐之
261 6 chǔ painful 齊楚惡而伐之
262 6 chǔ dazzling; sparkling 齊楚惡而伐之
263 6 chǔ a cane 齊楚惡而伐之
264 6 chǔ Hubei and Hunan 齊楚惡而伐之
265 6 chǔ horsewhip 齊楚惡而伐之
266 6 chǔ to beat a prisoner; to torture 齊楚惡而伐之
267 6 zhēng to prove; to confirm 為其殺是童子而征之
268 6 zhēng to march; to travel on a long journey 為其殺是童子而征之
269 6 zhēng to draft; to call up; to recruit; to summon 為其殺是童子而征之
270 6 zhēng to request [documents]; to solicit [contributions] 為其殺是童子而征之
271 6 zhēng to go on a punitive expedition; to go on a military campaign; to conquer 為其殺是童子而征之
272 6 zhēng to levy [taxes] 為其殺是童子而征之
273 6 zhēng call to arms 為其殺是童子而征之
274 6 zhēng evidence 為其殺是童子而征之
275 6 zhēng an omen 為其殺是童子而征之
276 6 zhēng to inquire; to seek after 為其殺是童子而征之
277 6 zhēng Zheng 為其殺是童子而征之
278 6 zhēng to take 為其殺是童子而征之
279 6 zhēng tax 為其殺是童子而征之
280 6 zhǐ note in Chinese musical scale 為其殺是童子而征之
281 6 zhēng to examine; to interrogate 為其殺是童子而征之
282 6 zhēng to approve 為其殺是童子而征之
283 6 even; equal; uniform 昔齊景公田
284 6 Kangxi radical 210 昔齊景公田
285 6 Qi Dynasty 昔齊景公田
286 6 State of Qi 昔齊景公田
287 6 to arrange 昔齊景公田
288 6 agile; nimble 昔齊景公田
289 6 navel 昔齊景公田
290 6 to rise; to ascend 昔齊景公田
291 6 chopped meat or vegetables 昔齊景公田
292 6 to blend ingredients 昔齊景公田
293 6 to delimit; to distinguish 昔齊景公田
294 6 the lower part of a garment 昔齊景公田
295 6 broomcorn millet 昔齊景公田
296 6 zhāi to fast 昔齊景公田
297 6 to level with 昔齊景公田
298 6 all present; all ready 昔齊景公田
299 6 Qi 昔齊景公田
300 6 alike; similar; identical; same 昔齊景公田
301 6 an alloy 昔齊景公田
302 6 Ge 與葛為鄰
303 6 East Asian arrowroot 與葛為鄰
304 6 summer clothes 與葛為鄰
305 6 Ge 與葛為鄰
306 6 shā to kill; to murder; to slaughter 將殺之
307 6 shā to hurt 將殺之
308 6 shā to pare off; to reduce; to clip 將殺之
309 6 liáng good; virtuous; respectable 昔者趙簡子使王良與嬖奚乘
310 6 liáng moderate 昔者趙簡子使王良與嬖奚乘
311 6 liáng wise and capable 昔者趙簡子使王良與嬖奚乘
312 6 liáng natural; innate 昔者趙簡子使王良與嬖奚乘
313 6 liáng a virtuous person 昔者趙簡子使王良與嬖奚乘
314 6 liáng Liang 昔者趙簡子使王良與嬖奚乘
315 6 desire 古之人未嘗不欲仕也
316 6 to desire; to wish 古之人未嘗不欲仕也
317 6 to desire; to intend 古之人未嘗不欲仕也
318 6 lust 古之人未嘗不欲仕也
319 5 yán to speak; to say; said 以利言也
320 5 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 以利言也
321 5 yán Kangxi radical 149 以利言也
322 5 yán phrase; sentence 以利言也
323 5 yán a word; a syllable 以利言也
324 5 yán a theory; a doctrine 以利言也
325 5 yán to regard as 以利言也
326 5 yán to act as 以利言也
327 5 邪說 xiéshuō harmful teachings; evil doctrine 邪說暴行又作
328 5 shì room; bedroom 丈夫生而愿為之有室
329 5 shì house; dwelling 丈夫生而愿為之有室
330 5 shì organizational subdivision 丈夫生而愿為之有室
331 5 shì number 13 of the 28 constellations 丈夫生而愿為之有室
332 5 shì household 丈夫生而愿為之有室
333 5 shì house of nobility 丈夫生而愿為之有室
334 5 shì family assets 丈夫生而愿為之有室
335 5 shì wife 丈夫生而愿為之有室
336 5 shì tomb; burial chamber 丈夫生而愿為之有室
337 5 shì knife sheath 丈夫生而愿為之有室
338 5 shì Shi 丈夫生而愿為之有室
339 5 big; huge; large 大則以王
340 5 Kangxi radical 37 大則以王
341 5 great; major; important 大則以王
342 5 size 大則以王
343 5 old 大則以王
344 5 oldest; earliest 大則以王
345 5 adult 大則以王
346 5 dài an important person 大則以王
347 5 senior 大則以王
348 5 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 比而得禽獸
349 5 děi to want to; to need to 比而得禽獸
350 5 děi must; ought to 比而得禽獸
351 5 de 比而得禽獸
352 5 de infix potential marker 比而得禽獸
353 5 to result in 比而得禽獸
354 5 to be proper; to fit; to suit 比而得禽獸
355 5 to be satisfied 比而得禽獸
356 5 to be finished 比而得禽獸
357 5 děi satisfying 比而得禽獸
358 5 to contract 比而得禽獸
359 5 to hear 比而得禽獸
360 5 to have; there is 比而得禽獸
361 5 marks time passed 比而得禽獸
362 5 jiàn to see 紹我周王見休
363 5 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 紹我周王見休
364 5 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 紹我周王見休
365 5 jiàn refer to; for details see 紹我周王見休
366 5 jiàn to listen to 紹我周王見休
367 5 jiàn to meet 紹我周王見休
368 5 jiàn to receive (a guest) 紹我周王見休
369 5 jiàn let me; kindly 紹我周王見休
370 5 jiàn Jian 紹我周王見休
371 5 xiàn to appear 紹我周王見休
372 5 xiàn to introduce 紹我周王見休
373 5 以為 yǐwéi to believe; to think; to consider; to assume 以為衣服
374 5 以為 yǐwéi to act as 以為衣服
375 5 以為 yǐwèi to think 以為衣服
376 5 以為 yǐwéi to use as 以為衣服
377 5 è evil; vice 又惡不由其道
378 5 è evil; wicked; bad; foul; malevolent 又惡不由其道
379 5 ě queasy; nauseous 又惡不由其道
380 5 to hate; to detest 又惡不由其道
381 5 è fierce 又惡不由其道
382 5 è detestable; offensive; unpleasant 又惡不由其道
383 5 to denounce 又惡不由其道
384 5 春秋 chūnqiū Spring and Autumn Period 春秋
385 5 春秋 chūnqiū a person's age 春秋
386 5 春秋 chūnqiū Chunqiu; Annals of Spring and Autumn 春秋
387 5 春秋 chūnqiū spring and autumn 春秋
388 5 wǎng useless; in vain 枉尺而直尋
389 5 wǎng bent; crooked 枉尺而直尋
390 5 wǎng not straight spoken; not honest; sinister 枉尺而直尋
391 5 wǎng to twist; to distort 枉尺而直尋
392 5 wǎng to treat unjustly 枉尺而直尋
393 5 wǎng to neglect; to mistreat 枉尺而直尋
394 5 wǎng a sinister person or thing 枉尺而直尋
395 5 wǎng injustice 枉尺而直尋
396 5 yáng Yang 不歸楊則歸墨
397 5 yáng willow 不歸楊則歸墨
398 5 yáng poplar 不歸楊則歸墨
399 5 yáng aspen 不歸楊則歸墨
400 5 wéi thought 惟士無田
401 5 wéi to think; to consider 惟士無田
402 5 wéi is 惟士無田
403 5 wéi has 惟士無田
404 5 wéi to understand 惟士無田
405 5 Kangxi radical 49 是皆已甚
406 5 to bring to an end; to stop 是皆已甚
407 5 to complete 是皆已甚
408 5 to demote; to dismiss 是皆已甚
409 5 to recover from an illness 是皆已甚
410 5 mìng life 嬖奚反命曰
411 5 mìng to order 嬖奚反命曰
412 5 mìng destiny; fate; luck 嬖奚反命曰
413 5 mìng an order; a command 嬖奚反命曰
414 5 mìng to name; to assign 嬖奚反命曰
415 5 mìng livelihood 嬖奚反命曰
416 5 mìng advice 嬖奚反命曰
417 5 mìng to confer a title 嬖奚反命曰
418 5 mìng lifespan 嬖奚反命曰
419 5 mìng to think 嬖奚反命曰
420 5 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又惡不由其道
421 5 to urge on; to drive onwards 我馳驅
422 5 to expel; to drive away 我馳驅
423 5 to run quickly; gallop 我馳驅
424 5 vanguard; front line 我馳驅
425 5 to handle; to control 我馳驅
426 5 to compel; to force 我馳驅
427 5 a slave; a servant 孔子奚取焉
428 5 Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi 孔子奚取焉
429 5 Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi 孔子奚取焉
430 5 Xi 孔子奚取焉
431 5 must 必敬必戒
432 5 Bi 必敬必戒
433 4 dài to treat; to entertain; to receive guests 以待後之學者
434 4 dài to guard against 以待後之學者
435 4 dài to wait 以待後之學者
436 4 dài to depend on 以待後之學者
437 4 dài to intend to; to plan to 以待後之學者
438 4 dāi to stay; to stop over 以待後之學者
439 4 shàn virtuous; wholesome; benevolent; well-disposed 子欲子之王之善與
440 4 shàn happy 子欲子之王之善與
441 4 shàn good 子欲子之王之善與
442 4 shàn kind-hearted 子欲子之王之善與
443 4 shàn to be skilled at something 子欲子之王之善與
444 4 shàn familiar 子欲子之王之善與
445 4 shàn to repair 子欲子之王之善與
446 4 shàn to admire 子欲子之王之善與
447 4 shàn to praise 子欲子之王之善與
448 4 shàn Shan 子欲子之王之善與
449 4 jīn today; present; now 今一見之
450 4 jīn Jin 今一見之
451 4 jīn modern 今一見之
452 4 sān three 三年討其君
453 4 sān third 三年討其君
454 4 sān more than two 三年討其君
455 4 sān very few 三年討其君
456 4 sān San 三年討其君
457 4 huò to reap; to harvest 終日而不獲一禽
458 4 huò to obtain; to get 終日而不獲一禽
459 4 huò to hunt; to capture 終日而不獲一禽
460 4 huò to suffer; to sustain; to be subject to 終日而不獲一禽
461 4 huò game (hunting) 終日而不獲一禽
462 4 huò a female servant 終日而不獲一禽
463 4 huái Huai 終日而不獲一禽
464 4 huò harvest 終日而不獲一禽
465 4 huò results 終日而不獲一禽
466 4 huò to obtain 終日而不獲一禽
467 4 mother 母命之
468 4 Kangxi radical 80 母命之
469 4 female 母命之
470 4 female elders; older female relatives 母命之
471 4 parent; source; origin 母命之
472 4 all women 母命之
473 4 to foster; to nurture 母命之
474 4 a large proportion of currency 母命之
475 4 investment capital 母命之
476 4 to give an offering in a religious ceremony 葛伯放而不祀
477 4 a place for sacrificial ceremony 葛伯放而不祀
478 4 year 葛伯放而不祀
479 4 an epoch 葛伯放而不祀
480 4 to take; to get; to fetch 孔子奚取焉
481 4 to obtain 孔子奚取焉
482 4 to choose; to select 孔子奚取焉
483 4 to catch; to seize; to capture 孔子奚取焉
484 4 to accept; to receive 孔子奚取焉
485 4 to seek 孔子奚取焉
486 4 to take a bride 孔子奚取焉
487 4 Qu 孔子奚取焉
488 4 a tutor; a teacher 則使齊人傅諸
489 4 to assist 則使齊人傅諸
490 4 Fu 則使齊人傅諸
491 4 shēng to be born; to give birth 丈夫生而愿為之有室
492 4 shēng to live 丈夫生而愿為之有室
493 4 shēng raw 丈夫生而愿為之有室
494 4 shēng a student 丈夫生而愿為之有室
495 4 shēng life 丈夫生而愿為之有室
496 4 shēng to produce; to give rise 丈夫生而愿為之有室
497 4 shēng alive 丈夫生而愿為之有室
498 4 shēng a lifetime 丈夫生而愿為之有室
499 4 shēng to initiate; to become 丈夫生而愿為之有室
500 4 shēng to grow 丈夫生而愿為之有室

Frequencies of all Words

Top 880

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 118 zhī him; her; them; that 今一見之
2 118 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 今一見之
3 118 zhī to go 今一見之
4 118 zhī this; that 今一見之
5 118 zhī genetive marker 今一見之
6 118 zhī it 今一見之
7 118 zhī in; in regards to 今一見之
8 118 zhī all 今一見之
9 118 zhī and 今一見之
10 118 zhī however 今一見之
11 118 zhī if 今一見之
12 118 zhī then 今一見之
13 118 zhī to arrive; to go 今一見之
14 118 zhī is 今一見之
15 118 zhī to use 今一見之
16 118 zhī Zhi 今一見之
17 118 zhī winding 今一見之
18 67 also; too 宜若可為也
19 67 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 宜若可為也
20 67 either 宜若可為也
21 67 even 宜若可為也
22 67 used to soften the tone 宜若可為也
23 67 used for emphasis 宜若可為也
24 67 used to mark contrast 宜若可為也
25 67 used to mark compromise 宜若可為也
26 59 yuē to speak; to say 陳代曰
27 59 yuē Kangxi radical 73 陳代曰
28 59 yuē to be called 陳代曰
29 59 yuē particle without meaning 陳代曰
30 48 his; hers; its; theirs 勇士不忘喪其元
31 48 to add emphasis 勇士不忘喪其元
32 48 used when asking a question in reply to a question 勇士不忘喪其元
33 48 used when making a request or giving an order 勇士不忘喪其元
34 48 he; her; it; them 勇士不忘喪其元
35 48 probably; likely 勇士不忘喪其元
36 48 will 勇士不忘喪其元
37 48 may 勇士不忘喪其元
38 48 if 勇士不忘喪其元
39 48 or 勇士不忘喪其元
40 48 Qi 勇士不忘喪其元
41 47 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 枉尺而直尋
42 47 ér Kangxi radical 126 枉尺而直尋
43 47 ér you 枉尺而直尋
44 47 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 枉尺而直尋
45 47 ér right away; then 枉尺而直尋
46 47 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 枉尺而直尋
47 47 ér if; in case; in the event that 枉尺而直尋
48 47 ér therefore; as a result; thus 枉尺而直尋
49 47 ér how can it be that? 枉尺而直尋
50 47 ér so as to 枉尺而直尋
51 47 ér only then 枉尺而直尋
52 47 ér as if; to seem like 枉尺而直尋
53 47 néng can; able 枉尺而直尋
54 47 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 枉尺而直尋
55 47 ér me 枉尺而直尋
56 47 ér to arrive; up to 枉尺而直尋
57 47 ér possessive 枉尺而直尋
58 33 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 且夫枉尺而直尋者
59 33 zhě that 且夫枉尺而直尋者
60 33 zhě nominalizing function word 且夫枉尺而直尋者
61 33 zhě used to mark a definition 且夫枉尺而直尋者
62 33 zhě used to mark a pause 且夫枉尺而直尋者
63 33 zhě topic marker; that; it 且夫枉尺而直尋者
64 33 zhuó according to 且夫枉尺而直尋者
65 31 so as to; in order to 大則以王
66 31 to use; to regard as 大則以王
67 31 to use; to grasp 大則以王
68 31 according to 大則以王
69 31 because of 大則以王
70 31 on a certain date 大則以王
71 31 and; as well as 大則以王
72 31 to rely on 大則以王
73 31 to regard 大則以王
74 31 to be able to 大則以王
75 31 to order; to command 大則以王
76 31 further; moreover 大則以王
77 31 used after a verb 大則以王
78 31 very 大則以王
79 31 already 大則以王
80 31 increasingly 大則以王
81 31 a reason; a cause 大則以王
82 31 Israel 大則以王
83 31 Yi 大則以王
84 30 otherwise; but; however 大則以王
85 30 then 大則以王
86 30 measure word for short sections of text 大則以王
87 30 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 大則以王
88 30 a grade; a level 大則以王
89 30 an example; a model 大則以王
90 30 a weighing device 大則以王
91 30 to grade; to rank 大則以王
92 30 to copy; to imitate; to follow 大則以王
93 30 to do 大則以王
94 30 only 大則以王
95 30 immediately 大則以王
96 29 wèi for; to 宜若可為也
97 29 wèi because of 宜若可為也
98 29 wéi to act as; to serve 宜若可為也
99 29 wéi to change into; to become 宜若可為也
100 29 wéi to be; is 宜若可為也
101 29 wéi to do 宜若可為也
102 29 wèi for 宜若可為也
103 29 wèi because of; for; to 宜若可為也
104 29 wèi to 宜若可為也
105 29 wéi in a passive construction 宜若可為也
106 29 wéi forming a rehetorical question 宜若可為也
107 29 wéi forming an adverb 宜若可為也
108 29 wéi to add emphasis 宜若可為也
109 29 wèi to support; to help 宜若可為也
110 29 wéi to govern 宜若可為也
111 27 shí food; food and drink 以傳食於諸侯
112 27 shí Kangxi radical 184 以傳食於諸侯
113 27 shí to eat 以傳食於諸侯
114 27 to feed 以傳食於諸侯
115 27 shí meal; cooked cereals 以傳食於諸侯
116 27 to raise; to nourish 以傳食於諸侯
117 27 shí to receive; to accept 以傳食於諸侯
118 27 shí to receive an official salary 以傳食於諸侯
119 27 shí an eclipse 以傳食於諸侯
120 25 child; son 且子過矣
121 25 egg; newborn 且子過矣
122 25 first earthly branch 且子過矣
123 25 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 且子過矣
124 25 Kangxi radical 39 且子過矣
125 25 zi indicates that the the word is used as a noun 且子過矣
126 25 pellet; something small and hard 且子過矣
127 25 master 且子過矣
128 25 viscount 且子過矣
129 25 zi you; your honor 且子過矣
130 25 masters 且子過矣
131 25 person 且子過矣
132 25 young 且子過矣
133 25 seed 且子過矣
134 25 subordinate; subsidiary 且子過矣
135 25 a copper coin 且子過矣
136 25 bundle 且子過矣
137 25 female dragonfly 且子過矣
138 25 constituent 且子過矣
139 25 offspring; descendants 且子過矣
140 25 dear 且子過矣
141 25 little one 且子過矣
142 23 in; at 以傳食於諸侯
143 23 in; at 以傳食於諸侯
144 23 in; at; to; from 以傳食於諸侯
145 23 to go; to 以傳食於諸侯
146 23 to rely on; to depend on 以傳食於諸侯
147 23 to go to; to arrive at 以傳食於諸侯
148 23 from 以傳食於諸侯
149 23 give 以傳食於諸侯
150 23 oppposing 以傳食於諸侯
151 23 and 以傳食於諸侯
152 23 compared to 以傳食於諸侯
153 23 by 以傳食於諸侯
154 23 and; as well as 以傳食於諸侯
155 23 for 以傳食於諸侯
156 23 Yu 以傳食於諸侯
157 23 a crow 以傳食於諸侯
158 23 whew; wow 以傳食於諸侯
159 21 yǒu is; are; to exist 丈夫生而愿為之有室
160 21 yǒu to have; to possess 丈夫生而愿為之有室
161 21 yǒu indicates an estimate 丈夫生而愿為之有室
162 21 yǒu indicates a large quantity 丈夫生而愿為之有室
163 21 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 丈夫生而愿為之有室
164 21 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 丈夫生而愿為之有室
165 21 yǒu used to compare two things 丈夫生而愿為之有室
166 21 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 丈夫生而愿為之有室
167 21 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 丈夫生而愿為之有室
168 21 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 丈夫生而愿為之有室
169 21 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 丈夫生而愿為之有室
170 21 yǒu abundant 丈夫生而愿為之有室
171 21 yǒu purposeful 丈夫生而愿為之有室
172 21 yǒu You 丈夫生而愿為之有室
173 21 not; no 不至
174 21 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 不至
175 21 as a correlative 不至
176 21 no (answering a question) 不至
177 21 forms a negative adjective from a noun 不至
178 21 at the end of a sentence to form a question 不至
179 21 to form a yes or no question 不至
180 21 infix potential marker 不至
181 19 no 無違夫子
182 19 Kangxi radical 71 無違夫子
183 19 to not have; without 無違夫子
184 19 has not yet 無違夫子
185 19 mo 無違夫子
186 19 do not 無違夫子
187 19 not; -less; un- 無違夫子
188 19 regardless of 無違夫子
189 19 to not have 無違夫子
190 19 um 無違夫子
191 19 Wu 無違夫子
192 17 and 亦可為與
193 17 to give 亦可為與
194 17 together with 亦可為與
195 17 interrogative particle 亦可為與
196 17 to accompany 亦可為與
197 17 to particate in 亦可為與
198 17 of the same kind 亦可為與
199 17 to help 亦可為與
200 17 for 亦可為與
201 17 shì is; are; am; to be 是焉得為大丈夫乎
202 17 shì is exactly 是焉得為大丈夫乎
203 17 shì is suitable; is in contrast 是焉得為大丈夫乎
204 17 shì this; that; those 是焉得為大丈夫乎
205 17 shì really; certainly 是焉得為大丈夫乎
206 17 shì correct; yes; affirmative 是焉得為大丈夫乎
207 17 shì true 是焉得為大丈夫乎
208 17 shì is; has; exists 是焉得為大丈夫乎
209 17 shì used between repetitions of a word 是焉得為大丈夫乎
210 17 shì a matter; an affair 是焉得為大丈夫乎
211 17 shì Shi 是焉得為大丈夫乎
212 14 I; me; my 我使掌與女乘
213 14 self 我使掌與女乘
214 14 we; our 我使掌與女乘
215 14 [my] dear 我使掌與女乘
216 14 Wo 我使掌與女乘
217 14 天下 tiānxià the territory ruled by the emperor; China 天下之賤工也
218 14 天下 tiānxià authority over China 天下之賤工也
219 14 天下 tiānxià the world 天下之賤工也
220 14 rén person; people; a human being 招虞人以旌
221 14 rén Kangxi radical 9 招虞人以旌
222 14 rén a kind of person 招虞人以旌
223 14 rén everybody 招虞人以旌
224 14 rén adult 招虞人以旌
225 14 rén somebody; others 招虞人以旌
226 14 rén an upright person 招虞人以旌
227 14 dào way; road; path 如枉道而從彼
228 14 dào principle; a moral; morality 如枉道而從彼
229 14 dào Tao; the Way 如枉道而從彼
230 14 dào measure word for long things 如枉道而從彼
231 14 dào to say; to speak; to talk 如枉道而從彼
232 14 dào to think 如枉道而從彼
233 14 dào times 如枉道而從彼
234 14 dào circuit; a province 如枉道而從彼
235 14 dào a course; a channel 如枉道而從彼
236 14 dào a method; a way of doing something 如枉道而從彼
237 14 dào measure word for doors and walls 如枉道而從彼
238 14 dào measure word for courses of a meal 如枉道而從彼
239 14 dào a centimeter 如枉道而從彼
240 14 dào a doctrine 如枉道而從彼
241 14 dào Taoism; Daoism 如枉道而從彼
242 14 dào a skill 如枉道而從彼
243 14 dào a sect 如枉道而從彼
244 14 dào a line 如枉道而從彼
245 13 residence; dwelling 居天下之廣居
246 13 to be at a position 居天下之廣居
247 13 to live; to dwell; to reside 居天下之廣居
248 13 to stay put 居天下之廣居
249 13 to claim; to assert 居天下之廣居
250 13 to store up; to accumulate 居天下之廣居
251 13 unexpectedly 居天下之廣居
252 13 to sit down 居天下之廣居
253 13 to possess 居天下之廣居
254 13 to hold in storage; to retain; to harbor 居天下之廣居
255 13 Ju 居天下之廣居
256 13 interrogative particle 居天下之廣居
257 13 expresses question or doubt 是焉得為大丈夫乎
258 13 in 是焉得為大丈夫乎
259 13 marks a return question 是焉得為大丈夫乎
260 13 marks a beckoning tone 是焉得為大丈夫乎
261 13 marks conjecture 是焉得為大丈夫乎
262 13 marks a pause 是焉得為大丈夫乎
263 13 marks praise 是焉得為大丈夫乎
264 13 ah; sigh 是焉得為大丈夫乎
265 12 zāi exclamatory particle 何哉
266 12 zāi interrogative particle 何哉
267 12 zāi to start 何哉
268 12 使 shǐ to make; to cause 昔者趙簡子使王良與嬖奚乘
269 12 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 昔者趙簡子使王良與嬖奚乘
270 12 使 shǐ to indulge 昔者趙簡子使王良與嬖奚乘
271 12 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 昔者趙簡子使王良與嬖奚乘
272 12 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 昔者趙簡子使王良與嬖奚乘
273 12 使 shǐ to dispatch 昔者趙簡子使王良與嬖奚乘
274 12 使 shǐ if 昔者趙簡子使王良與嬖奚乘
275 12 使 shǐ to use 昔者趙簡子使王良與嬖奚乘
276 12 使 shǐ to be able to 昔者趙簡子使王良與嬖奚乘
277 12 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 使之居於王所
278 12 suǒ an office; an institute 使之居於王所
279 12 suǒ introduces a relative clause 使之居於王所
280 12 suǒ it 使之居於王所
281 12 suǒ if; supposing 使之居於王所
282 12 suǒ a few; various; some 使之居於王所
283 12 suǒ a place; a location 使之居於王所
284 12 suǒ indicates a passive voice 使之居於王所
285 12 suǒ that which 使之居於王所
286 12 suǒ an ordinal number 使之居於王所
287 12 suǒ meaning 使之居於王所
288 12 suǒ garrison 使之居於王所
289 12 wáng Wang 大則以王
290 12 wáng a king 大則以王
291 12 wáng Kangxi radical 96 大則以王
292 12 wàng to be king; to rule 大則以王
293 12 wáng a prince; a duke 大則以王
294 12 wáng grand; great 大則以王
295 12 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 大則以王
296 12 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 大則以王
297 12 wáng the head of a group or gang 大則以王
298 12 wáng the biggest or best of a group 大則以王
299 11 mín the people; citizen; subjects 得志與民由之
300 11 mín Min 得志與民由之
301 11 what; where; which 何哉
302 11 to carry on the shoulder 何哉
303 11 who 何哉
304 11 what 何哉
305 11 why 何哉
306 11 how 何哉
307 11 how much 何哉
308 11 He 何哉
309 10 孔子 kǒngzi Confucius 孔子奚取焉
310 10 such as; for example; for instance 如不待其招而往
311 10 if 如不待其招而往
312 10 in accordance with 如不待其招而往
313 10 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 如不待其招而往
314 10 this 如不待其招而往
315 10 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 如不待其招而往
316 10 to go to 如不待其招而往
317 10 to meet 如不待其招而往
318 10 to appear; to seem; to be like 如不待其招而往
319 10 at least as good as 如不待其招而往
320 10 and 如不待其招而往
321 10 or 如不待其招而往
322 10 but 如不待其招而往
323 10 then 如不待其招而往
324 10 naturally 如不待其招而往
325 10 expresses a question or doubt 如不待其招而往
326 10 you 如不待其招而往
327 10 the second lunar month 如不待其招而往
328 10 in; at 如不待其招而往
329 10 Ru 如不待其招而往
330 10 jūn sovereign; monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler 孔子三月無君
331 10 jūn you 孔子三月無君
332 10 jūn a mistress 孔子三月無君
333 10 jūn date-plum 孔子三月無君
334 10 jūn the son of heaven 孔子三月無君
335 10 jūn to rule 孔子三月無君
336 10 孟子 mèng zǐ Mencius; Mengzi 孟子曰
337 10 孟子 mèng zǐ Mencius; Mengzi 孟子曰
338 10 final particle to express a completed action 且子過矣
339 10 particle to express certainty 且子過矣
340 10 would; particle to indicate a future condition 且子過矣
341 10 to form a question 且子過矣
342 10 to indicate a command 且子過矣
343 10 sigh 且子過矣
344 10 also; too 亦可為與
345 10 but 亦可為與
346 10 this; he; she 亦可為與
347 10 although; even though 亦可為與
348 10 already 亦可為與
349 10 particle with no meaning 亦可為與
350 10 Yi 亦可為與
351 9 wǎng to go (in a direction) 取非其招不往也
352 9 wǎng in the direction of 取非其招不往也
353 9 wǎng in the past 取非其招不往也
354 9 wǎng to turn toward 取非其招不往也
355 9 wǎng to be friends with; to have a social connection with 取非其招不往也
356 9 wǎng to send a gift 取非其招不往也
357 9 wǎng former times 取非其招不往也
358 9 wǎng someone who has passed away 取非其招不往也
359 9 shì a gentleman; a knight 士之失位也
360 9 shì Kangxi radical 33 士之失位也
361 9 shì a soldier 士之失位也
362 9 shì a social stratum 士之失位也
363 9 shì an unmarried man; a man 士之失位也
364 9 shì somebody trained in a specialized field 士之失位也
365 9 shì a scholar 士之失位也
366 9 shì a respectful term for a person 士之失位也
367 9 shì corporal; sergeant 士之失位也
368 9 shì Shi 士之失位也
369 9 zhì a sign; a mark; a flag; a banner
370 9 zhì to write down; to record
371 9 zhì Zhi
372 9 zhì a written record; a treatise
373 9 zhì to remember
374 9 zhì annals; a treatise; a gazetteer
375 9 zhì a birthmark; a mole
376 9 zhì determination; will
377 9 zhì a magazine
378 9 zhì to measure; to weigh
379 9 zhì aspiration
380 9 jiē all; each and every; in all cases 人皆有之
381 9 jiē same; equally 人皆有之
382 8 zuò to do 暴君代作
383 8 zuò to act as; to serve as 暴君代作
384 8 zuò to start 暴君代作
385 8 zuò a writing; a work 暴君代作
386 8 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 暴君代作
387 8 zuō to create; to make 暴君代作
388 8 zuō a workshop 暴君代作
389 8 zuō to write; to compose 暴君代作
390 8 zuò to rise 暴君代作
391 8 zuò to be aroused 暴君代作
392 8 zuò activity; action; undertaking 暴君代作
393 8 zuò to regard as 暴君代作
394 8 one 終日而不獲一禽
395 8 Kangxi radical 1 終日而不獲一禽
396 8 as soon as; all at once 終日而不獲一禽
397 8 pure; concentrated 終日而不獲一禽
398 8 whole; all 終日而不獲一禽
399 8 first 終日而不獲一禽
400 8 the same 終日而不獲一禽
401 8 each 終日而不獲一禽
402 8 certain 終日而不獲一禽
403 8 throughout 終日而不獲一禽
404 8 used in between a reduplicated verb 終日而不獲一禽
405 8 sole; single 終日而不獲一禽
406 8 a very small amount 終日而不獲一禽
407 8 Yi 終日而不獲一禽
408 8 other 終日而不獲一禽
409 8 to unify 終日而不獲一禽
410 8 accidentally; coincidentally 終日而不獲一禽
411 8 abruptly; suddenly 終日而不獲一禽
412 8 or 終日而不獲一禽
413 8 shì an official 古之君子仕乎
414 8 shì to serve in the government 古之君子仕乎
415 7 xiōng elder brother 兄戴
416 7 xiōng brother; comrade; appended after a male's name 兄戴
417 7 君子 jūnzi a ruler; a sovereign 古之君子仕乎
418 7 君子 jūnzi junzi; a nobleman; a person of noble character; a person of virtue 古之君子仕乎
419 7 fēi not; non-; un- 取非其招不往也
420 7 fēi Kangxi radical 175 取非其招不往也
421 7 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 取非其招不往也
422 7 fēi different 取非其招不往也
423 7 fēi to not be; to not have 取非其招不往也
424 7 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 取非其招不往也
425 7 fēi Africa 取非其招不往也
426 7 fēi to slander 取非其招不往也
427 7 fěi to avoid 取非其招不往也
428 7 fēi must 取非其招不往也
429 7 fēi an error 取非其招不往也
430 7 fēi a problem; a question 取非其招不往也
431 7 fēi evil 取非其招不往也
432 7 fēi besides; except; unless 取非其招不往也
433 7 zhòng middle brother 陳仲子豈不誠廉士哉
434 7 zhòng Zhong 陳仲子豈不誠廉士哉
435 7 zhòng a go between; a mediator 陳仲子豈不誠廉士哉
436 7 tāng soup 湯居亳
437 7 tāng Tang 湯居亳
438 7 tāng boiling punishment 湯居亳
439 7 tāng decoction 湯居亳
440 7 tāng hot water 湯居亳
441 7 tāng juice 湯居亳
442 7 tāng tepid water; warm water 湯居亳
443 7 tāng to heat food with hot water 湯居亳
444 7 tāng to touch; to contact 湯居亳
445 7 諸侯 zhū hóu the feudal lords 不見諸侯
446 6 in; at 惟臣附于大邑周
447 6 in; at 惟臣附于大邑周
448 6 in; at; to; from 惟臣附于大邑周
449 6 to go; to 惟臣附于大邑周
450 6 to rely on; to depend on 惟臣附于大邑周
451 6 to go to; to arrive at 惟臣附于大邑周
452 6 from 惟臣附于大邑周
453 6 give 惟臣附于大邑周
454 6 oppposing 惟臣附于大邑周
455 6 and 惟臣附于大邑周
456 6 compared to 惟臣附于大邑周
457 6 by 惟臣附于大邑周
458 6 and; as well as 惟臣附于大邑周
459 6 for 惟臣附于大邑周
460 6 Yu 惟臣附于大邑周
461 6 a crow 惟臣附于大邑周
462 6 whew; wow 惟臣附于大邑周
463 6 jiāng will; shall (future tense) 將殺之
464 6 jiāng to get; to use; marker for direct-object 將殺之
465 6 jiàng a general; a high ranking officer 將殺之
466 6 jiāng to progress; to transmit; to convey; to send 將殺之
467 6 jiāng and; or 將殺之
468 6 jiàng to command; to lead 將殺之
469 6 qiāng to request 將殺之
470 6 jiāng approximately 將殺之
471 6 jiāng to bring; to take; to use; to hold 將殺之
472 6 jiāng to support; to wait upon; to take care of 將殺之
473 6 jiāng to checkmate 將殺之
474 6 jiāng to goad; to incite; to provoke 將殺之
475 6 jiāng to do; to handle 將殺之
476 6 jiāng placed between a verb and a complement of direction 將殺之
477 6 jiāng furthermore; moreover 將殺之
478 6 jiàng backbone 將殺之
479 6 jiàng king 將殺之
480 6 jiāng might; possibly 將殺之
481 6 jiāng just; a short time ago 將殺之
482 6 jiāng to rest 將殺之
483 6 jiāng to the side 將殺之
484 6 jiàng a senior member of an organization 將殺之
485 6 jiāng large; great 將殺之
486 6 chǔ state of Chu 齊楚惡而伐之
487 6 chǔ Chu 齊楚惡而伐之
488 6 chǔ distinct; clear; orderly 齊楚惡而伐之
489 6 chǔ painful 齊楚惡而伐之
490 6 chǔ dazzling; sparkling 齊楚惡而伐之
491 6 chǔ a cane 齊楚惡而伐之
492 6 chǔ Hubei and Hunan 齊楚惡而伐之
493 6 chǔ horsewhip 齊楚惡而伐之
494 6 chǔ to beat a prisoner; to torture 齊楚惡而伐之
495 6 zhēng to prove; to confirm 為其殺是童子而征之
496 6 zhēng to march; to travel on a long journey 為其殺是童子而征之
497 6 zhēng to draft; to call up; to recruit; to summon 為其殺是童子而征之
498 6 zhēng to request [documents]; to solicit [contributions] 為其殺是童子而征之
499 6 zhēng to go on a punitive expedition; to go on a military campaign; to conquer 為其殺是童子而征之
500 6 zhēng to levy [taxes] 為其殺是童子而征之

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
北狄 98 Northern Di
98 Bo
伯夷 98 Bo Yi
曾子 99 Ceng Zi
春秋 99
  1. Spring and Autumn Period
  2. a person's age
  3. Chunqiu; Annals of Spring and Autumn
  4. spring and autumn
大邑 100 Dayi
告子 71 Gao Zi
公孙 公孫 103 Gongsun
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
104 Huai River
黄泉 黃泉 104 Yellow Springs
  1. a large river
  2. Yangtze River
  3. Jiang
  4. Jiangsu
  5. Jiang
晋国 晉國 106 state of Jin
井上 106 Inoue
孔子 107 Confucius
孟子 109
  1. Mencius; Mengzi
  2. Mencius; Mengzi
墨翟 109 Mo Di
墨者 109 Mohist; follower of Mohist school
  1. Peng
  2. Peng
115 Emperor Shun
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
天子 116 the rightful Emperor; the Son of Heaven
文王 119 King Wen of Zhou
武王 119 Wu Wang; King Wu of Zhou
  1. what?; where?; why?
  2. a slave; a servant
  3. Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi
  4. Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi
  5. Xi
  1. Xue
  2. Xue
杨朱 楊朱 121 Yang Zhu
121 Yao
  1. Emperor Yu
  2. Yu
  3. a legendary worm
张仪 張儀 122 Zhang Yi
赵简子 趙簡子 122 Zhao Jianzi
中行 122 Bank of China
周公 122 Duke Zhou
子路 122 Zi Lu


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English