Glossary and Vocabulary for Water Margin 水滸傳, 第十九回 Chapter 19

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 87 liǎo to know; to understand 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
2 87 liǎo to understand; to know 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
3 87 liào to look afar from a high place 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
4 87 liǎo to complete 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
5 87 liǎo clever; intelligent 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
6 77 lái to come 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
7 77 lái please 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
8 77 lái used to substitute for another verb 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
9 77 lái used between two word groups to express purpose and effect 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
10 77 lái wheat 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
11 77 lái next; future 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
12 77 lái a simple complement of direction 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
13 77 lái to occur; to arise 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
14 77 lái to earn 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
15 69 dào way; road; path 眾多做公的道
16 69 dào principle; a moral; morality 眾多做公的道
17 69 dào Tao; the Way 眾多做公的道
18 69 dào to say; to speak; to talk 眾多做公的道
19 69 dào to think 眾多做公的道
20 69 dào circuit; a province 眾多做公的道
21 69 dào a course; a channel 眾多做公的道
22 69 dào a method; a way of doing something 眾多做公的道
23 69 dào a doctrine 眾多做公的道
24 69 dào Taoism; Daoism 眾多做公的道
25 69 dào a skill 眾多做公的道
26 69 dào a sect 眾多做公的道
27 69 dào a line 眾多做公的道
28 66 rén person; people; a human being 閒常時也兀自劫了人
29 66 rén Kangxi radical 9 閒常時也兀自劫了人
30 66 rén a kind of person 閒常時也兀自劫了人
31 66 rén everybody 閒常時也兀自劫了人
32 66 rén adult 閒常時也兀自劫了人
33 66 rén somebody; others 閒常時也兀自劫了人
34 66 rén an upright person 閒常時也兀自劫了人
35 57 to go 誰敢去那裏捕捉賊人
36 57 to remove; to wipe off; to eliminate 誰敢去那裏捕捉賊人
37 57 to be distant 誰敢去那裏捕捉賊人
38 57 to leave 誰敢去那裏捕捉賊人
39 57 to play a part 誰敢去那裏捕捉賊人
40 57 to abandon; to give up 誰敢去那裏捕捉賊人
41 57 to die 誰敢去那裏捕捉賊人
42 57 previous; past 誰敢去那裏捕捉賊人
43 57 to send out; to issue; to drive away 誰敢去那裏捕捉賊人
44 57 falling tone 誰敢去那裏捕捉賊人
45 57 to lose 誰敢去那裏捕捉賊人
46 57 Qu 誰敢去那裏捕捉賊人
47 54 inside; interior 隨即到機密房裏
48 47 one 這一論也是
49 47 Kangxi radical 1 這一論也是
50 47 pure; concentrated 這一論也是
51 47 first 這一論也是
52 47 the same 這一論也是
53 47 sole; single 這一論也是
54 47 a very small amount 這一論也是
55 47 Yi 這一論也是
56 47 other 這一論也是
57 47 to unify 這一論也是
58 47 accidentally; coincidentally 這一論也是
59 47 abruptly; suddenly 這一論也是
60 47 zhī single 只見幾個打魚的來報道
61 47 zhǐ lone; solitary 只見幾個打魚的來報道
62 47 zhī a single bird 只見幾個打魚的來報道
63 47 zhī unique 只見幾個打魚的來報道
64 47 zhǐ Zhi 只見幾個打魚的來報道
65 44 cháo morning; dawn 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
66 41 gài a lid; top; cover 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
67 41 gài to build 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
68 41 Ge 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
69 41 gài probably; about 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
70 41 gài to cover; to hide; to protect 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
71 41 gài an umbrella; a canopy 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
72 41 gài a shell 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
73 41 gài sogon grass 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
74 41 gài to add to 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
75 41 gài to surpass; to overshadow; to overarch 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
76 41 gài to chatter 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
77 41 Ge 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
78 41 gài a roof; thatched roofing 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
79 41 gài to respect; to uphold 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
80 41 gài a crest 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
81 41 to carry on the shoulder 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
82 41 what 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
83 41 He 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
84 40 chuán boat; ship; watercraft 把一應的物件裝在船裏
85 40 chuán a vessel 把一應的物件裝在船裏
86 40 林沖 línchōng Lin Chong 林沖水寨大併火
87 39 wáng Wang 京師獻與趙王君
88 39 wáng a king 京師獻與趙王君
89 39 wáng Kangxi radical 96 京師獻與趙王君
90 39 wàng to be king; to rule 京師獻與趙王君
91 39 wáng a prince; a duke 京師獻與趙王君
92 39 wáng grand; great 京師獻與趙王君
93 39 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 京師獻與趙王君
94 39 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 京師獻與趙王君
95 39 wáng the head of a group or gang 京師獻與趙王君
96 39 wáng the biggest or best of a group 京師獻與趙王君
97 39 zháo to catch; to receive; to suffer; to touch; to contact 緊靠著梁山泊
98 39 zhù outstanding 緊靠著梁山泊
99 39 zhuó to contact; to use; to apply; to attach to 緊靠著梁山泊
100 39 zhuó to wear (clothes) 緊靠著梁山泊
101 39 zhe expresses a command 緊靠著梁山泊
102 39 zháo to attach; to grasp 緊靠著梁山泊
103 39 zhāo to add; to put 緊靠著梁山泊
104 39 zhuó a chess move 緊靠著梁山泊
105 39 zhāo a trick; a move; a method 緊靠著梁山泊
106 39 zhāo OK 緊靠著梁山泊
107 39 zháo to fall into [a trap] 緊靠著梁山泊
108 39 zháo to ignite 緊靠著梁山泊
109 39 zháo to fall asleep 緊靠著梁山泊
110 39 zhuó whereabouts; end result 緊靠著梁山泊
111 39 zhù to appear; to manifest 緊靠著梁山泊
112 39 zhù to show 緊靠著梁山泊
113 39 zhù to indicate; to be distinguished by 緊靠著梁山泊
114 39 zhù to write 緊靠著梁山泊
115 39 zhù to record 緊靠著梁山泊
116 39 zhù a document; writings 緊靠著梁山泊
117 39 zhù Zhu 緊靠著梁山泊
118 39 zháo expresses that a continuing process has a result 緊靠著梁山泊
119 39 zhuó to arrive 緊靠著梁山泊
120 39 zhuó to result in 緊靠著梁山泊
121 39 zhuó to command 緊靠著梁山泊
122 39 zhuó a strategy 緊靠著梁山泊
123 39 zhāo to happen; to occur 緊靠著梁山泊
124 39 zhù space between main doorwary and a screen 緊靠著梁山泊
125 39 zhuó somebody attached to a place; a local 緊靠著梁山泊
126 38 capital city 都是茫茫蕩蕩
127 38 a city; a metropolis 都是茫茫蕩蕩
128 38 dōu all 都是茫茫蕩蕩
129 38 elegant; refined 都是茫茫蕩蕩
130 38 Du 都是茫茫蕩蕩
131 38 to establish a capital city 都是茫茫蕩蕩
132 38 to reside 都是茫茫蕩蕩
133 38 to total; to tally 都是茫茫蕩蕩
134 37 ruǎn Ruan 半路上撞見三阮弟兄
135 37 ruǎn Nguyen 半路上撞見三阮弟兄
136 37 ruǎn an ancient musical instrument 半路上撞見三阮弟兄
137 34 lún human relationships 王倫領著一班頭領
138 34 lún order; coherence; logic 王倫領著一班頭領
139 34 lún tp be a peer; to be equal 王倫領著一班頭領
140 34 lún fixed; prescribed 王倫領著一班頭領
141 34 lún a category; a type 王倫領著一班頭領
142 34 lún Lun 王倫領著一班頭領
143 34 No 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
144 34 nuó to move 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
145 34 nuó much 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
146 34 nuó stable; quiet 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
147 34 jiàn to see 只見幾個打魚的來報道
148 34 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 只見幾個打魚的來報道
149 34 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 只見幾個打魚的來報道
150 34 jiàn refer to; for details see 只見幾個打魚的來報道
151 34 jiàn to listen to 只見幾個打魚的來報道
152 34 jiàn to meet 只見幾個打魚的來報道
153 34 jiàn to receive (a guest) 只見幾個打魚的來報道
154 34 jiàn let me; kindly 只見幾個打魚的來報道
155 34 jiàn Jian 只見幾個打魚的來報道
156 34 xiàn to appear 只見幾個打魚的來報道
157 34 xiàn to introduce 只見幾個打魚的來報道
158 33 other; another; some other 須是先投奔他
159 33 other 須是先投奔他
160 33 to hold; to take; to grasp 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
161 33 a handle 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
162 33 to guard 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
163 33 to regard as 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
164 33 to give 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
165 33 approximate 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
166 33 a stem 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
167 33 bǎi to grasp 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
168 33 to control 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
169 33 a handlebar 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
170 33 sworn brotherhood 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
171 33 an excuse; a pretext 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
172 33 a claw 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
173 32 xiǎo small; tiny 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
174 32 xiǎo Kangxi radical 42 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
175 32 xiǎo brief 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
176 32 xiǎo small in amount 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
177 32 xiǎo insignificant 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
178 32 xiǎo small in ability 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
179 32 xiǎo to shrink 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
180 32 xiǎo to slight; to belittle 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
181 32 xiǎo evil-doer 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
182 32 xiǎo a child 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
183 32 xiǎo concubine 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
184 32 xiǎo young 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
185 31 便 biàn convenient; handy; easy 晁蓋便起身叫道
186 31 便 biàn advantageous 晁蓋便起身叫道
187 31 便 biàn to pass stool; to excrete; to relieve oneself; to urinate 晁蓋便起身叫道
188 31 便 pián fat; obese 晁蓋便起身叫道
189 31 便 biàn to make easy 晁蓋便起身叫道
190 31 便 biàn an unearned advantage 晁蓋便起身叫道
191 31 便 biàn ordinary; plain 晁蓋便起身叫道
192 31 便 biàn in passing 晁蓋便起身叫道
193 31 便 biàn informal 晁蓋便起身叫道
194 31 便 biàn appropriate; suitable 晁蓋便起身叫道
195 31 便 biàn an advantageous occasion 晁蓋便起身叫道
196 31 便 biàn stool 晁蓋便起身叫道
197 31 便 pián quiet; quiet and comfortable 晁蓋便起身叫道
198 31 便 biàn proficient; skilled 晁蓋便起身叫道
199 31 便 pián shrewd; slick; good with words 晁蓋便起身叫道
200 31 zài in; at 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
201 31 zài to exist; to be living 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
202 31 zài to consist of 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
203 31 zài to be at a post 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
204 29 shàng top; a high position 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
205 29 shang top; the position on or above something 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
206 29 shàng to go up; to go forward 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
207 29 shàng shang 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
208 29 shàng previous; last 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
209 29 shàng high; higher 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
210 29 shàng advanced 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
211 29 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
212 29 shàng time 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
213 29 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
214 29 shàng far 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
215 29 shàng big; as big as 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
216 29 shàng abundant; plentiful 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
217 29 shàng to report 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
218 29 shàng to offer 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
219 29 shàng to go on stage 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
220 29 shàng to take office; to assume a post 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
221 29 shàng to install; to erect 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
222 29 shàng to suffer; to sustain 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
223 29 shàng to burn 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
224 29 shàng to remember 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
225 29 shàng to add 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
226 29 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
227 29 shàng to meet 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
228 29 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
229 29 shang used after a verb indicating a result 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
230 29 shàng a musical note 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
231 29 yòu Kangxi radical 29 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
232 29 tāo large waves 何濤聽罷
233 29 tāo the sound of large waves 何濤聽罷
234 29 吳用 wúyòng Wu Yong 吳用道
235 27 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 若不起得大隊人馬
236 27 děi to want to; to need to 若不起得大隊人馬
237 27 děi must; ought to 若不起得大隊人馬
238 27 de 若不起得大隊人馬
239 27 de infix potential marker 若不起得大隊人馬
240 27 to result in 若不起得大隊人馬
241 27 to be proper; to fit; to suit 若不起得大隊人馬
242 27 to be satisfied 若不起得大隊人馬
243 27 to be finished 若不起得大隊人馬
244 27 děi satisfying 若不起得大隊人馬
245 27 to contract 若不起得大隊人馬
246 27 to hear 若不起得大隊人馬
247 27 to have; there is 若不起得大隊人馬
248 27 marks time passed 若不起得大隊人馬
249 25 zhòng many; numerous 眾官兵趕來趕去
250 25 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 眾官兵趕來趕去
251 25 zhòng general; common; public 眾官兵趕來趕去
252 24 zhī to go 晁蓋把胸中之事
253 24 zhī to arrive; to go 晁蓋把胸中之事
254 24 zhī is 晁蓋把胸中之事
255 24 zhī to use 晁蓋把胸中之事
256 24 zhī Zhi 晁蓋把胸中之事
257 24 zhī winding 晁蓋把胸中之事
258 23 頭領 tóulǐng head person; leader 王倫領著一班頭領
259 23 individual 帶同十數個莊客
260 23 height 帶同十數個莊客
261 23 zhī single 阮小二選兩隻棹船
262 23 zhǐ lone; solitary 阮小二選兩隻棹船
263 23 zhī a single bird 阮小二選兩隻棹船
264 23 zhī unique 阮小二選兩隻棹船
265 23 zhǐ Zhi 阮小二選兩隻棹船
266 21 to give 與眾人商議
267 21 to accompany 與眾人商議
268 21 to particate in 與眾人商議
269 21 of the same kind 與眾人商議
270 21 to help 與眾人商議
271 21 for 與眾人商議
272 21 seven 七個人都在阮小五莊上
273 21 a genre of poetry 七個人都在阮小五莊上
274 21 seventh day memorial ceremony 七個人都在阮小五莊上
275 21 眾人 zhòngrén everyone; a crowd 與眾人商議
276 21 眾人 zhòngrén common people 與眾人商議
277 21 xià bottom 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
278 21 xià to fall; to drop; to go down; to descend 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
279 21 xià to announce 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
280 21 xià to do 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
281 21 xià to withdraw; to leave; to exit 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
282 21 xià the lower class; a member of the lower class 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
283 21 xià inside 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
284 21 xià an aspect 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
285 21 xià a certain time 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
286 21 xià to capture; to take 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
287 21 xià to put in 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
288 21 xià to enter 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
289 21 xià to eliminate; to remove; to get off 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
290 21 xià to finish work or school 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
291 21 xià to go 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
292 21 xià to scorn; to look down on 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
293 21 xià to modestly decline 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
294 21 xià to produce 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
295 21 xià to stay at; to lodge at 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
296 21 xià to decide 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
297 21 xià to be less than 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
298 21 xià humble; lowly 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
299 20 shí time; a point or period of time 既是如此說時
300 20 shí a season; a quarter of a year 既是如此說時
301 20 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 既是如此說時
302 20 shí fashionable 既是如此說時
303 20 shí fate; destiny; luck 既是如此說時
304 20 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 既是如此說時
305 20 shí tense 既是如此說時
306 20 shí particular; special 既是如此說時
307 20 shí to plant; to cultivate 既是如此說時
308 20 shí an era; a dynasty 既是如此說時
309 20 shí time [abstract] 既是如此說時
310 20 shí seasonal 既是如此說時
311 20 shí to wait upon 既是如此說時
312 20 shí hour 既是如此說時
313 20 shí appropriate; proper; timely 既是如此說時
314 20 shí Shi 既是如此說時
315 20 shí a present; currentlt 既是如此說時
316 19 infix potential marker 若不起得大隊人馬
317 18 dào to arrive 隨即到機密房裏
318 18 dào to go 隨即到機密房裏
319 18 dào careful 隨即到機密房裏
320 18 dào Dao 隨即到機密房裏
321 18 self 我自對付他
322 18 [my] dear 我自對付他
323 18 Wo 我自對付他
324 17 今日 jīnrì today 今日且喜光臨草寨
325 17 今日 jīnrì at present 今日且喜光臨草寨
326 17 兩個 liǎng gè two; two units 與同何觀察兩個
327 16 豪傑 háojié hero; an outstanding figure 備細寫眾豪傑入夥姓名人數
328 16 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 若說這個石碣村湖蕩
329 16 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 若說這個石碣村湖蕩
330 16 shuì to persuade 若說這個石碣村湖蕩
331 16 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 若說這個石碣村湖蕩
332 16 shuō a doctrine; a theory 若說這個石碣村湖蕩
333 16 shuō to claim; to assert 若說這個石碣村湖蕩
334 16 shuō allocution 若說這個石碣村湖蕩
335 16 shuō to criticize; to scold 若說這個石碣村湖蕩
336 16 shuō to indicate; to refer to 若說這個石碣村湖蕩
337 16 kàn to see; to look 且看貧道的本事
338 16 kàn to visit 且看貧道的本事
339 16 kàn to examine [a patient] 且看貧道的本事
340 16 kàn to regard; to consider 且看貧道的本事
341 16 kàn to watch out; to look out for 且看貧道的本事
342 16 kàn to try and see the result 且看貧道的本事
343 16 kàn to oberve 且看貧道的本事
344 16 kàn to take care of; to protect 且看貧道的本事
345 15 shuǐ water 蘆葦水港
346 15 shuǐ Kangxi radical 85 蘆葦水港
347 15 shuǐ a river 蘆葦水港
348 15 shuǐ liquid; lotion; juice 蘆葦水港
349 15 shuǐ a flood 蘆葦水港
350 15 shuǐ to swim 蘆葦水港
351 15 shuǐ a body of water 蘆葦水港
352 15 shuǐ Shui 蘆葦水港
353 15 shuǐ water element 蘆葦水港
354 15 官兵 guān bīng officers and troops 點與五百官兵人馬
355 15 què to go back; to decline; to retreat 卻來接應到家
356 15 què to reject; to decline 卻來接應到家
357 15 què to pardon 卻來接應到家
358 15 cūn village 若說這個石碣村湖蕩
359 15 cūn uncouth; vulgar 若說這個石碣村湖蕩
360 15 cūn to contradict 若說這個石碣村湖蕩
361 15 xiū to rest 我等休走
362 15 xiū to stop 我等休走
363 15 xiū to take leave 我等休走
364 15 xiū lucky; beneficial 我等休走
365 15 xiū to cast of one's wife 我等休走
366 15 xiū to retire 我等休走
367 15 xiū first-rate; best quality 我等休走
368 15 xiū shade from a tree 我等休走
369 15 yào to want; to wish for 七人商議要去投梁山泊一事
370 15 yào to want 七人商議要去投梁山泊一事
371 15 yāo a treaty 七人商議要去投梁山泊一事
372 15 yào to request 七人商議要去投梁山泊一事
373 15 yào essential points; crux 七人商議要去投梁山泊一事
374 15 yāo waist 七人商議要去投梁山泊一事
375 15 yāo to cinch 七人商議要去投梁山泊一事
376 15 yāo waistband 七人商議要去投梁山泊一事
377 15 yāo Yao 七人商議要去投梁山泊一事
378 15 yāo to pursue; to seek; to strive for 七人商議要去投梁山泊一事
379 15 yāo to force; to coerce; to threaten; to compell; to intimidate 七人商議要去投梁山泊一事
380 15 yāo to obstruct; to intercept 七人商議要去投梁山泊一事
381 15 yāo to agree with 七人商議要去投梁山泊一事
382 15 yāo to invite; to welcome 七人商議要去投梁山泊一事
383 15 yào to summarize 七人商議要去投梁山泊一事
384 15 yào essential; important 七人商議要去投梁山泊一事
385 15 yào to desire 七人商議要去投梁山泊一事
386 15 yào to demand 七人商議要去投梁山泊一事
387 15 yào to need 七人商議要去投梁山泊一事
388 15 yào should; must 七人商議要去投梁山泊一事
389 15 yào might 七人商議要去投梁山泊一事
390 15 xīn heart [organ] 何濤心內疑惑
391 15 xīn Kangxi radical 61 何濤心內疑惑
392 15 xīn mind; consciousness 何濤心內疑惑
393 15 xīn the center; the core; the middle 何濤心內疑惑
394 15 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 何濤心內疑惑
395 15 xīn heart 何濤心內疑惑
396 15 xīn emotion 何濤心內疑惑
397 15 xīn intention; consideration 何濤心內疑惑
398 15 xīn disposition; temperament 何濤心內疑惑
399 14 jiàng a general; a high ranking officer 將些人情送與他引進
400 14 jiāng to progress; to transmit; to convey; to send 將些人情送與他引進
401 14 jiàng to command; to lead 將些人情送與他引進
402 14 qiāng to request 將些人情送與他引進
403 14 jiāng to bring; to take; to use; to hold 將些人情送與他引進
404 14 jiāng to support; to wait upon; to take care of 將些人情送與他引進
405 14 jiāng to checkmate 將些人情送與他引進
406 14 jiāng to goad; to incite; to provoke 將些人情送與他引進
407 14 jiāng to do; to handle 將些人情送與他引進
408 14 jiàng backbone 將些人情送與他引進
409 14 jiàng king 將些人情送與他引進
410 14 jiāng to rest 將些人情送與他引進
411 14 jiàng a senior member of an organization 將些人情送與他引進
412 14 jiāng large; great 將些人情送與他引進
413 14 xiàng to observe; to assess 船騎相迎
414 14 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 船騎相迎
415 14 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 船騎相迎
416 14 xiàng to aid; to help 船騎相迎
417 14 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 船騎相迎
418 14 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 船騎相迎
419 14 xiāng alternately; in turn 船騎相迎
420 14 xiāng Xiang 船騎相迎
421 14 xiāng form substance 船騎相迎
422 14 xiāng to express 船騎相迎
423 14 xiàng to choose 船騎相迎
424 14 xiāng Xiang 船騎相迎
425 14 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 船騎相迎
426 14 xiāng the seventh lunar month 船騎相迎
427 14 xiāng to compare 船騎相迎
428 14 xiàng to divine 船騎相迎
429 14 xiàng to administer 船騎相迎
430 14 xiàng helper for a blind person 船騎相迎
431 14 xiāng rhythm [music] 船騎相迎
432 14 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 船騎相迎
433 14 xiāng coralwood 船騎相迎
434 14 xiàng ministry 船騎相迎
435 14 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 船騎相迎
436 14 liú to leave something; to retain; to stay; to remain; to keep; to preserve 留著耳朵聽說話
437 14 liú to stop; to halt 留著耳朵聽說話
438 14 一個 yī gè one instance; one unit 只見遠遠地一個人
439 14 一個 yī gè a certain degreee 只見遠遠地一個人
440 14 一個 yī gè whole; entire 只見遠遠地一個人
441 13 蘆葦 lúwěi a reed 蘆葦水港
442 13 zǒu to walk; to go; to move 我等休走
443 13 zǒu Kangxi radical 156 我等休走
444 13 zǒu to flee; to escape 我等休走
445 13 zǒu to run 我等休走
446 13 zǒu to leave 我等休走
447 13 zǒu to spread; to leak 我等休走
448 13 zǒu able to walk 我等休走
449 13 zǒu off track; to wander 我等休走
450 13 zǒu to attend to 我等休走
451 13 zǒu to associate with 我等休走
452 13 zǒu to loose form 我等休走
453 13 zuò to sit 何濤坐在船頭上
454 13 zuò to ride 何濤坐在船頭上
455 13 zuò to visit 何濤坐在船頭上
456 13 zuò a seat 何濤坐在船頭上
457 13 zuò to hold fast to; to stick to 何濤坐在船頭上
458 13 zuò to be in a position 何濤坐在船頭上
459 13 zuò to convict; to try 何濤坐在船頭上
460 13 zuò to stay 何濤坐在船頭上
461 13 zuò to kneel 何濤坐在船頭上
462 13 zuò to violate 何濤坐在船頭上
463 13 děng et cetera; and so on 先到李家道口去等
464 13 děng to wait 先到李家道口去等
465 13 děng to be equal 先到李家道口去等
466 13 děng degree; level 先到李家道口去等
467 13 děng to compare 先到李家道口去等
468 13 zhū vermilion 朱貴在那裏開酒店
469 13 zhū Zhu 朱貴在那裏開酒店
470 13 zhū cinnabar 朱貴在那裏開酒店
471 13 qǐng to ask; to inquire 且請下你兩個耳朵來做表證
472 13 qíng circumstances; state of affairs; situation 且請下你兩個耳朵來做表證
473 13 qǐng to beg; to entreat 且請下你兩個耳朵來做表證
474 13 qǐng please 且請下你兩個耳朵來做表證
475 13 qǐng to request 且請下你兩個耳朵來做表證
476 13 qǐng to hire; to employ; to engage 且請下你兩個耳朵來做表證
477 13 qǐng to make an appointment 且請下你兩個耳朵來做表證
478 13 qǐng to greet 且請下你兩個耳朵來做表證
479 13 qǐng to invite 且請下你兩個耳朵來做表證
480 12 tīng to listen 何濤聽罷
481 12 tīng to obey 何濤聽罷
482 12 tīng to understand 何濤聽罷
483 12 tìng to hear a lawsuit; to adjudicate 何濤聽罷
484 12 tìng to allow; to let something take its course 何濤聽罷
485 12 tīng to await 何濤聽罷
486 12 tīng to acknowledge 何濤聽罷
487 12 tīng information 何濤聽罷
488 12 tīng a hall 何濤聽罷
489 12 tīng Ting 何濤聽罷
490 12 tìng to administer; to process 何濤聽罷
491 12 soil; ground; land 只見遠遠地一個人
492 12 floor 只見遠遠地一個人
493 12 the earth 只見遠遠地一個人
494 12 fields 只見遠遠地一個人
495 12 a place 只見遠遠地一個人
496 12 a situation; a position 只見遠遠地一個人
497 12 background 只見遠遠地一個人
498 12 terrain 只見遠遠地一個人
499 12 a territory; a region 只見遠遠地一個人
500 12 used after a distance measure 只見遠遠地一個人

Frequencies of all Words

Top 909

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 87 le completion of an action 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
2 87 liǎo to know; to understand 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
3 87 liǎo to understand; to know 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
4 87 liào to look afar from a high place 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
5 87 le modal particle 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
6 87 le particle used in certain fixed expressions 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
7 87 liǎo to complete 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
8 87 liǎo completely 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
9 87 liǎo clever; intelligent 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
10 77 lái to come 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
11 77 lái indicates an approximate quantity 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
12 77 lái please 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
13 77 lái used to substitute for another verb 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
14 77 lái used between two word groups to express purpose and effect 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
15 77 lái ever since 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
16 77 lái wheat 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
17 77 lái next; future 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
18 77 lái a simple complement of direction 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
19 77 lái to occur; to arise 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
20 77 lái to earn 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
21 69 dào way; road; path 眾多做公的道
22 69 dào principle; a moral; morality 眾多做公的道
23 69 dào Tao; the Way 眾多做公的道
24 69 dào measure word for long things 眾多做公的道
25 69 dào to say; to speak; to talk 眾多做公的道
26 69 dào to think 眾多做公的道
27 69 dào times 眾多做公的道
28 69 dào circuit; a province 眾多做公的道
29 69 dào a course; a channel 眾多做公的道
30 69 dào a method; a way of doing something 眾多做公的道
31 69 dào measure word for doors and walls 眾多做公的道
32 69 dào measure word for courses of a meal 眾多做公的道
33 69 dào a centimeter 眾多做公的道
34 69 dào a doctrine 眾多做公的道
35 69 dào Taoism; Daoism 眾多做公的道
36 69 dào a skill 眾多做公的道
37 69 dào a sect 眾多做公的道
38 69 dào a line 眾多做公的道
39 66 rén person; people; a human being 閒常時也兀自劫了人
40 66 rén Kangxi radical 9 閒常時也兀自劫了人
41 66 rén a kind of person 閒常時也兀自劫了人
42 66 rén everybody 閒常時也兀自劫了人
43 66 rén adult 閒常時也兀自劫了人
44 66 rén somebody; others 閒常時也兀自劫了人
45 66 rén an upright person 閒常時也兀自劫了人
46 58 de possessive particle 再差一員了得事的捕盜巡檢
47 58 de structural particle 再差一員了得事的捕盜巡檢
48 58 de complement 再差一員了得事的捕盜巡檢
49 58 de a substitute for something already referred to 再差一員了得事的捕盜巡檢
50 58 indeed; really 再差一員了得事的捕盜巡檢
51 57 to go 誰敢去那裏捕捉賊人
52 57 to remove; to wipe off; to eliminate 誰敢去那裏捕捉賊人
53 57 to be distant 誰敢去那裏捕捉賊人
54 57 to leave 誰敢去那裏捕捉賊人
55 57 to play a part 誰敢去那裏捕捉賊人
56 57 to abandon; to give up 誰敢去那裏捕捉賊人
57 57 to die 誰敢去那裏捕捉賊人
58 57 previous; past 誰敢去那裏捕捉賊人
59 57 to send out; to issue; to drive away 誰敢去那裏捕捉賊人
60 57 expresses a tendency 誰敢去那裏捕捉賊人
61 57 falling tone 誰敢去那裏捕捉賊人
62 57 to lose 誰敢去那裏捕捉賊人
63 57 Qu 誰敢去那裏捕捉賊人
64 54 inside; interior 隨即到機密房裏
65 47 one 這一論也是
66 47 Kangxi radical 1 這一論也是
67 47 as soon as; all at once 這一論也是
68 47 pure; concentrated 這一論也是
69 47 whole; all 這一論也是
70 47 first 這一論也是
71 47 the same 這一論也是
72 47 each 這一論也是
73 47 certain 這一論也是
74 47 throughout 這一論也是
75 47 used in between a reduplicated verb 這一論也是
76 47 sole; single 這一論也是
77 47 a very small amount 這一論也是
78 47 Yi 這一論也是
79 47 other 這一論也是
80 47 to unify 這一論也是
81 47 accidentally; coincidentally 這一論也是
82 47 abruptly; suddenly 這一論也是
83 47 or 這一論也是
84 47 zhī measure word for birds and certain animals, one of a pair, etc 只見幾個打魚的來報道
85 47 zhī single 只見幾個打魚的來報道
86 47 zhǐ lone; solitary 只見幾個打魚的來報道
87 47 zhī a single bird 只見幾個打魚的來報道
88 47 zhī unique 只見幾個打魚的來報道
89 47 zhǐ only 只見幾個打魚的來報道
90 47 zhǐ but 只見幾個打魚的來報道
91 47 zhǐ a particle with no meaning 只見幾個打魚的來報道
92 47 zhǐ Zhi 只見幾個打魚的來報道
93 44 cháo morning; dawn 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
94 41 zhè this; these 這一論也是
95 41 zhèi this; these 這一論也是
96 41 zhè now 這一論也是
97 41 zhè immediately 這一論也是
98 41 zhè particle with no meaning 這一論也是
99 41 gài a lid; top; cover 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
100 41 gài to build 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
101 41 Ge 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
102 41 gài because 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
103 41 gài roughly; approximately 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
104 41 gài but; yet 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
105 41 gài probably; about 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
106 41 gài to cover; to hide; to protect 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
107 41 gài an umbrella; a canopy 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
108 41 gài a shell 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
109 41 gài sogon grass 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
110 41 gài to add to 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
111 41 gài to surpass; to overshadow; to overarch 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
112 41 gài to chatter 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
113 41 why 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
114 41 why not 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
115 41 Ge 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
116 41 gài a roof; thatched roofing 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
117 41 gài to respect; to uphold 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
118 41 gài a crest 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
119 41 what; where; which 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
120 41 to carry on the shoulder 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
121 41 who 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
122 41 what 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
123 41 why 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
124 41 how 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
125 41 how much 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
126 41 He 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
127 40 chuán boat; ship; watercraft 把一應的物件裝在船裏
128 40 chuán a vessel 把一應的物件裝在船裏
129 40 林沖 línchōng Lin Chong 林沖水寨大併火
130 39 wáng Wang 京師獻與趙王君
131 39 wáng a king 京師獻與趙王君
132 39 wáng Kangxi radical 96 京師獻與趙王君
133 39 wàng to be king; to rule 京師獻與趙王君
134 39 wáng a prince; a duke 京師獻與趙王君
135 39 wáng grand; great 京師獻與趙王君
136 39 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 京師獻與趙王君
137 39 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 京師獻與趙王君
138 39 wáng the head of a group or gang 京師獻與趙王君
139 39 wáng the biggest or best of a group 京師獻與趙王君
140 39 zhe indicates that an action is continuing 緊靠著梁山泊
141 39 zháo to catch; to receive; to suffer; to touch; to contact 緊靠著梁山泊
142 39 zhù outstanding 緊靠著梁山泊
143 39 zhuó to contact; to use; to apply; to attach to 緊靠著梁山泊
144 39 zhuó to wear (clothes) 緊靠著梁山泊
145 39 zhe expresses a command 緊靠著梁山泊
146 39 zháo to attach; to grasp 緊靠著梁山泊
147 39 zhe indicates an accompanying action 緊靠著梁山泊
148 39 zhāo to add; to put 緊靠著梁山泊
149 39 zhuó a chess move 緊靠著梁山泊
150 39 zhāo a trick; a move; a method 緊靠著梁山泊
151 39 zhāo OK 緊靠著梁山泊
152 39 zháo to fall into [a trap] 緊靠著梁山泊
153 39 zháo to ignite 緊靠著梁山泊
154 39 zháo to fall asleep 緊靠著梁山泊
155 39 zhuó whereabouts; end result 緊靠著梁山泊
156 39 zhù to appear; to manifest 緊靠著梁山泊
157 39 zhù to show 緊靠著梁山泊
158 39 zhù to indicate; to be distinguished by 緊靠著梁山泊
159 39 zhù to write 緊靠著梁山泊
160 39 zhù to record 緊靠著梁山泊
161 39 zhù a document; writings 緊靠著梁山泊
162 39 zhù Zhu 緊靠著梁山泊
163 39 zháo expresses that a continuing process has a result 緊靠著梁山泊
164 39 zháo as it turns out; coincidentally 緊靠著梁山泊
165 39 zhuó to arrive 緊靠著梁山泊
166 39 zhuó to result in 緊靠著梁山泊
167 39 zhuó to command 緊靠著梁山泊
168 39 zhuó a strategy 緊靠著梁山泊
169 39 zhāo to happen; to occur 緊靠著梁山泊
170 39 zhù space between main doorwary and a screen 緊靠著梁山泊
171 39 zhuó somebody attached to a place; a local 緊靠著梁山泊
172 38 dōu all 都是茫茫蕩蕩
173 38 capital city 都是茫茫蕩蕩
174 38 a city; a metropolis 都是茫茫蕩蕩
175 38 dōu all 都是茫茫蕩蕩
176 38 elegant; refined 都是茫茫蕩蕩
177 38 Du 都是茫茫蕩蕩
178 38 dōu already 都是茫茫蕩蕩
179 38 to establish a capital city 都是茫茫蕩蕩
180 38 to reside 都是茫茫蕩蕩
181 38 to total; to tally 都是茫茫蕩蕩
182 37 ruǎn Ruan 半路上撞見三阮弟兄
183 37 ruǎn Nguyen 半路上撞見三阮弟兄
184 37 ruǎn an ancient musical instrument 半路上撞見三阮弟兄
185 34 lún human relationships 王倫領著一班頭領
186 34 lún order; coherence; logic 王倫領著一班頭領
187 34 lún tp be a peer; to be equal 王倫領著一班頭領
188 34 lún fixed; prescribed 王倫領著一班頭領
189 34 lún a category; a type 王倫領著一班頭領
190 34 lún Lun 王倫領著一班頭領
191 34 that 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
192 34 if that is the case 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
193 34 nèi that 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
194 34 where 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
195 34 how 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
196 34 No 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
197 34 nuó to move 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
198 34 nuó much 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
199 34 nuó stable; quiet 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
200 34 jiàn to see 只見幾個打魚的來報道
201 34 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 只見幾個打魚的來報道
202 34 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 只見幾個打魚的來報道
203 34 jiàn refer to; for details see 只見幾個打魚的來報道
204 34 jiàn passive marker 只見幾個打魚的來報道
205 34 jiàn to listen to 只見幾個打魚的來報道
206 34 jiàn to meet 只見幾個打魚的來報道
207 34 jiàn to receive (a guest) 只見幾個打魚的來報道
208 34 jiàn let me; kindly 只見幾個打魚的來報道
209 34 jiàn Jian 只見幾個打魚的來報道
210 34 xiàn to appear 只見幾個打魚的來報道
211 34 xiàn to introduce 只見幾個打魚的來報道
212 33 he; him 須是先投奔他
213 33 another aspect 須是先投奔他
214 33 other; another; some other 須是先投奔他
215 33 everybody 須是先投奔他
216 33 other 須是先投奔他
217 33 tuō other; another; some other 須是先投奔他
218 33 you 和你一處去緝捕
219 33 marker for direct-object 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
220 33 bundle; handful; measureword for something with a handle 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
221 33 to hold; to take; to grasp 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
222 33 a handle 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
223 33 to guard 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
224 33 to regard as 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
225 33 to give 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
226 33 approximate 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
227 33 a stem 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
228 33 bǎi to grasp 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
229 33 to control 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
230 33 a handlebar 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
231 33 sworn brotherhood 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
232 33 an excuse; a pretext 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
233 33 a claw 公孫勝自從把火燒了莊院
234 32 xiǎo small; tiny 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
235 32 xiǎo Kangxi radical 42 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
236 32 xiǎo brief 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
237 32 xiǎo small in amount 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
238 32 xiǎo less than; nearly 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
239 32 xiǎo insignificant 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
240 32 xiǎo small in ability 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
241 32 xiǎo to shrink 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
242 32 xiǎo to slight; to belittle 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
243 32 xiǎo evil-doer 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
244 32 xiǎo a child 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
245 32 xiǎo concubine 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
246 32 xiǎo young 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
247 32 xiǎo indicates lack of seniority or brief tenure 晁蓋梁山小奪泊
248 31 便 biàn convenient; handy; easy 晁蓋便起身叫道
249 31 便 biàn advantageous 晁蓋便起身叫道
250 31 便 biàn to pass stool; to excrete; to relieve oneself; to urinate 晁蓋便起身叫道
251 31 便 pián fat; obese 晁蓋便起身叫道
252 31 便 biàn to make easy 晁蓋便起身叫道
253 31 便 biàn an unearned advantage 晁蓋便起身叫道
254 31 便 biàn ordinary; plain 晁蓋便起身叫道
255 31 便 biàn if only; so long as; to the contrary 晁蓋便起身叫道
256 31 便 biàn in passing 晁蓋便起身叫道
257 31 便 biàn informal 晁蓋便起身叫道
258 31 便 biàn right away; then; right after 晁蓋便起身叫道
259 31 便 biàn appropriate; suitable 晁蓋便起身叫道
260 31 便 biàn an advantageous occasion 晁蓋便起身叫道
261 31 便 biàn stool 晁蓋便起身叫道
262 31 便 pián quiet; quiet and comfortable 晁蓋便起身叫道
263 31 便 biàn proficient; skilled 晁蓋便起身叫道
264 31 便 biàn even if; even though 晁蓋便起身叫道
265 31 便 pián shrewd; slick; good with words 晁蓋便起身叫道
266 31 zài in; at 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
267 31 zài at 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
268 31 zài when; indicates that someone or something is in the process of doing something 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
269 31 zài to exist; to be living 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
270 31 zài to consist of 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
271 31 zài to be at a post 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
272 30 shì is; are; am; to be 都是茫茫蕩蕩
273 30 shì is exactly 都是茫茫蕩蕩
274 30 shì is suitable; is in contrast 都是茫茫蕩蕩
275 30 shì this; that; those 都是茫茫蕩蕩
276 30 shì really; certainly 都是茫茫蕩蕩
277 30 shì correct; yes; affirmative 都是茫茫蕩蕩
278 30 shì true 都是茫茫蕩蕩
279 30 shì is; has; exists 都是茫茫蕩蕩
280 30 shì used between repetitions of a word 都是茫茫蕩蕩
281 30 shì a matter; an affair 都是茫茫蕩蕩
282 30 shì Shi 都是茫茫蕩蕩
283 29 shàng top; a high position 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
284 29 shang top; the position on or above something 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
285 29 shàng to go up; to go forward 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
286 29 shàng shang 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
287 29 shàng previous; last 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
288 29 shàng high; higher 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
289 29 shàng advanced 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
290 29 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
291 29 shàng time 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
292 29 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
293 29 shàng far 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
294 29 shàng big; as big as 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
295 29 shàng abundant; plentiful 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
296 29 shàng to report 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
297 29 shàng to offer 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
298 29 shàng to go on stage 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
299 29 shàng to take office; to assume a post 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
300 29 shàng to install; to erect 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
301 29 shàng to suffer; to sustain 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
302 29 shàng to burn 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
303 29 shàng to remember 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
304 29 shang on; in 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
305 29 shàng upward 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
306 29 shàng to add 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
307 29 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
308 29 shàng to meet 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
309 29 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
310 29 shang used after a verb indicating a result 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
311 29 shàng a musical note 再到廳上稟覆府尹道
312 29 yòu again; also 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
313 29 yòu expresses the existence of simultaneous conditions 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
314 29 yòu Kangxi radical 29 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
315 29 yòu and 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
316 29 yòu furthermore 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
317 29 yòu in addition 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
318 29 yòu but 莫說如今又添了那一夥強人在裏面
319 29 tāo large waves 何濤聽罷
320 29 tāo the sound of large waves 何濤聽罷
321 29 吳用 wúyòng Wu Yong 吳用道
322 27 yǒu is; are; to exist 現今李家道口有那
323 27 yǒu to have; to possess 現今李家道口有那
324 27 yǒu indicates an estimate 現今李家道口有那
325 27 yǒu indicates a large quantity 現今李家道口有那
326 27 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 現今李家道口有那
327 27 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 現今李家道口有那
328 27 yǒu used to compare two things 現今李家道口有那
329 27 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 現今李家道口有那
330 27 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 現今李家道口有那
331 27 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 現今李家道口有那
332 27 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 現今李家道口有那
333 27 yǒu abundant 現今李家道口有那
334 27 yǒu purposeful 現今李家道口有那
335 27 yǒu You 現今李家道口有那
336 27 de potential marker 若不起得大隊人馬
337 27 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 若不起得大隊人馬
338 27 děi must; ought to 若不起得大隊人馬
339 27 děi to want to; to need to 若不起得大隊人馬
340 27 děi must; ought to 若不起得大隊人馬
341 27 de 若不起得大隊人馬
342 27 de infix potential marker 若不起得大隊人馬
343 27 to result in 若不起得大隊人馬
344 27 to be proper; to fit; to suit 若不起得大隊人馬
345 27 to be satisfied 若不起得大隊人馬
346 27 to be finished 若不起得大隊人馬
347 27 de result of degree 若不起得大隊人馬
348 27 de marks completion of an action 若不起得大隊人馬
349 27 děi satisfying 若不起得大隊人馬
350 27 to contract 若不起得大隊人馬
351 27 marks permission or possibility 若不起得大隊人馬
352 27 expressing frustration 若不起得大隊人馬
353 27 to hear 若不起得大隊人馬
354 27 to have; there is 若不起得大隊人馬
355 27 marks time passed 若不起得大隊人馬
356 25 also; too 閒常時也兀自劫了人
357 25 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 閒常時也兀自劫了人
358 25 either 閒常時也兀自劫了人
359 25 even 閒常時也兀自劫了人
360 25 used to soften the tone 閒常時也兀自劫了人
361 25 used for emphasis 閒常時也兀自劫了人
362 25 used to mark contrast 閒常時也兀自劫了人
363 25 used to mark compromise 閒常時也兀自劫了人
364 25 zhòng many; numerous 眾官兵趕來趕去
365 25 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 眾官兵趕來趕去
366 25 zhòng general; common; public 眾官兵趕來趕去
367 24 zhī him; her; them; that 晁蓋把胸中之事
368 24 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 晁蓋把胸中之事
369 24 zhī to go 晁蓋把胸中之事
370 24 zhī this; that 晁蓋把胸中之事
371 24 zhī genetive marker 晁蓋把胸中之事
372 24 zhī it 晁蓋把胸中之事
373 24 zhī in; in regards to 晁蓋把胸中之事
374 24 zhī all 晁蓋把胸中之事
375 24 zhī and 晁蓋把胸中之事
376 24 zhī however 晁蓋把胸中之事
377 24 zhī if 晁蓋把胸中之事
378 24 zhī then 晁蓋把胸中之事
379 24 zhī to arrive; to go 晁蓋把胸中之事
380 24 zhī is 晁蓋把胸中之事
381 24 zhī to use 晁蓋把胸中之事
382 24 zhī Zhi 晁蓋把胸中之事
383 24 zhī winding 晁蓋把胸中之事
384 23 頭領 tóulǐng head person; leader 王倫領著一班頭領
385 23 ge unit 帶同十數個莊客
386 23 before an approximate number 帶同十數個莊客
387 23 after a verb and between its object 帶同十數個莊客
388 23 to indicate a sudden event 帶同十數個莊客
389 23 individual 帶同十數個莊客
390 23 height 帶同十數個莊客
391 23 this 帶同十數個莊客
392 23 zhī measure word for birds and certain animals, one of a pair, etc 阮小二選兩隻棹船
393 23 zhī single 阮小二選兩隻棹船
394 23 zhǐ lone; solitary 阮小二選兩隻棹船
395 23 zhī a single bird 阮小二選兩隻棹船
396 23 zhī unique 阮小二選兩隻棹船
397 23 zhǐ only 阮小二選兩隻棹船
398 23 zhǐ but 阮小二選兩隻棹船
399 23 zhǐ a particle with no meaning 阮小二選兩隻棹船
400 23 zhǐ Zhi 阮小二選兩隻棹船
401 21 and 與眾人商議
402 21 to give 與眾人商議
403 21 together with 與眾人商議
404 21 interrogative particle 與眾人商議
405 21 to accompany 與眾人商議
406 21 to particate in 與眾人商議
407 21 of the same kind 與眾人商議
408 21 to help 與眾人商議
409 21 for 與眾人商議
410 21 seven 七個人都在阮小五莊上
411 21 a genre of poetry 七個人都在阮小五莊上
412 21 seventh day memorial ceremony 七個人都在阮小五莊上
413 21 眾人 zhòngrén everyone; a crowd 與眾人商議
414 21 眾人 zhòngrén common people 與眾人商議
415 21 xià next 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
416 21 xià bottom 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
417 21 xià to fall; to drop; to go down; to descend 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
418 21 xià measure word for time 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
419 21 xià expresses completion of an action 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
420 21 xià to announce 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
421 21 xià to do 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
422 21 xià to withdraw; to leave; to exit 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
423 21 xià under; below 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
424 21 xià the lower class; a member of the lower class 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
425 21 xià inside 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
426 21 xià an aspect 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
427 21 xià a certain time 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
428 21 xià a time; an instance 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
429 21 xià to capture; to take 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
430 21 xià to put in 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
431 21 xià to enter 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
432 21 xià to eliminate; to remove; to get off 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
433 21 xià to finish work or school 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
434 21 xià to go 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
435 21 xià to scorn; to look down on 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
436 21 xià to modestly decline 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
437 21 xià to produce 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
438 21 xià to stay at; to lodge at 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
439 21 xià to decide 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
440 21 xià to be less than 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
441 21 xià humble; lowly 話說當下何觀察領了知府台旨下廳來
442 20 shí time; a point or period of time 既是如此說時
443 20 shí a season; a quarter of a year 既是如此說時
444 20 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 既是如此說時
445 20 shí at that time 既是如此說時
446 20 shí fashionable 既是如此說時
447 20 shí fate; destiny; luck 既是如此說時
448 20 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 既是如此說時
449 20 shí tense 既是如此說時
450 20 shí particular; special 既是如此說時
451 20 shí to plant; to cultivate 既是如此說時
452 20 shí hour (measure word) 既是如此說時
453 20 shí an era; a dynasty 既是如此說時
454 20 shí time [abstract] 既是如此說時
455 20 shí seasonal 既是如此說時
456 20 shí frequently; often 既是如此說時
457 20 shí occasionally; sometimes 既是如此說時
458 20 shí on time 既是如此說時
459 20 shí this; that 既是如此說時
460 20 shí to wait upon 既是如此說時
461 20 shí hour 既是如此說時
462 20 shí appropriate; proper; timely 既是如此說時
463 20 shí Shi 既是如此說時
464 20 shí a present; currentlt 既是如此說時
465 19 not; no 若不起得大隊人馬
466 19 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 若不起得大隊人馬
467 19 as a correlative 若不起得大隊人馬
468 19 no (answering a question) 若不起得大隊人馬
469 19 forms a negative adjective from a noun 若不起得大隊人馬
470 19 at the end of a sentence to form a question 若不起得大隊人馬
471 19 to form a yes or no question 若不起得大隊人馬
472 19 infix potential marker 若不起得大隊人馬
473 18 dào to arrive 隨即到機密房裏
474 18 dào arrive; receive 隨即到機密房裏
475 18 dào to go 隨即到機密房裏
476 18 dào careful 隨即到機密房裏
477 18 dào Dao 隨即到機密房裏
478 18 I; me; my 我自對付他
479 18 self 我自對付他
480 18 we; our 我自對付他
481 18 [my] dear 我自對付他
482 18 Wo 我自對付他
483 17 今日 jīnrì today 今日且喜光臨草寨
484 17 今日 jīnrì at present 今日且喜光臨草寨
485 17 兩個 liǎng gè two; two units 與同何觀察兩個
486 16 豪傑 háojié hero; an outstanding figure 備細寫眾豪傑入夥姓名人數
487 16 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 若說這個石碣村湖蕩
488 16 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 若說這個石碣村湖蕩
489 16 shuì to persuade 若說這個石碣村湖蕩
490 16 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 若說這個石碣村湖蕩
491 16 shuō a doctrine; a theory 若說這個石碣村湖蕩
492 16 shuō to claim; to assert 若說這個石碣村湖蕩
493 16 shuō allocution 若說這個石碣村湖蕩
494 16 shuō to criticize; to scold 若說這個石碣村湖蕩
495 16 shuō to indicate; to refer to 若說這個石碣村湖蕩
496 16 kàn to see; to look 且看貧道的本事
497 16 kàn to visit 且看貧道的本事
498 16 kàn to examine [a patient] 且看貧道的本事
499 16 kàn to regard; to consider 且看貧道的本事
500 16 kàn to watch out; to look out for 且看貧道的本事

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
沧州 滄州 67 Cangzhou
大寨 100 Dazhai
100 Deng
东岸 東岸 100 East Bank; East Coast
东海 東海 100
  1. East China Sea
  2. Donghae
  3. Donghai [commandery]
东京 東京 100
  1. Tokyo
  2. Luoyang
  3. Dongjing Circuit
公孙 公孫 103 Gongsun
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
济州 濟州 106
  1. Jeju Province
  2. Jizhou
金沙 106 Jinsha
快船 107 Los Angeles Clippers (NBA team)
昆仑山 崑崙山 107 Kunlun (Karakorum) mountain range
梁山 108
  1. Yangsan
  2. Liangshan
林冲 林沖 108 Lin Chong
  1. Ruan
  2. Nguyen
  3. an ancient musical instrument
上官 115 high-ranking official; superior
山南 115 Lhokha
山下 115 Yamashita (Japanese surname)
水浒全传 水滸全傳 115 Water Margin or Outlaws of the Marsh
四清 115 the Four Cleanups Movement
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
遂平 115 Suiping
太师 太師 116 Grand Preceptor; Grand Master; Imperial Tutor
亭子 116
  1. pavilion
  2. Tingzu
  3. a lightweight sedan chair
  1. Wu
  2. Jiangsu
  3. Wu
  4. Wu dialect
  5. Eastern Wu
  6. to speak loudly
吴用 吳用 119 Wu Yong
小港 120 Xiaogang; Hsiaokang
小寨 120 Xiaozhai neighborhood of Xi'an
  1. Zhao
  2. Zhao Dynasty
  3. State of Zhao
  4. to rush
  5. to visit
  6. Zhao
  7. to dig
真龙 真龍 122 an analogy for the Emperor
正应 正應 122 Shōō
中财 中財 122 Central University of Finance and Economics


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English