Glossary and Vocabulary for The Book of Rites 禮記, 《少儀》 Smaller Rules of Demeanour

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 57 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 則曰
2 57 a grade; a level 則曰
3 57 an example; a model 則曰
4 57 a weighing device 則曰
5 57 to grade; to rank 則曰
6 57 to copy; to imitate; to follow 則曰
7 57 to do 則曰
8 45 zhī to go 適公卿之喪
9 45 zhī to arrive; to go 適公卿之喪
10 45 zhī is 適公卿之喪
11 45 zhī to use 適公卿之喪
12 45 zhī Zhi 適公卿之喪
13 45 zhī winding 適公卿之喪
14 42 infix potential marker 親者兄弟不
15 33 yuē to speak; to say 辭曰
16 33 yuē Kangxi radical 73 辭曰
17 33 yuē to be called 辭曰
18 30 to go; to 某固愿聞名於將命者
19 30 to rely on; to depend on 某固愿聞名於將命者
20 30 Yu 某固愿聞名於將命者
21 30 a crow 某固愿聞名於將命者
22 24 zhí to implement; to carry out; to execute a plan 執箕膺擖
23 24 zhí a post; a position; a job 執箕膺擖
24 24 zhí to grasp; to hold 執箕膺擖
25 24 zhí to govern; to administer; to be in charge of 執箕膺擖
26 24 zhí to arrest; to capture 執箕膺擖
27 24 zhí to maintain; to guard 執箕膺擖
28 24 zhí to block up 執箕膺擖
29 24 zhí to engage in 執箕膺擖
30 24 zhí to link up; to draw in 執箕膺擖
31 24 zhí a good friend 執箕膺擖
32 24 zhí proof; certificate; receipt; voucher 執箕膺擖
33 22 ér Kangxi radical 126 始入而辭
34 22 ér as if; to seem like 始入而辭
35 22 néng can; able 始入而辭
36 22 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 始入而辭
37 22 ér to arrive; up to 始入而辭
38 22 to use; to grasp 以襚進
39 22 to rely on 以襚進
40 22 to regard 以襚進
41 22 to be able to 以襚進
42 22 to order; to command 以襚進
43 22 used after a verb 以襚進
44 22 a reason; a cause 以襚進
45 22 Israel 以襚進
46 22 Yi 以襚進
47 13 君子 jūnzi a ruler; a sovereign 聞始見君子者
48 13 君子 jūnzi junzi; a nobleman; a person of noble character; a person of virtue 聞始見君子者
49 13 Qi 不敢問其年
50 12 wéi to act as; to serve 臣為君喪
51 12 wéi to change into; to become 臣為君喪
52 12 wéi to be; is 臣為君喪
53 12 wéi to do 臣為君喪
54 12 wèi to support; to help 臣為君喪
55 12 wéi to govern 臣為君喪
56 12 zuò to sit 坐委之
57 12 zuò to ride 坐委之
58 12 zuò to visit 坐委之
59 12 zuò a seat 坐委之
60 12 zuò to hold fast to; to stick to 坐委之
61 12 zuò to be in a position 坐委之
62 12 zuò to convict; to try 坐委之
63 12 zuò to stay 坐委之
64 12 zuò to kneel 坐委之
65 12 zuò to violate 坐委之
66 11 chē a vehicle 大白兵車
67 11 chē Kangxi radical 159 大白兵車
68 11 chē a cart; a carriage 大白兵車
69 11 chē a tool with a wheel 大白兵車
70 11 chē a machine 大白兵車
71 11 chē metal turning; lathe work 大白兵車
72 11 chē to lift hydraulically 大白兵車
73 11 chē to transport something in a cart 大白兵車
74 11 chē to sew with a sewing machine 大白兵車
75 11 chē to turn 大白兵車
76 11 chē Che 大白兵車
77 11 a chariot 大白兵車
78 11 chē jaw 大白兵車
79 11 chē ivory bedframe 大白兵車
80 11 chē to transport 大白兵車
81 11 mother-of-pearl 大白兵車
82 11 chē a waterwheel; equipment for lifting water 大白兵車
83 10 wèn to ask 問品味曰
84 10 wèn to inquire after 問品味曰
85 10 wèn to interrogate 問品味曰
86 10 wèn to hold responsible 問品味曰
87 10 wèn to request something 問品味曰
88 10 wèn to rebuke 問品味曰
89 10 wèn to send an official mission bearing gifts 問品味曰
90 10 wèn news 問品味曰
91 10 wèn to propose marriage 問品味曰
92 10 wén to inform 問品味曰
93 10 wèn to research 問品味曰
94 10 wèn Wen 問品味曰
95 10 wèn a question 問品味曰
96 10 yòu right; right-hand 仆者右帶劍
97 10 yòu to help; to assist 仆者右帶劍
98 10 yòu to; respect; to revere; to admire; to honor; to venerate 仆者右帶劍
99 10 yòu to bless and protect 仆者右帶劍
100 10 yòu an official building 仆者右帶劍
101 10 yòu the west 仆者右帶劍
102 10 yòu right wing; conservative 仆者右帶劍
103 10 yòu super 仆者右帶劍
104 10 yòu right 仆者右帶劍
105 10 Kangxi radical 80 毋拔來
106 10 to not have 毋拔來
107 10 Wu 毋拔來
108 10 zuǒ left 臣則左之
109 10 zuǒ unorthodox; improper 臣則左之
110 10 zuǒ east 臣則左之
111 10 zuǒ to bring 臣則左之
112 10 zuǒ to violate; to be contrary to 臣則左之
113 10 zuǒ Zuo 臣則左之
114 10 zuǒ extreme 臣則左之
115 9 to sacrifice to; to worship 凡祭於室中堂上無跣
116 9 to hold a funeral service 凡祭於室中堂上無跣
117 9 to chant a ritual text 凡祭於室中堂上無跣
118 9 a ceremony; a ritual 凡祭於室中堂上無跣
119 9 zhài Zhai 凡祭於室中堂上無跣
120 9 jūn sovereign; monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler 君將適他
121 9 jūn a mistress 君將適他
122 9 jūn date-plum 君將適他
123 9 jūn the son of heaven 君將適他
124 9 jūn to rule 君將適他
125 9 fán ordinary; common 凡乞假於人
126 9 fán the ordinary world 凡乞假於人
127 9 fán an outline 凡乞假於人
128 9 fán secular 凡乞假於人
129 9 fán ordinary people 凡乞假於人
130 9 rén person; people; a human being 一人而已矣
131 9 rén Kangxi radical 9 一人而已矣
132 9 rén a kind of person 一人而已矣
133 9 rén everybody 一人而已矣
134 9 rén adult 一人而已矣
135 9 rén somebody; others 一人而已矣
136 9 rén an upright person 一人而已矣
137 9 Kangxi radical 71 主人無親受也
138 9 to not have; without 主人無親受也
139 9 mo 主人無親受也
140 9 to not have 主人無親受也
141 9 Wu 主人無親受也
142 8 chéng to mount; to climb onto 始乘則式
143 8 chéng to multiply 始乘則式
144 8 shèng a vehicle; a chariot; a carriage 始乘則式
145 8 chéng to ride 始乘則式
146 8 chéng to make use of; to take advantage of; to comply with 始乘則式
147 8 chéng to prevail 始乘則式
148 8 chéng to pursue 始乘則式
149 8 chéng to calculate 始乘則式
150 8 chéng a four horse team 始乘則式
151 8 chéng to drive; to control 始乘則式
152 8 chéng Cheng 始乘則式
153 8 shèng historical records 始乘則式
154 8 將命 jiāngmìng to follow orders; to convey orders 某固愿聞名於將命者
155 8 shòu to teach 授立不坐
156 8 shòu to award; to give 授立不坐
157 8 shòu to appoint 授立不坐
158 7 to enter 賵馬入廟門
159 7 Kangxi radical 11 賵馬入廟門
160 7 radical 賵馬入廟門
161 7 income 賵馬入廟門
162 7 to conform with 賵馬入廟門
163 7 to descend 賵馬入廟門
164 7 the entering tone 賵馬入廟門
165 7 to pay 賵馬入廟門
166 7 to join 賵馬入廟門
167 7 zhǔ owner 不得階主
168 7 zhǔ principal; main; primary 不得階主
169 7 zhǔ master 不得階主
170 7 zhǔ host 不得階主
171 7 zhǔ to manage; to lead 不得階主
172 7 zhǔ to decide; to advocate 不得階主
173 7 zhǔ to have an opinion; to hold a particular view 不得階主
174 7 zhǔ to signify; to indicate 不得階主
175 7 zhǔ oneself 不得階主
176 7 zhǔ a person; a party 不得階主
177 7 zhǔ God; the Lord 不得階主
178 7 zhǔ lord; ruler; chief 不得階主
179 7 zhǔ an ancestral tablet 不得階主
180 7 zhǔ princess 不得階主
181 7 zhǔ chairperson 不得階主
182 7 zhǔ fundamental 不得階主
183 7 zhǔ Zhu 不得階主
184 7 zhù to pour 不得階主
185 7 jué ancient bronze wine holder 客爵居左
186 7 jué a feudal title or rank 客爵居左
187 7 què a small bird 客爵居左
188 7 jué to bestow a title 客爵居左
189 6 néng can; able 能從社稷之事矣
190 6 néng ability; capacity 能從社稷之事矣
191 6 néng a mythical bear-like beast 能從社稷之事矣
192 6 néng energy 能從社稷之事矣
193 6 néng function; use 能從社稷之事矣
194 6 néng talent 能從社稷之事矣
195 6 néng expert at 能從社稷之事矣
196 6 néng to be in harmony 能從社稷之事矣
197 6 néng to tend to; to care for 能從社稷之事矣
198 6 néng to reach; to arrive at 能從社稷之事矣
199 6 shàng top; a high position 故上無怨
200 6 shang top; the position on or above something 故上無怨
201 6 shàng to go up; to go forward 故上無怨
202 6 shàng shang 故上無怨
203 6 shàng previous; last 故上無怨
204 6 shàng high; higher 故上無怨
205 6 shàng advanced 故上無怨
206 6 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 故上無怨
207 6 shàng time 故上無怨
208 6 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 故上無怨
209 6 shàng far 故上無怨
210 6 shàng big; as big as 故上無怨
211 6 shàng abundant; plentiful 故上無怨
212 6 shàng to report 故上無怨
213 6 shàng to offer 故上無怨
214 6 shàng to go on stage 故上無怨
215 6 shàng to take office; to assume a post 故上無怨
216 6 shàng to install; to erect 故上無怨
217 6 shàng to suffer; to sustain 故上無怨
218 6 shàng to burn 故上無怨
219 6 shàng to remember 故上無怨
220 6 shàng to add 故上無怨
221 6 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 故上無怨
222 6 shàng to meet 故上無怨
223 6 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 故上無怨
224 6 shang used after a verb indicating a result 故上無怨
225 6 shàng a musical note 故上無怨
226 6 zhì to send; to devote; to deliver; to convey 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
227 6 zhì delicate; fine; detailed [investigation] 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
228 6 zhì to cause; to lead to 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
229 6 zhì dense 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
230 6 zhì appeal; interest 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
231 6 zhì to focus on; to strive 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
232 6 zhì to attain; to achieve 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
233 6 zhì so as to 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
234 6 zhì result 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
235 6 zhì to arrive 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
236 6 zhì to express 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
237 6 zhì to return 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
238 6 zhì an objective 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
239 6 zhì a principle 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
240 6 words; speech; expression; phrase; dialog 辭曰
241 6 to resign 辭曰
242 6 to dismiss; to fire 辭曰
243 6 rhetoric 辭曰
244 6 to say goodbye; to take leave 辭曰
245 6 ci genre poetry 辭曰
246 6 to avoid; to decline 辭曰
247 6 cause for gossip; reason for condemnation 辭曰
248 6 to tell; to inform 辭曰
249 6 to blame; to criticize 辭曰
250 6 quǎn dog 一犬賜人
251 6 quǎn Kangxi radical 94 一犬賜人
252 6 horse 致馬資於有司
253 6 Kangxi radical 187 致馬資於有司
254 6 Ma 致馬資於有司
255 6 historic tool for tallying numbers 致馬資於有司
256 6 a chopping board or block 取俎進俎不坐
257 6 painted 取俎進俎不坐
258 6 rèn edged tool; cutlery; knife edge 戈有刃者櫝
259 6 jiàn to see 聞始見君子者
260 6 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 聞始見君子者
261 6 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 聞始見君子者
262 6 jiàn refer to; for details see 聞始見君子者
263 6 jiàn to listen to 聞始見君子者
264 6 jiàn to meet 聞始見君子者
265 6 jiàn to receive (a guest) 聞始見君子者
266 6 jiàn let me; kindly 聞始見君子者
267 6 jiàn Jian 聞始見君子者
268 6 xiàn to appear 聞始見君子者
269 6 xiàn to introduce 聞始見君子者
270 5 one 一人而已矣
271 5 Kangxi radical 1 一人而已矣
272 5 pure; concentrated 一人而已矣
273 5 first 一人而已矣
274 5 the same 一人而已矣
275 5 sole; single 一人而已矣
276 5 a very small amount 一人而已矣
277 5 Yi 一人而已矣
278 5 other 一人而已矣
279 5 to unify 一人而已矣
280 5 accidentally; coincidentally 一人而已矣
281 5 abruptly; suddenly 一人而已矣
282 5 zài in; at 有尊長在則否
283 5 zài to exist; to be living 有尊長在則否
284 5 zài to consist of 有尊長在則否
285 5 zài to be at a post 有尊長在則否
286 5 xiū to be ashamed 羞濡魚者進尾
287 5 xiū to be shy 羞濡魚者進尾
288 5 xiū a savory dish; a delicacy 羞濡魚者進尾
289 5 xiū to offer 羞濡魚者進尾
290 5 xiū to dishonor 羞濡魚者進尾
291 5 xiū shame; humiliation 羞濡魚者進尾
292 5 shì to attend on 侍坐弗使
293 5 shì to accompany 侍坐弗使
294 5 shì a concubine 侍坐弗使
295 5 shì Shi 侍坐弗使
296 5 shì an attendant 侍坐弗使
297 5 jiàn double-edged sword; dagger; saber 仆者右帶劍
298 5 shí food; food and drink 子亟食於某乎
299 5 shí Kangxi radical 184 子亟食於某乎
300 5 shí to eat 子亟食於某乎
301 5 to feed 子亟食於某乎
302 5 shí meal; cooked cereals 子亟食於某乎
303 5 to raise; to nourish 子亟食於某乎
304 5 shí to receive; to accept 子亟食於某乎
305 5 shí to receive an official salary 子亟食於某乎
306 5 shí an eclipse 子亟食於某乎
307 5 qǐng to ask; to inquire 不請所之
308 5 qíng circumstances; state of affairs; situation 不請所之
309 5 qǐng to beg; to entreat 不請所之
310 5 qǐng please 不請所之
311 5 qǐng to request 不請所之
312 5 qǐng to hire; to employ; to engage 不請所之
313 5 qǐng to make an appointment 不請所之
314 5 qǐng to greet 不請所之
315 5 qǐng to invite 不請所之
316 5 měi beautiful 言語之美
317 5 měi America 言語之美
318 5 měi good; pleasing 言語之美
319 5 měi United States of America 言語之美
320 5 měi to beautify 言語之美
321 5 měi to be satisfied with oneself 言語之美
322 5 měi tasty 言語之美
323 5 měi satisying; pleasing 言語之美
324 5 měi a beautiful lady 言語之美
325 5 měi a beautiful thing 言語之美
326 5 měi to exaggerate 言語之美
327 5 bài to bow; to pay respect to 介者不拜
328 5 bài to send greetings; to congratulate 介者不拜
329 5 bài to visit 介者不拜
330 5 bài to appoint; to confer a title 介者不拜
331 5 bài to enter into a relationship 介者不拜
332 5 bài a polite form; please 介者不拜
333 5 bài Bai 介者不拜
334 5 bài to perform a ritual 介者不拜
335 5 bài to bend 介者不拜
336 5 bài byte 介者不拜
337 5 sàng to mourn 適有喪者曰
338 5 sāng funeral 適有喪者曰
339 5 sàng to die 適有喪者曰
340 5 sàng to lose 適有喪者曰
341 5 sàng to suffer 適有喪者曰
342 5 sàng to escape; to flee 適有喪者曰
343 5 sāng death 適有喪者曰
344 5 sāng a copse placed within a coffin 適有喪者曰
345 5 sāng mourning 適有喪者曰
346 5 sāng Sang 適有喪者曰
347 5 sàng to be defeated; to destroy 適有喪者曰
348 5 Yi 客亦如之
349 4 guest; visitor 客亦如之
350 4 a customer 客亦如之
351 4 a worker 客亦如之
352 4 a servant 客亦如之
353 4 a guide 客亦如之
354 4 a person 客亦如之
355 4 Ke 客亦如之
356 4 to stay; to lodge 客亦如之
357 4 to host a guest 客亦如之
358 4 secondary 客亦如之
359 4 not known to exist 客亦如之
360 4 shì matter; thing; item 喪俟事不特吊
361 4 shì to serve 喪俟事不特吊
362 4 shì a government post 喪俟事不特吊
363 4 shì duty; post; work 喪俟事不特吊
364 4 shì occupation 喪俟事不特吊
365 4 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 喪俟事不特吊
366 4 shì an accident 喪俟事不特吊
367 4 shì to attend 喪俟事不特吊
368 4 shì an allusion 喪俟事不特吊
369 4 shì a condition; a state; a situation 喪俟事不特吊
370 4 shì to engage in 喪俟事不特吊
371 4 shì to enslave 喪俟事不特吊
372 4 shì to pursue 喪俟事不特吊
373 4 shì to administer 喪俟事不特吊
374 4 shì to appoint 喪俟事不特吊
375 4 suí to soothe; to appease; to pacify 負良綏
376 4 suí a carriage harness 負良綏
377 4 qiē to cut; to mince; to slice; to carve 聶而切之為膾
378 4 qiē to shut off; to disconnect 聶而切之為膾
379 4 qiē to be tangent to 聶而切之為膾
380 4 qiè to rub 聶而切之為膾
381 4 qiè to be near to 聶而切之為膾
382 4 qiè keen; eager 聶而切之為膾
383 4 qiè to accord with; correspond to 聶而切之為膾
384 4 qiè detailed 聶而切之為膾
385 4 qiè suitable; close-fitting 聶而切之為膾
386 4 qiè pressing; urgent 聶而切之為膾
387 4 qiè intense; acute 聶而切之為膾
388 4 qiè earnest; sincere 聶而切之為膾
389 4 qiè criticize 聶而切之為膾
390 4 qiè door-sill 聶而切之為膾
391 4 qiè soft; light 聶而切之為膾
392 4 qiè secretly; stealthily 聶而切之為膾
393 4 qiè to bite 聶而切之為膾
394 4 qiè all 聶而切之為膾
395 4 qiè an essential point 聶而切之為膾
396 4 qiè qie [historic phonetic system] 聶而切之為膾
397 4 qiē to buy wholesale 聶而切之為膾
398 4 yǐn to drink 其飲居右
399 4 yǐn to swallow 其飲居右
400 4 yǐn a drink; a beverage 其飲居右
401 4 yǐn to rinse one's mouth 其飲居右
402 4 yǐn to conceal; to hide 其飲居右
403 4 yìn to provide a drink 其飲居右
404 4 yìn to permeate 其飲居右
405 4 yǐn to drink wine 其飲居右
406 4 yǐn to keep in mind; to carry in the heart 其飲居右
407 4 yǐn a decoction 其飲居右
408 4 yǐn to confiscate 其飲居右
409 4 èr two 不貳問
410 4 even; equal; uniform 齊齊皇皇
411 4 Kangxi radical 210 齊齊皇皇
412 4 Qi Dynasty 齊齊皇皇
413 4 State of Qi 齊齊皇皇
414 4 to arrange 齊齊皇皇
415 4 agile; nimble 齊齊皇皇
416 4 navel 齊齊皇皇
417 4 to rise; to ascend 齊齊皇皇
418 4 chopped meat or vegetables 齊齊皇皇
419 4 to blend ingredients 齊齊皇皇
420 4 to delimit; to distinguish 齊齊皇皇
421 4 the lower part of a garment 齊齊皇皇
422 4 broomcorn millet 齊齊皇皇
423 4 zhāi to fast 齊齊皇皇
424 4 to level with 齊齊皇皇
425 4 all present; all ready 齊齊皇皇
426 4 Qi 齊齊皇皇
427 4 alike; similar; identical; same 齊齊皇皇
428 4 an alloy 齊齊皇皇
429 4 to stand 受立
430 4 Kangxi radical 117 受立
431 4 erect; upright; vertical 受立
432 4 to establish; to set up; to found 受立
433 4 to conclude; to draw up 受立
434 4 to ascend the throne 受立
435 4 to designate; to appoint 受立
436 4 to live; to exist 受立
437 4 to erect; to stand something up 受立
438 4 to take a stand 受立
439 4 to cease; to stop 受立
440 4 a two week period at the onset o feach season 受立
441 4 residence; dwelling 客爵居左
442 4 to be at a position 客爵居左
443 4 to live; to dwell; to reside 客爵居左
444 4 to stay put 客爵居左
445 4 to claim; to assert 客爵居左
446 4 to store up; to accumulate 客爵居左
447 4 to sit down 客爵居左
448 4 to possess 客爵居左
449 4 to hold in storage; to retain; to harbor 客爵居左
450 4 Ju 客爵居左
451 4 chén minister; statesman; official 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
452 4 chén Kangxi radical 131 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
453 4 chén a slave 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
454 4 chén Chen 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
455 4 chén to obey; to comply 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
456 4 chén to command; to direct 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
457 4 chén a subject 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
458 4 sǎo to sweep; to clear away 泛掃曰掃
459 4 sǎo to exterminate; to wipe out 泛掃曰掃
460 4 sǎo a broom 泛掃曰掃
461 4 sǎo to move right and left; to scan; to pass over 泛掃曰掃
462 4 sǎo to paint 泛掃曰掃
463 4 sǎo to ruin; to corrupt 泛掃曰掃
464 4 sǎo to write 泛掃曰掃
465 4 to hasten; to hurry 執玉執龜策不趨
466 4 to be attracted to 執玉執龜策不趨
467 4 to tend towards; to face towards 執玉執龜策不趨
468 4 purpose 執玉執龜策不趨
469 4 to rely upon 執玉執龜策不趨
470 4 yān Yan 燕見不將命
471 4 yān State of Yan 燕見不將命
472 4 yàn swallow 燕見不將命
473 4 yàn to feast 燕見不將命
474 4 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 主人無親受也
475 4 shòu to transfer; to confer 主人無親受也
476 4 shòu to receive; to accept 主人無親受也
477 4 shòu to tolerate 主人無親受也
478 4 jìn to enter 以襚進
479 4 jìn to advance 以襚進
480 4 a slave; a servant 仆者右帶劍
481 4 a [horse] groom; a coachman 仆者右帶劍
482 4 a provisional administrator 仆者右帶劍
483 4 to drive a carriage 仆者右帶劍
484 4 to give 義與
485 4 to accompany 義與
486 4 to particate in 義與
487 4 of the same kind 義與
488 4 to help 義與
489 4 for 義與
490 3 xià bottom 而下遠罪也
491 3 xià to fall; to drop; to go down; to descend 而下遠罪也
492 3 xià to announce 而下遠罪也
493 3 xià to do 而下遠罪也
494 3 xià to withdraw; to leave; to exit 而下遠罪也
495 3 xià the lower class; a member of the lower class 而下遠罪也
496 3 xià inside 而下遠罪也
497 3 xià an aspect 而下遠罪也
498 3 xià a certain time 而下遠罪也
499 3 xià to capture; to take 而下遠罪也
500 3 xià to put in 而下遠罪也

Frequencies of all Words

Top 949

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 57 otherwise; but; however 則曰
2 57 then 則曰
3 57 measure word for short sections of text 則曰
4 57 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 則曰
5 57 a grade; a level 則曰
6 57 an example; a model 則曰
7 57 a weighing device 則曰
8 57 to grade; to rank 則曰
9 57 to copy; to imitate; to follow 則曰
10 57 to do 則曰
11 57 only 則曰
12 57 immediately 則曰
13 45 zhī him; her; them; that 適公卿之喪
14 45 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 適公卿之喪
15 45 zhī to go 適公卿之喪
16 45 zhī this; that 適公卿之喪
17 45 zhī genetive marker 適公卿之喪
18 45 zhī it 適公卿之喪
19 45 zhī in; in regards to 適公卿之喪
20 45 zhī all 適公卿之喪
21 45 zhī and 適公卿之喪
22 45 zhī however 適公卿之喪
23 45 zhī if 適公卿之喪
24 45 zhī then 適公卿之喪
25 45 zhī to arrive; to go 適公卿之喪
26 45 zhī is 適公卿之喪
27 45 zhī to use 適公卿之喪
28 45 zhī Zhi 適公卿之喪
29 45 zhī winding 適公卿之喪
30 42 not; no 親者兄弟不
31 42 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 親者兄弟不
32 42 as a correlative 親者兄弟不
33 42 no (answering a question) 親者兄弟不
34 42 forms a negative adjective from a noun 親者兄弟不
35 42 at the end of a sentence to form a question 親者兄弟不
36 42 to form a yes or no question 親者兄弟不
37 42 infix potential marker 親者兄弟不
38 35 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 聞始見君子者
39 35 zhě that 聞始見君子者
40 35 zhě nominalizing function word 聞始見君子者
41 35 zhě used to mark a definition 聞始見君子者
42 35 zhě used to mark a pause 聞始見君子者
43 35 zhě topic marker; that; it 聞始見君子者
44 35 zhuó according to 聞始見君子者
45 33 yuē to speak; to say 辭曰
46 33 yuē Kangxi radical 73 辭曰
47 33 yuē to be called 辭曰
48 33 yuē particle without meaning 辭曰
49 30 in; at 某固愿聞名於將命者
50 30 in; at 某固愿聞名於將命者
51 30 in; at; to; from 某固愿聞名於將命者
52 30 to go; to 某固愿聞名於將命者
53 30 to rely on; to depend on 某固愿聞名於將命者
54 30 to go to; to arrive at 某固愿聞名於將命者
55 30 from 某固愿聞名於將命者
56 30 give 某固愿聞名於將命者
57 30 oppposing 某固愿聞名於將命者
58 30 and 某固愿聞名於將命者
59 30 compared to 某固愿聞名於將命者
60 30 by 某固愿聞名於將命者
61 30 and; as well as 某固愿聞名於將命者
62 30 for 某固愿聞名於將命者
63 30 Yu 某固愿聞名於將命者
64 30 a crow 某固愿聞名於將命者
65 30 whew; wow 某固愿聞名於將命者
66 24 zhí to implement; to carry out; to execute a plan 執箕膺擖
67 24 zhí a post; a position; a job 執箕膺擖
68 24 zhí to grasp; to hold 執箕膺擖
69 24 zhí to govern; to administer; to be in charge of 執箕膺擖
70 24 zhí to arrest; to capture 執箕膺擖
71 24 zhí to maintain; to guard 執箕膺擖
72 24 zhí to block up 執箕膺擖
73 24 zhí to engage in 執箕膺擖
74 24 zhí to link up; to draw in 執箕膺擖
75 24 zhí a good friend 執箕膺擖
76 24 zhí proof; certificate; receipt; voucher 執箕膺擖
77 22 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 始入而辭
78 22 ér Kangxi radical 126 始入而辭
79 22 ér you 始入而辭
80 22 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 始入而辭
81 22 ér right away; then 始入而辭
82 22 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 始入而辭
83 22 ér if; in case; in the event that 始入而辭
84 22 ér therefore; as a result; thus 始入而辭
85 22 ér how can it be that? 始入而辭
86 22 ér so as to 始入而辭
87 22 ér only then 始入而辭
88 22 ér as if; to seem like 始入而辭
89 22 néng can; able 始入而辭
90 22 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 始入而辭
91 22 ér me 始入而辭
92 22 ér to arrive; up to 始入而辭
93 22 ér possessive 始入而辭
94 22 so as to; in order to 以襚進
95 22 to use; to regard as 以襚進
96 22 to use; to grasp 以襚進
97 22 according to 以襚進
98 22 because of 以襚進
99 22 on a certain date 以襚進
100 22 and; as well as 以襚進
101 22 to rely on 以襚進
102 22 to regard 以襚進
103 22 to be able to 以襚進
104 22 to order; to command 以襚進
105 22 further; moreover 以襚進
106 22 used after a verb 以襚進
107 22 very 以襚進
108 22 already 以襚進
109 22 increasingly 以襚進
110 22 a reason; a cause 以襚進
111 22 Israel 以襚進
112 22 Yi 以襚進
113 17 yǒu is; are; to exist 適有喪者曰
114 17 yǒu to have; to possess 適有喪者曰
115 17 yǒu indicates an estimate 適有喪者曰
116 17 yǒu indicates a large quantity 適有喪者曰
117 17 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 適有喪者曰
118 17 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 適有喪者曰
119 17 yǒu used to compare two things 適有喪者曰
120 17 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 適有喪者曰
121 17 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 適有喪者曰
122 17 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 適有喪者曰
123 17 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 適有喪者曰
124 17 yǒu abundant 適有喪者曰
125 17 yǒu purposeful 適有喪者曰
126 17 yǒu You 適有喪者曰
127 13 君子 jūnzi a ruler; a sovereign 聞始見君子者
128 13 君子 jūnzi junzi; a nobleman; a person of noble character; a person of virtue 聞始見君子者
129 13 his; hers; its; theirs 不敢問其年
130 13 to add emphasis 不敢問其年
131 13 used when asking a question in reply to a question 不敢問其年
132 13 used when making a request or giving an order 不敢問其年
133 13 he; her; it; them 不敢問其年
134 13 probably; likely 不敢問其年
135 13 will 不敢問其年
136 13 may 不敢問其年
137 13 if 不敢問其年
138 13 or 不敢問其年
139 13 Qi 不敢問其年
140 12 wèi for; to 臣為君喪
141 12 wèi because of 臣為君喪
142 12 wéi to act as; to serve 臣為君喪
143 12 wéi to change into; to become 臣為君喪
144 12 wéi to be; is 臣為君喪
145 12 wéi to do 臣為君喪
146 12 wèi for 臣為君喪
147 12 wèi because of; for; to 臣為君喪
148 12 wèi to 臣為君喪
149 12 wéi in a passive construction 臣為君喪
150 12 wéi forming a rehetorical question 臣為君喪
151 12 wéi forming an adverb 臣為君喪
152 12 wéi to add emphasis 臣為君喪
153 12 wèi to support; to help 臣為君喪
154 12 wéi to govern 臣為君喪
155 12 zuò to sit 坐委之
156 12 zuò to ride 坐委之
157 12 zuò to visit 坐委之
158 12 zuò a seat 坐委之
159 12 zuò to hold fast to; to stick to 坐委之
160 12 zuò to be in a position 坐委之
161 12 zuò because; for 坐委之
162 12 zuò to convict; to try 坐委之
163 12 zuò to stay 坐委之
164 12 zuò to kneel 坐委之
165 12 zuò to violate 坐委之
166 11 chē a vehicle 大白兵車
167 11 chē Kangxi radical 159 大白兵車
168 11 chē a cart; a carriage 大白兵車
169 11 chē a tool with a wheel 大白兵車
170 11 chē a machine 大白兵車
171 11 chē metal turning; lathe work 大白兵車
172 11 chē to lift hydraulically 大白兵車
173 11 chē to transport something in a cart 大白兵車
174 11 chē to sew with a sewing machine 大白兵車
175 11 chē to turn 大白兵車
176 11 chē Che 大白兵車
177 11 a chariot 大白兵車
178 11 chē jaw 大白兵車
179 11 chē ivory bedframe 大白兵車
180 11 chē a cart load; a truck load 大白兵車
181 11 chē to transport 大白兵車
182 11 mother-of-pearl 大白兵車
183 11 chē a waterwheel; equipment for lifting water 大白兵車
184 10 wèn to ask 問品味曰
185 10 wèn to inquire after 問品味曰
186 10 wèn to interrogate 問品味曰
187 10 wèn to hold responsible 問品味曰
188 10 wèn to request something 問品味曰
189 10 wèn to rebuke 問品味曰
190 10 wèn to send an official mission bearing gifts 問品味曰
191 10 wèn news 問品味曰
192 10 wèn to propose marriage 問品味曰
193 10 wén to inform 問品味曰
194 10 wèn to research 問品味曰
195 10 wèn Wen 問品味曰
196 10 wèn to 問品味曰
197 10 wèn a question 問品味曰
198 10 yòu right; right-hand 仆者右帶劍
199 10 yòu to help; to assist 仆者右帶劍
200 10 yòu to; respect; to revere; to admire; to honor; to venerate 仆者右帶劍
201 10 yòu to bless and protect 仆者右帶劍
202 10 yòu an official building 仆者右帶劍
203 10 yòu the west 仆者右帶劍
204 10 yòu right wing; conservative 仆者右帶劍
205 10 yòu super 仆者右帶劍
206 10 yòu right 仆者右帶劍
207 10 Kangxi radical 80 毋拔來
208 10 to not have 毋拔來
209 10 do not 毋拔來
210 10 not 毋拔來
211 10 Wu 毋拔來
212 10 zuǒ left 臣則左之
213 10 zuǒ unorthodox; improper 臣則左之
214 10 zuǒ east 臣則左之
215 10 zuǒ to bring 臣則左之
216 10 zuǒ to violate; to be contrary to 臣則左之
217 10 zuǒ Zuo 臣則左之
218 10 zuǒ extreme 臣則左之
219 9 to sacrifice to; to worship 凡祭於室中堂上無跣
220 9 to hold a funeral service 凡祭於室中堂上無跣
221 9 to chant a ritual text 凡祭於室中堂上無跣
222 9 a ceremony; a ritual 凡祭於室中堂上無跣
223 9 zhài Zhai 凡祭於室中堂上無跣
224 9 jūn sovereign; monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler 君將適他
225 9 jūn you 君將適他
226 9 jūn a mistress 君將適他
227 9 jūn date-plum 君將適他
228 9 jūn the son of heaven 君將適他
229 9 jūn to rule 君將適他
230 9 fán ordinary; common 凡乞假於人
231 9 fán the ordinary world 凡乞假於人
232 9 fán an outline 凡乞假於人
233 9 fán secular 凡乞假於人
234 9 fán all 凡乞假於人
235 9 fán altogether; in sum; in all; in total 凡乞假於人
236 9 fán ordinary people 凡乞假於人
237 9 rén person; people; a human being 一人而已矣
238 9 rén Kangxi radical 9 一人而已矣
239 9 rén a kind of person 一人而已矣
240 9 rén everybody 一人而已矣
241 9 rén adult 一人而已矣
242 9 rén somebody; others 一人而已矣
243 9 rén an upright person 一人而已矣
244 9 no 主人無親受也
245 9 Kangxi radical 71 主人無親受也
246 9 to not have; without 主人無親受也
247 9 has not yet 主人無親受也
248 9 mo 主人無親受也
249 9 do not 主人無親受也
250 9 not; -less; un- 主人無親受也
251 9 regardless of 主人無親受也
252 9 to not have 主人無親受也
253 9 um 主人無親受也
254 9 Wu 主人無親受也
255 8 chéng to mount; to climb onto 始乘則式
256 8 chéng to multiply 始乘則式
257 8 shèng measure word for chariots 始乘則式
258 8 shèng a vehicle; a chariot; a carriage 始乘則式
259 8 chéng to ride 始乘則式
260 8 chéng to make use of; to take advantage of; to comply with 始乘則式
261 8 chéng to prevail 始乘則式
262 8 chéng to pursue 始乘則式
263 8 chéng to calculate 始乘則式
264 8 chéng a four horse team 始乘則式
265 8 chéng to drive; to control 始乘則式
266 8 chéng Cheng 始乘則式
267 8 shèng historical records 始乘則式
268 8 將命 jiāngmìng to follow orders; to convey orders 某固愿聞名於將命者
269 8 shòu to teach 授立不坐
270 8 shòu to award; to give 授立不坐
271 8 shòu to appoint 授立不坐
272 7 to enter 賵馬入廟門
273 7 Kangxi radical 11 賵馬入廟門
274 7 radical 賵馬入廟門
275 7 income 賵馬入廟門
276 7 to conform with 賵馬入廟門
277 7 to descend 賵馬入廟門
278 7 the entering tone 賵馬入廟門
279 7 to pay 賵馬入廟門
280 7 to join 賵馬入廟門
281 7 zhǔ owner 不得階主
282 7 zhǔ principal; main; primary 不得階主
283 7 zhǔ master 不得階主
284 7 zhǔ host 不得階主
285 7 zhǔ to manage; to lead 不得階主
286 7 zhǔ to decide; to advocate 不得階主
287 7 zhǔ to have an opinion; to hold a particular view 不得階主
288 7 zhǔ to signify; to indicate 不得階主
289 7 zhǔ oneself 不得階主
290 7 zhǔ a person; a party 不得階主
291 7 zhǔ God; the Lord 不得階主
292 7 zhǔ lord; ruler; chief 不得階主
293 7 zhǔ an ancestral tablet 不得階主
294 7 zhǔ princess 不得階主
295 7 zhǔ chairperson 不得階主
296 7 zhǔ fundamental 不得階主
297 7 zhǔ Zhu 不得階主
298 7 zhù to pour 不得階主
299 7 jué ancient bronze wine holder 客爵居左
300 7 jué a feudal title or rank 客爵居左
301 7 què a small bird 客爵居左
302 7 jué to bestow a title 客爵居左
303 7 final particle to express a completed action 性之直者則有之矣
304 7 particle to express certainty 性之直者則有之矣
305 7 would; particle to indicate a future condition 性之直者則有之矣
306 7 to form a question 性之直者則有之矣
307 7 to indicate a command 性之直者則有之矣
308 7 sigh 性之直者則有之矣
309 6 néng can; able 能從社稷之事矣
310 6 néng ability; capacity 能從社稷之事矣
311 6 néng a mythical bear-like beast 能從社稷之事矣
312 6 néng energy 能從社稷之事矣
313 6 néng function; use 能從社稷之事矣
314 6 néng may; should; permitted to 能從社稷之事矣
315 6 néng talent 能從社稷之事矣
316 6 néng expert at 能從社稷之事矣
317 6 néng to be in harmony 能從社稷之事矣
318 6 néng to tend to; to care for 能從社稷之事矣
319 6 néng to reach; to arrive at 能從社稷之事矣
320 6 néng as long as; only 能從社稷之事矣
321 6 néng even if 能從社稷之事矣
322 6 néng but 能從社稷之事矣
323 6 néng in this way 能從社稷之事矣
324 6 shàng top; a high position 故上無怨
325 6 shang top; the position on or above something 故上無怨
326 6 shàng to go up; to go forward 故上無怨
327 6 shàng shang 故上無怨
328 6 shàng previous; last 故上無怨
329 6 shàng high; higher 故上無怨
330 6 shàng advanced 故上無怨
331 6 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 故上無怨
332 6 shàng time 故上無怨
333 6 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 故上無怨
334 6 shàng far 故上無怨
335 6 shàng big; as big as 故上無怨
336 6 shàng abundant; plentiful 故上無怨
337 6 shàng to report 故上無怨
338 6 shàng to offer 故上無怨
339 6 shàng to go on stage 故上無怨
340 6 shàng to take office; to assume a post 故上無怨
341 6 shàng to install; to erect 故上無怨
342 6 shàng to suffer; to sustain 故上無怨
343 6 shàng to burn 故上無怨
344 6 shàng to remember 故上無怨
345 6 shang on; in 故上無怨
346 6 shàng upward 故上無怨
347 6 shàng to add 故上無怨
348 6 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 故上無怨
349 6 shàng to meet 故上無怨
350 6 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 故上無怨
351 6 shang used after a verb indicating a result 故上無怨
352 6 shàng a musical note 故上無怨
353 6 zhì to send; to devote; to deliver; to convey 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
354 6 zhì delicate; fine; detailed [investigation] 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
355 6 zhì to cause; to lead to 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
356 6 zhì dense 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
357 6 zhì appeal; interest 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
358 6 zhì to focus on; to strive 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
359 6 zhì to attain; to achieve 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
360 6 zhì so as to 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
361 6 zhì result 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
362 6 zhì to arrive 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
363 6 zhì to express 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
364 6 zhì to return 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
365 6 zhì an objective 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
366 6 zhì a principle 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
367 6 words; speech; expression; phrase; dialog 辭曰
368 6 to resign 辭曰
369 6 to dismiss; to fire 辭曰
370 6 rhetoric 辭曰
371 6 to say goodbye; to take leave 辭曰
372 6 ci genre poetry 辭曰
373 6 to avoid; to decline 辭曰
374 6 cause for gossip; reason for condemnation 辭曰
375 6 to tell; to inform 辭曰
376 6 to blame; to criticize 辭曰
377 6 quǎn dog 一犬賜人
378 6 quǎn Kangxi radical 94 一犬賜人
379 6 such as; for example; for instance 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
380 6 if 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
381 6 in accordance with 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
382 6 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
383 6 this 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
384 6 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
385 6 to go to 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
386 6 to meet 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
387 6 to appear; to seem; to be like 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
388 6 at least as good as 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
389 6 and 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
390 6 or 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
391 6 but 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
392 6 then 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
393 6 naturally 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
394 6 expresses a question or doubt 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
395 6 you 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
396 6 the second lunar month 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
397 6 in; at 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
398 6 Ru 臣如致金玉貨貝於君
399 6 horse 致馬資於有司
400 6 Kangxi radical 187 致馬資於有司
401 6 Ma 致馬資於有司
402 6 historic tool for tallying numbers 致馬資於有司
403 6 a chopping board or block 取俎進俎不坐
404 6 painted 取俎進俎不坐
405 6 rèn edged tool; cutlery; knife edge 戈有刃者櫝
406 6 jiàn to see 聞始見君子者
407 6 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 聞始見君子者
408 6 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 聞始見君子者
409 6 jiàn refer to; for details see 聞始見君子者
410 6 jiàn passive marker 聞始見君子者
411 6 jiàn to listen to 聞始見君子者
412 6 jiàn to meet 聞始見君子者
413 6 jiàn to receive (a guest) 聞始見君子者
414 6 jiàn let me; kindly 聞始見君子者
415 6 jiàn Jian 聞始見君子者
416 6 xiàn to appear 聞始見君子者
417 6 xiàn to introduce 聞始見君子者
418 5 one 一人而已矣
419 5 Kangxi radical 1 一人而已矣
420 5 as soon as; all at once 一人而已矣
421 5 pure; concentrated 一人而已矣
422 5 whole; all 一人而已矣
423 5 first 一人而已矣
424 5 the same 一人而已矣
425 5 each 一人而已矣
426 5 certain 一人而已矣
427 5 throughout 一人而已矣
428 5 used in between a reduplicated verb 一人而已矣
429 5 sole; single 一人而已矣
430 5 a very small amount 一人而已矣
431 5 Yi 一人而已矣
432 5 other 一人而已矣
433 5 to unify 一人而已矣
434 5 accidentally; coincidentally 一人而已矣
435 5 abruptly; suddenly 一人而已矣
436 5 or 一人而已矣
437 5 zài in; at 有尊長在則否
438 5 zài at 有尊長在則否
439 5 zài when; indicates that someone or something is in the process of doing something 有尊長在則否
440 5 zài to exist; to be living 有尊長在則否
441 5 zài to consist of 有尊長在則否
442 5 zài to be at a post 有尊長在則否
443 5 xiū to be ashamed 羞濡魚者進尾
444 5 xiū to be shy 羞濡魚者進尾
445 5 xiū a savory dish; a delicacy 羞濡魚者進尾
446 5 xiū to offer 羞濡魚者進尾
447 5 xiū to dishonor 羞濡魚者進尾
448 5 xiū shame; humiliation 羞濡魚者進尾
449 5 shì to attend on 侍坐弗使
450 5 shì to accompany 侍坐弗使
451 5 shì a concubine 侍坐弗使
452 5 shì Shi 侍坐弗使
453 5 shì an attendant 侍坐弗使
454 5 jiàn double-edged sword; dagger; saber 仆者右帶劍
455 5 jiàn a wound or kill with a sword 仆者右帶劍
456 5 shí food; food and drink 子亟食於某乎
457 5 shí Kangxi radical 184 子亟食於某乎
458 5 shí to eat 子亟食於某乎
459 5 to feed 子亟食於某乎
460 5 shí meal; cooked cereals 子亟食於某乎
461 5 to raise; to nourish 子亟食於某乎
462 5 shí to receive; to accept 子亟食於某乎
463 5 shí to receive an official salary 子亟食於某乎
464 5 shí an eclipse 子亟食於某乎
465 5 qǐng to ask; to inquire 不請所之
466 5 qíng circumstances; state of affairs; situation 不請所之
467 5 qǐng to beg; to entreat 不請所之
468 5 qǐng please 不請所之
469 5 qǐng to request 不請所之
470 5 qǐng to hire; to employ; to engage 不請所之
471 5 qǐng to make an appointment 不請所之
472 5 qǐng to greet 不請所之
473 5 qǐng to invite 不請所之
474 5 mǒu some; certain 某固愿聞名於將命者
475 5 mǒu myself 某固愿聞名於將命者
476 5 jiē all; each and every; in all cases 皆右之
477 5 jiē same; equally 皆右之
478 5 měi beautiful 言語之美
479 5 měi America 言語之美
480 5 měi good; pleasing 言語之美
481 5 měi United States of America 言語之美
482 5 měi to beautify 言語之美
483 5 měi to be satisfied with oneself 言語之美
484 5 měi tasty 言語之美
485 5 měi satisying; pleasing 言語之美
486 5 měi a beautiful lady 言語之美
487 5 měi a beautiful thing 言語之美
488 5 měi to exaggerate 言語之美
489 5 bài to bow; to pay respect to 介者不拜
490 5 bài to send greetings; to congratulate 介者不拜
491 5 bài to visit 介者不拜
492 5 bài to appoint; to confer a title 介者不拜
493 5 bài to enter into a relationship 介者不拜
494 5 bài a polite form; please 介者不拜
495 5 bài Bai 介者不拜
496 5 bài to perform a ritual 介者不拜
497 5 bài to bend 介者不拜
498 5 bài byte 介者不拜
499 5 sàng to mourn 適有喪者曰
500 5 sāng funeral 適有喪者曰

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
中堂 122 a calligraphic work for the center of a large hall
阼阶 阼階 122 Eastern Stairs


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English