Glossary and Vocabulary for The Scholars 儒林外史, 第四十三回 Chapter 43

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 131 liǎo to know; to understand 正在寓處看了氣惱
2 131 liǎo to understand; to know 正在寓處看了氣惱
3 131 liào to look afar from a high place 正在寓處看了氣惱
4 131 liǎo to complete 正在寓處看了氣惱
5 131 liǎo clever; intelligent 正在寓處看了氣惱
6 44 other; another; some other 大爺又悄悄送了他一個荷包
7 44 other 大爺又悄悄送了他一個荷包
8 42 dào way; road; path 上寫道
9 42 dào principle; a moral; morality 上寫道
10 42 dào Tao; the Way 上寫道
11 42 dào to say; to speak; to talk 上寫道
12 42 dào to think 上寫道
13 42 dào circuit; a province 上寫道
14 42 dào a course; a channel 上寫道
15 42 dào a method; a way of doing something 上寫道
16 42 dào a doctrine 上寫道
17 42 dào Taoism; Daoism 上寫道
18 42 dào a skill 上寫道
19 42 dào a sect 上寫道
20 42 dào a line 上寫道
21 37 miáo a seedling 生苗近日頗有蠢動之意
22 37 miáo Miao 生苗近日頗有蠢動之意
23 37 miáo Miao 生苗近日頗有蠢動之意
24 37 miáo a sprout; a young stalk 生苗近日頗有蠢動之意
25 37 miáo a young animal 生苗近日頗有蠢動之意
26 37 miáo the beginning of a phase or process 生苗近日頗有蠢動之意
27 37 miáo an outcrop 生苗近日頗有蠢動之意
28 37 miáo a vaccine 生苗近日頗有蠢動之意
29 35 tāng soup 話說湯大爺
30 35 tāng Tang 話說湯大爺
31 35 tāng boiling punishment 話說湯大爺
32 35 tāng decoction 話說湯大爺
33 35 tāng hot water 話說湯大爺
34 35 tāng juice 話說湯大爺
35 35 tāng tepid water; warm water 話說湯大爺
36 35 tāng to heat food with hot water 話說湯大爺
37 35 tāng to touch; to contact 話說湯大爺
38 34 dào to arrive 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
39 34 dào to go 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
40 34 dào careful 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
41 34 dào Dao 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
42 34 inside; interior 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
43 34 to go 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
44 34 to remove; to wipe off; to eliminate 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
45 34 to be distant 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
46 34 to leave 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
47 34 to play a part 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
48 34 to abandon; to give up 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
49 34 to die 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
50 34 previous; past 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
51 34 to send out; to issue; to drive away 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
52 34 falling tone 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
53 34 to lose 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
54 34 Qu 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
55 30 zháo to catch; to receive; to suffer; to touch; to contact 小廝們押著行李
56 30 zhù outstanding 小廝們押著行李
57 30 zhuó to contact; to use; to apply; to attach to 小廝們押著行李
58 30 zhuó to wear (clothes) 小廝們押著行李
59 30 zhe expresses a command 小廝們押著行李
60 30 zháo to attach; to grasp 小廝們押著行李
61 30 zhāo to add; to put 小廝們押著行李
62 30 zhuó a chess move 小廝們押著行李
63 30 zhāo a trick; a move; a method 小廝們押著行李
64 30 zhāo OK 小廝們押著行李
65 30 zháo to fall into [a trap] 小廝們押著行李
66 30 zháo to ignite 小廝們押著行李
67 30 zháo to fall asleep 小廝們押著行李
68 30 zhuó whereabouts; end result 小廝們押著行李
69 30 zhù to appear; to manifest 小廝們押著行李
70 30 zhù to show 小廝們押著行李
71 30 zhù to indicate; to be distinguished by 小廝們押著行李
72 30 zhù to write 小廝們押著行李
73 30 zhù to record 小廝們押著行李
74 30 zhù a document; writings 小廝們押著行李
75 30 zhù Zhu 小廝們押著行李
76 30 zháo expresses that a continuing process has a result 小廝們押著行李
77 30 zhuó to arrive 小廝們押著行李
78 30 zhuó to result in 小廝們押著行李
79 30 zhuó to command 小廝們押著行李
80 30 zhuó a strategy 小廝們押著行李
81 30 zhāo to happen; to occur 小廝們押著行李
82 30 zhù space between main doorwary and a screen 小廝們押著行李
83 30 zhuó somebody attached to a place; a local 小廝們押著行李
84 28 No 那一品的蔭襲
85 28 nuó to move 那一品的蔭襲
86 28 nuó much 那一品的蔭襲
87 28 nuó stable; quiet 那一品的蔭襲
88 27 lái to come 湯二爺領得落卷來
89 27 lái please 湯二爺領得落卷來
90 27 lái used to substitute for another verb 湯二爺領得落卷來
91 27 lái used between two word groups to express purpose and effect 湯二爺領得落卷來
92 27 lái wheat 湯二爺領得落卷來
93 27 lái next; future 湯二爺領得落卷來
94 27 lái a simple complement of direction 湯二爺領得落卷來
95 27 lái to occur; to arise 湯二爺領得落卷來
96 27 lái to earn 湯二爺領得落卷來
97 25 èr two 湯二爺領得落卷來
98 25 èr Kangxi radical 7 湯二爺領得落卷來
99 25 èr second 湯二爺領得落卷來
100 25 èr twice; double; di- 湯二爺領得落卷來
101 25 èr more than one kind 湯二爺領得落卷來
102 25 chuán boat; ship; watercraft 當下喚尤鬍子叫了船
103 25 chuán a vessel 當下喚尤鬍子叫了船
104 24 one 那一品的蔭襲
105 24 Kangxi radical 1 那一品的蔭襲
106 24 pure; concentrated 那一品的蔭襲
107 24 first 那一品的蔭襲
108 24 the same 那一品的蔭襲
109 24 sole; single 那一品的蔭襲
110 24 a very small amount 那一品的蔭襲
111 24 Yi 那一品的蔭襲
112 24 other 那一品的蔭襲
113 24 to unify 那一品的蔭襲
114 24 accidentally; coincidentally 那一品的蔭襲
115 24 abruptly; suddenly 那一品的蔭襲
116 24 jiào to call; to hail; to greet 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
117 24 jiào to yell; to shout 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
118 24 jiào to order; to cause 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
119 24 jiào to crow; to bark; to cry 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
120 24 jiào to name; to call by name 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
121 24 jiào to engage; to hire to do 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
122 23 老爺 lǎoye lord; master 只見六老爺後面帶著一個人
123 23 老爺 lǎoye maternal grandfather 只見六老爺後面帶著一個人
124 23 老爺 lǎoye gentleman; aristocrat 只見六老爺後面帶著一個人
125 23 老爺 lǎoye husband 只見六老爺後面帶著一個人
126 22 rén person; people; a human being 兩人拆開同看
127 22 rén Kangxi radical 9 兩人拆開同看
128 22 rén a kind of person 兩人拆開同看
129 22 rén everybody 兩人拆開同看
130 22 rén adult 兩人拆開同看
131 22 rén somebody; others 兩人拆開同看
132 22 rén an upright person 兩人拆開同看
133 22 shàng top; a high position 上寫道
134 22 shang top; the position on or above something 上寫道
135 22 shàng to go up; to go forward 上寫道
136 22 shàng shang 上寫道
137 22 shàng previous; last 上寫道
138 22 shàng high; higher 上寫道
139 22 shàng advanced 上寫道
140 22 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上寫道
141 22 shàng time 上寫道
142 22 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上寫道
143 22 shàng far 上寫道
144 22 shàng big; as big as 上寫道
145 22 shàng abundant; plentiful 上寫道
146 22 shàng to report 上寫道
147 22 shàng to offer 上寫道
148 22 shàng to go on stage 上寫道
149 22 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上寫道
150 22 shàng to install; to erect 上寫道
151 22 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上寫道
152 22 shàng to burn 上寫道
153 22 shàng to remember 上寫道
154 22 shàng to add 上寫道
155 22 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上寫道
156 22 shàng to meet 上寫道
157 22 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上寫道
158 22 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上寫道
159 22 shàng a musical note 上寫道
160 22 鎮臺 zhèntái a brigade general 雷太守在湯鎮臺西廳上喫過了飯
161 21 大爺 dàyé arrogant idler; self-centered show-off 話說湯大爺
162 21 大爺 dàyé father's older brother; uncle 話說湯大爺
163 20 grandfather 湯二爺領得落卷來
164 20 father 湯二爺領得落卷來
165 20 一個 yī gè one instance; one unit 大爺又悄悄送了他一個荷包
166 20 一個 yī gè a certain degreee 大爺又悄悄送了他一個荷包
167 20 一個 yī gè whole; entire 大爺又悄悄送了他一個荷包
168 19 féng feng 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
169 19 féng to gallop 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
170 19 féng by dint of 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
171 19 yòu Kangxi radical 29 大爺又悄悄送了他一個荷包
172 19 jūn sovereign; monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
173 19 jūn a mistress 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
174 19 jūn date-plum 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
175 19 jūn the son of heaven 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
176 19 jūn to rule 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
177 19 ruì auspicious 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
178 19 ruì a jade charm; a jade talisman 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
179 19 ruì an auspicious sign; a good omen 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
180 19 to hold; to take; to grasp 把苗子平定了
181 19 a handle 把苗子平定了
182 19 to guard 把苗子平定了
183 19 to regard as 把苗子平定了
184 19 to give 把苗子平定了
185 19 approximate 把苗子平定了
186 19 a stem 把苗子平定了
187 19 bǎi to grasp 把苗子平定了
188 19 to control 把苗子平定了
189 19 a handlebar 把苗子平定了
190 19 sworn brotherhood 把苗子平定了
191 19 an excuse; a pretext 把苗子平定了
192 19 a claw 把苗子平定了
193 19 jiàng a general; a high ranking officer 這日將到大姑塘
194 19 jiāng to progress; to transmit; to convey; to send 這日將到大姑塘
195 19 jiàng to command; to lead 這日將到大姑塘
196 19 qiāng to request 這日將到大姑塘
197 19 jiāng to bring; to take; to use; to hold 這日將到大姑塘
198 19 jiāng to support; to wait upon; to take care of 這日將到大姑塘
199 19 jiāng to checkmate 這日將到大姑塘
200 19 jiāng to goad; to incite; to provoke 這日將到大姑塘
201 19 jiāng to do; to handle 這日將到大姑塘
202 19 jiàng backbone 這日將到大姑塘
203 19 jiàng king 這日將到大姑塘
204 19 jiāng to rest 這日將到大姑塘
205 19 jiàng a senior member of an organization 這日將到大姑塘
206 19 jiāng large; great 這日將到大姑塘
207 18 liǎng two 兩人拆開同看
208 18 liǎng a few 兩人拆開同看
209 17 zài in; at 臧歧一向在貴州做長隨
210 17 zài to exist; to be living 臧歧一向在貴州做長隨
211 17 zài to consist of 臧歧一向在貴州做長隨
212 17 zài to be at a post 臧歧一向在貴州做長隨
213 17 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 門上人進來說
214 17 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 門上人進來說
215 17 shuì to persuade 門上人進來說
216 17 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 門上人進來說
217 17 shuō a doctrine; a theory 門上人進來說
218 17 shuō to claim; to assert 門上人進來說
219 17 shuō allocution 門上人進來說
220 17 shuō to criticize; to scold 門上人進來說
221 17 shuō to indicate; to refer to 門上人進來說
222 16 zāng a slave 他姓臧
223 16 zāng spoils; plunder 他姓臧
224 16 zāng good; right; generous 他姓臧
225 16 zāng to praise; to commend 他姓臧
226 16 zàng a store 他姓臧
227 16 cáng to store; to hide 他姓臧
228 16 zāng Zang 他姓臧
229 16 capital city 貴州的山僻小路他都認得
230 16 a city; a metropolis 貴州的山僻小路他都認得
231 16 dōu all 貴州的山僻小路他都認得
232 16 elegant; refined 貴州的山僻小路他都認得
233 16 Du 貴州的山僻小路他都認得
234 16 to establish a capital city 貴州的山僻小路他都認得
235 16 to reside 貴州的山僻小路他都認得
236 16 to total; to tally 貴州的山僻小路他都認得
237 15 self 就求大爺賞了我
238 15 [my] dear 就求大爺賞了我
239 15 Wo 就求大爺賞了我
240 15 dòng cave; grotto 金狗洞一帶的苗子
241 15 dòng a hole; a ravine 金狗洞一帶的苗子
242 15 dòng zero 金狗洞一帶的苗子
243 15 dòng to investigate 金狗洞一帶的苗子
244 15 tóng like; same; similar 兩人拆開同看
245 15 tóng to be the same 兩人拆開同看
246 15 tòng an alley; a lane 兩人拆開同看
247 15 tóng to do something for somebody 兩人拆開同看
248 15 tóng Tong 兩人拆開同看
249 15 tóng to meet; to gather together; to join with 兩人拆開同看
250 15 tóng to be unified 兩人拆開同看
251 15 tóng to approve; to endorse 兩人拆開同看
252 15 tóng peace; harmony 兩人拆開同看
253 15 tóng an agreement 兩人拆開同看
254 12 fork; branch 名喚臧歧
255 12 divergent; different 名喚臧歧
256 12 a branching path; a fork 名喚臧歧
257 12 Qi 名喚臧歧
258 12 yán salt 他說他東家萬雪齋有兩船鹽
259 12 yán to salt; to cure with salt 他說他東家萬雪齋有兩船鹽
260 12 yán to envy; to admire 他說他東家萬雪齋有兩船鹽
261 12 太守 tài shǒu Governor 請的就是鎮遠府太守
262 12 jiù to approach; to move towards; to come towards 一見面就說道
263 12 jiù to assume 一見面就說道
264 12 jiù to receive; to suffer 一見面就說道
265 12 jiù to undergo; to undertake; to engage in 一見面就說道
266 12 jiù to suit; to accommodate oneself to 一見面就說道
267 12 jiù to accomplish 一見面就說道
268 12 jiù to go with 一見面就說道
269 12 jiù to die 一見面就說道
270 11 léi lightning; thunder 這太守姓雷
271 11 léi Lei 這太守姓雷
272 11 léi an explosive weapon 這太守姓雷
273 11 léi loud 這太守姓雷
274 11 léi rapid 這太守姓雷
275 11 an official institution; a state bureau 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
276 11 a prefecture; a prefect 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
277 11 a respectful reference to a residence 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
278 11 a repository 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
279 11 a meeting place 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
280 11 the residence of a high-ranking official; a prefect 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
281 11 Fu 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
282 11 liù six 六爺來了
283 11 liù sixth 六爺來了
284 11 liù a note on the Gongche scale 六爺來了
285 11 bīng soldier; troops 養活這些兵丁
286 11 bīng weapons 養活這些兵丁
287 11 bīng military; warfare 養活這些兵丁
288 11 big; huge; large 隻見兩隻大鹽船
289 11 Kangxi radical 37 隻見兩隻大鹽船
290 11 great; major; important 隻見兩隻大鹽船
291 11 size 隻見兩隻大鹽船
292 11 old 隻見兩隻大鹽船
293 11 oldest; earliest 隻見兩隻大鹽船
294 11 adult 隻見兩隻大鹽船
295 11 dài an important person 隻見兩隻大鹽船
296 11 senior 隻見兩隻大鹽船
297 11 běn to be one's own 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
298 11 běn origin; source; root; foundation; basis 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
299 11 běn the roots of a plant 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
300 11 běn capital 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
301 11 běn main; central; primary 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
302 11 běn according to 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
303 11 běn a version; an edition 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
304 11 běn a memorial [presented to the emperor] 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
305 11 běn a book 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
306 11 běn trunk of a tree 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
307 11 běn to investigate the root of 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
308 11 běn a manuscript for a play 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
309 11 běn Ben 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
310 10 kàn to see; to look 正在寓處看了氣惱
311 10 kàn to visit 正在寓處看了氣惱
312 10 kàn to examine [a patient] 正在寓處看了氣惱
313 10 kàn to regard; to consider 正在寓處看了氣惱
314 10 kàn to watch out; to look out for 正在寓處看了氣惱
315 10 kàn to try and see the result 正在寓處看了氣惱
316 10 kàn to oberve 正在寓處看了氣惱
317 10 kàn to take care of; to protect 正在寓處看了氣惱
318 10 bǐng a natural property; endowment 門上人進來稟
319 10 bǐng to report to [a superior] 門上人進來稟
320 10 bǐng to inherit 門上人進來稟
321 10 lǐn a barn 門上人進來稟
322 10 bǐng to receive as a bestowal 門上人進來稟
323 10 bǐng a unique feature 門上人進來稟
324 10 shì matter; thing; item 但這失賊的事
325 10 shì to serve 但這失賊的事
326 10 shì a government post 但這失賊的事
327 10 shì duty; post; work 但這失賊的事
328 10 shì occupation 但這失賊的事
329 10 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 但這失賊的事
330 10 shì an accident 但這失賊的事
331 10 shì to attend 但這失賊的事
332 10 shì an allusion 但這失賊的事
333 10 shì a condition; a state; a situation 但這失賊的事
334 10 shì to engage in 但這失賊的事
335 10 shì to enslave 但這失賊的事
336 10 shì to pursue 但這失賊的事
337 10 shì to administer 但這失賊的事
338 10 shì to appoint 但這失賊的事
339 10 苗子 miáozǐ young successor; seedling; sapling 聽見我們老爺出兵征勦苗子
340 9 to hold; to seize; to catch; to take 湯大爺叫臧歧拿了帖子上來拜上知縣
341 9 to apprehend 湯大爺叫臧歧拿了帖子上來拜上知縣
342 9 individual 你就是個討債鬼
343 9 height 你就是個討債鬼
344 9 zhī single 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
345 9 zhǐ lone; solitary 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
346 9 zhī a single bird 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
347 9 zhī unique 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
348 9 zhǐ Zhi 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
349 9 guò to cross; to go over; to pass 大爺看過
350 9 guò to surpass; to exceed 大爺看過
351 9 guò to experience; to pass time 大爺看過
352 9 guò to go 大爺看過
353 9 guò a mistake 大爺看過
354 9 guō Guo 大爺看過
355 9 guò to die 大爺看過
356 9 guò to shift 大爺看過
357 9 guò to endure 大爺看過
358 9 guò to pay a visit; to call on 大爺看過
359 9 yān Yan 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
360 9 yān State of Yan 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
361 9 yàn swallow 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
362 9 yàn to feast 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
363 9 zǒng general; total; overall; chief 貴州總鎮都督府
364 9 zǒng to sum up 貴州總鎮都督府
365 9 zǒng in general 貴州總鎮都督府
366 9 zǒng invariably 貴州總鎮都督府
367 9 zǒng to assemble together 貴州總鎮都督府
368 9 zōng to sew together; to suture 貴州總鎮都督府
369 9 zǒng to manage 貴州總鎮都督府
370 9 別莊 biézhuāng villa 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
371 9 bàn to do; to manage; to handle; to go about; to run; to deal with 原是正辦
372 9 bàn to set up 原是正辦
373 9 bàn to prepare 原是正辦
374 9 bàn to try and punish 原是正辦
375 9 bàn to purchase 原是正辦
376 9 小的 xiǎode small; young [child] 小的們是萬老爺家兩號鹽船
377 9 小的 xiǎode a servant 小的們是萬老爺家兩號鹽船
378 9 yào to want; to wish for 在廳上要會
379 9 yào to want 在廳上要會
380 9 yāo a treaty 在廳上要會
381 9 yào to request 在廳上要會
382 9 yào essential points; crux 在廳上要會
383 9 yāo waist 在廳上要會
384 9 yāo to cinch 在廳上要會
385 9 yāo waistband 在廳上要會
386 9 yāo Yao 在廳上要會
387 9 yāo to pursue; to seek; to strive for 在廳上要會
388 9 yāo to force; to coerce; to threaten; to compell; to intimidate 在廳上要會
389 9 yāo to obstruct; to intercept 在廳上要會
390 9 yāo to agree with 在廳上要會
391 9 yāo to invite; to welcome 在廳上要會
392 9 yào to summarize 在廳上要會
393 9 yào essential; important 在廳上要會
394 9 yào to desire 在廳上要會
395 9 yào to demand 在廳上要會
396 9 yào to need 在廳上要會
397 9 yào should; must 在廳上要會
398 9 yào might 在廳上要會
399 9 shū book 懷裏拿出一封書子來遞上來
400 9 shū document; manuscript 懷裏拿出一封書子來遞上來
401 9 shū letter 懷裏拿出一封書子來遞上來
402 9 shū the Cannon of Documents 懷裏拿出一封書子來遞上來
403 9 shū to write 懷裏拿出一封書子來遞上來
404 9 shū writing 懷裏拿出一封書子來遞上來
405 9 shū calligraphy; writing style 懷裏拿出一封書子來遞上來
406 9 shū Shu 懷裏拿出一封書子來遞上來
407 9 shū to record 懷裏拿出一封書子來遞上來
408 9 qiú a tribal chief; chieftain 愚見不如檄委田土司到洞裏宣諭苗酋
409 9 zhèn town 且來鎮署要緊
410 9 zhèn to press down; to pressure; to suppress 且來鎮署要緊
411 9 zhèn to pacify; to quell 且來鎮署要緊
412 9 zhèn market place 且來鎮署要緊
413 9 zhèn to cool down 且來鎮署要緊
414 9 zhèn to defend 且來鎮署要緊
415 9 zhèn most important 且來鎮署要緊
416 9 zhèn Saturn 且來鎮署要緊
417 9 zhèn to ward off evil 且來鎮署要緊
418 8 xíng to walk 再打算長行
419 8 xíng capable; competent 再打算長行
420 8 háng profession 再打算長行
421 8 xíng Kangxi radical 144 再打算長行
422 8 xíng to travel 再打算長行
423 8 xìng actions; conduct 再打算長行
424 8 xíng to do; to act; to practice 再打算長行
425 8 xíng all right; OK; okay 再打算長行
426 8 háng horizontal line 再打算長行
427 8 héng virtuous deeds 再打算長行
428 8 hàng a line of trees 再打算長行
429 8 hàng bold; steadfast 再打算長行
430 8 xíng to move 再打算長行
431 8 xíng to put into effect; to implement 再打算長行
432 8 xíng travel 再打算長行
433 8 xíng to circulate 再打算長行
434 8 xíng running script; running script 再打算長行
435 8 xíng temporary 再打算長行
436 8 háng rank; order 再打算長行
437 8 háng a business; a shop 再打算長行
438 8 xíng to depart; to leave 再打算長行
439 8 xíng to experience 再打算長行
440 8 xíng path; way 再打算長行
441 8 xíng xing; ballad 再打算長行
442 8 xíng Xing 再打算長行
443 8 wéi to act as; to serve 借此為由
444 8 wéi to change into; to become 借此為由
445 8 wéi to be; is 借此為由
446 8 wéi to do 借此為由
447 8 wèi to support; to help 借此為由
448 8 wéi to govern 借此為由
449 8 認得 rènde to recognize; to remember; to know 貴州的山僻小路他都認得
450 8 day of the month; a certain day 也就在這兩日開江
451 8 Kangxi radical 72 也就在這兩日開江
452 8 a day 也就在這兩日開江
453 8 Japan 也就在這兩日開江
454 8 sun 也就在這兩日開江
455 8 daytime 也就在這兩日開江
456 8 sunlight 也就在這兩日開江
457 8 everyday 也就在這兩日開江
458 8 season 也就在這兩日開江
459 8 available time 也就在這兩日開江
460 8 in the past 也就在這兩日開江
461 8 mi 也就在這兩日開江
462 8 jiàn to see 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
463 8 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
464 8 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
465 8 jiàn refer to; for details see 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
466 8 jiàn to listen to 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
467 8 jiàn to meet 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
468 8 jiàn to receive (a guest) 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
469 8 jiàn let me; kindly 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
470 8 jiàn Jian 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
471 8 xiàn to appear 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
472 8 xiàn to introduce 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
473 8 táng a dyke; an embankment 野羊塘將軍大戰
474 8 táng a pond; a tank 野羊塘將軍大戰
475 8 táng a bath 野羊塘將軍大戰
476 8 zhī single 買了兩隻板鴨
477 8 zhǐ lone; solitary 買了兩隻板鴨
478 8 zhī a single bird 買了兩隻板鴨
479 8 zhī unique 買了兩隻板鴨
480 8 zhǐ Zhi 買了兩隻板鴨
481 8 yáng sheep; goat 野羊塘將軍大戰
482 8 yáng Kangxi radical 123 野羊塘將軍大戰
483 8 yáng Yang 野羊塘將軍大戰
484 8 xiáng lucky 野羊塘將軍大戰
485 8 infix potential marker 無論中與不中
486 8 chī to consume; to eat or drink 纔洗了臉坐下喫茶
487 8 chī to bear; to endure; to suffer 纔洗了臉坐下喫茶
488 8 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 湯二爺領得落卷來
489 8 děi to want to; to need to 湯二爺領得落卷來
490 8 děi must; ought to 湯二爺領得落卷來
491 8 de 湯二爺領得落卷來
492 8 de infix potential marker 湯二爺領得落卷來
493 8 to result in 湯二爺領得落卷來
494 8 to be proper; to fit; to suit 湯二爺領得落卷來
495 8 to be satisfied 湯二爺領得落卷來
496 8 to be finished 湯二爺領得落卷來
497 8 děi satisfying 湯二爺領得落卷來
498 8 to contract 湯二爺領得落卷來
499 8 to hear 湯二爺領得落卷來
500 8 to have; there is 湯二爺領得落卷來

Frequencies of all Words

Top 859

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 131 le completion of an action 正在寓處看了氣惱
2 131 liǎo to know; to understand 正在寓處看了氣惱
3 131 liǎo to understand; to know 正在寓處看了氣惱
4 131 liào to look afar from a high place 正在寓處看了氣惱
5 131 le modal particle 正在寓處看了氣惱
6 131 le particle used in certain fixed expressions 正在寓處看了氣惱
7 131 liǎo to complete 正在寓處看了氣惱
8 131 liǎo completely 正在寓處看了氣惱
9 131 liǎo clever; intelligent 正在寓處看了氣惱
10 65 de possessive particle 那一品的蔭襲
11 65 de structural particle 那一品的蔭襲
12 65 de complement 那一品的蔭襲
13 65 de a substitute for something already referred to 那一品的蔭襲
14 65 indeed; really 那一品的蔭襲
15 44 he; him 大爺又悄悄送了他一個荷包
16 44 another aspect 大爺又悄悄送了他一個荷包
17 44 other; another; some other 大爺又悄悄送了他一個荷包
18 44 everybody 大爺又悄悄送了他一個荷包
19 44 other 大爺又悄悄送了他一個荷包
20 44 tuō other; another; some other 大爺又悄悄送了他一個荷包
21 42 dào way; road; path 上寫道
22 42 dào principle; a moral; morality 上寫道
23 42 dào Tao; the Way 上寫道
24 42 dào measure word for long things 上寫道
25 42 dào to say; to speak; to talk 上寫道
26 42 dào to think 上寫道
27 42 dào times 上寫道
28 42 dào circuit; a province 上寫道
29 42 dào a course; a channel 上寫道
30 42 dào a method; a way of doing something 上寫道
31 42 dào measure word for doors and walls 上寫道
32 42 dào measure word for courses of a meal 上寫道
33 42 dào a centimeter 上寫道
34 42 dào a doctrine 上寫道
35 42 dào Taoism; Daoism 上寫道
36 42 dào a skill 上寫道
37 42 dào a sect 上寫道
38 42 dào a line 上寫道
39 37 miáo a seedling 生苗近日頗有蠢動之意
40 37 miáo Miao 生苗近日頗有蠢動之意
41 37 miáo Miao 生苗近日頗有蠢動之意
42 37 miáo a sprout; a young stalk 生苗近日頗有蠢動之意
43 37 miáo a young animal 生苗近日頗有蠢動之意
44 37 miáo the beginning of a phase or process 生苗近日頗有蠢動之意
45 37 miáo an outcrop 生苗近日頗有蠢動之意
46 37 miáo a vaccine 生苗近日頗有蠢動之意
47 35 tāng soup 話說湯大爺
48 35 tāng Tang 話說湯大爺
49 35 tāng boiling punishment 話說湯大爺
50 35 tāng decoction 話說湯大爺
51 35 tāng hot water 話說湯大爺
52 35 tāng juice 話說湯大爺
53 35 tāng tepid water; warm water 話說湯大爺
54 35 tāng to heat food with hot water 話說湯大爺
55 35 tāng to touch; to contact 話說湯大爺
56 34 dào to arrive 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
57 34 dào arrive; receive 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
58 34 dào to go 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
59 34 dào careful 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
60 34 dào Dao 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
61 34 inside; interior 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
62 34 to go 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
63 34 to remove; to wipe off; to eliminate 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
64 34 to be distant 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
65 34 to leave 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
66 34 to play a part 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
67 34 to abandon; to give up 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
68 34 to die 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
69 34 previous; past 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
70 34 to send out; to issue; to drive away 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
71 34 expresses a tendency 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
72 34 falling tone 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
73 34 to lose 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
74 34 Qu 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
75 30 zhe indicates that an action is continuing 小廝們押著行李
76 30 zháo to catch; to receive; to suffer; to touch; to contact 小廝們押著行李
77 30 zhù outstanding 小廝們押著行李
78 30 zhuó to contact; to use; to apply; to attach to 小廝們押著行李
79 30 zhuó to wear (clothes) 小廝們押著行李
80 30 zhe expresses a command 小廝們押著行李
81 30 zháo to attach; to grasp 小廝們押著行李
82 30 zhe indicates an accompanying action 小廝們押著行李
83 30 zhāo to add; to put 小廝們押著行李
84 30 zhuó a chess move 小廝們押著行李
85 30 zhāo a trick; a move; a method 小廝們押著行李
86 30 zhāo OK 小廝們押著行李
87 30 zháo to fall into [a trap] 小廝們押著行李
88 30 zháo to ignite 小廝們押著行李
89 30 zháo to fall asleep 小廝們押著行李
90 30 zhuó whereabouts; end result 小廝們押著行李
91 30 zhù to appear; to manifest 小廝們押著行李
92 30 zhù to show 小廝們押著行李
93 30 zhù to indicate; to be distinguished by 小廝們押著行李
94 30 zhù to write 小廝們押著行李
95 30 zhù to record 小廝們押著行李
96 30 zhù a document; writings 小廝們押著行李
97 30 zhù Zhu 小廝們押著行李
98 30 zháo expresses that a continuing process has a result 小廝們押著行李
99 30 zháo as it turns out; coincidentally 小廝們押著行李
100 30 zhuó to arrive 小廝們押著行李
101 30 zhuó to result in 小廝們押著行李
102 30 zhuó to command 小廝們押著行李
103 30 zhuó a strategy 小廝們押著行李
104 30 zhāo to happen; to occur 小廝們押著行李
105 30 zhù space between main doorwary and a screen 小廝們押著行李
106 30 zhuó somebody attached to a place; a local 小廝們押著行李
107 28 that 那一品的蔭襲
108 28 if that is the case 那一品的蔭襲
109 28 nèi that 那一品的蔭襲
110 28 where 那一品的蔭襲
111 28 how 那一品的蔭襲
112 28 No 那一品的蔭襲
113 28 nuó to move 那一品的蔭襲
114 28 nuó much 那一品的蔭襲
115 28 nuó stable; quiet 那一品的蔭襲
116 28 zhè this; these 又不如去把這紗帽賞與王義安了
117 28 zhèi this; these 又不如去把這紗帽賞與王義安了
118 28 zhè now 又不如去把這紗帽賞與王義安了
119 28 zhè immediately 又不如去把這紗帽賞與王義安了
120 28 zhè particle with no meaning 又不如去把這紗帽賞與王義安了
121 27 lái to come 湯二爺領得落卷來
122 27 lái indicates an approximate quantity 湯二爺領得落卷來
123 27 lái please 湯二爺領得落卷來
124 27 lái used to substitute for another verb 湯二爺領得落卷來
125 27 lái used between two word groups to express purpose and effect 湯二爺領得落卷來
126 27 lái ever since 湯二爺領得落卷來
127 27 lái wheat 湯二爺領得落卷來
128 27 lái next; future 湯二爺領得落卷來
129 27 lái a simple complement of direction 湯二爺領得落卷來
130 27 lái to occur; to arise 湯二爺領得落卷來
131 27 lái to earn 湯二爺領得落卷來
132 25 èr two 湯二爺領得落卷來
133 25 èr Kangxi radical 7 湯二爺領得落卷來
134 25 èr second 湯二爺領得落卷來
135 25 èr twice; double; di- 湯二爺領得落卷來
136 25 èr another; the other 湯二爺領得落卷來
137 25 èr more than one kind 湯二爺領得落卷來
138 25 chuán boat; ship; watercraft 當下喚尤鬍子叫了船
139 25 chuán a vessel 當下喚尤鬍子叫了船
140 24 one 那一品的蔭襲
141 24 Kangxi radical 1 那一品的蔭襲
142 24 as soon as; all at once 那一品的蔭襲
143 24 pure; concentrated 那一品的蔭襲
144 24 whole; all 那一品的蔭襲
145 24 first 那一品的蔭襲
146 24 the same 那一品的蔭襲
147 24 each 那一品的蔭襲
148 24 certain 那一品的蔭襲
149 24 throughout 那一品的蔭襲
150 24 used in between a reduplicated verb 那一品的蔭襲
151 24 sole; single 那一品的蔭襲
152 24 a very small amount 那一品的蔭襲
153 24 Yi 那一品的蔭襲
154 24 other 那一品的蔭襲
155 24 to unify 那一品的蔭襲
156 24 accidentally; coincidentally 那一品的蔭襲
157 24 abruptly; suddenly 那一品的蔭襲
158 24 or 那一品的蔭襲
159 24 jiào to call; to hail; to greet 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
160 24 jiào by 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
161 24 jiào to yell; to shout 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
162 24 jiào to order; to cause 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
163 24 jiào to crow; to bark; to cry 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
164 24 jiào to name; to call by name 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
165 24 jiào to engage; to hire to do 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
166 23 shì is; are; am; to be 這個人是那裏來的
167 23 shì is exactly 這個人是那裏來的
168 23 shì is suitable; is in contrast 這個人是那裏來的
169 23 shì this; that; those 這個人是那裏來的
170 23 shì really; certainly 這個人是那裏來的
171 23 shì correct; yes; affirmative 這個人是那裏來的
172 23 shì true 這個人是那裏來的
173 23 shì is; has; exists 這個人是那裏來的
174 23 shì used between repetitions of a word 這個人是那裏來的
175 23 shì a matter; an affair 這個人是那裏來的
176 23 shì Shi 這個人是那裏來的
177 23 老爺 lǎoye lord; master 只見六老爺後面帶著一個人
178 23 老爺 lǎoye maternal grandfather 只見六老爺後面帶著一個人
179 23 老爺 lǎoye gentleman; aristocrat 只見六老爺後面帶著一個人
180 23 老爺 lǎoye husband 只見六老爺後面帶著一個人
181 22 rén person; people; a human being 兩人拆開同看
182 22 rén Kangxi radical 9 兩人拆開同看
183 22 rén a kind of person 兩人拆開同看
184 22 rén everybody 兩人拆開同看
185 22 rén adult 兩人拆開同看
186 22 rén somebody; others 兩人拆開同看
187 22 rén an upright person 兩人拆開同看
188 22 shàng top; a high position 上寫道
189 22 shang top; the position on or above something 上寫道
190 22 shàng to go up; to go forward 上寫道
191 22 shàng shang 上寫道
192 22 shàng previous; last 上寫道
193 22 shàng high; higher 上寫道
194 22 shàng advanced 上寫道
195 22 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上寫道
196 22 shàng time 上寫道
197 22 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上寫道
198 22 shàng far 上寫道
199 22 shàng big; as big as 上寫道
200 22 shàng abundant; plentiful 上寫道
201 22 shàng to report 上寫道
202 22 shàng to offer 上寫道
203 22 shàng to go on stage 上寫道
204 22 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上寫道
205 22 shàng to install; to erect 上寫道
206 22 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上寫道
207 22 shàng to burn 上寫道
208 22 shàng to remember 上寫道
209 22 shang on; in 上寫道
210 22 shàng upward 上寫道
211 22 shàng to add 上寫道
212 22 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上寫道
213 22 shàng to meet 上寫道
214 22 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上寫道
215 22 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上寫道
216 22 shàng a musical note 上寫道
217 22 鎮臺 zhèntái a brigade general 雷太守在湯鎮臺西廳上喫過了飯
218 21 大爺 dàyé arrogant idler; self-centered show-off 話說湯大爺
219 21 大爺 dàyé father's older brother; uncle 話說湯大爺
220 20 grandfather 湯二爺領得落卷來
221 20 father 湯二爺領得落卷來
222 20 一個 yī gè one instance; one unit 大爺又悄悄送了他一個荷包
223 20 一個 yī gè a certain degreee 大爺又悄悄送了他一個荷包
224 20 一個 yī gè whole; entire 大爺又悄悄送了他一個荷包
225 19 féng feng 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
226 19 féng to gallop 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
227 19 féng by dint of 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
228 19 yòu again; also 大爺又悄悄送了他一個荷包
229 19 yòu expresses the existence of simultaneous conditions 大爺又悄悄送了他一個荷包
230 19 yòu Kangxi radical 29 大爺又悄悄送了他一個荷包
231 19 yòu and 大爺又悄悄送了他一個荷包
232 19 yòu furthermore 大爺又悄悄送了他一個荷包
233 19 yòu in addition 大爺又悄悄送了他一個荷包
234 19 yòu but 大爺又悄悄送了他一個荷包
235 19 jūn sovereign; monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
236 19 jūn you 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
237 19 jūn a mistress 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
238 19 jūn date-plum 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
239 19 jūn the son of heaven 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
240 19 jūn to rule 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
241 19 ruì auspicious 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
242 19 ruì a jade charm; a jade talisman 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
243 19 ruì an auspicious sign; a good omen 生員馮君瑞被金狗洞苗子別莊燕捉去
244 19 marker for direct-object 把苗子平定了
245 19 bundle; handful; measureword for something with a handle 把苗子平定了
246 19 to hold; to take; to grasp 把苗子平定了
247 19 a handle 把苗子平定了
248 19 to guard 把苗子平定了
249 19 to regard as 把苗子平定了
250 19 to give 把苗子平定了
251 19 approximate 把苗子平定了
252 19 a stem 把苗子平定了
253 19 bǎi to grasp 把苗子平定了
254 19 to control 把苗子平定了
255 19 a handlebar 把苗子平定了
256 19 sworn brotherhood 把苗子平定了
257 19 an excuse; a pretext 把苗子平定了
258 19 a claw 把苗子平定了
259 19 jiāng will; shall (future tense) 這日將到大姑塘
260 19 jiāng to get; to use; marker for direct-object 這日將到大姑塘
261 19 jiàng a general; a high ranking officer 這日將到大姑塘
262 19 jiāng to progress; to transmit; to convey; to send 這日將到大姑塘
263 19 jiāng and; or 這日將到大姑塘
264 19 jiàng to command; to lead 這日將到大姑塘
265 19 qiāng to request 這日將到大姑塘
266 19 jiāng approximately 這日將到大姑塘
267 19 jiāng to bring; to take; to use; to hold 這日將到大姑塘
268 19 jiāng to support; to wait upon; to take care of 這日將到大姑塘
269 19 jiāng to checkmate 這日將到大姑塘
270 19 jiāng to goad; to incite; to provoke 這日將到大姑塘
271 19 jiāng to do; to handle 這日將到大姑塘
272 19 jiāng placed between a verb and a complement of direction 這日將到大姑塘
273 19 jiāng furthermore; moreover 這日將到大姑塘
274 19 jiàng backbone 這日將到大姑塘
275 19 jiàng king 這日將到大姑塘
276 19 jiāng might; possibly 這日將到大姑塘
277 19 jiāng just; a short time ago 這日將到大姑塘
278 19 jiāng to rest 這日將到大姑塘
279 19 jiāng to the side 這日將到大姑塘
280 19 jiàng a senior member of an organization 這日將到大姑塘
281 19 jiāng large; great 這日將到大姑塘
282 18 liǎng two 兩人拆開同看
283 18 liǎng unit of weight equal to 50 grams 兩人拆開同看
284 18 liǎng both; mutual 兩人拆開同看
285 18 liǎng a few 兩人拆開同看
286 18 you 你掙一頂紗帽單單去嚇細姑娘
287 17 zài in; at 臧歧一向在貴州做長隨
288 17 zài at 臧歧一向在貴州做長隨
289 17 zài when; indicates that someone or something is in the process of doing something 臧歧一向在貴州做長隨
290 17 zài to exist; to be living 臧歧一向在貴州做長隨
291 17 zài to consist of 臧歧一向在貴州做長隨
292 17 zài to be at a post 臧歧一向在貴州做長隨
293 17 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 門上人進來說
294 17 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 門上人進來說
295 17 shuì to persuade 門上人進來說
296 17 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 門上人進來說
297 17 shuō a doctrine; a theory 門上人進來說
298 17 shuō to claim; to assert 門上人進來說
299 17 shuō allocution 門上人進來說
300 17 shuō to criticize; to scold 門上人進來說
301 17 shuō to indicate; to refer to 門上人進來說
302 16 zāng a slave 他姓臧
303 16 zāng spoils; plunder 他姓臧
304 16 zāng good; right; generous 他姓臧
305 16 zāng to praise; to commend 他姓臧
306 16 zàng a store 他姓臧
307 16 cáng to store; to hide 他姓臧
308 16 zāng Zang 他姓臧
309 16 dōu all 貴州的山僻小路他都認得
310 16 capital city 貴州的山僻小路他都認得
311 16 a city; a metropolis 貴州的山僻小路他都認得
312 16 dōu all 貴州的山僻小路他都認得
313 16 elegant; refined 貴州的山僻小路他都認得
314 16 Du 貴州的山僻小路他都認得
315 16 dōu already 貴州的山僻小路他都認得
316 16 to establish a capital city 貴州的山僻小路他都認得
317 16 to reside 貴州的山僻小路他都認得
318 16 to total; to tally 貴州的山僻小路他都認得
319 15 I; me; my 就求大爺賞了我
320 15 self 就求大爺賞了我
321 15 we; our 就求大爺賞了我
322 15 [my] dear 就求大爺賞了我
323 15 Wo 就求大爺賞了我
324 15 dòng cave; grotto 金狗洞一帶的苗子
325 15 dòng a hole; a ravine 金狗洞一帶的苗子
326 15 dòng zero 金狗洞一帶的苗子
327 15 dòng to investigate 金狗洞一帶的苗子
328 15 dòng clearly; obviously 金狗洞一帶的苗子
329 15 tóng like; same; similar 兩人拆開同看
330 15 tóng simultaneously; coincide 兩人拆開同看
331 15 tóng together 兩人拆開同看
332 15 tóng together 兩人拆開同看
333 15 tóng to be the same 兩人拆開同看
334 15 tòng an alley; a lane 兩人拆開同看
335 15 tóng same- 兩人拆開同看
336 15 tóng to do something for somebody 兩人拆開同看
337 15 tóng Tong 兩人拆開同看
338 15 tóng to meet; to gather together; to join with 兩人拆開同看
339 15 tóng to be unified 兩人拆開同看
340 15 tóng to approve; to endorse 兩人拆開同看
341 15 tóng peace; harmony 兩人拆開同看
342 15 tóng an agreement 兩人拆開同看
343 15 我們 wǒmen we 老人家叫我們到衙門裏去
344 15 yǒu is; are; to exist 他說他東家萬雪齋有兩船鹽
345 15 yǒu to have; to possess 他說他東家萬雪齋有兩船鹽
346 15 yǒu indicates an estimate 他說他東家萬雪齋有兩船鹽
347 15 yǒu indicates a large quantity 他說他東家萬雪齋有兩船鹽
348 15 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 他說他東家萬雪齋有兩船鹽
349 15 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 他說他東家萬雪齋有兩船鹽
350 15 yǒu used to compare two things 他說他東家萬雪齋有兩船鹽
351 15 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 他說他東家萬雪齋有兩船鹽
352 15 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 他說他東家萬雪齋有兩船鹽
353 15 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 他說他東家萬雪齋有兩船鹽
354 15 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 他說他東家萬雪齋有兩船鹽
355 15 yǒu abundant 他說他東家萬雪齋有兩船鹽
356 15 yǒu purposeful 他說他東家萬雪齋有兩船鹽
357 15 yǒu You 他說他東家萬雪齋有兩船鹽
358 12 fork; branch 名喚臧歧
359 12 divergent; different 名喚臧歧
360 12 a branching path; a fork 名喚臧歧
361 12 Qi 名喚臧歧
362 12 yán salt 他說他東家萬雪齋有兩船鹽
363 12 yán to salt; to cure with salt 他說他東家萬雪齋有兩船鹽
364 12 yán to envy; to admire 他說他東家萬雪齋有兩船鹽
365 12 太守 tài shǒu Governor 請的就是鎮遠府太守
366 12 jiù right away 一見面就說道
367 12 jiù to approach; to move towards; to come towards 一見面就說道
368 12 jiù with regard to; concerning; to follow 一見面就說道
369 12 jiù to assume 一見面就說道
370 12 jiù to receive; to suffer 一見面就說道
371 12 jiù to undergo; to undertake; to engage in 一見面就說道
372 12 jiù precisely; exactly 一見面就說道
373 12 jiù namely 一見面就說道
374 12 jiù to suit; to accommodate oneself to 一見面就說道
375 12 jiù only; just 一見面就說道
376 12 jiù to accomplish 一見面就說道
377 12 jiù to go with 一見面就說道
378 12 jiù already 一見面就說道
379 12 jiù as much as 一見面就說道
380 12 jiù to begin with; as expected 一見面就說道
381 12 jiù even if 一見面就說道
382 12 jiù to die 一見面就說道
383 12 also; too 二爺也不稀罕
384 12 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 二爺也不稀罕
385 12 either 二爺也不稀罕
386 12 even 二爺也不稀罕
387 12 used to soften the tone 二爺也不稀罕
388 12 used for emphasis 二爺也不稀罕
389 12 used to mark contrast 二爺也不稀罕
390 12 used to mark compromise 二爺也不稀罕
391 11 léi lightning; thunder 這太守姓雷
392 11 léi Lei 這太守姓雷
393 11 léi an explosive weapon 這太守姓雷
394 11 léi loud 這太守姓雷
395 11 léi rapid 這太守姓雷
396 11 an official institution; a state bureau 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
397 11 a prefecture; a prefect 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
398 11 a respectful reference to a residence 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
399 11 a repository 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
400 11 a meeting place 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
401 11 the residence of a high-ranking official; a prefect 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
402 11 Fu 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
403 11 liù six 六爺來了
404 11 liù sixth 六爺來了
405 11 liù a note on the Gongche scale 六爺來了
406 11 bīng soldier; troops 養活這些兵丁
407 11 bīng weapons 養活這些兵丁
408 11 bīng military; warfare 養活這些兵丁
409 11 big; huge; large 隻見兩隻大鹽船
410 11 Kangxi radical 37 隻見兩隻大鹽船
411 11 great; major; important 隻見兩隻大鹽船
412 11 size 隻見兩隻大鹽船
413 11 old 隻見兩隻大鹽船
414 11 greatly; very 隻見兩隻大鹽船
415 11 oldest; earliest 隻見兩隻大鹽船
416 11 adult 隻見兩隻大鹽船
417 11 tài greatest; grand 隻見兩隻大鹽船
418 11 dài an important person 隻見兩隻大鹽船
419 11 senior 隻見兩隻大鹽船
420 11 approximately 隻見兩隻大鹽船
421 11 tài greatest; grand 隻見兩隻大鹽船
422 11 那裏 nàlǐ there; that place 這個人是那裏來的
423 11 běn measure word for books 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
424 11 běn this (city, week, etc) 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
425 11 běn originally; formerly 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
426 11 běn to be one's own 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
427 11 běn origin; source; root; foundation; basis 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
428 11 běn the roots of a plant 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
429 11 běn self 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
430 11 běn measure word for flowering plants 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
431 11 běn capital 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
432 11 běn main; central; primary 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
433 11 běn according to 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
434 11 běn a version; an edition 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
435 11 běn a memorial [presented to the emperor] 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
436 11 běn a book 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
437 11 běn trunk of a tree 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
438 11 běn to investigate the root of 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
439 11 běn a manuscript for a play 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
440 11 běn Ben 停泊在本縣地方上是何緣故
441 10 kàn to see; to look 正在寓處看了氣惱
442 10 kàn to visit 正在寓處看了氣惱
443 10 kàn to examine [a patient] 正在寓處看了氣惱
444 10 kàn to regard; to consider 正在寓處看了氣惱
445 10 kàn to watch out; to look out for 正在寓處看了氣惱
446 10 kàn to try and see the result 正在寓處看了氣惱
447 10 kàn to oberve 正在寓處看了氣惱
448 10 kàn to take care of; to protect 正在寓處看了氣惱
449 10 bǐng a natural property; endowment 門上人進來稟
450 10 bǐng to report to [a superior] 門上人進來稟
451 10 bǐng to inherit 門上人進來稟
452 10 lǐn a barn 門上人進來稟
453 10 bǐng to receive as a bestowal 門上人進來稟
454 10 bǐng a unique feature 門上人進來稟
455 10 shì matter; thing; item 但這失賊的事
456 10 shì to serve 但這失賊的事
457 10 shì a government post 但這失賊的事
458 10 shì duty; post; work 但這失賊的事
459 10 shì occupation 但這失賊的事
460 10 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 但這失賊的事
461 10 shì an accident 但這失賊的事
462 10 shì to attend 但這失賊的事
463 10 shì an allusion 但這失賊的事
464 10 shì a condition; a state; a situation 但這失賊的事
465 10 shì to engage in 但這失賊的事
466 10 shì to enslave 但這失賊的事
467 10 shì to pursue 但這失賊的事
468 10 shì to administer 但這失賊的事
469 10 shì to appoint 但這失賊的事
470 10 shì a piece 但這失賊的事
471 10 苗子 miáozǐ young successor; seedling; sapling 聽見我們老爺出兵征勦苗子
472 9 to hold; to seize; to catch; to take 湯大爺叫臧歧拿了帖子上來拜上知縣
473 9 to apprehend 湯大爺叫臧歧拿了帖子上來拜上知縣
474 9 ge unit 你就是個討債鬼
475 9 before an approximate number 你就是個討債鬼
476 9 after a verb and between its object 你就是個討債鬼
477 9 to indicate a sudden event 你就是個討債鬼
478 9 individual 你就是個討債鬼
479 9 height 你就是個討債鬼
480 9 this 你就是個討債鬼
481 9 zhī measure word for birds and certain animals, one of a pair, etc 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
482 9 zhī single 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
483 9 zhǐ lone; solitary 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
484 9 zhī a single bird 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
485 9 zhī unique 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
486 9 zhǐ only 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
487 9 zhǐ but 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
488 9 zhǐ a particle with no meaning 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
489 9 zhǐ Zhi 只見家人從貴州鎮遠府來
490 9 guò to cross; to go over; to pass 大爺看過
491 9 guò too 大爺看過
492 9 guò particle to indicate experience 大爺看過
493 9 guò to surpass; to exceed 大爺看過
494 9 guò to experience; to pass time 大爺看過
495 9 guò to go 大爺看過
496 9 guò a mistake 大爺看過
497 9 guò a time; a round 大爺看過
498 9 guō Guo 大爺看過
499 9 guò to die 大爺看過
500 9 guò to shift 大爺看過

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
北门 北門 98 North Gate
除夕 99 New Year's Eve
鼓楼 鼓樓 103 Drum Tower
贵州 貴州 71 Guizhou
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
  1. a large river
  2. Yangtze River
  3. Jiang
  4. Jiangsu
  5. Jiang
江都 106 Jiangdu
开江 開江 107 Kaijiang
  1. wolf
  2. Lang peoples
  3. Sirius
  4. Lang
马面 馬面 109 Horse-Face
满城 滿城 109 Mancheng
彭泽县 彭澤縣 112 Pengze county
清江 113 Qingjiang
神道 115 Shinto
石屏 115 Shiping
太守 116 Governor
天长 天長 116 Tianchang
铜仁 銅仁 116 Tongren
西门 西門 120
  1. West Gate
  2. Ximen
小港 120 Xiaogang; Hsiaokang
下营 下營 120 Hsiaying
有了 121 I've got a solution!; to have a bun in the oven
长白 長白 122 Changbai
正月 122 first month of the lunar calendar
镇远 鎮遠 122 Zhenyuan


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English