Glossary and Vocabulary for The Book of Songs 詩經, 小雅‧節南山之什‧小旻 Minor odes of the kingdom - Jie Nan Shan Zhi Shen - Xiao Min

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 10 móu to plan 謀猶回遹
2 10 móu a strategem; a plan 謀猶回遹
3 10 móu to strive; to seek 謀猶回遹
4 10 móu to deliberate; to consult 謀猶回遹
5 10 móu to advise 謀猶回遹
6 10 móu to secretly plot [against somebody] 謀猶回遹
7 6 yóu an animal like a monkey 謀猶回遹
8 6 yóu a schema; a plot 謀猶回遹
9 6 yóu You 謀猶回遹
10 5 to go; to 敷于下土
11 5 to rely on; to depend on 敷于下土
12 5 Yu 敷于下土
13 5 a crow 敷于下土
14 5 zhāng a chapter; a section 六章
15 5 zhāng Zhang 六章
16 5 zhāng a stanza; a song 六章
17 5 zhāng a decorative pattern; an embroidered pattern; an ornament 六章
18 5 zhāng a rule; a regulation 六章
19 5 zhāng a seal; a stamp 六章
20 5 zhāng a badge; an emblem; an insignia 六章
21 5 zhāng a memorial presented to the emperor 六章
22 5 zhāng literary talent 六章
23 5 zhāng to commend; to praise 六章
24 5 zhāng order 六章
25 5 zhāng to make known; to display 六章
26 5 zhāng a written composition; an article 六章
27 5 zhāng beautiful 六章
28 5 infix potential marker 不臧覆用
29 4 zāng a slave 謀臧不從
30 4 zāng spoils; plunder 謀臧不從
31 4 zāng good; right; generous 謀臧不從
32 4 zāng to praise; to commend 謀臧不從
33 4 zàng a store 謀臧不從
34 4 cáng to store; to hide 謀臧不從
35 4 zāng Zang 謀臧不從
36 4 yòng to use; to apply 不臧覆用
37 4 yòng Kangxi radical 101 不臧覆用
38 4 yòng to eat 不臧覆用
39 4 yòng to spend 不臧覆用
40 4 yòng expense 不臧覆用
41 4 yòng a use; usage 不臧覆用
42 4 yòng to need; must 不臧覆用
43 4 yòng useful; practical 不臧覆用
44 4 yòng to use up; to use all of something 不臧覆用
45 4 yòng to work (an animal) 不臧覆用
46 4 yòng to appoint 不臧覆用
47 4 yòng to administer; to manager 不臧覆用
48 4 yòng to control 不臧覆用
49 4 yòng to access 不臧覆用
50 4 yòng Yong 不臧覆用
51 4 zhī to go 亦孔之卭
52 4 zhī to arrive; to go 亦孔之卭
53 4 zhī is 亦孔之卭
54 4 zhī to use 亦孔之卭
55 4 zhī Zhi 亦孔之卭
56 4 zhī winding 亦孔之卭
57 4 self 我視謀猶
58 4 [my] dear 我視謀猶
59 4 Wo 我視謀猶
60 3 xiǎo small; tiny 小旻
61 3 xiǎo Kangxi radical 42 小旻
62 3 xiǎo brief 小旻
63 3 xiǎo small in amount 小旻
64 3 xiǎo insignificant 小旻
65 3 xiǎo small in ability 小旻
66 3 xiǎo to shrink 小旻
67 3 xiǎo to slight; to belittle 小旻
68 3 xiǎo evil-doer 小旻
69 3 xiǎo a child 小旻
70 3 xiǎo concubine 小旻
71 3 xiǎo young 小旻
72 3 mín heaven; the sky 小旻
73 3 mín autumn 小旻
74 3 fěi a bandit 如匪行邁謀
75 3 fěi not 如匪行邁謀
76 2 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 則具是違
77 2 a grade; a level 則具是違
78 2 an example; a model 則具是違
79 2 a weighing device 則具是違
80 2 to grade; to rank 則具是違
81 2 to copy; to imitate; to follow 則具是違
82 2 to do 則具是違
83 2 訿 \N 潝潝訿訿
84 2 Yi 亦孔之卭
85 2 tool; device; utensil; equipment; instrument 則具是違
86 2 to possess; to have 則具是違
87 2 to prepare 則具是違
88 2 to write; to describe; to state 則具是違
89 2 Ju 則具是違
90 2 talent; ability 則具是違
91 2 a feast; food 則具是違
92 2 to arrange; to provide 則具是違
93 2 furnishings 則具是違
94 2 to understand 則具是違
95 2 wéi to preserve; to maintain 維邇言是聽
96 2 wéi dimension 維邇言是聽
97 2 wéi a restraining rope 維邇言是聽
98 2 wéi a rule; a law 維邇言是聽
99 2 wéi a thin object 維邇言是聽
100 2 wéi to tie up 維邇言是聽
101 2 wéi to connect; to hold together 維邇言是聽
102 2 shì to look at; to see 我視謀猶
103 2 shì to observe; to inspect 我視謀猶
104 2 shì to regard 我視謀猶
105 2 shì to show; to illustrate; to display 我視謀猶
106 2 shì to compare; to contrast 我視謀猶
107 2 shì to take care of 我視謀猶
108 2 shì to imitate; to follow the example of 我視謀猶
109 2 shì eyesight 我視謀猶
110 2 yán to speak; to say; said 維邇言是聽
111 2 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 維邇言是聽
112 2 yán Kangxi radical 149 維邇言是聽
113 2 yán phrase; sentence 維邇言是聽
114 2 yán a word; a syllable 維邇言是聽
115 2 yán a theory; a doctrine 維邇言是聽
116 2 yán to regard as 維邇言是聽
117 2 yán to act as 維邇言是聽
118 2 sentence 章八句
119 2 gōu to bend; to strike; to catch 章八句
120 2 gōu to tease 章八句
121 2 gōu to delineate 章八句
122 2 gōu a young bud 章八句
123 2 clause; phrase; line 章八句
124 2 a musical phrase 章八句
125 2 zhī to know 人知其一
126 2 zhī to comprehend 人知其一
127 2 zhī to inform; to tell 人知其一
128 2 zhī to administer 人知其一
129 2 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 人知其一
130 2 zhī to be close friends 人知其一
131 2 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 人知其一
132 2 zhī to receive; to entertain 人知其一
133 2 zhī knowledge 人知其一
134 2 zhī consciousness; perception 人知其一
135 2 zhī a close friend 人知其一
136 2 zhì wisdom 人知其一
137 2 zhì Zhi 人知其一
138 2 zhī to appreciate 人知其一
139 2 zhī to make known 人知其一
140 2 zhī to have control over 人知其一
141 2 zhī to expect; to foresee 人知其一
142 2 Qi 謀之其臧
143 2 不敢 bùgǎn to not dare 不敢暴虎
144 2 不敢 bùgǎn I do not dare [modest expression] 不敢暴虎
145 2 dào way; road; path 是用不得于道
146 2 dào principle; a moral; morality 是用不得于道
147 2 dào Tao; the Way 是用不得于道
148 2 dào to say; to speak; to talk 是用不得于道
149 2 dào to think 是用不得于道
150 2 dào circuit; a province 是用不得于道
151 2 dào a course; a channel 是用不得于道
152 2 dào a method; a way of doing something 是用不得于道
153 2 dào a doctrine 是用不得于道
154 2 dào Taoism; Daoism 是用不得于道
155 2 dào a skill 是用不得于道
156 2 dào a sect 是用不得于道
157 2 dào a line 是用不得于道
158 2 kǒng opening; small hole; orifice 亦孔之卭
159 2 kǒng Kong 亦孔之卭
160 2 kǒng great; large 亦孔之卭
161 2 kǒng accessible 亦孔之卭
162 2 kǒng to penetrate 亦孔之卭
163 2 kǒng Confucius 亦孔之卭
164 2 agree 潝潝訿訿
165 2 sān three 三章
166 2 sān third 三章
167 2 sān more than two 三章
168 2 sān very few 三章
169 2 sān San 三章
170 2 ěr to be near; to be close; to be recent 維邇言是聽
171 2 ěr some place near 維邇言是聽
172 2 extravagant; go with fashion 國雖靡止
173 2 to waste 國雖靡止
174 2 to not have 國雖靡止
175 2 to collapse; to fall down 國雖靡止
176 2 to pull back 國雖靡止
177 2 intricate; minute 國雖靡止
178 2 beautiful 國雖靡止
179 2 to divide; to disperse; to scatter 國雖靡止
180 2 nián year
181 2 nián New Year festival
182 2 nián age
183 2 nián life span; life expectancy
184 2 nián an era; a period
185 2 nián a date
186 2 nián time; years
187 2 nián harvest
188 2 nián annual; every year
189 1 a river; a stream 不敢馮河
190 1 the Yellow River 不敢馮河
191 1 a river-like thing 不敢馮河
192 1 He 不敢馮河
193 1 to pay respects 或肅或艾
194 1 reverent 或肅或艾
195 1 respectful 或肅或艾
196 1 shrunken 或肅或艾
197 1 to put into order 或肅或艾
198 1 to revere 或肅或艾
199 1 to guard against 或肅或艾
200 1 to be urgent 或肅或艾
201 1 to welcome 或肅或艾
202 1 Hu 伊于胡厎
203 1 non-Han people 伊于胡厎
204 1 foreign 伊于胡厎
205 1 huqin 伊于胡厎
206 1 big; great 伊于胡厎
207 1 hutong 伊于胡厎
208 1 dewlap 伊于胡厎
209 1 smaller curved blade on underside of a glaive 伊于胡厎
210 1 neck 伊于胡厎
211 1 longevity 伊于胡厎
212 1 Hu 伊于胡厎
213 1 beard; mustache 伊于胡厎
214 1 zhǐ a whetstone 伊于胡厎
215 1 孔多 kǒngduō dense; many and dense 謀夫孔多
216 1 tíng a courtyard 發言盈庭
217 1 tíng a hall 發言盈庭
218 1 tíng an open space 發言盈庭
219 1 tíng a law court 發言盈庭
220 1 tíng forehead 發言盈庭
221 1 毛詩 Máojīng Mao Shi 毛詩序
222 1 féng feng 不敢馮河
223 1 féng to gallop 不敢馮河
224 1 féng by dint of 不敢馮河
225 1 to apply; to smear 敷于下土
226 1 to elaborate; to describe 敷于下土
227 1 to spread out; to diffuse 敷于下土
228 1 to install; readied 敷于下土
229 1 to be enough; to be sufficient 敷于下土
230 1 to grant 敷于下土
231 1 universal; general; widespread; commonplace 敷于下土
232 1 to open 敷于下土
233 1 to announce; to disseminate 敷于下土
234 1 to grow 敷于下土
235 1 shallow 敷于下土
236 1 huí to go back; to return 謀猶回遹
237 1 huí to turn around; to revolve 謀猶回遹
238 1 huí to change 謀猶回遹
239 1 huí to reply; to answer 謀猶回遹
240 1 huí to decline; to politely refuse 謀猶回遹
241 1 huí to depart 謀猶回遹
242 1 huí Huizu 謀猶回遹
243 1 huí Huizu 謀猶回遹
244 1 lún to sink 無淪胥以敗
245 1 lún to be lost; to fall into destitution 無淪胥以敗
246 1 lún to submerge; to immerse 無淪胥以敗
247 1 lún to die 無淪胥以敗
248 1 lún a ripple 無淪胥以敗
249 1 不從 bùcóng not following; not joining 謀臧不從
250 1 preface; introduction 毛詩序
251 1 order; sequence 毛詩序
252 1 wings of a house; lateral walls 毛詩序
253 1 a village school; a traditional school to learn proper hierarchy 毛詩序
254 1 to arrange; to put in order 毛詩序
255 1 precedence; rank 毛詩序
256 1 to narrate; to describe 毛詩序
257 1 a text written for seeing someone off 毛詩序
258 1 an antechamber 毛詩序
259 1 season 毛詩序
260 1 overture; prelude 毛詩序
261 1 to depend on; to lean on 則具是依
262 1 to comply with; to follow 則具是依
263 1 to help 則具是依
264 1 flourishing 則具是依
265 1 lovable 則具是依
266 1 to gather; to collect 是用不集
267 1 collected works; collection 是用不集
268 1 to stablize; to settle 是用不集
269 1 used in place names 是用不集
270 1 to mix; to blend 是用不集
271 1 to hit the mark 是用不集
272 1 to compile 是用不集
273 1 to finish; to accomplish 是用不集
274 1 to rest; to perch 是用不集
275 1 a market 是用不集
276 1 mài to take a big stride 如匪行邁謀
277 1 mài to pass by 如匪行邁謀
278 1 zhù to build; to construct 如彼築室于道謀
279 1 shì room; bedroom 如彼築室于道謀
280 1 shì house; dwelling 如彼築室于道謀
281 1 shì organizational subdivision 如彼築室于道謀
282 1 shì number 13 of the 28 constellations 如彼築室于道謀
283 1 shì household 如彼築室于道謀
284 1 shì house of nobility 如彼築室于道謀
285 1 shì family assets 如彼築室于道謀
286 1 shì wife 如彼築室于道謀
287 1 shì tomb; burial chamber 如彼築室于道謀
288 1 shì knife sheath 如彼築室于道謀
289 1 shì Shi 如彼築室于道謀
290 1 tīng to listen 維邇言是聽
291 1 tīng to obey 維邇言是聽
292 1 tīng to understand 維邇言是聽
293 1 tìng to hear a lawsuit; to adjudicate 維邇言是聽
294 1 tìng to allow; to let something take its course 維邇言是聽
295 1 tīng to await 維邇言是聽
296 1 tīng to acknowledge 維邇言是聽
297 1 tīng information 維邇言是聽
298 1 tīng a hall 維邇言是聽
299 1 tīng Ting 維邇言是聽
300 1 tìng to administer; to process 維邇言是聽
301 1 āi to be sad; to be mournful; to be pitiful 亦孔之哀
302 1 āi to pity 亦孔之哀
303 1 āi to grieve; to morn 亦孔之哀
304 1 āi to cherish; to treasure 亦孔之哀
305 1 āi orphaned 亦孔之哀
306 1 其一 qíyī first; number one of the above 人知其一
307 1 lín to face; to overlook 如臨深淵
308 1 lín to watch; to look; to look down 如臨深淵
309 1 lín to monitor; to oversee; to supervise 如臨深淵
310 1 lín to meet 如臨深淵
311 1 lín to arrive 如臨深淵
312 1 lín a weapon used to shoot down at defenders 如臨深淵
313 1 lín to copy 如臨深淵
314 1 lín to govern; to administer; to control 如臨深淵
315 1 lín to be about to; to be near; to approach 如臨深淵
316 1 lìn to pay respects to the deceased 如臨深淵
317 1 lín Overseeing 如臨深淵
318 1 lín to shine on 如臨深淵
319 1 lín to give; to add 如臨深淵
320 1 lín Lin 如臨深淵
321 1 liú to flow; to spread; to circulate 如彼泉流
322 1 liú a class 如彼泉流
323 1 liú water 如彼泉流
324 1 liú a current 如彼泉流
325 1 liú a group 如彼泉流
326 1 liú to move 如彼泉流
327 1 liú to trend; to incline 如彼泉流
328 1 liú to banish; to deport; to send into exile 如彼泉流
329 1 liú to indulge; to pamper 如彼泉流
330 1 liú passing quickly; turning continuously 如彼泉流
331 1 liú accidental 如彼泉流
332 1 liú with no basis 如彼泉流
333 1 rén person; people; a human being 人知其一
334 1 rén Kangxi radical 9 人知其一
335 1 rén a kind of person 人知其一
336 1 rén everybody 人知其一
337 1 rén adult 人知其一
338 1 rén somebody; others 人知其一
339 1 rén an upright person 人知其一
340 1 qióng high 亦孔之卭
341 1 qióng to raise 亦孔之卭
342 1 gào to tell; to say; said; told 不我告猶
343 1 gào to request 不我告猶
344 1 gào to report; to inform 不我告猶
345 1 gào to announce; to disclose; to raise a lawsuit 不我告猶
346 1 gào to accuse; to sue 不我告猶
347 1 gào to reach 不我告猶
348 1 gào an announcement 不我告猶
349 1 gào a party 不我告猶
350 1 gào a vacation 不我告猶
351 1 gào Gao 不我告猶
352 1 先民 xiānmín ancestors; predecessors 匪先民是程
353 1 yàn to dislike; to detest 我龜既厭
354 1 to press 我龜既厭
355 1 to inhibit; to restrain; to block 我龜既厭
356 1 yàn to satisfy; to be satisfied 我龜既厭
357 1 yàn to tire of 我龜既厭
358 1 wéi to disobey; to violate; to defy 則具是違
359 1 wéi to depart 則具是違
360 1 wéi to be reluctant 則具是違
361 1 wéi to refuse to accept 則具是違
362 1 wéi to be contrary 則具是違
363 1 wéi to avoid 則具是違
364 1 wéi a fault; a vice 則具是違
365 1 wéi to be apart from 則具是違
366 1 jiù to punish; to chastise; to blame 誰敢執其咎
367 1 jiù an error; a mistake 誰敢執其咎
368 1 jiù a disaster 誰敢執其咎
369 1 jiù to loathe; to hate 誰敢執其咎
370 1 gāo bass drum 誰敢執其咎
371 1 gāo Gao 誰敢執其咎
372 1 yíng to fill 發言盈庭
373 1 yíng to be full 發言盈庭
374 1 yíng to add 發言盈庭
375 1 yíng overflowing 發言盈庭
376 1 yíng proud; arrogant 發言盈庭
377 1 yíng rich; plentiful 發言盈庭
378 1 zhēng to compete; to struggle; to fight; to contend; to strive 維邇言是爭
379 1 zhēng to snatch; to capture 維邇言是爭
380 1 zhēng to debate; to dispute 維邇言是爭
381 1 zhēng to lack; to differ; to vary 維邇言是爭
382 1 zhēng to advise against 維邇言是爭
383 1 Mo 莫知其他
384 1 深淵 shēnyuān abyss 如臨深淵
385 1 liù six 六章
386 1 liù sixth 六章
387 1 liù a note on the Gongche scale 六章
388 1 disease; sickness; ailment 旻天疾威
389 1 to hate; to envy 旻天疾威
390 1 swift; rapid 旻天疾威
391 1 urgent 旻天疾威
392 1 pain 旻天疾威
393 1 to get sick 旻天疾威
394 1 to worry; to be nervous 旻天疾威
395 1 guī turtle; tortoise 我龜既厭
396 1 guī Kangxi radical 213 我龜既厭
397 1 guī turtle shell money 我龜既厭
398 1 guī arched backbone of an animal 我龜既厭
399 1 jūn chapped skin 我龜既厭
400 1 qiū Kucha 我龜既厭
401 1 guī cuckold 我龜既厭
402 1 guī turtle shell 我龜既厭
403 1 fine 民雖靡膴
404 1 to wait 無淪胥以敗
405 1 a clerk 無淪胥以敗
406 1 Xu 無淪胥以敗
407 1 to inspect 無淪胥以敗
408 1 thorn; sting; prick 大夫刺幽王也
409 1 to stab 大夫刺幽王也
410 1 to assassinate; to murder 大夫刺幽王也
411 1 to prick; to irritate 大夫刺幽王也
412 1 to prod 大夫刺幽王也
413 1 to ridicule; to mock 大夫刺幽王也
414 1 to secretly enquire about 大夫刺幽王也
415 1 a business card 大夫刺幽王也
416 1 Ci 大夫刺幽王也
417 1 kuì to flood; to overflow 是用不潰于成
418 1 kuì to burst [a dam] 是用不潰于成
419 1 kuì to fester 是用不潰于成
420 1 kuì to break through [a blockade] 是用不潰于成
421 1 kuì to scatter 是用不潰于成
422 1 kuì in a rage 是用不潰于成
423 1 kuì to fall down; to collapse 是用不潰于成
424 1 kuì to suffer a military defeat 是用不潰于成
425 1 quán fountain; spring 如彼泉流
426 1 quán wealth; money 如彼泉流
427 1 quán groundwater 如彼泉流
428 1 quán the netherworld 如彼泉流
429 1 quán an ancient currency 如彼泉流
430 1 quán Quan 如彼泉流
431 1 eight 章八句
432 1 Kangxi radical 12 章八句
433 1 eighth 章八句
434 1 all around; all sides 章八句
435 1 to prevent; to stop 何日斯沮
436 1 Ju river 何日斯沮
437 1 Ju 何日斯沮
438 1 to destroy 何日斯沮
439 1 to threaten; to intimidate 何日斯沮
440 1 dejected; dejected 何日斯沮
441 1 a mire; a bog 何日斯沮
442 1 humid; moist 何日斯沮
443 1 發言 fāyán to make a statement; to make an utterance 發言盈庭
444 1 發言 fāyán a statement 發言盈庭
445 1 mín the people; citizen; subjects 民雖靡膴
446 1 mín Min 民雖靡膴
447 1 to split; to tear 何日斯沮
448 1 to depart; to leave 何日斯沮
449 1 Si 何日斯沮
450 1 is exactly 伊于胡厎
451 1 Yi 伊于胡厎
452 1 Yi River 伊于胡厎
453 1 Iraq 伊于胡厎
454 1 Iran 伊于胡厎
455 1 zhé wise; sagacious 或哲或謀
456 1 zhé a wise man; a sage 或哲或謀
457 1 zhé cunning 或哲或謀
458 1 jīng to go through; to experience 匪大猶是經
459 1 jīng a sutra; a scripture 匪大猶是經
460 1 jīng warp 匪大猶是經
461 1 jīng longitude 匪大猶是經
462 1 jīng to administer; to engage in business; to run; to operate; to manage 匪大猶是經
463 1 jīng a woman's period 匪大猶是經
464 1 jīng to bear; to endure 匪大猶是經
465 1 jīng to hang; to die by hanging 匪大猶是經
466 1 jīng classics 匪大猶是經
467 1 jīng to be frugal; to save 匪大猶是經
468 1 jīng a classic; a scripture; canon 匪大猶是經
469 1 jīng a standard; a norm 匪大猶是經
470 1 jīng a section of a Confucian work 匪大猶是經
471 1 jīng to measure 匪大猶是經
472 1 jīng human pulse 匪大猶是經
473 1 jīng menstruation; a woman's period 匪大猶是經
474 1 shèng sacred 或聖或否
475 1 shèng clever; wise; shrewd 或聖或否
476 1 shèng a master; an expert 或聖或否
477 1 shèng a sage; a wise man; a saint 或聖或否
478 1 shèng noble; sovereign; without peer 或聖或否
479 1 shèng agile 或聖或否
480 1 bài to defeat; to vanquish 無淪胥以敗
481 1 bài to decline 無淪胥以敗
482 1 bài to fail 無淪胥以敗
483 1 bài to rot; to spoil; to tarnish 無淪胥以敗
484 1 bài to lose; to be defeated 無淪胥以敗
485 1 bài to ruin; to damage 無淪胥以敗
486 1 bài worn 無淪胥以敗
487 1 bài a defeat 無淪胥以敗
488 1 bài failure 無淪胥以敗
489 1 bài to destroy; to wreck 無淪胥以敗
490 1 bài to dispel; to eliminate; to remove 無淪胥以敗
491 1 bài withered 無淪胥以敗
492 1 earth; soil; dirt 敷于下土
493 1 Kangxi radical 32 敷于下土
494 1 local; indigenous; native 敷于下土
495 1 land; territory 敷于下土
496 1 earth element 敷于下土
497 1 ground 敷于下土
498 1 homeland 敷于下土
499 1 god of the soil 敷于下土
500 1 a category of musical instrument 敷于下土

Frequencies of all Words

Top 718

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 10 móu to plan 謀猶回遹
2 10 móu a strategem; a plan 謀猶回遹
3 10 móu to strive; to seek 謀猶回遹
4 10 móu to deliberate; to consult 謀猶回遹
5 10 móu to advise 謀猶回遹
6 10 móu to secretly plot [against somebody] 謀猶回遹
7 9 shì is; are; am; to be 則具是違
8 9 shì is exactly 則具是違
9 9 shì is suitable; is in contrast 則具是違
10 9 shì this; that; those 則具是違
11 9 shì really; certainly 則具是違
12 9 shì correct; yes; affirmative 則具是違
13 9 shì true 則具是違
14 9 shì is; has; exists 則具是違
15 9 shì used between repetitions of a word 則具是違
16 9 shì a matter; an affair 則具是違
17 9 shì Shi 則具是違
18 6 huò or; either; else 或聖或否
19 6 huò maybe; perhaps; might; possibly 或聖或否
20 6 huò some; someone 或聖或否
21 6 míngnián suddenly 或聖或否
22 6 yóu also; as if; still 謀猶回遹
23 6 yóu an animal like a monkey 謀猶回遹
24 6 yóu a schema; a plot 謀猶回遹
25 6 yóu to seem to be; is like 謀猶回遹
26 6 yóu You 謀猶回遹
27 5 in; at 敷于下土
28 5 in; at 敷于下土
29 5 in; at; to; from 敷于下土
30 5 to go; to 敷于下土
31 5 to rely on; to depend on 敷于下土
32 5 to go to; to arrive at 敷于下土
33 5 from 敷于下土
34 5 give 敷于下土
35 5 oppposing 敷于下土
36 5 and 敷于下土
37 5 compared to 敷于下土
38 5 by 敷于下土
39 5 and; as well as 敷于下土
40 5 for 敷于下土
41 5 Yu 敷于下土
42 5 a crow 敷于下土
43 5 whew; wow 敷于下土
44 5 zhāng a chapter; a section 六章
45 5 zhāng Zhang 六章
46 5 zhāng clause 六章
47 5 zhāng a stanza; a song 六章
48 5 zhāng a decorative pattern; an embroidered pattern; an ornament 六章
49 5 zhāng a rule; a regulation 六章
50 5 zhāng a seal; a stamp 六章
51 5 zhāng a badge; an emblem; an insignia 六章
52 5 zhāng a memorial presented to the emperor 六章
53 5 zhāng literary talent 六章
54 5 zhāng to commend; to praise 六章
55 5 zhāng order 六章
56 5 zhāng to make known; to display 六章
57 5 zhāng a written composition; an article 六章
58 5 zhāng beautiful 六章
59 5 not; no 不臧覆用
60 5 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 不臧覆用
61 5 as a correlative 不臧覆用
62 5 no (answering a question) 不臧覆用
63 5 forms a negative adjective from a noun 不臧覆用
64 5 at the end of a sentence to form a question 不臧覆用
65 5 to form a yes or no question 不臧覆用
66 5 infix potential marker 不臧覆用
67 4 such as; for example; for instance 如匪行邁謀
68 4 if 如匪行邁謀
69 4 in accordance with 如匪行邁謀
70 4 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 如匪行邁謀
71 4 this 如匪行邁謀
72 4 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 如匪行邁謀
73 4 to go to 如匪行邁謀
74 4 to meet 如匪行邁謀
75 4 to appear; to seem; to be like 如匪行邁謀
76 4 at least as good as 如匪行邁謀
77 4 and 如匪行邁謀
78 4 or 如匪行邁謀
79 4 but 如匪行邁謀
80 4 then 如匪行邁謀
81 4 naturally 如匪行邁謀
82 4 expresses a question or doubt 如匪行邁謀
83 4 you 如匪行邁謀
84 4 the second lunar month 如匪行邁謀
85 4 in; at 如匪行邁謀
86 4 Ru 如匪行邁謀
87 4 zāng a slave 謀臧不從
88 4 zāng spoils; plunder 謀臧不從
89 4 zāng good; right; generous 謀臧不從
90 4 zāng to praise; to commend 謀臧不從
91 4 zàng a store 謀臧不從
92 4 cáng to store; to hide 謀臧不從
93 4 zāng Zang 謀臧不從
94 4 yòng to use; to apply 不臧覆用
95 4 yòng Kangxi radical 101 不臧覆用
96 4 yòng to eat 不臧覆用
97 4 yòng to spend 不臧覆用
98 4 yòng expense 不臧覆用
99 4 yòng a use; usage 不臧覆用
100 4 yòng to need; must 不臧覆用
101 4 yòng useful; practical 不臧覆用
102 4 yòng to use up; to use all of something 不臧覆用
103 4 yòng by means of; with 不臧覆用
104 4 yòng to work (an animal) 不臧覆用
105 4 yòng to appoint 不臧覆用
106 4 yòng to administer; to manager 不臧覆用
107 4 yòng to control 不臧覆用
108 4 yòng to access 不臧覆用
109 4 yòng Yong 不臧覆用
110 4 zhī him; her; them; that 亦孔之卭
111 4 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 亦孔之卭
112 4 zhī to go 亦孔之卭
113 4 zhī this; that 亦孔之卭
114 4 zhī genetive marker 亦孔之卭
115 4 zhī it 亦孔之卭
116 4 zhī in; in regards to 亦孔之卭
117 4 zhī all 亦孔之卭
118 4 zhī and 亦孔之卭
119 4 zhī however 亦孔之卭
120 4 zhī if 亦孔之卭
121 4 zhī then 亦孔之卭
122 4 zhī to arrive; to go 亦孔之卭
123 4 zhī is 亦孔之卭
124 4 zhī to use 亦孔之卭
125 4 zhī Zhi 亦孔之卭
126 4 zhī winding 亦孔之卭
127 4 I; me; my 我視謀猶
128 4 self 我視謀猶
129 4 we; our 我視謀猶
130 4 [my] dear 我視謀猶
131 4 Wo 我視謀猶
132 3 xiǎo small; tiny 小旻
133 3 xiǎo Kangxi radical 42 小旻
134 3 xiǎo brief 小旻
135 3 xiǎo small in amount 小旻
136 3 xiǎo less than; nearly 小旻
137 3 xiǎo insignificant 小旻
138 3 xiǎo small in ability 小旻
139 3 xiǎo to shrink 小旻
140 3 xiǎo to slight; to belittle 小旻
141 3 xiǎo evil-doer 小旻
142 3 xiǎo a child 小旻
143 3 xiǎo concubine 小旻
144 3 xiǎo young 小旻
145 3 xiǎo indicates lack of seniority or brief tenure 小旻
146 3 mín heaven; the sky 小旻
147 3 mín autumn 小旻
148 3 fěi a bandit 如匪行邁謀
149 3 fěi not 如匪行邁謀
150 2 otherwise; but; however 則具是違
151 2 then 則具是違
152 2 measure word for short sections of text 則具是違
153 2 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 則具是違
154 2 a grade; a level 則具是違
155 2 an example; a model 則具是違
156 2 a weighing device 則具是違
157 2 to grade; to rank 則具是違
158 2 to copy; to imitate; to follow 則具是違
159 2 to do 則具是違
160 2 only 則具是違
161 2 immediately 則具是違
162 2 訿 \N 潝潝訿訿
163 2 also; too 亦孔之卭
164 2 but 亦孔之卭
165 2 this; he; she 亦孔之卭
166 2 although; even though 亦孔之卭
167 2 already 亦孔之卭
168 2 particle with no meaning 亦孔之卭
169 2 Yi 亦孔之卭
170 2 tool; device; utensil; equipment; instrument 則具是違
171 2 to possess; to have 則具是違
172 2 measure word for devices, coffins, dead bodies, etc 則具是違
173 2 to prepare 則具是違
174 2 to write; to describe; to state 則具是違
175 2 Ju 則具是違
176 2 talent; ability 則具是違
177 2 a feast; food 則具是違
178 2 all; entirely; completely; in detail 則具是違
179 2 to arrange; to provide 則具是違
180 2 furnishings 則具是違
181 2 pleased; contentedly 則具是違
182 2 to understand 則具是違
183 2 wéi to preserve; to maintain 維邇言是聽
184 2 wéi dimension 維邇言是聽
185 2 wéi a restraining rope 維邇言是聽
186 2 wéi a rule; a law 維邇言是聽
187 2 wéi a thin object 維邇言是聽
188 2 wéi to tie up 維邇言是聽
189 2 wéi to connect; to hold together 維邇言是聽
190 2 wéi only; merely 維邇言是聽
191 2 wéi a modal particle with no meaning 維邇言是聽
192 2 shì to look at; to see 我視謀猶
193 2 shì to observe; to inspect 我視謀猶
194 2 shì to regard 我視謀猶
195 2 shì to show; to illustrate; to display 我視謀猶
196 2 shì to compare; to contrast 我視謀猶
197 2 shì to take care of 我視謀猶
198 2 shì to imitate; to follow the example of 我視謀猶
199 2 shì eyesight 我視謀猶
200 2 yán to speak; to say; said 維邇言是聽
201 2 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 維邇言是聽
202 2 yán Kangxi radical 149 維邇言是聽
203 2 yán a particle with no meaning 維邇言是聽
204 2 yán phrase; sentence 維邇言是聽
205 2 yán a word; a syllable 維邇言是聽
206 2 yán a theory; a doctrine 維邇言是聽
207 2 yán to regard as 維邇言是聽
208 2 yán to act as 維邇言是聽
209 2 sentence 章八句
210 2 measure word for phrases or lines of verse 章八句
211 2 gōu to bend; to strike; to catch 章八句
212 2 gōu to tease 章八句
213 2 gōu to delineate 章八句
214 2 gōu if 章八句
215 2 gōu a young bud 章八句
216 2 clause; phrase; line 章八句
217 2 a musical phrase 章八句
218 2 zhī to know 人知其一
219 2 zhī to comprehend 人知其一
220 2 zhī to inform; to tell 人知其一
221 2 zhī to administer 人知其一
222 2 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 人知其一
223 2 zhī to be close friends 人知其一
224 2 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 人知其一
225 2 zhī to receive; to entertain 人知其一
226 2 zhī knowledge 人知其一
227 2 zhī consciousness; perception 人知其一
228 2 zhī a close friend 人知其一
229 2 zhì wisdom 人知其一
230 2 zhì Zhi 人知其一
231 2 zhī to appreciate 人知其一
232 2 zhī to make known 人知其一
233 2 zhī to have control over 人知其一
234 2 zhī to expect; to foresee 人知其一
235 2 his; hers; its; theirs 謀之其臧
236 2 to add emphasis 謀之其臧
237 2 used when asking a question in reply to a question 謀之其臧
238 2 used when making a request or giving an order 謀之其臧
239 2 he; her; it; them 謀之其臧
240 2 probably; likely 謀之其臧
241 2 will 謀之其臧
242 2 may 謀之其臧
243 2 if 謀之其臧
244 2 or 謀之其臧
245 2 Qi 謀之其臧
246 2 不敢 bùgǎn to not dare 不敢暴虎
247 2 不敢 bùgǎn I do not dare [modest expression] 不敢暴虎
248 2 dào way; road; path 是用不得于道
249 2 dào principle; a moral; morality 是用不得于道
250 2 dào Tao; the Way 是用不得于道
251 2 dào measure word for long things 是用不得于道
252 2 dào to say; to speak; to talk 是用不得于道
253 2 dào to think 是用不得于道
254 2 dào times 是用不得于道
255 2 dào circuit; a province 是用不得于道
256 2 dào a course; a channel 是用不得于道
257 2 dào a method; a way of doing something 是用不得于道
258 2 dào measure word for doors and walls 是用不得于道
259 2 dào measure word for courses of a meal 是用不得于道
260 2 dào a centimeter 是用不得于道
261 2 dào a doctrine 是用不得于道
262 2 dào Taoism; Daoism 是用不得于道
263 2 dào a skill 是用不得于道
264 2 dào a sect 是用不得于道
265 2 dào a line 是用不得于道
266 2 kǒng opening; small hole; orifice 亦孔之卭
267 2 kǒng Kong 亦孔之卭
268 2 kǒng great; large 亦孔之卭
269 2 kǒng very 亦孔之卭
270 2 kǒng accessible 亦孔之卭
271 2 kǒng to penetrate 亦孔之卭
272 2 kǒng Confucius 亦孔之卭
273 2 suī although; even though 國雖靡止
274 2 suī only 國雖靡止
275 2 agree 潝潝訿訿
276 2 sān three 三章
277 2 sān third 三章
278 2 sān more than two 三章
279 2 sān very few 三章
280 2 sān repeatedly 三章
281 2 sān San 三章
282 2 ěr to be near; to be close; to be recent 維邇言是聽
283 2 ěr some place near 維邇言是聽
284 2 that; those 如彼築室于道謀
285 2 another; the other 如彼築室于道謀
286 2 extravagant; go with fashion 國雖靡止
287 2 to waste 國雖靡止
288 2 to not have 國雖靡止
289 2 to collapse; to fall down 國雖靡止
290 2 to pull back 國雖靡止
291 2 intricate; minute 國雖靡止
292 2 beautiful 國雖靡止
293 2 no; not 國雖靡止
294 2 to divide; to disperse; to scatter 國雖靡止
295 2 nián year
296 2 nián New Year festival
297 2 nián age
298 2 nián life span; life expectancy
299 2 nián an era; a period
300 2 nián a date
301 2 nián time; years
302 2 nián harvest
303 2 nián annual; every year
304 1 哀哉 āizāi alas 哀哉為猶
305 1 a river; a stream 不敢馮河
306 1 the Yellow River 不敢馮河
307 1 a river-like thing 不敢馮河
308 1 He 不敢馮河
309 1 to pay respects 或肅或艾
310 1 reverent 或肅或艾
311 1 respectful 或肅或艾
312 1 shrunken 或肅或艾
313 1 to put into order 或肅或艾
314 1 to revere 或肅或艾
315 1 to guard against 或肅或艾
316 1 to be urgent 或肅或艾
317 1 to welcome 或肅或艾
318 1 Hu 伊于胡厎
319 1 what?, why?, how? 伊于胡厎
320 1 non-Han people 伊于胡厎
321 1 recklessly 伊于胡厎
322 1 foreign 伊于胡厎
323 1 huqin 伊于胡厎
324 1 big; great 伊于胡厎
325 1 hutong 伊于胡厎
326 1 dewlap 伊于胡厎
327 1 smaller curved blade on underside of a glaive 伊于胡厎
328 1 neck 伊于胡厎
329 1 longevity 伊于胡厎
330 1 Hu 伊于胡厎
331 1 beard; mustache 伊于胡厎
332 1 zhǐ a whetstone 伊于胡厎
333 1 孔多 kǒngduō dense; many and dense 謀夫孔多
334 1 tíng a courtyard 發言盈庭
335 1 tíng a hall 發言盈庭
336 1 tíng an open space 發言盈庭
337 1 tíng a law court 發言盈庭
338 1 tíng forehead 發言盈庭
339 1 毛詩 Máojīng Mao Shi 毛詩序
340 1 féng feng 不敢馮河
341 1 féng to gallop 不敢馮河
342 1 féng by dint of 不敢馮河
343 1 to apply; to smear 敷于下土
344 1 to elaborate; to describe 敷于下土
345 1 to spread out; to diffuse 敷于下土
346 1 to install; readied 敷于下土
347 1 to be enough; to be sufficient 敷于下土
348 1 to grant 敷于下土
349 1 universal; general; widespread; commonplace 敷于下土
350 1 to open 敷于下土
351 1 to announce; to disseminate 敷于下土
352 1 to grow 敷于下土
353 1 shallow 敷于下土
354 1 huí to go back; to return 謀猶回遹
355 1 huí to turn around; to revolve 謀猶回遹
356 1 huí to change 謀猶回遹
357 1 huí to reply; to answer 謀猶回遹
358 1 huí to decline; to politely refuse 謀猶回遹
359 1 huí to depart 謀猶回遹
360 1 huí Huizu 謀猶回遹
361 1 huí a time; an act 謀猶回遹
362 1 huí Huizu 謀猶回遹
363 1 lún to sink 無淪胥以敗
364 1 lún to be lost; to fall into destitution 無淪胥以敗
365 1 lún to submerge; to immerse 無淪胥以敗
366 1 lún to die 無淪胥以敗
367 1 lún a ripple 無淪胥以敗
368 1 不從 bùcóng not following; not joining 謀臧不從
369 1 preface; introduction 毛詩序
370 1 order; sequence 毛詩序
371 1 wings of a house; lateral walls 毛詩序
372 1 a village school; a traditional school to learn proper hierarchy 毛詩序
373 1 to arrange; to put in order 毛詩序
374 1 precedence; rank 毛詩序
375 1 to narrate; to describe 毛詩序
376 1 a text written for seeing someone off 毛詩序
377 1 an antechamber 毛詩序
378 1 season 毛詩序
379 1 overture; prelude 毛詩序
380 1 according to 則具是依
381 1 to depend on; to lean on 則具是依
382 1 to comply with; to follow 則具是依
383 1 to help 則具是依
384 1 flourishing 則具是依
385 1 lovable 則具是依
386 1 to gather; to collect 是用不集
387 1 collected works; collection 是用不集
388 1 volume; part 是用不集
389 1 to stablize; to settle 是用不集
390 1 used in place names 是用不集
391 1 to mix; to blend 是用不集
392 1 to hit the mark 是用不集
393 1 to compile 是用不集
394 1 to finish; to accomplish 是用不集
395 1 to rest; to perch 是用不集
396 1 a market 是用不集
397 1 mài to take a big stride 如匪行邁謀
398 1 mài to pass by 如匪行邁謀
399 1 zhù to build; to construct 如彼築室于道謀
400 1 shì room; bedroom 如彼築室于道謀
401 1 shì house; dwelling 如彼築室于道謀
402 1 shì organizational subdivision 如彼築室于道謀
403 1 shì number 13 of the 28 constellations 如彼築室于道謀
404 1 shì household 如彼築室于道謀
405 1 shì house of nobility 如彼築室于道謀
406 1 shì family assets 如彼築室于道謀
407 1 shì wife 如彼築室于道謀
408 1 shì tomb; burial chamber 如彼築室于道謀
409 1 shì knife sheath 如彼築室于道謀
410 1 shì Shi 如彼築室于道謀
411 1 tīng to listen 維邇言是聽
412 1 tīng to obey 維邇言是聽
413 1 tīng to understand 維邇言是聽
414 1 tìng to hear a lawsuit; to adjudicate 維邇言是聽
415 1 tìng to allow; to let something take its course 維邇言是聽
416 1 tīng to await 維邇言是聽
417 1 tīng to acknowledge 維邇言是聽
418 1 tīng a tin can 維邇言是聽
419 1 tīng information 維邇言是聽
420 1 tīng a hall 維邇言是聽
421 1 tīng Ting 維邇言是聽
422 1 tìng to administer; to process 維邇言是聽
423 1 āi to be sad; to be mournful; to be pitiful 亦孔之哀
424 1 āi to pity 亦孔之哀
425 1 āi to grieve; to morn 亦孔之哀
426 1 āi alas 亦孔之哀
427 1 āi to cherish; to treasure 亦孔之哀
428 1 āi orphaned 亦孔之哀
429 1 其一 qíyī first; number one of the above 人知其一
430 1 lín to face; to overlook 如臨深淵
431 1 lín to watch; to look; to look down 如臨深淵
432 1 lín to monitor; to oversee; to supervise 如臨深淵
433 1 lín to meet 如臨深淵
434 1 lín to arrive 如臨深淵
435 1 lín a weapon used to shoot down at defenders 如臨深淵
436 1 lín to copy 如臨深淵
437 1 lín to govern; to administer; to control 如臨深淵
438 1 lín to be about to; to be near; to approach 如臨深淵
439 1 lìn to pay respects to the deceased 如臨深淵
440 1 lín Overseeing 如臨深淵
441 1 lín to shine on 如臨深淵
442 1 lín to give; to add 如臨深淵
443 1 lín Lin 如臨深淵
444 1 liú to flow; to spread; to circulate 如彼泉流
445 1 liú a class 如彼泉流
446 1 liú water 如彼泉流
447 1 liú a current 如彼泉流
448 1 liú a group 如彼泉流
449 1 liú to move 如彼泉流
450 1 liú to trend; to incline 如彼泉流
451 1 liú to banish; to deport; to send into exile 如彼泉流
452 1 liú to indulge; to pamper 如彼泉流
453 1 liú passing quickly; turning continuously 如彼泉流
454 1 liú accidental 如彼泉流
455 1 liú with no basis 如彼泉流
456 1 rén person; people; a human being 人知其一
457 1 rén Kangxi radical 9 人知其一
458 1 rén a kind of person 人知其一
459 1 rén everybody 人知其一
460 1 rén adult 人知其一
461 1 rén somebody; others 人知其一
462 1 rén an upright person 人知其一
463 1 qióng high 亦孔之卭
464 1 qióng to raise 亦孔之卭
465 1 gào to tell; to say; said; told 不我告猶
466 1 gào to request 不我告猶
467 1 gào to report; to inform 不我告猶
468 1 gào to announce; to disclose; to raise a lawsuit 不我告猶
469 1 gào to accuse; to sue 不我告猶
470 1 gào to reach 不我告猶
471 1 gào an announcement 不我告猶
472 1 gào a party 不我告猶
473 1 gào a vacation 不我告猶
474 1 gào Gao 不我告猶
475 1 先民 xiānmín ancestors; predecessors 匪先民是程
476 1 yàn to dislike; to detest 我龜既厭
477 1 to press 我龜既厭
478 1 to inhibit; to restrain; to block 我龜既厭
479 1 yàn to satisfy; to be satisfied 我龜既厭
480 1 yàn to tire of 我龜既厭
481 1 wéi to disobey; to violate; to defy 則具是違
482 1 wéi to depart 則具是違
483 1 wéi to be reluctant 則具是違
484 1 wéi to refuse to accept 則具是違
485 1 wéi to be contrary 則具是違
486 1 wéi to avoid 則具是違
487 1 wéi a fault; a vice 則具是違
488 1 wéi to be apart from 則具是違
489 1 jiù to punish; to chastise; to blame 誰敢執其咎
490 1 jiù an error; a mistake 誰敢執其咎
491 1 jiù a disaster 誰敢執其咎
492 1 jiù to loathe; to hate 誰敢執其咎
493 1 gāo bass drum 誰敢執其咎
494 1 gāo Gao 誰敢執其咎
495 1 yíng to fill 發言盈庭
496 1 yíng to be full 發言盈庭
497 1 yíng to add 發言盈庭
498 1 yíng overflowing 發言盈庭
499 1 yíng proud; arrogant 發言盈庭
500 1 yíng rich; plentiful 發言盈庭

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
毛诗 毛詩 77 Mao Shi
幽王 121 King You of Zhou


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English