Glossary and Vocabulary for Guanzi 管子, Notes

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 19 piān chapter; section; essay; article 輕重篇尤復鄙俗
2 16 zhī to go 引傅子曰管仲之書
3 16 zhī to arrive; to go 引傅子曰管仲之書
4 16 zhī is 引傅子曰管仲之書
5 16 zhī to use 引傅子曰管仲之書
6 16 zhī Zhi 引傅子曰管仲之書
7 16 zhī winding 引傅子曰管仲之書
8 11 Qi 以其言毛嬙
9 10 chēng to call; to address 而篇中處處稱桓公
10 10 chèn to suit; to match; to suit 而篇中處處稱桓公
11 10 chēng to say; to describe 而篇中處處稱桓公
12 10 chēng to weigh 而篇中處處稱桓公
13 10 chèng to weigh 而篇中處處稱桓公
14 10 chēng to praise; to commend 而篇中處處稱桓公
15 10 chēng to name; to designate 而篇中處處稱桓公
16 10 chēng a name; an appellation 而篇中處處稱桓公
17 10 chēng to claim to be; to proclaim oneself 而篇中處處稱桓公
18 10 chēng to raise; to lift up 而篇中處處稱桓公
19 10 chèn to pretend 而篇中處處稱桓公
20 10 chēng to consider; to evaluate 而篇中處處稱桓公
21 10 chēng to bow to; to defer to 而篇中處處稱桓公
22 10 chèng scales 而篇中處處稱桓公
23 10 chèng a standard weight 而篇中處處稱桓公
24 10 chēng reputation 而篇中處處稱桓公
25 10 chèng a steelyard 而篇中處處稱桓公
26 10 zhù to inject; to pour into 考李善註陸機
27 10 zhù note; annotation 考李善註陸機
28 10 zhù to concentrate; to pay attention to 考李善註陸機
29 10 zhù stakes 考李善註陸機
30 10 zhù measure word for transactions 考李善註陸機
31 10 zhù to note; to annotate; to explain 考李善註陸機
32 10 zhù to record; to register 考李善註陸機
33 9 管子 guǎnzi tube; drinking straw 管子
34 9 管子 guǎnzǐ Guanzi; Guan Zhong 管子
35 9 管子 guǎnzi pipe 管子
36 9 管子 guǎnzǐ Guanzi 管子
37 9 suǒ a few; various; some 過半便是後之好事所加
38 9 suǒ a place; a location 過半便是後之好事所加
39 9 suǒ indicates a passive voice 過半便是後之好事所加
40 9 suǒ an ordinal number 過半便是後之好事所加
41 9 suǒ meaning 過半便是後之好事所加
42 9 suǒ garrison 過半便是後之好事所加
43 8 to use; to grasp 以其言毛嬙
44 8 to rely on 以其言毛嬙
45 8 to regard 以其言毛嬙
46 8 to be able to 以其言毛嬙
47 8 to order; to command 以其言毛嬙
48 8 used after a verb 以其言毛嬙
49 8 a reason; a cause 以其言毛嬙
50 8 Israel 以其言毛嬙
51 8 Yi 以其言毛嬙
52 7 běn to be one's own 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
53 7 běn origin; source; root; foundation; basis 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
54 7 běn the roots of a plant 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
55 7 běn capital 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
56 7 běn main; central; primary 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
57 7 běn according to 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
58 7 běn a version; an edition 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
59 7 běn a memorial [presented to the emperor] 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
60 7 běn a book 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
61 7 běn trunk of a tree 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
62 7 běn to investigate the root of 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
63 7 běn a manuscript for a play 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
64 7 běn Ben 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
65 6 wéi to act as; to serve 意其中孰為手撰
66 6 wéi to change into; to become 意其中孰為手撰
67 6 wéi to be; is 意其中孰為手撰
68 6 wéi to do 意其中孰為手撰
69 6 wèi to support; to help 意其中孰為手撰
70 6 wéi to govern 意其中孰為手撰
71 6 yán to speak; to say; said 以其言毛嬙
72 6 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 以其言毛嬙
73 6 yán Kangxi radical 149 以其言毛嬙
74 6 yán phrase; sentence 以其言毛嬙
75 6 yán a word; a syllable 以其言毛嬙
76 6 yán a theory; a doctrine 以其言毛嬙
77 6 yán to regard as 以其言毛嬙
78 6 yán to act as 以其言毛嬙
79 5 zhāng a chapter; a section 晁公武以為尹知章所托
80 5 zhāng Zhang 晁公武以為尹知章所托
81 5 zhāng a stanza; a song 晁公武以為尹知章所托
82 5 zhāng a decorative pattern; an embroidered pattern; an ornament 晁公武以為尹知章所托
83 5 zhāng a rule; a regulation 晁公武以為尹知章所托
84 5 zhāng a seal; a stamp 晁公武以為尹知章所托
85 5 zhāng a badge; an emblem; an insignia 晁公武以為尹知章所托
86 5 zhāng a memorial presented to the emperor 晁公武以為尹知章所托
87 5 zhāng literary talent 晁公武以為尹知章所托
88 5 zhāng to commend; to praise 晁公武以為尹知章所托
89 5 zhāng order 晁公武以為尹知章所托
90 5 zhāng to make known; to display 晁公武以為尹知章所托
91 5 zhāng a written composition; an article 晁公武以為尹知章所托
92 5 zhāng beautiful 晁公武以為尹知章所托
93 5 ér Kangxi radical 126 而篇中處處稱桓公
94 5 ér as if; to seem like 而篇中處處稱桓公
95 5 néng can; able 而篇中處處稱桓公
96 5 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 而篇中處處稱桓公
97 5 ér to arrive; up to 而篇中處處稱桓公
98 5 zhī to know 晁公武以為尹知章所托
99 5 zhī to comprehend 晁公武以為尹知章所托
100 5 zhī to inform; to tell 晁公武以為尹知章所托
101 5 zhī to administer 晁公武以為尹知章所托
102 5 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 晁公武以為尹知章所托
103 5 zhī to be close friends 晁公武以為尹知章所托
104 5 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 晁公武以為尹知章所托
105 5 zhī to receive; to entertain 晁公武以為尹知章所托
106 5 zhī knowledge 晁公武以為尹知章所托
107 5 zhī consciousness; perception 晁公武以為尹知章所托
108 5 zhī a close friend 晁公武以為尹知章所托
109 5 zhì wisdom 晁公武以為尹知章所托
110 5 zhì Zhi 晁公武以為尹知章所托
111 5 zhī to appreciate 晁公武以為尹知章所托
112 5 zhī to make known 晁公武以為尹知章所托
113 5 zhī to have control over 晁公武以為尹知章所托
114 5 zhī to expect; to foresee 晁公武以為尹知章所托
115 4 jīn today; present; now 今考其文
116 4 jīn Jin 今考其文
117 4 jīn modern 今考其文
118 4 shū book 引傅子曰管仲之書
119 4 shū document; manuscript 引傅子曰管仲之書
120 4 shū letter 引傅子曰管仲之書
121 4 shū the Cannon of Documents 引傅子曰管仲之書
122 4 shū to write 引傅子曰管仲之書
123 4 shū writing 引傅子曰管仲之書
124 4 shū calligraphy; writing style 引傅子曰管仲之書
125 4 shū Shu 引傅子曰管仲之書
126 4 shū to record 引傅子曰管仲之書
127 4 jiě to loosen; to unfasten; to untie 稱管子解者五篇
128 4 jiě to explain 稱管子解者五篇
129 4 jiě to divide; to separate 稱管子解者五篇
130 4 jiě to understand 稱管子解者五篇
131 4 jiě to solve a math problem 稱管子解者五篇
132 4 jiě to dispell; to dismiss; to eliminate; to dissipate 稱管子解者五篇
133 4 jiě to cut; to disect 稱管子解者五篇
134 4 jiě to relieve oneself 稱管子解者五篇
135 4 jiě a solution 稱管子解者五篇
136 4 jiè to escort 稱管子解者五篇
137 4 xiè to understand; to be clear 稱管子解者五篇
138 4 xiè acrobatic skills 稱管子解者五篇
139 4 jiě can; able to 稱管子解者五篇
140 4 jiě a stanza 稱管子解者五篇
141 4 jiè to send off 稱管子解者五篇
142 4 xiè Xie 稱管子解者五篇
143 4 jiě exegesis 稱管子解者五篇
144 4 xiè laziness 稱管子解者五篇
145 4 jiè a government office 稱管子解者五篇
146 4 jiè to pawn 稱管子解者五篇
147 4 jiè to rent; to lease 稱管子解者五篇
148 4 Yi 亦曰
149 4 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 則唐初已非完本矣
150 4 a grade; a level 則唐初已非完本矣
151 4 an example; a model 則唐初已非完本矣
152 4 a weighing device 則唐初已非完本矣
153 4 to grade; to rank 則唐初已非完本矣
154 4 to copy; to imitate; to follow 則唐初已非完本矣
155 4 to do 則唐初已非完本矣
156 4 líng age 舊有房元齡註
157 4 líng years 舊有房元齡註
158 4 之類 zhī lèi and so on; and such 孰為記其緒言如語錄之類
159 4 之類 zhī lèi kinds of 孰為記其緒言如語錄之類
160 4 shú to be mature 意其中孰為手撰
161 3 míng fame; renown; reputation 則知章本未托名
162 3 míng a name; personal name; designation 則知章本未托名
163 3 míng rank; position 則知章本未托名
164 3 míng an excuse 則知章本未托名
165 3 míng life 則知章本未托名
166 3 míng to name; to call 則知章本未托名
167 3 míng to express; to describe 則知章本未托名
168 3 míng to be called; to have the name 則知章本未托名
169 3 míng to own; to possess 則知章本未托名
170 3 míng famous; renowned 則知章本未托名
171 3 míng moral 則知章本未托名
172 3 jiù old; ancient 舊本題管仲撰
173 3 jiù former; past 舊本題管仲撰
174 3 jiù old friend 舊本題管仲撰
175 3 míng bright; luminous; brilliant 觀其五篇明題管子解者
176 3 míng Ming 觀其五篇明題管子解者
177 3 míng Ming Dynasty 觀其五篇明題管子解者
178 3 míng obvious; explicit; clear 觀其五篇明題管子解者
179 3 míng intelligent; clever; perceptive 觀其五篇明題管子解者
180 3 míng to illuminate; to shine 觀其五篇明題管子解者
181 3 míng consecrated 觀其五篇明題管子解者
182 3 míng to understand; to comprehend 觀其五篇明題管子解者
183 3 míng to explain; to clarify 觀其五篇明題管子解者
184 3 míng Souther Ming; Later Ming 觀其五篇明題管子解者
185 3 míng the world; the human world; the world of the living 觀其五篇明題管子解者
186 3 míng eyesight; vision 觀其五篇明題管子解者
187 3 míng a god; a spirit 觀其五篇明題管子解者
188 3 míng fame; renown 觀其五篇明題管子解者
189 3 míng open; public 觀其五篇明題管子解者
190 3 míng clear 觀其五篇明題管子解者
191 3 míng to become proficient 觀其五篇明題管子解者
192 3 míng to be proficient 觀其五篇明題管子解者
193 3 míng virtuous 觀其五篇明題管子解者
194 3 míng open and honest 觀其五篇明題管子解者
195 3 míng clean; neat 觀其五篇明題管子解者
196 3 míng remarkable; outstanding; notable 觀其五篇明題管子解者
197 3 míng next; afterwards 觀其五篇明題管子解者
198 3 míng positive 觀其五篇明題管子解者
199 3 topic; subject 觀其五篇明題管子解者
200 3 to inscribe 觀其五篇明題管子解者
201 3 to recount; to narrate 觀其五篇明題管子解者
202 3 a title 觀其五篇明題管子解者
203 3 forehead 觀其五篇明題管子解者
204 3 Ti 觀其五篇明題管子解者
205 3 an exam question 觀其五篇明題管子解者
206 3 five 稱區言者五篇
207 3 fifth musical note 稱區言者五篇
208 3 Wu 稱區言者五篇
209 3 the five elements 稱區言者五篇
210 3 rán to approve; to endorse 然終逾於他氏所妄更者
211 3 rán to burn 然終逾於他氏所妄更者
212 3 rán to pledge; to promise 然終逾於他氏所妄更者
213 3 rán Ran 然終逾於他氏所妄更者
214 3 kǎo to examine; to take an exam 今考其文
215 3 kǎo to inspect; to check 今考其文
216 3 kǎo old 今考其文
217 3 kǎo father; deceased father 今考其文
218 3 kǎo experienced 今考其文
219 3 kǎo to accomplish; to complete 今考其文
220 3 kǎo to pound; to strike [a drum] 今考其文
221 3 kǎo to whip [a prisoner] 今考其文
222 3 kǎo an imperfection; a flaw 今考其文
223 3 kǎo to check; to inspect 今考其文
224 3 kǎo to test by doing an experiment 今考其文
225 3 kǎo to interrogate 今考其文
226 3 kǎo to investigate; to study 今考其文
227 3 zhòng middle brother 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
228 3 zhòng Zhong 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
229 3 zhòng a go between; a mediator 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
230 3 shì a gentleman; a knight 夫士懷耿介之心
231 3 shì Kangxi radical 33 夫士懷耿介之心
232 3 shì a soldier 夫士懷耿介之心
233 3 shì a social stratum 夫士懷耿介之心
234 3 shì an unmarried man; a man 夫士懷耿介之心
235 3 shì somebody trained in a specialized field 夫士懷耿介之心
236 3 shì a scholar 夫士懷耿介之心
237 3 shì a respectful term for a person 夫士懷耿介之心
238 3 shì corporal; sergeant 夫士懷耿介之心
239 3 shì Shi 夫士懷耿介之心
240 3 Kangxi radical 49 已無疑義矣
241 3 to bring to an end; to stop 已無疑義矣
242 3 to complete 已無疑義矣
243 3 to demote; to dismiss 已無疑義矣
244 3 to recover from an illness 已無疑義矣
245 3 wáng to die 今亡十篇
246 3 wáng to flee 今亡十篇
247 3 to not have 今亡十篇
248 3 wáng to lose 今亡十篇
249 3 wáng to perish; to be destroyed 今亡十篇
250 3 wáng to leave 今亡十篇
251 3 wáng to forget 今亡十篇
252 3 wáng dead 今亡十篇
253 3 one 必由後人混而一之
254 3 Kangxi radical 1 必由後人混而一之
255 3 pure; concentrated 必由後人混而一之
256 3 first 必由後人混而一之
257 3 the same 必由後人混而一之
258 3 sole; single 必由後人混而一之
259 3 a very small amount 必由後人混而一之
260 3 Yi 必由後人混而一之
261 3 other 必由後人混而一之
262 3 to unify 必由後人混而一之
263 3 accidentally; coincidentally 必由後人混而一之
264 3 abruptly; suddenly 必由後人混而一之
265 3 yuē to speak; to say 亦曰
266 3 yuē Kangxi radical 73 亦曰
267 3 yuē to be called 亦曰
268 3 後人 hòurén later generation 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
269 3 管仲 guǎn zhòng Guanzi; Guan Zhong 舊本題管仲撰
270 3 wén writing; text 今考其文
271 3 wén Kangxi radical 67 今考其文
272 3 wén Wen 今考其文
273 3 wén lines or grain on an object 今考其文
274 3 wén culture 今考其文
275 3 wén refined writings 今考其文
276 3 wén civil; non-military 今考其文
277 3 wén to conceal a fault; gloss over 今考其文
278 3 wén wen 今考其文
279 3 wén ornamentation; adornment 今考其文
280 3 wén to ornament; to adorn 今考其文
281 3 wén beautiful 今考其文
282 3 wén a text; a manuscript 今考其文
283 3 wén a group responsible for ritual and music 今考其文
284 3 wén the text of an imperial order 今考其文
285 3 wén liberal arts 今考其文
286 3 wén a rite; a ritual 今考其文
287 3 wén a tattoo 今考其文
288 3 wén a classifier for copper coins 今考其文
289 3 yuán Yuan Dynasty 舊有房元齡註
290 3 yuán first 舊有房元齡註
291 3 yuán origin; head 舊有房元齡註
292 3 yuán Yuan 舊有房元齡註
293 3 yuán large 舊有房元齡註
294 3 yuán good 舊有房元齡註
295 3 yuán fundamental 舊有房元齡註
296 3 yún cloud
297 3 yún Yunnan
298 3 yún Yun
299 3 yún to say
300 3 yún to have
301 3 rén person; people; a human being 非一人之筆
302 3 rén Kangxi radical 9 非一人之筆
303 3 rén a kind of person 非一人之筆
304 3 rén everybody 非一人之筆
305 3 rén adult 非一人之筆
306 3 rén somebody; others 非一人之筆
307 3 rén an upright person 非一人之筆
308 2 tuī to push; to shove 吳王好劍推之
309 2 tuī to decline 吳王好劍推之
310 2 tuī to delay; to postpone 吳王好劍推之
311 2 tuī to choose; to elect 吳王好劍推之
312 2 tuī to replace; to expel 吳王好劍推之
313 2 tuī to honor; to praise 吳王好劍推之
314 2 tuī to advocate; to advance 吳王好劍推之
315 2 tuī to deduce 吳王好劍推之
316 2 tuī to get rid of 吳王好劍推之
317 2 tuī to use a tool with a pushing action 吳王好劍推之
318 2 tuī to extend; to enlarge 吳王好劍推之
319 2 tuī to extend a bow with the left hand while bending it 吳王好劍推之
320 2 tuī to move; to migrate 吳王好劍推之
321 2 tuī to yield 吳王好劍推之
322 2 tuī to shirk 吳王好劍推之
323 2 yǐn to govern 晁公武以為尹知章所托
324 2 yǐn director 晁公武以為尹知章所托
325 2 輕重 qīng zhòng weight 輕重篇尤復鄙俗
326 2 輕重 qīng zhòng degree 輕重篇尤復鄙俗
327 2 輕重 qīng zhòng severity 輕重篇尤復鄙俗
328 2 xiào school 劉向所校本八十六篇
329 2 jiào to compare; to collate; to proofread 劉向所校本八十六篇
330 2 jiào fetters 劉向所校本八十六篇
331 2 jiào to consider 劉向所校本八十六篇
332 2 jiào railing; an enclosure for animals 劉向所校本八十六篇
333 2 jiào a proof 劉向所校本八十六篇
334 2 jiào a horsekeeper 劉向所校本八十六篇
335 2 jiào a barrack; a military camp 劉向所校本八十六篇
336 2 jiào to check; to inspect 劉向所校本八十六篇
337 2 jiào to compete with; to haggle; to quibble 劉向所校本八十六篇
338 2 jiào to oppose; to criticize 劉向所校本八十六篇
339 2 jiào to decorate 劉向所校本八十六篇
340 2 jiào to count; to calculate; to compute 劉向所校本八十六篇
341 2 xiào lieutenant; mid-ranking officer 劉向所校本八十六篇
342 2 xiào Xiao 劉向所校本八十六篇
343 2 xiào a military unit of 500 men 劉向所校本八十六篇
344 2 xiào to recover; to heal 劉向所校本八十六篇
345 2 xiào palace construction officer 劉向所校本八十六篇
346 2 jiǔ nine 書中稱經言者九篇
347 2 jiǔ many 書中稱經言者九篇
348 2 shì to attempt; to try 蘇轍同入省試
349 2 shì to test; to experiment 蘇轍同入省試
350 2 shì to employ; to use 蘇轍同入省試
351 2 shì to taste 蘇轍同入省試
352 2 shì to assess; to examine; to take a test 蘇轍同入省試
353 2 shì provisional 蘇轍同入省試
354 2 shì a test 蘇轍同入省試
355 2 kān to print; to publish 明梅士享所刊
356 2 kān to cut down; to chop out 明梅士享所刊
357 2 kān a publication; a periodical 明梅士享所刊
358 2 kān to engrave; to carve 明梅士享所刊
359 2 kān to correct; to edit 明梅士享所刊
360 2 hòu after; later 過半便是後之好事所加
361 2 hòu empress; queen 過半便是後之好事所加
362 2 hòu sovereign 過半便是後之好事所加
363 2 hòu the god of the earth 過半便是後之好事所加
364 2 hòu late; later 過半便是後之好事所加
365 2 hòu offspring; descendents 過半便是後之好事所加
366 2 hòu to fall behind; to lag 過半便是後之好事所加
367 2 hòu behind; back 過半便是後之好事所加
368 2 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 過半便是後之好事所加
369 2 hòu Hou 過半便是後之好事所加
370 2 hòu after; behind 過半便是後之好事所加
371 2 hòu following 過半便是後之好事所加
372 2 hòu to be delayed 過半便是後之好事所加
373 2 hòu to abandon; to discard 過半便是後之好事所加
374 2 hòu feudal lords 過半便是後之好事所加
375 2 hòu Hou 過半便是後之好事所加
376 2 to exceed; to go beyond; to transcend; to cross over 正其脫誤者逾三萬言
377 2 to pass through; to experience 正其脫誤者逾三萬言
378 2 zhì a sign; a mark; a flag; a banner 讀書誌
379 2 zhì to write down; to record 讀書誌
380 2 zhì Zhi 讀書誌
381 2 zhì a written record; a treatise 讀書誌
382 2 zhì to remember 讀書誌
383 2 zhì annals; a treatise; a gazetteer 讀書誌
384 2 zhì a birthmark; a mole 讀書誌
385 2 zhì determination; will 讀書誌
386 2 zhì a magazine 讀書誌
387 2 zhì to measure; to weigh 讀書誌
388 2 zhì aspiration 讀書誌
389 2 gōng public; common; state-owned 晁公武
390 2 gōng official 晁公武
391 2 gōng male 晁公武
392 2 gōng duke; lord 晁公武
393 2 gōng fair; equitable 晁公武
394 2 gōng Mr.; mister 晁公武
395 2 gōng father-in-law 晁公武
396 2 gōng form of address; your honor 晁公武
397 2 gōng accepted; mutual 晁公武
398 2 gōng metric 晁公武
399 2 gōng to release to the public 晁公武
400 2 gōng the common good 晁公武
401 2 gōng to divide equally 晁公武
402 2 gōng Gong 晁公武
403 2 shǒu hand 其不出仲手
404 2 shǒu Kangxi radical 64 其不出仲手
405 2 shǒu to hold in one's hand 其不出仲手
406 2 shǒu a skill; an ability 其不出仲手
407 2 shǒu a person with skill 其不出仲手
408 2 shǒu convenient; portable 其不出仲手
409 2 shǒu a person doing an activity 其不出仲手
410 2 shǒu a method; a technique 其不出仲手
411 2 shǒu personally written 其不出仲手
412 2 shǒu carried or handled by hand 其不出仲手
413 2 wood; lumber 不蔭惡木之枝
414 2 Kangxi radical 75 不蔭惡木之枝
415 2 a tree 不蔭惡木之枝
416 2 wood phase; wood element 不蔭惡木之枝
417 2 a category of musical instrument 不蔭惡木之枝
418 2 stiff; rigid 不蔭惡木之枝
419 2 laurel magnolia 不蔭惡木之枝
420 2 a coffin 不蔭惡木之枝
421 2 Jupiter 不蔭惡木之枝
422 2 Mu 不蔭惡木之枝
423 2 wooden 不蔭惡木之枝
424 2 not having perception 不蔭惡木之枝
425 2 dimwitted 不蔭惡木之枝
426 2 to loose consciousness 不蔭惡木之枝
427 2 to go back; to return 輕重篇尤復鄙俗
428 2 to resume; to restart 輕重篇尤復鄙俗
429 2 to do in detail 輕重篇尤復鄙俗
430 2 to restore 輕重篇尤復鄙俗
431 2 to respond; to reply to 輕重篇尤復鄙俗
432 2 Fu; Return 輕重篇尤復鄙俗
433 2 to retaliate; to reciprocate 輕重篇尤復鄙俗
434 2 to avoid forced labor or tax 輕重篇尤復鄙俗
435 2 Fu 輕重篇尤復鄙俗
436 2 doubled; to overlapping; folded 輕重篇尤復鄙俗
437 2 a lined garment with doubled thickness 輕重篇尤復鄙俗
438 2 to record; to copy 不著錄
439 2 to hire; to employ 不著錄
440 2 to record sound 不著錄
441 2 a record; a register 不著錄
442 2 to register; to enroll 不著錄
443 2 to supervise; to direct 不著錄
444 2 a sequence; an order 不著錄
445 2 to determine a prison sentence 不著錄
446 2 meaning; sense 已無疑義矣
447 2 justice; right action; righteousness 已無疑義矣
448 2 artificial; man-made; fake 已無疑義矣
449 2 chivalry; generosity 已無疑義矣
450 2 just; righteous 已無疑義矣
451 2 adopted 已無疑義矣
452 2 a relationship 已無疑義矣
453 2 volunteer 已無疑義矣
454 2 something suitable 已無疑義矣
455 2 a martyr 已無疑義矣
456 2 a law 已無疑義矣
457 2 Yi 已無疑義矣
458 2 to go; to 即仲卒於桓公之前
459 2 to rely on; to depend on 即仲卒於桓公之前
460 2 Yu 即仲卒於桓公之前
461 2 a crow 即仲卒於桓公之前
462 2 zhèng upright; straight 頗為是正
463 2 zhèng to straighten; to correct 頗為是正
464 2 zhèng main; central; primary 頗為是正
465 2 zhèng fundamental; original 頗為是正
466 2 zhèng precise; exact; accurate 頗為是正
467 2 zhèng at right angles 頗為是正
468 2 zhèng unbiased; impartial 頗為是正
469 2 zhèng true; correct; orthodox 頗為是正
470 2 zhèng unmixed; pure 頗為是正
471 2 zhèng positive (charge) 頗為是正
472 2 zhèng positive (number) 頗為是正
473 2 zhèng standard 頗為是正
474 2 zhèng chief; principal; primary 頗為是正
475 2 zhèng honest 頗為是正
476 2 zhèng to execute; to carry out 頗為是正
477 2 zhèng accepted; conventional 頗為是正
478 2 zhèng to govern 頗為是正
479 2 zhēng first month 頗為是正
480 2 zhēng center of a target 頗為是正
481 2 zhuàn to compile 舊本題管仲撰
482 2 zhuàn to compose; to write 舊本題管仲撰
483 2 zhuàn to make using one's hands 舊本題管仲撰
484 2 zhuàn to prepare; to provide 舊本題管仲撰
485 2 zhuàn to take by the hand 舊本題管仲撰
486 2 zhuàn reckoning that accords with Heaven and Earth 舊本題管仲撰
487 2 zhuàn inclination; interest 舊本題管仲撰
488 2 liú Liu 劉恕
489 2 liú an axe; a hatchet 劉恕
490 2 liú to massacre; to slaughter 劉恕
491 2 liú sparse; scattered 劉恕
492 2 xián virtuous; worthy 此本為萬歷壬午趙用賢所刊
493 2 xián able; capable 此本為萬歷壬午趙用賢所刊
494 2 xián admirable 此本為萬歷壬午趙用賢所刊
495 2 xián a talented person 此本為萬歷壬午趙用賢所刊
496 2 xián India 此本為萬歷壬午趙用賢所刊
497 2 xián to respect 此本為萬歷壬午趙用賢所刊
498 2 xián to excel; to surpass 此本為萬歷壬午趙用賢所刊
499 2 ěr ear 致滋疑竇耳
500 2 ěr Kangxi radical 128 致滋疑竇耳

Frequencies of all Words

Top 971

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 19 piān chapter; section; essay; article 輕重篇尤復鄙俗
2 16 zhī him; her; them; that 引傅子曰管仲之書
3 16 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 引傅子曰管仲之書
4 16 zhī to go 引傅子曰管仲之書
5 16 zhī this; that 引傅子曰管仲之書
6 16 zhī genetive marker 引傅子曰管仲之書
7 16 zhī it 引傅子曰管仲之書
8 16 zhī in; in regards to 引傅子曰管仲之書
9 16 zhī all 引傅子曰管仲之書
10 16 zhī and 引傅子曰管仲之書
11 16 zhī however 引傅子曰管仲之書
12 16 zhī if 引傅子曰管仲之書
13 16 zhī then 引傅子曰管仲之書
14 16 zhī to arrive; to go 引傅子曰管仲之書
15 16 zhī is 引傅子曰管仲之書
16 16 zhī to use 引傅子曰管仲之書
17 16 zhī Zhi 引傅子曰管仲之書
18 16 zhī winding 引傅子曰管仲之書
19 11 his; hers; its; theirs 以其言毛嬙
20 11 to add emphasis 以其言毛嬙
21 11 used when asking a question in reply to a question 以其言毛嬙
22 11 used when making a request or giving an order 以其言毛嬙
23 11 he; her; it; them 以其言毛嬙
24 11 probably; likely 以其言毛嬙
25 11 will 以其言毛嬙
26 11 may 以其言毛嬙
27 11 if 以其言毛嬙
28 11 or 以其言毛嬙
29 11 Qi 以其言毛嬙
30 11 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 書中稱經言者九篇
31 11 zhě that 書中稱經言者九篇
32 11 zhě nominalizing function word 書中稱經言者九篇
33 11 zhě used to mark a definition 書中稱經言者九篇
34 11 zhě used to mark a pause 書中稱經言者九篇
35 11 zhě topic marker; that; it 書中稱經言者九篇
36 11 zhuó according to 書中稱經言者九篇
37 10 chēng to call; to address 而篇中處處稱桓公
38 10 chèn to suit; to match; to suit 而篇中處處稱桓公
39 10 chēng to say; to describe 而篇中處處稱桓公
40 10 chēng to weigh 而篇中處處稱桓公
41 10 chèng to weigh 而篇中處處稱桓公
42 10 chēng to praise; to commend 而篇中處處稱桓公
43 10 chēng to name; to designate 而篇中處處稱桓公
44 10 chēng a name; an appellation 而篇中處處稱桓公
45 10 chēng to claim to be; to proclaim oneself 而篇中處處稱桓公
46 10 chēng to raise; to lift up 而篇中處處稱桓公
47 10 chèn to pretend 而篇中處處稱桓公
48 10 chēng to consider; to evaluate 而篇中處處稱桓公
49 10 chēng to bow to; to defer to 而篇中處處稱桓公
50 10 chèng scales 而篇中處處稱桓公
51 10 chèng a standard weight 而篇中處處稱桓公
52 10 chēng reputation 而篇中處處稱桓公
53 10 chèng a steelyard 而篇中處處稱桓公
54 10 zhù to inject; to pour into 考李善註陸機
55 10 zhù note; annotation 考李善註陸機
56 10 zhù to concentrate; to pay attention to 考李善註陸機
57 10 zhù stakes 考李善註陸機
58 10 zhù measure word for transactions 考李善註陸機
59 10 zhù to note; to annotate; to explain 考李善註陸機
60 10 zhù to record; to register 考李善註陸機
61 9 管子 guǎnzi tube; drinking straw 管子
62 9 管子 guǎnzǐ Guanzi; Guan Zhong 管子
63 9 管子 guǎnzi pipe 管子
64 9 管子 guǎnzǐ Guanzi 管子
65 9 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 過半便是後之好事所加
66 9 suǒ an office; an institute 過半便是後之好事所加
67 9 suǒ introduces a relative clause 過半便是後之好事所加
68 9 suǒ it 過半便是後之好事所加
69 9 suǒ if; supposing 過半便是後之好事所加
70 9 suǒ a few; various; some 過半便是後之好事所加
71 9 suǒ a place; a location 過半便是後之好事所加
72 9 suǒ indicates a passive voice 過半便是後之好事所加
73 9 suǒ that which 過半便是後之好事所加
74 9 suǒ an ordinal number 過半便是後之好事所加
75 9 suǒ meaning 過半便是後之好事所加
76 9 suǒ garrison 過半便是後之好事所加
77 8 so as to; in order to 以其言毛嬙
78 8 to use; to regard as 以其言毛嬙
79 8 to use; to grasp 以其言毛嬙
80 8 according to 以其言毛嬙
81 8 because of 以其言毛嬙
82 8 on a certain date 以其言毛嬙
83 8 and; as well as 以其言毛嬙
84 8 to rely on 以其言毛嬙
85 8 to regard 以其言毛嬙
86 8 to be able to 以其言毛嬙
87 8 to order; to command 以其言毛嬙
88 8 further; moreover 以其言毛嬙
89 8 used after a verb 以其言毛嬙
90 8 very 以其言毛嬙
91 8 already 以其言毛嬙
92 8 increasingly 以其言毛嬙
93 8 a reason; a cause 以其言毛嬙
94 8 Israel 以其言毛嬙
95 8 Yi 以其言毛嬙
96 7 běn measure word for books 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
97 7 běn this (city, week, etc) 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
98 7 běn originally; formerly 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
99 7 běn to be one's own 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
100 7 běn origin; source; root; foundation; basis 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
101 7 běn the roots of a plant 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
102 7 běn self 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
103 7 běn measure word for flowering plants 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
104 7 běn capital 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
105 7 běn main; central; primary 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
106 7 běn according to 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
107 7 běn a version; an edition 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
108 7 běn a memorial [presented to the emperor] 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
109 7 běn a book 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
110 7 běn trunk of a tree 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
111 7 běn to investigate the root of 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
112 7 běn a manuscript for a play 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
113 7 běn Ben 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
114 6 wèi for; to 意其中孰為手撰
115 6 wèi because of 意其中孰為手撰
116 6 wéi to act as; to serve 意其中孰為手撰
117 6 wéi to change into; to become 意其中孰為手撰
118 6 wéi to be; is 意其中孰為手撰
119 6 wéi to do 意其中孰為手撰
120 6 wèi for 意其中孰為手撰
121 6 wèi because of; for; to 意其中孰為手撰
122 6 wèi to 意其中孰為手撰
123 6 wéi in a passive construction 意其中孰為手撰
124 6 wéi forming a rehetorical question 意其中孰為手撰
125 6 wéi forming an adverb 意其中孰為手撰
126 6 wéi to add emphasis 意其中孰為手撰
127 6 wèi to support; to help 意其中孰為手撰
128 6 wéi to govern 意其中孰為手撰
129 6 yán to speak; to say; said 以其言毛嬙
130 6 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 以其言毛嬙
131 6 yán Kangxi radical 149 以其言毛嬙
132 6 yán a particle with no meaning 以其言毛嬙
133 6 yán phrase; sentence 以其言毛嬙
134 6 yán a word; a syllable 以其言毛嬙
135 6 yán a theory; a doctrine 以其言毛嬙
136 6 yán to regard as 以其言毛嬙
137 6 yán to act as 以其言毛嬙
138 6 yǒu is; are; to exist 前有紹興己未張嵲後跋雲
139 6 yǒu to have; to possess 前有紹興己未張嵲後跋雲
140 6 yǒu indicates an estimate 前有紹興己未張嵲後跋雲
141 6 yǒu indicates a large quantity 前有紹興己未張嵲後跋雲
142 6 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 前有紹興己未張嵲後跋雲
143 6 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 前有紹興己未張嵲後跋雲
144 6 yǒu used to compare two things 前有紹興己未張嵲後跋雲
145 6 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 前有紹興己未張嵲後跋雲
146 6 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 前有紹興己未張嵲後跋雲
147 6 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 前有紹興己未張嵲後跋雲
148 6 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 前有紹興己未張嵲後跋雲
149 6 yǒu abundant 前有紹興己未張嵲後跋雲
150 6 yǒu purposeful 前有紹興己未張嵲後跋雲
151 6 yǒu You 前有紹興己未張嵲後跋雲
152 5 zhāng a chapter; a section 晁公武以為尹知章所托
153 5 zhāng Zhang 晁公武以為尹知章所托
154 5 zhāng clause 晁公武以為尹知章所托
155 5 zhāng a stanza; a song 晁公武以為尹知章所托
156 5 zhāng a decorative pattern; an embroidered pattern; an ornament 晁公武以為尹知章所托
157 5 zhāng a rule; a regulation 晁公武以為尹知章所托
158 5 zhāng a seal; a stamp 晁公武以為尹知章所托
159 5 zhāng a badge; an emblem; an insignia 晁公武以為尹知章所托
160 5 zhāng a memorial presented to the emperor 晁公武以為尹知章所托
161 5 zhāng literary talent 晁公武以為尹知章所托
162 5 zhāng to commend; to praise 晁公武以為尹知章所托
163 5 zhāng order 晁公武以為尹知章所托
164 5 zhāng to make known; to display 晁公武以為尹知章所托
165 5 zhāng a written composition; an article 晁公武以為尹知章所托
166 5 zhāng beautiful 晁公武以為尹知章所托
167 5 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 而篇中處處稱桓公
168 5 ér Kangxi radical 126 而篇中處處稱桓公
169 5 ér you 而篇中處處稱桓公
170 5 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 而篇中處處稱桓公
171 5 ér right away; then 而篇中處處稱桓公
172 5 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 而篇中處處稱桓公
173 5 ér if; in case; in the event that 而篇中處處稱桓公
174 5 ér therefore; as a result; thus 而篇中處處稱桓公
175 5 ér how can it be that? 而篇中處處稱桓公
176 5 ér so as to 而篇中處處稱桓公
177 5 ér only then 而篇中處處稱桓公
178 5 ér as if; to seem like 而篇中處處稱桓公
179 5 néng can; able 而篇中處處稱桓公
180 5 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 而篇中處處稱桓公
181 5 ér me 而篇中處處稱桓公
182 5 ér to arrive; up to 而篇中處處稱桓公
183 5 ér possessive 而篇中處處稱桓公
184 5 zhī to know 晁公武以為尹知章所托
185 5 zhī to comprehend 晁公武以為尹知章所托
186 5 zhī to inform; to tell 晁公武以為尹知章所托
187 5 zhī to administer 晁公武以為尹知章所托
188 5 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 晁公武以為尹知章所托
189 5 zhī to be close friends 晁公武以為尹知章所托
190 5 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 晁公武以為尹知章所托
191 5 zhī to receive; to entertain 晁公武以為尹知章所托
192 5 zhī knowledge 晁公武以為尹知章所托
193 5 zhī consciousness; perception 晁公武以為尹知章所托
194 5 zhī a close friend 晁公武以為尹知章所托
195 5 zhì wisdom 晁公武以為尹知章所托
196 5 zhì Zhi 晁公武以為尹知章所托
197 5 zhī to appreciate 晁公武以為尹知章所托
198 5 zhī to make known 晁公武以為尹知章所托
199 5 zhī to have control over 晁公武以為尹知章所托
200 5 zhī to expect; to foresee 晁公武以為尹知章所托
201 4 jīn today; present; now 今考其文
202 4 jīn Jin 今考其文
203 4 jīn modern 今考其文
204 4 shū book 引傅子曰管仲之書
205 4 shū document; manuscript 引傅子曰管仲之書
206 4 shū letter 引傅子曰管仲之書
207 4 shū the Cannon of Documents 引傅子曰管仲之書
208 4 shū to write 引傅子曰管仲之書
209 4 shū writing 引傅子曰管仲之書
210 4 shū calligraphy; writing style 引傅子曰管仲之書
211 4 shū Shu 引傅子曰管仲之書
212 4 shū to record 引傅子曰管仲之書
213 4 jiě to loosen; to unfasten; to untie 稱管子解者五篇
214 4 jiě to explain 稱管子解者五篇
215 4 jiě to divide; to separate 稱管子解者五篇
216 4 jiě to understand 稱管子解者五篇
217 4 jiě to solve a math problem 稱管子解者五篇
218 4 jiě to dispell; to dismiss; to eliminate; to dissipate 稱管子解者五篇
219 4 jiě to cut; to disect 稱管子解者五篇
220 4 jiě to relieve oneself 稱管子解者五篇
221 4 jiě a solution 稱管子解者五篇
222 4 jiè to escort 稱管子解者五篇
223 4 xiè to understand; to be clear 稱管子解者五篇
224 4 xiè acrobatic skills 稱管子解者五篇
225 4 jiě can; able to 稱管子解者五篇
226 4 jiě a stanza 稱管子解者五篇
227 4 jiè to send off 稱管子解者五篇
228 4 xiè Xie 稱管子解者五篇
229 4 jiě exegesis 稱管子解者五篇
230 4 xiè laziness 稱管子解者五篇
231 4 jiè a government office 稱管子解者五篇
232 4 jiè to pawn 稱管子解者五篇
233 4 jiè to rent; to lease 稱管子解者五篇
234 4 also; too 亦曰
235 4 but 亦曰
236 4 this; he; she 亦曰
237 4 although; even though 亦曰
238 4 already 亦曰
239 4 particle with no meaning 亦曰
240 4 Yi 亦曰
241 4 otherwise; but; however 則唐初已非完本矣
242 4 then 則唐初已非完本矣
243 4 measure word for short sections of text 則唐初已非完本矣
244 4 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 則唐初已非完本矣
245 4 a grade; a level 則唐初已非完本矣
246 4 an example; a model 則唐初已非完本矣
247 4 a weighing device 則唐初已非完本矣
248 4 to grade; to rank 則唐初已非完本矣
249 4 to copy; to imitate; to follow 則唐初已非完本矣
250 4 to do 則唐初已非完本矣
251 4 only 則唐初已非完本矣
252 4 immediately 則唐初已非完本矣
253 4 líng age 舊有房元齡註
254 4 líng years 舊有房元齡註
255 4 such as; for example; for instance 孰為記其緒言如語錄之類
256 4 if 孰為記其緒言如語錄之類
257 4 in accordance with 孰為記其緒言如語錄之類
258 4 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 孰為記其緒言如語錄之類
259 4 this 孰為記其緒言如語錄之類
260 4 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 孰為記其緒言如語錄之類
261 4 to go to 孰為記其緒言如語錄之類
262 4 to meet 孰為記其緒言如語錄之類
263 4 to appear; to seem; to be like 孰為記其緒言如語錄之類
264 4 at least as good as 孰為記其緒言如語錄之類
265 4 and 孰為記其緒言如語錄之類
266 4 or 孰為記其緒言如語錄之類
267 4 but 孰為記其緒言如語錄之類
268 4 then 孰為記其緒言如語錄之類
269 4 naturally 孰為記其緒言如語錄之類
270 4 expresses a question or doubt 孰為記其緒言如語錄之類
271 4 you 孰為記其緒言如語錄之類
272 4 the second lunar month 孰為記其緒言如語錄之類
273 4 in; at 孰為記其緒言如語錄之類
274 4 Ru 孰為記其緒言如語錄之類
275 4 之類 zhī lèi and so on; and such 孰為記其緒言如語錄之類
276 4 之類 zhī lèi kinds of 孰為記其緒言如語錄之類
277 4 shú which 意其中孰為手撰
278 4 shú who 意其中孰為手撰
279 4 shú to be mature 意其中孰為手撰
280 3 míng measure word for people 則知章本未托名
281 3 míng fame; renown; reputation 則知章本未托名
282 3 míng a name; personal name; designation 則知章本未托名
283 3 míng rank; position 則知章本未托名
284 3 míng an excuse 則知章本未托名
285 3 míng life 則知章本未托名
286 3 míng to name; to call 則知章本未托名
287 3 míng to express; to describe 則知章本未托名
288 3 míng to be called; to have the name 則知章本未托名
289 3 míng to own; to possess 則知章本未托名
290 3 míng famous; renowned 則知章本未托名
291 3 míng moral 則知章本未托名
292 3 jiù old; ancient 舊本題管仲撰
293 3 jiù former; past 舊本題管仲撰
294 3 jiù old friend 舊本題管仲撰
295 3 míng bright; luminous; brilliant 觀其五篇明題管子解者
296 3 míng Ming 觀其五篇明題管子解者
297 3 míng Ming Dynasty 觀其五篇明題管子解者
298 3 míng obvious; explicit; clear 觀其五篇明題管子解者
299 3 míng intelligent; clever; perceptive 觀其五篇明題管子解者
300 3 míng to illuminate; to shine 觀其五篇明題管子解者
301 3 míng consecrated 觀其五篇明題管子解者
302 3 míng to understand; to comprehend 觀其五篇明題管子解者
303 3 míng to explain; to clarify 觀其五篇明題管子解者
304 3 míng Souther Ming; Later Ming 觀其五篇明題管子解者
305 3 míng the world; the human world; the world of the living 觀其五篇明題管子解者
306 3 míng eyesight; vision 觀其五篇明題管子解者
307 3 míng a god; a spirit 觀其五篇明題管子解者
308 3 míng fame; renown 觀其五篇明題管子解者
309 3 míng open; public 觀其五篇明題管子解者
310 3 míng clear 觀其五篇明題管子解者
311 3 míng to become proficient 觀其五篇明題管子解者
312 3 míng to be proficient 觀其五篇明題管子解者
313 3 míng virtuous 觀其五篇明題管子解者
314 3 míng open and honest 觀其五篇明題管子解者
315 3 míng clean; neat 觀其五篇明題管子解者
316 3 míng remarkable; outstanding; notable 觀其五篇明題管子解者
317 3 míng next; afterwards 觀其五篇明題管子解者
318 3 míng positive 觀其五篇明題管子解者
319 3 topic; subject 觀其五篇明題管子解者
320 3 to inscribe 觀其五篇明題管子解者
321 3 to recount; to narrate 觀其五篇明題管子解者
322 3 a title 觀其五篇明題管子解者
323 3 forehead 觀其五篇明題管子解者
324 3 Ti 觀其五篇明題管子解者
325 3 an exam question 觀其五篇明題管子解者
326 3 title; item 觀其五篇明題管子解者
327 3 five 稱區言者五篇
328 3 fifth musical note 稱區言者五篇
329 3 Wu 稱區言者五篇
330 3 the five elements 稱區言者五篇
331 3 rán correct; right; certainly 然終逾於他氏所妄更者
332 3 rán so; thus 然終逾於他氏所妄更者
333 3 rán to approve; to endorse 然終逾於他氏所妄更者
334 3 rán to burn 然終逾於他氏所妄更者
335 3 rán to pledge; to promise 然終逾於他氏所妄更者
336 3 rán but 然終逾於他氏所妄更者
337 3 rán although; even though 然終逾於他氏所妄更者
338 3 rán after; after that; afterwards 然終逾於他氏所妄更者
339 3 rán used after a verb 然終逾於他氏所妄更者
340 3 rán used at the end of a sentence 然終逾於他氏所妄更者
341 3 rán expresses doubt 然終逾於他氏所妄更者
342 3 rán ok; alright 然終逾於他氏所妄更者
343 3 rán Ran 然終逾於他氏所妄更者
344 3 kǎo to examine; to take an exam 今考其文
345 3 kǎo to inspect; to check 今考其文
346 3 kǎo old 今考其文
347 3 kǎo father; deceased father 今考其文
348 3 kǎo experienced 今考其文
349 3 kǎo to accomplish; to complete 今考其文
350 3 kǎo to pound; to strike [a drum] 今考其文
351 3 kǎo to whip [a prisoner] 今考其文
352 3 kǎo an imperfection; a flaw 今考其文
353 3 kǎo to check; to inspect 今考其文
354 3 kǎo to test by doing an experiment 今考其文
355 3 kǎo to interrogate 今考其文
356 3 kǎo to investigate; to study 今考其文
357 3 final particle to express a completed action 已無疑義矣
358 3 particle to express certainty 已無疑義矣
359 3 would; particle to indicate a future condition 已無疑義矣
360 3 to form a question 已無疑義矣
361 3 to indicate a command 已無疑義矣
362 3 sigh 已無疑義矣
363 3 shì is; are; am; to be 當是春秋末年
364 3 shì is exactly 當是春秋末年
365 3 shì is suitable; is in contrast 當是春秋末年
366 3 shì this; that; those 當是春秋末年
367 3 shì really; certainly 當是春秋末年
368 3 shì correct; yes; affirmative 當是春秋末年
369 3 shì true 當是春秋末年
370 3 shì is; has; exists 當是春秋末年
371 3 shì used between repetitions of a word 當是春秋末年
372 3 shì a matter; an affair 當是春秋末年
373 3 shì Shi 當是春秋末年
374 3 zhòng middle brother 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
375 3 zhòng Zhong 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
376 3 zhòng a go between; a mediator 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
377 3 shì a gentleman; a knight 夫士懷耿介之心
378 3 shì Kangxi radical 33 夫士懷耿介之心
379 3 shì a soldier 夫士懷耿介之心
380 3 shì a social stratum 夫士懷耿介之心
381 3 shì an unmarried man; a man 夫士懷耿介之心
382 3 shì somebody trained in a specialized field 夫士懷耿介之心
383 3 shì a scholar 夫士懷耿介之心
384 3 shì a respectful term for a person 夫士懷耿介之心
385 3 shì corporal; sergeant 夫士懷耿介之心
386 3 shì Shi 夫士懷耿介之心
387 3 already 已無疑義矣
388 3 Kangxi radical 49 已無疑義矣
389 3 from 已無疑義矣
390 3 to bring to an end; to stop 已無疑義矣
391 3 final aspectual particle 已無疑義矣
392 3 afterwards; thereafter 已無疑義矣
393 3 too; very; excessively 已無疑義矣
394 3 to complete 已無疑義矣
395 3 to demote; to dismiss 已無疑義矣
396 3 to recover from an illness 已無疑義矣
397 3 certainly 已無疑義矣
398 3 an interjection of surprise 已無疑義矣
399 3 this 已無疑義矣
400 3 wáng to die 今亡十篇
401 3 wáng to flee 今亡十篇
402 3 to not have 今亡十篇
403 3 wáng to lose 今亡十篇
404 3 wáng to perish; to be destroyed 今亡十篇
405 3 wáng to leave 今亡十篇
406 3 wáng to forget 今亡十篇
407 3 wáng dead 今亡十篇
408 3 one 必由後人混而一之
409 3 Kangxi radical 1 必由後人混而一之
410 3 as soon as; all at once 必由後人混而一之
411 3 pure; concentrated 必由後人混而一之
412 3 whole; all 必由後人混而一之
413 3 first 必由後人混而一之
414 3 the same 必由後人混而一之
415 3 each 必由後人混而一之
416 3 certain 必由後人混而一之
417 3 throughout 必由後人混而一之
418 3 used in between a reduplicated verb 必由後人混而一之
419 3 sole; single 必由後人混而一之
420 3 a very small amount 必由後人混而一之
421 3 Yi 必由後人混而一之
422 3 other 必由後人混而一之
423 3 to unify 必由後人混而一之
424 3 accidentally; coincidentally 必由後人混而一之
425 3 abruptly; suddenly 必由後人混而一之
426 3 or 必由後人混而一之
427 3 yuē to speak; to say 亦曰
428 3 yuē Kangxi radical 73 亦曰
429 3 yuē to be called 亦曰
430 3 yuē particle without meaning 亦曰
431 3 後人 hòurén later generation 大抵後人附會多於仲之本書
432 3 管仲 guǎn zhòng Guanzi; Guan Zhong 舊本題管仲撰
433 3 wén writing; text 今考其文
434 3 wén Kangxi radical 67 今考其文
435 3 wén Wen 今考其文
436 3 wén lines or grain on an object 今考其文
437 3 wén culture 今考其文
438 3 wén refined writings 今考其文
439 3 wén civil; non-military 今考其文
440 3 wén to conceal a fault; gloss over 今考其文
441 3 wén wen 今考其文
442 3 wén ornamentation; adornment 今考其文
443 3 wén to ornament; to adorn 今考其文
444 3 wén beautiful 今考其文
445 3 wén a text; a manuscript 今考其文
446 3 wén a group responsible for ritual and music 今考其文
447 3 wén the text of an imperial order 今考其文
448 3 wén liberal arts 今考其文
449 3 wén a rite; a ritual 今考其文
450 3 wén a tattoo 今考其文
451 3 wén a classifier for copper coins 今考其文
452 3 yuán monetary unit; dollar 舊有房元齡註
453 3 yuán Yuan Dynasty 舊有房元齡註
454 3 yuán first 舊有房元齡註
455 3 yuán origin; head 舊有房元齡註
456 3 yuán a variable representing an unknown quantity 舊有房元齡註
457 3 yuán Yuan 舊有房元齡註
458 3 yuán large 舊有房元齡註
459 3 yuán good 舊有房元齡註
460 3 yuán fundamental 舊有房元齡註
461 3 yún cloud
462 3 yún Yunnan
463 3 yún Yun
464 3 yún to say
465 3 yún to have
466 3 yún a particle with no meaning
467 3 yún in this way
468 3 rén person; people; a human being 非一人之筆
469 3 rén Kangxi radical 9 非一人之筆
470 3 rén a kind of person 非一人之筆
471 3 rén everybody 非一人之筆
472 3 rén adult 非一人之筆
473 3 rén somebody; others 非一人之筆
474 3 rén an upright person 非一人之筆
475 2 tuī to push; to shove 吳王好劍推之
476 2 tuī to decline 吳王好劍推之
477 2 tuī to delay; to postpone 吳王好劍推之
478 2 tuī to choose; to elect 吳王好劍推之
479 2 tuī to replace; to expel 吳王好劍推之
480 2 tuī to honor; to praise 吳王好劍推之
481 2 tuī to advocate; to advance 吳王好劍推之
482 2 tuī to deduce 吳王好劍推之
483 2 tuī to get rid of 吳王好劍推之
484 2 tuī to use a tool with a pushing action 吳王好劍推之
485 2 tuī to extend; to enlarge 吳王好劍推之
486 2 tuī to extend a bow with the left hand while bending it 吳王好劍推之
487 2 tuī to move; to migrate 吳王好劍推之
488 2 tuī to yield 吳王好劍推之
489 2 tuī to shirk 吳王好劍推之
490 2 yǐn to govern 晁公武以為尹知章所托
491 2 yǐn director 晁公武以為尹知章所托
492 2 輕重 qīng zhòng weight 輕重篇尤復鄙俗
493 2 輕重 qīng zhòng degree 輕重篇尤復鄙俗
494 2 輕重 qīng zhòng severity 輕重篇尤復鄙俗
495 2 xiào school 劉向所校本八十六篇
496 2 jiào to compare; to collate; to proofread 劉向所校本八十六篇
497 2 jiào fetters 劉向所校本八十六篇
498 2 jiào to consider 劉向所校本八十六篇
499 2 jiào railing; an enclosure for animals 劉向所校本八十六篇
500 2 jiào a proof 劉向所校本八十六篇

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
春秋 99
  1. Spring and Autumn Period
  2. a person's age
  3. Chunqiu; Annals of Spring and Autumn
  4. spring and autumn
管仲 103 Guanzi; Guan Zhong
桓公 104 Lord Huan
  1. a large river
  2. Yangtze River
  3. Jiang
  4. Jiangsu
  5. Jiang
旧唐书 舊唐書 106 Old Book of Tang
礼部 禮部 108 Ministry of (Confucian) Rites
李善 108 Li Shan
刘向 劉向 108 Liu Xiang
陆机 陸機 108 Lu Ji
毛嫱 毛嬙 109 Mao Qiang
睿宗 睿宗 114 Ruizong Zongyao
绍兴 紹興 115 Shaoxing
神龙 神龍 115 Shenlong
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
苏轼 蘇軾 115 Su Shi
苏辙 蘇轍 115 Su Zhe
太常 116 Minister of Ceremonies; Rector of the Imperial Academy
唐书 唐書 116 Old Book of Tang
吴王 吳王 119 King of Wu; Prince of Wu
孝经 孝经 120
  1. Xiao Jing; Classic of Filial Piety
  2. Classic of Filial Piety; Xiaojing
西施 120 Xishi
翼城 121 Yicheng
  1. Zhao
  2. Zhao Dynasty
  3. State of Zhao
  4. to rush
  5. to visit
  6. Zhao
  7. to dig


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English