Commentaries on the Four Books by Zhu Xi 朱熹四書章句集注

Notes on Commentaries on the Four Books《四書章句集注》 Commentaries on the Four Books《四書章句集注》 is a commentary on the the Four Books of Neo-Confucianism by influential Neo-Confucian philosopher Zhu Xi 朱熹 (1130—1200). The Four Books are the Great Learning 《大學》, the Doctrine of the Mean 《中庸》, the Analects of Confucius 《論語》, and Mencius 《孟子》. Zhu Xi is written Chu Hsi in the Wade-Giles Romanization system. The first and second of the Four Books, Great Learning 《大学》 and Doctrine of the Mean 《中庸》, are included in the Book of Rites 《禮記》. Besides elevating the status of the Great Learning and the Doctrine of the Mean, Zhu Xi also rearranged the texts. (Chan, 1969, p. 85, 97 footnotes) Chan's English translation of Great Learning and the Doctrine of the Mean include many notes from Zhu Xi. (Chan, 1969, pp. 85-114) References 1. Chan, W., 1969. A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy. Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J. 2. Yao, X., 2000. An introduction to Confucianism. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Source: Chinese Text Project, from 《四書章句集注》新編諸子集成(北京:中華書局,1983)

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