Glossary and Vocabulary for New Book of Tang 新唐書, 卷十九     志第九    禮樂九 Volume 19 Treatises 9: Rites and Music 9

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 117 zhī to go 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
2 117 zhī to arrive; to go 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
3 117 zhī is 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
4 117 zhī to use 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
5 117 zhī Zhi 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
6 117 zhī winding 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
7 100 to go; to 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
8 100 to rely on; to depend on 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
9 100 Yu 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
10 100 a crow 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
11 91 bīn a guest; a visitor 賢者為賓
12 91 bīn to submit; to obey 賢者為賓
13 91 bīn Bin 賢者為賓
14 91 bīn to treat as a guest 賢者為賓
15 91 bìn to expell; to reject 賢者為賓
16 80 西 The West 酅公位於道西
17 80 西 west 酅公位於道西
18 80 西 Kangxi radical 146 酅公位於道西
19 80 西 Spain 酅公位於道西
20 80 西 foreign 酅公位於道西
21 80 西 place of honor 酅公位於道西
22 80 西 Central Asia 酅公位於道西
23 80 西 Xi 酅公位於道西
24 71 to stand 西階下立
25 71 Kangxi radical 117 西階下立
26 71 erect; upright; vertical 西階下立
27 71 to establish; to set up; to found 西階下立
28 71 to conclude; to draw up 西階下立
29 71 to ascend the throne 西階下立
30 71 to designate; to appoint 西階下立
31 71 to live; to exist 西階下立
32 71 to erect; to stand something up 西階下立
33 71 to take a stand 西階下立
34 71 to cease; to stop 西階下立
35 71 a two week period at the onset o feach season 西階下立
36 70 shàng top; a high position 上公一人詣西階席
37 70 shang top; the position on or above something 上公一人詣西階席
38 70 shàng to go up; to go forward 上公一人詣西階席
39 70 shàng shang 上公一人詣西階席
40 70 shàng previous; last 上公一人詣西階席
41 70 shàng high; higher 上公一人詣西階席
42 70 shàng advanced 上公一人詣西階席
43 70 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上公一人詣西階席
44 70 shàng time 上公一人詣西階席
45 70 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上公一人詣西階席
46 70 shàng far 上公一人詣西階席
47 70 shàng big; as big as 上公一人詣西階席
48 70 shàng abundant; plentiful 上公一人詣西階席
49 70 shàng to report 上公一人詣西階席
50 70 shàng to offer 上公一人詣西階席
51 70 shàng to go on stage 上公一人詣西階席
52 70 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上公一人詣西階席
53 70 shàng to install; to erect 上公一人詣西階席
54 70 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上公一人詣西階席
55 70 shàng to burn 上公一人詣西階席
56 70 shàng to remember 上公一人詣西階席
57 70 shàng to add 上公一人詣西階席
58 70 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上公一人詣西階席
59 70 shàng to meet 上公一人詣西階席
60 70 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上公一人詣西階席
61 70 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上公一人詣西階席
62 70 shàng a musical note 上公一人詣西階席
63 69 主人 zhǔrén master; host 主人戒賓
64 69 主人 zhǔrén sovereign 主人戒賓
65 68 jiē stairs; steps 上公一人詣西階席
66 68 jiē a rank; degree 上公一人詣西階席
67 68 jiē to ascend 上公一人詣西階席
68 68 jiē upper platform 上公一人詣西階席
69 68 jiē origin; cause 上公一人詣西階席
70 56 to go; to 四品以下分方位于文
71 56 to rely on; to depend on 四品以下分方位于文
72 56 Yu 四品以下分方位于文
73 56 a crow 四品以下分方位于文
74 54 a banquet 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
75 54 a seat 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
76 54 a mat 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
77 54 parliamentary seat; official position 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
78 54 a sail 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
79 54 to depend upon 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
80 54 Xi 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
81 52 dōng east 道東
82 52 dōng master; host 道東
83 52 dōng Dong 道東
84 52 guì to kneel
85 52 guì foot
86 50 北面 běimiàn north side 北面
87 50 北面 běimiàn the positions of the minster or student 北面
88 49 shēng to ascend; to go up
89 49 shēng to climb
90 49 shēng sheng hexagram
91 49 shēng Sheng
92 48 shè to set up; to establish 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
93 48 shè to display; to arrange 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
94 48 shè completely setup 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
95 48 shè an army detachment 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
96 48 shè to build 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
97 48 jué ancient bronze wine holder 加爵一
98 48 jué a feudal title or rank 加爵一
99 48 què a small bird 加爵一
100 48 jué to bestow a title 加爵一
101 46 jìn to enter 黃門侍郎又進跪奏祥瑞
102 46 jìn to advance 黃門侍郎又進跪奏祥瑞
103 45 sān three 嘉禮三
104 45 sān third 嘉禮三
105 45 sān more than two 嘉禮三
106 45 sān very few 嘉禮三
107 45 sān San 嘉禮三
108 45 再拜 zàibài to bow repeatedly 再拜
109 45 再拜 zàibài to bow a second time 再拜
110 44 zuò seat 即御座南向坐
111 44 zuò stand; base 即御座南向坐
112 44 zuò a constellation; a star constellation 即御座南向坐
113 42 qián front 前一日
114 42 qián former; the past 前一日
115 42 qián to go forward 前一日
116 42 qián preceding 前一日
117 42 qián before; earlier; prior 前一日
118 42 qián to appear before 前一日
119 42 qián future 前一日
120 42 qián top; first 前一日
121 42 qián battlefront 前一日
122 40 lǎo old; aged; elderly; aging 皇帝親養三老五更於太學
123 40 lǎo Kangxi radical 125 皇帝親養三老五更於太學
124 40 lǎo vegetables that have become old and tough 皇帝親養三老五更於太學
125 40 lǎo experienced 皇帝親養三老五更於太學
126 40 lǎo humble self-reference 皇帝親養三老五更於太學
127 40 lǎo of long standing 皇帝親養三老五更於太學
128 40 lǎo dark 皇帝親養三老五更於太學
129 40 lǎo outdated 皇帝親養三老五更於太學
130 40 lǎo old people; the elderly 皇帝親養三老五更於太學
131 40 lǎo parents 皇帝親養三老五更於太學
132 40 jiè to introduce; to lie between 介公
133 40 jiè to take offense; to mind about 介公
134 40 jiè honest; upright; determined 介公
135 40 jiè motion; action 介公
136 40 jiè a border; an edge 介公
137 40 jiè to divide; to separate 介公
138 40 jiè a go-between; an intermediary 介公
139 40 jiè to mediate 介公
140 40 jiè a intermediate stage 介公
141 40 jiè to help; to aid 介公
142 40 jiè separate; aloof 介公
143 40 jiè a trifle 介公
144 40 jiè to rely on; to depend on 介公
145 40 jiè serious; important; great 介公
146 40 jiè Jie 介公
147 40 jiè forerunner 介公
148 40 jiè a shell 介公
149 40 jiè armor 介公
150 40 jiè a servant 介公
151 40 nán south 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
152 40 nán nan 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
153 40 nán southern part 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
154 40 nán southward 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
155 39 皇帝 huángdì Emperor 皇帝元正
156 39 zhì zhi; a wine vessel 搢笏受觶
157 36 侍中 shìzhōng Shizhong; Palace Attendant 侍中版奏
158 35 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
159 34 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 冬至受群臣朝賀而會
160 34 shòu to transfer; to confer 冬至受群臣朝賀而會
161 34 shòu to receive; to accept 冬至受群臣朝賀而會
162 34 shòu to tolerate 冬至受群臣朝賀而會
163 34 xiàng direction 即御座南向坐
164 34 xiàng to face 即御座南向坐
165 34 xiàng previous; former; earlier 即御座南向坐
166 34 xiàng a north facing window 即御座南向坐
167 34 xiàng a trend 即御座南向坐
168 34 xiàng Xiang 即御座南向坐
169 34 xiàng Xiang 即御座南向坐
170 34 xiàng to move towards 即御座南向坐
171 34 xiàng to respect; to admire; to look up to 即御座南向坐
172 34 xiàng to favor; to be partial to 即御座南向坐
173 34 xiàng to approximate 即御座南向坐
174 34 xiàng presuming 即御座南向坐
175 34 xiàng to attack 即御座南向坐
176 34 xiàng echo 即御座南向坐
177 34 xiàng to make clear 即御座南向坐
178 33 yuē to speak; to say 典儀曰
179 33 yuē Kangxi radical 73 典儀曰
180 33 yuē to be called 典儀曰
181 33 xīng to flourish; to be popular
182 33 xìng interest
183 33 xīng to spring up; to get up
184 33 xīng to move
185 33 xīng to generate interest
186 33 xīng to promote
187 33 xīng to start; to begin
188 33 xīng to permit; to allow
189 33 xīng Xing
190 33 xīng prosperous
191 33 xìng to be happy
192 33 xìng to like
193 33 xìng to make an analogy
194 33 xìng affective image
195 33 jiàng to descend; to fall; to drop
196 33 jiàng to degrade
197 33 jiàng Jiang [jupiter station]
198 33 jiàng to confer; to bestow; to give
199 33 jiàng to reduce; to decline
200 33 jiàng to condescend
201 33 jiàng to surrender
202 33 jiàng Jiang
203 33 xiáng to surrender
204 33 xiáng to conquer; to subdue
205 33 zàn to meet with a superior 吏部兵部主客戶部贊群官
206 33 zàn to help 吏部兵部主客戶部贊群官
207 33 zàn a eulogy 吏部兵部主客戶部贊群官
208 33 zàn to recommend 吏部兵部主客戶部贊群官
209 33 zàn to introduce; to tell 吏部兵部主客戶部贊群官
210 33 zàn to lead 吏部兵部主客戶部贊群官
211 33 zàn summary verse; eulogy; ecomium 吏部兵部主客戶部贊群官
212 33 zàn to agree; to consent 吏部兵部主客戶部贊群官
213 33 zàn to praise 吏部兵部主客戶部贊群官
214 33 zàn to participate 吏部兵部主客戶部贊群官
215 32 殿 diàn a hall; a palace; a temple 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
216 32 殿 diàn a palace compound 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
217 32 殿 diàn rear; last 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
218 32 殿 diàn rearguard 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
219 32 殿 diàn to guard; to protect 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
220 32 殿 diàn to assess as unsatisfactory; to censure 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
221 32 殿 diàn to stop 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
222 29 wèi position; location; place 又設諸州朝集使位
223 29 wèi bit 又設諸州朝集使位
224 29 wèi a seat 又設諸州朝集使位
225 29 wèi a post 又設諸州朝集使位
226 29 wèi a rank; status 又設諸州朝集使位
227 29 wèi a throne 又設諸州朝集使位
228 29 wèi Wei 又設諸州朝集使位
229 29 wèi the standard form of an object 又設諸州朝集使位
230 29 wèi a polite form of address 又設諸州朝集使位
231 29 wèi at; located at 又設諸州朝集使位
232 29 wèi to arrange 又設諸州朝集使位
233 28 guān an office 群官就次
234 28 guān an official; a government official 群官就次
235 28 guān official; state-run 群官就次
236 28 guān an official body; a state organization; bureau 群官就次
237 28 guān an official rank; an official title 群官就次
238 28 guān governance 群官就次
239 28 guān a sense organ 群官就次
240 28 guān office 群官就次
241 28 guān public 群官就次
242 28 guān an organ 群官就次
243 28 guān a polite form of address 群官就次
244 28 guān Guan 群官就次
245 28 guān to appoint 群官就次
246 28 guān to hold a post 群官就次
247 27 zòu to present; to offer 侍中版奏
248 27 zòu to present a memorial to the emperor 侍中版奏
249 27 zòu to play a musical instrument 侍中版奏
250 27 zòu to happen; to occur 侍中版奏
251 27 zòu a memorial to the throne 侍中版奏
252 27 zòu to go; to walk 侍中版奏
253 27 zòu modulation of rhythm 侍中版奏
254 27 to enter 客等應先置者入就位
255 27 Kangxi radical 11 客等應先置者入就位
256 27 radical 客等應先置者入就位
257 27 income 客等應先置者入就位
258 27 to conform with 客等應先置者入就位
259 27 to descend 客等應先置者入就位
260 27 the entering tone 客等應先置者入就位
261 27 to pay 客等應先置者入就位
262 27 to join 客等應先置者入就位
263 26 退 tuì to retreat; to move back 少退
264 26 退 tuì to decline; to recede; to fade 少退
265 26 退 tuì to yield; to concede; to politely decline 少退
266 26 退 tuì to quit; to withdraw 少退
267 26 退 tuì to give back 少退
268 26 退 tuì for a planet to move with apparent retrograde motion 少退
269 26 退 tuì to recoil; to flinch 少退
270 26 退 tuì to dismiss [from a job] 少退
271 26 退 tuì obsolete 少退
272 26 退 tuì to retire; to resign 少退
273 26 退 tuì to shed; to cast off 少退
274 26 gōng public; common; state-owned 介公
275 26 gōng official 介公
276 26 gōng male 介公
277 26 gōng duke; lord 介公
278 26 gōng fair; equitable 介公
279 26 gōng Mr.; mister 介公
280 26 gōng father-in-law 介公
281 26 gōng form of address; your honor 介公
282 26 gōng accepted; mutual 介公
283 26 gōng metric 介公
284 26 gōng to release to the public 介公
285 26 gōng the common good 介公
286 26 gōng to divide equally 介公
287 26 gōng Gong 介公
288 26 diǎn canon; classic; scripture 典儀曰
289 26 diǎn laws; regulations 典儀曰
290 26 diǎn a ceremony 典儀曰
291 26 diǎn an institution in imperial China 典儀曰
292 26 diǎn refined; elegant 典儀曰
293 26 diǎn to administer 典儀曰
294 26 diǎn to pawn 典儀曰
295 26 diǎn an allusion; a precedent 典儀曰
296 26 qún a crowd; a flock; a group 有司設群官客使等次於東西朝堂
297 26 qún many; a huge number of; teaming with 有司設群官客使等次於東西朝堂
298 26 qún to flock together; to form a group 有司設群官客使等次於東西朝堂
299 25 jiǔ wine; liquor; spirits; alcoholic beverage 太官令設升殿者酒尊於東
300 25 jiǔ banquet 太官令設升殿者酒尊於東
301 25 apparatus 典儀曰
302 25 a rite; a ceremony 典儀曰
303 25 appearance; demeanor 典儀曰
304 25 a gift 典儀曰
305 25 a norm; a standard 典儀曰
306 25 to admire 典儀曰
307 25 embellishment 典儀曰
308 25 formal dress 典儀曰
309 25 an analogue; a match 典儀曰
310 25 to be inclined; to trend 典儀曰
311 25 to watch 典儀曰
312 25 to come 典儀曰
313 25 Yi 典儀曰
314 25 bài to bow; to pay respect to 皇帝又西向肅拜五更
315 25 bài to send greetings; to congratulate 皇帝又西向肅拜五更
316 25 bài to visit 皇帝又西向肅拜五更
317 25 bài to appoint; to confer a title 皇帝又西向肅拜五更
318 25 bài to enter into a relationship 皇帝又西向肅拜五更
319 25 bài a polite form; please 皇帝又西向肅拜五更
320 25 bài Bai 皇帝又西向肅拜五更
321 25 bài to perform a ritual 皇帝又西向肅拜五更
322 25 bài to bend 皇帝又西向肅拜五更
323 25 bài byte 皇帝又西向肅拜五更
324 25 zuǒ left 給事中以祥瑞桉俟于左延明門外
325 25 zuǒ unorthodox; improper 給事中以祥瑞桉俟于左延明門外
326 25 zuǒ east 給事中以祥瑞桉俟于左延明門外
327 25 zuǒ to bring 給事中以祥瑞桉俟于左延明門外
328 25 zuǒ to violate; to be contrary to 給事中以祥瑞桉俟于左延明門外
329 25 zuǒ Zuo 給事中以祥瑞桉俟于左延明門外
330 25 zuǒ extreme 給事中以祥瑞桉俟于左延明門外
331 25 zhí to implement; to carry out; to execute a plan 禮部以諸蕃貢物可執者
332 25 zhí a post; a position; a job 禮部以諸蕃貢物可執者
333 25 zhí to grasp; to hold 禮部以諸蕃貢物可執者
334 25 zhí to govern; to administer; to be in charge of 禮部以諸蕃貢物可執者
335 25 zhí to arrest; to capture 禮部以諸蕃貢物可執者
336 25 zhí to maintain; to guard 禮部以諸蕃貢物可執者
337 25 zhí to block up 禮部以諸蕃貢物可執者
338 25 zhí to engage in 禮部以諸蕃貢物可執者
339 25 zhí to link up; to draw in 禮部以諸蕃貢物可執者
340 25 zhí a good friend 禮部以諸蕃貢物可執者
341 25 zhí proof; certificate; receipt; voucher 禮部以諸蕃貢物可執者
342 24 chéng to bear; to carry; to hold 贊者承傳
343 24 chéng to succeed; to continue 贊者承傳
344 24 chéng to accept; to receive; to inherit 贊者承傳
345 24 chéng to flatter; to honor 贊者承傳
346 24 chéng to undertake; to assume 贊者承傳
347 24 chéng to act on orders; to perform; to carry out 贊者承傳
348 24 chéng to confess 贊者承傳
349 24 chéng to attend; to assist; to aid 贊者承傳
350 24 chéng to acknowledge; to assent to; to acquiesce 贊者承傳
351 24 chéng to obstruct 贊者承傳
352 24 chéng to hear it said that 贊者承傳
353 24 chéng bearer 贊者承傳
354 24 chéng to be indebted to 贊者承傳
355 24 chēng to call; to address
356 24 chèn to suit; to match; to suit
357 24 chēng to say; to describe
358 24 chēng to weigh
359 24 chèng to weigh
360 24 chēng to praise; to commend
361 24 chēng to name; to designate
362 24 chēng a name; an appellation
363 24 chēng to claim to be; to proclaim oneself
364 24 chēng to raise; to lift up
365 24 chèn to pretend
366 24 chēng to consider; to evaluate
367 24 chēng to bow to; to defer to
368 24 chèng scales
369 24 chèng a standard weight
370 24 chēng reputation
371 24 chèng a steelyard
372 24 jiù to approach; to move towards; to come towards 群官就次
373 24 jiù to assume 群官就次
374 24 jiù to receive; to suffer 群官就次
375 24 jiù to undergo; to undertake; to engage in 群官就次
376 24 jiù to suit; to accommodate oneself to 群官就次
377 24 jiù to accomplish 群官就次
378 24 jiù to go with 群官就次
379 24 jiù to die 群官就次
380 24 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 中書令
381 24 lìng to issue a command 中書令
382 24 lìng rules of behavior; customs 中書令
383 24 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 中書令
384 24 lìng a season 中書令
385 24 lìng respected; good reputation 中書令
386 24 lìng good 中書令
387 24 lìng pretentious 中書令
388 24 lìng a transcending state of existence 中書令
389 24 lìng a commander 中書令
390 24 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 中書令
391 24 lìng lyrics 中書令
392 24 lìng Ling 中書令
393 24 qǐng to ask; to inquire 請中嚴
394 24 qíng circumstances; state of affairs; situation 請中嚴
395 24 qǐng to beg; to entreat 請中嚴
396 24 qǐng please 請中嚴
397 24 qǐng to request 請中嚴
398 24 qǐng to hire; to employ; to engage 請中嚴
399 24 qǐng to make an appointment 請中嚴
400 24 qǐng to greet 請中嚴
401 24 qǐng to invite 請中嚴
402 23 zūn to honor; to respect 尚食設壽尊於殿上東序之端
403 23 zūn a zun; an ancient wine vessel 尚食設壽尊於殿上東序之端
404 23 zūn a wine cup 尚食設壽尊於殿上東序之端
405 23 zūn respected; honorable; noble; senior 尚食設壽尊於殿上東序之端
406 23 zūn supreme; high 尚食設壽尊於殿上東序之端
407 23 zūn grave; solemn; dignified 尚食設壽尊於殿上東序之端
408 23 pǐn product; goods; thing 文官四品
409 23 pǐn degree; rate; grade; a standard 文官四品
410 23 pǐn a work (of art) 文官四品
411 23 pǐn kind; type; category; variety 文官四品
412 23 pǐn to differentiate; to distinguish; to discriminate; to appraise 文官四品
413 23 pǐn to sample; to taste; to appreciate 文官四品
414 23 pǐn to ruminate; to ponder subtleties 文官四品
415 23 pǐn to play a flute 文官四品
416 23 pǐn a family name 文官四品
417 23 pǐn character; style 文官四品
418 23 pǐn pink; light red 文官四品
419 23 pǐn production rejects; seconds; scrap; discarded material 文官四品
420 23 pǐn a fret 文官四品
421 23 pǐn Pin 文官四品
422 23 pǐn a rank in the imperial government 文官四品
423 23 pǐn standard 文官四品
424 23 Kangxi radical 132 禦輿入自東房
425 23 Zi 禦輿入自東房
426 23 a nose 禦輿入自東房
427 23 the beginning; the start 禦輿入自東房
428 23 origin 禦輿入自東房
429 23 to employ; to use 禦輿入自東房
430 23 to be 禦輿入自東房
431 23 cháo to face 冬至受群臣朝賀而會
432 23 cháo dynasty 冬至受群臣朝賀而會
433 23 cháo Korea 冬至受群臣朝賀而會
434 23 zhāo morning; dawn 冬至受群臣朝賀而會
435 23 cháo the imperial court 冬至受群臣朝賀而會
436 23 zhāo a day 冬至受群臣朝賀而會
437 23 zhāo Zhao 冬至受群臣朝賀而會
438 23 zhāo having vitality 冬至受群臣朝賀而會
439 23 cháo to meet somebody; to visit 冬至受群臣朝賀而會
440 23 cháo to worship 冬至受群臣朝賀而會
441 23 zhāo early 冬至受群臣朝賀而會
442 22 Qi 各引其桉入
443 22 西面 xīmiàn west side 西面
444 22 使 shǐ to make; to cause 有司設群官客使等次於東西朝堂
445 22 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 有司設群官客使等次於東西朝堂
446 22 使 shǐ to indulge 有司設群官客使等次於東西朝堂
447 22 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 有司設群官客使等次於東西朝堂
448 22 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 有司設群官客使等次於東西朝堂
449 22 使 shǐ to dispatch 有司設群官客使等次於東西朝堂
450 22 使 shǐ to use 有司設群官客使等次於東西朝堂
451 22 使 shǐ to be able to 有司設群官客使等次於東西朝堂
452 22 to use; to grasp 中書侍郎以諸州鎮表別為一桉
453 22 to rely on 中書侍郎以諸州鎮表別為一桉
454 22 to regard 中書侍郎以諸州鎮表別為一桉
455 22 to be able to 中書侍郎以諸州鎮表別為一桉
456 22 to order; to command 中書侍郎以諸州鎮表別為一桉
457 22 used after a verb 中書侍郎以諸州鎮表別為一桉
458 22 a reason; a cause 中書侍郎以諸州鎮表別為一桉
459 22 Israel 中書侍郎以諸州鎮表別為一桉
460 22 Yi 中書侍郎以諸州鎮表別為一桉
461 21 to go to; to arrive; to reach 諸侍衛之官詣閣奉迎
462 21 an achievement; an accomplishment 諸侍衛之官詣閣奉迎
463 21 to visit 諸侍衛之官詣閣奉迎
464 21 purposeful 諸侍衛之官詣閣奉迎
465 21 xíng to walk 每國異位重行
466 21 xíng capable; competent 每國異位重行
467 21 háng profession 每國異位重行
468 21 xíng Kangxi radical 144 每國異位重行
469 21 xíng to travel 每國異位重行
470 21 xìng actions; conduct 每國異位重行
471 21 xíng to do; to act; to practice 每國異位重行
472 21 xíng all right; OK; okay 每國異位重行
473 21 háng horizontal line 每國異位重行
474 21 héng virtuous deeds 每國異位重行
475 21 hàng a line of trees 每國異位重行
476 21 hàng bold; steadfast 每國異位重行
477 21 xíng to move 每國異位重行
478 21 xíng to put into effect; to implement 每國異位重行
479 21 xíng travel 每國異位重行
480 21 xíng to circulate 每國異位重行
481 21 xíng running script; running script 每國異位重行
482 21 xíng temporary 每國異位重行
483 21 háng rank; order 每國異位重行
484 21 háng a business; a shop 每國異位重行
485 21 xíng to depart; to leave 每國異位重行
486 21 xíng to experience 每國異位重行
487 21 xíng path; way 每國異位重行
488 21 xíng xing; ballad 每國異位重行
489 21 xíng Xing 每國異位重行
490 21 xià bottom 西階下立
491 21 xià to fall; to drop; to go down; to descend 西階下立
492 21 xià to announce 西階下立
493 21 xià to do 西階下立
494 21 xià to withdraw; to leave; to exit 西階下立
495 21 xià the lower class; a member of the lower class 西階下立
496 21 xià inside 西階下立
497 21 xià an aspect 西階下立
498 21 xià a certain time 西階下立
499 21 xià to capture; to take 西階下立
500 21 xià to put in 西階下立

Frequencies of all Words

Top 961

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 117 zhī him; her; them; that 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
2 117 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
3 117 zhī to go 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
4 117 zhī this; that 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
5 117 zhī genetive marker 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
6 117 zhī it 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
7 117 zhī in; in regards to 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
8 117 zhī all 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
9 117 zhī and 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
10 117 zhī however 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
11 117 zhī if 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
12 117 zhī then 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
13 117 zhī to arrive; to go 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
14 117 zhī is 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
15 117 zhī to use 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
16 117 zhī Zhi 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
17 117 zhī winding 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
18 100 in; at 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
19 100 in; at 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
20 100 in; at; to; from 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
21 100 to go; to 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
22 100 to rely on; to depend on 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
23 100 to go to; to arrive at 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
24 100 from 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
25 100 give 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
26 100 oppposing 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
27 100 and 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
28 100 compared to 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
29 100 by 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
30 100 and; as well as 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
31 100 for 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
32 100 Yu 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
33 100 a crow 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
34 100 whew; wow 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
35 91 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 客等應先置者入就位
36 91 zhě that 客等應先置者入就位
37 91 zhě nominalizing function word 客等應先置者入就位
38 91 zhě used to mark a definition 客等應先置者入就位
39 91 zhě used to mark a pause 客等應先置者入就位
40 91 zhě topic marker; that; it 客等應先置者入就位
41 91 zhuó according to 客等應先置者入就位
42 91 bīn a guest; a visitor 賢者為賓
43 91 bīn to submit; to obey 賢者為賓
44 91 bīn Bin 賢者為賓
45 91 bīn to treat as a guest 賢者為賓
46 91 bìn to expell; to reject 賢者為賓
47 80 西 The West 酅公位於道西
48 80 西 west 酅公位於道西
49 80 西 Kangxi radical 146 酅公位於道西
50 80 西 Spain 酅公位於道西
51 80 西 foreign 酅公位於道西
52 80 西 place of honor 酅公位於道西
53 80 西 Central Asia 酅公位於道西
54 80 西 Xi 酅公位於道西
55 71 to stand 西階下立
56 71 Kangxi radical 117 西階下立
57 71 erect; upright; vertical 西階下立
58 71 to establish; to set up; to found 西階下立
59 71 to conclude; to draw up 西階下立
60 71 to ascend the throne 西階下立
61 71 to designate; to appoint 西階下立
62 71 to live; to exist 西階下立
63 71 instantaneously; immediatley 西階下立
64 71 to erect; to stand something up 西階下立
65 71 to take a stand 西階下立
66 71 to cease; to stop 西階下立
67 71 a two week period at the onset o feach season 西階下立
68 70 shàng top; a high position 上公一人詣西階席
69 70 shang top; the position on or above something 上公一人詣西階席
70 70 shàng to go up; to go forward 上公一人詣西階席
71 70 shàng shang 上公一人詣西階席
72 70 shàng previous; last 上公一人詣西階席
73 70 shàng high; higher 上公一人詣西階席
74 70 shàng advanced 上公一人詣西階席
75 70 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上公一人詣西階席
76 70 shàng time 上公一人詣西階席
77 70 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上公一人詣西階席
78 70 shàng far 上公一人詣西階席
79 70 shàng big; as big as 上公一人詣西階席
80 70 shàng abundant; plentiful 上公一人詣西階席
81 70 shàng to report 上公一人詣西階席
82 70 shàng to offer 上公一人詣西階席
83 70 shàng to go on stage 上公一人詣西階席
84 70 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上公一人詣西階席
85 70 shàng to install; to erect 上公一人詣西階席
86 70 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上公一人詣西階席
87 70 shàng to burn 上公一人詣西階席
88 70 shàng to remember 上公一人詣西階席
89 70 shang on; in 上公一人詣西階席
90 70 shàng upward 上公一人詣西階席
91 70 shàng to add 上公一人詣西階席
92 70 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上公一人詣西階席
93 70 shàng to meet 上公一人詣西階席
94 70 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上公一人詣西階席
95 70 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上公一人詣西階席
96 70 shàng a musical note 上公一人詣西階席
97 69 主人 zhǔrén master; host 主人戒賓
98 69 主人 zhǔrén sovereign 主人戒賓
99 68 jiē stairs; steps 上公一人詣西階席
100 68 jiē a rank; degree 上公一人詣西階席
101 68 jiē to ascend 上公一人詣西階席
102 68 jiē upper platform 上公一人詣西階席
103 68 jiē origin; cause 上公一人詣西階席
104 56 in; at 四品以下分方位于文
105 56 in; at 四品以下分方位于文
106 56 in; at; to; from 四品以下分方位于文
107 56 to go; to 四品以下分方位于文
108 56 to rely on; to depend on 四品以下分方位于文
109 56 to go to; to arrive at 四品以下分方位于文
110 56 from 四品以下分方位于文
111 56 give 四品以下分方位于文
112 56 oppposing 四品以下分方位于文
113 56 and 四品以下分方位于文
114 56 compared to 四品以下分方位于文
115 56 by 四品以下分方位于文
116 56 and; as well as 四品以下分方位于文
117 56 for 四品以下分方位于文
118 56 Yu 四品以下分方位于文
119 56 a crow 四品以下分方位于文
120 56 whew; wow 四品以下分方位于文
121 54 a banquet 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
122 54 a seat 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
123 54 a mat 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
124 54 parliamentary seat; official position 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
125 54 a sail 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
126 54 to depend upon 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
127 54 position 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
128 54 Xi 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
129 54 comprehensively 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
130 52 dōng east 道東
131 52 dōng master; host 道東
132 52 dōng Dong 道東
133 52 guì to kneel
134 52 guì foot
135 51 jiē all; each and every; in all cases 在位者皆再拜
136 51 jiē same; equally 在位者皆再拜
137 50 北面 běimiàn north side 北面
138 50 北面 běimiàn the positions of the minster or student 北面
139 49 shēng to ascend; to go up
140 49 shēng to climb
141 49 shēng metric liter; measure for dry grain equal to one-tenth dou
142 49 shēng sheng hexagram
143 49 shēng Sheng
144 48 shè to set up; to establish 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
145 48 shè to display; to arrange 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
146 48 shè if; suppose; given 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
147 48 shè to implement 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
148 48 shè completely setup 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
149 48 shè an army detachment 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
150 48 shè to build 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
151 48 jué ancient bronze wine holder 加爵一
152 48 jué a feudal title or rank 加爵一
153 48 què a small bird 加爵一
154 48 jué to bestow a title 加爵一
155 46 jìn to enter 黃門侍郎又進跪奏祥瑞
156 46 jìn to advance 黃門侍郎又進跪奏祥瑞
157 45 sān three 嘉禮三
158 45 sān third 嘉禮三
159 45 sān more than two 嘉禮三
160 45 sān very few 嘉禮三
161 45 sān repeatedly 嘉禮三
162 45 sān San 嘉禮三
163 45 再拜 zàibài to bow repeatedly 再拜
164 45 再拜 zàibài to bow a second time 再拜
165 44 zuò seat 即御座南向坐
166 44 zuò measure word for large things 即御座南向坐
167 44 zuò stand; base 即御座南向坐
168 44 zuò a constellation; a star constellation 即御座南向坐
169 42 qián front 前一日
170 42 qián former; the past 前一日
171 42 qián to go forward 前一日
172 42 qián preceding 前一日
173 42 qián before; earlier; prior 前一日
174 42 qián to appear before 前一日
175 42 qián future 前一日
176 42 qián top; first 前一日
177 42 qián battlefront 前一日
178 42 qián pre- 前一日
179 40 lǎo old; aged; elderly; aging 皇帝親養三老五更於太學
180 40 lǎo Kangxi radical 125 皇帝親養三老五更於太學
181 40 lǎo indicates seniority or age 皇帝親養三老五更於太學
182 40 lǎo vegetables that have become old and tough 皇帝親養三老五更於太學
183 40 lǎo always 皇帝親養三老五更於太學
184 40 lǎo very 皇帝親養三老五更於太學
185 40 lǎo experienced 皇帝親養三老五更於太學
186 40 lǎo humble self-reference 皇帝親養三老五更於太學
187 40 lǎo of long standing 皇帝親養三老五更於太學
188 40 lǎo dark 皇帝親養三老五更於太學
189 40 lǎo outdated 皇帝親養三老五更於太學
190 40 lǎo old people; the elderly 皇帝親養三老五更於太學
191 40 lǎo parents 皇帝親養三老五更於太學
192 40 lǎo indicates familiarity 皇帝親養三老五更於太學
193 40 lǎo for a long time 皇帝親養三老五更於太學
194 40 jiè to introduce; to lie between 介公
195 40 jiè to take offense; to mind about 介公
196 40 jiè honest; upright; determined 介公
197 40 jiè single; a unit; one 介公
198 40 jiè motion; action 介公
199 40 jiè a border; an edge 介公
200 40 jiè to divide; to separate 介公
201 40 jiè a go-between; an intermediary 介公
202 40 jiè to mediate 介公
203 40 jiè a intermediate stage 介公
204 40 jiè to help; to aid 介公
205 40 jiè separate; aloof 介公
206 40 jiè a trifle 介公
207 40 jiè to rely on; to depend on 介公
208 40 jiè serious; important; great 介公
209 40 jiè Jie 介公
210 40 jiè forerunner 介公
211 40 jiè a shell 介公
212 40 jiè armor 介公
213 40 jiè a servant 介公
214 40 nán south 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
215 40 nán nan 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
216 40 nán southern part 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
217 40 nán southward 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
218 39 皇帝 huángdì Emperor 皇帝元正
219 39 zhì zhi; a wine vessel 搢笏受觶
220 36 侍中 shìzhōng Shizhong; Palace Attendant 侍中版奏
221 35 yòu again; also 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
222 35 yòu expresses the existence of simultaneous conditions 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
223 35 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
224 35 yòu and 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
225 35 yòu furthermore 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
226 35 yòu in addition 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
227 35 yòu but 又設解劍席於縣西北橫街之南
228 34 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 冬至受群臣朝賀而會
229 34 shòu to transfer; to confer 冬至受群臣朝賀而會
230 34 shòu to receive; to accept 冬至受群臣朝賀而會
231 34 shòu to tolerate 冬至受群臣朝賀而會
232 34 shòu suitably 冬至受群臣朝賀而會
233 34 xiàng towards; to 即御座南向坐
234 34 xiàng direction 即御座南向坐
235 34 xiàng to face 即御座南向坐
236 34 xiàng previous; former; earlier 即御座南向坐
237 34 xiàng formerly 即御座南向坐
238 34 xiàng a north facing window 即御座南向坐
239 34 xiàng a trend 即御座南向坐
240 34 xiàng Xiang 即御座南向坐
241 34 xiàng Xiang 即御座南向坐
242 34 xiàng to move towards 即御座南向坐
243 34 xiàng to respect; to admire; to look up to 即御座南向坐
244 34 xiàng to favor; to be partial to 即御座南向坐
245 34 xiàng always 即御座南向坐
246 34 xiàng just now; a moment ago 即御座南向坐
247 34 xiàng to approximate 即御座南向坐
248 34 xiàng presuming 即御座南向坐
249 34 xiàng to attack 即御座南向坐
250 34 xiàng echo 即御座南向坐
251 34 xiàng to make clear 即御座南向坐
252 33 yuē to speak; to say 典儀曰
253 33 yuē Kangxi radical 73 典儀曰
254 33 yuē to be called 典儀曰
255 33 yuē particle without meaning 典儀曰
256 33 xīng to flourish; to be popular
257 33 xìng interest
258 33 xīng to spring up; to get up
259 33 xīng to move
260 33 xīng to generate interest
261 33 xīng to promote
262 33 xīng to start; to begin
263 33 xīng to permit; to allow
264 33 xīng perhaps; maybe
265 33 xīng Xing
266 33 xīng prosperous
267 33 xìng to be happy
268 33 xìng to like
269 33 xìng to make an analogy
270 33 xìng affective image
271 33 jiàng to descend; to fall; to drop
272 33 jiàng to degrade
273 33 jiàng Jiang [jupiter station]
274 33 jiàng to confer; to bestow; to give
275 33 jiàng to reduce; to decline
276 33 jiàng to condescend
277 33 jiàng to surrender
278 33 jiàng Jiang
279 33 xiáng to surrender
280 33 xiáng to conquer; to subdue
281 33 zàn to meet with a superior 吏部兵部主客戶部贊群官
282 33 zàn to help 吏部兵部主客戶部贊群官
283 33 zàn a eulogy 吏部兵部主客戶部贊群官
284 33 zàn to recommend 吏部兵部主客戶部贊群官
285 33 zàn to introduce; to tell 吏部兵部主客戶部贊群官
286 33 zàn to lead 吏部兵部主客戶部贊群官
287 33 zàn summary verse; eulogy; ecomium 吏部兵部主客戶部贊群官
288 33 zàn to agree; to consent 吏部兵部主客戶部贊群官
289 33 zàn to praise 吏部兵部主客戶部贊群官
290 33 zàn to participate 吏部兵部主客戶部贊群官
291 32 殿 diàn a hall; a palace; a temple 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
292 32 殿 diàn a palace compound 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
293 32 殿 diàn rear; last 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
294 32 殿 diàn rearguard 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
295 32 殿 diàn to guard; to protect 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
296 32 殿 diàn to assess as unsatisfactory; to censure 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
297 32 殿 diàn to stop 尚舍設禦幄於太極殿
298 32 mǒu some; certain 某官臣某言
299 32 mǒu myself 某官臣某言
300 29 wèi position; location; place 又設諸州朝集使位
301 29 wèi measure word for people 又設諸州朝集使位
302 29 wèi bit 又設諸州朝集使位
303 29 wèi a seat 又設諸州朝集使位
304 29 wèi a post 又設諸州朝集使位
305 29 wèi a rank; status 又設諸州朝集使位
306 29 wèi a throne 又設諸州朝集使位
307 29 wèi Wei 又設諸州朝集使位
308 29 wèi the standard form of an object 又設諸州朝集使位
309 29 wèi a polite form of address 又設諸州朝集使位
310 29 wèi at; located at 又設諸州朝集使位
311 29 wèi to arrange 又設諸州朝集使位
312 28 guān an office 群官就次
313 28 guān an official; a government official 群官就次
314 28 guān official; state-run 群官就次
315 28 guān an official body; a state organization; bureau 群官就次
316 28 guān an official rank; an official title 群官就次
317 28 guān governance 群官就次
318 28 guān a sense organ 群官就次
319 28 guān office 群官就次
320 28 guān public 群官就次
321 28 guān an organ 群官就次
322 28 guān a polite form of address 群官就次
323 28 guān Guan 群官就次
324 28 guān to appoint 群官就次
325 28 guān to hold a post 群官就次
326 27 zòu to present; to offer 侍中版奏
327 27 zòu to present a memorial to the emperor 侍中版奏
328 27 zòu to play a musical instrument 侍中版奏
329 27 zòu to happen; to occur 侍中版奏
330 27 zòu a memorial to the throne 侍中版奏
331 27 zòu to go; to walk 侍中版奏
332 27 zòu modulation of rhythm 侍中版奏
333 27 to enter 客等應先置者入就位
334 27 Kangxi radical 11 客等應先置者入就位
335 27 radical 客等應先置者入就位
336 27 income 客等應先置者入就位
337 27 to conform with 客等應先置者入就位
338 27 to descend 客等應先置者入就位
339 27 the entering tone 客等應先置者入就位
340 27 to pay 客等應先置者入就位
341 27 to join 客等應先置者入就位
342 26 退 tuì to retreat; to move back 少退
343 26 退 tuì to decline; to recede; to fade 少退
344 26 退 tuì to yield; to concede; to politely decline 少退
345 26 退 tuì to quit; to withdraw 少退
346 26 退 tuì to give back 少退
347 26 退 tuì for a planet to move with apparent retrograde motion 少退
348 26 退 tuì to recoil; to flinch 少退
349 26 退 tuì to dismiss [from a job] 少退
350 26 退 tuì obsolete 少退
351 26 退 tuì to retire; to resign 少退
352 26 退 tuì to shed; to cast off 少退
353 26 gōng public; common; state-owned 介公
354 26 gōng official 介公
355 26 gōng male 介公
356 26 gōng duke; lord 介公
357 26 gōng fair; equitable 介公
358 26 gōng Mr.; mister 介公
359 26 gōng father-in-law 介公
360 26 gōng form of address; your honor 介公
361 26 gōng accepted; mutual 介公
362 26 gōng metric 介公
363 26 gōng to release to the public 介公
364 26 gōng the common good 介公
365 26 gōng to divide equally 介公
366 26 gōng Gong 介公
367 26 gōng publicly; openly 介公
368 26 gōng publicly operated; state run 介公
369 26 diǎn canon; classic; scripture 典儀曰
370 26 diǎn laws; regulations 典儀曰
371 26 diǎn a ceremony 典儀曰
372 26 diǎn an institution in imperial China 典儀曰
373 26 diǎn refined; elegant 典儀曰
374 26 diǎn to administer 典儀曰
375 26 diǎn to pawn 典儀曰
376 26 diǎn an allusion; a precedent 典儀曰
377 26 qún a crowd; a flock; a group 有司設群官客使等次於東西朝堂
378 26 qún crowd; flock; group 有司設群官客使等次於東西朝堂
379 26 qún many; a huge number of; teaming with 有司設群官客使等次於東西朝堂
380 26 qún to flock together; to form a group 有司設群官客使等次於東西朝堂
381 25 jiǔ wine; liquor; spirits; alcoholic beverage 太官令設升殿者酒尊於東
382 25 jiǔ banquet 太官令設升殿者酒尊於東
383 25 apparatus 典儀曰
384 25 a rite; a ceremony 典儀曰
385 25 appearance; demeanor 典儀曰
386 25 a gift 典儀曰
387 25 a norm; a standard 典儀曰
388 25 to admire 典儀曰
389 25 embellishment 典儀曰
390 25 formal dress 典儀曰
391 25 an analogue; a match 典儀曰
392 25 to be inclined; to trend 典儀曰
393 25 to watch 典儀曰
394 25 to come 典儀曰
395 25 Yi 典儀曰
396 25 bài to bow; to pay respect to 皇帝又西向肅拜五更
397 25 bài to send greetings; to congratulate 皇帝又西向肅拜五更
398 25 bài to visit 皇帝又西向肅拜五更
399 25 bài to appoint; to confer a title 皇帝又西向肅拜五更
400 25 bài to enter into a relationship 皇帝又西向肅拜五更
401 25 bài a polite form; please 皇帝又西向肅拜五更
402 25 bài Bai 皇帝又西向肅拜五更
403 25 bài to perform a ritual 皇帝又西向肅拜五更
404 25 bài to bend 皇帝又西向肅拜五更
405 25 bài byte 皇帝又西向肅拜五更
406 25 zuǒ left 給事中以祥瑞桉俟于左延明門外
407 25 zuǒ unorthodox; improper 給事中以祥瑞桉俟于左延明門外
408 25 zuǒ east 給事中以祥瑞桉俟于左延明門外
409 25 zuǒ to bring 給事中以祥瑞桉俟于左延明門外
410 25 zuǒ to violate; to be contrary to 給事中以祥瑞桉俟于左延明門外
411 25 zuǒ Zuo 給事中以祥瑞桉俟于左延明門外
412 25 zuǒ extreme 給事中以祥瑞桉俟于左延明門外
413 25 zhí to implement; to carry out; to execute a plan 禮部以諸蕃貢物可執者
414 25 zhí a post; a position; a job 禮部以諸蕃貢物可執者
415 25 zhí to grasp; to hold 禮部以諸蕃貢物可執者
416 25 zhí to govern; to administer; to be in charge of 禮部以諸蕃貢物可執者
417 25 zhí to arrest; to capture 禮部以諸蕃貢物可執者
418 25 zhí to maintain; to guard 禮部以諸蕃貢物可執者
419 25 zhí to block up 禮部以諸蕃貢物可執者
420 25 zhí to engage in 禮部以諸蕃貢物可執者
421 25 zhí to link up; to draw in 禮部以諸蕃貢物可執者
422 25 zhí a good friend 禮部以諸蕃貢物可執者
423 25 zhí proof; certificate; receipt; voucher 禮部以諸蕃貢物可執者
424 24 chéng to bear; to carry; to hold 贊者承傳
425 24 chéng to succeed; to continue 贊者承傳
426 24 chéng to accept; to receive; to inherit 贊者承傳
427 24 chéng to flatter; to honor 贊者承傳
428 24 chéng to undertake; to assume 贊者承傳
429 24 chéng to act on orders; to perform; to carry out 贊者承傳
430 24 chéng to confess 贊者承傳
431 24 chéng to attend; to assist; to aid 贊者承傳
432 24 chéng to acknowledge; to assent to; to acquiesce 贊者承傳
433 24 chéng to obstruct 贊者承傳
434 24 chéng to hear it said that 贊者承傳
435 24 chéng previously 贊者承傳
436 24 chéng bearer 贊者承傳
437 24 chéng to be indebted to 贊者承傳
438 24 chū to go out; to leave 客使俱出次
439 24 chū measure word for dramas, plays, operas, etc 客使俱出次
440 24 chū to produce; to put forth; to issue; to grow up 客使俱出次
441 24 chū to extend; to spread 客使俱出次
442 24 chū to appear 客使俱出次
443 24 chū to exceed 客使俱出次
444 24 chū to publish; to post 客使俱出次
445 24 chū to take up an official post 客使俱出次
446 24 chū to give birth 客使俱出次
447 24 chū a verb complement 客使俱出次
448 24 chū to occur; to happen 客使俱出次
449 24 chū to divorce 客使俱出次
450 24 chū to chase away 客使俱出次
451 24 chū to escape; to leave 客使俱出次
452 24 chū to give 客使俱出次
453 24 chū to emit 客使俱出次
454 24 chū quoted from 客使俱出次
455 24 chēng to call; to address
456 24 chèn to suit; to match; to suit
457 24 chēng to say; to describe
458 24 chēng to weigh
459 24 chèng to weigh
460 24 chēng to praise; to commend
461 24 chēng to name; to designate
462 24 chēng a name; an appellation
463 24 chēng to claim to be; to proclaim oneself
464 24 chēng to raise; to lift up
465 24 chèn to pretend
466 24 chēng to consider; to evaluate
467 24 chēng to bow to; to defer to
468 24 chèng scales
469 24 chèng a standard weight
470 24 chēng reputation
471 24 chèng a steelyard
472 24 jiù right away 群官就次
473 24 jiù to approach; to move towards; to come towards 群官就次
474 24 jiù with regard to; concerning; to follow 群官就次
475 24 jiù to assume 群官就次
476 24 jiù to receive; to suffer 群官就次
477 24 jiù to undergo; to undertake; to engage in 群官就次
478 24 jiù precisely; exactly 群官就次
479 24 jiù namely 群官就次
480 24 jiù to suit; to accommodate oneself to 群官就次
481 24 jiù only; just 群官就次
482 24 jiù to accomplish 群官就次
483 24 jiù to go with 群官就次
484 24 jiù already 群官就次
485 24 jiù as much as 群官就次
486 24 jiù to begin with; as expected 群官就次
487 24 jiù even if 群官就次
488 24 jiù to die 群官就次
489 24 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 中書令
490 24 lìng to issue a command 中書令
491 24 lìng rules of behavior; customs 中書令
492 24 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 中書令
493 24 lìng a season 中書令
494 24 lìng respected; good reputation 中書令
495 24 lìng good 中書令
496 24 lìng pretentious 中書令
497 24 lìng a transcending state of existence 中書令
498 24 lìng a commander 中書令
499 24 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 中書令
500 24 lìng lyrics 中書令

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
北方 98 The North
兵部 98 Ministry of War
刺史 99 Regional Inspector
东门 東門 100 East Gate
东方 東方 100
  1. Asia; the Orient
  2. the eastern direction
  3. Dongfang
东阶 東階 100 Eastern Stairs
冬至 100
  1. Dongzhi
  2. Winter Solstice festival
关雎 關雎 103 Sound of the Osprey
皇太子 104 Crown Prince
黄门 黃門 104 Huangmen
户部 戶部 104 Ministry of Revenue
户部尚书 戶部尚書 104 Minister of Revenue (from the Han dynasty onwards)
景福 106 Jingfu
进贤 進賢 106 Jinxian
九卿 106 nine ministers
开元 開元 107 Kai Yuan
礼部 禮部 108 Ministry of (Confucian) Rites
礼部尚书 禮部尚書 108 Director of Board of Rites
南门 南門 110 South Gate
  1. type of rush; a vine
  2. Pu
  3. Pu
青龙 青龍 113
  1. Azure Dragon
  2. Azure Dragon
青阳 青陽 113 Qingyang
三公 115 Three Ducal Ministers; Three Excellencies
侍中 115 Shizhong; Palace Attendant
太学 太學 116 Taixue; Imperial Academy; Grand Academy
太常 116 Minister of Ceremonies; Rector of the Imperial Academy
太极 太極 116
  1. Supreme Ultimate
  2. too extreme
  3. Heaven; World of the Immortals
  4. Taiji
屯门 屯門 116 Tuen Mun
无诸 無諸 119 Wu Zhu
西方 120
  1. the West
  2. west side
  3. Xifang
刑部 120 Ministry of Justice
中书侍郎 中書侍郎 122 Attendant to the Palace Secretary; Attendant Gentleman of the Secretariat
周南 122 Zhou Nan
阼阶 阼階 122 Eastern Stairs


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English