Glossary and Vocabulary for Liezi 列子, 卷第七 楊朱篇 Chapter 7: Yang Zhu

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 228 zhī to go 管仲之相齊也
2 228 zhī to arrive; to go 管仲之相齊也
3 228 zhī is 管仲之相齊也
4 228 zhī to use 管仲之相齊也
5 228 zhī Zhi 管仲之相齊也
6 228 zhī winding 管仲之相齊也
7 57 suǒ a few; various; some 夜眠之所弭
8 57 suǒ a place; a location 夜眠之所弭
9 57 suǒ indicates a passive voice 夜眠之所弭
10 57 suǒ an ordinal number 夜眠之所弭
11 57 suǒ meaning 夜眠之所弭
12 57 suǒ garrison 夜眠之所弭
13 56 ér Kangxi radical 126 而不失天下
14 56 ér as if; to seem like 而不失天下
15 56 néng can; able 而不失天下
16 56 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 而不失天下
17 56 ér to arrive; up to 而不失天下
18 50 yuē to speak; to say
19 50 yuē Kangxi radical 73
20 50 yuē to be called
21 50 to use; to grasp 奚以名為
22 50 to rely on 奚以名為
23 50 to regard 奚以名為
24 50 to be able to 奚以名為
25 50 to order; to command 奚以名為
26 50 used after a verb 奚以名為
27 50 a reason; a cause 奚以名為
28 50 Israel 奚以名為
29 50 Yi 奚以名為
30 46 to go; to 楊朱游於魯
31 46 to rely on; to depend on 楊朱游於魯
32 46 Yu 楊朱游於魯
33 46 a crow 楊朱游於魯
34 43 Qi 名乃苦其身
35 33 shēng to be born; to give birth 則人之生也奚為哉
36 33 shēng to live 則人之生也奚為哉
37 33 shēng raw 則人之生也奚為哉
38 33 shēng a student 則人之生也奚為哉
39 33 shēng life 則人之生也奚為哉
40 33 shēng to produce; to give rise 則人之生也奚為哉
41 33 shēng alive 則人之生也奚為哉
42 33 shēng a lifetime 則人之生也奚為哉
43 33 shēng to initiate; to become 則人之生也奚為哉
44 33 shēng to grow 則人之生也奚為哉
45 33 shēng unfamiliar 則人之生也奚為哉
46 33 shēng not experienced 則人之生也奚為哉
47 33 shēng hard; stiff; strong 則人之生也奚為哉
48 33 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 則人之生也奚為哉
49 33 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 則人之生也奚為哉
50 33 shēng gender 則人之生也奚為哉
51 33 shēng to develop; to grow 則人之生也奚為哉
52 33 shēng to set up 則人之生也奚為哉
53 33 shēng a prostitute 則人之生也奚為哉
54 33 shēng a captive 則人之生也奚為哉
55 33 shēng a gentleman 則人之生也奚為哉
56 33 shēng Kangxi radical 100 則人之生也奚為哉
57 33 shēng unripe 則人之生也奚為哉
58 33 shēng nature 則人之生也奚為哉
59 33 shēng to inherit; to succeed 則人之生也奚為哉
60 33 shēng destiny 則人之生也奚為哉
61 33 to die 為死
62 33 to sever; to break off 為死
63 33 dead 為死
64 33 death 為死
65 33 to sacrifice one's life 為死
66 33 lost; severed 為死
67 33 lifeless; not moving 為死
68 33 stiff; inflexible 為死
69 33 already fixed; set; established 為死
70 33 damned 為死
71 32 míng fame; renown; reputation 以名者為富
72 32 míng a name; personal name; designation 以名者為富
73 32 míng rank; position 以名者為富
74 32 míng an excuse 以名者為富
75 32 míng life 以名者為富
76 32 míng to name; to call 以名者為富
77 32 míng to express; to describe 以名者為富
78 32 míng to be called; to have the name 以名者為富
79 32 míng to own; to possess 以名者為富
80 32 míng famous; renowned 以名者為富
81 32 míng moral 以名者為富
82 30 wéi to act as; to serve 以名者為富
83 30 wéi to change into; to become 以名者為富
84 30 wéi to be; is 以名者為富
85 30 wéi to do 以名者為富
86 30 wèi to support; to help 以名者為富
87 30 wéi to govern 以名者為富
88 30 infix potential marker 而不失天下
89 29 desire 伯夷非亡欲
90 29 to desire; to wish 伯夷非亡欲
91 29 to desire; to intend 伯夷非亡欲
92 29 lust 伯夷非亡欲
93 27 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 君盈則己降
94 27 a grade; a level 君盈則己降
95 27 an example; a model 君盈則己降
96 27 a weighing device 君盈則己降
97 27 to grade; to rank 君盈則己降
98 27 to copy; to imitate; to follow 君盈則己降
99 27 to do 君盈則己降
100 23 fēi Kangxi radical 175 當身之娛非所去也
101 23 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 當身之娛非所去也
102 23 fēi different 當身之娛非所去也
103 23 fēi to not be; to not have 當身之娛非所去也
104 23 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 當身之娛非所去也
105 23 fēi Africa 當身之娛非所去也
106 23 fēi to slander 當身之娛非所去也
107 23 fěi to avoid 當身之娛非所去也
108 23 fēi must 當身之娛非所去也
109 23 fēi an error 當身之娛非所去也
110 23 fēi a problem; a question 當身之娛非所去也
111 23 fēi evil 當身之娛非所去也
112 23 one 得百年者千無一焉
113 23 Kangxi radical 1 得百年者千無一焉
114 23 pure; concentrated 得百年者千無一焉
115 23 first 得百年者千無一焉
116 23 the same 得百年者千無一焉
117 23 sole; single 得百年者千無一焉
118 23 a very small amount 得百年者千無一焉
119 23 Yi 得百年者千無一焉
120 23 other 得百年者千無一焉
121 23 to unify 得百年者千無一焉
122 23 accidentally; coincidentally 得百年者千無一焉
123 23 abruptly; suddenly 得百年者千無一焉
124 21 Yi 君淫亦淫
125 20 shēn human body; torso 名乃苦其身
126 20 shēn Kangxi radical 158 名乃苦其身
127 20 shēn self 名乃苦其身
128 20 shēn life 名乃苦其身
129 20 shēn an object 名乃苦其身
130 20 shēn a lifetime 名乃苦其身
131 20 shēn moral character 名乃苦其身
132 20 shēn status; identity; position 名乃苦其身
133 20 shēn pregnancy 名乃苦其身
134 20 juān India 名乃苦其身
135 20 child; son 將奚方以救二子
136 20 egg; newborn 將奚方以救二子
137 20 first earthly branch 將奚方以救二子
138 20 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 將奚方以救二子
139 20 Kangxi radical 39 將奚方以救二子
140 20 pellet; something small and hard 將奚方以救二子
141 20 master 將奚方以救二子
142 20 viscount 將奚方以救二子
143 20 zi you; your honor 將奚方以救二子
144 20 masters 將奚方以救二子
145 20 person 將奚方以救二子
146 20 young 將奚方以救二子
147 20 seed 將奚方以救二子
148 20 subordinate; subsidiary 將奚方以救二子
149 20 a copper coin 將奚方以救二子
150 20 female dragonfly 將奚方以救二子
151 20 constituent 將奚方以救二子
152 20 offspring; descendants 將奚方以救二子
153 20 dear 將奚方以救二子
154 20 little one 將奚方以救二子
155 19 can; may; permissible 其可焉在
156 19 to approve; to permit 其可焉在
157 19 to be worth 其可焉在
158 19 to suit; to fit 其可焉在
159 19 khan 其可焉在
160 19 to recover 其可焉在
161 19 to act as 其可焉在
162 19 to be worth; to deserve 其可焉在
163 19 used to add emphasis 其可焉在
164 19 beautiful 其可焉在
165 19 Ke 其可焉在
166 19 thing; matter 且若以治國之能夸物
167 19 physics 且若以治國之能夸物
168 19 living beings; the outside world; other people 且若以治國之能夸物
169 19 contents; properties; elements 且若以治國之能夸物
170 19 muticolor of an animal's coat 且若以治國之能夸物
171 19 mottling 且若以治國之能夸物
172 19 variety 且若以治國之能夸物
173 19 an institution 且若以治國之能夸物
174 19 to select; to choose 且若以治國之能夸物
175 19 to seek 且若以治國之能夸物
176 18 Wu 晏平仲問養生於管夷吾
177 18 天下 tiānxià the territory ruled by the emperor; China 昔者堯舜偽以天下讓許由
178 18 天下 tiānxià authority over China 昔者堯舜偽以天下讓許由
179 18 天下 tiānxià the world 昔者堯舜偽以天下讓許由
180 17 rén person; people; a human being 人而已矣
181 17 rén Kangxi radical 9 人而已矣
182 17 rén a kind of person 人而已矣
183 17 rén everybody 人而已矣
184 17 rén adult 人而已矣
185 17 rén somebody; others 人而已矣
186 17 rén an upright person 人而已矣
187 15 楊朱 yáng zhū Yang Zhu 楊朱游於魯
188 13 zhì to rule; to govern; to manage; to control 鄭國以治
189 13 zhì to cure; to treat; to heal 鄭國以治
190 13 zhì to annihilate 鄭國以治
191 13 zhì to punish 鄭國以治
192 13 zhì a government seat 鄭國以治
193 13 zhì to be in order; to be well managed 鄭國以治
194 13 zhì to study; to focus on 鄭國以治
195 13 zhì a Taoist parish 鄭國以治
196 12 Kangxi radical 71 名無實
197 12 to not have; without 名無實
198 12 mo 名無實
199 12 to not have 名無實
200 12 Wu 名無實
201 12 yán to speak; to say; said 志合言從
202 12 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 志合言從
203 12 yán Kangxi radical 149 志合言從
204 12 yán phrase; sentence 志合言從
205 12 yán a word; a syllable 志合言從
206 12 yán a theory; a doctrine 志合言從
207 12 yán to regard as 志合言從
208 12 yán to act as 志合言從
209 12 a slave; a servant 奚以名為
210 12 Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi 奚以名為
211 12 Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi 奚以名為
212 12 Xi 奚以名為
213 11 to complete; to finish 既富矣
214 11 Ji 既富矣
215 11 guó a country; a nation 道行國霸
216 11 guó the capital of a state 道行國霸
217 11 guó a feud; a vassal state 道行國霸
218 11 guó a state; a kingdom 道行國霸
219 11 guó a place; a land 道行國霸
220 11 guó domestic; Chinese 道行國霸
221 11 guó national 道行國霸
222 11 guó top in the nation 道行國霸
223 11 guó Guo 道行國霸
224 11 wèi to call 謂之閼聰
225 11 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 謂之閼聰
226 11 wèi to speak to; to address 謂之閼聰
227 11 wèi to treat as; to regard as 謂之閼聰
228 11 wèi introducing a condition situation 謂之閼聰
229 11 wèi to speak to; to address 謂之閼聰
230 11 wèi to think 謂之閼聰
231 11 wèi for; is to be 謂之閼聰
232 11 wèi to make; to cause 謂之閼聰
233 11 wèi principle; reason 謂之閼聰
234 11 wèi Wei 謂之閼聰
235 11 zāi to start 則人之生也奚為哉
236 10 jūn sovereign; monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler 君淫亦淫
237 10 jūn a mistress 君淫亦淫
238 10 jūn date-plum 君淫亦淫
239 10 jūn the son of heaven 君淫亦淫
240 10 jūn to rule 君淫亦淫
241 10 to secure; to be safe; to safeguard; to stabilize; to become solid 吾固欲聞之
242 10 strength 吾固欲聞之
243 10 a secure place; a stronghold 吾固欲聞之
244 10 solid; secure; firm 吾固欲聞之
245 10 to close off access to an area 吾固欲聞之
246 10 Gu 吾固欲聞之
247 10 guì expensive; costly; valuable 為貴
248 10 guì Guizhou 為貴
249 10 guì esteemed; honored 為貴
250 10 guì noble 為貴
251 10 guì high quality 為貴
252 10 guì to esteem; to honor 為貴
253 10 guì a place of honor 為貴
254 10 guì Gui 為貴
255 10 even; equal; uniform 管仲之相齊也
256 10 Kangxi radical 210 管仲之相齊也
257 10 Qi Dynasty 管仲之相齊也
258 10 State of Qi 管仲之相齊也
259 10 to arrange 管仲之相齊也
260 10 agile; nimble 管仲之相齊也
261 10 navel 管仲之相齊也
262 10 to rise; to ascend 管仲之相齊也
263 10 chopped meat or vegetables 管仲之相齊也
264 10 to blend ingredients 管仲之相齊也
265 10 to delimit; to distinguish 管仲之相齊也
266 10 the lower part of a garment 管仲之相齊也
267 10 broomcorn millet 管仲之相齊也
268 10 zhāi to fast 管仲之相齊也
269 10 to level with 管仲之相齊也
270 10 all present; all ready 管仲之相齊也
271 10 Qi 管仲之相齊也
272 10 alike; similar; identical; same 管仲之相齊也
273 10 an alloy 管仲之相齊也
274 10 shí real; true 實無名
275 10 shí nut; seed; fruit 實無名
276 10 shí substance; content; material 實無名
277 10 shí honest; sincere 實無名
278 10 shí vast; extensive 實無名
279 10 shí solid 實無名
280 10 shí abundant; prosperous 實無名
281 10 shí reality; a fact; an event 實無名
282 10 shí wealth; property 實無名
283 10 shí effect; result 實無名
284 10 shí an honest person 實無名
285 10 shí to fill 實無名
286 10 shí complete 實無名
287 10 shí to strengthen 實無名
288 10 shí to practice 實無名
289 10 shí namely 實無名
290 10 shí to verify; to check; to confirm 實無名
291 10 shí full; at capacity 實無名
292 10 shí supplies; goods 實無名
293 10 shí Shichen 實無名
294 10 self 豈在我哉
295 10 [my] dear 豈在我哉
296 10 Wo 豈在我哉
297 10 wáng to die 而終亡其國
298 10 wáng to flee 而終亡其國
299 10 to not have 而終亡其國
300 10 wáng to lose 而終亡其國
301 10 wáng to perish; to be destroyed 而終亡其國
302 10 wáng to leave 而終亡其國
303 10 wáng to forget 而終亡其國
304 10 wáng dead 而終亡其國
305 10 měi beautiful 為美厚爾
306 10 měi America 為美厚爾
307 10 měi good; pleasing 為美厚爾
308 10 měi United States of America 為美厚爾
309 10 měi to beautify 為美厚爾
310 10 měi to be satisfied with oneself 為美厚爾
311 10 měi tasty 為美厚爾
312 10 měi satisying; pleasing 為美厚爾
313 10 měi a beautiful lady 為美厚爾
314 10 měi a beautiful thing 為美厚爾
315 10 měi to exaggerate 為美厚爾
316 10 to carry on the shoulder 何遽遲速於其閒乎
317 10 what 何遽遲速於其閒乎
318 10 He 何遽遲速於其閒乎
319 10 rán to approve; to endorse 熙熙然以俟死
320 10 rán to burn 熙熙然以俟死
321 10 rán to pledge; to promise 熙熙然以俟死
322 10 rán Ran 熙熙然以俟死
323 9 xìng gender 從性而游
324 9 xìng nature; disposition 從性而游
325 9 xìng grammatical gender 從性而游
326 9 xìng a property; a quality 從性而游
327 9 xìng life; destiny 從性而游
328 9 xìng sexual desire 從性而游
329 9 xìng scope 從性而游
330 9 wén to hear 聲色不可常翫聞
331 9 wén Wen 聲色不可常翫聞
332 9 wén sniff at; to smell 聲色不可常翫聞
333 9 wén to be widely known 聲色不可常翫聞
334 9 wén to confirm; to accept 聲色不可常翫聞
335 9 wén information 聲色不可常翫聞
336 9 wèn famous; well known 聲色不可常翫聞
337 9 wén knowledge; learning 聲色不可常翫聞
338 9 wèn popularity; prestige; reputation 聲色不可常翫聞
339 9 wén to question 聲色不可常翫聞
340 9 dào way; road; path 道行國霸
341 9 dào principle; a moral; morality 道行國霸
342 9 dào Tao; the Way 道行國霸
343 9 dào to say; to speak; to talk 道行國霸
344 9 dào to think 道行國霸
345 9 dào circuit; a province 道行國霸
346 9 dào a course; a channel 道行國霸
347 9 dào a method; a way of doing something 道行國霸
348 9 dào a doctrine 道行國霸
349 9 dào Taoism; Daoism 道行國霸
350 9 dào a skill 道行國霸
351 9 dào a sect 道行國霸
352 9 dào a line 道行國霸
353 9 mèng first month 舍於孟氏
354 9 mèng eldest [child] 舍於孟氏
355 9 mèng impulsive; reckless 舍於孟氏
356 9 yáng sun 餓死於首陽之山
357 9 yáng Yang; male principle 餓死於首陽之山
358 9 yáng positive 餓死於首陽之山
359 9 yáng bright 餓死於首陽之山
360 9 yáng light 餓死於首陽之山
361 9 yáng facing the sun 餓死於首陽之山
362 9 yáng male genitals 餓死於首陽之山
363 9 yáng fake; superficial 餓死於首陽之山
364 9 yáng the south side of a mountain or the north side of a river 餓死於首陽之山
365 9 yáng in relief; protruding 餓死於首陽之山
366 9 yáng overt; open 餓死於首陽之山
367 9 yáng this world; the human world 餓死於首陽之山
368 9 yáng Yang 餓死於首陽之山
369 9 nián year 量十數年之中
370 9 nián New Year festival 量十數年之中
371 9 nián age 量十數年之中
372 9 nián life span; life expectancy 量十數年之中
373 9 nián an era; a period 量十數年之中
374 9 nián a date 量十數年之中
375 9 nián time; years 量十數年之中
376 9 nián harvest 量十數年之中
377 9 nián annual; every year 量十數年之中
378 8 yóu an animal like a monkey 意猶未愜
379 8 yóu a schema; a plot 意猶未愜
380 8 yóu You 意猶未愜
381 8 不可 bù kě cannot; should not; must not; forbidden; prohibited 然則窶亦不可
382 8 不可 bù kě improbable 然則窶亦不可
383 8 è to block; to obstruct; to stop up; to conceal 勿壅勿閼
384 8 è an obstruction 勿壅勿閼
385 8 cóng to follow 志合言從
386 8 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 志合言從
387 8 cóng to participate in something 志合言從
388 8 cóng to use a certain method or principle 志合言從
389 8 cóng something secondary 志合言從
390 8 cóng remote relatives 志合言從
391 8 cóng secondary 志合言從
392 8 cóng to go on; to advance 志合言從
393 8 cōng at ease; informal 志合言從
394 8 zòng a follower; a supporter 志合言從
395 8 zòng to release 志合言從
396 8 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 志合言從
397 8 xíng to walk 道行國霸
398 8 xíng capable; competent 道行國霸
399 8 háng profession 道行國霸
400 8 xíng Kangxi radical 144 道行國霸
401 8 xíng to travel 道行國霸
402 8 xìng actions; conduct 道行國霸
403 8 xíng to do; to act; to practice 道行國霸
404 8 xíng all right; OK; okay 道行國霸
405 8 háng horizontal line 道行國霸
406 8 héng virtuous deeds 道行國霸
407 8 hàng a line of trees 道行國霸
408 8 hàng bold; steadfast 道行國霸
409 8 xíng to move 道行國霸
410 8 xíng to put into effect; to implement 道行國霸
411 8 xíng travel 道行國霸
412 8 xíng to circulate 道行國霸
413 8 xíng running script; running script 道行國霸
414 8 xíng temporary 道行國霸
415 8 háng rank; order 道行國霸
416 8 háng a business; a shop 道行國霸
417 8 xíng to depart; to leave 道行國霸
418 8 xíng to experience 道行國霸
419 8 xíng path; way 道行國霸
420 8 xíng xing; ballad 道行國霸
421 8 xíng Xing 道行國霸
422 8 happy; glad; cheerful; joyful 奚樂哉
423 8 to take joy in; to be happy; to be cheerful 奚樂哉
424 8 Le 奚樂哉
425 8 yuè music 奚樂哉
426 8 yuè a musical instrument 奚樂哉
427 8 yuè tone [of voice]; expression 奚樂哉
428 8 yuè a musician 奚樂哉
429 8 joy; pleasure 奚樂哉
430 8 yuè the Book of Music 奚樂哉
431 8 lào Lao 奚樂哉
432 8 to laugh 奚樂哉
433 8 xiàng to observe; to assess 管仲之相齊也
434 8 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 管仲之相齊也
435 8 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 管仲之相齊也
436 8 xiàng to aid; to help 管仲之相齊也
437 8 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 管仲之相齊也
438 8 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 管仲之相齊也
439 8 xiāng alternately; in turn 管仲之相齊也
440 8 xiāng Xiang 管仲之相齊也
441 8 xiāng form substance 管仲之相齊也
442 8 xiāng to express 管仲之相齊也
443 8 xiàng to choose 管仲之相齊也
444 8 xiāng Xiang 管仲之相齊也
445 8 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 管仲之相齊也
446 8 xiāng the seventh lunar month 管仲之相齊也
447 8 xiāng to compare 管仲之相齊也
448 8 xiàng to divine 管仲之相齊也
449 8 xiàng to administer 管仲之相齊也
450 8 xiàng helper for a blind person 管仲之相齊也
451 8 xiāng rhythm [music] 管仲之相齊也
452 8 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 管仲之相齊也
453 8 xiāng coralwood 管仲之相齊也
454 8 xiàng ministry 管仲之相齊也
455 8 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 管仲之相齊也
456 8 stupid; doltish; foolish; ignorant 生則有賢愚
457 8 humble 生則有賢愚
458 8 to dupe; to deceive 生則有賢愚
459 8 to go 當身之娛非所去也
460 8 to remove; to wipe off; to eliminate 當身之娛非所去也
461 8 to be distant 當身之娛非所去也
462 8 to leave 當身之娛非所去也
463 8 to play a part 當身之娛非所去也
464 8 to abandon; to give up 當身之娛非所去也
465 8 to die 當身之娛非所去也
466 8 previous; past 當身之娛非所去也
467 8 to send out; to issue; to drive away 當身之娛非所去也
468 8 falling tone 當身之娛非所去也
469 8 to lose 當身之娛非所去也
470 8 Qu 當身之娛非所去也
471 7 idea 惜身意之是非
472 7 Italy (abbreviation) 惜身意之是非
473 7 a wish; a desire; intention 惜身意之是非
474 7 mood; feeling 惜身意之是非
475 7 will; willpower; determination 惜身意之是非
476 7 bearing; spirit 惜身意之是非
477 7 to think of; to long for; to miss 惜身意之是非
478 7 to anticipate; to expect 惜身意之是非
479 7 to doubt; to suspect 惜身意之是非
480 7 meaning 惜身意之是非
481 7 a suggestion; a hint 惜身意之是非
482 7 an understanding; a point of view 惜身意之是非
483 7 Yi 惜身意之是非
484 7 residence; dwelling 幾居其半矣
485 7 to be at a position 幾居其半矣
486 7 to live; to dwell; to reside 幾居其半矣
487 7 to stay put 幾居其半矣
488 7 to claim; to assert 幾居其半矣
489 7 to store up; to accumulate 幾居其半矣
490 7 to sit down 幾居其半矣
491 7 to possess 幾居其半矣
492 7 to hold in storage; to retain; to harbor 幾居其半矣
493 7 Ju 幾居其半矣
494 7 to give 我又欲與若別之
495 7 to accompany 我又欲與若別之
496 7 to particate in 我又欲與若別之
497 7 of the same kind 我又欲與若別之
498 7 to help 我又欲與若別之
499 7 for 我又欲與若別之
500 7 sūn Sun 孟孫陽問楊朱曰

Frequencies of all Words

Top 988

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 228 zhī him; her; them; that 管仲之相齊也
2 228 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 管仲之相齊也
3 228 zhī to go 管仲之相齊也
4 228 zhī this; that 管仲之相齊也
5 228 zhī genetive marker 管仲之相齊也
6 228 zhī it 管仲之相齊也
7 228 zhī in; in regards to 管仲之相齊也
8 228 zhī all 管仲之相齊也
9 228 zhī and 管仲之相齊也
10 228 zhī however 管仲之相齊也
11 228 zhī if 管仲之相齊也
12 228 zhī then 管仲之相齊也
13 228 zhī to arrive; to go 管仲之相齊也
14 228 zhī is 管仲之相齊也
15 228 zhī to use 管仲之相齊也
16 228 zhī Zhi 管仲之相齊也
17 228 zhī winding 管仲之相齊也
18 70 also; too 管仲之相齊也
19 70 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 管仲之相齊也
20 70 either 管仲之相齊也
21 70 even 管仲之相齊也
22 70 used to soften the tone 管仲之相齊也
23 70 used for emphasis 管仲之相齊也
24 70 used to mark contrast 管仲之相齊也
25 70 used to mark compromise 管仲之相齊也
26 57 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 夜眠之所弭
27 57 suǒ an office; an institute 夜眠之所弭
28 57 suǒ introduces a relative clause 夜眠之所弭
29 57 suǒ it 夜眠之所弭
30 57 suǒ if; supposing 夜眠之所弭
31 57 suǒ a few; various; some 夜眠之所弭
32 57 suǒ a place; a location 夜眠之所弭
33 57 suǒ indicates a passive voice 夜眠之所弭
34 57 suǒ that which 夜眠之所弭
35 57 suǒ an ordinal number 夜眠之所弭
36 57 suǒ meaning 夜眠之所弭
37 57 suǒ garrison 夜眠之所弭
38 56 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 而不失天下
39 56 ér Kangxi radical 126 而不失天下
40 56 ér you 而不失天下
41 56 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 而不失天下
42 56 ér right away; then 而不失天下
43 56 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 而不失天下
44 56 ér if; in case; in the event that 而不失天下
45 56 ér therefore; as a result; thus 而不失天下
46 56 ér how can it be that? 而不失天下
47 56 ér so as to 而不失天下
48 56 ér only then 而不失天下
49 56 ér as if; to seem like 而不失天下
50 56 néng can; able 而不失天下
51 56 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 而不失天下
52 56 ér me 而不失天下
53 56 ér to arrive; up to 而不失天下
54 56 ér possessive 而不失天下
55 52 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 以名者為富
56 52 zhě that 以名者為富
57 52 zhě nominalizing function word 以名者為富
58 52 zhě used to mark a definition 以名者為富
59 52 zhě used to mark a pause 以名者為富
60 52 zhě topic marker; that; it 以名者為富
61 52 zhuó according to 以名者為富
62 50 yuē to speak; to say
63 50 yuē Kangxi radical 73
64 50 yuē to be called
65 50 yuē particle without meaning
66 50 so as to; in order to 奚以名為
67 50 to use; to regard as 奚以名為
68 50 to use; to grasp 奚以名為
69 50 according to 奚以名為
70 50 because of 奚以名為
71 50 on a certain date 奚以名為
72 50 and; as well as 奚以名為
73 50 to rely on 奚以名為
74 50 to regard 奚以名為
75 50 to be able to 奚以名為
76 50 to order; to command 奚以名為
77 50 further; moreover 奚以名為
78 50 used after a verb 奚以名為
79 50 very 奚以名為
80 50 already 奚以名為
81 50 increasingly 奚以名為
82 50 a reason; a cause 奚以名為
83 50 Israel 奚以名為
84 50 Yi 奚以名為
85 46 in; at 楊朱游於魯
86 46 in; at 楊朱游於魯
87 46 in; at; to; from 楊朱游於魯
88 46 to go; to 楊朱游於魯
89 46 to rely on; to depend on 楊朱游於魯
90 46 to go to; to arrive at 楊朱游於魯
91 46 from 楊朱游於魯
92 46 give 楊朱游於魯
93 46 oppposing 楊朱游於魯
94 46 and 楊朱游於魯
95 46 compared to 楊朱游於魯
96 46 by 楊朱游於魯
97 46 and; as well as 楊朱游於魯
98 46 for 楊朱游於魯
99 46 Yu 楊朱游於魯
100 46 a crow 楊朱游於魯
101 46 whew; wow 楊朱游於魯
102 43 his; hers; its; theirs 名乃苦其身
103 43 to add emphasis 名乃苦其身
104 43 used when asking a question in reply to a question 名乃苦其身
105 43 used when making a request or giving an order 名乃苦其身
106 43 he; her; it; them 名乃苦其身
107 43 probably; likely 名乃苦其身
108 43 will 名乃苦其身
109 43 may 名乃苦其身
110 43 if 名乃苦其身
111 43 or 名乃苦其身
112 43 Qi 名乃苦其身
113 41 final particle to express a completed action 人而已矣
114 41 particle to express certainty 人而已矣
115 41 would; particle to indicate a future condition 人而已矣
116 41 to form a question 人而已矣
117 41 to indicate a command 人而已矣
118 41 sigh 人而已矣
119 33 shēng to be born; to give birth 則人之生也奚為哉
120 33 shēng to live 則人之生也奚為哉
121 33 shēng raw 則人之生也奚為哉
122 33 shēng a student 則人之生也奚為哉
123 33 shēng life 則人之生也奚為哉
124 33 shēng to produce; to give rise 則人之生也奚為哉
125 33 shēng alive 則人之生也奚為哉
126 33 shēng a lifetime 則人之生也奚為哉
127 33 shēng to initiate; to become 則人之生也奚為哉
128 33 shēng to grow 則人之生也奚為哉
129 33 shēng unfamiliar 則人之生也奚為哉
130 33 shēng not experienced 則人之生也奚為哉
131 33 shēng hard; stiff; strong 則人之生也奚為哉
132 33 shēng very; extremely 則人之生也奚為哉
133 33 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 則人之生也奚為哉
134 33 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 則人之生也奚為哉
135 33 shēng gender 則人之生也奚為哉
136 33 shēng to develop; to grow 則人之生也奚為哉
137 33 shēng to set up 則人之生也奚為哉
138 33 shēng a prostitute 則人之生也奚為哉
139 33 shēng a captive 則人之生也奚為哉
140 33 shēng a gentleman 則人之生也奚為哉
141 33 shēng Kangxi radical 100 則人之生也奚為哉
142 33 shēng unripe 則人之生也奚為哉
143 33 shēng nature 則人之生也奚為哉
144 33 shēng to inherit; to succeed 則人之生也奚為哉
145 33 shēng destiny 則人之生也奚為哉
146 33 to die 為死
147 33 to sever; to break off 為死
148 33 extremely; very 為死
149 33 to do one's utmost 為死
150 33 dead 為死
151 33 death 為死
152 33 to sacrifice one's life 為死
153 33 lost; severed 為死
154 33 lifeless; not moving 為死
155 33 stiff; inflexible 為死
156 33 already fixed; set; established 為死
157 33 damned 為死
158 32 míng measure word for people 以名者為富
159 32 míng fame; renown; reputation 以名者為富
160 32 míng a name; personal name; designation 以名者為富
161 32 míng rank; position 以名者為富
162 32 míng an excuse 以名者為富
163 32 míng life 以名者為富
164 32 míng to name; to call 以名者為富
165 32 míng to express; to describe 以名者為富
166 32 míng to be called; to have the name 以名者為富
167 32 míng to own; to possess 以名者為富
168 32 míng famous; renowned 以名者為富
169 32 míng moral 以名者為富
170 30 wèi for; to 以名者為富
171 30 wèi because of 以名者為富
172 30 wéi to act as; to serve 以名者為富
173 30 wéi to change into; to become 以名者為富
174 30 wéi to be; is 以名者為富
175 30 wéi to do 以名者為富
176 30 wèi for 以名者為富
177 30 wèi because of; for; to 以名者為富
178 30 wèi to 以名者為富
179 30 wéi in a passive construction 以名者為富
180 30 wéi forming a rehetorical question 以名者為富
181 30 wéi forming an adverb 以名者為富
182 30 wéi to add emphasis 以名者為富
183 30 wèi to support; to help 以名者為富
184 30 wéi to govern 以名者為富
185 30 not; no 而不失天下
186 30 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 而不失天下
187 30 as a correlative 而不失天下
188 30 no (answering a question) 而不失天下
189 30 forms a negative adjective from a noun 而不失天下
190 30 at the end of a sentence to form a question 而不失天下
191 30 to form a yes or no question 而不失天下
192 30 infix potential marker 而不失天下
193 29 desire 伯夷非亡欲
194 29 to desire; to wish 伯夷非亡欲
195 29 almost; nearly; about to occur 伯夷非亡欲
196 29 to desire; to intend 伯夷非亡欲
197 29 lust 伯夷非亡欲
198 28 yǒu is; are; to exist 因有齊國
199 28 yǒu to have; to possess 因有齊國
200 28 yǒu indicates an estimate 因有齊國
201 28 yǒu indicates a large quantity 因有齊國
202 28 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 因有齊國
203 28 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 因有齊國
204 28 yǒu used to compare two things 因有齊國
205 28 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 因有齊國
206 28 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 因有齊國
207 28 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 因有齊國
208 28 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 因有齊國
209 28 yǒu abundant 因有齊國
210 28 yǒu purposeful 因有齊國
211 28 yǒu You 因有齊國
212 27 otherwise; but; however 君盈則己降
213 27 then 君盈則己降
214 27 measure word for short sections of text 君盈則己降
215 27 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 君盈則己降
216 27 a grade; a level 君盈則己降
217 27 an example; a model 君盈則己降
218 27 a weighing device 君盈則己降
219 27 to grade; to rank 君盈則己降
220 27 to copy; to imitate; to follow 君盈則己降
221 27 to do 君盈則己降
222 27 only 君盈則己降
223 27 immediately 君盈則己降
224 23 fēi not; non-; un- 當身之娛非所去也
225 23 fēi Kangxi radical 175 當身之娛非所去也
226 23 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 當身之娛非所去也
227 23 fēi different 當身之娛非所去也
228 23 fēi to not be; to not have 當身之娛非所去也
229 23 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 當身之娛非所去也
230 23 fēi Africa 當身之娛非所去也
231 23 fēi to slander 當身之娛非所去也
232 23 fěi to avoid 當身之娛非所去也
233 23 fēi must 當身之娛非所去也
234 23 fēi an error 當身之娛非所去也
235 23 fēi a problem; a question 當身之娛非所去也
236 23 fēi evil 當身之娛非所去也
237 23 fēi besides; except; unless 當身之娛非所去也
238 23 one 得百年者千無一焉
239 23 Kangxi radical 1 得百年者千無一焉
240 23 as soon as; all at once 得百年者千無一焉
241 23 pure; concentrated 得百年者千無一焉
242 23 whole; all 得百年者千無一焉
243 23 first 得百年者千無一焉
244 23 the same 得百年者千無一焉
245 23 each 得百年者千無一焉
246 23 certain 得百年者千無一焉
247 23 throughout 得百年者千無一焉
248 23 used in between a reduplicated verb 得百年者千無一焉
249 23 sole; single 得百年者千無一焉
250 23 a very small amount 得百年者千無一焉
251 23 Yi 得百年者千無一焉
252 23 other 得百年者千無一焉
253 23 to unify 得百年者千無一焉
254 23 accidentally; coincidentally 得百年者千無一焉
255 23 abruptly; suddenly 得百年者千無一焉
256 23 or 得百年者千無一焉
257 21 also; too 君淫亦淫
258 21 but 君淫亦淫
259 21 this; he; she 君淫亦淫
260 21 although; even though 君淫亦淫
261 21 already 君淫亦淫
262 21 particle with no meaning 君淫亦淫
263 21 Yi 君淫亦淫
264 21 this; these 清貞之誤善之若此
265 21 in this way 清貞之誤善之若此
266 21 otherwise; but; however; so 清貞之誤善之若此
267 21 at this time; now; here 清貞之誤善之若此
268 20 shēn human body; torso 名乃苦其身
269 20 shēn Kangxi radical 158 名乃苦其身
270 20 shēn measure word for clothes 名乃苦其身
271 20 shēn self 名乃苦其身
272 20 shēn life 名乃苦其身
273 20 shēn an object 名乃苦其身
274 20 shēn a lifetime 名乃苦其身
275 20 shēn personally 名乃苦其身
276 20 shēn moral character 名乃苦其身
277 20 shēn status; identity; position 名乃苦其身
278 20 shēn pregnancy 名乃苦其身
279 20 juān India 名乃苦其身
280 20 child; son 將奚方以救二子
281 20 egg; newborn 將奚方以救二子
282 20 first earthly branch 將奚方以救二子
283 20 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 將奚方以救二子
284 20 Kangxi radical 39 將奚方以救二子
285 20 zi indicates that the the word is used as a noun 將奚方以救二子
286 20 pellet; something small and hard 將奚方以救二子
287 20 master 將奚方以救二子
288 20 viscount 將奚方以救二子
289 20 zi you; your honor 將奚方以救二子
290 20 masters 將奚方以救二子
291 20 person 將奚方以救二子
292 20 young 將奚方以救二子
293 20 seed 將奚方以救二子
294 20 subordinate; subsidiary 將奚方以救二子
295 20 a copper coin 將奚方以救二子
296 20 bundle 將奚方以救二子
297 20 female dragonfly 將奚方以救二子
298 20 constituent 將奚方以救二子
299 20 offspring; descendants 將奚方以救二子
300 20 dear 將奚方以救二子
301 20 little one 將奚方以救二子
302 19 can; may; permissible 其可焉在
303 19 but 其可焉在
304 19 such; so 其可焉在
305 19 able to; possibly 其可焉在
306 19 to approve; to permit 其可焉在
307 19 to be worth 其可焉在
308 19 to suit; to fit 其可焉在
309 19 khan 其可焉在
310 19 to recover 其可焉在
311 19 to act as 其可焉在
312 19 to be worth; to deserve 其可焉在
313 19 approximately; probably 其可焉在
314 19 expresses doubt 其可焉在
315 19 really; truely 其可焉在
316 19 used to add emphasis 其可焉在
317 19 beautiful 其可焉在
318 19 Ke 其可焉在
319 19 used to ask a question 其可焉在
320 19 thing; matter 且若以治國之能夸物
321 19 physics 且若以治國之能夸物
322 19 living beings; the outside world; other people 且若以治國之能夸物
323 19 contents; properties; elements 且若以治國之能夸物
324 19 muticolor of an animal's coat 且若以治國之能夸物
325 19 mottling 且若以治國之能夸物
326 19 variety 且若以治國之能夸物
327 19 an institution 且若以治國之能夸物
328 19 to select; to choose 且若以治國之能夸物
329 19 to seek 且若以治國之能夸物
330 18 I 晏平仲問養生於管夷吾
331 18 my 晏平仲問養生於管夷吾
332 18 Wu 晏平仲問養生於管夷吾
333 18 天下 tiānxià the territory ruled by the emperor; China 昔者堯舜偽以天下讓許由
334 18 天下 tiānxià authority over China 昔者堯舜偽以天下讓許由
335 18 天下 tiānxià the world 昔者堯舜偽以天下讓許由
336 17 rén person; people; a human being 人而已矣
337 17 rén Kangxi radical 9 人而已矣
338 17 rén a kind of person 人而已矣
339 17 rén everybody 人而已矣
340 17 rén adult 人而已矣
341 17 rén somebody; others 人而已矣
342 17 rén an upright person 人而已矣
343 15 楊朱 yáng zhū Yang Zhu 楊朱游於魯
344 15 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若實名貧
345 15 ruò seemingly 若實名貧
346 15 ruò if 若實名貧
347 15 ruò you 若實名貧
348 15 ruò this; that 若實名貧
349 15 ruò and; or 若實名貧
350 15 ruò as for; pertaining to 若實名貧
351 15 pomegranite 若實名貧
352 15 ruò to choose 若實名貧
353 15 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若實名貧
354 15 ruò thus 若實名貧
355 15 ruò pollia 若實名貧
356 15 ruò Ruo 若實名貧
357 15 ruò only then 若實名貧
358 14 expresses question or doubt 況子孫乎
359 14 in 況子孫乎
360 14 marks a return question 況子孫乎
361 14 marks a beckoning tone 況子孫乎
362 14 marks conjecture 況子孫乎
363 14 marks a pause 況子孫乎
364 14 marks praise 況子孫乎
365 14 ah; sigh 況子孫乎
366 13 zhì to rule; to govern; to manage; to control 鄭國以治
367 13 zhì to cure; to treat; to heal 鄭國以治
368 13 zhì to annihilate 鄭國以治
369 13 zhì to punish 鄭國以治
370 13 zhì a government seat 鄭國以治
371 13 zhì to be in order; to be well managed 鄭國以治
372 13 zhì to study; to focus on 鄭國以治
373 13 zhì a Taoist parish 鄭國以治
374 13 yān where; how 奚不已焉
375 13 yān here; this 奚不已焉
376 13 yān used for emphasis 奚不已焉
377 13 yān only 奚不已焉
378 13 yān in it; there 奚不已焉
379 12 no 名無實
380 12 Kangxi radical 71 名無實
381 12 to not have; without 名無實
382 12 has not yet 名無實
383 12 mo 名無實
384 12 do not 名無實
385 12 not; -less; un- 名無實
386 12 regardless of 名無實
387 12 to not have 名無實
388 12 um 名無實
389 12 Wu 名無實
390 12 不得 bùdé must not; may not; not be allowed; cannot 而不得聽
391 12 不得 bùdé must not; may not; not be allowed; cannot 而不得聽
392 12 yán to speak; to say; said 志合言從
393 12 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 志合言從
394 12 yán Kangxi radical 149 志合言從
395 12 yán a particle with no meaning 志合言從
396 12 yán phrase; sentence 志合言從
397 12 yán a word; a syllable 志合言從
398 12 yán a theory; a doctrine 志合言從
399 12 yán to regard as 志合言從
400 12 yán to act as 志合言從
401 12 what?; where?; why? 奚以名為
402 12 a slave; a servant 奚以名為
403 12 Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi 奚以名為
404 12 Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi 奚以名為
405 12 Xi 奚以名為
406 11 already; since 既富矣
407 11 both ... and ... 既富矣
408 11 to complete; to finish 既富矣
409 11 preverbal particle marking completion 既富矣
410 11 not long 既富矣
411 11 Ji 既富矣
412 11 guó a country; a nation 道行國霸
413 11 guó the capital of a state 道行國霸
414 11 guó a feud; a vassal state 道行國霸
415 11 guó a state; a kingdom 道行國霸
416 11 guó a place; a land 道行國霸
417 11 guó domestic; Chinese 道行國霸
418 11 guó national 道行國霸
419 11 guó top in the nation 道行國霸
420 11 guó Guo 道行國霸
421 11 suī although; even though 雖水火兵刃交於前
422 11 suī only 雖水火兵刃交於前
423 11 wèi to call 謂之閼聰
424 11 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 謂之閼聰
425 11 wèi to speak to; to address 謂之閼聰
426 11 wèi to treat as; to regard as 謂之閼聰
427 11 wèi introducing a condition situation 謂之閼聰
428 11 wèi to speak to; to address 謂之閼聰
429 11 wèi to think 謂之閼聰
430 11 wèi for; is to be 謂之閼聰
431 11 wèi to make; to cause 謂之閼聰
432 11 wèi and 謂之閼聰
433 11 wèi principle; reason 謂之閼聰
434 11 wèi Wei 謂之閼聰
435 11 zāi exclamatory particle 則人之生也奚為哉
436 11 zāi interrogative particle 則人之生也奚為哉
437 11 zāi to start 則人之生也奚為哉
438 10 jūn sovereign; monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler 君淫亦淫
439 10 jūn you 君淫亦淫
440 10 jūn a mistress 君淫亦淫
441 10 jūn date-plum 君淫亦淫
442 10 jūn the son of heaven 君淫亦淫
443 10 jūn to rule 君淫亦淫
444 10 to secure; to be safe; to safeguard; to stabilize; to become solid 吾固欲聞之
445 10 strength 吾固欲聞之
446 10 a secure place; a stronghold 吾固欲聞之
447 10 solid; secure; firm 吾固欲聞之
448 10 certainly; definitely 吾固欲聞之
449 10 resolute 吾固欲聞之
450 10 to close off access to an area 吾固欲聞之
451 10 originally 吾固欲聞之
452 10 temporarily 吾固欲聞之
453 10 Gu 吾固欲聞之
454 10 guì expensive; costly; valuable 為貴
455 10 guì Guizhou 為貴
456 10 guì esteemed; honored 為貴
457 10 guì noble 為貴
458 10 guì high quality 為貴
459 10 guì to esteem; to honor 為貴
460 10 guì a place of honor 為貴
461 10 guì Gui 為貴
462 10 even; equal; uniform 管仲之相齊也
463 10 Kangxi radical 210 管仲之相齊也
464 10 Qi Dynasty 管仲之相齊也
465 10 State of Qi 管仲之相齊也
466 10 to arrange 管仲之相齊也
467 10 altogether; simultaneously 管仲之相齊也
468 10 agile; nimble 管仲之相齊也
469 10 navel 管仲之相齊也
470 10 to rise; to ascend 管仲之相齊也
471 10 chopped meat or vegetables 管仲之相齊也
472 10 to blend ingredients 管仲之相齊也
473 10 to delimit; to distinguish 管仲之相齊也
474 10 the lower part of a garment 管仲之相齊也
475 10 broomcorn millet 管仲之相齊也
476 10 zhāi to fast 管仲之相齊也
477 10 to level with 管仲之相齊也
478 10 all present; all ready 管仲之相齊也
479 10 Qi 管仲之相齊也
480 10 alike; similar; identical; same 管仲之相齊也
481 10 an alloy 管仲之相齊也
482 10 shí real; true 實無名
483 10 shí nut; seed; fruit 實無名
484 10 shí substance; content; material 實無名
485 10 shí honest; sincere 實無名
486 10 shí vast; extensive 實無名
487 10 shí solid 實無名
488 10 shí abundant; prosperous 實無名
489 10 shí reality; a fact; an event 實無名
490 10 shí wealth; property 實無名
491 10 shí effect; result 實無名
492 10 shí an honest person 實無名
493 10 shí truly; in reality; in fact; actually 實無名
494 10 shí to fill 實無名
495 10 shí finally 實無名
496 10 shí complete 實無名
497 10 shí to strengthen 實無名
498 10 shí to practice 實無名
499 10 shí namely 實無名
500 10 shí to verify; to check; to confirm 實無名

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
伯夷 98 Bo Yi
成王 99 King Cheng of Zhou
大禹 100 Yu the Great
邓析 鄧析 68 Deng Xi
弟妹 100 younger sibling; younger brother's wife
端木 100 Duanmu
伏羲 102 Fu Xi
告子 71 Gao Zi
公孙 公孫 103 Gongsun
孤竹君 103 Gu Zhujun
管仲 103 Guanzi; Guan Zhong
  1. Gun
  2. a giant fish
  3. the father of the emperor Yu
孔子 107 Confucius
  1. a bridge
  2. Liang Dynasty
  3. City of Liang
  4. State of Liang
  5. Liang
  6. a beam; rafters
  7. a fishing sluice
  8. to lose footing
  9. State of Liang
  10. a ridge
  11. later Liang
  1. Shandong
  2. Lu
  3. foolish; stupid; rash; vulgar
  4. the State of Lu
明帝 109
  1. Emperor Ming of Han
  2. Emperor Ming of Southern Qi
  3. Emperor Ming of Liu Song
墨翟 109 Mo Di
人大 114
  1. National Peoples Congress (in China); Great Hall of the People
  2. Renmin University of China
  1. you; thou
  2. Ru River
  3. Ru
  1. Shao
  2. Shao
115 Emperor Shun
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
天子 116 the rightful Emperor; the Son of Heaven
万年 萬年 119 Wannian
五帝 119 Five Emperors
武王 119 Wu Wang; King Wu of Zhou
  1. what?; where?; why?
  2. a slave; a servant
  3. Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi
  4. Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi
  5. Xi
杨朱 楊朱 121 Yang Zhu
121 Yao
  1. Emperor Yu
  2. Yu
  3. a legendary worm
郑国 鄭國 122 Zhengguo
  1. daytime
  2. Zhou
  3. Zhou
周公 122 Duke Zhou
子贡 子貢 122 Zi Gong
子产 子產 122 Zi Chan


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English