Glossary and Vocabulary for New Book of Tang 新唐書, 卷七十二下   表第十二下 宰相世系二下 Volume 72c Tables 16: Chancellors Genealogy 2c

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 285 letter; symbol; character 字子房
2 285 Zi 字子房
3 285 to love 字子房
4 285 to teach; to educate 字子房
5 285 to be allowed to marry 字子房
6 285 courtesy name; style name; scholarly or literary name 字子房
7 285 diction; wording 字子房
8 285 handwriting 字子房
9 285 calligraphy; a work of calligraphy 字子房
10 285 a written pledge; a letter; a contract 字子房
11 285 a font; a calligraphic style 字子房
12 285 the phonetic value of a character; the pronunciation of a character 字子房
13 201 刺史 cìshǐ Regional Inspector 宋交州刺史
14 141 zhōu a state; a province 懷州刺史
15 141 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 懷州刺史
16 141 zhōu a prefecture 懷州刺史
17 141 zhōu a country 懷州刺史
18 141 zhōu an island 懷州刺史
19 141 zhōu Zhou 懷州刺史
20 141 zhōu autonomous prefecture 懷州刺史
21 141 zhōu a country 懷州刺史
22 123 child; son 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
23 123 egg; newborn 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
24 123 first earthly branch 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
25 123 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
26 123 Kangxi radical 39 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
27 123 pellet; something small and hard 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
28 123 master 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
29 123 viscount 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
30 123 zi you; your honor 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
31 123 masters 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
32 123 person 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
33 123 young 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
34 123 seed 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
35 123 subordinate; subsidiary 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
36 123 a copper coin 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
37 123 female dragonfly 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
38 123 constituent 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
39 123 offspring; descendants 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
40 123 dear 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
41 123 little one 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
42 112 shēng to be born; to give birth 張侯生老
43 112 shēng to live 張侯生老
44 112 shēng raw 張侯生老
45 112 shēng a student 張侯生老
46 112 shēng life 張侯生老
47 112 shēng to produce; to give rise 張侯生老
48 112 shēng alive 張侯生老
49 112 shēng a lifetime 張侯生老
50 112 shēng to initiate; to become 張侯生老
51 112 shēng to grow 張侯生老
52 112 shēng unfamiliar 張侯生老
53 112 shēng not experienced 張侯生老
54 112 shēng hard; stiff; strong 張侯生老
55 112 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 張侯生老
56 112 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 張侯生老
57 112 shēng gender 張侯生老
58 112 shēng to develop; to grow 張侯生老
59 112 shēng to set up 張侯生老
60 112 shēng a prostitute 張侯生老
61 112 shēng a captive 張侯生老
62 112 shēng a gentleman 張侯生老
63 112 shēng Kangxi radical 100 張侯生老
64 112 shēng unripe 張侯生老
65 112 shēng nature 張侯生老
66 112 shēng to inherit; to succeed 張侯生老
67 112 shēng destiny 張侯生老
68 101 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 澧陽令
69 101 lìng to issue a command 澧陽令
70 101 lìng rules of behavior; customs 澧陽令
71 101 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 澧陽令
72 101 lìng a season 澧陽令
73 101 lìng respected; good reputation 澧陽令
74 101 lìng good 澧陽令
75 101 lìng pretentious 澧陽令
76 101 lìng a transcending state of existence 澧陽令
77 101 lìng a commander 澧陽令
78 101 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 澧陽令
79 101 lìng lyrics 澧陽令
80 101 lìng Ling 澧陽令
81 70 gōng public; common; state-owned 金生陽陵公乘千秋
82 70 gōng official 金生陽陵公乘千秋
83 70 gōng male 金生陽陵公乘千秋
84 70 gōng duke; lord 金生陽陵公乘千秋
85 70 gōng fair; equitable 金生陽陵公乘千秋
86 70 gōng Mr.; mister 金生陽陵公乘千秋
87 70 gōng father-in-law 金生陽陵公乘千秋
88 70 gōng form of address; your honor 金生陽陵公乘千秋
89 70 gōng accepted; mutual 金生陽陵公乘千秋
90 70 gōng metric 金生陽陵公乘千秋
91 70 gōng to release to the public 金生陽陵公乘千秋
92 70 gōng the common good 金生陽陵公乘千秋
93 70 gōng to divide equally 金生陽陵公乘千秋
94 70 gōng Gong 金生陽陵公乘千秋
95 70 郎中 lángzhōng Langzhong; Director 戶部郎中
96 70 郎中 lángzhōng sir; gentleman 戶部郎中
97 70 郎中 lángzhōng a professional gambler 戶部郎中
98 70 郎中 lángzhōng Langzhong; Court Attendant 戶部郎中
99 70 郎中 lángzhōng doctor 戶部郎中
100 67 zhòng middle brother 周宣王時有卿士張仲
101 67 zhòng Zhong 周宣王時有卿士張仲
102 67 zhòng a go between; a mediator 周宣王時有卿士張仲
103 66 zhī to go 穆之
104 66 zhī to arrive; to go 穆之
105 66 zhī is 穆之
106 66 zhī to use 穆之
107 66 zhī Zhi 穆之
108 66 zhī winding 穆之
109 55 qīng minister; high officer 周宣王時有卿士張仲
110 55 qīng Qing 周宣王時有卿士張仲
111 51 xiàng to observe; to assess 韓相張開地
112 51 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 韓相張開地
113 51 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 韓相張開地
114 51 xiàng to aid; to help 韓相張開地
115 51 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 韓相張開地
116 51 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 韓相張開地
117 51 xiāng alternately; in turn 韓相張開地
118 51 xiāng Xiang 韓相張開地
119 51 xiāng form substance 韓相張開地
120 51 xiāng to express 韓相張開地
121 51 xiàng to choose 韓相張開地
122 51 xiāng Xiang 韓相張開地
123 51 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 韓相張開地
124 51 xiāng the seventh lunar month 韓相張開地
125 51 xiāng to compare 韓相張開地
126 51 xiàng to divine 韓相張開地
127 51 xiàng to administer 韓相張開地
128 51 xiàng helper for a blind person 韓相張開地
129 51 xiāng rhythm [music] 韓相張開地
130 51 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 韓相張開地
131 51 xiāng coralwood 韓相張開地
132 51 xiàng ministry 韓相張開地
133 51 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 韓相張開地
134 51 to take charge of; to manage; to administer 袁州司倉參軍
135 51 a department under a ministry 袁州司倉參軍
136 51 to bear 袁州司倉參軍
137 51 to observe; to inspect 袁州司倉參軍
138 51 a government official; an official 袁州司倉參軍
139 51 si 袁州司倉參軍
140 50 shǎo few 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
141 50 shǎo to decrease; to lessen; to lose 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
142 50 shǎo to be inadequate; to be insufficient 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
143 50 shǎo to be less than 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
144 50 shǎo to despise; to scorn; to look down on 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
145 50 shào young 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
146 50 shào youth 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
147 50 shào a youth; a young person 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
148 50 shào Shao 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
149 47 參軍 cānjūn to join the army 齊鎮西參軍
150 47 參軍 cānjūn adjutant 齊鎮西參軍
151 46 zhōng middle 中宗
152 46 zhōng medium; medium sized 中宗
153 46 zhōng China 中宗
154 46 zhòng to hit the mark 中宗
155 46 zhōng midday 中宗
156 46 zhōng inside 中宗
157 46 zhōng during 中宗
158 46 zhōng Zhong 中宗
159 46 zhōng intermediary 中宗
160 46 zhōng half 中宗
161 46 zhòng to reach; to attain 中宗
162 46 zhòng to suffer; to infect 中宗
163 46 zhòng to obtain 中宗
164 46 zhòng to pass an exam 中宗
165 44 yàn elegant; handsome 禕字彥仲
166 44 yàn learned 禕字彥仲
167 44 wén writing; text 文規
168 44 wén Kangxi radical 67 文規
169 44 wén Wen 文規
170 44 wén lines or grain on an object 文規
171 44 wén culture 文規
172 44 wén refined writings 文規
173 44 wén civil; non-military 文規
174 44 wén to conceal a fault; gloss over 文規
175 44 wén wen 文規
176 44 wén ornamentation; adornment 文規
177 44 wén to ornament; to adorn 文規
178 44 wén beautiful 文規
179 44 wén a text; a manuscript 文規
180 44 wén a group responsible for ritual and music 文規
181 44 wén the text of an imperial order 文規
182 44 wén liberal arts 文規
183 44 wén a rite; a ritual 文規
184 44 wén a tattoo 文規
185 44 wén a classifier for copper coins 文規
186 43 wèi Wei Dynasty 魏漁陽郡守
187 43 wèi State of Wei 魏漁陽郡守
188 43 wèi Cao Wei 魏漁陽郡守
189 43 wéi tall and big 魏漁陽郡守
190 43 wèi Wei [surname] 魏漁陽郡守
191 43 wèi a watchtower 魏漁陽郡守
192 43 wèi a palace 魏漁陽郡守
193 43 wéi to stand solitary and unmoving 魏漁陽郡守
194 42 shì clan; a branch of a lineage 張氏出自姬姓
195 42 shì Kangxi radical 83 張氏出自姬姓
196 42 shì family name; clan name 張氏出自姬姓
197 42 shì maiden name; nee 張氏出自姬姓
198 42 shì shi 張氏出自姬姓
199 42 shì shi 張氏出自姬姓
200 42 shì Shi 張氏出自姬姓
201 42 shì shi 張氏出自姬姓
202 42 shì lineage 張氏出自姬姓
203 42 zhī zhi 張氏出自姬姓
204 41 suí Sui Dynasty 隋巴州錄事參軍
205 41 yuán Yuan Dynasty 隨元帝南遷
206 41 yuán first 隨元帝南遷
207 41 yuán origin; head 隨元帝南遷
208 41 yuán Yuan 隨元帝南遷
209 41 yuán large 隨元帝南遷
210 41 yuán good 隨元帝南遷
211 41 yuán fundamental 隨元帝南遷
212 41 láng gentleman; minister; official 著作郎
213 41 láng a palace attendant 著作郎
214 41 láng darling; husband 著作郎
215 41 láng a young man 著作郎
216 41 láng somebody else's son 著作郎
217 41 láng a form of address 著作郎
218 41 láng Lang 著作郎
219 41 láng corridor 著作郎
220 41 láng Lang 著作郎
221 39 èr two 二子
222 39 èr Kangxi radical 7 二子
223 39 èr second 二子
224 39 èr twice; double; di- 二子
225 39 èr more than one kind 二子
226 38 hòu after; later 後徙洛陽
227 38 hòu empress; queen 後徙洛陽
228 38 hòu sovereign 後徙洛陽
229 38 hòu the god of the earth 後徙洛陽
230 38 hòu late; later 後徙洛陽
231 38 hòu offspring; descendents 後徙洛陽
232 38 hòu to fall behind; to lag 後徙洛陽
233 38 hòu behind; back 後徙洛陽
234 38 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 後徙洛陽
235 38 hòu Hou 後徙洛陽
236 38 hòu after; behind 後徙洛陽
237 38 hòu following 後徙洛陽
238 38 hòu to be delayed 後徙洛陽
239 38 hòu to abandon; to discard 後徙洛陽
240 38 hòu feudal lords 後徙洛陽
241 38 hòu Hou 後徙洛陽
242 37 chéng to assist; to aid 洪洞丞
243 37 chéng an assistant to an official 洪洞丞
244 37 Germany 瑗生惟德
245 37 virtue; morality; ethics; character 瑗生惟德
246 37 kindness; favor 瑗生惟德
247 37 conduct; behavior 瑗生惟德
248 37 to be grateful 瑗生惟德
249 37 heart; intention 瑗生惟德
250 37 De 瑗生惟德
251 37 potency; natural power 瑗生惟德
252 37 wholesome; good 瑗生惟德
253 36 員外 yuánwài landlord 祠部員外郎
254 35 太守 tài shǒu Governor 范陽太守
255 31 xuán profound; mysterious; subtle 玄弼
256 31 xuán black 玄弼
257 31 xuán Kangxi radical 95 玄弼
258 31 xuán incredible; unreliable 玄弼
259 31 xuán occult; mystical 玄弼
260 31 xuán meditative and silent 玄弼
261 31 xuán pretending 玄弼
262 31 xuán Xuan 玄弼
263 31 hóng liberal; great 弘籍字真藝
264 31 hóng to enlarge; to expand 弘籍字真藝
265 31 hóng Hong 弘籍字真藝
266 31 hóu marquis; lord 張侯生老
267 31 hóu a target in archery 張侯生老
268 30 sūn Sun 宇孫肥如侯孟成
269 30 sūn grandchildren 宇孫肥如侯孟成
270 30 sūn offspring [of plants] 宇孫肥如侯孟成
271 30 sūn small 宇孫肥如侯孟成
272 30 xùn humble 宇孫肥如侯孟成
273 30 xùn to flee 宇孫肥如侯孟成
274 29 侍郎 shìláng an assistant minister 散騎侍郎
275 28 wèi commandant; military officer; lieutenant 梁衞尉卿
276 28 yu 梁衞尉卿
277 28 wèi a prison director; police commander 梁衞尉卿
278 28 wèi to pacify 梁衞尉卿
279 28 wèi to comfort 梁衞尉卿
280 28 dào way; road; path 說字道濟
281 28 dào principle; a moral; morality 說字道濟
282 28 dào Tao; the Way 說字道濟
283 28 dào to say; to speak; to talk 說字道濟
284 28 dào to think 說字道濟
285 28 dào circuit; a province 說字道濟
286 28 dào a course; a channel 說字道濟
287 28 dào a method; a way of doing something 說字道濟
288 28 dào a doctrine 說字道濟
289 28 dào Taoism; Daoism 說字道濟
290 28 dào a skill 說字道濟
291 28 dào a sect 說字道濟
292 28 dào a line 說字道濟
293 27 御史 yùshǐ Royal Scribe 殿中侍御史
294 27 御史 yùshǐ Censor 殿中侍御史
295 26 father's elder brother; uncle 纘字伯緒
296 26 senior; respectful form of address 纘字伯緒
297 26 Count 纘字伯緒
298 26 older brother 纘字伯緒
299 26 a hegemon 纘字伯緒
300 26 chù a place; location; a spot; a point 處讓
301 26 chǔ to reside; to live; to dwell 處讓
302 26 chù an office; a department; a bureau 處讓
303 26 chù a part; an aspect 處讓
304 26 chǔ to be in; to be in a position of 處讓
305 26 chǔ to get along with 處讓
306 26 chǔ to deal with; to manage 處讓
307 26 chǔ to punish; to sentence 處讓
308 26 chǔ to stop; to pause 處讓
309 26 chǔ to be associated with 處讓
310 26 chǔ to situate; to fix a place for 處讓
311 26 chǔ to occupy; to control 處讓
312 26 chù circumstances; situation 處讓
313 26 chù an occasion; a time 處讓
314 25 jùn a commandery; a prefecture 隋河東郡丞
315 25 jùn Jun 隋河東郡丞
316 25 xíng to walk 行扶
317 25 xíng capable; competent 行扶
318 25 háng profession 行扶
319 25 xíng Kangxi radical 144 行扶
320 25 xíng to travel 行扶
321 25 xìng actions; conduct 行扶
322 25 xíng to do; to act; to practice 行扶
323 25 xíng all right; OK; okay 行扶
324 25 háng horizontal line 行扶
325 25 héng virtuous deeds 行扶
326 25 hàng a line of trees 行扶
327 25 hàng bold; steadfast 行扶
328 25 xíng to move 行扶
329 25 xíng to put into effect; to implement 行扶
330 25 xíng travel 行扶
331 25 xíng to circulate 行扶
332 25 xíng running script; running script 行扶
333 25 xíng temporary 行扶
334 25 háng rank; order 行扶
335 25 háng a business; a shop 行扶
336 25 xíng to depart; to leave 行扶
337 25 xíng to experience 行扶
338 25 xíng path; way 行扶
339 25 xíng xing; ballad 行扶
340 25 xíng Xing 行扶
341 24 yòu right; right-hand 右贊善大夫
342 24 yòu to help; to assist 右贊善大夫
343 24 yòu to; respect; to revere; to admire; to honor; to venerate 右贊善大夫
344 24 yòu to bless and protect 右贊善大夫
345 24 yòu an official building 右贊善大夫
346 24 yòu the west 右贊善大夫
347 24 yòu right wing; conservative 右贊善大夫
348 24 yòu super 右贊善大夫
349 24 yòu right 右贊善大夫
350 24 主簿 zhǔbù official Registrar; Master of Records 宋青州主簿
351 23 fáng a room 房州刺史
352 23 fáng a house; a building 房州刺史
353 23 fáng branch of a family 房州刺史
354 23 fáng Fang [constellation] 房州刺史
355 23 fáng quarters; a wing of a building 房州刺史
356 23 fáng case; pod 房州刺史
357 23 fáng office; agency 房州刺史
358 23 fáng consort's chambers 房州刺史
359 23 fáng measure word relating to occupied rooms 房州刺史
360 23 fáng Fang 房州刺史
361 23 shì a generation 世居武陽犍為
362 23 shì a period of thirty years 世居武陽犍為
363 23 shì the world 世居武陽犍為
364 23 shì years; age 世居武陽犍為
365 23 shì a dynasty 世居武陽犍為
366 23 shì secular; worldly 世居武陽犍為
367 23 shì over generations 世居武陽犍為
368 23 shì world 世居武陽犍為
369 23 shì an era 世居武陽犍為
370 23 shì from generation to generation; across generations 世居武陽犍為
371 23 shì to keep good family relations 世居武陽犍為
372 23 shì Shi 世居武陽犍為
373 23 shì a geologic epoch 世居武陽犍為
374 23 shì hereditary 世居武陽犍為
375 23 shì later generations 世居武陽犍為
376 23 shì a successor; an heir 世居武陽犍為
377 23 shì the current times 世居武陽犍為
378 23 大理 dàlǐ Dali [kingdom] 大理評事
379 23 大理 dàlǐ Superintendent of Law Enforcement 大理評事
380 23 大理 dàlǐ a major principle; a general truth 大理評事
381 23 大理 dàlǐ Dali [county] 大理評事
382 22 zōng school; sect 中宗
383 22 zōng ancestor 中宗
384 22 zōng to take as one's model as 中宗
385 22 zōng purpose 中宗
386 22 zōng an ancestral temple 中宗
387 22 zōng to respect; to revere; to admire; to honor 中宗
388 22 zōng clan; family 中宗
389 22 zōng a model 中宗
390 22 zōng a county 中宗
391 22 zōng religion 中宗
392 22 zōng essential; necessary 中宗
393 22 zōng summation 中宗
394 22 zōng a visit by feudal lords 中宗
395 22 zōng Zong 中宗
396 22 尚書 shàng shū Book of Documents; Book of History; Shangshu 刑部尚書
397 22 尚書 shàngshū a high official 刑部尚書
398 22 jūn sovereign; monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler 凡相五君
399 22 jūn a mistress 凡相五君
400 22 jūn date-plum 凡相五君
401 22 jūn the son of heaven 凡相五君
402 22 jūn to rule 凡相五君
403 21 business; industry 遵業
404 21 activity; actions 遵業
405 21 order; sequence 遵業
406 21 to continue 遵業
407 21 to start; to create 遵業
408 21 karma 遵業
409 21 hereditary trade; legacy 遵業
410 21 a course of study; training 遵業
411 21 a cause; an undertaking; an enterprise; an achievment; a pursuit 遵業
412 21 an estate; a property 遵業
413 21 an achievement 遵業
414 21 to engage in 遵業
415 21 Ye 遵業
416 21 a horizontal board 遵業
417 21 an occupation 遵業
418 21 a kind of musical instrument 遵業
419 21 a book 遵業
420 21 chéng to finish; to complete; to accomplish; to succeed; to perfect 宇孫肥如侯孟成
421 21 chéng to become; to turn into 宇孫肥如侯孟成
422 21 chéng to grow up; to ripen; to mature 宇孫肥如侯孟成
423 21 chéng to set up; to establish; to develop; to form 宇孫肥如侯孟成
424 21 chéng a full measure of 宇孫肥如侯孟成
425 21 chéng whole 宇孫肥如侯孟成
426 21 chéng set; established 宇孫肥如侯孟成
427 21 chéng to reache a certain degree; to amount to 宇孫肥如侯孟成
428 21 chéng to reconcile 宇孫肥如侯孟成
429 21 chéng to resmble; to be similar to 宇孫肥如侯孟成
430 21 chéng composed of 宇孫肥如侯孟成
431 21 chéng a result; a harvest; an achievement 宇孫肥如侯孟成
432 21 chéng capable; able; accomplished 宇孫肥如侯孟成
433 21 chéng to help somebody achieve something 宇孫肥如侯孟成
434 21 chéng Cheng 宇孫肥如侯孟成
435 21 吏部 lì bù personnel office; ministry of appointments 吏部郎中
436 21 rén a kernel; a pit 仁愿
437 21 rén benevolent; humane 仁愿
438 21 rén benevolence; humanity 仁愿
439 21 rén a benevolent person 仁愿
440 21 rén kindness 仁愿
441 21 rén polite form of address 仁愿
442 21 rén to pity 仁愿
443 21 rén a person 仁愿
444 21 rén Ren 仁愿
445 20 an official institution; a state bureau 益府功曹參軍
446 20 a prefecture; a prefect 益府功曹參軍
447 20 a respectful reference to a residence 益府功曹參軍
448 20 a repository 益府功曹參軍
449 20 a meeting place 益府功曹參軍
450 20 the residence of a high-ranking official; a prefect 益府功曹參軍
451 20 Fu 益府功曹參軍
452 20 司馬 sīmǎ Minister of War 容州司馬
453 20 司馬 sīmǎ Sima [star] 容州司馬
454 20 司馬 sīmǎ Sima [surname] 容州司馬
455 20 司馬 sīmǎ Aide to Commander; Leader of Cavalry 容州司馬
456 20 yuē to speak; to say 謚曰貞
457 20 yuē Kangxi radical 73 謚曰貞
458 20 yuē to be called 謚曰貞
459 20 residence; dwelling 世居武陽犍為
460 20 to be at a position 世居武陽犍為
461 20 to live; to dwell; to reside 世居武陽犍為
462 20 to stay put 世居武陽犍為
463 20 to claim; to assert 世居武陽犍為
464 20 to store up; to accumulate 世居武陽犍為
465 20 to sit down 世居武陽犍為
466 20 to possess 世居武陽犍為
467 20 to hold in storage; to retain; to harbor 世居武陽犍為
468 20 Ju 世居武陽犍為
469 20 a season 季延
470 20 Ji 季延
471 20 youngest brother 季延
472 20 last month in a season 季延
473 20 final years of a dynasty or reign; last in a sequence 季延
474 20 for a girl to reach marriageable age 季延
475 20 young 季延
476 20 a period of time 季延
477 20 wéi to act as; to serve 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
478 20 wéi to change into; to become 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
479 20 wéi to be; is 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
480 20 wéi to do 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
481 20 wèi to support; to help 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
482 20 wéi to govern 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
483 20 shī teacher 師質
484 20 shī multitude 師質
485 20 shī a host; a leader 師質
486 20 shī an expert 師質
487 20 shī an example; a model 師質
488 20 shī master 師質
489 20 shī a capital city; a well protected place 師質
490 20 shī Shi 師質
491 20 shī to imitate 師質
492 20 shī troops 師質
493 20 shī shi 師質
494 20 shī an army division 師質
495 20 shī the 7th hexagram 師質
496 20 shī a lion 師質
497 20 shì to attend on 殿中侍御史
498 20 shì to accompany 殿中侍御史
499 20 shì a concubine 殿中侍御史
500 20 shì Shi 殿中侍御史

Frequencies of all Words

Top 905

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 285 letter; symbol; character 字子房
2 285 Zi 字子房
3 285 to love 字子房
4 285 to teach; to educate 字子房
5 285 to be allowed to marry 字子房
6 285 courtesy name; style name; scholarly or literary name 字子房
7 285 diction; wording 字子房
8 285 handwriting 字子房
9 285 calligraphy; a work of calligraphy 字子房
10 285 a written pledge; a letter; a contract 字子房
11 285 a font; a calligraphic style 字子房
12 285 the phonetic value of a character; the pronunciation of a character 字子房
13 201 刺史 cìshǐ Regional Inspector 宋交州刺史
14 141 zhōu a state; a province 懷州刺史
15 141 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 懷州刺史
16 141 zhōu a prefecture 懷州刺史
17 141 zhōu a country 懷州刺史
18 141 zhōu an island 懷州刺史
19 141 zhōu Zhou 懷州刺史
20 141 zhōu autonomous prefecture 懷州刺史
21 141 zhōu a country 懷州刺史
22 123 child; son 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
23 123 egg; newborn 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
24 123 first earthly branch 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
25 123 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
26 123 Kangxi radical 39 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
27 123 zi indicates that the the word is used as a noun 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
28 123 pellet; something small and hard 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
29 123 master 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
30 123 viscount 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
31 123 zi you; your honor 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
32 123 masters 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
33 123 person 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
34 123 young 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
35 123 seed 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
36 123 subordinate; subsidiary 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
37 123 a copper coin 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
38 123 bundle 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
39 123 female dragonfly 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
40 123 constituent 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
41 123 offspring; descendants 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
42 123 dear 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
43 123 little one 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
44 112 shēng to be born; to give birth 張侯生老
45 112 shēng to live 張侯生老
46 112 shēng raw 張侯生老
47 112 shēng a student 張侯生老
48 112 shēng life 張侯生老
49 112 shēng to produce; to give rise 張侯生老
50 112 shēng alive 張侯生老
51 112 shēng a lifetime 張侯生老
52 112 shēng to initiate; to become 張侯生老
53 112 shēng to grow 張侯生老
54 112 shēng unfamiliar 張侯生老
55 112 shēng not experienced 張侯生老
56 112 shēng hard; stiff; strong 張侯生老
57 112 shēng very; extremely 張侯生老
58 112 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 張侯生老
59 112 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 張侯生老
60 112 shēng gender 張侯生老
61 112 shēng to develop; to grow 張侯生老
62 112 shēng to set up 張侯生老
63 112 shēng a prostitute 張侯生老
64 112 shēng a captive 張侯生老
65 112 shēng a gentleman 張侯生老
66 112 shēng Kangxi radical 100 張侯生老
67 112 shēng unripe 張侯生老
68 112 shēng nature 張侯生老
69 112 shēng to inherit; to succeed 張侯生老
70 112 shēng destiny 張侯生老
71 101 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 澧陽令
72 101 lìng to issue a command 澧陽令
73 101 lìng rules of behavior; customs 澧陽令
74 101 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 澧陽令
75 101 lìng a season 澧陽令
76 101 lìng respected; good reputation 澧陽令
77 101 lìng good 澧陽令
78 101 lìng pretentious 澧陽令
79 101 lìng a transcending state of existence 澧陽令
80 101 lìng a commander 澧陽令
81 101 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 澧陽令
82 101 lìng lyrics 澧陽令
83 101 lìng Ling 澧陽令
84 70 gōng public; common; state-owned 金生陽陵公乘千秋
85 70 gōng official 金生陽陵公乘千秋
86 70 gōng male 金生陽陵公乘千秋
87 70 gōng duke; lord 金生陽陵公乘千秋
88 70 gōng fair; equitable 金生陽陵公乘千秋
89 70 gōng Mr.; mister 金生陽陵公乘千秋
90 70 gōng father-in-law 金生陽陵公乘千秋
91 70 gōng form of address; your honor 金生陽陵公乘千秋
92 70 gōng accepted; mutual 金生陽陵公乘千秋
93 70 gōng metric 金生陽陵公乘千秋
94 70 gōng to release to the public 金生陽陵公乘千秋
95 70 gōng the common good 金生陽陵公乘千秋
96 70 gōng to divide equally 金生陽陵公乘千秋
97 70 gōng Gong 金生陽陵公乘千秋
98 70 gōng publicly; openly 金生陽陵公乘千秋
99 70 gōng publicly operated; state run 金生陽陵公乘千秋
100 70 郎中 lángzhōng Langzhong; Director 戶部郎中
101 70 郎中 lángzhōng sir; gentleman 戶部郎中
102 70 郎中 lángzhōng a professional gambler 戶部郎中
103 70 郎中 lángzhōng Langzhong; Court Attendant 戶部郎中
104 70 郎中 lángzhōng doctor 戶部郎中
105 67 zhòng middle brother 周宣王時有卿士張仲
106 67 zhòng Zhong 周宣王時有卿士張仲
107 67 zhòng a go between; a mediator 周宣王時有卿士張仲
108 66 zhī him; her; them; that 穆之
109 66 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 穆之
110 66 zhī to go 穆之
111 66 zhī this; that 穆之
112 66 zhī genetive marker 穆之
113 66 zhī it 穆之
114 66 zhī in; in regards to 穆之
115 66 zhī all 穆之
116 66 zhī and 穆之
117 66 zhī however 穆之
118 66 zhī if 穆之
119 66 zhī then 穆之
120 66 zhī to arrive; to go 穆之
121 66 zhī is 穆之
122 66 zhī to use 穆之
123 66 zhī Zhi 穆之
124 66 zhī winding 穆之
125 55 qīng minister; high officer 周宣王時有卿士張仲
126 55 qīng term of endearment between spouses 周宣王時有卿士張仲
127 55 qīng you 周宣王時有卿士張仲
128 55 qīng noble; your lordship 周宣王時有卿士張仲
129 55 qīng Qing 周宣王時有卿士張仲
130 51 xiāng each other; one another; mutually 韓相張開地
131 51 xiàng to observe; to assess 韓相張開地
132 51 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 韓相張開地
133 51 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 韓相張開地
134 51 xiàng to aid; to help 韓相張開地
135 51 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 韓相張開地
136 51 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 韓相張開地
137 51 xiāng alternately; in turn 韓相張開地
138 51 xiāng Xiang 韓相張開地
139 51 xiāng form substance 韓相張開地
140 51 xiāng to express 韓相張開地
141 51 xiàng to choose 韓相張開地
142 51 xiāng Xiang 韓相張開地
143 51 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 韓相張開地
144 51 xiāng the seventh lunar month 韓相張開地
145 51 xiāng to compare 韓相張開地
146 51 xiàng to divine 韓相張開地
147 51 xiàng to administer 韓相張開地
148 51 xiàng helper for a blind person 韓相張開地
149 51 xiāng rhythm [music] 韓相張開地
150 51 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 韓相張開地
151 51 xiāng coralwood 韓相張開地
152 51 xiàng ministry 韓相張開地
153 51 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 韓相張開地
154 51 to take charge of; to manage; to administer 袁州司倉參軍
155 51 a department under a ministry 袁州司倉參軍
156 51 to bear 袁州司倉參軍
157 51 to observe; to inspect 袁州司倉參軍
158 51 a government official; an official 袁州司倉參軍
159 51 si 袁州司倉參軍
160 50 shǎo few 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
161 50 shǎo to decrease; to lessen; to lose 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
162 50 shǎo slightly; somewhat 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
163 50 shǎo to be inadequate; to be insufficient 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
164 50 shǎo to be less than 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
165 50 shǎo to despise; to scorn; to look down on 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
166 50 shǎo short-term 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
167 50 shǎo infrequently 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
168 50 shǎo slightly; somewhat 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
169 50 shào young 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
170 50 shào youth 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
171 50 shào a youth; a young person 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
172 50 shào Shao 黃帝子少昊青陽氏第五子揮為弓正
173 47 參軍 cānjūn to join the army 齊鎮西參軍
174 47 參軍 cānjūn adjutant 齊鎮西參軍
175 46 zhōng middle 中宗
176 46 zhōng medium; medium sized 中宗
177 46 zhōng China 中宗
178 46 zhòng to hit the mark 中宗
179 46 zhōng in; amongst 中宗
180 46 zhōng midday 中宗
181 46 zhōng inside 中宗
182 46 zhōng during 中宗
183 46 zhōng Zhong 中宗
184 46 zhōng intermediary 中宗
185 46 zhōng half 中宗
186 46 zhōng just right; suitably 中宗
187 46 zhōng while 中宗
188 46 zhòng to reach; to attain 中宗
189 46 zhòng to suffer; to infect 中宗
190 46 zhòng to obtain 中宗
191 46 zhòng to pass an exam 中宗
192 44 yàn elegant; handsome 禕字彥仲
193 44 yàn learned 禕字彥仲
194 44 wén writing; text 文規
195 44 wén Kangxi radical 67 文規
196 44 wén Wen 文規
197 44 wén lines or grain on an object 文規
198 44 wén culture 文規
199 44 wén refined writings 文規
200 44 wén civil; non-military 文規
201 44 wén to conceal a fault; gloss over 文規
202 44 wén wen 文規
203 44 wén ornamentation; adornment 文規
204 44 wén to ornament; to adorn 文規
205 44 wén beautiful 文規
206 44 wén a text; a manuscript 文規
207 44 wén a group responsible for ritual and music 文規
208 44 wén the text of an imperial order 文規
209 44 wén liberal arts 文規
210 44 wén a rite; a ritual 文規
211 44 wén a tattoo 文規
212 44 wén a classifier for copper coins 文規
213 43 wèi Wei Dynasty 魏漁陽郡守
214 43 wèi State of Wei 魏漁陽郡守
215 43 wèi Cao Wei 魏漁陽郡守
216 43 wéi tall and big 魏漁陽郡守
217 43 wèi Wei [surname] 魏漁陽郡守
218 43 wèi a watchtower 魏漁陽郡守
219 43 wèi a palace 魏漁陽郡守
220 43 wéi to stand solitary and unmoving 魏漁陽郡守
221 42 shì clan; a branch of a lineage 張氏出自姬姓
222 42 shì Kangxi radical 83 張氏出自姬姓
223 42 shì family name; clan name 張氏出自姬姓
224 42 shì maiden name; nee 張氏出自姬姓
225 42 shì shi 張氏出自姬姓
226 42 shì shi 張氏出自姬姓
227 42 shì Shi 張氏出自姬姓
228 42 shì shi 張氏出自姬姓
229 42 shì lineage 張氏出自姬姓
230 42 zhī zhi 張氏出自姬姓
231 41 suí Sui Dynasty 隋巴州錄事參軍
232 41 yuán monetary unit; dollar 隨元帝南遷
233 41 yuán Yuan Dynasty 隨元帝南遷
234 41 yuán first 隨元帝南遷
235 41 yuán origin; head 隨元帝南遷
236 41 yuán a variable representing an unknown quantity 隨元帝南遷
237 41 yuán Yuan 隨元帝南遷
238 41 yuán large 隨元帝南遷
239 41 yuán good 隨元帝南遷
240 41 yuán fundamental 隨元帝南遷
241 41 láng gentleman; minister; official 著作郎
242 41 láng a palace attendant 著作郎
243 41 láng really; truly 著作郎
244 41 láng darling; husband 著作郎
245 41 láng a young man 著作郎
246 41 láng somebody else's son 著作郎
247 41 láng a form of address 著作郎
248 41 láng Lang 著作郎
249 41 láng corridor 著作郎
250 41 láng Lang 著作郎
251 39 èr two 二子
252 39 èr Kangxi radical 7 二子
253 39 èr second 二子
254 39 èr twice; double; di- 二子
255 39 èr another; the other 二子
256 39 èr more than one kind 二子
257 38 hòu after; later 後徙洛陽
258 38 hòu empress; queen 後徙洛陽
259 38 hòu sovereign 後徙洛陽
260 38 hòu behind 後徙洛陽
261 38 hòu the god of the earth 後徙洛陽
262 38 hòu late; later 後徙洛陽
263 38 hòu arriving late 後徙洛陽
264 38 hòu offspring; descendents 後徙洛陽
265 38 hòu to fall behind; to lag 後徙洛陽
266 38 hòu behind; back 後徙洛陽
267 38 hòu then 後徙洛陽
268 38 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 後徙洛陽
269 38 hòu Hou 後徙洛陽
270 38 hòu after; behind 後徙洛陽
271 38 hòu following 後徙洛陽
272 38 hòu to be delayed 後徙洛陽
273 38 hòu to abandon; to discard 後徙洛陽
274 38 hòu feudal lords 後徙洛陽
275 38 hòu Hou 後徙洛陽
276 37 chéng to assist; to aid 洪洞丞
277 37 chéng an assistant to an official 洪洞丞
278 37 Germany 瑗生惟德
279 37 virtue; morality; ethics; character 瑗生惟德
280 37 kindness; favor 瑗生惟德
281 37 conduct; behavior 瑗生惟德
282 37 to be grateful 瑗生惟德
283 37 heart; intention 瑗生惟德
284 37 De 瑗生惟德
285 37 potency; natural power 瑗生惟德
286 37 wholesome; good 瑗生惟德
287 36 員外 yuánwài landlord 祠部員外郎
288 35 太守 tài shǒu Governor 范陽太守
289 31 xuán profound; mysterious; subtle 玄弼
290 31 xuán black 玄弼
291 31 xuán Kangxi radical 95 玄弼
292 31 xuán incredible; unreliable 玄弼
293 31 xuán occult; mystical 玄弼
294 31 xuán meditative and silent 玄弼
295 31 xuán pretending 玄弼
296 31 xuán Xuan 玄弼
297 31 hóng liberal; great 弘籍字真藝
298 31 hóng to enlarge; to expand 弘籍字真藝
299 31 hóng Hong 弘籍字真藝
300 31 hóu marquis; lord 張侯生老
301 31 hóu a target in archery 張侯生老
302 30 sūn Sun 宇孫肥如侯孟成
303 30 sūn grandchildren 宇孫肥如侯孟成
304 30 sūn offspring [of plants] 宇孫肥如侯孟成
305 30 sūn small 宇孫肥如侯孟成
306 30 xùn humble 宇孫肥如侯孟成
307 30 xùn to flee 宇孫肥如侯孟成
308 29 侍郎 shìláng an assistant minister 散騎侍郎
309 28 wèi commandant; military officer; lieutenant 梁衞尉卿
310 28 yu 梁衞尉卿
311 28 wèi a prison director; police commander 梁衞尉卿
312 28 wèi to pacify 梁衞尉卿
313 28 wèi to comfort 梁衞尉卿
314 28 dào way; road; path 說字道濟
315 28 dào principle; a moral; morality 說字道濟
316 28 dào Tao; the Way 說字道濟
317 28 dào measure word for long things 說字道濟
318 28 dào to say; to speak; to talk 說字道濟
319 28 dào to think 說字道濟
320 28 dào times 說字道濟
321 28 dào circuit; a province 說字道濟
322 28 dào a course; a channel 說字道濟
323 28 dào a method; a way of doing something 說字道濟
324 28 dào measure word for doors and walls 說字道濟
325 28 dào measure word for courses of a meal 說字道濟
326 28 dào a centimeter 說字道濟
327 28 dào a doctrine 說字道濟
328 28 dào Taoism; Daoism 說字道濟
329 28 dào a skill 說字道濟
330 28 dào a sect 說字道濟
331 28 dào a line 說字道濟
332 27 御史 yùshǐ Royal Scribe 殿中侍御史
333 27 御史 yùshǐ Censor 殿中侍御史
334 26 father's elder brother; uncle 纘字伯緒
335 26 senior; respectful form of address 纘字伯緒
336 26 Count 纘字伯緒
337 26 older brother 纘字伯緒
338 26 a hegemon 纘字伯緒
339 26 chù a place; location; a spot; a point 處讓
340 26 chǔ to reside; to live; to dwell 處讓
341 26 chù location 處讓
342 26 chù an office; a department; a bureau 處讓
343 26 chù a part; an aspect 處讓
344 26 chǔ to be in; to be in a position of 處讓
345 26 chǔ to get along with 處讓
346 26 chǔ to deal with; to manage 處讓
347 26 chǔ to punish; to sentence 處讓
348 26 chǔ to stop; to pause 處讓
349 26 chǔ to be associated with 處讓
350 26 chǔ to situate; to fix a place for 處讓
351 26 chǔ to occupy; to control 處讓
352 26 chù circumstances; situation 處讓
353 26 chù an occasion; a time 處讓
354 25 jùn a commandery; a prefecture 隋河東郡丞
355 25 jùn Jun 隋河東郡丞
356 25 xíng to walk 行扶
357 25 xíng capable; competent 行扶
358 25 háng profession 行扶
359 25 háng line; row 行扶
360 25 xíng Kangxi radical 144 行扶
361 25 xíng to travel 行扶
362 25 xìng actions; conduct 行扶
363 25 xíng to do; to act; to practice 行扶
364 25 xíng all right; OK; okay 行扶
365 25 háng horizontal line 行扶
366 25 héng virtuous deeds 行扶
367 25 hàng a line of trees 行扶
368 25 hàng bold; steadfast 行扶
369 25 xíng to move 行扶
370 25 xíng to put into effect; to implement 行扶
371 25 xíng travel 行扶
372 25 xíng to circulate 行扶
373 25 xíng running script; running script 行扶
374 25 xíng temporary 行扶
375 25 xíng soon 行扶
376 25 háng rank; order 行扶
377 25 háng a business; a shop 行扶
378 25 xíng to depart; to leave 行扶
379 25 xíng to experience 行扶
380 25 xíng path; way 行扶
381 25 xíng xing; ballad 行扶
382 25 xíng a round [of drinks] 行扶
383 25 xíng Xing 行扶
384 25 xíng moreover; also 行扶
385 24 yòu right; right-hand 右贊善大夫
386 24 yòu to help; to assist 右贊善大夫
387 24 yòu to; respect; to revere; to admire; to honor; to venerate 右贊善大夫
388 24 yòu to bless and protect 右贊善大夫
389 24 yòu an official building 右贊善大夫
390 24 yòu the west 右贊善大夫
391 24 yòu right wing; conservative 右贊善大夫
392 24 yòu super 右贊善大夫
393 24 yòu right 右贊善大夫
394 24 主簿 zhǔbù official Registrar; Master of Records 宋青州主簿
395 23 fáng a room 房州刺史
396 23 fáng a house; a building 房州刺史
397 23 fáng branch of a family 房州刺史
398 23 fáng Fang [constellation] 房州刺史
399 23 fáng quarters; a wing of a building 房州刺史
400 23 fáng case; pod 房州刺史
401 23 fáng office; agency 房州刺史
402 23 fáng consort's chambers 房州刺史
403 23 fáng measure word relating to occupied rooms 房州刺史
404 23 fáng Fang 房州刺史
405 23 shì a generation 世居武陽犍為
406 23 shì a period of thirty years 世居武陽犍為
407 23 shì the world 世居武陽犍為
408 23 shì years; age 世居武陽犍為
409 23 shì a dynasty 世居武陽犍為
410 23 shì secular; worldly 世居武陽犍為
411 23 shì over generations 世居武陽犍為
412 23 shì always 世居武陽犍為
413 23 shì world 世居武陽犍為
414 23 shì a life; a lifetime 世居武陽犍為
415 23 shì an era 世居武陽犍為
416 23 shì from generation to generation; across generations 世居武陽犍為
417 23 shì to keep good family relations 世居武陽犍為
418 23 shì Shi 世居武陽犍為
419 23 shì a geologic epoch 世居武陽犍為
420 23 shì hereditary 世居武陽犍為
421 23 shì later generations 世居武陽犍為
422 23 shì a successor; an heir 世居武陽犍為
423 23 shì the current times 世居武陽犍為
424 23 大理 dàlǐ Dali [kingdom] 大理評事
425 23 大理 dàlǐ Superintendent of Law Enforcement 大理評事
426 23 大理 dàlǐ a major principle; a general truth 大理評事
427 23 大理 dàlǐ Dali [county] 大理評事
428 22 zōng school; sect 中宗
429 22 zōng ancestor 中宗
430 22 zōng a measure word for transaction or business related things 中宗
431 22 zōng to take as one's model as 中宗
432 22 zōng purpose 中宗
433 22 zōng an ancestral temple 中宗
434 22 zōng to respect; to revere; to admire; to honor 中宗
435 22 zōng clan; family 中宗
436 22 zōng a model 中宗
437 22 zōng a county 中宗
438 22 zōng religion 中宗
439 22 zōng essential; necessary 中宗
440 22 zōng summation 中宗
441 22 zōng a visit by feudal lords 中宗
442 22 zōng Zong 中宗
443 22 尚書 shàng shū Book of Documents; Book of History; Shangshu 刑部尚書
444 22 尚書 shàngshū a high official 刑部尚書
445 22 jūn sovereign; monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler 凡相五君
446 22 jūn you 凡相五君
447 22 jūn a mistress 凡相五君
448 22 jūn date-plum 凡相五君
449 22 jūn the son of heaven 凡相五君
450 22 jūn to rule 凡相五君
451 21 business; industry 遵業
452 21 immediately 遵業
453 21 activity; actions 遵業
454 21 order; sequence 遵業
455 21 to continue 遵業
456 21 to start; to create 遵業
457 21 karma 遵業
458 21 hereditary trade; legacy 遵業
459 21 a course of study; training 遵業
460 21 a cause; an undertaking; an enterprise; an achievment; a pursuit 遵業
461 21 an estate; a property 遵業
462 21 an achievement 遵業
463 21 to engage in 遵業
464 21 Ye 遵業
465 21 already 遵業
466 21 a horizontal board 遵業
467 21 an occupation 遵業
468 21 a kind of musical instrument 遵業
469 21 a book 遵業
470 21 chéng to finish; to complete; to accomplish; to succeed; to perfect 宇孫肥如侯孟成
471 21 chéng one tenth 宇孫肥如侯孟成
472 21 chéng to become; to turn into 宇孫肥如侯孟成
473 21 chéng to grow up; to ripen; to mature 宇孫肥如侯孟成
474 21 chéng to set up; to establish; to develop; to form 宇孫肥如侯孟成
475 21 chéng a full measure of 宇孫肥如侯孟成
476 21 chéng whole 宇孫肥如侯孟成
477 21 chéng set; established 宇孫肥如侯孟成
478 21 chéng to reache a certain degree; to amount to 宇孫肥如侯孟成
479 21 chéng to reconcile 宇孫肥如侯孟成
480 21 chéng alright; OK 宇孫肥如侯孟成
481 21 chéng an area of ten square miles 宇孫肥如侯孟成
482 21 chéng to resmble; to be similar to 宇孫肥如侯孟成
483 21 chéng composed of 宇孫肥如侯孟成
484 21 chéng a result; a harvest; an achievement 宇孫肥如侯孟成
485 21 chéng capable; able; accomplished 宇孫肥如侯孟成
486 21 chéng to help somebody achieve something 宇孫肥如侯孟成
487 21 chéng Cheng 宇孫肥如侯孟成
488 21 吏部 lì bù personnel office; ministry of appointments 吏部郎中
489 21 rén a kernel; a pit 仁愿
490 21 rén benevolent; humane 仁愿
491 21 rén benevolence; humanity 仁愿
492 21 rén a benevolent person 仁愿
493 21 rén kindness 仁愿
494 21 rén polite form of address 仁愿
495 21 rén to pity 仁愿
496 21 rén a person 仁愿
497 21 rén Ren 仁愿
498 20 an official institution; a state bureau 益府功曹參軍
499 20 a prefecture; a prefect 益府功曹參軍
500 20 a respectful reference to a residence 益府功曹參軍

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
安禄山 安祿山 196 An Lushan
安南 196
  1. Annam
  2. Annan
安平 196 Anping
安平县 安平縣 196 Anping county
安仁 196 Anren
安阳 安陽 196
  1. Anyang
  2. Anyang
安贞 安貞 196 Antei
巴州 98
  1. East Sichuan and Chongqing
  2. Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture
北齐 北齊 98 Northern Qi Dynasty; Qi of the Northern Dynasties
北平 98 Beiping
本州 98 Honshū
  1. Bian River
  2. Henan
  3. Bian
辩机 辯機 98 Bianji
汴州 98 Bianzhou
98 Bin
兵部 98 Ministry of War
亳州 98 Bozhou
采访使 採訪使 99 Surveillence Commissioner
仓部 倉部 99 Chief of Granaries
沧州 滄州 67 Cangzhou
曹参 曹參 67 Cao Can
长安 長安 99
  1. Chang'an
  2. Chang'an
  3. Chang'an reign
  4. Chang'an
长安丞 長安丞 99 Assistant Prefect of Chang'an
长安令 長安令 99 Prefect of Chang'an
长城 長城 99 Great Wall
昌乐 昌樂 67 Changle
常山 99 Changshan
常熟 99 Changshu
常州 99 Changzhou
潮阳 潮陽 99 Chaoyang
朝阳县 朝陽縣 99 Chaoyang county
潮州 99
  1. Chaozhou
  2. Chaochou
99 Cheng
成王 99 King Cheng of Zhou
成安县 成安縣 99 Chang'an county
成都 99 Chengdu
成公 99 Lord Cheng
成纪 成紀 99 Chengji
成周 99 Chengzhou
陈留 陳留 99 Chenliu
郴州 99 Chenzhou
茌平 99 Chiping
池州 99 Chizhou
滁州 99 Chuzhou
楚州 99 Chuzhou
刺史 99 Regional Inspector
大中 100 Da Zhong reign
大安 100
  1. great peace
  2. Ta'an
  3. Da'an
  4. Da'an; Ta'an
100 Mount Tai
代州 100 Daizhou; Dai prefecture
大理 100
  1. Dali [kingdom]
  2. Superintendent of Law Enforcement
  3. a major principle; a general truth
  4. Dali [county]
大理寺 100 Court of Judicial Review
100 Dan
大司马 大司馬 100 Minister of War
大司农 大司農 100 Office of Agricultural Supervision
大同 100
  1. Datong
  2. datong; Grand Unity
德宗 100 Emperor De Zong
登州 100 Dengzhou; Penglai
邓州 鄧州 100 Dengzhou
德仁 100 Naruhito
定公 100 Lord Ding
定州 100 Dingzhou
100 Dong
东都 東都 100 Luoyang
东宫 東宮 100 East Palace
东莞 東莞 100 Dongguan
东海 東海 100
  1. East China Sea
  2. Donghae
  3. Donghai [commandery]
东海郡 東海郡 100 Donghai commandery
东京 東京 100
  1. Tokyo
  2. Luoyang
  3. Dongjing Circuit
都昌 100 Duchang
端州 100 Duanzhou
都尉 100 Commander-in-Chief
鄂州 195 Ezhou
范阳 范陽 102 Fanyang
102 Fen
102 Feng
丰城 豐城 102 Fengcheng
奉节 奉節 102 Fengjie
凤林 鳳林 102 Fenglin
凤泉 鳳泉 102 Fengquan
奉天 102 Fengtian
奉贤 奉賢 102 Fengxian
凤翔 鳳翔 102 Fengxiang
汾西 102 Fengxi
汾州 102 Fenzhou
102 Fu
扶风 扶風 102 Fufeng
扶沟 扶溝 102 Fugou
驸马都尉 駙馬都尉 102 Commandant Escort
103 Gao
高陵 103 Gaoling
高唐 103 Gaotang
高邮 高郵 103 Gaoyou
高宗 103
  1. Emperor Gaozong of Song
  2. Emperor Gaozong of Tang
  3. Gaozong
恭城 103 Gongcheng Yao autonomous
公孙 公孫 103 Gongsun
固安县 固安縣 103 Gu'an county
观察使 觀察使 103 Surveillence Commissioner
光禄大夫 光祿大夫 103 Glorious grand master
广陵 廣陵 103 Guangling
光禄勋 光祿勳 103 Supervisor of Attendants
光绪 光緒 103 Guangxu
广州 廣州 103 Guangzhou
关内 關內 103 Guannei Circuit
瓜州 103 Guazhou County
103 Gui
  1. Guangxi
  2. cassia; cinnamon
  3. Gui
归善 歸善 103 Guishan
  1. Guo
  2. Guo
国子祭酒 國子祭酒 103 Chancellor of the National University
谷神 穀神 103 Harvest God
海州 104 Haizhou
104 Han
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
  1. Korea; South Korea
  2. State of Han
  3. fence; low wall
  4. Han
汉王 漢王 104 Han Wang
邯郸 邯鄲 104 Handan
杭州 104 Hangzhou
104 He
河东 河東 104
  1. Hedong
  2. Hedong
河间 河間 104 Hejian
河南府 104 Hennan Provincial Capital
河内 河內 104
  1. Hanoi
  2. Henei
河西 104 Hexi
河阴 河陰 104 Heyin
河源 104 Heyuan
河中 104 Hezhong
贺州 賀州 104 Hezhou
弘道 104 Hongdao
洪洞 104 Hongdong
洪州 104 Hongzhou
后汉 後漢 104
  1. Later Han
  2. Later Han
后燕 後燕 104 Later Yan
后赵 後趙 104 Later Zhao Kingdom
后周 後周 104 Later Zhou
104 Hu
华州 華州 104 Washington state
淮南 104 Huainan
淮阳 淮陽 104 Huaiyang
黄巢 黃巢 104 Huang Chao
黄帝 黃帝 104 The Yellow Emperor
黄门 黃門 104 Huangmen
黄州 黃州 104 Huangzhou
户部 戶部 104 Ministry of Revenue
户部尚书 戶部尚書 104 Minister of Revenue (from the Han dynasty onwards)
会稽王 會稽王 104 Sun Liang
湖南 104 Hunan
获嘉 獲嘉 104 Huojia
湖州 104 Huzhou
  1. Hebei
  2. to hope
  3. Jizhou
济州 濟州 106
  1. Jeju Province
  2. Jizhou
监察御史 監察御史 106 Investigating Censor
建昌 106 Jianchang
江东 江東 106
  1. Jiangdong
  2. Jiangdong
江都 106 Jiangdu
江陵 106
  1. Jiangling
  2. Gangneung
江西 106 Jiangxi
江阴 江陰 106 Jiangyin
江州 106
  1. Jiangzhou
  2. Jiuzhou
江左 106 Jiangzuo
剑南 劍南 106 Jiannan
建平 106 Jianping
建阳 建陽 106 Jianyang
谏议大夫 諫議大夫 106 Remonstrance Official
交城 106 Jiaocheng
交州 106 Jiaozhou
嘉祥 106 Jiaxiang County
节度使 節度使 106 military commissioner; jiedushi
介休 106 Jiexiu
  1. shanxi
  2. jin [dynasty]
  3. to move forward; to promote; to advance
  4. to raise
  5. Jin [state]
  6. Jin
晋安 晉安 106 Jin'an
济南 濟南 106 Jinan
景王 106 King Jing of Zhou
景龙 景龍 106 Jinglong reign
京兆 106
  1. Jingzhao; Xi'an
  2. capital municipal area
  3. Capital Region Governor
京兆府 106 Jingzhao
荆州 荊州 106
  1. Jingzhou; Ching-chou
  2. Jingzhou; Ching-chou
金华 金華 106 Jinhua
金吾 106
  1. a metal club
  2. Imperial Guard
晋阳 晉陽 106 Jinyang
晋州 晉州 106
  1. Jinzhou
  2. Jin Prefecture
稷山 106 Jishan
九章 106 Jiu Zhang; Nine Pieces
集贤 集賢 106 Jixian
吉州 106
  1. Jizhou
  2. Kilju
巨鹿 鉅鹿 106 Julu
郡守 106 Commandery Governor
钜野 鉅野 106 Juye
107 Kan
库部 庫部 107 Chief of the Treasury
夔州 107 Kuizhou
蓝田 藍田 108 Lantian
兰溪 蘭溪 108 Lanxi
乐安 樂安 76 Le'an
乐昌 樂昌 108 Lechang
雷州 108 Leizhou
乐陵 樂陵 108 Leling
108 Li River
  1. black
  2. Li
  3. Lebanon
  4. Li People
  5. numerous; many
  6. at the time of
  7. State of Li
  1. a bridge
  2. Liang Dynasty
  3. City of Liang
  4. State of Liang
  5. Liang
  6. a beam; rafters
  7. a fishing sluice
  8. to lose footing
  9. State of Liang
  10. a ridge
  11. later Liang
凉州 涼州 108 Liangzhou
连州 連州 108 Lianzhou
聊城 108 Liaocheng
辽西 遼西 108 west of Liaoning
礼部 禮部 108 Ministry of (Confucian) Rites
礼部尚书 禮部尚書 108 Director of Board of Rites
零陵郡 108 Lingling commandery
岭南 嶺南 108 Lingnan
灵武 靈武 108 Lingwu
澧州 108 Lizhou
108 Gansu
陇西 隴西 76 Longxi
龙州 龍州 108 Longzhou
  1. Shandong
  2. Lu
  3. foolish; stupid; rash; vulgar
  4. the State of Lu
庐江 廬江 108 Lujiang
  1. Luo
  2. Luo River
  3. Luoyang
罗氏 羅氏 108 Roche
洛阳 洛陽 108 Luoyang
洛州 108 Luozhou
鲁山 魯山 108 Lushan
潞州 108 Luzhou
马服君 馬服君 109 Ma Fujun
茂陵 109 Maoling
绵竹 綿竹 109 Mianzhu
109 Ming River
秘书监 秘書監 109 Director of the Palace Library
秘书监 秘書監 109
  1. Director of the Palace Library
  2. Records Supervisor; Secretary
109 Mo
慕容 109 Murong
穆宗 109 Muzong
南康 110 Nankang
南阳 南陽 110 Nanyang
南长 南長 110 Nanchang
内史 內史 110 Censor; Administrator
番禺 112 Panyu
  1. Peng
  2. Peng
彭州 112 Pengzhou
80 Pi
平乐 平樂 112 Pingle
鄱阳 鄱陽 112 Poyang
  1. Pu River
  2. Pu
仆射 僕射 80 Supervisor; Chief Administrator
普安 112 Puan
濮阳 濮陽 80 Puyang
前赵 前趙 113 Former Zhao
犍为 犍為 113
  1. Qianwei [commandery]
  2. Qianwei
  3. Qianwei
  1. Shaanxi
  2. Qin Dynasty
  3. State of Qin
  4. Qin
清朝 113 Qing Dynasty
庆封 慶封 113 Qing Feng
清河 113 Qinghe
清河县 清河縣 113 Qinghe county
青阳 青陽 113 Qingyang
青州 113
  1. Qingzhou
  2. Qingzhou
秋官 113 Office of Autumn
祁阳 祁陽 113 Qinyang
曲江 113 Qujiang
饶阳 饒陽 114 Raoyang
仁化 114 Renhua County
  1. you; thou
  2. Ru River
  3. Ru
睿宗 睿宗 114 Ruizong Zongyao
汝南 114 Runan
汝州 114 Ruzhou
三公 115 Three Ducal Ministers; Three Excellencies
三原 115 Sanyuan
115 Shan
上士 115 Sergeant
尚书郎 尚書郎 115
  1. ancient official title
  2. Secretarial Court Gentleman
商州 115 Shangzhou
山南西道 115 Shannanxi Circuit
  1. Shao
  2. Shao
少府 83 Minor Treasurer
少府监 少府監 115 Directorate for Imperial Manufacturers
韶州 115 Shaozhou
83 She County
渑池 澠池 115 Mianchi
深州 115 Shenzhou
石城县 石城縣 115 Shicheng county
史馆 史館 115 Historiography Institute
始兴 始興 115 Shixing
侍中 115 Shizhong; Palace Attendant
  1. Sichuan
  2. Shu Kingdom
蜀郡 115 Shu prefecture
115 Emperor Shun
朔州 115 Shuozhou
司空 115
  1. Minster of Land and Water
  2. Sikong
司马 司馬 115
  1. Minister of War
  2. Sima [star]
  3. Sima [surname]
  4. Aide to Commander; Leader of Cavalry
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
宋州 115 Song Prefecture; Songzhou
肃宗 肅宗 115
  1. Emperor Suzong of Tang
  2. Suzong
115 Sui Dynasty
遂昌 115 Suichang
苏州 蘇州 115 Suzhou
泰山 116 Mount Tai
太守 116 Governor
太玄 116 Canon of Supreme Mystery
太学 太學 116 Taixue; Imperial Academy; Grand Academy
太仓 太倉 116 Taicang
太常 116 Minister of Ceremonies; Rector of the Imperial Academy
泰昌 116 Emperor Taichang
太昌 116 Taichang reign
太傅 116 Grand Tutor; Grand Mentor
太仆 太僕 116 Grand Servant
太山 116 Taishan
太师 太師 116 Grand Preceptor; Grand Master; Imperial Tutor
太原 116 Taiyuan
太中大夫 116 Taizhong Daifu; Superior Grand Master of the Palace
太子中 116 Crown Prince Zhong; Li Xian
太宗 116
  1. Emperor Taizong
  2. Tai Zong; Minister of Rites
116 Tan
桐城 116 Tongcheng
通州 84 Tongzhou District
同州 116 Tongzhou; Weinan
拓拔 116 Tuoba
万年 萬年 119 Wannian
119 Wei River
魏征 魏徵 119 Wei Zheng
魏县 魏縣 119 Wei county
119 Wen River
文王 119 King Wen of Zhou
文成 119 Princess Wen Cheng; Princess Wencheng
文公 119 Lord Wen of Lu
温州 溫州 87 Wenzhou
武后 119 Wu Zetian; Empress Wu; Wu Hou; Wu Zhao
武宗 119
  1. Emperor Zhengde; Wu Zong
  2. Emperor Wuzong of Tang
武安 119 Wu'an
武昌 119
  1. Wuchang
  2. Wuchang
武城 119 Wucheng
武城县 武城縣 119 Wucheng
武川 119 Wuchuan
武德 119 Wude
武定 119
  1. Wuding
  2. Wuding
吴郡 吳郡 119 Wu Commandery
乌兰 烏蘭 119 Wulan
武乡 武鄉 119 Wuxiang
吴兴 吳興 119 Wuxing
武邑 119 Wuyi
梧州 119 Wuzhou
  1. Fu Xi
  2. Xi
西魏 東魏 120 Western Wei Dynasty; Western Wei of the Northern Dynasties
  1. Hunan
  2. Xiang dialect
襄城 120 Xiangcheng
襄城县 襄城縣 120 Xiangcheng
襄公 120 Lord Xiang
相国 相國 120 Chancellor of State
襄阳 襄陽 120
  1. Xiangyang
  2. Xangyang
象州 120 Xiangzhou
相州 120 Xiangzhou
咸阳 咸陽 120
  1. Xianyang
  2. Xianyang
校书郎 校書郎 120 Secretary; Clerk; Collator
孝文 120 Emperor Xiaowen of Wei
孝武帝 120 Emperor Xiaowu of Liu Song
新安 120 Xin'an
刑部 120 Ministry of Justice
兴宁 興寧 120 Xingning
荥阳 滎陽 88 Xingyang
兴元 興元 120 Xingyuan
邢州 88 Xingzhou
新野 120 Xinye
新州 120 Xinzhou
信州 120 Xinzhou
88 Xiong
120 Xu
玄武 120
  1. Black Tortoise
  2. God of the north sky
玄宗 120 Emperor Xuanzong of Tang
宣州 120 Xuanzhou
宣宗 120
  1. Xuanzong
  2. Seonjong of Goryeo
120 State of Xun
巡官 120 Inspection Officer
徐州 88
  1. Xuzhou
  2. Xuzhou
121 Yan
阳城 陽城 121 Yangcheng
阳江 陽江 121 Yangjiang
扬州 揚州 121 Yangzhou
鄢陵 121 Yanling
兖州 兗州 89
  1. Yanzhou
  2. Yanzhou
121 Yao
崖州 121 Yazhou
  1. Ye
  2. Ye
121 Yi
121 Yi
宜君 121 Yijun
议郎 議郎 121 Yilang
121 Yin
121 Ying
颍州 潁州 121 Yingzhou
宜州 121 Yizhou
益州 121 Yizhou
永昌 121
  1. Yongchang
  2. Yongchang
永康 121 Yongkang
永宁 永寧 121 Yongning
永平 89
  1. Yong Ping reign
  2. Yong Ping reign
永顺 永順 121 Yongshun
永泰 121 Yongtai
雍州 121 Yongzhou
永州 121 Yongzhou
右玉 121 Youyu
幽州 121 Youzhou; Fanyang
121 Yu
  1. Emperor Yu
  2. Yu
  3. a legendary worm
袁州 121 Yuanzhou
榆次 121 Yuci
岳州 121 Yuezhou
越州 121 Yuezhou
121 Yun
允恭 121 Yungong
云阳 雲陽 121 Yunyang
郓州 鄆州 121 Yunzhou; Yun prefecture
余庆 餘慶 121 Yuqing
御史 121
  1. Royal Scribe
  2. Censor
御史大夫 121 Imperial Secretary
渔阳 漁陽 121 Yuyang
宰相 122 chancellor; prime minister
枣阳 棗陽 90 Zaoyang
掌书记 掌書記 122 Chief Clerk; Chief Secretary
漳浦 122 Zhangpu
詹事 122 Supply Official
詹事府 122 Supervisor of Instruction
  1. Zhao
  2. Zhao Dynasty
  3. State of Zhao
  4. to rush
  5. to visit
  6. Zhao
  7. to dig
赵国 趙國 122 State of Zhao
  1. Zhejiang
  2. Zhe River
122 Zhen
正平 122 Zhengping reign
郑州 鄭州 122 Zhengzhou
枝江 122 Zhijiang
中大夫 122 Grand Master of the Palace
中牟 122 Zhongmou
中山 122
  1. Dr Sun Yat-sen; Zhongshan, prefecture-level city in Guangdong, close to Sun Yat-sen's birthplace; Nakayama (Japanese surname)
  2. Zhongshan
  3. Nakayama
中书侍郎 中書侍郎 122 Attendant to the Palace Secretary; Attendant Gentleman of the Secretariat
周武王 122 King Wu of Zhou
周宣王 122 King Xuan
周易 122 The Book of Changes; Yijing; I Ching
盩厔 122 Zhouzhi
主簿 122 official Registrar; Master of Records
主爵 122
  1. Commandant of the Nobles
  2. Bureau of Honors
子美 122 Zimei; Du Fu
子长 子長 122 Zichang
宗伯 122 Minister of Rites


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English