Glossary and Vocabulary for History of Jin 金史, 卷一百二十六 列傳第六十四: 文藝下 趙渢 周昂 王庭筠 劉昂 李經 劉從益 呂中孚+張建 李純甫 王郁 宋九嘉 龐鑄 李獻能 王若虛 王元節 孫國綱 麻九疇 李汾 元德明子:元好問 Volume 126 Biographies 64: Wen Yixia, Zhao Feng, Zhou Ang, Wang Tingyun, Liu Ang, Li Jing, Liu Congyi, Luzhongfu+zhangjian, Li Chunfu, Wang Yu, Song Jiujia, Pang Zhu, Li Xianneng, Wang Ruoxu, Wang Yuanjie, Sun Guogang, Ma Jiuchou, Li Fen, Yuan Deming son: Yuan Haowen

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 70 zhī to go 渢之正書體兼顏
2 70 zhī to arrive; to go 渢之正書體兼顏
3 70 zhī is 渢之正書體兼顏
4 70 zhī to use 渢之正書體兼顏
5 70 zhī Zhi 渢之正書體兼顏
6 70 zhī winding 渢之正書體兼顏
7 62 to use; to grasp 時人以渢配之
8 62 to rely on 時人以渢配之
9 62 to regard 時人以渢配之
10 62 to be able to 時人以渢配之
11 62 to order; to command 時人以渢配之
12 62 used after a verb 時人以渢配之
13 62 a reason; a cause 時人以渢配之
14 62 Israel 時人以渢配之
15 62 Yi 時人以渢配之
16 61 wéi to act as; to serve 起為隆州都軍
17 61 wéi to change into; to become 起為隆州都軍
18 61 wéi to be; is 起為隆州都軍
19 61 wéi to do 起為隆州都軍
20 61 wèi to support; to help 起為隆州都軍
21 61 wéi to govern 起為隆州都軍
22 46 Qi 其超放又似楊凝式
23 36 rén person; people; a human being 東平人
24 36 rén Kangxi radical 9 東平人
25 36 rén a kind of person 東平人
26 36 rén everybody 東平人
27 36 rén adult 東平人
28 36 rén somebody; others 東平人
29 36 rén an upright person 東平人
30 35 nián year 大定二十二年進士
31 35 nián New Year festival 大定二十二年進士
32 35 nián age 大定二十二年進士
33 35 nián life span; life expectancy 大定二十二年進士
34 35 nián an era; a period 大定二十二年進士
35 35 nián a date 大定二十二年進士
36 35 nián time; years 大定二十二年進士
37 35 nián harvest 大定二十二年進士
38 35 nián annual; every year 大定二十二年進士
39 34 wáng Wang 王庭筠
40 34 wáng a king 王庭筠
41 34 wáng Kangxi radical 96 王庭筠
42 34 wàng to be king; to rule 王庭筠
43 34 wáng a prince; a duke 王庭筠
44 34 wáng grand; great 王庭筠
45 34 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 王庭筠
46 34 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 王庭筠
47 34 wáng the head of a group or gang 王庭筠
48 34 wáng the biggest or best of a group 王庭筠
49 30 wén writing; text 字文孺
50 30 wén Kangxi radical 67 字文孺
51 30 wén Wen 字文孺
52 30 wén lines or grain on an object 字文孺
53 30 wén culture 字文孺
54 30 wén refined writings 字文孺
55 30 wén civil; non-military 字文孺
56 30 wén to conceal a fault; gloss over 字文孺
57 30 wén wen 字文孺
58 30 wén ornamentation; adornment 字文孺
59 30 wén to ornament; to adorn 字文孺
60 30 wén beautiful 字文孺
61 30 wén a text; a manuscript 字文孺
62 30 wén a group responsible for ritual and music 字文孺
63 30 wén the text of an imperial order 字文孺
64 30 wén liberal arts 字文孺
65 30 wén a rite; a ritual 字文孺
66 30 wén a tattoo 字文孺
67 30 wén a classifier for copper coins 字文孺
68 26 infix potential marker 然語句不健
69 25 shī poem; verse 昂送以詩
70 25 shī shi; lyric poetry 昂送以詩
71 25 shī Shijing; Book of Odes; Book of Songs 昂送以詩
72 25 shī poetry 昂送以詩
73 25 ér Kangxi radical 126 文章工於外而拙於內者
74 25 ér as if; to seem like 文章工於外而拙於內者
75 25 néng can; able 文章工於外而拙於內者
76 25 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 文章工於外而拙於內者
77 25 ér to arrive; up to 文章工於外而拙於內者
78 25 letter; symbol; character 字文孺
79 25 Zi 字文孺
80 25 to love 字文孺
81 25 to teach; to educate 字文孺
82 25 to be allowed to marry 字文孺
83 25 courtesy name; style name; scholarly or literary name 字文孺
84 25 diction; wording 字文孺
85 25 handwriting 字文孺
86 25 calligraphy; a work of calligraphy 字文孺
87 25 a written pledge; a letter; a contract 字文孺
88 25 a font; a calligraphic style 字文孺
89 25 the phonetic value of a character; the pronunciation of a character 字文孺
90 22 Li 李經
91 22 plum 李經
92 22 envoy; judge 李經
93 21 néng can; able 李獻能
94 21 néng ability; capacity 李獻能
95 21 néng a mythical bear-like beast 李獻能
96 21 néng energy 李獻能
97 21 néng function; use 李獻能
98 21 néng talent 李獻能
99 21 néng expert at 李獻能
100 21 néng to be in harmony 李獻能
101 21 néng to tend to; to care for 李獻能
102 21 néng to reach; to arrive at 李獻能
103 21 áng to rise; to raise; to hold high 周昂
104 21 áng proud; bold; in high spirits 周昂
105 21 áng upright 周昂
106 21 áng to increase; to raise a price 周昂
107 21 áng high; lofty 周昂
108 21 áng pompous 周昂
109 20 yán to speak; to say; said 路鐸以言事被斥
110 20 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 路鐸以言事被斥
111 20 yán Kangxi radical 149 路鐸以言事被斥
112 20 yán phrase; sentence 路鐸以言事被斥
113 20 yán a word; a syllable 路鐸以言事被斥
114 20 yán a theory; a doctrine 路鐸以言事被斥
115 20 yán to regard as 路鐸以言事被斥
116 20 yán to act as 路鐸以言事被斥
117 19 shì matter; thing; item 路鐸以言事被斥
118 19 shì to serve 路鐸以言事被斥
119 19 shì a government post 路鐸以言事被斥
120 19 shì duty; post; work 路鐸以言事被斥
121 19 shì occupation 路鐸以言事被斥
122 19 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 路鐸以言事被斥
123 19 shì an accident 路鐸以言事被斥
124 19 shì to attend 路鐸以言事被斥
125 19 shì an allusion 路鐸以言事被斥
126 19 shì a condition; a state; a situation 路鐸以言事被斥
127 19 shì to engage in 路鐸以言事被斥
128 19 shì to enslave 路鐸以言事被斥
129 19 shì to pursue 路鐸以言事被斥
130 19 shì to administer 路鐸以言事被斥
131 19 shì to appoint 路鐸以言事被斥
132 19 Kangxi radical 132 自國子司業擢為左司郎中
133 19 Zi 自國子司業擢為左司郎中
134 19 a nose 自國子司業擢為左司郎中
135 19 the beginning; the start 自國子司業擢為左司郎中
136 19 origin 自國子司業擢為左司郎中
137 19 to employ; to use 自國子司業擢為左司郎中
138 19 to be 自國子司業擢為左司郎中
139 19 zhōu a state; a province 起為隆州都軍
140 19 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 起為隆州都軍
141 19 zhōu a prefecture 起為隆州都軍
142 19 zhōu a country 起為隆州都軍
143 19 zhōu an island 起為隆州都軍
144 19 zhōu Zhou 起為隆州都軍
145 19 zhōu autonomous prefecture 起為隆州都軍
146 19 zhōu a country 起為隆州都軍
147 17 yún skin of bamboo 王庭筠
148 17 tíng a courtyard 王庭筠
149 17 tíng a hall 王庭筠
150 17 tíng an open space 王庭筠
151 17 tíng a law court 王庭筠
152 17 tíng forehead 王庭筠
153 17 to begin 李純甫
154 17 a man; father 李純甫
155 17 great 李純甫
156 17 yuē to speak; to say 昂教之曰
157 17 yuē Kangxi radical 73 昂教之曰
158 17 yuē to be called 昂教之曰
159 16 to enter 入拜監察御史
160 16 Kangxi radical 11 入拜監察御史
161 16 radical 入拜監察御史
162 16 income 入拜監察御史
163 16 to conform with 入拜監察御史
164 16 to descend 入拜監察御史
165 16 the entering tone 入拜監察御史
166 16 to pay 入拜監察御史
167 16 to join 入拜監察御史
168 16 cóng to follow 劉從益
169 16 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 劉從益
170 16 cóng to participate in something 劉從益
171 16 cóng to use a certain method or principle 劉從益
172 16 cóng something secondary 劉從益
173 16 cóng remote relatives 劉從益
174 16 cóng secondary 劉從益
175 16 cóng to go on; to advance 劉從益
176 16 cōng at ease; informal 劉從益
177 16 zòng a follower; a supporter 劉從益
178 16 zòng to release 劉從益
179 16 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 劉從益
180 16 yuán Yuan Dynasty 王元節
181 16 yuán first 王元節
182 16 yuán origin; head 王元節
183 16 yuán Yuan 王元節
184 16 yuán large 王元節
185 16 yuán good 王元節
186 16 yuán fundamental 王元節
187 16 zuò to do 近党懷英作
188 16 zuò to act as; to serve as 近党懷英作
189 16 zuò to start 近党懷英作
190 16 zuò a writing; a work 近党懷英作
191 16 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 近党懷英作
192 16 zuō to create; to make 近党懷英作
193 16 zuō a workshop 近党懷英作
194 16 zuō to write; to compose 近党懷英作
195 16 zuò to rise 近党懷英作
196 16 zuò to be aroused 近党懷英作
197 16 zuò activity; action; undertaking 近党懷英作
198 16 zuò to regard as 近党懷英作
199 16 zhào Zhao 趙渢
200 16 zhào Zhao Dynasty 趙渢
201 16 zhào State of Zhao 趙渢
202 16 zhào to rush 趙渢
203 16 zhào to visit 趙渢
204 16 zhào Zhao 趙渢
205 16 diào to dig 趙渢
206 16 to go; to 行於世
207 16 to rely on; to depend on 行於世
208 16 Yu 行於世
209 16 a crow 行於世
210 15 big; huge; large 大定二十二年進士
211 15 Kangxi radical 37 大定二十二年進士
212 15 great; major; important 大定二十二年進士
213 15 size 大定二十二年進士
214 15 old 大定二十二年進士
215 15 oldest; earliest 大定二十二年進士
216 15 adult 大定二十二年進士
217 15 dài an important person 大定二十二年進士
218 15 senior 大定二十二年進士
219 15 翰林 hànlín Hanlin 始入翰林
220 15 to give 命與秘書郎張汝方品第法書
221 15 to accompany 命與秘書郎張汝方品第法書
222 15 to particate in 命與秘書郎張汝方品第法書
223 15 of the same kind 命與秘書郎張汝方品第法書
224 15 to help 命與秘書郎張汝方品第法書
225 15 for 命與秘書郎張汝方品第法書
226 15 進士 jìnshì jinshi; a palace graduate 大定二十二年進士
227 15 child; son
228 15 egg; newborn
229 15 first earthly branch
230 15 11 p.m.-1 a.m.
231 15 Kangxi radical 39
232 15 pellet; something small and hard
233 15 master
234 15 viscount
235 15 zi you; your honor
236 15 masters
237 15 person
238 15 young
239 15 seed
240 15 subordinate; subsidiary
241 15 a copper coin
242 15 female dragonfly
243 15 constituent
244 15 offspring; descendants
245 15 dear
246 15 little one
247 14 zhōng middle 呂中孚
248 14 zhōng medium; medium sized 呂中孚
249 14 zhōng China 呂中孚
250 14 zhòng to hit the mark 呂中孚
251 14 zhōng midday 呂中孚
252 14 zhōng inside 呂中孚
253 14 zhōng during 呂中孚
254 14 zhōng Zhong 呂中孚
255 14 zhōng intermediary 呂中孚
256 14 zhōng half 呂中孚
257 14 zhòng to reach; to attain 呂中孚
258 14 zhòng to suffer; to infect 呂中孚
259 14 zhòng to obtain 呂中孚
260 14 zhòng to pass an exam 呂中孚
261 14 sān three 三年
262 14 sān third 三年
263 14 sān more than two 三年
264 14 sān very few 三年
265 14 sān San 三年
266 14 xiàn to offer; to present 李獻能
267 14 xiàn to show; to display 李獻能
268 14 xiàn to celebrate 李獻能
269 14 xiàn a worthy person 李獻能
270 14 xiàn a document 李獻能
271 14 xiàn to perform 李獻能
272 14 suō a technique for filtering wine 李獻能
273 14 suō a container for sacrificial wine 李獻能
274 14 yún cloud 趙秉文雲
275 14 yún Yunnan 趙秉文雲
276 14 yún Yun 趙秉文雲
277 14 yún to say 趙秉文雲
278 14 yún to have 趙秉文雲
279 14 suǒ a few; various; some 為人所擠
280 14 suǒ a place; a location 為人所擠
281 14 suǒ indicates a passive voice 為人所擠
282 14 suǒ an ordinal number 為人所擠
283 14 suǒ meaning 為人所擠
284 14 suǒ garrison 為人所擠
285 14 liú Liu 劉昂
286 14 liú an axe; a hatchet 劉昂
287 14 liú to massacre; to slaughter 劉昂
288 14 liú sparse; scattered 劉昂
289 13 zhì Kangxi radical 133 仕至禮部郎中
290 13 zhì to arrive 仕至禮部郎中
291 13 nǎi to be 乃卜居彰德
292 13 zhāng Zhang 張建
293 13 zhāng to open; to draw [a bow] 張建
294 13 zhāng idea; thought 張建
295 13 zhāng to fix strings 張建
296 13 zhāng to unfold; to unroll; to stretch 張建
297 13 zhāng to boast; to exaggerate 張建
298 13 zhāng to expand; to magnify 張建
299 13 zhāng to display; to exhibit; to publish 張建
300 13 zhāng to catch animals with a net 張建
301 13 zhāng to spy on; to look 張建
302 13 zhāng large 張建
303 13 zhàng swollen 張建
304 13 zhāng Zhang [constellation] 張建
305 13 zhāng to open a new business 張建
306 13 zhāng to fear 張建
307 12 hòu after; later 南渡後
308 12 hòu empress; queen 南渡後
309 12 hòu sovereign 南渡後
310 12 hòu the god of the earth 南渡後
311 12 hòu late; later 南渡後
312 12 hòu offspring; descendents 南渡後
313 12 hòu to fall behind; to lag 南渡後
314 12 hòu behind; back 南渡後
315 12 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 南渡後
316 12 hòu Hou 南渡後
317 12 hòu after; behind 南渡後
318 12 hòu following 南渡後
319 12 hòu to be delayed 南渡後
320 12 hòu to abandon; to discard 南渡後
321 12 hòu feudal lords 南渡後
322 12 hòu Hou 南渡後
323 12 juǎn to coil; to roll 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
324 12 juǎn a coil; a roll; a scroll 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
325 12 juàn a fascicle; a volume; a chapter; a scroll 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
326 12 juǎn to sweep up; to carry away 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
327 12 juǎn to involve; to embroil 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
328 12 juǎn a break roll 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
329 12 juàn an examination paper 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
330 12 juàn a file 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
331 12 quán crinkled; curled 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
332 12 juǎn to include 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
333 12 juǎn to store away 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
334 12 juǎn to sever; to break off 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
335 12 juǎn Juan 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
336 12 juàn tired 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
337 12 quán beautiful 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
338 12 yóu You 尤工書
339 12 yóu to resent 尤工書
340 12 yóu to like; to be fond of 尤工書
341 12 yóu a mistake; a fault 尤工書
342 12 yìng to answer; to respond 召為應奉翰林文字
343 12 yìng to confirm; to verify 召為應奉翰林文字
344 12 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable 召為應奉翰林文字
345 12 yìng to accept 召為應奉翰林文字
346 12 yìng to permit; to allow 召為應奉翰林文字
347 12 yìng to echo 召為應奉翰林文字
348 12 yìng to handle; to deal with 召為應奉翰林文字
349 12 yìng Ying 召為應奉翰林文字
350 12 Germany 元德明子
351 12 virtue; morality; ethics; character 元德明子
352 12 kindness; favor 元德明子
353 12 conduct; behavior 元德明子
354 12 to be grateful 元德明子
355 12 heart; intention 元德明子
356 12 De 元德明子
357 12 potency; natural power 元德明子
358 12 wholesome; good 元德明子
359 12 guān an office 以邊功複召為三司官
360 12 guān an official; a government official 以邊功複召為三司官
361 12 guān official; state-run 以邊功複召為三司官
362 12 guān an official body; a state organization; bureau 以邊功複召為三司官
363 12 guān an official rank; an official title 以邊功複召為三司官
364 12 guān governance 以邊功複召為三司官
365 12 guān a sense organ 以邊功複召為三司官
366 12 guān office 以邊功複召為三司官
367 12 guān public 以邊功複召為三司官
368 12 guān an organ 以邊功複召為三司官
369 12 guān a polite form of address 以邊功複召為三司官
370 12 guān Guan 以邊功複召為三司官
371 12 guān to appoint 以邊功複召為三司官
372 12 guān to hold a post 以邊功複召為三司官
373 11 jīng to go through; to experience 李經
374 11 jīng a sutra; a scripture 李經
375 11 jīng warp 李經
376 11 jīng longitude 李經
377 11 jīng to administer; to engage in business; to run; to operate; to manage 李經
378 11 jīng a woman's period 李經
379 11 jīng to bear; to endure 李經
380 11 jīng to hang; to die by hanging 李經
381 11 jīng classics 李經
382 11 jīng to be frugal; to save 李經
383 11 jīng a classic; a scripture; canon 李經
384 11 jīng a standard; a norm 李經
385 11 jīng a section of a Confucian work 李經
386 11 jīng to measure 李經
387 11 jīng human pulse 李經
388 11 jīng menstruation; a woman's period 李經
389 11 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 遷良鄉令
390 11 lìng to issue a command 遷良鄉令
391 11 lìng rules of behavior; customs 遷良鄉令
392 11 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 遷良鄉令
393 11 lìng a season 遷良鄉令
394 11 lìng respected; good reputation 遷良鄉令
395 11 lìng good 遷良鄉令
396 11 lìng pretentious 遷良鄉令
397 11 lìng a transcending state of existence 遷良鄉令
398 11 lìng a commander 遷良鄉令
399 11 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 遷良鄉令
400 11 lìng lyrics 遷良鄉令
401 11 lìng Ling 遷良鄉令
402 11 Yi 亦恐四方效之
403 11 fèng to offer; to present 召為應奉翰林文字
404 11 fèng to receive; to receive with respect 召為應奉翰林文字
405 11 fèng to believe in 召為應奉翰林文字
406 11 fèng a display of respect 召為應奉翰林文字
407 11 fèng to revere 召為應奉翰林文字
408 11 fèng salary 召為應奉翰林文字
409 11 fèng to serve 召為應奉翰林文字
410 11 fèng Feng 召為應奉翰林文字
411 11 fèng to politely request 召為應奉翰林文字
412 11 fèng to offer with both hands 召為應奉翰林文字
413 11 fèng a term of respect 召為應奉翰林文字
414 11 fèng to help 召為應奉翰林文字
415 11 zhào to call together; to summon; to convene 以邊功複召為三司官
416 11 zhào to recruit; to attract 以邊功複召為三司官
417 11 zhào an imperial decree 以邊功複召為三司官
418 11 shào Shao 以邊功複召為三司官
419 11 shào state of Shao 以邊功複召為三司官
420 11 shàng top; a high position 謫東海上十數年
421 11 shang top; the position on or above something 謫東海上十數年
422 11 shàng to go up; to go forward 謫東海上十數年
423 11 shàng shang 謫東海上十數年
424 11 shàng previous; last 謫東海上十數年
425 11 shàng high; higher 謫東海上十數年
426 11 shàng advanced 謫東海上十數年
427 11 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 謫東海上十數年
428 11 shàng time 謫東海上十數年
429 11 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 謫東海上十數年
430 11 shàng far 謫東海上十數年
431 11 shàng big; as big as 謫東海上十數年
432 11 shàng abundant; plentiful 謫東海上十數年
433 11 shàng to report 謫東海上十數年
434 11 shàng to offer 謫東海上十數年
435 11 shàng to go on stage 謫東海上十數年
436 11 shàng to take office; to assume a post 謫東海上十數年
437 11 shàng to install; to erect 謫東海上十數年
438 11 shàng to suffer; to sustain 謫東海上十數年
439 11 shàng to burn 謫東海上十數年
440 11 shàng to remember 謫東海上十數年
441 11 shàng to add 謫東海上十數年
442 11 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 謫東海上十數年
443 11 shàng to meet 謫東海上十數年
444 11 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 謫東海上十數年
445 11 shang used after a verb indicating a result 謫東海上十數年
446 11 shàng a musical note 謫東海上十數年
447 11 yòu Kangxi radical 29 其超放又似楊凝式
448 11 gōng an artisan; a craftsman; a skilled worker 尤工書
449 11 gōng Kangxi radical 48 尤工書
450 11 gōng fine; exquisite 尤工書
451 11 gōng work; labor 尤工書
452 11 gōng a person-day of work 尤工書
453 11 gōng to be skilled at 尤工書
454 11 gōng skill; workmanship 尤工書
455 11 gōng a note on the ancient Chinese musical scale 尤工書
456 11 gōng embroidery 尤工書
457 11 gōng industry; profession; trade; craft 尤工書
458 11 gōng to operate 尤工書
459 11 gōng a project 尤工書
460 11 to take charge of; to manage; to administer 朝廷遣大理司直王仲軻治其獄
461 11 a department under a ministry 朝廷遣大理司直王仲軻治其獄
462 11 to bear 朝廷遣大理司直王仲軻治其獄
463 11 to observe; to inspect 朝廷遣大理司直王仲軻治其獄
464 11 a government official; an official 朝廷遣大理司直王仲軻治其獄
465 11 si 朝廷遣大理司直王仲軻治其獄
466 11 guó a country; a nation 孫國綱
467 11 guó the capital of a state 孫國綱
468 11 guó a feud; a vassal state 孫國綱
469 11 guó a state; a kingdom 孫國綱
470 11 guó a place; a land 孫國綱
471 11 guó domestic; Chinese 孫國綱
472 11 guó national 孫國綱
473 11 guó top in the nation 孫國綱
474 11 guó Guo 孫國綱
475 11 jiā house; home; residence 行草備諸家體
476 11 jiā family 行草備諸家體
477 11 jiā a specialist 行草備諸家體
478 11 jiā a group of people devoted to the same ideal; school of thought 行草備諸家體
479 11 jiā a family or person engaged in a particular trade 行草備諸家體
480 11 jiā a person with particular characteristics 行草備諸家體
481 11 jiā someone related to oneself in a particular way 行草備諸家體
482 11 jiā domestic 行草備諸家體
483 11 jiā ethnic group; nationality 行草備諸家體
484 11 jiā side; party 行草備諸家體
485 11 jiā dynastic line 行草備諸家體
486 11 jiā a respectful form of address 行草備諸家體
487 11 jiā a familiar form of address 行草備諸家體
488 11 jiā I; my; our 行草備諸家體
489 11 jiā district 行草備諸家體
490 11 jiā private propery 行草備諸家體
491 11 jiā Jia 行草備諸家體
492 11 jiā to reside; to dwell 行草備諸家體
493 11 lady 行草備諸家體
494 11 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 學道有所得
495 11 děi to want to; to need to 學道有所得
496 11 děi must; ought to 學道有所得
497 11 de 學道有所得
498 11 de infix potential marker 學道有所得
499 11 to result in 學道有所得
500 11 to be proper; to fit; to suit 學道有所得

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1075

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 70 zhī him; her; them; that 渢之正書體兼顏
2 70 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 渢之正書體兼顏
3 70 zhī to go 渢之正書體兼顏
4 70 zhī this; that 渢之正書體兼顏
5 70 zhī genetive marker 渢之正書體兼顏
6 70 zhī it 渢之正書體兼顏
7 70 zhī in; in regards to 渢之正書體兼顏
8 70 zhī all 渢之正書體兼顏
9 70 zhī and 渢之正書體兼顏
10 70 zhī however 渢之正書體兼顏
11 70 zhī if 渢之正書體兼顏
12 70 zhī then 渢之正書體兼顏
13 70 zhī to arrive; to go 渢之正書體兼顏
14 70 zhī is 渢之正書體兼顏
15 70 zhī to use 渢之正書體兼顏
16 70 zhī Zhi 渢之正書體兼顏
17 70 zhī winding 渢之正書體兼顏
18 62 so as to; in order to 時人以渢配之
19 62 to use; to regard as 時人以渢配之
20 62 to use; to grasp 時人以渢配之
21 62 according to 時人以渢配之
22 62 because of 時人以渢配之
23 62 on a certain date 時人以渢配之
24 62 and; as well as 時人以渢配之
25 62 to rely on 時人以渢配之
26 62 to regard 時人以渢配之
27 62 to be able to 時人以渢配之
28 62 to order; to command 時人以渢配之
29 62 further; moreover 時人以渢配之
30 62 used after a verb 時人以渢配之
31 62 very 時人以渢配之
32 62 already 時人以渢配之
33 62 increasingly 時人以渢配之
34 62 a reason; a cause 時人以渢配之
35 62 Israel 時人以渢配之
36 62 Yi 時人以渢配之
37 61 wèi for; to 起為隆州都軍
38 61 wèi because of 起為隆州都軍
39 61 wéi to act as; to serve 起為隆州都軍
40 61 wéi to change into; to become 起為隆州都軍
41 61 wéi to be; is 起為隆州都軍
42 61 wéi to do 起為隆州都軍
43 61 wèi for 起為隆州都軍
44 61 wèi because of; for; to 起為隆州都軍
45 61 wèi to 起為隆州都軍
46 61 wéi in a passive construction 起為隆州都軍
47 61 wéi forming a rehetorical question 起為隆州都軍
48 61 wéi forming an adverb 起為隆州都軍
49 61 wéi to add emphasis 起為隆州都軍
50 61 wèi to support; to help 起為隆州都軍
51 61 wéi to govern 起為隆州都軍
52 46 his; hers; its; theirs 其超放又似楊凝式
53 46 to add emphasis 其超放又似楊凝式
54 46 used when asking a question in reply to a question 其超放又似楊凝式
55 46 used when making a request or giving an order 其超放又似楊凝式
56 46 he; her; it; them 其超放又似楊凝式
57 46 probably; likely 其超放又似楊凝式
58 46 will 其超放又似楊凝式
59 46 may 其超放又似楊凝式
60 46 if 其超放又似楊凝式
61 46 or 其超放又似楊凝式
62 46 Qi 其超放又似楊凝式
63 40 yǒu is; are; to exist 李陽冰以來鮮有及者
64 40 yǒu to have; to possess 李陽冰以來鮮有及者
65 40 yǒu indicates an estimate 李陽冰以來鮮有及者
66 40 yǒu indicates a large quantity 李陽冰以來鮮有及者
67 40 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 李陽冰以來鮮有及者
68 40 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 李陽冰以來鮮有及者
69 40 yǒu used to compare two things 李陽冰以來鮮有及者
70 40 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 李陽冰以來鮮有及者
71 40 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 李陽冰以來鮮有及者
72 40 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 李陽冰以來鮮有及者
73 40 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 李陽冰以來鮮有及者
74 40 yǒu abundant 李陽冰以來鮮有及者
75 40 yǒu purposeful 李陽冰以來鮮有及者
76 40 yǒu You 李陽冰以來鮮有及者
77 36 rén person; people; a human being 東平人
78 36 rén Kangxi radical 9 東平人
79 36 rén a kind of person 東平人
80 36 rén everybody 東平人
81 36 rén adult 東平人
82 36 rén somebody; others 東平人
83 36 rén an upright person 東平人
84 35 nián year 大定二十二年進士
85 35 nián New Year festival 大定二十二年進士
86 35 nián age 大定二十二年進士
87 35 nián life span; life expectancy 大定二十二年進士
88 35 nián an era; a period 大定二十二年進士
89 35 nián a date 大定二十二年進士
90 35 nián time; years 大定二十二年進士
91 35 nián harvest 大定二十二年進士
92 35 nián annual; every year 大定二十二年進士
93 34 wáng Wang 王庭筠
94 34 wáng a king 王庭筠
95 34 wáng Kangxi radical 96 王庭筠
96 34 wàng to be king; to rule 王庭筠
97 34 wáng a prince; a duke 王庭筠
98 34 wáng grand; great 王庭筠
99 34 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 王庭筠
100 34 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 王庭筠
101 34 wáng the head of a group or gang 王庭筠
102 34 wáng the biggest or best of a group 王庭筠
103 30 wén writing; text 字文孺
104 30 wén Kangxi radical 67 字文孺
105 30 wén Wen 字文孺
106 30 wén lines or grain on an object 字文孺
107 30 wén culture 字文孺
108 30 wén refined writings 字文孺
109 30 wén civil; non-military 字文孺
110 30 wén to conceal a fault; gloss over 字文孺
111 30 wén wen 字文孺
112 30 wén ornamentation; adornment 字文孺
113 30 wén to ornament; to adorn 字文孺
114 30 wén beautiful 字文孺
115 30 wén a text; a manuscript 字文孺
116 30 wén a group responsible for ritual and music 字文孺
117 30 wén the text of an imperial order 字文孺
118 30 wén liberal arts 字文孺
119 30 wén a rite; a ritual 字文孺
120 30 wén a tattoo 字文孺
121 30 wén a classifier for copper coins 字文孺
122 28 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 李陽冰以來鮮有及者
123 28 zhě that 李陽冰以來鮮有及者
124 28 zhě nominalizing function word 李陽冰以來鮮有及者
125 28 zhě used to mark a definition 李陽冰以來鮮有及者
126 28 zhě used to mark a pause 李陽冰以來鮮有及者
127 28 zhě topic marker; that; it 李陽冰以來鮮有及者
128 28 zhuó according to 李陽冰以來鮮有及者
129 26 not; no 然語句不健
130 26 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 然語句不健
131 26 as a correlative 然語句不健
132 26 no (answering a question) 然語句不健
133 26 forms a negative adjective from a noun 然語句不健
134 26 at the end of a sentence to form a question 然語句不健
135 26 to form a yes or no question 然語句不健
136 26 infix potential marker 然語句不健
137 25 shī poem; verse 昂送以詩
138 25 shī shi; lyric poetry 昂送以詩
139 25 shī Shijing; Book of Odes; Book of Songs 昂送以詩
140 25 shī poetry 昂送以詩
141 25 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 文章工於外而拙於內者
142 25 ér Kangxi radical 126 文章工於外而拙於內者
143 25 ér you 文章工於外而拙於內者
144 25 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 文章工於外而拙於內者
145 25 ér right away; then 文章工於外而拙於內者
146 25 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 文章工於外而拙於內者
147 25 ér if; in case; in the event that 文章工於外而拙於內者
148 25 ér therefore; as a result; thus 文章工於外而拙於內者
149 25 ér how can it be that? 文章工於外而拙於內者
150 25 ér so as to 文章工於外而拙於內者
151 25 ér only then 文章工於外而拙於內者
152 25 ér as if; to seem like 文章工於外而拙於內者
153 25 néng can; able 文章工於外而拙於內者
154 25 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 文章工於外而拙於內者
155 25 ér me 文章工於外而拙於內者
156 25 ér to arrive; up to 文章工於外而拙於內者
157 25 ér possessive 文章工於外而拙於內者
158 25 letter; symbol; character 字文孺
159 25 Zi 字文孺
160 25 to love 字文孺
161 25 to teach; to educate 字文孺
162 25 to be allowed to marry 字文孺
163 25 courtesy name; style name; scholarly or literary name 字文孺
164 25 diction; wording 字文孺
165 25 handwriting 字文孺
166 25 calligraphy; a work of calligraphy 字文孺
167 25 a written pledge; a letter; a contract 字文孺
168 25 a font; a calligraphic style 字文孺
169 25 the phonetic value of a character; the pronunciation of a character 字文孺
170 22 Li 李經
171 22 plum 李經
172 22 envoy; judge 李經
173 21 néng can; able 李獻能
174 21 néng ability; capacity 李獻能
175 21 néng a mythical bear-like beast 李獻能
176 21 néng energy 李獻能
177 21 néng function; use 李獻能
178 21 néng may; should; permitted to 李獻能
179 21 néng talent 李獻能
180 21 néng expert at 李獻能
181 21 néng to be in harmony 李獻能
182 21 néng to tend to; to care for 李獻能
183 21 néng to reach; to arrive at 李獻能
184 21 néng as long as; only 李獻能
185 21 néng even if 李獻能
186 21 néng but 李獻能
187 21 néng in this way 李獻能
188 21 áng to rise; to raise; to hold high 周昂
189 21 áng proud; bold; in high spirits 周昂
190 21 áng upright 周昂
191 21 áng to increase; to raise a price 周昂
192 21 áng high; lofty 周昂
193 21 áng pompous 周昂
194 20 yán to speak; to say; said 路鐸以言事被斥
195 20 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 路鐸以言事被斥
196 20 yán Kangxi radical 149 路鐸以言事被斥
197 20 yán a particle with no meaning 路鐸以言事被斥
198 20 yán phrase; sentence 路鐸以言事被斥
199 20 yán a word; a syllable 路鐸以言事被斥
200 20 yán a theory; a doctrine 路鐸以言事被斥
201 20 yán to regard as 路鐸以言事被斥
202 20 yán to act as 路鐸以言事被斥
203 19 shì matter; thing; item 路鐸以言事被斥
204 19 shì to serve 路鐸以言事被斥
205 19 shì a government post 路鐸以言事被斥
206 19 shì duty; post; work 路鐸以言事被斥
207 19 shì occupation 路鐸以言事被斥
208 19 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 路鐸以言事被斥
209 19 shì an accident 路鐸以言事被斥
210 19 shì to attend 路鐸以言事被斥
211 19 shì an allusion 路鐸以言事被斥
212 19 shì a condition; a state; a situation 路鐸以言事被斥
213 19 shì to engage in 路鐸以言事被斥
214 19 shì to enslave 路鐸以言事被斥
215 19 shì to pursue 路鐸以言事被斥
216 19 shì to administer 路鐸以言事被斥
217 19 shì to appoint 路鐸以言事被斥
218 19 shì a piece 路鐸以言事被斥
219 19 naturally; of course; certainly 自國子司業擢為左司郎中
220 19 from; since 自國子司業擢為左司郎中
221 19 self; oneself; itself 自國子司業擢為左司郎中
222 19 Kangxi radical 132 自國子司業擢為左司郎中
223 19 Zi 自國子司業擢為左司郎中
224 19 a nose 自國子司業擢為左司郎中
225 19 the beginning; the start 自國子司業擢為左司郎中
226 19 origin 自國子司業擢為左司郎中
227 19 originally 自國子司業擢為左司郎中
228 19 still; to remain 自國子司業擢為左司郎中
229 19 in person; personally 自國子司業擢為左司郎中
230 19 in addition; besides 自國子司業擢為左司郎中
231 19 if; even if 自國子司業擢為左司郎中
232 19 but 自國子司業擢為左司郎中
233 19 because 自國子司業擢為左司郎中
234 19 to employ; to use 自國子司業擢為左司郎中
235 19 to be 自國子司業擢為左司郎中
236 19 zhōu a state; a province 起為隆州都軍
237 19 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 起為隆州都軍
238 19 zhōu a prefecture 起為隆州都軍
239 19 zhōu a country 起為隆州都軍
240 19 zhōu an island 起為隆州都軍
241 19 zhōu Zhou 起為隆州都軍
242 19 zhōu autonomous prefecture 起為隆州都軍
243 19 zhōu a country 起為隆州都軍
244 17 yún skin of bamboo 王庭筠
245 17 tíng a courtyard 王庭筠
246 17 tíng a hall 王庭筠
247 17 tíng an open space 王庭筠
248 17 tíng a law court 王庭筠
249 17 tíng forehead 王庭筠
250 17 to begin 李純甫
251 17 a man; father 李純甫
252 17 great 李純甫
253 17 yuē to speak; to say 昂教之曰
254 17 yuē Kangxi radical 73 昂教之曰
255 17 yuē to be called 昂教之曰
256 17 yuē particle without meaning 昂教之曰
257 16 to enter 入拜監察御史
258 16 Kangxi radical 11 入拜監察御史
259 16 radical 入拜監察御史
260 16 income 入拜監察御史
261 16 to conform with 入拜監察御史
262 16 to descend 入拜監察御史
263 16 the entering tone 入拜監察御史
264 16 to pay 入拜監察御史
265 16 to join 入拜監察御史
266 16 cóng from 劉從益
267 16 cóng to follow 劉從益
268 16 cóng past; through 劉從益
269 16 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 劉從益
270 16 cóng to participate in something 劉從益
271 16 cóng to use a certain method or principle 劉從益
272 16 cóng usually 劉從益
273 16 cóng something secondary 劉從益
274 16 cóng remote relatives 劉從益
275 16 cóng secondary 劉從益
276 16 cóng to go on; to advance 劉從益
277 16 cōng at ease; informal 劉從益
278 16 zòng a follower; a supporter 劉從益
279 16 zòng to release 劉從益
280 16 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 劉從益
281 16 yuán monetary unit; dollar 王元節
282 16 yuán Yuan Dynasty 王元節
283 16 yuán first 王元節
284 16 yuán origin; head 王元節
285 16 yuán a variable representing an unknown quantity 王元節
286 16 yuán Yuan 王元節
287 16 yuán large 王元節
288 16 yuán good 王元節
289 16 yuán fundamental 王元節
290 16 zuò to do 近党懷英作
291 16 zuò to act as; to serve as 近党懷英作
292 16 zuò to start 近党懷英作
293 16 zuò a writing; a work 近党懷英作
294 16 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 近党懷英作
295 16 zuō to create; to make 近党懷英作
296 16 zuō a workshop 近党懷英作
297 16 zuō to write; to compose 近党懷英作
298 16 zuò to rise 近党懷英作
299 16 zuò to be aroused 近党懷英作
300 16 zuò activity; action; undertaking 近党懷英作
301 16 zuò to regard as 近党懷英作
302 16 zhào Zhao 趙渢
303 16 zhào Zhao Dynasty 趙渢
304 16 zhào State of Zhao 趙渢
305 16 zhào to rush 趙渢
306 16 zhào to visit 趙渢
307 16 zhào Zhao 趙渢
308 16 diào to dig 趙渢
309 16 in; at 行於世
310 16 in; at 行於世
311 16 in; at; to; from 行於世
312 16 to go; to 行於世
313 16 to rely on; to depend on 行於世
314 16 to go to; to arrive at 行於世
315 16 from 行於世
316 16 give 行於世
317 16 oppposing 行於世
318 16 and 行於世
319 16 compared to 行於世
320 16 by 行於世
321 16 and; as well as 行於世
322 16 for 行於世
323 16 Yu 行於世
324 16 a crow 行於世
325 16 whew; wow 行於世
326 15 big; huge; large 大定二十二年進士
327 15 Kangxi radical 37 大定二十二年進士
328 15 great; major; important 大定二十二年進士
329 15 size 大定二十二年進士
330 15 old 大定二十二年進士
331 15 greatly; very 大定二十二年進士
332 15 oldest; earliest 大定二十二年進士
333 15 adult 大定二十二年進士
334 15 tài greatest; grand 大定二十二年進士
335 15 dài an important person 大定二十二年進士
336 15 senior 大定二十二年進士
337 15 approximately 大定二十二年進士
338 15 tài greatest; grand 大定二十二年進士
339 15 翰林 hànlín Hanlin 始入翰林
340 15 and 命與秘書郎張汝方品第法書
341 15 to give 命與秘書郎張汝方品第法書
342 15 together with 命與秘書郎張汝方品第法書
343 15 interrogative particle 命與秘書郎張汝方品第法書
344 15 to accompany 命與秘書郎張汝方品第法書
345 15 to particate in 命與秘書郎張汝方品第法書
346 15 of the same kind 命與秘書郎張汝方品第法書
347 15 to help 命與秘書郎張汝方品第法書
348 15 for 命與秘書郎張汝方品第法書
349 15 進士 jìnshì jinshi; a palace graduate 大定二十二年進士
350 15 child; son
351 15 egg; newborn
352 15 first earthly branch
353 15 11 p.m.-1 a.m.
354 15 Kangxi radical 39
355 15 zi indicates that the the word is used as a noun
356 15 pellet; something small and hard
357 15 master
358 15 viscount
359 15 zi you; your honor
360 15 masters
361 15 person
362 15 young
363 15 seed
364 15 subordinate; subsidiary
365 15 a copper coin
366 15 bundle
367 15 female dragonfly
368 15 constituent
369 15 offspring; descendants
370 15 dear
371 15 little one
372 14 zhōng middle 呂中孚
373 14 zhōng medium; medium sized 呂中孚
374 14 zhōng China 呂中孚
375 14 zhòng to hit the mark 呂中孚
376 14 zhōng in; amongst 呂中孚
377 14 zhōng midday 呂中孚
378 14 zhōng inside 呂中孚
379 14 zhōng during 呂中孚
380 14 zhōng Zhong 呂中孚
381 14 zhōng intermediary 呂中孚
382 14 zhōng half 呂中孚
383 14 zhōng just right; suitably 呂中孚
384 14 zhōng while 呂中孚
385 14 zhòng to reach; to attain 呂中孚
386 14 zhòng to suffer; to infect 呂中孚
387 14 zhòng to obtain 呂中孚
388 14 zhòng to pass an exam 呂中孚
389 14 sān three 三年
390 14 sān third 三年
391 14 sān more than two 三年
392 14 sān very few 三年
393 14 sān repeatedly 三年
394 14 sān San 三年
395 14 xiàn to offer; to present 李獻能
396 14 xiàn to show; to display 李獻能
397 14 xiàn to celebrate 李獻能
398 14 xiàn a worthy person 李獻能
399 14 xiàn a document 李獻能
400 14 xiàn to perform 李獻能
401 14 suō a technique for filtering wine 李獻能
402 14 suō a container for sacrificial wine 李獻能
403 14 yún cloud 趙秉文雲
404 14 yún Yunnan 趙秉文雲
405 14 yún Yun 趙秉文雲
406 14 yún to say 趙秉文雲
407 14 yún to have 趙秉文雲
408 14 yún a particle with no meaning 趙秉文雲
409 14 yún in this way 趙秉文雲
410 14 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 為人所擠
411 14 suǒ an office; an institute 為人所擠
412 14 suǒ introduces a relative clause 為人所擠
413 14 suǒ it 為人所擠
414 14 suǒ if; supposing 為人所擠
415 14 suǒ a few; various; some 為人所擠
416 14 suǒ a place; a location 為人所擠
417 14 suǒ indicates a passive voice 為人所擠
418 14 suǒ that which 為人所擠
419 14 suǒ an ordinal number 為人所擠
420 14 suǒ meaning 為人所擠
421 14 suǒ garrison 為人所擠
422 14 liú Liu 劉昂
423 14 liú an axe; a hatchet 劉昂
424 14 liú to massacre; to slaughter 劉昂
425 14 liú sparse; scattered 劉昂
426 13 zhì to; until 仕至禮部郎中
427 13 zhì Kangxi radical 133 仕至禮部郎中
428 13 zhì extremely; very; most 仕至禮部郎中
429 13 zhì to arrive 仕至禮部郎中
430 13 nǎi thus; so; therefore; then; only; thereupon 乃卜居彰德
431 13 nǎi to be 乃卜居彰德
432 13 nǎi you; yours 乃卜居彰德
433 13 nǎi also; moreover 乃卜居彰德
434 13 nǎi however; but 乃卜居彰德
435 13 nǎi if 乃卜居彰德
436 13 also; too 亦不難改也
437 13 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 亦不難改也
438 13 either 亦不難改也
439 13 even 亦不難改也
440 13 used to soften the tone 亦不難改也
441 13 used for emphasis 亦不難改也
442 13 used to mark contrast 亦不難改也
443 13 used to mark compromise 亦不難改也
444 13 zhāng a sheet; a leaf 張建
445 13 zhāng Zhang 張建
446 13 zhāng to open; to draw [a bow] 張建
447 13 zhāng idea; thought 張建
448 13 zhāng to fix strings 張建
449 13 zhāng to unfold; to unroll; to stretch 張建
450 13 zhāng to boast; to exaggerate 張建
451 13 zhāng to expand; to magnify 張建
452 13 zhāng to display; to exhibit; to publish 張建
453 13 zhāng to catch animals with a net 張建
454 13 zhāng to spy on; to look 張建
455 13 zhāng large 張建
456 13 zhàng swollen 張建
457 13 zhāng Zhang [constellation] 張建
458 13 zhāng to open a new business 張建
459 13 zhāng to fear 張建
460 12 hòu after; later 南渡後
461 12 hòu empress; queen 南渡後
462 12 hòu sovereign 南渡後
463 12 hòu behind 南渡後
464 12 hòu the god of the earth 南渡後
465 12 hòu late; later 南渡後
466 12 hòu arriving late 南渡後
467 12 hòu offspring; descendents 南渡後
468 12 hòu to fall behind; to lag 南渡後
469 12 hòu behind; back 南渡後
470 12 hòu then 南渡後
471 12 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 南渡後
472 12 hòu Hou 南渡後
473 12 hòu after; behind 南渡後
474 12 hòu following 南渡後
475 12 hòu to be delayed 南渡後
476 12 hòu to abandon; to discard 南渡後
477 12 hòu feudal lords 南渡後
478 12 hòu Hou 南渡後
479 12 juǎn to coil; to roll 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
480 12 juǎn a coil; a roll; a scroll 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
481 12 juàn a fascicle; a volume; a chapter; a scroll 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
482 12 juǎn roll 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
483 12 juǎn to sweep up; to carry away 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
484 12 juǎn to involve; to embroil 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
485 12 juǎn a break roll 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
486 12 juàn an examination paper 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
487 12 juàn a file 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
488 12 quán crinkled; curled 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
489 12 juǎn to include 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
490 12 juǎn to store away 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
491 12 juǎn to sever; to break off 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
492 12 juǎn Juan 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
493 12 juàn a scroll 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
494 12 juàn tired 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
495 12 quán beautiful 遂分入品者為五百五十卷
496 12 yóu especially; particularly 尤工書
497 12 yóu You 尤工書
498 12 yóu to resent 尤工書
499 12 yóu to like; to be fond of 尤工書
500 12 yóu a mistake; a fault 尤工書

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
  1. cypress; cedar
  2. Berlin
  3. Bai
八月 98 August; the Eighth Month
  1. Bian River
  2. Henan
  3. Bian
汴京 98 Kaifeng; Bianjing
泌阳 泌陽 98 Biyang
博通 98 Broadcom
卜居 66 Bu Ju; Consulting of the Oracle; Divination
参知政事 參知政事 99 Assistant Administrator
长白山 長白山 99 Changbaishan; Baekdu Mountains
承安 99 Jōan
春秋 99
  1. Spring and Autumn Period
  2. a person's age
  3. Chunqiu; Annals of Spring and Autumn
  4. spring and autumn
刺史 99 Regional Inspector
大中 100 Da Zhong reign
大安 100
  1. great peace
  2. Ta'an
  3. Da'an
  4. Da'an; Ta'an
代王 100 Prince of Dai
大理 100
  1. Dali [kingdom]
  2. Superintendent of Law Enforcement
  3. a major principle; a general truth
  4. Dali [county]
大司农 大司農 100 Office of Agricultural Supervision
100 Deng
东观 東觀 100 Eastern Lodge
东汉 東漢 100 Eastern Han
东海 東海 100
  1. East China Sea
  2. Donghae
  3. Donghai [commandery]
东平 東平 100 Dongping
东坡 東坡 100 Dongpo
端午 100 Dragon Boat Festival
防御使 防禦使 102 Defense Commissioner
102 Fen
102 Fu
扶风 扶風 102 Fufeng
高陵 103 Gaoling
高祖 103
  1. Han Gao Zu; Liu Bang
  2. great great grandfather
  3. Gaozu
广平 廣平 103 Guangping
馆陶 館陶 103 Guantao
  1. Guangxi
  2. cassia; cinnamon
  3. Gui
国史院 國史院 103 History Office
海陵 104 Hailing
  1. Korea; South Korea
  2. State of Han
  3. fence; low wall
  4. Han
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
翰林 104 Hanlin
  1. Hao
  2. Hao
河中 104 Hezhong
104 Hutuo River
华州 華州 104 Washington state
黄山 黃山 104
  1. Huangshan
  2. Huangshan
华山 華山 104 Huashan
户部 戶部 104 Ministry of Revenue
浑源 渾源 104 Hunyuan
监察御史 監察御史 106 Investigating Censor
建明 106
  1. Jianming
  2. Jianming
  3. Jianming
节度使 節度使 106 military commissioner; jiedushi
  1. shanxi
  2. jin [dynasty]
  3. to move forward; to promote; to advance
  4. to raise
  5. Jin [state]
  6. Jin
金史 106 History of Jin
京兆 106
  1. Jingzhao; Xi'an
  2. capital municipal area
  3. Capital Region Governor
京兆府 106 Jingzhao
京兆尹 106
  1. Jingzhao [capital]
  2. Capital Region Governor
金吾 106
  1. a metal club
  2. Imperial Guard
金吾卫 金吾衛 106 Imperial Insignia Guard
锦州 錦州 106 Jinzhou
箕山 106 Jishan
爵位 106 order of feudal nobility
开封府 開封府 107 Kaifeng
科举 科舉 107 Imperial Examinations
孔明 107 Kongming; Zhuge Liang
蓝田 藍田 108 Lantian
李白 108 Li Bai; Li Taibai; Li Po
李纯 李純 108 Li Chun; Emperor Xianzong of Tang
李德裕 李德裕 108 Li Deyu
良乡 良鄉 108 Liangxiang; Liang township
辽东 遼東 108 Liaodong Peninsula
礼部 禮部 108 Ministry of (Confucian) Rites
列御寇 列禦寇 108 Lie Yukou
陵川 108 Lingcuan
柳宗元 108 Liu Zongyuan
隆虑 隆慮 108 Long Lu
洛阳 洛陽 108 Luoyang
名家 109 Logicians School of Thought; School of Names
南宫 南宮 110 Nangong
南和 110 Nanhe
南京路 110
  1. Nanjing Road
  2. Nanjing Circuit
南军 南軍 110 Southern Army
南阳 南陽 110 Nanyang
内乡 內鄉 110 Neixiang
牛僧孺 110 Niu Sengru
平凉 平涼 112 Pingliang
蒲城 112 Pucheng
确山 確山 113 Queshan
  1. you; thou
  2. Ru River
  3. Ru
儒者 114 Confucian
三水 115 Sanshui
上京 115 Shangjing
尚书省 尚書省 115 Imperial Secretariat
  1. Shao
  2. Shao
士大夫 115 Scholar-official; Scholar-gentlemen; Scholar-bureaucrats; Scholar-gentry
十二月 115 December; the Twelfth Month
史馆 史館 115 Historiography Institute
司马光 司馬光 115 Sima Guang
四月 115 April; the Fourth Month
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
遂平 115 Suiping
太白 116
  1. Taebaek
  2. Venus
  3. Tai Bai
  4. Tai Bai
  5. Mount Taibai
  6. Taibai (flag)
泰山 116 Mount Tai
太史公 116 Grand Scribe
太学 太學 116 Taixue; Imperial Academy; Grand Academy
太常寺 116 Court of Imperial Sacrifices
太原 116 Taiyuan
天会 天會 116
  1. Tianhui
  2. Tianhui
拓拔 116 Tuoba
外传 外傳 119 waizhuan; unofficial biography
晚唐 119 Late Tang
万言 萬言 119 Wan Yan
王安石 119 Wang Anshi
王遵 王遵 119 Wang Zun
完颜 完顏 119 Wanyan clan
  1. Wu
  2. Jiangsu
  3. Wu
  4. Wu dialect
  5. Eastern Wu
  6. to speak loudly
五经 五經 119 Five Classics
西京 120
  1. Western Capital
  2. Kyoto
夏津 120 Xiajin
小篆 120 Small Seal Script
西方 120
  1. the West
  2. west side
  3. Xifang
兴元 興元 120 Xingyuan
心学 心學 120 School of Mind; Neo-Confucian Idealistic School
西山 120 Western Hills
宣宗 120
  1. Xuanzong
  2. Seonjong of Goryeo
学道 學道 120 examiner
121 Yan
郾城 121 Yancheng
杨凝式 楊凝式 121 Yang Ningshi
121 Yao
叶县 葉縣 121 Ye county
元好问 元好問 121 Yuan Haowen
元光 121 Yuanguang
战国策 戰國策 122 Stratagems of the Warring States
122 Zhang
长吏 長吏 122 Senior Functionary; Chief Official
  1. Zhao
  2. Zhao Dynasty
  3. State of Zhao
  4. to rush
  5. to visit
  6. Zhao
  7. to dig
真定 122 Zhending; Zhengding
鄭王 郑王 122 King Taksin
正月 122 first month of the lunar calendar
郑州 鄭州 122 Zhengzhou
中州集 122 Zhongzhou Ji; Poems from the Central Plain
庄周 莊周 90 Zhuang Zi; Zhuang Zhou
庄子 莊子 90 Zhuang Zi
转运使 轉運使 90 Shipping Administrator
主簿 122 official Registrar; Master of Records
诸葛 諸葛 122 Zhuge
涿郡 122 Zhuojun; Zhuozhou
  1. Zou
  2. Zou
左丘明 122 Zuo Qiuming; Zuoqiu Ming
左氏春秋 122 Zuo Shi Spring and Autumn Annals


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English