Glossary and Vocabulary for New History of the Five Dynasties 新五代史, 卷三十一 周臣傳第十九: 王朴 鄭仁誨 扈載 Volume 31 Later Zhou Biographies 11: Wang Pu, Zheng Renhui, Hu Zai

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 66 zhī to go 三家之客多及
2 66 zhī to arrive; to go 三家之客多及
3 66 zhī is 三家之客多及
4 66 zhī to use 三家之客多及
5 66 zhī Zhi 三家之客多及
6 66 zhī winding 三家之客多及
7 47 ér Kangxi radical 126 而邠為大臣
8 47 ér as if; to seem like 而邠為大臣
9 47 néng can; able 而邠為大臣
10 47 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 而邠為大臣
11 47 ér to arrive; up to 而邠為大臣
12 35 Qi 知其必亂
13 31 wéi to act as; to serve 為校書郎
14 31 wéi to change into; to become 為校書郎
15 31 wéi to be; is 為校書郎
16 31 wéi to do 為校書郎
17 31 wèi to support; to help 為校書郎
18 31 wéi to govern 為校書郎
19 31 to use; to grasp 而朴以故獨免
20 31 to rely on 而朴以故獨免
21 31 to regard 而朴以故獨免
22 31 to be able to 而朴以故獨免
23 31 to order; to command 而朴以故獨免
24 31 used after a verb 而朴以故獨免
25 31 a reason; a cause 而朴以故獨免
26 31 Israel 而朴以故獨免
27 31 Yi 而朴以故獨免
28 24 sincere; honest; simple 王朴
29 24 Pu 王朴
30 24 plain and simple 王朴
31 24 an uncrafted block of wood 王朴
32 24 a basic truth 王朴
33 24 the cost of an item 王朴
34 17 世宗 shìzōng King Sejong the Great; Sejong Daewang 世宗為開封尹
35 17 世宗 shìzōng Sejong 世宗為開封尹
36 17 世宗 shìzōng Shizong 世宗為開封尹
37 16 to go; to 近者奸於內
38 16 to rely on; to depend on 近者奸於內
39 16 Yu 近者奸於內
40 16 a crow 近者奸於內
41 15 yòng to use; to apply 用能去不能
42 15 yòng Kangxi radical 101 用能去不能
43 15 yòng to eat 用能去不能
44 15 yòng to spend 用能去不能
45 15 yòng expense 用能去不能
46 15 yòng a use; usage 用能去不能
47 15 yòng to need; must 用能去不能
48 15 yòng useful; practical 用能去不能
49 15 yòng to use up; to use all of something 用能去不能
50 15 yòng to work (an animal) 用能去不能
51 15 yòng to appoint 用能去不能
52 15 yòng to administer; to manager 用能去不能
53 15 yòng to control 用能去不能
54 15 yòng to access 用能去不能
55 15 yòng Yong 用能去不能
56 14 huì to instruct; to teach 鄭仁誨
57 14 huì to encourage 鄭仁誨
58 14 rén a kernel; a pit 鄭仁誨
59 14 rén benevolent; humane 鄭仁誨
60 14 rén benevolence; humanity 鄭仁誨
61 14 rén a benevolent person 鄭仁誨
62 14 rén kindness 鄭仁誨
63 14 rén polite form of address 鄭仁誨
64 14 rén to pity 鄭仁誨
65 14 rén a person 鄭仁誨
66 14 rén Ren 鄭仁誨
67 13 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 則知彼情狀者願為之間諜
68 13 a grade; a level 則知彼情狀者願為之間諜
69 13 an example; a model 則知彼情狀者願為之間諜
70 13 a weighing device 則知彼情狀者願為之間諜
71 13 to grade; to rank 則知彼情狀者願為之間諜
72 13 to copy; to imitate; to follow 則知彼情狀者願為之間諜
73 13 to do 則知彼情狀者願為之間諜
74 13 zhī to know 知其必亂
75 13 zhī to comprehend 知其必亂
76 13 zhī to inform; to tell 知其必亂
77 13 zhī to administer 知其必亂
78 13 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 知其必亂
79 13 zhī to be close friends 知其必亂
80 13 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 知其必亂
81 13 zhī to receive; to entertain 知其必亂
82 13 zhī knowledge 知其必亂
83 13 zhī consciousness; perception 知其必亂
84 13 zhī a close friend 知其必亂
85 13 zhì wisdom 知其必亂
86 13 zhì Zhi 知其必亂
87 13 zhī to appreciate 知其必亂
88 13 zhī to make known 知其必亂
89 13 zhī to have control over 知其必亂
90 13 zhī to expect; to foresee 知其必亂
91 11 to give 邠與王章
92 11 to accompany 邠與王章
93 11 to particate in 邠與王章
94 11 of the same kind 邠與王章
95 11 to help 邠與王章
96 11 for 邠與王章
97 11 rén person; people; a human being 東平人也
98 11 rén Kangxi radical 9 東平人也
99 11 rén a kind of person 東平人也
100 11 rén everybody 東平人也
101 11 rén adult 東平人也
102 11 rén somebody; others 東平人也
103 11 rén an upright person 東平人也
104 10 néng can; able 用能去不能
105 10 néng ability; capacity 用能去不能
106 10 néng a mythical bear-like beast 用能去不能
107 10 néng energy 用能去不能
108 10 néng function; use 用能去不能
109 10 néng talent 用能去不能
110 10 néng expert at 用能去不能
111 10 néng to be in harmony 用能去不能
112 10 néng to tend to; to care for 用能去不能
113 10 néng to reach; to arrive at 用能去不能
114 9 must 知其必亂
115 9 Bi 知其必亂
116 9 infix potential marker 小不制而至於僭
117 9 suǒ a few; various; some 則所向無前矣
118 9 suǒ a place; a location 則所向無前矣
119 9 suǒ indicates a passive voice 則所向無前矣
120 9 suǒ an ordinal number 則所向無前矣
121 9 suǒ meaning 則所向無前矣
122 9 suǒ garrison 則所向無前矣
123 9 píng flat; level; smooth 平邊策
124 9 píng calm; peaceful 平邊策
125 9 píng Ping 平邊策
126 9 píng equal 平邊策
127 9 píng to conquer 平邊策
128 9 píng to regulate; to control 平邊策
129 9 píng to tie; to draw 平邊策
130 9 píng to pacify 平邊策
131 9 píng to make level 平邊策
132 9 píng to be at the same level 平邊策
133 9 píng fair; impartial 平邊策
134 9 píng to restrain anger 平邊策
135 9 píng ordinary; common 平邊策
136 9 píng a level tone 平邊策
137 9 píng a unit of weight 平邊策
138 9 使 shǐ to make; to cause 使作
139 9 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 使作
140 9 使 shǐ to indulge 使作
141 9 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 使作
142 9 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 使作
143 9 使 shǐ to dispatch 使作
144 9 使 shǐ to use 使作
145 9 使 shǐ to be able to 使作
146 9 valley; gorge; ravine 過故相李穀第
147 9 grain; corn 過故相李穀第
148 9 Gu 過故相李穀第
149 9 Kangxi radical 150 過故相李穀第
150 9 virtuous 過故相李穀第
151 9 an official's salary 過故相李穀第
152 9 to bring up 過故相李穀第
153 9 to survive; to grow up 過故相李穀第
154 9 poverty 過故相李穀第
155 9 Tuyuhun people 過故相李穀第
156 8 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 三家之客多及
157 8 duó many; much 三家之客多及
158 8 duō more 三家之客多及
159 8 duō excessive 三家之客多及
160 8 duō abundant 三家之客多及
161 8 duō to multiply; to acrue 三家之客多及
162 8 duō Duo 三家之客多及
163 8 jūn sovereign; monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler 君暗政亂
164 8 jūn a mistress 君暗政亂
165 8 jūn date-plum 君暗政亂
166 8 jūn the son of heaven 君暗政亂
167 8 jūn to rule 君暗政亂
168 8 zhì to place; to lay out 知其用而置得其處者勝
169 8 zhì to establish; to set up; to install 知其用而置得其處者勝
170 8 zhì to buy 知其用而置得其處者勝
171 8 zhì a relay station 知其用而置得其處者勝
172 8 zhì to release; to set free; to pardon 知其用而置得其處者勝
173 8 zhì to discard; to abandon 知其用而置得其處者勝
174 8 zhì to set aside 知其用而置得其處者勝
175 8 zài to carry; to convey; to load; to hold 扈載
176 8 zài to record in writing 扈載
177 8 zǎi to ride 扈載
178 8 zài to receive 扈載
179 8 zài to fill 扈載
180 7 nǎi to be 乃去邠東歸
181 7 太祖 tàizǔ Taizu; Great Ancestor 周太祖居帳下
182 7 太祖 tàizǔ progenitor 周太祖居帳下
183 7 shí time; a point or period of time 當失之時
184 7 shí a season; a quarter of a year 當失之時
185 7 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 當失之時
186 7 shí fashionable 當失之時
187 7 shí fate; destiny; luck 當失之時
188 7 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 當失之時
189 7 shí tense 當失之時
190 7 shí particular; special 當失之時
191 7 shí to plant; to cultivate 當失之時
192 7 shí an era; a dynasty 當失之時
193 7 shí time [abstract] 當失之時
194 7 shí seasonal 當失之時
195 7 shí to wait upon 當失之時
196 7 shí hour 當失之時
197 7 shí appropriate; proper; timely 當失之時
198 7 shí Shi 當失之時
199 7 shí a present; currentlt 當失之時
200 7 mín the people; citizen; subjects 兵驕民困
201 7 mín Min 兵驕民困
202 7 yuē to speak; to say
203 7 yuē Kangxi radical 73
204 7 yuē to be called
205 7 can; may; permissible 人可用而舉之
206 7 to approve; to permit 人可用而舉之
207 7 to be worth 人可用而舉之
208 7 to suit; to fit 人可用而舉之
209 7 khan 人可用而舉之
210 7 to recover 人可用而舉之
211 7 to act as 人可用而舉之
212 7 to be worth; to deserve 人可用而舉之
213 7 used to add emphasis 人可用而舉之
214 7 beautiful 人可用而舉之
215 7 Ke 人可用而舉之
216 6 shī to lose 唐失道而失吳
217 6 shī to violate; to go against the norm 唐失道而失吳
218 6 shī to fail; to miss out 唐失道而失吳
219 6 shī to be lost 唐失道而失吳
220 6 shī to make a mistake 唐失道而失吳
221 6 shī to let go of 唐失道而失吳
222 6 nián year 顯德三年
223 6 nián New Year festival 顯德三年
224 6 nián age 顯德三年
225 6 nián life span; life expectancy 顯德三年
226 6 nián an era; a period 顯德三年
227 6 nián a date 顯德三年
228 6 nián time; years 顯德三年
229 6 nián harvest 顯德三年
230 6 nián annual; every year 顯德三年
231 6 náo to scratch 可撓之地二千里
232 6 náo to bother; to irritate 可撓之地二千里
233 6 náo to submit 可撓之地二千里
234 6 qiān to move; to shift 遷比部郎中
235 6 qiān to transfer 遷比部郎中
236 6 qiān to transfer job posting; to be promoted 遷比部郎中
237 6 qiān to displace; to remove; to banish; to demote 遷比部郎中
238 6 qiān to change; to transform 遷比部郎中
239 6 其所 qísuǒ its place; one's appointed place; the place for that 凡其所為
240 6 bài to bow; to pay respect to 拜朴右拾遺
241 6 bài to send greetings; to congratulate 拜朴右拾遺
242 6 bài to visit 拜朴右拾遺
243 6 bài to appoint; to confer a title 拜朴右拾遺
244 6 bài to enter into a relationship 拜朴右拾遺
245 6 bài a polite form; please 拜朴右拾遺
246 6 bài Bai 拜朴右拾遺
247 6 bài to perform a ritual 拜朴右拾遺
248 6 bài to bend 拜朴右拾遺
249 6 bài byte 拜朴右拾遺
250 6 cái material; stuff 以審其材
251 6 cái timber 以審其材
252 6 cái talent 以審其材
253 6 chén minister; statesman; official 後李業等教隱帝誅權臣
254 6 chén Kangxi radical 131 後李業等教隱帝誅權臣
255 6 chén a slave 後李業等教隱帝誅權臣
256 6 chén Chen 後李業等教隱帝誅權臣
257 6 chén to obey; to comply 後李業等教隱帝誅權臣
258 6 chén to command; to direct 後李業等教隱帝誅權臣
259 6 chén a subject 後李業等教隱帝誅權臣
260 6 shǔ to count 數大發則民困而國竭
261 6 shù a number; an amount 數大發則民困而國竭
262 6 shù mathenatics 數大發則民困而國竭
263 6 shù an ancient calculating method 數大發則民困而國竭
264 6 shù several; a few 數大發則民困而國竭
265 6 shǔ to allow; to permit 數大發則民困而國竭
266 6 shǔ to be equal; to compare to 數大發則民困而國竭
267 6 shù numerology; divination by numbers 數大發則民困而國竭
268 6 shù a skill; an art 數大發則民困而國竭
269 6 shù luck; fate 數大發則民困而國竭
270 6 shù a rule 數大發則民困而國竭
271 6 shù legal system 數大發則民困而國竭
272 6 shǔ to criticize; to enumerate shortcomings 數大發則民困而國竭
273 6 fine; detailed; dense 數大發則民困而國竭
274 6 prayer beads 數大發則民困而國竭
275 6 to reach 三家之客多及
276 6 to attain 三家之客多及
277 6 to understand 三家之客多及
278 6 able to be compared to; to catch up with 三家之客多及
279 6 to be involved with; to associate with 三家之客多及
280 6 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 三家之客多及
281 6 luàn chaotic; disorderly 知其必亂
282 6 luàn confused 知其必亂
283 6 luàn to disturb; to upset; to throw into chaos 知其必亂
284 6 luàn to be promiscuous 知其必亂
285 6 luàn finale 知其必亂
286 6 luàn to destroy 知其必亂
287 6 luàn to confuse 知其必亂
288 6 luàn agitated 知其必亂
289 6 luàn very 知其必亂
290 6 luàn unstable 知其必亂
291 6 luàn revolt; rebelion; riot 知其必亂
292 6 zhōng middle 歲中
293 6 zhōng medium; medium sized 歲中
294 6 zhōng China 歲中
295 6 zhòng to hit the mark 歲中
296 6 zhōng midday 歲中
297 6 zhōng inside 歲中
298 6 zhōng during 歲中
299 6 zhōng Zhong 歲中
300 6 zhōng intermediary 歲中
301 6 zhōng half 歲中
302 6 zhòng to reach; to attain 歲中
303 6 zhòng to suffer; to infect 歲中
304 6 zhòng to obtain 歲中
305 6 zhòng to pass an exam 歲中
306 5 zhì Kangxi radical 133 南至江
307 5 zhì to arrive 南至江
308 5 shǔ Sichuan
309 5 shǔ Shu Kingdom
310 5 xiān first 從少備處先撓之
311 5 xiān early; prior; former 從少備處先撓之
312 5 xiān to go forward; to advance 從少備處先撓之
313 5 xiān to attach importance to; to value 從少備處先撓之
314 5 xiān to start 從少備處先撓之
315 5 xiān ancestors; forebears 從少備處先撓之
316 5 xiān before; in front 從少備處先撓之
317 5 xiān fundamental; basic 從少備處先撓之
318 5 xiān Xian 從少備處先撓之
319 5 xiān ancient; archaic 從少備處先撓之
320 5 xiān super 從少備處先撓之
321 5 xiān deceased 從少備處先撓之
322 5 樞密使 shūmìshǐ Commissioner of Military Affairs 依漢樞密使楊邠
323 5 soil; ground; land 并乘其間而據其地
324 5 floor 并乘其間而據其地
325 5 the earth 并乘其間而據其地
326 5 fields 并乘其間而據其地
327 5 a place 并乘其間而據其地
328 5 a situation; a position 并乘其間而據其地
329 5 background 并乘其間而據其地
330 5 terrain 并乘其間而據其地
331 5 a territory; a region 并乘其間而據其地
332 5 used after a distance measure 并乘其間而據其地
333 5 coming from the same clan 并乘其間而據其地
334 5 wáng Wang 王朴
335 5 wáng a king 王朴
336 5 wáng Kangxi radical 96 王朴
337 5 wàng to be king; to rule 王朴
338 5 wáng a prince; a duke 王朴
339 5 wáng grand; great 王朴
340 5 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 王朴
341 5 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 王朴
342 5 wáng the head of a group or gang 王朴
343 5 wáng the biggest or best of a group 王朴
344 5 Kangxi radical 49 力已竭
345 5 to bring to an end; to stop 力已竭
346 5 to complete 力已竭
347 5 to demote; to dismiss 力已竭
348 5 to recover from an illness 力已竭
349 5 zuò to do 使作
350 5 zuò to act as; to serve as 使作
351 5 zuò to start 使作
352 5 zuò a writing; a work 使作
353 5 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 使作
354 5 zuō to create; to make 使作
355 5 zuō a workshop 使作
356 5 zuō to write; to compose 使作
357 5 zuò to rise 使作
358 5 zuò to be aroused 使作
359 5 zuò activity; action; undertaking 使作
360 5 zuò to regard as 使作
361 5 method; plan; policy; scheme 平邊策
362 5 to whip 平邊策
363 5 a riding crop; a stick with a point used to spur on a horse 平邊策
364 5 bamboo slips bound with string 平邊策
365 5 a genre of descriptive writing 平邊策
366 5 a text; a document 平邊策
367 5 slips used for divining 平邊策
368 5 to predict; to forecast 平邊策
369 5 counting rods or slips 平邊策
370 5 a cane; a staff made from bamboo 平邊策
371 5 to lean on a staff 平邊策
372 5 a stick 平邊策
373 5 a certficate for appointment to an office or nobility 平邊策
374 5 a government service exam question 平邊策
375 5 a horsewhip 平邊策
376 5 to encourage; to advise 平邊策
377 5 an upward horizontal stroke 平邊策
378 5 Ce 平邊策
379 5 residence; dwelling 周太祖居帳下
380 5 to be at a position 周太祖居帳下
381 5 to live; to dwell; to reside 周太祖居帳下
382 5 to stay put 周太祖居帳下
383 5 to claim; to assert 周太祖居帳下
384 5 to store up; to accumulate 周太祖居帳下
385 5 to sit down 周太祖居帳下
386 5 to possess 周太祖居帳下
387 5 to hold in storage; to retain; to harbor 周太祖居帳下
388 5 Ju 周太祖居帳下
389 5 self 知我政化大行
390 5 [my] dear 知我政化大行
391 5 Wo 知我政化大行
392 5 rán to approve; to endorse 慨然有平一天下之志
393 5 rán to burn 慨然有平一天下之志
394 5 rán to pledge; to promise 慨然有平一天下之志
395 5 rán Ran 慨然有平一天下之志
396 5 zhì to create; to make; to manufacture 小不制而至於僭
397 5 zhì to formulate; to regulate; to designate 小不制而至於僭
398 5 zhì a system; laws; rules; regulations 小不制而至於僭
399 5 zhì to overpower; to control; to restrict 小不制而至於僭
400 5 zhì to cut 小不制而至於僭
401 5 zhì a style 小不制而至於僭
402 5 zhì zhi 小不制而至於僭
403 5 zhì an imperial order 小不制而至於僭
404 5 zhì to establish; to create; to make; to manufacture 小不制而至於僭
405 5 zhì to consider and decide 小不制而至於僭
406 5 zhì the funeral of a relative 小不制而至於僭
407 5 zhì to tailor; to make clothes 小不制而至於僭
408 5 zhì writing; literature 小不制而至於僭
409 5 wéi thought 當今惟吳易圖
410 5 wéi to think; to consider 當今惟吳易圖
411 5 wéi is 當今惟吳易圖
412 5 wéi has 當今惟吳易圖
413 5 wéi to understand 當今惟吳易圖
414 5 shì matter; thing; item 知開封府事
415 5 shì to serve 知開封府事
416 5 shì a government post 知開封府事
417 5 shì duty; post; work 知開封府事
418 5 shì occupation 知開封府事
419 5 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 知開封府事
420 5 shì an accident 知開封府事
421 5 shì to attend 知開封府事
422 5 shì an allusion 知開封府事
423 5 shì a condition; a state; a situation 知開封府事
424 5 shì to engage in 知開封府事
425 5 shì to enslave 知開封府事
426 5 shì to pursue 知開封府事
427 5 shì to administer 知開封府事
428 5 shì to appoint 知開封府事
429 5 Kangxi radical 71 則所向無前矣
430 5 to not have; without 則所向無前矣
431 5 mo 則所向無前矣
432 5 to not have 則所向無前矣
433 5 Wu 則所向無前矣
434 5 shǎo few 少舉進士
435 5 shǎo to decrease; to lessen; to lose 少舉進士
436 5 shǎo to be inadequate; to be insufficient 少舉進士
437 5 shǎo to be less than 少舉進士
438 5 shǎo to despise; to scorn; to look down on 少舉進士
439 5 shào young 少舉進士
440 5 shào youth 少舉進士
441 5 shào a youth; a young person 少舉進士
442 5 shào Shao 少舉進士
443 5 bīn Bin 依漢樞密使楊邠
444 5 shèng to beat; to win; to conquer 恐不能勝
445 5 shèng victory; success 恐不能勝
446 5 shèng wonderful; supurb; superior 恐不能勝
447 5 shèng to surpass 恐不能勝
448 5 shèng triumphant 恐不能勝
449 5 shèng a scenic view 恐不能勝
450 5 shèng a woman's hair decoration 恐不能勝
451 5 shèng Sheng 恐不能勝
452 5 Wu 唐失道而失吳
453 5 Jiangsu 唐失道而失吳
454 5 Wu 唐失道而失吳
455 5 Wu dialect 唐失道而失吳
456 5 Eastern Wu 唐失道而失吳
457 5 to speak loudly 唐失道而失吳
458 5 yán to speak; to say; said 御史中丞楊昭儉與朴皆言用兵之策
459 5 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 御史中丞楊昭儉與朴皆言用兵之策
460 5 yán Kangxi radical 149 御史中丞楊昭儉與朴皆言用兵之策
461 5 yán phrase; sentence 御史中丞楊昭儉與朴皆言用兵之策
462 5 yán a word; a syllable 御史中丞楊昭儉與朴皆言用兵之策
463 5 yán a theory; a doctrine 御史中丞楊昭儉與朴皆言用兵之策
464 5 yán to regard as 御史中丞楊昭儉與朴皆言用兵之策
465 5 yán to act as 御史中丞楊昭儉與朴皆言用兵之策
466 5 zhōu Zhou Dynasty 以歲軌離交朔望周變率策之數
467 5 zhōu careful; thorough; thoughtful 以歲軌離交朔望周變率策之數
468 5 zhōu to aid 以歲軌離交朔望周變率策之數
469 5 zhōu a cycle 以歲軌離交朔望周變率策之數
470 5 zhōu Zhou 以歲軌離交朔望周變率策之數
471 5 zhōu all; universal 以歲軌離交朔望周變率策之數
472 5 zhōu dense; near 以歲軌離交朔望周變率策之數
473 5 zhōu circumference; surroundings 以歲軌離交朔望周變率策之數
474 5 zhōu to circle 以歲軌離交朔望周變率策之數
475 5 zhōu to adapt to 以歲軌離交朔望周變率策之數
476 5 zhōu to wear around the waist 以歲軌離交朔望周變率策之數
477 5 zhōu to bend 以歲軌離交朔望周變率策之數
478 5 zhōu an entire year 以歲軌離交朔望周變率策之數
479 5 lín to face; to overlook 世宗臨其喪
480 5 lín to watch; to look; to look down 世宗臨其喪
481 5 lín to monitor; to oversee; to supervise 世宗臨其喪
482 5 lín to meet 世宗臨其喪
483 5 lín to arrive 世宗臨其喪
484 5 lín a weapon used to shoot down at defenders 世宗臨其喪
485 5 lín to copy 世宗臨其喪
486 5 lín to govern; to administer; to control 世宗臨其喪
487 5 lín to be about to; to be near; to approach 世宗臨其喪
488 5 lìn to pay respects to the deceased 世宗臨其喪
489 5 lín Overseeing 世宗臨其喪
490 5 lín to shine on 世宗臨其喪
491 5 lín to give; to add 世宗臨其喪
492 5 lín Lin 世宗臨其喪
493 5 至於 zhìyú to reach 小不制而至於僭
494 4 děng et cetera; and so on 史弘肇等有隙
495 4 děng to wait 史弘肇等有隙
496 4 děng to be equal 史弘肇等有隙
497 4 děng degree; level 史弘肇等有隙
498 4 děng to compare 史弘肇等有隙
499 4 hàn Han Chinese 依漢樞密使楊邠
500 4 hàn Han Dynasty 依漢樞密使楊邠

Frequencies of all Words

Top 965

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 66 zhī him; her; them; that 三家之客多及
2 66 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 三家之客多及
3 66 zhī to go 三家之客多及
4 66 zhī this; that 三家之客多及
5 66 zhī genetive marker 三家之客多及
6 66 zhī it 三家之客多及
7 66 zhī in; in regards to 三家之客多及
8 66 zhī all 三家之客多及
9 66 zhī and 三家之客多及
10 66 zhī however 三家之客多及
11 66 zhī if 三家之客多及
12 66 zhī then 三家之客多及
13 66 zhī to arrive; to go 三家之客多及
14 66 zhī is 三家之客多及
15 66 zhī to use 三家之客多及
16 66 zhī Zhi 三家之客多及
17 66 zhī winding 三家之客多及
18 47 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 而邠為大臣
19 47 ér Kangxi radical 126 而邠為大臣
20 47 ér you 而邠為大臣
21 47 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 而邠為大臣
22 47 ér right away; then 而邠為大臣
23 47 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 而邠為大臣
24 47 ér if; in case; in the event that 而邠為大臣
25 47 ér therefore; as a result; thus 而邠為大臣
26 47 ér how can it be that? 而邠為大臣
27 47 ér so as to 而邠為大臣
28 47 ér only then 而邠為大臣
29 47 ér as if; to seem like 而邠為大臣
30 47 néng can; able 而邠為大臣
31 47 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 而邠為大臣
32 47 ér me 而邠為大臣
33 47 ér to arrive; up to 而邠為大臣
34 47 ér possessive 而邠為大臣
35 35 his; hers; its; theirs 知其必亂
36 35 to add emphasis 知其必亂
37 35 used when asking a question in reply to a question 知其必亂
38 35 used when making a request or giving an order 知其必亂
39 35 he; her; it; them 知其必亂
40 35 probably; likely 知其必亂
41 35 will 知其必亂
42 35 may 知其必亂
43 35 if 知其必亂
44 35 or 知其必亂
45 35 Qi 知其必亂
46 31 wèi for; to 為校書郎
47 31 wèi because of 為校書郎
48 31 wéi to act as; to serve 為校書郎
49 31 wéi to change into; to become 為校書郎
50 31 wéi to be; is 為校書郎
51 31 wéi to do 為校書郎
52 31 wèi for 為校書郎
53 31 wèi because of; for; to 為校書郎
54 31 wèi to 為校書郎
55 31 wéi in a passive construction 為校書郎
56 31 wéi forming a rehetorical question 為校書郎
57 31 wéi forming an adverb 為校書郎
58 31 wéi to add emphasis 為校書郎
59 31 wèi to support; to help 為校書郎
60 31 wéi to govern 為校書郎
61 31 so as to; in order to 而朴以故獨免
62 31 to use; to regard as 而朴以故獨免
63 31 to use; to grasp 而朴以故獨免
64 31 according to 而朴以故獨免
65 31 because of 而朴以故獨免
66 31 on a certain date 而朴以故獨免
67 31 and; as well as 而朴以故獨免
68 31 to rely on 而朴以故獨免
69 31 to regard 而朴以故獨免
70 31 to be able to 而朴以故獨免
71 31 to order; to command 而朴以故獨免
72 31 further; moreover 而朴以故獨免
73 31 used after a verb 而朴以故獨免
74 31 very 而朴以故獨免
75 31 already 而朴以故獨免
76 31 increasingly 而朴以故獨免
77 31 a reason; a cause 而朴以故獨免
78 31 Israel 而朴以故獨免
79 31 Yi 而朴以故獨免
80 24 sincere; honest; simple 王朴
81 24 Pu 王朴
82 24 plain and simple 王朴
83 24 an uncrafted block of wood 王朴
84 24 a basic truth 王朴
85 24 the cost of an item 王朴
86 19 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 近者奸於內
87 19 zhě that 近者奸於內
88 19 zhě nominalizing function word 近者奸於內
89 19 zhě used to mark a definition 近者奸於內
90 19 zhě used to mark a pause 近者奸於內
91 19 zhě topic marker; that; it 近者奸於內
92 19 zhuó according to 近者奸於內
93 17 世宗 shìzōng King Sejong the Great; Sejong Daewang 世宗為開封尹
94 17 世宗 shìzōng Sejong 世宗為開封尹
95 17 世宗 shìzōng Shizong 世宗為開封尹
96 16 in; at 近者奸於內
97 16 in; at 近者奸於內
98 16 in; at; to; from 近者奸於內
99 16 to go; to 近者奸於內
100 16 to rely on; to depend on 近者奸於內
101 16 to go to; to arrive at 近者奸於內
102 16 from 近者奸於內
103 16 give 近者奸於內
104 16 oppposing 近者奸於內
105 16 and 近者奸於內
106 16 compared to 近者奸於內
107 16 by 近者奸於內
108 16 and; as well as 近者奸於內
109 16 for 近者奸於內
110 16 Yu 近者奸於內
111 16 a crow 近者奸於內
112 16 whew; wow 近者奸於內
113 15 yòng to use; to apply 用能去不能
114 15 yòng Kangxi radical 101 用能去不能
115 15 yòng to eat 用能去不能
116 15 yòng to spend 用能去不能
117 15 yòng expense 用能去不能
118 15 yòng a use; usage 用能去不能
119 15 yòng to need; must 用能去不能
120 15 yòng useful; practical 用能去不能
121 15 yòng to use up; to use all of something 用能去不能
122 15 yòng by means of; with 用能去不能
123 15 yòng to work (an animal) 用能去不能
124 15 yòng to appoint 用能去不能
125 15 yòng to administer; to manager 用能去不能
126 15 yòng to control 用能去不能
127 15 yòng to access 用能去不能
128 15 yòng Yong 用能去不能
129 14 huì to instruct; to teach 鄭仁誨
130 14 huì to encourage 鄭仁誨
131 14 also; too 東平人也
132 14 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 東平人也
133 14 either 東平人也
134 14 even 東平人也
135 14 used to soften the tone 東平人也
136 14 used for emphasis 東平人也
137 14 used to mark contrast 東平人也
138 14 used to mark compromise 東平人也
139 14 rén a kernel; a pit 鄭仁誨
140 14 rén benevolent; humane 鄭仁誨
141 14 rén benevolence; humanity 鄭仁誨
142 14 rén a benevolent person 鄭仁誨
143 14 rén kindness 鄭仁誨
144 14 rén polite form of address 鄭仁誨
145 14 rén to pity 鄭仁誨
146 14 rén a person 鄭仁誨
147 14 rén Ren 鄭仁誨
148 13 otherwise; but; however 則知彼情狀者願為之間諜
149 13 then 則知彼情狀者願為之間諜
150 13 measure word for short sections of text 則知彼情狀者願為之間諜
151 13 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 則知彼情狀者願為之間諜
152 13 a grade; a level 則知彼情狀者願為之間諜
153 13 an example; a model 則知彼情狀者願為之間諜
154 13 a weighing device 則知彼情狀者願為之間諜
155 13 to grade; to rank 則知彼情狀者願為之間諜
156 13 to copy; to imitate; to follow 則知彼情狀者願為之間諜
157 13 to do 則知彼情狀者願為之間諜
158 13 only 則知彼情狀者願為之間諜
159 13 immediately 則知彼情狀者願為之間諜
160 13 zhī to know 知其必亂
161 13 zhī to comprehend 知其必亂
162 13 zhī to inform; to tell 知其必亂
163 13 zhī to administer 知其必亂
164 13 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 知其必亂
165 13 zhī to be close friends 知其必亂
166 13 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 知其必亂
167 13 zhī to receive; to entertain 知其必亂
168 13 zhī knowledge 知其必亂
169 13 zhī consciousness; perception 知其必亂
170 13 zhī a close friend 知其必亂
171 13 zhì wisdom 知其必亂
172 13 zhì Zhi 知其必亂
173 13 zhī to appreciate 知其必亂
174 13 zhī to make known 知其必亂
175 13 zhī to have control over 知其必亂
176 13 zhī to expect; to foresee 知其必亂
177 11 and 邠與王章
178 11 to give 邠與王章
179 11 together with 邠與王章
180 11 interrogative particle 邠與王章
181 11 to accompany 邠與王章
182 11 to particate in 邠與王章
183 11 of the same kind 邠與王章
184 11 to help 邠與王章
185 11 for 邠與王章
186 11 rén person; people; a human being 東平人也
187 11 rén Kangxi radical 9 東平人也
188 11 rén a kind of person 東平人也
189 11 rén everybody 東平人也
190 11 rén adult 東平人也
191 11 rén somebody; others 東平人也
192 11 rén an upright person 東平人也
193 10 néng can; able 用能去不能
194 10 néng ability; capacity 用能去不能
195 10 néng a mythical bear-like beast 用能去不能
196 10 néng energy 用能去不能
197 10 néng function; use 用能去不能
198 10 néng may; should; permitted to 用能去不能
199 10 néng talent 用能去不能
200 10 néng expert at 用能去不能
201 10 néng to be in harmony 用能去不能
202 10 néng to tend to; to care for 用能去不能
203 10 néng to reach; to arrive at 用能去不能
204 10 néng as long as; only 用能去不能
205 10 néng even if 用能去不能
206 10 néng but 用能去不能
207 10 néng in this way 用能去不能
208 10 jiē all; each and every; in all cases 弘肇皆見殺
209 10 jiē same; equally 弘肇皆見殺
210 9 certainly; must; will; necessarily 知其必亂
211 9 must 知其必亂
212 9 if; suppose 知其必亂
213 9 Bi 知其必亂
214 9 that; those 彼方之民
215 9 another; the other 彼方之民
216 9 not; no 小不制而至於僭
217 9 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 小不制而至於僭
218 9 as a correlative 小不制而至於僭
219 9 no (answering a question) 小不制而至於僭
220 9 forms a negative adjective from a noun 小不制而至於僭
221 9 at the end of a sentence to form a question 小不制而至於僭
222 9 to form a yes or no question 小不制而至於僭
223 9 infix potential marker 小不制而至於僭
224 9 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 則所向無前矣
225 9 suǒ an office; an institute 則所向無前矣
226 9 suǒ introduces a relative clause 則所向無前矣
227 9 suǒ it 則所向無前矣
228 9 suǒ if; supposing 則所向無前矣
229 9 suǒ a few; various; some 則所向無前矣
230 9 suǒ a place; a location 則所向無前矣
231 9 suǒ indicates a passive voice 則所向無前矣
232 9 suǒ that which 則所向無前矣
233 9 suǒ an ordinal number 則所向無前矣
234 9 suǒ meaning 則所向無前矣
235 9 suǒ garrison 則所向無前矣
236 9 píng flat; level; smooth 平邊策
237 9 píng calm; peaceful 平邊策
238 9 píng Ping 平邊策
239 9 píng equal 平邊策
240 9 píng to conquer 平邊策
241 9 píng to regulate; to control 平邊策
242 9 píng to tie; to draw 平邊策
243 9 píng to pacify 平邊策
244 9 píng to make level 平邊策
245 9 píng to be at the same level 平邊策
246 9 píng fair; impartial 平邊策
247 9 píng to restrain anger 平邊策
248 9 píng ordinary; common 平邊策
249 9 píng a level tone 平邊策
250 9 píng a unit of weight 平邊策
251 9 píng ordinarily 平邊策
252 9 使 shǐ to make; to cause 使作
253 9 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 使作
254 9 使 shǐ to indulge 使作
255 9 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 使作
256 9 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 使作
257 9 使 shǐ to dispatch 使作
258 9 使 shǐ if 使作
259 9 使 shǐ to use 使作
260 9 使 shǐ to be able to 使作
261 9 valley; gorge; ravine 過故相李穀第
262 9 grain; corn 過故相李穀第
263 9 Gu 過故相李穀第
264 9 Kangxi radical 150 過故相李穀第
265 9 virtuous 過故相李穀第
266 9 an official's salary 過故相李穀第
267 9 to bring up 過故相李穀第
268 9 to survive; to grow up 過故相李穀第
269 9 poverty 過故相李穀第
270 9 Tuyuhun people 過故相李穀第
271 8 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 三家之客多及
272 8 duó many; much 三家之客多及
273 8 duō more 三家之客多及
274 8 duō an unspecified extent 三家之客多及
275 8 duō used in exclamations 三家之客多及
276 8 duō excessive 三家之客多及
277 8 duō to what extent 三家之客多及
278 8 duō abundant 三家之客多及
279 8 duō to multiply; to acrue 三家之客多及
280 8 duō mostly 三家之客多及
281 8 duō simply; merely 三家之客多及
282 8 duō frequently 三家之客多及
283 8 duō very 三家之客多及
284 8 duō Duo 三家之客多及
285 8 yǒu is; are; to exist 史弘肇等有隙
286 8 yǒu to have; to possess 史弘肇等有隙
287 8 yǒu indicates an estimate 史弘肇等有隙
288 8 yǒu indicates a large quantity 史弘肇等有隙
289 8 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 史弘肇等有隙
290 8 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 史弘肇等有隙
291 8 yǒu used to compare two things 史弘肇等有隙
292 8 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 史弘肇等有隙
293 8 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 史弘肇等有隙
294 8 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 史弘肇等有隙
295 8 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 史弘肇等有隙
296 8 yǒu abundant 史弘肇等有隙
297 8 yǒu purposeful 史弘肇等有隙
298 8 yǒu You 史弘肇等有隙
299 8 jūn sovereign; monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler 君暗政亂
300 8 jūn you 君暗政亂
301 8 jūn a mistress 君暗政亂
302 8 jūn date-plum 君暗政亂
303 8 jūn the son of heaven 君暗政亂
304 8 jūn to rule 君暗政亂
305 8 zhì to place; to lay out 知其用而置得其處者勝
306 8 zhì to establish; to set up; to install 知其用而置得其處者勝
307 8 zhì to buy 知其用而置得其處者勝
308 8 zhì a relay station 知其用而置得其處者勝
309 8 zhì to release; to set free; to pardon 知其用而置得其處者勝
310 8 zhì to discard; to abandon 知其用而置得其處者勝
311 8 zhì to set aside 知其用而置得其處者勝
312 8 zài to carry; to convey; to load; to hold 扈載
313 8 zài to record in writing 扈載
314 8 zǎi to ride 扈載
315 8 zài to receive 扈載
316 8 zài to fill 扈載
317 8 zài and; also 扈載
318 8 zài period [of time] 扈載
319 7 nǎi thus; so; therefore; then; only; thereupon 乃去邠東歸
320 7 nǎi to be 乃去邠東歸
321 7 nǎi you; yours 乃去邠東歸
322 7 nǎi also; moreover 乃去邠東歸
323 7 nǎi however; but 乃去邠東歸
324 7 nǎi if 乃去邠東歸
325 7 太祖 tàizǔ Taizu; Great Ancestor 周太祖居帳下
326 7 太祖 tàizǔ progenitor 周太祖居帳下
327 7 shí time; a point or period of time 當失之時
328 7 shí a season; a quarter of a year 當失之時
329 7 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 當失之時
330 7 shí at that time 當失之時
331 7 shí fashionable 當失之時
332 7 shí fate; destiny; luck 當失之時
333 7 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 當失之時
334 7 shí tense 當失之時
335 7 shí particular; special 當失之時
336 7 shí to plant; to cultivate 當失之時
337 7 shí hour (measure word) 當失之時
338 7 shí an era; a dynasty 當失之時
339 7 shí time [abstract] 當失之時
340 7 shí seasonal 當失之時
341 7 shí frequently; often 當失之時
342 7 shí occasionally; sometimes 當失之時
343 7 shí on time 當失之時
344 7 shí this; that 當失之時
345 7 shí to wait upon 當失之時
346 7 shí hour 當失之時
347 7 shí appropriate; proper; timely 當失之時
348 7 shí Shi 當失之時
349 7 shí a present; currentlt 當失之時
350 7 mín the people; citizen; subjects 兵驕民困
351 7 mín Min 兵驕民困
352 7 yuē to speak; to say
353 7 yuē Kangxi radical 73
354 7 yuē to be called
355 7 yuē particle without meaning
356 7 can; may; permissible 人可用而舉之
357 7 but 人可用而舉之
358 7 such; so 人可用而舉之
359 7 able to; possibly 人可用而舉之
360 7 to approve; to permit 人可用而舉之
361 7 to be worth 人可用而舉之
362 7 to suit; to fit 人可用而舉之
363 7 khan 人可用而舉之
364 7 to recover 人可用而舉之
365 7 to act as 人可用而舉之
366 7 to be worth; to deserve 人可用而舉之
367 7 approximately; probably 人可用而舉之
368 7 expresses doubt 人可用而舉之
369 7 really; truely 人可用而舉之
370 7 used to add emphasis 人可用而舉之
371 7 beautiful 人可用而舉之
372 7 Ke 人可用而舉之
373 7 used to ask a question 人可用而舉之
374 6 shī to lose 唐失道而失吳
375 6 shī to violate; to go against the norm 唐失道而失吳
376 6 shī to fail; to miss out 唐失道而失吳
377 6 shī to be lost 唐失道而失吳
378 6 shī to make a mistake 唐失道而失吳
379 6 shī to let go of 唐失道而失吳
380 6 nián year 顯德三年
381 6 nián New Year festival 顯德三年
382 6 nián age 顯德三年
383 6 nián life span; life expectancy 顯德三年
384 6 nián an era; a period 顯德三年
385 6 nián a date 顯德三年
386 6 nián time; years 顯德三年
387 6 nián harvest 顯德三年
388 6 nián annual; every year 顯德三年
389 6 náo to scratch 可撓之地二千里
390 6 náo to bother; to irritate 可撓之地二千里
391 6 náo to submit 可撓之地二千里
392 6 qiān to move; to shift 遷比部郎中
393 6 qiān to transfer 遷比部郎中
394 6 qiān to transfer job posting; to be promoted 遷比部郎中
395 6 qiān to displace; to remove; to banish; to demote 遷比部郎中
396 6 qiān to change; to transform 遷比部郎中
397 6 其所 qísuǒ its place; one's appointed place; the place for that 凡其所為
398 6 bài to bow; to pay respect to 拜朴右拾遺
399 6 bài to send greetings; to congratulate 拜朴右拾遺
400 6 bài to visit 拜朴右拾遺
401 6 bài to appoint; to confer a title 拜朴右拾遺
402 6 bài to enter into a relationship 拜朴右拾遺
403 6 bài a polite form; please 拜朴右拾遺
404 6 bài Bai 拜朴右拾遺
405 6 bài to perform a ritual 拜朴右拾遺
406 6 bài to bend 拜朴右拾遺
407 6 bài byte 拜朴右拾遺
408 6 cái material; stuff 以審其材
409 6 cái timber 以審其材
410 6 cái talent 以審其材
411 6 chén minister; statesman; official 後李業等教隱帝誅權臣
412 6 chén Kangxi radical 131 後李業等教隱帝誅權臣
413 6 chén a slave 後李業等教隱帝誅權臣
414 6 chén you 後李業等教隱帝誅權臣
415 6 chén Chen 後李業等教隱帝誅權臣
416 6 chén to obey; to comply 後李業等教隱帝誅權臣
417 6 chén to command; to direct 後李業等教隱帝誅權臣
418 6 chén a subject 後李業等教隱帝誅權臣
419 6 shǔ to count 數大發則民困而國竭
420 6 shù a number; an amount 數大發則民困而國竭
421 6 shuò frequently; repeatedly 數大發則民困而國竭
422 6 shù mathenatics 數大發則民困而國竭
423 6 shù an ancient calculating method 數大發則民困而國竭
424 6 shù several; a few 數大發則民困而國竭
425 6 shǔ to allow; to permit 數大發則民困而國竭
426 6 shǔ to be equal; to compare to 數大發則民困而國竭
427 6 shù numerology; divination by numbers 數大發則民困而國竭
428 6 shù a skill; an art 數大發則民困而國竭
429 6 shù luck; fate 數大發則民困而國竭
430 6 shù a rule 數大發則民困而國竭
431 6 shù legal system 數大發則民困而國竭
432 6 shǔ to criticize; to enumerate shortcomings 數大發則民困而國竭
433 6 shǔ outstanding 數大發則民困而國竭
434 6 fine; detailed; dense 數大發則民困而國竭
435 6 prayer beads 數大發則民困而國竭
436 6 to reach 三家之客多及
437 6 and 三家之客多及
438 6 coming to; when 三家之客多及
439 6 to attain 三家之客多及
440 6 to understand 三家之客多及
441 6 able to be compared to; to catch up with 三家之客多及
442 6 to be involved with; to associate with 三家之客多及
443 6 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 三家之客多及
444 6 luàn chaotic; disorderly 知其必亂
445 6 luàn confused 知其必亂
446 6 luàn to disturb; to upset; to throw into chaos 知其必亂
447 6 luàn to be promiscuous 知其必亂
448 6 luàn finale 知其必亂
449 6 luàn to destroy 知其必亂
450 6 luàn to confuse 知其必亂
451 6 luàn agitated 知其必亂
452 6 luàn very 知其必亂
453 6 luàn unstable 知其必亂
454 6 luàn arbitrarily; indescriminately 知其必亂
455 6 luàn revolt; rebelion; riot 知其必亂
456 6 zhōng middle 歲中
457 6 zhōng medium; medium sized 歲中
458 6 zhōng China 歲中
459 6 zhòng to hit the mark 歲中
460 6 zhōng in; amongst 歲中
461 6 zhōng midday 歲中
462 6 zhōng inside 歲中
463 6 zhōng during 歲中
464 6 zhōng Zhong 歲中
465 6 zhōng intermediary 歲中
466 6 zhōng half 歲中
467 6 zhōng just right; suitably 歲中
468 6 zhōng while 歲中
469 6 zhòng to reach; to attain 歲中
470 6 zhòng to suffer; to infect 歲中
471 6 zhòng to obtain 歲中
472 6 zhòng to pass an exam 歲中
473 5 zhì to; until 南至江
474 5 zhì Kangxi radical 133 南至江
475 5 zhì extremely; very; most 南至江
476 5 zhì to arrive 南至江
477 5 shǔ Sichuan
478 5 shǔ Shu Kingdom
479 5 xiān first 從少備處先撓之
480 5 xiān early; prior; former 從少備處先撓之
481 5 xiān to go forward; to advance 從少備處先撓之
482 5 xiān to attach importance to; to value 從少備處先撓之
483 5 xiān to start 從少備處先撓之
484 5 xiān ancestors; forebears 從少備處先撓之
485 5 xiān earlier 從少備處先撓之
486 5 xiān before; in front 從少備處先撓之
487 5 xiān fundamental; basic 從少備處先撓之
488 5 xiān Xian 從少備處先撓之
489 5 xiān ancient; archaic 從少備處先撓之
490 5 xiān super 從少備處先撓之
491 5 xiān deceased 從少備處先撓之
492 5 樞密使 shūmìshǐ Commissioner of Military Affairs 依漢樞密使楊邠
493 5 soil; ground; land 并乘其間而據其地
494 5 de subordinate particle 并乘其間而據其地
495 5 floor 并乘其間而據其地
496 5 the earth 并乘其間而據其地
497 5 fields 并乘其間而據其地
498 5 a place 并乘其間而據其地
499 5 a situation; a position 并乘其間而據其地
500 5 background 并乘其間而據其地

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
北燕 98 Northern Yan Kingdom
  1. Bian River
  2. Henan
  3. Bian
98 Bin
大内 大內 100 Main Imperial Palace
东都 東都 100 Luoyang
东京 東京 100
  1. Tokyo
  2. Luoyang
  3. Dongjing Circuit
东平 東平 100 Dongping
东至 東至 100 Dongzhi
斗门 斗門 100 Doumen
刚果 剛果 103 Congo
  1. Guangxi
  2. cassia; cinnamon
  3. Gui
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
汉高祖 漢高祖 104 Han Gao Zu; Liu Bang
韩国 韓國 104 South Korea
河东 河東 104
  1. Hedong
  2. Hedong
河中 104 Hezhong
104 Huai River
淮南 104 Huainan
户部 戶部 104 Ministry of Revenue
监察御史 監察御史 106 Investigating Censor
  1. a large river
  2. Yangtze River
  3. Jiang
  4. Jiangsu
  5. Jiang
江北 106
  1. Jiangbei
  2. north of the Yangtze river
  3. Jiangbei
谏议大夫 諫議大夫 106 Remonstrance Official
节度使 節度使 106 military commissioner; jiedushi
  1. shanxi
  2. jin [dynasty]
  3. to move forward; to promote; to advance
  4. to raise
  5. Jin [state]
  6. Jin
进贤 進賢 106 Jinxian
晋阳 晉陽 106 Jinyang
开封 開封 107 Kaifeng
开封府 開封府 107 Kaifeng
109 Min
  1. you; thou
  2. Ru River
  3. Ru
士大夫 115 Scholar-official; Scholar-gentlemen; Scholar-bureaucrats; Scholar-gentry
史馆 史館 115 Historiography Institute
侍中 115 Shizhong; Palace Attendant
世宗 115
  1. King Sejong the Great; Sejong Daewang
  2. Sejong
  3. Shizong
  1. Sichuan
  2. Shu Kingdom
枢密使 樞密使 115 Commissioner of Military Affairs
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
太原 116 Taiyuan
天子 116 the rightful Emperor; the Son of Heaven
  1. Wu
  2. Jiangsu
  3. Wu
  4. Wu dialect
  5. Eastern Wu
  6. to speak loudly
五代 119 Five Dynasties
显德 顯德 120 Xiande
相国 相國 120 Chancellor of State
校书郎 校書郎 120 Secretary; Clerk; Collator
新城 120 Xincheng; Hsincheng
  1. xu
  2. slowly; gently
  3. Xu
  4. Xuzhou
御史 121
  1. Royal Scribe
  2. Censor
宰相 122 chancellor; prime minister
掌书记 掌書記 122 Chief Clerk; Chief Secretary
周世宗 122 Emperor Shizong


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English