Glossary and Vocabulary for The Book of Etiquette and Ceremonial 儀禮, 士昬禮 第二 2. Nuptial rites for a common officer

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 74 to go; to 主人筵于戶西
2 74 to rely on; to depend on 主人筵于戶西
3 74 Yu 主人筵于戶西
4 74 a crow 主人筵于戶西
5 57 woman 婦車亦如之
6 57 daughter-in-law 婦車亦如之
7 57 married woman 婦車亦如之
8 57 wife 婦車亦如之
9 49 zhī to go 左之
10 49 zhī to arrive; to go 左之
11 49 zhī is 左之
12 49 zhī to use 左之
13 49 zhī Zhi 左之
14 49 zhī winding 左之
15 37 主人 zhǔrén master; host 主人筵于戶西
16 37 主人 zhǔrén sovereign 主人筵于戶西
17 36 bài to bow; to pay respect to 賔不荅拜
18 36 bài to send greetings; to congratulate 賔不荅拜
19 36 bài to visit 賔不荅拜
20 36 bài to appoint; to confer a title 賔不荅拜
21 36 bài to enter into a relationship 賔不荅拜
22 36 bài a polite form; please 賔不荅拜
23 36 bài Bai 賔不荅拜
24 36 bài to perform a ritual 賔不荅拜
25 36 bài to bend 賔不荅拜
26 36 bài byte 賔不荅拜
27 29 to use; to grasp 主人以賔升
28 29 to rely on 主人以賔升
29 29 to regard 主人以賔升
30 29 to be able to 主人以賔升
31 29 to order; to command 主人以賔升
32 29 used after a verb 主人以賔升
33 29 a reason; a cause 主人以賔升
34 29 Israel 主人以賔升
35 29 Yi 主人以賔升
36 25 bīn guest; visitor; surname; submit 主人如賔服
37 25 bīn to submit 主人如賔服
38 25 bìn guest; visitor; surname 主人如賔服
39 24 to enter 入告
40 24 Kangxi radical 11 入告
41 24 radical 入告
42 24 income 入告
43 24 to conform with 入告
44 24 to descend 入告
45 24 the entering tone 入告
46 24 to pay 入告
47 24 to join 入告
48 23 mìng life 執以反命
49 23 mìng to order 執以反命
50 23 mìng destiny; fate; luck 執以反命
51 23 mìng an order; a command 執以反命
52 23 mìng to name; to assign 執以反命
53 23 mìng livelihood 執以反命
54 23 mìng advice 執以反命
55 23 mìng to confer a title 執以反命
56 23 mìng lifespan 執以反命
57 23 mìng to think 執以反命
58 22 zàn help, support, assist, aid 賛者酌醴
59 22 yuē to speak; to say
60 22 yuē Kangxi radical 73
61 22 yuē to be called
62 21 西 The West 主人筵于戶西
63 21 西 west 主人筵于戶西
64 21 西 Kangxi radical 146 主人筵于戶西
65 21 西 Spain 主人筵于戶西
66 21 西 foreign 主人筵于戶西
67 21 西 place of honor 主人筵于戶西
68 21 西 Central Asia 主人筵于戶西
69 21 西 Xi 主人筵于戶西
70 21 a sweet wine 出請醴賔
71 21 propriety; social custom; manners; courtesy; etiquette 昬禮
72 21 a ritual; a ceremony; a rite 昬禮
73 21 a present; a gift 昬禮
74 21 a bow 昬禮
75 21 Li; Zhou Li; Yi Li; Li Ji 昬禮
76 21 Li 昬禮
77 21 to give an offering in a religious ceremony 昬禮
78 21 to respect; to revere 昬禮
79 19 a banquet 媵布席于奧
80 19 a seat 媵布席于奧
81 19 a mat 媵布席于奧
82 19 parliamentary seat; official position 媵布席于奧
83 19 a sail 媵布席于奧
84 19 to depend upon 媵布席于奧
85 19 Xi 媵布席于奧
86 19 qǐng to ask; to inquire 擯者出請事
87 19 qíng circumstances; state of affairs; situation 擯者出請事
88 19 qǐng to beg; to entreat 擯者出請事
89 19 qǐng please 擯者出請事
90 19 qǐng to request 擯者出請事
91 19 qǐng to hire; to employ; to engage 擯者出請事
92 19 qǐng to make an appointment 擯者出請事
93 19 qǐng to greet 擯者出請事
94 19 qǐng to invite 擯者出請事
95 18 to sacrifice to; to worship 祭脯醢
96 18 to hold a funeral service 祭脯醢
97 18 to chant a ritual text 祭脯醢
98 18 a ceremony; a ritual 祭脯醢
99 18 zhài Zhai 祭脯醢
100 18 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 主人受醴
101 18 shòu to transfer; to confer 主人受醴
102 18 shòu to receive; to accept 主人受醴
103 18 shòu to tolerate 主人受醴
104 17 child; son 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
105 17 egg; newborn 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
106 17 first earthly branch 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
107 17 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
108 17 Kangxi radical 39 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
109 17 pellet; something small and hard 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
110 17 master 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
111 17 viscount 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
112 17 zi you; your honor 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
113 17 masters 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
114 17 person 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
115 17 young 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
116 17 seed 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
117 17 subordinate; subsidiary 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
118 17 a copper coin 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
119 17 female dragonfly 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
120 17 constituent 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
121 17 offspring; descendants 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
122 17 dear 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
123 17 little one 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
124 17 paternal aunt; father's sister 賛見婦于舅姑
125 17 sister-in-law 賛見婦于舅姑
126 17 a woman 賛見婦于舅姑
127 17 a nun 賛見婦于舅姑
128 17 Gu 賛見婦于舅姑
129 17 husband's mother; mother-in-law 賛見婦于舅姑
130 17 words; speech; expression; phrase; dialog 賔禮辭
131 17 to resign 賔禮辭
132 17 to dismiss; to fire 賔禮辭
133 17 rhetoric 賔禮辭
134 17 to say goodbye; to take leave 賔禮辭
135 17 ci genre poetry 賔禮辭
136 17 to avoid; to decline 賔禮辭
137 17 cause for gossip; reason for condemnation 賔禮辭
138 17 to tell; to inform 賔禮辭
139 17 to blame; to criticize 賔禮辭
140 16 jiàng to descend; to fall; to drop 賔降
141 16 jiàng to degrade 賔降
142 16 jiàng Jiang [jupiter station] 賔降
143 16 jiàng to confer; to bestow; to give 賔降
144 16 jiàng to reduce; to decline 賔降
145 16 jiàng to condescend 賔降
146 16 jiàng to surrender 賔降
147 16 jiàng Jiang 賔降
148 16 xiáng to surrender 賔降
149 16 xiáng to conquer; to subdue 賔降
150 16 北面 běimiàn north side 主人阼階上北面再拜
151 16 北面 běimiàn the positions of the minster or student 主人阼階上北面再拜
152 16 jiù mother's brother; maternal uncle 賛見婦于舅姑
153 16 jiù Jiu 賛見婦于舅姑
154 15 shàng top; a high position 西上
155 15 shang top; the position on or above something 西上
156 15 shàng to go up; to go forward 西上
157 15 shàng shang 西上
158 15 shàng previous; last 西上
159 15 shàng high; higher 西上
160 15 shàng advanced 西上
161 15 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 西上
162 15 shàng time 西上
163 15 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 西上
164 15 shàng far 西上
165 15 shàng big; as big as 西上
166 15 shàng abundant; plentiful 西上
167 15 shàng to report 西上
168 15 shàng to offer 西上
169 15 shàng to go on stage 西上
170 15 shàng to take office; to assume a post 西上
171 15 shàng to install; to erect 西上
172 15 shàng to suffer; to sustain 西上
173 15 shàng to burn 西上
174 15 shàng to remember 西上
175 15 shàng to add 西上
176 15 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 西上
177 15 shàng to meet 西上
178 15 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 西上
179 15 shang used after a verb indicating a result 西上
180 15 shàng a musical note 西上
181 15 fáng a room 側尊甒醴于房中
182 15 fáng a house; a building 側尊甒醴于房中
183 15 fáng branch of a family 側尊甒醴于房中
184 15 fáng Fang [constellation] 側尊甒醴于房中
185 15 fáng quarters; a wing of a building 側尊甒醴于房中
186 15 fáng case; pod 側尊甒醴于房中
187 15 fáng office; agency 側尊甒醴于房中
188 15 fáng consort's chambers 側尊甒醴于房中
189 15 fáng measure word relating to occupied rooms 側尊甒醴于房中
190 15 fáng Fang 側尊甒醴于房中
191 15 diàn to pay respect 坐奠觶
192 15 diàn to make an offering to a deity or the dead 坐奠觶
193 15 diàn to settle 坐奠觶
194 15 diàn to offer 坐奠觶
195 15 diàn to put 坐奠觶
196 15 diàn an offering 坐奠觶
197 15 zuò to sit 北面設于坐
198 15 zuò to ride 北面設于坐
199 15 zuò to visit 北面設于坐
200 15 zuò a seat 北面設于坐
201 15 zuò to hold fast to; to stick to 北面設于坐
202 15 zuò to be in a position 北面設于坐
203 15 zuò to convict; to try 北面設于坐
204 15 zuò to stay 北面設于坐
205 15 zuò to kneel 北面設于坐
206 15 zuò to violate 北面設于坐
207 15 gǎn bold; brave 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
208 15 gǎn to dare to 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
209 14 dōng east 東上
210 14 dōng master; host 東上
211 14 dōng Dong 東上
212 13 jiē stairs; steps 至于階
213 13 jiē a rank; degree 至于階
214 13 jiē to ascend 至于階
215 13 jiē upper platform 至于階
216 13 jiē origin; cause 至于階
217 13 sòng to give 拜送
218 13 sòng to see off 拜送
219 13 sòng to escort 拜送
220 13 sòng to drive away 拜送
221 13 sòng to deliver; to carry; to transport 拜送
222 13 sòng to supply 拜送
223 13 sòng to sacrifice 拜送
224 13 to answer; to agree 賔不荅拜
225 13 zài in; at 大羹湆在爨
226 13 zài to exist; to be living 大羹湆在爨
227 13 zài to consist of 大羹湆在爨
228 13 zài to be at a post 大羹湆在爨
229 13 對曰 duì yuē to reply 對曰
230 12 shēng to ascend; to go up 主人以賔升
231 12 shēng to climb 主人以賔升
232 12 shēng sheng hexagram 主人以賔升
233 12 shēng Sheng 主人以賔升
234 12 Wu 吾子有惠
235 12 son-in-law 壻御婦車
236 12 shè to set up; to establish 北面設于坐
237 12 shè to display; to arrange 北面設于坐
238 12 shè completely setup 北面設于坐
239 12 shè an army detachment 北面設于坐
240 12 shè to build 北面設于坐
241 11 zūn to honor; to respect 側尊甒醴于房中
242 11 zūn a zun; an ancient wine vessel 側尊甒醴于房中
243 11 zūn a wine cup 側尊甒醴于房中
244 11 zūn respected; honorable; noble; senior 側尊甒醴于房中
245 11 zūn supreme; high 側尊甒醴于房中
246 11 zūn grave; solemn; dignified 側尊甒醴于房中
247 11 zhí to implement; to carry out; to execute a plan 賔執鴈
248 11 zhí a post; a position; a job 賔執鴈
249 11 zhí to grasp; to hold 賔執鴈
250 11 zhí to govern; to administer; to be in charge of 賔執鴈
251 11 zhí to arrest; to capture 賔執鴈
252 11 zhí to maintain; to guard 賔執鴈
253 11 zhí to block up 賔執鴈
254 11 zhí to engage in 賔執鴈
255 11 zhí to link up; to draw in 賔執鴈
256 11 zhí a good friend 賔執鴈
257 11 zhí proof; certificate; receipt; voucher 賔執鴈
258 11 to salute; to greet by clasping hands 揖入
259 11 to meet together 揖入
260 11 to defer to 揖入
261 11 再拜 zàibài to bow repeatedly 再拜
262 11 再拜 zàibài to bow a second time 再拜
263 11 shòu to teach 授于楹閒
264 11 shòu to award; to give 授于楹閒
265 11 shòu to appoint 授于楹閒
266 10 門外 ménwài outside the door 迎于門外
267 10 jué ancient bronze wine holder 實四爵合𢀿
268 10 jué a feudal title or rank 實四爵合𢀿
269 10 què a small bird 實四爵合𢀿
270 10 jué to bestow a title 實四爵合𢀿
271 10 sān three 三揖
272 10 sān third 三揖
273 10 sān more than two 三揖
274 10 sān very few 三揖
275 10 sān San 三揖
276 10 several 右几
277 10 Kangxi radical 16 右几
278 10 subtle; invisible; imperceptible 右几
279 10 sign; omen 右几
280 10 near to 右几
281 10 imminent danger 右几
282 10 circumstances 右几
283 10 duration; time 右几
284 10 opportunity 右几
285 10 never has; hasn't yet 右几
286 10 a small table 右几
287 10 [self] composed 右几
288 10 ji 右几
289 10 Kangxi radical 71 無玄酒
290 10 to not have; without 無玄酒
291 10 mo 無玄酒
292 10 to not have 無玄酒
293 10 Wu 無玄酒
294 10 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 呼則聞
295 10 a grade; a level 呼則聞
296 10 an example; a model 呼則聞
297 10 a weighing device 呼則聞
298 10 to grade; to rank 呼則聞
299 10 to copy; to imitate; to follow 呼則聞
300 10 to do 呼則聞
301 10 běi north 尊于室中北墉下
302 10 běi fleeing troops 尊于室中北墉下
303 10 běi to go north 尊于室中北墉下
304 10 běi to be defeated; to be routed 尊于室中北墉下
305 10 běi to violate; to betray 尊于室中北墉下
306 10 to wash; to bathe 設洗于阼階東南
307 10 to purify; to eliminate; to purge 設洗于阼階東南
308 10 to develop film 設洗于阼階東南
309 10 to sack; to loot; to kill 設洗于阼階東南
310 10 to nullify 設洗于阼階東南
311 10 to shuffle [cards] 設洗于阼階東南
312 10 wash basin 設洗于阼階東南
313 10 xiǎn jujube 設洗于阼階東南
314 10 xiǎn Xian 設洗于阼階東南
315 9 gào to tell; to say; said; told 入告
316 9 gào to request 入告
317 9 gào to report; to inform 入告
318 9 gào to announce; to disclose; to raise a lawsuit 入告
319 9 gào to accuse; to sue 入告
320 9 gào to reach 入告
321 9 gào an announcement 入告
322 9 gào a party 入告
323 9 gào a vacation 入告
324 9 gào Gao 入告
325 9 infix potential marker 賔不荅拜
326 9 nán south 皆南枋
327 9 nán nan 皆南枋
328 9 nán southern part 皆南枋
329 9 nán southward 皆南枋
330 9 shì room; bedroom 尊于室中北墉下
331 9 shì house; dwelling 尊于室中北墉下
332 9 shì organizational subdivision 尊于室中北墉下
333 9 shì number 13 of the 28 constellations 尊于室中北墉下
334 9 shì household 尊于室中北墉下
335 9 shì house of nobility 尊于室中北墉下
336 9 shì family assets 尊于室中北墉下
337 9 shì wife 尊于室中北墉下
338 9 shì tomb; burial chamber 尊于室中北墉下
339 9 shì knife sheath 尊于室中北墉下
340 9 shì Shi 尊于室中北墉下
341 9 to defend; to resist 壻御婦車
342 9 imperial 壻御婦車
343 9 to drive a chariot 壻御婦車
344 9 charioteer 壻御婦車
345 9 to govern; to administer 壻御婦車
346 9 to attend 壻御婦車
347 9 to offer 壻御婦車
348 9 to prevent; to block 壻御婦車
349 9 an attendant; a servant 壻御婦車
350 9 Yu 壻御婦車
351 9 to welcome; to greet 壻御婦車
352 9 hūn dusk 昬禮
353 9 hūn dark 昬禮
354 9 hūn confused; stupid 昬禮
355 8 xuán profound; mysterious; subtle 使者玄端至
356 8 xuán black 使者玄端至
357 8 xuán Kangxi radical 95 使者玄端至
358 8 xuán incredible; unreliable 使者玄端至
359 8 xuán occult; mystical 使者玄端至
360 8 xuán meditative and silent 使者玄端至
361 8 xuán pretending 使者玄端至
362 8 xuán Xuan 使者玄端至
363 8 zhōng middle 側尊甒醴于房中
364 8 zhōng medium; medium sized 側尊甒醴于房中
365 8 zhōng China 側尊甒醴于房中
366 8 zhòng to hit the mark 側尊甒醴于房中
367 8 zhōng midday 側尊甒醴于房中
368 8 zhōng inside 側尊甒醴于房中
369 8 zhōng during 側尊甒醴于房中
370 8 zhōng Zhong 側尊甒醴于房中
371 8 zhōng intermediary 側尊甒醴于房中
372 8 zhōng half 側尊甒醴于房中
373 8 zhòng to reach; to attain 側尊甒醴于房中
374 8 zhòng to suffer; to infect 側尊甒醴于房中
375 8 zhòng to obtain 側尊甒醴于房中
376 8 zhòng to pass an exam 側尊甒醴于房中
377 8 yòng to use; to apply 用鴈
378 8 yòng Kangxi radical 101 用鴈
379 8 yòng to eat 用鴈
380 8 yòng to spend 用鴈
381 8 yòng expense 用鴈
382 8 yòng a use; usage 用鴈
383 8 yòng to need; must 用鴈
384 8 yòng useful; practical 用鴈
385 8 yòng to use up; to use all of something 用鴈
386 8 yòng to work (an animal) 用鴈
387 8 yòng to appoint 用鴈
388 8 yòng to administer; to manager 用鴈
389 8 yòng to control 用鴈
390 8 yòng to access 用鴈
391 8 yòng Yong 用鴈
392 8 yìn \N 酌酳主人
393 8 yán a feast 主人筵于戶西
394 8 yán a mat for sitting on 主人筵于戶西
395 8 jiā to add 加角柶
396 8 jiā to increase 加角柶
397 8 jiā to inflict [punishment] 加角柶
398 8 jiā to append 加角柶
399 8 jiā Jia 加角柶
400 8 jiā to wear 加角柶
401 8 jiā to be appointed [to a position]; to grant 加角柶
402 8 jiā to pass 加角柶
403 8 jiā to place above 加角柶
404 8 jiā to implement; to apply 加角柶
405 8 jiā to line up the disk and base of a divining board 加角柶
406 8 jiā to say falsely 加角柶
407 8 jiā addition 加角柶
408 8 jiā Canada 加角柶
409 8 zuǒ left 左之
410 8 zuǒ unorthodox; improper 左之
411 8 zuǒ east 左之
412 8 zuǒ to bring 左之
413 8 zuǒ to violate; to be contrary to 左之
414 8 zuǒ Zuo 左之
415 8 zuǒ extreme 左之
416 8 Qi 在其右
417 8 不敢 bùgǎn to not dare 不敢辭洗
418 8 不敢 bùgǎn I do not dare [modest expression] 不敢辭洗
419 8 Kangxi radical 132 降自西階
420 8 Zi 降自西階
421 8 a nose 降自西階
422 8 the beginning; the start 降自西階
423 8 origin 降自西階
424 8 to employ; to use 降自西階
425 8 to be 降自西階
426 8 dried meat 賛者薦脯醢
427 8 preserved fruit 賛者薦脯醢
428 8 to hang out the flesh of an executed prisoner 賛者薦脯醢
429 8 chest 賛者薦脯醢
430 8 jiàn to recommend; to elect 賛者薦脯醢
431 8 jiàn to offer; to present; to sacrifice 賛者薦脯醢
432 8 jiàn straw; grass 賛者薦脯醢
433 8 jiàn a straw mat 賛者薦脯醢
434 8 jiàn an offering; a sacrifice 賛者薦脯醢
435 8 jiàn to pad 賛者薦脯醢
436 8 jiàn sacrum 賛者薦脯醢
437 8 yàn a wild goose 用鴈
438 8 jiàng sauce; paste; jam 醯醬二豆
439 8 jiàng salted meat 醯醬二豆
440 8 jiàng soy paste 醯醬二豆
441 8 jiàng to season with soy sauce 醯醬二豆
442 8 jiàn to see 宵衣以俟見
443 8 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 宵衣以俟見
444 8 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 宵衣以俟見
445 8 jiàn refer to; for details see 宵衣以俟見
446 8 jiàn to listen to 宵衣以俟見
447 8 jiàn to meet 宵衣以俟見
448 8 jiàn to receive (a guest) 宵衣以俟見
449 8 jiàn let me; kindly 宵衣以俟見
450 8 jiàn Jian 宵衣以俟見
451 8 xiàn to appear 宵衣以俟見
452 8 xiàn to introduce 宵衣以俟見
453 7 yìng maid escorting bride to new home; concubine 媵布席于奧
454 7 西面 xīmiàn west side 西面
455 7 使 shǐ to make; to cause 則使人醮之
456 7 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 則使人醮之
457 7 使 shǐ to indulge 則使人醮之
458 7 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 則使人醮之
459 7 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 則使人醮之
460 7 使 shǐ to dispatch 則使人醮之
461 7 使 shǐ to use 則使人醮之
462 7 使 shǐ to be able to 則使人醮之
463 7 one 腊一肫
464 7 Kangxi radical 1 腊一肫
465 7 pure; concentrated 腊一肫
466 7 first 腊一肫
467 7 the same 腊一肫
468 7 sole; single 腊一肫
469 7 a very small amount 腊一肫
470 7 Yi 腊一肫
471 7 other 腊一肫
472 7 to unify 腊一肫
473 7 accidentally; coincidentally 腊一肫
474 7 abruptly; suddenly 腊一肫
475 7 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又拜
476 7 南面 nánmiàn south 南面
477 7 南面 nánmiàn to face south 南面
478 7 南面 nánmiàn the position of the ruler 南面
479 7 nǎi to be 乃驅
480 7 female; feminine 女次
481 7 female 女次
482 7 Kangxi radical 38 女次
483 7 to marry off a daughter 女次
484 7 daughter 女次
485 7 soft; feminine 女次
486 7 the Maiden lunar lodging 女次
487 7 東面 dōngmiàn east side 東面致命
488 7 chè to pervade; to penetrate 主人徹几
489 7 chè penetrating; clear 主人徹几
490 7 chè follow through with 主人徹几
491 7 chè to remove; to eliminate 主人徹几
492 7 chè to reclaim 主人徹几
493 7 chè wheel ruts 主人徹几
494 7 chè to damage; to devastate 主人徹几
495 7 chè to peel off 主人徹几
496 7 chè to plow; to till 主人徹几
497 7 chè land tax 主人徹几
498 7 chè Che 主人徹几
499 7 to lift; to hold up; to raise 舉肺脊二
500 7 to move 舉肺脊二

Frequencies of all Words

Top 772

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 74 in; at 主人筵于戶西
2 74 in; at 主人筵于戶西
3 74 in; at; to; from 主人筵于戶西
4 74 to go; to 主人筵于戶西
5 74 to rely on; to depend on 主人筵于戶西
6 74 to go to; to arrive at 主人筵于戶西
7 74 from 主人筵于戶西
8 74 give 主人筵于戶西
9 74 oppposing 主人筵于戶西
10 74 and 主人筵于戶西
11 74 compared to 主人筵于戶西
12 74 by 主人筵于戶西
13 74 and; as well as 主人筵于戶西
14 74 for 主人筵于戶西
15 74 Yu 主人筵于戶西
16 74 a crow 主人筵于戶西
17 74 whew; wow 主人筵于戶西
18 57 woman 婦車亦如之
19 57 daughter-in-law 婦車亦如之
20 57 married woman 婦車亦如之
21 57 wife 婦車亦如之
22 49 zhī him; her; them; that 左之
23 49 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 左之
24 49 zhī to go 左之
25 49 zhī this; that 左之
26 49 zhī genetive marker 左之
27 49 zhī it 左之
28 49 zhī in; in regards to 左之
29 49 zhī all 左之
30 49 zhī and 左之
31 49 zhī however 左之
32 49 zhī if 左之
33 49 zhī then 左之
34 49 zhī to arrive; to go 左之
35 49 zhī is 左之
36 49 zhī to use 左之
37 49 zhī Zhi 左之
38 49 zhī winding 左之
39 46 mǒu some; certain 某氏來婦
40 46 mǒu myself 某氏來婦
41 37 主人 zhǔrén master; host 主人筵于戶西
42 37 主人 zhǔrén sovereign 主人筵于戶西
43 36 bài to bow; to pay respect to 賔不荅拜
44 36 bài to send greetings; to congratulate 賔不荅拜
45 36 bài to visit 賔不荅拜
46 36 bài to appoint; to confer a title 賔不荅拜
47 36 bài to enter into a relationship 賔不荅拜
48 36 bài a polite form; please 賔不荅拜
49 36 bài Bai 賔不荅拜
50 36 bài to perform a ritual 賔不荅拜
51 36 bài to bend 賔不荅拜
52 36 bài byte 賔不荅拜
53 29 so as to; in order to 主人以賔升
54 29 to use; to regard as 主人以賔升
55 29 to use; to grasp 主人以賔升
56 29 according to 主人以賔升
57 29 because of 主人以賔升
58 29 on a certain date 主人以賔升
59 29 and; as well as 主人以賔升
60 29 to rely on 主人以賔升
61 29 to regard 主人以賔升
62 29 to be able to 主人以賔升
63 29 to order; to command 主人以賔升
64 29 further; moreover 主人以賔升
65 29 used after a verb 主人以賔升
66 29 very 主人以賔升
67 29 already 主人以賔升
68 29 increasingly 主人以賔升
69 29 a reason; a cause 主人以賔升
70 29 Israel 主人以賔升
71 29 Yi 主人以賔升
72 25 bīn guest; visitor; surname; submit 主人如賔服
73 25 bīn to submit 主人如賔服
74 25 bìn guest; visitor; surname 主人如賔服
75 24 to enter 入告
76 24 Kangxi radical 11 入告
77 24 radical 入告
78 24 income 入告
79 24 to conform with 入告
80 24 to descend 入告
81 24 the entering tone 入告
82 24 to pay 入告
83 24 to join 入告
84 23 mìng life 執以反命
85 23 mìng to order 執以反命
86 23 mìng destiny; fate; luck 執以反命
87 23 mìng an order; a command 執以反命
88 23 mìng to name; to assign 執以反命
89 23 mìng livelihood 執以反命
90 23 mìng advice 執以反命
91 23 mìng to confer a title 執以反命
92 23 mìng lifespan 執以反命
93 23 mìng to think 執以反命
94 22 zàn help, support, assist, aid 賛者酌醴
95 22 yuē to speak; to say
96 22 yuē Kangxi radical 73
97 22 yuē to be called
98 22 yuē particle without meaning
99 21 西 The West 主人筵于戶西
100 21 西 west 主人筵于戶西
101 21 西 Kangxi radical 146 主人筵于戶西
102 21 西 Spain 主人筵于戶西
103 21 西 foreign 主人筵于戶西
104 21 西 place of honor 主人筵于戶西
105 21 西 Central Asia 主人筵于戶西
106 21 西 Xi 主人筵于戶西
107 21 a sweet wine 出請醴賔
108 21 propriety; social custom; manners; courtesy; etiquette 昬禮
109 21 a ritual; a ceremony; a rite 昬禮
110 21 a present; a gift 昬禮
111 21 a bow 昬禮
112 21 Li; Zhou Li; Yi Li; Li Ji 昬禮
113 21 Li 昬禮
114 21 to give an offering in a religious ceremony 昬禮
115 21 to respect; to revere 昬禮
116 20 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 擯者出請事
117 20 zhě that 擯者出請事
118 20 zhě nominalizing function word 擯者出請事
119 20 zhě used to mark a definition 擯者出請事
120 20 zhě used to mark a pause 擯者出請事
121 20 zhě topic marker; that; it 擯者出請事
122 20 zhuó according to 擯者出請事
123 19 a banquet 媵布席于奧
124 19 a seat 媵布席于奧
125 19 a mat 媵布席于奧
126 19 parliamentary seat; official position 媵布席于奧
127 19 a sail 媵布席于奧
128 19 to depend upon 媵布席于奧
129 19 position 媵布席于奧
130 19 Xi 媵布席于奧
131 19 comprehensively 媵布席于奧
132 19 qǐng to ask; to inquire 擯者出請事
133 19 qíng circumstances; state of affairs; situation 擯者出請事
134 19 qǐng to beg; to entreat 擯者出請事
135 19 qǐng please 擯者出請事
136 19 qǐng to request 擯者出請事
137 19 qǐng to hire; to employ; to engage 擯者出請事
138 19 qǐng to make an appointment 擯者出請事
139 19 qǐng to greet 擯者出請事
140 19 qǐng to invite 擯者出請事
141 18 chū to go out; to leave 擯者出請事
142 18 chū measure word for dramas, plays, operas, etc 擯者出請事
143 18 chū to produce; to put forth; to issue; to grow up 擯者出請事
144 18 chū to extend; to spread 擯者出請事
145 18 chū to appear 擯者出請事
146 18 chū to exceed 擯者出請事
147 18 chū to publish; to post 擯者出請事
148 18 chū to take up an official post 擯者出請事
149 18 chū to give birth 擯者出請事
150 18 chū a verb complement 擯者出請事
151 18 chū to occur; to happen 擯者出請事
152 18 chū to divorce 擯者出請事
153 18 chū to chase away 擯者出請事
154 18 chū to escape; to leave 擯者出請事
155 18 chū to give 擯者出請事
156 18 chū to emit 擯者出請事
157 18 chū quoted from 擯者出請事
158 18 to sacrifice to; to worship 祭脯醢
159 18 to hold a funeral service 祭脯醢
160 18 to chant a ritual text 祭脯醢
161 18 a ceremony; a ritual 祭脯醢
162 18 zhài Zhai 祭脯醢
163 18 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 主人受醴
164 18 shòu to transfer; to confer 主人受醴
165 18 shòu to receive; to accept 主人受醴
166 18 shòu to tolerate 主人受醴
167 18 shòu suitably 主人受醴
168 17 child; son 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
169 17 egg; newborn 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
170 17 first earthly branch 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
171 17 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
172 17 Kangxi radical 39 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
173 17 zi indicates that the the word is used as a noun 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
174 17 pellet; something small and hard 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
175 17 master 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
176 17 viscount 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
177 17 zi you; your honor 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
178 17 masters 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
179 17 person 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
180 17 young 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
181 17 seed 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
182 17 subordinate; subsidiary 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
183 17 a copper coin 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
184 17 bundle 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
185 17 female dragonfly 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
186 17 constituent 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
187 17 offspring; descendants 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
188 17 dear 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
189 17 little one 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
190 17 paternal aunt; father's sister 賛見婦于舅姑
191 17 sister-in-law 賛見婦于舅姑
192 17 a woman 賛見婦于舅姑
193 17 a nun 賛見婦于舅姑
194 17 Gu 賛見婦于舅姑
195 17 provisionally 賛見婦于舅姑
196 17 husband's mother; mother-in-law 賛見婦于舅姑
197 17 words; speech; expression; phrase; dialog 賔禮辭
198 17 to resign 賔禮辭
199 17 to dismiss; to fire 賔禮辭
200 17 rhetoric 賔禮辭
201 17 to say goodbye; to take leave 賔禮辭
202 17 ci genre poetry 賔禮辭
203 17 to avoid; to decline 賔禮辭
204 17 cause for gossip; reason for condemnation 賔禮辭
205 17 to tell; to inform 賔禮辭
206 17 to blame; to criticize 賔禮辭
207 16 jiàng to descend; to fall; to drop 賔降
208 16 jiàng to degrade 賔降
209 16 jiàng Jiang [jupiter station] 賔降
210 16 jiàng to confer; to bestow; to give 賔降
211 16 jiàng to reduce; to decline 賔降
212 16 jiàng to condescend 賔降
213 16 jiàng to surrender 賔降
214 16 jiàng Jiang 賔降
215 16 xiáng to surrender 賔降
216 16 xiáng to conquer; to subdue 賔降
217 16 北面 běimiàn north side 主人阼階上北面再拜
218 16 北面 běimiàn the positions of the minster or student 主人阼階上北面再拜
219 16 jiù mother's brother; maternal uncle 賛見婦于舅姑
220 16 jiù Jiu 賛見婦于舅姑
221 15 yǒu is; are; to exist 魚十有四
222 15 yǒu to have; to possess 魚十有四
223 15 yǒu indicates an estimate 魚十有四
224 15 yǒu indicates a large quantity 魚十有四
225 15 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 魚十有四
226 15 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 魚十有四
227 15 yǒu used to compare two things 魚十有四
228 15 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 魚十有四
229 15 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 魚十有四
230 15 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 魚十有四
231 15 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 魚十有四
232 15 yǒu abundant 魚十有四
233 15 yǒu purposeful 魚十有四
234 15 yǒu You 魚十有四
235 15 shàng top; a high position 西上
236 15 shang top; the position on or above something 西上
237 15 shàng to go up; to go forward 西上
238 15 shàng shang 西上
239 15 shàng previous; last 西上
240 15 shàng high; higher 西上
241 15 shàng advanced 西上
242 15 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 西上
243 15 shàng time 西上
244 15 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 西上
245 15 shàng far 西上
246 15 shàng big; as big as 西上
247 15 shàng abundant; plentiful 西上
248 15 shàng to report 西上
249 15 shàng to offer 西上
250 15 shàng to go on stage 西上
251 15 shàng to take office; to assume a post 西上
252 15 shàng to install; to erect 西上
253 15 shàng to suffer; to sustain 西上
254 15 shàng to burn 西上
255 15 shàng to remember 西上
256 15 shang on; in 西上
257 15 shàng upward 西上
258 15 shàng to add 西上
259 15 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 西上
260 15 shàng to meet 西上
261 15 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 西上
262 15 shang used after a verb indicating a result 西上
263 15 shàng a musical note 西上
264 15 fáng a room 側尊甒醴于房中
265 15 fáng a house; a building 側尊甒醴于房中
266 15 fáng branch of a family 側尊甒醴于房中
267 15 fáng Fang [constellation] 側尊甒醴于房中
268 15 fáng quarters; a wing of a building 側尊甒醴于房中
269 15 fáng case; pod 側尊甒醴于房中
270 15 fáng office; agency 側尊甒醴于房中
271 15 fáng consort's chambers 側尊甒醴于房中
272 15 fáng measure word relating to occupied rooms 側尊甒醴于房中
273 15 fáng Fang 側尊甒醴于房中
274 15 diàn to pay respect 坐奠觶
275 15 diàn to make an offering to a deity or the dead 坐奠觶
276 15 diàn to settle 坐奠觶
277 15 diàn to offer 坐奠觶
278 15 diàn to put 坐奠觶
279 15 diàn an offering 坐奠觶
280 15 zuò to sit 北面設于坐
281 15 zuò to ride 北面設于坐
282 15 zuò to visit 北面設于坐
283 15 zuò a seat 北面設于坐
284 15 zuò to hold fast to; to stick to 北面設于坐
285 15 zuò to be in a position 北面設于坐
286 15 zuò because; for 北面設于坐
287 15 zuò to convict; to try 北面設于坐
288 15 zuò to stay 北面設于坐
289 15 zuò to kneel 北面設于坐
290 15 zuò to violate 北面設于坐
291 15 jiē all; each and every; in all cases 皆飪
292 15 jiē same; equally 皆飪
293 15 gǎn bold; brave 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
294 15 gǎn to dare to 敢奠嘉菜于皇舅某子
295 14 dōng east 東上
296 14 dōng master; host 東上
297 14 dōng Dong 東上
298 13 jiē stairs; steps 至于階
299 13 jiē a rank; degree 至于階
300 13 jiē to ascend 至于階
301 13 jiē upper platform 至于階
302 13 jiē origin; cause 至于階
303 13 sòng to give 拜送
304 13 sòng to see off 拜送
305 13 sòng to escort 拜送
306 13 sòng to drive away 拜送
307 13 sòng to deliver; to carry; to transport 拜送
308 13 sòng to supply 拜送
309 13 sòng to sacrifice 拜送
310 13 to answer; to agree 賔不荅拜
311 13 zài in; at 大羹湆在爨
312 13 zài at 大羹湆在爨
313 13 zài when; indicates that someone or something is in the process of doing something 大羹湆在爨
314 13 zài to exist; to be living 大羹湆在爨
315 13 zài to consist of 大羹湆在爨
316 13 zài to be at a post 大羹湆在爨
317 13 對曰 duì yuē to reply 對曰
318 12 shēng to ascend; to go up 主人以賔升
319 12 shēng to climb 主人以賔升
320 12 shēng metric liter; measure for dry grain equal to one-tenth dou 主人以賔升
321 12 shēng sheng hexagram 主人以賔升
322 12 shēng Sheng 主人以賔升
323 12 I 吾子有惠
324 12 my 吾子有惠
325 12 Wu 吾子有惠
326 12 son-in-law 壻御婦車
327 12 shè to set up; to establish 北面設于坐
328 12 shè to display; to arrange 北面設于坐
329 12 shè if; suppose; given 北面設于坐
330 12 shè to implement 北面設于坐
331 12 shè completely setup 北面設于坐
332 12 shè an army detachment 北面設于坐
333 12 shè to build 北面設于坐
334 11 zūn to honor; to respect 側尊甒醴于房中
335 11 zūn measure word for cannons and statues 側尊甒醴于房中
336 11 zūn a zun; an ancient wine vessel 側尊甒醴于房中
337 11 zūn a wine cup 側尊甒醴于房中
338 11 zūn respected; honorable; noble; senior 側尊甒醴于房中
339 11 zūn supreme; high 側尊甒醴于房中
340 11 zūn grave; solemn; dignified 側尊甒醴于房中
341 11 zūn your [honorable] 側尊甒醴于房中
342 11 zhí to implement; to carry out; to execute a plan 賔執鴈
343 11 zhí a post; a position; a job 賔執鴈
344 11 zhí to grasp; to hold 賔執鴈
345 11 zhí to govern; to administer; to be in charge of 賔執鴈
346 11 zhí to arrest; to capture 賔執鴈
347 11 zhí to maintain; to guard 賔執鴈
348 11 zhí to block up 賔執鴈
349 11 zhí to engage in 賔執鴈
350 11 zhí to link up; to draw in 賔執鴈
351 11 zhí a good friend 賔執鴈
352 11 zhí proof; certificate; receipt; voucher 賔執鴈
353 11 to salute; to greet by clasping hands 揖入
354 11 to meet together 揖入
355 11 to defer to 揖入
356 11 再拜 zàibài to bow repeatedly 再拜
357 11 再拜 zàibài to bow a second time 再拜
358 11 such as; for example; for instance 主人如賔服
359 11 if 主人如賔服
360 11 in accordance with 主人如賔服
361 11 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 主人如賔服
362 11 this 主人如賔服
363 11 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 主人如賔服
364 11 to go to 主人如賔服
365 11 to meet 主人如賔服
366 11 to appear; to seem; to be like 主人如賔服
367 11 at least as good as 主人如賔服
368 11 and 主人如賔服
369 11 or 主人如賔服
370 11 but 主人如賔服
371 11 then 主人如賔服
372 11 naturally 主人如賔服
373 11 expresses a question or doubt 主人如賔服
374 11 you 主人如賔服
375 11 the second lunar month 主人如賔服
376 11 in; at 主人如賔服
377 11 Ru 主人如賔服
378 11 shòu to teach 授于楹閒
379 11 shòu to award; to give 授于楹閒
380 11 shòu to appoint 授于楹閒
381 10 門外 ménwài outside the door 迎于門外
382 10 jué ancient bronze wine holder 實四爵合𢀿
383 10 jué a feudal title or rank 實四爵合𢀿
384 10 què a small bird 實四爵合𢀿
385 10 jué to bestow a title 實四爵合𢀿
386 10 sān three 三揖
387 10 sān third 三揖
388 10 sān more than two 三揖
389 10 sān very few 三揖
390 10 sān repeatedly 三揖
391 10 sān San 三揖
392 10 several 右几
393 10 how many 右几
394 10 Kangxi radical 16 右几
395 10 subtle; invisible; imperceptible 右几
396 10 sign; omen 右几
397 10 nearly; almost 右几
398 10 near to 右几
399 10 imminent danger 右几
400 10 circumstances 右几
401 10 duration; time 右几
402 10 opportunity 右几
403 10 never has; hasn't yet 右几
404 10 a small table 右几
405 10 [self] composed 右几
406 10 ji 右几
407 10 no 無玄酒
408 10 Kangxi radical 71 無玄酒
409 10 to not have; without 無玄酒
410 10 has not yet 無玄酒
411 10 mo 無玄酒
412 10 do not 無玄酒
413 10 not; -less; un- 無玄酒
414 10 regardless of 無玄酒
415 10 to not have 無玄酒
416 10 um 無玄酒
417 10 Wu 無玄酒
418 10 otherwise; but; however 呼則聞
419 10 then 呼則聞
420 10 measure word for short sections of text 呼則聞
421 10 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 呼則聞
422 10 a grade; a level 呼則聞
423 10 an example; a model 呼則聞
424 10 a weighing device 呼則聞
425 10 to grade; to rank 呼則聞
426 10 to copy; to imitate; to follow 呼則聞
427 10 to do 呼則聞
428 10 only 呼則聞
429 10 immediately 呼則聞
430 10 běi north 尊于室中北墉下
431 10 běi fleeing troops 尊于室中北墉下
432 10 běi to go north 尊于室中北墉下
433 10 běi to be defeated; to be routed 尊于室中北墉下
434 10 běi to violate; to betray 尊于室中北墉下
435 10 to wash; to bathe 設洗于阼階東南
436 10 to purify; to eliminate; to purge 設洗于阼階東南
437 10 to develop film 設洗于阼階東南
438 10 to sack; to loot; to kill 設洗于阼階東南
439 10 to nullify 設洗于阼階東南
440 10 to shuffle [cards] 設洗于阼階東南
441 10 wash basin 設洗于阼階東南
442 10 xiǎn jujube 設洗于阼階東南
443 10 xiǎn Xian 設洗于阼階東南
444 9 gào to tell; to say; said; told 入告
445 9 gào to request 入告
446 9 gào to report; to inform 入告
447 9 gào to announce; to disclose; to raise a lawsuit 入告
448 9 gào to accuse; to sue 入告
449 9 gào to reach 入告
450 9 gào an announcement 入告
451 9 gào a party 入告
452 9 gào a vacation 入告
453 9 gào Gao 入告
454 9 not; no 賔不荅拜
455 9 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 賔不荅拜
456 9 as a correlative 賔不荅拜
457 9 no (answering a question) 賔不荅拜
458 9 forms a negative adjective from a noun 賔不荅拜
459 9 at the end of a sentence to form a question 賔不荅拜
460 9 to form a yes or no question 賔不荅拜
461 9 infix potential marker 賔不荅拜
462 9 nán south 皆南枋
463 9 nán nan 皆南枋
464 9 nán southern part 皆南枋
465 9 nán southward 皆南枋
466 9 shì room; bedroom 尊于室中北墉下
467 9 shì house; dwelling 尊于室中北墉下
468 9 shì organizational subdivision 尊于室中北墉下
469 9 shì number 13 of the 28 constellations 尊于室中北墉下
470 9 shì household 尊于室中北墉下
471 9 shì house of nobility 尊于室中北墉下
472 9 shì family assets 尊于室中北墉下
473 9 shì wife 尊于室中北墉下
474 9 shì tomb; burial chamber 尊于室中北墉下
475 9 shì knife sheath 尊于室中北墉下
476 9 shì Shi 尊于室中北墉下
477 9 to defend; to resist 壻御婦車
478 9 imperial 壻御婦車
479 9 to drive a chariot 壻御婦車
480 9 charioteer 壻御婦車
481 9 to govern; to administer 壻御婦車
482 9 to attend 壻御婦車
483 9 to offer 壻御婦車
484 9 to prevent; to block 壻御婦車
485 9 an attendant; a servant 壻御婦車
486 9 Yu 壻御婦車
487 9 to welcome; to greet 壻御婦車
488 9 also; too 食舉也
489 9 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 食舉也
490 9 either 食舉也
491 9 even 食舉也
492 9 used to soften the tone 食舉也
493 9 used for emphasis 食舉也
494 9 used to mark contrast 食舉也
495 9 used to mark compromise 食舉也
496 9 hūn dusk 昬禮
497 9 hūn dark 昬禮
498 9 hūn confused; stupid 昬禮
499 8 xuán profound; mysterious; subtle 使者玄端至
500 8 xuán black 使者玄端至

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
北方 98 The North
东方 東方 100
  1. Asia; the Orient
  2. the eastern direction
  3. Dongfang
皇姑 104 Huanggu
阼阶 阼階 122 Eastern Stairs


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English