Glossary and Vocabulary for The Book of Rites 禮記, 《禮器》 Rites in the Formation of Character

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 99 zhī to go 如竹箭之有筠也
2 99 zhī to arrive; to go 如竹箭之有筠也
3 99 zhī is 如竹箭之有筠也
4 99 zhī to use 如竹箭之有筠也
5 99 zhī Zhi 如竹箭之有筠也
6 99 zhī winding 如竹箭之有筠也
7 51 propriety; social custom; manners; courtesy; etiquette 禮釋回
8 51 a ritual; a ceremony; a rite 禮釋回
9 51 a present; a gift 禮釋回
10 51 a bow 禮釋回
11 51 Li; Zhou Li; Yi Li; Li Ji 禮釋回
12 51 Li 禮釋回
13 51 to give an offering in a religious ceremony 禮釋回
14 51 to respect; to revere 禮釋回
15 48 ér Kangxi radical 126 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
16 48 ér as if; to seem like 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
17 48 néng can; able 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
18 48 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
19 48 ér to arrive; up to 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
20 39 to use; to grasp 居山以魚鱉為禮
21 39 to rely on 居山以魚鱉為禮
22 39 to regard 居山以魚鱉為禮
23 39 to be able to 居山以魚鱉為禮
24 39 to order; to command 居山以魚鱉為禮
25 39 used after a verb 居山以魚鱉為禮
26 39 a reason; a cause 居山以魚鱉為禮
27 39 Israel 居山以魚鱉為禮
28 39 Yi 居山以魚鱉為禮
29 36 wéi to act as; to serve 君子不以為禮
30 36 wéi to change into; to become 君子不以為禮
31 36 wéi to be; is 君子不以為禮
32 36 wéi to do 君子不以為禮
33 36 wèi to support; to help 君子不以為禮
34 36 wéi to govern 君子不以為禮
35 33 Qi 其在人也
36 25 to go; to 設於地財
37 25 to rely on; to depend on 設於地財
38 25 Yu 設於地財
39 25 a crow 設於地財
40 24 guì expensive; costly; valuable 有以多為貴者
41 24 guì Guizhou 有以多為貴者
42 24 guì esteemed; honored 有以多為貴者
43 24 guì noble 有以多為貴者
44 24 guì high quality 有以多為貴者
45 24 guì to esteem; to honor 有以多為貴者
46 24 guì a place of honor 有以多為貴者
47 24 guì Gui 有以多為貴者
48 21 君子 jūnzi a ruler; a sovereign 故君子有禮
49 21 君子 jūnzi junzi; a nobleman; a person of noble character; a person of virtue 故君子有禮
50 20 to sacrifice to; to worship 天地之祭
51 20 to hold a funeral service 天地之祭
52 20 to chant a ritual text 天地之祭
53 20 a ceremony; a ritual 天地之祭
54 20 zhài Zhai 天地之祭
55 20 big; huge; large 禮器是故大備
56 20 Kangxi radical 37 禮器是故大備
57 20 great; major; important 禮器是故大備
58 20 size 禮器是故大備
59 20 old 禮器是故大備
60 20 oldest; earliest 禮器是故大備
61 20 adult 禮器是故大備
62 20 dài an important person 禮器是故大備
63 20 senior 禮器是故大備
64 19 infix potential marker 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
65 16 大夫 dàifu doctor 大夫三
66 16 大夫 dàfū second level minister 大夫三
67 16 大夫 dàfū an expert 大夫三
68 16 大夫 dàfū Dafu 大夫三
69 16 諸侯 zhū hóu the feudal lords 諸侯以龜為寶
70 14 yuē to speak; to say 孔子曰
71 14 yuē Kangxi radical 73 孔子曰
72 14 yuē to be called 孔子曰
73 13 天子 tiānzǐ the rightful Emperor; the Son of Heaven 天子七廟
74 13 shì matter; thing; item 宗廟之事
75 13 shì to serve 宗廟之事
76 13 shì a government post 宗廟之事
77 13 shì duty; post; work 宗廟之事
78 13 shì occupation 宗廟之事
79 13 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 宗廟之事
80 13 shì an accident 宗廟之事
81 13 shì to attend 宗廟之事
82 13 shì an allusion 宗廟之事
83 13 shì a condition; a state; a situation 宗廟之事
84 13 shì to engage in 宗廟之事
85 13 shì to enslave 宗廟之事
86 13 shì to pursue 宗廟之事
87 13 shì to administer 宗廟之事
88 13 shì to appoint 宗廟之事
89 12 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 措則正
90 12 a grade; a level 措則正
91 12 an example; a model 措則正
92 12 a weighing device 措則正
93 12 to grade; to rank 措則正
94 12 to copy; to imitate; to follow 措則正
95 12 to do 措則正
96 12 sān three 大夫三
97 12 sān third 大夫三
98 12 sān more than two 大夫三
99 12 sān very few 大夫三
100 12 sān San 大夫三
101 11 rén person; people; a human being 其在人也
102 11 rén Kangxi radical 9 其在人也
103 11 rén a kind of person 其在人也
104 11 rén everybody 其在人也
105 11 rén adult 其在人也
106 11 rén somebody; others 其在人也
107 11 rén an upright person 其在人也
108 11 zūn to honor; to respect 五獻之尊
109 11 zūn a zun; an ancient wine vessel 五獻之尊
110 11 zūn a wine cup 五獻之尊
111 11 zūn respected; honorable; noble; senior 五獻之尊
112 11 zūn supreme; high 五獻之尊
113 11 zūn grave; solemn; dignified 五獻之尊
114 10 xiǎng to host a banquet 鬼神饗德
115 10 xiǎng to give an offering 鬼神饗德
116 10 xiǎng to enjoy 鬼神饗德
117 10 xiǎng an offering 鬼神饗德
118 10 xiàn to offer; to present 貴者獻以爵
119 10 xiàn to show; to display 貴者獻以爵
120 10 xiàn to celebrate 貴者獻以爵
121 10 xiàn a worthy person 貴者獻以爵
122 10 xiàn a document 貴者獻以爵
123 10 xiàn to perform 貴者獻以爵
124 10 suō a technique for filtering wine 貴者獻以爵
125 10 suō a container for sacrificial wine 貴者獻以爵
126 9 Kangxi radical 71 則外諧而內無怨
127 9 to not have; without 則外諧而內無怨
128 9 mo 則外諧而內無怨
129 9 to not have 則外諧而內無怨
130 9 Wu 則外諧而內無怨
131 9 one 士一
132 9 Kangxi radical 1 士一
133 9 pure; concentrated 士一
134 9 first 士一
135 9 the same 士一
136 9 sole; single 士一
137 9 a very small amount 士一
138 9 Yi 士一
139 9 other 士一
140 9 to unify 士一
141 9 accidentally; coincidentally 士一
142 9 abruptly; suddenly 士一
143 9 must 故必舉其定國之數
144 9 Bi 故必舉其定國之數
145 9 five 諸侯五
146 9 fifth musical note 諸侯五
147 9 Wu 諸侯五
148 9 the five elements 諸侯五
149 9 wén writing; text 有本有文
150 9 wén Kangxi radical 67 有本有文
151 9 wén Wen 有本有文
152 9 wén lines or grain on an object 有本有文
153 9 wén culture 有本有文
154 9 wén refined writings 有本有文
155 9 wén civil; non-military 有本有文
156 9 wén to conceal a fault; gloss over 有本有文
157 9 wén wen 有本有文
158 9 wén ornamentation; adornment 有本有文
159 9 wén to ornament; to adorn 有本有文
160 9 wén beautiful 有本有文
161 9 wén a text; a manuscript 有本有文
162 9 wén a group responsible for ritual and music 有本有文
163 9 wén the text of an imperial order 有本有文
164 9 wén liberal arts 有本有文
165 9 wén a rite; a ritual 有本有文
166 9 wén a tattoo 有本有文
167 9 wén a classifier for copper coins 有本有文
168 8 yīn cause; reason 夏造殷因
169 8 yīn to accord with 夏造殷因
170 8 yīn to follow 夏造殷因
171 8 yīn to rely on 夏造殷因
172 8 yīn via; through 夏造殷因
173 8 yīn to continue 夏造殷因
174 8 yīn to receive 夏造殷因
175 8 yīn to continue the same pattern; to imitate an existing model; to adapt 夏造殷因
176 8 yīn to seize an opportunity 夏造殷因
177 8 yīn to be like 夏造殷因
178 8 yīn a standrd; a criterion 夏造殷因
179 8 seven 天子七廟
180 8 a genre of poetry 天子七廟
181 8 seventh day memorial ceremony 天子七廟
182 8 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 有以多為貴者
183 8 duó many; much 有以多為貴者
184 8 duō more 有以多為貴者
185 8 duō excessive 有以多為貴者
186 8 duō abundant 有以多為貴者
187 8 duō to multiply; to acrue 有以多為貴者
188 8 duō Duo 有以多為貴者
189 8 happy; glad; cheerful; joyful 故君子樂其發也
190 8 to take joy in; to be happy; to be cheerful 故君子樂其發也
191 8 Le 故君子樂其發也
192 8 yuè music 故君子樂其發也
193 8 yuè a musical instrument 故君子樂其發也
194 8 yuè tone [of voice]; expression 故君子樂其發也
195 8 yuè a musician 故君子樂其發也
196 8 joy; pleasure 故君子樂其發也
197 8 yuè the Book of Music 故君子樂其發也
198 8 lào Lao 故君子樂其發也
199 8 to laugh 故君子樂其發也
200 8 不可 bù kě cannot; should not; must not; forbidden; prohibited 不可不省也
201 8 不可 bù kě improbable 不可不省也
202 8 shì a gentleman; a knight 士一
203 8 shì Kangxi radical 33 士一
204 8 shì a soldier 士一
205 8 shì a social stratum 士一
206 8 shì an unmarried man; a man 士一
207 8 shì somebody trained in a specialized field 士一
208 8 shì a scholar 士一
209 8 shì a respectful term for a person 士一
210 8 shì corporal; sergeant 士一
211 8 shì Shi 士一
212 8 thing; matter 故物無不懷仁
213 8 physics 故物無不懷仁
214 8 living beings; the outside world; other people 故物無不懷仁
215 8 contents; properties; elements 故物無不懷仁
216 8 muticolor of an animal's coat 故物無不懷仁
217 8 mottling 故物無不懷仁
218 8 variety 故物無不懷仁
219 8 an institution 故物無不懷仁
220 8 to select; to choose 故物無不懷仁
221 8 to seek 故物無不懷仁
222 7 zài in; at 其在人也
223 7 zài to exist; to be living 其在人也
224 7 zài to consist of 其在人也
225 7 zài to be at a post 其在人也
226 7 do not 鬼神弗饗也
227 7 jūn sovereign; monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler 君尊瓦甒
228 7 jūn a mistress 君尊瓦甒
229 7 jūn date-plum 君尊瓦甒
230 7 jūn the son of heaven 君尊瓦甒
231 7 jūn to rule 君尊瓦甒
232 7 jìng to respect /to honor 至敬不壇
233 7 jìng gratitude; congratulations 至敬不壇
234 7 jìng to offer out of politeness or ceremony 至敬不壇
235 7 jìng a gift given in honor 至敬不壇
236 7 jìng solemn /serious 至敬不壇
237 7 jìng to alert /to warn 至敬不壇
238 7 jìng protocol; courtesy 至敬不壇
239 7 jìng Jing 至敬不壇
240 7 zhì to send; to devote; to deliver; to convey 德產之致也精微
241 7 zhì delicate; fine; detailed [investigation] 德產之致也精微
242 7 zhì to cause; to lead to 德產之致也精微
243 7 zhì dense 德產之致也精微
244 7 zhì appeal; interest 德產之致也精微
245 7 zhì to focus on; to strive 德產之致也精微
246 7 zhì to attain; to achieve 德產之致也精微
247 7 zhì so as to 德產之致也精微
248 7 zhì result 德產之致也精微
249 7 zhì to arrive 德產之致也精微
250 7 zhì to express 德產之致也精微
251 7 zhì to return 德產之致也精微
252 7 zhì an objective 德產之致也精微
253 7 zhì a principle 德產之致也精微
254 7 zhào an imperial decree 詔侑武方
255 7 zhào to decree; to proclaim; to tell 詔侑武方
256 6 chēng to call; to address 稱次之
257 6 chèn to suit; to match; to suit 稱次之
258 6 chēng to say; to describe 稱次之
259 6 chēng to weigh 稱次之
260 6 chèng to weigh 稱次之
261 6 chēng to praise; to commend 稱次之
262 6 chēng to name; to designate 稱次之
263 6 chēng a name; an appellation 稱次之
264 6 chēng to claim to be; to proclaim oneself 稱次之
265 6 chēng to raise; to lift up 稱次之
266 6 chèn to pretend 稱次之
267 6 chēng to consider; to evaluate 稱次之
268 6 chēng to bow to; to defer to 稱次之
269 6 chèng scales 稱次之
270 6 chèng a standard weight 稱次之
271 6 chēng reputation 稱次之
272 6 chèng a steelyard 稱次之
273 6 shēng domestic animal 祭天特牲
274 6 shēng a sacrificial animal 祭天特牲
275 6 to give 與年之上下
276 6 to accompany 與年之上下
277 6 to particate in 與年之上下
278 6 of the same kind 與年之上下
279 6 to help 與年之上下
280 6 for 與年之上下
281 6 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 則得不以多為貴乎
282 6 děi to want to; to need to 則得不以多為貴乎
283 6 děi must; ought to 則得不以多為貴乎
284 6 de 則得不以多為貴乎
285 6 de infix potential marker 則得不以多為貴乎
286 6 to result in 則得不以多為貴乎
287 6 to be proper; to fit; to suit 則得不以多為貴乎
288 6 to be satisfied 則得不以多為貴乎
289 6 to be finished 則得不以多為貴乎
290 6 děi satisfying 則得不以多為貴乎
291 6 to contract 則得不以多為貴乎
292 6 to hear 則得不以多為貴乎
293 6 to have; there is 則得不以多為貴乎
294 6 marks time passed 則得不以多為貴乎
295 6 guān to look at; to watch; to observe 觀天子之物無可以稱其德者
296 6 guàn Taoist monastery; monastery 觀天子之物無可以稱其德者
297 6 guān to display; to show; to make visible 觀天子之物無可以稱其德者
298 6 guān Guan 觀天子之物無可以稱其德者
299 6 guān appearance; looks 觀天子之物無可以稱其德者
300 6 guān a sight; a view; a vista 觀天子之物無可以稱其德者
301 6 guān a concept; a viewpoint; a perspective 觀天子之物無可以稱其德者
302 6 guān to appreciate; to enjoy; to admire 觀天子之物無可以稱其德者
303 6 guàn an announcement 觀天子之物無可以稱其德者
304 6 guàn a high tower; a watchtower 觀天子之物無可以稱其德者
305 6 guān Surview 觀天子之物無可以稱其德者
306 6 zhì to create; to make; to manufacture 則上之制禮也節矣
307 6 zhì to formulate; to regulate; to designate 則上之制禮也節矣
308 6 zhì a system; laws; rules; regulations 則上之制禮也節矣
309 6 zhì to overpower; to control; to restrict 則上之制禮也節矣
310 6 zhì to cut 則上之制禮也節矣
311 6 zhì a style 則上之制禮也節矣
312 6 zhì zhi 則上之制禮也節矣
313 6 zhì an imperial order 則上之制禮也節矣
314 6 zhì to establish; to create; to make; to manufacture 則上之制禮也節矣
315 6 zhì to consider and decide 則上之制禮也節矣
316 6 zhì the funeral of a relative 則上之制禮也節矣
317 6 zhì to tailor; to make clothes 則上之制禮也節矣
318 6 zhì writing; literature 則上之制禮也節矣
319 6 Germany 鬼神饗德
320 6 virtue; morality; ethics; character 鬼神饗德
321 6 kindness; favor 鬼神饗德
322 6 conduct; behavior 鬼神饗德
323 6 to be grateful 鬼神饗德
324 6 heart; intention 鬼神饗德
325 6 De 鬼神饗德
326 6 potency; natural power 鬼神饗德
327 6 wholesome; good 鬼神饗德
328 6 dào way; road; path 父子之道
329 6 dào principle; a moral; morality 父子之道
330 6 dào Tao; the Way 父子之道
331 6 dào to say; to speak; to talk 父子之道
332 6 dào to think 父子之道
333 6 dào circuit; a province 父子之道
334 6 dào a course; a channel 父子之道
335 6 dào a method; a way of doing something 父子之道
336 6 dào a doctrine 父子之道
337 6 dào Taoism; Daoism 父子之道
338 6 dào a skill 父子之道
339 6 dào a sect 父子之道
340 6 dào a line 父子之道
341 5 鬼神 guǐshén spirits and devils; a demon 鬼神饗德
342 5 jié festival; a special day 則上之制禮也節矣
343 5 jié to economize; to save; to moderate 則上之制禮也節矣
344 5 jié a node 則上之制禮也節矣
345 5 jié to regulate; to restrain 則上之制禮也節矣
346 5 jié section; segment; piece 則上之制禮也節矣
347 5 jié a knot; a joint 則上之制禮也節矣
348 5 jié courtesy 則上之制禮也節矣
349 5 jié rate; pitch 則上之制禮也節矣
350 5 jié chastity; moral integrity; personal integrity 則上之制禮也節矣
351 5 jié an item 則上之制禮也節矣
352 5 jié credentials for an envoy 則上之制禮也節矣
353 5 jié to abridge 則上之制禮也節矣
354 5 jié Jie 則上之制禮也節矣
355 5 jié knot; nautical miles per hour 則上之制禮也節矣
356 5 jié season 則上之制禮也節矣
357 5 jié jie 則上之制禮也節矣
358 5 jié bamboo clappers 則上之制禮也節矣
359 5 jié rhythm 則上之制禮也節矣
360 5 jié towering 則上之制禮也節矣
361 5 jié capital of a column 則上之制禮也節矣
362 5 jiāo to deliver; to turn over; to pay 賓客之交
363 5 jiāo to make friends 賓客之交
364 5 jiāo to intersect; to join with; to interlock; to exchange 賓客之交
365 5 jiāo to communicate with 賓客之交
366 5 jiāo to cross legs 賓客之交
367 5 jiāo to mix 賓客之交
368 5 jiāo to have sex 賓客之交
369 5 jiāo to cause 賓客之交
370 5 jiāo a meeting time; a meeting place 賓客之交
371 5 jiāo a friend; friendship 賓客之交
372 5 jiāo a somersault 賓客之交
373 5 jiāo Jiao 賓客之交
374 5 nèi inside; interior 則外諧而內無怨
375 5 nèi private 則外諧而內無怨
376 5 nèi family; domestic 則外諧而內無怨
377 5 nèi wife; consort 則外諧而內無怨
378 5 nèi an imperial palace 則外諧而內無怨
379 5 nèi an internal organ; heart 則外諧而內無怨
380 5 nèi female 則外諧而內無怨
381 5 nèi to approach 則外諧而內無怨
382 5 nèi indoors 則外諧而內無怨
383 5 nèi inner heart 則外諧而內無怨
384 5 nèi a room 則外諧而內無怨
385 5 nèi Nei 則外諧而內無怨
386 5 to receive 則外諧而內無怨
387 5 yòng to use; to apply 喪祭之用
388 5 yòng Kangxi radical 101 喪祭之用
389 5 yòng to eat 喪祭之用
390 5 yòng to spend 喪祭之用
391 5 yòng expense 喪祭之用
392 5 yòng a use; usage 喪祭之用
393 5 yòng to need; must 喪祭之用
394 5 yòng useful; practical 喪祭之用
395 5 yòng to use up; to use all of something 喪祭之用
396 5 yòng to work (an animal) 喪祭之用
397 5 yòng to appoint 喪祭之用
398 5 yòng to administer; to manager 喪祭之用
399 5 yòng to control 喪祭之用
400 5 yòng to access 喪祭之用
401 5 yòng Yong 喪祭之用
402 5 不足 bùzú not worth 不足以一獻
403 5 不足 bùzú not enough 不足以一獻
404 5 不足 bùzú not capable 不足以一獻
405 5 不足 bùzú not capable 不足以一獻
406 5 soil; ground; land 設於地財
407 5 floor 設於地財
408 5 the earth 設於地財
409 5 fields 設於地財
410 5 a place 設於地財
411 5 a situation; a position 設於地財
412 5 background 設於地財
413 5 terrain 設於地財
414 5 a territory; a region 設於地財
415 5 used after a distance measure 設於地財
416 5 coming from the same clan 設於地財
417 5 zhòng heavy 天子之席五重
418 5 chóng to repeat 天子之席五重
419 5 zhòng significant; serious; important 天子之席五重
420 5 chóng layered; folded; tiered 天子之席五重
421 5 zhòng to attach importance to; to honor; to respect 天子之席五重
422 5 zhòng sad 天子之席五重
423 5 zhòng a weight 天子之席五重
424 5 zhòng large in amount; valuable 天子之席五重
425 5 zhòng thick; dense; strong 天子之席五重
426 5 zhòng to prefer 天子之席五重
427 5 zhòng to add 天子之席五重
428 5 zhì Kangxi radical 133 至敬不壇
429 5 zhì to arrive 至敬不壇
430 5 wèi to call 君子謂之不知禮
431 5 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 君子謂之不知禮
432 5 wèi to speak to; to address 君子謂之不知禮
433 5 wèi to treat as; to regard as 君子謂之不知禮
434 5 wèi introducing a condition situation 君子謂之不知禮
435 5 wèi to speak to; to address 君子謂之不知禮
436 5 wèi to think 君子謂之不知禮
437 5 wèi for; is to be 君子謂之不知禮
438 5 wèi to make; to cause 君子謂之不知禮
439 5 wèi principle; reason 君子謂之不知禮
440 5 wèi Wei 君子謂之不知禮
441 5 jiàn to recommend; to elect 無籩豆之薦
442 5 jiàn to offer; to present; to sacrifice 無籩豆之薦
443 5 jiàn straw; grass 無籩豆之薦
444 5 jiàn a straw mat 無籩豆之薦
445 5 jiàn an offering; a sacrifice 無籩豆之薦
446 5 jiàn to pad 無籩豆之薦
447 5 jiàn sacrum 無籩豆之薦
448 5 夫人 fūren wife 夫人在房
449 5 夫人 fūren Mrs. 夫人在房
450 5 夫人 fūren the wife of a feudal lord 夫人在房
451 5 夫人 fūren a consort of the emperor 夫人在房
452 5 夫人 fūren lady; madam 夫人在房
453 5 shǎo few 有以少為貴者
454 5 shǎo to decrease; to lessen; to lose 有以少為貴者
455 5 shǎo to be inadequate; to be insufficient 有以少為貴者
456 5 shǎo to be less than 有以少為貴者
457 5 shǎo to despise; to scorn; to look down on 有以少為貴者
458 5 shào young 有以少為貴者
459 5 shào youth 有以少為貴者
460 5 shào a youth; a young person 有以少為貴者
461 5 shào Shao 有以少為貴者
462 5 xià bottom 與年之上下
463 5 xià to fall; to drop; to go down; to descend 與年之上下
464 5 xià to announce 與年之上下
465 5 xià to do 與年之上下
466 5 xià to withdraw; to leave; to exit 與年之上下
467 5 xià the lower class; a member of the lower class 與年之上下
468 5 xià inside 與年之上下
469 5 xià an aspect 與年之上下
470 5 xià a certain time 與年之上下
471 5 xià to capture; to take 與年之上下
472 5 xià to put in 與年之上下
473 5 xià to enter 與年之上下
474 5 xià to eliminate; to remove; to get off 與年之上下
475 5 xià to finish work or school 與年之上下
476 5 xià to go 與年之上下
477 5 xià to scorn; to look down on 與年之上下
478 5 xià to modestly decline 與年之上下
479 5 xià to produce 與年之上下
480 5 xià to stay at; to lodge at 與年之上下
481 5 xià to decide 與年之上下
482 5 xià to be less than 與年之上下
483 5 xià humble; lowly 與年之上下
484 5 shēng to be born; to give birth 是故天時有生也
485 5 shēng to live 是故天時有生也
486 5 shēng raw 是故天時有生也
487 5 shēng a student 是故天時有生也
488 5 shēng life 是故天時有生也
489 5 shēng to produce; to give rise 是故天時有生也
490 5 shēng alive 是故天時有生也
491 5 shēng a lifetime 是故天時有生也
492 5 shēng to initiate; to become 是故天時有生也
493 5 shēng to grow 是故天時有生也
494 5 shēng unfamiliar 是故天時有生也
495 5 shēng not experienced 是故天時有生也
496 5 shēng hard; stiff; strong 是故天時有生也
497 5 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 是故天時有生也
498 5 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 是故天時有生也
499 5 shēng gender 是故天時有生也
500 5 shēng to develop; to grow 是故天時有生也

Frequencies of all Words

Top 989

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 107 also; too 盛德也
2 107 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 盛德也
3 107 either 盛德也
4 107 even 盛德也
5 107 used to soften the tone 盛德也
6 107 used for emphasis 盛德也
7 107 used to mark contrast 盛德也
8 107 used to mark compromise 盛德也
9 99 zhī him; her; them; that 如竹箭之有筠也
10 99 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 如竹箭之有筠也
11 99 zhī to go 如竹箭之有筠也
12 99 zhī this; that 如竹箭之有筠也
13 99 zhī genetive marker 如竹箭之有筠也
14 99 zhī it 如竹箭之有筠也
15 99 zhī in; in regards to 如竹箭之有筠也
16 99 zhī all 如竹箭之有筠也
17 99 zhī and 如竹箭之有筠也
18 99 zhī however 如竹箭之有筠也
19 99 zhī if 如竹箭之有筠也
20 99 zhī then 如竹箭之有筠也
21 99 zhī to arrive; to go 如竹箭之有筠也
22 99 zhī is 如竹箭之有筠也
23 99 zhī to use 如竹箭之有筠也
24 99 zhī Zhi 如竹箭之有筠也
25 99 zhī winding 如竹箭之有筠也
26 51 propriety; social custom; manners; courtesy; etiquette 禮釋回
27 51 a ritual; a ceremony; a rite 禮釋回
28 51 a present; a gift 禮釋回
29 51 a bow 禮釋回
30 51 Li; Zhou Li; Yi Li; Li Ji 禮釋回
31 51 Li 禮釋回
32 51 to give an offering in a religious ceremony 禮釋回
33 51 to respect; to revere 禮釋回
34 48 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
35 48 ér Kangxi radical 126 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
36 48 ér you 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
37 48 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
38 48 ér right away; then 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
39 48 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
40 48 ér if; in case; in the event that 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
41 48 ér therefore; as a result; thus 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
42 48 ér how can it be that? 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
43 48 ér so as to 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
44 48 ér only then 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
45 48 ér as if; to seem like 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
46 48 néng can; able 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
47 48 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
48 48 ér me 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
49 48 ér to arrive; up to 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
50 48 ér possessive 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
51 39 so as to; in order to 居山以魚鱉為禮
52 39 to use; to regard as 居山以魚鱉為禮
53 39 to use; to grasp 居山以魚鱉為禮
54 39 according to 居山以魚鱉為禮
55 39 because of 居山以魚鱉為禮
56 39 on a certain date 居山以魚鱉為禮
57 39 and; as well as 居山以魚鱉為禮
58 39 to rely on 居山以魚鱉為禮
59 39 to regard 居山以魚鱉為禮
60 39 to be able to 居山以魚鱉為禮
61 39 to order; to command 居山以魚鱉為禮
62 39 further; moreover 居山以魚鱉為禮
63 39 used after a verb 居山以魚鱉為禮
64 39 very 居山以魚鱉為禮
65 39 already 居山以魚鱉為禮
66 39 increasingly 居山以魚鱉為禮
67 39 a reason; a cause 居山以魚鱉為禮
68 39 Israel 居山以魚鱉為禮
69 39 Yi 居山以魚鱉為禮
70 39 yǒu is; are; to exist 如竹箭之有筠也
71 39 yǒu to have; to possess 如竹箭之有筠也
72 39 yǒu indicates an estimate 如竹箭之有筠也
73 39 yǒu indicates a large quantity 如竹箭之有筠也
74 39 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 如竹箭之有筠也
75 39 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 如竹箭之有筠也
76 39 yǒu used to compare two things 如竹箭之有筠也
77 39 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 如竹箭之有筠也
78 39 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 如竹箭之有筠也
79 39 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 如竹箭之有筠也
80 39 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 如竹箭之有筠也
81 39 yǒu abundant 如竹箭之有筠也
82 39 yǒu purposeful 如竹箭之有筠也
83 39 yǒu You 如竹箭之有筠也
84 36 wèi for; to 君子不以為禮
85 36 wèi because of 君子不以為禮
86 36 wéi to act as; to serve 君子不以為禮
87 36 wéi to change into; to become 君子不以為禮
88 36 wéi to be; is 君子不以為禮
89 36 wéi to do 君子不以為禮
90 36 wèi for 君子不以為禮
91 36 wèi because of; for; to 君子不以為禮
92 36 wèi to 君子不以為禮
93 36 wéi in a passive construction 君子不以為禮
94 36 wéi forming a rehetorical question 君子不以為禮
95 36 wéi forming an adverb 君子不以為禮
96 36 wéi to add emphasis 君子不以為禮
97 36 wèi to support; to help 君子不以為禮
98 36 wéi to govern 君子不以為禮
99 34 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 禮也者
100 34 zhě that 禮也者
101 34 zhě nominalizing function word 禮也者
102 34 zhě used to mark a definition 禮也者
103 34 zhě used to mark a pause 禮也者
104 34 zhě topic marker; that; it 禮也者
105 34 zhuó according to 禮也者
106 33 his; hers; its; theirs 其在人也
107 33 to add emphasis 其在人也
108 33 used when asking a question in reply to a question 其在人也
109 33 used when making a request or giving an order 其在人也
110 33 he; her; it; them 其在人也
111 33 probably; likely 其在人也
112 33 will 其在人也
113 33 may 其在人也
114 33 if 其在人也
115 33 or 其在人也
116 33 Qi 其在人也
117 25 in; at 設於地財
118 25 in; at 設於地財
119 25 in; at; to; from 設於地財
120 25 to go; to 設於地財
121 25 to rely on; to depend on 設於地財
122 25 to go to; to arrive at 設於地財
123 25 from 設於地財
124 25 give 設於地財
125 25 oppposing 設於地財
126 25 and 設於地財
127 25 compared to 設於地財
128 25 by 設於地財
129 25 and; as well as 設於地財
130 25 for 設於地財
131 25 Yu 設於地財
132 25 a crow 設於地財
133 25 whew; wow 設於地財
134 24 guì expensive; costly; valuable 有以多為貴者
135 24 guì Guizhou 有以多為貴者
136 24 guì esteemed; honored 有以多為貴者
137 24 guì noble 有以多為貴者
138 24 guì high quality 有以多為貴者
139 24 guì to esteem; to honor 有以多為貴者
140 24 guì a place of honor 有以多為貴者
141 24 guì Gui 有以多為貴者
142 21 君子 jūnzi a ruler; a sovereign 故君子有禮
143 21 君子 jūnzi junzi; a nobleman; a person of noble character; a person of virtue 故君子有禮
144 20 to sacrifice to; to worship 天地之祭
145 20 to hold a funeral service 天地之祭
146 20 to chant a ritual text 天地之祭
147 20 a ceremony; a ritual 天地之祭
148 20 zhài Zhai 天地之祭
149 20 big; huge; large 禮器是故大備
150 20 Kangxi radical 37 禮器是故大備
151 20 great; major; important 禮器是故大備
152 20 size 禮器是故大備
153 20 old 禮器是故大備
154 20 greatly; very 禮器是故大備
155 20 oldest; earliest 禮器是故大備
156 20 adult 禮器是故大備
157 20 tài greatest; grand 禮器是故大備
158 20 dài an important person 禮器是故大備
159 20 senior 禮器是故大備
160 20 approximately 禮器是故大備
161 20 tài greatest; grand 禮器是故大備
162 19 not; no 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
163 19 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
164 19 as a correlative 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
165 19 no (answering a question) 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
166 19 forms a negative adjective from a noun 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
167 19 at the end of a sentence to form a question 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
168 19 to form a yes or no question 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
169 19 infix potential marker 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
170 17 purposely; intentionally; deliberately; knowingly 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
171 17 old; ancient; former; past 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
172 17 reason; cause; purpose 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
173 17 to die 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
174 17 so; therefore; hence 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
175 17 original 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
176 17 accident; happening; instance 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
177 17 a friend; an acquaintance; friendship 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
178 17 something in the past 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
179 17 deceased; dead 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
180 17 still; yet 故貫四時而不改柯易葉
181 16 大夫 dàifu doctor 大夫三
182 16 大夫 dàfū second level minister 大夫三
183 16 大夫 dàfū an expert 大夫三
184 16 大夫 dàfū Dafu 大夫三
185 16 諸侯 zhū hóu the feudal lords 諸侯以龜為寶
186 16 是故 shìgù therefore; so; consequently 禮器是故大備
187 14 yuē to speak; to say 孔子曰
188 14 yuē Kangxi radical 73 孔子曰
189 14 yuē to be called 孔子曰
190 14 yuē particle without meaning 孔子曰
191 13 this; these 此之謂稱也
192 13 in this way 此之謂稱也
193 13 otherwise; but; however; so 此之謂稱也
194 13 at this time; now; here 此之謂稱也
195 13 天子 tiānzǐ the rightful Emperor; the Son of Heaven 天子七廟
196 13 shì matter; thing; item 宗廟之事
197 13 shì to serve 宗廟之事
198 13 shì a government post 宗廟之事
199 13 shì duty; post; work 宗廟之事
200 13 shì occupation 宗廟之事
201 13 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 宗廟之事
202 13 shì an accident 宗廟之事
203 13 shì to attend 宗廟之事
204 13 shì an allusion 宗廟之事
205 13 shì a condition; a state; a situation 宗廟之事
206 13 shì to engage in 宗廟之事
207 13 shì to enslave 宗廟之事
208 13 shì to pursue 宗廟之事
209 13 shì to administer 宗廟之事
210 13 shì to appoint 宗廟之事
211 13 shì a piece 宗廟之事
212 13 expresses question or doubt 則得不以多為貴乎
213 13 in 則得不以多為貴乎
214 13 marks a return question 則得不以多為貴乎
215 13 marks a beckoning tone 則得不以多為貴乎
216 13 marks conjecture 則得不以多為貴乎
217 13 marks a pause 則得不以多為貴乎
218 13 marks praise 則得不以多為貴乎
219 13 ah; sigh 則得不以多為貴乎
220 13 final particle to express a completed action 二者居天下之大端矣
221 13 particle to express certainty 二者居天下之大端矣
222 13 would; particle to indicate a future condition 二者居天下之大端矣
223 13 to form a question 二者居天下之大端矣
224 13 to indicate a command 二者居天下之大端矣
225 13 sigh 二者居天下之大端矣
226 12 otherwise; but; however 措則正
227 12 then 措則正
228 12 measure word for short sections of text 措則正
229 12 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 措則正
230 12 a grade; a level 措則正
231 12 an example; a model 措則正
232 12 a weighing device 措則正
233 12 to grade; to rank 措則正
234 12 to copy; to imitate; to follow 措則正
235 12 to do 措則正
236 12 only 措則正
237 12 immediately 措則正
238 12 sān three 大夫三
239 12 sān third 大夫三
240 12 sān more than two 大夫三
241 12 sān very few 大夫三
242 12 sān repeatedly 大夫三
243 12 sān San 大夫三
244 11 rén person; people; a human being 其在人也
245 11 rén Kangxi radical 9 其在人也
246 11 rén a kind of person 其在人也
247 11 rén everybody 其在人也
248 11 rén adult 其在人也
249 11 rén somebody; others 其在人也
250 11 rén an upright person 其在人也
251 11 zūn to honor; to respect 五獻之尊
252 11 zūn measure word for cannons and statues 五獻之尊
253 11 zūn a zun; an ancient wine vessel 五獻之尊
254 11 zūn a wine cup 五獻之尊
255 11 zūn respected; honorable; noble; senior 五獻之尊
256 11 zūn supreme; high 五獻之尊
257 11 zūn grave; solemn; dignified 五獻之尊
258 11 zūn your [honorable] 五獻之尊
259 10 xiǎng to host a banquet 鬼神饗德
260 10 xiǎng to give an offering 鬼神饗德
261 10 xiǎng to enjoy 鬼神饗德
262 10 xiǎng an offering 鬼神饗德
263 10 xiàn to offer; to present 貴者獻以爵
264 10 xiàn to show; to display 貴者獻以爵
265 10 xiàn to celebrate 貴者獻以爵
266 10 xiàn a worthy person 貴者獻以爵
267 10 xiàn a document 貴者獻以爵
268 10 xiàn to perform 貴者獻以爵
269 10 suō a technique for filtering wine 貴者獻以爵
270 10 suō a container for sacrificial wine 貴者獻以爵
271 9 no 則外諧而內無怨
272 9 Kangxi radical 71 則外諧而內無怨
273 9 to not have; without 則外諧而內無怨
274 9 has not yet 則外諧而內無怨
275 9 mo 則外諧而內無怨
276 9 do not 則外諧而內無怨
277 9 not; -less; un- 則外諧而內無怨
278 9 regardless of 則外諧而內無怨
279 9 to not have 則外諧而內無怨
280 9 um 則外諧而內無怨
281 9 Wu 則外諧而內無怨
282 9 one 士一
283 9 Kangxi radical 1 士一
284 9 as soon as; all at once 士一
285 9 pure; concentrated 士一
286 9 whole; all 士一
287 9 first 士一
288 9 the same 士一
289 9 each 士一
290 9 certain 士一
291 9 throughout 士一
292 9 used in between a reduplicated verb 士一
293 9 sole; single 士一
294 9 a very small amount 士一
295 9 Yi 士一
296 9 other 士一
297 9 to unify 士一
298 9 accidentally; coincidentally 士一
299 9 abruptly; suddenly 士一
300 9 or 士一
301 9 certainly; must; will; necessarily 故必舉其定國之數
302 9 must 故必舉其定國之數
303 9 if; suppose 故必舉其定國之數
304 9 Bi 故必舉其定國之數
305 9 five 諸侯五
306 9 fifth musical note 諸侯五
307 9 Wu 諸侯五
308 9 the five elements 諸侯五
309 9 wén writing; text 有本有文
310 9 wén Kangxi radical 67 有本有文
311 9 wén Wen 有本有文
312 9 wén lines or grain on an object 有本有文
313 9 wén culture 有本有文
314 9 wén refined writings 有本有文
315 9 wén civil; non-military 有本有文
316 9 wén to conceal a fault; gloss over 有本有文
317 9 wén wen 有本有文
318 9 wén ornamentation; adornment 有本有文
319 9 wén to ornament; to adorn 有本有文
320 9 wén beautiful 有本有文
321 9 wén a text; a manuscript 有本有文
322 9 wén a group responsible for ritual and music 有本有文
323 9 wén the text of an imperial order 有本有文
324 9 wén liberal arts 有本有文
325 9 wén a rite; a ritual 有本有文
326 9 wén a tattoo 有本有文
327 9 wén a classifier for copper coins 有本有文
328 8 yīn because 夏造殷因
329 8 yīn cause; reason 夏造殷因
330 8 yīn to accord with 夏造殷因
331 8 yīn to follow 夏造殷因
332 8 yīn to rely on 夏造殷因
333 8 yīn via; through 夏造殷因
334 8 yīn to continue 夏造殷因
335 8 yīn to receive 夏造殷因
336 8 yīn to continue the same pattern; to imitate an existing model; to adapt 夏造殷因
337 8 yīn to seize an opportunity 夏造殷因
338 8 yīn to be like 夏造殷因
339 8 yīn from; because of 夏造殷因
340 8 yīn thereupon; as a result; consequently; thus; hence 夏造殷因
341 8 yīn a standrd; a criterion 夏造殷因
342 8 seven 天子七廟
343 8 a genre of poetry 天子七廟
344 8 seventh day memorial ceremony 天子七廟
345 8 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 有以多為貴者
346 8 duó many; much 有以多為貴者
347 8 duō more 有以多為貴者
348 8 duō an unspecified extent 有以多為貴者
349 8 duō used in exclamations 有以多為貴者
350 8 duō excessive 有以多為貴者
351 8 duō to what extent 有以多為貴者
352 8 duō abundant 有以多為貴者
353 8 duō to multiply; to acrue 有以多為貴者
354 8 duō mostly 有以多為貴者
355 8 duō simply; merely 有以多為貴者
356 8 duō frequently 有以多為貴者
357 8 duō very 有以多為貴者
358 8 duō Duo 有以多為貴者
359 8 之至 zhīzhì extremely 慎之至也
360 8 happy; glad; cheerful; joyful 故君子樂其發也
361 8 to take joy in; to be happy; to be cheerful 故君子樂其發也
362 8 Le 故君子樂其發也
363 8 yuè music 故君子樂其發也
364 8 yuè a musical instrument 故君子樂其發也
365 8 yuè tone [of voice]; expression 故君子樂其發也
366 8 yuè a musician 故君子樂其發也
367 8 joy; pleasure 故君子樂其發也
368 8 yuè the Book of Music 故君子樂其發也
369 8 lào Lao 故君子樂其發也
370 8 to laugh 故君子樂其發也
371 8 不可 bù kě cannot; should not; must not; forbidden; prohibited 不可不省也
372 8 不可 bù kě improbable 不可不省也
373 8 shì a gentleman; a knight 士一
374 8 shì Kangxi radical 33 士一
375 8 shì a soldier 士一
376 8 shì a social stratum 士一
377 8 shì an unmarried man; a man 士一
378 8 shì somebody trained in a specialized field 士一
379 8 shì a scholar 士一
380 8 shì a respectful term for a person 士一
381 8 shì corporal; sergeant 士一
382 8 shì Shi 士一
383 8 thing; matter 故物無不懷仁
384 8 physics 故物無不懷仁
385 8 living beings; the outside world; other people 故物無不懷仁
386 8 contents; properties; elements 故物無不懷仁
387 8 muticolor of an animal's coat 故物無不懷仁
388 8 mottling 故物無不懷仁
389 8 variety 故物無不懷仁
390 8 an institution 故物無不懷仁
391 8 to select; to choose 故物無不懷仁
392 8 to seek 故物無不懷仁
393 7 zài in; at 其在人也
394 7 zài at 其在人也
395 7 zài when; indicates that someone or something is in the process of doing something 其在人也
396 7 zài to exist; to be living 其在人也
397 7 zài to consist of 其在人也
398 7 zài to be at a post 其在人也
399 7 no 鬼神弗饗也
400 7 do not 鬼神弗饗也
401 7 jūn sovereign; monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler 君尊瓦甒
402 7 jūn you 君尊瓦甒
403 7 jūn a mistress 君尊瓦甒
404 7 jūn date-plum 君尊瓦甒
405 7 jūn the son of heaven 君尊瓦甒
406 7 jūn to rule 君尊瓦甒
407 7 jìng to respect /to honor 至敬不壇
408 7 jìng gratitude; congratulations 至敬不壇
409 7 jìng to offer out of politeness or ceremony 至敬不壇
410 7 jìng a gift given in honor 至敬不壇
411 7 jìng solemn /serious 至敬不壇
412 7 jìng to alert /to warn 至敬不壇
413 7 jìng protocol; courtesy 至敬不壇
414 7 jìng Jing 至敬不壇
415 7 zhì to send; to devote; to deliver; to convey 德產之致也精微
416 7 zhì delicate; fine; detailed [investigation] 德產之致也精微
417 7 zhì to cause; to lead to 德產之致也精微
418 7 zhì dense 德產之致也精微
419 7 zhì appeal; interest 德產之致也精微
420 7 zhì to focus on; to strive 德產之致也精微
421 7 zhì to attain; to achieve 德產之致也精微
422 7 zhì so as to 德產之致也精微
423 7 zhì result 德產之致也精微
424 7 zhì to arrive 德產之致也精微
425 7 zhì to express 德產之致也精微
426 7 zhì to return 德產之致也精微
427 7 zhì an objective 德產之致也精微
428 7 zhì a principle 德產之致也精微
429 7 zhào an imperial decree 詔侑武方
430 7 zhào to decree; to proclaim; to tell 詔侑武方
431 6 chēng to call; to address 稱次之
432 6 chèn to suit; to match; to suit 稱次之
433 6 chēng to say; to describe 稱次之
434 6 chēng to weigh 稱次之
435 6 chèng to weigh 稱次之
436 6 chēng to praise; to commend 稱次之
437 6 chēng to name; to designate 稱次之
438 6 chēng a name; an appellation 稱次之
439 6 chēng to claim to be; to proclaim oneself 稱次之
440 6 chēng to raise; to lift up 稱次之
441 6 chèn to pretend 稱次之
442 6 chēng to consider; to evaluate 稱次之
443 6 chēng to bow to; to defer to 稱次之
444 6 chèng scales 稱次之
445 6 chèng a standard weight 稱次之
446 6 chēng reputation 稱次之
447 6 chèng a steelyard 稱次之
448 6 shēng domestic animal 祭天特牲
449 6 shēng a sacrificial animal 祭天特牲
450 6 and 與年之上下
451 6 to give 與年之上下
452 6 together with 與年之上下
453 6 interrogative particle 與年之上下
454 6 to accompany 與年之上下
455 6 to particate in 與年之上下
456 6 of the same kind 與年之上下
457 6 to help 與年之上下
458 6 for 與年之上下
459 6 de potential marker 則得不以多為貴乎
460 6 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 則得不以多為貴乎
461 6 děi must; ought to 則得不以多為貴乎
462 6 děi to want to; to need to 則得不以多為貴乎
463 6 děi must; ought to 則得不以多為貴乎
464 6 de 則得不以多為貴乎
465 6 de infix potential marker 則得不以多為貴乎
466 6 to result in 則得不以多為貴乎
467 6 to be proper; to fit; to suit 則得不以多為貴乎
468 6 to be satisfied 則得不以多為貴乎
469 6 to be finished 則得不以多為貴乎
470 6 de result of degree 則得不以多為貴乎
471 6 de marks completion of an action 則得不以多為貴乎
472 6 děi satisfying 則得不以多為貴乎
473 6 to contract 則得不以多為貴乎
474 6 marks permission or possibility 則得不以多為貴乎
475 6 expressing frustration 則得不以多為貴乎
476 6 to hear 則得不以多為貴乎
477 6 to have; there is 則得不以多為貴乎
478 6 marks time passed 則得不以多為貴乎
479 6 guān to look at; to watch; to observe 觀天子之物無可以稱其德者
480 6 guàn Taoist monastery; monastery 觀天子之物無可以稱其德者
481 6 guān to display; to show; to make visible 觀天子之物無可以稱其德者
482 6 guān Guan 觀天子之物無可以稱其德者
483 6 guān appearance; looks 觀天子之物無可以稱其德者
484 6 guān a sight; a view; a vista 觀天子之物無可以稱其德者
485 6 guān a concept; a viewpoint; a perspective 觀天子之物無可以稱其德者
486 6 guān to appreciate; to enjoy; to admire 觀天子之物無可以稱其德者
487 6 guàn an announcement 觀天子之物無可以稱其德者
488 6 guàn a high tower; a watchtower 觀天子之物無可以稱其德者
489 6 guān Surview 觀天子之物無可以稱其德者
490 6 zhì to create; to make; to manufacture 則上之制禮也節矣
491 6 zhì to formulate; to regulate; to designate 則上之制禮也節矣
492 6 zhì a system; laws; rules; regulations 則上之制禮也節矣
493 6 zhì to overpower; to control; to restrict 則上之制禮也節矣
494 6 zhì to cut 則上之制禮也節矣
495 6 zhì a style 則上之制禮也節矣
496 6 zhì zhi 則上之制禮也節矣
497 6 zhì an imperial order 則上之制禮也節矣
498 6 zhì to establish; to create; to make; to manufacture 則上之制禮也節矣
499 6 zhì to consider and decide 則上之制禮也節矣
500 6 zhì the funeral of a relative 則上之制禮也節矣

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
曾子 99 Ceng Zi
大治 100 Daiji
大理 100
  1. Dali [kingdom]
  2. Superintendent of Law Enforcement
  3. a major principle; a general truth
  4. Dali [county]
大明 100
  1. the sun
  2. the moon
  3. Da Ming
  4. Da Ming reign
  5. Ming dynasty
管仲 103 Guanzi; Guan Zhong
怀仁 懷仁 104 Huairen
  1. shanxi
  2. jin [dynasty]
  3. to move forward; to promote; to advance
  4. to raise
  5. Jin [state]
  6. Jin
孔子 107 Confucius
七月 113 July; the Seventh Month
蘧伯玉 113 Qu Boyu
曲礼 曲禮 113 Qu Ji
上帝 115
  1. God
  2. Lord on High
115 Emperor Shun
泰山 116 Mount Tai
天子 116 the rightful Emperor; the Son of Heaven
武王伐纣 武王伐紂 119 King Wu of Zhou overthrows tyrant Zhou of Shang
五月 119 May; the Fifth Month
献文 獻文 120 Emperor Xianwen of Northern Wei
121 Yao
  1. Emperor Yu
  2. Yu
  3. a legendary worm
至德 122 Zhide reign
周礼 周禮 122 Zhou Li; Rites of Zhou
子路 122 Zi Lu


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English