Glossary and Vocabulary for History of Ming 明史, 卷一百四十三 列傳第三十一 王艮 廖昇 周是修 程本立 黃觀 王叔英 黃鉞 王良 陳思賢 程通 黃希范 高巍 高賢寧 王璡 周縉 牛景先 Volume 143 Biographies 31: Wang Gen, Liao Sheng, Zhou Shixiu, Cheng Benli, Huang Guan, Wang ShuYing, Huang Yue, Wang Liang, Chen Sixian, Cheng Tong, Huang Xifan, Gao Wei, Gao Xianning, Wang Jin, Zhou Jin, Niu Jingxian

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 106 zhī to go 設文史館居之
2 106 zhī to arrive; to go 設文史館居之
3 106 zhī is 設文史館居之
4 106 zhī to use 設文史館居之
5 106 zhī Zhi 設文史館居之
6 106 zhī winding 設文史館居之
7 60 Qi 食其祿
8 54 wáng Wang 王艮
9 54 wáng a king 王艮
10 54 wáng Kangxi radical 96 王艮
11 54 wàng to be king; to rule 王艮
12 54 wáng a prince; a duke 王艮
13 54 wáng grand; great 王艮
14 54 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 王艮
15 54 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 王艮
16 54 wáng the head of a group or gang 王艮
17 54 wáng the biggest or best of a group 王艮
18 52 wéi to act as; to serve 召為太常少卿
19 52 wéi to change into; to become 召為太常少卿
20 52 wéi to be; is 召為太常少卿
21 52 wéi to do 召為太常少卿
22 52 wèi to support; to help 召為太常少卿
23 52 wéi to govern 召為太常少卿
24 50 rén person; people; a human being 吉水人
25 50 rén Kangxi radical 9 吉水人
26 50 rén a kind of person 吉水人
27 50 rén everybody 吉水人
28 50 rén adult 吉水人
29 50 rén somebody; others 吉水人
30 50 rén an upright person 吉水人
31 47 yuē to speak; to say 艮與妻子訣曰
32 47 yuē Kangxi radical 73 艮與妻子訣曰
33 47 yuē to be called 艮與妻子訣曰
34 44 to die 胡叔能死
35 44 to sever; to break off 胡叔能死
36 44 dead 胡叔能死
37 44 death 胡叔能死
38 44 to sacrifice one's life 胡叔能死
39 44 lost; severed 胡叔能死
40 44 lifeless; not moving 胡叔能死
41 44 stiff; inflexible 胡叔能死
42 44 already fixed; set; established 胡叔能死
43 44 damned 胡叔能死
44 44 to use; to grasp 易以胡靖
45 44 to rely on 易以胡靖
46 44 to regard 易以胡靖
47 44 to be able to 易以胡靖
48 44 to order; to command 易以胡靖
49 44 used after a verb 易以胡靖
50 44 a reason; a cause 易以胡靖
51 44 Israel 易以胡靖
52 44 Yi 易以胡靖
53 40 to go; to 自經於尊經閣
54 40 to rely on; to depend on 自經於尊經閣
55 40 Yu 自經於尊經閣
56 40 a crow 自經於尊經閣
57 38 yān Yan 燕兵薄京城
58 38 yān State of Yan 燕兵薄京城
59 38 yàn swallow 燕兵薄京城
60 38 yàn to feast 燕兵薄京城
61 34 ér Kangxi radical 126 升聞而慟哭
62 34 ér as if; to seem like 升聞而慟哭
63 34 néng can; able 升聞而慟哭
64 34 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 升聞而慟哭
65 34 ér to arrive; up to 升聞而慟哭
66 30 infix potential marker 艮獨流涕不言
67 29 guān an office 官近侍獨無一言可乎
68 29 guān an official; a government official 官近侍獨無一言可乎
69 29 guān official; state-run 官近侍獨無一言可乎
70 29 guān an official body; a state organization; bureau 官近侍獨無一言可乎
71 29 guān an official rank; an official title 官近侍獨無一言可乎
72 29 guān governance 官近侍獨無一言可乎
73 29 guān a sense organ 官近侍獨無一言可乎
74 29 guān office 官近侍獨無一言可乎
75 29 guān public 官近侍獨無一言可乎
76 29 guān an organ 官近侍獨無一言可乎
77 29 guān a polite form of address 官近侍獨無一言可乎
78 29 guān Guan 官近侍獨無一言可乎
79 29 guān to appoint 官近侍獨無一言可乎
80 29 guān to hold a post 官近侍獨無一言可乎
81 28 bīng soldier; troops 燕兵薄京城
82 28 bīng weapons 燕兵薄京城
83 28 bīng military; warfare 燕兵薄京城
84 27 to give 艮與妻子訣曰
85 27 to accompany 艮與妻子訣曰
86 27 to particate in 艮與妻子訣曰
87 27 of the same kind 艮與妻子訣曰
88 27 to help 艮與妻子訣曰
89 27 for 艮與妻子訣曰
90 26 zhì Kangxi radical 133 召至
91 26 zhì to arrive 召至
92 23 zhōng middle 如洪武中故事
93 23 zhōng medium; medium sized 如洪武中故事
94 23 zhōng China 如洪武中故事
95 23 zhòng to hit the mark 如洪武中故事
96 23 zhōng midday 如洪武中故事
97 23 zhōng inside 如洪武中故事
98 23 zhōng during 如洪武中故事
99 23 zhōng Zhong 如洪武中故事
100 23 zhōng intermediary 如洪武中故事
101 23 zhōng half 如洪武中故事
102 23 zhòng to reach; to attain 如洪武中故事
103 23 zhòng to suffer; to infect 如洪武中故事
104 23 zhòng to obtain 如洪武中故事
105 23 zhòng to pass an exam 如洪武中故事
106 23 yán to speak; to say; said 數上書言時務
107 23 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 數上書言時務
108 23 yán Kangxi radical 149 數上書言時務
109 23 yán phrase; sentence 數上書言時務
110 23 yán a word; a syllable 數上書言時務
111 23 yán a theory; a doctrine 數上書言時務
112 23 yán to regard as 數上書言時務
113 23 yán to act as 數上書言時務
114 22 shū book 諸書
115 22 shū document; manuscript 諸書
116 22 shū letter 諸書
117 22 shū the Cannon of Documents 諸書
118 22 shū to write 諸書
119 22 shū writing 諸書
120 22 shū calligraphy; writing style 諸書
121 22 shū Shu 諸書
122 22 shū to record 諸書
123 21 shì matter; thing; item 死人之事
124 21 shì to serve 死人之事
125 21 shì a government post 死人之事
126 21 shì duty; post; work 死人之事
127 21 shì occupation 死人之事
128 21 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 死人之事
129 21 shì an accident 死人之事
130 21 shì to attend 死人之事
131 21 shì an allusion 死人之事
132 21 shì a condition; a state; a situation 死人之事
133 21 shì to engage in 死人之事
134 21 shì to enslave 死人之事
135 21 shì to pursue 死人之事
136 21 shì to administer 死人之事
137 21 shì to appoint 死人之事
138 21 xíng to walk 學行最知名
139 21 xíng capable; competent 學行最知名
140 21 háng profession 學行最知名
141 21 xíng Kangxi radical 144 學行最知名
142 21 xíng to travel 學行最知名
143 21 xìng actions; conduct 學行最知名
144 21 xíng to do; to act; to practice 學行最知名
145 21 xíng all right; OK; okay 學行最知名
146 21 háng horizontal line 學行最知名
147 21 héng virtuous deeds 學行最知名
148 21 hàng a line of trees 學行最知名
149 21 hàng bold; steadfast 學行最知名
150 21 xíng to move 學行最知名
151 21 xíng to put into effect; to implement 學行最知名
152 21 xíng travel 學行最知名
153 21 xíng to circulate 學行最知名
154 21 xíng running script; running script 學行最知名
155 21 xíng temporary 學行最知名
156 21 háng rank; order 學行最知名
157 21 háng a business; a shop 學行最知名
158 21 xíng to depart; to leave 學行最知名
159 21 xíng to experience 學行最知名
160 21 xíng path; way 學行最知名
161 21 xíng xing; ballad 學行最知名
162 21 xíng Xing 學行最知名
163 20 xián virtuous; worthy 王良陳思賢
164 20 xián able; capable 王良陳思賢
165 20 xián admirable 王良陳思賢
166 20 xián a talented person 王良陳思賢
167 20 xián India 王良陳思賢
168 20 xián to respect 王良陳思賢
169 20 xián to excel; to surpass 王良陳思賢
170 20 to go 三人去
171 20 to remove; to wipe off; to eliminate 三人去
172 20 to be distant 三人去
173 20 to leave 三人去
174 20 to play a part 三人去
175 20 to abandon; to give up 三人去
176 20 to die 三人去
177 20 previous; past 三人去
178 20 to send out; to issue; to drive away 三人去
179 20 falling tone 三人去
180 20 to lose 三人去
181 20 Qu 三人去
182 20 wēi high; lofty; towering; majestic 高巍
183 20 Yi 靖亦奮激慷慨
184 20 nián year 建文二年進士
185 20 nián New Year festival 建文二年進士
186 20 nián age 建文二年進士
187 20 nián life span; life expectancy 建文二年進士
188 20 nián an era; a period 建文二年進士
189 20 nián a date 建文二年進士
190 20 nián time; years 建文二年進士
191 20 nián harvest 建文二年進士
192 20 nián annual; every year 建文二年進士
193 19 建文 jiàn wén Emperor Jian Wen 建文二年進士
194 17 to enter 入翰林
195 17 Kangxi radical 11 入翰林
196 17 radical 入翰林
197 17 income 入翰林
198 17 to conform with 入翰林
199 17 to descend 入翰林
200 17 the entering tone 入翰林
201 17 to pay 入翰林
202 17 to join 入翰林
203 16 liáng good; virtuous; respectable 王良陳思賢
204 16 liáng moderate 王良陳思賢
205 16 liáng wise and capable 王良陳思賢
206 16 liáng natural; innate 王良陳思賢
207 16 liáng a virtuous person 王良陳思賢
208 16 liáng Liang 王良陳思賢
209 16 Kangxi radical 71 官近侍獨無一言可乎
210 16 to not have; without 官近侍獨無一言可乎
211 16 mo 官近侍獨無一言可乎
212 16 to not have 官近侍獨無一言可乎
213 16 Wu 官近侍獨無一言可乎
214 16 chén minister; statesman; official 臣實未嘗有也
215 16 chén Kangxi radical 131 臣實未嘗有也
216 16 chén a slave 臣實未嘗有也
217 16 chén Chen 臣實未嘗有也
218 16 chén to obey; to comply 臣實未嘗有也
219 16 chén to command; to direct 臣實未嘗有也
220 16 chén a subject 臣實未嘗有也
221 15 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 陰雨則見
222 15 a grade; a level 陰雨則見
223 15 an example; a model 陰雨則見
224 15 a weighing device 陰雨則見
225 15 to grade; to rank 陰雨則見
226 15 to copy; to imitate; to follow 陰雨則見
227 15 to do 陰雨則見
228 15 one 一豚尚不能舍
229 15 Kangxi radical 1 一豚尚不能舍
230 15 pure; concentrated 一豚尚不能舍
231 15 first 一豚尚不能舍
232 15 the same 一豚尚不能舍
233 15 sole; single 一豚尚不能舍
234 15 a very small amount 一豚尚不能舍
235 15 Yi 一豚尚不能舍
236 15 other 一豚尚不能舍
237 15 to unify 一豚尚不能舍
238 15 accidentally; coincidentally 一豚尚不能舍
239 15 abruptly; suddenly 一豚尚不能舍
240 15 cóng to follow 從王北征至黑山
241 15 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 從王北征至黑山
242 15 cóng to participate in something 從王北征至黑山
243 15 cóng to use a certain method or principle 從王北征至黑山
244 15 cóng something secondary 從王北征至黑山
245 15 cóng remote relatives 從王北征至黑山
246 15 cóng secondary 從王北征至黑山
247 15 cóng to go on; to advance 從王北征至黑山
248 15 cōng at ease; informal 從王北征至黑山
249 15 zòng a follower; a supporter 從王北征至黑山
250 15 zòng to release 從王北征至黑山
251 15 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 從王北征至黑山
252 15 太祖 tàizǔ Taizu; Great Ancestor 太祖實錄
253 15 太祖 tàizǔ progenitor 太祖實錄
254 15 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又次李貫
255 15 xiū to decorate; to embellish 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
256 15 xiū to study; to cultivate 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
257 15 xiū to repair 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
258 15 xiū long; slender 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
259 15 xiū to write; to compile 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
260 15 xiū to build; to construct; to shape 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
261 15 xiū to practice 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
262 15 xiū to cut 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
263 15 xiū virtuous; wholesome 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
264 15 xiū a virtuous person 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
265 15 xiū Xiu 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
266 15 xiū to unknot 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
267 15 xiū to prepare; to put in order 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
268 15 xiū excellent 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
269 15 xiū to perform [a ceremony] 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
270 15 huáng yellow 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
271 15 huáng Huang 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
272 15 huáng the empror 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
273 15 huáng Kangxi radical 201 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
274 15 huáng Yellow River 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
275 15 huáng a yellow colored animal product 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
276 15 huáng pornographic 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
277 15 huáng pornography 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
278 15 huáng to fizzle out 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
279 15 huáng spoiled 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
280 15 Kangxi radical 49 燕王已渡江入京師
281 15 to bring to an end; to stop 燕王已渡江入京師
282 15 to complete 燕王已渡江入京師
283 15 to demote; to dismiss 燕王已渡江入京師
284 15 to recover from an illness 燕王已渡江入京師
285 14 洪武 hóng wǔ Hong Wu; Emperor Taizu of Ming 如洪武中故事
286 14 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 得士自艮外
287 14 děi to want to; to need to 得士自艮外
288 14 děi must; ought to 得士自艮外
289 14 de 得士自艮外
290 14 de infix potential marker 得士自艮外
291 14 to result in 得士自艮外
292 14 to be proper; to fit; to suit 得士自艮外
293 14 to be satisfied 得士自艮外
294 14 to be finished 得士自艮外
295 14 děi satisfying 得士自艮外
296 14 to contract 得士自艮外
297 14 to hear 得士自艮外
298 14 to have; there is 得士自艮外
299 14 marks time passed 得士自艮外
300 14 shàng top; a high position 葬之江上
301 14 shang top; the position on or above something 葬之江上
302 14 shàng to go up; to go forward 葬之江上
303 14 shàng shang 葬之江上
304 14 shàng previous; last 葬之江上
305 14 shàng high; higher 葬之江上
306 14 shàng advanced 葬之江上
307 14 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 葬之江上
308 14 shàng time 葬之江上
309 14 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 葬之江上
310 14 shàng far 葬之江上
311 14 shàng big; as big as 葬之江上
312 14 shàng abundant; plentiful 葬之江上
313 14 shàng to report 葬之江上
314 14 shàng to offer 葬之江上
315 14 shàng to go on stage 葬之江上
316 14 shàng to take office; to assume a post 葬之江上
317 14 shàng to install; to erect 葬之江上
318 14 shàng to suffer; to sustain 葬之江上
319 14 shàng to burn 葬之江上
320 14 shàng to remember 葬之江上
321 14 shàng to add 葬之江上
322 14 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 葬之江上
323 14 shàng to meet 葬之江上
324 14 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 葬之江上
325 14 shang used after a verb indicating a result 葬之江上
326 14 shàng a musical note 葬之江上
327 13 děng et cetera; and so on 程濟等
328 13 děng to wait 程濟等
329 13 děng to be equal 程濟等
330 13 děng degree; level 程濟等
331 13 děng to compare 程濟等
332 13 to reach
333 13 to attain
334 13 to understand
335 13 able to be compared to; to catch up with
336 13 to be involved with; to associate with
337 13 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother
338 13 emperor; supreme ruler 惠帝母弟
339 13 the ruler of Heaven 惠帝母弟
340 13 a god 惠帝母弟
341 13 imperialism 惠帝母弟
342 13 wén to hear 隔墻聞靖呼
343 13 wén Wen 隔墻聞靖呼
344 13 wén sniff at; to smell 隔墻聞靖呼
345 13 wén to be widely known 隔墻聞靖呼
346 13 wén to confirm; to accept 隔墻聞靖呼
347 13 wén information 隔墻聞靖呼
348 13 wèn famous; well known 隔墻聞靖呼
349 13 wén knowledge; learning 隔墻聞靖呼
350 13 wèn popularity; prestige; reputation 隔墻聞靖呼
351 13 wén to question 隔墻聞靖呼
352 13 大王 dàwáng king 不謂大王顯與朝廷絕
353 13 大王 dàwáng magnate; person having expert skill in something 不謂大王顯與朝廷絕
354 13 child; son 溥子與弼尚幼
355 13 egg; newborn 溥子與弼尚幼
356 13 first earthly branch 溥子與弼尚幼
357 13 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 溥子與弼尚幼
358 13 Kangxi radical 39 溥子與弼尚幼
359 13 pellet; something small and hard 溥子與弼尚幼
360 13 master 溥子與弼尚幼
361 13 viscount 溥子與弼尚幼
362 13 zi you; your honor 溥子與弼尚幼
363 13 masters 溥子與弼尚幼
364 13 person 溥子與弼尚幼
365 13 young 溥子與弼尚幼
366 13 seed 溥子與弼尚幼
367 13 subordinate; subsidiary 溥子與弼尚幼
368 13 a copper coin 溥子與弼尚幼
369 13 female dragonfly 溥子與弼尚幼
370 13 constituent 溥子與弼尚幼
371 13 offspring; descendants 溥子與弼尚幼
372 13 dear 溥子與弼尚幼
373 13 little one 溥子與弼尚幼
374 12 wife 收其妻翁氏並二女給象奴
375 12 to marry off 收其妻翁氏並二女給象奴
376 12 to take for a wife 收其妻翁氏並二女給象奴
377 12 yòng to use; to apply 與蕭用道上書指斥用事者
378 12 yòng Kangxi radical 101 與蕭用道上書指斥用事者
379 12 yòng to eat 與蕭用道上書指斥用事者
380 12 yòng to spend 與蕭用道上書指斥用事者
381 12 yòng expense 與蕭用道上書指斥用事者
382 12 yòng a use; usage 與蕭用道上書指斥用事者
383 12 yòng to need; must 與蕭用道上書指斥用事者
384 12 yòng useful; practical 與蕭用道上書指斥用事者
385 12 yòng to use up; to use all of something 與蕭用道上書指斥用事者
386 12 yòng to work (an animal) 與蕭用道上書指斥用事者
387 12 yòng to appoint 與蕭用道上書指斥用事者
388 12 yòng to administer; to manager 與蕭用道上書指斥用事者
389 12 yòng to control 與蕭用道上書指斥用事者
390 12 yòng to access 與蕭用道上書指斥用事者
391 12 yòng Yong 與蕭用道上書指斥用事者
392 12 shí time; a point or period of time 後成祖出建文時群臣封事千余通
393 12 shí a season; a quarter of a year 後成祖出建文時群臣封事千余通
394 12 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 後成祖出建文時群臣封事千余通
395 12 shí fashionable 後成祖出建文時群臣封事千余通
396 12 shí fate; destiny; luck 後成祖出建文時群臣封事千余通
397 12 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 後成祖出建文時群臣封事千余通
398 12 shí tense 後成祖出建文時群臣封事千余通
399 12 shí particular; special 後成祖出建文時群臣封事千余通
400 12 shí to plant; to cultivate 後成祖出建文時群臣封事千余通
401 12 shí an era; a dynasty 後成祖出建文時群臣封事千余通
402 12 shí time [abstract] 後成祖出建文時群臣封事千余通
403 12 shí seasonal 後成祖出建文時群臣封事千余通
404 12 shí to wait upon 後成祖出建文時群臣封事千余通
405 12 shí hour 後成祖出建文時群臣封事千余通
406 12 shí appropriate; proper; timely 後成祖出建文時群臣封事千余通
407 12 shí Shi 後成祖出建文時群臣封事千余通
408 12 shí a present; currentlt 後成祖出建文時群臣封事千余通
409 12 shēng to be born; to give birth 龍溪六生臺溫二樵
410 12 shēng to live 龍溪六生臺溫二樵
411 12 shēng raw 龍溪六生臺溫二樵
412 12 shēng a student 龍溪六生臺溫二樵
413 12 shēng life 龍溪六生臺溫二樵
414 12 shēng to produce; to give rise 龍溪六生臺溫二樵
415 12 shēng alive 龍溪六生臺溫二樵
416 12 shēng a lifetime 龍溪六生臺溫二樵
417 12 shēng to initiate; to become 龍溪六生臺溫二樵
418 12 shēng to grow 龍溪六生臺溫二樵
419 12 shēng unfamiliar 龍溪六生臺溫二樵
420 12 shēng not experienced 龍溪六生臺溫二樵
421 12 shēng hard; stiff; strong 龍溪六生臺溫二樵
422 12 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 龍溪六生臺溫二樵
423 12 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 龍溪六生臺溫二樵
424 12 shēng gender 龍溪六生臺溫二樵
425 12 shēng to develop; to grow 龍溪六生臺溫二樵
426 12 shēng to set up 龍溪六生臺溫二樵
427 12 shēng a prostitute 龍溪六生臺溫二樵
428 12 shēng a captive 龍溪六生臺溫二樵
429 12 shēng a gentleman 龍溪六生臺溫二樵
430 12 shēng Kangxi radical 100 龍溪六生臺溫二樵
431 12 shēng unripe 龍溪六生臺溫二樵
432 12 shēng nature 龍溪六生臺溫二樵
433 12 shēng to inherit; to succeed 龍溪六生臺溫二樵
434 12 shēng destiny 龍溪六生臺溫二樵
435 12 jiā house; home; residence 留家大梁
436 12 jiā family 留家大梁
437 12 jiā a specialist 留家大梁
438 12 jiā a group of people devoted to the same ideal; school of thought 留家大梁
439 12 jiā a family or person engaged in a particular trade 留家大梁
440 12 jiā a person with particular characteristics 留家大梁
441 12 jiā someone related to oneself in a particular way 留家大梁
442 12 jiā domestic 留家大梁
443 12 jiā ethnic group; nationality 留家大梁
444 12 jiā side; party 留家大梁
445 12 jiā dynastic line 留家大梁
446 12 jiā a respectful form of address 留家大梁
447 12 jiā a familiar form of address 留家大梁
448 12 jiā I; my; our 留家大梁
449 12 jiā district 留家大梁
450 12 jiā private propery 留家大梁
451 12 jiā Jia 留家大梁
452 12 jiā to reside; to dwell 留家大梁
453 12 lady 留家大梁
454 12 to stand 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
455 12 Kangxi radical 117 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
456 12 erect; upright; vertical 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
457 12 to establish; to set up; to found 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
458 12 to conclude; to draw up 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
459 12 to ascend the throne 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
460 12 to designate; to appoint 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
461 12 to live; to exist 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
462 12 to erect; to stand something up 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
463 12 to take a stand 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
464 12 to cease; to stop 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
465 12 a two week period at the onset o feach season 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
466 12 guān to look at; to watch; to observe 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
467 12 guàn Taoist monastery; monastery 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
468 12 guān to display; to show; to make visible 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
469 12 guān Guan 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
470 12 guān appearance; looks 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
471 12 guān a sight; a view; a vista 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
472 12 guān a concept; a viewpoint; a perspective 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
473 12 guān to appreciate; to enjoy; to admire 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
474 12 guàn an announcement 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
475 12 guàn a high tower; a watchtower 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
476 12 guān Surview 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
477 12 to ferry 程濟等
478 12 to aid 程濟等
479 12 to achieve; to succeed in attaining a goal 程濟等
480 12 completed crossing 程濟等
481 12 to add 程濟等
482 12 to benefit 程濟等
483 12 to use 程濟等
484 12 to stop 程濟等
485 12 Ji 程濟等
486 12 multiple 程濟等
487 12 Ji 程濟等
488 12 zhōu Zhou Dynasty 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
489 12 zhōu careful; thorough; thoughtful 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
490 12 zhōu to aid 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
491 12 zhōu a cycle 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
492 12 zhōu Zhou 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
493 12 zhōu all; universal 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
494 12 zhōu dense; near 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
495 12 zhōu circumference; surroundings 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
496 12 zhōu to circle 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
497 12 zhōu to adapt to 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
498 12 zhōu to wear around the waist 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
499 12 zhōu to bend 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
500 12 zhōu an entire year 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1048

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 106 zhī him; her; them; that 設文史館居之
2 106 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 設文史館居之
3 106 zhī to go 設文史館居之
4 106 zhī this; that 設文史館居之
5 106 zhī genetive marker 設文史館居之
6 106 zhī it 設文史館居之
7 106 zhī in; in regards to 設文史館居之
8 106 zhī all 設文史館居之
9 106 zhī and 設文史館居之
10 106 zhī however 設文史館居之
11 106 zhī if 設文史館居之
12 106 zhī then 設文史館居之
13 106 zhī to arrive; to go 設文史館居之
14 106 zhī is 設文史館居之
15 106 zhī to use 設文史館居之
16 106 zhī Zhi 設文史館居之
17 106 zhī winding 設文史館居之
18 60 his; hers; its; theirs 食其祿
19 60 to add emphasis 食其祿
20 60 used when asking a question in reply to a question 食其祿
21 60 used when making a request or giving an order 食其祿
22 60 he; her; it; them 食其祿
23 60 probably; likely 食其祿
24 60 will 食其祿
25 60 may 食其祿
26 60 if 食其祿
27 60 or 食其祿
28 60 Qi 食其祿
29 54 wáng Wang 王艮
30 54 wáng a king 王艮
31 54 wáng Kangxi radical 96 王艮
32 54 wàng to be king; to rule 王艮
33 54 wáng a prince; a duke 王艮
34 54 wáng grand; great 王艮
35 54 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 王艮
36 54 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 王艮
37 54 wáng the head of a group or gang 王艮
38 54 wáng the biggest or best of a group 王艮
39 52 wèi for; to 召為太常少卿
40 52 wèi because of 召為太常少卿
41 52 wéi to act as; to serve 召為太常少卿
42 52 wéi to change into; to become 召為太常少卿
43 52 wéi to be; is 召為太常少卿
44 52 wéi to do 召為太常少卿
45 52 wèi for 召為太常少卿
46 52 wèi because of; for; to 召為太常少卿
47 52 wèi to 召為太常少卿
48 52 wéi in a passive construction 召為太常少卿
49 52 wéi forming a rehetorical question 召為太常少卿
50 52 wéi forming an adverb 召為太常少卿
51 52 wéi to add emphasis 召為太常少卿
52 52 wèi to support; to help 召為太常少卿
53 52 wéi to govern 召為太常少卿
54 50 rén person; people; a human being 吉水人
55 50 rén Kangxi radical 9 吉水人
56 50 rén a kind of person 吉水人
57 50 rén everybody 吉水人
58 50 rén adult 吉水人
59 50 rén somebody; others 吉水人
60 50 rén an upright person 吉水人
61 47 yuē to speak; to say 艮與妻子訣曰
62 47 yuē Kangxi radical 73 艮與妻子訣曰
63 47 yuē to be called 艮與妻子訣曰
64 47 yuē particle without meaning 艮與妻子訣曰
65 44 to die 胡叔能死
66 44 to sever; to break off 胡叔能死
67 44 extremely; very 胡叔能死
68 44 to do one's utmost 胡叔能死
69 44 dead 胡叔能死
70 44 death 胡叔能死
71 44 to sacrifice one's life 胡叔能死
72 44 lost; severed 胡叔能死
73 44 lifeless; not moving 胡叔能死
74 44 stiff; inflexible 胡叔能死
75 44 already fixed; set; established 胡叔能死
76 44 damned 胡叔能死
77 44 so as to; in order to 易以胡靖
78 44 to use; to regard as 易以胡靖
79 44 to use; to grasp 易以胡靖
80 44 according to 易以胡靖
81 44 because of 易以胡靖
82 44 on a certain date 易以胡靖
83 44 and; as well as 易以胡靖
84 44 to rely on 易以胡靖
85 44 to regard 易以胡靖
86 44 to be able to 易以胡靖
87 44 to order; to command 易以胡靖
88 44 further; moreover 易以胡靖
89 44 used after a verb 易以胡靖
90 44 very 易以胡靖
91 44 already 易以胡靖
92 44 increasingly 易以胡靖
93 44 a reason; a cause 易以胡靖
94 44 Israel 易以胡靖
95 44 Yi 易以胡靖
96 40 in; at 自經於尊經閣
97 40 in; at 自經於尊經閣
98 40 in; at; to; from 自經於尊經閣
99 40 to go; to 自經於尊經閣
100 40 to rely on; to depend on 自經於尊經閣
101 40 to go to; to arrive at 自經於尊經閣
102 40 from 自經於尊經閣
103 40 give 自經於尊經閣
104 40 oppposing 自經於尊經閣
105 40 and 自經於尊經閣
106 40 compared to 自經於尊經閣
107 40 by 自經於尊經閣
108 40 and; as well as 自經於尊經閣
109 40 for 自經於尊經閣
110 40 Yu 自經於尊經閣
111 40 a crow 自經於尊經閣
112 40 whew; wow 自經於尊經閣
113 40 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 食人之祿者
114 40 zhě that 食人之祿者
115 40 zhě nominalizing function word 食人之祿者
116 40 zhě used to mark a definition 食人之祿者
117 40 zhě used to mark a pause 食人之祿者
118 40 zhě topic marker; that; it 食人之祿者
119 40 zhuó according to 食人之祿者
120 38 yān Yan 燕兵薄京城
121 38 yān State of Yan 燕兵薄京城
122 38 yàn swallow 燕兵薄京城
123 38 yàn to feast 燕兵薄京城
124 38 yǒu is; are; to exist 爾等宜皆有之
125 38 yǒu to have; to possess 爾等宜皆有之
126 38 yǒu indicates an estimate 爾等宜皆有之
127 38 yǒu indicates a large quantity 爾等宜皆有之
128 38 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 爾等宜皆有之
129 38 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 爾等宜皆有之
130 38 yǒu used to compare two things 爾等宜皆有之
131 38 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 爾等宜皆有之
132 38 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 爾等宜皆有之
133 38 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 爾等宜皆有之
134 38 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 爾等宜皆有之
135 38 yǒu abundant 爾等宜皆有之
136 38 yǒu purposeful 爾等宜皆有之
137 38 yǒu You 爾等宜皆有之
138 34 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 升聞而慟哭
139 34 ér Kangxi radical 126 升聞而慟哭
140 34 ér you 升聞而慟哭
141 34 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 升聞而慟哭
142 34 ér right away; then 升聞而慟哭
143 34 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 升聞而慟哭
144 34 ér if; in case; in the event that 升聞而慟哭
145 34 ér therefore; as a result; thus 升聞而慟哭
146 34 ér how can it be that? 升聞而慟哭
147 34 ér so as to 升聞而慟哭
148 34 ér only then 升聞而慟哭
149 34 ér as if; to seem like 升聞而慟哭
150 34 néng can; able 升聞而慟哭
151 34 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 升聞而慟哭
152 34 ér me 升聞而慟哭
153 34 ér to arrive; up to 升聞而慟哭
154 34 ér possessive 升聞而慟哭
155 30 not; no 艮獨流涕不言
156 30 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 艮獨流涕不言
157 30 as a correlative 艮獨流涕不言
158 30 no (answering a question) 艮獨流涕不言
159 30 forms a negative adjective from a noun 艮獨流涕不言
160 30 at the end of a sentence to form a question 艮獨流涕不言
161 30 to form a yes or no question 艮獨流涕不言
162 30 infix potential marker 艮獨流涕不言
163 30 also; too 即胡廣也
164 30 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 即胡廣也
165 30 either 即胡廣也
166 30 even 即胡廣也
167 30 used to soften the tone 即胡廣也
168 30 used for emphasis 即胡廣也
169 30 used to mark contrast 即胡廣也
170 30 used to mark compromise 即胡廣也
171 29 guān an office 官近侍獨無一言可乎
172 29 guān an official; a government official 官近侍獨無一言可乎
173 29 guān official; state-run 官近侍獨無一言可乎
174 29 guān an official body; a state organization; bureau 官近侍獨無一言可乎
175 29 guān an official rank; an official title 官近侍獨無一言可乎
176 29 guān governance 官近侍獨無一言可乎
177 29 guān a sense organ 官近侍獨無一言可乎
178 29 guān office 官近侍獨無一言可乎
179 29 guān public 官近侍獨無一言可乎
180 29 guān an organ 官近侍獨無一言可乎
181 29 guān a polite form of address 官近侍獨無一言可乎
182 29 guān Guan 官近侍獨無一言可乎
183 29 guān to appoint 官近侍獨無一言可乎
184 29 guān to hold a post 官近侍獨無一言可乎
185 28 bīng soldier; troops 燕兵薄京城
186 28 bīng weapons 燕兵薄京城
187 28 bīng military; warfare 燕兵薄京城
188 27 and 艮與妻子訣曰
189 27 to give 艮與妻子訣曰
190 27 together with 艮與妻子訣曰
191 27 interrogative particle 艮與妻子訣曰
192 27 to accompany 艮與妻子訣曰
193 27 to particate in 艮與妻子訣曰
194 27 of the same kind 艮與妻子訣曰
195 27 to help 艮與妻子訣曰
196 27 for 艮與妻子訣曰
197 26 zhì to; until 召至
198 26 zhì Kangxi radical 133 召至
199 26 zhì extremely; very; most 召至
200 26 zhì to arrive 召至
201 25 jiē all; each and every; in all cases 三人皆同里
202 25 jiē same; equally 三人皆同里
203 23 zhōng middle 如洪武中故事
204 23 zhōng medium; medium sized 如洪武中故事
205 23 zhōng China 如洪武中故事
206 23 zhòng to hit the mark 如洪武中故事
207 23 zhōng in; amongst 如洪武中故事
208 23 zhōng midday 如洪武中故事
209 23 zhōng inside 如洪武中故事
210 23 zhōng during 如洪武中故事
211 23 zhōng Zhong 如洪武中故事
212 23 zhōng intermediary 如洪武中故事
213 23 zhōng half 如洪武中故事
214 23 zhōng just right; suitably 如洪武中故事
215 23 zhōng while 如洪武中故事
216 23 zhòng to reach; to attain 如洪武中故事
217 23 zhòng to suffer; to infect 如洪武中故事
218 23 zhòng to obtain 如洪武中故事
219 23 zhòng to pass an exam 如洪武中故事
220 23 yán to speak; to say; said 數上書言時務
221 23 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 數上書言時務
222 23 yán Kangxi radical 149 數上書言時務
223 23 yán a particle with no meaning 數上書言時務
224 23 yán phrase; sentence 數上書言時務
225 23 yán a word; a syllable 數上書言時務
226 23 yán a theory; a doctrine 數上書言時務
227 23 yán to regard as 數上書言時務
228 23 yán to act as 數上書言時務
229 22 shū book 諸書
230 22 shū document; manuscript 諸書
231 22 shū letter 諸書
232 22 shū the Cannon of Documents 諸書
233 22 shū to write 諸書
234 22 shū writing 諸書
235 22 shū calligraphy; writing style 諸書
236 22 shū Shu 諸書
237 22 shū to record 諸書
238 21 shì matter; thing; item 死人之事
239 21 shì to serve 死人之事
240 21 shì a government post 死人之事
241 21 shì duty; post; work 死人之事
242 21 shì occupation 死人之事
243 21 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 死人之事
244 21 shì an accident 死人之事
245 21 shì to attend 死人之事
246 21 shì an allusion 死人之事
247 21 shì a condition; a state; a situation 死人之事
248 21 shì to engage in 死人之事
249 21 shì to enslave 死人之事
250 21 shì to pursue 死人之事
251 21 shì to administer 死人之事
252 21 shì to appoint 死人之事
253 21 shì a piece 死人之事
254 21 xíng to walk 學行最知名
255 21 xíng capable; competent 學行最知名
256 21 háng profession 學行最知名
257 21 háng line; row 學行最知名
258 21 xíng Kangxi radical 144 學行最知名
259 21 xíng to travel 學行最知名
260 21 xìng actions; conduct 學行最知名
261 21 xíng to do; to act; to practice 學行最知名
262 21 xíng all right; OK; okay 學行最知名
263 21 háng horizontal line 學行最知名
264 21 héng virtuous deeds 學行最知名
265 21 hàng a line of trees 學行最知名
266 21 hàng bold; steadfast 學行最知名
267 21 xíng to move 學行最知名
268 21 xíng to put into effect; to implement 學行最知名
269 21 xíng travel 學行最知名
270 21 xíng to circulate 學行最知名
271 21 xíng running script; running script 學行最知名
272 21 xíng temporary 學行最知名
273 21 xíng soon 學行最知名
274 21 háng rank; order 學行最知名
275 21 háng a business; a shop 學行最知名
276 21 xíng to depart; to leave 學行最知名
277 21 xíng to experience 學行最知名
278 21 xíng path; way 學行最知名
279 21 xíng xing; ballad 學行最知名
280 21 xíng a round [of drinks] 學行最知名
281 21 xíng Xing 學行最知名
282 21 xíng moreover; also 學行最知名
283 20 xián virtuous; worthy 王良陳思賢
284 20 xián able; capable 王良陳思賢
285 20 xián admirable 王良陳思賢
286 20 xián sir 王良陳思賢
287 20 xián a talented person 王良陳思賢
288 20 xián India 王良陳思賢
289 20 xián to respect 王良陳思賢
290 20 xián to excel; to surpass 王良陳思賢
291 20 to go 三人去
292 20 to remove; to wipe off; to eliminate 三人去
293 20 to be distant 三人去
294 20 to leave 三人去
295 20 to play a part 三人去
296 20 to abandon; to give up 三人去
297 20 to die 三人去
298 20 previous; past 三人去
299 20 to send out; to issue; to drive away 三人去
300 20 expresses a tendency 三人去
301 20 falling tone 三人去
302 20 to lose 三人去
303 20 Qu 三人去
304 20 wēi high; lofty; towering; majestic 高巍
305 20 also; too 靖亦奮激慷慨
306 20 but 靖亦奮激慷慨
307 20 this; he; she 靖亦奮激慷慨
308 20 although; even though 靖亦奮激慷慨
309 20 already 靖亦奮激慷慨
310 20 particle with no meaning 靖亦奮激慷慨
311 20 Yi 靖亦奮激慷慨
312 20 nián year 建文二年進士
313 20 nián New Year festival 建文二年進士
314 20 nián age 建文二年進士
315 20 nián life span; life expectancy 建文二年進士
316 20 nián an era; a period 建文二年進士
317 20 nián a date 建文二年進士
318 20 nián time; years 建文二年進士
319 20 nián harvest 建文二年進士
320 20 nián annual; every year 建文二年進士
321 19 zhū all; many; various 諸書
322 19 zhū Zhu 諸書
323 19 zhū all; members of the class 諸書
324 19 zhū interrogative particle 諸書
325 19 zhū him; her; them; it 諸書
326 19 zhū of; in 諸書
327 19 建文 jiàn wén Emperor Jian Wen 建文二年進士
328 17 to enter 入翰林
329 17 Kangxi radical 11 入翰林
330 17 radical 入翰林
331 17 income 入翰林
332 17 to conform with 入翰林
333 17 to descend 入翰林
334 17 the entering tone 入翰林
335 17 to pay 入翰林
336 17 to join 入翰林
337 16 liáng good; virtuous; respectable 王良陳思賢
338 16 liáng very 王良陳思賢
339 16 liáng moderate 王良陳思賢
340 16 liáng wise and capable 王良陳思賢
341 16 liáng natural; innate 王良陳思賢
342 16 liáng a virtuous person 王良陳思賢
343 16 liáng Liang 王良陳思賢
344 16 liáng really; surely 王良陳思賢
345 16 no 官近侍獨無一言可乎
346 16 Kangxi radical 71 官近侍獨無一言可乎
347 16 to not have; without 官近侍獨無一言可乎
348 16 has not yet 官近侍獨無一言可乎
349 16 mo 官近侍獨無一言可乎
350 16 do not 官近侍獨無一言可乎
351 16 not; -less; un- 官近侍獨無一言可乎
352 16 regardless of 官近侍獨無一言可乎
353 16 to not have 官近侍獨無一言可乎
354 16 um 官近侍獨無一言可乎
355 16 Wu 官近侍獨無一言可乎
356 16 chén minister; statesman; official 臣實未嘗有也
357 16 chén Kangxi radical 131 臣實未嘗有也
358 16 chén a slave 臣實未嘗有也
359 16 chén you 臣實未嘗有也
360 16 chén Chen 臣實未嘗有也
361 16 chén to obey; to comply 臣實未嘗有也
362 16 chén to command; to direct 臣實未嘗有也
363 16 chén a subject 臣實未嘗有也
364 15 otherwise; but; however 陰雨則見
365 15 then 陰雨則見
366 15 measure word for short sections of text 陰雨則見
367 15 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 陰雨則見
368 15 a grade; a level 陰雨則見
369 15 an example; a model 陰雨則見
370 15 a weighing device 陰雨則見
371 15 to grade; to rank 陰雨則見
372 15 to copy; to imitate; to follow 陰雨則見
373 15 to do 陰雨則見
374 15 only 陰雨則見
375 15 immediately 陰雨則見
376 15 final particle to express a completed action 吾不可復生矣
377 15 particle to express certainty 吾不可復生矣
378 15 would; particle to indicate a future condition 吾不可復生矣
379 15 to form a question 吾不可復生矣
380 15 to indicate a command 吾不可復生矣
381 15 sigh 吾不可復生矣
382 15 one 一豚尚不能舍
383 15 Kangxi radical 1 一豚尚不能舍
384 15 as soon as; all at once 一豚尚不能舍
385 15 pure; concentrated 一豚尚不能舍
386 15 whole; all 一豚尚不能舍
387 15 first 一豚尚不能舍
388 15 the same 一豚尚不能舍
389 15 each 一豚尚不能舍
390 15 certain 一豚尚不能舍
391 15 throughout 一豚尚不能舍
392 15 used in between a reduplicated verb 一豚尚不能舍
393 15 sole; single 一豚尚不能舍
394 15 a very small amount 一豚尚不能舍
395 15 Yi 一豚尚不能舍
396 15 other 一豚尚不能舍
397 15 to unify 一豚尚不能舍
398 15 accidentally; coincidentally 一豚尚不能舍
399 15 abruptly; suddenly 一豚尚不能舍
400 15 or 一豚尚不能舍
401 15 cóng from 從王北征至黑山
402 15 cóng to follow 從王北征至黑山
403 15 cóng past; through 從王北征至黑山
404 15 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 從王北征至黑山
405 15 cóng to participate in something 從王北征至黑山
406 15 cóng to use a certain method or principle 從王北征至黑山
407 15 cóng usually 從王北征至黑山
408 15 cóng something secondary 從王北征至黑山
409 15 cóng remote relatives 從王北征至黑山
410 15 cóng secondary 從王北征至黑山
411 15 cóng to go on; to advance 從王北征至黑山
412 15 cōng at ease; informal 從王北征至黑山
413 15 zòng a follower; a supporter 從王北征至黑山
414 15 zòng to release 從王北征至黑山
415 15 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 從王北征至黑山
416 15 太祖 tàizǔ Taizu; Great Ancestor 太祖實錄
417 15 太祖 tàizǔ progenitor 太祖實錄
418 15 yòu again; also 又次李貫
419 15 yòu expresses the existence of simultaneous conditions 又次李貫
420 15 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又次李貫
421 15 yòu and 又次李貫
422 15 yòu furthermore 又次李貫
423 15 yòu in addition 又次李貫
424 15 yòu but 又次李貫
425 15 xiū to decorate; to embellish 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
426 15 xiū to study; to cultivate 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
427 15 xiū to repair 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
428 15 xiū long; slender 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
429 15 xiū to write; to compile 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
430 15 xiū to build; to construct; to shape 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
431 15 xiū to practice 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
432 15 xiū to cut 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
433 15 xiū virtuous; wholesome 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
434 15 xiū a virtuous person 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
435 15 xiū Xiu 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
436 15 xiū to unknot 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
437 15 xiū to prepare; to put in order 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
438 15 xiū excellent 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
439 15 xiū to perform [a ceremony] 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
440 15 huáng yellow 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
441 15 huáng Huang 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
442 15 huáng the empror 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
443 15 huáng Kangxi radical 201 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
444 15 huáng Yellow River 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
445 15 huáng a yellow colored animal product 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
446 15 huáng pornographic 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
447 15 huáng pornography 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
448 15 huáng to fizzle out 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
449 15 huáng spoiled 周是修程本立黃觀王叔英
450 15 already 燕王已渡江入京師
451 15 Kangxi radical 49 燕王已渡江入京師
452 15 from 燕王已渡江入京師
453 15 to bring to an end; to stop 燕王已渡江入京師
454 15 final aspectual particle 燕王已渡江入京師
455 15 afterwards; thereafter 燕王已渡江入京師
456 15 too; very; excessively 燕王已渡江入京師
457 15 to complete 燕王已渡江入京師
458 15 to demote; to dismiss 燕王已渡江入京師
459 15 to recover from an illness 燕王已渡江入京師
460 15 certainly 燕王已渡江入京師
461 15 an interjection of surprise 燕王已渡江入京師
462 15 this 燕王已渡江入京師
463 14 洪武 hóng wǔ Hong Wu; Emperor Taizu of Ming 如洪武中故事
464 14 de potential marker 得士自艮外
465 14 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 得士自艮外
466 14 děi must; ought to 得士自艮外
467 14 děi to want to; to need to 得士自艮外
468 14 děi must; ought to 得士自艮外
469 14 de 得士自艮外
470 14 de infix potential marker 得士自艮外
471 14 to result in 得士自艮外
472 14 to be proper; to fit; to suit 得士自艮外
473 14 to be satisfied 得士自艮外
474 14 to be finished 得士自艮外
475 14 de result of degree 得士自艮外
476 14 de marks completion of an action 得士自艮外
477 14 děi satisfying 得士自艮外
478 14 to contract 得士自艮外
479 14 marks permission or possibility 得士自艮外
480 14 expressing frustration 得士自艮外
481 14 to hear 得士自艮外
482 14 to have; there is 得士自艮外
483 14 marks time passed 得士自艮外
484 14 shàng top; a high position 葬之江上
485 14 shang top; the position on or above something 葬之江上
486 14 shàng to go up; to go forward 葬之江上
487 14 shàng shang 葬之江上
488 14 shàng previous; last 葬之江上
489 14 shàng high; higher 葬之江上
490 14 shàng advanced 葬之江上
491 14 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 葬之江上
492 14 shàng time 葬之江上
493 14 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 葬之江上
494 14 shàng far 葬之江上
495 14 shàng big; as big as 葬之江上
496 14 shàng abundant; plentiful 葬之江上
497 14 shàng to report 葬之江上
498 14 shàng to offer 葬之江上
499 14 shàng to go on stage 葬之江上
500 14 shàng to take office; to assume a post 葬之江上

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
安庆 安慶 196 Anqing
北方 98 The North
北平 98 Beiping
宾州 賓州 98 Pennsylvania
博通 98 Broadcom
常州 99 Changzhou
晁错 晁錯 99 Chao Cuo
成王 99 King Cheng of Zhou
成祖 99 Chengzu; Emperor Yong Le
春秋 99
  1. Spring and Autumn Period
  2. a person's age
  3. Chunqiu; Annals of Spring and Autumn
  4. spring and autumn
楚雄 99 Chuxiong
大中 100 Da Zhong reign
代王 100 Prince of Dai
大理 100
  1. Dali [kingdom]
  2. Superintendent of Law Enforcement
  3. a major principle; a general truth
  4. Dali [county]
德安 100 De'an
德州 100
  1. Dezhou
  2. Texas
定海 100 Dinghai
  1. Dong
  2. to supervise; to direct
东湖 東湖 100 Donghu
东山 東山 100 Dongshan
方孝孺 70 Fang Xiaoru
高皇帝 103 Emperor Gao of Han
高帝 103
  1. Gao Di
  2. Emperor Gao [of Southern Qi]
广德 廣德 103 Guangde
瓜洲 103 Guazhou
贵池 貴池 103 Guichi
贵州 貴州 71 Guizhou
古田 103 Gutian
海南 104 Hainan
海州 104 Haizhou
  1. Korea; South Korea
  2. State of Han
  3. fence; low wall
  4. Han
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
杭州 104 Hangzhou
翰林 104 Hanlin
汉文 漢文 104 written Chinese language
汉阳 漢陽 104 Hanyang
黑山 104 Montenegro
鹤庆 鶴慶 104 Heqing
河西 104 Hexi
洪武 104 Hong Wu; Emperor Taizu of Ming
后燕 後燕 104 Later Yan
104 Huai River
淮上 104 Huaishang
湖广 湖廣 104 Hubei and Hunan provinces
徽州 72 Huizhou dialect
霍邱 104 Huoqiu
贾谊 賈誼 106 Jia Yi
嘉靖 106 Emperor Jiajing
建文 106 Emperor Jian Wen
监察御史 監察御史 106 Investigating Censor
  1. a large river
  2. Yangtze River
  3. Jiang
  4. Jiangsu
  5. Jiang
江南 106
  1. Jiangnan
  2. Jiangnan
  3. Jiangnan
江西 106 Jiangxi
建文帝 106 Emperor Jianwen
嘉兴 嘉興 106 Jiaxing
锦衣卫 錦衣衛 106
  1. Imperial Guards in the Ming Dynasty
  2. Fourteen Blades
济南 濟南 106 Jinan
金川 106 Jinchuan
靖难之役 靖難之役 106 Contest between Successors of the First Ming Emperor
荆州 荊州 106
  1. Jingzhou; Ching-chou
  2. Jingzhou; Ching-chou
金华 金華 106 Jinhua
金氏 106 Guinness
缙云 縉雲 106 Jinyun
吉水 106 Jishui
九泉 106 the Nine Springs; Hades
绩溪 績溪 106 Jixi
济阳 濟陽 106 Jiyang
开封 開封 107 Kaifeng
科举 科舉 107 Imperial Examinations
会稽 會稽 75 Kuaiji Mountain
夔州 107 Kuizhou
乐清 樂清 108 Yueqing
108 Li
  1. a bridge
  2. Liang Dynasty
  3. City of Liang
  4. State of Liang
  5. Liang
  6. a beam; rafters
  7. a fishing sluice
  8. to lose footing
  9. State of Liang
  10. a ridge
  11. later Liang
108 Liao
礼部 禮部 108 Ministry of (Confucian) Rites
丽江 麗江 108 Lijiang
临海 臨海 108 Linhai
临江 臨江 108 Linjiang
临邑 臨邑 108 Linyi
龙溪 龍溪 108 Longxi
  1. Shandong
  2. Lu
  3. foolish; stupid; rash; vulgar
  4. the State of Lu
马公 馬公 109 Makung
马龙 馬龍 109 Malong
茅山 109 Mount Mao
茂名 109 Maoming
密云 密雲 109 Miyun
纳官 納諫 110 Remonstrance Official
南奔 110 Lamphun
南昌 110 Nanchang
南康 110 Nankang
宁波 寧波 110 Ningbo
宁海 寧海 110 Ninghai
欧阳 歐陽 197 Ouyang
佥事 僉事 113 Secretary; Senior Assistant
  1. Shaanxi
  2. Qin Dynasty
  3. State of Qin
  4. Qin
113 Qu
日南 114 Rinan
  1. you; thou
  2. Ru River
  3. Ru
儒学 儒學 82 Confucianism; Confucian school
山东 山東 115 Shandong
  1. Shao
  2. Shao
83 She County
士大夫 115 Scholar-official; Scholar-gentlemen; Scholar-bureaucrats; Scholar-gentry
侍中 115 Shizhong; Palace Attendant
  1. Sichuan
  2. Shu Kingdom
四川 115 Sichuan
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
松阳 松陽 115 Songyang
索国 索國 115 Solomon Islands
苏州 蘇州 115 Suzhou
太守 116 Governor
太玄经 太玄經 116 Canon of Supreme Mystery
太学 太學 116 Taixue; Imperial Academy; Grand Academy
泰伯 116 Taibo
太常 116 Minister of Ceremonies; Rector of the Imperial Academy
泰来 泰來 116 Tailai
天命 116 tianming; Mandate of Heaven
天子 116 the rightful Emperor; the Son of Heaven
文天祥 119 Wen Tianxiang
温州 溫州 87 Wenzhou
  1. Wu
  2. Jiangsu
  3. Wu
  4. Wu dialect
  5. Eastern Wu
  6. to speak loudly
吴王 吳王 119 King of Wu; Prince of Wu
武昌 119
  1. Wuchang
  2. Wuchang
吴江 吳江 119 Wujiang
  1. Hunan
  2. Xiang dialect
襄阳 襄陽 120
  1. Xiangyang
  2. Xangyang
仙居 120 Xianju
萧县 蕭縣 120 Xiao county
刑部 120 Ministry of Justice
雄县 雄縣 120 Xiong
西平 120 Xiping
  1. xu
  2. slowly; gently
  3. Xu
  4. Xuzhou
徐州 88
  1. Xuzhou
  2. Xuzhou
姚安 121 Yao'an
义乌 義烏 121 Yiwu
宜章 121 Yizhang
永乐 永樂 89 Emperor Yong Le
永昌 121
  1. Yongchang
  2. Yongchang
永丰 永豐 121 Yongfeng
永平 89
  1. Yong Ping reign
  2. Yong Ping reign
永清 121 Yongqing
元史 121 History of Yuan
原道 121 Yuandao
云南 雲南 121 Yunnan
玉山 121 Yushan
御史 121
  1. Royal Scribe
  2. Censor
122 Zhang
张三 張三 122 John Doe
漳州 122 Zhangzhou
浙江 122
  1. Zhejiang
  2. Zhe River; Qiantang River
真定 122 Zhending; Zhengding
镇江 鎮江 122 Zhenjiang
中原 122 the Central Plains of China
周公 122 Duke Zhou
周官 122
  1. Zhou Li; Zhou Guan; Rites of Zhou
  2. Zhou Guan; Officers of Zhou
主父偃 122 Zhu Fuyan
朱熹 122 Zhu Zi; Zhu Xi; Chu Hsi
庄浪 莊浪 122 Zhuanglang
诸生 諸生 122 Imperial scholar from the Ming Dynasty onwards
  1. Zou
  2. Zou


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English