Glossary and Vocabulary for Book of Wei 魏書, 卷23 衛操 莫含 劉庫仁 Volume 23: Wei Cao, Mo Han, Liu Kuren

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 64 zhī to go 桓帝嘉之
2 64 zhī to arrive; to go 桓帝嘉之
3 64 zhī is 桓帝嘉之
4 64 zhī to use 桓帝嘉之
5 64 zhī Zhi 桓帝嘉之
6 64 zhī winding 桓帝嘉之
7 23 to use; to grasp 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
8 23 to rely on 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
9 23 to regard 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
10 23 to be able to 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
11 23 to order; to command 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
12 23 used after a verb 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
13 23 a reason; a cause 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
14 23 Israel 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
15 23 Yi 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
16 22 warehouse; storehouse; library; store 劉庫仁
17 22 Coulomb 劉庫仁
18 22 armoury 劉庫仁
19 22 shè She 劉庫仁
20 21 wèi to guard; to protect; to defend 衞操
21 21 wéi to act as; to serve 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
22 21 wéi to change into; to become 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
23 21 wéi to be; is 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
24 21 wéi to do 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
25 21 wèi to support; to help 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
26 21 wéi to govern 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
27 21 rén a kernel; a pit 劉庫仁
28 21 rén benevolent; humane 劉庫仁
29 21 rén benevolence; humanity 劉庫仁
30 21 rén a benevolent person 劉庫仁
31 21 rén kindness 劉庫仁
32 21 rén polite form of address 劉庫仁
33 21 rén to pity 劉庫仁
34 21 rén a person 劉庫仁
35 21 rén Ren 劉庫仁
36 20 emperor; supreme ruler 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
37 20 the ruler of Heaven 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
38 20 a god 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
39 20 imperialism 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
40 20 Qi 靡離其殃
41 18 hóu marquis; lord 封定襄侯
42 18 hóu a target in archery 封定襄侯
43 18 huán to pace; to linger 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
44 18 huán varnish tree; goldenrain tree 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
45 18 huán signpost; post for announcements 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
46 18 huán to coil around 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
47 18 huán Huan 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
48 18 to go; to 數使於國
49 18 to rely on; to depend on 數使於國
50 18 Yu 數使於國
51 18 a crow 數使於國
52 17 ministry; department 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
53 17 section; part 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
54 17 troops 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
55 17 a category; a kind 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
56 17 to command; to control 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
57 17 radical 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
58 17 headquarters 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
59 17 unit 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
60 17 to put in order; to arrange 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
61 14 yuē to speak; to say 諡曰義烈
62 14 yuē Kangxi radical 73 諡曰義烈
63 14 yuē to be called 諡曰義烈
64 14 太祖 tàizǔ Taizu; Great Ancestor 太祖使題與將軍王建等三軍
65 14 太祖 tàizǔ progenitor 太祖使題與將軍王建等三軍
66 14 èr two 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
67 14 èr Kangxi radical 7 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
68 14 èr second 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
69 14 èr twice; double; di- 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
70 14 èr more than one kind 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
71 14 將軍 jiāngjūn a general 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
72 14 將軍 jiāngjūn to capture the enemy; check 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
73 14 big; huge; large 操立碑於大邗城南
74 14 Kangxi radical 37 操立碑於大邗城南
75 14 great; major; important 操立碑於大邗城南
76 14 size 操立碑於大邗城南
77 14 old 操立碑於大邗城南
78 14 oldest; earliest 操立碑於大邗城南
79 14 adult 操立碑於大邗城南
80 14 dài an important person 操立碑於大邗城南
81 14 senior 操立碑於大邗城南
82 14 to give 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
83 14 to accompany 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
84 14 to particate in 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
85 14 of the same kind 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
86 14 to help 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
87 14 for 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
88 14 ér Kangxi radical 126 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
89 14 ér as if; to seem like 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
90 14 néng can; able 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
91 14 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
92 14 ér to arrive; up to 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
93 13 kūn beautiful jade; precious stones 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
94 13 jìn shanxi 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
95 13 jìn jin [dynasty] 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
96 13 jìn to move forward; to promote; to advance 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
97 13 jìn to raise 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
98 13 jìn Jin [state] 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
99 13 jìn Jin 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
100 13 rén person; people; a human being 代人也
101 13 rén Kangxi radical 9 代人也
102 13 rén a kind of person 代人也
103 13 rén everybody 代人也
104 13 rén adult 代人也
105 13 rén somebody; others 代人也
106 13 rén an upright person 代人也
107 12 cāo to conduct; to run; to manage 衛操
108 12 cāo to hold 衛操
109 12 cāo to drive 衛操
110 12 cāo to control 衛操
111 12 cāo to train; to drill 衛操
112 12 cāo to use a certain tone or accent 衛操
113 12 cāo a drill; an exercise 衛操
114 12 cāo morality; conduct; commitment 衛操
115 12 cāo a tune 衛操
116 12 cāo Cao 衛操
117 12 cāo to strive [to do] 衛操
118 12 cāo to speak [a language] 衛操
119 12 cāo to caress; to stroke 衛操
120 12 cāo manner 衛操
121 12 hán to contain 莫含
122 12 hán to hold in the mouth 莫含
123 12 hán to harbor feelings; to cherish 莫含
124 12 hán to withold; to hold in; to restrain; to endure 莫含
125 12 hán to be infused with [color] 莫含
126 12 hán to tolerate; to forgive 莫含
127 12 hàn a piece of jade placed in the mouth of the deceased 莫含
128 12 hàn to place a piece of jade placed in the mouth of the deceased 莫含
129 12 suǒ a few; various; some 威武所向
130 12 suǒ a place; a location 威武所向
131 12 suǒ indicates a passive voice 威武所向
132 12 suǒ an ordinal number 威武所向
133 12 suǒ meaning 威武所向
134 12 suǒ garrison 威武所向
135 11 dàn calm; quiet; tranquil 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
136 11 tán Tan 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
137 11 dàn pallid; pale 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
138 11 xiǎn to show; to manifest; to display 顯名載籍
139 11 xiǎn Xian 顯名載籍
140 11 xiǎn evident; clear 顯名載籍
141 11 xiǎn distinguished 顯名載籍
142 11 xiǎn honored 顯名載籍
143 11 guó a country; a nation 數使於國
144 11 guó the capital of a state 數使於國
145 11 guó a feud; a vassal state 數使於國
146 11 guó a state; a kingdom 數使於國
147 11 guó a place; a land 數使於國
148 11 guó domestic; Chinese 數使於國
149 11 guó national 數使於國
150 11 guó top in the nation 數使於國
151 11 guó Guo 數使於國
152 11 chuí to hang ; to suspend; to droop 垂名金石
153 11 chuí to hand down; to bequeath 垂名金石
154 11 chuí to approach 垂名金石
155 11 chuí to descend; to drop; to fall 垂名金石
156 11 chuí to condescend; to be so kind to 垂名金石
157 11 xióng manly; valiant 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
158 11 xióng male [birds] 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
159 11 xióng a hero; a champion 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
160 11 xióng powerful; mighty; outstanding 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
161 11 xióng imposing; grand; dominating 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
162 11 xióng abundant; well stocked 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
163 11 xióng arsenic disulfde; realgar 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
164 11 xióng second of four categories of prefectures 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
165 11 xióng victory 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
166 11 Kangxi radical 132 頗自結附
167 11 Zi 頗自結附
168 11 a nose 頗自結附
169 11 the beginning; the start 頗自結附
170 11 origin 頗自結附
171 11 to employ; to use 頗自結附
172 11 to be 頗自結附
173 11 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又云
174 11 to reach 及劉淵
175 11 to attain 及劉淵
176 11 to understand 及劉淵
177 11 able to be compared to; to catch up with 及劉淵
178 11 to be involved with; to associate with 及劉淵
179 11 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 及劉淵
180 10 Mu 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
181 10 majestic; solemn; reverent 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
182 10 calm; well disposed 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
183 10 understanding; even-tempered 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
184 10 beautiful 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
185 10 an ancestral tablet 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
186 10 hòu after; later 始祖崩後
187 10 hòu empress; queen 始祖崩後
188 10 hòu sovereign 始祖崩後
189 10 hòu the god of the earth 始祖崩後
190 10 hòu late; later 始祖崩後
191 10 hòu offspring; descendents 始祖崩後
192 10 hòu to fall behind; to lag 始祖崩後
193 10 hòu behind; back 始祖崩後
194 10 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 始祖崩後
195 10 hòu Hou 始祖崩後
196 10 hòu after; behind 始祖崩後
197 10 hòu following 始祖崩後
198 10 hòu to be delayed 始祖崩後
199 10 hòu to abandon; to discard 始祖崩後
200 10 hòu feudal lords 始祖崩後
201 10 hòu Hou 始祖崩後
202 10 yún cloud
203 10 yún Yunnan
204 10 yún Yun
205 10 yún to say
206 10 yún to have
207 9 zhōu a state; a province 并州刺史
208 9 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 并州刺史
209 9 zhōu a prefecture 并州刺史
210 9 zhōu a country 并州刺史
211 9 zhōu an island 并州刺史
212 9 zhōu Zhou 并州刺史
213 9 zhōu autonomous prefecture 并州刺史
214 9 zhōu a country 并州刺史
215 9 zhòng many; numerous 於是晉人附者稍眾
216 9 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 於是晉人附者稍眾
217 9 zhòng general; common; public 於是晉人附者稍眾
218 9 Yi 外動亦攘
219 9 tíng pavilion 義陽亭侯衞謨
220 9 tíng to erect 義陽亭侯衞謨
221 9 child; son 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
222 9 egg; newborn 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
223 9 first earthly branch 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
224 9 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
225 9 Kangxi radical 39 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
226 9 pellet; something small and hard 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
227 9 master 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
228 9 viscount 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
229 9 zi you; your honor 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
230 9 masters 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
231 9 person 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
232 9 young 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
233 9 seed 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
234 9 subordinate; subsidiary 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
235 9 a copper coin 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
236 9 female dragonfly 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
237 9 constituent 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
238 9 offspring; descendants 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
239 9 dear 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
240 9 little one 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
241 9 juàn to have kind feelings for; fond of 庫仁弟眷
242 9 juàn to care for 庫仁弟眷
243 9 juàn to look back at 庫仁弟眷
244 9 juàn family members; loved ones 庫仁弟眷
245 9 míng fame; renown; reputation 顯名載籍
246 9 míng a name; personal name; designation 顯名載籍
247 9 míng rank; position 顯名載籍
248 9 míng an excuse 顯名載籍
249 9 míng life 顯名載籍
250 9 míng to name; to call 顯名載籍
251 9 míng to express; to describe 顯名載籍
252 9 míng to be called; to have the name 顯名載籍
253 9 míng to own; to possess 顯名載籍
254 9 míng famous; renowned 顯名載籍
255 9 míng moral 顯名載籍
256 9 zhì Kangxi radical 133 稍遷至右將軍
257 9 zhì to arrive 稍遷至右將軍
258 9 xūn a meritorious deed 勳烈光延
259 9 xūn merit 勳烈光延
260 9 xūn rank 勳烈光延
261 9 to go; to 永垂于後
262 9 to rely on; to depend on 永垂于後
263 9 Yu 永垂于後
264 9 a crow 永垂于後
265 8 chén Fifth Earthly Branch 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
266 8 chén 7-9 a.m. 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
267 8 chén Kangxi radical 161 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
268 8 chén a day 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
269 8 chén the sun 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
270 8 chén time 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
271 8 chén the North Star 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
272 8 chén conjunction of the moon and the sun 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
273 8 chén a celestial body 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
274 8 chén early morning 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
275 8 chén destiny 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
276 8 chén Chen 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
277 8 bìng to combine; to amalgamate 桓穆二帝並禮重操
278 8 bìng to combine 桓穆二帝並禮重操
279 8 bìng to resemble; to be like 桓穆二帝並禮重操
280 8 bìng to stand side-by-side 桓穆二帝並禮重操
281 8 bīng Taiyuan 桓穆二帝並禮重操
282 8 bìng equally; both; together 桓穆二帝並禮重操
283 8 bēn to run fast 凶逆奔亡
284 8 bèn to flee 凶逆奔亡
285 8 bēn to hurry 凶逆奔亡
286 8 bēn to be unrestrained 凶逆奔亡
287 8 bēn to elope 凶逆奔亡
288 8 bēn Ben 凶逆奔亡
289 8 bèn to go directly 凶逆奔亡
290 8 to break; to split; to smash 羯黨破喪
291 8 worn-out; broken 羯黨破喪
292 8 to destroy; to ruin 羯黨破喪
293 8 to break a rule; to allow an exception 羯黨破喪
294 8 to defeat 羯黨破喪
295 8 low quality; in poor condition 羯黨破喪
296 8 to strike; to hit 羯黨破喪
297 8 to spend [money]; to squander 羯黨破喪
298 8 to disprove [an argument] 羯黨破喪
299 8 finale 羯黨破喪
300 8 to use up; to exhaust 羯黨破喪
301 8 to penetrate 羯黨破喪
302 8 liú Liu 劉庫仁
303 8 liú an axe; a hatchet 劉庫仁
304 8 liú to massacre; to slaughter 劉庫仁
305 8 liú sparse; scattered 劉庫仁
306 8 qiǎn to send; to dispatch 遣參軍壺倫
307 8 qiǎn to banish; to exile 遣參軍壺倫
308 8 qiǎn to release 遣參軍壺倫
309 8 qiǎn to divorce 遣參軍壺倫
310 8 qiǎn to eliminate 遣參軍壺倫
311 8 qiǎn to cause 遣參軍壺倫
312 8 qiǎn to use; to apply 遣參軍壺倫
313 8 qiàn to bring to a grave 遣參軍壺倫
314 8 zhēn real; true; genuine 族人奴真領部來附
315 8 zhēn sincere 族人奴真領部來附
316 8 zhēn Zhen 族人奴真領部來附
317 8 zhēn regular script 族人奴真領部來附
318 8 zhēn a portrait 族人奴真領部來附
319 8 zhēn natural state 族人奴真領部來附
320 8 zhēn perfect 族人奴真領部來附
321 8 zhēn ideal 族人奴真領部來附
322 8 zhēn an immortal 族人奴真領部來附
323 8 zhēn a true official appointment 族人奴真領部來附
324 8 gōng merit 功著周室
325 8 gōng service; work; effort 功著周室
326 8 gōng skill 功著周室
327 8 gōng an achievement; an accomplishment 功著周室
328 8 gōng deserving praise 功著周室
329 8 gōng level of morning ritual 功著周室
330 8 gōng an effect; a result 功著周室
331 8 gōng a kind of funeral dress 功著周室
332 8 gōng work (physics) 功著周室
333 8 infix potential marker 強不淩弱
334 8 desire 欲引兵駕
335 8 to desire; to wish 欲引兵駕
336 8 to desire; to intend 欲引兵駕
337 8 lust 欲引兵駕
338 8 Kangxi radical 71 國無姦盜
339 8 to not have; without 國無姦盜
340 8 mo 國無姦盜
341 8 to not have 國無姦盜
342 8 Wu 國無姦盜
343 8 to enter 疹入脉膚
344 8 Kangxi radical 11 疹入脉膚
345 8 radical 疹入脉膚
346 8 income 疹入脉膚
347 8 to conform with 疹入脉膚
348 8 to descend 疹入脉膚
349 8 the entering tone 疹入脉膚
350 8 to pay 疹入脉膚
351 8 to join 疹入脉膚
352 8 letter; symbol; character 字德元
353 8 Zi 字德元
354 8 to love 字德元
355 8 to teach; to educate 字德元
356 8 to be allowed to marry 字德元
357 8 courtesy name; style name; scholarly or literary name 字德元
358 8 diction; wording 字德元
359 8 handwriting 字德元
360 8 calligraphy; a work of calligraphy 字德元
361 8 a written pledge; a letter; a contract 字德元
362 8 a font; a calligraphic style 字德元
363 8 the phonetic value of a character; the pronunciation of a character 字德元
364 8 nán south 操立碑於大邗城南
365 8 nán nan 操立碑於大邗城南
366 8 nán southern part 操立碑於大邗城南
367 8 nán southward 操立碑於大邗城南
368 7 to move one's abode; to shift; to migrate 後琨徙五縣之民於陘南
369 7 Xi 後琨徙五縣之民於陘南
370 7 to change behavior 後琨徙五縣之民於陘南
371 7 to go through a period of time 後琨徙五縣之民於陘南
372 7 to transfer post 後琨徙五縣之民於陘南
373 7 to banish [to the frontier] 後琨徙五縣之民於陘南
374 7 to escape 後琨徙五縣之民於陘南
375 7 jiàng a general; a high ranking officer 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
376 7 jiāng to progress; to transmit; to convey; to send 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
377 7 jiàng to command; to lead 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
378 7 qiāng to request 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
379 7 jiāng to bring; to take; to use; to hold 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
380 7 jiāng to support; to wait upon; to take care of 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
381 7 jiāng to checkmate 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
382 7 jiāng to goad; to incite; to provoke 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
383 7 jiāng to do; to handle 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
384 7 jiàng backbone 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
385 7 jiàng king 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
386 7 jiāng to rest 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
387 7 jiàng a senior member of an organization 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
388 7 jiāng large; great 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
389 7 wén writing; text 操展文謀
390 7 wén Kangxi radical 67 操展文謀
391 7 wén Wen 操展文謀
392 7 wén lines or grain on an object 操展文謀
393 7 wén culture 操展文謀
394 7 wén refined writings 操展文謀
395 7 wén civil; non-military 操展文謀
396 7 wén to conceal a fault; gloss over 操展文謀
397 7 wén wen 操展文謀
398 7 wén ornamentation; adornment 操展文謀
399 7 wén to ornament; to adorn 操展文謀
400 7 wén beautiful 操展文謀
401 7 wén a text; a manuscript 操展文謀
402 7 wén a group responsible for ritual and music 操展文謀
403 7 wén the text of an imperial order 操展文謀
404 7 wén liberal arts 操展文謀
405 7 wén a rite; a ritual 操展文謀
406 7 wén a tattoo 操展文謀
407 7 wén a classifier for copper coins 操展文謀
408 7 shí time; a point or period of time 時逢多難
409 7 shí a season; a quarter of a year 時逢多難
410 7 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 時逢多難
411 7 shí fashionable 時逢多難
412 7 shí fate; destiny; luck 時逢多難
413 7 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 時逢多難
414 7 shí tense 時逢多難
415 7 shí particular; special 時逢多難
416 7 shí to plant; to cultivate 時逢多難
417 7 shí an era; a dynasty 時逢多難
418 7 shí time [abstract] 時逢多難
419 7 shí seasonal 時逢多難
420 7 shí to wait upon 時逢多難
421 7 shí hour 時逢多難
422 7 shí appropriate; proper; timely 時逢多難
423 7 shí Shi 時逢多難
424 7 shí a present; currentlt 時逢多難
425 7 Mo 莫含
426 7 慕容 mùróng Murong 討慕容寶廣寧太守劉亢埿
427 7 shā to kill; to murder; to slaughter 欲盡殺之
428 7 shā to hurt 欲盡殺之
429 7 shā to pare off; to reduce; to clip 欲盡殺之
430 7 shì a generation 雄字世遠
431 7 shì a period of thirty years 雄字世遠
432 7 shì the world 雄字世遠
433 7 shì years; age 雄字世遠
434 7 shì a dynasty 雄字世遠
435 7 shì secular; worldly 雄字世遠
436 7 shì over generations 雄字世遠
437 7 shì world 雄字世遠
438 7 shì an era 雄字世遠
439 7 shì from generation to generation; across generations 雄字世遠
440 7 shì to keep good family relations 雄字世遠
441 7 shì Shi 雄字世遠
442 7 shì a geologic epoch 雄字世遠
443 7 shì hereditary 雄字世遠
444 7 shì later generations 雄字世遠
445 7 shì a successor; an heir 雄字世遠
446 7 shì the current times 雄字世遠
447 7 bìng to combine; to amalgamate 敢擊并土
448 7 bìng to combine 敢擊并土
449 7 bìng to resemble; to be like 敢擊并土
450 7 bìng to stand side-by-side 敢擊并土
451 7 bīng Taiyuan 敢擊并土
452 7 bìng equally; both; together 敢擊并土
453 7 rate; frequency; proportion; ratio 澹與劉琨任子遵率烏丸
454 7 shuài to lead; command 澹與劉琨任子遵率烏丸
455 7 shuài hasty; rash; careless 澹與劉琨任子遵率烏丸
456 7 a rule; a standard; a limit 澹與劉琨任子遵率烏丸
457 7 shuài candid; straightforward; frank 澹與劉琨任子遵率烏丸
458 7 shuài to obey; to follow 澹與劉琨任子遵率烏丸
459 7 shuài a model; an example 澹與劉琨任子遵率烏丸
460 7 shuài a bird catching net 澹與劉琨任子遵率烏丸
461 7 shuài a leader; an army commander 澹與劉琨任子遵率烏丸
462 7 to calculate 澹與劉琨任子遵率烏丸
463 7 shuài Shuai 澹與劉琨任子遵率烏丸
464 7 děng et cetera; and so on 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
465 7 děng to wait 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
466 7 děng to be equal 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
467 7 děng degree; level 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
468 7 děng to compare 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
469 7 a slave 族人奴真領部來附
470 7 a servant 族人奴真領部來附
471 7 enslave 族人奴真領部來附
472 7 assistant to a magician or scholar 族人奴真領部來附
473 7 humble self 族人奴真領部來附
474 7 lackey 族人奴真領部來附
475 7 Nu 族人奴真領部來附
476 7 wén to hear 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
477 7 wén Wen 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
478 7 wén sniff at; to smell 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
479 7 wén to be widely known 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
480 7 wén to confirm; to accept 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
481 7 wén information 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
482 7 wèn famous; well known 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
483 7 wén knowledge; learning 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
484 7 wèn popularity; prestige; reputation 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
485 7 wén to question 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
486 7 topic; subject 顯子題
487 7 to inscribe 顯子題
488 7 to recount; to narrate 顯子題
489 7 a title 顯子題
490 7 forehead 顯子題
491 7 Ti 顯子題
492 7 an exam question 顯子題
493 7 cún to exist; to survive 危邦復存
494 7 cún to store; to keep 危邦復存
495 7 cún to collect; to accumulate 危邦復存
496 7 cún to deposit; to save 危邦復存
497 7 cún to retain 危邦復存
498 7 cún on the balance; in stock 危邦復存
499 7 cún to cherish 危邦復存
500 7 cún to raise 危邦復存

Frequencies of all Words

Top 921

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 64 zhī him; her; them; that 桓帝嘉之
2 64 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 桓帝嘉之
3 64 zhī to go 桓帝嘉之
4 64 zhī this; that 桓帝嘉之
5 64 zhī genetive marker 桓帝嘉之
6 64 zhī it 桓帝嘉之
7 64 zhī in; in regards to 桓帝嘉之
8 64 zhī all 桓帝嘉之
9 64 zhī and 桓帝嘉之
10 64 zhī however 桓帝嘉之
11 64 zhī if 桓帝嘉之
12 64 zhī then 桓帝嘉之
13 64 zhī to arrive; to go 桓帝嘉之
14 64 zhī is 桓帝嘉之
15 64 zhī to use 桓帝嘉之
16 64 zhī Zhi 桓帝嘉之
17 64 zhī winding 桓帝嘉之
18 23 so as to; in order to 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
19 23 to use; to regard as 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
20 23 to use; to grasp 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
21 23 according to 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
22 23 because of 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
23 23 on a certain date 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
24 23 and; as well as 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
25 23 to rely on 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
26 23 to regard 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
27 23 to be able to 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
28 23 to order; to command 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
29 23 further; moreover 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
30 23 used after a verb 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
31 23 very 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
32 23 already 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
33 23 increasingly 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
34 23 a reason; a cause 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
35 23 Israel 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
36 23 Yi 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
37 22 warehouse; storehouse; library; store 劉庫仁
38 22 Coulomb 劉庫仁
39 22 armoury 劉庫仁
40 22 shè She 劉庫仁
41 21 wèi to guard; to protect; to defend 衞操
42 21 wèi for; to 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
43 21 wèi because of 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
44 21 wéi to act as; to serve 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
45 21 wéi to change into; to become 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
46 21 wéi to be; is 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
47 21 wéi to do 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
48 21 wèi for 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
49 21 wèi because of; for; to 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
50 21 wèi to 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
51 21 wéi in a passive construction 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
52 21 wéi forming a rehetorical question 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
53 21 wéi forming an adverb 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
54 21 wéi to add emphasis 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
55 21 wèi to support; to help 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
56 21 wéi to govern 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
57 21 rén a kernel; a pit 劉庫仁
58 21 rén benevolent; humane 劉庫仁
59 21 rén benevolence; humanity 劉庫仁
60 21 rén a benevolent person 劉庫仁
61 21 rén kindness 劉庫仁
62 21 rén polite form of address 劉庫仁
63 21 rén to pity 劉庫仁
64 21 rén a person 劉庫仁
65 21 rén Ren 劉庫仁
66 20 emperor; supreme ruler 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
67 20 the ruler of Heaven 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
68 20 a god 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
69 20 imperialism 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
70 20 his; hers; its; theirs 靡離其殃
71 20 to add emphasis 靡離其殃
72 20 used when asking a question in reply to a question 靡離其殃
73 20 used when making a request or giving an order 靡離其殃
74 20 he; her; it; them 靡離其殃
75 20 probably; likely 靡離其殃
76 20 will 靡離其殃
77 20 may 靡離其殃
78 20 if 靡離其殃
79 20 or 靡離其殃
80 20 Qi 靡離其殃
81 18 hóu marquis; lord 封定襄侯
82 18 hóu a target in archery 封定襄侯
83 18 huán to pace; to linger 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
84 18 huán varnish tree; goldenrain tree 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
85 18 huán signpost; post for announcements 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
86 18 huán to coil around 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
87 18 huán Huan 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
88 18 in; at 數使於國
89 18 in; at 數使於國
90 18 in; at; to; from 數使於國
91 18 to go; to 數使於國
92 18 to rely on; to depend on 數使於國
93 18 to go to; to arrive at 數使於國
94 18 from 數使於國
95 18 give 數使於國
96 18 oppposing 數使於國
97 18 and 數使於國
98 18 compared to 數使於國
99 18 by 數使於國
100 18 and; as well as 數使於國
101 18 for 數使於國
102 18 Yu 數使於國
103 18 a crow 數使於國
104 18 whew; wow 數使於國
105 17 ministry; department 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
106 17 section; part; measure word for films and books 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
107 17 section; part 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
108 17 troops 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
109 17 a category; a kind 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
110 17 to command; to control 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
111 17 radical 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
112 17 headquarters 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
113 17 unit 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
114 17 to put in order; to arrange 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
115 14 yuē to speak; to say 諡曰義烈
116 14 yuē Kangxi radical 73 諡曰義烈
117 14 yuē to be called 諡曰義烈
118 14 yuē particle without meaning 諡曰義烈
119 14 太祖 tàizǔ Taizu; Great Ancestor 太祖使題與將軍王建等三軍
120 14 太祖 tàizǔ progenitor 太祖使題與將軍王建等三軍
121 14 èr two 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
122 14 èr Kangxi radical 7 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
123 14 èr second 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
124 14 èr twice; double; di- 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
125 14 èr another; the other 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
126 14 èr more than one kind 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
127 14 將軍 jiāngjūn a general 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
128 14 將軍 jiāngjūn to capture the enemy; check 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
129 14 big; huge; large 操立碑於大邗城南
130 14 Kangxi radical 37 操立碑於大邗城南
131 14 great; major; important 操立碑於大邗城南
132 14 size 操立碑於大邗城南
133 14 old 操立碑於大邗城南
134 14 greatly; very 操立碑於大邗城南
135 14 oldest; earliest 操立碑於大邗城南
136 14 adult 操立碑於大邗城南
137 14 tài greatest; grand 操立碑於大邗城南
138 14 dài an important person 操立碑於大邗城南
139 14 senior 操立碑於大邗城南
140 14 approximately 操立碑於大邗城南
141 14 tài greatest; grand 操立碑於大邗城南
142 14 and 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
143 14 to give 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
144 14 together with 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
145 14 interrogative particle 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
146 14 to accompany 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
147 14 to particate in 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
148 14 of the same kind 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
149 14 to help 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
150 14 for 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
151 14 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
152 14 ér Kangxi radical 126 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
153 14 ér you 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
154 14 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
155 14 ér right away; then 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
156 14 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
157 14 ér if; in case; in the event that 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
158 14 ér therefore; as a result; thus 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
159 14 ér how can it be that? 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
160 14 ér so as to 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
161 14 ér only then 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
162 14 ér as if; to seem like 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
163 14 néng can; able 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
164 14 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
165 14 ér me 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
166 14 ér to arrive; up to 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
167 14 ér possessive 東瀛公司馬騰聞而善之
168 13 kūn beautiful jade; precious stones 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
169 13 jìn shanxi 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
170 13 jìn jin [dynasty] 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
171 13 jìn to move forward; to promote; to advance 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
172 13 jìn to raise 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
173 13 jìn Jin [state] 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
174 13 jìn Jin 晉征北將軍衞瓘以操為牙門將
175 13 rén person; people; a human being 代人也
176 13 rén Kangxi radical 9 代人也
177 13 rén a kind of person 代人也
178 13 rén everybody 代人也
179 13 rén adult 代人也
180 13 rén somebody; others 代人也
181 13 rén an upright person 代人也
182 12 cāo to conduct; to run; to manage 衛操
183 12 cāo to hold 衛操
184 12 cāo to drive 衛操
185 12 cāo to control 衛操
186 12 cāo to train; to drill 衛操
187 12 cāo to use a certain tone or accent 衛操
188 12 cāo a drill; an exercise 衛操
189 12 cāo morality; conduct; commitment 衛操
190 12 cāo a tune 衛操
191 12 cāo Cao 衛操
192 12 cāo to strive [to do] 衛操
193 12 cāo to speak [a language] 衛操
194 12 cāo to caress; to stroke 衛操
195 12 cāo manner 衛操
196 12 hán to contain 莫含
197 12 hán to hold in the mouth 莫含
198 12 hán to harbor feelings; to cherish 莫含
199 12 hán to withold; to hold in; to restrain; to endure 莫含
200 12 hán to be infused with [color] 莫含
201 12 hán to tolerate; to forgive 莫含
202 12 hàn a piece of jade placed in the mouth of the deceased 莫含
203 12 hàn to place a piece of jade placed in the mouth of the deceased 莫含
204 12 yǒu is; are; to exist 有才略
205 12 yǒu to have; to possess 有才略
206 12 yǒu indicates an estimate 有才略
207 12 yǒu indicates a large quantity 有才略
208 12 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 有才略
209 12 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 有才略
210 12 yǒu used to compare two things 有才略
211 12 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 有才略
212 12 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 有才略
213 12 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 有才略
214 12 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 有才略
215 12 yǒu abundant 有才略
216 12 yǒu purposeful 有才略
217 12 yǒu You 有才略
218 12 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 威武所向
219 12 suǒ an office; an institute 威武所向
220 12 suǒ introduces a relative clause 威武所向
221 12 suǒ it 威武所向
222 12 suǒ if; supposing 威武所向
223 12 suǒ a few; various; some 威武所向
224 12 suǒ a place; a location 威武所向
225 12 suǒ indicates a passive voice 威武所向
226 12 suǒ that which 威武所向
227 12 suǒ an ordinal number 威武所向
228 12 suǒ meaning 威武所向
229 12 suǒ garrison 威武所向
230 11 dàn calm; quiet; tranquil 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
231 11 tán Tan 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
232 11 dàn pallid; pale 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
233 11 xiǎn to show; to manifest; to display 顯名載籍
234 11 xiǎn Xian 顯名載籍
235 11 xiǎn evident; clear 顯名載籍
236 11 xiǎn distinguished 顯名載籍
237 11 xiǎn honored 顯名載籍
238 11 guó a country; a nation 數使於國
239 11 guó the capital of a state 數使於國
240 11 guó a feud; a vassal state 數使於國
241 11 guó a state; a kingdom 數使於國
242 11 guó a place; a land 數使於國
243 11 guó domestic; Chinese 數使於國
244 11 guó national 數使於國
245 11 guó top in the nation 數使於國
246 11 guó Guo 數使於國
247 11 chuí to hang ; to suspend; to droop 垂名金石
248 11 chuí almost; nearly; about to 垂名金石
249 11 chuí to hand down; to bequeath 垂名金石
250 11 chuí to approach 垂名金石
251 11 chuí to descend; to drop; to fall 垂名金石
252 11 chuí to condescend; to be so kind to 垂名金石
253 11 chuí honoring previous generations 垂名金石
254 11 also; too 代人也
255 11 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 代人也
256 11 either 代人也
257 11 even 代人也
258 11 used to soften the tone 代人也
259 11 used for emphasis 代人也
260 11 used to mark contrast 代人也
261 11 used to mark compromise 代人也
262 11 xióng manly; valiant 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
263 11 xióng male [birds] 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
264 11 xióng a hero; a champion 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
265 11 xióng powerful; mighty; outstanding 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
266 11 xióng imposing; grand; dominating 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
267 11 xióng abundant; well stocked 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
268 11 xióng arsenic disulfde; realgar 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
269 11 xióng second of four categories of prefectures 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
270 11 xióng victory 與從子雄及其宗室鄉親姬澹等十數人
271 11 naturally; of course; certainly 頗自結附
272 11 from; since 頗自結附
273 11 self; oneself; itself 頗自結附
274 11 Kangxi radical 132 頗自結附
275 11 Zi 頗自結附
276 11 a nose 頗自結附
277 11 the beginning; the start 頗自結附
278 11 origin 頗自結附
279 11 originally 頗自結附
280 11 still; to remain 頗自結附
281 11 in person; personally 頗自結附
282 11 in addition; besides 頗自結附
283 11 if; even if 頗自結附
284 11 but 頗自結附
285 11 because 頗自結附
286 11 to employ; to use 頗自結附
287 11 to be 頗自結附
288 11 yòu again; also 又云
289 11 yòu expresses the existence of simultaneous conditions 又云
290 11 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又云
291 11 yòu and 又云
292 11 yòu furthermore 又云
293 11 yòu in addition 又云
294 11 yòu but 又云
295 11 to reach 及劉淵
296 11 and 及劉淵
297 11 coming to; when 及劉淵
298 11 to attain 及劉淵
299 11 to understand 及劉淵
300 11 able to be compared to; to catch up with 及劉淵
301 11 to be involved with; to associate with 及劉淵
302 11 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 及劉淵
303 10 Mu 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
304 10 majestic; solemn; reverent 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
305 10 calm; well disposed 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
306 10 understanding; even-tempered 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
307 10 beautiful 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
308 10 an ancestral tablet 說桓穆二帝招納晉人
309 10 hòu after; later 始祖崩後
310 10 hòu empress; queen 始祖崩後
311 10 hòu sovereign 始祖崩後
312 10 hòu behind 始祖崩後
313 10 hòu the god of the earth 始祖崩後
314 10 hòu late; later 始祖崩後
315 10 hòu arriving late 始祖崩後
316 10 hòu offspring; descendents 始祖崩後
317 10 hòu to fall behind; to lag 始祖崩後
318 10 hòu behind; back 始祖崩後
319 10 hòu then 始祖崩後
320 10 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 始祖崩後
321 10 hòu Hou 始祖崩後
322 10 hòu after; behind 始祖崩後
323 10 hòu following 始祖崩後
324 10 hòu to be delayed 始祖崩後
325 10 hòu to abandon; to discard 始祖崩後
326 10 hòu feudal lords 始祖崩後
327 10 hòu Hou 始祖崩後
328 10 yún cloud
329 10 yún Yunnan
330 10 yún Yun
331 10 yún to say
332 10 yún to have
333 10 yún a particle with no meaning
334 10 yún in this way
335 9 zhōu a state; a province 并州刺史
336 9 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 并州刺史
337 9 zhōu a prefecture 并州刺史
338 9 zhōu a country 并州刺史
339 9 zhōu an island 并州刺史
340 9 zhōu Zhou 并州刺史
341 9 zhōu autonomous prefecture 并州刺史
342 9 zhōu a country 并州刺史
343 9 zhòng many; numerous 於是晉人附者稍眾
344 9 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 於是晉人附者稍眾
345 9 zhòng general; common; public 於是晉人附者稍眾
346 9 also; too 外動亦攘
347 9 but 外動亦攘
348 9 this; he; she 外動亦攘
349 9 although; even though 外動亦攘
350 9 already 外動亦攘
351 9 particle with no meaning 外動亦攘
352 9 Yi 外動亦攘
353 9 tíng pavilion 義陽亭侯衞謨
354 9 tíng to erect 義陽亭侯衞謨
355 9 child; son 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
356 9 egg; newborn 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
357 9 first earthly branch 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
358 9 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
359 9 Kangxi radical 39 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
360 9 zi indicates that the the word is used as a noun 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
361 9 pellet; something small and hard 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
362 9 master 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
363 9 viscount 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
364 9 zi you; your honor 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
365 9 masters 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
366 9 person 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
367 9 young 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
368 9 seed 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
369 9 subordinate; subsidiary 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
370 9 a copper coin 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
371 9 bundle 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
372 9 female dragonfly 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
373 9 constituent 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
374 9 offspring; descendants 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
375 9 dear 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
376 9 little one 存者多隨劉琨任子遵南奔
377 9 juàn to have kind feelings for; fond of 庫仁弟眷
378 9 juàn to care for 庫仁弟眷
379 9 juàn to look back at 庫仁弟眷
380 9 juàn family members; loved ones 庫仁弟眷
381 9 míng measure word for people 顯名載籍
382 9 míng fame; renown; reputation 顯名載籍
383 9 míng a name; personal name; designation 顯名載籍
384 9 míng rank; position 顯名載籍
385 9 míng an excuse 顯名載籍
386 9 míng life 顯名載籍
387 9 míng to name; to call 顯名載籍
388 9 míng to express; to describe 顯名載籍
389 9 míng to be called; to have the name 顯名載籍
390 9 míng to own; to possess 顯名載籍
391 9 míng famous; renowned 顯名載籍
392 9 míng moral 顯名載籍
393 9 zhì to; until 稍遷至右將軍
394 9 zhì Kangxi radical 133 稍遷至右將軍
395 9 zhì extremely; very; most 稍遷至右將軍
396 9 zhì to arrive 稍遷至右將軍
397 9 xūn a meritorious deed 勳烈光延
398 9 xūn merit 勳烈光延
399 9 xūn rank 勳烈光延
400 9 in; at 永垂于後
401 9 in; at 永垂于後
402 9 in; at; to; from 永垂于後
403 9 to go; to 永垂于後
404 9 to rely on; to depend on 永垂于後
405 9 to go to; to arrive at 永垂于後
406 9 from 永垂于後
407 9 give 永垂于後
408 9 oppposing 永垂于後
409 9 and 永垂于後
410 9 compared to 永垂于後
411 9 by 永垂于後
412 9 and; as well as 永垂于後
413 9 for 永垂于後
414 9 Yu 永垂于後
415 9 a crow 永垂于後
416 9 whew; wow 永垂于後
417 8 chén Fifth Earthly Branch 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
418 8 chén 7-9 a.m. 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
419 8 chén Kangxi radical 161 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
420 8 chén a day 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
421 8 chén the sun 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
422 8 chén time 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
423 8 chén the North Star 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
424 8 chén conjunction of the moon and the sun 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
425 8 chén a celestial body 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
426 8 chén early morning 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
427 8 chén destiny 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
428 8 chén Chen 令與衞辰分國部眾而統之
429 8 bìng and; furthermore; also 桓穆二帝並禮重操
430 8 bìng completely; entirely 桓穆二帝並禮重操
431 8 bìng to combine; to amalgamate 桓穆二帝並禮重操
432 8 bìng to combine 桓穆二帝並禮重操
433 8 bìng to resemble; to be like 桓穆二帝並禮重操
434 8 bìng both; equally 桓穆二帝並禮重操
435 8 bìng both; side-by-side; equally 桓穆二帝並禮重操
436 8 bìng completely; entirely 桓穆二帝並禮重操
437 8 bìng to stand side-by-side 桓穆二帝並禮重操
438 8 bìng definitely; absolutely; actually 桓穆二帝並禮重操
439 8 bīng Taiyuan 桓穆二帝並禮重操
440 8 bìng equally; both; together 桓穆二帝並禮重操
441 8 bēn to run fast 凶逆奔亡
442 8 bèn to flee 凶逆奔亡
443 8 bēn to hurry 凶逆奔亡
444 8 bēn to be unrestrained 凶逆奔亡
445 8 bēn to elope 凶逆奔亡
446 8 bēn Ben 凶逆奔亡
447 8 bèn to go directly 凶逆奔亡
448 8 to break; to split; to smash 羯黨破喪
449 8 worn-out; broken 羯黨破喪
450 8 to destroy; to ruin 羯黨破喪
451 8 to break a rule; to allow an exception 羯黨破喪
452 8 to defeat 羯黨破喪
453 8 low quality; in poor condition 羯黨破喪
454 8 to strike; to hit 羯黨破喪
455 8 to spend [money]; to squander 羯黨破喪
456 8 to disprove [an argument] 羯黨破喪
457 8 finale 羯黨破喪
458 8 to use up; to exhaust 羯黨破喪
459 8 to penetrate 羯黨破喪
460 8 liú Liu 劉庫仁
461 8 liú an axe; a hatchet 劉庫仁
462 8 liú to massacre; to slaughter 劉庫仁
463 8 liú sparse; scattered 劉庫仁
464 8 qiǎn to send; to dispatch 遣參軍壺倫
465 8 qiǎn to banish; to exile 遣參軍壺倫
466 8 qiǎn to release 遣參軍壺倫
467 8 qiǎn to divorce 遣參軍壺倫
468 8 qiǎn to eliminate 遣參軍壺倫
469 8 qiǎn to cause 遣參軍壺倫
470 8 qiǎn to use; to apply 遣參軍壺倫
471 8 qiàn to bring to a grave 遣參軍壺倫
472 8 zhēn real; true; genuine 族人奴真領部來附
473 8 zhēn really; indeed; genuinely 族人奴真領部來附
474 8 zhēn sincere 族人奴真領部來附
475 8 zhēn Zhen 族人奴真領部來附
476 8 zhēn clearly; unmistakably 族人奴真領部來附
477 8 zhēn regular script 族人奴真領部來附
478 8 zhēn a portrait 族人奴真領部來附
479 8 zhēn natural state 族人奴真領部來附
480 8 zhēn perfect 族人奴真領部來附
481 8 zhēn ideal 族人奴真領部來附
482 8 zhēn an immortal 族人奴真領部來附
483 8 zhēn a true official appointment 族人奴真領部來附
484 8 gōng merit 功著周室
485 8 gōng service; work; effort 功著周室
486 8 gōng skill 功著周室
487 8 gōng an achievement; an accomplishment 功著周室
488 8 gōng deserving praise 功著周室
489 8 gōng level of morning ritual 功著周室
490 8 gōng an effect; a result 功著周室
491 8 gōng a kind of funeral dress 功著周室
492 8 gōng work (physics) 功著周室
493 8 not; no 強不淩弱
494 8 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 強不淩弱
495 8 as a correlative 強不淩弱
496 8 no (answering a question) 強不淩弱
497 8 forms a negative adjective from a noun 強不淩弱
498 8 at the end of a sentence to form a question 強不淩弱
499 8 to form a yes or no question 強不淩弱
500 8 infix potential marker 強不淩弱

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
安乐 安樂 196
  1. peaceful and happy; content
  2. Anle
  3. Anle district
北方 98 The North
北史 98 History of the Northern Dynasties
长安 長安 99
  1. Chang'an
  2. Chang'an
  3. Chang'an reign
  4. Chang'an
常山 99 Changshan
刺史 99 Regional Inspector
代郡 100 Dai Commandery
代王 100 Prince of Dai
大康 100 Dakang
道教 100 Taosim
  1. Di peoples
  2. Di
丁零 100 Dingling
定襄 100 Dingxiang
东瀛 東瀛 100 East China Sea
102 Fen
公孙 公孫 103 Gongsun
广宁 廣寧 103 Guangning
关内 關內 103 Guannei Circuit
关中 關中 103 Guanzhong
  1. Korea; South Korea
  2. State of Han
  3. fence; low wall
  4. Han
104 Han River
贺兰 賀蘭 104 Helan
河西 104 Hexi
  1. a thistle
  2. Ji
  3. Ji
  1. a large river
  2. Yangtze River
  3. Jiang
  4. Jiangsu
  5. Jiang
建武 106 Jianwu reign
羯胡 106 Jie people
  1. shanxi
  2. jin [dynasty]
  3. to move forward; to promote; to advance
  4. to raise
  5. Jin [state]
  6. Jin
晋书 晉書 106 Book of Jin; History of the Jin Dynasty
晋阳 晉陽 106 Jinyang
九译 九譯 74 Records of the Nine Interpreters
济阳 濟陽 106 Jiyang
  1. wolf
  2. Lang peoples
  3. Sirius
  4. Lang
乐平 樂平 76 Leping
刘渊 劉淵 108 Liu Yuan
六月 108 June; the Sixth Month
龙文 龍文 108 Longwen
  1. Luo
  2. Luo River
  3. Luoyang
茂林 109 Maolin
马邑 馬邑 109 Mayi
慕容 109 Murong
南奔 110 Lamphun
平城 112
  1. Ping Cheng
  2. Pyongsongg
113 Qi [River]
  1. Shaanxi
  2. Qin Dynasty
  3. State of Qin
  4. Qin
  1. you; thou
  2. Ru River
  3. Ru
上党 上黨 115 Shangdang
神䴥 115 Shenjia reign
世祖 115 Shi Zu
石勒 115 Shi Le
寿阳 壽陽 115 Shouyang
四月 115 April; the Fourth Month
太守 116 Governor
太原 116 Taiyuan
天顺 天順 116 Emperor Tianshun; Emperor Zhengtong
桐乡 桐鄉 116 Tongxiang
拓跋氏 116 Tuoba
王建 119 Wang Jian
武平 119 Wu Ping; Gao Wei of Norther Qi
五原 119 Wuyuan
鲜卑 鮮卑 120 Xianbei People
猃狁 獫狁 120 Xianyun; Xiongnu
西山 120 Western Hills
轩辕 軒轅 120 Xuanyuan
雁门 雁門 121 Yanmen
  1. Ye
  2. Ye
121 a tribe of savages in South China
阴山 陰山 121 Yin mountains
永安 121 Yong'an reign
永兴 121
  1. Yongxing reign
  2. Yongxing reign
  3. Yongxing
雍州 121 Yongzhou
幽州 121 Youzhou; Fanyang
122 Zhang
昭成 122 Zhaocheng
昭成皇帝 122 Emperor Zhaocheng
执金吾 執金吾 122 Imperial Guard
中行 122 Bank of China
左将军 左將軍 122 General of the Left; Commander of the Left


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English