Glossary and Vocabulary for Book of Wei 魏書, 卷67 崔光 Volume 67: Cui Guang

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 184 zhī to go 居青州之時水
2 184 zhī to arrive; to go 居青州之時水
3 184 zhī is 居青州之時水
4 184 zhī to use 居青州之時水
5 184 zhī Zhi 居青州之時水
6 184 zhī winding 居青州之時水
7 85 to use; to grasp 傭書以養父母
8 85 to rely on 傭書以養父母
9 85 to regard 傭書以養父母
10 85 to be able to 傭書以養父母
11 85 to order; to command 傭書以養父母
12 85 used after a verb 傭書以養父母
13 85 a reason; a cause 傭書以養父母
14 85 Israel 傭書以養父母
15 85 Yi 傭書以養父母
16 82 guāng light 崔光
17 82 guāng brilliant; bright; shining 崔光
18 82 guāng to shine 崔光
19 82 guāng to bare; to go naked 崔光
20 82 guāng bare; naked 崔光
21 82 guāng glory; honor 崔光
22 82 guāng scenery 崔光
23 82 guāng smooth 崔光
24 82 guāng sheen; luster; gloss 崔光
25 82 guāng time; a moment 崔光
26 82 guāng grace; favor 崔光
27 82 guāng Guang 崔光
28 82 guāng to manifest 崔光
29 81 wéi to act as; to serve 仕劉義隆為樂陵太守
30 81 wéi to change into; to become 仕劉義隆為樂陵太守
31 81 wéi to be; is 仕劉義隆為樂陵太守
32 81 wéi to do 仕劉義隆為樂陵太守
33 81 wèi to support; to help 仕劉義隆為樂陵太守
34 81 wéi to govern 仕劉義隆為樂陵太守
35 52 to go; to 喜怒不見於色
36 52 to rely on; to depend on 喜怒不見於色
37 52 Yu 喜怒不見於色
38 52 a crow 喜怒不見於色
39 49 ér Kangxi radical 126 高祖聞而嘉之
40 49 ér as if; to seem like 高祖聞而嘉之
41 49 néng can; able 高祖聞而嘉之
42 49 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 高祖聞而嘉之
43 49 ér to arrive; up to 高祖聞而嘉之
44 45 infix potential marker 終不自申曲直
45 43 suǒ a few; various; some 所經述敍古事
46 43 suǒ a place; a location 所經述敍古事
47 43 suǒ indicates a passive voice 所經述敍古事
48 43 suǒ an ordinal number 所經述敍古事
49 43 suǒ meaning 所經述敍古事
50 43 suǒ garrison 所經述敍古事
51 39 nián year 太和六年
52 39 nián New Year festival 太和六年
53 39 nián age 太和六年
54 39 nián life span; life expectancy 太和六年
55 39 nián an era; a period 太和六年
56 39 nián a date 太和六年
57 39 nián time; years 太和六年
58 39 nián harvest 太和六年
59 39 nián annual; every year 太和六年
60 37 Qi 其見重如是
61 35 chén minister; statesman; official 高祖每對羣臣曰
62 35 chén Kangxi radical 131 高祖每對羣臣曰
63 35 chén a slave 高祖每對羣臣曰
64 35 chén Chen 高祖每對羣臣曰
65 35 chén to obey; to comply 高祖每對羣臣曰
66 35 chén to command; to direct 高祖每對羣臣曰
67 35 chén a subject 高祖每對羣臣曰
68 29 èr two 有同郡二人並被掠為奴婢
69 29 èr Kangxi radical 7 有同郡二人並被掠為奴婢
70 29 èr second 有同郡二人並被掠為奴婢
71 29 èr twice; double; di- 有同郡二人並被掠為奴婢
72 29 èr more than one kind 有同郡二人並被掠為奴婢
73 27 wáng Wang 廣陽王淵等
74 27 wáng a king 廣陽王淵等
75 27 wáng Kangxi radical 96 廣陽王淵等
76 27 wàng to be king; to rule 廣陽王淵等
77 27 wáng a prince; a duke 廣陽王淵等
78 27 wáng grand; great 廣陽王淵等
79 27 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 廣陽王淵等
80 27 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 廣陽王淵等
81 27 wáng the head of a group or gang 廣陽王淵等
82 27 wáng the biggest or best of a group 廣陽王淵等
83 26 shì matter; thing; item 所經述敍古事
84 26 shì to serve 所經述敍古事
85 26 shì a government post 所經述敍古事
86 26 shì duty; post; work 所經述敍古事
87 26 shì occupation 所經述敍古事
88 26 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 所經述敍古事
89 26 shì an accident 所經述敍古事
90 26 shì to attend 所經述敍古事
91 26 shì an allusion 所經述敍古事
92 26 shì a condition; a state; a situation 所經述敍古事
93 26 shì to engage in 所經述敍古事
94 26 shì to enslave 所經述敍古事
95 26 shì to pursue 所經述敍古事
96 26 shì to administer 所經述敍古事
97 26 shì to appoint 所經述敍古事
98 25 hóng great; large 矧迺聖典鴻經
99 25 hóng wild goose 矧迺聖典鴻經
100 25 hóng a letter 矧迺聖典鴻經
101 25 jīn today; present; now 今雞一身已變
102 25 jīn Jin 今雞一身已變
103 25 jīn modern 今雞一身已變
104 24 juǎn to coil; to roll 伯山抱卷於河右
105 24 juǎn a coil; a roll; a scroll 伯山抱卷於河右
106 24 juàn a fascicle; a volume; a chapter; a scroll 伯山抱卷於河右
107 24 juǎn to sweep up; to carry away 伯山抱卷於河右
108 24 juǎn to involve; to embroil 伯山抱卷於河右
109 24 juǎn a break roll 伯山抱卷於河右
110 24 juàn an examination paper 伯山抱卷於河右
111 24 juàn a file 伯山抱卷於河右
112 24 quán crinkled; curled 伯山抱卷於河右
113 24 juǎn to include 伯山抱卷於河右
114 24 juǎn to store away 伯山抱卷於河右
115 24 juǎn to sever; to break off 伯山抱卷於河右
116 24 juǎn Juan 伯山抱卷於河右
117 24 juàn tired 伯山抱卷於河右
118 24 quán beautiful 伯山抱卷於河右
119 24 zhōng middle 拜中書博士
120 24 zhōng medium; medium sized 拜中書博士
121 24 zhōng China 拜中書博士
122 24 zhòng to hit the mark 拜中書博士
123 24 zhōng midday 拜中書博士
124 24 zhōng inside 拜中書博士
125 24 zhōng during 拜中書博士
126 24 zhōng Zhong 拜中書博士
127 24 zhōng intermediary 拜中書博士
128 24 zhōng half 拜中書博士
129 24 zhòng to reach; to attain 拜中書博士
130 24 zhòng to suffer; to infect 拜中書博士
131 24 zhòng to obtain 拜中書博士
132 24 zhòng to pass an exam 拜中書博士
133 24 one 敕賜羊車一乘
134 24 Kangxi radical 1 敕賜羊車一乘
135 24 pure; concentrated 敕賜羊車一乘
136 24 first 敕賜羊車一乘
137 24 the same 敕賜羊車一乘
138 24 sole; single 敕賜羊車一乘
139 24 a very small amount 敕賜羊車一乘
140 24 Yi 敕賜羊車一乘
141 24 other 敕賜羊車一乘
142 24 to unify 敕賜羊車一乘
143 24 accidentally; coincidentally 敕賜羊車一乘
144 24 abruptly; suddenly 敕賜羊車一乘
145 24 shàng top; a high position 彪上表求成魏書
146 24 shang top; the position on or above something 彪上表求成魏書
147 24 shàng to go up; to go forward 彪上表求成魏書
148 24 shàng shang 彪上表求成魏書
149 24 shàng previous; last 彪上表求成魏書
150 24 shàng high; higher 彪上表求成魏書
151 24 shàng advanced 彪上表求成魏書
152 24 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 彪上表求成魏書
153 24 shàng time 彪上表求成魏書
154 24 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 彪上表求成魏書
155 24 shàng far 彪上表求成魏書
156 24 shàng big; as big as 彪上表求成魏書
157 24 shàng abundant; plentiful 彪上表求成魏書
158 24 shàng to report 彪上表求成魏書
159 24 shàng to offer 彪上表求成魏書
160 24 shàng to go on stage 彪上表求成魏書
161 24 shàng to take office; to assume a post 彪上表求成魏書
162 24 shàng to install; to erect 彪上表求成魏書
163 24 shàng to suffer; to sustain 彪上表求成魏書
164 24 shàng to burn 彪上表求成魏書
165 24 shàng to remember 彪上表求成魏書
166 24 shàng to add 彪上表求成魏書
167 24 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 彪上表求成魏書
168 24 shàng to meet 彪上表求成魏書
169 24 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 彪上表求成魏書
170 24 shang used after a verb indicating a result 彪上表求成魏書
171 24 shàng a musical note 彪上表求成魏書
172 24 rén person; people; a human being 東清河鄃人也
173 24 rén Kangxi radical 9 東清河鄃人也
174 24 rén a kind of person 東清河鄃人也
175 24 rén everybody 東清河鄃人也
176 24 rén adult 東清河鄃人也
177 24 rén somebody; others 東清河鄃人也
178 24 rén an upright person 東清河鄃人也
179 23 Kangxi radical 71 無距
180 23 to not have; without 無距
181 23 mo 無距
182 23 to not have 無距
183 23 Wu 無距
184 23 sān three 慕容白曜之平三齊
185 23 sān third 慕容白曜之平三齊
186 23 sān more than two 慕容白曜之平三齊
187 23 sān very few 慕容白曜之平三齊
188 23 sān San 慕容白曜之平三齊
189 23 shū book 傭書以養父母
190 23 shū document; manuscript 傭書以養父母
191 23 shū letter 傭書以養父母
192 23 shū the Cannon of Documents 傭書以養父母
193 23 shū to write 傭書以養父母
194 23 shū writing 傭書以養父母
195 23 shū calligraphy; writing style 傭書以養父母
196 23 shū Shu 傭書以養父母
197 23 shū to record 傭書以養父母
198 22 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又兼太子少傅
199 22 yuē to speak; to say 常曰
200 22 yuē Kangxi radical 73 常曰
201 22 yuē to be called 常曰
202 22 letter; symbol; character 孟皇片字
203 22 Zi 孟皇片字
204 22 to love 孟皇片字
205 22 to teach; to educate 孟皇片字
206 22 to be allowed to marry 孟皇片字
207 22 courtesy name; style name; scholarly or literary name 孟皇片字
208 22 diction; wording 孟皇片字
209 22 handwriting 孟皇片字
210 22 calligraphy; a work of calligraphy 孟皇片字
211 22 a written pledge; a letter; a contract 孟皇片字
212 22 a font; a calligraphic style 孟皇片字
213 22 the phonetic value of a character; the pronunciation of a character 孟皇片字
214 22 nǎi to be 光乃以二口贖免
215 21 biǎo clock; a wrist watch 彪上表求成魏書
216 21 biǎo a coat; outer clothing 彪上表求成魏書
217 21 biǎo a mark; a border 彪上表求成魏書
218 21 biǎo appearance; exterior; bearing 彪上表求成魏書
219 21 biǎo to show; to express; to manifest; to display 彪上表求成魏書
220 21 biǎo a memorial; a memorial to the throne 彪上表求成魏書
221 21 biǎo an example; a model 彪上表求成魏書
222 21 biǎo a stele 彪上表求成魏書
223 21 biǎo a grave inscription 彪上表求成魏書
224 21 biǎo a record; a table; a report; a form 彪上表求成魏書
225 21 biǎo an alias; an alternative name 彪上表求成魏書
226 21 biǎo a meter; an instrument; a gauge 彪上表求成魏書
227 21 biǎo a prostitute 彪上表求成魏書
228 21 biǎo Biao 彪上表求成魏書
229 21 biǎo to put on a coat 彪上表求成魏書
230 21 biǎo to praise 彪上表求成魏書
231 21 biǎo to tell; to declare 彪上表求成魏書
232 21 biǎo to present a memorial 彪上表求成魏書
233 21 biǎo to recommend 彪上表求成魏書
234 21 biǎo to investigate; to review 彪上表求成魏書
235 21 biǎo to mount [a frame]; to display [a picture] 彪上表求成魏書
236 21 biǎo to give medicine for driving out cold 彪上表求成魏書
237 21 biǎo to adorn 彪上表求成魏書
238 21 biǎo to mark; to indicate 彪上表求成魏書
239 21 biǎo part of a sundial that casts a shadown; gnomon 彪上表求成魏書
240 21 zhào an imperial decree 詔許之
241 21 zhào to decree; to proclaim; to tell 詔許之
242 21 zhì Kangxi radical 133 遂至天下大亂
243 21 zhì to arrive 遂至天下大亂
244 20 chū rudimentary; elementary 皇興初
245 20 chū original 皇興初
246 20 將軍 jiāngjūn a general 劉駿龍驤將軍
247 20 將軍 jiāngjūn to capture the enemy; check 劉駿龍驤將軍
248 20 shí time; a point or period of time 居青州之時水
249 20 shí a season; a quarter of a year 居青州之時水
250 20 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 居青州之時水
251 20 shí fashionable 居青州之時水
252 20 shí fate; destiny; luck 居青州之時水
253 20 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 居青州之時水
254 20 shí tense 居青州之時水
255 20 shí particular; special 居青州之時水
256 20 shí to plant; to cultivate 居青州之時水
257 20 shí an era; a dynasty 居青州之時水
258 20 shí time [abstract] 居青州之時水
259 20 shí seasonal 居青州之時水
260 20 shí to wait upon 居青州之時水
261 20 shí hour 居青州之時水
262 20 shí appropriate; proper; timely 居青州之時水
263 20 shí Shi 居青州之時水
264 20 shí a present; currentlt 居青州之時水
265 20 bài to bow; to pay respect to 拜中書博士
266 20 bài to send greetings; to congratulate 拜中書博士
267 20 bài to visit 拜中書博士
268 20 bài to appoint; to confer a title 拜中書博士
269 20 bài to enter into a relationship 拜中書博士
270 20 bài a polite form; please 拜中書博士
271 20 bài Bai 拜中書博士
272 20 bài to perform a ritual 拜中書博士
273 20 bài to bend 拜中書博士
274 20 bài byte 拜中書博士
275 19 Yi 亦羣下相扇助之象
276 19 child; son 賜爵朝陽子
277 19 egg; newborn 賜爵朝陽子
278 19 first earthly branch 賜爵朝陽子
279 19 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 賜爵朝陽子
280 19 Kangxi radical 39 賜爵朝陽子
281 19 pellet; something small and hard 賜爵朝陽子
282 19 master 賜爵朝陽子
283 19 viscount 賜爵朝陽子
284 19 zi you; your honor 賜爵朝陽子
285 19 masters 賜爵朝陽子
286 19 person 賜爵朝陽子
287 19 young 賜爵朝陽子
288 19 seed 賜爵朝陽子
289 19 subordinate; subsidiary 賜爵朝陽子
290 19 a copper coin 賜爵朝陽子
291 19 female dragonfly 賜爵朝陽子
292 19 constituent 賜爵朝陽子
293 19 offspring; descendants 賜爵朝陽子
294 19 dear 賜爵朝陽子
295 19 little one 賜爵朝陽子
296 19 hòu after; later 後詣光求哀
297 19 hòu empress; queen 後詣光求哀
298 19 hòu sovereign 後詣光求哀
299 19 hòu the god of the earth 後詣光求哀
300 19 hòu late; later 後詣光求哀
301 19 hòu offspring; descendents 後詣光求哀
302 19 hòu to fall behind; to lag 後詣光求哀
303 19 hòu behind; back 後詣光求哀
304 19 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 後詣光求哀
305 19 hòu Hou 後詣光求哀
306 19 hòu after; behind 後詣光求哀
307 19 hòu following 後詣光求哀
308 19 hòu to be delayed 後詣光求哀
309 19 hòu to abandon; to discard 後詣光求哀
310 19 hòu feudal lords 後詣光求哀
311 19 hòu Hou 後詣光求哀
312 19 qiān to move; to shift 遷中書侍郎
313 19 qiān to transfer 遷中書侍郎
314 19 qiān to transfer job posting; to be promoted 遷中書侍郎
315 19 qiān to displace; to remove; to banish; to demote 遷中書侍郎
316 19 qiān to change; to transform 遷中書侍郎
317 18 shǐ history 專以史事任光
318 18 shǐ Shi 專以史事任光
319 18 shǐ a history; a chronicle; annals 專以史事任光
320 18 shǐ a historian 專以史事任光
321 18 shǐ diverse 專以史事任光
322 18 běn to be one's own 尋以本官兼侍中
323 18 běn origin; source; root; foundation; basis 尋以本官兼侍中
324 18 běn the roots of a plant 尋以本官兼侍中
325 18 běn capital 尋以本官兼侍中
326 18 běn main; central; primary 尋以本官兼侍中
327 18 běn according to 尋以本官兼侍中
328 18 běn a version; an edition 尋以本官兼侍中
329 18 běn a memorial [presented to the emperor] 尋以本官兼侍中
330 18 běn a book 尋以本官兼侍中
331 18 běn trunk of a tree 尋以本官兼侍中
332 18 běn to investigate the root of 尋以本官兼侍中
333 18 běn a manuscript for a play 尋以本官兼侍中
334 18 běn Ben 尋以本官兼侍中
335 17 must 必善言以報之
336 17 Bi 必善言以報之
337 16 wén to hear 高祖聞而嘉之
338 16 wén Wen 高祖聞而嘉之
339 16 wén sniff at; to smell 高祖聞而嘉之
340 16 wén to be widely known 高祖聞而嘉之
341 16 wén to confirm; to accept 高祖聞而嘉之
342 16 wén information 高祖聞而嘉之
343 16 wèn famous; well known 高祖聞而嘉之
344 16 wén knowledge; learning 高祖聞而嘉之
345 16 wèn popularity; prestige; reputation 高祖聞而嘉之
346 16 wén to question 高祖聞而嘉之
347 16 guó a country; a nation 國重戎戰
348 16 guó the capital of a state 國重戎戰
349 16 guó a feud; a vassal state 國重戎戰
350 16 guó a state; a kingdom 國重戎戰
351 16 guó a place; a land 國重戎戰
352 16 guó domestic; Chinese 國重戎戰
353 16 guó national 國重戎戰
354 16 guó top in the nation 國重戎戰
355 16 guó Guo 國重戎戰
356 16 four 有典事史元顯獻四足四翼雞
357 16 note a musical scale 有典事史元顯獻四足四翼雞
358 16 fourth 有典事史元顯獻四足四翼雞
359 16 Si 有典事史元顯獻四足四翼雞
360 16 dào way; road; path 與劉彧冀州刺史崔道固共拒國軍
361 16 dào principle; a moral; morality 與劉彧冀州刺史崔道固共拒國軍
362 16 dào Tao; the Way 與劉彧冀州刺史崔道固共拒國軍
363 16 dào to say; to speak; to talk 與劉彧冀州刺史崔道固共拒國軍
364 16 dào to think 與劉彧冀州刺史崔道固共拒國軍
365 16 dào circuit; a province 與劉彧冀州刺史崔道固共拒國軍
366 16 dào a course; a channel 與劉彧冀州刺史崔道固共拒國軍
367 16 dào a method; a way of doing something 與劉彧冀州刺史崔道固共拒國軍
368 16 dào a doctrine 與劉彧冀州刺史崔道固共拒國軍
369 16 dào Taoism; Daoism 與劉彧冀州刺史崔道固共拒國軍
370 16 dào a skill 與劉彧冀州刺史崔道固共拒國軍
371 16 dào a sect 與劉彧冀州刺史崔道固共拒國軍
372 16 dào a line 與劉彧冀州刺史崔道固共拒國軍
373 16 an official institution; a state bureau 開府
374 16 a prefecture; a prefect 開府
375 16 a respectful reference to a residence 開府
376 16 a repository 開府
377 16 a meeting place 開府
378 16 the residence of a high-ranking official; a prefect 開府
379 16 Fu 開府
380 16 chéng to finish; to complete; to accomplish; to succeed; to perfect 彪上表求成魏書
381 16 chéng to become; to turn into 彪上表求成魏書
382 16 chéng to grow up; to ripen; to mature 彪上表求成魏書
383 16 chéng to set up; to establish; to develop; to form 彪上表求成魏書
384 16 chéng a full measure of 彪上表求成魏書
385 16 chéng whole 彪上表求成魏書
386 16 chéng set; established 彪上表求成魏書
387 16 chéng to reache a certain degree; to amount to 彪上表求成魏書
388 16 chéng to reconcile 彪上表求成魏書
389 16 chéng to resmble; to be similar to 彪上表求成魏書
390 16 chéng composed of 彪上表求成魏書
391 16 chéng a result; a harvest; an achievement 彪上表求成魏書
392 16 chéng capable; able; accomplished 彪上表求成魏書
393 16 chéng to help somebody achieve something 彪上表求成魏書
394 16 chéng Cheng 彪上表求成魏書
395 16 zhōu a state; a province 領齊州大中正
396 16 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 領齊州大中正
397 16 zhōu a prefecture 領齊州大中正
398 16 zhōu a country 領齊州大中正
399 16 zhōu an island 領齊州大中正
400 16 zhōu Zhou 領齊州大中正
401 16 zhōu autonomous prefecture 領齊州大中正
402 16 zhōu a country 領齊州大中正
403 16 even; equal; uniform 慕容白曜之平三齊
404 16 Kangxi radical 210 慕容白曜之平三齊
405 16 Qi Dynasty 慕容白曜之平三齊
406 16 State of Qi 慕容白曜之平三齊
407 16 to arrange 慕容白曜之平三齊
408 16 agile; nimble 慕容白曜之平三齊
409 16 navel 慕容白曜之平三齊
410 16 to rise; to ascend 慕容白曜之平三齊
411 16 chopped meat or vegetables 慕容白曜之平三齊
412 16 to blend ingredients 慕容白曜之平三齊
413 16 to delimit; to distinguish 慕容白曜之平三齊
414 16 the lower part of a garment 慕容白曜之平三齊
415 16 broomcorn millet 慕容白曜之平三齊
416 16 zhāi to fast 慕容白曜之平三齊
417 16 to level with 慕容白曜之平三齊
418 16 all present; all ready 慕容白曜之平三齊
419 16 Qi 慕容白曜之平三齊
420 16 alike; similar; identical; same 慕容白曜之平三齊
421 16 an alloy 慕容白曜之平三齊
422 15 father's elder brother; uncle 本名孝伯
423 15 senior; respectful form of address 本名孝伯
424 15 Count 本名孝伯
425 15 older brother 本名孝伯
426 15 a hegemon 本名孝伯
427 15 元年 yuánnián the first year of Emperor's reign; 0 CE 正始元年夏
428 15 zuò to do 光逡巡不作
429 15 zuò to act as; to serve as 光逡巡不作
430 15 zuò to start 光逡巡不作
431 15 zuò a writing; a work 光逡巡不作
432 15 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 光逡巡不作
433 15 zuō to create; to make 光逡巡不作
434 15 zuō a workshop 光逡巡不作
435 15 zuō to write; to compose 光逡巡不作
436 15 zuò to rise 光逡巡不作
437 15 zuò to be aroused 光逡巡不作
438 15 zuò activity; action; undertaking 光逡巡不作
439 15 zuò to regard as 光逡巡不作
440 15 Kangxi radical 132 終不自申曲直
441 15 Zi 終不自申曲直
442 15 a nose 終不自申曲直
443 15 the beginning; the start 終不自申曲直
444 15 origin 終不自申曲直
445 15 to employ; to use 終不自申曲直
446 15 to be 終不自申曲直
447 15 to give 與劉彧冀州刺史崔道固共拒國軍
448 15 to accompany 與劉彧冀州刺史崔道固共拒國軍
449 15 to particate in 與劉彧冀州刺史崔道固共拒國軍
450 15 of the same kind 與劉彧冀州刺史崔道固共拒國軍
451 15 to help 與劉彧冀州刺史崔道固共拒國軍
452 15 for 與劉彧冀州刺史崔道固共拒國軍
453 15 yán to speak; to say; said 言小臣將乘君之威
454 15 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 言小臣將乘君之威
455 15 yán Kangxi radical 149 言小臣將乘君之威
456 15 yán phrase; sentence 言小臣將乘君之威
457 15 yán a word; a syllable 言小臣將乘君之威
458 15 yán a theory; a doctrine 言小臣將乘君之威
459 15 yán to regard as 言小臣將乘君之威
460 15 yán to act as 言小臣將乘君之威
461 15 jīng to go through; to experience 所經述敍古事
462 15 jīng a sutra; a scripture 所經述敍古事
463 15 jīng warp 所經述敍古事
464 15 jīng longitude 所經述敍古事
465 15 jīng to administer; to engage in business; to run; to operate; to manage 所經述敍古事
466 15 jīng a woman's period 所經述敍古事
467 15 jīng to bear; to endure 所經述敍古事
468 15 jīng to hang; to die by hanging 所經述敍古事
469 15 jīng classics 所經述敍古事
470 15 jīng to be frugal; to save 所經述敍古事
471 15 jīng a classic; a scripture; canon 所經述敍古事
472 15 jīng a standard; a norm 所經述敍古事
473 15 jīng a section of a Confucian work 所經述敍古事
474 15 jīng to measure 所經述敍古事
475 15 jīng human pulse 所經述敍古事
476 15 jīng menstruation; a woman's period 所經述敍古事
477 14 Germany 從慕容德南渡河
478 14 virtue; morality; ethics; character 從慕容德南渡河
479 14 kindness; favor 從慕容德南渡河
480 14 conduct; behavior 從慕容德南渡河
481 14 to be grateful 從慕容德南渡河
482 14 heart; intention 從慕容德南渡河
483 14 De 從慕容德南渡河
484 14 potency; natural power 從慕容德南渡河
485 14 wholesome; good 從慕容德南渡河
486 14 chéng honesty; sincerity 誠可畏也
487 14 yún cloud 又云
488 14 yún Yunnan 又云
489 14 yún Yun 又云
490 14 yún to say 又云
491 14 yún to have 又云
492 14 míng bright; luminous; brilliant 明前四業
493 14 míng Ming 明前四業
494 14 míng Ming Dynasty 明前四業
495 14 míng obvious; explicit; clear 明前四業
496 14 míng intelligent; clever; perceptive 明前四業
497 14 míng to illuminate; to shine 明前四業
498 14 míng consecrated 明前四業
499 14 míng to understand; to comprehend 明前四業
500 14 míng to explain; to clarify 明前四業

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1060

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 184 zhī him; her; them; that 居青州之時水
2 184 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 居青州之時水
3 184 zhī to go 居青州之時水
4 184 zhī this; that 居青州之時水
5 184 zhī genetive marker 居青州之時水
6 184 zhī it 居青州之時水
7 184 zhī in; in regards to 居青州之時水
8 184 zhī all 居青州之時水
9 184 zhī and 居青州之時水
10 184 zhī however 居青州之時水
11 184 zhī if 居青州之時水
12 184 zhī then 居青州之時水
13 184 zhī to arrive; to go 居青州之時水
14 184 zhī is 居青州之時水
15 184 zhī to use 居青州之時水
16 184 zhī Zhi 居青州之時水
17 184 zhī winding 居青州之時水
18 85 so as to; in order to 傭書以養父母
19 85 to use; to regard as 傭書以養父母
20 85 to use; to grasp 傭書以養父母
21 85 according to 傭書以養父母
22 85 because of 傭書以養父母
23 85 on a certain date 傭書以養父母
24 85 and; as well as 傭書以養父母
25 85 to rely on 傭書以養父母
26 85 to regard 傭書以養父母
27 85 to be able to 傭書以養父母
28 85 to order; to command 傭書以養父母
29 85 further; moreover 傭書以養父母
30 85 used after a verb 傭書以養父母
31 85 very 傭書以養父母
32 85 already 傭書以養父母
33 85 increasingly 傭書以養父母
34 85 a reason; a cause 傭書以養父母
35 85 Israel 傭書以養父母
36 85 Yi 傭書以養父母
37 82 guāng light 崔光
38 82 guāng brilliant; bright; shining 崔光
39 82 guāng to shine 崔光
40 82 guāng only 崔光
41 82 guāng to bare; to go naked 崔光
42 82 guāng bare; naked 崔光
43 82 guāng glory; honor 崔光
44 82 guāng scenery 崔光
45 82 guāng smooth 崔光
46 82 guāng used up 崔光
47 82 guāng sheen; luster; gloss 崔光
48 82 guāng time; a moment 崔光
49 82 guāng grace; favor 崔光
50 82 guāng Guang 崔光
51 82 guāng to manifest 崔光
52 82 guāng welcome 崔光
53 81 wèi for; to 仕劉義隆為樂陵太守
54 81 wèi because of 仕劉義隆為樂陵太守
55 81 wéi to act as; to serve 仕劉義隆為樂陵太守
56 81 wéi to change into; to become 仕劉義隆為樂陵太守
57 81 wéi to be; is 仕劉義隆為樂陵太守
58 81 wéi to do 仕劉義隆為樂陵太守
59 81 wèi for 仕劉義隆為樂陵太守
60 81 wèi because of; for; to 仕劉義隆為樂陵太守
61 81 wèi to 仕劉義隆為樂陵太守
62 81 wéi in a passive construction 仕劉義隆為樂陵太守
63 81 wéi forming a rehetorical question 仕劉義隆為樂陵太守
64 81 wéi forming an adverb 仕劉義隆為樂陵太守
65 81 wéi to add emphasis 仕劉義隆為樂陵太守
66 81 wèi to support; to help 仕劉義隆為樂陵太守
67 81 wéi to govern 仕劉義隆為樂陵太守
68 52 in; at 喜怒不見於色
69 52 in; at 喜怒不見於色
70 52 in; at; to; from 喜怒不見於色
71 52 to go; to 喜怒不見於色
72 52 to rely on; to depend on 喜怒不見於色
73 52 to go to; to arrive at 喜怒不見於色
74 52 from 喜怒不見於色
75 52 give 喜怒不見於色
76 52 oppposing 喜怒不見於色
77 52 and 喜怒不見於色
78 52 compared to 喜怒不見於色
79 52 by 喜怒不見於色
80 52 and; as well as 喜怒不見於色
81 52 for 喜怒不見於色
82 52 Yu 喜怒不見於色
83 52 a crow 喜怒不見於色
84 52 whew; wow 喜怒不見於色
85 51 yǒu is; are; to exist 有毀惡之者
86 51 yǒu to have; to possess 有毀惡之者
87 51 yǒu indicates an estimate 有毀惡之者
88 51 yǒu indicates a large quantity 有毀惡之者
89 51 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 有毀惡之者
90 51 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 有毀惡之者
91 51 yǒu used to compare two things 有毀惡之者
92 51 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 有毀惡之者
93 51 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 有毀惡之者
94 51 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 有毀惡之者
95 51 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 有毀惡之者
96 51 yǒu abundant 有毀惡之者
97 51 yǒu purposeful 有毀惡之者
98 51 yǒu You 有毀惡之者
99 49 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 高祖聞而嘉之
100 49 ér Kangxi radical 126 高祖聞而嘉之
101 49 ér you 高祖聞而嘉之
102 49 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 高祖聞而嘉之
103 49 ér right away; then 高祖聞而嘉之
104 49 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 高祖聞而嘉之
105 49 ér if; in case; in the event that 高祖聞而嘉之
106 49 ér therefore; as a result; thus 高祖聞而嘉之
107 49 ér how can it be that? 高祖聞而嘉之
108 49 ér so as to 高祖聞而嘉之
109 49 ér only then 高祖聞而嘉之
110 49 ér as if; to seem like 高祖聞而嘉之
111 49 néng can; able 高祖聞而嘉之
112 49 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 高祖聞而嘉之
113 49 ér me 高祖聞而嘉之
114 49 ér to arrive; up to 高祖聞而嘉之
115 49 ér possessive 高祖聞而嘉之
116 45 not; no 終不自申曲直
117 45 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 終不自申曲直
118 45 as a correlative 終不自申曲直
119 45 no (answering a question) 終不自申曲直
120 45 forms a negative adjective from a noun 終不自申曲直
121 45 at the end of a sentence to form a question 終不自申曲直
122 45 to form a yes or no question 終不自申曲直
123 45 infix potential marker 終不自申曲直
124 43 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 所經述敍古事
125 43 suǒ an office; an institute 所經述敍古事
126 43 suǒ introduces a relative clause 所經述敍古事
127 43 suǒ it 所經述敍古事
128 43 suǒ if; supposing 所經述敍古事
129 43 suǒ a few; various; some 所經述敍古事
130 43 suǒ a place; a location 所經述敍古事
131 43 suǒ indicates a passive voice 所經述敍古事
132 43 suǒ that which 所經述敍古事
133 43 suǒ an ordinal number 所經述敍古事
134 43 suǒ meaning 所經述敍古事
135 43 suǒ garrison 所經述敍古事
136 40 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 有毀惡之者
137 40 zhě that 有毀惡之者
138 40 zhě nominalizing function word 有毀惡之者
139 40 zhě used to mark a definition 有毀惡之者
140 40 zhě used to mark a pause 有毀惡之者
141 40 zhě topic marker; that; it 有毀惡之者
142 40 zhuó according to 有毀惡之者
143 39 nián year 太和六年
144 39 nián New Year festival 太和六年
145 39 nián age 太和六年
146 39 nián life span; life expectancy 太和六年
147 39 nián an era; a period 太和六年
148 39 nián a date 太和六年
149 39 nián time; years 太和六年
150 39 nián harvest 太和六年
151 39 nián annual; every year 太和六年
152 37 his; hers; its; theirs 其見重如是
153 37 to add emphasis 其見重如是
154 37 used when asking a question in reply to a question 其見重如是
155 37 used when making a request or giving an order 其見重如是
156 37 he; her; it; them 其見重如是
157 37 probably; likely 其見重如是
158 37 will 其見重如是
159 37 may 其見重如是
160 37 if 其見重如是
161 37 or 其見重如是
162 37 Qi 其見重如是
163 35 chén minister; statesman; official 高祖每對羣臣曰
164 35 chén Kangxi radical 131 高祖每對羣臣曰
165 35 chén a slave 高祖每對羣臣曰
166 35 chén you 高祖每對羣臣曰
167 35 chén Chen 高祖每對羣臣曰
168 35 chén to obey; to comply 高祖每對羣臣曰
169 35 chén to command; to direct 高祖每對羣臣曰
170 35 chén a subject 高祖每對羣臣曰
171 30 also; too 東清河鄃人也
172 30 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 東清河鄃人也
173 30 either 東清河鄃人也
174 30 even 東清河鄃人也
175 30 used to soften the tone 東清河鄃人也
176 30 used for emphasis 東清河鄃人也
177 30 used to mark contrast 東清河鄃人也
178 30 used to mark compromise 東清河鄃人也
179 29 èr two 有同郡二人並被掠為奴婢
180 29 èr Kangxi radical 7 有同郡二人並被掠為奴婢
181 29 èr second 有同郡二人並被掠為奴婢
182 29 èr twice; double; di- 有同郡二人並被掠為奴婢
183 29 èr another; the other 有同郡二人並被掠為奴婢
184 29 èr more than one kind 有同郡二人並被掠為奴婢
185 27 wáng Wang 廣陽王淵等
186 27 wáng a king 廣陽王淵等
187 27 wáng Kangxi radical 96 廣陽王淵等
188 27 wàng to be king; to rule 廣陽王淵等
189 27 wáng a prince; a duke 廣陽王淵等
190 27 wáng grand; great 廣陽王淵等
191 27 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 廣陽王淵等
192 27 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 廣陽王淵等
193 27 wáng the head of a group or gang 廣陽王淵等
194 27 wáng the biggest or best of a group 廣陽王淵等
195 26 shì matter; thing; item 所經述敍古事
196 26 shì to serve 所經述敍古事
197 26 shì a government post 所經述敍古事
198 26 shì duty; post; work 所經述敍古事
199 26 shì occupation 所經述敍古事
200 26 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 所經述敍古事
201 26 shì an accident 所經述敍古事
202 26 shì to attend 所經述敍古事
203 26 shì an allusion 所經述敍古事
204 26 shì a condition; a state; a situation 所經述敍古事
205 26 shì to engage in 所經述敍古事
206 26 shì to enslave 所經述敍古事
207 26 shì to pursue 所經述敍古事
208 26 shì to administer 所經述敍古事
209 26 shì to appoint 所經述敍古事
210 26 shì a piece 所經述敍古事
211 25 hóng great; large 矧迺聖典鴻經
212 25 hóng wild goose 矧迺聖典鴻經
213 25 hóng a letter 矧迺聖典鴻經
214 25 jīn today; present; now 今雞一身已變
215 25 jīn Jin 今雞一身已變
216 25 jīn modern 今雞一身已變
217 24 zhū all; many; various 延敬諸父
218 24 zhū Zhu 延敬諸父
219 24 zhū all; members of the class 延敬諸父
220 24 zhū interrogative particle 延敬諸父
221 24 zhū him; her; them; it 延敬諸父
222 24 zhū of; in 延敬諸父
223 24 juǎn to coil; to roll 伯山抱卷於河右
224 24 juǎn a coil; a roll; a scroll 伯山抱卷於河右
225 24 juàn a fascicle; a volume; a chapter; a scroll 伯山抱卷於河右
226 24 juǎn roll 伯山抱卷於河右
227 24 juǎn to sweep up; to carry away 伯山抱卷於河右
228 24 juǎn to involve; to embroil 伯山抱卷於河右
229 24 juǎn a break roll 伯山抱卷於河右
230 24 juàn an examination paper 伯山抱卷於河右
231 24 juàn a file 伯山抱卷於河右
232 24 quán crinkled; curled 伯山抱卷於河右
233 24 juǎn to include 伯山抱卷於河右
234 24 juǎn to store away 伯山抱卷於河右
235 24 juǎn to sever; to break off 伯山抱卷於河右
236 24 juǎn Juan 伯山抱卷於河右
237 24 juàn a scroll 伯山抱卷於河右
238 24 juàn tired 伯山抱卷於河右
239 24 quán beautiful 伯山抱卷於河右
240 24 zhōng middle 拜中書博士
241 24 zhōng medium; medium sized 拜中書博士
242 24 zhōng China 拜中書博士
243 24 zhòng to hit the mark 拜中書博士
244 24 zhōng in; amongst 拜中書博士
245 24 zhōng midday 拜中書博士
246 24 zhōng inside 拜中書博士
247 24 zhōng during 拜中書博士
248 24 zhōng Zhong 拜中書博士
249 24 zhōng intermediary 拜中書博士
250 24 zhōng half 拜中書博士
251 24 zhōng just right; suitably 拜中書博士
252 24 zhōng while 拜中書博士
253 24 zhòng to reach; to attain 拜中書博士
254 24 zhòng to suffer; to infect 拜中書博士
255 24 zhòng to obtain 拜中書博士
256 24 zhòng to pass an exam 拜中書博士
257 24 one 敕賜羊車一乘
258 24 Kangxi radical 1 敕賜羊車一乘
259 24 as soon as; all at once 敕賜羊車一乘
260 24 pure; concentrated 敕賜羊車一乘
261 24 whole; all 敕賜羊車一乘
262 24 first 敕賜羊車一乘
263 24 the same 敕賜羊車一乘
264 24 each 敕賜羊車一乘
265 24 certain 敕賜羊車一乘
266 24 throughout 敕賜羊車一乘
267 24 used in between a reduplicated verb 敕賜羊車一乘
268 24 sole; single 敕賜羊車一乘
269 24 a very small amount 敕賜羊車一乘
270 24 Yi 敕賜羊車一乘
271 24 other 敕賜羊車一乘
272 24 to unify 敕賜羊車一乘
273 24 accidentally; coincidentally 敕賜羊車一乘
274 24 abruptly; suddenly 敕賜羊車一乘
275 24 or 敕賜羊車一乘
276 24 shàng top; a high position 彪上表求成魏書
277 24 shang top; the position on or above something 彪上表求成魏書
278 24 shàng to go up; to go forward 彪上表求成魏書
279 24 shàng shang 彪上表求成魏書
280 24 shàng previous; last 彪上表求成魏書
281 24 shàng high; higher 彪上表求成魏書
282 24 shàng advanced 彪上表求成魏書
283 24 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 彪上表求成魏書
284 24 shàng time 彪上表求成魏書
285 24 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 彪上表求成魏書
286 24 shàng far 彪上表求成魏書
287 24 shàng big; as big as 彪上表求成魏書
288 24 shàng abundant; plentiful 彪上表求成魏書
289 24 shàng to report 彪上表求成魏書
290 24 shàng to offer 彪上表求成魏書
291 24 shàng to go on stage 彪上表求成魏書
292 24 shàng to take office; to assume a post 彪上表求成魏書
293 24 shàng to install; to erect 彪上表求成魏書
294 24 shàng to suffer; to sustain 彪上表求成魏書
295 24 shàng to burn 彪上表求成魏書
296 24 shàng to remember 彪上表求成魏書
297 24 shang on; in 彪上表求成魏書
298 24 shàng upward 彪上表求成魏書
299 24 shàng to add 彪上表求成魏書
300 24 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 彪上表求成魏書
301 24 shàng to meet 彪上表求成魏書
302 24 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 彪上表求成魏書
303 24 shang used after a verb indicating a result 彪上表求成魏書
304 24 shàng a musical note 彪上表求成魏書
305 24 rén person; people; a human being 東清河鄃人也
306 24 rén Kangxi radical 9 東清河鄃人也
307 24 rén a kind of person 東清河鄃人也
308 24 rén everybody 東清河鄃人也
309 24 rén adult 東清河鄃人也
310 24 rén somebody; others 東清河鄃人也
311 24 rén an upright person 東清河鄃人也
312 23 no 無距
313 23 Kangxi radical 71 無距
314 23 to not have; without 無距
315 23 has not yet 無距
316 23 mo 無距
317 23 do not 無距
318 23 not; -less; un- 無距
319 23 regardless of 無距
320 23 to not have 無距
321 23 um 無距
322 23 Wu 無距
323 23 sān three 慕容白曜之平三齊
324 23 sān third 慕容白曜之平三齊
325 23 sān more than two 慕容白曜之平三齊
326 23 sān very few 慕容白曜之平三齊
327 23 sān repeatedly 慕容白曜之平三齊
328 23 sān San 慕容白曜之平三齊
329 23 shū book 傭書以養父母
330 23 shū document; manuscript 傭書以養父母
331 23 shū letter 傭書以養父母
332 23 shū the Cannon of Documents 傭書以養父母
333 23 shū to write 傭書以養父母
334 23 shū writing 傭書以養父母
335 23 shū calligraphy; writing style 傭書以養父母
336 23 shū Shu 傭書以養父母
337 23 shū to record 傭書以養父母
338 22 yòu again; also 又兼太子少傅
339 22 yòu expresses the existence of simultaneous conditions 又兼太子少傅
340 22 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又兼太子少傅
341 22 yòu and 又兼太子少傅
342 22 yòu furthermore 又兼太子少傅
343 22 yòu in addition 又兼太子少傅
344 22 yòu but 又兼太子少傅
345 22 yuē to speak; to say 常曰
346 22 yuē Kangxi radical 73 常曰
347 22 yuē to be called 常曰
348 22 yuē particle without meaning 常曰
349 22 letter; symbol; character 孟皇片字
350 22 Zi 孟皇片字
351 22 to love 孟皇片字
352 22 to teach; to educate 孟皇片字
353 22 to be allowed to marry 孟皇片字
354 22 courtesy name; style name; scholarly or literary name 孟皇片字
355 22 diction; wording 孟皇片字
356 22 handwriting 孟皇片字
357 22 calligraphy; a work of calligraphy 孟皇片字
358 22 a written pledge; a letter; a contract 孟皇片字
359 22 a font; a calligraphic style 孟皇片字
360 22 the phonetic value of a character; the pronunciation of a character 孟皇片字
361 22 nǎi thus; so; therefore; then; only; thereupon 光乃以二口贖免
362 22 nǎi to be 光乃以二口贖免
363 22 nǎi you; yours 光乃以二口贖免
364 22 nǎi also; moreover 光乃以二口贖免
365 22 nǎi however; but 光乃以二口贖免
366 22 nǎi if 光乃以二口贖免
367 21 biǎo clock; a wrist watch 彪上表求成魏書
368 21 biǎo a coat; outer clothing 彪上表求成魏書
369 21 biǎo a mark; a border 彪上表求成魏書
370 21 biǎo appearance; exterior; bearing 彪上表求成魏書
371 21 biǎo to show; to express; to manifest; to display 彪上表求成魏書
372 21 biǎo a memorial; a memorial to the throne 彪上表求成魏書
373 21 biǎo an example; a model 彪上表求成魏書
374 21 biǎo a stele 彪上表求成魏書
375 21 biǎo a grave inscription 彪上表求成魏書
376 21 biǎo a record; a table; a report; a form 彪上表求成魏書
377 21 biǎo an alias; an alternative name 彪上表求成魏書
378 21 biǎo a meter; an instrument; a gauge 彪上表求成魏書
379 21 biǎo a maternal cousin 彪上表求成魏書
380 21 biǎo a prostitute 彪上表求成魏書
381 21 biǎo Biao 彪上表求成魏書
382 21 biǎo to put on a coat 彪上表求成魏書
383 21 biǎo to praise 彪上表求成魏書
384 21 biǎo to tell; to declare 彪上表求成魏書
385 21 biǎo to present a memorial 彪上表求成魏書
386 21 biǎo to recommend 彪上表求成魏書
387 21 biǎo to investigate; to review 彪上表求成魏書
388 21 biǎo to mount [a frame]; to display [a picture] 彪上表求成魏書
389 21 biǎo to give medicine for driving out cold 彪上表求成魏書
390 21 biǎo to adorn 彪上表求成魏書
391 21 biǎo to mark; to indicate 彪上表求成魏書
392 21 biǎo part of a sundial that casts a shadown; gnomon 彪上表求成魏書
393 21 zhào an imperial decree 詔許之
394 21 zhào to decree; to proclaim; to tell 詔許之
395 21 zhì to; until 遂至天下大亂
396 21 zhì Kangxi radical 133 遂至天下大亂
397 21 zhì extremely; very; most 遂至天下大亂
398 21 zhì to arrive 遂至天下大亂
399 20 chū at first; at the beginning; initially 皇興初
400 20 chū used to prefix numbers 皇興初
401 20 chū used as a prefix incidating the first time or part of something 皇興初
402 20 chū just now 皇興初
403 20 chū thereupon 皇興初
404 20 chū an intensifying adverb 皇興初
405 20 chū rudimentary; elementary 皇興初
406 20 chū original 皇興初
407 20 將軍 jiāngjūn a general 劉駿龍驤將軍
408 20 將軍 jiāngjūn to capture the enemy; check 劉駿龍驤將軍
409 20 shí time; a point or period of time 居青州之時水
410 20 shí a season; a quarter of a year 居青州之時水
411 20 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 居青州之時水
412 20 shí at that time 居青州之時水
413 20 shí fashionable 居青州之時水
414 20 shí fate; destiny; luck 居青州之時水
415 20 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 居青州之時水
416 20 shí tense 居青州之時水
417 20 shí particular; special 居青州之時水
418 20 shí to plant; to cultivate 居青州之時水
419 20 shí hour (measure word) 居青州之時水
420 20 shí an era; a dynasty 居青州之時水
421 20 shí time [abstract] 居青州之時水
422 20 shí seasonal 居青州之時水
423 20 shí frequently; often 居青州之時水
424 20 shí occasionally; sometimes 居青州之時水
425 20 shí on time 居青州之時水
426 20 shí this; that 居青州之時水
427 20 shí to wait upon 居青州之時水
428 20 shí hour 居青州之時水
429 20 shí appropriate; proper; timely 居青州之時水
430 20 shí Shi 居青州之時水
431 20 shí a present; currentlt 居青州之時水
432 20 bài to bow; to pay respect to 拜中書博士
433 20 bài to send greetings; to congratulate 拜中書博士
434 20 bài to visit 拜中書博士
435 20 bài to appoint; to confer a title 拜中書博士
436 20 bài to enter into a relationship 拜中書博士
437 20 bài a polite form; please 拜中書博士
438 20 bài Bai 拜中書博士
439 20 bài to perform a ritual 拜中書博士
440 20 bài to bend 拜中書博士
441 20 bài byte 拜中書博士
442 19 this; these 此其效也
443 19 in this way 此其效也
444 19 otherwise; but; however; so 此其效也
445 19 at this time; now; here 此其效也
446 19 also; too 亦羣下相扇助之象
447 19 but 亦羣下相扇助之象
448 19 this; he; she 亦羣下相扇助之象
449 19 although; even though 亦羣下相扇助之象
450 19 already 亦羣下相扇助之象
451 19 particle with no meaning 亦羣下相扇助之象
452 19 Yi 亦羣下相扇助之象
453 19 child; son 賜爵朝陽子
454 19 egg; newborn 賜爵朝陽子
455 19 first earthly branch 賜爵朝陽子
456 19 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 賜爵朝陽子
457 19 Kangxi radical 39 賜爵朝陽子
458 19 zi indicates that the the word is used as a noun 賜爵朝陽子
459 19 pellet; something small and hard 賜爵朝陽子
460 19 master 賜爵朝陽子
461 19 viscount 賜爵朝陽子
462 19 zi you; your honor 賜爵朝陽子
463 19 masters 賜爵朝陽子
464 19 person 賜爵朝陽子
465 19 young 賜爵朝陽子
466 19 seed 賜爵朝陽子
467 19 subordinate; subsidiary 賜爵朝陽子
468 19 a copper coin 賜爵朝陽子
469 19 bundle 賜爵朝陽子
470 19 female dragonfly 賜爵朝陽子
471 19 constituent 賜爵朝陽子
472 19 offspring; descendants 賜爵朝陽子
473 19 dear 賜爵朝陽子
474 19 little one 賜爵朝陽子
475 19 hòu after; later 後詣光求哀
476 19 hòu empress; queen 後詣光求哀
477 19 hòu sovereign 後詣光求哀
478 19 hòu behind 後詣光求哀
479 19 hòu the god of the earth 後詣光求哀
480 19 hòu late; later 後詣光求哀
481 19 hòu arriving late 後詣光求哀
482 19 hòu offspring; descendents 後詣光求哀
483 19 hòu to fall behind; to lag 後詣光求哀
484 19 hòu behind; back 後詣光求哀
485 19 hòu then 後詣光求哀
486 19 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 後詣光求哀
487 19 hòu Hou 後詣光求哀
488 19 hòu after; behind 後詣光求哀
489 19 hòu following 後詣光求哀
490 19 hòu to be delayed 後詣光求哀
491 19 hòu to abandon; to discard 後詣光求哀
492 19 hòu feudal lords 後詣光求哀
493 19 hòu Hou 後詣光求哀
494 19 qiān to move; to shift 遷中書侍郎
495 19 qiān to transfer 遷中書侍郎
496 19 qiān to transfer job posting; to be promoted 遷中書侍郎
497 19 qiān to displace; to remove; to banish; to demote 遷中書侍郎
498 19 qiān to change; to transform 遷中書侍郎
499 18 shǐ history 專以史事任光
500 18 shǐ Shi 專以史事任光

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
八月 98 August; the Eighth Month
北方 98 The North
北史 98 History of the Northern Dynasties
本州 98 Honshū
98 Bin
步兵校尉 98 Infantry Commander
蔡邕 99 Cai Yong
曾子 99 Ceng Zi
长安 長安 99
  1. Chang'an
  2. Chang'an
  3. Chang'an reign
  4. Chang'an
长广 長廣 99 Changguang
昌邑 67 Changyi
春秋 99
  1. Spring and Autumn Period
  2. a person's age
  3. Chunqiu; Annals of Spring and Autumn
  4. spring and autumn
刺史 99 Regional Inspector
大中 100 Da Zhong reign
大鸿胪 大鴻臚 100 Chamberlain for Dependencies; Grand Herald
儋耳 100 Dan'er [commandery]
宕昌 100 Dangchang
道武 100 Emperor Daowu of Northern Wei
大雅 100 Daya; Greater Odes
100 Deng
邓通 鄧通 68 Deng Tong
典论 典論 100 Classical Treatises
  1. Dong
  2. to supervise; to direct
东宫 東宮 100 East Palace
二月 195 February; the Second Month
102 Fen
抚军 撫軍 102 Captain; Commander
福兴 福興 102 Fuhsing
高丽 高麗 103 Korean Goryeo Dynasty
高阳 高陽 103 Gaoyang
高祖 103
  1. Han Gao Zu; Liu Bang
  2. great great grandfather
  3. Gaozu
给事 給事 103 official (imperial) position
光禄大夫 光祿大夫 103 Glorious grand master
广德 廣德 103 Guangde
光和 103 Guanghe
广平 廣平 103 Guangping
光武 103 Guangwu
广阳 廣陽 103 Guangyang
国军 國軍 103 National Revolutionary Army
国学 國學 103
  1. national studies; studies of Confucian classics
  2. the Imperial College
  3. Kokugaku
国子祭酒 國子祭酒 103 Chancellor of the National University
谷永 103 Gu Yong
  1. Korea; South Korea
  2. State of Han
  3. fence; low wall
  4. Han
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
汉书 漢書 104 Book of Han; History of the Former Han Dynasty; Han Shu
翰林 104 Hanlin
河阴 河陰 104 Heyin
怀柔 懷柔 104 Huairou
华林园 華林園 104 Hualin gardens
黄河 黃河 104 Yellow River
黄巾 黃巾 104 Yellow Turbans
黄门 黃門 104 Huangmen
霍光 104 Huo Guang
  1. Hebei
  2. to hope
  3. Jizhou
贾谊 賈誼 106 Jia Yi
建春门 建春門 106 Jianchun Gate
  1. a large river
  2. Yangtze River
  3. Jiang
  4. Jiangsu
  5. Jiang
江南 106
  1. Jiangnan
  2. Jiangnan
  3. Jiangnan
江左 106 Jiangzuo
建义 建義 106 Jianyi reign
  1. shanxi
  2. jin [dynasty]
  3. to move forward; to promote; to advance
  4. to raise
  5. Jin [state]
  6. Jin
晋惠 晉惠 106 Emperor Hui of Jin
景明 106 Jingming reign
京兆 106
  1. Jingzhao; Xi'an
  2. capital municipal area
  3. Capital Region Governor
荆州 荊州 106
  1. Jingzhou; Ching-chou
  2. Jingzhou; Ching-chou
进贤 進賢 106 Jinxian
记室 記室 106 Record Keeper; Secretary
九月 106 September; the Ninth Month
沮渠蒙逊 沮渠蒙遜 74 Juqu Mengxun
孔子 107 Confucius
库部 庫部 107 Chief of the Treasury
乐陵 樂陵 108 Leling
礼记 禮記 108 The Book of Rites; Classic of Rites
  1. a bridge
  2. Liang Dynasty
  3. City of Liang
  4. State of Liang
  5. Liang
  6. a beam; rafters
  7. a fishing sluice
  8. to lose footing
  9. State of Liang
  10. a ridge
  11. later Liang
辽海 遼海 108 Liao Sea
灵帝 靈帝 108 Emperor Ling [of Han]
灵太后 靈太后 108 Empress Ling
林园 林園 108 Linyuan
刘向 劉向 108 Liu Xiang
刘义隆 劉義隆 108
  1. Liu Yilong
  2. Yilong
刘敬 劉敬 108 Liu Jing
刘渊 劉淵 108 Liu Yuan
六月 108 June; the Sixth Month
108 Gansu
  1. Luo
  2. Luo River
  3. Luoyang
洛阳 洛陽 108 Luoyang
吕光 呂光 76 Lu Guang
律令 108 Ritsuryō
孟子 109
  1. Mencius; Mengzi
  2. Mencius; Mengzi
慕容氏 109 Mu Rongshi
慕容 109 Murong
南宫 南宮 110 Nangong
南西 110 Nancy
南长 南長 110 Nanchang
宁远 寧遠 110 Ningyuan
彭城 112 Pengcheng; City of Peng
前将军 前將軍 113 General of the Vanguard
乞伏国仁 乞伏國仁 113 Qifu Guoren
起居注 113 qijuzhu; court journals
  1. Shaanxi
  2. Qin Dynasty
  3. State of Qin
  4. Qin
清河 113 Qinghe
青阳 青陽 113 Qingyang
青州 113
  1. Qingzhou
  2. Qingzhou
七月 113 July; the Seventh Month
任城 114 Rencheng
  1. you; thou
  2. Ru River
  3. Ru
汝南 114 Runan
儒学 儒學 82 Confucianism; Confucian school
儒者 114 Confucian
三公 115 Three Ducal Ministers; Three Excellencies
上官 115 high-ranking official; superior
山南 115 Lhokha
陕西 陝西 83 Shaanxi
山下 115 Yamashita (Japanese surname)
  1. Shao
  2. Shao
神龟 神龜 115 Shengui reign
申曲 115 Shanghai opera
士大夫 115 Scholar-official; Scholar-gentlemen; Scholar-bureaucrats; Scholar-gentry
世祖 115 Shi Zu
十二月 115 December; the Twelfth Month
石勒 115 Shi Le
十六国 十六國 115 Sixteen Kingdoms
十六国春秋 十六國春秋 115 History of the Sixteen Kingdoms
十一月 115 November; the Eleventh Month
十月 115 October; the Tenth Month
侍中 115 Shizhong; Palace Attendant
世宗 115
  1. King Sejong the Great; Sejong Daewang
  2. Sejong
  3. Shizong
115 Shu; Xiajin
  1. Sichuan
  2. Shu Kingdom
司空 115
  1. Minster of Land and Water
  2. Sikong
司马 司馬 115
  1. Minister of War
  2. Sima [star]
  3. Sima [surname]
  4. Aide to Commander; Leader of Cavalry
四月 115 April; the Fourth Month
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
肃宗 肅宗 115
  1. Emperor Suzong of Tang
  2. Suzong
太后 116
  1. Empress Dowager
  2. Consort Dowager
太守 116 Governor
太保 116 Grand Protector
太常 116 Minister of Ceremonies; Rector of the Imperial Academy
台大 臺大 116 National Taiwan University
太傅 116 Grand Tutor; Grand Mentor
太和 116
  1. Taihe reign
  2. Taihe reign
太极 太極 116
  1. Supreme Ultimate
  2. too extreme
  3. Heaven; World of the Immortals
  4. Taiji
太史 116
  1. Grand Scribe
  2. Grand Astrologer
太师 太師 116 Grand Preceptor; Grand Master; Imperial Tutor
太原 116 Taiyuan
太中大夫 116 Taizhong Daifu; Superior Grand Master of the Palace
太宗 116
  1. Emperor Taizong
  2. Tai Zong; Minister of Rites
天顺 天順 116 Emperor Tianshun; Emperor Zhengtong
天子 116 the rightful Emperor; the Son of Heaven
魏书 魏書 119 Book of Wei
文帝 119
  1. Emperor Wen of Han
  2. Emperor Wen of Liu Song
文宗 119 Emperor Wenzong of Tang
武丁 119 Wu Ding
武成 119 Successful Completion of the War
武定 119
  1. Wuding
  2. Wuding
五月 119 May; the Fifth Month
相州 120 Xiangzhou
孝昌 120
  1. Xiaochang
  2. Xiaochang reign
孝庄 孝莊 120 Xiaozhuang; Emperor Xiaozhuang of Northern Wei
  1. Xing
  2. Xing
熙平 120 Xiping reign
玄宗 120 Emperor Xuanzong of Tang
悬瓠 懸瓠 120 Xuanhu
  1. Xue
  2. Xue
徐州 88
  1. Xuzhou
  2. Xuzhou
延昌 121 Yanchang reign
姚苌 姚萇 121 Yao Chang
姚兴 121
  1. Yao Xing
  2. Yao Xing
议郎 議郎 121 Yilang
颍川 潁川 89 Yingchuan
121 Yong; Nanning
雍门周 雍門周 121 Yong Men Zhou
永安 121 Yong'an reign
永隆 121 Yonglong
永宁 永寧 121 Yongning
永平 89
  1. Yong Ping reign
  2. Yong Ping reign
永熙 121 Yongxi reign
永兴 121
  1. Yongxing reign
  2. Yongxing reign
  3. Yongxing
雍州 121 Yongzhou
  1. Emperor Yu
  2. Yu
  3. a legendary worm
虞舜 121 Yu Shun; Emperor Shun
羽林 121
  1. Yu Lin; Palace Guards
  2. Yu Lin [star]
云龙 雲龍 121
  1. Yunlong
  2. Yunlong
御史 121
  1. Royal Scribe
  2. Censor
豫州 121 Yuzhou
曾参 曾參 122 Zeng Shen
战国 戰國 122
  1. Warring States Period
  2. one of the seven warring states
张轨 張軌 122 Zhang Gui
张角 張角 122 Zhang Jue
詹事 122 Supply Official
  1. Zhao
  2. Zhao Dynasty
  3. State of Zhao
  4. to rush
  5. to visit
  6. Zhao
  7. to dig
昭明 122
  1. bright
  2. Zhaoming [star]
  3. Zhaoming
正光 122 Zhengxing reign
正始 122 Zhengshi reign
正月 122 first month of the lunar calendar
中古 122
  1. medieval; Middle Ages; Chinese middle antiquity
  2. used; second-hand
中原 122 the Central Plains of China
中秋 122 the Mid-autumn festival
中书侍郎 中書侍郎 122 Attendant to the Palace Secretary; Attendant Gentleman of the Secretariat
  1. daytime
  2. Zhou
  3. Zhou
庄子 莊子 90 Zhuang Zi
主簿 122 official Registrar; Master of Records


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English