Glossary and Vocabulary for History of Song 宋史, 卷三百六十九 列傳第一百二十八 張俊 張宗顏 劉光世 王淵 解元 曲端 Volume 369 Biographies 128: Zhang Jun, Zhang Zongyan, Liu Guangshi, Wang Yuan, Jie Yuan, Qu Duan

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 156 to use; to grasp 以守東明縣功
2 156 to rely on 以守東明縣功
3 156 to regard 以守東明縣功
4 156 to be able to 以守東明縣功
5 156 to order; to command 以守東明縣功
6 156 used after a verb 以守東明縣功
7 156 a reason; a cause 以守東明縣功
8 156 Israel 以守東明縣功
9 156 Yi 以守東明縣功
10 153 zhī to go 金人以數萬騎壓之
11 153 zhī to arrive; to go 金人以數萬騎壓之
12 153 zhī is 金人以數萬騎壓之
13 153 zhī to use 金人以數萬騎壓之
14 153 zhī Zhi 金人以數萬騎壓之
15 153 zhī winding 金人以數萬騎壓之
16 148 shì a generation 劉光世
17 148 shì a period of thirty years 劉光世
18 148 shì the world 劉光世
19 148 shì years; age 劉光世
20 148 shì a dynasty 劉光世
21 148 shì secular; worldly 劉光世
22 148 shì over generations 劉光世
23 148 shì world 劉光世
24 148 shì an era 劉光世
25 148 shì from generation to generation; across generations 劉光世
26 148 shì to keep good family relations 劉光世
27 148 shì Shi 劉光世
28 148 shì a geologic epoch 劉光世
29 148 shì hereditary 劉光世
30 148 shì later generations 劉光世
31 148 shì a successor; an heir 劉光世
32 148 shì the current times 劉光世
33 120 jùn talented; capable 張俊從子
34 120 jùn talented; capable 張俊從子
35 105 guāng light 劉光世
36 105 guāng brilliant; bright; shining 劉光世
37 105 guāng to shine 劉光世
38 105 guāng to bare; to go naked 劉光世
39 105 guāng bare; naked 劉光世
40 105 guāng glory; honor 劉光世
41 105 guāng scenery 劉光世
42 105 guāng smooth 劉光世
43 105 guāng sheen; luster; gloss 劉光世
44 105 guāng time; a moment 劉光世
45 105 guāng grace; favor 劉光世
46 105 guāng Guang 劉光世
47 105 guāng to manifest 劉光世
48 97 jūn army; military 引軍北遁
49 97 jūn soldiers; troops 引軍北遁
50 97 jūn an organized collective 引軍北遁
51 97 jūn to garrison; to stay an an encampment 引軍北遁
52 97 jūn a garrison 引軍北遁
53 97 jūn a front 引軍北遁
54 97 jūn penal miltary service 引軍北遁
55 97 jūn to organize troops 引軍北遁
56 93 bīng soldier; troops 悉兵合圍
57 93 bīng weapons 悉兵合圍
58 93 bīng military; warfare 悉兵合圍
59 93 rén person; people; a human being 鳳翔府成紀人
60 93 rén Kangxi radical 9 鳳翔府成紀人
61 93 rén a kind of person 鳳翔府成紀人
62 93 rén everybody 鳳翔府成紀人
63 93 rén adult 鳳翔府成紀人
64 93 rén somebody; others 鳳翔府成紀人
65 93 rén an upright person 鳳翔府成紀人
66 90 duān to carry 曲端
67 90 duān end; extremity 曲端
68 90 duān straight; upright; dignified 曲端
69 90 duān an item; some 曲端
70 90 duān a thought; an idea 曲端
71 90 duān beginning 曲端
72 90 duān a measure of length of silk 曲端
73 90 duān Duan 曲端
74 90 duān to arrange 曲端
75 86 Qi 俊知其偽
76 82 wéi to act as; to serve 為三陽弓箭手
77 82 wéi to change into; to become 為三陽弓箭手
78 82 wéi to be; is 為三陽弓箭手
79 82 wéi to do 為三陽弓箭手
80 82 wèi to support; to help 為三陽弓箭手
81 82 wéi to govern 為三陽弓箭手
82 80 jīn gold 金人攻太原
83 80 jīn money 金人攻太原
84 80 jīn Jin; Kim 金人攻太原
85 80 jīn Kangxi radical 167 金人攻太原
86 80 jīn Later Jin Dynasty; Jin Dynasty 金人攻太原
87 80 jīn metal 金人攻太原
88 80 jīn hard 金人攻太原
89 80 jīn a unit of money in China in historic times 金人攻太原
90 80 jīn golden; gold colored 金人攻太原
91 80 jīn a weapon 金人攻太原
92 80 jīn valuable 金人攻太原
93 80 jīn metal agent 金人攻太原
94 80 jīn cymbals 金人攻太原
95 80 jīn Venus 金人攻太原
96 67 zhì Kangxi radical 133 至烏河川
97 67 zhì to arrive 至烏河川
98 60 to give 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
99 60 to accompany 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
100 60 to particate in 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
101 60 of the same kind 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
102 60 to help 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
103 60 for 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
104 58 zhōu a state; a province 進桂州團練使
105 58 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 進桂州團練使
106 58 zhōu a prefecture 進桂州團練使
107 58 zhōu a country 進桂州團練使
108 58 zhōu an island 進桂州團練使
109 58 zhōu Zhou 進桂州團練使
110 58 zhōu autonomous prefecture 進桂州團練使
111 58 zhōu a country 進桂州團練使
112 55 使 shǐ to make; to cause 轉都指揮使
113 55 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 轉都指揮使
114 55 使 shǐ to indulge 轉都指揮使
115 55 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 轉都指揮使
116 55 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 轉都指揮使
117 55 使 shǐ to dispatch 轉都指揮使
118 55 使 shǐ to use 轉都指揮使
119 55 使 shǐ to be able to 轉都指揮使
120 55 zhāng Zhang 張俊從子
121 55 zhāng to open; to draw [a bow] 張俊從子
122 55 zhāng idea; thought 張俊從子
123 55 zhāng to fix strings 張俊從子
124 55 zhāng to unfold; to unroll; to stretch 張俊從子
125 55 zhāng to boast; to exaggerate 張俊從子
126 55 zhāng to expand; to magnify 張俊從子
127 55 zhāng to display; to exhibit; to publish 張俊從子
128 55 zhāng to catch animals with a net 張俊從子
129 55 zhāng to spy on; to look 張俊從子
130 55 zhāng large 張俊從子
131 55 zhàng swollen 張俊從子
132 55 zhāng Zhang [constellation] 張俊從子
133 55 zhāng to open a new business 張俊從子
134 55 zhāng to fear 張俊從子
135 51 yuē to speak; to say 俊曰
136 51 yuē Kangxi radical 73 俊曰
137 51 yuē to be called 俊曰
138 49 jiàng a general; a high ranking officer 俊時為隊將
139 49 jiāng to progress; to transmit; to convey; to send 俊時為隊將
140 49 jiàng to command; to lead 俊時為隊將
141 49 qiāng to request 俊時為隊將
142 49 jiāng to bring; to take; to use; to hold 俊時為隊將
143 49 jiāng to support; to wait upon; to take care of 俊時為隊將
144 49 jiāng to checkmate 俊時為隊將
145 49 jiāng to goad; to incite; to provoke 俊時為隊將
146 49 jiāng to do; to handle 俊時為隊將
147 49 jiàng backbone 俊時為隊將
148 49 jiàng king 俊時為隊將
149 49 jiāng to rest 俊時為隊將
150 49 jiàng a senior member of an organization 俊時為隊將
151 49 jiāng large; great 俊時為隊將
152 48 nián year 年十六
153 48 nián New Year festival 年十六
154 48 nián age 年十六
155 48 nián life span; life expectancy 年十六
156 48 nián an era; a period 年十六
157 48 nián a date 年十六
158 48 nián time; years 年十六
159 48 nián harvest 年十六
160 48 nián annual; every year 年十六
161 47 liú Liu 劉光世
162 47 liú an axe; a hatchet 劉光世
163 47 liú to massacre; to slaughter 劉光世
164 47 liú sparse; scattered 劉光世
165 46 zhōng loyalty; devotion 高宗以俊忠勞日積
166 46 zhōng Zhong 高宗以俊忠勞日積
167 46 zhōng to act wholeheartedly 高宗以俊忠勞日積
168 46 Kangxi radical 132 自汴京齎蠟詔
169 46 Zi 自汴京齎蠟詔
170 46 a nose 自汴京齎蠟詔
171 46 the beginning; the start 自汴京齎蠟詔
172 46 origin 自汴京齎蠟詔
173 46 to employ; to use 自汴京齎蠟詔
174 46 to be 自汴京齎蠟詔
175 45 qiǎn to send; to dispatch 遣兵掩擊
176 45 qiǎn to banish; to exile 遣兵掩擊
177 45 qiǎn to release 遣兵掩擊
178 45 qiǎn to divorce 遣兵掩擊
179 45 qiǎn to eliminate 遣兵掩擊
180 45 qiǎn to cause 遣兵掩擊
181 45 qiǎn to use; to apply 遣兵掩擊
182 45 qiàn to bring to a grave 遣兵掩擊
183 42 zéi thief 平鄆州賊李太及河朔
184 42 zéi to injure; to harm 平鄆州賊李太及河朔
185 42 zéi a traitor; an evildoer; an enemy 平鄆州賊李太及河朔
186 42 zéi evil 平鄆州賊李太及河朔
187 38 emperor; supreme ruler 二帝北遷
188 38 the ruler of Heaven 二帝北遷
189 38 a god 二帝北遷
190 38 imperialism 二帝北遷
191 38 ér Kangxi radical 126 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
192 38 ér as if; to seem like 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
193 38 néng can; able 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
194 38 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
195 38 ér to arrive; up to 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
196 37 zhōng middle 命制置副使种師中往援
197 37 zhōng medium; medium sized 命制置副使种師中往援
198 37 zhōng China 命制置副使种師中往援
199 37 zhòng to hit the mark 命制置副使种師中往援
200 37 zhōng midday 命制置副使种師中往援
201 37 zhōng inside 命制置副使种師中往援
202 37 zhōng during 命制置副使种師中往援
203 37 zhōng Zhong 命制置副使种師中往援
204 37 zhōng intermediary 命制置副使种師中往援
205 37 zhōng half 命制置副使种師中往援
206 37 zhòng to reach; to attain 命制置副使种師中往援
207 37 zhòng to suffer; to infect 命制置副使种師中往援
208 37 zhòng to obtain 命制置副使种師中往援
209 37 zhòng to pass an exam 命制置副使种師中往援
210 36 mìng life 命制置副使种師中往援
211 36 mìng to order 命制置副使种師中往援
212 36 mìng destiny; fate; luck 命制置副使种師中往援
213 36 mìng an order; a command 命制置副使种師中往援
214 36 mìng to name; to assign 命制置副使种師中往援
215 36 mìng livelihood 命制置副使种師中往援
216 36 mìng advice 命制置副使种師中往援
217 36 mìng to confer a title 命制置副使种師中往援
218 36 mìng lifespan 命制置副使种師中往援
219 36 mìng to think 命制置副使种師中往援
220 35 wáng Wang 王淵
221 35 wáng a king 王淵
222 35 wáng Kangxi radical 96 王淵
223 35 wàng to be king; to rule 王淵
224 35 wáng a prince; a duke 王淵
225 35 wáng grand; great 王淵
226 35 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 王淵
227 35 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 王淵
228 35 wáng the head of a group or gang 王淵
229 35 wáng the biggest or best of a group 王淵
230 35 yuān a gulf; an abyss 王淵
231 35 yuān a whirlpool 王淵
232 35 yuān deep water 王淵
233 35 yuān source; origin 王淵
234 35 yuān a gathering place 王淵
235 35 yuān Yuan 王淵
236 35 yuān profound; deep 王淵
237 34 capital city 轉都指揮使
238 34 a city; a metropolis 轉都指揮使
239 34 dōu all 轉都指揮使
240 34 elegant; refined 轉都指揮使
241 34 Du 轉都指揮使
242 34 to establish a capital city 轉都指揮使
243 34 to reside 轉都指揮使
244 34 to total; to tally 轉都指揮使
245 33 yán to speak; to say; said 公言避非策
246 33 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 公言避非策
247 33 yán Kangxi radical 149 公言避非策
248 33 yán phrase; sentence 公言避非策
249 33 yán a word; a syllable 公言避非策
250 33 yán a theory; a doctrine 公言避非策
251 33 yán to regard as 公言避非策
252 33 yán to act as 公言避非策
253 32 enemy; foe 再與敵遇
254 32 to resist; to oppose 再與敵遇
255 32 to be a match for 再與敵遇
256 32 hostile 再與敵遇
257 32 統制 tǒngzhì to govern 擢元帥府後軍統制
258 32 統制 tǒngzhì governor 擢元帥府後軍統制
259 31 infix potential marker 不早正大位
260 31 gōng to attack; to assault 從攻夏人仁多泉
261 31 gōng to discredit; to impugn; to criticize 從攻夏人仁多泉
262 31 gōng to remedy; to cure 從攻夏人仁多泉
263 31 gōng to work at; to handle 從攻夏人仁多泉
264 31 gōng workmanship; expertise 從攻夏人仁多泉
265 31 gōng exaction by the state 從攻夏人仁多泉
266 31 gōng sturdy; strong 從攻夏人仁多泉
267 31 gōng to govern; to administer 從攻夏人仁多泉
268 31 gōng Gong 從攻夏人仁多泉
269 29 child; son 子蓋
270 29 egg; newborn 子蓋
271 29 first earthly branch 子蓋
272 29 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 子蓋
273 29 Kangxi radical 39 子蓋
274 29 pellet; something small and hard 子蓋
275 29 master 子蓋
276 29 viscount 子蓋
277 29 zi you; your honor 子蓋
278 29 masters 子蓋
279 29 person 子蓋
280 29 young 子蓋
281 29 seed 子蓋
282 29 subordinate; subsidiary 子蓋
283 29 a copper coin 子蓋
284 29 female dragonfly 子蓋
285 29 constituent 子蓋
286 29 offspring; descendants 子蓋
287 29 dear 子蓋
288 29 little one 子蓋
289 29 jìn to enter 進武德郎
290 29 jìn to advance 進武德郎
291 29 shù numerous; various 庶可脫
292 29 shù of a concubine 庶可脫
293 29 shù the common people 庶可脫
294 28 cóng to follow 從討南蠻
295 28 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 從討南蠻
296 28 cóng to participate in something 從討南蠻
297 28 cóng to use a certain method or principle 從討南蠻
298 28 cóng something secondary 從討南蠻
299 28 cóng remote relatives 從討南蠻
300 28 cóng secondary 從討南蠻
301 28 cóng to go on; to advance 從討南蠻
302 28 cōng at ease; informal 從討南蠻
303 28 zòng a follower; a supporter 從討南蠻
304 28 zòng to release 從討南蠻
305 28 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 從討南蠻
306 27 to go back; to return 果復攻明州
307 27 to resume; to restart 果復攻明州
308 27 to do in detail 果復攻明州
309 27 to restore 果復攻明州
310 27 to respond; to reply to 果復攻明州
311 27 Fu; Return 果復攻明州
312 27 to retaliate; to reciprocate 果復攻明州
313 27 to avoid forced labor or tax 果復攻明州
314 27 Fu 果復攻明州
315 27 doubled; to overlapping; folded 果復攻明州
316 27 a lined garment with doubled thickness 果復攻明州
317 26 yòu Kangxi radical 29 俊又請移左藏庫於鎮江
318 26 jùn to deepen; to extract; to manage; ladle 張浚語俊以傅等欲危社稷
319 26 zōng school; sect 張宗顏
320 26 zōng ancestor 張宗顏
321 26 zōng to take as one's model as 張宗顏
322 26 zōng purpose 張宗顏
323 26 zōng an ancestral temple 張宗顏
324 26 zōng to respect; to revere; to admire; to honor 張宗顏
325 26 zōng clan; family 張宗顏
326 26 zōng a model 張宗顏
327 26 zōng a county 張宗顏
328 26 zōng religion 張宗顏
329 26 zōng essential; necessary 張宗顏
330 26 zōng summation 張宗顏
331 26 zōng a visit by feudal lords 張宗顏
332 26 zōng Zong 張宗顏
333 26 zhàn war; fighting; battle 請乘勝要戰
334 26 zhàn to fight 請乘勝要戰
335 26 zhàn to shiver; to shudder; to tremble 請乘勝要戰
336 26 zhàn Zhan 請乘勝要戰
337 26 zhàn to debate; to dispute 請乘勝要戰
338 26 to enter 光世入城
339 26 Kangxi radical 11 光世入城
340 26 radical 光世入城
341 26 income 光世入城
342 26 to conform with 光世入城
343 26 to descend 光世入城
344 26 the entering tone 光世入城
345 26 to pay 光世入城
346 26 to join 光世入城
347 25 road; path; way 授俊兩浙西路
348 25 journey 授俊兩浙西路
349 25 grain patterns; veins 授俊兩浙西路
350 25 a way; a method 授俊兩浙西路
351 25 a type; a kind 授俊兩浙西路
352 25 a circuit; an area; a region 授俊兩浙西路
353 25 a route 授俊兩浙西路
354 25 Lu 授俊兩浙西路
355 25 impressive 授俊兩浙西路
356 25 conveyance 授俊兩浙西路
357 25 Germany 俊勒兵從信德守臣梁揚祖勤王
358 25 virtue; morality; ethics; character 俊勒兵從信德守臣梁揚祖勤王
359 25 kindness; favor 俊勒兵從信德守臣梁揚祖勤王
360 25 conduct; behavior 俊勒兵從信德守臣梁揚祖勤王
361 25 to be grateful 俊勒兵從信德守臣梁揚祖勤王
362 25 heart; intention 俊勒兵從信德守臣梁揚祖勤王
363 25 De 俊勒兵從信德守臣梁揚祖勤王
364 25 potency; natural power 俊勒兵從信德守臣梁揚祖勤王
365 25 wholesome; good 俊勒兵從信德守臣梁揚祖勤王
366 24 suì to comply with; to follow along 賊遂殲
367 24 suì to advance 賊遂殲
368 24 suì to follow through; to achieve 賊遂殲
369 24 suì to follow smoothly 賊遂殲
370 24 suì an area the capital 賊遂殲
371 24 suì a dish underneath a chime; a ditch 賊遂殲
372 24 suì a flint 賊遂殲
373 24 suì to satisfy 賊遂殲
374 24 suì to propose; to nominate 賊遂殲
375 24 suì to grow 賊遂殲
376 24 suì to use up; to stop 賊遂殲
377 24 suì sleeve used in archery 賊遂殲
378 23 tún to station soldiers; to guard; to defend 屯榆次
379 23 zhūn difficulty 屯榆次
380 23 tún a village 屯榆次
381 23 tún to gather; to gather 屯榆次
382 23 zhūn Zhun [hexogram] 屯榆次
383 23 tún to display abundantly 屯榆次
384 23 tún a hillslope 屯榆次
385 23 tún for stationed troops to cultivate land 屯榆次
386 23 tún barracks; army camp; company [military] 屯榆次
387 23 zhūn Zhun [place] 屯榆次
388 23 zhūn Zhun [name] 屯榆次
389 23 zhūn to be miserly 屯榆次
390 23 shí time; a point or period of time 俊時為隊將
391 23 shí a season; a quarter of a year 俊時為隊將
392 23 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 俊時為隊將
393 23 shí fashionable 俊時為隊將
394 23 shí fate; destiny; luck 俊時為隊將
395 23 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 俊時為隊將
396 23 shí tense 俊時為隊將
397 23 shí particular; special 俊時為隊將
398 23 shí to plant; to cultivate 俊時為隊將
399 23 shí an era; a dynasty 俊時為隊將
400 23 shí time [abstract] 俊時為隊將
401 23 shí seasonal 俊時為隊將
402 23 shí to wait upon 俊時為隊將
403 23 shí hour 俊時為隊將
404 23 shí appropriate; proper; timely 俊時為隊將
405 23 shí Shi 俊時為隊將
406 23 shí a present; currentlt 俊時為隊將
407 23 an official institution; a state bureau 鳳翔府成紀人
408 23 a prefecture; a prefect 鳳翔府成紀人
409 23 a respectful reference to a residence 鳳翔府成紀人
410 23 a repository 鳳翔府成紀人
411 23 a meeting place 鳳翔府成紀人
412 23 the residence of a high-ranking official; a prefect 鳳翔府成紀人
413 23 Fu 鳳翔府成紀人
414 23 sān three 為三陽弓箭手
415 23 sān third 為三陽弓箭手
416 23 sān more than two 為三陽弓箭手
417 23 sān very few 為三陽弓箭手
418 23 sān San 為三陽弓箭手
419 23 zhòng many; numerous 殺傷甚眾
420 23 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 殺傷甚眾
421 23 zhòng general; common; public 殺傷甚眾
422 23 huái Huai River 淮群盜蜂起
423 23 Kangxi radical 49 已逼近甸
424 23 to bring to an end; to stop 已逼近甸
425 23 to complete 已逼近甸
426 23 to demote; to dismiss 已逼近甸
427 23 to recover from an illness 已逼近甸
428 23 to go; to 俊討杜用於淮甯
429 23 to rely on; to depend on 俊討杜用於淮甯
430 23 Yu 俊討杜用於淮甯
431 23 a crow 俊討杜用於淮甯
432 23 qǐng to ask; to inquire 請乘勝要戰
433 23 qíng circumstances; state of affairs; situation 請乘勝要戰
434 23 qǐng to beg; to entreat 請乘勝要戰
435 23 qǐng please 請乘勝要戰
436 23 qǐng to request 請乘勝要戰
437 23 qǐng to hire; to employ; to engage 請乘勝要戰
438 23 qǐng to make an appointment 請乘勝要戰
439 23 qǐng to greet 請乘勝要戰
440 23 qǐng to invite 請乘勝要戰
441 23 jiāng a large river 時江
442 23 jiāng Yangtze River 時江
443 23 jiāng Jiang 時江
444 23 jiāng Jiangsu 時江
445 23 jiāng Jiang 時江
446 22 to ride an animal or bicycle 金人以數萬騎壓之
447 22 to straddle 金人以數萬騎壓之
448 22 a mounted soldier 金人以數萬騎壓之
449 22 a mount; a horse with a saddle 金人以數萬騎壓之
450 21 to take charge of; to manage; to administer 初置禦營司
451 21 a department under a ministry 初置禦營司
452 21 to bear 初置禦營司
453 21 to observe; to inspect 初置禦營司
454 21 a government official; an official 初置禦營司
455 21 si 初置禦營司
456 21 to break; to split; to smash 榆次破
457 21 worn-out; broken 榆次破
458 21 to destroy; to ruin 榆次破
459 21 to break a rule; to allow an exception 榆次破
460 21 to defeat 榆次破
461 21 low quality; in poor condition 榆次破
462 21 to strike; to hit 榆次破
463 21 to spend [money]; to squander 榆次破
464 21 to disprove [an argument] 榆次破
465 21 finale 榆次破
466 21 to use up; to exhaust 榆次破
467 21 to penetrate 榆次破
468 21 shòu to teach 始授承信郎
469 21 shòu to award; to give 始授承信郎
470 21 shòu to appoint 始授承信郎
471 21 hán Korea; South Korea 韓世忠來自海上
472 21 hán State of Han 韓世忠來自海上
473 21 hán fence; low wall 韓世忠來自海上
474 21 hán Han 韓世忠來自海上
475 21 gài a lid; top; cover 子蓋
476 21 gài to build 子蓋
477 21 Ge 子蓋
478 21 gài probably; about 子蓋
479 21 gài to cover; to hide; to protect 子蓋
480 21 gài an umbrella; a canopy 子蓋
481 21 gài a shell 子蓋
482 21 gài sogon grass 子蓋
483 21 gài to add to 子蓋
484 21 gài to surpass; to overshadow; to overarch 子蓋
485 21 gài to chatter 子蓋
486 21 Ge 子蓋
487 21 gài a roof; thatched roofing 子蓋
488 21 gài to respect; to uphold 子蓋
489 21 gài a crest 子蓋
490 21 nǎi to be 乃斂兵
491 20 chéng a city; a town 光世入城
492 20 chéng a city wall 光世入城
493 20 chéng to fortify 光世入城
494 20 chéng a fort; a citadel 光世入城
495 20 鎮江 zhènjiāng Zhenjiang 郭青于鎮江
496 20 shī teacher 命制置副使种師中往援
497 20 shī multitude 命制置副使种師中往援
498 20 shī a host; a leader 命制置副使种師中往援
499 20 shī an expert 命制置副使种師中往援
500 20 shī an example; a model 命制置副使种師中往援

Frequencies of all Words

Top 987

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 156 so as to; in order to 以守東明縣功
2 156 to use; to regard as 以守東明縣功
3 156 to use; to grasp 以守東明縣功
4 156 according to 以守東明縣功
5 156 because of 以守東明縣功
6 156 on a certain date 以守東明縣功
7 156 and; as well as 以守東明縣功
8 156 to rely on 以守東明縣功
9 156 to regard 以守東明縣功
10 156 to be able to 以守東明縣功
11 156 to order; to command 以守東明縣功
12 156 further; moreover 以守東明縣功
13 156 used after a verb 以守東明縣功
14 156 very 以守東明縣功
15 156 already 以守東明縣功
16 156 increasingly 以守東明縣功
17 156 a reason; a cause 以守東明縣功
18 156 Israel 以守東明縣功
19 156 Yi 以守東明縣功
20 153 zhī him; her; them; that 金人以數萬騎壓之
21 153 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 金人以數萬騎壓之
22 153 zhī to go 金人以數萬騎壓之
23 153 zhī this; that 金人以數萬騎壓之
24 153 zhī genetive marker 金人以數萬騎壓之
25 153 zhī it 金人以數萬騎壓之
26 153 zhī in; in regards to 金人以數萬騎壓之
27 153 zhī all 金人以數萬騎壓之
28 153 zhī and 金人以數萬騎壓之
29 153 zhī however 金人以數萬騎壓之
30 153 zhī if 金人以數萬騎壓之
31 153 zhī then 金人以數萬騎壓之
32 153 zhī to arrive; to go 金人以數萬騎壓之
33 153 zhī is 金人以數萬騎壓之
34 153 zhī to use 金人以數萬騎壓之
35 153 zhī Zhi 金人以數萬騎壓之
36 153 zhī winding 金人以數萬騎壓之
37 148 shì a generation 劉光世
38 148 shì a period of thirty years 劉光世
39 148 shì the world 劉光世
40 148 shì years; age 劉光世
41 148 shì a dynasty 劉光世
42 148 shì secular; worldly 劉光世
43 148 shì over generations 劉光世
44 148 shì always 劉光世
45 148 shì world 劉光世
46 148 shì a life; a lifetime 劉光世
47 148 shì an era 劉光世
48 148 shì from generation to generation; across generations 劉光世
49 148 shì to keep good family relations 劉光世
50 148 shì Shi 劉光世
51 148 shì a geologic epoch 劉光世
52 148 shì hereditary 劉光世
53 148 shì later generations 劉光世
54 148 shì a successor; an heir 劉光世
55 148 shì the current times 劉光世
56 120 jùn talented; capable 張俊從子
57 120 jùn talented; capable 張俊從子
58 105 guāng light 劉光世
59 105 guāng brilliant; bright; shining 劉光世
60 105 guāng to shine 劉光世
61 105 guāng only 劉光世
62 105 guāng to bare; to go naked 劉光世
63 105 guāng bare; naked 劉光世
64 105 guāng glory; honor 劉光世
65 105 guāng scenery 劉光世
66 105 guāng smooth 劉光世
67 105 guāng used up 劉光世
68 105 guāng sheen; luster; gloss 劉光世
69 105 guāng time; a moment 劉光世
70 105 guāng grace; favor 劉光世
71 105 guāng Guang 劉光世
72 105 guāng to manifest 劉光世
73 105 guāng welcome 劉光世
74 97 jūn army; military 引軍北遁
75 97 jūn soldiers; troops 引軍北遁
76 97 jūn an organized collective 引軍北遁
77 97 jūn to garrison; to stay an an encampment 引軍北遁
78 97 jūn a garrison 引軍北遁
79 97 jūn a front 引軍北遁
80 97 jūn penal miltary service 引軍北遁
81 97 jūn to organize troops 引軍北遁
82 93 bīng soldier; troops 悉兵合圍
83 93 bīng weapons 悉兵合圍
84 93 bīng military; warfare 悉兵合圍
85 93 rén person; people; a human being 鳳翔府成紀人
86 93 rén Kangxi radical 9 鳳翔府成紀人
87 93 rén a kind of person 鳳翔府成紀人
88 93 rén everybody 鳳翔府成紀人
89 93 rén adult 鳳翔府成紀人
90 93 rén somebody; others 鳳翔府成紀人
91 93 rén an upright person 鳳翔府成紀人
92 90 duān to carry 曲端
93 90 duān end; extremity 曲端
94 90 duān straight; upright; dignified 曲端
95 90 duān an item; some 曲端
96 90 duān a thought; an idea 曲端
97 90 duān beginning 曲端
98 90 duān a measure of length of silk 曲端
99 90 duān Duan 曲端
100 90 duān to arrange 曲端
101 90 duān finally; after all 曲端
102 90 duān really; indeed 曲端
103 86 his; hers; its; theirs 俊知其偽
104 86 to add emphasis 俊知其偽
105 86 used when asking a question in reply to a question 俊知其偽
106 86 used when making a request or giving an order 俊知其偽
107 86 he; her; it; them 俊知其偽
108 86 probably; likely 俊知其偽
109 86 will 俊知其偽
110 86 may 俊知其偽
111 86 if 俊知其偽
112 86 or 俊知其偽
113 86 Qi 俊知其偽
114 82 wèi for; to 為三陽弓箭手
115 82 wèi because of 為三陽弓箭手
116 82 wéi to act as; to serve 為三陽弓箭手
117 82 wéi to change into; to become 為三陽弓箭手
118 82 wéi to be; is 為三陽弓箭手
119 82 wéi to do 為三陽弓箭手
120 82 wèi for 為三陽弓箭手
121 82 wèi because of; for; to 為三陽弓箭手
122 82 wèi to 為三陽弓箭手
123 82 wéi in a passive construction 為三陽弓箭手
124 82 wéi forming a rehetorical question 為三陽弓箭手
125 82 wéi forming an adverb 為三陽弓箭手
126 82 wéi to add emphasis 為三陽弓箭手
127 82 wèi to support; to help 為三陽弓箭手
128 82 wéi to govern 為三陽弓箭手
129 80 jīn gold 金人攻太原
130 80 jīn money 金人攻太原
131 80 jīn Jin; Kim 金人攻太原
132 80 jīn Kangxi radical 167 金人攻太原
133 80 jīn Later Jin Dynasty; Jin Dynasty 金人攻太原
134 80 jīn metal 金人攻太原
135 80 jīn hard 金人攻太原
136 80 jīn a unit of money in China in historic times 金人攻太原
137 80 jīn golden; gold colored 金人攻太原
138 80 jīn a weapon 金人攻太原
139 80 jīn valuable 金人攻太原
140 80 jīn metal agent 金人攻太原
141 80 jīn cymbals 金人攻太原
142 80 jīn Venus 金人攻太原
143 67 zhì to; until 至烏河川
144 67 zhì Kangxi radical 133 至烏河川
145 67 zhì extremely; very; most 至烏河川
146 67 zhì to arrive 至烏河川
147 60 and 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
148 60 to give 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
149 60 together with 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
150 60 interrogative particle 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
151 60 to accompany 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
152 60 to particate in 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
153 60 of the same kind 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
154 60 to help 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
155 60 for 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
156 58 zhōu a state; a province 進桂州團練使
157 58 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 進桂州團練使
158 58 zhōu a prefecture 進桂州團練使
159 58 zhōu a country 進桂州團練使
160 58 zhōu an island 進桂州團練使
161 58 zhōu Zhou 進桂州團練使
162 58 zhōu autonomous prefecture 進桂州團練使
163 58 zhōu a country 進桂州團練使
164 55 使 shǐ to make; to cause 轉都指揮使
165 55 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 轉都指揮使
166 55 使 shǐ to indulge 轉都指揮使
167 55 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 轉都指揮使
168 55 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 轉都指揮使
169 55 使 shǐ to dispatch 轉都指揮使
170 55 使 shǐ if 轉都指揮使
171 55 使 shǐ to use 轉都指揮使
172 55 使 shǐ to be able to 轉都指揮使
173 55 zhāng a sheet; a leaf 張俊從子
174 55 zhāng Zhang 張俊從子
175 55 zhāng to open; to draw [a bow] 張俊從子
176 55 zhāng idea; thought 張俊從子
177 55 zhāng to fix strings 張俊從子
178 55 zhāng to unfold; to unroll; to stretch 張俊從子
179 55 zhāng to boast; to exaggerate 張俊從子
180 55 zhāng to expand; to magnify 張俊從子
181 55 zhāng to display; to exhibit; to publish 張俊從子
182 55 zhāng to catch animals with a net 張俊從子
183 55 zhāng to spy on; to look 張俊從子
184 55 zhāng large 張俊從子
185 55 zhàng swollen 張俊從子
186 55 zhāng Zhang [constellation] 張俊從子
187 55 zhāng to open a new business 張俊從子
188 55 zhāng to fear 張俊從子
189 51 yuē to speak; to say 俊曰
190 51 yuē Kangxi radical 73 俊曰
191 51 yuē to be called 俊曰
192 51 yuē particle without meaning 俊曰
193 49 jiāng will; shall (future tense) 俊時為隊將
194 49 jiāng to get; to use; marker for direct-object 俊時為隊將
195 49 jiàng a general; a high ranking officer 俊時為隊將
196 49 jiāng to progress; to transmit; to convey; to send 俊時為隊將
197 49 jiāng and; or 俊時為隊將
198 49 jiàng to command; to lead 俊時為隊將
199 49 qiāng to request 俊時為隊將
200 49 jiāng approximately 俊時為隊將
201 49 jiāng to bring; to take; to use; to hold 俊時為隊將
202 49 jiāng to support; to wait upon; to take care of 俊時為隊將
203 49 jiāng to checkmate 俊時為隊將
204 49 jiāng to goad; to incite; to provoke 俊時為隊將
205 49 jiāng to do; to handle 俊時為隊將
206 49 jiāng placed between a verb and a complement of direction 俊時為隊將
207 49 jiāng furthermore; moreover 俊時為隊將
208 49 jiàng backbone 俊時為隊將
209 49 jiàng king 俊時為隊將
210 49 jiāng might; possibly 俊時為隊將
211 49 jiāng just; a short time ago 俊時為隊將
212 49 jiāng to rest 俊時為隊將
213 49 jiāng to the side 俊時為隊將
214 49 jiàng a senior member of an organization 俊時為隊將
215 49 jiāng large; great 俊時為隊將
216 48 nián year 年十六
217 48 nián New Year festival 年十六
218 48 nián age 年十六
219 48 nián life span; life expectancy 年十六
220 48 nián an era; a period 年十六
221 48 nián a date 年十六
222 48 nián time; years 年十六
223 48 nián harvest 年十六
224 48 nián annual; every year 年十六
225 47 liú Liu 劉光世
226 47 liú an axe; a hatchet 劉光世
227 47 liú to massacre; to slaughter 劉光世
228 47 liú sparse; scattered 劉光世
229 46 zhōng loyalty; devotion 高宗以俊忠勞日積
230 46 zhōng Zhong 高宗以俊忠勞日積
231 46 zhōng to act wholeheartedly 高宗以俊忠勞日積
232 46 naturally; of course; certainly 自汴京齎蠟詔
233 46 from; since 自汴京齎蠟詔
234 46 self; oneself; itself 自汴京齎蠟詔
235 46 Kangxi radical 132 自汴京齎蠟詔
236 46 Zi 自汴京齎蠟詔
237 46 a nose 自汴京齎蠟詔
238 46 the beginning; the start 自汴京齎蠟詔
239 46 origin 自汴京齎蠟詔
240 46 originally 自汴京齎蠟詔
241 46 still; to remain 自汴京齎蠟詔
242 46 in person; personally 自汴京齎蠟詔
243 46 in addition; besides 自汴京齎蠟詔
244 46 if; even if 自汴京齎蠟詔
245 46 but 自汴京齎蠟詔
246 46 because 自汴京齎蠟詔
247 46 to employ; to use 自汴京齎蠟詔
248 46 to be 自汴京齎蠟詔
249 45 qiǎn to send; to dispatch 遣兵掩擊
250 45 qiǎn to banish; to exile 遣兵掩擊
251 45 qiǎn to release 遣兵掩擊
252 45 qiǎn to divorce 遣兵掩擊
253 45 qiǎn to eliminate 遣兵掩擊
254 45 qiǎn to cause 遣兵掩擊
255 45 qiǎn to use; to apply 遣兵掩擊
256 45 qiàn to bring to a grave 遣兵掩擊
257 42 zéi thief 平鄆州賊李太及河朔
258 42 zéi to injure; to harm 平鄆州賊李太及河朔
259 42 zéi a traitor; an evildoer; an enemy 平鄆州賊李太及河朔
260 42 zéi evil 平鄆州賊李太及河朔
261 42 zéi extremely 平鄆州賊李太及河朔
262 38 emperor; supreme ruler 二帝北遷
263 38 the ruler of Heaven 二帝北遷
264 38 a god 二帝北遷
265 38 imperialism 二帝北遷
266 38 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
267 38 ér Kangxi radical 126 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
268 38 ér you 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
269 38 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
270 38 ér right away; then 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
271 38 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
272 38 ér if; in case; in the event that 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
273 38 ér therefore; as a result; thus 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
274 38 ér how can it be that? 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
275 38 ér so as to 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
276 38 ér only then 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
277 38 ér as if; to seem like 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
278 38 néng can; able 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
279 38 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
280 38 ér me 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
281 38 ér to arrive; up to 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
282 38 ér possessive 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
283 37 zhōng middle 命制置副使种師中往援
284 37 zhōng medium; medium sized 命制置副使种師中往援
285 37 zhōng China 命制置副使种師中往援
286 37 zhòng to hit the mark 命制置副使种師中往援
287 37 zhōng in; amongst 命制置副使种師中往援
288 37 zhōng midday 命制置副使种師中往援
289 37 zhōng inside 命制置副使种師中往援
290 37 zhōng during 命制置副使种師中往援
291 37 zhōng Zhong 命制置副使种師中往援
292 37 zhōng intermediary 命制置副使种師中往援
293 37 zhōng half 命制置副使种師中往援
294 37 zhōng just right; suitably 命制置副使种師中往援
295 37 zhōng while 命制置副使种師中往援
296 37 zhòng to reach; to attain 命制置副使种師中往援
297 37 zhòng to suffer; to infect 命制置副使种師中往援
298 37 zhòng to obtain 命制置副使种師中往援
299 37 zhòng to pass an exam 命制置副使种師中往援
300 36 mìng life 命制置副使种師中往援
301 36 mìng to order 命制置副使种師中往援
302 36 mìng destiny; fate; luck 命制置副使种師中往援
303 36 mìng an order; a command 命制置副使种師中往援
304 36 mìng to name; to assign 命制置副使种師中往援
305 36 mìng livelihood 命制置副使种師中往援
306 36 mìng advice 命制置副使种師中往援
307 36 mìng to confer a title 命制置副使种師中往援
308 36 mìng lifespan 命制置副使种師中往援
309 36 mìng to think 命制置副使种師中往援
310 35 wáng Wang 王淵
311 35 wáng a king 王淵
312 35 wáng Kangxi radical 96 王淵
313 35 wàng to be king; to rule 王淵
314 35 wáng a prince; a duke 王淵
315 35 wáng grand; great 王淵
316 35 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 王淵
317 35 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 王淵
318 35 wáng the head of a group or gang 王淵
319 35 wáng the biggest or best of a group 王淵
320 35 yuān a gulf; an abyss 王淵
321 35 yuān a whirlpool 王淵
322 35 yuān deep water 王淵
323 35 yuān source; origin 王淵
324 35 yuān a gathering place 王淵
325 35 yuān Yuan 王淵
326 35 yuān profound; deep 王淵
327 34 dōu all 轉都指揮使
328 34 capital city 轉都指揮使
329 34 a city; a metropolis 轉都指揮使
330 34 dōu all 轉都指揮使
331 34 elegant; refined 轉都指揮使
332 34 Du 轉都指揮使
333 34 dōu already 轉都指揮使
334 34 to establish a capital city 轉都指揮使
335 34 to reside 轉都指揮使
336 34 to total; to tally 轉都指揮使
337 34 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 死于江者無數
338 34 zhě that 死于江者無數
339 34 zhě nominalizing function word 死于江者無數
340 34 zhě used to mark a definition 死于江者無數
341 34 zhě used to mark a pause 死于江者無數
342 34 zhě topic marker; that; it 死于江者無數
343 34 zhuó according to 死于江者無數
344 33 yán to speak; to say; said 公言避非策
345 33 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 公言避非策
346 33 yán Kangxi radical 149 公言避非策
347 33 yán a particle with no meaning 公言避非策
348 33 yán phrase; sentence 公言避非策
349 33 yán a word; a syllable 公言避非策
350 33 yán a theory; a doctrine 公言避非策
351 33 yán to regard as 公言避非策
352 33 yán to act as 公言避非策
353 32 enemy; foe 再與敵遇
354 32 to resist; to oppose 再與敵遇
355 32 to be a match for 再與敵遇
356 32 hostile 再與敵遇
357 32 統制 tǒngzhì to govern 擢元帥府後軍統制
358 32 統制 tǒngzhì governor 擢元帥府後軍統制
359 31 not; no 不早正大位
360 31 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 不早正大位
361 31 as a correlative 不早正大位
362 31 no (answering a question) 不早正大位
363 31 forms a negative adjective from a noun 不早正大位
364 31 at the end of a sentence to form a question 不早正大位
365 31 to form a yes or no question 不早正大位
366 31 infix potential marker 不早正大位
367 31 gōng to attack; to assault 從攻夏人仁多泉
368 31 gōng to discredit; to impugn; to criticize 從攻夏人仁多泉
369 31 gōng to remedy; to cure 從攻夏人仁多泉
370 31 gōng to work at; to handle 從攻夏人仁多泉
371 31 gōng workmanship; expertise 從攻夏人仁多泉
372 31 gōng exaction by the state 從攻夏人仁多泉
373 31 gōng sturdy; strong 從攻夏人仁多泉
374 31 gōng to govern; to administer 從攻夏人仁多泉
375 31 gōng Gong 從攻夏人仁多泉
376 29 child; son 子蓋
377 29 egg; newborn 子蓋
378 29 first earthly branch 子蓋
379 29 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 子蓋
380 29 Kangxi radical 39 子蓋
381 29 zi indicates that the the word is used as a noun 子蓋
382 29 pellet; something small and hard 子蓋
383 29 master 子蓋
384 29 viscount 子蓋
385 29 zi you; your honor 子蓋
386 29 masters 子蓋
387 29 person 子蓋
388 29 young 子蓋
389 29 seed 子蓋
390 29 subordinate; subsidiary 子蓋
391 29 a copper coin 子蓋
392 29 bundle 子蓋
393 29 female dragonfly 子蓋
394 29 constituent 子蓋
395 29 offspring; descendants 子蓋
396 29 dear 子蓋
397 29 little one 子蓋
398 29 jìn to enter 進武德郎
399 29 jìn to advance 進武德郎
400 29 yǒu is; are; to exist 有告高宗
401 29 yǒu to have; to possess 有告高宗
402 29 yǒu indicates an estimate 有告高宗
403 29 yǒu indicates a large quantity 有告高宗
404 29 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 有告高宗
405 29 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 有告高宗
406 29 yǒu used to compare two things 有告高宗
407 29 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 有告高宗
408 29 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 有告高宗
409 29 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 有告高宗
410 29 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 有告高宗
411 29 yǒu abundant 有告高宗
412 29 yǒu purposeful 有告高宗
413 29 yǒu You 有告高宗
414 29 shù numerous; various 庶可脫
415 29 shù almost 庶可脫
416 29 shù of a concubine 庶可脫
417 29 shù the common people 庶可脫
418 29 shù hopefully 庶可脫
419 28 cóng from 從討南蠻
420 28 cóng to follow 從討南蠻
421 28 cóng past; through 從討南蠻
422 28 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 從討南蠻
423 28 cóng to participate in something 從討南蠻
424 28 cóng to use a certain method or principle 從討南蠻
425 28 cóng usually 從討南蠻
426 28 cóng something secondary 從討南蠻
427 28 cóng remote relatives 從討南蠻
428 28 cóng secondary 從討南蠻
429 28 cóng to go on; to advance 從討南蠻
430 28 cōng at ease; informal 從討南蠻
431 28 zòng a follower; a supporter 從討南蠻
432 28 zòng to release 從討南蠻
433 28 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 從討南蠻
434 27 again; more; repeatedly 果復攻明州
435 27 to go back; to return 果復攻明州
436 27 to resume; to restart 果復攻明州
437 27 to do in detail 果復攻明州
438 27 to restore 果復攻明州
439 27 to respond; to reply to 果復攻明州
440 27 after all; and then 果復攻明州
441 27 even if; although 果復攻明州
442 27 Fu; Return 果復攻明州
443 27 to retaliate; to reciprocate 果復攻明州
444 27 to avoid forced labor or tax 果復攻明州
445 27 particle without meaing 果復攻明州
446 27 Fu 果復攻明州
447 27 repeated; again 果復攻明州
448 27 doubled; to overlapping; folded 果復攻明州
449 27 a lined garment with doubled thickness 果復攻明州
450 26 yòu again; also 俊又請移左藏庫於鎮江
451 26 yòu expresses the existence of simultaneous conditions 俊又請移左藏庫於鎮江
452 26 yòu Kangxi radical 29 俊又請移左藏庫於鎮江
453 26 yòu and 俊又請移左藏庫於鎮江
454 26 yòu furthermore 俊又請移左藏庫於鎮江
455 26 yòu in addition 俊又請移左藏庫於鎮江
456 26 yòu but 俊又請移左藏庫於鎮江
457 26 chū to go out; to leave 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
458 26 chū measure word for dramas, plays, operas, etc 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
459 26 chū to produce; to put forth; to issue; to grow up 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
460 26 chū to extend; to spread 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
461 26 chū to appear 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
462 26 chū to exceed 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
463 26 chū to publish; to post 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
464 26 chū to take up an official post 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
465 26 chū to give birth 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
466 26 chū a verb complement 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
467 26 chū to occur; to happen 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
468 26 chū to divorce 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
469 26 chū to chase away 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
470 26 chū to escape; to leave 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
471 26 chū to give 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
472 26 chū to emit 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
473 26 chū quoted from 俊與所部數百人突圍而出
474 26 jùn to deepen; to extract; to manage; ladle 張浚語俊以傅等欲危社稷
475 26 zōng school; sect 張宗顏
476 26 zōng ancestor 張宗顏
477 26 zōng a measure word for transaction or business related things 張宗顏
478 26 zōng to take as one's model as 張宗顏
479 26 zōng purpose 張宗顏
480 26 zōng an ancestral temple 張宗顏
481 26 zōng to respect; to revere; to admire; to honor 張宗顏
482 26 zōng clan; family 張宗顏
483 26 zōng a model 張宗顏
484 26 zōng a county 張宗顏
485 26 zōng religion 張宗顏
486 26 zōng essential; necessary 張宗顏
487 26 zōng summation 張宗顏
488 26 zōng a visit by feudal lords 張宗顏
489 26 zōng Zong 張宗顏
490 26 zhàn war; fighting; battle 請乘勝要戰
491 26 zhàn to fight 請乘勝要戰
492 26 zhàn to shiver; to shudder; to tremble 請乘勝要戰
493 26 zhàn Zhan 請乘勝要戰
494 26 zhàn to debate; to dispute 請乘勝要戰
495 26 to enter 光世入城
496 26 Kangxi radical 11 光世入城
497 26 radical 光世入城
498 26 income 光世入城
499 26 to conform with 光世入城
500 26 to descend 光世入城

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
安抚使 安撫使 196 Commissioner for Pacification
保甲 98 historical Baojia
北军 北軍 98 Northern Army
  1. Bian River
  2. Henan
  3. Bian
汴京 98 Kaifeng; Bianjing
98 Bin
邠州 98 Binzhou
98 Bo
柏林 98 Berlin
亳州 98 Bozhou
草山 99 Grassy Hill
长安 長安 99
  1. Chang'an
  2. Chang'an
  3. Chang'an reign
  4. Chang'an
常州 99 Changzhou
巢县 巢縣 99 Chao county
成纪 成紀 99 Chengji
池州 99 Chizhou
崇安 99 Chong'an
99 Chu River
淳安 99 Chun'an
春秋 99
  1. Spring and Autumn Period
  2. a person's age
  3. Chunqiu; Annals of Spring and Autumn
  4. spring and autumn
除夕 99 New Year's Eve
楚州 99 Chuzhou
刺史 99 Regional Inspector
丹阳 丹陽 100 Danyang County
登州 100 Dengzhou; Penglai
德清 100 Deqing
殿直 100 Duty Attendant
定远 定遠 100 Dingyuan
定远县 定遠縣 100 Dingyuan
100 Dong
东明县 東明縣 100 Dongming
东平 東平 100 Dongping
督军 督軍 100 Du Jun
二月 195 February; the Second Month
方腊 方臘 102 Fang La
防御使 防禦使 102 Defense Commissioner
凤翔 鳳翔 102 Fengxiang
奉新 102 Fengxin
102 Fu
富平 102 Fuping
鄜延路 70 Fuyan Circuit
甘泉 103 Ganquan
高宗 103
  1. Emperor Gaozong of Song
  2. Emperor Gaozong of Tang
  3. Gaozong
公事 103 public affairs; official (matters, duties etc)
观察使 觀察使 103 Surveillence Commissioner
光武 103 Guangwu
关中 關中 103 Guanzhong
  1. Guangxi
  2. cassia; cinnamon
  3. Gui
贵州 貴州 71 Guizhou
  1. Guo
  2. Guo
国军 國軍 103 National Revolutionary Army
固始县 固始縣 103 Gushi
姑苏 姑蘇 103 Gusu
海州 104 Haizhou
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
  1. Korea; South Korea
  2. State of Han
  3. fence; low wall
  4. Han
杭州 104 Hangzhou
含山 104 Hanshan
含山县 含山縣 104 Hanshan county
河东 河東 104
  1. Hedong
  2. Hedong
合肥 104 Hefei
洪州 104 Hongzhou
华州 華州 104 Washington state
104 Huai River
淮北 104 Huaibei
淮南 104 Huainan
淮南西路 104 Huainanxi Circuit
淮上 104 Huaishang
淮阳 淮陽 104 Huaiyang
皇甫 104 Huangfu
黄梅县 黃梅縣 104 Huangmei county
黄州 黃州 104 Huangzhou
济州 濟州 106
  1. Jeju Province
  2. Jizhou
建炎 106 Jian Yan reign
  1. a large river
  2. Yangtze River
  3. Jiang
  4. Jiangsu
  5. Jiang
江北 106
  1. Jiangbei
  2. north of the Yangtze river
  3. Jiangbei
江东 江東 106
  1. Jiangdong
  2. Jiangdong
江南 106
  1. Jiangnan
  2. Jiangnan
  3. Jiangnan
江南东 106
  1. Jiangnandong
  2. Jiangnandong Circuit
江宁 江寧 106 Jiangning
江阴 江陰 106 Jiangyin
江浙 106 Jiangsu and Zhejiang
江州 106
  1. Jiangzhou
  2. Jiuzhou
建康 106
  1. Jiankang
  2. Jiankang (era)
谏议大夫 諫議大夫 106 Remonstrance Official
节度使 節度使 106 military commissioner; jiedushi
靖康 106 Reign of Emperor Qinzong of Song
京东 京東 106 Jingdong
静海 靜海 106
  1. Jinghai
  2. Sea of Tranquillity
京口 106 Jingkou
经略安抚使 經略安撫使 106 Commissioner for Pacification
经略使 經略使 106 Commissioner for Pacification
九月 106 September; the Ninth Month
吉州 106
  1. Jizhou
  2. Kilju
郡守 106 Commandery Governor
开城 開城 107 Kaesong city; Gaeseong city
康王 107 King Kang of Zhou
会稽 會稽 75 Kuaiji Mountain
兰溪 蘭溪 108 Lanxi
108 Li
  1. black
  2. Li
  3. Lebanon
  4. Li People
  5. numerous; many
  6. at the time of
  7. State of Li
李显 李顯 108 Li Xian; Emperor Zhongzong of Tang
  1. a bridge
  2. Liang Dynasty
  3. City of Liang
  4. State of Liang
  5. Liang
  6. a beam; rafters
  7. a fishing sluice
  8. to lose footing
  9. State of Liang
  10. a ridge
  11. later Liang
两浙 兩浙 108 Liangzhe
涟水 漣水 108 Lianshui
临安 臨安 108
  1. Lin'an
  2. Lin'an
临江 臨江 108 Linjiang
六月 108 June; the Sixth Month
108 Gansu
龙城 龍城 108 Longcheng
娄宿 婁宿 108 Bond
鹿邑 108 Luxi
马大 馬大 109 Martha
  1. Fujian
  2. Min dialect
  3. Min River
  4. Min tribe
岷山 109 Mount Min
南昌 110 Nanchang
南京 110 Nanjing
南康 110 Nankang
南蛮 南蠻 110 Nanman; Southern Man
宁远 寧遠 110 Ningyuan
  1. Peng
  2. Peng
平江 112
  1. Pingjiang
  2. Pingjiang
平镇 平鎮 112 Pingzhen
蒲城 112 Pucheng
浦城 112 Pucheng
钱塘 錢塘 113 Qiantang
契丹 113 Khitan
  1. Shaanxi
  2. Qin Dynasty
  3. State of Qin
  4. Qin
秦桧 秦檜 113 Qin Hui
秦凤路 秦鳳路 113 Qinfeng Circuit
清河 113 Qinghe
庆阳 慶陽 113 Qingyang
秦州 113 Qinzhou
蕲州 蘄州 113 Qizhou
全椒 113 Quanjiao
荣州 榮州 82 Yeongju
  1. you; thou
  2. Ru River
  3. Ru
三水 115 Sanshui
山东 山東 115 Shandong
上蔡 115 Shangcai
上海 115 Shanghai
陕西 陝西 83 Shaanxi
  1. Shao
  2. Shao
绍兴 紹興 115 Shaoxing
士大夫 115 Scholar-official; Scholar-gentlemen; Scholar-bureaucrats; Scholar-gentry
十二月 115 December; the Twelfth Month
十一月 115 November; the Eleventh Month
十月 115 October; the Tenth Month
寿春 壽春 115 Shoucun
枢密院 樞密院 115 Bureau of Military Affairs
枢密使 樞密使 115 Commissioner of Military Affairs
顺昌 順昌 115 Shunchang
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
松溪 115 Songxi
遂平 115 Suiping
太后 116
  1. Empress Dowager
  2. Consort Dowager
太保 116 Grand Protector
太傅 116 Grand Tutor; Grand Mentor
太师 太師 116 Grand Preceptor; Grand Master; Imperial Tutor
太原 116 Taiyuan
台州 116 Taizhou
天长 天長 116 Tianchang
天子 116 the rightful Emperor; the Son of Heaven
铁山 鐵山 116 Tieshan
通州 84 Tongzhou District
同州 116 Tongzhou; Weinan
完颜 完顏 119 Wanyan clan
万州 萬州 119 Wanzhou
119 Wei River
维基百科 維基百科 119 Wikipedia
维基百科 維基百科 119 Wikipedia
119 Wen County
温州 溫州 87 Wenzhou
  1. Wu
  2. Jiangsu
  3. Wu
  4. Wu dialect
  5. Eastern Wu
  6. to speak loudly
武德 119 Wude
吴江 吳江 119 Wujiang
武陵 119 Wuling
西安 120 Xian
  1. Hunan
  2. Xiang dialect
相州 120 Xiangzhou
下邳 120 Xiapi
兴元 興元 120 Xingyuan
信州 120 Xinzhou
习水 習水 120 Xishui
  1. xu
  2. slowly; gently
  3. Xu
  4. Xuzhou
宣和 120 Xuan He reign
宣抚使 宣撫使 120 Commissioner for Pacification
宣抚司 宣撫司 120 Conciliation Commission
宣化 120
  1. Xuanhua
  2. Xuanhua
宣州 120 Xuanzhou
盱眙 120 Xuyi
徐州 88
  1. Xuzhou
  2. Xuzhou
延安 121 Yan'an
扬州 揚州 121 Yangzhou
延庆 延慶 121 Yanqing
兖州 兗州 89
  1. Yanzhou
  2. Yanzhou
耀州 121 Yaozhou
耶律 121 Yelu
121 Yi
宜兴 宜興 121 Yixing
榆次 121 Yuci
岳飞 岳飛 121 Yue Fei
越州 121 Yuezhou
郓州 鄆州 121 Yunzhou; Yun prefecture
筠州 121 Yunzhou
御史 121
  1. Royal Scribe
  2. Censor
余姚 餘姚 121 Yuyao
豫章 121 Yuzhang
宰相 122 chancellor; prime minister
泽州 澤州 122 Zezhou
  1. Zhao
  2. Zhao Dynasty
  3. State of Zhao
  4. to rush
  5. to visit
  6. Zhao
  7. to dig
招讨使 招討使 122 Military commissioner
赵州 趙州 122 Zhouzhou
  1. Zhejiang
  2. Zhe River
浙东 浙東 122 Eastern Zhejiang
镇安 鎮安 122 Zhen'an
真定 122 Zhending; Zhengding
政和 122 Zhenghe
政事堂 122 Council of State
正月 122 first month of the lunar calendar
镇江 鎮江 122 Zhenjiang
中书侍郎 中書侍郎 122 Attendant to the Palace Secretary; Attendant Gentleman of the Secretariat
子思 122 Zi Si
左军 左軍 122 Left Company [of troops]; Left Guard


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English