History of Ming 明史

The twenty fourth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史, compiled under 张廷玉 Zhang Tingyu with completion in 1739 covering the Ming dynasty 1368-1644


Wikisource, accessed 2018-07-06, https://zh.wikisource.org/wiki/明史.

English translations

  • Schneewind, Sarah 2018, “The Ming History English Translation Project,” https://knit.ucsd.edu/minghistoryinenglish/. This book contains a partial and ongoing translation.
  • Discussion

    1. Farmer, Edward L; Romeyn Taylor, and Ann Waltner 1994, Ming History: An Introductory Guide to Research, Ming Studies Research Series Number 3, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota.
    2. Wilkinson, Endymion Porter 2015, Chinese History: a New Manual, Cambridge and London: Harvard University Asia Center, p. 791.

    Collection vocabulary analysis